Newsletter Newsletter Grand Junction High School
Newsletter Newsletter Grand Junction High School
Grand Junction High School November 2013 Newsletter A Message from the Principal – Jon F. Bilbo Dear Members of the GJHS Professional Learning Community: It’s been a great start to the school year at the Home of the Tigers! We just finished the first quarter and we have wrapped up a successful fall sports season, with the exception of football. Football is competing in the second round of the state 5A tournament as the Tigers travel to Jeffco Stadium to take on the Columbine Rebels. In mid-October, we hosted our annual fall Academic Letter Ceremony where we recognized 135 students as Superintendent’s Scholars, 274 students with a 3.75 or higher Grade Point Average (GPA), and 135 students with a 3.5 to 3.74 GPA. At the end of the 1st quarter, we published our Honor Roll and 364 students earned a GPA of 3.75 or above and 144 students earned a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74. One hundred and six (106) students had perfect attendance, 71 Tigers (22 returning Tri-M Members and 49 new Tri-M members) were inducted into Chapter 5664 of the Tri-M National Music Honor Society, and six out of nine teams were recognized as Academic All State teams and 53 of our student-athletes were named to the CHSAA AllAcademic Teams. As you know, last year was our first year of a three year Colorado Legacy Foundation Advanced Placement (AP) Incentive and Training Grant. Recently, we received good news that one hundred and fifty four (154) of our students who took one or more of the Math, Science, and English (MSE) AP exams received a qualifying score of “3” or higher and qualified for a $100.00 incentive for each score of “3” or higher. We had more students earn qualifying scores than any of the other three high schools in the district participating in the grant and our students earned a total of $20,400 in incentives, which was also higher than any of the other of three participating high schools. Each student earning an incentive will receive that incentive via a check. Checks will be disbursed during the week of November 4 through 8. AP teachers have been busy attending professional development training in Denver and conducting afternoon work sessions for their students. A very important strategy and component of this program is the Saturday Study Session. Three study sessions for each of the three content areas have been scheduled. The first Saturday Study Session is for students taking AP English Language and AP English Literature. This study session will be held at Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 1 A Message from the Principal (continued) Grand Junction High School on December 7, from 8:15 to 12:45. Students should report no later than 8:00 a.m. and a free lunch will be provided. Our second Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled before the Thanksgiving Holiday break and the middle way point of the 2nd quarter, on Thursday, November 14 from 3:30 to 7:30. Winter sports teams begin practice on Wednesday, November 13th. Our Music Department is preparing for their holiday concerts, and we will be finalizing our School Improvement Plan, preparing for the second STAR reading and math assessment for 9th graders, and preparing for final exams. There are many more success stories from the 1st quarter. Please see the attached lists of students who received academic letters, honor roll distinction, honor society recognition, and 1st quarter perfect attendance. Also, please see the remainder of this newsletter for recognition of individuals who excelled during the 1st quarter and for articles on topics of interest to our professional learning community. Until our next newsletter, smile often, laugh a lot, be safe, and make a positive difference in someone’s life each day. Writers in the School (WITS) Program Three ELA teachers, Sutton Casey, Vicki Childs, and Lori Holloway are participating in the “Writers in the School (WITS) residency program sponsored by the Colorado Humanities Center for the Book. This is the second year in that we have participated in this program. The program brings professional, trained writers into classrooms across Colorado, and we are proud to announce that writer Jill Burkey is our resident writer this semester. She started on October 30, 2013, and she comes for three class periods (Composition Literature 10, Creative Writing/Advanced Creative Writing, and Creative Writing) every Wednesday through the end of the semester. At the end of the semester, we will produce an anthology that will include pieces of literature from each of the three English classes as well as pictures of art pieces from our photography, ceramics, and drawing and painting classes. This program is sponsored by a grant from the Colorado Humanities Center for the Book and a grant from Alpine Bank. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 2 Healthy Kids Survey On December 2, our school will participate in an important research study about student health and risk-related attitudes and behaviors. This project is sponsored by the Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and Colorado Department of Human Services-Office of Behavioral Health. We are one of four middle schools and four high schools in the district who have been asked to participate in this study. Randomly chosen students from our advisory classes have been chosen to participate in a short written survey. State-level reports will maintain school and pupil anonymity, and each participating school will receive a stipend and a private report of their school’s results. Our individual check will be mailed directly to us after we complete the survey. The stipend from the survey will be used to purchase incentives/awards for student recognition programs or emergency related supplies and equipment. During early November we will send home a Parent Information Letter with a permission form to each of the randomly selected students. If your student has been selected to participate in the study and you approve of his/her participation please have him/her return the survey to his/her advisory teacher as soon as possible. Booster Club The Grand Junction High School Booster Club needs your help. Our membership has declined due to parents no longer being members after their student graduated. In order for the Booster Club to continue to function, and provide continued support to our forty (40) plus Tiger activities, we need more parent members and parent involvement. Last school year, the Booster Club donated over $56,378 to honor thirty two (32) different program requests. Without this generous support of time and money, we would have to continue to cut back on programs and what our programs are able to offer and accomplish for your students. If you have never attended a Booster Club meeting and are interested in doing so, please come and check one out. The typical agenda for a meeting is to first hear requests from school groups asking for money, then discussion and voting on approving the requests, followed with a monthly financial report, and finally a discussion of Bingo business. We like to keep meetings to about an hour. Meetings are held every second Monday of the month during the school year at 6:30pm in Room 115. There may be exceptions to this if a Monday falls during a break or is a vacation day. At the October Booster Club Meeting, the Booster Club approved $14,153.18 in funding requests to support the following programs: GJHS Athletic Department, $880; Men’s Basketball, $2,500; Girls Basketball, $2,500; Girls Soccer, $273.14; and Orange and Black, $8,000. Thank you to our Booster Club and all of the volunteers for your continued support of Grand Junction High School students, staff, and all of our activities. If you are interested in becoming a Booster Club member or in volunteering, please contact: Booster Club President, Kathryn Wilkinson at: or GJHS Activities Director Ned Pollert, at 254-6919, or . The next GJHS Booster Club meeting of the 2013-2014 school year will be on Monday December 9th at 6:30 pm in Room 115. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 3 On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, our Counseling Department hosted the annual PSAT Test for appropriately 117 students, 96 of those students were from GJHS. Students will receive results in mid-December. The PSAT enables students to practice for the SAT and allows juniors to compete for the National Merit Scholarship. Winter Sports Preview We host four sports programs during the winter sports season. They are Boys and Girls Basketball, Wrestling, and Girls Swim and Dive. Winter sports begin practicing on Wednesday, November 13, 2013. All athletic participation paperwork and the $140 athletic participation fee must be completed and turned in before a student is allowed to try out or practice. These forms can be obtained from the GJHS Activities Office or from the District 51 web-site. Paperwork can be submitted any time. The Winter Sports Parent Information Night will be held on Thursday, November 21st at 6:30 p.m. in the GJHS Auditorium. Heads Up on Concussions Cleared to Return to Play/ Return to Learn? If your son/daughter has sustained a concussion this school year, and intends to participate in any Grand Junction High School sports program during the remainder of the school year, he/ she must be cleared by a physician in order to begin the Return-to-Play (RTP) process. If your student has been cleared to begin the RTP process by your physician, you will need to contact Ms. Erin Glavan, our Certified Athletic Trainer, at the Saint Mary’s Life Center, Wellness Department, at 970-244-6080 or 970-773-3155 to schedule time to begin and complete the RTP process. If you have questions about this process or questions about any aspect of our activities/athletic programs, please call Athletic Director Ned Pollert at 970254-6919 or email him at Volunteers Thank you to all of the Volunteers who have given of their time and energy to the students of Grand Junction High School. During the month of September, we have had 374 volunteers donate 1,314 hours of time. It is because of the generous time and effort of these many volunteers that our programs continue to operate and perform at high levels. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 4 Tigers Roar! Congratulations to the Following Tigers Who Excelled During the 1st Quarter! Students of the Month November The Daily Sentinel Student of the Week is Larissa Cox, daughter of Mary Anne Winneford and Gary Cox; the Alpine Bank Students of the Month are Shafer Rubalcaba, daughter of Beth and Matt Rubalcaba, and Jordan Quintana, son of Lynne Quintana; and the Kiwanis Student of the Month is Erika Meister, daughter of Jan and Dan Meister. Academic Letter Award Ceremony On Wednesday, October 16, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. we hosted our annual Superintendent’s Scholars and Academic Letter Award Ceremony. During this ceremony, we recognized 135 Superintendent’s Scholars who earned a 4.0 or higher GPA. We also recognized 409 students who earned an Academic Letter by earning a 3.5 grade point average (GPA) or higher while being in a full time status and earning at least 3.0 credits per semester last year. Of the 409 students recognized and presented an academic letter, seventy three (73) students from the Class of 2013, received a letter with a star and a year bar for earning a GPA of 3.75 or higher. One hundred and six (106) juniors and ninety five (95) sophomores also received a letter with a star and a bar. The remaining 135 seniors, juniors and sophomores received an academic letter with a year bar for earning a 3.5 to 3.74 GPA. Students with a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74 and who earned an academic letter for the first time received a letter and the 2013 bar. Students with a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74 and who received the academic letter for a second or third time received the 2013 bar. Students with a GPA of 3.75 or higher and who earned an academic letter for the first time received a letter, the 2013 bar, and a star. Students with a GPA of 3.75 or higher and who received the academic letter for a second or third time received the 2013 bar and a star. See the list of the students who earned the Superintendent Scholar recognition and those students who earned an academic letter for their performance during the 2012-2013 school year. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 5 Tigers Roar! Another ACT Perfect 36 Recently we received good news that another Junction Tiger, senior Larissa Cox earned a perfect score of 36 on last year’s ACT Test. She is the third Junction student to earn a perfect score since 2007. Larissa is the daughter of Mary Anne Winneford and Gary Cox. The ACT comprises subject area tests in English, math, reading and science. Each test is scored on a scale of 1 to 36. The ACT composite score is the average of the four individual test scores. In general, less than one-tenth of 1 percent of students who take the ACT Test earns a top composite score of 36. Of the more than 1.79 million students in the graduating class of 2013 who took the ACT exam across the nation, only 35 students in the state of Colorado achieved this score. ACT research shows that students who take a college preparatory curriculum in high school tend to perform better on the ACT and are more likely to be ready for college and careers when they graduate than those who do not. High schools can contribute to student achievement by providing access to high quality, challenging courses that focus on the rigorous academic skills needed for success in college and careers. Grand Junction High School provides a rigorous, high-quality education through multiple Advanced Placement classes and other offerings that challenge students to achieve at high levels. Students who earn a top ACT composite score of 36 can typically choose from the widest range of future educational opportunities. ACT scores are accepted at all major colleges and universities across the nation. Drama Over the weekend of October 5 and 6, the GJHS Drama brought home another trophy! Every year for the past seven, GJHS Drama has competed in the Utah Shakespeare Fest, a Tony-Award winning Festival that is run (in part) out of Southern Utah University. This year, we took 19 dedicated students, competed against dozens of other schools, and are proud to say that we brought home Second Place!...a nice companion to our First Place finish last year! Individually, junior Hunter Whaley placed 5th in monologues, juniors Viviane Turman and McKenna Hiler stole 5th in Duos; 3rd in monologues went to home schooler Alex Wanebo; seniors Cierra Smith and Ike Fortner placed 3rd in Duos with their gangster interpretation of Hamlet. Likewise, senior Shannon Reeve competed in the music competition (the first time we’ve competed in that category) and also brought home a 3rd place trophy. GJHS is the only school from Colorado that goes to the Utah Shakespeare Festival (now in its 36th year) and has earned the reputation of a school to be feared!! Congratulations to our competitors and to our school…GO TIGERS!! Honor Roll See the list at the end of this newsletter for those students who made the honor roll for the 1st quarter. Students who have semester long classes will not appear on the list until the semester grades are finalized in December. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 6 Tigers Roar! Attendance Congratulations to the following 106 Tigers who had a perfect attendance record during the first quarter! Freshman Sol Adams Rebecca Aung Ryan Bowen Lauren Burger David Clarke Jonathan Conradi Alexander Cox Jifa Danso Dillon Delcamp Tabetha Denham Luan Do Lily Eneboe Logan English Jacob Fairbanks Sean Fay Aaren Feather Haley Flores Steven Flory Michael Garner Nathaniel Hale Andrew Hansen Sarah Hicks Thomas Himes Tina Huynh Justin Jacobsen Katelyn Kinson Devon Kloehn Zachary Lee Diana Leon-Torrez Jordan Long Mira Martin Cristian Mendez Aaron Moreno Tyler Mower Thomas Oakley Dennis Page Zachary Peterson Cassandra Pubillones Kyra Roberts Andres Serrano Ismael Soto Mirella Torres Kate Walker Trenton Whittaker Madison Younker Sophomores Caylin Boardwine Raven Bowles Carolena Campos Jonathan Conradi Kyra Garcia Laya Geeslin Patricia Hill Andrea Lielkoks Tyler Linza James Malone Mari McCarville Michael Midgley Claire Mundt Michael Nelson Jill Payne Maribel Ramirez Benjamin Rasmussen Sydney Rivas Zakary Saint Caleb Saxton Samuel Shaver Kellon Voth Shawn Wade Haley Walker Ty Gardner Emmett Johnson Cody Johnson Dominique Jordan Alexander Lee Elizabeth MacInnes Chance Mundorf Caitlin Ray Taylor Rivas Benjamin Shettler Jessica Sopher Kathryn Sufka Anjana Thapa Bao Tran Nicole Troester Matthew White Seniors Taylor Baker Matthew Costigan Blythe Crow Edgar Gutierrez Kiana Ham Sarah Harvey Brennon Keller Nichole Lanzl Joel Nicholson Brandon Perry Courtney Schroder Theron Verna Sarah Wilkinson Juniors Benjamin Arja Joseph-Ian Bongar Joel Cochran Spenser Cummings Alexandria Dorsey Omelia Emmons Robert Fairbanks Shane Fielding Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 7 Tigers Roar! Music Tiger PRIDE Marching Band CBA Marching Championships Congratulations to the Tiger Marching Band and a successful season which ended with the marching band earning a 15th place ranking out of 33 5A bands at the CBA State Marching Band Championships in late October. This has been the largest marching band in recent GJHS history, and we are really proud of their growth and accomplishments. Mr. Lavadie and the Tiger Marching Band are also commended for volunteering to assist Lakewood High School with an early performance. Katy Perry performed at Lakewood High School on the morning of the 5A quarterfinals (the same time Lakewood High School was scheduled to compete). Chuck Stephen, the Lakewood Band Director, asked several directors who had later performance times in the quarterfinals if one of them would consider switching to an earlier performance time so the Lakewood students could attend the Katy Perry concert and still make it to CSU to perform. Mr. Lavadie agreed to move our band to accommodate this request. As a way to say thank you to the Tigers, the Lakewood band parents fed our band lunch after quarterfinals. Both bands intermingled and made new friends. Subsequently, both band directors agreed that if both bands qualified and Lakewood had a better performance time, Lakewood would give that time to Junction. Unfortunately, we did not qualify but Lakewood did. The story does not end there. The Tiger Marching Band tried to get to the stadium in time to root Lakewood on but were late. However, we did arrive just as Lakewood was finishing. Our Tigers went to the field and formed a tunnel, cheering and clapping as Lakewood exited the field. This was a great example of sportsmanship at its finest and again, we could not be any prouder of Isaac Lavadie and our Tiger Marching Band! Choir Ms. Wieland and 37 members of the Advanced Women’s Ensemble have been invited to participate in the 52nd Madrigal Festival at Colorado University (CU) Boulder on November 6th. Dr. Greg Gentry, the Head of Choral Activities at CU Boulder, invited the Advanced Women’s Ensemble to be the first Grand Junction choir to participate in this respected event! There will be over 25 schools from Colorado who will be participating in performing for one another and learning about choral music. This is an opportunity for students to meet faculty and students of CU Boulder, a potential collegiate location for many of our singers as well as observe high school and collegiate choral and solo vocal performances. Further, they have invited acclaimed composer and director of choral activates from Pacific Lutheran University Dr. Richard Nance to conduct three massed choral works. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 8 Tigers Roar! Western State Honor Orchestra Congratulations to the following Tigers who have been selected to participate in the Western States Honor Orchestra from November 7th thru November 10th at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) in Greeley: Junior Julie Campbell, Violin; Senior Sam Lapkin, Violin; Junior Lindsey Sparks, Violin, and Senior Justin Russell, Bass. Tri-M Honor Society On Monday, November 4, Chapter 5664 of the Tri-M National Music Honor Society conducted its annual Induction Ceremony in the Grand Junction High School Auditorium. The following seventy one (71) members were inducted into the Society -twenty two (22) were returning members and forty nine (49) were new members Officers President: Andrew Foutz Vice President: Kia Marez Secretary: Katherine Whiteside Choir Kassidy Flick Emily Luker Mariah Prinster Jordan Quintana Carly Staidl Katherine Whiteside Whitney Young Morgan Zanski Julia Campbell Historian: Taren Garcia Omelia Emmons Treasurer: Kassidy Flick Abigail Casey Orchestra Andrew Bowan Rebecca Bryan Blythe Crow Elizabeth Havlik Samuel Lapkin Zeb Wagner Returning Members (22) New Inductees (49) Band River Adams Larissa Cox Darcy Dackonish Jenna Dandurand Andrew Foutz Taren Garcia Band Tommy Beightel Malcolm Davis-McDougal Parker Davis-McDougal Omelia Emmons Jake Farnsworth Joselle Jacobs Choir Allen Adair Ashley Baker Kayla Berry Amber Broad Aidan Drayer Jaryn Gibb Shea Hardy Katy Hargraves McKenna Hiler Abigail Leinbach Brian List Ryland Mahre Erin Martin Ashley Mendez Nick Morris Briggs Oakley Shannon Reeve Max Reilly Anjana Thapa Viviane Turman Elizabeth Williams Orchestra Samantha Betzen Julie Campbell Abigail Casey Milena Castaneda Ryland Curtsinger Carman Devereux Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 9 Tigers Roar! Tri-M Honor Society (continued) Band Joel Nicholson Megan Sherman Band Damian Johann Joshua Nelson Michael Poland Kyla Smith Jessica Sopher ` Orchestra Greg Gibson Olivia Huffaker Emmett Johnson Tyler Jones Corey Lans Cammy Lohr Kia Marez Eric Pipkin Celia Scheid Lindsey Sparks Micaela States Sports Cross Country The Cross Country Team’s hard work and dedication paid off this season! Both teams won a few races and placed in the top 3 at a competitive Denver meet. In addition to training, the team has also enjoyed weekly team dinners, fun runs to Yogo Mojo, and weekly cross country meets. At the state qualifying regional meet on October 17th, both the men’s and women’s teams placed 6th out of 12 teams. The Tiger’s senior Greg Eccher, junior Allen Adair, and freshman Clarissa Berry qualified individually for the state champion ships to be held on Saturday October 26th in Colorado Springs. Greg capped his senior season with a 13th place finish with a time of 16:59.2. Allen finished in 90th place with a time of 18:11. Junction Freshmen and School District 51’s lone participant in the 5A girls race, Clarissa, broke the top 100 finishing in 96th place. Golf Congratulations to the Tigers Men’s Golf team. The Tigers won 8 of 10 tournaments, including the Southwestern League Championship. Tiger freshman golfer Trevor Olkowski was also crowned the Southwestern League Individual Champion with his first place finish in the League tournament. Trevor Olkowski, and junior Donny Kinnaman were also named to the Southwestern League AllConference Golf Team. At the Regional Tournament, the Tigers earned a second place team finish, and qualified the following four golfers to compete in the State Championships on Monday September 30th, and Tuesday October 1: Donny Kinnaman, Trevor Olkowski, Greg Gibson, and Ben Volkmann. At the State Championships, the Tigers earned a seventh place team finish, and were led by Donny Kinnaman’s individual seventh place finish. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 10 Tigers Roar! Sports (continued) Football Congratulations to the Tiger Football team. Two weeks ago, the Tigers defeated Central by a score of 49 to 7 to end the regular season with a record of 7 and 2, and a Southwestern League record of 3 and 1. The Tigers were also crowned the 2013 Southwestern League Champions, and earned a number 10 seed in the state 5A playoff brackets. The Tigers hosted and defeated the No #23 Westminster Wolves 32-8 this past Friday at Stocker Stadium. The Tigers play the #7 Columbine Rebels on Friday, November 8 at Jefferson County (Jeffco) Stadium. Game time is 7:00 p.m. and two pep buses will be provided for our students. Soccer The Tiger Men’s Soccer Team finished the season with an overall record of 6 and 9, and a Southwestern League record of 5 and 5. This year’s team had 32 players, with 15 freshmen, 7 sophomores, 6 juniors, and 4 seniors. This young team grew a lot during the season, and gained valuable experience that will serve them well in seasons to come. Softball The Lady Tiger Softball Team had an overall record of 15 wins and 4 losses and finished the season ranked number 13 in the Max Preps 5A rankings. In South western League play, the Tigers were 8 and 2 and were crowned the 2013 South western League Champions. Subsequently, the Tigers qualified for the Regional Tournament as the #13 seed. At the Region 4 Tournament, the Lady Tigers beat Columine in the Class 5A Region 4 opener. The Tigers then fell to #4-seed Fossil Ridge, setting up a rematch with #20 Columbine with a trip to state on the line. The top two teams from each of 5A’s eight regions make the state field. Subsequently, senior Elisha Jahnke took over and threw a complete game, limiting the Rebels to five hits and striking out five to power Grand Junction to a 2-0 win and a trip to state tournament. Unfortunately, the Tiger’s season came to an abrupt halt when the Lady Tigers were eliminated by Dakota Ridge. Congratulations to the Lady Tiger Softball Team, this is the first time since 1991 that the Tigers have qualified for the State Tournament. Also, at the Southwestern League AllConference selection meeting; seniors Brianna Baldwin, Elisha Jahnke, and Shafer Rubalcaba were named to the First Team All-Conference. Junior Brittany Arcieri and seniors Kylie Burns and Morgan Zanski were named to the Second Team All-Conference. Coach Adam Diaz was also named as the Southwestern League Co-Coach of the Year. Lastly, a very special congratulations to Pitcher Elisha Jahnke who was named as the Southwestern League Player of the Year. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 11 Tigers Roar! w Sports (continued) Tennis The Men’s Tiger Tennis Team repeated this season as the 2013 Southwestern League Champions with a league record of 5 and 0. The Tigers finished the season with an overall dual match record of 10 wins and 0 losses. At the Fruita Duals Tournament, the Tigers went undefeated, and at the Western Slope Open, the men finished in second place. On Thursday, October 3, and Friday, October 4, at the Regional State Qualification Tournament at Colorado Mesa University, the Tigers were croned Regional Champions. Congratulations to the following Tiger tennis players for qualifying to the State Championships: Sophomore Jacob Lapkin at #1 singles, Senior Daniel Ness at #2 singles, junior Aaron Gossage at #3 singles, seniors Matt Prinster and Max Proietti at #1 doubles, junior Brian List and Matthew Ness at #2 double, and junior Ben Arja and sophomore Ian Hegstrom at #4 doubles. Subsequently, at the State Championships, the Tigers finished in 7th place, and senior Daniel Ness placed fourth at number 2 singles. Volleyball The Tiger Volleyball team finished the Southwestern League with a league record of 3 wins and 7 losses, and a 4th place league finish, the highest league finish in the last four years. The Tigers have an overall record of 11 wins and 12 losses, and qualified for the regional tournament. Congratulations to Seniors Courtney Gopinath, and Aleah Quast for being selected to the Southwestern League AllConference second team. Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) Academic All-State Grand Junction High School is proud to congratulate and recognize fifty SIX (56) of our Tiger student-athletes who have earned the honor of being named as Individual Academic All-State team members. All of these student-athletes are juniors or seniors, and have earned a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.60 or higher. Congratulations to all of these students for a job well done: Cheerleading: All State AcademicHonorable Mention- Caitlin Ray Harley Stafford Cross Country: All State Academic- Allen Adair, Taylor Chaffetz, Parker Davis-McDougal, Daniel Dodero, Cassandra Grigware, Erika Meister, Nicole Seibold, Katharine Smith Honorable Mention- Sarah Nelson Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 12 Tigers Roar! Sports (continued) Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) Academic All-State (continued) Football: All-State Academic- Trevor Abbott, James Antonucci, Matthew Costigan,Kaleb Johnson, John Lewis, Michael McKnight, Joshua Nelson, Jacob Romero, Theron Verna, John Wiman Honorable Mention- Austin Gray, Tyler Heinsma, Chance Mims, Jackson Parsons Golf (Boys): All-State Academic- Gregory Gibson, Donny Kinnaman, Benjamin Volkmann, Richard Wise Pom Pons: Honorable Mention- Micaela States Soccer (Boys): All-State Academic- Michael Hansen, Joshua Murdock Softball: All State Academic- Brittany Arcieri, Marisa Arrieta, Molly Findlay, Seaira Hickman, Elisha Jahnke, Madison Marsh, Shafer Rubalcaba, Morgan Zanski Honorable Mention- Brianna Baldwin, Kylie Burns, Amanda Cole All State Academic- Benjamin Arja, Ty Gardner, Aaron Gossage, Brian List, Maxwell Proietti Honorable Mention- Matthew Prinster All State Academic- Alicia Maslyk, Cheyenna O’Brien, Aleah Quast, Kassidy Roberts, Kayla Roberts Honorable Mention- Sierra Coutts, Ashley Preuss Tennis (Boys): Volleyball: Also, congratulations to the following teams that earned the honor of being recognized as First Team All-State Academic Teams: Poms, Girls Cross Country, Boys Golf, Softball, Boys Tennis, and Girls Volleyball. These six (6) teams met the criteria of having a combined varsity cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.50 or higher. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 13 Counseling News Senior Work Day On October 14th and 18th, the Counseling Team hosted Senior Work Days for the Class of 2014. Twelve Colorado colleges waived their application fees during that week. These efforts allowed the Class of 2014 to complete 242 college applications and save their families over $6000 in college application fees. Military and Work Force Center representatives as well as representatives from CMU were also on hand to assist the 174 seniors who attended this event. Nice work GJHS Counselors and the Class of 2014! Attention Freshmen: Counselors: Sheila Link A-K and Tanya Pearce L-Z Freshman Family Night will be November 14th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the library. Take a break from Parent Teacher Conferences and join the counseling staff to learn how to get the most out of your freshman year and your future high school years. Attention Sophomores: Counselors Serenity Santistevan A-Gj, Ann Kuhlman Gk-N, and Lori Plantiko O-Z Every high school in the United States is invited to select one sophomore to attend the U.S. State HOBY Leadership Seminar. The unique youth leadership development program is designed to prepare youth to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace, and community. Students are selected as representatives because they have demonstrated the potential to lead others. Students can learn more about HOBY by visiting GJHS will pay the registration fee for the sophomore selected to be the HOBY representative. Students who are interested can see Mrs. Pearce in The Counseling Center for an application. Applications are due Nov. 18th. Sophomore Family Night will be February 6th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the library. Take a break from Parent Teacher Conferences and join the counseling staff to learn how to get the most out of your sophomore year and beyond. Attention Juniors: Junior Family Night will be April 17th, 2014 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the library. Take a break from Parent Teacher Conferences and join the counseling staff to get vital information about preparing for your senior year and life after high school. Start your resume! There is a resume builder in Naviance, or you can use any of the many formatting tools in Microsoft Word or online. Teachers and counselors will ask for a resume when you request a letter of recommendation and employers like them attached to job applications. College-Entrance Exams: Check your prospective colleges’ websites for entrance requirements which could include ACT, ACT plus Writing, SAT, and/or SAT subject tests. All juniors will take an ACT for free on April 23, 2014 at GJHS. Now is a great time to focus on test preparation (Prep Me in Naviance is free) and plan a reasonable testing schedule based on what your colleges require. You can register for ACTs at and SATs at College-Bound Student Athletes should register with the NCAA Eligibility Center by logging into during the fall semester of their junior year. Military Academies: Students who have the desire to attend a military academy need to inquire about the process early in their junior year, if not earlier. Please connect with your counselor as soon possible if you have the desire possibly attend a military academy after graduation from high school so that you can start the process immediately. Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 14 Counseling News (continued) Attention Seniors: Scholarships—When you click on the Colleges tab in Naviance and scroll to the bottom of the page, you can access a National Scholarship Search and a Scholarship List that includes all of the scholarships that we receive in counseling. Please update your email in Naviance because scholarship information is also sent via e-mail on a weekly basis. College Entrance Exams: Check your prospective colleges’ websites for entrance requirements which could include ACT, ACT plus Writing, SAT, and/or SAT subject tests. Now is a great time to focus on test preparation (Prep Me in Naviance is free) and plan a reasonable testing schedule based on what your colleges require. You can register for ACTs at and SATs at New Girls Lacrosse Coach We are proud to announce that Amanda Simon is our new head coach of our Tiger girl’s lacrosse team. Amanda is a 2009 graduate of Cherry Creek High School where she played on three state championship teams, and was recognized as All-State Honorable Mention in 2009. In 2010, Amanda served as the Head Junior Varsity and Assistant Varsity Coach at Cherry Creek. Amanda played on the Colorado Mesa University’s Women’s Lacrosse Team in the 2011 and 2012 seasons, and was the 2011 team captain. Coach Simon brings a great deal of playing experience and enthusiasm to our ladies team. We look forward to the leadership and the passion for the game that she will share with our team. Amanda replaces Alexis Rawlings who has moved out of the area, and will be coaching in the Denver area. Important Dates November 13 November 14 November 21 November 25-29 December 23January 3 January 6 January 7 March 24-April 4 May 13 1st Day of Winter Sports School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting, Library, 6:30 p.m. Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Winter Sports Parent Meeting, Auditorium, 6:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Break-No School Winter Break No School-Teacher Workday 1st Day of 3rd Quarter/2nd Semester Spring Break GJHS Graduation for the Class of 2014 Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 15 Support Grand Junction High School Athletic and Actvities Fundraising By Placing Your Custom Gear Order in Just 30 Seconds My Locker is a FREE online spirit shop with over 180 items for our Tiger fans! Don't miss out! Grand Junction High School earns an average of $7.25 per order! (12% of all on-line orders) Design your favorite custom gear instantly on-screen There is no cost & no work. No volunteers. No inventory. All bulk orders save 12% Links to the GJHS My Locker site can be found on the GJHS Home Page, and on the GJHS Athletic Page 1st Quarter Honor Roll Class of 2014 High Honors - 3.75 or Higher GPA Brendan Boardwine Brennon Keller Aleah Quast Andrew Bowen Eric Kotris Jordan Quintana Rebecca Bryan Johnathan Kyle Kayla Roberts Lyssa Caires Nicholas Lanzl Shafer Rubalcaba Shannia Case Samuel Lapkin Carissa Russell Darby Corn Corinna Loren Neil Ryan Larissa Cox Emily Luker Nicole Seibold Blythe Crow Madison Marsh Megan Sherman Darcy Dackonish Erin Martin Trinity Simmons Jordin Early Matthew McKay Katharine Smith Molly Findlay Michael McKnight Madalyn Stewart Kassidy Flick Kenzi Medina Jessica Strothman Sophia Fortner Erika Meister Theron Verna Andrew Foutz Soraya Morales Nuñez Zeb Wagner Rachel Gallagher Joshua Murdock Alexander Weaver Alexus Gallegos Joel Nicholson Katherine Whiteside Taren Garcia Cheyenna O’Brien Sarah Wilkinson Lindsay Gnesios Blake Orr John Wiman Cassandra Grigware Marivel Perez Milla Wong Edgar Gutierrez Kalen Potter Aubrie Wood Gina Guzman Mariah Prinster Taylor Wood Elizabeth Havlik Maxwell Proietti Zoe Wright Elisha Jahnke Johana Quant Whitney Young Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 16 1st Quarter Honor Roll (continued) Class of 2014 Trevor Abbott Rachel Goodrich Brandon Perry River Adams Lena Ham Caitlyn Pridmore Cassandra Arcieri Sarah Harvey Delaney Robison Ryan Baker Meghan Haynes Reanne Rogers Nicklas Beightel Jennifer Herrera Cierra Smith Ciara Carver-Gallegos Honors 3.5-3.74 Kaleb Johnson Savannah Smith Maria Chacon Victoria Lara Harley Stafford Kassidy Chism John Lewis Jake Strother Matthew Costigan Autumn Mason Owen Taylor Sierra Coutts Isaac Meyer Aspen Tibbetts Zackary Cox Michael Mora Preston Turner Sarah Crawford Royce Neely Cheyenne Weldin Tina Day Tamara Nickle Kenneth Welling Jacob Dodd Tristan Noel Matthew White Daniel Dodero Jalen Onsrud Morgan Zanski Danielle Fleig Richard Penny Class of 2015 High Honors - 3.75 or Higher GPA Allen Adair Hannah Galvan Samantha Melchor James Antonucci Ty Gardner Joshua Nelson Brittany Arcieri Jaryn Gibb Briggs Oakley Benjamin Arja Gregory Gibson Eric Pipken Melissa Atchley Aryana Gorman Michael Poland Patrick Baier Aaron Gossage Marisol Quintana Ashley Baker Jordan Hahn Shannon Reeve Kristen Balke Michael Hansen Isaac Rider Victoria Baltzell Anna Harris Kassidy Roberts Thomas Beightel Hayden Herbert Stockton Rock Joslin Berg Seaira Hickman Nathan Rockwood Kayla Berry McKenna Hiler Jaime Rodriquez-Roggie Samantha Betzen Claire Hobika Keri Rogers Rachel Black Brittany Houtris Jacob Romero Sloan Black Jonah Howe Charles Ruckman Holden Boggs Olivia Huffaker Jasmine Sawyer Cassidy Bordon Damian Johann Madison Schlechten Sydni Brandon Emmett Johnson Benjamin Shettler Amber Broad Tyler Jones Marina Silva Rebecca Butler Taylor Kidd Jessica Sopher Blaine Cahill Bartek Kierski Lindsey Sparks Julie Campbell Mary King Nicole Stahl Milena Castaneda Donny Kinnaman Caroline Straw Gabrielle Cecere Taylor Kochevar Kathryn Sufka Taylor Chaffetz Alexander Lee Kaitlyn Talley Ryland Curtsinger Abigail Leinbach Anjana Thapa Parker Davis-McDougal MariaGuadalupe Leon-Torres Bao Tran Carman Devereux Brian List Nicole Troester Ridge Droskin Eric-Longxing Liu Viviane Turman Benjamin Eisenhauer Camille Lohr Benjamin Volkmann Roessler Eisenhauer Ryland Mahre David Wells Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 17 1st Quarter Honor Roll (continued) Class of 2015 Omelia Emmons Kia Marez Hunter Whaley Jake Farnsworth Connor Martin High Honors - 3.75 or Higher GPA continued Jonah Wilson Stephen Foster Alicia Maslyk Richard Wise Max Fransen Tanner Mast Ryan Zinke Gabriela Chacon Joselle Jacobs Christopher Reilly McKenna Chism Sarah Jennings Taylor Rivas Coral Copenhaver Corey Lans Gabrielle Stanford Kacey Darien Kasey Leftwich Alexus States Brown Malcolm Davis-McDougal Jesse Lopez Jacob Trujillo Aidan Drayer Angelica Martinez Caleb Vagher Robert Fairbanks Naomi Neuville Fallon Ward Abigail Whiseant Honors – 3.5 to 3.7 Michael Acord Luis Garcia-Jimenez Jackson Parsons Marissa Arrieta Austin Gray Jubilee Quigley Madelynn Brillhart Katy Hargraves Madison Ragar Abigail Casey Halle Harrison Caitlin Ray Class of 2016 High Honors – 3.75 or Higher Maximilian Adamson Avery Hill Jordan Merrill Chavilah Anderson-Clare Patricia Hill Peyton Miller Angel Bautista-Ponce Maia Honeycutt Kyle Mills Caylin Boardwine Malik Jackson Claire Mundt Julia Bremner Logan Jacobson Kristopher Nickel Anna Bruce Ashley Jahnke Rebekah Nielsen Wendy Burchfield Jariah Jaramillo Colton O’Gara Carly Burkart Caroline Jones Katelynn Olsen Carolena Campos Samuel Jordan Christopher O’Neill Zachary Carris Brittany Kadel Jacob Park Jannike Caspari Amelia Karsten Celeste Parker Tori Catlett Christoph Kessler Arissa Parrish Jeffrey Cesark Jenna Kretschman Jill Payne Amber Church Mauryn Lard Emily Pitcher Annaliese Cole-Weiss Madison Leal Benjamin Potter Shannen Cook Andrea Lielkoks Brook Rajnowski Kadan Cummings Naomi Lohr Mary Rankin Sarah Erb Caleb Lone Benjamin Rasmussen Ryan Ferguson Andrew Luker Michael Rogers Kirk Fletcher Johnnathon Lyons Julio Saenz Carli Fluegge Monica Maas Zakary Saint Rhiannon Friel Michael Martinez Mitchell Schurman Clarissa Gehl Mari McCarville Kristina Sewell Diana Gutierrez Steven McKenzie Rainy Shaball Jordyn Hand Taylor Meer Samuel Shaver Jared Harrison Chad Meister Larita Skidmore Jordan Hart Alondra Mendoza Cassandra Smith Alexis Hessel Catherine Mercado Jennifer Strothman Bailey Summers Shaylin Wakefield Jacob Wilcox Bailey Tate Haley Walker Rebecca Wilkinson Trevor Urban Joseph Wezensky Jasmine Willis Carlos Vendegna John Whiteside Cosmo Wright Kellon Voth Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 18 1st Quarter Honor Roll (continued) Class of 2017 High Honors 3.75 or Higher Sol Adams Dakota Harding Dennis Page Patrick Baltzell Emily harris Grady Lee Palmer Mariah Barfoot Ronaldo Herrera Sean Palmer Brooklyn Barrus Sarah Hicks Leah Peacock Kordale Bavor Odele Hightower Kaitlyn Peterson Kaden Bishop Kaelan Hill Andrew Phennicie Robert Bouley Elizabeth Hirschbuhl Avery Pope Ryan Bowen Hayley Hutto Mary Grace Prinster Jesse Boyce Jade Inks Lucy Raaum Lauren Burger Justin Jacobsen Claire Reilly Megan Burkholder Hannah Kadel Shannon Robinson Rebecca Campbell-Osborne Olivia Kleespies Emily Rogers Paris Carver-Gallegos Mariah Lee Camryn Sanchez Tyler Clow Jordan Long Noah Schmidt Sabrina Cotney Darian Lovato William Stevens Jason Cronk Cameryn Marcial Dante Stewart Jifa Danso Jean-Tomas Marso Tyler Sweet Tabetha Denham Mira Martin Austin Tanksley Alana Dodero Destiny Martinez Kenton Teske Elizabeth Engle Tiffany Maska Jackson Thornton Steven Flory Justice McClure-Cook Ashley Troester Gage Fransen Tristen Medicine Horse Sharla Waggoner Wilhelm Fritzel Cristian Mendez Kate Walker Vanessa Garcia David Mendez Sierra Walters Brok Gladden Hunter Mendoza Michael White Paxton Gordon Mira Mercier Rebekah Whiting Viviane Grigware Aaron Moreno Tyler Willis Jeromee Grimes Tyler Mower Melissa Wilson Logan Hahn Carlos Murillo James Winterswolf Nathaniel Hale Thomas Oakley Madison Younker Andrew Hansen Joseph Osborn Leah Peacock Kaitlyn Peterson Andrew Phennicie Avery Pope Mary Grace Prinster Lucy Raaum Claire Reilly Shannon Robinson Emily Rogers Camryn Sanchez Noah Schmidt William Stevens Dante Stewart Tyler Sweet Austin Tanksley Kenton Teske Jackson Thornton Ashley Troester Sharla Waggoner Kate Walker Sierra Walters Michael White Rebekah Whiting Tyler Willis Melissa Wilson James Winterswolf Madison Younker Kaila Harward Trey Peltier Destiney Fresquez Ashley Hawkins Dylan Saunders Marisca Garza Megan King Janea Varela Honors – 3.5 to 3.74 Tyler Atnip Devan Hall Deisy Leon Lily Eneboe Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 19 Superintendent’s Scholars for the 2012-2013 School Year Class of 2014 Brendan Boardwine* Andrew Bowen** Larissa Cox** Darcy Dackonish* * Jenna Dandurand** Molly Findlay** Andrew Foutz** Rachel Gallagher* Alexus Gallegos** Taren Garcia* * Lindsay Gnesios** Cassandra Grigware** Edgar Gutierrez** Johnathan Kyle** Samuel Lapkin* John Lewis* Emily Luker* Madison Marsh** Erin Martin** Erika Meister** Michael Mora Soraya Morales-Nuñez** Joshua Murdock** Joel Nicholson** Kalen Potter** Mariah Prinster** Aleah Quast** Jordan Quintana** Kayla Roberts** Shafer Rubalcaba* * Carissa Russell** Neil Ryan** Nicole Seibold* * Megan Sherman** Katharine Smith** Madalyn Stewart** Jessica Strothman** Theron Verna** Alexander Weaver** Katherine Whiteside** Sarah Wilkinson** John Wiman** Class of 2015 Kristen Balke* Victoria Baltzell* Kayla Berry* Samantha Betzen* Rachel Black * Sloan Black Cassidy Bordon* Julie Campbell* Taylor Chaffetz* Ryland Curtsinger* Parker Davis-McDougal* Aidan Drayer Roessler Eisenhauer* Omelia Emmons* Jake Farnsworth* Stephen Foster* Max Fransen* Jaryn Gibb* Gregory Gibson* Aaron Gossage* Jordan Hahn* Michael Hansen* Seaira Hickman* McKenna Hiler* Claire Hobika* Jonah Howe* Jacob Howell* Emmett Johnson Tyler Jones* Taylor Kidd* Mary King* Donny Kinnaman* Abigail Leinbach * Brian List* Ryland Mahre* Alicia Maslyk* Shannon Reeve* Kassidy Roberts* Stockton Rock* Madison Schlechten* Benjamin Shettler* Marina Silva* Lindsey Sparks Nicole Stahl* Caroline Straw* Kathryn Sufka* Anjana Thapa* Bao Tran* Nicole Troester* Ben Volkmann* David Wells* Hunter Whaley* Jonah Wilson* Class of 2016 Maximilian Adamson Caylin Boardwine Azleigha Bryan Carolena Campos Tori Catlett Jeffrey Cesark Annaliese Cole-Weiss Shannen Cook Sarah Erb Carli Fluegge Rhiannon Friel Jared Harrison Alexis Hessel Malik Jackson Jariah Jaramillo Amelia Karsten Jenna Kretschman Andrea Lielkoks Naomi Lohr Caleb Lone Andrew Luker Mari McCarville Steven McKenzie Chad Meister Alondra Mendoza Catherine Mercado Jordan Merrill Claire Mundt Arissa Parrish Benjamin Potter Brook Rajnowski Mary Rankin Julio Saenz Kristina Sewell Samuel Shaver Cassandra Smith Bailey Summers Haley Walker Jasmine Willis Cosmo Wright Academic Letter Award Recipients Class of 2014 3.75 -3.99 River Adams* Rebecca Bryan** Ciara Carver-Gallegos* Shannia Case** Darby Corn** Matthew Costigan** Blythe Crow** Jacob Dodd** Jordin Early** Kassidy Flick** Sophia Fortner** Darian Green* Lena Ham Elisha Jahnke** Cory Kernen Eric Kotris** Kenzi Medina** Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 20 Superintendent’s Scholars for the 2012-2013 School Year (continued) Isaac Meyer Cheyenna O'Brien* Blake Orr** Richard Penny* Maxwell Proietti** Reanne Rogers Trenton Soriano Domonic Tafoya* Kayla Voeltzel* Zeb Wagner** Aubrie Wood** Zoe Wright** Whitney Young** Morgan Zanski** Class of 2015 3.75-3.99 Allen Adair* Emily Adamson James Antonucci* Brittany Arcieri* Benjamin Arja* Marisa Arrieta* Melissa Atchley* Ashley Baker* Holden Boggs* Joseph-Ian Bongar Sydni Brandon* Rebecca Butler* Blaine Cahill* Abigail Casey* Milena Castaneda* Kacey Darien Malcolm Davis-McDougal* James Dionne Ridge Droskin* Benjamin Eisenhauer* Hannah Galvan* Aryana Gorman* Anna Harris* Hayden Herbert* Brittany Houtris* Damian Johann* Kacie Kuhlman* Corey Lans Alexander Lee* Kia Marez* Connor Martin* Angelica Martinez* Tanner Mast* Samantha Melchor* Shianne Mooers* Briggs Oakley* Eric Pipkin Jubilee Quigley* Marisol Quintana* Isaac Rider Nathan Rockwood* Jaime Rodriguez-Roggie* Keri Rogers* Charles Ruckman* Jasmine Sawyer* Jessica Sopher* Class of 2015 3.75-3.99 cont. Alexus States Brown Jacob Trujillo Viviane Turman* Raymond Ugalde Abigail Whiseant* Richard Wise* Ryan Zinke* Class of 2016 3.75 –3.99 Alissa Belcastro Julia Bremner Wendy Burchfield Carly Burkart Zachary Carris Jannike Caspari Jose Ceballos Amber Church Dana Clukey Kadan Cummings Ryan Ferguson Clairissa Gehl Diana Gutierrez Jordyn Hand Jordan Hart Avery Hill Patricia Hill Maia Honeycutt Ashley Jahnke Caroline Jones Samuel Jordan Brittany Kadel Emma Kearl Christoph Kessler Mauryn Lard Madison Leal Taven Lovato Monica Maas Michael Martinez Taylor Meer Kyle Mills Kristopher Nickel Rebekah Nielsen Colton O'Gara Christoper O'Neill Jacob Park Celeste Parker Jill Payne Emily Pitcher Michael Rogers Morgan Russom Zakary Saint Mitchell Schurman Rainy Shaball Larita Skidmore Bricen Sorrell Jennifer Strothman Bailey Tate Trevor Urban Carlos Vendegna Kellon Voth Shaylin Wakefield Joseph Wezensky John Whiteside Rebecca Wilkinson Class of 2014 3.50-3.74 David Applegate Ryan Baker** Brianna Baldwin Nicklas Beightel** Courtney Ben Christopher Brown Lyssa Caires* Kassidy Chism Baylee Christopher Ramon Cordova Daniel Dodero* Jakob Eisenhauer Danielle Fleig Gina Guzman Elizabeth Havlik** Meghan Haynes* Tyler Heinsma* Jennifer Herrera** Kaleb Johnson** Mariah Kassales Brennon Keller* Tristan Lafferty* Victoria Lara* Maria Maas Dion Martinez Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 21 Superintendent’s Scholars for the 2012-2013 School Year (continued) Autumn Mason** David Medina Eric Mills Tamara Nickle* Jalen Onsrud* Kyla Oracion Brandon Perry** Caitlyn Pridmore** Delaney Robison Alexandra Schoellgen Trinity Simmons** Carly Staidl Jake Strother* Owen Taylor* Aspen Tibbetts** Preston Turner Quinton Walton Kenneth Welling Matthew White** Taylor Wood** Cynthia Zuniga Class of 2015 3.50-3.74 Steven Adams* AnaLaura Ambriz-Garcilazo Patrick Baier* Thomas Beightel* Joslin Berg* Madelynn Brillhart* Amber Broad* Gabriella Cecere* Gabriela Chacon* Coral Copenhaver* Jonathan Dorr-Widdop Robert Fairbanks* Marcus Fuerst Ty Gardner* Coren Gehring Austin Gray* Katy Hargraves* Halle Harrison* Olivia Huffaker* Sarah Jennings* Taylor Kochevar* Jesse Lanzl* Kasey Leftwich Maria Guadalupe LeonTorres* Jesse Lopez* Nicholas Morris Joshua C. Nelson Joshua Y. Nelson* Michael Poland* Madison Ragar* Caitlin Ray* Christopher Reilly* Taylor Rivas* Jacob Romero* Sabree Stewart Kaitlyn Talley* Joshua Townley Caleb Vagher Fallon Ward* Class of 2016 3.50-3.74 Chavilah Anderson-Clare Ethan Angel Aimee Armantrout Maria Avila Angel Bautista-Ponce Lindsey Beacham Amelia Bergen Audrey Bissonnette Anna Bruce Michaela Capewell Kellan Costigan Mayson Davis Savannah Denke Amy Dodson Jeffrey Ford Brandon Franklin Michael Gentile Rose Gilfillan Sheridan Grace Shalee Harrah Ian Hegstrom Logan Jacobson Brittany Jones Austin Jones William Kerrigan Jacob Lapkin Emily Lengerich Ashley Leroux Hilda Martinez-Calvillo Sierra McQuiston Peyton Miller Dominic Moya Emily Nolan Joshua Park Mason Cameron Pridy Ellie Raaum Maribel Ramirez Benjamin Rasmussen Rebecca Rathburn Zoe Shanahan Payton Staats Brandon Story Austin Taylor Shawn Wade Dakota Weyer Marcos Whisler Jacob Wilcox Tegan Willis Anna Worrall-Wilk Tara Zinke 1st Award Letter and Year Pin * 2nd Award and Year Pin ** 3rd Award and Year Pin Grand Junction High School | 1400 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501 | (970)254-6900 | FAX(970)254-6973 page 22