January 2013 - member area home - Professional Photographers


January 2013 - member area home - Professional Photographers
PPAM Newsletter
professional photographers association of massachusetts
January 2013
On Monday, January 28, 2013 Ed Pedi presents
“Market It, Shoot It, Sell It, Create a Demand for It”
at the Hampton Inn & Conference Center ~ 310 Speen St., Natick, MA 01760
10:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM
Registration and coffee at 9:00 AM
ED PEDI, M.Photog.Cr., CPP
Four Steps to Success in Family & Children Portraiture
After 20 years in business, Ed Pedi Photography has
established itself as one of the highest grossing and most
successful family/children portrait studios in New England.
Ed’s style of teaching is to bring fun and humor to every
presentation and to share knowledge that will help make
you more successful at this great business of photography.
His Four Steps to Success program teaches four key
components that will help you grow your business and
establish loyal customers for life. Ed’s proven formula of
great Marketing/Promotions, How/Where/When to
Photograph, Proven Sales techniques, and Superior
Customer Service is the foundation of his studio’s
success. Learn how to pose families and children quickly
and naturally; how to create a demand for your brand and
style of photography; tried and true marketing ideas and
how to build business recognition and goodwill through
charitable donations.
Learn the value of having your portraits displayed in local
businesses and how easy it is to get these displays. How to
demystify shooting in raw format, streamline your postproduction workflow and prepare for a successful sales session. He’ll cover how easy it is to create a custom designed
outdoor space that allows you to standardize, to photograph
CONVENTION SCHEDULE ON PAGE 17 ~ to view all upcoming PPAM events, click here
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more sessions and ultimately
make more money. Combined
with effective marketing ideas,
creating a plan for every
session to achieve GREAT
sales, (i.e. selling wall portraits
at every sales session) and
things you can do to make your
clients feel special and become
your clients for life.
Ed has been honored to receive
a wide array of photographic
awards including; PPA
Photographer of the Year, five
times; numerous Kodak
Gallery; FUJI Masterpiece;
Courts of Honor; Judges
Choice Awards and he’s had
multiple images chosen for PPA’s Traveling Loan Collection. Ed has lectured countrywide to numerous State
and Regional associations and he was a platform speaker at 2012 Imaging USA, New Orleans. He has also
taught several week long classes at NEIPP. He is a two term past President of (PPAM) and is President Elect to
(PPANE). He is one of 115, PPA Approved Affiliate Jurors. His various portrait galleries can be viewed on his
web-site at: http://www.edpediphoto.com.
continued on page 3
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NEIPP April 14 - 18, 2013
in Hyannis, MA
The New England Institute of Professional Photography will take place April 14th through
18th, 2013, in Hyannis, MA. There are both week-long courses and 2-day courses.
Instructors for the week-long courses include Doug Box, Suzette Allen, Dennis Hammon,
Stephanie Zettl, Jim Churchill & David Deutsch, and Rich Beitzl. 2-day courses include
Al Audleman (teaching both a CPP Prep class and a Photoshop class), Karen Carey,
Charlie Parker, and Sarah Johnston & Cindy Romano. Scholarships are also available for
new/aspiring photographers.
For more information, go to the NEIPP website at http://www.neipp.com/.
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2012 - 2013
PPAM Officers
Cathleen Broderick, CPP
Cathleen Broderick Photography
30 Trebors Way
Bridgewater, MA 02324
(508) 279-3298
Acting Vice President Programs
Dan Doke
Dan Doke Photography
429 Park Street
North Reading, MA 01864
(978) 664-3811
Acting Vice President
Membership & Records
Joyce Holt
JB Studio
381 Dudley Street
Roxbury, MA 02119
(617) 516-8722 or (617) 287-9117
Vice President Finance
Courtney Trembler, CPP
Soul Focus Photography
221 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970
Vice President Publications
Cassandra Sullivan, CPP
Cassandra’s Photography
7 Andrew Road
Sagamore Beach, MA 02562
(508) 335-2369
Vice President Technology
Randy Brogen, CPP
Photos by R. Brogen
9 Ward Street
Burlington, MA 01803
(781) 209-5888
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President’s Message from Cathleen
Ahh, January is here and it’s time to get ready for PPAM’s annual Print
Competition. When I first joined PPAM, I remember walking in to the print comp
room and being a little intimidated by all the images in front of me. Both by the
work itself, and by the fact that these people had so much more courage than I...I
mean, would I ever have the guts to put myself out there like that??
Years ago, creating a print for comp was a very time consuming process; the five
pixel wide stroke you can put around an
image in photoshop today was created
by hand. Hours were spent prepping
the print, mounting it to the board,
adding the stroke, and spraying the
toxic lacquer! If you messed up it was
time to start again. And the cost - well,
that was significant as well. I’m happy
to say I started print comp in the digital
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to
email print choices to other
photographers for opinions, do the
Photoshop work myself, and upload to
the lab. Now, with digital entries, the
cost of the print no longer is an
obstacle. (Although, personally, I will
ALWAYS enter prints; there’s just
something about seeing it in person and having it to display in your office or studio
after the fact). When I first entered, I can’t say I was super pleased with my scores
but guess what? Each year they get better! (I promise!) I learned to assess and
better my composition and lighting, recognize when an image had the needed impact,
and realize when part of the image was distracting. I can tell you from experience
that the Master and Craftsman photographers, and those that take home award after
award each year, DID NOT START THERE!!! They started out a little intimidated
also, but eager to see their work improve.
The Print Critique party Saturday night at the Convention is a great way to get
feedback-the judges are available to talk with you about your work, why it scored the
way it did, and how to improve. They are so kind and helpful. I will always
compete, I think, it’s fun even if it is a little scary. Join the thrill!! Check out http://
www.ppa.com/competitions/international/12elements.php for info on what makes a
merit print. Also, entering at the state level is a great way to prep for
International Print Competition through PPA. If you are interested in earning your
Master or Craftsman Degree from PPA this is the best place to start.
However, improving your photography is the best reason to enter!
Cathy Broderick, CPP
Cathy Broderick winner of the 2012 Creative Theme Award has chosen the 2013 theme:
2013 PPAM Photographic Competition
Now’s the time to get ready for Competition! New rules will be posted soon – including details on a
new “Member’s Choice” award! Kodak has announced that starting this year, only prints on Kodak
Paper are eligible to compete to win a Kodak Gallery Award. Keep that in mind when sending an
image to your lab to be printed for Competition.
Here’s the Jury Panel slated for the 2013 Competition:
Print Chairman: Nancy Green; Jury Chairman: Jeff Dachowski; Judges: Bernie Littlefield,
Kristine Struminski, Gary Thibeault, Gary Hughes, Ira Nozik, and Felice Boucher.
The PPAM competition is a great way to ‘test’ your District entries! The Northeast District Competition will take place March 24-25, 2013 - Entries open February 15, 2013 and the deadline for entries is
March 15, 2013.
Here are the entry rules for the PPA District Competition:
CPP News – New Test, New Procedures
The Professional Photographic Certification Commission has announced some changes to the process of
becoming a Certified Professional Photographer.
Starting January 1, 2013, the fee to declare your candidacy will be $200 for two years (a net savings of $50
from the previous policy!). This fee will cover all of your CPP costs until recertification. And that means no
annual CPP fees beginning January 1, 2013!
Candidates will also benefit from the new CPP Pathway. This new pathway will require candidates to pass
the CPP Exam first, and then confirm their skill with the CPP Image Submission. Candidates will have 3
rounds to successfully pass the Image Submission. If unsuccessful in passing, they may opt for
re-candidacy, which will allow 3 additional image submission opportunities for one consecutive year for a
$100 fee.
There is also a new CPP exam – the new exam will be launched at Imaging USA in Atlanta. Click here to
see the new specifications: http://www.ava-site.com/pdfs/cpp_test_specs_2013.pdf.
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2013 Convention Preview
“The Creative Process Using Textures”
Friday, February 22 ~ 1:00 - 4:30 PM
Fine art photographer Felice Boucher is the owner of Felice
Boucher Photography in Portland, Maine. Her unique vision
had garnered awards and accolades over the years. She was
ranked #14 internationally when awarded the Platinum Medal
at the January Imaging USA conference in January, 2012.
Felice was named Photographer of the Year at the January 2012
PPAMaine convention where she also received Best of Show,
Court of Honor Weddings, Court of Honor Illustrative, Kodak
Gallery Award Weddings, Kodak Gallery Award Illustrative,
ASP Award for highest scoring image by an ASP member, Paul
C. Buff Client Image Award and 3 Judges Awards.
Her work was featured in B&W & Color Magazine as Color
Single Image Contest Merit Award Winner in the March 15, 2012 edition. One of her photographs was exhibited
at the Michelle O’Connor Gallery, San Francisco in 2012 as one of 40 images chosen in the Gallery Photographica
International Print Competition. Felice’s “Blackbirds”, chosen from from 1,500 is one of the images featured in
the Professional Women Photographers 36th Anniversary Show.
“I have been photographing for thirty-two
years and full-time for seventeen years. My
fine art work has always been deeply
personal, emerging as a response to the
undercurrents of my life. Since 1980 my
collections of fine art photographs have
been far-reaching and include projects
based on the street life of downtown
Lewiston, a men’s-only bar, and a large
format series of dying flowers. I created
a series of work that incorporated figures,
flowers and animal bones in response to
receiving a diagnosis of cancer.”
This program is about understanding your
subject; be it a person, flower, or object.
Everyone has a story and /or passion and this is where our strongest work emerges....from what we know best.
Felice will demonstrate her techniques for artistic enhancement, color harmony, developing a true creative eye
and allowing your art to speak for itself.
Sponsored by White House Custom Color.
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2013 Convention Preview
“Direction of Light - your key to better portrait photography anywhere”
Friday evening, February 22 ~ 6:00 - 9:00 PM (Plus Workshops Saturday, Feb 23 in the AM)
Neil’s program will provide you with a problem solving approach
to difficult lighting scenarios.
By looking at the direction and quality of light, we can more
easily use a variety of lighting tools to enhance our photographs.
It is all about the direction and the quality of the light.
Whether you use natural light, on-camera flash, off-camera flash,
multiple light setups or video light – it all comes down to exactly
that - the direction and quality of light. Once you recognize this
aspect of photography and lighting, then the door is wide open for
you to be able to comfortably use any light source.
More of Neil’s work here
“There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera. And, you will see the most
glorious sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed. Don’t be bitter because
you can’t record it. Sit down, drink it in, and enjoy it for what it is!” ~ DeGriff
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Please welcome PPAM’s newest members: Mark Maiden, Wellesley; Jerry Callaghan,
Shrewsbury; Charlotte Donaldson, Weston; and Jeff Turner, East Bridgewater.
We encourage you to become an involved member – it is the best way to learn and make
new friends! If you would like to join the Volunteer Committee, email Lisa Tommaney
(lisa@LTommaney.com). We look forward to getting to know you during this membership
year and in the years to come. Please do not hesitate to call any member for assistance or
information. This is one of the many reasons we are in existence!
We look forward to seeing you at the January Seminar!
For Miller’s information, click here
Financial information for the Professional Photographers Association of Massachusetts is
available upon request.
Contact VP of Finance, Courtney Trembler at 978-697-8164 or courtney@soulfocusphoto.com.
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The F-Stops Here
PPAM student member Christopher Weigl, 23, passed away December 6, 2012 as a result of a tragic
bicycle accident in Boston. Christopher was born in Framingham and lived most of his life in
Southborough, MA.
Chris was pursuing a Masters in Photojournalism at Boston University’s College of Communication.
During an interview at school, Chris said, “I basically tried every single type of photography before
arriving at photojournalism. I really like photojournalism because
you’re going out in the real world and meeting people, and your
photos are being published, and people are seeing them.”
Mitchell Zuckoff, one of his BU professors, described Chris as
“Just the ideal student: smart, mature, curious, in school for all the
right reasons.” As part of Zuckoff’s class, Chris had to write his
own obituary - here is an excerpt:
“An avid outdoorsman, Christopher obtained the rank of Eagle
Scout at age 14 and remained an
active member of Boy Scout Troop 1 till his 18th birthday.
In addition to scouting, Christopher was an accomplished clarinet
player throughout his years of schooling, and played in a variety
of ensembles including the Central District Band and Orchestra,
MetroWest Youth Symphony Orchestra, and Worcester Youth Symphony ­Orchestra. “
Chris volunteered at last year’s PPAM convention - to take pictures at the convention, and some of
the images PPAM has published may have been captured by Chris.
You can read more about Chris, including the obituary he wrote
himself, in an article in the Boston Globe by clicking here.
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2013 Convention Preview
“Crafting Today’s Workflow”
Saturday, February 23 ~ 1:30 - 4:30 PM
Mastering your craft - Photoshop Hall of Fame Inductee and
Canon Explorer of Light Eddie Tapp is coming to PPAM to
share his powerful, yet easy to follow techniques to help you
generate the most practical workflow. Learn new
techniques in LR and PS and take advantage of today’s Smart
Object technology with a series of enhancement techniques
allowing you to maintain the highest possible pixel quality for
your images.
Improve the quality of your work, get motivated to reach the
next level, and advance your art of Crafting Digital to change
the way you work and save you valuable time.
*This program is FREE to non-members as part
of PPAM’s traditional “Free Day”.
Tell your photographer friends!*
Sponsored by Canon
More about Eddie Tapp
To view all upcoming PPAM events, click here
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2013 Convention Preview
“Breath In – Capturing Emotion in your Wedding Photography”
Saturday, February 23 ~ 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Open your eyes and mind to an intense level of
awareness by understanding the emotional
impact your images can hold. Gain the ability to
harness the energy around you. Bring your work
to a new level by learning to give your images
an emotional charge.
Jacklyn will speak about letting your “Breath
In” be the guideline to photograph the
constantly changing environments and emotions
around us. Jacklyn’s edge lies in her unique
ability to engage and connect with people on a
level that delves beyond the surface and into the
deeper realm of energy and emotion.
More Jacklyn Greenberg!
To view all upcoming PPAM events, click here
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Our organization is run by volunteers –
Photographers with a full-time business,
those who have a regular ‘day job’ AND run a
photography business, photography students,
aspiring photographers, stay-at-home moms
and dads, and everything in-between.
They specialize in portraits, weddings,
photojournalism, sports, events, architecture,
food, commercial photography, landscapes and
fine art. They have families and they work
hard. They are just like YOU.
But they value this organization and all it has
to give, and want to see it thrive. If you, too,
are interested in having a say on how our organization is run, we need you! Executive Board Members and
Members-at-Large are elected every year during the convention. If you would like to know more about what
each position entails, please contact any of the Executive Board
Members (listed on Page 2 of this newsletter) for more information. PPAM thanks you!
PPAM Convention – Reserve your hotel room now! Call the Radisson Hotel in Plymouth (508) 747-4900 and ask for the “PPAM” rate to get the Special $99++ room rate.
Do not book through Radisson corporate or online sites (ie. hotels.com).
Rooms booked through those sites do not count towards our required rooms which we
NEED to keep our costs low – and to keep the convention FREE to you!
Want to share a room? Post a request on the PPAM group on Facebook:
Your PPAM Newsletter is now interactive. Just click on a highlighted link or email address.
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2013 Convention Preview
“Social Networking”
Sunday, February 25 ~ 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Every photographer hears people talking about how important
blogging, Facebook and Twitter are for your business, but does
anyone really know how to make sense of it?
Is it worth the time? This program will give you practical and
easy-to-use solutions that will help you increase business and
profits immediately.
Bring a note pad and a sense of humor, this could change the
way you see marketing.
The non-techy and the techy alike will learn some simple ideas
that will help you make sense of social media and the internet
in order to increase profits.
Since completing several
years of internship with
other studios, Gary founded
Hughes Fioretti Photography
with his wife and partner
Julie Fioretti. Since 2010 he
has spent much of his time
teaching photographers in
the southeast how to increase
their profits through social
media, creative capture and
sales techniques.
More about Hughes Fioretti Photography
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To view all upcoming PPAM events, click here
2013 PPAM Convention FREE DAY
The traditional FREE DAY for the 2013 convention will be on Saturday, February 23rd!
Anyone can come and sit in on the Photographic Competition in the morning, attend Eddie
Tapp’s program in the afternoon and Jacklyn Greenberg’s program in the evening. It’s an
awesome opportunity to invite your photographer friends who are not PPAM members and
introduce them to our organization! Don’t forget - you also get a discount on your
membership for referring a new member!
(Just make sure they drop your name when signing up!)
“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
~ Oprah Winfrey
Get the Most Out of Your Convention
Would you like to have some fun at the PPAM Convention?
Make some new friends? Convention Volunteers are needed!
We need people to create speaker and judges gift bags; drive
speakers to and from airport; chair a seminar; run the
hospitality room; help with props. Work with your friends and
make new friends! PPAM Volunteer Chairperson, Lisa
Tommaney, organizes all of the volunteers so that the tasks
are spread out and everyone has fun and no one person has to
“do it all”. Contribute your time to this fun and fabulous event!
Contact Lisa at lisa@LTommaney.com to let her know what
day/day(s) you might be able to help out, and what areas you’d
like to help with.
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2013 Convention Preview
IRA NOZIK, M.Photog.Cr.
“Pet Photography”
Sunday, February 25 ~ 2:30 - 5:00 PM
How I photographed 18 puppies and survived!
Weddings, seniors, and children are challenging, but there is
nothing like a crazy, hyper set of dogs where the client
expects nothing but a perfect portrait. Let me tell you how
it is done! In my seminar, I will show you how I handle the
dogs and clients, and how I light them to maintain detail and
get a three-dimensional look in the portrait.
I will show you why most of my portraits are sold on canvas
stretchers with frames, and I will give you some tips on how
to generate more pet business.
Visit Ira’s web site
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2013 Convention Schedule
The PPAM 2013 Convention will be held on Friday, February 22 through February 25, 2013 at the
Radisson Hotel Plymouth Harbor in Plymouth, Mass.
Here’s the time line for the Convention!
1pm – 4:30pm 6pm – 9pm Felice Boucher - “The Creative Process using Textures” sponsored by WHCC
Neil Van Niekerk - “Direction of Light – Your Key to a Better Portrait”
Saturday FREE DAY! (non-members can attend at no charge)
8:30am - ? 9am-10am 10:15am-11:15am 1:30pm-4:30pm 6pm-9pm Image Competition
Neil Van Niekerk – Lighting Workshop 1
Neil Van Niekerk – Lighting Workshop 2
Eddie Tapp – “Crafting Today’s Workflow” sponsored by Canon
Jacklyn Greenberg – “Breath In – Capturing Emotion in your
Wedding Photography”
9am-11pm 12-2:30 2:30pm-5pm
Gary Hughes – “Social Networking”
Trade Show
Ira Nozik – “Pet Photography”
Awards Party
Darton Drake - “Depth of the Spirit” sponsored by Larson
Keep your eye on the mail in February for your Convention Book
with full convention details!
To view all upcoming PPAM events, click here
page 17
2013 Convention Preview
DARTON DRAKE, M.Photog.Mc, Photographic Portrait Artist
“Depth of the Spirit”
Monday, February 25 ~ 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
This is a program you will not want to miss!
Darton is one of the premier speakers in the
country. This presentation will not only be
inspirational and uplifting, but highly technical.
There will be slide shows of his images to enjoy he will show his images and how he went from the
original exposure to the final piece. He will explain
his theories in the art of photography.
When you leave this program you take with
you something that will raise your imagery to
the next level. You will benefit along with all your
customers and the reputation of your studio.
Enthusiasm, desire, and a new energy will fill your
camera room! More about Darton Drake
Sponsored by Larson
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Professional Photographers Association of Massachusetts Application for Membership
Name ____________________________________________________________________
Studio or Firm _____________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________
City or Town _________________________ Zip _____________ PPA _______________
Phone: (Day) (
) ________________________ (Evening) (
) ___________________
E-mail _____________________________ Web Page _____________________________
Photographic Degrees: Master ____ Craftsman ____ PPA Certified _____ Other ________
Category: Professional ($185.00) ____ Sustaining ($185.00) ____ Student ($90.00) _____
Student seeking membership must submit a copy of student I. D. with application
How did you hear about PPAM? ______________________________________________
Please mail this application and dues to:
Joyce Holt, Acting Vice President, Membership & Records
381 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA 02119
or click here
All membership applications are subject to PPAM Board approval. Annual membership begins January 1 and ends December
31. *Sustaining membership is extended to any photographic supplier or service organization with an interest in professional
photography in Massachusetts, but does not include voting privileges or the right to hold office in PPAM. All new members’
names and location will be published in an upcoming issue of this newsletter. Membership dues provide admission to all
programs sponsored by PPAM including the annual convention.
January 20 - 22, 2013 - Imaging USA - Atlanta, GA
January 28, 2013 - Ed Pedi - PPAM Quarterly Seminar - Natick, MA
February 22 - 25, 2013 - PPAM 2013 Convention, Plymouth, MA
March 24 - 25 - Northeast District Photographic Competition
April 14th - 18th, 2013 - New England Institute of Professional Photography - Hyannis, MA
April 22, 2013 - Beth Forrester - PPAM Quarterly Seminar
June 25, 2013 - Jerry Ghionis - PPAM Quarterly Seminar
September 30, 2013 - Kirk Voclain - PPAM Quarterly Seminar
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