University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
HR-10000 Zagreb, Vukelideva 4, Croatia Mission Department of Intelligent Transport Systems is a scientificeducational and R&D organizational unit of Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences that generates, transmits and applies knowledge in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. Vision Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems wants to become a regional scientific-educational and R&D Center of Excellence in the field of intelligent transportation systems and related technologies, integrated in the European network of similar organizations. Department of Intelligent Transportation Systems / Basic facts Established in 2001 Academic staff: 12 Professors: 5 Assistants: 7 • Professional Associate: 5 Chairs: Chair of Applied Computing Chair of Transport Telematics Courses 1/3 – Undergraduade study Algorithms and programming Data bases Electronic systems and computers Road telematics Automatic control in traffic and transport Intelligent transport systems I Location and navigation systems Transport processes optimization Computer science Intelligent transport systems architecture Traffic incidents management Courses 2/3 – Graduade study Traffic systems analysis and modeling Intelligent transport systems I Measurement and remote control systems Telematic interfaces Telematics in vehicles Geographic information systems in traffic Virtual reality systems in traffic Artificial intelligence Courses 3/3 – Postgraduate study Expert systems in traffic Traffic modeling Traffic networks Traffic control systems Transport systems supported by telematics ITS laboratory Motion sensing input device / Microsoft Kinect Brain-computer interface / Emotive EPOC Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras for trafic surveillance Microcontrollers / Arduino & Raspberry Pi Robot construction kit / Lego Mindstorms Parallel computing equipment / CUDA License plate recognition software / ARH Multi-modal traffic flow simulation software GIS software / ESRI ArcView Vehicle GPS tracks database for Croatia Traffic parameters database for Slovenia ... Department expertise Intelligent transportation systems Heuristic and metaheuristic vehicle routing algorithms Cooperative systems in transport and traffic Estimation and prediction of traffic parameters Ontology of traffic systems and processes Intermodal transport optimisation Optimisation algorithms parallelisation Computer vision systems in transport and traffic Remote sensing systems Traffic incident management systems Public transport priority control systems Recent international research and development projects 1/2 Framework Programme 7 (FP 7) Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency (ICSI), CRO team leader prof. dr. sc. Sadko Mandžuka, 1.11.2012 – 15.12.2015, FP7ICT-2011-8 CIVITAS ELAN Mobilising citizens for vital cities Ljubljana-Gent-ZagrebBrno-Porto, FTTS leader prof. dr. sc. Stanislav Pavlin, 2008 – 2012, finished project COST actions TU1102 Towards Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems, CRO MC members doc. dr. sc. Edouard Ivanjko and prof. dr. sc. Sadko Mandžuka, ongoing project TU1305 Social Network and Travel Behavior, CRO MC members: prof. dr. sc. Tonči Carid, Slaven Gašparovid, ongoing project Recent international research and development projects 2/2 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) / IPA / European Neighborhood Policy VISTA – Computer Vision Innovations for Safe Traffic, FTTS team leader prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Gold, 1.4.2013 – 1.4.2015, ongoing project SORDITO - System for Route Optimization in Dynamic Transport Environment, Project leader: prof. dr. sc. Tonči Carid, ongoing project South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (SEE) Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe (SEE-ITS), CRO team leader prof. dr. sc. Sadko Mandžuka, 2012 – 2015, finished project National projects Development Methodology of Integrated Adaptive Transport-logistic Systems, Project leader prof. dr. sc. Sadko Mandžuka, 2007 – 2013, finished project CRO-GRID Applications: Transport organisation optimization, TP098/2003-34, FTTS team leader prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Gold, 2004 – 2006, finished project Intelligent Cooperative Sensing for Improved traffic efficiency (ICSI) – FP7 Partners: INTECS Informatica e Tecnologia del Software S.p.A., Italia (Coordinator) Brisa Inovacao e Tecnologia S.A., Portugal Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, Italia Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italia Universidad de Deusto, Spain Hellenic Telecommunications and Telematics Applications Company - Forthnet S.A., Greece University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Croatia Angel Iglesias S.A. – Ikusi, Spain Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal Objectsecurity Limited, England Basic goals: Define a new architecture to enable cooperative sensing in intelligent transportation systems Results will enable advanced traffic and travel management strategies, based on reliable and real-time input data Definition of novel traffic and travel management strategies VISTA – Computer Vision Innovations for Safe Traffic Financed by the IPA 2007 Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme Partners: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Basic goals: Strengthening of technology transfer and commercialization capacities of partner HEIs Transfer of existing computer vision applications from HEIs to SMEs in the automotive industry sector Developing new traffic- and transport-related computer vision applications with commercial potential in collaboration with SMEs in the automotive industry sector (Traffic sign detection and recognition, Lane detection and recognition, Lane departure detection and warning, road side vegetation detection, Surround view parking assistance, Driver fatigue monitoring) SORDITO - System for Route Optimization in Dynamic Transport Environment Financed by the IPA 2007 Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme Partners: Faculty of Traffic and Transport Sciences, Department of ITS Mireo Ltd Basic goals: Capacity building for technology transfer Harmonization of research with the needs of the economy Investment in research equipment Incentives for commercialization of research results Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe (SEE-ITS) Financed by the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (SEE) Partners: CERTH/HIT (Coordinator), Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Hellenic Institute of Transport, Greece ADEP S.A., Patras Municipal Enterprise for Planning and Development S.A., Greece AustriaTech Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd, Austria ΚΚΚ Hungarian Transport Administration, Hungary ITS Bulgaria, Bulgaria ITS Romania, Romania UL, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia FPZ, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia ITL, Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation, Italy ITS HELLAS, Hellenic Intelligent Transport Systems, Greece ITS Hungarian Association, Hungary TTS Italia, Italian ITS Association, Italy SHKTQ, Albanian Association of Urban Transport, Albania Basic goals: The results of the assessment studies will provide impacts for transport efficiency and regional cohesion through a common methodology The project will deliver a Regional Integration Framework for collaborative, transnational ITS schemes and a long term plan for future sustainability ITS Laboratory today and tomorrow ITS laboratory Indoor part Traffic control centre Outdoor part Intelligent parking system Traffic parameters measurement Traffic control Cooperation partners Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia Ruđer Boškovid Institute, Croatia Centre of Excellence for Computer Vision, University of Zagreb, Croatia ITS Croatia Mireo Ltd., Croatia LED Elektronika Ltd Telegra Ltd., Croatia Peek/Imtech Ltd., Croatia Amanova Ltd., Slovenia ... HR-10000 Zagreb, Vukelideva 4, Croatia
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