Lithospheric structure and geodynamic evolution of the northern
Lithospheric structure and geodynamic evolution of the northern
EAE-03-A-10849 GD10-1MO2P-0123 Lithospheric structure and geodynamic evolution of the northern Molucca Sea area constrained by 3-D gravity field inversion of a combined sea-surface and satellite gravity dataset C. Widiwijayanti 1), C. Tiberi 2), M. Diament 1), C. Deplus 1), V. Mikhailov 3), R. Louat 4), S. Tikhotsky 3), A. Gvishiani 3) 1) Labo. de Gravimétrie et Géodynamique, DGSP-UMR7096, IPG Paris, Case 89, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France ( +33-144277340) 2) Labo. de Tectonique, UMR7072, Université Paris 6, France. 3) UIPE-RAS, 3 Molodejnaya, Moscow, Russia. 4) IRD, Paris, France Introduction The Molucca Sea Plate, which is now almost completely subducted, is squeezed between three converging plates: the Philippine Sea, Eurasian and Australian ones. Its structural style is formed under collision of Sangiihe and Halmahera subduction zones and evolves from the southern to the northern parts of the Sea. Although numerous geophysical and geological studies have been carried out in the area, many details are still unclear. In particular, structure and origin of the Central Ridge, the northward continuation of the Molucca Sea subduction zones, southern propagation of the Philippine Fault, and structure and origin of the Snellius Plateau remain poorly understood. REGIONAL GRAVITY STUDY : Complete Bouguer anomaly map of the Molucca Sea area is based on gravity and bathymetry data from the available ship cruises (MODEC and NGDC) complemented with the satellite derived data (KMS 1998 for gravity and predicted bathymetry from Smith and Sandwell). To extract the gravity signal from lithospheric structures, we separated the complete Bouguer anomaly into 2 components of different wavelength using the Kolmogorov-Wiener optimal filter (Gordin et al., 1980). Regional Component of the Bouguer Anomaly 0 00 -2 0 00 00 -2 -20 0 00 -20 0 00 00 -2 -20 0 0 -20 00 0 0 -20 -2 0 0 126 -50 122 130 0 mGal 50 100 325 -150 -50 -20 00 -4 00 0 0 00 -20 rc hera A -2 00 0 0 126 -25 0 mGal 130 25 50 2 00 -70 0 00 00 -40 -50 00 0 4 A 6.13 e 1 Ridg s a g Mian ge al Rid Centr 0 00 Pujada Ridge Ridge s a g n a i M rc 0 Position and depth of the shallow lithospheric gravity sources were estimated from local field component applying a new approach of the Euler deconvolution method (Mikhailov et al., 2003) based on recently developed fuzzy logic method of clustering, called RODIN (Gvishiani et al., 2002). Mindanao 0 -300 0 -2000 00 Pujada Ridge rc hera A Halma Halma al Rid ge ihe A Miangas Cantr Sang Pujada Ridge Ridge Sarangani e Arc Sangih 00 0 -40 00 00 -60 0 -200 Halmahera 00 -20 0 Objective: delineate the structural contacts 0 -2 00 -60 -8000 Tifore Sulawesi - Selection of Euler solutions. -3 5.2 0 Miangas 5.41 - Structural Index = 2 (point mass) - window size = 25'x25' - tolerance = 10% - depth: 0 km < z < 60 km - maximum distance = 50' -2000 -3000 -300 0 16 00 -30 0 6 Talaud Snellius Plateau B 00 12 3.96 15 -20 19 00 Sangihe 13 14 00 -30 0 00 -1 20 3.4 00 -20 0 -1 18 Nanusa Snellius Plateau 11 0 00 0 00 17 -40 -2 0 TALAUD 4.1 3.8 00 -2000 00 -10 -10 00 0 00 -3 4.69 -30 4.5 5 0 00 -1 00 -1000 Nanusa Islands -20 4.9 00 -20 3.1 125.5 125.9 126.2 126.6 -20 127.0 00 127.3 127.7 128.0 mGal -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 Local component of the Bouguer anomaly map, superimposed by bathymetry (contour interval 500m). The OBS network locations are shown by rectangles boxes and OBS locations by red star symbols. Mean delay time at each OBS stations is expressed by crosses (negative delay) and circles (positive delay); the symbols are scaled to the absolute value of the delay time. Oblique convergence between Philippines and Eurasian Plates results in partitioning between: - a westward subduction located at the Philippines Trench - a NW movement of the Snellius Plateau. As a consequence: 1. deformation/segmentation of the Snellius Plateau 2. extension zones (south of Snellius Plateau) 3. strong compressive deformations in Talaud and Miangas 4. accumulation of sedimentary prisms to east of Miangas. Pujada-Miangas Ridges: different structure orientation with depth - superficial structures: E-W - deep structures: NW-SE. 150 Local component: At the Central Ridge positive anomaly represents slices of the oceanic crust; negative anomaly represents sedimentary prism. The change in orientation of positive anomaly structure at the south of the Snellius Plateau is interpreted as a superficial response of the slab tear zone beneath the Halmahera and the Morotai. 130° 05 04 03 10 00 South-Talaud: North-Miangas: Moho at 25 km depth; Moho at 45 km depth; NS pop-up structure. Low velocity zone trending NE-SW, dipping NW down to 35 km depth inferred as ophiolitic zone bouded with two sedimentary prisms. -4 -100 00 00 -80 HALMAHERA 128° Mayu Regional component: - A linear, roughly N-S, negative Bouguer Anomaly coincides with the Central Ridge - In the south two minima flank the Central Ridge. - Talaud coincides with a local positive anomaly. - Near the Miangas: a single minimum borders the eastern side of the central ridge. The "backstop" of the Halmahera and Sangihe subduction is identified The Snellius Plateau seen as a positive anomaly is the result of oceanic crust thickening. ault 126° Morotai 0 0 122 -325 0 -400 Morotai -8 -2000 00 09 -6 -20 Halmahera 00 0 02 06 00 0 0 00 -3000 0 -3 5.6 -40 0 0 3 01 07 00 -20 0 MIANGAS 08 -2 00 0 0 Morotai Basin 4 00 -2000 0 TalaudSnellius Plateau -2000 0 0 00 Miangas Celebes Sea 0 Mayu Tifore Sulawesi Snellius Plateau -4 -2000 6.0 00 0 -2000 00 -8000 00 0 -20 (Talaud) area. -3 -20 Nanusa 00 0 00 MODEC experiment in 1994 (20 days): 2 OBS networks; 284 events in the northern (Miangas) area ; 276 events in the southern 0 00 RESULTS Objective : to study local seismicity in two areas to characterize crustal structure. -40 00 -2 4 -2 ng F 124° 4 Snellius Plateau -2000 0 122° 0 -2° 00 92 mm/yr -40 Gorontalo Basin 0 -60 Celebes Sea Mayu Soro Talaud Philippine Sea 0 Miangas -6000 8 -6 00 0 0 -40 0° -2000 00 0 4 Tifore SULAWESI -4000 -60 ench 00 0 LOCAL TOMOGRAPHY 6.3 -6 -200 129° esi Tr -8000 127° 0 Mindanao 8 Philippines Sea 00 0° -2° 125° -2000 00 0 0 -80 2. Gravity: - Euler-solutions analysis - 3D gravity field inversion from a combined sea-surface and satellite-derived data. Gorontalo Basin 123° 0 HALMAHERA Sulaw -400 SULAWESI 2° Local scale: 1. Local earthquake tomography from OBS network data. 2° Tifore 121° Sangihe 00 4° Morotai Mayu -4000 -2000 Talaud ch 0 -6 0 0 -400 8 0 Regional scale: Gravity study. Nanusa esi T ren 4° Celebes Sea 92 mm/yr Snellius Plateau Mindanao 8 -6000 0 00 APPROACHES Miangas Sangihe Philippine Sea Talaud 6° Celebes Sea 00 0 -400 0 h -6 0 Miangas 8° 0 -40 nc Sulaw Co tab Tr en ato ch 0 0 Tr e Philippine Trench Philippine Trench ult e Fa ppin to t Phili ba tab Fau ato lt Philipine Sea MINDANAO ta Co 6° Faul 10° 8° 0 0 - How do tectonic units inter-relate? - Which processes perturbate the convergence? MINDANAO pine QUESTIONS to describe the collision evolution - What is the geometry of tectonic units? and identify processes responsible What are their structure and origin? for the oceanic basin closure Co p Phili OBJECTIVES 0 Local Component of the Bouguer Anomaly -20 10° 3.24 125.70 0 126.42 10 127.14 20 30 Euler-solution depth (km) 127.86 40 50 Map of the local component of the Bouguer anomaly. Bathymetry is superimposed. Euler solutions were represented in greytriangles, plot together with shallow seismicity from EHB-catalogue in blue-squares and Harvard CMT solutions. Black-lines show the locations of cross-sections (figure below). REFERENCES: Gvishiani, A. D., Diament, M., Mikhailov, V.O, Galdeano., A., Agayan, S.M., Bogoutdinov, Sh.R., and Graeva, E.M., 2002. Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Magnetic Anomaly Clustering, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 38, 7, 545559. Widiwijayanti C., V. Mikhailov, M. Diament, C. Deplus, R. Louat, S. Tikhotsky, A. Gvishiani, Structure and evolution of the Molucca Sea area: Constraints based on interpretation of a combined sea-surface and satellite gravity dataset. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2003, in press
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