Let`s Play! - The Children`s Playhouse
Let`s Play! - The Children`s Playhouse
Let’s Play! The Children’s Playhouse Newsletter 400 Tracy Circle, Boone, North Carolina 28607 ◊ 828/263‐0011 ◊ www.GoPlayhouse.org Playhouse Pumpkin Party & Consignment Sale! October 24 & 25 At The National Guard Armory, Boone There will be great deals . . . 4:30‐6:00 Thurs, 10/23 Consigner Presale—Invitation Only 8:30‐1:00 Friday, 10/24 Early Bird Sale‐$5 admission. 8:30‐1 pm, Sat 10/25 Consignment & Rummage Free admission You’ll love the great deals on kids clothes, household items, furniture, equip‐ ment and more. Your kids will love the airwalk, face‐painting, art activities, games, and food! Those wanting the best pickings, will want to hit the Early Bird sale on Friday. Be sure to come back on Saturday for all the great activi‐ ties and games, plus bargain bags and half‐price consignment from noon to 1! . . .and some not-too-spooky Halloween fun! Pumpkin Party Activities on Saturday October 25: 8:30‐11:30 Continental Breakfast 9:00‐1:00 Airwalk, art activities, games 11:00 Clogging with Appalachian Rhythm 11:45 Costume Parade 11:45 “Cheer‐Hop” Demo & Workshop 11:30‐1:00 Pizza Lunch with the Wacky Witch Creative Movement Join the fun as experienced teacher Kristen Kissik involves your child in playing parachute games, moving like animals, and dancing with silk scarves! Through creative movement children gain an appreciation for clas‐ sical music, en‐ hance fine and gross motor skills, master simple rhythms, improve hand‐eye coordi‐ nation, and im‐ pulse control. Try a free sample class: Sample Preschool Creative Movement 10:00 am Tues, Sept 16th or Weds Sept 17th Make Saturday a family day with all these great activities the kids can enjoy while you shop! Last seen at our Playhouse Family Music Festival in August, Appalachian Rhythm is returning with clogging demo and a “Cheer‐Hop” workshop/demo for kids 4‐8. Sample Creative Movement for 4-6 year olds Rummage Donations Happily Accepted! Preschool Creative Movement (age 2-4): 3:30 Weds Sept 17th. Fall Session Bring in your gently used, non‐stained clothing, kids’ toys, books, and house‐ hold goods. You can drop them off at The Playhouse, 400 Tracy Circle and we’ll sort them. If you have large items to donate, please call ahead so that we can arrange to help you get them in our storage unit (graciously donated by the Village of Meadowview). Leave your name and address if you’d like a receipt. The sale will be October 24‐25th at the National Guard Armory. Section A: 10:00‐10:45 Tues, Sept 23‐Nov 4th; OR Section B: 10‐10:45 Weds, Sept 24th‐Nov 5th. Section C: 3:30‐4:15 Thurs, Sept 25‐Nov 6th Make Money from Your Stuff! 3:30‐4:15 Weds, Sept 24th‐ Nov 5th. Pick up a Consigner’s Packet at The Playhouse or follow the link to “Consignment Sale News” on www.goPlayhouse.org. Best sellers at the most recent sales were baby and kids’ clothes, toys, and household items including good quality furniture. Con‐ signers earn 60%, the remaining 40% is a tax deductible donation to The Playhouse. Creative Movement for Kids 4-6 No classes Oct 14th and 15th. Fee for 6 week, 45 minute class: $42 mem‐ bers/ $50 nonmembers. Call 263‐ 0011 to register. VISA/Mastercard now accepted. Parents’ Night Out Is Back! Treat Yourself and Treat the Playhouse when You Eat Out at the Playhouse Restaurant of the Month 5:30‐8:30 on Fridays, Sept 26th, Oct 10th, Oct 24th, Nov 7th, Nov 21st, & Dec 5th. Each month a different great restaurant picks a and donates a percentage of sales to The Chil‐ dren's Playhouse. Past participants include Stick Boy, Tupelo's, & the Best Cellar. Enjoy some well‐ deserved adult time while your kids have a blast at The Children’s Play‐ house! Parents Night Out is for ages 18 months‐8 years. A peanut‐free snack will be served. Cost is $12 for the 1st child, $6 per additional sibling for 3 hours. Reg‐ istration required; call 828‐263‐0011. day Eat at Red Onion September 23rd Enjoy delicious wraps, sandwiches, salads, a great kids' menu and a newly expanded out‐ door patio dining space at The Red Onion (227 Hardin Street, Boone, NC). Phone: 828‐264‐5470. Nosh at Reid's on Wednesday October 1 Tucked in a historic jailhouse at 142 South Water Street, Boone, Reid's offers one ‐of‐kind gourmet deli tapas featuring many ethnic cuisines, daily specials, and exquisite desserts. This makes for amazing take‐out, too. Dine at Our Daily Bread on October 16th Located in the heart of downtown Boone at 627 West King Street, Our Daily Bread offers an eclectic range of sandwiches and salads with lots of great options for vegetarians and carnivores. Phone: 828‐264‐0173. Pig Out at Woodland's Thursday November 13th Famous for barbecue, Woodlands (8304 Valley Blvd/HWY 321 Bypass, Blowing Rock) serves chicken, ribs, pork burgers, and Mexican food. 828‐295‐3651. Professional instruction in all areas of dance (Ballet, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Clogging) for preschool age to adults, as well as Belly Dance, Tumbling, Zumba Fitness, Tae Kwan Do, Social Dance, and Capoeira. Share the joy of dance in a warm, encouraging atmosphere 2 All the programs on this page are FREE to Playhouse members! Sparkling Storytimes with Mrs B. 10:45 2nd Weds of the Month: Sept 10th, Oct 8th, Nov 12th, & Dec 10th. Children’s librarian Carol Bollini re‐ turns to The Children’s Playhouse (400 Tracy Circle, Boone) with fun‐ filled story times for kids two and up on the second Wednesday of each month. Mrs. B is great at involving kids with fun rhymes, fingerplays, and great stories! Judith Winecoff of Watauga County library will sub for Carol on Nov 12th. Free to members or with paid admission to The Chil‐ dren’s Play‐ house. Third Thursday Musikgarten Class 10:30‐11:15 Thursday Sept 18th, Oct 16th, Nov 20th, and Dec 18th. Come out for this free introduction to Musikgarten for all ages taught by cer‐ tified instructor Alison Moser every third Thursday this fall. Introduce your child to mu‐ sical concepts through singing, dancing, in‐ strument playing, listening games, and musi‐ cal patterns. Class size limited to 15 kids. Reg‐ istration recommended: call 828‐263‐0011. Free to members or with paid admission to The Children’s Playhouse. We thank Alison for donat‐ ing her time to bring us this special Third Thursday class. Lullabies with Shalene 10:30‐11:00 Friday, Sept 26th. Learn some beautiful lullabies to share with your baby from vocalist and mom, Shalene Wyrick. For parents and kids from birth to 24 months. Free to members or with paid admission to The Children’s Playhouse. A Playhouse regular, Shalene shared family‐ friendly classical music with us this past summer in her Mama’s Music series. Baby Lap Time Toddler Time 9:30‐10:00 Every Friday 9:30‐10:00 Every Thursday Facilitated by child development specialist Rebekah Cummings, Baby Lap Time (BLT) is a great opportunity to meet other parents and exchange ideas and concerns. Baby Lap Time is free to par‐ ents of babies up to one year. First time visi‐ tors who wish to stay after BLT is over will be offered a free pass to The Children’s Playhouse. Geared for toddlers walking through 23 months, their parents and siblings, Toddler Time is a time for toddlers to interact and parents to talk while the Playhouse is quiet. Facilitated by Amber Mellon; for more infor‐ mation, call 828‐263‐0011 or 828‐355‐5222. Free to members or with paid admission to The Children’s Playhouse. Special Guest: Green Mother Goods 10:00 Friday October 17th Meredith Green from Green Mother Goods will introduce the safe, earth‐ friendly toys Green Mother Goods is donating to The Playhouse and dis‐ cuss how to find non‐toxic toys for your baby. 3 2nd Playhouse Family Music Festival Rocked Sugar Grove Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Make it a Success! Held on Saturday, August 16th, 2008 at the Historic Cove Creek School in Sugar Grove, NC,, the second annual Play‐ house Family Music Festival was a rousing success. The weather held, the music was great, and y’all came! Attendance was up 35% over the first year, bringing in close to 1,000 people, and raising much needed money for The Children’s Playhouse. We had great performers including Billy Lucy Rapfogel and Billy Jonas,©Richard Rapfogel Jonas, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, Lost Ridge, the Forget‐Me‐ Photography Nots, Elkland Art Center Puppet Troupe, the BDBs from Todd, Mystic Mountain Belly Dance, Blowing Rock Stage Company, High Country Cloggers, and Appala‐ chian Rhythm. Old‐fashioned games, airwalks, Hair Art, face‐painting, crafts and water play meant that no child was ever bored. The BeActive Van also added to the fun. We would like to thank our sponsors for the festival: Watauga County Tourism Development Au‐ thority, Watauga County Arts Council and the Grassroots Funds of the North Carolina Arts Coun‐ cil, Drs. Lada & Morehouse of Appalachian Regional Adult & Pediatric Medicine, Boone Mall, Boone Rent‐All, Children’s Council of Watauga County, Earth Fare, Foscoe Realty Rentals, & M‐Prints. Additional sponsors included Boone Drug; Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corpo‐ ration; GDS, Inc; Michael Goopta Acupuncture; Drs. Mayhew, Conn, Scheffler and Hardaway; Mast General Store; Stick Boy Bread Company; SkyLine Membership Corporation; & Watauga County Recycling. Festival Friends were Alpine Ski Shop, Blue Ridge Learning Centers, Mountaintop Golf Cars, Dr. Maggie Sparks, & Highlands Union Bank. Media sponsors were Aisling Broadcasting, High Country Media, High Country Press, High Country Mom Squad, MTN TV, Ray’s Weather Center, WECR, WETS, WNCW, & WPVM. Over 60 volunteers contributed to the success of the festival and, we hope, had a blast while doing it. Festival organizers included Christine Anderson, Beth Darnell, Lindsey Eddins, Megan Ellis, Alison Gulley, Emily Maass, John and Paulette Marty, Laura Newmark, Kathy Parham, Kay Philipp, Susan and Alex Poorman, Andrew Saldino, Jennefer Spell, and Kelly Wiley. Thanks to Jesse Washburn for designing a great logo. We sure appreciated the help of Project Challenge and Cove Creek Farm. Meghann Ainsworth was a volunteer coordinator par excellance. Thanks to Mr. Jackie Mast for the use of his field, and to Cove Creek Development Assoc. and Elkland Art Center for the loan of equipment. Plans are already underway for next year’s festi‐ val. If you would like to be part of the planning process, contact Kathy Parham 4 (Kathy@goplayhouse.org). Looking for a foot stomping good time? www.apprhythm.com info@apprhythm.com Tel: (828) 268-1926-Elise Sigmon Appalachian Rhythm Clogging & Dance is now accepting new students for the Fall Semester. All ages welcome! Sign-up NOW for Beginner Clogging and/or Cheer-Hop (Cheerleading/HipHop Combo class)! All classes $40/month. Discount given when you sign up for more than one class. Located in Unit 9 of Carriage Square on Hwy 105 Ext. (across from the Subaru Dealership). Help the Environment & Help The Children’s Playhouse! Finally, a use for those yogurt con‐ tainers piling up in your kitchen! Bring them to The Playhouse and help us earn money! Bring your clean 6oz and 32oz Stoneyfield Farms, Dannon and Brown Cow yogurt containers to Earthfare, Bare Essentials, Harris Teeter, or the Children’s Playhouse, and help the Playhouse earn money for each container. We cannot ac‐ cept Breyer’s or Yoplait because they are the wrong shape, but store brand containers are acceptable. These containers will be reused by Terracycle for planting pots. All proceeds benefit The Children's Play‐ house. Learn more about TerraCycle at www.terracycle.com. Thanks to Jennefer Spell, Megan Ellis, Meghann Ainsworth and our student volunteers for keeping this project going. Thanks to Stick Boy for donating containers! Festival Scrapbook Continued . . . Thanks to Jennefer Spell, Laura Newmark, and Richard Rapfogel for contrib‐ uting the photographs on this and the proceeding page. The Forget‐Me‐Nots, ©Richard Rapfogel Photography 5 The Children’s Playhouse provides children from birth to age eight with an enriching, educational play environment while at the same time offering their parents and caregivers friendly support in the important job of raising children. Stimulating arts– and science-based programs, enticing play areas and exhibits, and informative parenting resources all support this mission. The Playhouse is supported in part by Watauga County, the Town of Boone and the United Way. A one year Passport membership provides unlimited admission to The Playhouse and 150 other children’s museums around the country for only $125. Scholarships are available for qualifying families. For more information about The Playhouse, call 263-0011 or visit our website at www.goplayhouse.org. DIRECTIONS: The Children’s Playhouse is located at 400 Tracy Circle, Boone. From King Street going West, it is the first right after the light for the 105 Extension. HOURS: Tuesdays through Fridays 10 am-5 pm, Saturdays 103. Closed Sunday and Monday. Thanks to Espresso News for our Coffee! Don’t you love the coffee at The Play‐ house? We can’t thank Espresso News enough for donating it. They do with a smile every week. Please stop by their store next to Footslogger’s and tell them how much you appre‐ ciate it! While you’re at it, get a GoodSearch GoodSearch.com – powered by Yahoo – donates 50% of its revenue, approximately a penny per search, to the charities designated by its users. Search the web with www.goodsearch.com , choose The Children's Play‐ house as your charity, and money from Yahoo advertisers will go to The Playhouse! You can also easily add GoodSearch to your browser toolbar. A Bi ’s Playhouse ildren Easy on The Ch ty that is rfect Par — T he P e Parents! t rthday a Permit #111 Boone, NC The Children’s Playhouse 400 Tracy Circle Boone, NC 28607 PAID U.S. Postage Non-Profit Org 6
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