Fund News 2009 - Jayme`s Fund for Social Justice
Fund News 2009 - Jayme`s Fund for Social Justice
ing H uman Rights for Children NEWS Inspiri ng a nd Sup port Vol. 7 • Fall 2009 Welcome! Here is the Seventh edition of “Fund News,” the Jayme’s Fund for Social Justice Newsletter. We hope this informs as well as inspires. . . Speak Truth to Power Premieres in New Hampshire! On stage, the cast delivered a stunning performance. Back stage, the cast members graciously shared their community spirit and their kindness. A stage reading of Speak Truth to Power: Voices from Beyond the Dark, written by Ariel Dorfman, and based on the book by Kerry Kennedy, was performed on October 17, 2009 at the Stockbridge Theatre at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH. …and their voices endured and reached out and one of the persons, who listened, was Kerry Kennedy. So that those voices would go farther than their lands and their communities, so those voices could inspire others, so those voices could persevere one next to the other in a book…and then Kerry sent those words she had gathered to me. – excerpts from the playwright’s reflections on writing the play No doubt a legacy passed on by her father, Robert F. Kennedy, Kerry’s Kennedy’s life is dedicated to promoting human rights. Her powerful human rights initiative, Speak Truth to Power highlights the courage of individuals who stand up for the basic rights of all human beings. A very special and heartfelt thank you to the STTP cast! Actor Richard Backus Novelist Andre Dubus Poet Maxine Kumin Teen activist Dylan Mahalingam Singer Albie Monterrosa NHPR Radio host Virginia Prescott Actress and singer Gloria Reuben Humorist Rebecca Rule Human Rights Activist Katrina Swett Minister and Radio host Woody Woodland For more information about the show and STTP, please check out our STTP blog! The amazing cast and every person involved in this program donated their time. WZID host Mike Morin, opened the evening, followed by Lisa Jane Lipkin who sang “Jayme’s Song” and “Does Anybody Hear,” which was written especially for the evening. Thomas Macpherson, Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights board member welcomed expressed appreciation for those who care about human rights. Gloria Reuben speaks her part as Andre Dubus readies for his turn. We all do! Who Needs Bears? Inspired by the hand-sewn teddy bears that Jayme made for sick children, Jayme’s Fund is in the process of publishing a book! In addition to raising funds for JFSJ, the book will appeal to children who may be facing serious illness or other challenges, and are in need of comfort and encouragement. The cast and photo of human rights defender Abubacar Sultan of Mozambique, who rescued and assisted thousands of war torn displaced children. author Diane Mayer ( from Windham, NH and is being illustrated by the exceptional illustrator Kate Harper ( from Derry, NH. Frankin Pierce Law Clinic is donating their services for legal matters and seamstress-extraordinaire Rose Kozdra has designed a bear that will accompany the book. Stay tuned for the BEAR - SEW– A – THON to be scheduled sometime next year! *We need your help! If you are interested in sponsoring the cost of publishing or can connect us with a publishing house or printer, please contact Caren at Who Needs Bears was written by accomplished children’s Sketch by artist Kate Harper of main character Foletto finding out Who Needs Bears? The Derry News takes a picture of Jayme with the fleece teddy bears before she delivered them to the children. Remembering Jayme Giving. Experiencing the support received for Jayme’s Fund is humbling, heartwarming and profoundly meaningful. So many generous individuals have given of their time and their resources. We appreciate the investment and commitment that so many of you have provided to the Fund. effort required a significant time commitment by all involved. The performance, which told the stories of human rights defenders around the world, inspired and educated all who attended. On behalf of the advisory board and my family, please accept my sincerest gratitude for all that you have given this past year and previous years. You really do make a difference! We wished the theatre had been filled to capacity. We wondered if the marketing photo scared people away. The photo depicted a woman dressed in black with her head covered and a noose around her neck. Some thought the photo was controversial, but they did not know who it was. The woman in black was a human rights defender. She could not reveal her identity because, in her country, doing so would lead to her arrest and torture. On October 17, 2009, a stage reading of the Speak Truth to Power play was performed at The Stockbridge Theatre at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, New Hampshire. This all- volunteer I know that Jayme would have used that picture, mainly because of its impact: It was taken by a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer; it was artistic, thought provoking, educational, and… Jayme will always be my inspiration. I am also deeply inspired by others. Those who are supporting our efforts, sharing their expertise, making significant contributions, and inspiring still others, so that we may keep Jayme’s passion and commitment to support human rights alive. perhaps controversial? No, not controversial. Jayme never would have imagined there was anything controversial about defending human rights for children. She would have taken the bold step and we are proud to carry her legacy into the future. - Caren Lipkin-Moore Thank you for your support...Thank you for remembering Jayme Jayme’s Fund on You Tube! A special thanks to Kurt Bergeron for the countless hours he donated producing Jayme’s Song: A Legacy of Love. Please visit to view the video and to view other Jayme’s Fund and LiLMDGs videos. Youth Making a Difference! Lil’ MDGs Happenings Lil’ MDGs has experienced a lot of excitement and growth this past year and has received both national and international recognition and visibility! Lil’ MDGs was invited to present at the United Nations Global Forum on ICT and Development in Monterrey, Mexico; the United Nations Environment Programme Tunza International Children and Youth Conference in Daejeon, Korea and the UN Climate Change Conference, Seal the Deal, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Lil’ MDGs is honored to have received special national and international recognition and awards, from organizations and individuals including U.S. President Barrack Obama, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, We are Family Foundation, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, International Center for News Media (Austria), Johns Hopkins University, and The George Lucas Foundation, Oracle Education Foundation. Lil’MDG’s is honored to have their work recognized in this way. As a result of this networking, Lil’ MDGs has now grown to be an international effort managed and led by youth. Lil’ MDGs now has representation in 39 countries and 35 states in the United States of America. Since 2004, Lil’ MDGs, which is sponsored by JFSJ, has helped over one million individuals and engaged over 20,000 children worldwide through various projects! A special thank you to Kodomo MDGs in Japan and the San Diego Chapter of Lil’ MDGs for Making a Difference! On 20 December, 2008, a new chapter of Lil’ MDGs, called Kodomo MDGs was launched in Japan. Kodomo – which means little in Japanese - MDGs is founded by 12-year old Viggy. This group’s goal is to galvanize children in Japan to work with children from around the world to make the world a better place for everyone! After a year of monthly online meetings, the Kodomo MDGs are promoting awareness projects in their own schools and local communities, and Lil’ MDGs supports them in growing their own projects. Awareness event at K International School in Tokyo, Japan; the event engaged 3000 children in one day! Lil’ MDGs held a fundraiser sponsored by Souplantation Restaurant in San Diego, CA, on September 21, 2009, UN International Peace Day! It was a funfilled evening with charity in mind, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Victoria Wheatley, Chuanping Fan, Kirra Spitz, and Sean Cao, who constitute the San Diego chapter of Lil’ MDGs. Souplantation Fund-raiser in San Diego, CA At United Nations Global Forum workshop “Leveraging Social Networks for Social Change,” Dylan speaks with youth about how Lil’ MDGs uses social networks for meeting the goals of the organization. Who to help and when? It is our privilege to have individuals and organizations from around the globe approach us to help them on a variety of projects. We try to provide some form of support for each request we receive. Continued back page 2009 GRANT AWARDS Jayme’s Fund is Making a Difference in the World! With over $60,000 in grants awarded to human rights initiatives for children and scholarships to support education, and a strong base of supporters and volunteers - including many young people who are spearheading our efforts - Jayme’s Fund is making a difference in the world! Breakthrough Manchester is a year-round, tuition-free program devoted to academic excellence, leadership, creativity, and diversity for under-served youth in the Manchester NH middle schools. Breakthrough educates middle students and trains high school and college student in the art of teaching. The program successfully implements a “students teaching students” model of education. Jayme’s Fund has endowed the Jayme Scholar, which is given annually to a student who is “intellectual, creative, expressive, socially conscious and is motivated to make the world a better place.” Congratulations to this year’s Jayme Scholar, Irean Ali! Irean is a sixth grader at the Middle School at Parkside in Manchester, NH who was named the Jayme’s Scholar because she inspires peers and teachers around her to reach for high expectations through her genuine enthusiasm for learning and inclusive and kind manner. Child Health Services Manchester NH, is dedicated to improving the health and well being of disadvantaged children in the Greater Manchester area. CHS is a fully-integrated system of bio-psychosocial health care, social service and nutrition services. Their advocacy work and community education efforts complement direct services by helping to bring statewide attention to important issues that directly affect the well being of children. Jayme’s Fund is a Child Advocate for Child Health Services, pledging a second three-year commitment of support. Pinkerton Academy in Derry, New Hampshire, offers a scholarship for a college-bound student interested in pursuing a In 2006, something that I had been waiting for and wanting for what felt like forever finally happened: my family got a dog. I knew there would be changes when Nestlé, our chocolate Lab, joined our family, but there was one change that I had never anticipated. Before we brought Nestlé home, I remember reading tons of books and watching shows like The Dog Whisperer and It’s Me or the Dog. These books and shows told us that we should assert our role as master–the boss, the one who’s in charge–right from the start. Master? Me? There she was, getting every need of hers taken care of without ever having to lift a finger, just like the countless other pets in other homes! career in journalism and who possesses a desire to understand and educate others about humanity and justice. The scholarship was initially established through the generosity of The Derry News in honor of Jayme. Congratulations to this year’s awardee Thomas Souhlaris! Jayme’s Fund also awards a scholarship to a college-bound student who has been active in the Amnesty International Club and is planning on studying an aspect of human rights issues as part of her or his educational pursuits. Congratulations to the 2009 recipient, Ryan DiEoreo! Brothers of the Poor – Tsunami Aid to Sri-Lanka provides food, clothing and housing for children in Eastern Sri-Lanka who were orphaned after the 2004 tsunami. The children are located in the hardest hit area and amongst the poorest in the country. The organization also provides tuition assistance for educational services to the children. Jayme’s Fund provided a grant that assists with food, shelter and education for the children. The Center for Children’s Happiness in Phnom Penh, Cambodia cares for nearly 150 children who have been saved from dangerous and impoverished conditions. CCH has been in the forefront of developing innovative programs to benefit children. Jayme’s Fund provided a grant to enable older orphanage children to deliver social awareness programs to desperately poor villages in Cambodia. Gilbert H. Middle School, Derry, NH students experienced “BE SOMEBODY,” presented by the Amazing Hero artist Rob Surette who delivered an inspiring show to 800 students who were mesmerized by the artistic presentation and energized to improve the world! Epiphany I then started thinking about other relationships in my life, and I realized that I never was, am not, and never will be anyone’s master. I will always be serving someone at every moment in my life. That is true of every other human being. Parents serve their children; children serve their parents, siblings, and friends; heads of big corporations serve their employees; teachers serve their students; principals serve their teachers and students; even Presidents serve their entire country! If we can all realize and accept that simple truth, we could live in a more peaceful world. We would not be fighting over who is the strongest, who has the most power, who is the richest, who is the most beautiful, who is the most Our Mission & Goals This past year, we updated our mission and goals and now focus our grant giving exclusively on children. A special thank you goes to Christina Delassandro for her assistance in developing our mission statement. The mission of Jayme’s Fund is to promote initiatives that support the human rights of all children, and to inspire and educate people of all ages on the importance of these issues. Funds initiatives that deliver basic human rights for children through empowering children and their communities. Sponsors educational programs that promote understanding of human rights and the inspiration to do something about improving these issues. Awards scholarships to college-bound youth to pursue a course of study that contributes to improving human rights for children. Inspires young people to get involved in our organization, providing opportunities to learn about non-profit development, fundraising and promoting the Fund’s mission. Creative fundraising through concerts and programs that provide community enrichment and entertainment through the arts. KUDOS! Thank you to Alisa Andrusuk and Spectrum Marketing Companies for generously donating our enormous graphic design and printing needs and doing so with such excellence! Thank you to writer Christine Lewis, Glenn Prezzano and the Merrimack Valley Magazine for creating Take a Seat. Please visit www. to read how the community worked together to create a beautiful chair, which was then auctioned, with all proceeds donated to Jayme’s Fund! Thank you to Carolyn Morgan and to Paula Hogan for hosting our Fall Harvest Hike and January Jaunt snow shoe event! Thank you to Lisa Forberg for using her vocal recital to raise funds for Jayme’s Fund and to Jamie Feinberg, Laurel Devino and Anna Padget for performing Broadway and Beyond: An Hour of Favorites, Old and New to benefit Jayme’s Fund! Thank you to Self Awakening Yoga in Salem, NH and Global Flavors, of Nashua, NH for sponsoring our Spring Yoga Fundraising event! We appreciate Maryna Demetri, Kristine Nicholson, David Landon and Matthew Gray, students from the SERVE (Student Engaged in Rewarding Volunteer Efforts) program at SNHU! Thank you to Doug Hogan, The Manchester Community College, Lauren Shaw and the UPS Store in Derry for graphic design and printing services! Anna Padget, Laurel Devino and Jamie Feinberg popular, and so on. There would be peace, understanding, and tolerance all around us. This epiphany has improved my perspective on life and the way I feel in general. Does that mean that I’m the most at peace person in the world? Not at all! It’s a constant struggle, but Nestlé reminds me all too often about the need to serve others and keeps me in check. In peace and service, Dylan Lil’ MDGS Happenings continued from inside Dylan facilitated the inspiring Amazing Hero Art presentation viewed by 800 students at Gilbert H. Hood School in Derry, NH. The life-size portraits are hung in the school lobby with the caption Be Somebody! Grant given by Jayme’s Fund to Nyaka School in Uganda was used towards building a Math playground for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS Southern New Hampshire Master’s student Maobo Sun presents his calligraphy in Dylan’s honor at Jayme’s Fund Board meeting. Grant from Jayme’s Fund supports road shows for Cambodian children; the shows educate and mobilize communities to support human rights for children and the Millennium Development Goals. Jayme’s Scholars Make a Difference! Maria Since I was named a Jayme Scholar, and finished my summer at Breakthrough, I left the little shy girl I was and I turned into a young lady ready to pursue her dreams. I said to myself that High School was going to be my starting point, and it has been. At the beginning of my freshmen year I became a Student Representative for Memorial’s Student Council, and I became a School After School teacher for Breakthrough. I spent some of the best Tuesday afternoons there. By March I was ready to take on another challenge, I tried out for Lacrosse. I really put myself out of my comfort zone, but I made the JV team and became team Captain. I joined two other organizations; The City of Manchester Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council (MYAC) and Latinos Unidos de New Hampshire (LUNH). I was named the Director of the Youth Committee for LUNH and have been working with them since then. Thanks to MYAC I was introduced to David Tille, the program director for the International Rally of Young Firefighters and Rescuers for the United States. I was accepted into the program and with four other boys from New Hampshire set out to Belarus. I was also given the opportunity to be the team captain and represent the US in various activities with kids from 11 different countries. Apart from this my proudest moment has been to be the first Hispanic to become Vice Chair of MYAC. I really left the shy insecure girl I was behind, and have decided that I have the ability to be someone in life. Thank you Jayme’s Fund and Breakthrough Manchester. I will make you proud! Dorothea & Leonard Elwin Jaime Feinberg Karen & Paul Ferguson First Presbyterian Church First United Methodist Church Mary & Joesph Gabriel Darlene & Mark Gaudette Goodsearch Kathy & Gregory Gostanian Natalie Gray Shari & Michael Litch Gray Hampstead Family Dental Doris Hampton Carolyn & Hisham Hafez Karen E. Henderson Gerard & Donna Hevern Hidden Valley Camp Katherine & Thomas Hogan Christina Houle Nancy Hunt Lisa Jacobs Craig Jones Sari F. Joffre Lynn Julian Paula & Brianne Keefe Robert & Sari Kingsley Fred & Dale Knowles Thomas & Lynn Koch Gloria Krasowitz Please contact us! E-mail: Follow us on twitter: @lilmdgs Join us on Facebook! Thank you for supporting Jayme’s Fund and the Lil’MDG’s! Natalie’s Scholarship Fund Established Natalie’s Scholarship Fund, established by her family in memory of Natalie A. Lipkin-Amir, honors her life through supporting one of Natalie’s most cherished goals - the path of selfdiscovery and enhancement through education. Natalie’s day to day commitment to helping others was a natural part of her generous spirit. Scholarships are awarded to young women in need who are motivated to improve their circumstances through education. Maria Cervantes (front right), Jayme’s Scholar 2004 during trip to Belarus Fall 2008 - 2009 Donors Almonesson United Methodist Church Yechiel Amir Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Michael & Diane Arrato Gavrish Ann Lewis Austin Center Elizabeth Brown MaryJane Burwell Jaqueline & Willaim Carlin Center for Counseling & Human Awareness Paula & William Chasse Bob & Mavis Connolly Helen Cormier Christina D’Allesandro Robert O. Davis William L. Desiena Jr. Cathleen & Peter Drivas Marilyn Driver Jefferson Eaton Robert & Merilyn Eaton Hal & Amy Eckman Douglas & Marjorie Eldridge Louise J. Elliot Want to get involved? Elayne Lipkin Lisa Lipkin Werbin William J. Lipkin-Moore Joshua Loveall Katherine Lynch Todd & Bonnie Lyon Edward & Christine Mann Susan & Arthur Mansor Kerry McKenna Network for Good Nestle’s Very Best in Youth Donna M. Oleary Candice and WM. Donald Page Eileen & Robert Peate Alison Perrella Joyce & Curtis Potter Lucy Potter Rosemary & Alfred Pretti Frances & Jack Pruett Jane & Michael Quinn Betsy Rice Ana Rodriguez Salem Restauraunt Group, Inc. Gary & Pamela Scott Sharon Scott Amy Schippani Kevin Smith Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes Patricia & David Stefanelli Claire Toupin Frank & Jane Tourigny Unied Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Richard Vecchi Marianne Vesey John & Anne Watt We Are Family Fund Foundation (Lauren Lewis) Robert J. Weeks Barry Werbin Sandra Whitman Jeanne Ann Whittington Sally & Douglas Willey Mitchell Zakin Teresa A. Zysk If you are interested in learning more or donating to Natalie’s Scholarship Fund, please visit and download the Natalie’s Scholarship donation forms. For Justice…Fund Justice Jayme’s Fund for Social Justice supports human rights for children through grant giving, educational programs and scholarships. Annual grants and scholarships are awarded to non-profit organizations that support children in our communities and children in impoverished countries. Jayme’s fund also inspires and encourages young people to get involved! To make a donation, please visit Jayme’s Fund Advisory Board Jamie Feinberg Lisa Forberg Zachary Lipkin-Moore Dylan Mahalingham Carolyn Morgan Hafez Steven Rifkin Letitia Smith At this holiday time of year and always, we extend our sincerest wishes that your lives be blessed with the kindness and goodness that you have so generously given.
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