31 Dec - DarryD.com
31 Dec - DarryD.com
31 December 2011 (Saturday) VIEW FROM TAMPA BAY © Darry D Eggleston, Ph.D., SBFU1 Blue, underlined text are links to websites. Today, I Learned From: ( 100 Years in 10 Minutes ( All I Have ( ‘Bill T’ ( Car Stolen ( Facebook Timeline Hoax ( Fireworks & Celebration ( Historic Tragedy of Rights ( I’ll be Seeing You ( ‘Linda Sunshine’ ( Magic Moments ( New Years’ Resolution: Her’s ( ‘Toe Tapper’ ALL I HAVE “All I Have” by Beth Nielsen Chapman shares the beauty of the lyrics of love: “You can say you love me And I’ll believe that’s true Trusting you is easy ‘Cause I believe in you There is nothing I would miss As long as we’re in love like this.” It’s 54 degrees in Tampa Bay, & the daylight is creeping over the room tops to the east. The early birds are already soaring and the night creatures are seeking solitude and safety in the shelter of their homes. I’m excited in anticipation of the gift of another day from my God. 1 These are reflections designed to be re-read when I am too old to journey from the comfort of my stead and, so that in my bed, I can relive the days gone by. Permission for reproduction in whole or in part is granted to groups and organizations for internal, non-profit use provided credit is given to the author along with the copyright notice: Article reprinted with permission. Copyright © 2011 Darry D Eggleston, http://DarryD.com. This Journal can be read online at http://DarryD.com/CCA. Graphic art used in these Journals is available at no cost. Ask & it is yours. For more photos, visit http://DarryD.com/Photos Page 1 of 5 DARRY D’S JOURNAL 31 DECEMBER 2011 (SATURDAY) 100 YEARS IN 10 MINUTES “Amidst all the wrap-ups of 2011, those with a more historical bent might be looking for a longer view to reflect on before heading into 2012. For them, there’s ‘100 years in 10 minutes’ covering one historical event from every year since 1911.” FACEBOOK TIMELINE HOAX ‘Linda Sunshine’ — This is a recently circulating Facebook rumor: “With the new ‘FB timeline’ on its way this week for EVERYONE... please do both of us a favor. Hover over my name above. In a few seconds you’ll see a box that says “Subscribed”. Hover over that, go to “Comments & Likes” & unclick it. That will stop my posts & yours to me from showing up on the side bar for everyone to see, but MOST IMPORTANTLY IT LIMITS HACKERS from invading our profiles. If you repost this I will do the same for you.” Snopes says it’s a HOAX. The solution is simple: “If you don’t want your actions broadcast to everyone via the ticker/News Feed, please, set your privacy to ‘Friends’ & ask your friends to do the same.” MAGIC MOMENTS ‘Toe Tapper’ — Some magicians are just marvelous to watch and even more enthralling to witness. o Jaehoon Lim at the 2011 Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde o Victor Voitko is the FISM World Champion Winner NEW YEARS’ RESOLUTION For more photos, visit http://DarryD.com/Photos Page 2 of 5 DARRY D’S JOURNAL 31 DECEMBER 2011 (SATURDAY) HISTORIC TRAGEDY OF RIGHTS Alert Net says: “US President Barack Obama’s apparent decision to not veto a defense spending bill that codifies indefinite detention without trial into US law & expands the military’s role in holding terrorism suspects does enormous damage to the rule of law both in the US & abroad. “The far-reaching detainee provisions would codify indefinite detention without trial into US law for the first time since the McCarthy era when Congress in 1950 overrode the veto of then-President Harry Truman & passed the Internal Security Act. The bill would also bar the transfer of detainees currently held at Guantanamo into the US for any reason, including for trial. In addition, it would extend restrictions, imposed last year, on the transfer of detainees from Guantanamo to home or third countries — even those cleared for release by the administration. “There are 171 detainees at Guantanamo, many of whom have been imprisoned for nearly 10 years. “The bill also requires the US military take custody of certain terrorism suspects even inside the United States, cases that previously have been handled by federal, state & local law enforcement authorities. During debate over the bill, several senior administration officials, including the secretary of defense, attorney general, director of national intelligence, director of the FBI, & director of the CIA, all raised objections that this provision interfered with the administration’s ability to effectively fight terrorism. In the last 10 years over 400 people have been prosecuted in US federal courts for terrorism related offenses. Meanwhile during that same period, only six cases have been prosecuted in the military commissions.” CAR STOLEN Bill T — “The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light By accelerating through the intersection. “The tailgating woman was furious & honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone & makeup. “As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window & looked up Into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. For more photos, visit http://DarryD.com/Photos Page 3 of 5 DARRY D’S JOURNAL 31 DECEMBER 2011 (SATURDAY) “He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, & placed in a holding cell. “After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell & opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. “He said, ‘I’m very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you & cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ bumper sticker, the ‘Choose Life’ license plate holder, the ‘Follow Me to Sunday School’ bumper sticker, & the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car.’” While funny, this story is more truth than fiction. One of the most dangerous intersections on Sunday is the nearby one where the traffic from 5 churches merge. A lot of cars cross there, but I’ve not seen that many Christians in them. FIREWORKS & CELEBRATION It’s a custom in the U.S. to explode fireworks at midnight to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. It’s a custom in this neighborhood — at least, it’s been that way for the last 15 years — to explode fireworks beginning at about 4 PM. Why? I’ll never know. It might be an effort to scare the animals. If that’s the case, it works beyond comparison. At the first sound of a louder than usual bottle rocket, I opened the front door and Queen Belle roared past me like her tail was on fire. She never even slowed down as she took the stairs to her hiding place upstairs. (We don’t know its exact location, but she goes up every night & disappears until the next morning. All attempts to find the location have ended in failure.) For more photos, visit http://DarryD.com/Photos Page 4 of 5 DARRY D’S JOURNAL 31 DECEMBER 2011 (SATURDAY) And DaisyDawg, that fearless canine, has not left the cushion behind PegEgg all evening except when I’ve coaxed her out to go potty. She’s out, she’s gone, and she’s back faster than a sinner from a pulpit. And, worst yet, a lot of the fireworks appear to be set off by kids who are less than 15 years of age. I can see them out in the road, but I don’t see any adults nearby. I’LL BE SEEING YOU “I’ll Be Seeing You” sung by the great Peggy Lee whispers as I prepare to say good night to my loves and goodbye to another unforgettable year. Memories are moments that remain whether in pain or in joy beyond the calendar pages that marked their occurrence. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for the future that awaits me. Regardless of its challenges, struggles, and prizes, I look forward to the surprises of each sunrise & sunset. And I will not forget to be grateful for each moment. This new year calls for clear-headed decisions and horizon-less dreams. And I am just the Dreamer to enjoy it. For more photos, visit http://DarryD.com/Photos Page 5 of 5
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