CEI Catolog 04 - christian equippers international


CEI Catolog 04 - christian equippers international
Table Of Contents
New Members
and Discipleship .................. 5
Small Groups ....................... 6
Leadership and
Personal Study..................... 7
Booklets & Tracts............8-12
Ordering Information 13-15
For the latest product releases,
promotions, and subscriptions
to our monthly
e-mail specials, contact us at
Christian Equippers
3580 Blackwood Rd.
South Lake Tahoe
California 96150
Toll Free (U.S. Only)
Main Office
Web site
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.
1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.
Pacific Time
Testimonies Regarding CEI Ministries and Material
“Your Complete Evangelism seminar presentation was stimulating, convicting, challenging and the materials that you
made available were useful as well.”
Rev. K. Ryan Young / Rock Church; Killingworth, CT
“Our church hosted the Complete Evangelism seminar and
it was the most effective presentation on evangelism we have
ever experienced. My best indicator of the effectiveness of the
seminar was the fruit left behind, and there has been plenty of
Pastor Bruce N. Plummer / Christ Community Church;
Brockport, NY
“As far as I am concerned, the material used by Christian
Equippers are some of the very best available and the presentation is interesting, spiritually moving, and anointed.”
Lindsey Burt / Full Gospel Assembly; Saint John, NB Canada
“We are very appreciative of the ministry of Christian
Equippers in providing excellent training and resource
materials. We had many, many, positive comments on the
Complete Evangelism seminar. The seminar has definitely
made a difference, even for our members who were already
involved in evangelism.”
Pastor Dennis G. Watson / Dove World Outreach Center;
Gainesville, FL
“We had a Christian Equippers Complete Evangelism
Seminar and in my opinion it was the best evangelism presentation we have had. It was a beautiful mixture of inspiration and practical wisdom. It re-started a fire in us to be
effective witnesses for Jesus.”
Pastor Wesley Newell / First Assembly of God Church;
Cape May, NJ
“We have been acquainted with Christian Equippers for over
ten years and have used their materials during that period
of time. I highly recommend their ministry, materials, tracts
and written books.”
Pastor Gordon Peterson / Calvary Temple; St. Louis Park, MN
Connecting the pieces
Equipping Evangelist led seminar..........
A six-hour presentation conducted in your
church. This format is provided in three sessions for the entire congregation. And will
also include a separate pastor/leader’s meeting to target specific needs and goals within
your church and community. For more details
on bringing an Equipping Evangelist to your
church please contact David Hallam at ext.
236 or David@Equipper.com
Designed with the following strategies:
To Teach…
...Giving detailed, yet simple suggestions on how we can become
more effective in witnessing.
These teachings help the average
Christian answer the most common questions asked by nonChristians and young Christians
To Encourage…
…Christians to overcome the
common areas of insecurity and
struggle encountered in sharing
the Gospel.
Great Commission Evangelism Seminar
“Responding to the Call”
Includes the following areas of instruction........
• This is Your Life
• Pre-appointed Times
• Spiritual Warfare in Evangelism
• Building Through Relationships
• The Reality of Christ
Responding to the Call
Seminar Workbook
EM235........................... $14.95 ea.
To Equip…
…“the saints for the work of the
ministry,” (Eph. 4:12 RSV). The
church must be mobilized and
trained as the army of God to be
ministers of reconciliation to a lost
and dying world.
To Impart…
…vision for your local church and
city in the area of evangelisim.
Ministry time is set apart at the
end of the seminar presentation
to allow for an impartation and
releasing of evangelism gifts as
well as a deeper compassion for
the lost.
by George Otis, Jr.
Unleash the transforming power of God through
informed intercession! “This
book will shake the foundations of the intercessory
prayer movement! Here for
the first time, we have a comprehensive exploration of
spiritual mapping and how such a tool aids intercessors in transforming a community for Christ.” (Dutch
Sheets; author of Intercessory Prayer)
Transformations II
With George Otis, Jr.
Join host George Otis, Jr. on a remarkable journey to the
very edge of this transforming river. Bask in its supernatural heat. Witness its restorative power at work in societies deemed beyond repair. Learn how to welcome this
spreading glory into your homeland.
Journey with host George Otis, Jr. to transformed communities on three continents. Learn
how the power of prayer can deliver similar
results in your own neighborhood.
EM228 ................ $19.95
EM236 ......................... $19.95
Connecting the pieces
Evangelism Course
Written by G. Beasley, M. Estes, C. Fasler, D. Hallam
Course Description:
An eight week equipping evangelism course
including the following areas of teaching:
The Holy Spirit and Witnessing
Writing of Your Personal Testimony
Public Witnessing
Learing to Share the Gospel
The Gospel vs. Cults and Other Religions
Relational Evangelism
Prayer Evangelism
Connecting People to the Local Church
Course Materials:
EM16 ................$45.00
• Director’s Guide
(including the “Are You Going to Heaven Video”)
• Individual Course Workbook and Resource Manual
• 12 CEI Evangelism Booklets
EM21 ..............$29.00
• 23 CEI Excuse Tracts
Are You Going To Heaven? Video
Church Uses
Outreach Sunday
Promote throughout your community and
show on a Sunday morning. Have the members invite friends.
Small Group Outreach
Have each small group obtain a copy of this
video. Great for reaching unchurched people
and building small groups.
Give To A Loved One!
You have many relatives, friends, neighbors and co-workers.
Ask them to watch the video.
Invite Someone Over
Invite someone over for a time of fellowship and watch the
video together.
Give As A Gift
This video is a great gift for birthdays and Christmas.
Tell A Friend
Tell your Christian friends about this video and encourage
them to order their own copy.
Televise On a Local Cable Channel
Televise and promote with door knockers and flyers.
Become a Distributor
The sale of this video can be a great tool for raising funds for
missions, youth groups or building funds.
Citywide Outreach
Work with the local Pastors Association, or other churches to
promote citywide distribution. Put a video in every house in
your area. Call CEI for further promotional materials.
A Motivational
Adventure in Music
& Preaching
This tape contains some of
the most profound truths
and challenges needed for
the Body of Christ today.
One side is devoted to Evangelism, the other side
to Discipleship. We guarantee you will experience
soul-stirring results. Exploits features poignant
preaching excerpts from Jim Durkin and Ern
Baxter. Music is by Francis Anfuso and Bart Libby.
Their timeless message will inspire, challenge and
possibly change you forever.
EM20........................................... $9.95
Quantity Pricing
as Follows
(EM15 - E)
1 - 9.....................................$9.00
10 - 25.................................$8.00
26 - 75.................................$7.00
76 - 250...............................$6.00
We Care
Reach Your City For Christ
Through Prayer Evangelism
Evangelism Tools
Available in Spanish
EM15 - S... $9.00 ea
An excellent tool for
public witnessing! A pad of
25 questionnaires that, when
completed with someone,
offers an opportunity to use
either the Two Question Test
or the Are You Going?
EM3............................................. $1.00
The in-depth concepts presented in this evangelism
approach have been used
successfully to see people
healed, saved, and made aware of
God as the One who answers prayer. The “We
Care” approach involves the entire church!
Implemented into your church, this course will
produce breath-taking and soul-stirring results
in your church and community.
Commitment Packet
This envelope contains important helps to aid those who have
just prayed to receive Christ.
Instructions printed on the envelope clearly outline the use of
each item in the packet.
EM4............................................. $1.25
Quantity Discounts available
The We Care Church
Starter Kit Includes:
• Directors Guide
• Training Handbook
• Complete Details to Insure
a Successful Prayer Campaign
• Video Gospel Presentation
EM110 Starter Kit ………………… $39.95
EM44 Training Handbook ………… $9.00
New Members / Discipleship
New Church Members
Will Grow Through:
A challenge to receive Christ
Understanding foundational
A commitment to bible reading
and study
Leading others to Christ
Understanding your church’s
vision and purpose
Discovering their spiritual gifts
and talents
Personalized placement into a
church ministry
Discovering stewardship and tithing
Dealing with conflicts
Understanding authority
Belonging to a small group
Subjects Covered:
How To know you are a Christian
What We Believe and Why We
Believe It
Understanding The Bible
Building A Strong Prayer Life
Sharing Your Faith With Others
The Church Family
Finding Fulfillment In Service
Church Family Ministries
God’s Plan For Your Finances
Reaping The Benefits of Church
The Complete Life Class
Written By Marc Estes and Roger Funk, with Gary Beasley
The Complete Life Class has proven to be the bridge from visiting
to belonging. Eighty percent of those finishing this new class have
stayed in the local church. Not only do new members learn doctrine, but they find friends and most are placed in a church ministry
upon graduation.
A detailed Leader’s Manual provides insight on organizing, promoting, and successfully
conducting the ten classes. Each new church member uses the colorful
Complete Life Class Student Workbook to learn the essential
aspects of church life.
The Complete Life Class produces graduates who believe correctly,
serve effectively, and fellowship intimately. It completes the journey
from knowing Christ to serving in His Church and embracing His cause.
Ch rter
$ 99
The Church Starter Kit Includes:
• Leader’s Manual
• One Student Workbook
• Step-By-Step Instructions for
Starting and Maintaining an effective Spiritual Gifts Discovery and
Mobilization Ministry
• Complete Instructions for Creating
a Church Vision and Purpose
• Weekly Outlines for Teaching the
Complete Life Class
• Instructions on Implementing an
Overall Effective Assimilation Plan
Using the Complete Life Class
• Projects to Personalize the Class to
Your Church
• The “Are You Going to Heaven?”
• Transparencies
EM 17 The Church Starter Kit .................................................... $99.00
EM 18 Additional Student Workbooks ...................................... $10.00 ea.
Personal Discipleship
Foundation Stones
By Terry Edwards
A Discipleship Manual for New Believers
Foundation Stones is designed as a one-on-one discipleship manual to help ground new believers in the
faith. It contains fifteen foundational subjects along
with homework assignments for a weekly meeting between the one discipling and the one being
discipled. The goal of discipleship is accomplished in several ways: Care and accountability, Instruction, Discussion, Prayer and
Counsel for emerging problems. Most new converts have been brought to
church by a friend or a caring person. This book provides the means for an
informal discipling relationship to continue until this person is grounded in
the Lord.
EM120.................................................................................. $10.95
EM109 Leaders Transparencies (For Group Use)............... $ 7.95
10.95 ea.
Are You Going?
Knowing God’s Love
The New Life
Water Baptism
Your Bible And You
The Holy Spirit And You
Building A Strong Prayer Life
Why We Worship
Overcoming Temptation
What We Believe And Why We Believe It
Spiritual Warfare—The Armor of God
The Church Family
Overcoming Offenses
Learning About The Tithe
Finding Your Place In The Body
Small Groups
Common Care Counseling Course
by Terry D. Edwards and William Kimball
This carefully crafted course is helping local churches around the country to equip the average believer to effectively minister
to others in those everyday counseling situations that are so common to us all. This realm of counseling is one aspect of the
“ministry of reconciliation” to which all Christians are called (II Cor. 5:18). The course consists of twelve weeks of classroom instruction through audio cassette messages. Class time also includes stimulating interaction around assigned, hypothetical counseling cases based upon the material in the Counselor’s Handbook. Homework involves study of the variety
of common need areas offered in twenty-four chapters of the Handbook.
The Church Starter Kit Includes:
Instructor’s Course Manual
Eight Audio Cassette Tapes
Weekly Outlines for Teaching the Common Care Counseling Course
Common Care Counseling Handbook
Student Workbook
Mid-Term and Final Exams
CCCC Church Starter Kit .......................................................... $99.00
CM3 Additional Student Packets.......................................... $20.00
(Student Packets Consist of Student Workbook and Handbook)
Foundation Stones
By Terry Edwards
A Discipleship Manual for New Believers
Foundation Stones is designed as a one-on-one discipleship manual to help ground new believers in the faith. It contains fifteen
foundational subjects along with homework assignments for a weekly meeting between the one discipling and the one being discipled. The
goal of discipleship is accomplished in several ways: Care and accountability, Instruction, Discussion, Prayer and Counsel for emerging problems.
Most new converts have been brought to church by a friend or a caring person. This book provides the means for an informal discipling relationship
to continue until this person is grounded in the Lord.
EM120...................................................................................................................... $10.95 (Quantity Discounts Available)
EM109 Leaders Transparencies (For Group Use)................................................... $ 7.95
Youth Discipleship Booklet & 8 Week Course
The IDENTITY booklet is designed to open the eyes of any believer through visually captivating artwork and foundational biblical truths to reveal true identity! With a generation bombarded by popular cultural images
and influences, the IDENTITY booklet will direct their path through an assortment of scriptures and
empowering revelation for a pursuit of “Christ-likeness.” This 24 page CD-size booklet encompasses
eight topical discussion points which are based around the word IDENTITY.
Areas of discussion are:
The inspirational
booklet can be
used alone or as
an 8-week discipleship class
with supporting leader’s
notes and youth hand-outs - it’s sure to be
a big hit among the young people in your
Youth Church or cell-group setting!
ternal (Relationship)
ou (Who You are called to be!)
Y1 IDENTITY Booklet ...........$ 1.25
Leader’s Manual ...................$ 8.95
(Includes Leader’s Notes &
Youth handouts)
Churches and youth groups have found the IDENTITY booklet and discipleship course to be
highly effective in the following settings:
• Cell Group or Youth Bible Study
Youth Camp or conference
(Use IDENTITY as your theme • Youth Discipleship (one-on-one)
with each session covering
one of the eight topics in the booklet)
The Common Care
Counseling Handbook
By Terry Edwards &
William Kimball
This book offers a wealth of resource
material for counseling someone in need.
The concise and comprehensive coverage
of each subject also provides excellent
material for self study or sermon preparation.
Leadership & Personal Study
Audio Album
by Terry Edwards
Leadership excellence requires more
than a call of God.
It demands that we
match our zeal with
diligent preparation
so that we offer wisdom, maturity and
balance to our calling and to those who
labor with us. This book is designed to help the Christian
leader in his quest for excellence. Each chapter addresses
an important area for leadership maturity, offering a wealth
of practical wisdom and insight. This is more than a book.
It is designed as an equipping tool for training leadership,
including study questions at the end of each chapter.
Words That Bless,
Words That Curse
by Terry D. Edwards
Our words contain the power to
either bless or curse. A leader’s
words, especially in challenging
situations, have an enormous
impact on the lives of those who
are under their influence or covering. This pamphlet reveals how
what we say can be used to bless
the identity and destiny of individuals and congregations.
EM162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.95
by Terry Edwards
This provocative
8 tape audio album is designed
to assist a local church in the
equipping of its “homegrown”
leadership. A wealth of proven
insights are provided to motivate
and establish a broad spectrum of
church leadership including home
leaders, Sunday School workers,
deacons, elders, and all department leaders and assistants. It is
the by-product of years of practical, hands-on experience which
promises to enhance the successful equipping of local church leadership.
Equipping Leadership
Cassette Album - CM11.................... $40.00
Leadership Transparency
Set - CM12 .......................................... $35.00
Master Set of Student Notes - CM13. $9.95
(Duplicate as necessary)
Your Spiritual
EM220 .................... $6.00
Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts
To Serve More Effectively
When Leaders Pray Together
by Terry D. Edwards
The leaders of the early church did not just leave the
intercessory needs of the church to “the intercessors,”
but gave themselves “continually to prayer.” This pamphlet is based upon the years of experience and breakthroughs of a successful leadership prayer team. It gives
the vision, benefits, and practices for building an effective leadership intercession team in the local church.
EM219 .................... $6.00
Journey To The
Secret Place
Ten Keys To A Deeper Life of
Communion With God
By Terry Edwards
What gifts has God given to me?
Where is my place in the Body
of Christ? How can I more effectively serve God? If you have asked yourself these or similar questions, then this spiritual gifts assessment will benefit you. This workbook will assist you in understanding
what gifts the Lord has given you. Knowing your gifts will
help point you toward effective and fruitful ministry. This
workbook can be used either individually or as a group
(one workbook per person).
EM119 ……………………………………………………… $8.95
EM168 Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire Only …………… $2.50
The topics covered in this exciting new book will greatly
enhance your devotional prayer life and bring you into a
richer personal experience with Jesus Christ. Along with
introductory guidelines for enjoying rich devotional prayer,
the following ten keys to the secret place are covered:
Setting Your Love on Jesus
Honoring His Presence
Beholding the Lord
Praying Through Your Problems
Walking Through the Wilderness
• Abandonment & Yielding
• Praying the Scriptures
• Hearing His Voice
• Intercession: Praying for Others
• Practicing His Presence
EM123 ……………………………… $ 9.95
Booklets & Tracts
E1 - Are You Going To
Heaven? Two Question
Test Reveals The Answer
E15 - Christianity And The
New Age Movement
A shorter version of “Are You Going To
Heaven?” booklet, designed for public
witnessing, or situations where limited
time is available.
Designed to equip the Christian on the
dangers and complicated beliefs of the
New Age Movement. It can be used to
share with people who are involved in,
or influenced by the New Age.
E2 - Are You Going?
E23 - Resurrection
A detailed Gospel booklet designed to
be read with unbelievers. Contrasts the
nature of God and man to produce the
conviction of a need for Jesus.
E3 - The Truth vs. The Lies
Clearly contrasts Christianity with
other religions in the major areas of the
Gospel. Useful to share with those who
feel that “as long as you’re sincere, it
doesn’t matter what you believe.”
E8 - Christianity vs. World
Contrasts clearly what Christianity teaches as compared with seven major world
religions. To be read with those who
believe “world religions basically teach
the same thing.”
E9 - The Jehovah’s
Witness Bible Proves That
Jesus Christ Is God
Read with J.W.’s or those confused by
their doctrines. It uses the New World
Translation to show the attributes of
Jehovah belong to Jesus.
Evangelism, Cults &
World Religions
have been many controversial events
in human history that have left us with
unanswered questions but none with
significance and potential impact as the
question of... “Did Jesus Christ really rise
from the dead?”
C29 - Is The Bible The
Word Of God?
Offers 16 logical and convincing proofs
which conclusively demonstrate that the
Bible is the inspired Word of God.
C31 - The Bible And
Roman Catholicism
This is a useful tool for both Catholics
and non-Catholics. It is especially written as an evangelism booklet for Roman
Catholics and appeals to them in a conciliatory manner.
C32 - Christianity Versus
The Occult
This booklet offers a sobering look at the
realm of the occult and reveals the biblical challenge to occultic claims.
C33 - Christianity Versus
E12 - Who’s That
Knocking At My Door?
Christianity vs. Cults
This provocative booklet presents both
the scientific and biblical case against the
pseudo-science of astrology.
Shows what six major so-called Christian
cults believe about 10 foundational
Christian doctrines, as compared to what
the Bible teaches.
C34 - Mormonism:
Christian, Cult, Or Occult?
E14 - Heaven And Hell
Utilizes a side-by-side comparison of
Heaven and Hell to clearly show eternal
differences from the Bible’s perspective.
At the end of the booklet, a plea is made
to choose Heaven.
Designed as both an informative tool
to expose the falsehoods and origins of
Mormonism and an evangelism tool to
reach those ensnared in this cult.
BP1 - Sample Pack Of 25
Booklets ................... $15.00
This sample packet of colorful booklets
will offer you a broad spectrum of CEI
booklet topics. These will help you to
better understand the purpose of CEI’s
Complete Booklet & Tract
booklet line.
Pricing......... See Pg 13-14
& Discipleship
Booklets & Tracts
E4 - Follow Up
To be shared with new converts or other
Christians who are not yet established in
their faith. Helps new Christians see the
importance of the Word, prayer, fellowship, the Church and witnessing.
E5 - Water Baptism
A thorough study of water baptism. To
be shared with new believers who need
to be water baptized. Answers the most
common questions asked about water
E6 - The Church Family
Compares God’s plan for the natural family and the spiritual family, the Church.
This versatile booklet can help bridge the
gap between a commitment to Christ and
being planted in a local church.
E10 - Why We Worship
To be read with those who have questions about charismatic worship. Uses
Scriptures to illustrate the biblical pattern
for church worship.
E11 - The Baptism In The
Holy Spirit
A booklet designed to be read with those
seeking this experience. Brings the listener to an understanding of the need to
be “endued with power from on high.”
E13 - What We Believe
And Why We Believe It
A follow-up booklet that explains and
illustrates 14 basic doctrines of the
Christian faith.
C1 - The New Life!
Helps establish the identity of the believer by describing the different aspects of
his new life in Christ.
E16 - The Holy Spirit & You
This booklet introduces the person and
the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the
believer. It also offers truth, insight and
guidelines for understanding and ministering with the Holy Spirit.
E19 - Knowledge of God
Revelation and understanding of God
in the majesty of His life and personality brings light and transforming power
to our spirit. This booklet describes His
transcendent and personal attributes.
E20 - Intimacy with God
God has placed in each of our hearts both
the desire and ability to know Him and
the depths of His love for us. This booklet
will provide successful keys to cultivate a
lifestyle of devotion back to Him.
E17 - Knowing God’s Love
The purpose of this booklet is to awaken
our hearts to the deep affectionate love
that God has for each of us and His
longing that we would return that
love back to Him.
E18 - Spiritual Warfare
This booklet describes the spiritual
armor given to every believer and defines
the basic elements of successful spiritual
C22 - Finding Your Place
In The Body
Defines the various gifts, offices and ministries involved in the Body of Christ and
reviews the constructive guidelines for
discovering your place.
C25 - Building A Strong
Prayer Life
Reveals the conditions for effective personal prayer and examines the essential
elements of quality prayer time.
C26 - Your Bible And
Establishes the importance of the Word
of God in a believer’s life and reveals the
practical steps for building a rewarding
and enjoyable relationship with the Bible.
C27 - Managing Your
This booklet gives a balanced scriptural
perspective concerning money management by examining such crucial areas as
stewardship, debt, credit, budgeting,
giving and the work ethic.
C28 - Learning About The
Examines the biblical basis, benefits, and
reasons for tithing and offers the practical
guidelines for consistently establishing
this financial principle in our lives.
C30 - How Did We Get
The Bible?
This booklet offers a concise yet comprehensive examination of the origins,
translation, preservation and gradual evolution of the modern day Bible.
E21 - Angels
This booklet addresses the current craze
and often confusion over angels from a
biblical standpoint, providing a truthful
and revelatory understanding of their
presence and ministry.
E22 - Hearing God’s Voice
Spiritual growth requires knowing God’s
voice. This booklet gives us the important
keys we need as believers to hear and identify
the inner voice of God and to distinguish it
from other voices that continually affect our
minds and hearts.
Complete Booklet & Tract Pricing .See Page 13-14
Booklets & Tracts
Defeating Anger
Conquering Condemnation
Discusses the destructive consequences of unrighteous anger, and gives the important steps to bringing it under control.
Is designed to liberate the Christian who is oppressed
by the nagging burden of condemnation.
Breaking Bad Habits
Defeating Depression
Presents the Scriptural steps for breaking the deadlock of destructive habits and achieving a lasting
Offers the liberating guidelines for understanding the
problem of depression and successfully overcoming it.
Building Self-Esteem
Knowing God’s Will
Assists the believer in realizing his true self-worth
and restoring a Godly self-image.
Defines the various ways God may reveal His will to
us, and gives us the keys necessary to feel confident
we have heard from Him.
Overcoming Stress!
Overcoming Worry!
Addresses this timely problem and offers the essential steps for alleviating the destructive pressures of
Provides the liberating insights and scriptural steps for
achieving a worry-free lifestyle.
Fighting Fear!
The Christian Marriage
Looks at the tormenting experience of fear and
reveals the scriptural steps to victory.
This booklet offers a comprehensive picture of God’s
design for marriage along with practical keys for both
husband and wife.
Overcoming Loneliness
Single And Serving God
Is designed to solve the problem of loneliness and
provide the vital keys for meaningful
Addresses the unique challenges confronting single
Christians and offers guidelines for dating, building
relationships and choosing a mate.
Overcoming Offense!
Raising Christian Children
Instructs the believer in the fine art of healing offenses and repairing damaged relationships.
Offers a brief yet comprehensive, examination of the
principles involved in biblically-based child rearing.
Overcoming Temptation
What The Bible Says About Sex
Gives the believer a clear understanding of how we
are tempted and what we can do to maintain our
This booklet addresses this subject in a sensitive manner by examining the scriptural perspectives, guidelines, and cautions concerning sex.
Victory In Affliction
Restoring The Backslider
This booklet is designed as a counseling tool for helping to restore the repentant backslider to a proper
relationship with Christ.
Reveals the reasons for affliction and the scriptural
keys for finding victory in the midst of them.
Complete Booklet & Tract Pricing ................. See Page 13-14
Booklet & Tract Display Rack
Churches around the nation are experiencing the tremendous advantage of the Christian Equippers Booklet and
Tract Rack. This rack, placed strategically in the back of
the church in the foyer area, provides Christians with a
large variety of booklets and tracts specifically designed to
be used in ministry situations.
contribution box next to the booklet rack where
Christians can pay for the materials. A set of restock
cards comes with your purchase to facilitate reordering.
Booklets & Tract prices below reflect a 10% discount!
Stocked Rack Includes:
This rack not only equips the saints with the tools to minister to others, but also helps free the pastoral staff to minister to the more difficult counseling needs of the church.
Churches recover their initial investment by providing a
35 Tract Titles, 25 Each
52 Booklet Titles, 10 Each .....................$393.50
Display Rack .............................................$99.00
Complete Rack Total..............................$453.15
Booklets & Tracts
Excuse Tracts
“I don’t believe in Heaven…”
“I don’t believe In the Bible…”
“As long as you’re sincere…”
“No one knows for sure…”
“I’ve done the best I could…”
“I’m not ready right now…”
“When you’re dead, you’re dead…”
“If there’s a loving God, then why?…”
“I don’t think about it very much…”
“You can be a Christian and still…”
“I don’t believe in God…”
“I believe in God…”
“The Bible was written by men…”
“Everyone interprets the Bible differently…”
“I believe in evolution…”
“I’m a Catholic...”
“Jesus is not the only way”
“Churches have too many hypocrites…”
“Jesus Christ is not God…”
The Problem
Are You Going To Heaven?
Evangelism & Follow Up Tracts
A New Beginning
How To Find A Good Church
“Hi Ya Kids” (Children)
You (Teenagers)
“Is This All There Is?” (Housewives)
“Guess What?” (Non Verbal Witness)
Savior: But Not Lord
Don’t Read This!
Music Tracts For Teens
Suicide & Rock n’ Roll
Drugs & Rock n’ Roll
Rock n’ Roll Obsession
Satanism & Rock n’ Roll
Violence & Rock n’ Roll
Hot Tips For The Best Sex
Sample Pack of 30 Tracts..............$3.00
Complete Booklet &
Tract Pricing ................. See Page 13-14
Youth Discipleship Booklet
The IDENTITY booklet is designed to open the eyes of any believer through visually captivating artwork and
foundational biblical truths to reveal true identity! This 24 page CD-size booklet will direct their path through
an assortment of scriptures and empowering revelation for a pursuit of “Christ-likeness.”
(See page 6 for more details)
Y1 IDENTITY Booklet ………………………………………………………………………… $ 1.25
Spanish Material
Spanish Booklets
E1S - Are You Going To Heaven? Two Question
Test Reveals The Answer A shorter version of “Are
You Going To Heaven?” booklet, designed for public witnessing, or situations where limited time is available.
E16S - The Holy Spirit & You This booklet introduces
the person and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the
believer. It also offers truth, insight and guidelines for
understanding and ministering with the Holy Spirit.
E2S - Are You Going? A detailed Gospel booklet
designed to be read with unbelievers. Contrasts the nature of
God and man to produce the conviction of a need for Jesus.
E17S - Knowing God’s Love The purpose of this booklet is to awaken our hearts to the deep affectionate love
that God has for each of us and His longing that we would
return that love back to Him.
E4S - Follow Up To be shared with new converts or
other Christians who are not yet established in their faith.
Helps new Christians see the importance of the Word,
prayer, fellowship, the Church and witnessing.
E5S - Water Baptism A thorough study of water baptism. To be shared with new believers who need to be water
baptized. Answers the most common questions asked about
water baptism.
E6S - The Church Family Compares God’s plan for the
natural family and the spiritual family, the Church. This
versatile booklet can help bridge the gap between a commitment to Christ and being planted in a local church.
E10S - Why We Worship To be read with those
who have questions about charismatic worship. Uses
Scriptures to illustrate the biblical pattern for church worship.
E11S - The Baptism In The Holy Spirit A booklet
designed to be read with those seeking this experience.
Brings the listener to an understanding of the need to be
“endued with power from on high.”
E13S - What We Believe And Why We Believe It
A follow-up booklet that explains and illustrates 14 basic
doctrines of the Christian faith.
Are You Going To Heaven? Video
Outreach Sunday
Promote through out
your community and
show on a Sunday morning. Have the members
invite friends.
Small Group Outreach
Have each small group obtain a copy
of this video. Great for reaching
unchurched people and building small
Televise On a Local Cable
Televise and promote with door
knockers and flyers.
Become a Distributor
The sale of this video can be a great
E18S - Spiritual Warfare This booklet describes the
spiritual armor given to every believer and defines the
basic elements of successful spiritual warfare.
C1S - The New Life! Helps establish the identity of the
believer by describing the different aspects of his new life
in Christ.
C22S - Finding Your Place in the Body Defines the
various gifts, offices and ministries involved in the Body
of Christ and reviews the constructive guidelines for discovering your place.
C25S - Building A Strong Prayer Life Reveals the conditions for effective personal prayer and examines the
essential elements of quality prayer time.
C26S - Your Bible and You Establishes the importance
of the Word of God in a believer’s life and reveals the
practical steps for building a rewarding and enjoyable
relationship with the Bible.
C28S - Learning About the Tithe Examines the biblical basis, benefits, and reasons for tithing and offers the
practical guidelines for consistently establishing this
financial principle in our lives.
New ish
Span on
tool for raising funds for missions,
youth groups or building funds.
Citywide Outreach
Work with the local Pastors
Association, or other churches to promote citywide distribution. Put a video
in every house in your area. Call CEI
for further promotional materials.
Give To A Loved One!
You have many relatives, friends,
neighbors and co-workers. Ask them
to watch the video.
Invite Someone Over
Invite someone over for a time of fellowship and watch the video together.
Give As A Gift
This video is a great
gift for birthday and
Tell A Friend
Tell your Christian friends about this
video and encourage them to order
their own copy.
Quantity Pricing
as Follows
(EM15 - S)
1 - 9.....................................$9.00
10 - 25.................................$8.00
26 - 75.................................$7.00
76 - 250...............................$6.00
Order Information
Tract Title
Pack Price
E1 Two Question Test Reveals… (Simplified)
Are You Going? (Detailed)
The Truth vs. The Lies
Follow Up
Water Baptism
The Church Family
Christianity vs. World Religions
E9 J.W. Bible Proves Jesus Christ is God
Why We Worship…
E11 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
E12 Christianity vs. Cults - Who’s that knocking…$55.00
E13 What We Believe & Why We Believe It
Heaven and Hell
E15 Christianity & The New Age Movement
The Holy Spirit and You
Knowing God’s Love
Spiritual Warfare
The Knowledge of God
Intimacy With God
Hearing God’s Voice
The New Life!
Defeating Anger
Breaking Bad Habits
Building Self Esteem
Overcoming Stress!
Fighting Fear!
Overcoming Loneliness
Overcoming Offense
Overcoming Temptation
Victory in Affliction
Conquering Condemnation
Defeating Depression
Knowing God’s Will
Overcoming Worry!
The Christian Marriage
Single and Serving God
Raising Christian Children
C22 Finding Your Place In The Body
C23 What the Bible Says About Sex
Restoring the Backslider
Building A Strong Prayer Life
Your Bible And You
Managing Your Money
Learning About The Tithe
C29 Is The Bible The Word Of God?
How Did We Get The Bible?
C31 The Bible and Roman Catholicism
Christianity vs. Occult!
Christianity vs. Astrology!
C34 Mormonism: Christian, Cult, Or Occult?
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Christian Equippers
3580 Blackwood Rd.
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
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“I don’t believe in Heaven”
“I don’t believe in the Bible”
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Discover Card
“As long as you’re sincere…”
“No one knows for sure…”
“I’ve done the best I could…”
“I’m not ready right now…”
T8 “When you’re dead you’re dead…”
T9“If there’s a loving God, then why?…”
T11 “I don’t think about it very much…”
T12 “You can be a Christian and still…”
“I don’t believe in God…”
“I believe in God…”
Phone Our Sales
Servicing Department
T15 “The Bible was written by men…”
If you wish to enclose pay-
T16 “Everyone interprets the Bible differently…”$9.50
ment with your order, please
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1-800-662-0909 U.S. Only
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. PST
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24-Hour FAX
“I believe in Evolution…”
“I’m a Catholic…”
“Jesus is not the only way…”
T20 “Churches have too many hypocrites…”
“Jesus Christ is not God…”
A new Beginning
How To Find A Good Church
“Hi Ya Kids” (Children)
You (Teenagers)
T27 “Is This All There Is?” (Housewives)
T28 “Guess What?” (Non Verbal Witness)
Savior… But Not Lord
Don’t Read This!
“The Problem”
T32 “Are You Going To Heaven?” (2 QT)
Christian Equippers
Suicide And Rock n’Roll
Drugs And Rock n’Roll
3580 Blackwood Rd.
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Rock n’Roll Obsession
Satanism And Rock n’Roll
Violence And Rock n’Roll
Hot Tips For The Best Sex
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Sample Pack Of 30 Handout Leaflets
Identity (Youth)
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New Products...
Restoring The Christian Family
This eight tape teaching course, along with notes, is based upon John and
Paula Sandford’s excellent and insightful book, “Restoring the Christian
Family.” The focus centers on the heart issues of family life and marriage
and how understanding and yielding to the Holy Spirit can bring God’s heart
into our homes. The material is a revelation as well as revelutionary to understanding
God’s plan for the Christian family. The course materials includes an eight tape album,
one set of course notes, and one copy of “Restoring the Christian Family.”
Additional notes and books are highly recommended for each couple or
Starter Kit................................................... $50.00
Healing Issues
of the Heart
This is a twelve tape course which has as its purpose: (1) to bring healing and deliverance to needed
areas in our own hearts; (2) to better equip us to bring healing and freedom to others.
When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives He immediately begins a transforming and sanctifying work to free us
from the damage of sin and oppression of the enemy. Jesus declared these as priorities in His ministry. He came to
“heal the broken hearted” and to “set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). The goal is to free us within
so that we can enjoy a full relationship with Jesus Christ and live an abundant life in Him.
The course will provide teaching in the following areas:
1. Wounding of the heart and spirit. (Psalm 147:3; Luke 4:18)
2. Generational sins and resulting curses of our ancestors. (Deuteronomy 5:9)
3. Strongholds of the mind (ungodly beliefs). (Proverbs 23:7; Romans 12:2)
4. Occult activity and its resulting bondage.
5. Demonic oppression and deliverance.
The course promises to provide greater personal understanding regarding how our
personalities are impacted by the events and experiences of our lives and how the
Holy Spirit can bring transformation and liberation to the deepest areas of our being.
Included in the course is the following:
• Twelve Cassette Teaching Album
• Student Note Manual
• Prayer Leader’s Prayer Training Manual
Christian Equippers International
3580 Blackwood Road
South Lake Tahoe, California 96150
Instructor: Pastor Wayne Chalk
Total Cost.................................................... $85.00