Architecture Schools of Australasia Handbook
Architecture Schools of Australasia Handbook
2015 2015 Australian Institute of Architects 2015 ABN 72 000 023 012 Published by Australian Institute of Architects National Office 7 National Circuit, Barton, ACT 2600, Australia The Australian Institute of Architects does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the data included in respect to the individual architectural programs. ISSN 1320 -1808 Inclusion in this document of a school/program of architecture does not indicate accreditation by the relevant State/Territory Architects Board or recognition of that program by the Australian Institute of Architects. First Print 1988, Second Print 1989 Third Print 1990, Fourth Print 1991 Fifth Print 1992, Sixth Print 1993 Seventh Print 1995, Eighth Print 1996 Ninth Print 1997, Tenth Print 1998 Eleventh Print 1999, Twelfth Print 2000 Thirteenth Print 2001, Fourteenth Print 2003 (data collected in 2002) Fifteenth Print 2004, Sixteenth Print 2005 Seventeenth Print 2006, Eighteenth Edition 2007 Nineteenth Edition 2008, Twentieth Edition 2009 Twenty first Edition 2010,Twenty second Edition 2011 Twenty third Edition 2012, Twenty fourth Edition 2013, Twenty fifth Edition 2014, Twenty sixth Edition 2015 2015 Edition Architecture programs can be changed without notice. Specific questions should be directed to the particular school/program. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS BOND UNIVERSITY .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Bond University Course Structure ................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY...............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Charles Darwin University Course Structure ...............................................................................................................................................................................................7 CURTIN UNIVERSITY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Curtin University Course Structure............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Deakin University Course Structure ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Griffith University Course Structure ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 MONASH UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Monash University Course Structure.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Queensland University of Technology Course Structure ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 RMIT UNIVERSITY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 RMIT University Course Structure .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31 THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 The University of Adelaide Course Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 35 THE UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 The University of Canberra Course Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 38 THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 The University of Melbourne Course Structure ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 45 The University of New South Wales Course Structure.............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 48 The University of Newcastle Course Structure .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 2015 Edition 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 The University of Queensland Course Structure ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA .................................................................................................................................................................................... 55 University of South Australia Program Structure ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 59 The University of Sydney Course Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 THE UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA............................................................................................................................................................................................ 64 The University of Tasmania Course Structure ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 68 University of Technology, Sydney Course Structure ................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA....................................................................................................................................................................... 72 The University of Western Australia Course Structure ............................................................................................................................................................................. 74 New Zealand and Papua New Guinea Architecture Schools/Programs ........................................................................................................ 75 THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 The University of Auckland Program Structure ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NEW ZEALAND ..................................................................................................................................................... 79 Unitec New Zealand Course Structure........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 82 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON ............................................................................................................................................................................ 84 Victoria University of Wellington Course Structure .................................................................................................................................................................................. 87 THE PAPUA NEW GUINEA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................... 88 The Papua New Guinea University of Technology Course Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 89 Australian Schools of Architecture Statistics ....................................................................................................................................................................... 91 Australian Schools of Architecture – Statistical Comparison .................................................................................................................................................................. 92 New Zealand Schools of Architecture Statistics................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Building Statistics .............................................................................. 93 Information on course accreditation/recognition process and registration as an architect in Australia ....................................................................... 94 Contact Information ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 95 2015 Edition 3 BOND UNIVERSITY Abedian School of Architecture, Faculty of Society and Design, Bond University, Gold Coast, QLD 4229 Tel: (07) 5595 2176 • Fax: (07) 5595 1474 • Email: • Web: Dean, Faculty of Society and Design: Professor Raoul Mortley Head of Discipline, Architecture: Professor Adrian Carter COURSE INFORMATION Bachelor of Architectural Studies – BArchSt Bond University’s Bachelor of Architectural Studies is a six-semester undergraduate degree that can be completed in 2 calendar years, under the Bond University trimester model. Master of Architecture – MArch The four-semester Master of Architecture can be completed in 16 months. The BArchSt and MArch sequence can be completed in 3 years and 3 months. The courses feature an integrated program philosophy with content and assessment complimentary across subjects being taught concurrently. SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 – OP: 12 or ATAR: 72.25 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS N/A YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION English YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION None TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) (year before publication date) Male Female Total Total 17 6 23 Domestic 16 4 20 Overseas 1 2 3 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) (year before publication date) Male Female Total Total 45 21 66 Domestic 40 16 56 Overseas 5 5 10 2015 Edition GRADUATIONS 2013: BArchSt – 17 students ARTICULATION N/A GRADUATE PROGRAMS AND RESEARCH PhD Program is administered by Bond’s Architecture Research Centre which supports academic research in the History and Philosophy of Architecture, Urban Studies and applied research in Digital Fabrication. STUDY ABROAD The Abedian School of Architecture is one of 13 international member schools in the Washington Alexandria Architectural Center Consortium (Virginia Tech) and is able to offer semester 1 or 3 in the foursemester MArch sequence as a Study Abroad option, based in Alexandria, VA. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Institute of Sustainable Development & Architecture Student Group: Sustainable Students Association DIGITAL FABRICATION AND RAPID PROTOTYPING 7 Axis Industrial Robot Arm (4m track. 2.8m reach) 3 Axis CNC Router with 1500x2600x250 working area. RhinoCAM and ProfileShop for toolpathing. Large format CO2 laser cutter/engraver. Three 3d Printers with 150x200x150 work area and ABS plastic source material. TRADITIONAL WORKSHOP Full range of mechanised and hand tools for timber, plastics, and light metalwork. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Board of Architects of Queensland currently recognise and accredit the Master of Architecture program. The BArchSt is recognised as the normal pathway to the Master of Architecture. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. FULL TIME STAFF LIBRARY RESOURCES In addition to standard University collection of print and digital resources, Bond University has a growing collection of architectural resources supported by a generous endowment from its patron, Dr Soheil Abedian. COMPUTING & WORKSHOP RESOURCES STUDENT COMPUTING RESOURCES 20 dedicated workstations. Additional 3 High-end workstations for intensive rendering/animation. Online learning and teaching systems (via Blackboard). Additional online systems for workshop and FabLab with resources such as local materials suppliers and resources. Database of software tutorials, and locations of online content. Full printing and scanning facilities with colour printing up to A3 and colour plotting up to A0 width (roll feed). Full range of software from Autodesk, Adobe, McNeel, Graphisoft and others. HEAD OF DISCIPLINE: ARCHITECTURE Professor Adrian Carter ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Sarah Aldridge, BA(Hons)Architecture, DipArch(UCL), ARB(UK), RAIA, Chair Australian Institute of Architects NSW Country Division Brian Toyota, BA(Hons), BArch(Hons)(UBC), RAIC, Honorary Associate Professor, Adjunct Teaching Fellow ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Chris Knapp, BSArch(Michigan), MArch(Princeton) Affiliate RAIA Jonathan Nelson, BArch(Oregon), MScConstPract (Bond) Matthew Eagle, BBE, BArch(QUT), RAIA BOAQ (4377) FABRICATION LABORATORY MANAGER Nathan Freeman, BEnvDesA HONORARY STAFF Haig Beck & Jackie Cooper Kerry Clare, LFRAIA and Lindsay Clare, LFRAIA SESSIONAL (Part-time) STAFF Michael Barnett, BA(Hons), BDesign(UQ) Jonathan Brener Jasper Brown, BA(Hons), DipArch(UCL), ARB BOAQ (3745) Ben Carson, BA, BBuiltEnv(Arch)(QUT), RAIA Michael Holt, MScAdvArchDesign(Columbia GSAPP), RIBA (Hons) Manchester Sarah Lindsay, BEnviDesign, MArch(1st Class Hons)(UTAS) Vanessa Menadue, BDesSt, BArch(Hons), PhD(Uni of Adelaide) Joshua Neale, BEngCivil(Hons)(UQ) Justin Twohill, BEnviDesign(Canberra), MArch (UQ), RAIA VISITING LECTURERS The Abedian School of Architecture hosts an annual lecture series of speakers (Videos available on iTunes) John Choi, RAIA Lindsay Clare, LFRAIA and Kerry Clare, LFRAIA Professor Sir Peter Cook, RAIA and Gavin Robotham Sean Godsell, FRAIA Michael Holt Andrew Kudless Erik L’Heureux Iain Maxwell and David Pigrim Paul Minifie, RAIA Dagmar Reindhart Marja Sarvimaki Csaba Tarsoly and Arabella Masson Skylar Tibbits John Wardle, LFRAIA Kristen Whittle, RAIA ADMIN STAFF Linda Kirwood, Faculty Business Director Leanne Stewart, Student Affairs & Quality Manager Siva Muraliharan, Finance Officer Jeni Allen, Accreditations Manager Lyn Hathaway, Building Resources Officer 4 Bond University Course Structure BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES BArchSt (SD-90006) Semester 1 January Semester 2 May Semester 3 September Semester 4 January Semester 5 May Semester 6 September ARCH11-111 Architectural Design Studio 1 ARCH11-212 Architectural Design Studio 2 ARCH12-213 Architectural Design Studio 3 ARCH12-214 Architectural Design Studio 4 ARCH13-215 Architectural Design Studio 5 ARCH13-216 Architectural Design Studio 6 ARCH11-112 Design Communication: Architectural Drawing ARCH11-113 Design Communication: NURBS Modelling ARCH12-115 Design Communication: Building Information Modelling ARCH12-116 Design Communication: Parametric Modelling ARCH13-119 Architecture Technology: Structural Design ARCH13-118 Architecture Technology: Practice Methods ARCH11-114 History and Theory: Industrial Revolution to Present ARCH12-117 History and Theory: Ancient to Enlightenment BOND CORE Subject CORE11-001 Critical Thinking and Communication (CORE 1) ARCH13-120 Philosophy of Design BOND CORE SUBJECT CORE11-003 Ethical Thought & Action (CORE 3) Faculty Elective BOND CORE Subject CORE11-002 Leadership & Team Dynamics (CORE 2) Plus: BEYOND BOND: Professional Development and Community Engagement MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE MArch (SD-93017) Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 ARCH72-401 Architecture Design Studio 7 ARCH72-402 Architecture Design Studio 8 ARCH72-501 Architecture Design Studio 9 ARCH72-502 Architecture Masters Thesis Studio ARCH71-109 Supervised Independent Study ARCH71-111 Special Topic in Design Technology ARCH71-113 Professional Practice 1 ARCH71-114 Professional Practice 2 ARCH71-110 Special Topics in Design Communication ARCH71-112 Contemporary Architectural Theory ARCH71-115 Research Analysis & Representation Faculty Elective 2015 Edition 5 CHARLES DARWIN UNIVERSITY School of Creative Arts & Humanities, Casuarina Campus, Ellengowan Drive, Casuarina, Darwin NT 0909 • Tel: (08) 8946 7766 or freecall 1800 061 963 Email: Web: Head of School: Dr Brian Mooney BACHELOR OF DESIGN The Bachelor of Design comprises a three year degree where students on completion with a credit average can undertake a Masters of Architecture at Deakin University. The opportunity to complete architectural studies at other universities within Australia is also available. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 3 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014: ATAR: 60 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS: Nil YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION: Nil YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Nil TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 10 13 23 Domestic 8 10 18 Overseas 2 3 5 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 18 27 45 Domestic 13 22 35 Overseas 5 5 10 ARTICULATION (from TAFE courses) Charles Darwin University offers TAFE courses to Certificate level in Building Design and Drafting. Articulation, with potential 4 unit credit for relevant TAFE studies may be available subject to assessment. 2015 Edition RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Design in the hot-humid tropics, Materials performance and selection, Energy Use, Building Sustainability. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION (continued) A course of study undertaken over a minimum of five years (or 10 semesters of full time study) is necessary to register as an architect. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Study focus on design and construction in the hothumid tropics. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Student Organised Network for Architecture (SONA) DESIGN STAFF LIBRARY RESOURCES Central Library, Faculty Resource Centre and Trade Resources Library COMPUTING RESOURCES 3 x Computer Labs, 36 PCs, 6 G4 MACs. Access from 8.00 am – 10.00 pm 7 days a week. Additional computing labs available for office software. OTHER RESOURCES 2 x Design Studios including Model making area and stores. Workshops – including carpentry & joinery, heavy metal, electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning and automotive. DISTANCE EDUCATION Not available. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Bachelor of Design program at Charles Darwin University is of three years duration. This is equivalent to the first stage of a two stage five year architecture program. HEAD OF SCHOOL OF CREATIVE ARTS & HUMANITIES & ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Brian Mooney ADMINISTRATION OFFICERS Jane Mellett Amy Zwetsloot SECRETARY TO DEAN OF LAW BUSINESS & ARTS Sarah Hanks STUDENT ADMINISTRATION Lynley Walker Chen Wang RESOURCE CENTRE Michelle Turner COURSE COORDINATOR/ARCHITECTURE DISCIPLINE HEAD N/A TECHNICAL Peter Dowling ADJUNCT PROFESSOR N/A VISITING LECTURERS Robert Foote, RAIA, Department of Construction and Infrastructure Ros Warncken, Interior Designer LECTURERS Charmain Enthaler, Architect Marianne Dyason, Interior Designer PART TIME LECTURERS/TUTORS Rik Jones, Architect Lanson Ip (Archicad) DEAN, LAW BUSINESS AND ARTS & PROFESSOR Giselle Byrnes Students graduating from the Bachelor of Design (specialisation in architecture) with a Credit average can directly enter the fourth year of Deakin University’s Master of Architecture program. Accreditation/recognition information for the Deakin University Master of Architecture program is outlined in this publication. Students have also completed their studies at several other universities within Australia. 6 Charles Darwin University Course Structure STUDY AREA DESIGN STUDIO Year 1 Semester 1 Year 1 Semester 2 Year 2 Semester 1 Year 2 Semester 2 Year 3 Semester 1 Year 3 Semester 2 Design Studio 1 Design Studio 2 Design Studio 3 (20cpt) Design Studio 4 (20cpt) Design Studio 5 (20cpt) Tropical Architecture Studio (20cpt) Creative Practice COMMUNICATION & DOCUMENTATION Design in Context Drawing Design Communication (Archicad) BUILDING TECHNOLOGY Architectural Technology 1 Architectural Technology 3 BUILDING SCIENCE Architectural Technology 2 HUMAN STUDIES (HISTORY & THEORY) Modernity Postmodernism: Art, Architecture, Culture and Theory Architecture, Design, Culture and Space OPTIONS FROM ALL ABOVE AREAS PROFESSIONAL STUDIES COMMON UNITS Academic Literacies Cultural Intelligence and Capability cpt = credit points 2015 Edition 7 CURTIN UNIVERSITY School of Built Environment, Kent Street, Bentley WA 6102 • Tel: (08) 9266 2282 • Fax: (08) 9266 2711 Faculty Email: Web: Head of School, School of Built Environment: Professor John Stephens Head of Department of Architecture and Interior Architecture: Associate Professor Reena Tiwari MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Five-year course incorporating a three-year Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science) degree followed by a two-year Master of Architecture degree. GRADUATIONS 2013 (MArch) Male Female Total 30 25 Domestic 17 16 Overseas 13 9 On completion of the MArch degree graduates are advised to contact the relevant Architects Board in their jurisdiction for details regarding practical experience eligibility for sitting the registration exam. ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) Applicants with a TAFE Diploma of Building Design & Technology can be granted entry into the 1st semester of 1st year of the BAppSc(ArchSc) course. Advanced standing of 100 credits may be granted. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR: 70 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS: No Quota YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION Curtin University entry requirements. YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Curtin University entry level English TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 81 55 136 Domestic 74 50 124 Overseas 7 5 12 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 326 226 552 Domestic 216 170 386 Overseas 110 56 166 GRADUATIONS 2013 (BAppSc(ArchSc)) Male Female Total Total 62 48 110 Domestic 43 35 78 Overseas 19 13 32 2015 Edition Total 55 33 22 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Architectural Design [Urban Design, Architecture and Landscape, Sustainable Design] Architectural History and Theory [History, Community and Change, Heritage and Conservation] Health and Place [Universal Design, Healthcare and wellbeing Design, ESD] Digital Architecture DISTANCE EDUCATION Open Universities Australia (OUA) fully online course available for both Bachelor and Masters programs. Not yet accredited. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and The Architects Board of Western Australia currently recognise and accredit the BAppSc(ArchSc)/MArch course. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a register of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. ARCHITECTURE STAFF - FULL TIME HEAD OF SCHOOL Steffen Lehmann, Dipl Des(Univ of Appl Sc Mainz), AAS Dipl(AA School London), DR-lng(TU Berlin), Affiliate RAIA HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Reena Tiwari, BArch(Hons)(Bhopal), MArch(New Delhi), PhD(Curtin) SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Public Lecture Series (Vertical integration) TL Robertson Memorial Lecture Graduate Mentor Program Annual Arch/IA Exhibition Field Trips - India PROFESSORS John Stephens, BArch(Hons)(Curtin), PhD(UWA), RAIA, M ICOMOS Sambit Datta, Professor of Digital Architecture, DiplArch(CEPT), MArch(NUS), PhD(Adel) STUDENT ACTIVITIES CASA (Curtin Arch Students Association) SONA (National Student Organisation) ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Steve Basson, BA(Arch)(Hons)(SBPoly), DipArch(Central London Poly), PhD(UWA) Reena Tiwari, BArch(Hons)(Bhopal), MArch(New Delhi), PhD(Curtin) LIBRARY RESOURCES Central library and School Resource Centre COMPUTING RESOURCES 3 CAD labs, 48 workstations software: ArchiCAD, Art*Lantis studio, AutoCAD + Revit, Rasta Design, Viz, Indesign, Photoshop, etc. CODE Lab (Digital Laboratory) OTHER RESOURCES Science lab, Anechoic/Reverb chambers, Materials library, Photo lab, Solarscope lab, timber and steel workshop. SENIOR LECTURERS Joo Bay, PhD TUDelft, Architecture Jennifer Harris, BA(Hons(UWA), MA(English) WAIT, Cert Museum Studies(ECU), PhD(Murdoch) Elizabeth Karol, PhD(Curtin), BArch(Melb), BEng(Civil)(Swinburne UT), FAIBS Boon Lay Ong, BArch(Auckland), MArch (Auckland), PhD(Cambridge) LECTURERS Annette Condello, BArch(UWA), BEnvDes(UWA), PhD, Affiliate RAIA Khoa Do, BAppSc(Arch), BArch(Hons)(Curtin) Paul Griffin, AArch(WAIT), RAIA Emil Jonescu, BAppSc(Curtin), MArch(Curtin), PhD(Curtin) Lara Mackintosh, BArch(Hons)(UWA), MScEnvArch(Murdoch), RAIA Adjunct Professor John Crabtree, BArch(WAIT), RAIA ARCHITECTURE STAFF – PART TIME/ SESSIONAL PART TIME LECTURERS Katherine Ashe, BArch(Hons1)(Curtin), BEnv Design(Curtin) Tanja Glusac, BArch(Curtin), DipArchDrafting(TAFE) Richard Hammond, AArch(WAIT) Simon Pendal, BArch(Hons)(Curtin), RAIA SESSIONAL LECTURERS Jorge Ortega Beth Strauss Philip Stejskal, RAIA David Robinson, RAIA Lee Syminton, RAIA Ariane Palassis Nicole De Castro Pereira Claire Sibbel Andrew Tang-Smith Oscar Cruz Moncada Jennifer Tran ARCHITECTURE STAFF - HONORARY EMERITUS PROFESSOR Laurie Hegvold, AM, LFRAIA 8 CURTIN UNIVERSITY - continued ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) ASSOCIATED STAFF SCHOOL MANAGER Sarah Nairn ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OFFICERS Andrea Filipek Jaqueline Tomasi Charmaine Cragan SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR Kristie Stephens Viviana Morcombe RESOURCE CENTRE Linden Burnett, GradDipLibServices(UWA), DipEd[pri] Deborah Burnett ASSISTANT TO HEAD OF SCHOOL Marilla Hogan STUDENT SERVICES SUPPORT OFFICER Anne Clocherty VISITING LECTURERS Professor Kazuo Iwamura – Architect. Richard Offen - Heritage Perth Professor Stelarc – Performance artist Loren Adams – Architect Andy Sharp – Landscape architect Adjunct Professor Peter Lee – Architect Dr Martin Anda – Scientist Associate Professor Jane Mathews – Architect Maxine Murray and Jan Saggers – Perth Alive Luciano Pia - Architect MEDIA TECHNICIAN Kyle Critchett 2015 Edition 9 Curtin University Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Applied Science (Architectural Science) Year 1 Semester 1 hrs Year 1 Semester 2 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STREAM Architecture/Interior Design Studio 101 10 Architecture Studio 102 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY STREAM Technology of Design 111 4 ARCHITECTURE & CULTURE STREAM Communication for Built Environment 111 3 OPTIONS Understanding Architecture 102 hrs Year 2 Semester 1 10 Architecture Studio 201 3 hrs Year 2 Semester 2 hrs Year 3 Semester 1 hrs Year 3 Semester 2 hrs 9 Architecture Studio 202 9 Architecture Studio 301 8 Architecture Studio 302 8 Architectural Technology in Context 201 4 Architectural Technology and Making 202 3 Environmental and Technological Systems in Architecture 301 4 Environmental and Technological Strategies in Architecture 302 2 Architectural Histories of Illusion, Power and Imagination 201 3 Australia, Architecture and Identity 202 3 Urban Contexts 301 3 Architecture, Theory and Critique 302 3 ELECTIVE hrs = hours 2015 Edition 10 Curtin University Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture Year 4 Semester 1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND METHODS STREAMS hrs Year 4 Semester 2 hrs Year 5 Semester 1 hrs Year 5 Semester 2 Urban Design Research Studio 3 Complex Buildings Research Studio 3 Integrated Buildings Research Studio 3 Urban Design Research Methods 3 Complex Buildings Research Methods 3 Integrated Buildings Research Methods 3 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Advanced Applied Architectural Systems 3 Architectural Systems Research Topics 3 ARCHITECTURE & CULTURE STREAM Architectural Culture Research Topics 1 3 Architectural Culture Research Topics 2 3 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Architectural Professional Practice 1 3 Architectural Professional Practice 2 RESEARCH & DISSERTATION Architectural Thesis Methods and Preparation 3 Architectural Thesis Project 2015 Edition hrs 3 0.5 (1 on 1) 11 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY School of Architecture and Built Environment, Geelong VIC 3220 • Tel: (03) 5227 8301 Email: Web: Head of School: Professor Anthony Mills Deakin's Architecture School is located at the Waterfront Campus on the edge of the Geelong CBD overlooking Corio Bay. It is close to Geelong's main train station, about one hour by car or train from Melbourne. The School occupies a stunning, heritage-listed complex that has received three Australian Institute of Architects awards for conservation, merit and recycling. SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR BDA ATAR BDA/BCM (70.05) (76.45) BACHELOR OF DESIGN (ARCHITECTURE)/ MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE The Bachelor of Design (Architecture) is a three-year degree program designed to meet the needs both of students who ultimately intend to practise architecture and those wishing to pursue different career directions. The Bachelor of Design (Architecture) forms the first level of a two tiered five year program. The second tier of the program is a two year Master of Architecture with articulation upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Design (Architecture). YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION English Units 3 and 4 BACHELOR OF DESIGN (ARCHITECTURE)/ BACHELOR OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (Honours)/ MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (DESIGN MANAGEMENT) A distinctive combined Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management is available for those who wish to enhance their career opportunities. The course combines core units of the Bachelor of Design (Architecture) and the Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours). The program is accredited with the Australian Institute of Building, Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors and Chartered Institute of Building. The program is followed by a one year Master of Architecture (Design Management) for those who wish to register to practise as an architect. The combined course has international accreditation by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (UK). MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION BDA/MArch 5 years full time BDA/BCM(Hons)/MArch(Design) 6 years full time 2015 Edition ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS BDA BDA/BCM N/A N/A YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION None TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 91 100 191 Domestic 80 92 172 Overseas 11 8 19 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 304 300 604 Domestic 244 260 504 Overseas 60 40 100 NB: Above figures include students from both the BDA/MArch and the BDA/BCM(Hons)/MArch(Design Management) programs. GRADUATIONS 2013 (from Master of Architecture and Master of Architecture (Design)) Male Female Total Total 46 22 68 Domestic 40 20 60 Overseas 6 2 8 ARTICULATION (from TAFE courses) Successful applicants who have completed a TAFE Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architecture) with a credit average can have the equivalent of at least two trimesters of credit for prior learning in the Bachelor of Design (Architecture). RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Victoria Laboratory for Urban Ecologies (VALUE) is the umbrella group for the research programs in the school which investigate the symbiotic relationships between the complex adaptive natural, virtual, human and built environments in response to local and global contexts. The aim is to create a knowledge centre for the development and management of economic, social and environmentally sustainable environments for a productive, innovative and competitive Australian property and construction industry. VALUE is understood through the three research themes sociocultural, tectonic and construction ecologies. LIBRARY RESOURCES Architecture and Built Environment resources at Geelong Waterfront Library COMPUTING RESOURCES Computer-aided design laboratories VALUE GIS laboratory OTHER RESOURCES A+B Design Studio A+B student hub Fabrication workshop Digital and 3D printing RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV) currently recognise and accredit the Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Master of Architecture program and the Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)/Master of Architecture (Design Management) program to December 2017. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia, including the Deakin Architecture courses. ARCHITECTURE STAFF HEAD OF SCHOOL AND CHAIR IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Anthony Mills, BAppSc(QS), MBldg, PhD(Melb), FAIQS PROFESSORS Anthony Mills, BAppSc(QS), MBldg, PhD(Melb), FAIQS Des Smith*, BArch(Melb), Registered Architect ARB(VIC), Registered Architect ARB(WA) David Jones, BA(UrbSt), GradDipUrbPlan, GradDipHeritPlan&Mgt(FIT), MUP(Prelim), MLArch(Melb), AM(CRP), CertHistPres, PhD(Penn), MPIA CPP, AAILA Reg Land Arch, AAIA, M ICOMOS ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Mark Luther, BArch(Michigan), MArch(Michigan), DArch(Michigan) Richard Tucker, BSc(Hons)(Bath), BArch(Hons)(Bath), PhD(Bath) Ursula de Jong, BA(Monash), DipEd(Monash), PhD(Monash) SENIOR LECTURERS David Beynon*, BArch(Hons)(Melb), PhD(Melb), RAIA Davisi Boontharm, BArch(Hons)(Bangkok), PhD(France) James Coulson, BArch(Deakin), MArch(Deakin) Registered Architect ARB(VIC) Hilary Davies*, BSc(London), PhD(London), FRICS, ARICS Adam Krezel, BEng(SUT), MEng(SUT), PhD Chunlu Liu, BSc(Tongji), MEng(Tongji), DEng(Nagoya) Mirjana Lozanovska, BArch(Hons)(Melb), PhD(Deakin), Affiliate RAIA Priya Rajagopalan, BTech(Calicut), MSc(Singapore), PhD(Singapore) John Rollo, BArch(Hons)(Deakin), Arch(UCLA), PhD(Cambridge) DISTANCE EDUCATION The course is not available by Distance Education. 12 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY - continued ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) LECTURERS Susan Ang, BArch(Deakin), MArch(Deakin) Melissa Chan, DPM(RMIT), MBA(H-W), HNC(HK Poly) Yolanda Esteban, BArch/BBuilding(Deakin), MArch(Deakin), Affiliate RAIA Diego Fullaondo, MArch(Spain), PhD(Spain) Cristina Garduno Freeman, PhD(UTS), BArch (Hons1)(UTS) Jeremy Ham*, BArch(Hons)(Deakin), RAIA Simone Leao, BEng/ChemicalEng(Brazil), MSci Urban&Regional Planning(Brazil), PhD(Melb) Igor Martek, BArchHons(UniMelb), MBA(UNSW), MA(ANU), PhD(UniMelb) Linda Osman*, LEAD Certificate(Swinburne), MEngCM(Swinburne), BEngCivil(RMIT), PhD(Swinburne) Astrid Roetzel, Dipl-IngArch(Germany), PhD(Germany) Linda Tivendale, BBuilding(Hons)(UniMelb), MBuilding(Deakin) Mark Weber, DipBuild, GradCertEd&Training, MBusiness ASSOCIATE LECTURER Scott Eldridge, BArts(Arch) Michael Sharman, BArts(Arch)(Deakin), MArch(Deakin) Lassetter Shaw, BCM(Deakin) CONSULTANT STAFF Associate Professor Rodney Duncan, BArts(Monash), GradDipUrban&Regional Planning (Merit)(University of New England), DipEd(Monash Teachers College) Tim Sproat, BEc(New England), DipFinMan(New England), FCPA RESEARCH FELLOWS Neda Abbassi*, BArch(Tehran) Robert Fuller*, DipAutoEng(UK), DipMechEng(Swinburne), MEngSc(Melb), PhD (Melb) Fiona Gray, BArts(Arch)(Deakin), PhD(Deakin) Le Ma, BMaths/Applied Maths(China), MFinance (RMIT), PhD(Deakin) Helen Meikle, BScPsychology(Hons), MSc(Merit) Sally Winkler*, BArts(Arch)(Deakin), MArch(Deakin) 2015 Edition ADJUNCT PROFESSOR William Chandler, BArch, DipT&RP, MEngSc, LFPIA, MRTPI HONORARY PROFESSORS Lorraine Farrelly, BA(Hons), DipArch(Portsmouth), RIBA, FRSA, Architect Richard Sommer, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design Cambridge, MA, MArch, BArch HONORARY FELLOWS Norman Faifer, FAIB, FAIQS, ICECA, AIAMA, RegBldgPrac(Vic), Chartered Building Professional, Quantity Surveyor ADMINISTRATION School Manager (Administrative and Technical Services) Manita Stokes, BA(Deakin), DipMgt(The Gordon) AdvCertBusMgt(The Gordon) QA, Governance and Curriculum Coordinator Carole Hardiman, BA(Deakin), Dip Business and HR(The Gordon) ASSISTANT TO THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Karen Hall Jenny Battye* (Administrative Assistant) Monique Cahill* (Finance and HR Officer) Kathryn Campbell* (Finance and HR Officer) Kylie Crane* (School administration) Ruth Henderson (Staff & Student Support Course Advisor) Jan McLennan* (Administrative Assistant) Mahdi Shariatian (Coordinator, Staff & Student Support) April Wallbank* (School administration) TECHNICAL Goce Mitreski (IT support) Des Walters (Senior Technical Officer - Workshop) Shane Warren (IT support) Bradley Winter (Trainee) (* refers to fractional staff) SESSIONAL STAFF Tarek Ahmed Matthew Baird David Balestra-Pimpini Jarryd Bartle Jordan Bell Tamara Bell Richard Boldys Serge Biguzas Bronwyn Burrell Jeffrey Celeste Cafra Aaron Cody Robert Crawford Richard Denby Vrushali Deogaonkar Marc Dixon, RAIA Luisa Drent Scott Eldridge Miriam Fathalla Charmaine Ferguson Digby Forbes Brandon Gardiner Zhe (Gaby) Geng Kate Harrison Charles Hartup Kevin Hui Parisa Izadpanahi Suzette Jackson Elmira Jamei Teuta Jerliu Lorenzo Ju Paul Katsieris, RAIA David Kilpatrick Gavin Keeney Anna Leaming Rajesh Marfatia Le Ma Leila Mahmoudi Perry Mills Leyla Moghimi Bahareh Motamed Vu Nguyen Dianne Peacock Kelly Raeburn Ali Rahimi Rhys Rappel Keiran Roberts Kim Roberts Phillip Roos SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Peter Rosenberg Mark Sanders Stewart Seaton Lassetter Shaw Asheem Shrestha Magdelena Sliwinska Sophanara Sok Herlambang Susiswo Omid Touranisama Lana Van Galen David Van Kan Sally Winkler Sabrina Yi Jacqui Zammit VISITING LECTURERS Victoria Alessi Rob Ashby Richard Austin Dennis Carter, LFRAIA Graham Crist, RAIA Alfred de Bryne Matt Drysdale Jonathan Gardiner, RAIA Eli Giannini, LFRAIA Daniel Gibbs Kon Iakovikis Kim Irons, RAIA Ann Lau, RAIA Chris Leung Hannah Lewi Joseph Lovell Richard Lowe, RAIA Daniela Mikulk Rebecca Naughtin, RAIA Laura Newton Mark O’Dwyer, Affiliate RAIA Tim O’Sullivan, RAIA Tom Orton David Pampini Mark Raschevski Jose Rodriguez Davin Smith, RAIA James Staughton, RAIA Steven Staughton Ben Stibbard, RAIA David Sutherland, RAIA Will Theissen 13 Deakin University Course Structure – S342/S700 STUDY AREA DESIGN STUDIES & DESIGN INTEGRATION S342 Bachelor of Design (Architecture) S700 Master of Architecture Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Studio 01: Thoughtscapes Studio 03: Earthscapes Studio 05: Hybridscapes Design in Urban Contexts Architectural Design Resolution Studio 02: Matterscapes Studio 04: Publicscapes Superstudio 2 credit points 2 credit points 2 credit points DOCUMENTATION & TECHNICAL STUDIES ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Art and Society Utopian Ideals in the Modern World The City Urban Ecologies Research Methodology or Thesis (Architecture) Contemporary Architecture 2 credit points Safety Induction Program Built Environment Professional Practice (0 credit) Built Environment Integrated Project Cost Planning Building Environmental Services Building Material Science Building Environmental Studies COMMUNICATION STUDIES 2 credit points Construction & Structures 3 Australasian Architecture PRACTICE & PROJECT MANAGEMENT, IMPLEMENTATION & USER STUDIES Architecture Design Masterclass Construction & Structures 2 Construction & Structures 1 HISTORY & THEORY Urban Design Graphic & Coded Communication Sustainable Futures Building Systems and Environments Project Documentation Computer Aided Modelling ELECTIVE STUDIES Elective Elective Discipline Elective (1 x HT) Discipline Elective (1 x HT) Full time study = 8 credit points/year 2015 Edition 14 Deakin University Course Structure – D364/S701 STUDY AREA D364 Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) Year 1 DESIGN STUDIES & DESIGN INTEGRATION Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 6 Studio 05: Hybridscapes Design in Urban Contexts Studio 04: Publicscapes Superstudio Architecture Design MC 2 credit points 2 credit points 2 credit points Studio 01: Thoughtscapes Studio 03: Earthscapes Studio 02: Matterscapes 2 credit points DOCUMENTATION & TECHNICAL STUDIES S701 MArch (Design Management) Year 4 Construction and Structures 2 Construction and Structures 1 HISTORY & THEORY Art and Society Construction and Structures 3 The City Utopian Ideals in the Modern World Research Methodology or Contemporary Architecture Australasian Architecture Urban Ecologies Thesis (Architecture) 2 credit points PRACTICE & PROJECT MANAGEMENT, IMPLEMENTATION & USER STUDIES ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Safety Induction Program (0 credit) Building Material Science Building Safety Contract Administration 1 Project Planning & Scheduling Contract Administration 3 Construction Finance Contract Administration 2 Measurement & Estimating 2 Measurement & Estimating 3 Building Economics Measurement & Estimating 1 Project Management 2 Building Development Appraisal Project Management 1 Project Management 3 Professional Practice Building Cost Planning Built Environment Integrated Project Building Environmental Studies Built Environment Professional Practice Building Environmental Services Construction Projects 2 COMMUNICATION STUDIES Graphic & Coded Communication Project Documentation Computer Aided Modelling Full time study = 8 credit points/year 2015 Edition 15 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY Architecture Program, Griffith School of Environment, Griffith Sciences, Building G39 Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus QLD 4222 Tel: (07) 5552 7206 • Fax: (07) 5552 7530 • Email: • Web: Discipline Head, Architecture: Professor Gordon Holden COURSE INFORMATION Griffith University commenced delivery of its 3-year undergraduate program in architecture, the Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture) in semester 1, 2010 and introduced a 2-year Master of Architecture professional qualification in semester 1, 2013. The Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture) has received approval to change its title to Bachelor of Architectural Design, from 2015. GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 4 6 10 Domestic 4 6 10 Overseas - RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Board of Architects of Queensland currently recognise and accredit the Master of Architecture program. The BEnvDes(Arch) and BArchDes are recognised as the normal pathway to the Master of Architecture. ARTICULATION TAFE - Diploma of Building Design (CPP50911) The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION Bachelor of Architectural Design – 3 years Master of Architecture – 2 years GRADUATE PROGRAMS N/A ARCHITECTURE STAFF - FULL TIME SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 OP: 12 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Architecture History/Theory Urban Design Architectural Design Architecture Technologies ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS 80 YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION English (4 SA) with a recommendation for Maths A or B (4 SA) YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION N/A TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) (year before publication date) Male Female Total Total 34.25 18 52.25 Domestic 33.625 15.625 49.25 Overseas 0.625 2.375 3 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) (year before publication date) Male Female Total Total 123.125 80.125 203.25 Domestic 119.375 72.375 191.75 Overseas 3.75 7.75 11.5 2015 Edition STUDENT ACTIVITIES Student Group: GAS (Griffith Architectural Society) FOUNDATION DISCIPLINE HEAD, ARCHITECTURE Gordon Holden, PhD, MA(UrbDes), DipArch, LFRAIA, FNZIA, Reg Arch Qld, Reg Arch NZ PROFESSORS Andrew Leach, BA, MArch(Well), PhD(Ghent) LIBRARY RESOURCES Developing digital books, books, journals and other digital media ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Karine Dupré, BArch, MArch(Paris), MA(AntillesGuyane), PhD(Tampere), DPLG Leigh Shutter, MSc(Arch)(Col), BArch(Adel), RAIA, Reg Arch Qld COMPUTING RESOURCES 14 HP Z1 Gen 2 Workstations 35 Dell T1500 Workstations SENIOR LECTURERS Henry Skates, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons)(Dundee), PhD(VUW), PgCUT(Ulster) OTHER RESOURCES 2 x 3D Printers, 2 x Laser cutters, 3 x A0 plan printers, laminating and binding equipment, multifunction printer, technical measurement instruments, power and hand tools, SLR and point and shoot cameras. Fully stocked resource room LECTURERS Alexandra Brown, PhD, BDesSt, BArch(Hons)(UQ), RAIA Ruwan Fernando, PhD, BArch(Hons)(VUW) Alison McDonald, MSc, DipArch, BBE, AssDipSc, AssDipArts, RAIA Wouter Van Acker, MArch, PhD(Ghent) DISTANCE EDUCATION N/A ADJUNCT ACADEMIC STAFF Michael Rayner, AM, LFRAIA, Adjunct Professor Alejandro Cohn, RAIA, Adjunct Associate Professor Paul Fairweather, FRAIA, Adjunct Associate Professor Sanja Rodes SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER – ARCHITECTURE Andrew McDonald, AssDipAppSci(Arch), Cert IV Bldg, ABSA Accredited, HIA Greensmart Accredited ADMIN STAFF Maree Lauder, MProfAcc, MBA, Cdec Margie Carsburg RESEARCH STAFF PhD Students: Sara Alidoust Andrea Bosio Nicolo Del Castilo Elizabeth-Maree Lewis Alison McDonald, RAIA Cameron Moore SESSIONAL STAFF Andrew Armstrong, RAIA Nick Beattie Marty Bignell Andrea Bosio Matthew Boyle Nic Brand Sarah Briant, RAIA Jonathan Brown Amy Clarke Alejandro Cohn Christopher Cumming, RAIA Peter Dawson, FRAIA Nicolo Del Castilo Paul Den Ronden Lisa Edwards Greg Ewart Paul Fairweather, FRAIA Phillip Follent, LFRAIA Mahsa Farougi Rebecca Goodwin Llewellyn Griggs Tony Hall David Hanson 16 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY - continued SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Brett Hudson, RAIA Morgan Jenkins Karen Johnson Finn Jones, RAIA Rob Lord David Lovell Katie Maccoll Kali Marnane Laura McConaghy Lisa Mercer Dane Miller Chris Moynihan Rob Norman Katherine Rickard, RAIA Sanja Rodes Susan Rossi, FRAIA Peter Roy, FRAIA Rachel Towill, RAIA Sasha Wales Lisa White Teresa Wuersching VISITING LECTURERS David Baggs, RAIA John Byrne, FRAIA Peter Edwards, RAIA John McGrath Shane Thompson, FRAIA 2015 Edition 17 Griffith University Course Structure Bachelor of Architectural Design February Commencement (Courses are 10CP unless otherwise noted) Year Sem 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 Design Courses History/Theory Courses Introduction to Architecture & Landscape Architecture 1911ENV (20CP) Science, Technology & Management Courses Communications Courses & Electives Introduction to Environmental Sustainability 1043SCG (formerly The Global Environment 1301ENV) Introduction to Structures 1801ENG Creative Visual Strategies 1603QCA (formerly Creating the Image 1210QCA) Structure and the Environment 2599QCA Elective/Special Topic Architecture Studio 1 Architectural History 1 1912ENV 1903ENV Summer Semester (3) Students are required to complete three Electives in the Program. There are six Special Topics available and normally offered in Semesters 1, 2 and Summer. Architecture Studio 2 History, Theory & Methods of Principles of Sustainable Design 2901ENV Urban Design 2904ENV 2903ENV Architecture Studio 3 (20pt) Construction Materials & Practices 2902ENV 2801ENG Summer Semester (3) Students are required to complete three Electives in the Program. There are six Special Topics available and normally offered in Semesters 1, 2 and Summer. Architecture Studio 4 Architectural History 2 Building Construction and Services 3901ENV 3903ENV 3904ENV Architecture Studio 5 (20pt) Project Management Principles 3902ENV 3004ENG Understanding the Australian City 1037ENV Elective/Special Topic Elective/Special Topic Elective/Special Topic Elective/Special Topic Master of Architecture - February Commencement (Note: A part-time mode is available) Year Sem 1 1 Design Courses Technology + Environment + Prac Management Courses Advanced Architecture Studio 1 (20pt) 7601ENV Advanced Integrated Technologies 7604ENV Theory + Research & Electives Courses Advanced Environmental Studies 7704ENV 2 2 1 Advanced Architecture Studio 2 (20pt) 7602ENV Professional Practice 1 7605ENV Summer Semester (3) Students are required to complete one of the two Special Topics available OR complete an approved Griffith course as an elective. Architecture Research Project 1 (30pt) 7701ENV Contemporary Architecture 7603ENV Elective/Special Topic 1 7607ENV Professional Practice 2 7606ENV 2 2015 Edition Architecture Research Project 2 (30pt) Elective/Special Topic 2 7703ENV 18 Griffith University Course Structure Master of Architecture (July Commencement) Year Sem 1 2 2 1 Design Courses Technology + Environment + Prac Management Courses Theory + Research & Electives Courses Advanced Architecture Studio 2 (20pt) 7602ENV Professional Practice 1 7605ENV Contemporary Architecture 7603ENV Summer Semester (3) Students are required to complete one of the two Special Topics available OR complete an approved Griffith course as an elective. Advanced Architecture Studio 1 (20pt) Advanced Integrated Technologies 7601ENV 7604ENV Special Topic 1 7607ENV Advanced Environmental Studies 7704ENV 2 Architecture Research Project 2 (30pt) 7702ENV Professional Practice 2 7606ENV 3 1 2015 Edition Summer Semester (3) Students are required to complete one of the two Special Topics available OR complete an approved Griffith course as an elective. Architecture Research Project 2 (30pt) 7701ENV Special Topic 1 7607ENV Special Topic 2 7703ENV 19 MONASH UNIVERSITY Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, 900 Dandenong Road, Caulfield East, VIC 3145 • Tel: (03) 9903 4931 • Fax: (03) 9903 1682 Email: Web: Dean, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture: Professor Shane Murray Head of Department: Professor Diego Ramirez-Lovering Architecture Deputy Head of Department/Program Coordinator: Dr Ari Seligmann ARCHITECTURE AT MONASH Architecture at Monash consists of a 5-year, 2-degree program: Bachelor of Architectural Design – 3 years Master of Architecture – 2 years MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 – ATAR: 70.00 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS: 80 YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION: VCE English 3 & 4 or equivalent YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION General VCE curriculum non specific to the field of study TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 62.4 55.9 118.3 Domestic 52.3 47.3 99.6 Overseas 10.1 8.6 18.7 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (Bachelor of Architectural Design and Masters Degrees) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 167.6 153 320.6 Domestic 143.7 122.9 266.6 Overseas 23.9 30.1 54 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 24 22 46 Domestic 21 18 39 Overseas 3 4 7 2015 Edition ARTICULATION N/A DISTANCE EDUCATION N/A GRADUATE PROGRAMS Master of Architecture A Coursework masters formulated to progress the foundation of the undergraduate level in view of qualifying for practice in architecture. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Architects Registration Board of Victoria currently recognise and accredit this course. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. Doctor of Philosophy in Art and Design The Department of Architecture offers a PhD program of design-based research in architecture as well as cross disciplinary research topics. It also offers a written PhD in architectural theory. Research topics are determined through consultation between candidates, supervisory staff and the graduate research committee. ARCHITECTURE STAFF – FULL TIME PROFESSORS Shane Murray, Dean, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture and Foundation Professor, BArch(Melb), MArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT), FRAIA RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Contemporary urbanism and urban architecture with a focus on sustainable and affordable housing Practice based research Architecture for the regions Further information: Diego Ramirez-Lovering, BFA(RISD), BArch(RISD), MArch(RMIT), PhD(Monash), Affiliate RAIA STUDENT ACTIVITIES Exhibitions SONA Gallery volunteering scheme Archispiel lecture series SENIOR LECTURERS Ross Brewin, BAppSc(Curtin), BArch(Hons)(Curtin), MArch(RMIT), Reg’d ARBV Markus Jung, DiplIngArch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(KIT) John Sadar, BArch(McGill), MArch(Helsinki Tech), PhD(UPenn) Ari Seligmann, BArch(Rice), MArch(Berkeley), PhD(UCLA) LIBRARY RESOURCES Visit: COMPUTING RESOURCES Large Format Printing Laser cutter, Robot arm, 3 axis router 3-D Printing OTHER RESOURCES Faculty Gallery Multimedia Studio Wood, Metal, Glass workshops Monash University Museum of Art PRACTICE PROFESSOR Nigel Bertram, BArch(Melb), MArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT), RAIA LECTURERS Jacqui Alexander, BArchDes(Hons)(RMIT) Maud Cassaignau, MScArch(ETHZ), BScArch (ETHZ) Eduardo Kairuz, BArch(UCV), MFA(SCA/USyd) Lee-Anne Khor, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), Reg’d ARBV Tim Schork, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), MArch(RMIT) RESEARCH STAFF (MAS) Alysia Bennett, MArch(UTas) Holly Board, BArts, Interior Design(Hons)(RMIT), BArch(Hons)(RMIT) Catherine Murphy, GradDip Urban Planning Byron Meyer, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), MArch(RMIT) Deborah Rowe, BA-Visual Culture(Monash), BArchDes(RMIT), MArch(RMIT) Rutger Pasman, MArch(RMIT) SESSIONAL STAFF Bruce Allen, LFRAIA Michael Artemenko John Bahoric Axel Baumann Elliott Baxter Alysia Bennett Sascha Bohnenberger Monique Brady-Ward, RAIA Edwina Brisbane Phil Burns Peta Carlin Harrison Chua Anthony Clarke George Coutts Tania Davidge Helen Day Alison Fairley Peter Felicetti Kate Ferguson Julie Firkin, RAIA Jerome Frumar Aurelia Gachet Anna Gilby Jonathan Grove Laura Harper Stuart Harrison, FRAIA Tai Hollingsbee Brent King George King Isabel La Sala 20 MONASH UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Luca Lana Josephine Lettieri, RAIA Peter Lim Thom Mackenzie Justin Mallia Lara Martires Matt McDonnell Pam McGirr Daniel McKenna Hannes McNamara Karen McWilliam, RAIA Yvonne Meng Tom Morgan Marnie Morieson Anna Nervegna Adam Newman Mark Nixon Xiaoxi (Salvin) Pu Jon Shinkfield Lochlan Sinclair Lizi Sironic Pia Socias Helen Stitt Daniel van Cleemput Luke Waldron Claire Walker Ben Waters Scott Willey, RAIA Drew Williamson Scott Woods Scott Woodward, RAIA 2015 Edition ADJUNCT STAFF Rueben Berg, Indigenous Architecture Victoria John Denton, BArch(Melb), Honorary Doctorate (Monash), LFRAIA (Denton Corker Marshall) Peter Elliott, AM, LFRAIA (Peter Elliott Architecture and Urban Design) Robert McGauran, LFRAIA (McGauran Giannini Soon) Shelley Penn, LFRAIA (Shelley Penn Architect) Robert Simeoni, RAIA (Robert Simeoni Architects) Kerstin Thompson, FRAIA (Kerstin Thompson Architects) Emma Williamson, (CODA Architecture Studio) Kieran Wong, RAIA (CODA Architecture Studio) VISITING LECTURERS 2014 Rafiq Azam Li Han Kazuhiro Kojima and Kazuko Akamatsu Christof Mayer Paul Minifie, RAIA Jinhee Park and John Hong Debbie Ryan Markus Schein Tobias Schwinn Koichi Suzuno 21 Monash University Course Structure 2015 Edition 22 Monash University Course Structure 2015 Edition 23 QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY School of Design, 2 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000, (GPO Box 2434) • Telephone: (07) 3138 4495 Email: Web: Head of School of Design: Professor Paul Sanders Head of Architecture: Dr Philip Crowther Course Coordinator (Bachelor of Design): Dr Anoma Kumarasuriyar Course Coordinator (Master of Architecture): Dr Mirko Guaralda BACHELOR OF DESIGN (Honours) (Architectural Studies) DE42 This is a four year full time pre-professional architectural course that commenced in 2006. It is followed by a one year full time MArch professional architectural program that commenced in 2010. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE DE80 This is a one year full time professional architectural program. Entry is granted upon completion of DE40 (or equivalent). MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years (full time) SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 OP: 6 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS General Quota (includes school leavers) – there is no set quota; student numbers are determined each year by OP score for that year. YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION Nil YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION 4 semesters of sound achievement in English TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 78 86 164 Domestic 65 76 141 Overseas 13 10 23 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 387 335 722 Domestic 351 300 651 Overseas 36 35 71 2015 Edition GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 57 25 82 Domestic 47 19 66 Overseas 10 6 16 ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) TAFE graduates who gain entry to the architecture courses are awarded credits for first year units. TAFE graduates must apply through QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre). RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Design tools - Advanced digital techniques are being introduced in the architectural courses including parameterization, environmental performance and building information modelling (BIM). The aim is to use BIM to improve the quality of the design outcomes through a wider understanding of the design problem and the range of possible solutions to the needs of the clients, users of the building and society in general. Sustainable Systems - The design of sustainable and net positive systems requires a synthesis of new technology, ethics and imagination within a whole systems design framework. In a trans-disciplinary, team-based working and learning environment, students will learn how the built environment can become a solution to the past ecological damage and social inequity that is currently embedded in urban form. Architecture at QUT will become distinguished internationally for its service to the advancement of architecture, and a national focus for innovation in design and sustainable development. Design research in sub-tropical design, smart sustainable design, environmentally responsive design, solar design, architectural practice and design, theory & practice relationships, design as research, town centre design, performance-based design & virtual reality. Technology cluster research in sustainable systems & energy, design for disassembly, building materials, building construction, building legislation & fire safety issues. History & theory cluster research in urbanism, regional architecture. Asian architecture and culture, contemporary & late Twentieth Century architecture, theory and practice relationships, historical architectural technology, theory & design, cultural landscapes, research policy, psychological aspects of interior design, intersection of cultural theory & architectural theory and contemporary public housing. OTHER RESOURCES Comprehensive workshops (including digital router & laser cutters, rapid prototyping, 3D printers; also metal work and timber workshops), photocopying facilities, plan printing, light & colour lab plus artificial sky, heliodor. PUBLICATIONS & EXHIBITIONS End of year publication of student projects. Periodic exhibitions of student projects and displays of travelling exhibitions. DISTANCE EDUCATION not available SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Study tours. First year design camp. Work place learning. Continuing education programs within Faculty include Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Computer Applications and Architectural Practice. STUDENT ACTIVITIES SONA (National student organisation); AA – Architects Anonymous (QUT student guild organisation) LIBRARY RESOURCES 750,000 Books & videos, 30,000 print & electronic journals & 500 data bases, 4,000 Architecture titles, 240 Journal subs in Architecture. STUDENT COMPUTING RESOURCES Computer Lab: • 80 PCs • Student access to a network drive for data for assignment backup, handouts and hand-ins can be stored on the server, student printing and plotting available. • Wireless connection to studio rooms. • Online learning & teaching system. • Up to A3 colour printing and up to A0 colour plotting is available on site. Access to printing is in lab and networked. • Wide range of software available. • Open 24 hours 7 days. • Wide range of digital resources. • Computer on wheels (COW). RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The DE80 Master of Architecture course received full accreditation and recognition in 2011 from the Board of Architects of Queensland and the Australian Institute of Architects. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. ARCHITECTURE STAFF – FULL TIME ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Philip Crowther, PhD(QUT), MEd(Macquarie), BArch(QUT), BBE(Architectural Studies)(QUT), BA(Film&Video Production)(QCA:Griffith) Rosie Kennedy, BArch(UQ), RAIA SENIOR LECTURERS Simone Brott, PhD(Melbourne), MA(Yale), BArch(Melbourne) Veronica Garcia-Hansen, PhD(QUT) Mirko Guaralda, PhD(Politecnico di Milano), DArch(Politecnico di Milano) Lindy Osborne, PGDipl, BArch(Natal), RAIA LECTURERS Glenda Caldwell, MArch(Florida), BSc(Michigan) Anoma Kumarasuriyar, PhD(QUT), MScEng(Yokohama), RIBA Part1(Sri Lanka) Susan Loh, BArch(Carleton), BA(Hons) David Nielsen, MTech(TWR), BArch(Wits) Yasuhiro Santo, AADipl 24 QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY - continued ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) VISITING LECTURERS Information unavailable at time of publication. PROFESSORS OF DESIGN Jim Gall, FRAIA Kevin O’Brien, RAIA Peter Richards RESEARCH PROFESSOR PROFESSOR OF DIGITAL DESIGN Robin Drogemuller, BArch(Adel), BApplSci(Maths &Computing)(CIAE) HONORARY STAFF ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Nur Demirbilek Noel Robinson Dianne Smith, RAIA Caroline Stalker, RAIA Jennifer Taylor, LFRAIA Glenn Thomas 2015 Edition 25 Queensland University of Technology Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Architectural Studies) (DE42) Year 1 Semester 1 cp HUMAN SCIENCES & CULTURAL CONTEXT Year 1 Semester 2 cp DEB202 12 Introducing Design History Year 2 Semester 1 cp Year 2 cp Semester 2 DAB325 12 Architecture in 20th Century Year 3 Semester 1 cp DAH525 Architecture and the City 12 DAB511 Architectural Design 5 12 Year 3 Semester 2 cp Year 4 Semester 1 cp Year 4 Semester 2 cp DAH710 Architectural Design 7 12 DAH811 Architectural Design 8 36 DAB220 12 Architecture, Culture and Place DESIGN & RESEARCH DAB110 Architectural Design 1 12 DAB210 Architectural Design 2 12 DAB310 Architectural Design 3 12 DAB410 Architectural Design 4 12 DAB611 Architectural Design 6 12 DEB101 12 Introducing Design DEH701 12 Research and Design TECHNOLOGY & PHYSICAL SCIENCES PROFESSIONAL STUDIES & COMMUNICATIONS DAB330 12 Integrated Technologies 1 DEB100 Design and Sustainability 12 DAB203 12 Visualisation 2 DAB435 Architectural Technology 1 12 DAH530 12 Integrated Technologies 2 DAH635 12 Architectural Technology 2 DAB403 12 Visualisation 3 DAB103 12 Visualisation 1 ELECTIVES 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit 12 Minor or Major Unit cp = credit points 2015 Edition 26 Queensland University of Technology Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture (DE80) Year (5) cp Year (5) cp Semester 1 Semester 2 HUMAN SCIENCES & CULTURAL CONTEXT DAN125 12 Contemporary Architectural Culture DESIGN & RESEARCH DAN101 24 Master Studio A TECHNOLOGY & PHYSICAL SCIENCES PROFESSIONAL STUDIES & COMMUNICATIONS DAN201 24 Master Studio B DAN235 Project Management DAN145 Professional Practice 12 12 DAN245 12 Contract Administration cp = credit points 2015 Edition 27 RMIT UNIVERSITY RMIT Architecture Program, School of Architecture + Design, Building 8, Level 12, 360 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 (GPO Box 2476) • Tel: (03) 9925 9799 • Fax: (03) 9925 3507 Email: Web: RMIT School of Architecture + Design Web: Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Design + Social Context: Professor Paul Gough Dean, School of Architecture + Design: Professor Richard Blythe RMIT Architecture & Urban Design Deputy Dean: Associate Professor Vivian Mitsogianni RMIT Architecture & Urban Design is known for ideas-led venturous design exploration and design innovation. Situated on an Urban campus which is seen as a laboratory for design exploration the programs have an international reputation for design excellence. RMIT Architecture & Urban Design also has strong links to industry through our teaching staff many of whom are internationally recognised award winning practicing architects. BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN The course consists of 6 one-semester levels with all subjects prescribed at each level. There are two student electives offered at level 5 & 6. All design studios offer balloted choices at each level, and are vertically integrated. Design studio courses and Portfolio are designated as core subjects. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 3 years MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (PROFESSIONAL) The course consists of 4 one-semester levels with all subjects prescribed at each level. All design studios offer balloted choices at each level with Major Project being thesis by design project undertaken by final year students. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 2 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR PRESENT YEAR No set cut-off score. Admission process is through an aggregate of: Pre-selection Kit/Interview score/ATAR score ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS Approx: 58-60 YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION University pre-requisite Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or at least 25 in English other than EAL. 2015 Edition YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Minimum requirements for Year 12 completion. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 89 68 157 Domestic 54 32 86 Overseas 35 36 71 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 359 245 604 Domestic 218 122 340 Overseas 141 123 264 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 59 34 93 Domestic 41 20 61 Overseas 18 14 32 ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) Credit transfer arrangements from RMIT VE and the Bachelor of Architectural Design at RMIT are: Completed Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) (credited with up to 1.5 equivalent semesters subject to satisfactory grade point average). RESEARCH ACTIVITIES School Postgraduate research main page: RMIT Architecture Research: The Architecture Program is co-located with the Master of Urban Design Degree which can be completed as a one year degree upon completion of a Master of Architecture degree. The School of Architecture & Design offers PhD research degrees RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (continued) by project and by thesis. RMIT is known for Design Practice Research and its longstanding Design Practice Research PhD program which examines what venturous designers actually do when they design. Distinguished international visiting academics and practitioners take part in the biannual – Practice Research Symposia - which involve public lectures, postgraduate exhibition/examinations and candidate in-progress presentations. Key architecture research concentrations include: - Invitational Reflective Practice Stream: Director Professor Leon van Schaik AO – Undertaken for twenty five years, this stream invites accomplished architects to reflect on their mastery of their discipline as demonstrated in a body of work acclaimed by their peers. It now has programs (and biannual PRS Events) in Melbourne, Europe and Asia. Refer 2012 van Schaik L, Johnson A, By Practice, By Invitation: Design Practice Research in Architecture and Design at RMIT 1986-2011 onepointsixone Melbourne - Expanded Field, Director: Sand Helsel – trans-disciplinary and community oriented design teaching, research, consultancy, and postgraduate supervision. Staff include Richard Black, Anna Johnson, Charles Anderson, Sue Anne Ware. - Urban Architecture Laboratory (UAL) ure_Laboratory.php. Director: Gretchen Wilkins + Simon Whibley - urban design teaching, research, consultancy, and postgraduate supervision. - Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL) Director: Mark Burry - digital design teaching, research and postgraduate supervision. ARC projects: _Council_%28ARC%29_-_Grants.php SPECIAL ACTIVITIES RMIT Architecture Events: - - - LIBRARY RESOURCES RMIT Central library, including audio-visual and slide library. COMPUTING RESOURCES Computer laboratories and additional computer workstations with plotting and printing facilities. Workshop CAD/CAM 3D cutter Router, 3-axis Milling Machine, Kuka Robot and 3D printers, 3D digitiser, 3D wax Thermal Printer, Laser cutters, A0 colour plotters, and a large suite of architectural and design modelling software. OTHER RESOURCES Audiovisual studio, technology laboratory, model workshop, machine workshop, photography studio, drafting studio. DISTANCE EDUCATION N/A RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Architects Registration Board of Victoria currently recognise and accredit this course. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. ARCHITECTURE STAFF DEPUTY DEAN OF ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN Associate Professor Vivian Mitsogianni, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), PhD(RMIT), RAIA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Meera Ravindran, Michelle Culpan 28 RMIT UNIVERSITY – continued PROFESSORS Leon van Schaik, AO, BArchStudies(Ncle), AADip(SADG), MArch(UCT), PhD(CNAA), RIBA, ARCUK, LFRAIA, Professor of Architecture – Innovation Chair Richard Blythe, BEnvDes, BArch(TSIT), MArch(Melb), Invitational PhD(RMIT), RAIA, Professor of Architecture Paul Carter, Professor of Design/Urbanism Peter Corrigan, AM, BArch(Melb), ED(Yale), HonDArch(RMIT), LFRAIA, Professor of Architecture Harriet Edquist, BA, MA(Monash), PhD(RMIT), Hon FRAIA, Professor of Architectural Theory Sand Helsel, AADipl, MArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT) RIBA, Professor of Architecture Tom Holbrook, Professor of Architecture (Urbanism) Mark Jaques, Professor of Architecture (Urbanism) Tom Kovac, BArch(Hons), MArch(RMIT), Professor of Architecture Carey Lyon, BArch(Melb), LFRAIA, Professor of Architecture Eva Prats, Professor of Architecture (Urbanism) ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Rob McBride, FRAIA, MCR Architects Ian McDougall, BArch, MArch(RMIT), LFRAIA Howard Raggatt, BArch(Hons)(UniMelb), MArch(RMIT), LFRAIA Kerstin Thompson, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), MArch(RMIT), FRAIA ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Pia Ednie-Brown (SIAL), BArch(UWA), PGradDip (Arts)(UWA) Esther Charlesworth, RAIA Conrad Hamann, BA, MA, PhD(Monash), Hon RAIA Paul Minifie (SIAL), BArch(Hons), MArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT), RAIA Vivian Mitsogianni, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), PhD(RMIT), RAIA SENIOR LECTURERS Brent Allpress, BArch(Hons), MArch(Auck) Richard Black, BArch(Hons)(Curtin), MArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT) Graham Crist, BArch(Hons)(UWA), MArch(UWA), PhD(RMIT), RAIA 2015 Edition SENIOR LECTURERS (continued) Simon Whibley, BArch(Hons)(Auck), MArch(RMIT), RAIA Gretchen Wilkins, BScArch(CUA), MArc(Dist)(Michigan), PhD(RMIT) LECTURERS John Cherrey, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), BEd(UniMelb), GradDip FineArts(RMIT), RAIA Anna Johnson, BArch(Hons)(RMIT) Martin Musiatowicz, BArch(UWA) Christine Phillips, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), MArch(Melb) Jan van Schaik, BArch Roland Snooks, BArch(RMIT), MArch(Columbia) (Hons)(RMIT) Leanne Zilka, BArch(Hons)(UNSW), MArch(Harvard), RAIA ASSOCIATE LECTURERS Peter Brew, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), John Doyle, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), MEng(Tokyo Tech), RAIA Gwyllim Jahn, BEnvDes(UWA), MArch(RMIT) Michael Spooner, BArch(Hons)(RMIT), PhD(RMIT) Emma Jackson, BArch(Hons)(UWA), GradDip Design(RMIT) Vicky Lam BArch(Hons)(RMIT), MArch(Harvard), Ben Milbourne, BDes(UTAS), BArch(UNSW), Amy Muir, BDesInterior(RMIT), BArch(Hons)(RMIT), RAIA ARCHITECTURE PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE Neil Appleton, FRAIA (Lyons) Neil Masterton, FRAIA (Ashton Raggatt McDougall) Marika Neustupny, RAIA (NMBW) Callum Fraser, RAIA (Elenberg Fraser) Sophie Patitsas (Office of the Victorian Government Architect) VISITING DESIGN STUDIO TUTORS 2014 include: Nicholas Agius Ben Akerman Jose Alfano, FRAIA Bruce Allen, LFRAIA Enza Angelucci, RAIA Neil Appleton, FRAIA VISITING DESIGN STUDIO TUTORS 2014 (continued) Michael Artemenko Tina Atic Jane Bennetts Peter Bickle, RAIA Michelle Black Gregory Bonasera Andre Bonnice Dean Boothroyd Sarah Bourke Nicholas Bourns Christine Bozsan Dan Brady Monique Brady Dave Brodziak Peta Carlin Edmund Carter, RAIA Yvonne Chan Peter Charles Jason Chongue Paul Coffey, RAIA Grant Dixon Nicola Dovey Simon Drysdale, RAIA Helen Duong Bradley Elias Matt Ellis Alison Fairley Marcus Fajl Shelley Freeman Jerome Frumar Aurelia Gachet Nicola Garrod, RAIA Chris Gilbert Belinda Grant Kristen Green, RAIA Haslett Grounds, RAIA Michelle Hamer Stuart Harrison, FRAIA Matthew Herbert, RAIA Christopher Hewson Lindsay Holland Nicholas Hubicki Sam Hunter George Huon Takasumi Inoue VISITING DESIGN STUDIO TUTORS 2014 (continued) Anna Jankovic, RAIA Mark Jaques Dongsei Kim Peter Knight Simone Koch Chin Koi Khoo Camille Lacadee Luca Lana Mark Lane Alan Lau Qianyi Lim Rachel Lok Natalie Lysenko, RAIA Patrick Macasaet Louisa Macleod Stasinos Mantzis Laura Martires Lucinda Mason Sean McMahon Hannes McNamara Nicole Mechkaroff Michael Mei, RAIA Sarah Merican Sanne Mestrom Timothy Moore Tom Morgan Joshua Morrin, RAIA Rebecca Naughtin, RAIA Ian Nazareth Dianne Peacock Danielle Peck, RAIA Tobias Pond Adam Pustola Tim Pyke Mark Raggatt Simon Reeves Ivan Rijavec, FRAIA Natalie Robinson Francois Roche Jean-Paul Rollo Hannah Rowe Paulo Sampaio Katherine Sampson Claire Scorpo, RAIA Nicholas Searle, RAIA 29 RMIT UNIVERSITY – continued VISITING DESIGN STUDIO TUTORS 2014 Ferran Seggara Aaron Shiplee Karen Tanfield Damien Thackray Jeff Turnbull Andrej Vod Ton Vu Suzannah Waldron Angela Woda Scott Woods Andy Yu Bernadette Zahd 2015 Edition 30 RMIT University Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Architectural Design Year 1 Semester 1 cp Year 1 Semester 2 cp Year 2 Semester 1 cp Year 2 Semester 2 cp Year 3 Semester 1 cp Year 3 Semester 2 cp STUDIOS Design + Communications 1 24 24 Design 3 24 Design 4 24 Design 5 24 Design 6 24 STUDIO SUPPORT Technology 1 12 Communications 2 12 Communications 3 12 Technology 3 12 Technology 4 12 Portfolio 12 Architecture History Introduction 12 Technology 2 12 Australian Architecture 12 20th Century Architecture History 12 Student Elective 2 12 Design 2 (Technology, Practice Communications & History) 12 PROJECTS, Student Elective 1 SEMINARS & ELECTIVES STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture Year 4 Semester 1 cp Year 4 Semester 2 cp Year 5 Semester 1 cp Year 5 Semester 2 cp STUDIOS Design 7 24 Design 8 24 Design 9 24 STUDIO SUPPORT Professional 12 Professional 12 Professional 12 (Technology, Practice Practice 1 Practice 2 Major Project 36 Architecture 12 Practice 3 Communications & History) PROJECTS, Architecture Asian SEMINARS & Urbanism 12 Architecture Elective 1 12 Architecture Elective 2 12 Elective 3 ELECTIVES Lower-pool Design (semesters 2-5) and Upper-pool Design (semesters 6-9) are two vertically integrated cohorts, with students balloting for a range of commissioned design studios each semester. A wide range of balloted History and Theory, Communications, and Technology projects and seminars are offered each semester. These include Urban Architecture Laboratory (UAL), Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory (SIAL), architectural history and theory, and interdisciplinary electives, seminars and projects that provide pathways to practice specialisations and to postgraduate research. cp = credit points 2015 Edition 31 THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE School of Architecture and Built Environment, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5005 • Tel: (08) 8313 5836 Email: Web: Head of School: Prof George Zillante ARCHITECTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE Architectural education in the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Adelaide is distinctive, suiting self-motivated students able to take responsibility for their own education. The School has a two-degree academic program of study with a broad first degree, the Bachelor of Architectural Design, which provides a foundation in the disciplines of Architecture and Landscape Architecture including some Urban Design content. This is followed by the Master of Architecture (MArch). Both degrees place great importance on the development of creativity and design skills. BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN This degree is the usual pathway for students wishing to enter the School’s suite of Postgraduate coursework programs including the Master of Architecture. The Bachelor of Architectural Design is available to applicants with year 12 qualifications who will compete for a place in this program based on their ATAR. Applicants who have completed at least half a year of higher education study may be considered on the basis of their tertiary academic record. VET applicants must have completed a Certificate IV or above from a Registered Training Organisation. Alternatively applicants over the age of 18 who have not done more than two years (full time) tertiary study in the last two years can apply for university entry by completing the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). With an average GPA of 60%, graduates of this program will be eligible to enrol in the Master of Architecture or the Master of Landscape Architecture. With a GPA of 70% graduates will be eligible to enrol in the Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture double degree. In addition to being the pathway to the masters programs the Bachelor of Architectural Design is also a stand alone degree that provides an exit point for students not wanting to proceed to postgraduate study. 2015 Edition Entry to the Master of Architecture for Graduates from other Programs Graduates from programs other than the Bachelor of Architectural Design or equivalent who wish to enrol in the Master of Architecture will be offered up to 48 units of credit in this program. They will be required to submit a portfolio and will be assessed on a case by case basis. Please call or email the School’s Student Adviser for more information about this entry pathway. Nature of the Program Half of the Bachelor of Architectural Design is devoted to design studios in architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. The remaining half of the program consists of core courses in history and theory; representation (digital and hand drawing); construction; and environments, including issues of sustainability. A broad range of material is explored and delivered in the courses that often use important contemporary or historical issues as their starting point. These courses vary in the method used to deliver their curriculum but they usually consist of project work and assignments. There are minimal exams. Design studios are usually centred on a design project that is developed over the semester through a series of assignments and submissions that are assessed. A wide range of design projects will be offered each year varying from the highly speculative to the extremely pragmatic. Projects are often theorised as a means of developing an understanding of the complex nature of designing and creating our built environment. School staff frequently collaborate with respected practitioners from the local and national profession to deliver these courses. Honours Bachelor of Architectural Design graduates can apply to undertake an additional Honours year in Architectural Design. The Honours Degree of Bachelor of Architectural Design allows students to research a particular area from a wide range of • Fax: (08) 8313 4377 Honours (continued) topics such as: history of landscapes and buildings, cross-cultural architectural studies, and environmental studies. The Honours program opens the possibility for students to continue their studies into postgraduate (by research) programs, either at a Masters or PhD level. Overseas Studios An overseas design studio option is offered in the second level of this program. In 2014 this was available in Indonesia. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE The Master of Architecture is the required and accredited qualification for registration as an architect. Most students enter the program via the Bachelor of Architectural Design however there is also a significant cohort of international students and some students who have completed a recognised undergraduate program elsewhere in Australia. This is an intensive four-semester length studiobased academic program that develops professional and creative abilities in a context of contemporary theory and practice of architecture. Projects are used as the basis for learning, discussion and review. Some projects lead students through technical, administrative, planning or other specific aspects of practice, while others promote innovative approaches to design with a more open agenda. The programs combine a global outlook with extensive use of case studies of Australian and international work. Teaching is by a combination of University staff and visiting practising professionals. In the Master of Architecture program, assessment is based on project work rather than on examinations. Details of all assessment tasks and the weighting of each are contained in the course guide for each course. Some courses contain assessment hurdles. These are components that must be passed to pass the course overall. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE/MASTER OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DOUBLE DEGREE This is an intensive six-semester length studiobased academic program that includes all of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture. The School welcomes applications for entry into these programs from Australia and overseas. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION The equivalent of 3 years (Bachelor of Architectural Design) + 2 years (Master of Architecture) for full time study. SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR: 70.2 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS 120 YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Basic freehand drawing ability, computer skills and Stage 1 SACE Maths [or equivalent]. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 82.375 59.625 142 Domestic 68.875 42 110.875 Overseas 13.50 17.625 31.125 TOTAL PROGRAM STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of program) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 277.25 206.375 483.625 Domestic 191.875 124.625 316.5 Overseas 85.375 81.75 167.125 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE – continued GRADUATIONS 2013 (from Master of Architecture) Male Female Total Total 34 16 50 Domestic 20 11 31 Overseas 14 5 19 DISTANCE EDUCATION The School does not offer any courses through Distance Education. Sustainable Urbanism (continued) investigations within a broader interrogation of effective sustainability applied specifically to urban conditions. In recognition of global population shifts to urban environments, under conditions increasingly governed by unprecedented economic, environmental and social challenges, research in this cluster engages with sustainable discourse, practices, techniques and technologies. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Architectural Practice Board of South Australia recognise and accredit the Bachelor of Architectural Design/Master of Architecture. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. The research projects investigate opportunities for creating new responses to urban transformations now underway, adapting, speculating and testing how local conditions might be improved, as well as the applicability of these findings in the global south, in the greater Asian region and in similar bio-climatic environs. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES The School of Architecture and Built Environment is committed to research excellence in the areas of sustainable urbanism, the history and theory of architecture with a particular emphasis on the historical and cultural interpretation of Asian and Middle Eastern architecture in the modern era, and design research and creative practice. These three areas of research are not mutually exclusive and, indeed, they are enhanced due to collegial collaboration and exchange that is possible within a small research cohort. 2. History and Theory This cluster builds on a significant tradition of research on the history and theory of architecture in the modern era, the history of cultural landscapes and their interpretation, cross-cultural approaches to design pedagogy, and the exploration of crosscultural and cross-disciplinary issues in design thinking and practice. The high quality of research in these areas by individual staff members is recognised internationally in their respective academic circles. This recognition is complemented by national acclaim with the receipt of a high proportion of prestigious Australia Research Council (ARC) grants per capita. Current research is actively disseminated in a significant number of publications that highlight the advantages of interdisciplinary design-thinking in a changing world. The School has a vibrant community of higher degree by research (HDR) students engaged in an exciting breadth and depth of scholarship that is aligned with the School’s three areas of research excellence. 1. Sustainable Urbanism This research cluster incorporates long-standing work from key staff with research interests in sustainable building practices and technologies, as well as emerging realignment of such specific 2015 Edition The Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture (CAMEA) is located within the School. Current research is distinguished, in particular, by projects focusing on colonial and contemporary issues in the architecture and planning histories of the Indian sub-continent and Southeast Asia, and scholarship focusing on architecture, landscapes and cities shaped by Muslim communities. 3. Design as Research This research cluster brings together a wide range of projects focused on built work outcomes. In line with internationally recognised research, the School promotes design activity—design as research—as an independent research endeavour, linked intimately with the support of traditional research for design and research about design and designers. Design research is undertaken through both design project propositions and through their realisation. Inevitably, this reflects a key concern of current teaching and learning regarding the new ambitions and new training that designers need to pursue and generate works in contemporary societies. Design as Research (continued) As practicing designers, the researchers in this cluster have grounded, compellingly evidenced and inspiring answers to pressing issues in times of uncertainty, change and threat. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Architectural Design Students’ Association; SONA. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Consulting in architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. Contributions to state, national and international committees in heritage and conservation, environmental performance assessment energy conservation, solar access, daylight, and urban design. LIBRARY RESOURCES The University's Barr Smith Library, adjacent to the Barr Smith South Building, includes an extensive collection of material on architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, planning and other relevant subjects. COMPUTING RESOURCES Teaching, research and administration make extensive use of computers, and the programs assume a strong technological environment rather than relegating computing to separate specialist courses. Computer-aided design studios in the Barr Smith South Building (with after-hours access) include networked workstations with printing facilities. The school environment is also wired for wireless laptop use and the purchase of a personal computer is encouraged. Specifications will be given at time of acceptance to the School. ARCHITECTURE STAFF HEAD OF SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT George Zillante, BArch(SAIT), GD TP(SAIT), GD BusAdm(SAIT), MRUP(UniSA), Dr Tech(Deakin), RAIA FULL TIME ACADEMIC STAFF S. Akkach, (Associate Professor), BArch(Hons)(Damascus), MArchDes(NSW), PhD(Syd) FULL TIME ACADEMIC STAFF (continued) U. Bette, BVisCommDes(Düsseldorf), MArch(Vienna) T. Court, BAppSc(RMIT) J. Curry, BDesign(Interior)(UniSA), BArch(Hons)(Adel) J. Kellett, BArts(Sheffield), MCivicDesign (Liverpool), PhD(Sheffield Hallam) M. Morita, BEnvDesArch(Nth Carolina), MArch(Sth California) E. Palazzo, MSc(Arch)(Florence), PhD(Florence) S. Ridgway, BArch, MArch(Adel), PhD(Syd) J. Russell-Clarke, BAppSc(LArch)(RMIT), MLArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT) P. Scriver, BSc(Arch)(McGill), BArch(McGill), PhD(Delft U of Tech) V. Soebarto (Associate Professor), BArch(Indonesia), MArch(Texas A&M), PhD(Texas A&M) A. Srivastava, BArch(Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha), PhD(Adel) J. Worrall, BArch(Hons)(Adel), PhD(Tokyo) PART TIME ACADEMIC STAFF E. Baker, BA(Hons)(Adel), PhD(Geog)(Adel) K. Bartsch, BArch(Hons)(Adel), PhD(Adel), Affiliate RAIA S. Grieve, BSc(Arch)(UNSW), BArch(Hons) (UNSW), FRAIA P. Harris, BArch(Adel), FRAIA J. Hayter, BArch(Adel), MA(Land Design)(Sheffield), MLandArchUrbDes(Harvard), RAIA FULL TIME PROFESSIONAL STAFF A. Bosnakis – Administrative Officer I. Florance – IT Support Officer S. Ho – Academic Support Officer C. Low – Student Advisor V. Wennan – School Manager PART TIME PROFESSIONAL STAFF M. Wilson – Finance and Administrative Support Officer HONORARY STAFF F. Bonato, BArch(Hons)(Adel), LFRAIA J. Brine, Hon AM, BArch(Melb), DipTRP(Melb), PhD(Adel), LFRAIA 33 THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE – continued HONORARY STAFF (continued) M. Brünner, MArch(Vienna), PhD(UniSA) R. D. Cheesman, AM, BArch(Adel), MLitt(Camb), LFRAIA K. Cullity, BSc(Botany)(UWA), DipEd(UWA) R. Danvers, BArch(Adel), LFRAIA H. Kasturi, BArch(Adel), BArch(Melb), DipTownRegPlan(Melb), PhD(Malaya), LFRAIA P. Downton, BScArchStud(Wales), BArch(Wales), PhD(Adel) T. Giannone, BArch(Adel) R. Munday, BArch(Adel), MEnvDes(Yale) M. Queale, MCultHeritage(Deakin) A. Radford, BA, BArch(N’cle-upon-Tyne), DipTP(Edin Coll of Art), PhD(Sydney), FRAIA, RIBA S. Shannon, BArch(Adel, PhD(Adel) D. White, BArch(Melb), PhD(Adel) T. Williamson, BE(Monash), BArch(Melb), PhD(Adel) M. Yokohari, BAg(LArch)(Tokyo), MAg(LArch) (Tokyo), PhD(Tokyo) Z. Zhao, BE(ElecPowerEng)(Hunan), MBA(Beijing Jiaotong), PhD(Beijing Jiaotong) 2015 Edition VISITING LECTURERS n/a 34 The University of Adelaide Course Structure STUDY AREA PROGRAM STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Architectural Design Level 2 Level 1 DESIGN Semester 1 Design Studio I COMMUNICATIONS HISTORY THEORY Semester 2 Design Studio II Semester 1 Design Studio III Semester 2 Design Studio IV Semester 1 Design Studio V Representation I Representation II Representation III History Theory I History Theory II TECHNOLOGY Construction I Construction II ENVIRONMENT Environment I Environment II HONOURS Level 4 1 or 2 advanced topics from a range of fields STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture Level 1 DESIGN STUDIES (CONSTRUCTION, SCIENCE & ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES) Level 3 Semester 2 Design Studio VI History Theory III Construction III Environment III Level 2 Studio Cultures: Architecture (M) Professional Practice (M) Studio: Urbanism (M) Studio: Architecture (M) Critical Historical Practices (M) Advanced Architecture Technologies (M) Advanced Construction (M) Architecture Internship (M) Designing Research (M) Final Architecture Project (M) or Experiential Studio: Onshore (M) or Experiential Studio: Offshore (M) or Independent Study (M) CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES PRACTICE SUBJECTS HONOURS (SUBJECT ONLY) 2015 Edition 35 THE UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA Faculty of Arts and Design: University of Canberra, ACT 2601 • Tel: (02) 6201 2178 • Fax: (02) 6201 5034 Email: Web: Dean, Faculty of Arts and Design: Professor Lyndon Anderson Head of Discipline, Design & Architecture: Assistant Professor Andrew MacKenzie Course Convenor, Master of Architecture: Professor Gevork Hartoonian Course Convenor, Bachelor of Architecture: Assistant Professor Matthew Mindrup BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ARCHITECTURE/ MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Three years full time followed by Master of Architecture (2 years full time). On completion of the BArch/MArch degree graduates are advised to contact the relevant Architects Board in their jurisdiction for details regarding practical experience eligibility for sitting the registration exam. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR: 65 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS Estimated to be 140 students YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION English YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Background in art or design is desirable. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 62.9 40.4 103.3 Domestic 57.6 36.0 93.6 Overseas 5.3 4.4 9.7 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 240.8 131.2 372.0 Domestic 214.0 115.4 329.4 Overseas 26.8 15.8 42.6 2015 Edition GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 10 6 16 Domestic 8 6 14 Overseas 2 0 2 ARTICULATION COURSES NSW TAFE Advanced Diploma of Architecture and CIT Advanced Diploma in Building Design and Diploma of Building Design articulated into the Architecture course with advanced standing on a case by case basis. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Details available from Faculty. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Interstate visits, international workshops and exhibitions. UC Architecture guest talks, Australian Institute of Architects Speaker Series at the National Gallery of Australia (NGA). Active international exchange program. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Departmental Student Society, SONA, social, cultural and recreational events, 24 hour Design Competition. LIBRARY RESOURCES Monographs approximately 15,500 (School disciplines), Serials, Audio visual (CD Roms, slides, kits). All major architectural and design serials. COMPUTING RESOURCES 173 PC and Macintosh machines across Division. This includes 6 computer laboratories, within the Faculty, with high capacity PC and Macintosh machines. Various plotters, colour printers, ProEngineer REVIT and AUTOCAD licences, MS Office, Quark, Photoshop, Vectorworks, ArchiCad, AARNET, Internet. OTHER RESOURCES Plan printers, workshops, laboratories and model shop, Hewlett Packard HP design jet, 3500 cp large format printer, design jet 1055 cm large format printer, large format laminator. DISTANCE EDUCATION All unit activities, including interim submissions and marking are conducted through Moodle. All lectures are recorded and students can access the video immediately after the class and from distance. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the ACT Architects Board recognised and accredited the Bachelor of Arts in Architecture/Master of Architecture in 2014. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS DEGREES OF MASTER (by research thesis) in: Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design and Interior Architecture. COURSE DURATION Two years full time or equivalent part time. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY The Faculty offers a PhD program. COURSE DURATION A minimum of three years full time (subject to the granting of status) or its equivalent part time. The maximum period of study will be five years full time or its equivalent part time. POSTGRADUATE COURSES The postgraduate courses offered by the Faculty in the Discipline of Design and Architecture are: 1 Coursework Masters of: Master of Architecture/Master of Digital Design 2 Research - Masters of: Architecture* Industrial Design* Landscape Architecture* Environmental Design* Note: * indicates that these are research by thesis POSTGRADUATE COURSES (continued) 3 Doctor of: Doctor of Philosophy For further details contact: Gevork Hartoonian ARCHITECTURE STAFF PROFESSOR Gevork Hartoonian, MArch(Iran), PhD(Penn), Affiliate RAIA ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Michael Jasper, BArch (Honours), PhD, RAIA Nadir Lahiji, MArch(Iran), PhD(Penn) ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Urša Komac, BArch, MScLandArch(Ljubljana), PhD(UPC) Matthew Mindrup, BA, BArch, MArch(Penn), PhD (Virginia Polytechnic) Milica Muminovic, MArch(Belgrade), PhD(Keio) SENIOR LECTURERS Ann Cleary, BAppScEnvDes, BArch, MArch(Canberra), FRAIA LECTURER Erin Hinton, BAppScEnvDes, BArch(Hons1) (Canberra) PhD candidate (Charles Sturt) PROFESSORIAL FELLOW Alastair Swayn, LFRAIA, Darryl Jackson Alastair Swayn Architects, ACT Government Architect Visiting Design Professor James Grose, RAIA, BVN, Sydney INTERDISCIPLINARY Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the Faculty, the majority of staff contribute to the teaching of the Architecture program. 36 THE UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA – continued ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) SESSIONAL STAFF 2014 Brenton Bedell Nikki Butlin Jane Cassidy, RAIA Adelin Chin Francesca Cooper Macarena De La Vega De Leon Jessica de Rome Garance Detering Tim Dyer Jennifer Edmunds Hooman Ehsani Tony Flynn Dennis Formiatti, FRAIA Stephen Frith, FRAIA Zillah Gisz Allan Greene, RAIA Chris Hardy Rob Henry Sarah Herbert Viveka Hocking Chris Jacobi, RAIA Bronwen Jones, FRAIA Imogen Keen Stephen Kirsu, AILA Kamal Kopparupu Shai Lambert Stuart MacKenzie, AILA Jeremy Mather, RAIA Andrew Metcalf Rodney Moss, LFRAIA Malin Paulsson, RAIA Cameron Price Swati Gudur Reddy Saeedeh Rezaee Damian Roos Alessandro Rossi Kate Shepherd Karina Smith Patrick Stein Janet Thomson, FRAIA Michael Tochurst Nugroho Utomo Chris Veness Benjamin Walker, RAIA Gowrie Waterhouse Tim Williams, RAIA Lester Yao 2015 Edition EXTERNAL JURY MEMBERS Brendan Baxter, RAIA Nino Bellantonio, FRAIA Adelin Chin Andrew Collins, RAIA Peter Collins, FRAIA Natalie Coyles, RAIA John Guida Rob Henry Richmond Henty, RAIA Chris Millman, RAIA Rodney Moss, LFRAIA Malin Paulsson, RAIA Alexis Phillips Alessandro Rossi Colin Stewart, LFRAIA Nugroho Utomo Ben Walker, RAIA Shaowen Wang Andrew Wilson, FRAIA, President, ACT Chapter, Australian Institute of Architects Lester Yao ADJUNCT STAFF Adjunct Professors of Architecture Nino Bellantonio, FRAIA Melinda Dodson, LFRAIA Stephen Frith, FRAIA Hal Guida, LFRAIA Romaldo Giurgola, AO, LFRAIA Graham Humphries, LFRAIA Annabelle Pegrum, AM, LFRAIA Enrico Taglietti, LFRAIA Peter Tonkin, LFRAIA Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture Stephen Burroughs, Affiliate RAIA Adjunct Professos of Design Robert Bell, AM VISITING LECTURERS Kevin Carmody, UK RIBA John Choi, RAIA, CHROFI Andrew Cortese, RAIA, Grimshaw Rodney Eggleston, RAIA, March Studio Richard Francis-Jones, FRAIA, FJMT James Gross, BVN Ed Lippmann, FRAIA Roger Pegrum, LFRAIA Colin Stewart, LFRAIA, Colin Stewart Architects Enrico Taglietti, LFRAIA Peter Tonkin, LFRAIA Andrew Verri, RAIA, Jigsaw Housing OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Ian Wood Bradley, PIA Sue Meeks, CEO Academy of Science Chris Latham, CIMF Architectural Staff Email Addresses: HEAD OF DISCIPLINE, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE - Course Convenor: Master of Architecture ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS ASSISTANT PROFESSORS - Course Convenor: BA in Architecture SENIOR LECTURER Lecturer Administration Officer 37 The University of Canberra Course Structure STUDY AREA DESIGN COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Arts in Architecture - three year full time course Year one Year two Semester 1 cp Semester 2 cp Semester 1 cp Semester 2 Design Studio 1.1 3 Design Studio 1.2 (Architecture) 3 Design Studio 2.1 (Architecture) 3 ENVIRONMENT History & Theory 1: Intro 3 to Architecture History HISTORY & THEORY COMMUNICATION Visual Representation 3 TECHNOLOGY Technology Laboratory 3 ELECTIVES Foundations of Research 3 and Creative Inquiry Digital Environment Restricted Choice Faculty of Arts Elective 3 3 cp Semester 1 Design Studio 2.2 (Architecture) 3 Sustainable Environment Techniques 3 History & Theory 2: Modernity & 20th Century Architecture 3 Design Studio 3.1 (Architecture) Year three cp Semester 2 6 Design Studio 3.2 (Architecture) cp 6 3 History & Theory 3: Architecture and the City Design Communications 3 Architecture Technology 1 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Architecture Technology 2 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 3 cp = credit points Bachelor of Arts in Architecture = 72 credit points 2015 Edition 38 The University of Canberra Course Structure STUDY AREA Master of Architecture – two year full time course Year One Semester 1 cp Semester 2 cp Semester 1 DESIGN Architecture Studio 1 PG 6 HISTORY & THEORY Advanced History & Theory 1 PG 3 Architecture Studio 2 PG 6 Year Two cp Semester 2 Architecture Studio 3 PG 6 Advanced History & theory 2 PG 3 6 Architecture Practice PG 3 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE & MANAGEMENT Advanced Technology 1 3 PG TECHNOLOGY ELECTIVES Architecture Studio 4 PG cp 3 FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) 3 FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) 3 FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) 3 FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) cp = credit points Master of Architecture (48 credit points) Overview of Elective offerings (electives offered alternate years) Semester 1 2015 9771 Contemporary Issues in Design and Architecture PG 8412 Overseas Study in Design and Architecture PG – course work during semester, trip to take place over winter (Students may choose either research methods or project unit) 2016 8419 Special Studies in Design and Architecture PG (Students may choose either research methods or project unit) (Students may choose either research methods or project unit) 2015 Edition Semester 2 8409 - Architecture Laboratory PG (Students may choose either research methods or project unit) (Students may choose either research methods or project unit) 8416 Design and Architecture Professional Placement PG 8414 Advanced Technology 2 PG (Students may choose either research methods or project unit) 39 The University of Canberra Course Structure Bachelor of Arts in Architecture Typical Course Structure Year Semester 1 Semester 2 1 Design Studio 1.1 (3cp) Visual Representation Technology Laboratory Foundations of Research and Creative Inquiry Design Studio 1.2 (Architecture) (3cp) Digital Environment History & theory 1: Intro to Architecture History Restricted Choice Faculty of Arts Elective 2 Design Studio 2.1 (Architecture) (3cp) Design Communications Architecture Technology 1 Open Elective Design Studio 2.2 (Architecture) (3cp) History & Theory 2: Modernity & 20th Century Architecture Sustainable Environmental Techniques Open Elective 3 Design Studio 3.1 (Architecture) (6cp) Architecture Technology 2 Open Elective Design Studio 3.2 (Architecture) (6cp) History & Theory 3: Architecture and the City Open Elective Master of Architecture Typical Course Structure Year Semester 1 Semester 2 1 Architecture Studio 1 PG (6cp) Advanced History & Theory 1 PG FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) Architecture Studio 2 PG (6cp) Advanced Technology 1 PG FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) 2 Architecture Studio 3 PG (6cp) Advanced History & Theory 2 PG FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) Architecture Studio 4 PG (6cp) Architecture Practice PG FAD Research unit / Restricted FAD Elective (PG) 2015 Edition 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne VIC 3010 • Tel: (03) 8344 6417 • Fax: (03) 8344 5532 Email: Undergraduate: Graduate: Web: Dean of Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning: Professor Tom Kvan Deputy Dean: Associate Professor Andrew Hutson Head of Graduate School – Melbourne School of Design: Professor Alan Pert Director, Bachelor of Environments: Associate Professor Clare Newton Architecture Undergraduate Coordinator – Dr Janet McGaw Architecture Postgraduate Coordinator – Professor Donald Bates BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTS The Bachelor of Environments program is a three year, full time degree that offers eleven major streams of study across the natural, built and virtual environments. The program is an ideal degree on which to build an architectural career that is relevant to the 21st Century. Increasingly architects need to be able to work effectively with multidisciplinary teams. As an Architect, students will need to be expert at creating innovative solutions for complex and often conflicting scenarios. Design lies at the heart of the architectural process and is underpinned by expertise in history, theory, environmental and construction technology and communication. In the Architecture major of the Bachelor of Environments students will learn to develop their designs using modelling and rendering techniques through studio-based classes, contributing to a creative and challenging learning experience. On completing the Bachelor of Environments students have the option to either progress into one of the University's professional coursework masters programs or to go directly into employment. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE IN THE MELBOURNE SCHOOL OF DESIGN The Melbourne School of Design is a dynamic, collaborative and interdisciplinary community of students, academics and professionals with a mission to develop leading practitioners and scholars. The Master of Architecture program comprises a series of design studios, and technical and professional subjects. 2015 Edition MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE IN THE MELBOURNE SCHOOL OF DESIGN (continued) The design studios comprise 50% of the course and culminate in a research thesis. Architectural design is conceived in broad terms as the creative invention of architectural futures, integrating aesthetic, technological, programmatic, environmental and social issues in the production of buildings for the 21st century. The studios are both project focused and researchled with an emphasis on rigorous analysis and creative production of ideas. Beyond these design studios, students have an opportunity to specialise in one of the following areas: digital architecture, history and conservation, architectural production and practice, sustainable architecture, social and cultural critique, Asia/Pacific architecture. The main focus of the Master of Architecture is architectural design and practice. The degree provides graduates with design skills that contribute to the improvement of our built environment, a grounding of architectural history, theory and technology enabling them to develop innovative architecture, relevant to time and place, people and culture, the skills to manage an architectural practice and work within teams, and the ability to use resources, materials and technologies to produce responsible and sustainable architecture. YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION INTO THE BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTS Minimum study score of 25 in Units 3 and 4 of English (all except English as a Second Language, which requires a study score of 30). 2014 ATAR: 85.15 YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION For students intending to major in Environmental Science, Property, Construction, Civil Systems or Physical Systems, knowledge of Mathematical Methods 3/4 (or equivalent) is assumed. ARTICULATION N/A STUDENTS ENROLLED (EFTSL) IN FIRST YEAR OF ARCHITECTURE MAJOR* 2014 Male Female Total Total 81.75 112.25 194 Domestic 44.25 58 102.25 Overseas 37.5 54.25 91.75 *students are able but not required to choose their major until the 2nd year of the degree LIBRARY RESOURCES 56,689 monographs and serial volumes, 210 print serial titles, access to over 500 electronic journals, 502 catalogued non-book items (approximately 2,000 uncatalogued), 2,000 undergraduate and postgraduate reports. There is a large range of online databases containing primary and secondary architecture building and construction resources. These databases can be accessed from within the Architecture Library or from anywhere off-campus via the web. STUDENTS ENROLLED (EFTSL) IN SECOND YEAR OF ARCHITECTURE MAJOR 2014 Male Female Total Total 84.375 119.625 204 Domestic 57.25 64.875 122.125 Overseas 27.125 54.75 81.875 STUDENTS ENROLLED (EFTSL) IN THIRD YEAR OF ARCHITECTURE MAJOR 2014 Male Female Total Total 119.875 144.75 264.625 Domestic 63.5 71.75 135.25 Overseas 56.375 73 129.375 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (EFTSL) (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) Male Female Total Total 603 664.5 1267.5 Domestic 389.5 352.5 742 Overseas 213.5 312 525.5 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 64 86 150 Domestic 36 42 78 Overseas 28 44 72 STUDENT ACTIVITIES Bachelor of Environments Student Club (Envi), Architecture Students Club (APPLe) COMPUTING RESOURCES 3 X CAD studios with high-end graphics workstations. Students have 24hr access to these facilities. Also available is a multimedia studio for special projects with film recorder and video editing equipment. Digital Fabrication Workshop. OTHER RESOURCES Construction workshop RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV) currently recognise and accredit the Bachelor of Environments (Architecture major)/Master of Architecture program. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. DISTANCE EDUCATION Nil 41 THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE – continued FACULTY STAFF * = part time DEAN OF FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE BUILDING & PLANNING Professor Tom Kvan, MA(Cantab), MArch(Calif), PhD(Open(UK)), CTLHE(HKU), FRICS, CFM, Affiliate RAIA DIRECTOR OF THE MELBOURNE SCHOOL OF DESIGN Professor Alan Pert, MArch(Strathclyde), RAIA, RIBA, FRIAS, ARB DEPUTY DEAN Andrew Hutson, BArch(Melb), MArch(Melb) CHAIR OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN * Professor Donald Bates, BArch(Houston), MArch(Cranbrook Academy Art)(Michigan), FRAIA CHAIR OF ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN Professor Kim Dovey, MArch(Melb), PhD(Uni California) CHAIR OF CONSTRUCTION Professor Paolo Tombesi, BArch(Rome), PhD(UCLA) CHAIR OF URBAN PLANNING Professor Richard Tomlinson, BA(Rhodes), Master of City & Regional Planning(Cape Town), MBA(Witwatersrand), MSc, PhD(Rutgers) ELISABETH MURDOCH CHAIR OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Professor Gini Lee, DipID(RMIT), MLArch(Melb), PhD(RMIT) CHAIR OF ARCHITECTURE Professor Philip Goad, BArch(Melb), PhD(Melb), FAHA, FRAIA PROFESSORS Bharat Dave, DArch(CEPT), MS(CMU), DScTech(ETH) *Kate Darian-Smith, BA(Hons), DipEd, PhD(Melb) *Brendan Gleeson, BTRP(Hons), MURP(Southern California), PhD(Melb) Raymond Green, BSc(Conn), MLA(Ariz), PhD(QUT) Qinghua Guo, BArch(Harbin), PhD(Göteberg) Nicholas Low, MSc(Strath), ARIBA, MRTPI, MRAPI 2015 Edition PROFESSORS (continued) Sun Sheng Han, BEng(LArch)(Tongji U), MSc(Urban Planning)(AIT), PhD Professor Paul Walker, BArch(Auck), PhD(Auck) Julie Willis, BPD(Melb), BArch(Melb), PhD(Melb) ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS * Peter Ashford, BBldg(Melb), FAIB Valerie Francis, BE(Adel), MAppSc(ProjMgt)(SAust), MIEAust, MAIB Andrew Hutson, BArch(Melb), MArch(Melb) Justyna Karakiewicz, BArch(Westminster), PhD(RMIT) Hannah Lewi, BArch(Hons)(UWA), BA(UWA), PhD(UWA) Greg Missingham, BArch, MArch(Melb), PhD(Melb) Clare Newton, BArch(Melb) Masa Noguchi, BEngArch(Kogakuin), MArch, PhD (McGill) Anoma Pieris, BSc(Sri Lanka), MArchDesign(MIT), MSArchS(Research)(MIT) Piyush Tiwari, BTech(REC Kurukshetra), PGDip, PhD(IGIDR Mumbai) Carolyn Whitzman, BA(Hons)(Concordia), MA(Toronto), PhD(McMaster) Jianfei Zhu, BEng(Arch)(Tianjin), PhD(Bartlett) SENIOR LECTURERS Ajibade Aibinu, Dip, BSc(Hons), MSc, QS Karen Burns, BA(Hons), MA(Monash), PhD(Melb) T K Chan, BEng(Hons)(Malaya), PhD(Camb) Robert Crawford, BArch, PhD(Deakin) Hemanta Doloi, BEng(Hons)(Ind), MEng(AIT Bangkok), PhD(USyd) Blair Gardiner, BArch(Melb), BA(RMIT) Margaret Grose, MSc, BLArch, PhD(UWA) Derham l Groves, BArch(Deakin), MArch(RMIT), PhD(Minnesota) Dominique Hes, PhD(RMIT), AdvDipEng(RMIT), BSc(Melb) Chris Heywood, BArch(Hons)(Melb), GradDipInteriorDesign(Dist)(RMIT) * Dominik Holzer, BA, MSci(TU Vienna), MArch, PhD(RMIT) Anna Hurlimann, BSc(Hons)(Melb), PhD(UniSA) Lindy Joubert, MFA(Oregon), DipGraphicArt(RMIT), GradDipATT(Melb) Harry Karamujic, MEco(La Trobe), PhD(La Trobe) Peter Lawther, BConEco,GradCertTTL, MSC, GradCertProp(RMIT), PhD(Melb) SENIOR LECTURERS (continued) Alan March, BA(Urb&RegPlan)(Curtin), Master of Town & Country Planning(Uni of Newcastle Upon Tyne), PhD(Melb) Dermot McGeown, BSc(Surv)(TCD), MPracAcc (Mon), MBus(Acc)(Mon), MBus(Prop)(RMIT), GradDipVal(RMIT), DipConEcon(DIT) David O’Brien, BPD(Melb), BArch, PhD(Melb) *Janet McGaw, BPlan&Design, BArch(Hons), MArch, PhD(Melb), RAIA David Nichols, BA(Syd), PhD(Deakin) Peter Raisbeck, BArch, MDesign(RMIT), MBA, PhD(Melb) Stanislav Roudavski, MArch/FineArts(Russian Academy Arts), MSc(Strathclyde), PhD(Cambridge) Andrew Saniga, BPD(Melb), MLArch(Melb), AAILA Alex Selenitsch, BArch(Melb), DipArch(GIT), MArch(RMIT), PhD(Melb) Sidh Sintusingha, BArch(Silpakorn), MLArch, PhD(Melb) Matthew Stevens, BSc(ConstructionManagement)(Louisiana), MBA(Rollins College) *Michael Trudgeon, MArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT) Jillian Walliss, BLArch(NSW), MDesign(Tas), PhD(ANU) Kimberly Winson-Geideman, BA, MS, PhD (Cleveland State) LECTURERS Amanda Achmadi, BArch(Parahyangan), PhD (Melb) Annmarie Brennan, BArch, BArts&Science (Catholic University of America), MEnvSci(Yale), MA(Princeton) Siqing Chen, MLArch(Auburn), PhD(Chinese AcadSci) Jennifer Day, BS(Indiana Uni Pennsylvania), MS (San Jose State Uni), PhD(Uni of California Berkeley), MEng(Nat Uni Singapore), PhD(Pennsylvania State) Ole Fryd, MSc(Aalborg), PhD(Copenhagen) *Jim Georgiou, BBuild(RMIT), BArch(Deakin) Christopher Jensen, BSc, MEnv(Melb) *Paul Loh, BPD(Melb), DipArch(E London), AA MArch Alberto Pugnale, BArchSci, MSci, PhD(Politecnico di Torino) LECTURERS (continued) *John Stone, BSci(Melb), PhD(Swinburne) Marcus White, BArch(RMIT), PhD(RMIT), RAIA Hao Wu, BSc(Nanjing), BProp(Auck), MPropCon(Melb), GradCertUniTeaching(Melb), PhD(Melb) HONORARY STAFF PROFESSORS EMERITUS Catherin Bull, AM, MLArch(Melb), DDes(Harv), FAILA Robert McIntyre, AO, DipArch(RMIT), BArch(Melb), DipTRP(Melb), DArch(HC), LFRAIA, FRAPI, ARIBA, AAIP, HFAIA John Robinson, BArch(Melb), BBldg(Melb), BSc(Reading), MBldg(Melb), MLEc(Syd) Allan Rodger, BSc(St And), BArch(Durh), RIBA, ARIAS, LFRAIA John Scrivener, BSc, ME(NZ), PhD(Lond), DIC, FAIB, FIEAust, FIArbA David Yencken, AO, BA(Camb), FAILA, FRAPI PROFESSORIAL FELLOWS (WITH TITLE OF PROFESSOR) Robert Adams, AM, BArch(Cape Town), MA CNNA(UD)(Oxf Brooks), LFRAIA, HFRAPI Haig Beck, DipArch, AA(Lond) Graham Brawn, BArch(NSW), MArch(Ill), LFRAIA Francis Bromilow, MSc(Melb), PhD(Melb) Gordon Clark, MA, BEcon(Monash), DSc, MA(Oxford), PhD(McMaster) Leslie Coleman, BBldg(Melb), FAIB Ken Fisher, BTech(Adel), PGDipEd(Canb), MProjMngt(UTS), PhD(Flinders) William Corker, BArch(Melb), DipTRP(Melb), LFRAIA, MRAPI John Denton, BArch, GDipTRP(Melb), LFRAIA Wowo Ding, BA, MA(SEU), PhD(ETH-Zurich) Julie Eizenberg, BArch(Melb), MA(Calif) Romaldo Giurgola, AO, BArch(Rome), MSArch(Col), FAIA, LFRAIA Daryl Jackson, AO, BArch(Melb), LFRAIA Ross King, MArch(Sydney), MArch(Penn), BArch(Hons)(Sydney), DipPlanning(Sydney) Geoffrey London, BA(WAIT), BArch(UWA), GradDip(WAIT), GradDipAA(London), LFRAIA Corbett Lyon, MArch(Penn), BArch(Melb), FRAIA 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE – continued FACULTY STAFF (continued) PROFESSORIAL FELLOWS (WITH TITLE OF PROFESSOR) (continued) George Michell, BArch(Melb), PhD(Lond) Kevin O’Connor, BCom(Hons), MCom, DipEd(Melb), PhD(McMaster) Edward Russell, PhD(Monash) Nader Tehrani, BArch/BFA(Rhode Is), MArchUrbDes(Harvard) The Hon Evan Walker, AO, BArch(Melb), DipArch(RMIT), BArch(Tor), HonDTech(VUT), HFRAPI, FRMIT, Hon FRAIA John Worthington, AADip(Hons), MArch(Penn), FRSA, Hon FRIBA PRINCIPAL FELLOWS WITH THE TITLE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Rosemary Kirkby, BA(Syd), DiplMarketing Management(UNSW) Shelley Penn, BArch(Hons)(Melb), LFRAIA Peter Williams, BBldg(Melb), FAIB SENIOR FELLOWS Alan Atkins, BA(NE), MEc(Macq), PhD(Melb) James Calder, BArch(Hons)(Adelaide) Bochao Chen, BArch(HaErbin), MArch(Chongqing) Christopher Edquist, BA/LLB(Melb) Justine Clark, BArch(Auckland), MArch(VUW) William Flannigan, BTRP(Melb), BCom(Melb), MSc(Reading), DipArch(Melb), FRAPI Paula Gerber, BA(Laws), MSc(LLM), PhD(Melb) Ian Godfrey, FRMIT, RAIA, Assoc RAPI Greg Goldfayl, DipQS(RMIT), DipBldgConstr(RMIT), MA(Bldg)RMIT Christian Gutjahr, BArch(Melb), DipTRP(Melb), MRAPI Frank Hanson, MA(UrbanDesign)(Melb), MLA(Melb), BA(Calgary), AAILA Hemayet Hossain, MSc(Dakha), DED(Texas)(A&M) David Jaggar, PhD(InfoMgtConstructPro)(UK), ARICS, MACostE, MCIOB Anthony Michael Mussen, BArch(Melb), LFRAIA Agus Mohd Rasali, BA(Malaya), MSocSc(Birm), PhD(Cornell) Hugh O’Neill, AO, BArch(Melb), LFRAIA Jeff Turnbull, BArch, MArch, PhD(Melb) Denis Williamson, BA(Montana), MLA(Mass), RAPI 2015 Edition ARC POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW Kate Shaw, GradDipUrbPol&Pl(RMIT), MSocSci (RMIT), PhD(Melb) FELLOWS Jonathan Leslie Finkelstein, BArch(Melb), MArch (Melb) Will Hughes, ONC(Bilston), BSc(Hons)(UMIST), PhD(CNAA) Kwang Yerl Lee, PhD(CivilEng)(Dongguk Seoul) Marianna Nigra, BHeritageConserv, BArchSci, MArch(Polytechnic of Turin) Philip Nolan, LLB, BJuris(Monash) Kim Torney, BA, MA(La Trobe), DipEd, PhD(Melb) VISITING LECTURERS Rafiq Azram Barry Bergdoll Mark Burry, RAIA Ben Duckworth Chloé Fèvre Patricia Galloway Jeanne Gang Edward Hollis John Dixon Hunt Nirmal Kashnani Daniel Kumnick Amanda Levete Andra Matin Nader Tehrani Jose Terero Chetan Vaidya John Wardle, LFRAIA Ma Yansong Rocco Yim Liam Young 43 The University of Melbourne Course Structure Course Structure for the Bachelor of Environments leading to the Master of Architecture (200 points), alongside the Master of Architecture (300 points) Sample course structure for BEnvs + MArch (200 pts) from 2008 (variations to the below are possible) Semester 9 Multidisciplinary school elective Architecture elective BEnvironments (Architecture) + MArch (200pts) Semester 10 12.5 Architecture elective 12.5 Architecture Practice Master of Architecture Studio E Semester 7 Multidisciplinary elective Applied Construction Master of Architecture Studio C 25 12.5 12.5 25 Semester 5 Architecture Design Studio 3: Air Construction Design Modern Architecture: from MoMo to PoMo Breadth or BEnvs elective Semester 1 Natural Environments Constructing Environments Virtual Environments Breadth Breadth Core Selective/Architecture elective Major Elective Semester 8 Architecture elective Twenty first Century Architecture Master of Architecture Studio D 25 12.5 12.5 25 Semester 6 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Architecture Design Studio 4: Fire Environmental Building Systems BEnvs elective Breadth or BEnvs elective 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Semester 4 BEnvs elective - Architecture Design Studio 2: Water (Highly recommended) Formative Histories of Architecture Breadth 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Construction Analysis 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Semester 2 Reshaping Environments Urban Environments Designing Environments Breadth 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 Semester 3 Architecture Design Studio 1: Earth Foundations of Architecture Breadth BEnvs elective – Visual Communications (Recommended) Design Thesis 12.5 12.5 75 25 75 262.5 62.5 500 points Course structure for MArch (300 points) from 2010 Master of Architecture (300 points) Semester 9 Semester 10 Multidisciplinary school elective 12.5 Architecture school elective Architecture elective 12.5 Architecture Practice Master of Architecture Studio E Semester 7 Multidisciplinary elective Applied Construction Master of Architecture Studio C Semester 5 Architectural Cultures 1: Modernism Construction Methods A Master of Architecture Studio A Selective/Architecture elective Major/Core Elective 25 12.5 12.5 Design Thesis Semester 8 Architecture elective Twenty first Century Architecture 12.5 12.5 25 12.5 12.5 25 Master of Architecture Studio D 25 12.5 12.5 25 Semester 6 Architectural Cultures 2: After Modernism Construction Methods B Master of Architecture Studio B 12.5 12.5 25 37.5 237.5 25 300 points MArch electives fall into 5 groupings: Asia/Pacific Architecture; History and Conservation; Production, Practice and Sustainability; Society and Culture, Digital Architecture, Sustainable Architecture. Students wishing to specialise in one of these areas must take at least 25 points of subjects from one of these groups. 2015 Edition 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Architecture Discipline, Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW Australia, Sydney NSW 2052 • Tel: (02) 9385 4799 • Fax: (02) 9385 4827 Email: Web: Director of Architecture Discipline: Professor Xing Ruan Director of Australian School of Architecture and Design: Professor Bruce Judd Dean of Faculty of the Built Environment: Professor Alec Tzannes BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES/ MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Full professional qualification MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 3 years + 2 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 BArchStudies: ATAR = 95 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS BArchStudies: NIL YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION NIL UNSW HSC BONUS SCHEME Advanced English. Visual Arts. Design and Technology. Modern History. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 60 54 114 Domestic 30 36 66 Overseas 30 18 48 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 – BArchStudies/MArch (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 255 245 500 Domestic 150 151 301 Overseas 105 94 199 GRADUATIONS 2013 (Students from MArch professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 46 33 79 Domestic 23 18 41 Overseas 23 15 38 2015 Edition GRADUATION REQUIRMENTS It is assumed that students will have 6 months practice experience prior to entry into the MArch. Admission into the MArch requires an overall credit (65) WAM (Weighted Average Mark). ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) Applicants holding a completed Diploma of Architectural Technology or Associate Diploma in Applied Science who successfully apply for a place in the BArch degree program, will be granted Advanced Standing (determined by Director of Architecture). RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Architectural History, Architectural Design, Architectural Representation, Architectural Education, Architectural Science, Architecture and Landscape in Asia, Housing, Building Information Modelling, Technology, Urbanism, Sustainable Development. City Futures Research Centre. CRC Low Carbon Living. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Optional Honours Year. A year long graduation project experience. International exchange programs, international studios and travels. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Student Organised Network for Architecture (SONA) DISTANCE EDUCATION NIL RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the NSW Architects Registration Board currently recognise and accredit this course. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a list of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. PROFESSORS OF PRACTICE (FRACTIONAL) Richard Johnson, AO, MBE, LFRAIA, MDIA, AJIA Ken Maher, LFRAIA Glenn Murcutt, AO, LFRAIA CONJOINT PROFESSOR Philip Graus, BArch(Hons1)(Syd), MArch(Penn), MURP(Hons)(UNE), FRAIA ADJUNCT PROFESSOR Diane Jones, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons)(UNSW) MArch(Texas), LFRAIA VISITING PROFESSORIAL FELLOW Peter Mould, LFRAIA SENIOR VISITING FELLOW Paul Alan Johnson, FRAIA LIBRARY RESOURCES University library holding substantial architectural collection of books and journals. ARCHITECTURE STAFF EMERITUS PROFESSORS John Ballinger Jon Lang, BArch(WITS), PhD(Cornell) COMPUTING RESOURCES 3D Visualisation, CAD Laboratory, Web Design and Microsoft Office – 5 Computer Labs. PROFESSORS Xing Ruan, BArch(Nanjing), MArch(Nanjing), PhD(VUW NZ), Affiliate RAIA OTHER RESOURCES Gallery + BE Design Laboratory and Workshop ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Harry Margalit, BArch(UCT), MA, PhD(Syd), Affiliate RAIA SENIOR LECTURERS Dijana Alic, BArch(Sarajevo), MArch(UNSW), PhD(UNSW) Lan Ding, BArch, MSci, PhD(USyd) Paul Hogben, BDesSt(Adel), MArchSt(Adel), PhD(UNSW) Peter Kohane, BArch(Melb), MArch(Melb), MSc, PhD(Penn) Russell Lowe, BArch(UAuck NZ), MArch(UAuck NZ) LECTURERS John Carrick, BE(Civil), MEngSci(Structures), MIEA John Gamble, BSc(Arch)(UNSW), BArch (UNSW), PhD(UNSW) Maryam Gusheh, BArch(UNSW), PhD(UNSW) Matthias Irger, Dipl-Ing(FH), PhD(UNSW) Catherine Lassen, BArch(Syd), MArch(Harvard) Ainslie Murray, BArch(Adel), BArch(Hons)(Adel), PhD(USyd) PROGRAM SUPPORT Julia Karlsen STUDENT CENTRE Monica McNamara (Manager) Brendan Harrison + Li San Chew (Architecture Program Community) VISITING LECTURERS See Faculty Lecture Series 45 The University of New South Wales Course Structure Bachelor of Architectural Studies DESIGN STUDIES + DESIGN INTEGRATION HISTORY + THEORY STUDIES UNSW Design Studio History + Theory BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES ANZ APAP Subject Areas 1 Y S1 DOCUMENTATION + TECHNICAL STUDIES ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environment + Structures + Construction PRACTICE + PROJECT MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION STUDIES COMMUNICATION STUDIES Practice Communication + Research ARCH1101 ARCH1161 BENV1080 Enabling Skills + Research Practice Design Studio 1 Environment 1 6 UOC 6 UOC 6 UOC ARCH1142 Architectural Communications ELECTIVE STUDIES Built Environment Electives General Education Elective BE Inter disciplinary Electives UOCs 24 6 UOC Y 1 S2 Y 2 S1 Y 2 S2 Y 3 S1 Y 3 S2 total ARCH1102 Design Studio 2 6 UOC ARCH1121 Architectural History + Theory 1 6 UOC ARCH1162 Structures + Construction 1 6 UOC BENV2425 Building Information Modelling 6 UOC ARCH1201 Design Studio 3 6 UOC ARCH1202 Design Studio 4 6 UOC Elective 6 UOC ARCH1222 Architectural History + Theory 2 6 UOC ARCH1301 Design Studio 5 12 UOC Elective 6 UOC ARCH1261 Structures + Construction 2 6 UOC 24 General Education 6 UOC General Education 6 UOC ARCH1322 Architectural History + Theory 2 6 UOC 48 UOC 18 UOC 24 Inter Disciplinary 6 UOC ARCH1361 Environment 6 UOC ARCH1302 Design Studio 6 12 UOC 24 Inter Disciplinary 6 UOC 24 UOC 6 UOC 12 UOC 12 UOC 12 UOC 12 UOC 24 24 144 OPTIONAL HONOURS THESIS STUDY YEAR UOC = Units of Credit 2015 Edition 46 The University of New South Wales Course Structure Master of Architecture DESIGN STUDIES + DESIGN INTEGRATION HISTORY + THEORY STUDIES DOCUMENTATION + TECHNICAL STUDIES ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PRACTICE + PROJECT MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION STUDIES COMMUNICATION STUDIES ELECTIVE STUDIES UNSW Design Studio History + Theory Environment + Structures + Construction Practice Communication + Research Built Environment Electives UOCs ARCH 7111/7112 Design Studio 1 Elective Studio Projects 6 UOC ARCH 7111/7112 Design Studio 2 Elective Studio Projects 6 UOC ARCH 7220 Architecture in Asia 6 UOC 6 UOC Elective Course 24 MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE ANZ APAP Subject Areas Y 1 S1 Y 1 S2 Y 2 S1 Y 2 S1 total ARCH 7161 Construction +Structures 6 UOC 12 UOC Two Elective Courses ARCH 7162 Environment 6 UOC ARCH 7201 Design Studio 3 Research Studio 12 UOC ARCH 7182 Professional Practice 6 UOC ARCH 7202 Design Studio 4 Graduation Studio 12 UOC 36 UOC 6 UOC Elective Course 12 UOC Two Elective Courses 6 UOC 12 UOC 6 UOC 36 UOC 24 24 24 96 UOC = Units of Credit 2015 Edition 47 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University Drive, Callaghan, Newcastle NSW 2308 Email: Web: Chair in Architecture and Dean of Architecture: Professor M. J. Ostwald Head, School of the Built Environment: Professor SueAnne Ware Head of Architecture Discipline: Dr Michael Chapman BACHELOR OF DESIGN (ARCHITECTURE) MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Architecture at the University of Newcastle is committed to providing inclusive and practiceoriented programs that are well-grounded and celebrate the craft of architecture in response to the natural world and urban environments. Within a creative and innovative learning environment, design projects explore the complexities of making architecture for the future. The architecture program comprises the Bachelor of Design (Architecture) (three years full time) and the Master of Architecture (two years full time) degrees, which, taken together, provide the academic qualification leading to registration as an architect and membership of the Australian Institute of Architects. The courses are structured on the basis of Problem Based Learning, which integrates areas of study such as history, theory, construction technology and ecology with design problems undertaken in the design studios. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 – ATAR: 82.30 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS N/A YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION Nil YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION: Nil TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 51 31 82 Domestic 45 28 73 Overseas 6 3 9 2015 Edition • Tel: (02) 4921 5771 • Fax: (02) 4921 6913 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 98 47 145 Domestic 85 37 122 Overseas 13 10 23 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES (continued) CIBER is led by Professor Ostwald (an ARC ‘Future Fellow’) and architecture academics who are members of CIBER and hold a range of prestigious ARC fellowships and grants supporting major research initiatives in the following areas: LIBRARY RESOURCES 13,000+ Architectural monographs, 270+ Serial titles in the Auchmuty library. Extensive technical collection, design theses, serials and trade journals in the Architecture Resource Centre, which is located in the studio building. GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 37 26 63 Domestic 19 13 32 Overseas 18 13 31 1. Architectural Theory and History. Research in this area focuses on the cultural, political and philosophical properties of contemporary and historic buildings. A deep understanding of history, theory and critique is vital to architectural, interior and urban design. Research in this area improves our capacity to understand the properties of buildings and spaces, the rationale behind their design and their possible impact on people. Moreover, research can also be undertaken into the formation of theories of design and into the way in which design histories are written. The significance of mathematics, geometry and science in design history and theory is also considered in this category. COMPUTING RESOURCES Dedicated 40 seat PC laboratory and additional 30 PCs. Separate access to 150 shared PC computers in the Faculty. Other peripherals include various A4, A3 and A1 printers, several FB scanners, 2 A1 plotters and 10 LCD projection panels. ARTICULATION The School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Newcastle admits students, by articulation, into the undergraduate BDes(Arch) course. Admission in this manner has been approved for NSW and Victorian TAFE courses generally at the level of credit grade average or higher. Courses accepted for articulation of students directly into the BDes(Arch) course are: 1. Associate Diploma in Architectural Drafting 2. Diploma in Architectural Technology Other equivalent qualifications are also considered. Similar qualifications from other States are evaluated on a demand basis. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Research Post-graduate Studies The School of Architecture and Built Environment offers the research higher degrees Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy, undertaken by individual study and submission of a research thesis or combination of thesis and design project. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES The School of Architecture and Built Environment at Newcastle is home of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Built Environment Research (CIBER). Members of CIBER have been awarded more than $7 million in competitive research income since 2003 and have produced more than 400 research publications in that time. 2. Design Computing and Cognition. This research area is concerned with a particular way of understanding the development of design knowledge and of analysing space and form. The design computing area includes a consideration of algorithmic, logical and repeatable processes of formal and spatial analysis and generation. Such processes can be focussed on either buildings or the design process itself. Design cognition is concerned with the way in which architectural skills are learnt, taught, understood and applied. Both design computing and cognition rely on the application of vigorous, repeatable methods and procedures, for developing new knowledge about the built environment. STUDENT ACTIVITIES SONA, barbeques, annual review, International Exchange Study opportunities etc. Each year the School offers in excess of $25,000 in prizes, scholarships and other opportunities for students. There is also an advanced digital design studio with eight high-performance computers, one haptic modelling device, one 3D scanner and two interactive design tablets. WORKSHOP RESOURCES A purpose designed workshop is fitted out with both traditional and state of the art equipment. Students are able to use a range of machines including 3-D rapid prototyping machines, 3-D laser scanners, 3-D router sand laser cutters. Two fully qualified technical officers induct and advise students and ensure OH&S requirements are met. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia, on behalf of the Australian Institute of Architects and the State Architects Registration Boards, maintains a listing of all accredited courses in Australia. The Architecture programs were granted five years ongoing accreditation in 2012. FULL TIME ARCHITECTURE STAFF Academic Staff PROFESSORS Michael J. Ostwald, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons1), PhD, DSc, MPIA(UD), Affiliate RAIA Mark Taylor, BA(Hons), DipArch, PhD SueAnne Ware 48 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE - continued FULL TIME ARCHITECTURE STAFF Academic Staff (continued) ASSOCIATE PROFESOR Willy Sher, BSc(Bld)Hons(Lough), MSc(Ncle UK), PhD SENIOR LECTURERS Ramsey Awad, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons), BConMg Michael Chapman, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons1), MArch, PhD Ning Gu, BArch(Shenzhen), MDesSci(Hons)(Syd), PhD(Syd) Jamie Mackee, BArch(Hons)(UQ), BDesSt(UQ), MSc(NUS), PhD Tessa Morrison, BA, GradDip(Maths), PhD Cathy Smith, BBE(Interior Design), BArch, MSc, PhD, RAIA Patrick Tang, BSc, PhD Min Wu, PhD Yannis Zavoleas, MArch, MSc, PhD LECTURERS Anni Dosen, Postgrad(Diploma) Wyn Jones, BSc(Hons) Derren Lowe, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons1), RAIA Neena Mand, BArch, DipArch(UCL), MSc(Arch)(UCL), PhD(Syd) John Roberts, BSc(Arch)(Syd), BArch(Syd), MPhil John Smolders, Advanced(Cert)Property Agency Chris Tucker, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons), MPhil FRACTIONAL PROFESSORIAL ARCHITECTURE STAFF Kerry Clare, LFRAIA Lindsay Clare, LFRAIA Richard Leplastrier, BArch Lawrence Nield, BArch(Hons), MLitt, LFRAIA Peter Stutchbury, BArch(Hons), LFRAIA General Staff T. Afful, Administrative Officer J. Connor, Administrative Assistant J. George, Administrative Assistant S. Gill, Administrative Officer S. Herron, School Executive Officer M. Hill, Administrative Officer D. Lieb, Technical Officer C. May, Administrative Assistant D. Sneddon, Technical Assistant 2015 Edition SESSIONAL ARCHITECTURE STAFF Corinne Anton Poppy Bevan Paula Birch Carlo Bortolus Prudence Bowe Tim Burke Katie Cadman David Chenery Brianna Chesworth Michael Dawes David Donald Andrew Donaldson, RAIA Louise Eddie Jason Elsley, RAIA Rebecca Evans Nick Flatman Nicholas Foulcher Emma Guthrey Kristina Hay Martin Hedges Vanessa Hedges Raeana Henderson Matt Hull Dana Hutchinson, RAIA Lindsay Johnston, FRAIA Sarah Jozefiak Craig Leech Annariitta Linna Robert Monteath Troy Newman Milos Obradovic, RAIA Rafiu Olugbena Salami Ian Owen Darin Phare Paul Pholeros, AM, LFRAIA Martin Quirke Kathy Renfrew Soheila Riahi Tom Rivard, Affiliate RAIA Judy Robinson Sue Serle Ava Shirley SESSIONAL ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) Chad Skelton Eleri Smith Eugene Soler David Sparkes Mark Spence, RAIA Ksenia Totoeva Dylan Try Haiming Wang Rebecca Whan HONORARY ARCHITECTURE STAFF M. Burry, BA(Arch)(Cambridge), DipArch(Cambridge), MA(Cambridge), RAIA R. Cowdroy, ASTC, BArch(NSW), FRAIA R. J. Donaldson, BArch(Hons), FRAIA P. Droege, MArch(MIT), DI(Tech Uni Munich), MPIA, AAIA E. Duc, BArch(UNSW), MArch, FRAIA J. Grose, BArch(Hons), BAppSc(BltEnv), RAIA K. London, BSc(Arch), BArch, MBldg, PhD, RAIA, CIB B. S. Maitland, DipArch(Camb), MA(Camb), PhD(Shef), LFRAIA B. Suters, BArch, HonDArch, AASTC, AM, LFRAIA VISITING LECTURERS Michael Banney, RAIA Drew Heath, RAIA Annabel Lahz, RAIA Ed Lippmann, FRAIA Niall McLaughlin Fergus Scott Maria Tabassum Sofie Willems 49 The University of Newcastle Course Structure STUDY AREA ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (Studio) COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Design (Architecture) Architecture 1 Semester 1 Architecture 1 Semester 2 Architecture 2 Semester 1 ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 1A DESIGN 1B DESIGN 2A (Studio) (Studio) (Studio) Architecture 2 Semester 2 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 2B (Studio) 25% CONSTRUCTION ECOLOGY 1 Materials Science & Use 50% 50% CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 1 Introduction to Construction & Structures 25% TECHNICAL STUDIES CONSTRUCTION ECOLOGY 2 Heritage and Environment 25% OPEN ELECTIVE 25% 25% HISTORY & THEORY IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2 20th Century Design 25% COMMUNICATION SKILLS COMMUNICATION IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 Graphic & Written Communication COMMUNICATION IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2 Digital Communication 25% 2015 Edition 25% 25% HISTORY & THEORY IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 3 20th Century Theory 25% COMMUNICATION IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 3 Advanced Graphic Communication 25% CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 3 Commercial Construction & Structures 25% HISTORY & THEORY IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 Historical Overview 50% OPEN ELECTIVE CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 2 Domestic Construction & Structures HISTORICAL STUDIES Architecture 3 Semester 2 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 3B (Studio) 25% 50% ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Architecture 3 Semester 1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 3A (Studio) 25% COMMUNICATION IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 4 Advanced Digital Communication 25% 25% 50 The University of Newcastle Course Structure STUDY AREA ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (Studio) COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture Architecture 4 Semester 1 Architecture 4 Semester 2 ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 4A DESIGN 4B (Studio) (Studio) 50% Architecture 5 Semester 1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 5A (Studio) 50% ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Architecture 5 Semester 2 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 5B (Studio) 50% CONSTRUCTION ECOLOGY 3 Building Science 25% TECHNICAL STUDIES 75% CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 4 Advanced Construction & Structures 25% PROFESSIONAL STUDIES ARCHITECTURAL MANAGEMENT ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE 25% RESEARCH RESEARCH IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 25% RESEARCH IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2 25% 50% 2015 Edition 51 THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND School of Architecture, Brisbane QLD 4072 • Tel: (07) 3365 3537 or 3365 3790 • Fax: (07) 3365 3999 Email: Web: Dean and Head, School of Architecture: Professor Sandra Kaji-O’Grady BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN The Bachelor of Architectural Design (BArchDes), a 3 year full time degree, is the first stage of obtaining a professional qualification in architecture. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE The Master of Architecture (MArch), a 2 year full time coursework degree, is the second stage of obtaining a professional qualification in Architecture. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 3 years Bachelor of Architectural Design 2 years Master of Architecture SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 OP 5 (ATAR 92.25; Qld rank 90 ) ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS 140 YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION Pass in Year 12 English TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 63.61 72.09 135.7 Domestic 54.57 66.38 120.95 Overseas 9.04 5.71 14.75 TOTAL PROGRAM STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 220.11 237.91 458.02 Domestic 184.07 200.94 385.01 Overseas 36.04 36.97 73.01 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 46 13 59 Domestic 33 12 45 Overseas 13 1 14 ARTICULATION Articulation into the BArchDes is assessed on a case by case basis. Applicants who have undertaken an accredited course of study in Architecture at another tertiary institution apply through the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC). Once offered a place, application is made to the Executive Dean for credit in the program. For entry into the MArch apply online directly to the University of Queensland. The amount of credit for both BArchDes and MArch programs shall be recommended to the Executive Dean by Architecture Academic Advisors following submission of a portfolio covering all aspects of academic work. POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS Master of Architecture Master of Philosophy** Doctor of Philosophy** (**Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy may be taken by Architectural Design) RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Architecture Theory Criticism History Research Centre (ATCH). Aboriginal Environments Research Centre (AERC). STUDENT ACTIVITIES Postgraduate seminars and research colloquia. Architecture students are responsible for coordinating social and cultural events. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Annual End-of-Year Exhibition of student work, Architecture Public Talks Series. LIBRARY RESOURCES Architecture & Music branch library of The University of Queensland Library COMPUTING RESOURCES The computer teaching laboratory has 30 Windows based workstations equipped with dual 20" widescreen LCD monitors connected to the COMPUTING RESOURCES (continued) University's Ethernet network and Internet. Printing facilities include A4/A3 & AO prints for students and wireless access is available in studios. Software resources include a range of Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, Revit, 3ds and Ecotect, SketchUp Pro, Archicad, Rhino and other course specific software. A variety of scanners and other imaging tools are available. OTHER RESOURCES Networked Design Studios, Construction Design Laboratory and Exhibition Gallery. Prototyping Workshop Resources: Access to a dedicated timber workshop with state of the art fixed station wood working equipment including a CNC router, hand power tools and course specific consumables. Laser cutters, 3D printers and other model making tools are also available. A companion assembly workshop is used for large-scale model making and coursework activities. Access to faculty workshops which focus on concrete, metal trades and plastics and includes 4 and 5 axis CNC milling machines and CNC water cutters. DISTANCE EDUCATION Distance education courses not offered. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Board of Architects of Queensland currently recognise and accredit the BArchDes/MArch programs. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. ARCHITECTURE STAFF – FULL TIME DEAN AND HEAD OF SCHOOL/PROFESSOR Sandra Kaji-O’Grady, BArch(Hons1A)(WAust), MArch(WAust), PhD(Monash), Affiliate RAIA PROFESSORS John Macarthur, BDesSt(Hons1)(Qld), MDesSt(Qld), PhD(Cambridge), Affiliate RAIA Paul Memmott, BArch(Hons2A)(Qld), PhD(Qld), LFRAIA, FAAS, FASSA 2015 Edition ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Antony Moulis, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Hons1)(Qld), PhD(Qld), Affiliate RAIA Naomi Stead, BArch(Hons)(SA), PhD(Qld) , Affiliate RAIA SENIOR LECTURERS John de Manincor, BArch(Hons)(Newcastle), BSci(Arch)(Newcastle), RAIA Pedro Guedes, BA(1st Class Hons)(Cantab), DipArch(Cantab), MA(Cantab), PhD(Qld), RIBA Chris Landorf, BArch(SAIT), BA(IntDes), MBA (UniSA), GradDipBuiltEnv(UCL), PhD(Deakin), FRAIA Paola Leardini, MArch(Polytechnic of Milan), PhD(Polytechnic of Milan) Nicole Sully, BEnvDes(WAust), BArch(Hons) (WAust), BFA(WAust), PhD(WAust) LECTURERS Michael Dickson, BArch(Hons1)(Qld), RAIA Kelly Greenop, BArch(Hons1)(Qld), GCHEd(Qld), PhD(Qld), AAS, Affiliate RAIA Susan Holden, BArch(Hons1)(Qld), PhD(Qld), RAIA Elizabeth Musgrave, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Hons1) (Qld), MPhil(Qld), RAIA Tim O’Rourke, BArch(Hons2)(Qld), PhD(Qld), RAIA Andrew Wilson, BArch(Hons)(Melb), BDesSt(Qld), MArch(RMIT), FRAIA ASSOCIATE LECTURER Douglas Neale, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Qld), RAIA POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS Mathew Aitchison, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Hons1) (Qld), PhD(Qld) Rebecca Coates, BA(Hons1) (Qld), PhD(Qld) Janina Gosseye, DipArch(Brussel), MHmnSettlements(Leuven) Russell Hughes, BA(Hons) (UWA), PhD(RMIT) Catherine Keys, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Hons1) (Qld), PhD(Qld) Silvia Micheli, BArch(Polytechnic of Milan), PhD(IUAV Venice) 52 THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND – continued ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS (continued) Daphne Nash, BA(ANU), GradDipEd(STC), BLitt(ANU), MA(ANU), GradCertAppSci(UC), PhD(ANU) Deborah van der Plaat, BA(Hons)(ANU), PhD(NSW) ARC DISCOVERY INDIGENOUS AWARD RESEARCHER Carroll Go-Sam, BArch(Hons)(Qld), BDesSt(Qld) PROFESSIONAL STAFF Avio Deldot – School Manager Tanya Aherne, GCCWP(Flinders), BBus(QUT) – PA to Head of School & School Manager Patrick McNeela, BA(Hons), CPA, ACMA, CGMA – Finance Analyst Erin Lewis, BA(Qld), GradCertArts(Qld) – Research & Projects Manager Kay Leaf-Milham – Senior Admin Officer - Academic Deirdre Timo – Administrative Assistant Linda Thomson, BA(Hons)(Qld) – Administrative Assistant Jourlie Campbell – Finance Officer Martin Bull – Building Manager Sam Butler & John Stafford – Technical Officers HONORARY STAFF PROFESSORS EMERITUS Brit Andresen, MArch(Trondheim), LFRAIA Balwant Saini, BA(Punj), BArch(Melb), PhD(Melb), FRIBA, LFRAIA ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Brian Donovan, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Qld), MArch(RMIT) Momoyo Kaijima, MEng(Tokyo), PhD(Tokyo) Richard Kirk, BDesSt(Qld),BArch(Hons1)(Qld), Kevin Low, BArch(Oregon),MArchSt(MIT) Michael Rayner, AM, BArch(Hons1)(NSW), LFRAIA, FTSE, RIBA Robert Riddel, CArch(QIT), MArt(RCA Lond), AADipl(Lond), PhD(UQ), FRAIA Virginia San Fratello, BEnvDes(North Carolina),MArch(New York) Shane Thompson, DipArch(QIT), FRAIA Donald Watson, BArch(Qld), AAIA, LFRAIA Elizabeth Watson-Brown, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Hons2A)(Qld), LFRAIA Hamilton Wilson, BAppSc, BArch(Hons)(Qld), FRAIA Bruce Wolfe, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Qld), MSCUP, MAICD, FRAIA, MPIA ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Alexander Ackfun, BBus(USQ) Rex Addison, BArch(Qld), AAGradDipl(Lond) Fiona Gardiner, BDesSt(Qld), BArch(Hons)(Qld), DiplConSt(York), GradCertPubSecMgmt(Flinders), RAIA Mark Moran, BE(Hons)(QUT), PhD(Qld) Gerard Murtagh, MA(Royal College of Art Lond) Colin Saltmere, Managing Director, Myuma Pty Ltd & Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation HONORARY PROFESSORS Tom Heneghan, AAGradDipl(Lond) Ron Lewcock, PhD(Natal) Joseph Reser, BSc, MA, PhD(Psychology) HONORARY SENIOR FELLOW Greg Bamford, BArch(Hons2)(Qld), PhD(Qld) 2015 Edition 53 The University of Queensland Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Architectural Design - Years 1-3 Year 1 Semester 1 u Year 1 Semester 2 u Year 2 Semester 1 u Year 2 Semester 2 u Year 3 Semester 1 u Year 3 Semester 2 u ARCHITECTURAL/ ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Architectural Design 1 4 Architectural Design 2 4 Architectural Design 3 4 Architectural Design 4 4 Architectural Design 5 4 Architectural Design 6 4 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY Architectural Communication 1 2 Architectural Technology 1 2 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY HISTORY & THEORY Architectural Technology 3 2 Architectural Technology 4 2 Architectural Technology 5 2 Architectural Technology 2 Buildings in History & Culture 2 2 Architecture in the Western 2 Tradition BEHAVIOUR & ENVIRONMENT Modern Architecture & the Metropolis Architecture in Society 2 2 2 Aboriginal Architecture OR 2 Architecture in Asia OR Architecture in Australia OR Theories in Architecture OR ELECTIVE ELECTIVE ELECTIVES* * At least one #2 elective from ARCH3141, ARCH3142, ARCH3241 or ARCH3242; and one #2 elective may be taken from other courses approved by the Architecture Academic Advisor. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN ^ ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture Years 1 and 2 4 Advanced Architectural 4 Advanced Architectural Advanced Architectural Design 1 - 8 Design 1 - 8 Design 1 - 8 Advanced Architectural Technology HISTORY & THEORY Contemporary Architecture 2 Theory & Practice PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Architectural Practice 1 ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH Advanced Architectural Design 1 - 8 4 2 2 Architectural Research 1 4 2 Architectural Practice 2 2 Architectural Research 2 2 Architectural Research 3 & 2 Architectural Research 4 OR Architectural Research Thesis ^ Students need to complete a total of 4 Advanced Architectural Design studios from the following offerings: Architecture & Commerce, Institutions & Ideology, Adaptive Capacities, Dwelling & Density, Landscapes & Architecture, Utopian Urbanism, Masterclass, Material Experiments 2015 Edition 54 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Art, Architecture and Design, Kaurna Building, City West Campus, cnr Fenn Place/Hindley Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Email: Web: Head of School: Professor Mads Gaardboe Email: Program Director: Mr Stephen Ward Email: BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES A three year full time program in architectural education, providing students with the skills and knowledge required for eligibility to apply for entry into the professional Master of Architecture degree. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 3 years MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE The Master of Architecture comprises the final two years of the five year professionally accredited architecture education offered at UniSA and is designed for students who have already completed a recognised undergraduate degree in architectural studies or equivalent. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 2 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE 2014 ATAR: 83.00 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS 85 YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION No pre-requisites required. YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Good overall skills and knowledge levels at Year 12. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSL) Bachelor of Architectural Studies (Part 1) Male Female Total Total 58.625 33.125 91.750 Domestic 49.250 29.125 78.375 Overseas 9.375 4.000 13.375 Master of Architecture (Part 2) Total 27.625 12.250 Domestic 19.625 5.750 Overseas 8.000 6.500 2015 Edition 39.875 25.375 14.500 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (EFTSL) (including Parts 1 and 2 of Program) Male Female Total Total 211.500 143.875 355.375 Domestic 176.875 118.250 295.125 Overseas 34.625 25.625 60.250 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 27 23 50 Domestic 23 15 38 Overseas 4 8 12 PROGRAM CONTENT Bachelor of Architectural Studies Students gain a foundation in design theory, creativity and environmental awareness, and are also taught supporting technical skills in architectural construction, science and visual communication. Emphasis is given to integrating all courses into design studio through increasingly complex projects which are variously themed to explore a wide variety of architectural topics. Master of Architecture This program equips students with the creative and technical skills to work as graduates of architecture, and provides the qualifications required towards registration as a professional architect. The program has a core focus on design studio as a place of integration for other streams of learning and provides opportunities for specialisation through electives. Courses are designed to develop capabilities in areas such as sustainability, construction and documentation, urban design, contemporary design theory and digital exploration. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and The Architectural Practice Board of South Australia currently recognise and accredit the Master of Architecture. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. • Tel: (08) 8302 0366 • Fax: (08) 8302 0211 ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) A minimum of 36 points credit is provided for specific Advanced Diploma courses and 18 points for specific Diploma courses at TAFE SA. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Architectural history, theory and education; building and urban conservation and ecology; remote area design and construction; digital design; cultural heritage and design education; housing; architectural and urban planning and design. OTHER RESOURCES (continued) The Architecture Museum’s collections exceed 200,000 items including drawings, photographs, specifications, diaries, and a library with more than 100 individuals and firms represented. It is a unique resource for research in architectural and planning history. DISTANCE EDUCATION Distance education courses not offered. ARCHITECTURE STAFF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Consulting and community projects. Student construction program in rural and remote locations. Workshop, site, and furniture construction electives. Masterclasses. Cross-discipline electives and studios. International study tours and studios. Masters lecture series. LIBRARY RESOURCES The Library at City West is well resourced in the areas of art, architecture and design history and theory, business practice and management, with additional resources in construction and project management, planning and landscape architecture located at the City East campus. COMPUTING RESOURCES Specialist school computer pools with IMAC and PCs running multi-media and CAD software including AutoCAD, Revit, 3D Studio MAX, Viz, Adobe Premier Pro, Ecotect, Director MX, and Solidworks. Campuswide wireless networking, a range of network printers/colour, plotters, scanners, digital cameras and video capture equipment are also available for student use. OTHER RESOURCES Design Workshop comprehensively equipped for timber and metal work at scales suited to a range of construction projects from buildings to fine industrial design manufacturing. Equipment includes laser cutters, CNC router, 3D printers and large format printers. FULL TIME STAFF HEAD OF SCHOOL/PROFESSOR Professor Mads Gaardboe, BArch, MA(Arch), MSc(Arch&UrbanDesign), MAA, RAIA, FRSA ASSOCIATE HEADS OF SCHOOL Associate Professor Christine Garnaut, PhD, BA(Hons), DipEd Associate Professor Jane Lawrence, BArts(Interior Design) PROGRAM DIRECTOR Stephen Ward, BArch, FRAIA ACADEMIC STAFF Chris Brisbin, PhD, BArch(Hons), BDesSt Angelique Edmonds, PhD, MPhil, GradDip in Architecture, BSc(Arch) Rachel Hurst, BArch, Affiliate RAIA David Kroll, PhD, MA, BArch(Hons) Damian Madigan, BArch(Hons), BArchSt, FRAIA Tim McGinley, EngD, GradDip in Architecture, MA Associate Professor Thomas Mical, PhD, MSc, MArch, BDesign(Hons) David Morris, BArch, DipArt, RAIA Julie Nichols, PhD, BArch(Hons), BArchSt Jasmine Palmer, Master Design Science, BArch(Hons), BA(Arch) Sean Pickersgill, PhD, BArch 55 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA - continued ACADEMIC STAFF (continued) PART TIME STAFF Julie Collins, PhD, BArch(Hons) John Schenk, MArch, BArch, LFRAIA HONORARY STAFF ADJUNCT PROFESSORS and RESEARCH FELLOWS Jennifer Aland Andrew Hill Donald Leslie Johnson, Hon FRAIA Kay Lawrence Khai Liew Fred Littlejohn Ian North John Wardle, LFRAIA VISITING LECTURERS Nigel Bertram, RAIA Adam Brown, RAIA Kirsty Hewitt, RAIA James Jones, RAIA Rachel Neeson, RAIA 2015 Edition SESSIONAL STAFF Aggeliki Aggeli Leanne Amodeo Brett Aylen, RAIA Sally Bolton, RAIA Greg Bond Gemma Caon Graham Charboneneau Damien Chwalisz Kate Colligan Nathan Crane Megan Derbyshire Ben Feijen, RAIA Andrew Fotia Malgorzata Haley Suzanne Hall Jennifer Harvey Paul Hendy Christie Hrisafinas Sean Humphries, RAIA Christopher Jeffery Brett Julian, RAIA Henry Keene Adrian Kenyon Ken Long James Martin Alison McFadyen Nigel Miller, RAIA Christopher Morley Joshua Nash Ines Oblitas Danielle O'Dea, RAIA Jet O'Rourke Julian Rutt, RAIA Alex Sawicki Brendan Scarborough, RAIA Daniel Stanning Kirsten Tocker Christopher Trotta Milos Vajdic Christopher Watkins, RAIA Julia Wetherell Mark Wiltshire, RAIA Kyra Wood Peter Woolman, RAIA Natale Zappia 56 University of South Australia Program Structure SCHOOL OF ART ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES (DBAE) UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA DESIGN STUDIES AND DESIGN INTEGRATION Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 SP2 SP5 SP2 SP5 SP2 SP5 Design Studio 1 (Foundation) Architectural Design Studio 2 (Dwelling) Architectural Design Studio 3 (Context) Architectural Design Studio 4 (Communications) Architectural Design Studio 5 (Construction) Architectural Design Studio 6 (Integrated) ARCH 1034 9 ARCH 1032 9 ARCH 2051 9 ARCH 2052 9 ARCH 3049 9 ARCH 3050 9 Architectural Documentation Design Communication (Digital) ARCH 1033 4.5 ARCH 2053 4.5 Design Construction Multistorey Architecture and Technology RESEARCH COMMUNICATION SKILLS DOCUMENTATION AND TECHNICAL STUDIES Design Construction Principles ARCH 1007 4.5 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES HISTORY AND THEORY STUDIES BUIL 2006 4.5 BUIL 3004 4.5 Architecture and Environment Architecture and Ecology ARCH 1020 4.5 Design, Culture and Environment Architecture and Modernity ARCH 3028 4.5 Contemporary Design Theory ARCH 1021 4.5 ARCH 3053 4.5 ARCH 2021 4.5 PRACTICE AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND USER STUDIES ELECTIVE STUDIES 2015 Edition Free Elective Art, Architecture and Design Elective 4.5 4.5 57 University of South Australia Program Structure SCHOOL OF ART ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (DMAE) UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Year 1 Year 2 SP2 SP5 SP2 SP5 Architectural Design Studio 7 (Environment) Architectural Design Studio 8 (Construction) Architectural Design Studio 9 Architectural Design Studio 10 ARCH 4033 9 ARCH 4008 9 ARCH 4002 9 ARCH 4003 9 AAD Research Methods AAD Research Practices Architectural Thesis 1* Architectural Thesis 2* VSAR 4003 4.5 ARCH 5052 4.5 ARCH 4043 4.5 *OR Elective ARCH 4044 4.5 *OR Elective PRACTICE AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AND USER STUDIES Architectural Practice Professional Architectural Practice Management ELECTIVE STUDIES ARCH 5035 4.5 Elective** ARCH 5034 4.5 Elective** 4.5 **OR ARCH 4043 4.5 **OR ARCH 4044 DESIGN STUDIES AND DESIGN INTEGRATION RESEARCH COMMUNICATION SKILLS DOCUMENTATION AND TECHNICAL STUDIES ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES HISTORY AND THEORY STUDIES Theories and History of Architecture ARCH 4018 4.5 Elective 4.5 2015 Edition 58 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning • The University of Sydney NSW 2006 • Tel: (02) 9351 3248 • Fax: (02) 9036 9532 Email: Web: (or Dean: Professor John Redmond Acting Head of Discipline, Architecture: Associate Professor Lee Stickells Director, BDesArch Program: Dr Sean Anderson Director, MArch Program: Professor Michael Tawa The Faculty is comprised of four disciplines: Architecture, Architectural Science, Design Lab, and Urban and Regional Planning and Policy. The professional architecture degree is offered in two tiers: the 3 year BDesArch followed by the 2 year MArch. It is coordinated by the BDesArch/MArch Program Committee. Student enquiries may be directed to the appropriate Program Coordinator or to the Student Administration Centre, on (02) 9351 3248 or email at BACHELOR OF DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE The BDesArch is a pre-professional design-oriented program in architecture. Over 3 years full time a minimum 144 credit points is necessary including a core of mandatory subjects focused on knowledgebased integrative design studios plus additional prerequisites for those intending to proceed to the MArch. A variety of practical and theoretical electives are offered by the Faculty and students are encouraged to pursue their individual interests by taking subjects from other programs and faculties across the University of Sydney. There are 2 combined degrees offered to students: combined Architecture and Engineering (BDesArch/BEng) degree and combined Architecture and Law (BDesArch/LLB) degree allowing students to complete both qualifications in 5 years. SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR: 96.95 Year 12 DISTANCE EDUCATION Not offered, though some units of study are offered on-line or through the virtual campus. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION There are no prerequisites but there are two subjects which are 'assumed knowledge'. These are Maths and Advanced English. Interpretive subjects such as history, visual arts and geography, other humanities and social sciences are the best preparation for entry to the Sydney Architecture Program. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the NSW Architects Registration Board recognise and accredit the combined BDesArch/MArch Program. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited courses in Australia. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR 2014 (BDesArch Program) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 68.250 81.375 149.625 Domestic 60.625 60.5 121.125 International 7.625 20.875 28.5 GRADUATE PROGRAMS Graduate coursework certificates, diplomas and masters degrees are offered in Architectural & Urban Design as well as in Audio & Acoustics, Building Services, High Performance Buildings, Interaction Design and Electronic Arts, Facilities Management, Heritage Conservation, Illumination Design, Sustainable Design, Urbanism, Urban Design and Urban & Regional Planning. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE The MArch is a 2 year full time professional degree. It is a professional design-oriented architecture degree that provides the finishing knowledge, skills and experience to equip the graduate to be a professional architect. A minimum of 2 years, 96 credit points is necessary including a core of mandatory subjects. Elective units and independent study options enable students to explore individual interests in subjects offered by the Faculty. Graduates of architectural programs from other universities are welcome to apply to complete their education by enrolling in the 2 year MArch Program. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED 2014 (including BDesArch and MArch (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 306.750 283.125 589.875 Domestic 244.375 199.125 443.5 International 62.375 84 146.375 MINIMUM TIME FOR BDESARCH/MARCH PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years. Professional architectural experience over the course of study is recommended and supported by the course structure. ARTICULATION from local TAFE and international polytechnic courses is undertaken through UAC for locally based students. The Faculty has established an articulation program with the Architecture Diploma offered at Singapore Polytechnic. Other programs are assessed on a case by case basis. 2015 Edition GRADUATIONS 2013 (fifth year graduations from MArch Program) Male Female Total Total 41 40 81 Domestic 34 28 62 International 7 12 19 RESEARCH The Faculty has four internationally recognised research groups: Architecture (including research on architectural history theory & criticism, heritage conservation, urban design); Architectural Science (audio & acoustics, building systems, illumination design); Design Lab (digital media, virtual environments); and Urban & Regional Planning & Policy (urban policy, housing, economic planning). Hons, MPhil, PhD and DSc(Arch) research students and post-docs are welcome to apply in any of these areas of research. SPECIAL CENTRES & JOURNALS AHURI Housing & Urban Research Centre, Ian Buchan Fell Housing Research Centre, Design Lab, Planning Research Centre Journals: Architectural Science Review, Architectural Theory Review, People & Physical Environment Research, International Journal of Design Computing LIBRARY AND AV RESOURCES Architecture, design and urban planning material is held in a number of University of Sydney libraries, and staff and students can use resources, facilities and services at all of these sites. In addition to physical items such as books, print journals and multimedia material, the Library provides electronic access to key databases, ejournals, ebooks and datasets. Exam papers, theses, unit of study readings and other research and learning aids are also available online. The University of Sydney Library provides training rooms equipped with data projectors and whiteboards, as well as meeting rooms for collaborative learning and quiet spaces for individual study. There are computers available for public use and wireless Internet is available. The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning has a Faculty Liaison Librarian to assist staff and students with their research, teaching and learning needs. STUDENT ACTIVITIES The Sydney University Design Association (SUDA) represents undergraduate and graduate students across the breadth of the Faculty. COMPUTING RESOURCES The Faculty’s computer laboratories and studios are among the largest and most modern design computing facilities in the Southern Hemisphere. All labs, studios, lecture theatres and common shared spaces of the Faculty offer high-speed free Wi-Fi Internet access and students have 24/7 access to secure computing labs. 59 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY – continued COMPUTING RESOURCES (continued) Labs are equipped with over 250 workstation class machines that are on gigabit networks, equipped with over 100 different applications. This combination allows students to represent their ideas digitally in 3D-Architectural drawings (using Autodesk Master Suite or Rhino), Video (using Final Cut Studio or Premiere Pro), Audio (using Pro Tools or Ableton Live) and/or Animation (using Maya). The Faculty has carefully invested in ecofriendly print and scan devices that are capable of producing the highest quality colour scans and prints up to oversize A0, for students to showcase their work during presentations and exhibitions. At Architecture, you are only limited by your imagination. DESIGN MODELLING AND FABRICATION LAB The Design Modelling and Fabrication Lab (DMaF Lab) has comprehensive Robotic and Digital Fabrication facilities supported by the adjacent Wood Technologies and Metalastics labs. The extensive range of facilities include three 6 axis robot arms integrated with a host of end-effectors, CNC routers, Laser cutters, vacuum former, powder and plastics 3d printers and rapid prototypers. In 2015 the Robotics lab will expand to include a 6m robot track and positioner. The Media Labs include casting, printmaking and 3d printing facilities and the Tin Sheds Gallery. The Faculty has a purpose built Indoor Environmental Quality laboratory, as well as an heliodon, acoustics laboratory, audio research laboratory and recording studio, lighting laboratories, design cognition laboratory. ACADEMIC STAFF DEAN Professor John Redmond, BA(CSAD), MA(RCA) (RCA), DipID(Eng)(CSAD), FRSA, AADM, FDIA, Affiliate RAIA ASSOCIATE DEANS Paul Jones, BA, GradDipUrbStud(Macq), MURP(NE), PhD(Qld), MA (Graduate Research Studies) Duanfang Lu, BArch(Tsinghua), PhD(Calif) (acting A/D Education) Peter Phibbs, BA(Hons)(UNSW), MSc(UNSW), PhD(UNSW) (acting A/D Research) 2015 Edition PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE Michael Tawa, BScArch(UNSW), BArch(Hons)(UNSW), PhD(UNSW), FRAIA PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE Richard de Dear, BA(Hons)(UQ), PhD(Applied Climatology)(UQ) PROFESSOR OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING AND POLICY Peter Phibbs, BA(Hons)(UNSW), MSc(UNSW), PhD(UNSW) ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Wendy Davis, BA(Physiology&Pyschology), MSc, PhD(Calif) Nicole Gurran, BA, MURP, PhD(USyd) Glen Hill, BSc(Arch), BArch, PhD(USyd), MPM(UTS) Paul Jones, BA, GradDipUrbStud(Macq), MURP(NE), PhD(Qld), MA Duanfang Lu, BArch(Tsinghua), PhD(Calif) William Martens, BA(Hons)(Psych)(Miami), PhD (Northwestern) * Roderick Simpson, BSc(Arch)Sydney, AAIA, MPIA, ARB5868 Chris Smith, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons1), PhD Lee D. Stickells, BArch(Hons), BEnvDes, PhD SENIOR LECTURERS Peter Armstrong, BArch, PhD(USyd), ME(Waseda) Ross Anderson, BArch(Hons)(Canberra), MPhil(Camb), PhD Sean Anderson, BSc(Hons), BArch, MArch, PhD(Calif) Densil Cabrera, BMus, GradDipComm(UTS), MA, PhD(USyd) Francesco Fiorito, MEng(Building Engineering)(1st Class Hons), PhD(Building Engineering)(Bari) Trevor Howells, BArch(Syd), DipConsStud(York) Cameron Logan, BA(Hons), MA(Monash), PhD(George Washington) Lian Loke, BE(Syd), BSc(Syd), PhD(UTS) Sandra Loschke, AADipl, BSc(Hons) Duanfang Lu, BArch(Tsinghua), PhD(Calif) Michael Muir, BSc(Arch) BArch(USyd) Robert Saunders, BSc(Edin), PhD(USyd) Martin Tomitsch, MSc, MSocEcSc, PhD(Vienna UT) LECTURERS Caitlin de Berigny Wall, BArt(Visual)(Hons)(ANU), PhD(Phil)(Canberra) François Blanciak, DPLG(Hons)(Grenoble), MArch, PhD(Tokyo) Oliver Bown, BA(Cambridge), MSC(Sussex), PhD(London) Jennifer Ferng, BA, BArch, MArch, PhD(MIT) Claudia Perren, MArch(ETH Zurich), PhD(Uni Kassel), Dip-Ing(KHB Berlin) Dagmar Reinhardt, PhD(Syd), MArch(Staedelschule), DiplIng(TU) Somwrita Sarkar, BPlan, MTech, PhD(USyd) Simon Weir, BDesArch(Hons1), PhD(USyd) ASSOCIATE LECTURERS Daniel Ryan, BSc(ArchSc)(NUI), BArch(NUI), MDesSc(USyd) ADJUNCT PROFESSORS John Choi, BArch(Hons)(USyd), BSc(Arch)(USyd), RAIA Tim Greer, BArch(Auckland), FRAIA Dillon Kombumerri, BArch(Hons)(USyd) Helen Lochhead, BScArch(Hons1)(USyd), BArch(Hons1)(USyd), MSc(Arch&UrbDes) (Columbia NY), FAIC, RAIA Rachel Neeson, BSc(Arch)(USyd), BArch(Hons1 & Uni Medal)(USyd), MArch(UPC Barcelona), RAIA Andrew Nimmo, BApplSc(BE)(QUT), BArch(Hons)(Qld), RAIA Ken Woolley, AM, BArch, Hon DScArch, LFRAIA, FTSE ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Gary Cox, BA(Econ)(Manchester), MURP(USyd), PhD(USyd), Harvey Sanders, MSc(Reading), MPhil(Lond), FRAPI, MRTPI, ARICS Gregory Young, BA(Hons)(UTas), DipUrban Studies(MQ), MA(USyd), PhD(UNSW) ADJUNCT SENIOR LECTURER Giovanni Cirillo Alan Obrart, BSc, MMechEng, MBldingSurvg(UTS) HONORARY PROFESSORS Tom Heneghan, AADipl Mary Lou Maher, BS(Col), MS, PhD(CarnegieMellon) HONORARY ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS John P. Lea, MA(Camb), PhD(Witw), DScArch, DipTP(Cent Lond Poly), MRTPI, MRAPI, MIEnvSci Barrie Shelton, BA(WAust), MPlan(Adel), MAPI Peter R. Smith, MArch, PhD(USyd), FRAIA HONORARY ASSOCIATES & LECTURERS Jennifer Gamble, BE(Melb), MEd(Deakin), BScArch(Hons)(USyd), PhD(Arch)(USyd) Jin Yong Jeon, BScArchEng(Hanyang), MBdgSc, PhD(USyd) Doheon Lee, BM(Audio Technology)(Hons II), MDesSc(Audio&Acoustics)(USyd), PhD(USyd) Ashak Nathanwi, MEngSc(UNSW) PROFESSORS EMERITI Warren Julian, BSc, BE, MSc(Arch), DipBdgSc, PhD(USyd), LFIESANZ, IALD Gary Moore, BArch(Hons, Calif), MA(DevelPsychol, Clark), PhD(EnvironPsychol, Clark), PIA, FAPA Geoffrey P. Webber, MSc(Arch)(Col), BArch, MTCP(USyd), LFRAIA, RAPI, ARIBA Plus a wide array of part time design tutors and lecturers from the local professional community. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF FACULTY MANAGER Jonathan Hulme, BA(Lit)(JCU) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT Jim Nguyen EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE DEAN Sharon Dubos, BArt(VisCom), MTeach(USyd) ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Kim Beecroft, Administration Assistant Ronan Brett, Digital Design Coordinator Simon Brown, BA(USyd), Executive Officer Susan Clarke, Honorary Research Assistant Julius Dimataga, Loans Officer Charlotte Ferguson, Project and Program Officer Leslie George, BTech(Karala), IT Operations and Liaison Manager Susan MacLeod, BA(Hons)(Ravensbourne), Publications Officer Jennifer Ryan, BA(Hons)(Macq), Research Development Manager Ailsa Smeaton, BEd(Hons), Executive Support Coordinator Matthew Storey, MDesSc(USyd), Technical Services and Asset Manager 60 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY – continued DESIGN MODELLING AND FABRICATION LAB Marjo Niemelä – BDesSci/Arch(UC), Manager Design Modelling and Fabrication Lab (DMaF Lab) Samantha Horlyck – BE/BDesArch(USyd), Robotics and Digital Fabrication Assistant Oni Laughton – DMaF Lab Administrator & WHS Coordinator Celeste Raanoja – BDesArch, MA(UTS), Digital Fabrication Coordinator Ken Stewart, MDesSc(Audio&Acoustics)(USyd), Senior Technical Officer Gabriele Ulacco – BDesArch, Robotics and Digital Fabrication Coordinator Melinda Wimborne – BFA(Hons)(Tas), BDesArch (USyd), Fabrication Coordinator Dylan Wozniak-O'Connor – Media Lab and Digital Fabrication Lab Assistant VISITING LECTURERS Dr Sophia Psarra (UCL-Bartlett School of Architecture) Further visitors for 2015 to be confirmed. TIN SHEDS GALLERY Iakavos Amperidis, BVA, MVA(Hons)(SCA), Tin Sheds Gallery Manager STUDENT ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Penny Andreou, Student Administration Manager Peter Murlis, BA(Hons), Research Training Support Officer Viena Phanekham, BA(UWS), Administrative Assistant Diana Thai, Student Administration Support ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Priyanka Rao, BDesArch(2006) (* refers to fractional staff) 2015 Edition 61 The University of Sydney Course Structure Bachelor of Design in Architecture Course Structure Core Year 1 Semester 2 BDES1027 Architecture Studio 1B 12 credit points Study area Design Studios Semester 1 BDES1026 Architecture Studio 1A 12 credit points History and Theory BDES1011 Architectural History Theory 1 6 credit points Architectural Technology Art Semester 3 BDES2026 Architecture Studio 2A 12 credit points BDES2027 Architecture Studio 2B 12 credit points BDES1023 Architectural Technologies 1 6 credit points BDES2013 Architectural Technologies 2 6 credit points BDES1026 Architecture Studio 1A 12 credit points Communications & Professional Practice Year 2 Semester 4 BDES2027 Architecture Studio 2B 12 credit points Year 3 Semester 5 Semester 6 BDES3026 Architecture BDES3027 Architecture Studio 3A Studio 3B 12 credit points 12 credit points BDES3011 Architectural History Theory 3 6 credit points BDES3026 Architecture Studio 3A 12 credit points BDES2024 Art Workshop 2 6 credit points BDES1027 Architecture Studio 1B 12 credit points BDES2026 Architecture Studio 2A 12 credit points Elective 6 credit points Elective 6 credit points BDES3027 Architecture Studio 3B 12 credit points BDES3025** Professional Practice 6 credit points Electives Elective (up to 18 credit points from other faculties) Example Electives Architectural Sketching and Drawing, Digital Image Design & Representation, Interactive Multimedia Design, 3D Modelling, Urban Design and Planning, Introductory Urban Design and Planning, Planning for the Public Domain, Planning for the Built Environment. Elective 6 credit points Elective 6 credit points Elective 6 credit points Elective 6 credit points ** Candidates wishing to proceed to the Master of Architecture are required to complete these prerequisite units. These may also be used to count towards the Architecture Electives. Total number of credit points required for the degree: 144 (102 Core, 42 Elective) 2015 Edition 62 The University of Sydney Course Structure Master of Architecture Course Structure Core Study area Design Studios Studios 4001, 4002 and 4003 are offered each semester so these can be done in any order Year 1 Semester 1 Semester 2 MARC 4001 MARC 4002 Urban Architecture Research Studio Sustainable Architecture 12 credit points Research Studio 12 credit points History and Theory MARC 4201 Modern Architectural History 6 credit points Architectural Technology MARC 4101 Advanced Technologies 1 6 credit points Semester 3 MARC 4003 Digital Architecture Research Studio 12 credit points MARC 4102 Modern Architectural Theory 6 credit points MARC 5101 Advanced Technologies 2 6 credit points Communications & Professional Practice Electives Elective Students can choose electives from any postgraduate program from the Faculty and also from the graduate Art Workshops Year 2 Semester 4 MARC 5001 Graduation Studio 12 credit points MARC 5102 Contract Documentation 6 Credit Points Elective 6 credit points Elective 6 credit points Elective 6 credit points Total number of credit points required for the degree: 96 (78 Core, 18 Elective) 2015 Edition 63 THE UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA The Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture) and the Master of Architecture are available at the Inveresk Campus of the University of Tasmania The School of Architecture & Design is part of the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology School of Architecture & Design, 8 Invermay Road, Launceston, TAS 7250 (Locked Bag 1323, Launceston) • Tel: 03 6324 4488 • Fax: 03 6324 4477 Email: Web: Dean: Professor Margaret Britz Head of School: Dr Ceridwen Owen ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN FURNITURE DESIGN Two years full time ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS N/A BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Three years full time with majors available in Architecture, Furniture Design or Interior Design YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION Standard university admission requirements BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN WITH HONOURS One year full time with requisite entry qualifications (equivalent to BEnvDes undergraduate degree) YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Standard university admission requirements BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN WITH HONOURS (INTERIOR DESIGN) One year full time with requisite entry qualifications (equivalent to BEnvDes with Interior Design major) GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TIMBER (PROCESSING AND BUILDING) One year part time MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (Professional Degree) Two years full time. The MArch is a second tier degree, normally taken immediately after the BEnvDes degree, making five years of full time study in total. On completion of the MArch degree graduates are advised to contact the relevant Architects Board in their jurisdiction for details regarding practical experience eligibility for sitting the registration exam. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE By research MASTER OF DESIGN By research DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN) Study at doctoral level SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR: 65 2015 Edition TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) (commencing students) Male Female Total Total 35 38 73 Domestic 18 24 42 Overseas 17 14 31 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 227 159 386 Domestic 136 103 239 Overseas 91 56 147 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 42 16 58 Domestic 16 5 21 Overseas 26 11 37 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES • Sustainability and design • History and theory • Scholarship in design teaching • Timber in design and construction STUDENT ACTIVITIES DArch Side (Design & Architecture Students Association) LIBRARY RESOURCES The development of skills in the use of libraries and in finding information is a basic element of tertiary study. To this end, trained library staff members are ready to assist students in using the library catalogues and other bibliographic tools. The library collection includes books, periodicals and a variety of other formats. Also available is a wide range of audio-visual equipment including projectors and audio and video tape recorders. The School also has a Reading Room. COMPUTING RESOURCES The School offers a range of computing facilities available for use by students. There are currently 85 computers in the School, made up of 83 iMacs, and two Mac Pros with 30-inch displays for more intensive CAD work. Colour and monochrome printing facilities are available. A wide range of software packages are available for word processing, spreadsheets, computer-aided design and building modelling and simulation – this includes ArchiCAD, Vectorworks, Adobe Creative Suite, Cinema 4D, Google SketchUp Pro and Rhino. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Board of Architects of Tasmania currently recognise and accredit the Bachelor of Environmental Design/Master of Architecture. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN STAFF HEAD OF SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN Ceridwen Owen, PhD(Melb), DipArch(Glasgow), BArch(Hons)(Edinburgh), RAIA PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE Stephen Loo, PhD(Sydney), BArch(Hons)(Adelaide), BArchSt(Adelaide), RAIA DEPUTY HEAD OF SCHOOL Stuart King, PhD(UniMelb), BArch(Hons)(UQ) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Gregory Nolan, MArch, BArch(Hons)(Syd) WORKSHOP The School has a well-equipped workshop that includes, in addition to conventional tools, a large format computer-aided router, two laser cutters, two 3D printers and a Kuka robotic arm. This equipment allows students to manufacture products for architectural models and small buildings, as well as fine furniture. PROGRAM DIRECTORS Stuart King (Architecture), PhD(UniMelb), BArch(Hons)(UQ) Simon Ancher (Furniture Design), BFA(Hons), BEnvDes Kirsty Máté (Interior Design), BArch(UNSW), MDes(UTS) DISTANCE EDUCATION Distance education in the form of online units of study is offered for the Graduate Certificate in Timber (Processing and Building) only. SENIOR LECTURERS Geoff Clark, BSc(Arch)(Hons)(Syd), BArch(Syd), RAIA Steven Fleming, BSc(Arch)(Newcastle), BArch(Hons)(Newcastle), PhD(Newcastle) 64 THE UNIVERSITY OF TASMANIA – continued ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN STAFF (continued) LECTURERS Richard Burnham, PhD(Liv), BArch Ian Clayton, BArch(Hons)(Qld), BDesSt(Qld) Mark Dewsbury, PhD(UTAS), BArch(UTAS), BEnvDes(UTAS), GradCertMgt(UWS), Research Fellow Sanaz Hosseinabadi, MCPM(UNSW), BIA(UNSW), DipGraphicDesign(Hornsby) Tim Law, PhD(UTAS), BA(ArchStudies)(NUS), BA(Hons)Arch(NUS) Helen Norrie, PhD(UniMelb), BDesStud, BArch(Hons) Jacqueline Power, PhD(UNSW), BIntArch(UNSW) Jen Smit, BArchSt(Adel), BArch(Hons)(Adel) Louise Wallis, MDes(UTAS), BBltEnv(ArchSt), BArch(Hons)(QUT), Affiliate RAIA ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Brit Andresen, LFRAIA Adrian Carter Roger Fay, PhD(Melb), BArch(Hons)(Melb), GradDipEd(Hawthorn) Madeline Lester, LFDIA Pamela Sharp, MA(Hons)(Edin), PhD(Cantab) UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES Tanya Park, PhD(Tsuk), BArch(VUW), BA(VUW) Catriona McLeod, PhD(QUT), BAppSci(BE)(QUT), BA(FineArts)(Hons)(Qld) Mat Hinds, BArch(UTAS) CONTRACT/SESSIONAL LECTURERS/TUTORS AND STUDENT DEMONSTRATORS Judith Abell Peter Booth, RAIA Ilya Brucksch-Domanski Scott Christensen Andrew Corp Christie Denman, RAIA Phil Dingemanse, RAIA Clare Dunlop Stephanie Edmunds Guy Edwards Joel Fletcher Andrew Francis Detlev Geard, FRAIA Fiona Graham, RAIA Richard Hall Nikki Holdsworth Michael Jirku, RAIA Karen Kennedy Cathryn Kerr Katrin Knoth Alisdair McPhee Christopher Morgan Aaron Mullins Ken Pearson-Smith, RAIA Matthew Prince Fiona Ranson Lee Roberts Wendy Roberts Lucas Saunders Undine Sellbach Abdel Soudan John Streeter Maxim Tooker Ryan Tubby Rafael Upcroft Kerry van den Berg Declan Vertigan Brett Williams Tracey Woods VISITING LECTURERS The School has a regular program of visiting lecturers within the Inveresk Design Forum lecture series. 2015 Edition SCHOOL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mary Mulvaney, MSc(ANU), LittB(ANU), BA(ANU) FACULTY OFFICER—STUDENT CENTRE Latha Jeyaraj, BA(UNE), GradDipInfoMgt(RMIT) ADMINISTRATION OFFICERS Nicole Dobber Celia Lanham WORKSHOP MANAGER Robin Green TECHNICAL OFFICERS Duncan Maxwell Luke Dineen POSTGRAD—current PhD students Simon Bourke Jen Brown Wendy Fountain Karen Kennedy Cathryn Kerr Randall Lindstrom Kirsty Máté Coralee O’Keefe Maria Perez-Pulido John Roberts Lee Roberts Sabrina Sequeira David Techau Rafael Upcroft Kerry van den Berg CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE WITH WOOD (CSAW) Associate Professor Gregory Nolan, MArch, BArch(Hons)(Syd), Director, CSAW Jonathan Shanks, PhD, MEng, CEng, MIStructE MIWSc, Research Fellow Janice Bowman, Administrative Officer, CSAW Michael Lee, Senior Technical Officer, CSAW Stephen Wright, Technical Officer, CSAW 65 The University of Tasmania Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture) Year 1 Semester 1 hr/wk Year 1 Semester 2 hr/wk Year 2 Semester 1 hr/wk Year 2 Semester 2 hr/wk Year 3 Semester 1 hr/wk Year 3 Semester 2 hr/wk Design Studio 1 4 Design Studio 2 4 Architecture Design Studio 3 4 Architecture Design Studio 4 4 Architecture Design Studio 5 4 Architecture Design Studio 6 4 History & Theory in Design 1 4 History & Theory in Design 2 4 History & Theory in Design 3 4 Australian Architecture & Design 4 History & Theory in Design 5 4 History & Theory In Design 6 4 Building Technology in Design 1 4 Building Technology in Design 2 4 Building Technology in Design 3 4 Building Technology in Design 4 4 Building Technology in Design 5 4 Building Technology in Design 6 4 Design Communication 1 4 Design Communication 2 4 Elective 1 4 Elective 2 4 Elective 3 4 Elective 4 4 DESIGN STUDIO UNITS These studio based units investigate a series of architectural design themes through the model of studio teaching with the primary focus on project work. The units explore activities that architects undertake in order to bring together, assess and express the ideas that form the design of architectural-environmental projects: analysis, synthesis, evaluation and communication. A heavy emphasis is placed on environmental and social sustainability, design values and ethics. DESIGN COMMUNICATION UNITS The units introduce freehand, measured drawing techniques and practice, CAD, two and three-dimensional drawing conventions, illustration techniques for design presentation, model making and written and verbal presentation skills. HISTORY & THEORY IN DESIGN UNITS These units confront issues of design history and theory emanating from consideration of humanity and the humanly adapted environment. The units also form the context for, and impinge upon or interact with, architecture and design-based projects. They deal with the effects of the built/natural environment upon human behaviour, and conversely with built and natural environment as a reflection of human values and behaviour. This stream includes overviews of: western architectural history, 20th century architectural history, contemporary design theory and Australian architectural history. BUILDING TECHNOLOGY IN DESIGN UNITS These units involve the study of external and internal environments. They cover the technology of materials, constructional components and process operations needed to build and fabricate a building. These units also include: design and assessment of structural and construction systems; the selection of materials and components; the provision of equipment and services necessary for the functioning of the built object; techniques of control of human factors; physical environment performance; and safety standards mandated by codes and regulations. ELECTIVES Electives are based on staff strengths and reflect the School's specialist skills in landscape architecture, interior design, furniture design, learning by making, community development, computer use in design, experimental digital design, ecologically sustainable architecture and urban design. Students may also take electives from another School in the University, which may include discipline areas such as humanities, art and science. 2015 Edition 66 The University of Tasmania Course Structure STUDY AREA Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture) with Honours Year 4 Semester 1 hr/wk Year 4 Semester 2 hr/wk Introduction to Research Design Theory Dissertation A 4 2 4 Design Studies Dissertation B 2 4 COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture Year 4 Semester 1 hr/wk Year 4 Semester 2 hr/wk Year 5 Semester 1 hr/wk Year 5 Semester 2 hr/wk Architecture Design Studio 7 8 Architecture Design Studio 8 8 Professional Project 1 8 Professional Project 2 12 Professional Studies 4 4 Advanced Design Research 1 8 Advanced Design Research 2 4 Building Technology in Design 7 4 Design Research Methods Building Technology in Design 8 4 DESIGN STUDIO UNITS These core studio units form the basis of architectural education. They focus on the development of a personal approach to architecture, in the context of ecological and social responsibility and client requirements. DESIGN RESEARCH METHODS Involves critical reading of texts concerning design theory. Covers conventions, methodologies and techniques for undertaking design research. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the generation of design ideas and theoretical positions. ADVANCED DESIGN RESEARCH Requires students to undertake design research in areas such as sustainability, contemporary architectural technologies, heritage, architectural history and theory, experimental digital design and cultural studies. The unit is informed by the research policy of the Australian Institute of Architects and its associated documents. BUILDING TECHNOLOGY IN DESIGN UNITS Examines the envelope, services and interior systems of large and complex buildings within a buildings systems integration, sustainability and design-oriented framework. Focuses on sustainability assessment tools and regulations. Covers the structuring and preparation of graphic and written contract documentation. PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Focuses on the architect’s responsibilities to society, clients and the profession. Investigates contract administration, relevant statutes and management theory, as they apply to the practice of architecture. PROFESSIONAL PROJECT 1 & 2 Professional Project 1 focuses on brief writing and formulating a design research proposal. Students then prepare an architectural brief for an in-depth design project of their choice, to be explored in Professional Project 2, which forms the culmination of the Master of Architecture program. Students develop their selected project from brief through concept design, design development and constructional stages, and present the results in a professional manner. 2015 Edition 67 UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, 702-703 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007 (PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007) Email: Web: Head of School: Anthony Burke Email: Dean of Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building: Professor Desley Luscombe BACHELOR OF DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE Three years full time course with part time option after the first year. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE Two years full time or part time equivalent course after completion of Bachelor of Design in Architecture. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014 ATAR: 95.1 (cut-off score might change in response to the number of offers made) ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS Not available. YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION There are no pre-requisites. YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION A background in art or design is desirable. Bonus points are given for HSC subjects: 15080 – Design and Technology, and 15400 – Visual Arts. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 103.63 65.63 169.26 Domestic 81.25 46 127.25 Overseas 22.38 19.63 42.01 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 296.85 237.09 533.94 Domestic 218.76 174.21 392.97 Overseas 78.09 62.88 140.97 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 42 17 59 Domestic 34 11 45 Overseas 8 6 14 2015 Edition ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) NSW TAFE Architectural Technology diplomates (credit or better) receive up to 48 credit points of exemptions, comprised of some first and some second year subjects. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Architectural criticism, theory and history, professional practice, environmental sustainability, urban studies, design technique, digital architecture, advanced construction, architecture and politics. FACILITIES AND STAFF The Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building is housed within a purpose built 7-storey building in the City campus of UTS with two independent galleries and cafe. The School of Architecture has dedicated studios for each masters student. The teaching staff in Architecture have a broad range of experience and expertise and co-teach with industry professionals. LIBRARY RESOURCES The University's City Campus library contains materials on architecture, construction, design and the built environment. The collection includes monographs, periodicals, theses, and audiovisual materials, with access to electronic databases and Internet resources. COMPUTING RESOURCES The Faculty's computing laboratories comprise 204 shared workstations that run both OS X and Windows. The labs are equipped with spare power outlets and wireless network access for students to use their own laptops, as well as breakout areas outside the classrooms for uninterrupted work. Among approximately 100 applications provided are the leading 3D CAD, CAM, Animation, and Graphic Design packages. These include Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Vectorworks, 3D Studio Max, Maya, Sketch Up and more. Many Adobe Suite applications are also available including the latest versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Premiere as well as Microsoft Office. There are additional high-end computers in the Architecture laboratories, and facilities for scanning as well as laser black and white / colour printing. • Tel: (02) 9514 8024 • Fax: (02) 9514 8787 COMPUTING RESOURCES (continued) The labs house a printing bureau which can produce high quality colour prints from A4 size to large format banners. They also offer other services such as binding, laminating and also provide trimming tools for your presentations. OTHER RESOURCES Building and industrial design workshops, video and photographic equipment and darkroom facilities. The Faculty has laser cutters, 3D laser scanner, rapid prototypers and 3D printers in studio’s as well as a new 7-Axis Industrial Robot. The architecture studios are wireless, have workspace for model making and digital projection. There is also an external architectural workshop space. DISTANCE EDUCATION Distance education courses not offered. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the NSW Architects Registration Board currently recognise and accredit this course. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Graduate Certificate in Architecture Graduate Diploma in Architecture MPhil MResearch ARCHITECTURE FULL TIME STAFF DEAN & PROFESSOR Desley Luscombe, PhD(UNSW), MArch(UNSW), BArch(Hons)(UNSW), BSc(Arch)(UNSW), FRAIA HEAD OF SCHOOL & PROFESSOR Anthony Burke, MS(AAD)(Columbia), BArch(Hons)(UNSW), Affiliate RAIA PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE Deborah Ascher Barnstone, MArch(Columbia), PhD(TU Delft), Affiliate RAIA PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE, ARCHITECTURE Gerard Reinmuth, BA(EnvDes)(UTAS), BArch(Hons1)(Syd), RAIA PROFESSOR OF ARCHITECTURE Charles Rice, BDesSt(Hons)(Qld), MRes(Lond), PhD(UNSW) ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Steve Harfield, BArch(Hons), MArchSt(Adel) Kirsten Orr, PhD(UNSW), BArch(Hons)(UTS), RAIA Leena Thomas, BArch(Bangalor), MArch(Research)(UNSW) COURSE DIRECTOR, UNDERGRADUATE, SENIOR LECTURER William Feuerman, BArch(San Fran), MS(AAD)(Columbia) SENIOR LECTURERS Tarsha Finney, BArch(Hons)(UNSW), MA(Dist), AALondon, Affiliate RAIA Urtzi Grau, BA(Hons)(ETSAB), MS(AAD)(Columbia) Christine Goberna, (0.6) MSciAdvArchDesign (GSAPP), GraduateCert AdvArchRes Simon Kilbane, (Landscape), BLArch(Hons)(UWA), BLandscapeArch(Hons) (UWA), PhD Candidate (UWA) Iain Maxwell, MArch+Urb(AA School), BArch(Uni Canberra), BAppSciEnvDes Dave Pigram, BAppSciEnvDes(Uni Canberra), BArch, MS Advanced Arch Design(Columbia) Paul Stoller, BS & MA in Architectural History (Wisconsin), MArch(Yale) LECTURERS Benjamin Coorey, BDes(USyd), BArch(USyd), MDA(UTS) Sarah Hearne, BArch(Hons 1)(UTS), MArch(UCLA), PhD Candidate (UCLA) Joanne Kinniburgh, BSc(U Otago), BA(Arch)(UTS), MArch(UTS), MDigArch(UTS) Gavin Perin, BArch(AppEnvDes), BArch(Canberra) 68 UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY - continued HONORARY STAFF AND VISITING LECTURERS ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Craig Allchin, BArch(UMelb) Melonie Bayl-Smith, BSc(Arch), BArch(HonsII) (UoN), RAIA Andrew Benjamin, PhD(University of Warwick), DEA(University of Paris 7), MA(ANU), BA(ANU) Camilla Block, (BArch)(Hons) Sacha Coles, BLandscape Architecture(Hons 1)(RMIT) Ben Hewett, BArch(UNSW), RAIA Dan Hill, BSc(CompSci)(UH), MA(Urban Sociology)(MMU)(UK) David Holm, BArch(Hons 1)(UTS), Aviation Planning and Design (Massachusetts), MBuilt Environment (UTS), FRAIA Richard Goodwin, BSc(Arch), BArch(Hons 1), MArch, PhD, RAIA Graham Jahn, AM, BArch(UTS), LFRAIA, MPIA (Hon Fellow) VISTING LECTURERS Joannes Pederson, NORD Architects Morten Gregersen, NORD Architects David Garcia, Royal Danish Academy Brendon Carlin, Architecture Association Visiting School Phu Hoang, MODU Architecture ASSOCIATES Matthew Bennett, MArch(Harvard), BArch(Hons 1)(USyd), BSc(Arch)(USyd), RAIA Penny Fuller, BArch(Canberra), RAIA David Neustein, BDes(Arch), MArch Adam Russell, BArch(Hons1), RAIA Clare Sowden, BArch(Hons 1)(UTS) 2015 Edition 69 University of Technology, Sydney Course Structure Bachelor of Design in Architecture LEVEL ONE Total: 48 credit points LEVEL TWO Total: 48 credit points LEVEL THREE Total: 48 credit points Architectural Design: Forming Architectural History and Theory: Orientations Architecture, Culture and the Environment Architectural Design – Architectural Communications Architectural Design: Making Architecture History and Theory: Modernism and Modernity Introduction to Construction and Structural Synthesis Architectural Design – Architectural Communications 2 Architectural Design: Strategy Architectural History and Theory: Urbanism and the City Architectural Design and Construction Architectural Design: Performance Architectural History and Theory: Critique Thermal Design and Environmental Control Architectural Design: Field Lighting, Acoustics and Advanced Environmental Control Advanced Architectural Construction Electives In levels two and three, Bachelor of Design (Architecture) students choose four electives. These may be chosen from undergraduate subjects offered by the School, or the Faculty of DAB, or any other Faculty in the University. Electives coordinated by the school: Freehand illustration Advanced Modelmaking Architecture Study Tour Architecture Special Project Dynamic Modelling Parametric Modelling Architectural Design: Integration Architectural History and Theory: Current Events and Debates Integrated Services Master of Architecture Masters Architectural Design Studio 12 credit points each Architectural Practice: Finance and Project Management Masters Architectural Design Studio 1 LEVEL FOUR & FIVE Total: 96 credit points Masters Architectural Design Studio 2 Masters Architectural Design Studio 3 Masters Architectural Design Studio 4 OR Masters Architectural Design Thesis Project Studio topics will focus on the following disciplinary areas: Computation and digital design in architecture and manufacturing, Material and construction in architecture, Environmental and performance based design in architecture, Urban Design 2015 Edition Architectural Practice: The Profession Electives In the Master of Architecture students choose four electives from coursework. These may be chosen from subjects offered by the school or selected subjects offered by the Faculty of DAB. Architectural Practice: Research Methods Architectural Practice: Advocacy 70 University of Technology, Sydney: Master of Architecture Course Structure 2 years full time or part time equivalent Total 96 credit points Masters Architectural Design Studio (12cp each) Elective Options (6cp each) Elective 6cp Students must enrol in all core studio subjects, with a total of 48cp. (choose 1 of various High performing students may elect to do the subject Masters Architectural Thesis Project in place of their final studio subject Masters Architectural Design Studio 4. faculty offerings) Studios will be broken into a range of elective tutorial group offerings, which will each deal with their own topic of investigation. These topics will focus on the following disciplinary areas: • Computation and digital design in architecture and manufacturing • Material and construction in architecture • Environmental and performance based design in architecture • Urban Design • Activism and the role of the architect and design within critical cultural discourse Studio 12cp Masters Architectural Architectural Practice: Design Studio 1 Research Methods 6cp Select total of 24cp from the following: (Note elective offerings vary from semester to semester). • Sustainable Urban Development • Introduction to Property and Planning • Planning and Environmental Law • Design Differences: Community Identities • Advanced Visualisation • Design Communication and Criticism • Practice Management and Leadership • Group Project A: Urban Renewal • Development Negotiation • Advanced Fabrication • Metropolis • International Visiting Master Classes • Global Field Studio • Detailing • Theory of Representation • Introduction to Contemporary landscape • Architecture Debates *Additional electives available across the faculty of Design, Architecture and Building by request. The number of elective tutorial group offerings is determined on a semester basis depending on the entire course enrolment number of students. 2015 Edition 71 THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009 Enquiries: Web: Dean, Head of School: Winthrop Professor Simon Anderson BACHELOR OF DESIGN/MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (COURSEWORK) BDes: 3 years. This course is a pre-requisite for the Master of Architecture (Coursework) course and students must complete majors in Architecture and Integrated Design with a course weighted average of at least 60% to meet admission requirements. MArch: 3.5 years for students entering from noncognate undergraduate degrees. Credit will be given up to 1.5 years for students with an equivalent undergraduate degree to the UWA BDes. Standard completion time with Architecture undergraduate degree: 2 years. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years full time with no prior degree. Up to 3.5 years if undergraduate degree in area other than architecture SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR 2014: ATAR 80 ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS No quota YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION None YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TEE English/English Literature. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF ARCHITECTURE MAJOR 2014 (EFTSL)* Male Female Total Total 57 50 107 Domestic 41 40 81 Overseas 16 10 26 *students are able but not required to choose their major until the 2nd year of the degree TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSL) Male Female Total Total 342 359 701 Domestic 279 290 569 Overseas 63 69 132 2015 Edition • Tel: (08) 6488 2582 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 37 50 87 Domestic 26 35 61 Overseas 11 15 26 ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) Successful applicants who have completed a Diploma of Building Design and Technology at Central Institute of Technology (formerly Central TAFE) can receive up to 48 credit points of advanced standing in the Bachelor of Design (with majors in Architecture and Integrated Design). All other TAFE programs are assessed on a case by case basis and the Manager (Student Office) of the Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts determines these credit allocations. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Studies In Architecture Landscape and Visual Cultures Architectural History and Theory; Critical and Cross Disciplinary Studies in Architecture Landscape and Visual Cultures; Landscape Studies. Art History Northern European Renaissance art; 19th and 20th century Art and Aesthetics; Australian Indigenous Art; History of prints and drawings Urban Futures: Urban systems; Theories of urban Infill. Housing: Affordable Housing; Housing typology research. Structural research In Engineered and Native timbers: Prefabrication of timber structures. Digital Design: Impact of Digital systems on Design methodologies; Augmented and Virtual environments. Design: Furniture Design research; Architectural Design research; Housing Typologies. Art Practice Research: Public Art; Studio Art Practices; Film and Video theory and practice. • Fax: (08) 6488 1082 LIBRARY RESOURCES The Education, Architecture and Fine Arts library houses approximately 30,000 titles plus audiovisuals, periodicals, access to a variety of electronic databases, an extensive in-house slide collection, electronic repository of images and a trade literature resource area. COMPUTING RESOURCES Hardware: Dedicated 16 node render farm, 6 General Computing Laboratories consisting of 100+ PCs in total, Mac video editing suite comprising 20 iMac desktop computers, PC/Macintosh gigabit network for staff and students, network printing to 3 Colour Plotters, A3 & A4 Colour laser printers, large format network scanning. Digital video and still cameras available for loan. Rapid prototyping facilities: 2 Laser Cutter/Engravers, CNC Router, 3D Printer. Software: AutoCAD, Revit, 3Ds Max Design, Vray, Sketchup, ArchiCAD, Rhino 3D, Lumion, Multiframe, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, Premiere Pro, After Effects, ArcGIS, MS Office and other utility applications. OTHER RESOURCES Digital video-editing suite, mobile computer/video to TV teaching resource, 35mm SLR cameras, SVHS video cameras, mobile lighting kit. Fully equipped student workshops for steel, wood and other media along with a gallery and curatorial space for hosting in-house, regional and international travelling exhibitions. DISTANCE EDUCATION Not available RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Australian Institute of Architects and the Architects Board of Western Australia currently recognise and accredit the BDes/MArch. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia maintains a listing of all accredited architecture courses in Australia. RESEARCH CENTRES The Australian Urban Design Research Centre FULL TIME STAFF HEAD AND DEAN of Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts: Winthrop Professor S. S. Anderson, BArch(Syd), BSc, BA(WAust), LFRAIA WINTHROP PROFESSORS A. Blackwell, BAppSc(LandDes)(Canberra), FAILA G. L. London, BArch(WAust), BA(FineArts), GradDipArt&Design(WAIT), GradDipAA(Hist&Th)(AAGS Lond), LFRAIA R. E. E. Read, BA(Cantab), MA, PhD(Reading) W. M. Taylor, BArch(Louisiana), GradDipAA(Hist &Th)(AAGS Lond), PhD(WAust) PROFESSORS Clarissa M. Ball, BA(WAust), BEd(Mt Lawley TC), PhD(WAust) N. B. Westbrook, BArch(RMIT), AADip(AALond), MArch(RMIT), PhD(WAust) ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS W. Busfield, AADip(AALond), RIBA P. de Villiers, BArch(Cape Town), GradDipAA (AAGS Lond), GradDipURP(WAIT), RIBA, RAPI S. Giles, BArch(Hons)(WAust), RAIA K. J. Hislop, BArch, MPhil(WAust), PhD(WAust), RAIA F. Jerez, MArch(ETSAM Madrid), GradDipArch (Bartlett UCL), MFA(Tisch NYU), PhD(Madrid) P. E. Mudie, DipVisArts(Alberta Coll of Art), MFA(Tas), PhD(WAust) C. W. N. Mann, BArch(Liv), MA(Hist&Th)(Essex) J. Officer, BArch(Hons)(WAust), RAIA A. Quagliola, BArch(La Sapienza Rome), G. Revell, BA(Pl’ng)(SAust), MLArch(Melb), AILA, PIA E. Roia, BArch(La Sapienza Rome) C. Vernon, BSc(Ball State), MLArch(Ill) ASSISTANT PROFESSORS P. Beale, AADip(AALond) K. De Lancastre Jedenov, MArchDist(Uni Lusiada De Lisboa), Architect P. Goldswain, BArch(WAust) R. Goonewardene, BArch(WAust) 72 THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA – continued ASSISTANT PROFESSORS (continued) D. Jorgensen, BA(UTas), PhD(WAust) S. Meurer, BA, MA, PhD(Lond) C. R. Sack, MLArch(Iowa State) J. Tarry, DipFineArts(Claremont School of Arts), BFA(Curtin), MArch(RMIT) P. Trinidad, BAFineArt(WAIT), MA(Visual Arts)(Curtin) R. van Meeuwen, BArch(Hons)(RMIT) M. Vittino, BE(Civil), BArch(WAust), RAIA T. Vujosevic, BArch, PhD(MIT) The Australian Urban Design Research Centre Winthrop Professor Joerg Baumeister, DiplArch (TU Braunschweig), PhD(TU Braunschweig), Architect J. Bolleter, PhD(WAust), B/LArch(W/Aust) A. Duckworth, PhD(WAust), BArch(WAust), BE(WAust) HONORARY STAFF RESEARCH FELLOWS David Brooks Rob Campbell Criena Fitzgerald Annette Pedersen John Taylor, FRAIA, Architect Ingrid van Bremen, RAIA ADJUNCT ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS John Barrett-Lennard Gary Dufour ADJUNCT LECTURERS Julia Alessandrini Sarah Douglas Jeremy Flynn, BLArch Eve-Anne O’Regan Christopher Poole Sally Quinn Stehanie Resich Megan Salmon Lee Symington Sidney Thoo, RAIA Arvi Wattel Helen Whitbread, BLArch, PhD(WAust) Laetitia Wilson Baige Zylstra ADJUNCT RESEARCH FELLOW John Teschendorff VISITING LECTURERS Vladimir Belogolovsky Aries Mateus Skylar Tibbits ADJUNCT PROFESSORS C. Burton, BArch(UNSW), GradDip(LandDesign), CertHort, MA(FineArts)(Syd), GradDip(EnvStudies) Macquarie, FAILA, RAIA S. Carboni, BA, MA(Venice), PhD(Lond) Ross Donaldson, RAIA William Grace R. Hassell, BArch(WAust), MArch(RMIT), RIBA, RAIA, SIA K. Hill, AO, BArch, DArch(WAust), LFRAIA, MSIA Warren Kerr, AM, BArch, LFRAIA, Architect Kalliope Kontazoglou, AADip(AALond), Architect Sarah McGann, BArch, PhD(RMIT) Ian McLean, PhD John Teschendorff Adrian Welke, BArch, RAIA, Architect Richard Weller, BLArch(USyd), PhD(RMIT) 2015 Edition 73 The University of Western Australia Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Design (majoring in Architecture and Integrated Design) Level 1 Semester 1 Level 1 Semester 2 Level 2 Semester 1 Level 2 Semester 2 Level 3 Semester 1 Level 3 Semester 2 2* DESIGN 1 1 1 1 2* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HISTORY/ THEORY TECHNOLOGY/ STRUCTURES COMPUTING SCIENCE 1 1 1 BROADENING UNITS 1 1 1 1 The diagram shows the unit structure of the Bachelor of Design (majoring in Architecture and Integrated Design) and Master of Architecture and illustrates the level and stream coordination of the course. Numbers in boxes refer to the number of 6-point units taken in a stream of study for that level. Typically, a student in the Bachelor of Design will undertake four units of study (or 24 points per semester) and students in the Master of Architecture course will undertake three units of study per semester, including a 12-point unit of design. STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture (Coursework) Level 4/5 Semester 1 Level 4/5 Semester 2 DESIGN STUDIOS* TECHNOLOGY/ STRUCTURES RESEARCH SEMINARS/ PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Students will take a minimum of 3 X 12 credit point design studios = 36 points 1 Core 1 Core 1 Core 1** [Core 2015 only] Level 4/5 Semester 1 Level 4/5 Semester 2 Or a maximum of 5 x 12 point design studios = 60 points Level 4/5 design studios are vertically integrated 1*** OPTION UNITS IN CRITICAL STUDIES Critical Studies Option units: choose between 1 and 5 OPTION UNITS IN TECHNICAL STUDIES Technology option units: choose between 1 and 5 ***All students take the unit ‘reflective Portfolio’ in their final semester of the degree 2015 Edition ** Reduces to all option units in 2016 * single unit worth double / 12 credit points 74 New Zealand and Papua New Guinea Architecture Schools/Programs 2015 Edition 75 THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND School of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand Email: Web: Head of School: Dr Elizabeth Aitken Rose Deputy Head of School – Professional Programs Architecture: Michael J. Davis Associate Head Design: Professor Andrew Barrie BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES (BAS) A three year, full time program. It is the first part of the two-tiered program, and is a prerequisite degree for entry into the professional qualification, the Master of Architecture (Professional) MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL (MArch(Prof)) A two year, full time program, and is the second part of the two-tiered program. It is a professionally accredited qualification that leads toward professional registration as an architect. OTHER POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS PGDipArch MArch MArch in Sustainable Design MUrbDes PhD MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION Undergraduate: BAS – 3 years Postgraduate: MArch(Prof) – 2 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR PRESENT YEAR New Zealand system of admission applies ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS Limited entry to 1st year of 115 YEAR 12 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION N/A YEAR 12 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE: N/A REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION There is a limited entry into the BAS degree, and selection takes place once a year. Selection is based on a combination of academic performance at school or in University or other tertiary level examinations, a portfolio of drawings and a written statement. The portfolio must achieve a minimum standard for the application to receive further consideration. No application will be considered without a portfolio. The portfolios will be graded by the academic staff. The overall ranking will be 67% academic qualifications and 33% portfolio. 2015 Edition TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 40 56 96 Domestic 35 50 85 International 5 6 11 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 225 280 505 Domestic 197 247 444 International 28 33 61 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only MArch(Prof)) Male Female Total Total 36 47 83 Domestic 32 44 76 International 4 3 7 ARTICULATION (from local TAFE courses) Not applicable RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION MArch(Prof) has Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) and New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) validation until December 2016. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Areas of research focus include Architectural History and Theory, Pacific Architecture, Urban Design and Settlement History, Sustainable Design, Acoustics, Light Timber Construction, Sustainable Design, Digital Design and Visualisation, Responsive Architectural Systems and Architectural Education. COMPUTING RESOURCES Design Studios: 180 Windows based computers in studios available 7.30 am – 11 pm weekdays and weekends with proximity card access during teaching semesters. Student/computer ratios are approximately 1:4 for BAS and 1:2 for MArch(Prof). • Tel: (NZ +64) 9 373 7599 (ext 88134) COMPUTING RESOURCES (continued) Graduate Studios: These are a computing and working resource for graduates in the School of Architecture and Planning, Windows and Macintosh platforms. PhD Facilities and amenities: PhD candidates are guaranteed a desk and access to a computer. At present the School has been able to provide either a single or shared room with a dedicated computer. Studio software: MSOffice, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, 3D Studio Max, Rhinoceros, MicroStation, Generative Components, Adobe Creative Suite, QuickTime, ECOTECT, Insul, TAS, Arduino, 123d Catch, Alias Design, Inventor, MatchMover, Maya, MotionBuilder, Autodesk Simulation, Autodesk softimage, Navisworks, Revit, SketchBook Designer, Blender, Endnote, Handbrake, IBM SPSS Statistics, IronPython, iTunes, Microsoft SQL Server, Picasa, Processing, QSR, RESIST_NZ, Sketchup, VELUX Daylight Visualizer, VideoLAN, WinZip along with more specialised software from a flexible pool available on request. Peripherals: Colour printing and photocopying, large format printing, scanning up to A1 in size, video capture/playback, CD/DVD writing, sound editing and other multimedia processing functions. General Computer Labs available during the above times using proximity card access out of normal working hours of Mon – Fri 9 am – 6 pm. • Fax: (NZ +64) 9 373 7694 COMPUTING RESOURCES (continued) training and support systems, etc. Architecture www site: LIBRARY RESOURCES The Architecture Library is one of the divisional Libraries in the University of Auckland Library system. The homepage for the Architecture Library can be found at: subjects/arc/archome.htm. The catalogue for the Architecture Library is contained within the University Library catalogue: A full range of Architecture databases are subscribed to and are available via the library website. The collection consists of 49,000 monographs, 1564 serial titles, along with an extensive pre-1920 rare books collection, biographical information on New Zealand architects, Measured Drawings, photographs, DVDs and trade catalogues. A collection of original and copied architectural drawings and associated materials are housed in the Architecture Archive. These may be searched on Full time staff of 7 provide service and support the collections, and the information needs and requirements of the academic staff, students and researchers. Internet Access: Internet access is available to all students from all University of Auckland systems. Wifi access is available for students with their own computers. OTHER RESOURCES Sophisticated acoustics laboratories with three reverberation chambers and a large anechoic chamber; woodworking shop; metal working shop; digital fabrication equipment; a design theatre for multi-image, multi-media presentations. The School also has a multi-purpose crit/exhibition/teaching space which is fitted out with four computer/projection set-ups. All systems are networked and have access to local information services including the library, faculty DISTANCE EDUCATION Not offered. Teaching Labs: Two separate labs specifically for tutorial type sessions, both have Dual-Boot machines running both Macintosh and Windows operating systems on each machine. 76 UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND – continued ARCHITECTURE STAFF HEAD OF SCHOOL Elizabeth Aitken Rose, BA(Well), MTP, PhD, MNZPI FULL TIME STAFF Andrew Barrie, MArch(Auck), DEng(Tokyo), NZIA Deidre Brown, MArch, PhD John B. Chapman, BE(Hons), DipEd(Auck), MIPENZ, CPEng Michael J. Davis, MArch(AALond), BArch (Hons)(Auck), ANZIA George Dodd, BSc(Reading), MSc, PhD, DipAud(S'ton), FNZAcS Emilio Garcia, BArchUrb(Tucuman), MArch(UNAM) Julia Gatley, MArch(Well), PhD(Melb) Kai Gu, BArch(Zhengzhou), MArch(South China Univ Technol), PhD(Wat) Errol J. Haarhoff, BArch, PhD(Natal), MSc(Urban Design)(H-W), SAIA, NZIA Ross Jenner, BA(Hons)(Otago), MSc, PhD(Penn), BArch Paola M. Leardini, MArch, PhD(Politecnico Milano) Manfredo Manfredini, MSc, PhD(Milan Tech) Bill McKay, BArch(Hons)(Auck) Dermott McMeel, BSc, BArch, PhD(Edin) Alessandro Melis, MArch, PhD(Firenze) P. Michael Milojevic, BArch(Tor), MArch(ILL) Uwe Rieger, Dipl-IngArch(TU-Berlin), NZIA Jeremy Treadwell, BA(Hons), MArch Sarah Treadwell, BArch, PhD(Auck), NZIA Kathy Waghorn, BFA, BArch(Hons)(Auck) SESSIONAL STAFF John Hunt, CNZM, BArch(NZ), PhD, FNZIA Michael P. T. Linzey, BE(Cant), PhD(Melb), ME 2015 Edition VISITING LECTURERS (in 2014) Rochelle Ade Ree Anderson Martin Axe George Baird Johann Bernhardt Ngarimu Blair Mark Cannata Joel Cayford Nat Cheshire Patrick Clifford Simon Devitt Scott Figrenshow Dominic Glamuzina Alejandro Haiek Coll Mike Hartley John Hawkins Susan Hillery Bijoy Jain Momoyo Kaijima Koh Kitayama Esa Laaksonen Andrew Leach Ben Lloyd Daniel Marshall James McAlister Dean McKenzie Lawrie Michael David Mitchell Julian Mitchell Craig Moller Hamish Monk Nicholas Moyes Larry Murphy Michael O’Sullivan Jon Rennie VISITING LECTURERS (in 2014) (continued) Kate Rogan Cameron Rowe Verney Ryan Josie Schroder Brigitte Shim Lynda Simmons Hamish Stirrat Yun Sun Howard Sutcliffe Tezuka Takaharu Hugh Tennent Lama Tone Anna Tong Yoshiharu Tsukamoto Paul Walker Justin Wright Camia Young 77 The University of Auckland Program Structure SUBJECT AREA PROGRAM STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Architectural Studies (3 years, 360 points) Year I STUDIO BASED DESIGN Year 2 MArch(Prof) (2 years, 240 points) Year 3 40 core points 60 core points 60 core points ARCHITECTURAL MEDIA 10 core points 10 core points 10 elective points GENERAL HISTORY, THEORY, CRITICISM 15 core points 20 core points 20 core points 30 core points ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 25 core points GENERAL EDUCATION 30 points 2015 Edition Year 2 120 point thesis 10 core points PROFESSIONAL STUDIES SEMINARS Year I 60 core points 30 core points 20 core points 30 points To be selected from seminars in sustainable design, urban design, materials and digital fabrication and History/Theory/Criticism 78 UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NEW ZEALAND Department of Architecture, Faculty of Creative Industries and Business, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand, Private Bag 92025, Auckland 1142, New Zealand • Tel: (+64) 9 815 4321 x 7141 • Fax: (+64) 9 815 4343 Email: Web: Head of Department: Associate Professor Anthony van Raat BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES/MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (PROFESSIONAL) The program consists of a 3 year Bachelor of Architectural Studies and a two year Master of Architecture (Professional) first offered in 2008. It is a flexible multi-mode program structured to accommodate both full time and part time study and with the equivalent of 12 weeks of compulsory work experience (carried out in vacations, required before MArch graduation). The philosophy is based on the conviction that design excellence depends on the integration of sound theoretical and conceptual understandings with a real knowledge of tectonics and the role of the architectural profession in the construction industry. The architecture programs continue to operate in loose association with other programs – including Landscape Architecture, Construction Management, Quantity Surveying and Interior, Graphic and Product Design. An architecture program has been offered since 1994. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION BAS, three years full time. Master of Architecture (Professional) two years full time. Applicants wishing to study part time may also be admitted to the program. SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR PRESENT YEAR School leavers meeting minimum criteria for entry into Unitec Bachelor Degree programs are granted an admission interview. Selection is made on merit after consideration of interview results, academic achievements, and the portfolio of work (brought to interview). Adult applicants and others holding relevant qualifications at level 4 or higher are also considered. ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS No quota. First year admissions are in the order of 100, made up of school leavers (80-90%), and adult students (10-20%). 2015 Edition YEAR 13 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION School-leavers must have: a minimum of 42 National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) credits at level 3 or higher on the National Qualifications Framework, including: - A minimum of 14 credits in each of two subjects from the approved subject list; and - 14 credits taken from no more than two additional domains on the NQF of approved subjects; and - A minimum of 14 credits at level 1 or higher in Mathematics or Pangarau on the NQF; and - A minimum of 8 credits at level 2 or higher in English or Te Reo Maori, of which four credits must be in Reading and four credits in Writing, or equivalent; or - At least three C passes in New Zealand University Bursaries, or equivalent. For more information on Unitec’s policy on NCEA, and information on Cambridge International Examination equivalence, please refer to our website YEAR 13 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION School leavers should be able to provide evidence of their creative capabilities – in painting, photography, sculpture, design, creative writing and the like; and have good English communication skills (an IELTS score of 6.0 or higher for non-native English speakers). In addition they should be able to demonstrate excellence in any other subjects taken by them. TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF BAS PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 89.7 58.1 147.8 Domestic 79.0 52.0 131.0 Overseas 10.7 6.1 16.8 TOTAL BAS COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 206.8 145.9 352.7 Domestic 174.5 122.4 296.9 Overseas 32.3 23.5 55.8 TOTAL MARCP COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 58.4 37.3 95.7 Domestic 50.8 32.5 83.3 Overseas 7.6 4.8 12.4 GRADUATIONS BAS 2013 Male Female Total 48 39 Domestic 39 34 Overseas 9 5 Total 87 73 14 GRADUATIONS MARCP 2013 (from Professional degree only) Male Female Total 33 21 Domestic 30 18 Overseas 3 3 Total 54 48 6 ARTICULATION Applicants with NDAT (National Diploma of Architectural Technology) or NZCAD (New Zealand Certificate in Architectural Drafting) are currently eligible for up to 132 and 216 cross-credits respectively. Applicants holding other relevant qualifications are assessed for cross-credits on a case-by-case basis. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES The School offers a variety of continuing professional development courses across the profession and construction industry. It also contributes regularly to a range of professional activities organised by the NZIA. Study tours to Europe, Japan, the Americas and the Pacific are included in the program. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES (continued) The School also delivers parts of its architecture program in four Chinese universities with approval from the Chinese and New Zealand governments. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Traditional Maori and Pasifika architecture; renaissance architectural theory, Heritage Protection orders under the Resource Management Act, low technology construction, Aesthetics and Modernity: a review of 20th Century architectural theory, building fabric and watertightness, health and comfort in buildings, sustainable urban ecosystems, medium density housing, Le Corbusier’s urban projects, computerbased learning packages, digital fabrication. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Participation in exhibitions, conferences, competitions, community projects and research. The School also offers study tours within New Zealand and to Europe, Australia, Pacific Islands and East Asia. LIBRARY RESOURCES The library has a book collection of 98,000 titles. A materials selection policy is established and a buying program is in place to ensure that resources are systematically and carefully acquired, new editions purchased and the collection is at the appropriate academic level. The comprehensive architecture collection is recent and up to date. This ‘newness’ could be seen as a disadvantage but the library purchases out of print seminal and historic material from antiquarian booksellers, and uses the New Zealand and Australian inter-library loan schemes. It holds or has access to key journals in the discipline – in both traditional print and electronic subscriptions. 79 UNITEC INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NEW ZEALAND – continued COMPUTING RESOURCES 80 PC computers are available for student use, spread throughout studios as well as in labs. Industry labs incorporating animation, video and sound-editing facilities may be used by students, by negotiation. A 20-station Mac Lab is also available. OTHER RESOURCES Acoustics, lighting, engineering, science and soil laboratories, workshops and drawing studios. Students may also obtain access to photographic and craft workshops and specialist computer laboratories in the School of Design & Visual Arts. STUDENT EXCHANGES The School currently has formal exchange relationships with schools of architecture in Australia, India, Italy, Britain, Germany (2), China, USA, Mexico and Denmark. DISTANCE EDUCATION Distance education began in 2004 to support the delivery of aspects of the program in China. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The course has been approved by NZ Qualification Authority. A ‘Category 4’ Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) Validation Joint Visiting Board visit took place in May 2010 – the program is validated for 5 years by the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA)/New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB)/CAA. The next visit is scheduled for 2015. ARCHITECTURE STAFF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/ HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Anthony van Raat, BArch(Auck), MArch(UNSW), FNZIA, MNZIOB PROFESSORS Mike Austin, BArch(Hons)(NZ), PhD(Auck), FNZIA Branko Mitrovic, PhD(Penn), PhD(Auck), MS, DiplPhil, Dipl-IngArch Bin Su, PhD(Arch)(Auck), MPhil(Arch)(Auck), BE in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering(Harbin Engineering University-China) 2015 Edition ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Dushko Bogunovich, PhD(Belgrade), Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management(Cyprus), Master of City Planning(Penn), Dipl-IngArch(Sarajevo) Regan Potangaroa, BE(Canty), ME(Civil), MArch(Vic), MBA(James Cook), PhD(Auck), MIPENZ Christoph Schnoor, PhD(Berlin), Dipl-Ing(Berlin) ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Marshall Cook, Cook Sargisson & Pirie Ltd Nigel Cook, BArch(Auck) Julie Stout, Mitchell & Stout Architects, BArch, Fellow NZIA Dave Strachan, BA(Auck), BMS(Waikato), BArch (Auckland), MArch(Hons)(Auckland), Director SGA PROGRAM DIRECTORS Mike Austin, BArch(Hons)(NZ), PhD(Auck), FNZIA Peter McPherson, BArch(Unitec) Chris Murphy, BArch(Auck), MArch(Auck), NZIA FULL TIME ACADEMIC STAFF Jeanette Budgett, MArch(Hons)(Auck), BArch(Hons)(Auck) David Chaplin, MArch(Auck), BArch(Auck) Diana Curtis Kerry Francis, BArch(Auck) John Hewitt, MSc(Operational Urban Design and Management)(Newcastle), DipArch(Oxford) Max Hynds, NZCE(Mech), NZCE(HVAC), MIRHACE(NZ), AMASHRAE Graeme McConchie, BArch(Auck), MArch(Auck) Mark Mismash, MArch(Uni Pens), ASArch, BSArch Ainsley O’Connell, BArch(Auck), FNZIA, RIBA Annabel Pretty, MFA(RMIT), BA(Hons) MMU, PDINZ John Putaseri, BFA(Syracuse), MFA(Auck) David Turner, PhD(Auck), MA(UrbDes)(Manchester), BA(Arch)(Hons)(Manchester) TENURED PART TIME ACADEMIC STAFF Chris Day, BEng, MAAS, Director, Marshall Day Acoustics Ltd Hamish Foote, BFA(Hons)(Auck), PhD(Auck) Rau Hoskins, BArch(Auck), MArch(Hons)(Auck) Krystina Kaza, BArch(Cooper Union) Lester Mismash, BArch(Prof)(Hons)(Univ Arizona) Julian Rennie Carin Wilson, DipArt&Design(Honorary) SESSIONALACADEMIC STAFF Callum Barnett, BAS Catherine Bish Phil Botting, BArch Michael Cooper, BArch Barry Copeland, BA(Hons), BArch, RIBA, FNZIA Magdalena Garbarczyk, MArch Michael Galbraith, BAS Mike Grunsell, FIES, REA Min Hall, FNZIA, BBSc, BArch(Hons), Min Hall Architects & Director, Arthouse Architecture Ltd Jo Hurst, BArch(Auck) Chris Keenan, BAA, Director, Reflection Graphics Ltd Maurits Kelderman, BArch(Auck) Martin Leung-Wai, MArch(Prof)(Unitec) Jacqueline McIntosh Josh McIntosh, MArch(Prof)(Unitec) Campbell McNeill, BAS Cameron Moore, MArch(Prof)(Unitec) Marie-Helene Moulin, MArch(Belgium), BDes(Int) Ginny Pedlow, BArch, ANZIA Claudia Pond-Eyley Kara Rosemeier, DiplIng(Arch)(University of Applied Sciences Bremen), MPlanPrac(Hons) (Auck) Finn Scott, BArch(Hons) Emma Smith, Master of Fine Arts, MFA Fraser Strachan, Crate Ltd James Strachan, Crate Ltd Robert The, MPhil(Sheffield), BArch (Manchester), BA(Hons in Arch)(Manchester) VISITING LECTURERS Professor Peggy Deamer Bojan Tepavcevic ALLIED STAFF Irena Arandelovic, Faculty Operations Manager Carla Goebel, Program Administrator, BArch, BAS, MArch(Prof) Helen Lee, Program Administrator MArch (by Project) Gayle Lawrie, PA to Head of Department & Professors Graeme Leitch, Technician Brett Orams, Technician Thomas Whelan, Technician GUEST LECTURERS (various courses) Too numerous to mention by name . . . WORK EXPERIENCE COORDINATOR Ainsley O’Connell, BArch(Auck) 80 Unitec New Zealand Bachelor of Architectural Studies/Master of Architecture (Professional) Programs BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES/MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (Professional) PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS To be awarded the Bachelor of Architectural Studies and Master of Architecture (Professional) degrees, students must achieve passes in, or cross-credits and equivalents for the following courses: Bachelor of Architectural Studies Master of Architecture (Professional) Course Code Title Year 1 – Six compulsory courses (120 credits) ARCH 5011 Architecture & Context Credits 15 Course Code Title Credits Year 1 – Five compulsory courses + One elective course (120 credits) ARCH 8011 Research Methods 15 ARCH 5112 Design Studio 1 45 ARCH 8111 Studio 45 ARCH 5213 Architectural Representation 1 15 ARCH 8311 Architectural Theory 15 ARCH 5214 Design Communication 15 ARCH 8411 Architectural Technology 15 ARCH 5311 Critical Studies 1 15 ARCH 8511 ARCH 6411 Architectural Technology 1 15 Year 2 – Six compulsory courses (120 credits) ARCH 6112 Design Studio 2 45 ARCH 6213 Architectural Representation 2 15 ARCH 6311 Critical Studies 2 15 ARCH 6312 Critical Studies 3 15 ARCH 6412 Architectural Technology 2 15 ARCH 6413 Architectural Technology 3 15 Professional Business Management Year 2 – One compulsory course (120 credits) ARCH 9111 Research Project 15 120 Year 1: Five compulsory courses plus one 15 credit Elective course. Program Total: 240 credits Year 3 – Five compulsory + Two elective courses (120 credits) ARCH 6313 Critical Studies 4 15 ARCH 7111 Design Studio 3 30 ARCH 7112 Technical Studio 15 ARCH 7411 Architectural Technology 4 15 ARCH 7511 Professional Studies 15 Year 3: Five compulsory courses plus any two 15 credit Elective courses. Program Total: 2015 Edition 360 credits 81 Unitec New Zealand Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Bachelor of Architectural Studies Year 1 cr Semester 1 (1) Year 1 cr Semester 2 (2) DESIGN Design Studio 1 22.5 VISUAL COMMUNICATION Architectural Representation 1 15 Design Communication 15 Design Studio 1 (ctd) Year 2 cr Semester 1 (3) 22.5 Year 2 cr Semester 2 (4) Design Studio 2 22.5 Architectural Representation 2 15 Design Studio 2 (ctd) Year 3 cr Semester 1 (5) 15 Critical Studies 2 15 Critical Studies 3 15 Critical Studies 4 15 Architectural Technology 1 15 Architectural Technology 2 15 Architectural Technology 3 15 Architectural Technology 4 15 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Professional Studies 15 ELECTIVE STUDIES Elective Study 15 TECHNOLOGY Architecture and Context 15 cr Semester 2 (6) 22.5 Critical Studies 1 CRITICAL STUDIES Year 3 Design Studio 3 30 Technical Studio 15 Elective Study 15 Note: In Year 3, Technical Studio is available in Semester 1 and 2, electives also available in Semester 1 and 2. Students can choose which offering of Technical Studio to enrol into, to fit with their electives of interest. Design Studios 1 and 2 contain Visual Communication elements. 2015 Edition 82 Unitec New Zealand Course Structure STUDY AREA COURSE STRUCTURE: Master of Architecture (Professional) Year 1 Semester 1 (1) cr Year 1 Semester 2 (2) cr Year 2 Semester 1 (3) cr Year 2 Semester 2 (4) cr DESIGN Studio 22.5 Studio (ctd) 22.5 Research Project 60 Research Project 60 RESEARCH METHODS Research Methods 7.5 Research Methods (ctd) 7.5 Architectural Theory 15 Professional Business Management 15 CRITICAL STUDIES TECHNOLOGY Architectural Technology 15 PROFESSIONAL STUDIES ELECTIVE STUDIES Elective Study 15 Note: A range of electives are offered in Semester 1 and 2. Students only need to complete one elective and can choose to complete their elective in First or Second year. 2015 Edition 83 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, 139 Vivian Street, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Email: Web: Head of School: Professor Joanna Merwood-Salisbury BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES (BAS) The Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) is a three year program of full time study, leading into a two year Master of Architecture (Professional) for students wishing to become professional Architects. The BAS provides students with the skills, practical knowledge and theoretical approaches required in the architecture profession. The architecture program consists of 360 points, comprising 120 points from the first year of the BAS, followed by a further two years of specialised study in architecture. In the first year, students share the same courses as building science, interior architecture and landscape architecture. The second and third year program is discipline-focused, comprising a series of studiobased courses together with courses in architectural history and theory, building technology and professional studies. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 3 years (BAS) 2 years Master of Architecture (Professional) SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR PRESENT YEAR All applicants who meet the Guaranteed Entry Score requirements and/or NZ university entrance qualification will be accepted into first year. ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS All applicants with a NZ university entrance qualification and who meet Guaranteed Entry Score Requirements will be accepted into first year (approximately 250). Selection into second year is based on academic performance in first year. Architecture second year quota = 90. YEAR 13 PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION NZ university entrance qualification and Guaranteed Entry Score YEAR 13 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Acceptable levels of numeracy, creativity and literacy. 2015 Edition TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014(EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 166 144 310 Domestic 154 131 285 Overseas 12 13 25 TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (BAS + MArch) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 488 438 926 Domestic 447 395 842 Overseas 41 43 84 GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 32 12 44 Domestic 32 12 44 Overseas 0 0 0 ARTICULATION (from local Polytechnic courses) Applicants with relevant Certificates/Diplomas in associated disciplines may apply for direct entry to second year BAS. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Recent and ongoing research work in the landscape architecture, interior architecture, architecture and building science programs has centred on urban design, green and sustainable architecture, architectural theory and criticism, cultural influences in architecture, contemporary New Zealand architecture, lighting design and technology, concrete applications, earthquake resistant design, affordable design for Pacific communities, building energy standards, building performance, construction and project management, the evaluation of buildings in use, the efficient use of energy in architecture, and rooftop apartment design. Further current interdisciplinary studies focus on the economics of sustainability, landscape planning and design, urban resilience, post-disaster design responses, biomimetic design, Latin American architecture, as well as award-winning design projects and installations in New Zealand and abroad. • Tel: (+64) 4 463 6200 • Fax: (+64) 4 463 6204 STUDENT ACTIVITIES VUW Students Association, Architecture Students Association (STUDiO), student-organised lecture series, Te Ropu Awhina Waihanga-Hoahoa (Maori & Pacific Nation whānau – family group), National Association of Women in Construction Students Group, Christian Discussion Group, design competitions. LIBRARY RESOURCES The School shares an Architecture and Design Library, located at the Te Aro Campus, 139 Vivian Street. A Technical Information Centre, including product information, is also available in the School. OTHER RESOURCES The School has an excellent suite of dedicated design studios, workshops, laboratories, computer labs lecture theatres and seminar rooms. Traditional workshop facilities are integrated with contemporary fabrication technologies including a CAD-CAM technology suite with laser cutters, Rapid Prototyping 3D printers, a full sheet flatbed Techno CNC Router and small modelling CNC routers. Other amenities include lighting and photography laboratories, plan printing, photocopying equipment and a video suite. Technical staff in graphics, photography, carpentry, electronics and metalwork help students achieve a high level of craft in their digital/virtual and physical models. DISTANCE EDUCATION N/A RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION The Bachelor of Architectural Studies in Architecture and Master of Architecture are currently recognised and accredited by the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) and the New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB). OTHER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) in Architecture History and Theory, Interior Architecture, or Landscape Architecture, Bachelor of Building Science (3 years), Bachelor of Arts (Architecture History and Theory), Master of Architecture, Master of Interior Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Building Science, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Designed Environments, Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture, Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture History and Theory, Postgraduate Diploma in Building Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture, Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Architecture, Postgraduate Diploma in Interior Architecture. SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE STAFF HEAD OF SCHOOL Joanna Merwood-Salisbury, BBSc, BArch(Hons)(Well), MA(McGill), MA, PhD(Prin) DEPUTY HEAD OF SCHOOL TBA PROGRAM DIRECTORS Mark Southcombe, BArch(Auck), MArch, NZCAD, FNZIA Fabricio Chicca, BArchUrb(UINDERP, Brazil), MArchUrb(Mackenzie, Brazil), PhD(Well) Natasha Perkins, MTech(Hons)(Massey) Penny Allan, BLA(Hons)(RMIT), AILA UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Maibritt Pedersen Zari, BDes(Arch), PhD(Well) POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM DIRECTOR Bruno Marques, BLA(Lisbon TU), MLA(Berlin TU) 84 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON – continued SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) PROFESSORS Penny Allan, BLA(Hons)(RMIT), AILA George Baird, BSc(Eng), MSc, PhD(Glas), CEng, FIPENZ, MCIBSE, FIRHACE Jules Moloney, BArch(Hons)(Auck), MA(Urban EDesign)(West), PhD(Melb) Marc Aurel Schnabel, MEd(Syd), Dipl Ing(UdK Berlin), PhD(Hong Kong) Kerstin Thompson, BArch(Hons) MArch(RMIT), FRAIA ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Daniel K. Brown, BA(Hons)(Williams Coll), MArch(Yale) Andrew Charleson, BE(Hons)(Civil), ME(Dist)(Cant), MIPENZ(Auck), MA(Westminster), PhD(Melb) Peter Connolly, BAgrSci(Melb), BAppSci, MDes (RMIT) Position vacant SENIOR LECTURERS ARCHITECTURE Martin Bryant, BLArch(UNSW), BArch(UTS) Fabricio Chicca, BArchUrb(UINDERP Brazil), MArchUrb(Mackenzie Brazil), PhD(Well) Michael Donn, BSc(Hons), MSc(Well), PhD(Well) Morten Gjerde, BArch(Hons)(Calif Poly SU), CertUrbPlng(Oslo), NCARB(USA), FNZIA Nigel Isaacs, BE(Electrical)(Auck), MBSc(Well), Dip Business Administration(Well) Christina Mackay, BArch(Auck), MBA(Well), ANZIA Christine McCarthy, BArch, BA, MArch(Dist), PhD(Auck) Christopher McDonald, BBSc, BArch(Hons)(Well), MArch(Calif), ANZIA Jacqueline McIntosh, BABr(Col), MBSc, PGCertHELT(Well) Warwick McLeod, BA(Hons), MA(Toronto), MFA(MCA) Robin Skinner, BE(Civil)(Cant), BArch(Hons), PhD(Auck) Jan Smitheram, BArch(Hons), PhEd(Otago), PhD(Melb) Mark Southcombe, BArch(Auck), MArch, NZCAD, FNZIA Kevin Sweet, BA(New Mexico), MArch(Colombia) Geoff Thomas, BE(Hons), ME, PhD(Fire Eng)(Cant), MIPENZ Simon Twose, BArch(Hons)(Auck) Peter Wood, BArch(Hons), PhD(Auck) 2015 Edition LECTURERS Daniele Abreu e Lima, BArch/UrbPlng(Hons)(Brazil), MArch/UrbPlng(USP Brazil) Philippe Campays, DESA(Paris), MArch(Auck), ANZIA Tobias Danielmeier, MA(Arch), MUAS Shenuka De Sylva, BSc, MSc(Arch)(Sri Lanka), SLIA, RIBA Michael Dudding, BA(Well), MArch(Dist)(Well) Martin Hanley, BBSc(Well) Sam Kebbell, BBSc, BArch(Hons)(Well), MDes(Dist)(Harvard) Guy Marriage, BArch(Auck), MArch(Well), MNZIOB FNZIA Tane Moleta, BDes(Well), MArch(Well) Maibritt Pedersen Zari, BDes(Arch), PhD(Well) Natasha Perkins, MTech(Hons)(Massey) PROFESSORIAL RESEARCH FELLOWS Brenda Vale, MA(Camb), PhD(Shef) Robert Vale, MA(Camb), PhD(Nott) DIRECTOR, CENTRE FOR BUILDING PERFORMANCE RESEARCH Michael Donn, BSc(Hons), MSc(Well), PhD(Well) TECHNICAL STAFF Eric Camplin, Helpdesk/Desktop Technician David Carleton, Model making Technician Kevin Cook, Audio-Visual Technician John Hawkins, Engineering Technician Paul Hillier, Photographic Technician Chris Hiron, Technical Resource Assistant Arthur Mahon, Technical Resource Technician Frances Matheson, 1st Year Workshop Technician Stewart Milne, System Administrator Phil Nelson, Model making Technician Peter Ramutenas, IT Systems & Electronic Support Gary Sammons, Model making Technician MANAGEMENT STAFF Jenny Christie, Associate Dean (Teaching, Learning and Students) Fay Julian, Manager Student, Administration and Academic Services Mark Shaw, Technical Services Manager Selena Shaw, Architecture School Manager SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION STAFF Selena Shaw, School Manager Carolyn Jowsey, School Administrator Asmaa Bouhalba, School Administrator Vacant, School Administrator STUDENT, ADMIN AND ACADEMIC SERVICES Mara Dougall, Student Advisor Maryanne Horsfield, HR Advisor Hillary Reid, Student Advisor Linda Roberts, Administrator – Academic Frances Sanders, Communications & Marketing Assistant Chris Saunders, Student Admin Assistant/Reception TBA, Senior Awhina Coordinator COORDINATORS Daniele Abreu e Lima Penny Allan George Baird Daniel K. Brown Martin Bryant Philippe Campays Andrew Charleson Fabricio Chicca Peter Connolly Tobias Danielmeier Shenuka de Sylva Michael Donn Michael Dudding Morten Gjerde Nigel Isaacs Sam Kebbell Christina Mackay Bruno Marques Guy Marriage Christine McCarthy Chris McDonald Jacqueline McIntosh Warwick McLeod Tane Moleta Jules Moloney Maibritt Pedersen-Zari Natasha Perkins Robin Skinner Jan Smitheram Mark Southcombe Geoff Thomas Simon Twose Peter Wood SESSIONAL STAFF Catherine Abbott Allister Adams Elizabeth Alexander Nabil Allaf Steven Almond Alice Andersen Xavier Apelinga Nilesh Bakshi Emily Batchelor Frano Bazalo Hamish Beattie Eleanor Beeden Warwick Bell Brian Berg Nigel Bertram, RAIA Rob Bishop Kelsi Borren Margot Bowen Elzine Braasch Jayden Bradshaw Patrick Breem / Nick Baty Helen Brunskill Kairangi Buchanan Declan Burn Max Butchers Jaden Cairncross Beth Cameron Sheldon Carr Nigel Case Alistair Cattanach Derrek Heedong Chae Oliver Chan Fiona Christie Win Clark Ryan Clarke Shaan Cory William Cottrell James Coyle Daniel Crooks Lisa Crutchley Brett Davidson Matt Davies Nicholas Denton Cameron Deynzer Zakary Dittmer Tom Dobinson Gerard Dombroski Grant Douglas 85 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON – continued SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE STAFF (continued) SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Ethan Duff Marco Duthie Alexander Edmonds Sophie Edwards Anna Farrow Carinya Feaunati David Ferrari Terese Fitzgerald Geoff Fletcher Jonathan Fletcher Adam Flowers Matthew Fraser Matasila Freshwater Stephen Frith Ensiyeh Ghavampour Anastasia Globa Amber Gray John Gray Alex Grieg George Grieve Kristel Guieb David Hakaraia Catherine Hall Miklin Halstead Sophie Hamer Martin Hanley Duncan Harding Bryce Henden Karen Henning-Hansen Lauren Hickling Ellen Hickman Jen Hong Donna Howell Melissa Howey Henry Huang Nigel Hughes Brett Hulley Alana Inglis Andrew Jackson Ben Jagersma Paul James Steve Kemp Jayne Kersten Iman Khajehzadeh Akari Kidd Kristin Kilgour Sam Kilkenny-Brown 2015 Edition SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Yang Hou Kim Anna Kouzminova Ann-Kathrin Kuepper Dinushi Kumarawansa Deborah Lai Peter Lam Kelly Lambert Adele Leah Corinne Lee Shannon Lenihan Mijntje Lepoutre Maryam Lesan Mengyue Lu Alistair Luke John MacDonald Jason Macquet Kate Males Olivia Matkin Vincent Maxwell Callum McCorkindale Liam McGarry Graeme McIndoe Tess McKinlay Rebecca McLaughlan Yasmin Merwood Grace Mills Natasha Milne Terry Moes Catherine Mooney David Morrison Rachel Murray Ngoc Minh Nguyen Joseph Nicholls Peter Nilson Dekhani Nsaliwa Nick Officer Sally Ogle Grace Pamungkas Emina Petrovic Mona Quinn Ted Raba Mark Radford Henry Read Zoe Redwood James Richardson Matt Ritani Katherine Roberts Nicholas Roberts SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Caroline Robertson Donghwi Roh Peter Rozecki-Lewis Vioula Said Eddy Saul Helen Schofield Deborah Scott Thomas Seear-Budd Guy Shaw Tessa Silcock Clayton Sime Robin Simpson John Sneyd Valentina Soana Chris Speed Carrie Speirs Belinda Stuart Joseph Sturm James Sullivan Benjamin Sutherland John Sutherland Oscar Sutherland Callan Svendsen Tomoki Takei Hui Yi Tan Anthony Taylor Stuart Taylor Clinton Terry Julia Thompson Henry Dengate Thrush Lyannie Tran Breanna Urquhart Jay Vaai Eiva Vasilevskyte John Verstappen Gabriella Vettoretti Timothy Voss Carolyn Walker Katherine Walker Stephanie Wallis Penelope Walsh Sara Wareing Jae Warrander Mark Warren Christopher Welch Timothy Wernham-Doo Daniel Whatnall Nicholas Wheaton SESSIONAL STAFF (continued) Samuel Whitburn Victoria Willocks Caitlin Wilson Anna Windsor Christopher Winwood Richard Wright Fatemeh Yavari Helen Zou 86 Victoria University of Wellington Course Structure STUDY AREA Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) in Architecture (3 years) Year 1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture Year 4 Master of Architecture 90 or 120 pts Architecture Research Thesis Year 2 Year 3 45 pts Architecture Design Studio; Architecture Design Integration 45 pts Architecture Design Studio; Architecture Design Integration 45 pts Architecture Design Research 15 pts 15 pts Architecture History and Theory 30 pts Pacific Designed Environments Urban Design Theory & Practice 15 pts Architecture Theory and Criticism 45 pts Sustainability; Built Environment Technologies; Numerical Methods for Design 15 pts Human Environmental Science 30 pts Design Processes Studio COMMUNICATION Year 5 30 pts Design Representation HISTORY & THEORY Design History and Theory TECHNOLOGIES CONSTRUCTION 15 pts Materials and Construction STRUCTURES 15 pts Integrated Technologies 15 pts Construction 15 pts Structural Systems SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 15 pts Practice and Management 15 pts Professional Practice RESEARCH 15 pts Research Methodologies ELECTIVES 0 pts 15 pts Exhibition Design and Technologies Environment and Behaviour Sustainable Architecture Building Technology History Building Heritage Conservation Building Project Management Building Project Cost Planning Furniture Design + Technologies Fire Safety Design Project Representation or any approved 100-200 level course from other disciplines offered by Victoria University 2015 Edition 15 pts Architecture History Interior Heritage Conservation Digital Representation and Documentation Building Code Compliance Sustainable Regenerative Design Project Management Drawing Furniture Design and Technologies Building Economics Exhibition Design and Technologies Colour, Pattern, Light or any approved 100-300 level course from other disciplines offered by Victoria University 15 pts Interior Heritage Conservation Digital Representation and Documentation Building Code Compliance History of the City in Landscape Critical Theory of the Designed Environment Building Performance Assessment Architecture History Design Computation and Numerical Methods House and Home 30 or 0 pts or any approved 400 level course from other disciplines offered by Victoria University 87 THE PAPUA NEW GUINEA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Architecture and Building, Private Mail Bag, Lae, Papua New Guinea • Tel: +675 473 4501 • Fax: +675 473 4508 or 475 7667 Web: Email: Acting Head of Department: D. Wasi DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE & BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE The Bachelor of Architecture is a five year undergraduate course designed for the PNG and Pacific context. A Diploma of Architecture is conferred on successful completion of the first three years of the course. MINIMUM TIME FOR PROGRAM COMPLETION 5 years SCHOOL LEAVER ADMISSION CUT-OFF SCORE FOR PRESENT YEAR C or better for Maths, Physics & English ENTRY QUOTA NUMBER FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS 50 in year 1, Semester I-Common Foundation in Architecture and Building. Semester II 32 selected for Architecture course. PRE-REQUISITES FOR ADMISSION Year 12 High School Certificate TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN FIRST YEAR OF PROGRAM 2014 (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 39 11 50 Domestic 39 11 50 Overseas TOTAL COURSE STUDENT NUMBERS 2014 (including Parts 1 and 2 of course) (EFTSU) Male Female Total Total 71 24 95 Domestic 71 23 94 Overseas 1 1 2015 Edition GRADUATIONS 2013 (from professional degree only) Male Female Total Total 9 2 11 Domestic 9 2 11 Overseas RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Traditional settlement and architecture forms, housing and urban development, local materials and construction technologies. COMPUTING RESOURCES Laboratory with 25 networked stations with word processing, spreadsheets, database, project management, desktop publishing, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, TurboCAD and MiniCAD applications. OTHER RESOURCES Construction workshop DISTANCE EDUCATION Nil ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE CENTRE OF PNG The Architectural Heritage Centre of Papua New Guinea collects, conserves and publishes the knowledge of traditional and other forms of exemplary architecture. The Centre houses a substantial collection of materials on traditional settlement and architectural forms. RECOGNITION/ACCREDITATION For information on the accreditation status of the PNGUT Bachelor of Architecture, please contact the Board of Architects of PNG: PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Staff engaged in architectural consulting work through the departmental consultancy firm, DesignBuild Ltd. ACTING HEAD OF DEPARTMENT D. Wasi, MProjMgt(QUT), BArch&Bldg(PNGUT) STUDENT ACTIVITIES Architecture, Building Students Association SPECIAL ACTIVITIES A week-long master class is conducted by an eminent international architect each semester with teams of students in years 1-5. Weekly seminars offered by external and internal experts on architectural topics. LIBRARY RESOURCES A reasonable collection of books, monographs and current serials and audiovisual facility within the Department in addition to University Matheson Library. Architectural Heritage Centre also has a collection of books, manuscript, field notes and photos, slides on regional traditional architecture. ARCHITECTURE STAFF AND BUILDING STAFF DEPUTY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT A. K. Polin, DArch, BArch(PNGUT) DIRECTOR – ARCHITECTURE COURSE & PROFESSOR C. K. Gonduan, PhD(James Cook Uni), MInfra Plan& Eng(Stuttgart), PGCert MLF US, ETI(Washington), PGDiplT&CP(Sydney), BArch(PNGUT), FPNGIA, APPNG Registered Architect LECTURERS G. A. Elisha, DBldg, BBldg(PNGUT), CertinBldg(POM Tech), DipEdu(UOG) C. Dobunaba, DArch, BArch(PNGUOT), A. K. Polin, DArch,BArch(PNGUT) J. J. Walliah, MBA(UNRE), BBldg, DBldg(PNGUT) D. Wasi, MProjMgt(QUT), BArch&Bldg(PNGUT) SESSIONAL STAFF n/a CURATOR, ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE CENTRE OF PNG Selina Owen, PGDLibSc(Canberra), BSc(PNGUT) VISITING LECTURERS n/a TECHNICAL OFFICERS Rodney Wahune Martin Kundi ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Anita Kami Atakia Karimu Veronica Michael Charles Nohowan SENIOR LECTURERS A. C. Sariman, PhD(James Cook Uni), MScConstMgt(Heriot-Watt), PGDipBldgSc(Sydney), BArch&Bldg(PNGUT), PNGIA, Registered Architect A. Bou, BArch(PNGUOT), FPNGIA, Registered Architect 88 The Papua New Guinea University of Technology Course Structure STUDY AREA ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN COMMUNICATION & DOCUMENTATION TECHNICAL SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PRACTICAL & MANAGEMENT 2015 Edition COURSE STRUCTURE: Diploma in Architecture Year 1 Semester 1 hrs Year 1 Semester 2 hrs Year 2 Semester 1 Introduction to Architecture/Building 8 English Composition l 2 Communication for Architecture 3 Building Science Architectural Design I 8 Architectural Design II hrs Year 2 Semester 2 8 Architectural Design III hrs Year 3 Semester 1 hrs Year 3 Semester 2 hrs 8 Architectural Design IV 8 Theory of Architecture 2 English Composition II 2 Visual Arts 2 Computer Applications 2 Architectural Presentation 2 4 Building Systems l 4 Building Systems II 4 Building Systems III 4 Building Systems IV 4 Mathematics 4 Architectural Science 2 Structures I 2 Structures II 2 Structures III 2 Vernacular Building Traditions 2 History of Architecture I 3 History of Architecture II 3 Modern Architecture 3 Architectural Design V 8 CAD 5 Structures IV 2 Ecological Sustainable Design 2 Building Economics II 2 89 The Papua New Guinea University of Technology Course Structure STUDY AREA ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN COMMUNICATION & DOCUMENTATION COURSE STRUCTURE: Degree in Architecture Year 4 Semester 1 hrs Year 4 Semester 2 hrs Year 5 Semester 1 Architectural Design VI 8 Architectural Design Theory 2 Special Study I hrs Year 5 Semester 2 Architectural Design VII 8 Architectural Design VIII 8 3 Special Study II 3 Research Project 2 External Elective I 2 External Elective II 2 Urban Development 2 Urban Design Theory 2 Site Design 2 hrs Design Thesis 9 External Elective III 3 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES PRACTICAL & MANAGEMENT 2015 Edition Urban Design I 2 Urban Design II 2 Professional Practice 5 Project Management 3 90 Australian Schools of Architecture Statistics extracted from “Architecture Schools of Australasia 2015” 1st year female students 2014 EFTSU/L* Total 1st year students Domestic 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 O/seas 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* 63 40 93 10 103 241 131 63 40 93 10 103 241 131 329 43 372 14 2 16 329 43 372 14 2 16 University of New South Wales 60 54 66 48 114 255 245 301 199 500 41 38 79 University of Newcastle 51 31 73 9 82 98 47 122 23 145 32 31 63 University of Sydney 68 82 121 29 150 307 283 444 146 590 62 19 81 104 66 128 283 233 388 42 170 297 237 393 141 534 45 14 59 128 516 957 812 1260 509 1769 180 102 282 Deakin University 91 100 172 19 191 304 300 504 100 604 60 8 68 Monash University 62 56 99 19 118 168 153 267 54 321 39 7 46 RMIT University 89 University of Melbourne 82 68 86 71 157 359 245 340 264 604 61 32 93 112 102 92 194 603 664 742 525 1267 78 72 150 324 336 459 201 660 1434 1362 1853 943 2796 238 119 357 Bond University 17 6 20 3 23 45 21 56 10 66 0 0 0 Griffith University 34 18 49 3 52 123 80 192 11 203 10 0 10 Queensland University of Technology 78 86 141 23 164 387 335 651 71 722 66 16 82 University of Queensland 64 72 121 15 136 220 238 385 73 458 45 14 59 193 182 331 44 375 775 674 1284 165 1449 121 30 151 University of Adelaide 82 60 111 31 142 277 207 317 167 484 31 19 50 University of South Australia 59 33 79 13 92 211 144 295 60 355 38 12 50 141 93 190 44 234 488 351 612 227 839 69 31 100 Curtin University 81 55 124 12 136 326 226 386 166 552 33 22 55 University of Western Australia 57 50 81 26 107 342 359 569 132 701 61 26 87 138 105 205 38 243 668 585 955 298 1253 94 48 142 35 38 42 31 73 227 159 239 147 386 21 37 58 35 38 42 31 73 227 159 239 147 386 21 37 58 10 13 18 5 23 18 27 35 10 45 0 0 0 State/ Territory University ACT University of Canberra NSW University of Technology, Sydney VIC QLD SA WA TAS NT Total 1st year students Overseas 2014 EFTSU/L* 1st year male students 2014 EFTSU/L* University of Tasmania Charles Darwin University Grand Total Total 1st year students 2014 EFTSU/L* Total male students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Total female students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 Domestic 2014 EFTSU/L* Grads from prof Degree Domestic 2013 Grads from prof Degree O/seas 2013 Grads from prof Degree 2013 10 13 18 5 23 18 27 35 10 45 0 0 0 1187 1040 1726 501 2227 4808 4101 6567 2342 8909 737 369 1106 * Equivalent Full Time Student Unit/Load 2015 Edition 91 Australian Schools of Architecture – Statistical Comparison Extracted from “Architecture Schools of Australasia” editions 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Australian Schools of Architecture 2010 - 2014 State/ Territory 2010 2011 1st year students EFTSU/L* ACT Total students Pts 1&2 EFTSU/L * 320 206 Grad'ns from prof degree2009 31 NSW 527 2416 VIC 754 QLD 102 Total students Pts 1&2 EFTSU/L* 401 Grad'ns from prof degree2010 18 320 583 2218 2720 345 618 306 1354 112 SA 266 829 WA 264 TAS NT TOTAL 1st year students EFTSU/L* 2012 1st year students EFTSU/L* 2013 132 Total students Pts 1&2 EFTSU/L* 362 Grad'ns from prof degree2011 27 284 452 1961 2726 353 518 364 1264 86 84 251 829 989 96 384 145 407 59 22 42 2490 9077 1st year students EFTSU/L* 2014 142 Total students Pts 1&2 EFTSU/L* 400 Grad'ns from prof degree2012 26 352 549 1885 2704 394 718 476 1513 136 87 278 895 1312 105 303 125 430 42 0 22 42 1047 2449 9222 1st year students EFTSU/L* 103 Total students Pts 1&2 EFTSU/L* 372 Grad'ns from prof degree2013 16 391 516 1769 282 2970 469 660 2796 357 446 1631 126 375 1449 151 111 251 847 84 234 839 100 1028 117 306 1303 131 243 1253 142 154 471 63 108 450 66 73 386 58 0 19 41 0 19 38 0 23 45 0 975 2332 8975 1200 2539 9524 1293 2227 8909 1106 * Equivalent Full Time Student Unit/Load 2015 Edition 92 New Zealand Schools of Architecture Statistics extracted from “Architecture Schools of Australasia 2015” New Zealand University 1st year male students 2014 EFTSU/L* 1st year female students 2014 EFTSU/L* Total 1st year students Domestic 2014 EFTSU/L* Total 1st year students Overseas 2014 EFTSU/L* Total 1st year students 2014 EFTSU/L* Total male students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Total female students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 Domestic 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 O/seas 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Grads from prof Degree Domestic 2013 Grads from prof Degree O/seas 2013 Grads from prof Degree 2013 NZ Unitec Institute of Technology 90 58 131 17 148 265 183 380 68 448 48 6 54 NZ University of Auckland 40 56 85 11 96 225 280 444 61 505 76 7 83 NZ Victoria University of Wellington 166 144 285 25 310 488 438 842 84 926 44 0 44 Grand Total 296 258 501 53 554 978 901 1666 213 1879 168 13 181 Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Building Statistics Papua New Guinea PNG University Papua New Guinea University of Technology extracted from “Architecture Schools of Australasia 2015” 1st year male students 2014 EFTSU/L * 1st year female students 2014 EFTSU/L * Total 1st year students Domestic 2014 EFTSU/L* Total 1st year students Overseas 2014 EFTSU/L* Total 1st year students 2014 EFTSU/L* Total male students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Total female students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 Domestic 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 Overseas 2014 EFTSU/L* Total students Pts 1 & 2 2014 EFTSU/L* Grads prof Degree Domestic 2013 Grads prof Degree Overseas 2013 39 11 50 0 50 71 24 94 1 95 11 0 Grads prof Degree 2013 11 * Equivalent Full Time Student Unit/Load 2015 Edition 93 Information on course accreditation/recognition process and registration as an architect in Australia What does accreditation/recognition of professional programs mean? Registration as an Architect Architecture courses in Australia are subject to a national program accreditation procedure which determines whether the course offered by a tertiary institution meets the academic requirements necessary for a graduate of that course to: In each State and Territory of Australia it is a legal requirement that any person using the title 'architect' or offering services to the public as an architect, must be registered with the Architects Board in that jurisdiction. • subsequently obtain registration as an architect, ie accreditation, and • satisfy the requirements for professional membership of the Australian Institute of Architects, ie recognition. Each State and Territory of Australia has its own Architects Board. Generally, the following three steps outline the requirements for registration as an architect in a State or Territory of Australia. You must: The Institute’s National Education Committee (NEC) is responsible for promoting the highest standards for architectural education in Australia and recognises courses that comply with the Institute’s Tertiary Education of Architects Policy/Standards for Programs and Research Policy. Each State/Territory registration authority has statutory responsibility for accreditation of professional architecture courses offered within that State or Territory. The Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) has responsibility to formally list the accredited programs under the system of National Competency Based Assessment of qualifications in architecture. • have a recognised academic qualification in architecture or a pass in the National Program of Assessment (NPrA), or a pass in the relevant Registration Board Prescribed Examinations where offered; Since 2012 the accreditation/recognition process has been conducted under the Australian and New Zealand Architecture Program Accreditation Procedure ANZ APAP. The procedure deals with: Further details are available from: the AACA in Canberra ( or the respective State or Territory Architects Board. • Preliminary assessment for proposed new programs or major changes to existing programs. • Achieving and maintaining accreditation for existing programs. ANZ APAP is available on the Institute’s website at: • have a period of training through experience followed by successful completion of the AACA Architectural Practice Examination (APE); and • apply for registration to the Architects Board in the State or Territory in which registration is sought. For information on registration as an architect in New Zealand contact the New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB): For information on registration as an architect in Papua New Guinea contact the Board of Architects, PNG (BoAPNG): The following principles are fundamental to the process of accreditation: • Accreditation will apply only to the exit professional qualification (typically a Master of Architecture degree). The review will assess the full program, usually a three-year undergraduate degree followed by a two-year masters degree. Typically this pathway will entail 10 semesters of full time study over a five year period. • Architecture programs which lead to architectural qualifications require advice from the profession they serve. • The accreditation process provides a regular and structured dialogue between educators and practitioners. • A diverse approach to architectural education is valued. The accreditation process is designed to acknowledge individual strengths within schools and local variation in architecture programs. It is not a process designed to standardise architectural education. • The National Visiting Panel process is assessment by peer review. Panels support the program and assist where necessary. • Confidentiality of the procedure and all documentation is observed. 2015 Edition 94 Contact Information Australian Institute of Architects Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA) Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia (AASA) Education Unit Australian Institute of Architects PO Box 3373 MANUKA ACT 2603 PO Box 236 Civic Square CANBERRA ACT Associate Professor Diego Ramirez-Lovering, Affiliate RAIA President Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia PO Box 3373 MANUKA ACT 2603 National Education Manager: Martha Liew National Education Coordinator: Carol Capp Tel: 02 6121 2000 Email: Web: 2608 Tel: 02 6230 0506 Email: Web: ANZ APAP Steering Committee PO Box 3373 MANUKA ACT 2603 Email: Web: AASA Executive: President: Associate Professor Diego Ramirez-Lovering (VIC) Vice President: Associate Professor Uwe Rieger, NZIA (New Zealand) Treasurer: Assistant Professor Chris Knapp, Affiliate RAIA (QLD) Secretary: Associate Professor Ceridwen Owen, RAIA (TAS) Student Organised Network for Architecture (SONA) Email: Web: Email: NSW Architects Registration Board Architects Board of Western Australia New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) Tel: (02) 9241 4033 Email: Web: Tel: (08) 9287 9920 Email: Web: PO Box 2516 Shortland Street Auckland New Zealand 1140 Architects Registration Board of Victoria ACT Architects Board Tel: (03) 9417 4444 Email: Web: Tel: 02 6207 6288 Email: Web: Tel: +64 9 623 6080 Email: Web: Chair: Associate Professor Leigh Shutter, RAIA (QLD) Members: Associate Professor Andrew Hutson (VIC) Ms Elizabeth Musgrave, RAIA (QLD), Associate Professor Kirsten Orr , RAIA (NSW) Board of Architects of Tasmania PO Box 11106 Wellington New Zealand 6142 Tel: (03) 6234 8188 Email: Web: Tel: +64 4 471 1336 Email: Web: Northern Territory Architects Board Architects Registration Board (United Kingdom) Tel: (08) 8936 4079 Email: Web: 8 Weymouth Street LONDON W1W 5BU United Kingdom Board of Architects of Queensland Tel: (07) 3224 4482 Email: Web: The Architectural Practice Board of South Australia Tel: (08) 8373 2766 Email: Web: The New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) Tel: +44 20 7580 5861 Email: Web: 2015 Edition 95