February 2011 - St. Sophia Cathedral
February 2011 - St. Sophia Cathedral
Page Saint Sophia Cathedral Herald HERALD CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF GREEK ORTHODOXY IN LOS ANGELES February 2011 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dean‘s Message 2 President‘s Message 3 Stewardship News 4 Philoptohos News 9 Philoptohos VIP News 10 Philanthropia News 10 Youth News 10 Foundation News 11 Hellenic Academy 12 Sacraments 13 Ministries List 14 Orthodox Calendar 15 Community News 16 Due Date for March Herald Friday, 11 February Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas, Dean Rev. Fr. Bill Tragus, Associate 1324 S. Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90006 Tel. 323-737-2424 Fax. 323-737-7029 www.stsophia.org The Presentation of our Lord Page 2 Herald DEAN’S MESSAGE We must be the Church leading the people to salvation and to a personal living relationship with Jesus Christ. Anything less tramples upon the priesthood and all that is sacred in our Holy Orthodox Church. Most of us may not realize that Saint Sophia Cathedral, as well as all churches in our archdiocese, regulate their policies, administrative activities and religious life under the Charter of the Archdiocese of America. This charter is also known as the Uniform Parish Regulations (UPRs). You can read the entire document on the Archdiocese website: www.goarch.org. In the Charter or UPRs, the mission of the Church is clear. It is stated in Article 2, as follows: “The mission of the Archdiocese is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to teach and spread the Orthodox Christian faith, to energize, cultivate and guide the life of the Church in the United States of America according to the Orthodox Christian faith and Sacred Tradition.” It seems clear cut and simple. But who pays attention to it? How many parishes work at making it happen? Someone once said that many churches are ―social clubs‖ that play at church and others are ―churches that also have social activities.‖ As we enter the new year of 2011, let‘s ask ourselves the all important question: Into which category does Saint Sophia fall? I hope you will pray that our Cathedral is first a church that also has dynamic Christ-filled parishioners who enjoy a variety of social and cultural activities. The mission is clear. As I stand before God as a priest, especially when I hold in my hands the Holy of Holies in the form of Holy Communion, I first must be the Pastor of the church and Dean of the community, This is why I am so committed to getting people involved in singing the Divine Liturgy, participating in the sacramental life of the church, embracing one another in love and encouraging all to consciously understand what is going on in all of our life-enhancing and life-giving services. Nothing is more dreadful than a dead church with robotic people going thru the automatic motions of religiosity. In our multireligious society, people have choices as far as church is concerned, and they register their choices with their feet. Parishioners either come and connect with church or leave the church. And many have left us over the years because they could never connect or be involved for a variety of reasons. Let us address one of the reasons: ―the language barrier.‖ For nearly 8 years now, on the first Sunday of each month, the Divine Liturgy has been celebrated in English. Has this increased attendance? That is in God‘s hands. But at least for those who are there, the service will be universally understood. It is an attempt to reach out to be relevant to all. Language should not be a barrier in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It ought to usher us into His presence, opening our hearts and minds to Him. The church cannot be just a nostalgic guardian of the past. It must shine its light upon the future as well. Whether we like it or not, the growth of our church in America will not be made up of newly arrived immigrants. It will be generations born in America and will include more converts and more interfaith marriages. Just look at your own family and ask yourself, where are my adult children & grandchildren? Are they connected to church and faith? And if not, why not? This is my concern. When it comes to those who left us, the church simply must find them and fill their spiritual needs. We must find their spiritual hurt and heal it; find their spiritual thirst and quench it. We all must play a role in ministry and outreach, not just the professional ordained clergy. I will work even harder to strengthen our Sunday School and the content of all our programs. In the very near future we will train adult religious catechists (religious educators) to tutor and mentor returning adults and prospective converts. Our Bible Study Program is open to all at 7:30pm Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. We also offer Monday morning Women‘s Bible Study at 10:30am and Men‘s Bible Study at 12:30pm. Why not join one of these groups and bring a friend? It is just one hour a week. As most everyone knows, every Sunday morning before Liturgy, I conduct a ―Studies in the Faith‖ discussion at 9:15am in the Cathedral. Here is yet another opportunity to grow spiritually. And there is much more to do to make us a Christ-centered faith community. I pray you will get involved. I will be calling on you and asking for your help. Looking to the future, Saint Sophia Cathedral must become a sanctuary that embraces all people who wish to embrace Jesus Christ and His Holy Orthodox Church. There is true joy in belonging… and participating. “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38. Please join the Lord’s labor force right here in His vineyard at Saint Sophia Cathedral. “When you write or update your will, please remember Saint Sophia Cathedral. Your gift will live into eternity.” Page 3 Herald PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU, AND IT IS ABOUT TIME Our heart-felt appreciation to all Stewards who have sent in their pledge cards. If you have not yet done so, please send us your pledge card so we can plan our expenses for the year 2011. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support to our Stewardship Ministry. As we begin the New Year I would like to take the opportunity to thank the entire Board of Directors for their diligent work and dedication to our ministry. This is going to be another exciting year, full of challenges, opportunities, sacrifices, and the best of all, the completion of our new CULTURAL, EDUCATION, SPORTS AND PERFORMING ARTS CENTER - the future of our Community. I am proud to formally introduce this year‘s Officers, Parish Council Members and Associates, Ministry Leaders and Volunteers of our Cathedral: 2011 Parish Council Officers Panos A. Angels-Angeletopoulos President Loula Moschonas Vice President Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian Recording Secretary Karen Sarames Corresponding Secretary Michael Kraios CFO – Treasurer Parish Council Members Dina Demetriou, Jeanine Hanna, Toula Kalatzis, Tom Martin, Sebastian Opffer, Alex Oxyzolou, Peter Pallas, Dean Peratsakis, Ted Pastras, Zafiris Tsimahides Parish Council Associate Irene Frankos Stewardship Committee Chair Stewardship Committee Jackie Callas, Joanna Callas, Tina Callas, Helene Dameris, Vickie Deryiades, Helen Ellis, Jeanine Hanna, Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian, Loula Moschonas, Ann Pappas, Aileen Preonas, Melina Webster Pyle, Allison Shuman Stavaridis, and Christina Tasulis Welcoming Committee Niki Korbakis, Maria Pelargos Sunday Coffee Hour Frances Karavidas, Ann Pappas, Tina Peterson, Georgia Vasila Altar Boys Coordinator Chris Halikakis Sunday School Coordinator Eleni Yokas Additionally, I would like to thank all the Sunday School Teachers, our Dance program parents, all the Dance Directors and all the parents and volunteers of our Basketball Program. Congratulations to all Dance Groups for doing a splendid job at their annual Glendi. It was a delightful evening of dancing, sharing cultural heritage, good food and wonderful company. This year the event took place at Saint Steven‘s Serbian Cathedral. If there is a will, there is a way. The annual Folk Dance Festival (FDF) will take place in Ontario this month. Please come and show your support to our groups. We look forward to another fantastic year. I share the excitement and confidence that we, as a Parish, will meet any challenges that arise and that we will continue to grow and flourish. Thank you for your support. In His Service Panos A. Angels-Angeletopoulos “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 Page 4 Herald Stewardship The Joy of Belonging through Christian Stewardship ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2010 OPERATING BUDGET: $1,600,000 STEWARDSHIP FAMILIES: 742 or 57% of mailing list STEWARDSHIP REVENUES: $820,059 or 51% of operating budget We sincerely thank all our Stewards for their devoted financial commitment to our Saint Sophia Ministry. Special thanks goes to my Stewardship Committee members, who have contributed to the progress and growth of our Stewardship Program by offering their love, time and talent: Jackie Callas, Joanna Callas, Tina Callas, Helene Dameris, Vickie Deryiades, Helen Ellis, Jeanine Hanna, Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian, Loula Moschonas, Ann Pappas, Aileen Preonas, Melina Webster Pyle, Allison Shuman Stavaridis, and Christina Tasulis. With love and appreciation, Irene Frankos 2010 STEWARDS $50,000 *Anonymous $24,000 Anonymous $10,000 – 14,999 *Anonymous Callas, Greg & Jacquelyn Cozen, Glenn & Deborah Gianopulos, James & Ann Marcus, Mr. & Mrs. George *Rallis, John & Mary Lynn Yallourakis, Drs. Stephen & Anna $9,000 – 9,999 *Pappas, Mr. Alex H. $6,000 To $8999 Dameris, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soteropulos, Gust & Rita $5,000 To $5,999 Anonymous *Ambatielos, Mr. and Mrs. Evangelos Boltinghouse, James & Debbie *Demetriou, Anthony A. & Helen Duncan, Jan W. *Kolokotrones, James A. & Carolyn *Kolovos, George P & Tina *Maniatakos, Ted & Maria Moschonas, Loula B. & James Edgerton *Papalexis, Bill & Vergie Perdis, Mr. & Mrs. Napoleon *Preonas, George & Aileen Stathatos, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Stathatos, Savas J. & Helen *Stathes, Nick & Sonia Vardalos, Nia & Ian Gomez Webster, Dante & Jeanette $4,000 To $4,999 Anonymous Clute, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nikias, Dr. & Mrs. Chrysostomos *Patzakis, Michael & Susan *Zonos, Ted & Alexandra $3,000 To $3,999 Bakas, Fr. John & Pres. Maria Bartzokis, George & Kelly Citro, Conrad & Ms. Cassandra Helis *Evangelatos, Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Freshman, Gordon & Timi *George, Joseph *Harkiss, Dr. Sam *Kallins, James & Virginia Kitsos, Mr. and Mrs. Petros Kollias, Jim & Doris *Kyriacou, Gig & Kathleen *Lambros, Vasilios & Helen Martin, Thomas & Ann O'Regan, Charles & Melanie *Peterson, John S & Pamela Poulos, Rena *+Sakellaris, John S. Vasila, Georgia Vournas, Harry C *Wardy, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Paul Page 5 Herald Stewardship The Joy of Belonging $1,000 To $1,999 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Antholis, Kary & Karen Anonymous Aronis, Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Anonymous +Bonorris, George S. Anonymous Bornino, James A. & +Bessie Achilles, Achilles Boukidis, Constantine & Eugenia Ananias, James & Angela Callas, Steven & Christine Anast, Ernest W. & Joan Contois, Michael & Annette Anastassiou, Mr & Mrs Thomas P Dialynas, Mr. & Mrs. Chris P. Andrews, George & Cleo *Doumakes, Robert M. Angels, Panos & Bertha Fields, Ms. Corinna Arnall, James and January *Flokas, Mrs. Dino L. Aronis, Vas & Patricia *Gallanis, Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Auerbach, Art & Maria *Haidos, Alek & Christine Beers, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hanna, Steve & Jeanine Boller, Jeannette Helm, Mr. & Mrs. Michael *Boltinghouse, Helen Bornstein, Robert & Rena Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. James Boudouvas, Mr. & Mrs. John Kapantzos, Mr. & Mrs. Cosmas Bouras, Mr. and Mrs. Sotirios Kirages, John T & Demetra Camaras, Tykye & Elaine *Korbakis, John P & Niki *Caras, Chris Tom & Georgia Krantz, Mrs. Mary Ann Carvaines, Michael & Sarah Lambros-Mccaslin, Eleni Chester, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lapa, Donald J & Diane Christopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Manolopoulos, Mr & Mrs Peter H. Chrys, Mr. & Mrs. Chrys Mellos, Mr. Peter Columbus, Peter Mellos, Tony & Donna Cosfol, Peter & Marlene Miserlis, George & Charlotte *Daglas, Mr. & Mrs. Chris Moore, Tom & Ann Dalis, John O’Connor, Mrs. Fotine D. Dalkas, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Oldknow, Mr. & Mrs. William Dembegiotes, Pantele Papajohn, Alexander *Demetriou, James A & Faye Pappas, Angelo & Ann Demetriou, Mary-Kay Pappas, Gus J & Kiki Demopoulos, Peter N & Vivi Romm, Dr. and Mrs. John Deryiades, Mrs. Vickie Settelmayer, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Diaz, Ms. Robin A. Dimantidis, Dr. Thomas G. Siafaris, George & Elina Stasinos, John & Eleni Mavromati Dimitriadis, Andre Doumak, Mrs. Jennie Theodore, Steve P Edwards, Nickolas & Pamela Vidalakis, John & Ms. Diane Kochones Fagan, Milton J. & Basilia Warner, Michael Fenady, Andrew & Mary $2,000 To $2,999 Anonymous Anonymous through Christian Stewardship Georgiou, Mr. Nickolas Grafos, Thomas & Tania Griggs, Benjamin & Ghada Halekakis, Mr. & Mrs. Steve *Halikis, Mrs. Rosalind F. Halekakis, Steve & Ritsa Helm, Michael & Sophia Hondas, Alida Judge, Julia Kalban, Jeffrey & Maria Kapogiannis, Sam & Sophia Kapur, Teddy & Theane Karagianis, Lou & Penny Karavedas, Ms. Angela Karavas, Dan & Evangeline Kiapos, Theodore J & Aspasia Kirages, Daniel & Kassandra Konugres, George & Maria Elena Kostos, Virginia Koukis, Mr. and Mrs. Pandelis Kraios, Michael G. Kyriacos, Mr. and Mrs. Tsircou Ladicos,+Pauline Lambros, Damian & Marcella Ledbetter, Mark & Phaedra Lianos, Glenn & Antonia Liappas, Demetrios Liappas, Demetrios & Katharine Ligar, Mary Makowski, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Manders, Ms. Constance Maniatakos, Ted Jr. Maniatis, Mary Marentes, Mr. James C. Markos, Mr. & Mrs. George P. Mckinney, Helen Mihalas, Lawrence & Sharon Moskos, Mrs. Ilca Namoulis, Ms. Vida Sehremelis, Mr. & Mrs. Andy *Selimos, James & Mary *Siafaris, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sideris, George & Diane Sotos, Efthimios P. & Elaine Stephanou, Stephen E & Rita Suchy, Raymond & Gregoria Tarassis, Mr. & Mrs. Zafiro *Tasulis, Jr, Chris & Helen Thanos, Terry & Vanessa Theodoratos, Marisa, Azra, Ben Thimakis, Stanley Thorsen, Mr. & Mrs. George Tingus, Michael Toczek, Dr. Ariadne M. Toczek, Dr. Maria Tragus, Fr. Bill & Pres. Mia Tripodes, Dean Tsimahides, Zafiris & Helene Vasilion, Peter & Tina Venetos, Paul & Tina Waldron, William Yortsos, Mr. Yannis Zaferis, Mrs. Eugenia Zouras, Mr. & Mrs. Tashi $500 To $999 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Noyes, Brent A & Virginia Anonymous Olympios, Mr. & Mrs. Stavros Palomares, Tonifaye & Mark Chassman Anonymous Papadopoulos, Alek Anonymous Anonymous Pappas, George & Patricia Anonymous Watson, Irene Poulos Fenady, Katherine Pappas, John H Anonymous Wellington, Shelmadine *Fettis, Peter & Patricia Flatos, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Pelargos, Emmanuel & Maria Anonymous Perris, Nicholas & Lela Anonymous Flokas, Dena Prappas, William & Michele Anonymous Fossati, Stephen & Yvonne Pruett, Vernon & Diane Anonymous Frankos, Kyriakos & Irene Roussos, Theodosios & Paula Anonymous Yaitanes, Mr. & Mrs. Greg *Zaferis, Mr. & Mrs. James E. Zarocostas, Peter Zinelis, Mr. and Mrs. Panagiotis Page 6 Herald Stewardship The Joy of Belonging through Christian Stewardship $500 To $999 (continued) Constantinou, Costas C. & Marilyn James, Nicolas G. & Hilda Natsis, Anton & Demetra Adamopoulos, Peter & Virginia Daher, Ms. Athina Pavlidou Jeen, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Nichols, Dina Adamou, Mr. & Mrs. Miltiades Dascalu, George & Elena Johnson, Justin and Erica Nichols, Ms. Christene Adams, Bill & Shannon Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Symeon Jones, Mary Pakkidis-Rodriguez, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Akrotirianakis, Joseph N. Defterios, Christo Jordan, Ms. Olga Pallas, Peter Alexopoulos, Panagiotis & Sia Della Corna, Albert & Patricia June, Rodney & Paraskevi Papachristos, Ioannis & Joanna Ananias, Dean & Georgia Della Corna, Danielle Kades, Christine Papadeas, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ananias, Mr. Nick Della Corna, Daria Kades, Nicholas & Georgia Papagiannis, Ted & Christie Andrei, John & Sonya Demetriou, Dr. & Mrs. James Kalivas, Mr. & Mrs. George Papanikolaou, Aphrodite, Joshua Lam Anthony, Mr. & Mrs. Cole Gray & Tassie Anthony Deryiades, Mr. Stephen Karas, Jeanne S. Papavasiliou, Sotirios Deryiades, Ms. Maria Karatsikis, Mr. James Pappas, Irene Apostolos, Margo K. Diamantopoulos, Mr. & Mrs. Chris Karavas, Mr. John Pappas, Marcus A. & Cheri Aronis, Mr. and Mrs. Athan Dimitrakopoulos, Mr. Pete Karavedas, Frances F Pappas, Tony & Anna Arvanitis, Komnas Doering, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kargas, Dr. Steve A. Pappatheodorou, Sofia Athans, Artie Drakos, Mrs. Eugenia Kastas, Lewis Pastras. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Athans, Tina Dres, Mr. Tony Kezios, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pavlidou, Mrs. Alexandra Daher Bakas, Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Dres, William & Anne Kitchens, Russell E & Aspasia Pentheroudakis, Panos & Angeliki Bakas, Ms. Andrea Eagar, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kontes, Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Pete, Mr. Harry Ballas, Helene Eliopoulos, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kontos, Denise Peterson, Christopher Batsakis, Eleni Ellis, Mrs. Peter Kopatsis, John Peterson, Stephen J. & Athena Batsakis, Perry J. Ellis, Ms. Helen Korasidis, Vangelis & Kristina Petrow, Lucy Begakis, Mr. & Mrs. Niko Emmanouilides, George & Akrivoe Kostoulas, Dr. Katina Kay Pilichos, Efrossini Berk, Aristid D & Hope Enos, Ms. Rachel Louise Kotas, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pitsos, Mr. & Mrs. George & Family Bolaris, Michael A. Erwin, Catherine Koulisis, Ms. Linda Polychronis, Thalia & Ryan Vaughan Bonduris, Sam John *Evangelatos, Andrew & Pauline Kousakis, Mr. Peter J. Poulakidas, Dean Bosten, Jeffrey & Karen Evangelatos, Mr. & Mrs. James Kousoulas, Gus & Johanna Preonas, Mr. Stephen Boukidis, George Fotopoulos, Ms. Maria Fovos, Mrs. Zoe Koustas, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Price, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boyiazis, Anna Protopappas, Ifigenia Brice, Timothy & Maria Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Callas, Joanna Galanakis, Apostolos & Jannet Koutsoukos, A. Electra Kypriotakis, Mr. Kyriakos Kyriacou, Charalambos & Eleni Kyriacou, Nicholas & Anna Kyriazis, James N & Georgia Lappas, Anthony B. & Mary Lappin, Stephen & Andrea Laros, G. Menel Lolonis, Anastasios & Athina Lyons, Barry & Fay Lynch, Adam & Vayia Madias, Mr. Elias Mallis, Mr. Gregory Markham, Joseph R. Callas, Ms. Erica Gallanis, Pete & Danica Camaras, Elena & Joey Abramson Garcia, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Cappos, George & Helen Gatsoulis, Mr. & Mrs. Philip *Caras, Mr. & Mrs. Chris W. Jr. Chagares, Kiki Chahin, Vilma Chaldaris, George J & Calliope Chimarios, Elias & Tasia Chiochios, Charles G. & Pauline Chistolini, Bruce & Alexandra Christofides, Panagiotis & Marina Foundi Chronopoulos, Mr. Gene Chrys, Annie Georgeson, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Georgopoulos, Dean & Jessica Gheddissi, Peter *Gialketsis, Mrs. Lola Glavas, George & Angie Greitzer, Steven & Eve Harros, George & Cameron Hawatmeh, Ayed and Negar Hawkey, Aaron Collias, Mr. and Mrs. Stephanos Ingraham, Leland & Tiffany Constantine, Eleni Ioannidis, Nick & Tessie *Mastor, Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Matandos, Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Mihalas, Stephanie Mike, Michael *Morris, Stella Nicholas Morrison, Chase & Mary Mourtzikos, Ms. Marlene Kay Protopappas, Ms. Ifigenia Psaltiras, Eftychios & Demetra Ranger, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rhoads, Carl Nicholas & Anna Rico, Charles G. Rinks, Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Sarames, Karen Sarantopoulos, Michael & Kathryn Sarantopoulos, Stavros Savas, Diana N. Schold, Jason and Sandra Schwartz, Petsa Cockinos Shults, Roy L. & Dale E. Manolakas Sideris, Patricia Siraef, Ms. Alexandra Skodras, Mr. Demetrios Smith, Sophia Page 7 Herald Stewardship The Joy of Belonging through Christian Stewardship $500 To $999 (continued) Ales, Mrs. Dorothea D. Kitchens, Christopher Paziouros, Petroula Sogas, Connie Alex, Mr. and Mrs. James Klima, Laszlo & Jeanine Peters, Elpida Soulimiotis, Mrs. Sophia Alexiou, Mr. John Koch, Vasso Petros, John & Margo Anastas, Louis & Nicole Kodomichalos, Velios & Celia Pieptea, Mr. Radu Anastasiou, Christine Kokkinides, Morfi Pieptea, Ms. Laura Andreadis, Ms. Irene Kotichas, Mrs. Frank Politis, Nicholas & Bessie Athans, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Koufoudakis, Evridiki Rodinos, Evangelos & Katherine Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Koukos, Aristides & Paraskevi Royce, Mr. Nicholas Balikos, George & Jeanne Kountakis, Ms. Eugenia Russsos, Emanuel Balikos, Stephanie M. Koury, Mr. Sam Schartz, Peter & Varta Barsoum, Gigi Kremer, Max & Tricia Sinanis, Mrs. Virginia Beswick, Mr. Robert Laros, Timothy Sirakides, Leo N. Billis, Mr. Stephen Lellios, Ms. Fay Efrosini Skouras, Ms. Estelle Bougioukos, Maria Linardos, Rose Spence, Michael & Helen Brotsis, Ms. Barbara Vera Loisides, Michael & Androula Spirus, Kosta & Dorothy Chames, Anastasia Doovas Loukaris, Mersy Spyrou, Ms. Helen Chapralis, Andrew G. & Margo Lucas, Ben and Amie Syrengelas, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chapralis, Tula Manikas, Mr. Michael Szekely, Gabriel & Florina Chester, Joseph & Mary Maniskas, Anastasia Tassop, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Christy, Mr. & Mrs. Nick D. Manolelis, Nicholas Topetzes, Joanna Columbis, Paul & Andrea Margetis, Ms. Sophia Varentges, Kalli Cooper, Greta Markos, Alexandria Vazelakis, Mr. Dimitri Coroneus, Mrs. Thalia Markos, Harry Veracka, Virginia Costalupes, Kim P. Mars, Nick Veys, Pandelly D. & Sonia Daniel, Helen Mastor, Andriana Vourakis, Mr. and Mrs. Aki Daskalos, Chris G. Mavros, Alexander & Evangeline Woloschinowisch, Mary Demetriou, Andrew J & Evelyn Melko, Mrs. Eugenia Yeotis, Gina Diorio, Carl Metzidis, Mrs. Eftihia Zagorianos, Sam & Bertha Donovan, Mr. and Mrs. James Morris, Bessie P. Zouras, Mrs. Beatrice Dumas, Mr. & Mrs. Van Mouzas, Ms. Alexandra Franco, Athena Nicolaidis, Aliki Wisler George, Gregory Nicolaidis, Nicolas Nikos, Theodora Zagorianos, Marsha Georgopoulos, James Giannakis, Mr. Theodore & Koliussi, Ms. Lucy Giannoulis, Chris & Mary Zaharopoulos, Konstadinos Gillespie, Margaret Zanetos, Dean & Alison Halekakis, Mr. Christo Zanetos, John & Rachel Hamwey, Mrs. Katherine Zarras, Peter Hronis, Ms. Soteria Spanos, Mr. George Spears, Ted & Cynthia *Spiropoulos, Jimmy & Doraly Spizzirri, Mr. Dean Stamatiades, John L & Dorothea Stamos, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stavaridis, Chris & Ms. Allison Shuman Stefanidis, Dr. Nickolaos Stevens, Mr. Robert Stokes, Ms. Penny Stumpus, Arthur & Judy Stumpus, Elizabeth Tassop, Mary M. Tetradis, Mr. and Mrs. Sotiros Themelis, Anastasios & Jennie Thomas, Kristin Thomas, Ms. Tatum Ann Travassaros, Frances Treantafelles, Mrs. Nicholas Tsoutsas, Tina Varentges, George & Helen Veselic, Kevin & Patty Vourakis, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ward, Mr. Thomas Webster, John P & Jennifer Wellington, Mr. Isaiah Wellington, Mr. Joshua Xilas, Sophie Yeotis, Ms. Gina Zachario, Bill & Helen Zagorianos, Kathleen OTHER Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Hutchings, Pamela Kappos, Barbara Karadenes, Mark * life member & active steward O'Donnell, Jim & Tricia Palomares, Sophia Dagres Panayi, George & Rena Panayi, Helen Panopoulos, Mr. John F. Gregory Papadopoulos, A & T. Rock Papangellin, Mr. Daniel Papayianis, Zoe Pappas, James Gregory & Leila Pappas, John T & Bess Katsoulis, John Parker, Anastasia-Jean Kazandjian, Jeanette Patsaoura, Sevasti Please forgive us if we have omitted your name in error. Page 8 Herald Stewardship The Joy of Belonging through Christian Stewardship LIFE MEMBERSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND In the early 1980s, our Parish Council introduced a novel idea in an economic environment when interest rates were 8-10%. If people would make a single gift of $10,000 to the Cathedral, they would become Life Members, and the interest of $800 to $1,000 from that gift would be counted as yearly membership. Those were the days when the word ‗stewardship‘ was not yet used and defined, as it is today. Of course the high interest rates and dividends of the early 80s are a nostalgic memory. Today, the Life Membership Fund has become the Endowment Fund to support our Ministry when emergencies may arise. Thank God we have it, especially this year, as we are challenged with a $400,000 deficit due to the loss of the Parish Hall rentals and Festival revenues. The Endowment Fund is still viable, and periodically parishioners become Life Members and add to the principal or corpus of the Fund, which is conservatively invested and growing. Life Members are prominently recognized on our ―Walk of the Blessing Hand‖ Donor Wall. In addition to their one time gift, most Life Members have been generous yearly stewardship participants as well. We are deeply grateful to them and pray for the participation of all Life Members, as the Stewardship Program is the life-blood of our Saint Sophia Ministry. LIFE MEMBERS +Dr. Lee & Aphie Akopiantz +Mr. George Farmasonis Mr. & Mrs. James Kolokotrones Mr. & Mrs. George Preonas Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Ambatielos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fettis Mr. & Mrs. George Kolovos Mr. & Mrs. John Rallis Mr. & +Mrs. Nicholas G. Ananias +Mr. & Mrs. Dino Flokas L. Dr. & Mrs. John P. Korbakis Mr. & +Mrs. Angelo Revels Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Aronis Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Gallanis Mr. Christ Krantz +Mr. & + Mrs. John S. Sakellaris Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bissias +Mr. George George Mrs. Mary Lou Krantz Dr. & Mrs. James G. Selimos +Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boltinghouse Mr. Joseph George Mr. & Mrs. Gig Kyriacou Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Siafaris Georgia K. & Chris T. Caras +Mr. & Mrs. George Gialketsis Dr. & Mrs. Vasilios Lambros Soudenioton Omonoia Society Mr. & Mrs. Chris W. Caras +Mrs. Ann Goucher +Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lyons Jimmy & Doraly Spiropoulos Mr. Chris W. Caras, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alek Haidos Mr. & Mrs. Ted Maniatakos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Stathes +Mr. & Mrs. George Caras Mr. Peter Haidos Dr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Mastor Tom & Helen Stratos Mr. & Mrs. George Chacopoulos +Dr. & Mrs. Michael N. Halikis +Dr. & Mrs. Frank G. Nicholas + Dr. & Mrs. Chris T. Tasulis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Daglas Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hanks + Mrs. Helen Nicholas Ms. Theoni Trangas Harry & Athena Daglas Dr. Sam Harkiss + Dr. & +Mrs. S. James Vamvas Mr. & Mrs. Archie Defterios & Stella Nicholas Morris The Hellenic Society of Constantinople Mr. & Mrs. Nick A. Nichols + Mr. & + Mrs. Robert Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Bill A. Papalexis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Demetriou Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Julias Mr. & Mrs. John T. Pappas + Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Zaferis Dr. & Mrs. James A. Demetriou Dr. Alex W. Kalionzes Mr. Alex Pappas Mr. & Mrs. James E. Zaferis Mrs. Alexander J. Doumak Dr. & Mrs. James Kallins Harry & Agopie Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Ted G. Zonos +Mr. & Mrs. John Doumakes +Mr. & +Mrs. Ted Kamas +Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Parkos Mr. & +Mrs. Robert M. Doumakes + Mr. Paul Karres Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Evangelatos + Mr. & Mrs. George Kastas Dr. & Mrs. Michael Patzakis Ms. Cathy Evangelatos Mr. & Mrs. Evans Kitsigiannis John & +Anne Antonia Dalis Dr. Dennis Evangelatos +Dr. & Mrs. William Evangelatos Ms. Goldie Peratis +Lt. Col. Wm. L. & Katherine Kokenes + Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peratis Ms. Joyce Kokkinides + Mr. & Mrs. Spiros G. Ponty + Andrew Vasila Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul Wardy of blessed memory Page 9 Herald PHILOPTOHOS NEWS Dear Philoptohos Ladies, Sunday, January 16th was a magical night for the 23 Debutantes of our Saint Sophia Cathedral. The Beverly Wilshire Ballroom has never looked so fantastic or so very crowded. Our elegant and very accomplished 23 young ladies were presented— making their curtsy in front of their fathers. It was a sight to behold. The fathers looked at them with pride, deep love and admiration. It was a very emotional and wondrous moment in the life of all these lovely and inspiring young girls. The Debutante Ball is really a ―Daddy‘s night‖. The fathers couldn‘t believe that their darling little girls of yesterday were the gorgeous young women of tonight. My congratulations and fondest love to all, especially to their gorgeous young mothers who worked so hard in the background to insure that the girls looked perfect. What kind of praise can one give to the awe-inspiring chairman, her outstanding Ball Committee and the Philoptohos women who have worked so endlessly and happily for this event? All these ladies are working mothers and wives, and they amaze us every single time with the energy they have left over, offering their great talents with kind hearts to the endeavours of Philoptohos. The committee includes: Katrina Beers, Jeanine Dalis Klima, Bessie Politis, Mary Kezios, Georgia Kezios, Maria Psara, Marianna Politis, Judie Christopoulos, Patricia Mentas, Mary Ann Mallis, Bess Pappas, Rita Stephanou, Scarlett Billis, Mary Galanis, Olga Jordan, Angela Karavedas, Sophie Mastor and myself, Dina Oldknow. Special mention to Tanya Grafos and Zoe Vidalakis for their great talents in producing the most graceful and beautiful dance for the debs. We express our deepest thanks for a Ball that will remain in our hearts forever. February is the month when we hold nominations for the ―Mother of the Year‖. If there is anyone you would like to nominate, please call Lola Galketsis (323) 4659664 before Monday, February 7th. Remember to pay your 2011 membership dues. Our next General Assembly meeting will be held in the Fellowship Tent on February 17th at 10:30 a.m. Please come to learn about all of our plans for this year. With love in His service, Dina Skouras Oldknow PHILOPTOHOS OUTREACH Philoptohos has been helping a very large number of people since January. Many people in our own community are struggling through the economic downturn and with personal issues. We have been helping those who are close to losing their homes, their apartments and their jobs. Meanwhile, families are struggling to put food on the table and buy clothes and school supplies, for their children. Additionally, Philoptohos continues to help those with medical bills, funeral expenses for the poor and still support our own church. The costs are tremendous every month. We feel that many people in our community would like to help those in need, even though they may not be in Philoptohos. Therefore, we are giving you the opportunity to ‗help others‘. We give families grocery cards, store cards for clothing and gasoline debit cards to help people get to the jobs they have. If you would like to donate toward the purchase of one or more cards, please mail your donation to the church office, with PHILOPTOHOS OUTREACH on the memo line. Please include how many cards of $20 each, you would like us to purchase. We would be very grateful. If you prefer to purchase/ donate the gift cards yourself, below is a list of stores with whom we are currently working: FOOD: RALPHS/FOOD 4 LESS, VON‘S, ALBERTSONS & TRADER JOES CLOTHING: TARGET, WAL-MART, K-MART PHARMACIES: CVS, WALGREENS GASOLINE STATIONS: ANY COMPANY A minimum donation of $20 would help people more than you can imagine. You may remain anonymous if you prefer. This is strictly voluntary on your behalf. With the holidays approaching, we know many families will struggle to have a nice holiday dinner or to buy Christmas presents for their children. Philoptohos also keeps track of many elderly people who are alone and need a helping hand at this time of the year. Your donation could bring real happiness to someone right now. Please send your monetary or gift card donation to the cathedral, attention: Philoptohos. Our deepest appreciation for any donation. THANK YOU!! Saint Sophia Philoptohos Page 10 Herald PHILOPTOHOS VIP NEWS Our first event of the New Year, Prizes and Surprises, gave us the opportunity to get accustomed to using the temporary Fellowship Tent for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. A big ―thank you‖ to our chair Stella Morris and co-chair Irene Mitropetros for a well planned event and to everyone who came and supported us and made our party special. Thursday February 24th Experience an exciting trip to the “Gene Autry Museum of the American West” at Griffith Park. We will depart Saint Sophia in front of the chapel 9:30 a.m., returning about 3 p.m. Please be on time. Donation is $30 per person, which includes bus transportation, museum entry and lunch at the Wilson Harding Country Club. Choice of Lunch: Cobb Salad, Club Sandwich, or Cheeseburger with Fries. Choice of Drinks: Lemonade, Ice Tea or Coffee. Dessert: Ice cream For reservations please call Mary Kezios 562-923-7110 or Faye Demetriou at 818-981-6088. Paid reservations are required. Please address your check to: Philoptohos VIP, and indicate on the check your choice of lunch. Please mail your check to: Mary Kezios, 10409 Casanes Avenue, Downey, CA 90241 Kathara Deftera – Monday, March 7th On this first day of Lent, refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Tent, following church services. Seven Day Mexican Riviera Princess Cruise – March 19th There is still time to join the VIP‘s of Philoptohos for a beautiful and fun-loving 7-day Princess Cruise, departing from San Pedro and sailing roundtrip, to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. The following prices apply, PER PERSON, based on double occupancy and include port taxes and government fees: Inside Cabin $750.52, Ocean View $800.52, Ocean View with balcony $950.52, Mini-Suite with Balcony $1150.52. To make a deposit and reserve your space, please call Catherine Erwin at 818-783-4811. Hope to see you at our events. In His Service Vivi Demopoulos, VIP President PHILANTHROPIA NEWS RECEPTACLES HAVE ARRIVED: Two new receptacles, one for ―used clothing‖ and one for ―canned goods‖, are now available for your donations. They are located in the general area of the chapel, side by side. We thank you for your patience during our search for these receptacles… now you can start an early ―Spring Cleaning!‖ ANNUAL APPEAL: Our annual appeal letter was mailed over three weeks ago and your generous donations continue to arrive on a daily basis. We thank you with sincere appreciation for your generosity, which enables us to help several needy families and individuals throughout the year. God Bless you for your love and support. Father Peter YOUTH NEWS Contacts for Youth Programs ALTAR BOYS Fr. Bill Tragus frbill@stsophia.org BASKETBALL Paul Cooper mrpaul599@sbcglobal.net CAMP AXIOS September Sucher sbds@cox.net CAMP ZOE Presvytera Mia Tragus presmia@yahoo.com GOYA Fr. Bill Tragus frbill@stsophia.org Mary Sarantes marysarantes@gmail.com GREEK DANCE Barbara Kappos Bkappos@aol.com HELLENIC ACADEMY Helen Dumas, Director Speakgreeknow@aol.com RITE OF COMMITMENT Helen Lambros HLambros@aol.com SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O‘Regan mell0n@aol.com saintsophiacamp.org SUNDAY SCHOOL Eleni Yokas eyokas@college.usc.edu Calendar of events FEBRUARY Saturday 19-20 Sunday 20 Saturday 26 Sunday 27 FDF Sunday No Sunday School Classes GOYA Basketball GOYA Basketball MARCH Saturday 5-6 Saturday 12 Sunday 13 Saturday 26 Sunday 27 Lenten Retreat GOYA Basketball Sunday of Orthodoxy GOYA Basketball GOYA Basketball Page 11 Herald Saint Sophia Foundation Dear Parishioners, I wish to express my deep appreciation to all of you for once again contributing to our Cash for Christmas Raffle. You did a great job! Even in these difficult economic times we were able to raise enough money for the prizes and cover most of the insurance premium for the Cathedral. Our 2nd prize winner, Joyce Kokkinides, very graciously gave her $10,000 prize money back to the church to be put toward her Life Membership. Maria & Ted Maniatakos also returned their $500 prize money to the church. Cash for Christmas 2010 Results A TRIBUTE TO ANGELO PAPPAS WHO CHAIRED OUR RAFFLE FOR 30 YEARS Grand Prize Winner – 2nd Prize Winner – 3rd Prize Winner – 4th Prize Winner – 5th Prize Winner – 6th Prize Winner – 7th Prize Winner – 8th Prize Winner – 9th Prize Winner – 10th Prize Winner – 11th Prize Winner – 12th Prize Winner – 13th Prize Winner – 14th Prize Winner – 15th Prize Winner – John Fovos Joyce Kokkinides Kathy and Chris Julias Aphie Akopiantz Mia Makris Lannie Julias John Stamatiades Victor‘s Market Co. Sophia Whiddon Kathy and Chris Julias Mary and Andy Gallanis Mariana Papdopoulos Maria and Ted Maniatakos Milton Pappas Demetrios Zaferis No. of Tickets Sold $25,000 $10,000 $5,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $500 $500 $500 1121 Cash Total $112,100 Prize Money Paid Out ($50,000) Cash Balance $62,100 Prize Money donated from Joyce Kokkinides $10,000 Prize Money donated from Ted & Maria Maniatakos $500 Revised Cash Balance $72,600 Expenses: Printing and Small Tent Rental Net Profit ($1,057) $71,543 The ―Cash for Christmas‖ Committee thanks all of you for your very kind support for our Cathedral. Timi Loomos Freshman-Chairperson, Harry Vournas, Panos Angels, Nick Bissias, Tina Callas, Chris Daglas, John Dalis, Jim Demetriou, Tony Demetriou, Irene Frankos, Andy Gallanis, Alek Haidos, Chris Julias, Jim Karatsiskis, Joyce Kokkinides, Gig Kyriacou, Ilca Moskos, Bill Papalexis, Ann Pappas, Susan Patzakis, Chris Pelonis, George Preonas, Harry Siafaris, John Stamatiades Parish Council, Clergy and Leonard Hart In His Service, Timi Loomos Freshman, 2010 Cash for Christmas Chair Page 12 Herald Saint Sophia Hellenic Academy HELLENIC ACADEMY ADMINISTRATORS KINDERGARTEN & FIRST GRADE: 9:30—11:30am HELEN DUMAS, DIRECTOR Students are introduced to the Greek alphabet, simple reading, and grammar. Email: speakgreeknow@aol.com Phone: 310-800-6338 SARA PALASKAS, ASST DIRECTOR Email: spalaska@gmail.com Welcome to our Saint Sophia Hellenic Academy. Classes began on Saturday, September 18. The Academy‘s mission is to teach children the Greek language, culture, heritage, customs, traditions and religion in the context of the Greek Orthodox faith. CURRICULUM The Academy‘s curriculum is designed for 10 academic classes preferably for 8 to 10 students per class, and children are grouped according to age and level of Greek. We welcome children from the age of 3 and up. PRE-SCHOOL: 9:30—11:30am Students learn through music, arts & crafts, poems, prayers and games. HIGHER GRADES: 9:00—11:30am As students progress, they learn to read and write in Greek, and also learn about Greek history, mythology, literature, religion, geography, culture and traditions. ADULT CLASSES: 11:45am-1:30pm Classes are specifically designed for adults. The most important addition to our curriculum last year was a course preparing students in advanced classes for the yearly examinations. Candidates are prepared on any of four levels of linguistic proficiency. The Certificate of Attainment in Greek, issued by the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religion is earned by those who pass. Become an active Steward at Saint Sophia – join a Ministry !! Altar Service Festival Parish Council Basketball Foundation Philanthropia Bookstore/Gift Shop GOYA, JR.GOYA Philoptohos Society Bible Studies Greek Folk Dancing Philoptohos VIP Hellenic Academy Stewardship Program Camp Zoe Hospitality - Coffee Hour Summer Camp Childcare Hospitality – Welcome - Golf Choir Mr. & Mrs. Club - Tennis Docents Narthex Service Sunday School Program Parenting Support 18-30 Fellowship BLQ Easter Picnic Page 13 Herald FEBRUARY SACRAMENTS BIRTHDAYS WEDDINGS At time of publication, Alex, James there were no weddings scheduled for February. Anton, Cleo Billis, Scarlett BAPTISMS February 5 MEMORIALS February 6 George Chagares Theo Chagares Gus Marentes Marie Marentes Panagiotitsa Marentes Demetrios Marentes Elizabeth Bunch Walton Bunch Fotini Bayz James Bayz EPISTLE READERS February 13 Vickie Deryiades February 20 Estelle Skouras February 27 Helene Ballas Bill Bayz Harry Bayz Constantinos Reveliotis Panagiotis Tragus James Perparas Aspacia Perparas Sylvia Soulis ushers Evangelia Meares Michael Meares Edwards, Nickolas Donovan, James & Marie Egar, Angela Fettis, Peter & Patricia Evangelatos, Pauline Gallanis, Pete & Danica Fondas, Mary James, Nicholas Lianos, Glenn & Antonia Lubian, Daniel & Stephanie Jessop, Leland Maniatakos, Ted & Maria Kollias, Christina Pappas, Angelo & Ann Kouros, Irene Stathes, Nick & Sonia Koustas, Peter Loukaris, Mersy Maniatakos, Ted Moore, Ann Pappatheodorou, Sofia Peroulias, Constantine February 6 Niki Korbakis Maria Pelargos February 13 Alexandra Guirguis Dinah Wellington Shelmadine Wellington Petrunick, Gina Russos, Emmanuel Sarames, Karen Sarantes, Maria Sarantopoulos, Michael Serfas, Jean Tsimahides, Helene Liatsos Varentges, George Peter Arvan Alexandros Meares Demetriou, Andrew J & Evelyn Oldknow, Constantina (Dina) Angeliki Tragus Bessie Revels Cokas, Nicholas & Anastasia Naoumovitch, Theodora Tommy Bayz Gus Bayz Brotsis, Barbara Fettis, Peter February 6 Dinah Wellington Aviles, Hugo & Irene Callas, Steven & Christine Demetriou, Mary-Kay February 19 Anastacia Pucillo Andrews, George & Cleo Bougeokles, George Demepoulos, Stephen Alec Salatin ANNIVERSARIES February 20 Electra Koutsoukos Gene Chronopoulos Wilson, Despina Wojtyla, Bea Zagorianos, Marsha Zonos, George February 20 John Metzidis Artemios Metzidis George Panayi February 27 Alexandra Georgiou Christina Georgiou Rosemary Georgiou Please note… If your birthday or anniversary is not listed in the monthly Herald newsletter and you would like it to be listed, please e-mail Stephanie at secretary@stsophia.org Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Very Reverend Father John S. Bakas, Dean Reverend Father Bill Tragus, Assistant Jim Kollias, Choir Director Menelaos Trigonis, Protopsaltis Christopher Yokas, Organist James Karatsikis, Sexton BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Officers Angelo L. Pappas, President. Andrew Evangelatos, Vice President Dr.. James A. Demetriou, Vice President & C.F.O. Constantine Boukidis, Secretary Tina Callas, Treasurer Members V. Rev. Fr. John S. Bakas Panos A. Angels Nicholas Bissias Timi Loomos Freshman Gig Kyriacou Alek Haidos William H. Oldknow John T. Pappas George Preonas Harry C. Vournas, Trustee Emeritus Peter C. Latsis, Honorary Presidential Appointments Anthony A. Demetriou, Presidential Assistant Steve Hanna, Presidential Assistant John G. Marakas III, Sr. V. P. of Wells Fargo, Advisor to the Board PHILOPTOHOS SOCIETY Executive Officers Dina Skouras Oldknow, President Marianna Politis, 1st Vice President Dr. Maria T. Toczek, 2nd Vice President Dorothea Ales, Recording Secretary Virginia Noyes, Corresponding Secretary Lola Gialketsis, Asst. Corresponding Secretary Scarlett Billis, Treasurer Mary Gallanis, Assistant Treasurer Connie Cooper, Advisor Honorary Life Members Jennie Doumak Christine Peratis Members Helene Ballas Frances Bissias Judith Christopoulos Pauline Evangelatos Olga Jordan A. Electra Koutsoukos Tricia Kremer Constance Manders Sophie Mastor Diane Pruett Sonia Stathes Rita Stephanou OFFICE STAFF Christina Ajalat, Office Manager Suzanne Gilreath, Accounting Ann Pappas, Facilities Coordinator CUSTODIAL STAFF Leonard Hart Miguel Rosales PARISH COUNCIL Executive Officers Panos A. Angels, President Loula B. Moschonas, Vice President Stephanie Caiopoulos Lubian, Recording Secretary Karen Sarames, Corresponding Secretary Michael Kraios, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer Members Dina Demetrius Jeanine Hanna Toula Kalatzis Tom Martin Alex Oxyzolou Sebastian Opffer Peter Pallas Ted Pastras Dean Peratsakis Zafiris (Zaf) Tsimahides Associates Irene Frankos, Stewardship Chairperson Auditing Committee Tom Moore Anthony Demetriou OTHER MINISTRIES ALTAR BOYS Rev. Father Bill Tragus Chris Halekakis BASKETBALL G.O.Y.A. Rev. Father Bill Tragus Mary Sarantes HELLENIC ACADEMY Chris Markos & Paul Cooper BIBLE STUDY Helen Dumas, Director Sara Palaskas, Asst Director Joanna Papachristou, Parent Representative HOSPITALITY Rev. Father John Bakas Rev. Father Bill Tragus BOOK STORE William Striglos CAMP AXIOS Andrea Boerger CAMP ZOE Rev. Father Bill Tragus CHURCH SCHOOL Eleni Yokas CHOIR Jim Kollias COFFEE HOUR Ann Pappas & Georgia Vasila DANCE GROUPS Barbara Kappos DOCENTS Mrs. Faye Demetriou EASTER PICNIC John T. Pappas Ted Pappas Dean Treantafelles Tony Dres Niki Korbakis Maria Pelargos L.A. GREEK FEST Ted & Jan Pastras MR. & MRS. CLUB Dean & Christine Peratsakis PARENTING Nick Stefanidis Barbara Kappos PHILANTHROPIA Rev. Father Peter Lambert PHILOPTOHOS V.I.P. Vivi Demopoulos, President SAINT SOPHIA CAMP Melanie O‘Regan Kathleen Kyriacou Vicki Kades YOUTH Rev. Father Bill Tragus Page 15 Herald FEBRUARY 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 7:30pm Bible Study with Fr. John 6 7 8am Orthros 10:30/12:30 Bible 9:15am Studies in the Study w/Fr. John Faith 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 13 20 27 (3-Judgement) Meatfare Sunday 8am Orthros 9:15am Studies in the Faith 9:45am Memorials 7:30pm Bible Study with Fr. John 3 4 5 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 9 10 11 12 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 7:30 pm Bible Study with Fr. Bill 10:00am Philoptohos VIP Board Meeting 15 7:30pm Bible Study with Fr. John 21 (2-Prodigal Son) 10:30/12:30 Bible 8am Orthros Study w/Fr. John 9:15am Studies in the Faith 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy 2 Sat Presentation of Our Lord 8:30am Orthros 9:30am Divine Liturgy 8 14 Triodion Begins 10:30/12:30 Bible (1-Publican & the Study w/Fr. John Pharisee) 8am Orthros 9:15am Studies in the Faith 9:45am Memorials 10am Divine Liturgy Fri 16 22 7:30pm Bible Study with Fr. John 17 18 24 25 7:30 pm Bible Study with Fr. Bill 23 7:30 pm Bible Study with Fr. Bill 19 Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 26 Saturday of the Souls Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am Hellenic Academy 9am, 9:30 am, & 11:45am 28 Cheesfare Monday 10:30/12:30 Bible Study w/Fr. John Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy, Eggs, and Fish Allowed Fast Free Page 16 Herald COMMUNITY NEWS Greek Obituary Service is now available for Saint Sophia Cathedral We are working with a service called Greek Obituary. This service will add a valuable optional service for Cathedral members and friends. Too often when a loved one passes, we may not have an easy and straight-forward method to contact everyone in the community about Trisagion and funeral services. Traditional newspapers can cost over $600 for a death notice with a photograph. Fortunately, Greek Obituary‘s fee is much less than publishing a notice in the newspaper. For only $50, patrons can include a photo and a much longer biography. Like large national obituary services, visitors have the option of signing a complimentary online guest book. One of the major improvements over the large national services is that Greek Obituary‘s obituary list and guest books are free to access and read. They will not expire after a year or require you to pay for access to an obituary. This is not only a wonderful remembrance for our community, but a portion of the proceeds will benefit Saint Sophia Cathedral. Standard obituaries can have one (1) page of obituary text, about 350-400 words, and one photo for their tribute. If a more extravagant obituary with multiple photos or more text is desired, enhanced obituaries are also available. Obituary text should be sent either by standard e-mail, or as a Word/WordPerfect attachment to greekobituary@gmail.com. Enhanced obituaries can also have an optional background image as a tribute, including the cross and military branch logos. Greek Obituary is managed by one of our Cathedral members, Dean Tripodes. After working with several churches, AHEPA chapters, and the national PanIcarian Brotherhood, it was determined there was a need for reasonable cost Greek obituaries. Greek Obituary is integrated into our Cathedral website, and includes obituaries and tributes from several communities throughout the United States. Greek Obituary welcomes all Philhellenes too, non-Greeks (including spouses) who are family members and friends of the Greek community. Most importantly, the service welcomes everyone who has been a part of the Greek Orthodox Church. Please go online to our Cathedral website at stsophia.org and click on the Events menu tab, and then on Obituaries. FAREWELL TO OUR BELOVED FATHER BILL ! Our beloved and much respected Father Bill Tragus is being transferred by Metropolitan Gerasimos to the mission parish in San Juan Capistrano, effective March 1st, 2011. Father Bill and Presvytera Mia have been with us for the last 5 years. He and his family are much loved and appreciated. We will miss him. He has served our cathedral and our large cathedral family honorably and faithfully. We are grateful to him for his devotion to all aspects of the ministry. Although we will miss him very much, we wish him every blessing with his new assignment as pastor of his own parish. This is an exciting time for him. It is a new beginning with many challenges and opportunities. Above all, he knows that he will be serving the Lord and leading the faithful into God‘s embrace. We will honor and say farewell to Father Bill and Presvytera Mia on his last Sunday with us, February 27th. A simple reception will be held for them following the Divine Liturgy in our Fellowship Tent. Please join us. IN DEPTH EXPLANATION OF THE DIVINE LITURGY Please join us on Sunday, February 6th and 13th for Divine Liturgy. Father John will use his sermon to explain and physically demonstrate, step-by-step, our ultimate community expression of prayer & worship: The Divine Liturgy. On a special stand, he will face the congregation to do a ‗show-and-tell.‘ Understanding the purpose and content of the Divine Liturgy will bring us closer to the Lord and enhance our living relationship with Him, as we celebrate Christ‘s presence in our midst. Come and bring a friend. It will be informative and inspirational. Page 17 Herald Saint Sophia Cathedral Of Los Angeles Invites you to celebrate Pascha (Easter) at our 89th Annual Greek Easter Picnic Brookside Park (at the Rose Bowl) Pasadena, CA April 24, 2011 11:30am - 7pm Fabulous Food and Desserts: Souvlakia, Paidakia (Lamb Chops), Gyro, Vegetarian dinners, Baklava, Loukoumades, Galatoboureko, Diples Beer, Greek Wines, Soft Drinks, Coffee, water Great seating under trees Greek Music and Dancing More information to follow…. Let us all celebrate the resurrection of our Lord together www.st g eorgepublishing.com For information about ad sponsorship, please call John Geittmann at 262-352-2783 or 1-800-447-0030 x121. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0196 4c LP www.st g eorgepublishing.com For information about ad sponsorship, please call John Geittmann at 262-352-2783 or 1-800-447-0030 x121. ©St. George Publishing, Inc. N0196 4c LP PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID ARCADIA, CA PERMIT 777 Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral 1324 South Normandie Avenue Los Angeles, California 90006 D TE E S E IV IT QU S E N SE E R ME IC TI ERV S SS E DR AD Phone 323 737 2424 Fax 323 737 7029 E-mail office@stsophia.org We’re on the Web! www.stsophia.org TODAY TOMORROW