Steve Christopoulos CEO of Superior Schools & Founder of Plato Academy Schools CHARTER SCHOOL FUNDING UNEQUAL There is a growing concern amongst charter school parents as more and more learn that their children receive about $2,200 dollars less for their education than they would at their zoned public school. Still, according to survey data, most charter school parents are unaware of these funding inequities. Despite lesser funding Plato Academy Schools continuously outperform their district counterparts and provide . According to a national study from Ball State University, charter schools received an average of 25.3% less per student than district schools. “Districts do not disburse local revenues evenly to both traditional and charter schools. Looking at combined local and state revenue per pupil for both charters and districts, districts retain a $2,200 advantage over charters,” the report states. “It doesn’t make sense to continued on page 22 Dear Plato Academy Family, terms and to think about how we do things toAs we enter the 11th year of Plato Academy gether, as a family committed to academic exSchools, continuous improvement is at the fore- cellence. front of our thoughts and actions—our students deserve our unrelenting pursuit of perfection How do we do this? and nothing less! Whether you are a parent, At Plato Academy Schools, we have created a teacher, principal or student, it is important that culture that provides our students learning enviwe take a step back sometimes to look at the ronments in which they feel safe, special, loved, big picture—to see what we do in its simplest and important, wherein they continued on page 2 2015 FSA Scores Just Released—Plato JUST Leads the Way! RELEASED! Letter from the CEO : Continuously Improving continued from page 1 are encouraged to dream the biggest dreams possible. Our school culture is guided by a strong team of capable and caring people who work hard and work smart— together—every day because they are committed to helping each child achieve their unique potential. We are passionate about what we do; we devote ourselves to setting high goals and exceeding them. The children pick up on this; they follow our lead. They learn the importance of a good education and act accordingly. The work each and every one of us does in our respective roles contributes to the positive culture of Plato Academy Schools, and I challenge us all to make this year your individual best and the best in Plato Academy’s history. Plato Academy Students Score Superlative 2015 State Assessment Results Based on recently released reports, Plato Academy has achieved continued exemplary results on the most recent rounds of FSA Language Arts and Math, FCAT Science and End of Course Exams in Civics. Plato Academy averaged 46% higher than district schools on the FSA. Plato Academy 5th and 8th Grade FCAT Science Students surpassed their peers at the district and state level by over 30 percent. Even better, Plato Academy’s 7th Grade Civics EOC students outshined their district and state peers by 32 percent, with Plato Academy Tarpon Springs earning a near perfect passage rate. Way to go students—let’s do even better this year! We also have great reason to celebrate the Plato Academy Early Learning Program. Once again, in 2015, 100% of our VPK students passed readiness assessments, proving that Plato Academy students are high performers. Well done! Wisely Investing in Educational Technology to Boost Performance and Fun in the Classroom In 2015-2016, Plato Academy continues its leadership at the national level transforming teaching and learning through intelligent adoption of educational technology for students, teachers, and administrators. As the only known system of charter schools in the nation to provide every single student with a personal, digital learning device, Plato Academy Schools continues to help its students become responsible digital citizens who use the power of technology to develop core computer skills and inspire project-based learning in all subject areas. This year’s IT upgrades include: Greater than a 1 to 1 ratio of students to electronic learning devices, including laptops and iPads Smartboards in ALL classrooms Remote Data Server Wireless Access Points Upgraded to 1 Per Classroom New VOIP Phone Systems Comprehensive Online Curriculum Supports and Course Content from Pearson and Florida Virtual. All students are assigned one laptop or one iPad to be used in class with an ever-improving array of additional course content and software supports. Plato Academy Schools not only have the hardware, software, and infrastructure, but they have 8 fulltime IT professionals ready to support them. Behind the scenes, Plato Academy has revolutionized its IT infrastructure. Adding a wireless access network to every classroom and utilizing improved remote servers ensures the reliability of our network. Maximizing IT Professional Development for Plato Academy Teachers And, also very exciting, is the fact that we have promoted Plato Academy’s very own Nick Chatzopoulos, the highest ranked math teacher in the State of Florida in 2014, to become our Director of Innovation. Mr. Chatzopoulos is an educational technology guru who credits his students’ excellent performance in large part to his extensive use of technology in the classroom. His students became self-directed learners, using iPads in a variety of ways to make learning exciting. Mr. Chatzopoulos will be working with all Plato Academy teachers to help them become more proficient in using technology in the classroom to better integrate exciting technologies with increasing student performance. Making Plato Academy Better for Teachers and Principals Our teachers’ present actions—big and small—have long-lasting impacts on the future. A smile. A kind word in passing. Patient help with homework. With one of the highest teacher retention rates, Plato Academy continues to place the most serious emphasis on hiring and retaining highly qualified teachers and support staff who are passionate and devoted in their work and who consider themselves to be a part of the Plato Academy family. We give our teachers a great amount of autonomy and they hold themselves accountable for student performance. I am grateful for all the amazing work they do. All of our principals were Plato Academy teachers first, and although many components imContinued on page 3 2 Letter from the CEO : Continuously Improving pact student learning, leadership is the second most influential school-level factor on student achievement, after teaching quality. Our principals do an excellent job of sharing their authority, empowering teachers to become leaders within their classroom and within the larger context of the school. Our principals lead with knowledge that is guided by beliefs, theory, and years of dedicated experience. Our principals’ attitudes give urgency to their actions. Their attitudes and actions inspire the whole school and show them all what to do. Parents choose Plato Academy because they want the best education for their children. Fulfilling our goal of hiring from within whenever it’s in the best interest of students, we have recently promoted 3 of our assistant principals to the principal position. Mrs. Karen Staab leads Plato Academy Seminole, Mrs. Carri Roberts leads Plato Academy Pinellas Park, and Mrs. Veronica Han-G leads Plato Academy Largo. They were all great Plato Academy teachers before proving themselves as Assistant Principals and they are all off to excellent starts! Making Plato Academy Better for Parents Our teachers and principals appreciate Plato Academy’s supportive families. Overall parent satisfaction remained very high, between 97-98%. Even though survey data was very positive, parents did offer ideas for improvement and we have acted upon them. We are focusing our assessments and making art and music a weekly, year-round part of the curriculum for K-5 students. We are adding positions to supplement our Gifted, Guidance Counselor, and ESE staff to ensure the social and emotional needs of our students are met. Giving More Families High Quality Educational Choices Plato Academy is growing to better meet the needs of families and to provide greater opportunities for the over 5,000 students on our wait-lists for this school year. Our Pinellas Park campus opened for its inaugural year, providing families in southeastern Pinellas County the chance to enroll their students in Plato Academy. Additionally, existing schools are adding grades. Plato Academy Tarpon Springs added 8th grade and Plato Academy St. Petersburg added 4th grade. Plato Academy’s first Pasco County school will open in August of 2016. We anticipate our first Hillsborough school charter to be approved prior to the end of this calendar year. As we grow, we are continued from page 2 finding that successful replication of our award winning school design is achievable especially because we are dedicated to maintaining high quality at all of our existing schools. Making Plato Academy Better for Students Parents choose Plato Academy because they want the best education for their children. During the past year, over two thousand Plato Academy students learned and grew more than ever before, performing far better than their peers within the district and across the state. As we strive to absorb the changes in state assessments, we are exploring the appropriate balance of assessments that can be used to drive precise instruction and raise student achievement to new heights. Recently, we overhauled assessments, making them more focused and efficient. We became more rigorous about curriculum review and trained over 200 teachers and principals through peer-led networks. Although we are making great progress, we are always improving. We have built lasting capacity that will continue to have residual effects. We hold that it is possible to dramatically increase results for large groups of students, to see big gains at a big scale and this attitude leaves us with no excuses and much hard work to do. As a culture, we believe Plato Academy students deserve this. We owe them our best efforts. Just as important as student performance is maintaining the high level of overall student satisfaction. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of Plato Academy students love their school and believe they are getting an excellent education. They feel safe, respected, and inspired. We owe our success in part to our small school design. The overwhelming majority of our students will spend a decade of their life—from Pre-K through 8th grade—attending our prestigious schools, developing foundations that will last them a lifetime. School size has a meaningful impact on student achievement and child development. The smaller and more continuous the school experience, the fewer transitions, the better a child is known, and the higher levels of success in academics, athletics, and the arts. When we assume responsibility for ambitious goals and commit to improving student achievement, when we work hard and work together, we accomplish amazing things. It is my belief that our greatest accomplishments have yet to happen. I am excited to hear about what Plato Academy students dedicate themselves to in the future and to learn of all their accomplishments. Only time will tell, but of this I am certain: It only happens when adults commit to work incredibly hard to make big changes for the broader good. continued on page 5 3 Campus Spotlight: U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis Visits Plato Academy Tarpon Springs School A recent visit from a U.S. Representative provided Plato Academy Tarpon Springs students with a great opportunity to connect what they are learning in the classroom to how they can change the world. In May, U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis visited the school, toured the facilities, and spoke with students about the benefits of learning Greek and studying Civics. Bilirakis was first elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 1998. In 2006 he ran for and won the election for his district’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Bilirakis fielded thoughtful questions from a group of 7th grade students regarding international and national current events. “You all are very fortunate to have this school. Your school and your community are very special. Learning Greek allows you to converse with officials from around the world. You have wonderful teachers,” Bilirakis said. He added that he grew up in Tarpon Springs and never had the opportunity to study Greek in school. Students, like 8th Grader Nick Sowell, were impressed: “It was an interesting experience to meet someone of such high authority. It was a great opportunity to have students’ Civics questions answered by someone doing the work of making laws that we are learning about. It was a privilege for Mr. Bilirakis to visit Plato Academy and enlighten us.” Mr. Bilirakis had an in-depth conversation with Superior Schools CEO, Steve Christopoulos, and Plato Academy Tarpon Springs Principal, Danielle Turro, regarding Charter Schools and the importance of funding Charter School Programs and especially Charter continued on next page Plato Improves 2015-2016 Art and Music Course Offerings Plato Academy has consistently provided students with Arts and Culture through its curriculum and extended care options. Plato Academy has listened to parent feedback and is proud to announce that all campuses will offer elementary students weekly music and art classes for the school year. Once again, Plato is on the cutting-edge of the instruction that is being offered to our students. Besides parent feedback, the reasons behind this decision are numerous. Studies show that instruction in the arts benefits children in numerous ways. Music instruction increases the I.Q. of students. E. Glenn Schellenberg conducted a study of six-year olds who were given weekly lessons in piano and voice. Students were found to have on average a 3 point increase in I.Q. Students in band or orchestra are less likely to abuse substances over their lifetime. Children who participate in art tend to be more inventive. As Grace Hwang Lynch writes, “When kids are encouraged to express themselves and take risks in creating art, they develop a sense of innovation that will be important in their adult lives.” Finally, the countries in which arts and music instruction are mandatory are consistently among the highest for math and science test scores. As you can see, instruction in the arts helps to ensure that students are more well rounded and, therefore, more likely to be successful in high school, college, and beyond. Brown, Laura Lewis. "The Benefits of Music Education." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 30 July 2015. "20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools." – National Association for Music Education (NAfME). N.p., 21 July 2014. Web. 30 July 2015. Lynch, Grace Hwang. "The Importance of Art in Child Development." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 30 July 2015. "11 Facts About Arts in Education." 11 Facts About Arts in Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 July 2015. 4 U.S. Congressman Gus Bilirakis Visits Plato Academy Tarpon Springs continued from previous page schools like Plato Academy which are “A” rated in Pinellas County with over 5,000 students on its waiting list. “Congressman Bilirakis’ visit was impactful in multiple ways,” said Turro. “We have advanced, civic-minded students who prepared for his visit and had the amazingly unique opportunity to dialogue with a U.S. Congressman about National current events. Our students’ confidence and preparedness was not lost on the Congressman. The students were aware of this unique opportunity. Secondly, this special visit highlighted both the successes and the challenges of running highly successful charter schools, current funding issues, and the benefits of school choice options.” “Visits like these are important in the life of our schools,” said Christopoulos. “Our students learn that they are part of a representative democracy and that two major components of successful democracies include education and communication. We have to learn what the issues are and create the opportunities to communicate with elected officials once they take office. We appreciate Congressman Bilirakis visiting one of our excellent schools and taking the time to speak with the next generation of voters and elected officials.” Congressman Bilirakis stated that he will continue to be a strong advocate for charter schools and that he will work with his House colleagues so that necessary programs are adequately funded and wasteful programs are not. Congressman Bilirakis complimented Mr. Christopoulos on the success of Plato Academy Schools: “It wouldn’t be possible without this man,” Bilirakis said. LETTER FROM THE CEO: Continuously Improving Better Extracurriculars for the Whole Child The Superior Sports League will become even stronger this year as two more schools will field teams with 8th grade students. Our student athletes are learning about the power of teamwork and the benefits of rigorous practice while developing continued from page 3 Where every child is wellknown: Plato Academy is the best group of schools in Pinellas County and the State of Florida and we are making continuous improvements every day to get even better. To continue achieving these successes, it is imperative Plato Academy is the best group of schools in Pinellas County and the State of Florida and we are making continuous improvements. Plato Academy Wins Tarpon Springs Mayor’s Top Apple Award 2015 Plato Academy Tarpon Springs received the Mayor’s Top Apple Award April 21, 2015. Mayor David Archie proclaimed that Plato Academy has helped to make education a top priority in the city and recognized the school for its outstanding academic achievements and accomplishments. Mrs. Danielle Turro, principal lasting friendships playing soccer, flag football, basketball, and cheerleading. Our coaches are dedicated to giving all Plato Academy students great sports programs so that they can develop skills and sportsmanship that will translate well in high school and beyond. Additionally, our after school clubs continue this year with many exciting opportunities for students to get creative with support, have fun, and bond with their peers and teachers doing arts, crafts, tutoring, and so much more. A Better School Culture: Small, Safe, Nurturing— we rededicate ourselves to the task of working together, setting high goals, and working hard to achieve them. As always, I welcome your feedback and look forward to working with all of you this year. The work we do together is life-changing. Together, we are succeeding in changing children’s lives for the best! Sincerely, Steve Christopoulos Founder of Plato Academy Schools President and CEO Superior “Plato Academy has of Plato Academy Tarpon shown great, positive moSprings and Mr. Steve mentum by achieving an Christopoulos, CEO of Superior Schools holding the ‘A’ grade during a time wining awards. when increased standards make it more difficult to maintain and improve school grades,” said Mayor David Archie. This is the second year in a row that the school has earned the City of Tarpon Springs Mayor’s Top Apple Award. "We are so proud of the Plato Academy Tarpon Springs family,” said Steve Christopoulos, CEO of Superior Schools. “The principal, the teachers, the students, and the parents are all dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing school environment wherein excellence is the rule and having fun while learning is the norm.” Plato Academy Tarpon Springs has been an "A" school since its inception and ranks in the Top-10 of all Pinellas' County Schools. 5 Plato Academy Scores Big on FSA and EOC Exams!! The results for the 2015 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) and Florida End of Course Exams (EOC) recently posted and Plato Academy Schools outpaced the Pinellas County traditional and charter schools as well as statewide averages by wide margins. Once again, Plato Academy teachers and students have shown that they are well on track to continue exceeding expectations! "I am proud of the accomplishments of all of the students and their teachers on these End of Course exams and the FSAs," said Mr. Christopoulos, founder of Plato Academy Schools and CEO of Superior Schools. "We have high expectations for our students and our passionate teachers do all they can to help their students achieve those goals. Most importantly, Plato Academy students are having fun learning and growing in our schools. Great job!" 6 6 Plato Academy Pinellas Park Starts Strong By all accounts, Plato Academy’s seventh school is off to an impressive start. Attractive landscaping and fresh paint are beautifying the temporary buildings located at 9200 49th Street North in Pinellas Park. Smartboards, wireless access networks, servers, and projectors have been added to newly refreshed classrooms, putting them on par with their leading edge sister schools. licly funded school in Pinellas Park and one of the best in the state of Florida.” Mr. Christopoulos is confident in the abilities and attitudes of the all the staff at the school, including its Principal, Carri Roberts. Plato Academy’s newest location, during its first year, is serving grades from PreK - 2nd grade. All student seats are filled and a waitlist of over 189 students already exists. Parents are becoming actively involved and building the close-knit culture for which Plato Academy Schools are cherished. “I am honored to be the Principal of Plato Academy Pinellas Park,” said Mrs. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts was the Assistant Principal at Plato Academy Palm Harbor after teaching there since the school opened. “This school is going to be excellent because we are off to a great start and we have a comprehensive vision moving forward based on the many successes of our older sister schools. We have amazing teachers who are real professionals and parents that are incredibly supportive.” “This new facility will benefit children and others in the community by providing them with an excellent school in which to learn and grow that is like its sister schools—high performing, nurturing, and inspiring,” said Steve Christopoulos, CEO of Superior Schools and Founder of Plato Academy Schools. “As the school adds grade levels each year, Plato Academy Pinellas Park will define itself as the best pub- Construction will continue in phases away from the existing buildings. Upon completion of the construction, the school will include ample classroom and space to accommodate up to 546 students along with superb recreational areas including a school regulation-size soccer field and a covered pavilion to accommodate two basketball courts as well as two separate playgrounds. 7 Plato Academy Leads the State in Educational Technology Technology is changing the way children learn, placing the emphasis from teaching to children to learning by students. It may seem a subtle difference, but the implications represent a monumental paradigm shift. With all the information of the world literally mouse clicks away from our students fingertips, teachers and school leaders are rethinking the way teachers work in the classroom. Games and interactive software help students master complicated skills and deep knowledge in an engaging way. Adaptive software recognizes and respond to different abilities, personalizing teaching for every student. With the expert guidance of a teacher, students can progress at different rates through lessons designed to stretch them just the right amount, helping each child reach his or her full potential at an accelerated yet perfectly reasonable pace.” Plato Academy Schools is ramping up for its strongest year in improving student learning and engagement with educational technology. The hiring of a Director of Innovation, robust professional development, a 1:1 student to digital device ratio, a broad assortment of learning software, and intelligent improvements to the IT infrastructure are all being implemented to support each Plato Academy student in finding success in their own unique way. “Our goal for these improvements is to put students in the best position to reach their full potential and live empowered, meaningful lives,” said Joseph Christoff, Chief Technology Officer for Superior Schools. Continued on Page 10 Transforming Digital Learning The TIM is designed to guide principals, teachers, and others through the process of evaluating the level of technology integration within a particular lesson. When completed, the tool indicates a profile for the observed lesson in terms of the Technology Integration Matrix. With multiple observations, the TIM-O helps evaluators get a clear picture of the professional development needs of the teacher to support further technology integration. Plato strives for transformation in every classroom. New Learning Software Plato Academy Schools are continuously improving course content and curriculum supports. This school year, we are excited to be putting world Windows and Microsoft Office software in the hands of our 3rd-8th graders. Also, we are supplementing our course content to include the latest comprehensive offerings in reading and math from Pearson—a world-class publisher—that is geared toward the Common Core standards and provides individualized learning opportunities for students to promote maximum gains. Finally, we are also working with Florida Virtual School to provide our middle schoolers with cutting edge, standards- based, individualized course content to facilitate mastery and inspire young minds. 8 Plato Academy Home Technology Survey Results Help Map the Way Ahead In an effort to better understand and serve the needs of Plato Academy parents, a Home Technology Survey was sent via email and hundreds of parents took the time complete it. In addition to learning about the availability of technology for students at home and refining Ed Tech services, these results provide information about improving communication via email, web pages, and social media. Input is cr itical to continuous improvement of Plato Academy’s Educational Technology. “Thank you for the excellent technical support last school year,” said one parent. “You did an amazing job managing all the student devices. I loved how much the iPad was incorporated into the curriculum. It was fully integrated! Other schools take a half approach which does not fully prepare kids for the work force. Plato is giving them skills they can use!” Many parents offered suggestions for improvement that will be used. Society is changing—We are becoming more and more reliant on technology and it is our job as a family of schools to harness the power of digital technology to create learning and work environments that are relevant, purposeful, and inspiring. toward improvement. Survey Says …… Parent Feedback Matters 97% agree that technology is critical to the learning experience of students. 87% support additional funding for technology use with learning in school 98% have advanced or average technology skills 81% believe teacher class pages should be private 95% believe there should be consequences for violating computer policies 75% use the online student grading system to track performance 85% find the information they need on the Plato Academy website 94% of students have daily access to internet and a computer for homework 70% would attend a workshop at their school to learn more about technology Brand New Teacher Laptops The HP Stream 13 is an attractive ultraportable laptop. It's a full Windows 8.1 PC loaded with Microsoft Office and it's attractive and speedy enough to hold its own with more expensive notebooks. It's a versatile PC and PC Magazine’s Editors' Choice for budget ultraportable laptops. iPads for Grades K-2 iPads will continue assisting Plato Academy K-2 students to capture and practice new concepts they are learning. They also provide great opportunities to notate, design and create with notes, photos and video. They help students practicing sight words and make practice fun. iPads are amazing tools that deepen understanding of concepts capture things we want to share. 9 Plato Academy Leads State in Educational Technology Continued from page 8 “We all know it can sometimes be difficult to engage students in learning,” says Superior Schools Director of Innovation, Nick Chatzopoulos. “However, students really get excited and enjoy the process more when the instructor, or even better, the students use the smart board or touch screen technology or laptops in order to make classes more interactive and interesting. Ed Tech lets us ‘gamify’ learning, making it so much more fun and exciting. In that way it’s easy to attract the kid’s attention. By the way, the involving technology in the educational process makes education more enjoyable both for the instructors and the learners. In the process of doing this we are transforming learning environments that put our students on the leading edge of technology, providing them with real world skills and an incredible level of comfort with technology.” Plato Academy is actively exploring the possibilities of educational technology in our modern society and preparing our students to become competent digital citizens. “Plato Academy Schools’ Technology Initiatives Continuously Elevate Its Students to the Pinnacle of the Digital Revolution and for that You Should be Applauded. I guarantee your efforts will produce life-changing, worldimproving results.“ Brad Waid—Internationally Renowned Educational Technology Expert Remote Server Smart Boards Among the improvements not immediately visible is the procurement of a remote server. Basically, the remote server backs up all of the schools’ and administration’s data in a secure and hurricane proof location in Tampa. It provides great security from hackers and reliability for easy and continuous use at all hours. All Plato Academy classrooms have smart board technology. In essence, smartboards work like giant iPads. They are interactive, touch-sensitive white boards that enhance teaching and increase clarity and degree of detail through presentations through programs such as Power Point and Microsoft word. Plato Academy was an early adopter of smart board and fully intends to continue leading the way. Wireless Access Networks Today, with between 20-27 digital devices in nearly every classroom, Plato Academy is increasing bandwidth through an aggressive plan to install WAN routers in every classroom and installing dedicated fiber connections increasing bandwidth and minimizing down time for learning and working. 10 A Message from Dr. Nick: Superior Collegiate High Superior Collegiate High School believes that education should never follow an "assembly-line" approach. We understand how our dynamic global, digital and knowledge-rich societies of the 21st century are transforming learning and calling for relevant innovations in educational practice, NOT educational logistics. Our educators are responsive to changes in our communities. Transforming the lives of young people is our primary goal. Globalization, the digital revolution and advancements in our understanding of students' unique learning styles all present new opportunities. Our Collaborative Learning Community: meaningful learning experiences fostered by the engagement of students in sustained classroom collaborative discussions and activities. Our collaborative learning community allows for the integration or synthesis of traditional instructor-directed delivery of instruction with the versatility of technology-driven, on-line course content mastery skill development within a collegiate campus experience that fosters self confidence. For example, a student who may experience challenges in certain subject matters (courses), such as math or science can now have the opportunity to master course content by attending a traditional teacher-directed classroom setting, while at the same time the same student can experience independent online learning, while seamlessly receiving quality 1:1 instructional support in those specific course content areas requiring intervention. Allows a parent and student to have an opportunity to work collaboratively with an interdisciplinary team comprised of educators, administrators, and student support services personnel to design an individualized instrucOur collaborative learning tional delivery plan that community provides an is both student-centered “unbundled” secondary (directed) and one that school experience which complements the stusubstantially increases a dent’s unique learning student's: style(s). Our goal is to a. available program ensure student success options by believing in our student’s potential, while at the same time fostering b. freedom of choice with regards to a culture that embraces “zero tolerance for failure course level, pacing, time schedule, instructional and mediocrity.” delivery methods, and site of learning, Our collaborative learning community is NOT the c. ease with portability, same as the traditional independent distanced. flexibility to blend instructional delivtechnology-rich instruction model, where peer ery methods (traditional and on-line), and teacher interaction is limited or restricted due to time, place, path or pace. Our learning commue. opportunities for success, nity goes beyond one-to-one computers and highf. convenience to access and adjust intech gadgets. It involves leveraging the internet to structional delivery platforms, and afford each student a more personalized learning experience, meaning increased student control g. efficiency. over the time and place, and, with the guidance of If you wish to find additional information about instructors, the path, and pace of his or her learnour high school and our curriculum, please visit ing. Our students master course content at least our website: in part through an integration of classroom and online learning within a teacher-directed collegiate campus setting. And, the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide connected and Dr. Nick Koularmanis Chief Academic and Student Support Services Officer Are You Looking for Free or Reduced Tuition Options for your High School Student? There are numerous financial aid options available, including scholarships. If you are interested in small, safe Plato-like environment for your child’s high school, call Dr. Nick to find out more. 727-301-1013 Student Body Increased 300% Since Last Year 11 10 Ways Plato Academy Schools Will Continue Improving Matt Gunderson Director of School Improvement and Quality Assurance from multiple assessments to better attend Plato Academy. 1. Continue hiring the most capable differentiate instruction and encourand passionate teachers who live 10. Ensure each campus is a safe and by the values of our schools and pass age accountability at all levels of the nurturing place wher e each child them onto our students. Retain a system. can develop lifelong positive memorobust team of new and veteran ries of their early years as students, 5. Professional learning communities teachers who all truly believe that for teachers that enhance meaningful developing lifelong skills and a love they can make a positive difference and productive teamwork throughout of learning that will help them to in the lives of students and families. the system. become confident, capable, and caring adults. Students must feel safe 2. Parental Involvement that Pr o6. Improved Communication Sysmotes a Culture of Care—foster to learn. Safety and security are key tems, including r evised websites, trusting relationships amongst famiingredients of a superior education! increased social media presence on lies and schools through volunteer Facebook. hours and enjoyable, communitybuilding events that help to maintain 7. Embrace diversity-Know that no two students learn exactly the same the small school, family environand each child has a gift. ment that defines Plato Academy. 3. Nurture high expectations of effec- 8. Incorporate more technology and provide teachers and students the tive leadership so that every staketraining to seamlessly adopt leading holder knows how their acts of leadedge software and hardware. ership within their respective roles— big and small—define our communi- 9. Widen our horizons through new ty and set high standards. campuses and intelligent growth at current schools, paying it forward to 4. High quality instruction, gr ading all students waiting and hoping to practices, and monitoring of data “My child is more excited about school since transferring to Plato Academy.” Plato Academy St. Petersburg Parent Survey Response 12 Florida Charter Schools Alliance Praises Parent Volunteers Plato Academy Parents were honored by the Florida Charter Schools Alliance at a conference hosted by Superior Schools last Spring. Parents were recognized for their unwavering dedication and volunteer service to each of the Plato Academy Schools. Each school recognized a parent volunteer who went above and beyond during the school year, exceeding expectations of Plato Academy parents. Former State representative Ralph Arza presented Plato Academy parents, teachers and board members with awards recognizing their passion and dedication to improving education for Florida students. “Plato Academy’s parents made a conscientious decision—a life-changing choice—to send their children to a school where parental involvement matters, where parental involvement is one of the defining aspects of the school’s culture. “ Mr. Arza also recognized Steve Christopoulos with an award for years of dedication and service making Plato Academy schools “among the very best schools in Florida.” Attendees learned about the mission of the Alliance and issues facing charter schools. It was a great opportunity for parents and teachers to learn more about issues facing charter schools at the state and local level, including inequitable funding. Mr. Christopoulos thanked all of his staff and parents for choosing Plato Academy and setting high expecta- There is an increasing need to have a unified voice at the forefront of this growing movement in order to bring high-quality charter schools to every community in the state, to advocate amongst policymakers in an effort to alleviate inequities, to strengthen existing and newer charter schools and to raise the bar on quality for all public schools. The FCSA is this voice. tions for their children and their volunteer work. “We appreciate that you have put your own time aside to help all of Plato’s students. Every volunteer I have met is a great role model and improves the spirit of our schools.” The FCSA advocates for Florida’s Charter Schools and an important component of that is educating the public about what charter schools are and how they help Florida’s parents. As tuition-free, publicly funded schools, charter schools, like Plato Academy Schools for example, have an innovative mission and themed learning approaches focusing on areas such as foreign language acquisition, sciences, and technology. 13 Meet Our New Director of Innovation Dear Plato Academy Family, I am thrilled to announce that, after a lot of consideration and several meetings with Mr. Christopoulos and with our Principals, I have been appointed to the newly formed position of Director of Innovation, which is a testament to Plato Academy’s focus on giving students robust opportunities in this digital revolution. After teaching for many years and loving my work, my role and responsibilities will be very different—I hope to impact more lives than ever before! My main goal will be to help every single one of our teachers implement technology in the classroom in meanNikolaos Chatzopoulos ingful ways. Those of you who attended ST4T last June saw clearly that there are hunDirector of Innovation dreds of tools, apps, and learning platforms, and quite frankly, it can be a challenging job for a teacher to sort through all of this technology and filter out the tools that would be great for the classroom. I will help and students will benefit. My job this year will be to assist our great teachers in choosing the best technology and coaching them to fully integrate it so that students are empowered. In addition, we are working on a formula so that I can be able to attend faculty meetings and have more substantial communications. Furthermore, throughout the year I will be working hard to improve and expand the ST4T 2016 Ed Tech Conference so that Superior Schools and Plato Academy will host one of the best conferences in the country! 14 14 Superior Sports League By Coach Yiannis Halvatzis Superior Sports League is continuously growing and becoming more of a competitive athletic program. The league has made great advances in coaching professionalism, student-athletic ability, as well as better facilities and officials. We hosted the First Annual Plato-Serb Soccer Tournament last year that included 6 competing teams and finished off with a friendly bar-b-q for all players and families to enjoy. Participation in the Superior Sports League has many benefits for Plato Academy students both on and off the playing field. Students in Middle School are at a special life period where physical fitness can have a big impact not only on their health, but also on their overall outlook. Middle School students are experiencing unique changes in their physique and their social relationships, as well as the typical stressors, such as grades and new group activities. Students who actively participate in sports programs have an outlet for their energy, become healthier, improve their teambuilding abilities and boost s their self-esteem. 2014-15 Season Champions Flag-Football: Basketball: Varsity Soccer: Junior Varsity Soccer: Largo Clearwater Clearwater Seminole GAMES LOCATIONS Each Plato Academy campus had the opportunity to hold their own end-ofthe-year sports banquet, which would not have been possible without the outstanding contributions from coaches, families, friends, and countless others. At each banquet, it was easy to see what makes Plato Academy amazing, as everyone worked together to make the ceremony a special experience for athletes and families alike. Football Champions 2015 : Palm Harbor Varsity Soccer 1st game of the season : Tuesday, December 15th 2015 Basketball 1st game of the season : Tuesday, February 23rd 2015 JV Soccer 1st game of the season : Monday, February 22nd 2016 I am most proud of the comradery the players have for each other on and off the field, whether it’s among their own teammates or with players from other teams. These are the times that our students will always remember for the rest of their lives. The ride to the games on the buses, the heartache of their first loss, and the pride of the perfectly made pass, are all things that they will look back on and smile about one day. 15 Have You Made Childcare Plans for Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Break, and Summer? Plato Academy Extended Care Has Solutions Plato Academy proudly offers fun-filled learning experiences during extended breaks throughout the school year and beyond, but seats are limited and we advise you to enroll early to secure seats for opportunities throughout 2015-2016. For working parents and those who simply want a structured, positive, and fun environment for their children during the hectic holiday periods, enrolling in Plato Academy’s extended care opportunities simplifies life and gives parents much needed peace of mind. And, the kids have a blast! Thanksgiving Break: November 23-25 Winter Break: Dec. 21-Jan. 1 Early Learning Updates! As you know, Plato Academy offered its first School Age Summer Camp, and I am pleased to say that it was a tremendous success! Children from across all of our campuses in grades 1st8th joined in for fun and adventure this summer. Field trips, science experiments, art activities, and food experiences made for an exciting and memorable camp experience. We are already looking forward to continuing to grow our summer programs and offering Plato Academy students and families quality programs year round. Extended Care registration has begun and enrollment forms are available on each campus’s website. As always, we welcome parents and families to volunteer to share their passions and talents with our students. If you are interested in hosting an Enrichment Club, please contact the on-site Director at your campus. As Plato Academy continues to expand, so do our Early Learning Programs. This year, we are not only added a VPK classroom to our new Pinellas Park campus, but we are also a PreK 3 classroom to our Seminole location. Focused on nurturing the individual child, our early learning environments are a place where children are encouraged to explore, where their curiosity is fostered, and where they can begin to develop a life-long passion for education and knowledge. please contact the on-site Director at your campus via email. Emily Ralston Executive Director Preschool/VPK I highly recommend the summer camp! My son made great friends and had so much fun. Plato is Plato—even during summer. You know you are getting a safe and nurturing environment. Plato Academy Clearwater Parent Our Early Learning teachers and directors display passion and enthusiasm, making our classrooms a truly special place to grow and learn. For additional information about our programs, FUN 2015 SUMMER CAMP MEMORIES!!!! Spring Break: March 21-25 Summer Break: Begins June 7 Our extended care options run from 7 a.m. until 5:45 p.m. And are open for students in grades PreK to 8 and include art, science, sports, movies, and field trips, among many others. If you are interested in enrolling your child for any of our exciting camps or have any questions, please contact Emily Ralston, the Executive Director at 727-799-1200, ext. 1023. Plato Academy Makes Breaks Fun and Safe for Grades PreK-8 16 Student Spotlight: Plato Academy Largo 8th Graders in the News! Plato Academy Largo 8th Grader, Jasmine White, earned her Second Degree Black Belt in American style Tae Kwon Do. Jasmine has been taking martial arts for six years. She started when she was six years old. Her instructor Kim Jackson is a Fifth Degree Black Belt. American Style Tae Kwon Do presents as forms, a preset combination of offensive and defensive techniques designed to simulate self-defense techniques being used upon multiple opponents, gyeo-roo-gi (sparring), onesteps (scripted sparring segments), self-defense, board breaking, weapons, and leadership. A 2nd Degree Black Belt has the symbolic meaning- "With your noble character, you will develop a new permanence in life”. We are extremely proud of Jasmine’s physical and mental strength in achieving this fantastic accomplishment. I highly recommend this school. The staff is one of the best. The care and attention they give to our daughters exceeds expectations. Plato Academy Seminole Parent Survey Response Student Spotlight: Plato Academy Largo 8th Graders in the News! Plato Academy Largo 8th Grader, Solomon Park, won 1st Place at our Plato Academy Spelling Bee. The Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee Competition is open to all students in Grades 5 to 10. All public, parochial, and home school students as well as religious education students are encouraged to participate. After winning 1st Place at Plato Academy Largo, Solomon went on to win 1st Place at the District Level Spelling Bee to qualify for the State Spelling Bee Championship. At the State level Solomon won 3rd place. We are incredibly proud of this talented Plato Student’s accomplishments! 17 Student Spotlight: Plato Academy Clearwater On July 25th Avyi, Ana, and Stavros Hareas hosted a charity event called Lemonade for Livy with their friends Trifon and Georgie Houvardas. The event took place at FlameStone Grill in Oldsmar. All the proceeds went to Livy's Hope for a Cure for Epilepsy Research. The children worked hard building lemonade stands from wood, creating posters and getting their supplies before the big day. Even with Thunder storms all day, their lemonade stand raised over $3000.00- with the largest donation to their stand of $500 coming from Julie Weintraub's Hand Across The Bay. Livy's Hope was created by Hailey Scheinman who's twin sister Olivia (Livy) has Epilepsy. Each year kids all over the country host lemonade stands. This was the second year the children hosted a lemonade stand. My daughter has truly blossomed this year. Plato Academy St. Petersburg Parent Survey Response Student Spotlight: Plato Academy Clearwater Being humble and kind is something we teach our students is the "right thing to do.” PAC is very proud to have our very own example of humbleness as part of our family: 3rd grader. Richard Grice. Every year, Richard celebrates his birthday in a very special way with his friends. He requests that in lieu of gifts, he chooses a cause and asks that all donations go to that cause. For Richard's 5th Birthday he asked his friends to bring toys to be donated to All Children's Hospital. For Richard's 6th Birthday. In lieu of gifts, Richard requested that his friends bring various items that the military needs overseas. Richard and his mother delivered the items to an event hosted by Tampa Bay Troop Support and helped package boxes to send to our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. For Richard's 7th birthday, he asked about giving money and gift cards to All Children's Hospital for medicine that they need. The end result was he presented $425.00 in checks and gift cards that went to the “Teen Lounge” in All Children’s Hospital that officially opened on June 10, 2015. Richard is already considering the theme and cause for his 8th birthday in January 2016. He is an excellent example of humility, of a better person, and we can only hope that he inspires us all to follow in his kind and thoughtful footsteps. 18 Student Spotlight: Plato Academy Palm Harbor Xander Dunphy is one HAPPY student!! Plato Palm Harbor teamed up with our business partners to provide a wonderful opportunity last summer. Combined with the Clearwater Threshers and Mathnasium, Xander Dunphy was the lucky winner of 20 free tutor lessons over this summer break. The contest was sponsored by the Threshers which included students writing a short essay as to why they felt they would benefit from these lessons. Dozens of essays were submitted by students from grades 3 up to 8th. Xander was chosen as the winner! Mathnasium has several locations in the area and this opportunity is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to Xander on this exciting summer project and we are all looking forward to hearing about what you did!! Student Spotlight: Plato Academy : St. Petersburg A Leader and a Team Player Ana Lojpur is an inspiring second grader at Plato Academy St. Petersburg. In addition to excelling in academics, Ana is a friend and role model to all. She is the first to lend another student a helping hand. She is often overheard offering quiet words of encouragement to someone who may be struggling with a task. Ana is also kind to animals and visits the pet store at least once a week so she can pet and hold the animals that have not been adopted yet. Ana recently performed in her first ballet, Alice in Wonderland, this past April at Mahaffey Theater. She is a big sister to Sophia, and enjoys teaching her new things often. Besides animals, ballet, and being a wonderful sister, Ana loves math! We are thankful to have Ana and her family as part of our Plato family. Your Feedback Matters: Send us your comments, questions, ideas, and concerns. All emails will receive a response within one business day. 19 Student Spotlight: Plato Academy : Tarpon Springs Hailey Mahadeen is a bright and dedicated student and a mature and friendly young lady. She is always there to help out a fellow classmate or volunteer to help with various classroom activities. While keeping up with her assignments and earning top grades, she engages in enrichment both in and outside of the classroom. Hailey's after-school activities include acting classes and studying lines for TV commercials and movie roles. Gymnastics, dancing, and the outdoors are her other favorite activities. Hailey also spends a lot of time with her dog, Comet, a border collie, which she has trained to do a lot of cool tricks. Hailey is a bright star who is on her way to big and bright accomplishments!! Student Spotlight: Plato Academy : Seminole Special kudos and accolades go to Plato Academy Seminole’s super student, Christian Binning. Christian became a member of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office Explorer Post 900, an organization that offers youths between the ages of 14 to 21 the opportunity to experience the challenges and rewards of safety careers firsthand. The application process is rigorous, and strict criteria must be maintained to continue membership with Explorer Post 900. Christian has not only been a successful participant in this noble program, but has also participated in various competitions throughout the year with great achievement. He received two awards in the fall boot camp competition, one for Outstanding Accomplishment, and another for Honorable Mention. Most recently, Christian participated with Explorer Post 900 in the 2015 Florida Association of Police Explorers competition on June 22-27 in Melbourne, Florida. Thirty other law enforcement explorer posts from across Florida competed, and Pinellas county’s “Team Alpha,” Post 900, received the 4th place overall championship trophy. During the state competition, Christian also participated as a Drill Team member, and received 3rd place overall in the Drill Team competition. Congratulations to Christian for his outstanding accomplishments! 20 Admissions Updates Rina Psomas Director of Admissions As we grow our family of schools, parent demand continues to be very strong. All seven Plato Academy campuses are at Teacher Appreciation Happens All Year Long! capacity, including the new Pinellas Park campus. The wait-list exceeds 5,000 stu- Plato Academy Schools has the very best teachers, principals, and staff. Hands down. dents for the 2015-16 school year. One of my most important tasks is ensuring that teachers are in compliance with all the State regulations of their profession, ensuring quality. Family is of the utmost importance and Sometimes teacher appreciation means making difficult decisions, abiding by stringent standards, and doing all we can to ensure that Plato Academy Teachers are surrounded by likeminded, passionate, and competent education professionals who are dedicated to their craft and improving the lives of students. Plato Academy grants priority to siblings. Please be sure your sibling applications are updated to include current Tracey Hayes Chief Operating Officer Of course, we conduct all the required background checks, certification checks, and reference checks, and we believe it’s important that every Plato Academy teacher knows their colleague teaching next door is just as qualified as they are, without exception. Because of this our teachers have deep mutual appreciation for one another and overall teacher morale is boosted. school year and grade. For more information about enrollment priorities, please visit our website. If you have a sibling applying for kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year, please let me know so their application may be given priority. As always, if you have questions regarding enrollment, please do not hesitate to contact me at, or click on our website for further information of our new campuses in Pinellas County . Also please be on the look out for announcements for the opening of and enrollment for our first school soon to open in Pasco County. 21 Why Learn Greek ? People often ask me why we have Greek as a second language in our schools. Why not Spanish or Chinese? I find it funny when they ask me because I am Greek myself and I am tempted to say, “Because we have the best language in the whole world!”. To simplify it, and be more objective, there are several reasons why learning Greek can benefit your child. Many words in English are derived from the Greek language. According to Tamara M. Green’s book, The Greek and Latin Roots of English, “over 60 percent of all English words have Greek or Latin roots; in the vocabulary of the sciences and technology, the figure rises to over 90 percent.” In a typical 80,000-word English dictionary, about 5% of the words are directly borrowed from Greek; this is about equivalent to the vocabulary of an educated speaker of English. For example, “phenomenon” is a Greek word and even obeys Greek grammar rules as the plural is “phenomena”. However, around 25% are borrowed indirectly. This is because there were many Greek words borrowed in Latin originally, which then filtered down into English because English borrowed so many words from Latin. For example, “elaiwa” in Greek evolved into the Latin “oliva”, which in turn became “olive” in English. Being able to communicate and function in Greek, the language that is the basis for math, science, astronomy, litera- ture, and other academic subjects, will enable students to excel throughout school, college, and future professions. Plato Academy and Superior Schools are proud of the Greek department. Our Greek teachers are giving their heart and soul every day to help students to love and understand the Greek language and culture. Vasia Kallimachou Plato Academy students celebrate annually Marketing Specialist the October 28 “OXI” day, the March 25th Greek independence day, including participation in the Greek independence annual parade taking place in the City of Tarpon Springs. Other Greek related events include a Greek themed holiday, an annual Olympic games theme and related festivities. Also the 7th and 8th students are required to take more intensive Greek language requirements that satisfy the High school foreign language requirements. The study of Greek takes time and commitment, but the rewards are great enough to merit such an investment. *Green, Tamara M. The Greek & Latin Roots of English. 4th ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. Print. Charter School Funding Unequal continued from page 1 report. me,” says Plato Academy St. Petersburg parent, Anne Leonard, In Florida, charter schools do not have access to monies raised for “that if my 3 children were to attend their zoned school that school public schools through property taxes. In fact, only a few of the diswould receive $6,600 more than when my children go to Plato Acadetricts in the state share their property tax funds with their charter my. Isn’t it that money for my children?” schools. A study conducted by the University of Arkansas found that As awareness levels rise, political activists are also speaking out in in the year 2011 charter schools received 20.7 percent less funding favor of charter schools. “It just doesn’t make sense that students at than district schools. To add to this inequity, the school district may high performing schools like Plato Academy are having to make do withhold up to 5 percent of the charter school’s per-pupil funding for with less,” said George Farrell a prominent political activist whose up to 250 students to cover the costs of providing certain administrachildren have attended both district tive and educational services to charter schools as and charter schools. “We need poWe need political action that sup- specified in statute. For “high performing” charter litical action that supports all chilthe law reduces this amount to 2 perdren, that ensures the value of each ports all children, that ensures schools, cent. It is estimated that due to these discrepanperson, and expands opportunicies, Florida charter schools, such as Plato Acadeties. It’s just not fair that a child is the value of each person and my, receive less than 80 cents for every dollar a worth $2,200 less when he or she expands opportunities. district receives. attends a charter school.” Local politicians are also working stakeholders in charter schools may be unato raise awareness of this issue and that a child is Many ware of these disparities. Parents choose to put demanding change. “You have a their children in Plato Academy because of the significant inequity between public worth $2,200 less when he or quality educational experience they will receive. school students,” state Sen. John she attends a charter school. Legg, R-Trinity, who chairs the “The amount of money we are talking about here education committee, recently is really significant,” says local businessman and Plato Academy said. “The school districts and the charter schools need to come up Schools Board Member, Louis Kokkinakis. “It’s hundreds of thouwith a model for equity.” sands of dollars that could be used to dramatically improve the quality Even though it seems like funding for public schools and charter of education at our schools. Year after year we do more with schools should be on an even keel, it is not, according to Florida Tax less. Imagine how much more we could accomplish with equiWatch. ”The absence of equitable local funding for both operational table funding! More teachers aides. More arts. More music. and capital purposes creates a significant financial disadvantage for 22 The list goes on. Florida charter schools,” the public interest group states in a recent It’s just not fair Calling all Volunteers! All Plato Academy Parents and Families have the great and awesome responsibility to volunteer at least 30 hours over the school year. Thank you for the passion and participation that you bring to the school. Your commitment to Plato Academy is appreciated. Parents have the opportunity to volunteer in a variety of ways. Some of those ways require a higher background screening level than others. The capacity in which you choose to volunteer will determine the level of screening that is required. Level 2 volunteers - Volunteers that will be alone with students, such as when driving or chaperoning a field trip must have a Level 2 clearance. The Level 2 screening process involves fingerprint clearance through the two databases, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI. Plato Academy works with EZ Fingerprints to obtain the necessary Level 2 screening, and each school’s main office staff has the cost information and fingerprint process information you need to become a Level 2 volunteer. The Level 2 screening is necessary every five years. Level 1 volunteers - Volunteers that wish to serve in the classroom or on school grounds and who are supervised by a teacher or another staff member at all times must have a Level 1 clearance. Level 1 screening requires you to provide your driver license or Florida State ID and a limited background/ sex offender check will be Lisa Herbst conducted by the school. General Counsel Parents or family members that are not Level 1 or 2 screened can still volunteer in other capacities, such as to take work home to do for your child’s teacher. If you have any questions regarding volunteering or the Level of screening required for you, please contact your schools’ front desk staff, and they will be able to assist you. Thank you again for your commitment to the students! Your volunteering and participation help the children at Plato Academy to Exceed Expectations! RTI Is Powerful Practice Plato Academy is proactive with its RTI model and provides students with interventions to support the belief of prevention through intervention being the emphasis rather than waiting until the student fails. But what is RTI? RTI stands for Response to Intervention. Response to Intervention is a tool that is used to help all students who struggle in any areas of academics or behavior in the general education classroom. There are 3 tiers or levels of RTI. Tier 1 is for all students in the classroom that use our core curriculum with the teacher differentiating instruction for small groups. (i.e. reading groups) Tier 2 is small groups of students with the same skill needs to be successful in the classroom. For example: students that have low reading fluency may need to learn and practice silent / e/ and other spelling rules are pulled for activities/interventions to increase their fluency. Once the skill is remediated the student may not need Tier 2 any longer or may need Tier 2 for another skill needed in the classroom to meet expectations. Tier 3 is for students that are significantly below grade level and/or their classroom peers. These students receive intensive support in the area of their skill deficit in addition to their Tier 2 group. Tier 3 students have parent and school team meetings every 4-6 weeks to ensure that the student is making progress. Decisions are made using the data collected once per week. The goal for all students is to be remediated and then return to the regular routine to be successful without continued RTI services. If a student is unable to make gains or needs constant interventions to be successful, they may be referred for Exceptional Student Education. All students learn differently and need assistance with their learning, RTI helps students, teachers, administrators and parents discover the strategies, interventions and/or supports their student requires to be meet grade level expectations. 23 SuperiorTech4Teachers Conference Launches Inspiration for Teachers On June 17-19 Superior Schools and Plato Academy Schools organized and hosted the first annual Educational Technology Conference titled Superior Tech For Teachers (ST4T). ST4T was a bold attempt to shape the EdTech future of the Tampa Bay Area by gathering some of the best educational technology presenters and offering them a platform to share their amazing knowledge with the rest of the educational community. ST4T was the first-ever educational technology conference of such caliber to be organized and hosted by a charter school in the state of Florida, and one of the first in the Unites States. The event was also the biggest educational technology conference in the Tampa Bay Area. More than 180 educators and administrators from 8 states attended the conference. More than 1,000 people from 53 different countries logged in to watch the Google Hangout session at the ST4T EdTech Conference. In a survey conducted after the conference, teachers and administrators from numerous private, charter, and public schools attending the event stated enthusiastically that this was one of the best conferences they have ever attended! The three-day conference provided participants with multiple learning opportunities of diverse nature. Participants were able to choose from among dozens of 1- hour long sessions on groundbreaking instructional strategies and best practices using iPads, Chromebooks, and laptops in the classroom. They had the chance to see how experienced and high-achieving educators use technology in their classrooms to motivate even the most challenging students. The 2-day conference featured presentations in areas as diverse as: • Flipped Classroom Model • Gamification • Digital Storytelling • iPad and Chromebook Implementation in the Classroom • Google Apps in Education and Google Classroom • Augmented Reality • BYOD Environments for Device Agnostic Classrooms Additionally, participants had the opportunity to attend sessions that provide insight into how to organize and operate a school’s IT department successfully, how to manage a high volume of devices within a network, and how to ensure that this network functions appropriately and adequately for all of the devices at school and district levels. The mastermind behind the event, our very own Nikolaos Chatzopoulos, vowed to continue improving ST4T. He has already began working on next year’s conference so that it includes additional speakers of high quality, and amazing features such as the latest in EdTech hardware and software, inspiring student presenters, live virtual feed of select conference’s sessions, improved sponsor and vendor experience, and many more features to be utilized in the ST4T2016. “More than 1,000 people from 53 different countries logged in to watch the Google Hangout session at the ST4T EdTech Conference” statistics provided by Hsrty 24 ESE—Every Student is Special No two children learn exactly the same way and all children learn at different speeds. Plato Academy is committed to teaching according to the unique needs of every child. To better accomplish this, we have a team of highly qualified ESE instructors whose sole focus is ensuring that each child is given the available and appropriate foundation and supports needed to thrive. Meet our new ESE Director I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Director and share with you my excitement about collaborating with students, families, and staff at Plato Academy Schools. Plato Academy ensures the needs of all children are met. As ESE Director I will stand behind the Schools’ mission to design, implement, improve, and expand “Superior” methods of education. Exceptional student education offers services to students with unique gifts and needs. The ESE Department consists of five exceptionalities; Gifted, ESE, ESOL, 504s, and RTI. These individualized programs of special education and related services enable children to access curriculum and fulfill their potentials. I will be working with all seven schools, families, and students to make sure these programs are superior. Personally, my name is Deborah Valentine. I have an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education, a Master’s in Special Education, I have a Gifted Endorsement, a Reading Endorsement, and I am working on my ESOL Endorsement. I taught special education in elementary school and held leadership positions in my department. I recently moved to Florida from Marietta, Georgia where I raised two lovely daughters; both of my daughters are now in college. I look forward to getting to know the families that make Plato Academy the wonderful place it is. I applaud your support as we work to make this year academically triumphant for all our children. Deborah Valentine ESE Director 25 25 IMPROVING COUNSELING AND SUPPORT SERVICES Plato Academy is dedicated to supporting the needs of the whole child and has recently doubled the number of guidance counselors available to help students and parents navigate various transitions of childhood and adolescence. Our guidance counselors are focused on delivering comprehensive programs that promote student wellbeing and achievement. Meet Our Guidance Counselors Hello to all the families and students at Plato Academy! My name is Brittany Hardy, and I am a new member of Plato Academy that recently graduated with my Master’s degree in school counseling from the University of West Georgia. I am very new to the Pinellas County community, so I look forward to getting to know all of you! I am serving the Clearwater, Palm Harbor, and Tarpon Springs campuses. We will have guidance bulletins in each school that will be a great way to find information and resources regarding academic skills, career exploration, and character development, among other things! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or the principal for guidance support. Brittany Hardy Guidance Counselor You can email me at Hello Plato Academy Students and Families! My name is Tosha Vickers and this will be my 3rd year as a Guidance Counselor at Plato Academy. I graduated with my Master’s Degree from USF (Go BULLS!) and I am also a parent at Plato Academy. My oldest daughter is a graduate of our Largo Campus while my younger daughter will be starting 5th grade this year. I will be covering our south county campuses which include: Seminole, Largo, St. Petersburg and our newest school in Pinellas Park. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions and/or concerns as well as you may also speak with your Principal for any Guidance Support. We will also have a Guidance Corner in the main office areas where you can find information on Character Development, High School application, Study Skills and much more. Tosha Vickers Guidance Counselor You can reach me at 26 26 Have you chosen the best private high school for your child? Preparing student athletes, artists & musicians by integrating academic excellence, professional athletic, visual and performing arts training, skill development, and social-emotional and moral development. Academic Excellence-Accelerated Learning Flexible Scheduling Personalized, Continuous Guidance Counseling An Effective blended Instructional Delivery Method A “Real” Student Centered, Supportive Approach Leading Edge Technology & Teaching Small, Safe, Nurturing Values-Based Environment Earn Credit for Extracurriculars like Art, Music, Athletics A Small College Campus Experience Affordable Tuition Plans Participate in Job Shadows & Internships We offer scholarships: Informational Meetings held daily - Visit Manager of : All “A” Rated High Performing Schools Plato Academy Schools and Superior Schools Corporation are SACS-CASI Accredited. Superior Collegiate High School will be fully accredited during its first year of operation. CONSTRUCTION/ IMPROVEMENTS UPDATE Superior Schools is pleased to announce that major construction projects will soon be underway at three Plato Academy locations as part of our system -wide strategic plan for facilities improvements. As with our recently constructed Clearwater Campus, new facilities at each of these locations listed below, (combined approx. 150, 000 sq. ft.) will provide students with high quality and state-of-the-art spaces in which to learn, grow, and succeed. In addition to these projects, improvements are in planning or underway at all sister schools . Calling All Parents with Design/Build Expertise As we continue our plan of continuous facility improvements, renovations, and Subtitle Text new construction projects we are asking Plato Academy parents with extensive architectural, engineering, or construction leadership experience to consult or participate in our growth. Contact Steve Christopoulos at Pinellas Park Plato Academy Pinellas Park is in the Planning and Permitting phase. Approximate Start Date: Spring of 2016 Pasco County Plato Academy’s first school in Pasco County will be developed in an excellent location , satisfying a strong demand from parents who want the best education for their children. Approximate Start Date: January of 2016 St. Petersburg Plato Academy St. Petersburg families will be thrilled with their projected permanent home. Approximate Start Date: Spring of 2016