La Palma Island, Canary Is
La Palma Island, Canary Is
SOIL ORGANISMS Volume 82 (3) 2010 pp. 357–365 ISSN: 1864 - 6417 A new species of Entomobrya (Collembola, Entomobryidae) from La Caldera de Taburiente National Park (La Palma Island, Canary Islands) and its associated collembolan fauna Rafael Jordana1, 2 and Enrique Baquero1 1 Department of Zoology and Ecology, University of Navarra, Irunlarrea 1, 31080 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain 2 Corresponding author: Rafael Jordana (email: Abstact Entomobrya palmensis n. sp. is described from the Canary Islands (Macaronesian Region). The new species shares the colour pattern with E. multifasciata (Tullberg, 1871), but clearly differs in chaetotaxy. A list of species and locations of the collembolan fauna of the area is given. Key words: morphological characters, macrochaetotaxy, Macaronesian Region, faunistic 1. Introduction In the course of study of invertebrate biodiversity in La Caldera de Taburiente National Park (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) a new species of Entomobrya was found. With the traditional examination of colour pattern and longitudinal or transversal colour stripes (Christiansen, 1958), the specimens, upon initial inspection, appeared to belong to the species E. multifasciata. However, a careful study with use of morphology and macrochaetotaxy (Jordana & Baquero 2005) made it possible to detect a cryptic species, occuring syntopically with E. nigrocincta Denis, 1923. This is one of the results of the project ‘Convenio de Cooperación Parques Nacionales - CSIC Inventario y estudio de la fauna invertebrada del Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente’ (see Domingo-Quero et al. 2003). Abreviations: Abd = abdominal segment; Ant = antennal segment; asl = above sea level; MNCN = Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; MZNA = Museo de Zoología Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; asl = above sea level; Th = thoracic segment Rafael Jordana & Enrique Baquero 358 2. Material and Methods The La Palma Island is the most north-westerly of the Canary Islands and, like the other islands of the archipelago, is volcanic. The upland areas of La Palma are covered by so-called ‘laurisilva’ (laurel forest), a temperate cloudy forest, dominated by Laurus sp., but which includes Juniperus cedrus (Canary Islands Juniper) and other trees. This is a relic of the Pliocene subtropical forests and was established as a biosphere reserve in 1983. It was extended and renamed in 1997 and 2002, respectively. The ‘Caldera de Taburiente –a mountain arch with a curious crater shape– dominates the northern part of La Palma, having a width of 9 km and a depth of 1500 m. It is surrounded by a ring of mountains (1600 m to 2400 m asl). It was designated as a national park in 1954. The specimens were captured during systematic sampling at 31 localities using different methods (see the faunal study part, below) Some specimens were mounted in Hoyer medium, sometimes cleared with Nesbitt solution. Observation of the slides was done under an Olympus BX51-TF microscope with a multi-viewing system and phase contrast, and a Zeiss Axio Imager A1 with differential interference contrast (DIC). For the measurements, a UDA drawing attachment UIS (Universal Infinity System) and a scale calibrated with a Graticules Ltd slide (1 mm/0.01 div) were used. 3. Descriptions Entomobrya palmensis n. sp. Fig. 1 Entomobrya palmensis n. sp.; A: Colour pattern; B: labral papillae; C: unguis-claw. D: manubrial plate; E: end of dens and mucro. New Entomobrya from the Canary Islands 359 Type locality. Spain, Canary Islands, La Palma, Caldera de Taburiente, Roque de la Cumbrecita (‘parcela de los Heliantemum’), UTM Coordinates 28RBS2177, Altitude 1377 m asl. Type material. Holotype, specimen on slide labelled as ‘M4-241199-01 1377 m, UTM 28RBS2177-1 24-11 1999 leg: T. Domingo-Quero Trampa Malaise; recogió 14 días seguidos [works 14 days]’. 95 paratypes in ethyl alcohol. Deposited in MNCN. 1 Paratype on slide and 2 in alcohol deposited in the MZNA. Other material. See Table 3 and the faunal study part. Description Body length up to 2.3 mm excluding antennae. Body colour pattern as Fig. 1A, ground colour white and coloured patches dark blue. Detailed morphometrical data are summarised in Tab. 1 Head: Eight eyes, G and H smaller than E and F. Antennae length 1000-1300 μm, 2.2-2.7 times as the length of the head. Relative length of Ant 1/2.1/2.1/2.1. Ant IV with bilobed apical vesicle. Four labral papillae wrinkled or with some projections, but observed as smooth in some specimens (Fig. 1B). Tab. 1 Measurements of the new species (in micrometers), average from 7 specimens(1). E. palmensis n.sp. Holotype mean (1) Max. Min. Ant I 200 153 200 110 Ant II 400 315 400 250 Ant III 400 317 400 240 Ant IV Ant 380 345 380 290 1380 1130 1380 890 Head 500 439 500 350 Ant/head ratio 2.76 2.54 2.76 2.34 Th II 320 253 320 200 Th III 250 189 250 140 Abd I 150 136 190 100 Abd II 190 173 220 130 Abd III 120 142 190 100 Abd IV 620 551 640 440 Abd IV/III ratio 5.17 4.03 6 3.26 Abd V 140 124 150 100 Abd VI 90 86 100 70 2380 2092 2410 1780 Manubrium 460 367 460 300 Dens 580 477 580 370 Claw 52 - - - Empodium 32 - - - Tenent hair 56 - - - Body 360 Rafael Jordana & Enrique Baquero Body: Length ratio Abd IV/III = 3-5. Claw with 4 internal teeth: first pair at 55% of distance from base of claw, and two odd teeth, first at 80% of distance from base and the most distal one minute; dorsal tooth in more basal position than the lateral ones that are below the level of paired teeth. Empodium spike-like, with smooth inner edge on leg III (Fig. 1C). Furcal length 1080 μm (Holotype). Manubrial plate with 7-11 chaetae and 2 pseudopores (Fig. 1D). Mucro with basal spine, subapical teeth similar to terminal one (Fig. 1E). Chaetotaxy: Simplified macrochaetae formula: 4-3-0-4-3/2-4/2-4/1-2-1/3-2-3-2-2. Head chaetotaxy as in Fig. 2A. Thorax chaetotaxy: T1 area on Th II with 2 (m1 and m2i) (3 in some specimens by presence of m2), T2 area on Th II with 4 (5 in some specimens by macrochaetae duplication of a5) macrochaetae present (a5, m4, m4i and m5) (Fig. 2B). Abdomen chaetotaxy (Figs 2 C–D): A1 area on Abd II with two macrochaetae and A2 area on Abd II with four macrochaetae. Abd III with one macrochaeta on area A3 and A5, two macrochaetae on A4 area. Fig. 2 Entomobrya palmensis n. sp. macrochaetotaxy. A: head; B: Th II; C: Abd II-III; D: Abd IV. New Entomobrya from the Canary Islands 361 Biology: Habitats between 225 to 760 m asl mainly in soil, under stones and litter of Pinus canariensi and Salix sp., and on or under low vegetation such as Heliantemun sp., Descurainia millefolia, Viola palmensis, Erysimum scoparium, and in mosses near water. This species could be hygrophilous. Discussion. It has a colour appearance of E. multifasciata or the females of E. nigrocincta Denis, 1923, but the macrochaetotaxy is different from those species and others with a similar colour pattern. E. multifasciata (3-1-0-2-2/2-3/2-2/1-2-1/0-2-3-2-2) is only coincident in Abd III chaetotaxy, E. nigrocincta (3-1-0-2-2/2-3/1-2/1-1-1/0-2-3-2-2) present in the same area is different in the whole chaetotaxy. The new species is the only known Entomobryini with this chaetotaxy (4-3-0-4-3) on the head. 4. Faunal study Localities with UTM-coordinates (all from the island of La Palma). All T. Domingo-Quero leg. unless otherwise stated: Arroyo de la Cumbrecita (28RBS2078 4, 1200 m asl), 17 al 20 01 2001, 1; Arroyo Rivanceras (antes de juntarse con Almendro Amargo) (28RBS1879 4, 480 m asl), 27 07 1999, leg.: R. Araujo, 2; Barranco de las Traves (28RBS1780 2, 1040 m asl), 5 09 1999 al 16 07 2001, 3; Bejenado, comienzo de la senda de subida (28RBS2076 2, 1300 m asl), 26 03 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 4; Casas de Taburiente (28RBS1880 3, 835 m asl), 13 12 1999 al 23 03 2001, 5; Casas de Tenerra (28RBS1780 2, 1090 m asl), 06 02 2001, 6; Cueva de los Arenales (28RBS2176 2, 1175 m asl), 16 06 2000 al 17 11 2000, leg.: R. García Becerra, 7; Cueva El Llanito, 02 03 1995, leg.: R. García Becerra, 8; El Riachuelo (28RBS2175 4, 950 m asl), 21 05 2001, 9; El Rodeo (28RBS1976 3, 1600 m asl), 25 11 1999, 10; Fuente de la Faya (Cumbrecita) (28RBS2176 4, 1100 m asl), 25 01 2001, 11; Fuente de la Zarza (28RBS1977 1, 1248 m asl), 18 09 1999 al 16 01 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 12; Fuente de Viñátigo (28RBS2082 4, 1139 m asl), 03 07 2000 al 05 02 2001, 13; Fuente del Barranco del Limonero (28RBS2280 4, 1349 m asl), 03 07 2000 al 24 10 2000, 14; Fuente del Barranco Madera García (28RBS1977 3, 1152 m asl), 23 03 2000 al 16 01 2001, 15; Fuente Piedra Majorera (28RBS2281 2, 1410 m asl), 24 10 2000, 16; Genebuque (28RBS1680 2, 1150 m asl), 27 03 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 17; Hoya de Lucía (cabecera del Barranco Hondo) (28RBS2382, 2100 m asl), 26 05 2000, 18; Hoyo Verde (28RBS1882 3, 1450 m asl), 21 09 1999 al 23 03 2001, 19; Huerto de Tenerra (28RBS1780 2, 1090 m asl), 27 03 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 20; Junto a la entrada de la cueva de ‘Los Sorprendidos’ (28RBS1976 2, 1259 m asl), 25 01 2001, 21; Llano de los Pinos Chicos; junto a TS2 (28RBS1880 2, 800 m asl), 12 05 2001, 22; Lomo de las Chozas (28RBS2077 3, 1260 m asl), 06 10 1999 al 12 04 2000, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 23; Lomo Gazmil, base (28RBS1981 3, 850 m asl), 11 01 2000, 24; Lomo Gazmil; cementerio guanche (28RBS1981 3, 950 m asl), 11 01 2000, 25; Morro colorado (28RBS1880 1, 869 m asl), 12 05 2001, 26; Playa de Taburiente (28RBS1980 1, 760 m asl), 25 09 1999 al 18 09 2000, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 27; Recorrido de la Cumbrecita, barranco con humedad (28RBS2077 1, 1225 m asl), 30 03 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 28; Roque de la Cumbrecita, parcela de los Heliantemun (28RBS2177 1, 1377 m asl), 25 08 1999 al 24 08 2000, 29; Roque de los Muchachos (parcela de la cebolla) (28RBS2084 3, 2250 m asl), 27 07 2000 al 09 05 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 30; Tenerra (28RBS1680 2 y 28RBS1780 2, 1130 m asl), 06 12 1999 al 27 03 2001, leg.: T. Domingo-Quero y A. Sánchez-Ruiz, 31; Zona de Acampada; edificio (28RBS1980 1, 760 m asl), 12 05 2001, 32. Sampling method. Under stones, a; Berlese under fig tree, b; Moss Berlese, c; Soil (organic matter and needles) Berlese, d; Under wood stump, f; In the water and on shores, g; In the sediment and water column, h; Among stones and moss in damp area, i; Gallery forest litter, k; Pine litter, l; Phyllis nobla humus, m; Algae wash, n; Stone washing, o; Washing stones, sediments and mosses, p; Washing plant roots and moss, q; Washing plant roots, r; Washing roots beside a pool, s; Raising ‘madeira mahogany’ bark (Persea indica), t; Washing sediment pond with little current, v; Washing of moss and plant aquatic with Mc type 1 (1), without Mc or type 2 (2) Anterior dorsal mane Th II Mc T1 Ch. 9 Ch.10 Ch.11 not or 1 in tibiotarsi III = 0, double file = 1 Unguis internal teeth Unguis dorsal tooth Unguis internal edge Ch.13 Ch.14 Ch.15 Ch.16 without ciliation (0), with ciliation (1) basal = 1, internal teeth level = 2, intermediate = 3 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4) chaetae number a5, m4–m5 or >8 (9) T2 Smooth chaetae on tibiotarsi Ch.12 chaetae number m1–m2i2 or >4 (5) > or = 3 (1), > or = 2 < 3 (2), < 2 (3) Ratio Ant/ Head Ch. 8 0–1 1–2 1–4 0–1 0–9 0–5 1–2 1–3 0–3 1–2 1–3 = E&F (1), <E&F (2) Labral papillae Ch. 6 0–3 simple and smooth papillae (1), wrinkled or with some projections (2), a projection chaetae like (3) 0–3 0–1 1–3 1–6 Range within the genus Ps2–Ps3–Ps5 no bulb (0), lobe simple (1), two lobe (2), three lobe (3) H5 Ch. 5 S1–S3–S4 Eyes G&H size H4 Ch. 4 S´0 Apical antennal retractile bulb H3 Ch. 3 A5–A7 An2–An3 Description Ch. 7 H1 (Head) H2 Ch. 1 Location Comparative set of characteristics between E. palmensis n. sp. and E. multifasciata. Differences in bold. Ch. 2 Character Tab. 2 E. multifasciata 0 3 4 0 3 2 1 2 1-2 1 2 2 2 0 1 3 E. palmensis n. sp. 0 3 4 1 4(5) 2(3) 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 3 4 362 Rafael Jordana & Enrique Baquero A7 Abd IV A8 unpaired chaeta A8 Abd IV Ch.25 Ch.26 Ch.27 A12 Abd IV A13 Abd IV A14 Abd IV Ratio Abd IV/Abd III Manubrial plate Manubrial plate Mucro Mucro Ch.32 Ch.33 Ch.34 Ch.35 Ch.36 Ch.37 Ch.38 Ch.39 A11 Abd IV A7 unpaired chaeta Ch.24 Ch.31 A6 Abd IV Ch.23 A10 Abd IV A5 Abd III Ch.22 Ch.30 A4 Abd III Ch.21 A9 unpaired chaeta A3 Abd III Ch.20 A9 Abd IV A2 Abd II Ch.19 Ch.28 A1 Abd II Ch.18 Ch.29 External unguiculous Ch.17 basal spine, absent (0), present (1) sub–apical tooth, without (0), normal (1), big (2), small (3) pseudopores 1–2 chaetae number; >10 (11) 2 < R < 4 (1), R > 4 (2) T6 (p4) as trichobothrium T4 (mp4) as trichobothrium T2 (m4) as trichobothrium T1 (ma4e) as trichbothrium p1a–p3 (A6–B6) chaetae number; >5 (6) mp1–mp3 (A5–B5) chaetae number; >6 (7) mp0 (A05) m1–m3 (A4a–C2a) chaetae number; >5 (6) m0 (A04) ma1–ma4 (A2–E1) chaetae number; >9 (10) ma0 (A03) a1–a5 (A1–D1) chaetae number; >8 (9) m3–m4 series chaetae number above m2 chaetae number a1 m3 series chaetae number a2–a3 smooth (0), serrate (1) 0–1 0–1 1–2 0–11 1–2 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–6 0–7 0–1 0–6 0–1 0–10 0–1 0–9 0–4 0–3 0–1 0–7 0–2 0–1 1 1 2 4 2 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 1 2 7-11 2 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 4 2 0 New Entomobrya from the Canary Islands 363 Rafael Jordana & Enrique Baquero 364 Tab. 3 Collembolan fauna found in the ‘Caldera de Taburiente’. For localities and capture methods see the part of faunal study. sp or g. sp. meaning juveniles or deteriorated specimens. Taxa, in alphabetic order Number of individuals Arrhopalites sp. Bourletiellidae g. sp. Brachystomella curvula Gisin, 1948 Brachystomella parvula (Schäffer, 1896) Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall, 1940) Dicyrtomidae g. sp. Entomobrya nigrocincta Denis 1923 6 1 2 2 282 5 173 Entomobrya palmensis n. sp. 866 Entomobrya sp. juvenile 25 Fasciosminthurus sp. Folsomides cf. zairensis Martynova, 1978 Hemisotoma cf. bituberculatus (Wahlgren, 1906) Hemisotoma debilis (Cassagnau, 1959) Hemisotoma thermophilus (Axelson, 1900) Heteromurus nitidus margaritaria (Templeton, 1835) Isotomidae g. sp. Isotomurus cf. palustris (Müller, 1776) 1 58 24 1 1 31 Lepidocyrtus nigrescens Szeptycki, 1967 Mesaphorura orousseti Najt, Thibaud & Weiner, 1990 Metaphorura denisi Simón Benito, 1986 Parisotoma notabilis (Schäffer, 1896) Pratanurida boerneri (Schött, 1902) Pseudosinella sp. Seira dinizi Gama, 1988 2 32 200 1 1 16 3 1 129 Seira sp. Sminthuridae g. sp. Sminthurinus sp. Sminthurus sp. 3 9 2 38 Sphaeridia sp. Symphypleona varia Vertagopus sp. Xenylla maritima Tullberg, 1869 2 53 2 6 Localities and sampling method 7au 31ae 10l 27k 3aw, 3au, 23au, 27au, 31b, 31d 3a, 13av, 16n, 24aq 1n, 3av, 4ay, 5ac, 11p, 11ab, 13r, 19a, 19aq, 23au, 23av, 27k, 27ao, 27au, 27av, 29au, 32al 3au, 3av, 4ay, 9a, 12g, 12p, 19as, 21a, 23au, 23av, 25ar, 26aa, 27k, 27au, 28ax, 29c, 29d, 29x, 29au, 29av, 30a, 30z, 30au, 30ak 3aw, 3at, 3au, 13a, 19j, 19aq, 23au, 27au, 29at, 30au, 31d, 31b 29at 29c 3aw 29c 3au 7au, 8au 16h, 19v 1a, 12g, 12w, 12an, 13r, 14o, 15am, 16q, 19i, 27av, 28ax, 31b 3a, 3m, 3t, 3au, 3av, 8au, 19a, 21a, 22a, 27ag, 27au, 27av, 27az, 31a 31b 3aw 27k, 29d, 31b 31d 31b 3a, 3at, 3av, 6a, 18a, 19as, 30a,30au, 30av, 31d 5ap, 27au 29d, 31d, 31y 29c, 29au 5ad, 6ai, 15p, 17aj, 20ah, 23av, 27ag, 28ax, 31a, 31af 3av, 29au 3aw, 3av, 23au, 27k 2am 29c, 29d, 29au New Entomobrya from the Canary Islands 365 roots, w; Beating Descurainia millefolia, x; Beating on low vegetation, y; Beating ‘alholí’ (Erysimum scoparium asl), z; Beating Saint-John´s-wort (Lotus hillebrandii), ‘tedera’ (Psoralea bituminoso), common bracken (Pteridium aquilinum asl) and faya (Myrica faya), aa; Beating faya (Myrica faya), crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora), tree heath (Erica arborea) and Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis), ab; Beating herbaceous plants, ac; Beating herbaceous plants beside a road, ad; Beating purple viper‘s bugloss (Echium plantagineum asl) and common bracken (Pteridium aquilinum asl), ae; Discretionary beating, af; Beating at night, ag; Beating herbaceous plants and annual bastardcabbage (Rapistrum rugosum asl), ah; Beating grass, ai; Beating flowered viola (Viola palmensis), ak; Beating purple viper´s bugloss (Echium plantagineum asl) and Vicia, al; Water sampling, am; Water sampling: moss on stones, an; Nocturnal sampling, ao; On ‘bejeque’ (Aeonium sp.), ap; On crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora), common bracken (Pteridium aquilinum asl) and taro (Colocasia esculenta), aq; On pine (Pinus canariensis), ar; On ‘poleo’ (Bystropogon origanifolius), as; Yellow trap, at; Pitfall trap, au; Malaise trap, av; Moss on rocks, aw;Winkler trap (soil) and pine needles (Pinus canariensis), ax; Dead pine trunk (Pinus canariensis) and soil under it, ay; Winkler (soil of willows) (Salix sp.), az. E. Palmensis is the most abundant collembola species in the fauna of the Caldera de Taburiente. Among the 1978 Collembola collected in the study, 866 are E. palmensis n. sp. followed by Ceratophysella gibbosa (Bagnall, 1940) (282 sp.), Lepidocyrtus nigrescens Szeptycki, 1967 (200 sp.), Entomobrya nigrocincta Denis 1923 (173 sp.) and Seira dinizi Gama, 1988. (129) (see Table 3) Etymology. The species was named after the island. 5. Acknowledgements We wish express our gratitude to M. A. Alonso-Zarazaga, J. L. Nieves-Aldrey and other project participants from the ‘Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid’, for the opportunity to study the Collembola. 6. References Christiansen, K. (1958): The Nearctic members of the genus Entomobrya (Collembola). – Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 118 (7): 1–545, 24 pl. Domingo-Quero, T., M. A. Alonso-Zarazaga, A. Sánchez-Ruiz, R. Araujo Armero, A. Navas Sánchez, S. Sánchez Moreno, R. García Becerra, M. Nebreda, M. Sánchez Ruiz, F. Fontal-Cazalla, & J. L. NievesAldrey, (2003): Inventariando la biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente (La Palma, Islas Canarias, España): novedades científicas. – Graellsia, 59 (2-3): 45–68. Jordana, R. & E. Baquero (2005): A proposal of characters for taxonomic identification of Entomobrya species (Collembola, Entomobryomorpha), with description of a new species. – Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums, Görlitz 76 (2): 117–134. Accepted 28 October 2010