Pony Express - Wausau School District
Pony Express - Wausau School District
G. D. Jones Elementary School Pony Express Dr. Christopher Kamrath, Principal - ckamrath@wausauschools.org 1018 S. 12th Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401 - Phone: 715-261-0950 Fax: 715-261-2157 www.wausauschools.org/gdjones/ Respect ~ Work ~ Belong Dates to Remember May 26 - Memorial Day No School May 27 - 4th Grade Trip to Madison May 30 - Elementary Record keeping No Afternoon Classes and No AM or PM 4K Classes June 9 - FOTG Picnic and 5th Grade Graduation June 10 - All School Awards Ceremony - 8:45-10:45am June 11 - Last Day of School 3:00 pm Dismissal Moving Over the Summer? If you know that your child or children will not be returning to G.D. Jones in the fall, please send a written note to school or call us at 715-261-0950. Please list the child’s name, grade and where you are moving. Year-End Medications PLEASE remember to pick up all medications from the school office by June 11, unless your child will be attending summer school. Medication not picked up will be disposed of on June 12. Thanks for your help. May 23, 2014 Greetings G.D. Jones families! I have several events to update you about now that we are in the last weeks of the school year. All Wausau Elementary schools will have a half day on Friday, May 30, for recordkeeping day. Students are released at 11:30am. Also, there will be no AM or PM 4K classes on May 30. Our G.D. Jones Family Picnic and 5th grade graduation will be on Monday, June 9. The free dinner will be at 5:30pm with graduation at 6:15pm. The G.D. Jones 4th quarter and end-of-the year awards ceremony will take place on Tuesday, June 10, at 9:00am in the gym. The last day of school for students will be Wednesday, June 11. This will be a full day of school. Summer school will begin at G.D. Jones on Monday, June 16. Please contact the office if you would like a form to register for summer school. Information regarding summer school will go home with students the first week of June. Thank you and please contact me at 715-261-0950 or ckamrath@wausauschools.org with any questions or concerns! Dr. Christopher Kamrath Principal PBIS News Traveling Volume 16 School Wide Expectations Respect Work PARENT INVOLVEMENT • Ask about • Coming soon….Summer Safety All-School Celebration: Luau with Colt Cash Destination Wausau: 98 miles Colt Cash Needed: 2,940 Colt Cash Earned: 2,883 Miles Traveled: 96 Colt Cash Winners Week 34: May 5-9: Stations Included: Smoothies, Making Leis, Limbo, Hula-Hoops, Beach Volleyball, Outside Recess, Hawaiian attire, Hawaiian music! Kevin K., Jenny Y., Holly T., Griffin K., Max Y., Ella S., Lucy M., Ian V., Andres S., Karlie S., Hue Kong L., Tacy W., Ethan P., Ava B., Janessa E., Briah C., Gausheng X. Week 35: May 12-16: Richard T., Dylan L., Brett S., Veronica F., Serenity O., Xiroth K., Ashton X., Tommy T., Kaeden P., Karlie S., Trevor M., Nung C., Ava B., Jin Y., Kasia Y., Briah C., Evelyn H., Lexus W. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Dress Code In accordance with the Wausau School District guidelines and in order to assure a healthy and safe school environment for students, the following student dress code guidelines will be enforced: 1. During the school day, hats, caps, bandannas, head coverings and jackets shall be taken off and placed in the students’ wardrobe soon after the student enters the building. These items shall not be worn in the classroom, and they shall not be worn in the school building except when the student has immediately entered or is leaving the building. 2. Appropriate clothing is expected. No short shorts, bare midriffs, halter-tops or spaghettistrap tops are allowed. 3. No student shall be permitted to wear any clothing that contains pictures and/or writing referring to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, sexual references, profanity, promotion of gambling, illegal drugs and/or gangs. 4. Medallions or other jewelry which identify gang members or gang affiliation or which have come to represent a gang shall also not be worn or displayed in school or at school events. Also, gang clothing is not always restricted to an item of clothing, but may include the way in which a particular item of clothing is worn. Wallet chains are not allowed and heavy necklace chains are subject to review by staff. This code is not intended to limit the right of the building and/or district administration to establish rules or restrictions regarding other paraphernalia or dress that disrupts or threatens to disrupt the learning environment of any school. If there is a disagreement between students and/or parents and the staff regarding the appropriateness of clothing or 4K Registration 4K registration for the 2014-15 school year is a two-step process. Step 1 – Complete the online registration form on the W.S.D. website, www.wausauschools.org/4Kreg . Submit the online form and you will receive an electronic confirmation of your registration. Step 2 – Pick up and complete the paper registration available in the school office and return to school. Parents must bring a birth certificate or some other document showing date of birth. Also please bring a copy of your child’s immunization record. The Wausau School Foundation has been a source for Sparking Innovation for Student Success! For 15 years… and is pleased to offer a charitable TRIBUTE gift option to HONOR a teacher, administrator or other staff who value children and education. Your Honoree will be notified of your gift to the Wausau School Foundation and acknowledged in the Annual Report and on our Website. Your gift of any amount will make a difference! Past honorees have greatly appreciated being remembered in such a meaningful way with a gift investing in children! Learn More/Donate: theFoundationWSD.org Wausau School Foundation 415 Seymour St, Wausau WI / wsdfound@wausauschools.org Kristine Vanden Heuvel, Director 715-261-5010 G. D. Jones Calendar of Events May 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 26 - 27 - Day 4 28 - Day 5 29 - Day 1 30 - Day 2 NO SCHOOL MEMORIAL DAY 4th Grade Trip to Madison 8:15am to 6:45pm Open Computer Lab 7:40-8:05am Open Computer Lab 7:40-8:05am No AM or PM 4K Classes No PM Classes Elementary Recordkeeping Open Computer Lab 7:40-8:05am June 2 - Day 3 3 - Day 4 4 - Day 5 5 - Day 1 6 - Day 2 Open Computer Lab 7:40-8:05am Open Computer Lab 7:40-8:05am Open Computer Lab 7:40-8:05am Safety Patrol @ the Aquatic Center 9 - Day 3 FOTG - Picnic and 5th Grade Graduation 10 - Day 4 11 - Day 5 Student’s Last Day of School - Full Day of School Summer School begins Monday, June 16th Remember to sign-up your child for summer school as soon as possible. This can be done through the booklets teachers handed out during parent-teacher conferences or pick up a registration form in the main office. Registration is also available on the Wausau School District Website under “Parent” and then “Summer Learning.” The Wausau School District does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. Federal law prohibits discrimination in education and employment on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, or disability. s e i l i m a F s e n o J . D All G. . . . d e t i v are In To Join us at Our End of School Year Cookout and 5th Grade Graduation Your family is invited to celebrate your child’s 2013-2014 school year successes! Monday, June 9th at G.D. Jones 5:30 p.m.—Dinner Starts. Celebration Cook Out with Burgers, Hot Dogs, Chips & Fruit. Water & Soda available for $0.75 6:15 p.m.— 5th Grade Graduation in Gym 6:30 p.m.—School Year Slide Show 7:15 p.m.—Refreshments for 5th Grade Families Please bring a blanket or chairs for your family to sit, dinner will be outside if nice weather. Please – Let us know that you are coming so we can do a great job planning the meal & celebration for your Family. Give this slip to your child’s Teacher by Monday, June 2nd. Number of people coming? ______Phone Number: __________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________ Teacher(s)________________________________________ Names and ages of family members coming to the event: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Any questions, call or email Jenn Golbach—jgolbach@wausauschools.org 715-261-0954. Finish the year like a ROCK STAR! Thursday, May 29th is the last day to turn in Reading Rocks cards All Students reaching Gold-Level 6 will be awarded a Reading Medal at the all-school assembly on the morning of Tuesday, June 10th. Every student that participated in Reading Rocks will be entered into a drawing for prizes. The more you read, the more times your name is entered into the drawing. Keep Reading G.D. Jones!