NEWSLETTER - Haverford Township Information Center
NEWSLETTER - Haverford Township Information Center
RANGE NEWSLE TTE R Volume 39 Number 2 October 20 14 very se.ason, our volunteer groups who are respons ible for the ho Iida~ d~corations. and the holiday themes come up with ideas motivated by many different factors and aspects. This year is no exception. We are delighted to present our theme for the 2014 season "Christmas Under the Sea." E Envision -ifyou will something completely and totally different fora Christmas tree! Seashells, seahorses and oceanic creatures from under the sea adorn the holiday Christmas trees at the Grange this season. We have many surprise trimmings and we pose a Christmas fantasy inspired by the beauty of the sea. The volunteers have been working diligently all year preparing the ornaments. We invite you to visit the Grange and roam from room to room and experience all the wonderful, fanciful designs. Our holiday tour season begins on Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 1:00 to 4 :00 pm. Tours are available on weekends at the Grange Estate on November 30, December 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28 and 143 Myrtle Avenue • Havertown. PA 19083 · Ja nuary 3, 4, 10, 11, 2015. Admission to the Mansion is $5.00 for adults, S 1.00 for students Grange Trainmaster, Bill Parkinson and the train display volunteers have been hard at work creating another unique display of trains in the Carriage House. Before or after your tour of the mansion, take a walk over to the Carriage House and see the bri lliant traditional presentation of trains. Admission for the trains is free! The Grange Gift Shoppe will be open on the weekends during tour hours. The Shoppe is stocked with handmade-inseasonal, for your gifts America family and fi-iends. holiday annual Our celebration will take place on Saturday, December 6, 2014, 4 to 7 pm . There wi ll be fl avorful hors d'oeuvres and sweet desserts, a special punch and other tasty treats. Returning to the Grange is Dale McCauley who wi ll perform some g reat holiday favorites. Dale conveys his experience, a well-honed skill in piano playing and arrangement and life-long love of music to his audience. Admission is $25 per person. Come over and visit w ith other members and start the hol idays off dreaming of "Christmas under the Sea". 610-446-4958 www. theg rangeestate .org Hello Friends, Bill Penn here We are coming into two of my most favorite seasons the fall and the holidays. The weather now is comfortable and the colors are amazing. I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy some of these great weather days before you know what-s now! Thinking about the winter and snow, the Grange is gearing up for the holidays. The volunteers have been planning the themes of the trees and the train display w ill be ready at the end of November. If you would like to help with the decorations, please contact our office. Most of the month of November, we are here - getting ready for all of _ the festive holiday fun. We are a lso planning our programs and events for 2015. If you have a thought or a suggestion, we would like to hear from you. We are a lways interested in hearing new ideas. Our many different committees provide both vision for the future and practical proposals for achieving them . Their work is truly va lued by the entire Membership and Board. Our by-laws are written so that each member is offered an opportunity to volunteer for a committee and each committee is required to have a chairperson and a minimum of two volunteer members. All committees report directly to the Executive Committee. Think about your experience, bac kground and areas. of interes.1.: what yo u might bring to one of our committees. We welcome all new and returning members to our group. As they say on the nightly news, the big story here is the continuance of work and progress on our stage in the Remembrance Garden Amphitheater. The rest of the project wi ll be ongoing for the remainder of this year, and into 20 I 5. We anticipate a formal opening ceremony next season IF everything goes just right. We still need lo have the handicapped access ramp built, electrical cons iderations completed and grading of the lawn area. I have been actively involved with this project and anyone who may be interested in joining us should contact our office. 1t is projects like this one that just happen sometimes, and then they become reality. YOU could help improve the Grange by walking around the grounds and coming up with ideas on how to enhance the property. Thank you for your continued inte rest in the Grange Estate. We look forward to another g reat year of fun and friendship and I wish you and yours, the very best holiday season and sweet blessings for the New Year. Sincerely, ~itt, Penn President, Friends of the Grange The Bees of 20 l 4 The spring season s tarted with one hive surviving the winter - not an easy feat considering the weather we experienced this past season . Then the Troiano Fami ly generously donated a package of bees to start a second hive. These were ins~aUed in early April and have done well except they have not been very friendly. We then purchased a new queen planning to replace the old one in the hopes it would result in kinder, gentler bees. However, we were not able to find the old queen so we used the new one to start a half hive, referred to as a nuc. With a bit of luck, they wi ll surv ive to become a third hive in the new spring of20 15. The two larger hives had a ·good sununer and we were able to host the Honey Harvest at the end of August. We extracted 60 pounds of honey w ith the he lp of many vis itors. They lined up w ith their bottles and we were thankfully able to fi ll all the orders. The Grange caretaker, Mae Noble, sold her handmade beeswax candles. We are now preparing the hives for winter. A special thanks to Bill Downs for all his help and expertise. Bi ll had joined us while we were preparing for a mite check and we are in the process of adding fondant as a back-up winter food supply. Now everyone cross your fingers that the winter will be gentle o n our queens and US! 68~ ~O>W't 143 Myrtle Avenue Havertown, PA 19083 ....;; - Savor the Flavor - Our Savor the Flavor featured restaurants were: Edgewood Cafe & BYOB 1304 Edgewood Road, Havertown 484-453-8851 The Grange Estate 2014 Savor the Flavor gets it yet again/ On Thursday, June 5th, The Grange was well organized and anticipating the guests for the very popular Savor the Flavor event. The grounds had been prepared, the lawn was cut and the surrounding gardens were trimmed and groomed. The participating food vendors and catering staff were arriving and setting up for the big night. All of the final arrangements were being made and thankfully, Mother Nature was a friend to Friends of the Grange by gracing us with a beautiful evening. VIDA (La Tez) 5 Brookline Boulevard, Havertown 610-789-1808 Tip O'Leary Restaurant & Bar 300 West Chester Pike, Havertown 610-789-1414 Oakmont National Pub 31 Eagle Road, Havertown 610-789-4000 Sampan Inn 8 Brookl!ne Boulevard, Havertown 610-446-3000 Pig Daddy's BBQ 693 Burmont Road, Drexel Hiii 610-622-6441 Our entertainment, the John Hoey Orchestra and IRadioPhilly geared up for Koffmeyer's Old Fashioned Cookies and Ice Cream the huge audience that made their way through to the South Garden where ~e 7 Brookline Boulevard, Havertown 484-454-3526 entertainment was performing. We would like to offer a special thanks to John. Hoey and to Toin Kelly ofIRadioPhilly for. simulcasting the. band's concert. Pepperonclni Italian Restaurant & Catering . . . · .: . . · .. · .- . . · . "-. . . ;; . 101 W. Eagle Road, Havertown. Tom .also intt'.rviewecl .some. of the. re~tauran_t :°WDers anQ. the. co;..~ha,irs .of ·-.· ·. · 484-454-5995 t4e ... event, Bob Sharrar and Eliz~bet4 Mellon. . BoJJ's Bake atHome Pizza. . - This year, we had thjrte~ri diff~rent foocfvendors .present thefr specialties 28W. Eagle Road, Have~o~n: · . .. 610-446-1995 · and the ·gues~. eagerlY· and happiiY tne · d..aIi'· 0 f the tasty samples. .·~e" :Abruzzo's Italian Bistro 1254 Township Line·, Drex~I Hlli · . had many busmesses to Thank! We· are· smcerely grateful· to all of the 484-454-5730 restaurants owners who graciously prepare and served their food. We would Tabblon Restaurant &Cafe 610-622-2852 like to thank all of the businesses who donated their goods to our Bid 3704 Garrett Road, Drexel Hill Auction. We wish to acknowledge Nick Santoleri, who donated his print of Mainline Culinary Academy 560 Sproul Road, Villanova 484.424.9788 "Grange in Winter" and to Frameworks of Havertown who will provide the J D Cake Designs framing for the Santoleri print. Springfield 610-496-7370 Later in the evening, the property was completely full with happy and We woulq.~fso ·(ikf! to. than~: : satisfied patrons. We sincerely appreciate all of the suppot1ets who ~eal"!u; to Alexia's Gift Shoppe 610-446-3900 23 W. Eagle Road, Havertown this amazing event and to those who had donated to our cause. All proceeds Brick& Brew from the Savor the Flavor go to the preservation of the Grange Estate. Our 484-455-7250 2138 Darby Road, Havertown sincere gratitude, once again goes to Hudson Austin of the Wine Merchant in CentreIla's 10 Brookline Boulevard, Havertown 610-853-2466 Wayne who kindly made the suggestions for the wine and made a donation to Cutting Edge our auction. We hope everyone enjoyed his selections. 484-454-5801 125 W. Eagle Road, Havertown The night was absolutely perfecto and we could not have done it without Frameworks 610-449-5788 31 S. Eagle Road, Havertown your support; gene:rosity. and kindiiess. Thank you for your continued support . Havertown ~ealth &Frtness of the Grange Estate. · · . · · 34 Brookline Boulevard, HavertoWn 610-449-1717 1 ,- ' •0 Winter Holiday Trai~'-DispiaY ilelp Wa~ted · -,~. '' :The~g~J;~~~i~~~.·g~~~~~dyJ~r.ih~W~te{: .. ·Holiday s~ason. \Ye_'aiedlrientlfiit'the pl~g··· ,· ·f ."~!ages ag.d *1e· with tr.alp. •: display .<>pe~tions~ :' · ·." · ·,i_~-. · ·.~-'.· ·:: .. 1 · . . • • • · • · • . .' · · • .· ' aur· ~chedule"b.e~ th~ w~ek~~d o(l~ove~ber 29 ' .'aqd.;tbio~ghqut ~~ :1~1011th ;9f Pec~mber.and:e.arly · ._ J~~, :S~ttq.:~y~ aqq_~~~Y.~~· l}P:~.P111:~. . ._ ...... _. . Check your calendais our ~aster, ~ill Parkinson pres~11t.011cr of the best holiday train display fa: the C8*i~e House at th~. Grange)~sta~.· You may call the office at 610-4464958 or email \ls We thankyoµ for your assistance and support! Friends: of the Grange - 143 M}'!'tle .Avenue, Havertown, PA 19083 143 Myrtle Avenue : · ·lacoubuccrs Formal Wear 101 W. Eagle Road, Havertown : 6.10-449-:1212 Lectrfc Light House 35 W. Eagle Road, Havertown --, .. ' · 610-446-5656 Mainline The.rapeuti~ ·Mas~e1ge & ~pa.:.· , . 1208 Darby ~oad, Hayertawn· · 61,0:~6-7834 Nafls by Janice 114 W. Eagle Road, Havertown : 610-449-0375 Pagano's Italian Specialties 1216Townshlp Line, Drexel Hill 610-853-6410 P &S Ravioli Company 30 Brookline Boulevarct, Havertown 610-446-9977 Sherwin Wiiiiams Paint Store 2525 Haverford Road, Ardmore .610-896-8588 .,. The Head NUt ··· 2408 Haverford Road, Ardmore - 610-642-3066 YMCA of Haverford 610-649-0700 891 N. Eagle Road, Havertown Zac's Hamburgers 610-789-5490 800 N. Eagle Road, Havertown Havertown, PA l 9083 First Class U.S. Postage RANGE PAID Havertown, PA Permit #45 NEWSLETTER 143 Myrtle Avenue Havertown, PA 19083 Mansion Holiday Tours Train Display in the Carriage House Saturdays and Sundays, 1 to 4 pm November 29, 2014 to January 11 , 2015 Christmas Holiday Party Saturday, December 6, 2014 4 to 7 pm The Honorable Daniel Seigel 1705 Marilyn Dr Havertown, PA 19083-1226 The Grange Estate is owned by the Township of Haverford and managed by volunteers of The Friends of the Grange, Inc, since 1974. l 11jdl1111i1• 11i11 jliij '11ji111i 111 l11 j11111i JI i Ptllli I ij 11li11 Recently Mr. and Mrs. Roger Allaway of Warminster, PA donated a painting of the Grange mansion done from a picture taken the day of their wedding. The description on the back of the picture slates: "This view of the Grange was painted in 1983 by Robert Allaway of Port Washington, NY who was a commercial artist in NYC from 1938 to 1982. It is based 011 a photograph that was taken during the wedding ofKristal Meagher and Roger Allaway (son of the artist) at the Grange on the afternoon of Saturday, July 24, 1982." Roger was originally from New York City and Kristal was from northern NJ. They had both relocated to center city Philadelphia for job opportunities. In early January 1982, they found the Grange in a publication that offered venues for weddings. They took the bus from town and meet a friend at the Llanerch Diner and drove over to the Grange to make the arrangements for the wedding. After their recent visit, 32 years later, Kristen and Roger were headed off to the diner for lunch! Let's Talk History... There have _been many ways that history has been record-Cd beyond the written word. We had illustrations in caves, old stories and songs passed down by fami lies or communities, photography, movies, andone ofmy favorites-oral histories. Friends of the Grange is currently working on obtaining oral histories from people involved with the Grange Estate in any capacity. We have interviewed early FOG volunteers; relatives of Benjamin and Margaret Hoffman, the last private owners of Grange; and the daughter of the Hoffman's caretaker. Please email us at grangeest@verizon. net or call the Grange office at 6 10-4464958 if you can suggest someone you think may make a great subject for an oral hi story. Inform us of their connection to the Grange's past and provide their name and contact information for us to make this opportunity known to them. We hope to assemble a large quilt of hidden history and less well known aspects of the Grange Estate. - Betty M. Graham