Drill monitoring results reveal geological conditions in blasthole
Drill monitoring results reveal geological conditions in blasthole
International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijrmms Technical Note Drill monitoring results reveal geological conditions in blasthole drilling Peter Hatherly a,n, Raymond Leung a, Steven Scheding a, Danielle Robinson b a b Australian Centre for Field Robotics, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Rio Tinto Technology & Innovation, Australia art ic l e i nf o Article history: Received 22 October 2014 Received in revised form 14 May 2015 Accepted 19 May 2015 Keywords: Monitor-while-drilling (MWD) Rock mass characterisation Geophysical logging Open pit mining Blasting 1. Introduction In open pit mining, monitor-while-drilling (MWD) systems which monitor performance factors such as rate of penetration (RoP), torque (τ), weight on bit (WoB) and rotary speed (ω) are becoming standard features on the blasthole drill rigs supplied by equipment manufacturers. MWD measurements enable drill automation1 and can be used to monitor the health of these major items of equipment. While it has also long been recognised that through MWD data, geological conditions can be revealed,2–4 MWD data is rarely used for geological characterisation in activities such as blast design. Part of the reason for this lies with the difficulty in keeping MWD systems operational in the hostile mining environment. Unless they are integral to specific mining tasks (e.g. automation), MWD systems are frequently turned off or not fully operational. However, were there a better appreciation of how well MWD data reflect changes in the geology, mining companies might begin to make use of MWD data for geological and geotechnical purposes. In making comparisons between MWD and geological data, difficulties arise in obtaining geological information for comparison with the MWD data. Blastholes have relatively large diameters (4200 mm) and are drilled using rotary and percussion methods. Drill chips do not provide adequate information and if geological and geotechnical models developed from broadly n Corresponding author. E-mail address: geophys@bigpond.net.au (P. Hatherly). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.05.006 1365-1609/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. spaced (100 m plus) exploration drilling are used, these are not sufficiently precise for comparison with blastholes which are typically drilled at centres of about 10 m. Even when cores from nearby cored holes are available, these are not adequate because the cores are not from the actual blastholes and in any case, once cores are removed from the ground, they are no-longer under insitu conditions and it is not possible to capture the influence of insitu stresses and fractures. Given the difficulties with all of these approaches, geophysical logging conducted within the blastholes probably provides the best opportunity for obtaining precise geological information from within the blastholes drilled with rigs equipped with MWD capabilities. In this technical note we provide results for a study undertaken at an open cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia. The MWD data were obtained using Caterpillar's Aquilas drill monitoring system. RoP measurements are assessed as well as the specific energy of drilling (SED).5 Geophysical logging was then conducted in the same blastholes and the results analysed to establish the down-hole lithology and rock quality. At the mine where this work was undertaken, the main incentive for the study was to investigate whether MWD data could identify the top of coal seams and allow drilling to be halted, thus preventing unintended blasting of coal and associated problems with coal fragmentation and dilution. A description of these results and a new MWD measure called Modulated Specific Energy (SEM) is introduced in Ref. 6. This approach is well suited for picking the changes in MWD performance when coal seams are encountered. P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 The more general blast design problem and the potential for MWD to reveal changes in overburden rock quality are now considered. Of particular interest is the association between MWD parameters and sonic velocity. Velocity has been used as a proxy for rock strength by many authors.7–12 A direct correlation between MWD data and sonic velocity can therefore be expected. Also of interest was any association between the MWD data and the rock lithology revealed by natural gamma logs (sandstones versus siltstones and claystones) and density logs (clastic rocks versus coal and carbonaceous layers containing mixtures of coal and clastic sediments). Previous blasthole studies employing geophysical logs are described in Ref. 13 where geophysical logs were used to indicate the locations of coal seams and Ref. 14 where density logs were used to assist with the application of pattern recognition techniques for rock characterisation using MWD data in an open pit coal mine. 145 Neither of these studies extensively explored the correlation between MWD parameters and geological conditions revealed by the geophysical logs. In the case of the MWD techniques and geophysical logging employed by the petroleum industry, that work is not directly relevant to the rock characterisation problems in open pit mines. In petroleum, holes are hugely expensive, drilled to depths of many thousands of metres and are widely spaced. In these very deep holes, the use of drilling fluids, the interaction between the bit and the rock, bit wear and the abrasivity of the strata are major considerations. In open pit mining, blastholes are cheap, drilled with air and drilled to depths of no more than a few tens of metres in a matter of minutes. As already noted, they are also closely spaced. In mining, bit–rock interactions and variations in bit wear down-hole and from hole-to-hole are not major concerns when characterising rocks. 2. Site description Increasing sandstone N Fig. 1. Blasthole pattern for the bench at the trial site. Holes are in seven rows (B to H). The holes shown by black in-filled circles were drilled through to the base of the coal seam. These were geophysically logged with natural gamma, caliper and density tools. In addition, sonic logs were run in the holes which are labelled and shown by red in-filled circles. For the sonic logs to be run, it was necessary to fill these holes with water. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) The site for the trial is an open pit coal mine operating within the Jerrys Plains Subgroup of the Whittingham Coal Measures and part of the Permian sequence of the Sydney Basin.15 It was formed in an upper to lower delta plain terrestrial environment and the interburden rocks between the coal seams consist mainly of lithic sandstone, siltstone and conglomerate. The thirteen named coal seams frequently split and provide numerous mining opportunities. Carbonaceous siltstones and tuffs also occur throughout the Subgroup. Fig. 1 shows a map of the bench at the trial site. Here, an interburden approximately 24 m thick overlies a 2–3 m thick coal seam, depending on the thickness of a mid-seam split. The interburden is mainly sandstone and siltstone and as shown by the photographs in Fig. 2, siltstones in the north grade into sandstones in the south. At this location, a layer of carbonaceous siltstone which can also contain a minor split of the coal overlies the main coal seam. One-hundred forty-four blastholes were drilled by experienced operators using CAT Reedrill SKS rotary drill rigs in preparation for a normal production blast. There were seven north–south rows of blastholes 7.5 m apart, with the blastholes within each row at 10 m centres. Most holes were drilled to the top of the seam with the driller ceasing drilling at the expected coal seam depth and also according to any observed changes in the RoP and the colour of drill chips. As an exception to this normal practice, blastholes were deliberately drilled through to the base of the seam in five east–west rows. This provided the opportunity to properly establish the seam depth and to obtain geophysical and MWD data through the coal. The diameter of the blastholes was approximately 26 cm. For the 35 blastholes drilled through the coal, geophysical logs were obtained by a geophysical contractor using conventional slimline tools normally used in exploration boreholes. Geophysical measurements were taken with a combined density, natural gamma and caliper tool (7 cm diameter tool pushed against the wall of the hole). Full waveform sonic (FWS) logs (5 cm diameter tool centralized within the blasthole) were also obtained in three holes in each of the five rows, see Fig. 1. To obtain the sonic logs, these holes needed to be first filled with water because sonic logs require fluid coupling to transfer signals between the tool and the blasthole walls. As discussed below, there are differences in the hole depths reported in the MWD and geophysical data. This is due to the practice of the drill operator to set the zero depth at the point when the drill was set into drilling mode point, approximately 0.3 m above the surface of the bench. In the case of the geophysical 146 P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 Siltstone Sandstone Fig. 2. Photographs of the highwall immediately to the west of the test site showing the strata present within the bench. Siltstones with thin sandstone beds are mainly present to the north (top photograph) and thick lithic sandstones are present to the south (bottom photograph). Remnants of pre-split blast holes are present in the sandstones. These are not present in the weaker siltstones. logs, the geophysical logging operator visually set the zero depth point when it was judged that the top of the tool was level with the surface of the bench. While slight differences between depth measurements for the two geophysical tools in each hole are likely, much greater discrepancies exist between the geophysical and MWD measurements. 3. Geophysical logging data The raw density, natural gamma and caliper logs were obtained at 1 cm intervals up the blastholes. These data were first filtered to remove high frequency noise using a 29-tap Hanning filter and then resampled at 10 cm increments in order to match the sampling interval of the MWD data. Fig. 3a and b show examples of these logging data obtained in blasthole B15, after filtering and resampling. For the density measurements, short spaced (15 cm source to detector separation) and long spaced (31 cm separation) measurements were available. The long spaced measurements were used in this study because they are less susceptible to variations in the immediate blasthole wall. Calibration to units of t/m3 was provided by the logging contractor. The logging contractor also provided calibrated natural gamma measurements in standard units of API (American Petroleum Institute). For the caliper tool, the measurements were taken using a single arm mechanical caliper. In the case of the sonic logging, full waveform sonic data were acquired at 2 cm intervals and measurements were taken by two receivers separated by 30 cm. Onsets (transit times) of the first arrivals (P-waves) recorded at each receiver were picked using an interactive seismic event picking programme. As can be seen in the waveforms recorded in blasthole B15 in Fig. 3(c) and (d), identification of the P-wave onsets was not always possible, particularly when the sonic velocities in the strata in the were low. This problem arose because the large diameter of the blastholes compared to the sonic tool created a situation whereby pressure (tube/Stoneley) waves propagating within the water column in the blasthole could arrive at the receivers before the arrival of the sonic (P-waves) refracted up the blasthole wall. This was a problem mainly in the coal. There are also intervals within the holes where the amplitudes of the P-wave arrivals are very low and it was not possible to identify their onset. In both of these situations, P-wave velocities could not be determined and it is for these reasons, the velocity measurements shown in red in Fig. 3b are not available for the full length of the blasthole. As with the density, gamma and caliper logs, the sonic data were resampled to 10 cm intervals. Examination of the geophysical data shows the key features in the geology and some issues with the data. In the density data (Fig. 3a), the locations of the coal seams are indicated as intervals with low density. From this and the other density logs, coal was identified whenever the density was less than 1.85 t/m3 and carbonaceous material was taken to be present whenever the densities were between 1.85 and 2.2 t/m3. All other material with densities greater than this was inferred to be clastic (sandstone and siltstone). In blasthole B15, the main coal seam occurs between 21 and 24.8 m, with a mid-seam band of carbonaceous material occurring between 23 and 23.7 m. A minor coal seam is also present at the very bottom of the hole. Outside of the intervals of coal and carbonaceous materials where clastic rocks are present, comparison of the density and caliper logs (Fig. 3a) indicates some degree of correlation between the logs. Such a correlation should not occur and is possibly due to the influence of the large drillhole diameter. The density logs were therefore only used to indicate the locations of the coal seams and carbonaceous layers, and not for any other purpose. The natural gamma log (Fig. 3b) shows that the coal seams are typified as regions with low values of about 50 API, while in the clastic section of the blasthole, the natural gamma measurements are higher. When they are about 100 API, lithic (dirty) sandstones can be inferred to be present and when the values are about 150 API or higher, siltstones are present – i.e. in the siltstones there are more clay minerals and less quartz. On the log for B15, it is notable that from a depth of about 14 m down to the top of the coal seam, there is a gradual increase in the natural gamma measurements. Gradual increases such as this indicate that the transition from sandstone to siltstone is gradual and that there is no sharp boundary between these two rock types. In the clastic section of the blasthole where it has been possible to obtain P-wave sonic data, it can be seen that the P-wave velocities range between about 2 and 4 km/s. The lower velocities are found in the materials shown by the natural gamma log to be siltstones. The higher velocities occur in the sandstones. Below 14 m in this hole, within the transitional zone from sandstone to siltstone, there is a matching decline in velocity. Other features are also present in the sonic data. For example, between 8.2 and 8.6 m, in the sandstone section of the blasthole, the velocity is low (about 2.2 km/s). Such lower velocities are presumably due to the presence of fractures within the sandstone. At 13.4 m, there is a situation where the sonic velocity is higher while the natural gamma is lower and the density is higher. At this point, a P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 147 Fig. 3. (a)–(d) Geophysical logs for blasthole B15-the top of the coal seam is at 21 m. (e) to (h) MWD parameters-features at 12 m and 24 m depth are due to rod changes and there are other disruptions to drilling at 20.5 m and 23 m. (i) SED derived from the drilling parameters with effects of rod changes and drilling disruptions removed. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 148 P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 Table 1 Nominal drill operating conditions. Rotary speed (rpm) Process mean μ̄ 143 9.6 Process s.d. σ̄ Max observed s.d. 32.5 Torque (kN m) RoP (m/s) WoB (kN) 6.7 0.62 1.93 0.045 0.016 0.089 1040 70.1 201 hard siderite band is likely to be present in the blasthole wall. Siderite bands are common at many Australian coal mines. 4. MWD data RoP (m/s) RoP (m/s) The rotary drilling rigs deployed at the site provide real-time measurement of several mechanical signals that are commonly used to monitor drilling performance. Of interest to this study are the four variables rotary speed, WoB, torque and RoP. These are measured in units of revolution/minute, kN, kN m and m/s respectively. Although they naturally exist as continuous-time signals in the analogue world, they were presented by the logging system as discretised sequences (quantised in depth, not time) at 0.1 m resolution. For rock mass characterisation using MWD data, the general rule governing the operation of the rotary drill is that the control parameters (essentially, the rotary speed and WoB) should remain constant and stable as far as possible. When this is achieved, it has been shown that variation in torque and RoP may reveal differences in geological conditions.2 The expectation is that RoP will increase as the drill penetrates softer material. While these observations may hold true over wide-ranging conditions, any inference rules developed between MWD measures and rock quality, if such connections can be established, will likely hold in a relative sense, and remain strictly valid only under a specific set of operating conditions. The typical operating range of the rotary drills used in this study is shown in Table 1. Fig. 3e–h show examples of the raw MWD sequences encountered in the same blasthole as the geophysical data in Fig. 3a–d. These illustrate that noise is ever present in real signals. With reference to the WoB and rotary speed, the major departures from the ‘constant control input’ assumption occur at periodic intervals roughly every 12 m and are due to rod changes. When this occurs, transient responses can arise due to drilling interruption and changes in drilling dynamics. In practice, the rod change artefact can be detected by a diminished RoP and a drop in drill-pipe air pressure, and was corrected by replicating (holding out) the previous sample not affected by the distortion. As discussed in Appendix A, other outliers in the MWD data were also removed. While RoP provides a primary indication of drill performance, it is dependent on the other measures. To remove this inter-dependence, the SED was also calculated. Fig. 3i shows the SED values for blasthole B15. Velocity (km/s) SED (GJ/m3 x 0.1) SED (GJ/m3 x 0.1) Natural gamma (API) Natural Gamma (API) Velocity (km/s) Fig. 4. (Top) Scatter plots showing variations in RoP with natural gamma and sonic velocity. (Bottom) Scatter plots showing variations of SED with natural gamma and sonic velocity. P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 5. Analysis—MWD versus geophysics Once the data from the 35 blastholes containing the geophysical logs were matched in depth with the MWD results (see Appendix B), the relationship between them and the drilling data could be explored. In all, there was 1056 m of drilling with MWD and geophysical data. After checking on the natural gamma and MWD data, it was found that 4797 data points were acceptable. For the 15 holes with sonic logs, it was found that there were 1535 points available, of which 47 were in coal (density less than 1.85 t/m3) and 60 in carbonaceous material (density between 1.85 and 2.2 t/m3). The remaining points were within clastic rocks (sandstones and siltstones). 5.1. X–Y plots Fig. 4 shows X–Y scatter plots of RoP and SED against the natural gamma measurements and sonic velocity. With regards to the scatter plots involving sonic velocity, it is clear that there is a trend whereby RoP decreases with sonic velocity and SED increases. This is as expected. On both plots, there is also a small cluster of points with low velocity which lies outside the main grouping of points. These are from coal and are further discussed below. In the plots showing the MWD relationships against natural gamma responses, two groupings are again evident with the cluster of points with the lower natural gamma response again representing coal and the majority of the points representing the clastic rocks. 149 Given the number of points that are contained in these scatter plots, it is difficult to properly identify the trends involving the majority of points. These trends can be more thoroughly explored by separating out the responses for each of the main rock types and undertaking a statistical analysis of the individual relationships. As mentioned above, coal and carbonaceous materials were identified on the basis of the density response. To separate the sandstones from the siltstones, an assessment was made of the natural gamma logs for each hole and a sand–clay baseline was established at a value of about 125 API, depending on the characteristics of the individual natural gamma logs. Points with values below the baseline were assigned to the sandstone category and points with values above were labelled siltstone. This leads to a hard cut-off between siltstone and sandstone which is inconsistent with the gradual change from sandstone to siltstone evident in Figs. 2 and 3. However, it is useful to be able to characterise the rocks as being one of these two classes while acknowledging at the same time the continuum that exists between them. The approach taken to generate X–Y plots in the form of heat maps between the MWD and geophysical parameters for each rock type is explained in Appendix C. It allows the responses from the disproportionately low numbers of samples from coal and other carbonaceous materials (especially in the case of the sonic data) to be compared with those from sandstone and siltstone. This requires the conditional distribution of points with respect to the X–Y variables to be computed for each class (rock type). Coal Coal Silt RoP (m/s) RoP (m/s) Carb Carb Sand Silt Sand Natural gamma (API) SED (GJ/m3 x 0.1) Sand Silt Carb Coal SED (GJ/m3 x 0.1) Velocity (km/s) Sand Silt Carb Coal Natural Gamma (API) Velocity (km/s) Fig. 5. Heat maps showing variations in RoP and SED with natural gamma and velocity measurements. Distributions for each of the major rock types were independently derived and then combined to provide these representations. The rock types associated with each of the features in the maps are labelled. 150 P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 Table 2 Correlation coefficient between MWD measures (X) and geophysical attributes (Y) as a function of outlier rejection ratio. Outlier rejection ratio, r Y X 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 50% Velocity Velocity RoP SED 0.643 0.666 0.725 0.726 0.761 0.760 0.780 0.805 0.786 0.836 0.789 0.859 0.802 0.924 The heat maps corresponding to the scatter plots in Fig. 4 are shown in Fig. 5. It is now possible to see with greater clarity how the MWD and geophysical parameters are related. In the case of the very good relationships with the sonic velocity, the sandstones are associated with slower drilling and increased drilling energy. The continuum from sandstone to siltstone and the easier drilling conditions is clearly revealed. Coal provides the easiest drilling and is represented by clusters that lie outside of the sandstone–siltstone clastic rock responses. As expected, carbonaceous rocks occupy an intermediate position because they are part coal and part clastic. On the basis of these results, regression techniques are applied in Section 5.2 to predict sonic velocity from the MWD data. With the natural gamma data, the relationships with the MWD parameters are consistent with the drilling conditions expected to be encountered for each of the rock types present. However, a simple trend is not evident because the natural gamma response of sandstone is intermediate to coal and siltstone. In the case of carbonaceous material and coal, while both of these materials offer easy drilling conditions, carbonaceous material can have a wide range of clay content. As a rock type, carbonaceous material therefore ranges from being dirty coal but still with a low natural gamma response through to carbonaceous siltstone/mudstone and possibly tuff with a high natural gamma response. 5.2. Outlier rejection and regression Computing the correlation coefficient often constitutes the first step in assessing objectively any linear dependence between two variables. To quantify the strength of possible linear relationships between the MWD measures and geophysical attributes, Pearson Table 3 Regression statistics. Method 1: Polynomial regression on scattered data with 15% outlier rejection. Method 2: Fitting polynomial to piecewise continuous locally weighted spline with regularisation. Degree k ¼7 in both cases, minimum sample size n 41200. Method 1 Method 2 Y X MSE ( 10 3) R2 MSE ( 10 3) R2 Bias Velocity Velocity RoP SED 7.034 7.095 0.708 0.692 5.691 4.402 0.727 0.778 2.5 10 5 3.4 10 4 Nominal drill operating conditions. correlation coefficients were determined on the provision that outliers were rejected. Table 2 illustrates the improvement in correlation coefficients, as a function of increasing outlier rejection ratio, r. With 15% outlier suppression, for example, RoP and SED are strongly correlated with sonic velocity. To build predictive models based on regression, two approaches were attempted. One involved fitting quadratic and higher order polynomial regression directly to the points for various outlier rejection ratios ranging from 5% to 50%. As shown in Fig. 6, this procedure produced unacceptable turning in the fitting curves towards the ends of the data range. To avoid these, a second method was developed whereby a smoothing cubic spline16 was first used to fit local segments of the curve using a weighted least squares procedure described in Appendix D. This provides a trade-off between smoothness and fidelity. The piecewise spline function was then approximated by a 0.1 1.6 0.09 RoP (m/s) 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 1.4 SED (GJ/m3 x 0.1) Method 1 Method 2 (exact) Method 2 (approx) 0.08 1.2 1 0.8 0.03 0.02 0.6 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Velocity (km/s) 4 4.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Velocity (km/s) Fig. 6. Regression results. Pink curves are fitted using Method 1 which applies polynomial regression (k ¼ 7) directly to all the data samples contained in the data set with 15% outlier rejection. The resultant polynomials exhibit an unacceptable amount of undulation particularly near the end points. The blue curves are obtained using Method 2 which employs piecewise continuous locally fitted spline curves; these generally overlap almost exactly with the approximating polynomials (in the black dashed lines) which are fitted to the splines rather than the raw data. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 151 Table 4 Regression coefficients for predicted velocity from either RoP or SED where Y = ∑kn=0 An X n . A7 A6 A5 A4 Y X A3 A2 A1 A0 Velocity RoP Velocity SED 425094559 201783 17.8862 390.364 204134056 5558.724 70.59766 314.451 39394947.5 105.806 44.6989 116.3127 3866911.38 4.331583 182.919 14.3931 variation explained by the model) has increased. In addition, the estimates are also unbiased. Table 4 provides the regression coefficients obtained under the second method. Note, the prediction of velocity is only valid over the intervals of RoP and SED given in Table 5. In Fig. 7, the velocities estimated by the second method using the RoP data in row E of blastholes (see Fig. 1) are compared with the sonic data in those holes. This row was chosen because with blasthole E10, there was a reasonable amount of sonic data within the coal seam. Fig. 7 shows that for all intervals where sonic data is available, the match between the observed and predicted sonic velocity is good, even in coal. Furthermore, where sonic velocity is not available, the estimations still appear to be consistent with geological expectations. Table 5 Regression domain. Modelled interval [Xmin, Xmax] Y RoP Velocity 0.0135 SED ( 108) 0.1045 0.4804 1.4115 7th degree polynomial. Overall, this procedure produced better results. The mean squared error (MSE) and R2 statistics were computed for verification purposes. From Table 3 it can be seen the MSE has reduced under the 2nd method and R2 (the amount of Elevation (m) E.10 E.15 E.20 E.25 E.30 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 55 55 55 55 55 50 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 2 3 Velocity (km/s) 2 3 Velocity (km/s) 2 3 Velocity (km/s) Estimated 2 3 Velocity (km/s) 2 3 Velocity (km/s) Measured Fig. 7. Estimated sonic velocity (black points) along row E blastholes compared to valid sonic velocity data (blue lines). The estimated points closely follow the observed sonic data even where coal is present in the deeper sections of the holes. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 152 P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 south north Fig. 8. Interpolation of blasthole data along row B blastholes. (Top) natural gamma data, (middle) RoP and (bottom) SED. Within each section, the white lines indicate the top of the upper carbonaceous layer, the top and bottom of the main coal seam and the top of the lower seam. The interpolations between the blastholes were guided by these boundaries. The natural gamma results show the presence of sandstone (green) and siltstones (yellow) above the coal seams (blue). The MWD (RoP and SED) data clearly match the stratigraphy shown by the natural gamma results. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) It is stressed that the regressions performed here are only relevant to the geology, drills and drill operating parameters encountered in this study. Prediction of velocity from other MWD data should not be attempted using the derived coefficients of Table 4. Nevertheless, the general principles that have been demonstrated remain applicable for other studies. These results show that because MWD data can be used to predict sonic velocity, it could also be used to empirically estimate rock strength in the same way that sonic velocity is used as a proxy for rock strength and quality. Published applications for sonic velocity, include rippability assessments,10,18 unconfined compressive strength (UCS) estimation7,11 and estimation of Q- value.12 It also forms the basis of the geophysical strata rating (GSR).8 In the context of blasting studies, the widely used Kuz– Ram model for estimating blast fragmentation utilises a hardness factor based on UCS.17 Clearly, MWD data have the potential to be used in blast design. 6. Spatial modelling between blastholes To further demonstrate the relationship between the bench geology revealed by the geophysical logging data and the MWD results, Fig. 8 shows examples of 2D interpolation (modelling) of P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 parameters between blastholes along row B of blastholes. The interpolation method used here involves point by point linear interpolation of geophysical and MWD parameters between holes, where the interpolations are conducted between points at levels established on the basis of positions with respect to the boundaries of the geological layers. These boundaries were established by initial interpolations (using splines) between the depths to the layers within the blastholes (see description in Ref. 9). The layers used to guide the interpolation were the top of the top carbonaceous band, the top of the main seam, the base of the seam and the top of the underlying seam. The results of the interpolation of the geophysical data shown in Fig. 8 are for the natural gamma logs. As previously discussed, the model confirms that above the coal seams, sandstones are more prevalent to the south (left of model) and that they finger out and grade into siltstones to the north. Within the coal, the mid-seam band is clearly evident and thins to the north. The MWD results (RoP and SED), show the same patterns of behaviour as the natural gamma model and the same major features. For example, the zones of clean sandstone in the natural gamma model between 58–60 m and 54–55 m in blasthole B20 are matched by corresponding changes in the RoP and SED results. Comparison of the models also suggests that the MWD results have reduced vertical resolution. The natural gamma model shows structure at the sub metre vertical scale that is correlated between holes and represents true geological banding. In the case of the MWD models, there are some features at the sub metre scale that correlate between holes, but there are not as many of these as in the natural gamma model. This may be indicating that the MWD data are being smoothed and filtered by the MWD system on the drills (sensors and/or recording system), the details of which were not available. Notwithstanding, the current results show that the MWD data preserve the general geological variability revealed by the geophysical logs and can be used for detailed geotechnical analysis. 7. Conclusions This study has provided the opportunity to make a detailed assessment of MWD data from blasthole drills with the geological conditions revealed by geophysical logs obtained in the same holes. For both the MWD data and the geophysical logs, careful treatment and filtering of the data were required to properly correlate the measurements in depth and understand the data. Once this was done, it was found that there is a very good correlation between the MWD measures (RoP and SED) and rock type and also rock strength as revealed by sonic velocity. It has been demonstrated that RoP and SED can be used to predict sonic velocity. This means that with proper calibration and drilling under nominal conditions where the rotary speed and WoB remain constant as far as possible, MWD measurements can be used to determine the rock properties needed for blast design using approaches such as the Kuz–Ram fragmentation model. It is demonstrated that interpolation of MWD data between blastholes provides a similar view on changing geological conditions to that provided by geophysical logs. 153 Innovation (T&I), Coal and Allied (RTCA) and HVO personnel for providing the drill data used in the experiments. Charles McHugh is also thanked for his assistance in setting up the trials and encouraging studies such as this. Appendices These appendices embody the more significant computational aspects of this work and present solutions to practical problems encountered during data processing. The techniques employed are also applicable to analysis and modelling of scattered data in a wider context. Appendix A. Outlier removal in MWD data In addition to the method described in Section 4 for replicating data over intervals where rod changes occurred, the MWD data were also scanned for other outliers where any of the following conditions were met. These data were removed from the analysis. RoP < μ rop − 2σrop Torque ≥ μ torque + 2σtorque WoB ∉ [μ wob − σwob, μ wob + σwob ] Rotaryspeed ∉ [μ rotary − σrotary, μ rotary + σrotary ] Appendix B. Sequence alignment Since the geophysical data and MWD measurements were acquired through two separate processes, these signals first needed to be brought into alignment with one another in a common coordinate frame, before they could be integrated. As also explained in the text, a relative offset exists between the geophysical and MWD data, which varies between blastholes. The technique we employed to estimate the offsets uses local feature based cross-correlation. This was implemented using the fast Fourier transform and peak detection, and the results were confirmed by visual inspection. The key here is ‘local’ as opposed to ‘global’ sequence correlation. To obtain sensible estimates, relevant features needed to be accentuated with weights (and the irrelevant parts attenuated accordingly) to minimise distraction during the comparison. Fig. 9 illustrates this localised pattern matching idea and the shift required to maximise the alignment between bulk density (from geophysics) and the APR sequence (a MWD measure proportional to the RoP19) for a typical blasthole. Statistically, the offset is roughly Gaussian distributed with a mean of 0.75 m, median of 0.70 m and standard deviation of 0.29 m. A positive value is interpreted as requiring the origin of MWD depth to be shifted down (for that hole) in order to match the true ground surface. After noise filtering and offset compensation, the geophysics data were then down-sampled to produce sequences with resolution matching those of the MWD measurements. Appendix C. Heat maps via Kernel Density Estimation Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Australian Centre for Field Robotics and the Rio Tinto Centre for Mine Automation. The authors would like to acknowledge Rio Tinto Technology & To develop a firm grasp of the relationships observed in the scatter plots, the conditional distribution of points with respect to the X–Y variables is considered. The motivation is to understand where each data cluster is concentrated, or is most likely to 154 P. Hatherly et al. / International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences 78 (2015) 144–154 the scatter data to ensure the curve conforms better to the expected trend. Method 2 uses a smoothing cubic spline16 to fit local segments of the curve, and provides a trade-off between smoothness and fidelity. Mathematically, the optimisation problem is formulated as N argminθ p ∑ wi |yi − s (xi )|2 + (1 − p) i=1 0 50 APR sequence 100 150 Density 200 Features of interest 250 300 Matched peaks Fig. 9. Essence of weighted cross-correlation based on local feature matching. This sequence alignment technique is applied to compensate for the offset that exists between MWD and geophysical measurements. After reconciliation, both sequences are expressed relative to a common frame. appear, in the X–Y plane. An obvious approach is to build a 2D frequency histogram. Unfortunately, this approach is biased toward dense clusters, as it allows dominant point clusters to overshadow other points which appear more sparsely along major trend lines. To make the contribution of each group of points more equitable, data points are partitioned into subsets (different classes) that constitute representative clusters. In this work, a class corresponds implicitly to a rock type. This is done by labelling samples from the 35 blastholes as either “sandstone”, “siltstone”, “carbonaceous” or “coal” using density and gamma logs as described in Section 3. In situations where such labels are unavailable, alternatives such as the K-mean algorithm may be used to assign points to clusters (classes) in an unsupervised manner. To capture the X–Y relation across the entire domain, the likelihood p(x,y|c) is computed for each class c using the Kernel Density Estimation method proposed in.20 The ultimate goal is to produce heat maps which indicate where in the X–Y plane the points are most likely to fall regardless of the prior probability (i.e., ignoring the abundance or scarcity of samples from a particular class). The heat maps shown in Fig. 5, are essentially blended images of these likelihood functions over all classes (rock types). The heat maps are generated by taking the maximum likelihood amongst all classes at each location. Formally, this may be expressed as fheat (x, y ) = supc p (x, y|c ) where “sup” denotes the supremum. This kind of representation is of general interest when one wishes to highlight the degree of correlation between two variables irrespective of class, or emphasise the separation between class clusters. The heat maps are useful for a number of processing tasks, including outlier rejection and weighted regression. Appendix D. Robust regression The main deficiencies with applying standard polynomial regression to the scattered data (Method 1) is the undulation observed in the resultant polynomial, especially near the end points. The turning and twisting behaviour may be attributed to inadequate suppression of peripheral data points and competing forces causing the curve to bend in order to satisfy global least squares constraints with a low degree of freedom. In relation to the first point, inadequate suppression of distant points (from the apparent trend) is due to Method 1 treating all points in the data set as equally important. Points that are spread out, or located at the extremities, currently contribute more than their fair share to the curve fitting error. The proposed solution to this is to attach an importance weight to each point in such a way as to emphasise centrality. In regard to the second point, to minimise undulation, we propose fitting a piecewise continuous curve to local sections of ∫ λ |s″(t; θ )|2dt (1) where s (x i ) denotes a local spline interpolation and p ∈ [0, 1] is a regularisation parameter. The first term represents a weighted sum of spline fitting errors and the second term represents a penalty for over-fitting which in practice is based on the second derivative of the continuous spline, expressed as s (t ) in parametric form. For more details, see Ref. 21. 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