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General Services Benelux SPRL
BTE 55
+32 24141120
Kompass ID :
+32 24140945
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4644, 6820 - Wholesale of china and glassware and cleaning materials, Rental and operating of own or leased real estate
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46442, 68201 - Groothandel in reinigingsmiddelen, Verhuur en exploitatie van eigen of geleasd residentieel
onroerend goed, exclusief sociale woningen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4649, 6810 - Wholesale of other household goods, Real estate activities with own or leased property
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1993
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2013) : 250000 EUR
Exact company size : 10
Gross turnover range (2013) : Under 500 000 EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 10
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Import country : Western Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East - China,
France, Italy, Turkey
Executive Information
Mr. Norbert Putman : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Vente de matériel et produits de nettoyage, machines & accessoires
Main activities
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic
24320 Cleaning products and detergents
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use
Secondary activities
24370 Indoor deodorants and air fresheners
24380 Polishes
24420 Brushes, industrial use
24430 Brushes, domestic use
24440 Brooms, industrial use
24450 Brooms, domestic use
24490 Sponges
24500 Kitchen and cleaning cloths
24620 Sweepers and floor scrubber driers
24630 Floor polishers and scrubbers
24640 Vacuum cleaners
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Distributor)
0593015 Laundry soaps, organic (Distributor)
2443005 Brushes, rubber, domestic (Distributor)
2443006 Brushes, plastic, domestic (Distributor)
2462008 Sweeping machines, commercial (Distributor)
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2463016 Floor scrubber driers, electric, commercial (Distributor)
2464018 Vacuum cleaners, electric, commercial (Distributor)
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Dicogel - Begro BVBA
+32 51744901
+32 51744088
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4631 - Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46319 - Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v. consumptieaardappelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : Bvba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1918
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2013) : 20599774 EUR
Employees (company address) : 20-49
Gross turnover range (2013) : 10 to 25 million EUR
Spoken languages : Dutch, English
Import country : Western Europe - France, Netherlands
Export region : Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Roger Dick : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Handel in groenten voor de voedingssector - Diepvriesproducten.
Main activities
02210 Root vegetables
02220 Tuberous and rhizome vegetables
02250 Leaf vegetables
0225004 Spinach (Distributor)
0225010 Beans, butter (Distributor)
0225011 Beans, French, haricot (Distributor)
0225030 Peas (Distributor)
0225031 Mangetout/sugar peas (Distributor)
0225035 Cabbages (Distributor)
0225036 Curly kale/borecole (Distributor)
0225040 Leeks (Distributor)
0225045 Swiss chard/seakale beet (Distributor)
0225050 Celery (Distributor)
Secondary activities
02270 Stalk vegetables
02580 Sugar plants and crops
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed
02100 Fodder plants
02230 Pulses and legumes
02600 Oilseed plants and crops
0210007 Sainfoin (Distributor)
0221002 Beetroot (Distributor)
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0221004 Carrots (Distributor)
0221008 Horseradish (Distributor)
0221014 Manioc/cassava (Distributor)
0221016 Parsley root (Distributor)
0221017 Parsnips (Distributor)
0221020 Radishes (Distributor)
0221021 Salsify (Distributor)
0221022 Scorzonera/black salsify (Distributor)
0221027 Swedes/rutabaga (Distributor)
0221029 Turnips (Distributor)
0221035 Wasabi (Japanese horseradish) (Distributor)
0221045 Liquorice (Distributor)
0222010 Fennel (Distributor)
0222020 Garlic (Distributor)
0222025 Shallots (Distributor)
0222030 Onions (Distributor)
0222031 Spring onions (Distributor)
0222040 Potatoes (Distributor)
0222042 Kohlrabies (Distributor)
0222045 Jerusalem artichokes/topinambours (Distributor)
0222050 Batatas/sweet potatoes (Distributor)
0223001 Beans, broad/field (Distributor)
0223005 Beans, runner (Distributor)
0223006 Beans, Mung/black gram (Distributor)
0223010 Chickpeas (Distributor)
0223015 Lentils (Distributor)
0223025 Pigeon peas (Distributor)
0223026 Vetches (Distributor)
0223028 Black-eyed beans/cowpeas (Distributor)
02260 Salads
0226010 Lettuce (Distributor)
0226040 Chicory (Distributor)
0226045 Endives (Distributor)
0226050 Garden cress (Distributor)
0226051 Watercress (Distributor)
0227005 Bamboo shoots (Distributor)
0227008 Rhubarb (Distributor)
0227010 Asparagus (Distributor)
0227020 Celeriac (Distributor)
02280 Flower vegetables
0228006 Broccoli (Distributor)
0228007 Brussels sprouts (Distributor)
0228010 Artichokes, globe (Distributor)
0228020 Cardoons (Distributor)
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0228050 Cauliflowers (Distributor)
02290 Fruit vegetables
0229008 Tomatoes (Distributor)
0229009 Tomatoes, cherry (Distributor)
0229014 Peppers (Distributor)
0229019 Cucumbers (Distributor)
0229020 Gherkins (Distributor)
0229030 Courgettes (Distributor)
0229040 Eggplant/aubergines (Distributor)
0229049 Pumpkins (Distributor)
0229050 Marrows (Distributor)
02380 Mushrooms and other fungi
0238001 Mushrooms, cultivated (Distributor)
0258020 Sugar beet (Distributor)
0260045 Soya beans (Distributor)
0260050 Soya beans, genetically modified (GM) (Distributor)
02920 Agricultural production processes
0292010 Vegetables, greenhouse (Distributor)
0292020 Vegetables, hydroculture (Distributor)
03450 Food products, chilled, fresh and ultra-fresh
0345022 Soya shoots, fresh (Distributor)
03480 Meat and fish, deep frozen
03490 Fruit and vegetables, deep frozen
03500 Meals, ready prepared, deep frozen
03510 Desserts and bakery products, deep frozen
0351024 Confectionery, deep frozen (Distributor)
03520 Food products, deep frozen, NES
0517001 Root vegetables, organic (Distributor)
0517008 Pulses and legumes, organic (Distributor)
0517020 Green vegetables, organic (Distributor)
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Miko Koffie NV
+32 14462770
+32 14462799
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1083 - Processing of tea and coffee
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 10830 - Verwerking van thee en koffie
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1079 - Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2004
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2014) : 32142819 EUR
Exact company size : 45
Gross turnover range (2014) : 25 to 50 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 20-49
Exact company size : 45
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, Deutsch, English
Import regions : Worldwide
Export region : Worldwide
Executive Information
Mr. Frans Van Tilborg : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Luc Antonio : Marketing Director/Manager
Mr. Stijn Michielsen : Export Director/Manager
Mr. Bart Laps : Technical Director/Manager
Mr. E. Vandenabeele : Environmental Director/Manager
Mr. Dirk Hermans : Purchasing Director/Manager
Mr. Herman Braeken : IT Director/Manager
Mr. Wim Van Gemert : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Mr. Johan Vandervee : Personnel Director/Manager
Coffee roasterProduction, Import and ExportOne-cup coffee filters, beans and ground coffeeCoffee service machinesCoffee serviceFair
(United Kingdom)MIKO KAVA (Czech Republic)MIKO KOFFIE SERVICE (The Netherlands)MIKO POLSKA (Poland)MIKO KAVA
(Slovakia)THE COFFEE PLACE (Australia)KAFFEKOMPANIET Din Pauspartner AB (Sweden)ABC Mokka ApS
(Danmark)Kaffeautomater AS (Noorway)
Main activities
03790 Coffee and coffee substitutes (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
05800 Tea, coffee, herbal and fruit teas, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
56940 Vending machines (Distributor - Service provider)
5694049 Vending machines for drinks and beverages (Distributor - Service provider)
Secondary activities
0379002 Coffee beans, roasted (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379003 Coffee beans, caffeine-free/decaffeinated (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379026 Coffee powder, instant (Distributor - Service provider)
0379031 Coffee, caffeine-free/decaffeinated (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379038 Coffee capsules (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
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0379041 Coffee in tins (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379042 Coffee in cup filters (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379043 Coffee, vacuum packed (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379044 Coffee, packaged (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0379045 Coffee for vending machines (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0580018 Coffee, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
49940 Catering machinery and equipment NES (Distributor - Service provider)
4994010 Coffee making machines, catering (Distributor - Service provider)
56990 Installation and maintenance services for offices and shops (Distributor - Service provider)
5699027 Management and maintenance services for vending machines (Distributor - Service provider)
81050 Fair trade products (trade) (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
8105001 Food and beverages, fair trade (trade) (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
81700 Vending machine operators (Distributor - Service provider)
8170010 Vending machine organisations, beverages (Distributor - Service provider)
83660 Hire and rental of vending machines (Distributor - Service provider)
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Saraya Co. VBR
+32 27902744
+32 24762587
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 2015, 4676, 1081 - Manufacture of fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, Wholesale of other intermediate products,
Manufacture of sugar
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 20150, 46769, 10810 - Vervaardiging van kunstmeststoffen en stikstofverbindingen, Groothandel in andere
intermediaire producten, n.e.g., Vervaardiging van suiker
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 2012, 4669, 1072 - Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products
n.e.c., Manufacture of sugar
General Information
Legal form : VBR
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2004
Company size : 0-9
Exact company size : 7
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Exact company size : 7
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Export region : Central/East Europe
Executive Information
Ms. Nicole van Hall : Works Director/Manager
Production éco-responsable et distribution de savons pour l'hygiène des mains, savons pour enfants, savons hydro-alcooliques,
shampooing, lessive, dentifrice, solution hydratante pour les mains, détergeant de sol, etc.- Distributions d'accessoires tels que
poubelles automatiques, pompes à savon, distributeurs de savon, etc. - Participation active aux campagnes dans le monde entier pour
que le lavage des mains devienne plus facile car c'est la solution numéro 1 contre la propagation des maladies
Main activities
24010 Bath and shower products
24160 Baby hygiene products (Producer)
24340 Soaps (Producer)
2434028 Soaps, castille (Producer)
Secondary activities
32330 Pumps, by use
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic
24320 Cleaning products and detergents
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Distributor)
0593015 Laundry soaps, organic (Distributor)
2401007 Soaps, toilet (Distributor)
24050 Face care products (Producer)
2405001 Face creams, moisturizing (Producer)
2405004 Anti-wrinkle creams (Producer)
2405005 Face toners and lotions (Producer)
24070 Hair care products (Producer)
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2407001 Hair shampoos (Producer)
24090 Foot care, hand care and nail care products (Producer)
2409001 Hand care creams and lotions (Producer)
2409005 Antibacterial hand gels/antibacterial hand sanitizers (Producer)
2409015 Foot care creams (Producer)
2416003 Soaps for babies (Producer)
24180 Cosmetic products and hygiene products NES (Producer)
2418014 Skincare creams and lotions (Producer)
3233043 Pumps, soap (Distributor)
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Laboratoire de Biologie Végétale Yves Rocher SA
Rue du Follet 50
+32 69253211
7540 Kain
+32 69253461
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 2042, 4791, 9602, 4645 - Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations, Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet,
Hairdressing and other beauty treatment, Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 20420, 47910, 96022, 46450 - Vervaardiging van parfums en toiletartikelen, Detailhandel via postorderbedrijven of
via internet, Schoonheidsverzorging, Groothandel in parfumerieën en cosmetica
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 2023, 4791, 9602, 4649 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet
preparations, Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet, Hairdressing and other beauty treatment, Wholesale of other household
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1970
Company size : 100-249
Gross Turnover (2014) : 60952690 EUR
Exact company size : 180
Gross turnover range (2014) : 50 to 100 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 100-249
Brand/Tradename : YVES ROCHER
Exact company size : 180
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Import country : Western Europe - France
Export country : Western Europe - Luxembourg
Executive Information
Mr. Thomas Chatain : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Ms. Martine Nachtergaele : Executive Assistant
Mr. François Agache : Distribution Director/Manager
Ms. Hélène Parisot : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Ms. Julie Rosenkrantz : Marketing Director/Manager
Ms. Virginie Naessens : HR Director/Manager
Vente de produits cosmétiques
Main activities
05950 Personal care products and cosmetics, organic (Distributor)
0595001 Bath and shower products, organic (Distributor)
0595005 Skin and body care products, organic (Distributor)
0595010 Hair care products, organic (Distributor)
0595015 Dental and oral care products, organic (Distributor)
0595020 Make-up products, organic (Distributor)
0595025 Perfumes and perfumery products, organic (Distributor)
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Chembo SA
Rue du Mont des Carliers 26
+32 69890770
7522 Blandain
+32 69840318
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 2041, 4673 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, Wholesale of wood, construction
materials and sanitary equipment
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 20411, 20412, 46731 - Vervaardiging van zeep en wasmiddelen, Vervaardiging van poets- en reinigingsmiddelen,
Groothandel in bouwmaterialen, algemeen assortiment
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 2023, 4663 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations,
Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1999
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2014) : 6038972 EUR
Exact company size : 35
Gross turnover range (2014) : 5 to 10 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 20-49
Brand/Tradename : FULGURANE, EPUR
Exact company size : 35
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Export region : Central/East Europe, Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Ismaël Djelassi : Director
Ms. Coralie Boulez : Director
Ms. Sylvie Van Coppenolle : Purchasing Director/Manager
Fort d’une expérience de plus de 35 ans, CHEMBO fabrique plus de 150 formules dans le domaine des produits d’hygiène et d’entretien,
tant chimiques que biologiques, sous forme de poudre ou de liquide. De la production à façon (Private Label) ou sous marque de
distributeurs (MDD), sa mission est de conjuguer et de développer au maximum son savoir-faire et ses compétences. CHEMBO dispose
d’un site de production performant orienté « Recherche et développement », d’un assortiment de produits à usage domestique et
professionnel, d’un service « Infographie & Packaging » et d’un large assortiment d’emballage. CHEMBO affiche également plusieurs
brevets internationaux et se positionne en tant que leader européen du marché de l’entretien biologique.
Main activities
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
22570 Antioxidant, antistatic and antifreeze products (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
22900 Chemicals, by use, NES (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2290002 Anti-condensation products, chemical (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2290009 Radiator repair products, motor vehicle (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2290038 Defrosting and de-icing compounds, chemical (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
Secondary activities
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2257004 Antifreeze solutions for motor car radiators (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
24320 Cleaning products and detergents (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2433045 Cleaning products for motor cars (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
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File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
De Klok NV
+32 93690806
+32 93690886
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1101, 4725, 4781 - Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits, Retail sale of beverages in specialised stores, Retail sale via
stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 11010, 47252, 47810 - Vervaardiging van gedistilleerde dranken door distilleren, rectificeren en mengen,
Detailhandel in dranken in gespecialiseerde winkels, algemeen assortiment, Markt- en straathandel in voedings- en genotmiddelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1101, 4722, 4781 - Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits, Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores, Retail sale
via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2002
Company size : 10-19
Brand/Tradename : DE KLOK
Exact company size : 10
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 10
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English
Import regions : Central/East Europe, Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Dirk Galle : Manager
Ms. Veerle Van de Velde : Marketing Director/Manager
Likeurstokerij - Delicatessen - Relatiepaketten - Advokaat, kriekjes op jenever, jenevers, winterkoffie, honing, confituren, snoepgoed,
choclaterie, geschenkpaketten - Bedrijfsbezoeken.
Main activities
04110 Liqueurs (Producer)
04100 Alcoholic spirits (Producer)
03260 Fruit, processed
0326015 Jam (Distributor)
0326016 Lemon curd (Distributor)
0326018 Marmalade (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03660 Honey products
0366003 Honey (Distributor)
0366004 Spreads, honey (Distributor)
0366017 Jam, sweetened with honey (Distributor)
03670 Sugar confectionery
0367001 Sugar confectionery, buttered (Distributor)
0367002 Sugar confectionery, jellied (Distributor)
0367005 Sugar confectionery, filled (Distributor)
0367006 Sugar confectionery, coated (Distributor)
0367007 Sugar confectionery, chocolate coated (Distributor)
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0367008 Sugar confectionery, chocolate flavoured (Distributor)
0367011 Sugar confectionery, coffee flavoured (Distributor)
0367012 Sugar confectionery, fruit flavoured (Distributor)
0367013 Sugar confectionery, mint flavoured (Distributor)
0367014 Sugar confectionery, liquorice flavoured (Distributor)
0367015 Sugar confectionery, liqueur flavoured (Distributor)
0367016 Sugar confectionery, vanilla flavoured (Distributor)
0367020 Sugar confectionery, oriental (Distributor)
0367021 Sugar confectionery, fruit gum (Distributor)
0367022 Sugar confectionery, assorted (Distributor)
0367026 Sweets, boiled (Distributor)
0367027 Toffees and caramels (Distributor)
0367029 Fudge (Distributor)
0367031 Lollipops (Distributor)
0367038 Sugared almonds (Distributor)
03680 Fruit, candied
03690 Cocoa and chocolate products
0410007 Gin (Producer)
0411004 Liqueurs, cream (Producer)
05400 Fruit and vegetables, organic, processed and preserved
0540010 Jam, organic (Distributor)
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Etienne Henrotte Distribution SA
Vinâve des Streats 116
+32 42503232
4537 Verlaine
+32 42504836
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4649, 4644, 4669 - Wholesale of other household goods, Wholesale of china and glassware and cleaning materials,
Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46499, 46442, 46693 - Groothandel in andere consumentenartikelen, n.e.g., Groothandel in reinigingsmiddelen,
Groothandel in elektrisch materiaal, inclusief installatiemateriaal
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4649, 4659 - Wholesale of other household goods, Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1976
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2013) : 1500000 EUR
Exact company size : 12
Gross turnover range (2013) : 1 to 2 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Brand/Tradename : 3M, JOHNSON, SAVONET, VILEDA, WERNER Exact company size : 12
Spoken languages : French, Dutch
Import country : Western Europe - France, Netherlands
Export country : Western Europe - Luxembourg
Executive Information
Mr. Etienne Henrotte : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Fabrication et vente de produits et articles d'entretien - Papiers essuyages - Sacs poubelles - Machines et matériel d'entretien
Main activities
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use (Producer - Distributor)
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic (Producer - Distributor)
16320 Hygiene paper (Producer - Distributor)
1632015 Towels, paper (Producer - Distributor)
1632031 Kitchen rolls, paper (Producer - Distributor)
1632040 Wipes, paper, industrial, disposable (Producer - Distributor)
1632042 Wipes, paper, for general nursing applications (Producer - Distributor)
Secondary activities
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Producer - Distributor)
0593015 Laundry soaps, organic (Producer - Distributor)
20470 Bags and sacks, plastic, by use (Producer - Distributor)
2047044 Bags and sacks, plastic, for waste/refuse (Producer - Distributor)
24320 Cleaning products and detergents (Producer - Distributor)
2433006 Detergents for dishwashers (Producer - Distributor)
2433007 Detergents, dish-washing (Producer - Distributor)
2433009 Detergents for floors (Producer - Distributor)
2433012 Detergents for medical and hospital use (Producer - Distributor)
2433028 Cleaning products, general, for household use (Producer - Distributor)
2433029 Cleaning products for cookers and ovens (Producer - Distributor)
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2433030 Cleaning products for toilets (Producer - Distributor)
2433031 Cleaning products, household, for glass (Producer - Distributor)
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Confiture l'Ardennaise SA
Route de Marche 2
+32 42289159
4190 Xhoris
+32 43691269
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4638, 1039 - Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs, Other processing and preserving of fruit and
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46389, 10392 - Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Verwerking en conservering van fruit, exclusief
productie van diepgevroren fruit
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 1030 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1954
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2014) : 5311683 EUR
Exact company size : 17
Gross turnover range (2014) : 5 to 10 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 17
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Import regions : Worldwide
Export region : Worldwide
Executive Information
Mr. Bernard Verhamme : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Claudy Counerotte : Production Director/Manager
Ms. Chantal Collette : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Ms. Nele Van Gerwen : Commercial Director/Manager
Mr. Julio Castro : Quality Control Director/Manager
Fabrication et vente de confitures et compotes
Main activities
03260 Fruit, processed (Producer - Distributor)
03660 Honey products (Producer - Distributor)
05400 Fruit and vegetables, organic, processed and preserved (Producer - Distributor)
0540010 Jam, organic (Producer - Distributor)
Secondary activities
0326014 Fruit, stewed, compote (Producer - Distributor)
0326015 Jam (Producer - Distributor)
0326016 Lemon curd (Producer - Distributor)
0326018 Marmalade (Producer - Distributor)
0366017 Jam, sweetened with honey (Producer - Distributor)
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Magnus Kwaliteitswijnen NV
+32 33265533
+32 33265899
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4634 - Wholesale of beverages
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46349, 46341 - Groothandel in dranken, algemeen assortiment, Groothandel in wijnen en geestrijke dranken
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1984
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2014) : 11403486 EUR
Exact company size : 30
Gross turnover range (2014) : 10 to 25 million EUR
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English
Import country : Western Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, Africa
- Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand,
Portugal, South Africa, Spain
Executive Information
Mr. Patrick Magnus : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Bart Mortier : IT Director/Manager
Mr. Filip Magnus : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Ms. Peggy Hendrickx : Accountant Director/Manager
Mr. Bart Van Moorsel : Personnel Director/Manager
Mr. Joost Colman : Personnel Director/Manager
Groot- en kleinhandel in kwaliteitswijnen.Andere vestigingen: Mechelsesteenweg 313B - 2550 Kontich
Main activities
04190 Wine, grape
04200 Wine, country specific
05850 Drinks, alcoholic, organic
0585010 Wines, organic (Distributor)
Secondary activities
0419001 Wines, red (Distributor)
0419002 Wines, white (Distributor)
0419003 Wines, rosé (Distributor)
0419005 Wines, green (Distributor)
0419006 Wines, table (Distributor)
0420001 Wine, red, Cabernet Franc (Distributor)
0420002 Wine, red, Cabernet Sauvignon (Distributor)
0420004 Wine, red, Merlot (Distributor)
0420005 Wine, red, Pinot Noir (Distributor)
0420006 Wine, red, Syrah/Shiraz (Distributor)
0420010 Wine, white, Chardonnay (Distributor)
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0420011 Wine, white, Gewürztraminer (Distributor)
0420013 Wine, white, Pinot Gris (Distributor)
0420014 Wine, white, Riesling (Distributor)
0420015 Wine, white, Sauvignon Blanc (Distributor)
0420016 Wine, white, Sémillon (Distributor)
0420024 Wines, Australian (Distributor)
0420028 Wines, Chilean (Distributor)
0420033 Wines, French, AOC (Distributor)
0420034 Wines, French, VDQS (Distributor)
0420038 Wines, Italian, DOC (Distributor)
0420040 Wines, Portuguese (Distributor)
0420044 Wines, Spanish (Distributor)
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Ireks Belgium NV
+32 27672029
+32 27682600
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4638 - Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46389 - Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g.
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1926
Company size : 0-9
Gross Turnover (2013) : 10849846 EUR
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Gross turnover range (2013) : 10 to 25 million EUR
Spoken languages : Dutch
Import country : Western Europe - Germany
Executive Information
Mr. William De Witte : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Bruno Roussel : Deputy Manager
Ms. An Vandeuren : Marketing Director/Manager
Ms. Liesbeth Menten : Office Manager
IREKS is als partner voor bakkers wereldwijd bekend om haar eersteklas bakkerijgrondstoffen en creatieve
productideeën.Bakmiddelen, broodspecialiteiten en banketproducten.
Main activities
03560 Malt (Distributor)
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic (Distributor)
03530 Flour and meal, cereal (Distributor)
0353031 Flour, bakers' (Distributor)
0353032 Flour for pastry, cakes and biscuits (Distributor)
Secondary activities
0356008 Malt meal (Distributor)
0572036 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, gluten free, organic (Distributor)
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Bagro-Food BVBA
+32 58314590
+32 58315070
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4638, 4639, 4634 - Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs, Non-specialised wholesale of food,
beverages and tobacco, Wholesale of beverages
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46389, 46392, 46349 - Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Niet-gespecialiseerde groothandel in
niet-diepgevroren voedingsmiddelen, dranken en genotmiddelen, Groothandel in dranken, algemeen assortiment
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : Bvba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1987
Company size : 10-19
Exact company size : 13
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 13
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English
Import regions : Western Europe
Export country : Western Europe - France, Germany, Netherlands
Executive Information
Mr. Herwig Louwagi : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Handel in voedingsproducten.Diepvriesproducten en droge voeding en vers.
Main activities
03480 Meat and fish, deep frozen
03490 Fruit and vegetables, deep frozen
03500 Meals, ready prepared, deep frozen
0350005 Food specialities, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350032 Pizzas, precooked and deep frozen (Distributor)
0350033 Pizza bases, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350034 Pizza toppings, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350035 Pastry based products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350036 Pasta products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350037 Dumplings, sweet and savoury, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350042 Hors d'oeuvres, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350048 Precooked fruit or vegetable based dishes, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350049 Precooked meat or fish based dishes, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350055 Ready cooked meals, deep frozen, to customer specification (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03510 Desserts and bakery products, deep frozen
03350 Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried
03520 Food products, deep frozen, NES
05230 Fruit and vegetables, deep frozen, organic
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0335053 Food products, atomised (Distributor)
0348001 Beef , deep frozen (Distributor)
0348002 Mutton and lamb, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348003 Pork, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348004 Horse meat, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348005 Venison, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348006 Game birds, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348007 Rabbit and hares, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348008 Buffalo meat, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348009 Liver, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348010 Oxtails, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348011 Meat products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348012 Tongue, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348013 Meat and offal, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348014 Poultry, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348016 Seafood and shellfish, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348019 Frogs' legs, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348021 Fish, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348025 Fish products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348027 Fish products in breadcrumbs or batter, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348030 Game, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348031 Snails, edible (escargots), deep frozen (Distributor)
0348032 Kidneys, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349001 Vegetables, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349016 Herbs, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349019 Mushrooms, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349020 Fruit and berries, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349022 Fruit purée, pulp or pieces, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349029 Vegetables, deep frozen, precooked (Distributor)
0349033 Potatoes and potato products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349038 Soup, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351001 Bakery products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351021 Cakes and pastry products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351024 Confectionery, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351026 Desserts, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351029 Pancakes, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351032 Dough and batter, ready prepared, deep frozen (Distributor)
0352028 Cheese, deep frozen (Distributor)
0352038 Sauces, deep frozen (Distributor)
0523001 Vegetables, organic, deep frozen (Distributor)
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Duva Fruit NV
+32 59274169
+32 59273989
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4631, 4721 - Wholesale of fruit and vegetables, Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46319, 47210 - Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v. consumptieaardappelen, Detailhandel in groenten en fruit
in gespecialiseerde winkels
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 4721 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Retail sale of food in specialized stores
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1993
Company size : 20-49
Exact company size : 27
Spoken languages : Dutch, French
Import country : Western Europe - France, Netherlands
Executive Information
Mr. Jan Van der Beke : Vice-President
Mr. Jan Vanderbeke : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Dirk Dumarey : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Groothandel groenten en fruit.
Main activities
02380 Mushrooms and other fungi
02540 Fruit, tropical and subtropical
02210 Root vegetables
0221002 Beetroot (Distributor)
0221004 Carrots (Distributor)
0221008 Horseradish (Distributor)
0221014 Manioc/cassava (Distributor)
0221016 Parsley root (Distributor)
0221017 Parsnips (Distributor)
0221020 Radishes (Distributor)
0221021 Salsify (Distributor)
0221022 Scorzonera/black salsify (Distributor)
0221027 Swedes/rutabaga (Distributor)
0221029 Turnips (Distributor)
0221035 Wasabi (Japanese horseradish) (Distributor)
0221045 Liquorice (Distributor)
Secondary activities
02220 Tuberous and rhizome vegetables
02250 Leaf vegetables
02270 Stalk vegetables
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02580 Sugar plants and crops
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed
02100 Fodder plants
02230 Pulses and legumes
02600 Oilseed plants and crops
0210007 Sainfoin (Distributor)
0222010 Fennel (Distributor)
0222020 Garlic (Distributor)
0222025 Shallots (Distributor)
0222030 Onions (Distributor)
0222031 Spring onions (Distributor)
0222040 Potatoes (Distributor)
0222042 Kohlrabies (Distributor)
0222045 Jerusalem artichokes/topinambours (Distributor)
0222050 Batatas/sweet potatoes (Distributor)
0223001 Beans, broad/field (Distributor)
0223005 Beans, runner (Distributor)
0223006 Beans, Mung/black gram (Distributor)
0223010 Chickpeas (Distributor)
0223015 Lentils (Distributor)
0223025 Pigeon peas (Distributor)
0223026 Vetches (Distributor)
0223028 Black-eyed beans/cowpeas (Distributor)
0225004 Spinach (Distributor)
0225010 Beans, butter (Distributor)
0225011 Beans, French, haricot (Distributor)
0225030 Peas (Distributor)
0225031 Mangetout/sugar peas (Distributor)
0225035 Cabbages (Distributor)
0225036 Curly kale/borecole (Distributor)
0225040 Leeks (Distributor)
0225045 Swiss chard/seakale beet (Distributor)
0225050 Celery (Distributor)
02260 Salads
0226010 Lettuce (Distributor)
0226040 Chicory (Distributor)
0226045 Endives (Distributor)
0226050 Garden cress (Distributor)
0226051 Watercress (Distributor)
0227005 Bamboo shoots (Distributor)
0227008 Rhubarb (Distributor)
0227010 Asparagus (Distributor)
0227020 Celeriac (Distributor)
02280 Flower vegetables
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0228006 Broccoli (Distributor)
0228007 Brussels sprouts (Distributor)
0228010 Artichokes, globe (Distributor)
0228020 Cardoons (Distributor)
0228050 Cauliflowers (Distributor)
02290 Fruit vegetables
0229008 Tomatoes (Distributor)
0229009 Tomatoes, cherry (Distributor)
0229010 Tamarillos/tree tomatoes (Distributor)
0229014 Peppers (Distributor)
0229019 Cucumbers (Distributor)
0229020 Gherkins (Distributor)
0229030 Courgettes (Distributor)
0229040 Eggplant/aubergines (Distributor)
0229045 Melons and watermelons (Distributor)
0229049 Pumpkins (Distributor)
0229050 Marrows (Distributor)
02400 Stone fruits
0240010 Apricots (Distributor)
0240020 Cherries (Distributor)
0240025 Cherries, morello (Distributor)
0240030 Plums (Distributor)
0240035 Damsons (Distributor)
0240040 Nectarines (Distributor)
0240045 Peaches (Distributor)
0240049 Medlars (Distributor)
0240053 Olives (Distributor)
02410 Seed fruits
0241001 Apples (Distributor)
0241003 Pears (Distributor)
0241004 Apple pears/Nashi pears/Asian pears (Distributor)
0241005 Quinces (Distributor)
0241006 Figs (Distributor)
0241010 Grapes, table (Distributor)
0241011 Grapes, seedless (Distributor)
0241012 Grapes, winemaking (Distributor)
02420 Berries
0242001 Strawberries (Distributor)
0242002 Raspberries (Distributor)
0242003 Mulberries (Distributor)
0242004 Blackberries (Distributor)
0242006 Loganberries (Distributor)
0242007 Cloudberries (Distributor)
0242008 Blueberries/bilberries (Distributor)
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0242009 Blackcurrants (Distributor)
0242024 Cranberries (Distributor)
0242025 Lingonberries (Distributor)
0242034 Redcurrants (Distributor)
0242035 Gooseberries (Distributor)
0242039 Kiwi fruit/actinidia (Distributor)
0242040 Pomegranates (Distributor)
0242045 Physalis (Distributor)
0242049 Elderberries (Distributor)
02440 Citrus fruit
0244020 Kumquats (Distributor)
02570 Beverage plants and crops
0257001 Hops (Distributor)
0258020 Sugar beet (Distributor)
0260045 Soya beans (Distributor)
0260050 Soya beans, genetically modified (GM) (Distributor)
02920 Agricultural production processes
0292010 Vegetables, greenhouse (Distributor)
0292020 Vegetables, hydroculture (Distributor)
03450 Food products, chilled, fresh and ultra-fresh
0345022 Soya shoots, fresh (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed
0514001 Fruit, organically farmed (Distributor)
0514020 Berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
0517001 Root vegetables, organic (Distributor)
0517008 Pulses and legumes, organic (Distributor)
0517020 Green vegetables, organic (Distributor)
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Bo Caro SPRL
+32 10245129
1300 WAVRE
+32 10245158
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 8122 - Other building and industrial cleaning activities
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 81220 - Overige reiniging van gebouwen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 8129 - Other building and industrial cleaning activities
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1980
Company size : 0-9
Gross turnover range : Under 500 000 EUR
Exact company size : 4
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Exact company size : 4
Spoken languages : French
Import country : Western Europe - France, Germany, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain
Export country : Western Europe - France
Executive Information
Mr. Michel Vanderstappen : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Ms. Monique Hoebeke : Purchasing Director/Manager
Vente de produits et matériel de nettoyage pour le professionnel et le particulier
Main activities
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic
24320 Cleaning products and detergents
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use
Secondary activities
24420 Brushes, industrial use
24430 Brushes, domestic use
24440 Brooms, industrial use
24450 Brooms, domestic use
24620 Sweepers and floor scrubber driers
24640 Vacuum cleaners
24650 Floor cleaning machinery NES
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Distributor)
0593015 Laundry soaps, organic (Distributor)
2462004 Floor sweepers, electric, domestic (Distributor)
2464018 Vacuum cleaners, electric, commercial (Distributor)
2464019 Vacuum cleaners, electric, domestic (Distributor)
2465008 Floor cleaning machines, commercial (Distributor)
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File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Meatstore NV
+32 92167310
+32 92167311
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4632, 4649 - Wholesale of meat and meat products, Wholesale of other household goods
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46321, 46491 - Groothandel in vlees en vleesproducten, uitgezonderd vlees van wild en van gevogelte,
Groothandel in kranten, boeken en tijdschriften
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 4649 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Wholesale of other household goods
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1990
Company size : 50-99
Exact company size : 50
Employees (company address) : 50-99
Exact company size : 50
Spoken languages : Dutch
Executive Information
Mr. Geert Ally : Chairman
Mr. Freddy Decloedt : Customer Service Director/Manager
Mr. Jo Langeraet : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Vleesindustrie, groothandel in alle soorten vlees.
Main activities
03480 Meat and fish, deep frozen
03120 Meat, dried
03100 Sausages and dry sausages
0310045 Sausages, beef (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03110 Meat and game, processed
03140 Meat, poultry and game, canned and otherwise packaged
03050 Abattoir products, non-processed
0305001 Beef and veal, fresh (Distributor)
0305002 Mutton, lamb and goat, fresh (Distributor)
0305003 Pork, fresh (Distributor)
0305007 Horse meat, fresh (Distributor)
0305008 Rabbit, fresh (Distributor)
0305035 Halal meat (Distributor)
0305036 Halal poultry meat (Distributor)
03090 Delicatessen meats
0309009 Delicatessen meats, halal (Distributor)
0311004 Beef, stewed (Distributor)
0311005 Beef, jellied (Distributor)
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0311006 Roast beef (Distributor)
0311023 Meats, smoked (Distributor)
0314001 Beef and veal, processed and preserved (Distributor)
0314002 Beef and veal, vacuum packed (Distributor)
0314006 Pork, canned (Distributor)
0314007 Pork, processed and preserved (Distributor)
0314020 Halal meat, processed and preserved (Distributor)
0314024 Meats, salted and corned (Distributor)
05190 Meat and fish, chilled, organic
0519001 Meat, organic (Distributor)
80660 Marketing and merchandising services
8066003 Sales network organisation services (Service provider)
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Assabban SA
+32 71391910
+32 71391927
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4771, 4641, 4751 - Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores, Wholesale of textiles, Retail sale of textiles in specialised
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 47715, 46412, 47512 - Detailhandel in kledingaccessoires in gespecialiseerde winkels, Groothandel in
huishoudtextiel en beddengoed, Detailhandel in huishoudtextiel en beddengoed in gespecialiseerde winkels
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4771, 4641, 4751 - Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized stores, Wholesale of textiles,
clothing and footwear, Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1994
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2013) : 2601806 EUR
Exact company size : 14
Gross turnover range (2013) : 2 to 5 million EUR
Spoken languages : French, English
Executive Information
Mr. Rachid Assabban : Director
Mr. Driss Assabban : Director
Mr. Hassan Assabban : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Toutes fournitures de mercerie pour l'industrie des textilesAutres implantations: Assabban SAChaussée de Mons 1001070 Bruxelles02
524 30 7002 524 00 05
Main activities
12240 Twine
12250 Cordage and ropes
12260 Fabrics, man-made fibres
1226042 Fabrics, man-made fibre, printed (Distributor)
Secondary activities
12270 Fabrics, man-made fibres, by use
12280 Fabrics, silk
12300 Fabrics, wool and hair
12310 Fabrics, wool and hair, by use
12330 Fabrics, cotton, for clothing and household linen
12340 Fabrics, cotton, for soft furnishings and upholstery
12360 Fabrics, linen
12370 Fabrics, linen, by use
12400 Fabrics, hemp and jute
12410 Fabrics, vegetable fibres NES
12430 Net and tulle
12440 Net and tulle, by use
12460 Canvas and duck
12470 Linoleum
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12480 Leathercloth
12490 Coated fabrics and oilcloth
12550 Fabrics, knitted
12560 Fabrics, knitted, by use
12570 Nets and netting, textile
12580 Ribbons and tapes, textile
12590 Ribbons and tapes, textile, by use
12600 Trimming materials
12610 Trimming materials, by use
12620 Embroidery, machine-made
12630 Embroidery, machine-made, by use
12640 Embroidery, handmade
12650 Lace, machine-made
12660 Lace, machine-made, by use
12670 Lace, handmade
12700 Wadding and their products, by use
12710 Flocks and their products, textile, by use
12750 Fabrics, non-woven
12760 Fabrics, non-woven, by use
12780 Canvas products
12790 Belts and webbing, textile
12800 Hoses, textile
12820 Covers
12830 Canvas covers
12840 Tents
13420 Elastomeric textile products
15880 Bed linen
23530 Textile articles for medical and surgical use
05890 Household linen, clothing and shoes, organic fabrics
15860 Bath linen
15870 Table linen
15890 Bed covers and quilts
15920 Cushions and pillows
15930 Tapestries
15950 Curtains and blinds
12060 Textile fibres, man-made
12450 Bolting and filter cloths. Gauze
12500 Fabrics for industrial use NES
12810 Bags and sacks, textile
0589001 Household linen, organic fabrics (Distributor)
1206027 Tops, mixed man-made fibres (Distributor)
1206028 Tows, man-made fibres (Distributor)
1228026 Fabrics, silk, printed (Distributor)
1230001 Fabrics, horsehair (Distributor)
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1230140 Fabrics, wool, printed (Distributor)
1233208 Fabrics, cotton, printed, for clothing and household linen (Distributor)
1234039 Fabrics, cotton, printed, for soft furnishings and upholstery (Distributor)
1236029 Fabrics, linen, printed (Distributor)
1237040 Fabrics, linen, for embroidery and needlework (Distributor)
1240049 Fabrics, industrial, jute (Distributor)
1244047 Net for embroidery (Distributor)
1275021 Fabrics, non-woven, printed (Distributor)
1588005 Bedding, non-woven, disposable, for hospitals (Distributor)
1593050 Wall coverings, textile (Distributor)
20740 Haberdashery articles, plastic
2353015 Dressings, non-woven fabrics (Distributor)
2353049 Masks, non-woven, disposable (Distributor)
2353052 Hand towels, disposable, cellulose wadding or non-woven fabrics (Distributor)
8147123 Sacks and bags, textile, second-hand (Distributor)
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Verbist Viande De Bastogne SA
+32 61217638
+32 61217641
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1011, 4632 - Processing and preserving of meat, Wholesale of meat and meat products
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 10110, 46321 - Verwerking en conservering van vlees, exclusief vlees van gevogelte, Groothandel in vlees en
vleesproducten, uitgezonderd vlees van wild en van gevogelte
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1010, 4630 - Processing and preserving of meat, Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1995
Company size : 50-99
Gross Turnover (2014) : 11142779 EUR
Exact company size : 65
Gross turnover range (2014) : 10 to 25 million EUR
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Export region : Central/East Europe, Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Diederik Verbist : Director
Mr. Alexandre Perol : Sales Director/Manager
Mr. Bruno Lambert : Marketing Director/Manager
Mr. Kevin Ternest : IT Director/Manager
Mr. Patrick Plovie : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Mr. Joël Godfrind : Personnel Director/Manager
Stockage, congélation et vente - Spécialiste en viande label meritus, viande bio
Main activities
05190 Meat and fish, chilled, organic
0519001 Meat, organic (Distributor)
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Cebudeco SPRL
+32 26420093
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4690, 4725, 9002 - Non-specialised wholesale trade, Retail sale of beverages in specialised stores, Support activities to
performing arts
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46900, 47252, 90021 - Niet-gespecialiseerde groothandel, Detailhandel in dranken in gespecialiseerde winkels,
algemeen assortiment, Promotie en organisatie van uitvoerende kunstevenementen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4690, 4722, 9000 - Non-specialized wholesale trade, Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores, Creative, arts and
entertainment activities
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2011
Company size : 0-9
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Export region : Worldwide
Executive Information
Mr. Dario Ceccarelli : Export Director/Manager
Single point of contact for export of traditional Belgian Beers: we manage formalities + shipping.Check our website to see our products
and more...
Main activities
04300 Beers
05850 Drinks, alcoholic, organic
0430001 Ales (Distributor)
0430004 Export beers (Distributor)
0430005 Stout beers (Distributor)
0430010 Fruit beers (Distributor)
0430011 Wheat beers (Distributor)
0430030 Beers, bottled (Distributor)
0430034 Beers, keg (Distributor)
0585032 Beers, organic (Distributor)
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A. Dewitte & Fils SA
+32 24131010
+32 24131011
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1011, 4638, 4722 - Processing and preserving of meat, Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs,
Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialised stores
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 10110, 46389, 47221 - Verwerking en conservering van vlees, exclusief vlees van gevogelte, Groothandel in
andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Detailhandel in vlees en vleesproducten in gespecialiseerde winkels, m.u.v. vlees van wild en van
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1010, 4630, 4721 - Processing and preserving of meat, Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Retail sale of food in
specialized stores
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1968
Company size : 0-9
Gross Turnover (2013) : 1500000 EUR
Exact company size : 6
Gross turnover range (2013) : 1 to 2 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Exact company size : 6
Spoken languages : French, Dutch
Executive Information
Mr. Philippe Dewitte : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Épices de 1ière qualité pures ou mélangéesTous ingrédients et additifs alimentaires Poivre vert en sachets Nouvelle gamme chez Adefis
Fooding Service Spécialités pour la restauration hors-foyer Produits traiteurs pour collectivités, épicerie fine, délectaromes, Cap traiteur
Main activities
02500 Edible seeds (Distributor)
03810 Spices and herbs, processed (Distributor)
22190 Natural and chemically derived additives for food and beverages (Distributor)
2219027 Additives for edible fats and oils (Distributor)
2219031 Blood powder, food additive (Distributor)
2219032 Plasma powder, food additive (Distributor)
2219054 Mineral and vitamin additives for the food industry (Distributor)
Secondary activities
02300 Herb and spice plants (Distributor)
0250007 Celery seeds, culinary (Distributor)
0250008 Caraway seeds, culinary (Distributor)
0250009 Aniseed, culinary (Distributor)
0250012 Mustard seeds, culinary (Distributor)
0250027 Sesame seeds, culinary (Distributor)
0250048 Cumin seeds, culinary (Distributor)
0250049 Fennel seeds, culinary (Distributor)
0381002 Spices and herbs, air dried (Distributor)
0381003 Asafoetida powder/hing powder (Distributor)
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0381004 Bay leaves (Distributor)
0381005 Cardamom, processed (Distributor)
0381006 Cassia, processed (Distributor)
0381008 Chillies, red peppers and capsicums, processed (Distributor)
0381010 Chives, processed (Distributor)
0381011 Cinnamon, processed (Distributor)
0381012 Cloves (Distributor)
0381013 Dill, processed (Distributor)
0381014 Ginger, processed (Distributor)
0381015 Lovage, processed (Distributor)
0381016 Marjoram, processed (Distributor)
0381017 Masalas (Distributor)
0381018 Mint (spearmint), processed (Distributor)
0381020 Nutmeg and mace, processed (Distributor)
0381021 Oregano, processed (Distributor)
0381022 Parsley, processed (Distributor)
0381023 Peppercorns (Distributor)
0381024 Pepper, powder (Distributor)
0381025 Saffron, processed (Distributor)
0381026 Sage leaves, processed (Distributor)
0381028 Stevia leaves (Distributor)
0381029 Sweet paprika powder (Distributor)
0381030 Thyme, processed (Distributor)
0381031 Turmeric/curcuma, processed (Distributor)
0381032 Vanilla-pods, processed (Distributor)
0381033 Vanilla powder (Distributor)
0381034 Verbena, processed (Distributor)
0381035 Herbs, mixed (Distributor)
0381036 Spices, mixed (Distributor)
0381038 Medicinal herbs, processed (Distributor)
0381039 Spices, aromatic plants and herbs, ground (Distributor)
0381040 Curry powder (Distributor)
0381041 Chilli powder (Distributor)
0381042 Paprika, processed (Distributor)
0381043 Herb and spice extracts (Distributor)
0381044 Tarragon, processed (Distributor)
0381046 Chervil, processed (Distributor)
0381047 Coriander, processed (Distributor)
0381050 Fenugreek seeds, processed (Distributor)
0381051 Grape seeds for foodstuffs (Distributor)
0381052 Basil, processed (Distributor)
0381053 Poppy seeds, culinary, processed (Distributor)
0381054 Rosemary, processed (Distributor)
0381055 Savory, processed (Distributor)
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05780 Herbs, spices, condiments and sauces, organic (Distributor)
0578001 Spices and herbs, processed, organic (Distributor)
22200 Natural and chemically derived flavourings for food and beverages (Distributor)
2220001 Flavourings, bread making (Distributor)
2220012 Flavourings for edible fats (Distributor)
2220041 Orange blossom water, food additive (Distributor)
2220044 Flavourings, natural, fruit, for the food and beverage industry (Distributor)
2220045 Flavourings, natural, herbal, for the beverage industry (Distributor)
2220046 Flavourings, synthetic, for the food and beverage industry (Distributor)
2220048 Meat flavourings and flavour enhancers, natural (Distributor)
2220049 Meat flavourings and flavour enhancers, chemically derived (Distributor)
23050 Pharmaceutical preparations for metabolism, nutrition, alimentary systems (Distributor)
2305011 Foods and nutrients (Distributor)
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Ranobo Belgium BVBA
+32 14881999
+32 14881071
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1413, 4631, 1412, 4639 - Manufacture of other outerwear, Wholesale of fruit and vegetables, Manufacture of workwear,
Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 14130, 46319, 14120, 46392 - Vervaardiging van andere bovenkleding, Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v.
consumptieaardappelen, Vervaardiging van werkkleding, Niet-gespecialiseerde groothandel in niet-diepgevroren voedingsmiddelen,
dranken en genotmiddelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1410, 4630 - Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel, Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : Bvba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1996
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2012) : 321974 EUR
Exact company size : 12
Gross turnover range (2012) : Under 500 000 EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Brand/Tradename : RANOBO
Exact company size : 12
Spoken languages : Dutch
Executive Information
Mr. Gilles Jeuris : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Groothandel in noten en zuidvruchten
Main activities
02520 Nuts, edible
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed
03860 Nuts, processed
0386001 Nuts, broken (Distributor)
0386002 Nuts, flaked (Distributor)
0386003 Nuts, ground (Distributor)
0386004 Nuts, desiccated (Distributor)
0386005 Nuts, roasted (Distributor)
0386006 Nuts, salted (Distributor)
0386010 Nuts, packaged (Distributor)
0386015 Almonds, processed (Distributor)
0386017 Hazelnuts, processed (Distributor)
0386018 Cashew nuts, processed (Distributor)
0386029 Mixed nuts, processed (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03270 Fruit, dried
0252001 Almonds (Distributor)
0252003 Brazil nuts (Distributor)
0252005 Cashew nuts (Distributor)
0252009 Hazelnuts (Distributor)
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0252016 Pistachio nuts (Distributor)
0252020 Walnuts (Distributor)
0327005 Dates, dried (Distributor)
0327006 Figs, dried (Distributor)
0327014 Bananas, dried (Distributor)
0327015 Apricots, dried (Distributor)
0514036 Nuts, edible, organic (Distributor)
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Bio Service NV
+32 50713811
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4638 - Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46389 - Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g.
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1991
Company size : 0-9
Gross Turnover (2013) : 29617 EUR
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Gross turnover range (2013) : Under 500 000 EUR
Spoken languages : Dutch
Executive Information
Mr. Hugo VAN DEN BERGHEN : Vice-President
Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g.
Main activities
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed
Secondary activities
05190 Meat and fish, chilled, organic
05600 Flour, organic
05660 Pasta and cereals, processed, organic
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic
05210 Dairy products, organic
01820 Crustaceans
01840 Molluscs
0521008 Milk, organic (Distributor)
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Oversnes NV
+32 483064138
2580 PUTTE
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4762, 4649 - Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialised stores, Wholesale of other household goods
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 47620, 46492 - Detailhandel in kranten en kantoorbehoeften in gespecialiseerde winkels, Groothandel in kantooren schoolbenodigdheden
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4761, 4649 - Retail sale of books, newspapers and stationary in specialized stores, Wholesale of other household goods
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1991
Spoken languages : Dutch
Gross turnover range : Under 500 000 EUR
Zelfstandig distributeur van producten in beauty-fashion-health sector
Main activities
05950 Personal care products and cosmetics, organic (Distributor)
24010 Bath and shower products (Distributor)
24050 Face care products (Distributor)
Secondary activities
0595001 Bath and shower products, organic (Distributor)
0595005 Skin and body care products, organic (Distributor)
0595010 Hair care products, organic (Distributor)
0595015 Dental and oral care products, organic (Distributor)
0595020 Make-up products, organic (Distributor)
0595025 Perfumes and perfumery products, organic (Distributor)
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Etablissements Pollet SA
Rue de la Grande Couture 20
+32 69222121
Z.I. de Tournai Ouest
+32 69210283
Kompass ID :
7501 Orcq
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 2041 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 20411 - Vervaardiging van zeep en wasmiddelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 2023 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1978
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2012) : 6203078 EUR
Exact company size : 30
Gross turnover range (2012) : 5 to 10 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 20-49
Brand/Tradename : VIKAN
Exact company size : 30
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Import regions : Worldwide
Export region : Worldwide
Executive Information
Mr. Antoine D'Hondt : Chairman
Mr. Christophe Maisonneuve : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Guillaume Bret : Purchasing Director/Manager
Ms. Sophie Pollet : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Mr. Laurent Vantrimpont : Production Director/Manager
Mr. Olivier Guisset : R & D Director/Manager
Recherche, fabrication et commercialisation de produits de nettoyage et dh'ygiène écologiques de haute technologie - Spécialisation :
protection des sols, traitement des odeurs, dégraissage industriel, maintenance des systèmes à froid, maintenance des bacs à graisses
et canalisations - Spécialiste au service des professionnels du nettoyage, experts des biotechnologies et leader du développement
Main activities
24320 Cleaning products and detergents (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
24340 Soaps (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
24360 Disinfectants, indoor use (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2436012 Disinfectants for the food and beverage industry (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2436013 Disinfectants for the catering industry (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2436014 Disinfectants for stored foods (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
Secondary activities
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
05950 Personal care products and cosmetics, organic (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
22900 Chemicals, by use, NES (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2290022 Odour neutralisers, industrial waste management (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2432001 Detergents, powder (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
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2432002 Detergents, liquid (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2432004 Detergents, soda based (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2432011 Cleaning products, biodegradable (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2434001 Soaps, hard, industrial use (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2434002 Soaps, liquid (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
2434008 Soaps, ammonia (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
24350 Degreasing products (Producer - Distributor - Service provider)
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Flaronis SA
Herbesthaler Strasse 323
+32 87899011
4700 EUPEN
+32 87899038
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4636, 4639, 4638, 2562 - Wholesale of sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery, Non-specialised wholesale of food,
beverages and tobacco, Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs, Machining
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46360, 46392, 46389, 25620 - Groothandel in suiker, chocolade en suikerwerk, Niet-gespecialiseerde groothandel
in niet-diepgevroren voedingsmiddelen, dranken en genotmiddelen, Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Verspanend
bewerken van metalen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 2592 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Treatment and coating of metals
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1987
Company size : 10-19
Brand/Tradename : BEL AMI, CAFE ROYAL N°1, D'ARTAGNAN,
Exact company size : 12
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 12
Spoken languages : French, English, Deutsch
Import country : Western Europe - France, Germany, Italy,
Export region : Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Ronny Flas : Director
Mr. René Flas : Chairman
Distributeur-Importateur en denrées alimentaires, vins, principalement café et chocolat Fabricant en chocolat et pralines
Main activities
04280 Wine, fortified (Producer - Distributor)
03690 Cocoa and chocolate products (Producer - Distributor)
03790 Coffee and coffee substitutes (Producer - Distributor)
0379002 Coffee beans, roasted (Producer - Distributor)
0379003 Coffee beans, caffeine-free/decaffeinated (Producer - Distributor)
0379005 Coffee, African (Producer - Distributor)
0379006 Coffee, Brazilian (Producer - Distributor)
0379007 Coffee, Central America (Producer - Distributor)
0379008 Coffee, Colombian (Producer - Distributor)
0379009 Coffee, Guinean (Producer - Distributor)
0379010 Coffee, Indian (Producer - Distributor)
0379015 Coffee, Arabica (Producer - Distributor)
0379025 Coffee, ground (Producer - Distributor)
0379026 Coffee powder, instant (Producer - Distributor)
0379027 Coffee powder, instant, with milk and sugar (Producer - Distributor)
0379028 Coffee, fig (Producer - Distributor)
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0379029 Coffee, malt (Producer - Distributor)
0379030 Coffee with chicory (Producer - Distributor)
0379031 Coffee, caffeine-free/decaffeinated (Producer - Distributor)
0379032 Mixtures, coffee and coffee substitute (Producer - Distributor)
0379033 Coffee, blended (Producer - Distributor)
0379037 Cappuccino mixes, instant (Producer - Distributor)
0379038 Coffee capsules (Producer - Distributor)
0379040 Coffee, modified atmosphere packaged (MAP)/gas packaged (Producer - Distributor)
0379041 Coffee in tins (Producer - Distributor)
0379042 Coffee in cup filters (Producer - Distributor)
0379043 Coffee, vacuum packed (Producer - Distributor)
0379044 Coffee, packaged (Producer - Distributor)
0379045 Coffee for vending machines (Producer - Distributor)
Secondary activities
03350 Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried (Producer - Distributor)
0335050 Coffee, freeze-dried (Producer - Distributor)
03590 Pastries and cakes (Producer - Distributor)
0359005 Cakes, madeleines (Producer - Distributor)
0359017 Waffles (Producer - Distributor)
03670 Sugar confectionery (Producer - Distributor)
0367033 Chocolate marshmallows (Producer - Distributor)
0367034 Nougat (Producer - Distributor)
0367044 Marzipan confectionery (Producer - Distributor)
0369014 Chocolate liquor (Producer - Distributor)
0369016 Chocolate bars (Producer - Distributor)
0369055 Chocolate truffles (Producer - Distributor)
03770 Tea (Producer - Distributor)
0377032 Tea in tea bags (Producer - Distributor)
04190 Wine, grape (Producer - Distributor)
04260 Wine, sparkling (Producer - Distributor)
0426004 Wine, sparkling, champagne method (Producer - Distributor)
0428002 Port (Producer - Distributor)
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed (Producer - Distributor)
0512008 Coffee, organically farmed (Producer - Distributor)
0512013 Tea, organically farmed (Producer - Distributor)
56690 Promotional articles and corporate giftware (Producer - Distributor)
5669101 Food hampers, promotional (Producer - Distributor)
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Ex-En Importmaatschappij Weiss BVBA
+32 15552011
+32 15553002
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4631 - Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46319 - Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v. consumptieaardappelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : Bvba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1968
Company size : 0-9
Gross Turnover (2012) : 6417632 EUR
Exact company size : 8
Gross turnover range (2012) : 5 to 10 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Exact company size : 8
Spoken languages : Dutch, Deutsch, French
Import regions : Western Europe
Export region : Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Bernard Buyck : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Export en import van verse groenten en fruit. Internationale koel- en diepvriestransporten in gans E.E.G.
Main activities
02260 Salads
02280 Flower vegetables
02290 Fruit vegetables
0229008 Tomatoes (Distributor)
0229009 Tomatoes, cherry (Distributor)
0229010 Tamarillos/tree tomatoes (Distributor)
0229014 Peppers (Distributor)
0229019 Cucumbers (Distributor)
0229020 Gherkins (Distributor)
0229030 Courgettes (Distributor)
0229040 Eggplant/aubergines (Distributor)
0229045 Melons and watermelons (Distributor)
0229049 Pumpkins (Distributor)
0229050 Marrows (Distributor)
Secondary activities
02920 Agricultural production processes
03450 Food products, chilled, fresh and ultra-fresh
02210 Root vegetables
02220 Tuberous and rhizome vegetables
02250 Leaf vegetables
02270 Stalk vegetables
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02580 Sugar plants and crops
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed
02230 Pulses and legumes
02380 Mushrooms and other fungi
02600 Oilseed plants and crops
0221002 Beetroot (Distributor)
0221004 Carrots (Distributor)
0221008 Horseradish (Distributor)
0221014 Manioc/cassava (Distributor)
0221016 Parsley root (Distributor)
0221017 Parsnips (Distributor)
0221020 Radishes (Distributor)
0221021 Salsify (Distributor)
0221022 Scorzonera/black salsify (Distributor)
0221027 Swedes/rutabaga (Distributor)
0221029 Turnips (Distributor)
0222010 Fennel (Distributor)
0222020 Garlic (Distributor)
0222025 Shallots (Distributor)
0222030 Onions (Distributor)
0222031 Spring onions (Distributor)
0222040 Potatoes (Distributor)
0222042 Kohlrabies (Distributor)
0222045 Jerusalem artichokes/topinambours (Distributor)
0222050 Batatas/sweet potatoes (Distributor)
0225004 Spinach (Distributor)
0225035 Cabbages (Distributor)
0225036 Curly kale/borecole (Distributor)
0225040 Leeks (Distributor)
0225045 Swiss chard/seakale beet (Distributor)
0225050 Celery (Distributor)
0226010 Lettuce (Distributor)
0226040 Chicory (Distributor)
0226045 Endives (Distributor)
0226050 Garden cress (Distributor)
0226051 Watercress (Distributor)
0227005 Bamboo shoots (Distributor)
0227008 Rhubarb (Distributor)
0227010 Asparagus (Distributor)
0227020 Celeriac (Distributor)
0228006 Broccoli (Distributor)
0228007 Brussels sprouts (Distributor)
0228010 Artichokes, globe (Distributor)
0228020 Cardoons (Distributor)
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0228050 Cauliflowers (Distributor)
02400 Stone fruits
0240010 Apricots (Distributor)
0240020 Cherries (Distributor)
0240025 Cherries, morello (Distributor)
0240030 Plums (Distributor)
0240035 Damsons (Distributor)
0240040 Nectarines (Distributor)
0240045 Peaches (Distributor)
0240049 Medlars (Distributor)
0240050 Loquats (Distributor)
0240053 Olives (Distributor)
02410 Seed fruits
0241001 Apples (Distributor)
0241003 Pears (Distributor)
0241004 Apple pears/Nashi pears/Asian pears (Distributor)
0241005 Quinces (Distributor)
0241006 Figs (Distributor)
0241010 Grapes, table (Distributor)
0241011 Grapes, seedless (Distributor)
0241012 Grapes, winemaking (Distributor)
02420 Berries
0242001 Strawberries (Distributor)
0242002 Raspberries (Distributor)
0242003 Mulberries (Distributor)
0242004 Blackberries (Distributor)
0242006 Loganberries (Distributor)
0242007 Cloudberries (Distributor)
0242008 Blueberries/bilberries (Distributor)
0242009 Blackcurrants (Distributor)
0242024 Cranberries (Distributor)
0242025 Lingonberries (Distributor)
0242034 Redcurrants (Distributor)
0242035 Gooseberries (Distributor)
0242039 Kiwi fruit/actinidia (Distributor)
0242040 Pomegranates (Distributor)
0242045 Physalis (Distributor)
0242049 Elderberries (Distributor)
02440 Citrus fruit
0244001 Lemons (Distributor)
0244002 Limes (Distributor)
0244003 Oranges (Distributor)
0244004 Mandarins (Distributor)
0244005 Bitter oranges (Distributor)
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0244008 Tangerines (Distributor)
0244009 Grapefruit (Distributor)
0244020 Kumquats (Distributor)
02540 Fruit, tropical and subtropical
0254001 Avocados (Distributor)
0254002 Babaco (Distributor)
0254003 Bananas (Distributor)
0254005 Cherimoya (Distributor)
0254006 Dates (Distributor)
0254007 Durians (Distributor)
0254009 Feijoa (Distributor)
0254012 Guavas (Distributor)
0254013 Jackfruit/langka (Distributor)
0254014 Lychees (Distributor)
0254015 Lanzones (Distributor)
0254016 Mangoes (Distributor)
0254017 Mangosteens (Distributor)
0254019 Papayas/pawpaws (Distributor)
0254020 Passion fruit/grenadilla (Distributor)
0254022 Persimmons (Distributor)
0254023 Pineapples (Distributor)
0254024 Plantain (Distributor)
0254025 Prickly pears (Distributor)
0254028 Rambutans (Distributor)
0254029 Santol (Distributor)
0254030 Star apple/camito, carambola/star fruit (Distributor)
0254031 Sugar apple/atis (Distributor)
0254033 Tamarinds (Distributor)
02570 Beverage plants and crops
0257001 Hops (Distributor)
0258020 Sugar beet (Distributor)
02590 Industrial plants and crops
0259008 Vanilla-pods (Distributor)
0260045 Soya beans (Distributor)
0260050 Soya beans, genetically modified (GM) (Distributor)
0292010 Vegetables, greenhouse (Distributor)
0292020 Vegetables, hydroculture (Distributor)
0345022 Soya shoots, fresh (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed
0514001 Fruit, organically farmed (Distributor)
0514020 Berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
0517001 Root vegetables, organic (Distributor)
0517020 Green vegetables, organic (Distributor)
75050 Road transport services classified by type of freight
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7505002 Road transport services, refrigerated (Service provider)
7505021 Road transport services for horses (Service provider)
7505028 Road transport services, foodstuffs (Service provider)
7505050 Road transport services, international, for perishable goods (Service provider)
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Green Line Industrial SPRL
+32 71875845
Zoning Industriel - -
+32 71875846
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 2041, 2562 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, Machining
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 20411, 25620 - Vervaardiging van zeep en wasmiddelen, Verspanend bewerken van metalen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 2023, 2592 - Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations,
Treatment and coating of metals
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1986
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2012) : 8000000 EUR
Exact company size : 10
Gross turnover range (2012) : 5 to 10 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 10
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Export country : Western Europe, Central/East Europe, Middle East Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Sweden, United Arab
Emirates, United Kingdom
Executive Information
Mr. Fouad Jebali : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Mr. Jacques Gérard : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Mr. Paul de Bruyne : Marketing Director/Manager
Fabrication et vente de produits de maintenance, de nettoyage et d'entretien respectueux de l'environnement
Main activities
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use
24320 Cleaning products and detergents (Producer)
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Distributor)
0593015 Laundry soaps, organic (Distributor)
Secondary activities
2432006 Detergents, biodegradable (Producer)
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Buissonniere SA
+32 10400393
1300 WAVRE
+32 10415949
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4641, 4642, 1512 - Wholesale of textiles, Wholesale of clothing and footwear, Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the
like, saddlery and harness
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46412, 46423, 15120 - Groothandel in huishoudtextiel en beddengoed, Groothandel in kleding, met uitzondering
van werk- en onderkleding, Vervaardiging van koffers, tassen en dergelijke en van zadel- en tuigmakerswerk
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4641, 1512 - Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear, Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1990
Company size : 0-9
Gross Turnover (2013) : 6235588 EUR
Exact company size : 8
Gross turnover range (2013) : 5 to 10 million EUR
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Import country : Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Central Asia - China,
India, Portugal
Export region : Central/East Europe, Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Christian Goethals : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Création et vente de vêtements.
Main activities
13090 Clothes for children
13130 Clothes for babies
13370 Headgear (Producer)
1337003 Headgear for babies and children (Producer)
Secondary activities
13040 Clothes for women
13060 Clothes for men
13210 Sportswear and leisurewear
13290 Knitwear
13010 Fashion designers
05890 Household linen, clothing and shoes, organic fabrics
0589022 Clothes, organic fabrics (Distributor)
1301004 Design and production services, fashion pattern for the clothing industry (Service provider)
1304002 Jackets for women (Producer)
1304003 Parkas for women (Producer)
1304006 Jackets and blazers, for women (Distributor)
1304010 Skirts, short and long (Distributor)
1304013 Dresses, short and long (Distributor)
1304023 Shirts and blouses for women (Distributor)
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1304025 Tunics for women (Distributor)
1304027 Trousers for women (Distributor)
1304031 Jeans for women (Producer)
1304032 Jackets and skirts, denim (Distributor)
1304034 Shorts for women (Distributor)
1304050 Clothes, outsize, for women (Distributor)
13050 Underwear and nightwear for women
1306002 Parkas for men (Distributor)
1306004 Jackets for men (Producer)
1306006 Suit jackets for men (Distributor)
1306007 Blazers for men (Distributor)
1306013 Shirt, short sleeved, for men (Distributor)
1306014 Shirt, long sleeved, for men (Distributor)
1306023 Trousers, ready-made, for men and boys (Distributor)
1306024 Jeans for men (Distributor)
1306025 Bermuda shorts for men (Distributor)
1306026 Shorts for men (Distributor)
13070 Underwear and nightwear for men
1309001 Coats for children (Producer)
1309009 Shirts for children (Distributor)
1309011 Blouses and tunics for children (Producer)
1309019 Dresses for children (Distributor)
1309020 Skirts and half slips, for children (Distributor)
1309022 Trousers for children (Distributor)
1309023 Jeans for children (Distributor)
13110 Underwear and nightwear for children
1313001 Coats for babies (Producer)
1313012 Shirts for babies (Producer)
1313013 Dresses for babies (Distributor)
1313014 Skirts for babies (Distributor)
13140 Underwear and nightwear for babies
13150 Stockings and tights
13180 Special occasions clothes
1318001 Dresses, wedding (bridal-wear), ready-made (Distributor)
1318005 Dresses, communion and christening (Distributor)
13190 Swimwear and beachwear
13200 Sportswear, by sport type
1320030 Sportswear, diving (Distributor)
1320031 Sportswear, water skiing (Distributor)
1321009 Sports shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts (Producer)
1321026 Outerwear, weatherproof and waterproof, breathable (Distributor)
13240 Costumes, traditional and theatrical
1324013 Stage costumes and special effects properties, rubber, theatrical (Distributor)
13250 Clothing, weatherproof and waterproof, by fabric and use
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1325010 Outerwear, weatherproof and waterproof, rubber (Distributor)
13260 Clothes and articles, weatherproof and waterproof
1326010 Jackets, weatherproof and waterproof (Distributor)
13270 Leather clothing
1327001 Coats and jackets, leather (Distributor)
1327004 Trousers, leather (Distributor)
1327005 Skirts, leather (Distributor)
1327006 Dresses, leather (Distributor)
13280 Fur clothing and products
1328003 Jackets, fur (Distributor)
1329005 Pullovers, knitted (Producer)
1329010 Jackets, knitted (Distributor)
13350 Neckties, cravats, scarves and shawls
13360 Gloves
13510 Workwear and workwear accessories
1351002 Blouses, rubber (Distributor)
1351008 Dungarees, bodysuits and work trousers (Distributor)
13530 Protective and safety work clothing, by fabric
1353004 Clothing, protective, rubber and plastic (Distributor)
13540 Protective and safety work clothing, by use
1354028 Aprons, rubber, for X-ray use (Distributor)
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Pranarôm International SA
Avenue des Artisans 37
+32 68264364
7822 Ghislenghien
+32 68331896
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 2053, 4675 - Manufacture of essential oils, Wholesale of chemical products
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 20530, 46751 - Vervaardiging van etherische oliën, Groothandel in chemische producten voor industrieel gebruik
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 2029, 4669 - Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c., Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c.
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1985
Company size : 50-99
Gross Turnover (2014) : 25002944 EUR
Exact company size : 95
Gross turnover range (2014) : 25 to 50 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 50-99
Brand/Tradename : PRANAROM
Exact company size : 95
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, English
Import country : Central/East Europe, South America, North
America, Western Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific - Australia, Brazil,
Canada, France, Madagascar, Morocco, Slovenia, Viet Nam
Export region : Worldwide
Executive Information
Mr. Dominique Baudoux : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Pranarôm International est un laboratoire familial dans le domaine de l’aromathérapie scientifique et des huiles essentielles de qualité
Main activities
21980 Aroma compounds, essential oils (Producer - Distributor)
05940 Essential and natural oils, organic (Producer - Distributor)
0594001 Essential oils, aromatherapy, organic (Producer - Distributor)
0594002 Essential oils, food grade, organic (Producer - Distributor)
0594009 Essential oils, organic, for cosmetics and perfumes (Producer - Distributor)
2198001 Almond and bitter almond oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198002 Amber, myrrh (Producer - Distributor)
2198003 Amyris oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198004 Anethole (Producer - Distributor)
2198005 Angelica oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198006 Aniseed oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198007 Sea buckthorn oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198008 Argan oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198009 Basil oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198010 Bay oil/myrica oil, laurel oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198011 Gum benzoin/Benjamin/benzoin resin for perfumery (Producer - Distributor)
2198012 Birch tar oil, birch bud oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198013 Cade oil/juniper tar oil (Producer - Distributor)
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2198014 Cajuput oil, cubeb oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198015 Calamus oil, hop oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198016 Calendula oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198017 Camomile oil, spikenard oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198018 Caraway oil, dill oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198019 Carvacrol (Producer - Distributor)
2198020 Cascarilla oil, gingergrass oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198021 Cedar leaf oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198022 Cedarwood oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198023 Celery seed oil, carrot oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198024 Cherry laurel oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198025 Cinchona bark oil/China bark oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198026 Cinnamon leaf oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198027 Cinnamon oil, cassia oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198028 Citronella oil, lemon grass oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198029 Citrus peel oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198030 Clove leaf oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198031 Clove oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198032 Copaiba, mastic, zdravets (Producer - Distributor)
2198033 Coriander oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198034 Cypress oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198035 Elemi, pimento (Producer - Distributor)
2198036 Eucalyptus oil, camphor oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198037 Evening primrose oil/onagra oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198038 Farnesol (Producer - Distributor)
2198039 Fennel oil, cumin oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198040 Galbanum, opopanax (Producer - Distributor)
2198042 Geranium oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198043 Ginger oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198044 Helichrysum oils (Producer - Distributor)
2198045 Heliotropin/piperonal (Producer - Distributor)
2198046 Hemlock oil/spruce oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198047 Hyssop oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198048 Jasmine oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198049 Jasmone (Producer - Distributor)
2198050 Juniper oil/juniper berry oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198051 Lavender oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198052 Leek oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198053 Linaloe oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198054 Lovage oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198055 Massoia bark oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198101 Marjoram oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198102 Mimosa extracts (Producer - Distributor)
2198103 Mint oil (Producer - Distributor)
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2198104 Moss extracts for toiletries (Producer - Distributor)
2198105 Musk, civet, castoreum, vetiver oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198106 Mustard oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198107 Myrtle oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198108 Nutmeg oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198109 Rose-hip seed oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198111 Origanum oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198112 Orris oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198113 Orris root extracts for perfumery (Producer - Distributor)
2198114 Palmarosa oil, cardamom oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198115 Parsley oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198116 Parsley seed oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198117 Patchouli oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198118 Pennyroyal oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198119 Pepper oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198120 Peppermint oil, spearmint oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198121 Peru balsam (Producer - Distributor)
2198122 Petitgrain bigarade oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198123 Pine bark extract (Producer - Distributor)
2198124 Pine needle oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198125 Polygala senega (Producer - Distributor)
2198126 Rosemary oil, thyme oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198127 Rosewood oil, rose otto (Producer - Distributor)
2198128 Rue oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198129 Sage oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198130 Sandalwood and agarwood oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198131 Santalol (Producer - Distributor)
2198132 Sassafras oil, guaiacwood oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198133 Savin oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198134 Shiu oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198135 Styrax oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198136 Bergamot oil, neroli oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198137 Burdock oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198138 Tansy oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198139 Tarragon oil/estragon oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198140 Tea tree oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198141 Terpin (Producer - Distributor)
2198142 Tobacco essences and extracts (Producer - Distributor)
2198143 Tolu balsam (Producer - Distributor)
2198144 Tonka bean oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198145 Vanilla extracts (Producer - Distributor)
2198146 Verbena oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198147 Watermelon seed oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198148 Wintergreen oil (Producer - Distributor)
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2198149 Chenopodium oil/wormseed oil, wormwood oil/absinthe oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198150 Ylang-ylang oil, cananga oil (Producer - Distributor)
2198151 Balsams and oleoresins (Producer - Distributor)
2198152 Perfume oils (Producer - Distributor)
2198153 Essential oils NES (Producer - Distributor)
2198154 Aroma compounds and essential oils for perfumery (Producer - Distributor)
2198155 Essences, natural, for aromatherapy (Producer - Distributor)
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Distribio SCRL
+32 25121203
+32 25122461
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4639, 4638, 4645 - Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Wholesale of other food, including fish,
crustaceans and molluscs, Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46392, 46389, 46450 - Niet-gespecialiseerde groothandel in niet-diepgevroren voedingsmiddelen, dranken en
genotmiddelen, Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Groothandel in parfumerieën en cosmetica
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 4649 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Wholesale of other household goods
General Information
Legal form : SCrl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1987
Company size : 10-19
Exact company size : 15
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 15
Spoken languages : French, English
Import country : Western Europe - France
Export country : Western Europe - Luxembourg
Executive Information
Ms. Patricia Baldach : Manager
Distribution exclusive des produits bio et écologique dans le domaine alimentaire et cosmétique
Main activities
05950 Personal care products and cosmetics, organic
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed
Secondary activities
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed
05190 Meat and fish, chilled, organic
05210 Dairy products, organic
05600 Flour, organic
05660 Pasta and cereals, processed, organic
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic
0595001 Bath and shower products, organic (Distributor)
0595005 Skin and body care products, organic (Distributor)
0595010 Hair care products, organic (Distributor)
0595015 Dental and oral care products, organic (Distributor)
0595020 Make-up products, organic (Distributor)
0595025 Perfumes and perfumery products, organic (Distributor)
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Verpa Benelux NV
+32 13663865
+32 13666372
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4644, 4675 - Wholesale of china and glassware and cleaning materials, Wholesale of chemical products
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46442, 46751 - Groothandel in reinigingsmiddelen, Groothandel in chemische producten voor industrieel gebruik
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4649, 4669 - Wholesale of other household goods, Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products n.e.c.
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1973
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2014) : 13236332 EUR
Exact company size : 28
Gross turnover range (2014) : 10 to 25 million EUR
Spoken languages : Dutch, French
Import country : Western Europe - France, Germany, Netherlands
Executive Information
Mr. Pascal Verspreet : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Ms. Nadia Verspreet : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Mr. Patrice Stroobants : Sales Director/Manager
Mr. Henri De Leppe : IT Director/Manager
Mr. Pascal Verpsreet : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Ms. Griet Janssens : Personnel Director/Manager
Reinigingsproducten en onderhoudsproducten - Groothandelonderhoudsproducten en materialen
Main activities
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic
24330 Cleaning products and detergents, by use
24370 Indoor deodorants and air fresheners
Secondary activities
24420 Brushes, industrial use
24430 Brushes, domestic use
24440 Brooms, industrial use
24450 Brooms, domestic use
24490 Sponges
24340 Soaps
24320 Cleaning products and detergents
0593001 Cleaning products and detergents, organic (Distributor)
0593015 Laundry soaps, organic (Distributor)
16320 Hygiene paper
1632015 Towels, paper (Distributor)
1632031 Kitchen rolls, paper (Distributor)
1632040 Wipes, paper, industrial, disposable (Distributor)
20470 Bags and sacks, plastic, by use
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2047044 Bags and sacks, plastic, for waste/refuse (Distributor)
24090 Foot care, hand care and nail care products
2409001 Hand care creams and lotions (Distributor)
2409002 Cleansers, abrasive, for hands (Distributor)
2409003 Cleansers, non-abrasive, for hands (Distributor)
2409004 Cleansers, gel, for hands (Distributor)
24180 Cosmetic products and hygiene products NES
2418018 Barrier creams (Distributor)
2418025 Toilet paper (Distributor)
2432001 Detergents, powder (Distributor)
2432002 Detergents, liquid (Distributor)
2434002 Soaps, liquid (Distributor)
2434040 Soaps, household (Distributor)
24350 Degreasing products
2435038 Pastes, grease removing, for hands (Distributor)
24380 Polishes
2438015 Polishes, slip resistant (Distributor)
2438016 Polishes, antiseptic (Distributor)
2438028 Polishes for floors (Distributor)
2438031 Polishes for furniture (Distributor)
2438036 Polishes for glass (Distributor)
2438039 Polishes for wooden floors (Distributor)
2443005 Brushes, rubber, domestic (Distributor)
2443006 Brushes, plastic, domestic (Distributor)
24500 Kitchen and cleaning cloths
2450040 Cleaning cloths, antistatic (Distributor)
24550 Buckets and shovels, domestic use
2455002 Buckets/pails, plastic, domestic (Distributor)
24590 Waste bins and waste-paper baskets
2459015 Litter bins, metal (Distributor)
2459016 Waste bins and waste-paper baskets, metal (Distributor)
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Damhert Nutrition NV
Kapelstraat 154
+32 11425039
3550 Heusden-Zolder
+32 11433128
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4638, 4729 - Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs, Other retail sale of food in specialised stores
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46389, 47299, 46381 - Groothandel in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Overige detailhandel in voedingsmiddelen
in gespecialiseerde winkels, n.e.g., Groothandel in vis en schaal- en weekdieren
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 4721 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Retail sale of food in specialized stores
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1986
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2014) : 14945854 EUR
Exact company size : 40
Gross turnover range (2014) : 10 to 25 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 20-49
Exact company size : 40
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English
Export country : Central/East Europe, Western Europe, North
America, Central America, South America, Africa - Malta, Morocco,
United Kingdom
Executive Information
Mr. Jan Remen : MD/Chief Operating Officer
NatuurvoedingsmarktOntwikkeling, productie en distributie van producten op basis van tagatose - Bio- en vegetarische producten Gluten-, lactose-, en suikervrijeproducten - Low calories producten - Vezelrijk producten - Zoutarm producten - Shampooing, honing, thé,
cake, centwafer, chocolade, dieetconfituur, chocopasta, kompot, koffievervanger, soep, bonbons, cornflakes, dressing, groenten, worst,
burger, enz.
Main activities
03710 Diet products (Producer - Distributor)
03720 Health products (Producer - Distributor)
03730 Sport food products (Producer)
0373051 Beverages, dietetic, protein enriched (Producer)
0373053 Glucose soft drinks (Producer)
Secondary activities
03200 Cheese (Producer)
0320032 Cheese, vegetarian (Producer)
03660 Honey products (Distributor)
0366003 Honey (Distributor)
0371002 Health and diet foods, probiotic (Producer)
0371003 Nut and protein foods, dietetic (Producer)
0371004 Health foods, high fibre (Distributor)
0371005 Soya shoots, dietetic (Producer)
0371006 Soya spreads, savoury (Distributor)
0371007 Health food bars (Producer)
0371008 Bakery products, dietetic (Producer)
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0371009 Rusks, dietetic (Producer)
0371010 Crispbread, dietetic (Producer)
0371011 Bread, dietetic (Producer)
0371012 Salt, low sodium, dietetic (Distributor)
0371013 Yeast tablets (Producer)
0371014 Biscuits, dietetic (Producer)
0371015 Crackers, low calorie (Producer)
0371018 Cocoa powder, dietetic (Producer)
0371025 Meals, ready prepared, dietetic (Producer)
0371030 Fibres, dietetic (Producer)
0371031 Bran, dietetic (Producer)
0371032 Cereal germs, dietetic (Producer)
0371033 Flour, dietetic (Producer)
0371034 Pasta, dietetic (Producer)
0371035 Ginseng roots (Producer)
0371036 Ginseng powders and extracts (Producer)
0371037 Ginseng in capsules (Producer)
0371038 Ginseng tea (Producer)
0371040 Ginseng tonic (Producer)
0371041 Vegetables, prepared, dietetic (Producer)
0371042 Legume based diet foods (Producer)
0371043 Vegetable protein foods, textured (TVP) (meat substitutes) (Producer)
0371044 Malt products, dietetic (Producer)
0371046 Oil, dietetic (Producer)
0371047 Vinegar, dietetic (Producer)
0371048 Mustard and sauces, dietetic (Producer)
0371049 Mayonnaise, egg-free (Producer)
0371050 Vegetable milk, dietetic (Producer)
0371052 Soft drinks, dietetic (Producer)
0371053 Additives and base materials for health foods (Producer)
0371054 Drink concentrates, dietetic (Producer)
0371055 Juices, fruit and vegetable, dietetic (Producer)
0372001 Health and diet foods, lactose free (Producer)
0372002 Health and diet foods, gluten free (Producer)
0372003 Health and diet foods, low salt content (Producer)
0372008 Bakery products, for diabetics (Producer)
0372009 Rusks, for diabetics (Producer)
0372010 Crispbread, for diabetics (Producer)
0372011 Biscuits for diabetics (Producer)
0372012 Biscuits, charcoal, medicinal (Producer)
0372014 Chocolate for diabetics (Producer)
0372015 Cocoa powder, for diabetics (Producer)
0372016 Confectionery for diabetics (Producer)
0372017 Diabetic foods, cereal based (Producer)
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0372018 Fruit products for diabetics (Producer)
0372019 Jam for diabetics (Producer)
0372020 Pasta for diabetics (Producer)
0372021 Jelly crystals for diabetics (Producer)
0372035 Biscuits, gluten free (Producer)
0372039 Jam and preserves, dietetic (Producer)
0372045 Pasta, gluten free (Producer)
03770 Tea (Distributor)
0377039 Tea in chests (Distributor)
04290 Wine, non-grape (Producer)
0429018 Ginseng wine (Producer)
04400 Fruit juices (Producer)
0440034 Fruit juices, unsweetened (Producer)
04480 Lemonade, carbonated and soft drinks, non-alcoholic (Distributor)
0448014 Ginseng soft drinks (Producer)
0448016 Soft drinks, tea based (Distributor)
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed (Distributor)
05210 Dairy products, organic (Distributor)
05600 Flour, organic (Distributor)
05660 Pasta and cereals, processed, organic (Distributor)
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic (Distributor)
21960 Carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes (Producer)
2196029 Xylose for diabetics (Producer)
22220 Natural and chemically derived sweeteners for food and beverages (Producer)
2222025 Saccharin (Producer)
22230 Natural and chemically derived texture agents for food and beverages (Distributor)
2223015 Gelatine, edible (Distributor)
2223016 Gelatine, edible, powdered (Distributor)
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Magnus Kwaliteitswijnen NV
Mechelsesteenweg 313
+32 33265533
2550 Kontich
+32 33265899
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Branch
Established date : 1985
Company size : 20-49
Exact company size : 25
Employees (company address) : 20-49
Exact company size : 25
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English
Import country : South America, Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Africa
- Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Italy, Portugal, South Africa,
Executive Information
Mr. Filip Magnus : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Groot- en kleinhandel in kwaliteitswijnen.
Main activities
04190 Wine, grape
04200 Wine, country specific
05850 Drinks, alcoholic, organic
0585010 Wines, organic (Distributor)
Secondary activities
0419001 Wines, red (Distributor)
0419002 Wines, white (Distributor)
0419003 Wines, rosé (Distributor)
0419005 Wines, green (Distributor)
0419006 Wines, table (Distributor)
0420001 Wine, red, Cabernet Franc (Distributor)
0420002 Wine, red, Cabernet Sauvignon (Distributor)
0420004 Wine, red, Merlot (Distributor)
0420005 Wine, red, Pinot Noir (Distributor)
0420006 Wine, red, Syrah/Shiraz (Distributor)
0420010 Wine, white, Chardonnay (Distributor)
0420011 Wine, white, Gewürztraminer (Distributor)
0420013 Wine, white, Pinot Gris (Distributor)
0420014 Wine, white, Riesling (Distributor)
0420015 Wine, white, Sauvignon Blanc (Distributor)
0420016 Wine, white, Sémillon (Distributor)
0420024 Wines, Australian (Distributor)
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0420028 Wines, Chilean (Distributor)
0420033 Wines, French, AOC (Distributor)
0420034 Wines, French, VDQS (Distributor)
0420038 Wines, Italian, DOC (Distributor)
0420040 Wines, Portuguese (Distributor)
0420044 Wines, Spanish (Distributor)
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Guidofruit NV
+32 22427070
+32 22429731
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4631 - Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46319 - Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v. consumptieaardappelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1975
Company size : 20-49
Gross Turnover (2014) : 25678909 EUR
Exact company size : 28
Gross turnover range (2014) : 25 to 50 million EUR
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English, Italian, Spanish
Import country : Western Europe - France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain
Export country : Western Europe - Netherlands
Executive Information
Mr. Dirk Heerman : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Rudi Heerman : Manager
Invoer en uitvoer van groenten en fruit.
Main activities
02220 Tuberous and rhizome vegetables
02250 Leaf vegetables
02260 Salads
0226010 Lettuce (Distributor)
0226040 Chicory (Distributor)
0226050 Garden cress (Distributor)
0226051 Watercress (Distributor)
Secondary activities
02270 Stalk vegetables
02280 Flower vegetables
02290 Fruit vegetables
02920 Agricultural production processes
03450 Food products, chilled, fresh and ultra-fresh
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed
02400 Stone fruits
02410 Seed fruits
02420 Berries
02570 Beverage plants and crops
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed
02210 Root vegetables
02230 Pulses and legumes
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02380 Mushrooms and other fungi
02440 Citrus fruit
02540 Fruit, tropical and subtropical
02600 Oilseed plants and crops
0222010 Fennel (Distributor)
0222030 Onions (Distributor)
0222040 Potatoes (Distributor)
0222042 Kohlrabies (Distributor)
0225004 Spinach (Distributor)
0225035 Cabbages (Distributor)
0225036 Curly kale/borecole (Distributor)
0225045 Swiss chard/seakale beet (Distributor)
0225050 Celery (Distributor)
0227008 Rhubarb (Distributor)
0227010 Asparagus (Distributor)
0227020 Celeriac (Distributor)
0228006 Broccoli (Distributor)
0228007 Brussels sprouts (Distributor)
0228010 Artichokes, globe (Distributor)
0228020 Cardoons (Distributor)
0228050 Cauliflowers (Distributor)
0229008 Tomatoes (Distributor)
0229009 Tomatoes, cherry (Distributor)
0229010 Tamarillos/tree tomatoes (Distributor)
0229014 Peppers (Distributor)
0229019 Cucumbers (Distributor)
0229020 Gherkins (Distributor)
0229030 Courgettes (Distributor)
0229040 Eggplant/aubergines (Distributor)
0229045 Melons and watermelons (Distributor)
0229049 Pumpkins (Distributor)
0229050 Marrows (Distributor)
0240010 Apricots (Distributor)
0240020 Cherries (Distributor)
0240025 Cherries, morello (Distributor)
0240030 Plums (Distributor)
0240035 Damsons (Distributor)
0240040 Nectarines (Distributor)
0240045 Peaches (Distributor)
0240049 Medlars (Distributor)
0240053 Olives (Distributor)
0241001 Apples (Distributor)
0241003 Pears (Distributor)
0241004 Apple pears/Nashi pears/Asian pears (Distributor)
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0241005 Quinces (Distributor)
0241006 Figs (Distributor)
0241010 Grapes, table (Distributor)
0241011 Grapes, seedless (Distributor)
0241012 Grapes, winemaking (Distributor)
0242001 Strawberries (Distributor)
0242002 Raspberries (Distributor)
0242004 Blackberries (Distributor)
0242006 Loganberries (Distributor)
0242007 Cloudberries (Distributor)
0242008 Blueberries/bilberries (Distributor)
0242009 Blackcurrants (Distributor)
0242024 Cranberries (Distributor)
0242025 Lingonberries (Distributor)
0242034 Redcurrants (Distributor)
0242035 Gooseberries (Distributor)
0242039 Kiwi fruit/actinidia (Distributor)
0242040 Pomegranates (Distributor)
0257001 Hops (Distributor)
0260045 Soya beans (Distributor)
0260050 Soya beans, genetically modified (GM) (Distributor)
0292010 Vegetables, greenhouse (Distributor)
0345022 Soya shoots, fresh (Distributor)
0514001 Fruit, organically farmed (Distributor)
0514020 Berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
0517020 Green vegetables, organic (Distributor)
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Café Liégeois SA
Rue de Verviers 181
+32 87679173
4651 Battice
+32 87660236
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1083, 4637 - Processing of tea and coffee, Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 10830, 46370 - Verwerking van thee en koffie, Groothandel in koffie, thee, cacao en specerijen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1079, 4630 - Manufacture of other food products n.e.c., Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : SA
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1955
Company size : 100-249
Gross Turnover (2014) : 30250379 EUR
Exact company size : 100
Gross turnover range (2014) : 25 to 50 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 50-99
Brand/Tradename : CAFE LIEGEOIS
Exact company size : 70
Spoken languages : French, Dutch, Deutsch, English
Export region : Worldwide
Executive Information
Mr. Charles Liégeois : Chairman
Mr. Michel Liégeois : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Benoit Liégeois : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Gino Scalpelli : Commercial Director/Manager
Mr. Yves Crommelinck : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Mr. Gérard Poelmans : Technical Director/Manager
Mr. Christophe Deharre : Marketing Director/Manager
Torréfacteur de café - Tous produits Horeca : vente, dépannage et entretien - Toutes machines à café - Machines à glaçons Lave-tasses et lave-vaisselle - Distributeurs automatiques Filiale: Paulista SARue de la Technologie 41 1082 BruxellesT. 02 465 39 00F.
02 465 36
Main activities
03790 Coffee and coffee substitutes (Distributor)
22290 Fungicides and bactericides (Distributor)
03650 Sugar (Distributor)
0365027 Sugar in sachets (Distributor)
0365032 Sugar, brewing (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03160 Milks (Distributor)
0316020 Milk, dried, full-cream (Distributor)
0316021 Milk, condensed, full-cream (Distributor)
0316022 Milk, condensed, skimmed (Distributor)
0316023 Milk, dried, skimmed (Distributor)
0316024 Milk, condensed and dried (Distributor)
0316025 Milk, dried, for babies (Distributor)
0316026 Milk, powdered, malted (Distributor)
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0316030 Cows milk, dried (Distributor)
0316031 Goat's milk, dried (Distributor)
03350 Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried (Distributor)
0335050 Coffee, freeze-dried (Distributor)
0379001 Coffee beans, raw (Distributor)
0379002 Coffee beans, roasted (Distributor)
0379003 Coffee beans, caffeine-free/decaffeinated (Distributor)
0379005 Coffee, African (Distributor)
0379006 Coffee, Brazilian (Distributor)
0379007 Coffee, Central America (Distributor)
0379008 Coffee, Colombian (Distributor)
0379009 Coffee, Guinean (Distributor)
0379010 Coffee, Indian (Distributor)
0379015 Coffee, Arabica (Distributor)
0379025 Coffee, ground (Distributor)
0379026 Coffee powder, instant (Distributor)
0379027 Coffee powder, instant, with milk and sugar (Distributor)
0379028 Coffee, fig (Distributor)
0379029 Coffee, malt (Distributor)
0379030 Coffee with chicory (Distributor)
0379031 Coffee, caffeine-free/decaffeinated (Distributor)
0379032 Mixtures, coffee and coffee substitute (Distributor)
0379033 Coffee, blended (Distributor)
0379037 Cappuccino mixes, instant (Distributor)
0379038 Coffee capsules (Distributor)
0379041 Coffee in tins (Distributor)
0379042 Coffee in cup filters (Distributor)
0379043 Coffee, vacuum packed (Distributor)
0379044 Coffee, packaged (Distributor)
0379045 Coffee for vending machines (Distributor)
05800 Tea, coffee, herbal and fruit teas, organic (Distributor)
0580018 Coffee, organic (Distributor)
2229052 Seed, bulb and tuber dressings (Distributor)
24670 Cleaning and washing machines and equipment, catering industry (Distributor)
2467001 Glass tumbler and cup washing machines, catering (Distributor)
2467011 Dishwashers, catering (Distributor)
33640 Ice making and storing plant and equipment (Distributor)
3364003 Ice cube making machines (Distributor)
49900 Grinding machinery and equipment for the catering industry (Distributor)
4990016 Coffee grinders, catering (Distributor)
49940 Catering machinery and equipment NES (Distributor)
4994010 Coffee making machines, catering (Distributor)
56940 Vending machines (Distributor)
5694049 Vending machines for drinks and beverages (Distributor)
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5694050 Vending machines for food (Distributor)
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Den Teepot BVBA
+32 25119402
+32 25031742
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4721, 4722, 4723, 4724, 4725, 4711, 5610 - Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores, Retail sale of meat and
meat products in specialised stores, Retail sale of fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialised stores, Retail sale of bread, cakes, flour
confectionery and sugar confectionery in specialised stores, Retail sale of beverages in specialised stores, Retail sale in non-specialised
stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating, Restaurants and mobile food service activities
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 47210, 47221, 47230, 47241, 47252, 47113, 56101 - Detailhandel in groenten en fruit in gespecialiseerde winkels,
Detailhandel in vlees en vleesproducten in gespecialiseerde winkels, m.u.v. vlees van wild en van gevogelte, Detailhandel in vis en schaalen weekdieren in gespecialiseerde winkels, Detailhandel in brood en banketbakkerswerk in gespecialiseerde winkels (koude bakkers),
Detailhandel in dranken in gespecialiseerde winkels, algemeen assortiment, Detailhandel in niet-gespecialiseerde winkels waarbij
voedings- en genotmiddelen overheersen (verkoopsoppervlakte tussen 100 m² en minder dan 400 m²), Eetgelegenheden met volledige
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4721, 4722, 4711, 5610 - Retail sale of food in specialized stores, Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores, Retail
sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating, Restaurants and mobile food service activities
General Information
Legal form : Bvba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2003
Company size : 0-9
Exact company size : 6
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Exact company size : 6
Spoken languages : Dutch, French
Executive Information
Mr. Jozef Devillé : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Vegetarisch-biologisch restaurant « Den teepot »;
Main activities
78480 Restaurants and bars (Service provider)
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
Secondary activities
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed (Distributor)
05190 Meat and fish, chilled, organic (Distributor)
05210 Dairy products, organic (Distributor)
05230 Fruit and vegetables, deep frozen, organic (Distributor)
05260 Meat and fish, deep frozen, organic (Distributor)
05280 Desserts and bakery products, deep frozen, organic (Distributor)
05400 Fruit and vegetables, organic, processed and preserved (Distributor)
05600 Flour, organic (Distributor)
05660 Pasta and cereals, processed, organic (Distributor)
05680 Sugar, organic (Distributor)
05700 Honey products, organic (Distributor)
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic (Distributor)
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05740 Confectionery and chocolate, organic (Distributor)
05760 Oil, vinegar and vinaigrette, organic (Distributor)
05780 Herbs, spices, condiments and sauces, organic (Distributor)
05800 Tea, coffee, herbal and fruit teas, organic (Distributor)
05830 Drinks, non-alcoholic, organic (Distributor)
05930 Soap, cleaning products and detergents, organic (Distributor)
05950 Personal care products and cosmetics, organic (Distributor)
7848001 Restaurants (Service provider)
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Couleur Nature - Natuur Kleur SPRL
+32 67342241
+32 67342240
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 8130, 4649, 4638 - Landscape service activities, Wholesale of other household goods, Wholesale of other food, including
fish, crustaceans and molluscs
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 81300, 46499, 46389 - Landschapsverzorging, Groothandel in andere consumentenartikelen, n.e.g., Groothandel
in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g.
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 8130, 4649, 4630 - Landscape care and maintenance service activities, Wholesale of other household goods, Wholesale
of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1999
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2013) : 250000 EUR
Exact company size : 10
Gross turnover range (2013) : Under 500 000 EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 10
Spoken languages : French
Import regions : Central/East Europe, Western Europe
Executive Information
Ms. Patricia Verleye : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Grossiste en produits alimentaires biologiques
Main activities
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed (Distributor)
0517001 Root vegetables, organic (Distributor)
0517008 Pulses and legumes, organic (Distributor)
0517020 Green vegetables, organic (Distributor)
0517038 Herbs, organically farmed (Distributor)
Secondary activities
0512003 Rice, organically farmed (Distributor)
0512008 Coffee, organically farmed (Distributor)
0512009 Cereals, organically farmed (Distributor)
0512013 Tea, organically farmed (Distributor)
0514001 Fruit, organically farmed (Distributor)
0514020 Berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
0514036 Nuts, edible, organic (Distributor)
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+32 56846806
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4791 - Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 47910 - Detailhandel via postorderbedrijven of via internet
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4791 - Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1993
Company size : 0-9
Spoken languages : French
Executive Information
Ms. Charlotte Pichon : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Huiles essentielles bio, Rhino horn, Aloé vera.Une meilleure santé sans casser la tirelire en institut ? Recourez aux produits bio
reconnus pour leur efficacité! Phyto Perles, offre une large gamme de produits d'aromathérapie et lithothérapie élaborés à base
d'ingrédients 100% naturels et sans effets secondaires. Adepte des traitements asiatiques, rejoignez-nous sur pour
réserver vos huiles essentielles naturelles mais aussi vos compléments alimentaires naturels ! Parfaites pour créer une ambiance zen
dans la maison, les huiles essentielles bio Phyto Perles aident à combattre l'état de stress en détoxifiant votre organisme. A commander
sur Phyto Perles !
Main activities
05940 Essential and natural oils, organic (Distributor)
05950 Personal care products and cosmetics, organic (Distributor)
0594009 Essential oils, organic, for cosmetics and perfumes (Distributor)
0595005 Skin and body care products, organic (Distributor)
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L'Heureux Nouveau SPRL
Rue de la Glacière 16
+32 474574937
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4721, 4781 - Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores, Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and
tobacco products
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 47210, 47810 - Detailhandel in groenten en fruit in gespecialiseerde winkels, Markt- en straathandel in voedingsen genotmiddelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4721, 4781 - Retail sale of food in specialized stores, Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2010
Company size : 0-9
Employees (company address) : 0-9
Spoken languages : French
Import regions : Western Europe
Executive Information
Mr. Rémy Fernandez : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Livraison à vélo de paniers biologiques
Main activities
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed (Distributor)
0517008 Pulses and legumes, organic (Distributor)
0517020 Green vegetables, organic (Distributor)
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Belorta CVBA
+32 15551111
+32 16550601
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4631 - Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46319 - Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v. consumptieaardappelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
General Information
Legal form : CVba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1991
Company size : 250-499
Gross Turnover (2014) : 427507235 EUR
Exact company size : 325
Gross turnover range (2014) : 100 to 500 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 250-499
Exact company size : 325
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English, Deutsch
Import country : Western Europe - Germany, Netherlands
Executive Information
Mr. Jos Craemers : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Kris Jans : Departmental Director/Manager
Ms. Mieke Thoelen : Departmental Director/Manager
Mr. Johan Gerits : Commercial Director/Manager
Mr. Tom Ruytinx : Admin/Finance Director/Manager
Openbare verkoop van fruit en groenten - De grootste coöperatieve veiling van fruit en groenten van Europa.
Main activities
81500 Agricultural co-operative associations (Service provider)
02250 Leaf vegetables (Distributor)
02400 Stone fruits (Distributor)
Secondary activities
02230 Pulses and legumes (Distributor)
02260 Salads (Distributor)
02270 Stalk vegetables (Distributor)
02280 Flower vegetables (Distributor)
02410 Seed fruits (Distributor)
02420 Berries (Distributor)
02440 Citrus fruit (Distributor)
02520 Nuts, edible (Distributor)
02540 Fruit, tropical and subtropical (Distributor)
02600 Oilseed plants and crops (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
8150010 Co-operatives, fruit and vegetable growers (Service provider)
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File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Eco-Vida SPRL
+32 22499090
+32 22499099
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 1071, 4724 - Manufacture of bread, Retail sale of bread, cakes, flour confectionery and sugar confectionery in specialised
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 10712, 47241 - Ambachtelijke vervaardiging van brood en van vers banketbakkerswerk, Detailhandel in brood en
banketbakkerswerk in gespecialiseerde winkels (koude bakkers)
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 1071, 4721 - Manufacture of bakery products, Retail sale of food in specialized stores
General Information
Legal form : Sprl
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 2001
Company size : 10-19
Exact company size : 14
Executive Information
Mr. Joao Carvalho Martins : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Nous fabriquons notre pain bio à partir de grains cultivés biologiquement et d’eau filtrée, purifiée et
revitalisée par osmose inversée. Tous nos pains sont cuits au feu de bois.
Main activities
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic (Producer - Distributor)
0572020 Bread, organic (Producer - Distributor)
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Diepvries Badeco NV
+32 92240112
+32 92330711
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4639, 4711, 4631 - Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Retail sale in non-specialised stores with
food, beverages or tobacco predominating, Wholesale of fruit and vegetables
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 46392, 47112, 46319 - Niet-gespecialiseerde groothandel in niet-diepgevroren voedingsmiddelen, dranken en
genotmiddelen, Detailhandel in niet-gespecialiseerde winkels waarbij voedings- en genotmiddelen overheersen (verkoopsoppervlakte <
100 m²), Groothandel in groenten en fruit, m.u.v. consumptieaardappelen
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4630, 4711 - Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or
tobacco predominating
General Information
Legal form : NV
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1991
Company size : 20-49
Exact company size : 21
Spoken languages : Dutch
Executive Information
Mr. Luc Baute : MD/Chief Operating Officer
Verkoop van voedingsproducten, vers, frigo en diepvries voor horeca.
Main activities
03350 Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried
03520 Food products, deep frozen, NES
05230 Fruit and vegetables, deep frozen, organic
0523001 Vegetables, organic, deep frozen (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03480 Meat and fish, deep frozen
03490 Fruit and vegetables, deep frozen
03500 Meals, ready prepared, deep frozen
03510 Desserts and bakery products, deep frozen
03140 Meat, poultry and game, canned and otherwise packaged
03280 Fruit, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged
03310 Vegetables, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged
03400 Fish, canned, bottled and otherwise packaged
03420 Shellfish and seaweed, canned and bottled
03580 Pasta products, canned or otherwise packaged
0335053 Food products, atomised (Distributor)
0348001 Beef , deep frozen (Distributor)
0348002 Mutton and lamb, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348003 Pork, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348004 Horse meat, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348005 Venison, deep frozen (Distributor)
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0348006 Game birds, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348007 Rabbit and hares, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348008 Buffalo meat, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348009 Liver, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348010 Oxtails, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348011 Meat products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348012 Tongue, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348013 Meat and offal, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348014 Poultry, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348016 Seafood and shellfish, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348019 Frogs' legs, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348021 Fish, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348025 Fish products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348027 Fish products in breadcrumbs or batter, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348030 Game, deep frozen (Distributor)
0348031 Snails, edible (escargots), deep frozen (Distributor)
0348032 Kidneys, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349001 Vegetables, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349016 Herbs, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349019 Mushrooms, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349020 Fruit and berries, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349022 Fruit purée, pulp or pieces, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349029 Vegetables, deep frozen, precooked (Distributor)
0349033 Potatoes and potato products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0349038 Soup, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350005 Food specialities, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350032 Pizzas, precooked and deep frozen (Distributor)
0350033 Pizza bases, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350034 Pizza toppings, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350035 Pastry based products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350036 Pasta products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350037 Dumplings, sweet and savoury, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350042 Hors d'oeuvres, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350048 Precooked fruit or vegetable based dishes, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350049 Precooked meat or fish based dishes, deep frozen (Distributor)
0350055 Ready cooked meals, deep frozen, to customer specification (Distributor)
0351001 Bakery products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351021 Cakes and pastry products, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351024 Confectionery, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351026 Desserts, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351029 Pancakes, deep frozen (Distributor)
0351032 Dough and batter, ready prepared, deep frozen (Distributor)
0352028 Cheese, deep frozen (Distributor)
0352038 Sauces, deep frozen (Distributor)
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
File generated on 25 January 2016 at 13:42
Biovita BVBA
+32 57200675
+32 57204440
Kompass ID :
Registration number 1 :
VAT number :
NACE 2008 : 4729, 4638, 4645 - Other retail sale of food in specialised stores, Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and
molluscs, Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics
NACE-BEL (BE 2008) : 47299, 46389, 46450 - Overige detailhandel in voedingsmiddelen in gespecialiseerde winkels, n.e.g., Groothandel
in andere voedingsmiddelen, n.e.g., Groothandel in parfumerieën en cosmetica
ISIC 4 (WORLD) : 4721, 4630, 4649 - Retail sale of food in specialized stores, Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, Wholesale of
other household goods
General Information
Legal form : Bvba
Company type : Head Office
Established date : 1989
Company size : 10-19
Gross Turnover (2013) : 4600000 EUR
Exact company size : 11
Gross turnover range (2013) : 2 to 5 million EUR
Employees (company address) : 10-19
Exact company size : 11
Spoken languages : Dutch, French, English, Deutsch
Import country : Western Europe, North America, Central America Costa Rica, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United States
Export country : Western Europe, Central/East Europe - France,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Spain
Executive Information
Mr. Raf Dejonckheere : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Ms. Ines Rommelaere : Principal Executive/Proprietor
Mr. Frederic Lampole : Sales Director/Manager
Manufacturer . wholesale of dietary supplements (ampoules, tablets, capsules, lozenges) and natural cosmetics, natural hair coloring
products, vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, essential oils & evaporators and injectors, fresheners, air fresheners, slimming products,
body care, natural care products, spa products, teabags, herbal, natural and ecological cleaning products.Products for the treatment of
eczema and psoriasis.Raw materials: noni juice, super foods, super fruits, berriesGemstones
Main activities
23150 Parapharmaceutical preparations (Distributor)
24180 Cosmetic products and hygiene products NES (Distributor)
24370 Indoor deodorants and air fresheners (Distributor)
2437001 Deodorants and air fresheners, indoor, spray or aerosol (Distributor)
2437002 Air fresheners, non-aerosol (Distributor)
Secondary activities
03710 Diet products (Distributor)
0371053 Additives and base materials for health foods (Distributor)
05120 Plantation products, cereals and seeds, organically farmed (Distributor)
05140 Fruit and berries, organically farmed (Distributor)
05170 Vegetables, organically farmed (Distributor)
05720 Biscuits, pastries and bakery products, organic (Distributor)
21910 Raw materials for pharmaceuticals (Distributor)
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2191351 Plant extracts for the pharmaceutical industry (Distributor)
2191353 Aloe vera extracts (Distributor)
2191354 Herbal extracts for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries (Distributor)
21980 Aroma compounds, essential oils (Distributor)
2198153 Essential oils NES (Distributor)
2198154 Aroma compounds and essential oils for perfumery (Distributor)
22960 Natural oils and greases for industrial use (Producer)
2296014 Oil, coconut and copra, industrial (Producer)
23050 Pharmaceutical preparations for metabolism, nutrition, alimentary systems (Distributor)
2305011 Foods and nutrients (Distributor)
2315043 Dietary supplements, mineral or vitamin based (Distributor)
24010 Bath and shower products (Distributor)
24050 Face care products (Distributor)
24060 Oral and dental care products (Distributor)
24070 Hair care products (Distributor)
24080 Shaving and hair removal products (Distributor)
2418013 Body cosmetics (Distributor)
2418016 Slimming creams (Distributor)
24320 Cleaning products and detergents (Distributor)
2432011 Cleaning products, biodegradable (Distributor)
56690 Promotional articles and corporate giftware (Distributor)
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