E-Packet - Buffalo Grove
E-Packet - Buffalo Grove
Meeting of the Village of Buffalo Grove Board of Trustees Fifty Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2100 Phone: 847-459-2500 Rescheduled Regular Meeting September 12, 2011 at 7:30 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Approval of Minutes A. 5. Approval of Warrant A. 6. 7. 8. Minutes of the August 22, 2011 Village Board Meeting [GO TO] Presentation and Reading of Warrant #1173 [GO TO] Village President's Report A. Proclamation: Monday, October 31, 2011 as Trick or Treat Day in Buffalo Grove [GO TO] B. CRD Chair Appointment [GO TO] Village Manager's Report A. Monthly Management Report - August, 2011 [GO TO] B. Committee of the Whole Meeting, September 19, 2011 (Trustee Berman) [GO TO] C. Personnel Manual Update (Trustee Sussman) [GO TO] D. Overview of Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA) (Trustee Berman) [GO TO] E. CIP Status Update, 2011 (Trustee Berman) [GO TO] Questions from the Audience Discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 10 minutes. Presentations before the Village Board should be scheduled through the Village Manager's Office five days prior to each meeting. 9. Special Business A. 10. Golden Bison Award presented to Deerfields Bakery, 201 Buffalo Grove Road [GO TO] Reports from the Trustees A. Farmers Market (Trustee Stein) [GO TO] B. Overview of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, Public Education Meeting, September 22, 2011 (Trustee Trilling) [GO TO] 11. C. Electronics Recycling Event, September 24, 2011 (Trustee Trilling) [GO TO] D. Fire Department Open House, September 24, 2011 (Trustee Terson) [GO TO] Consent Agenda Ordinances and Resolutions A. Ordinance No. 2011-__________: An Ordinance Granting Variations to the Buffalo Grove Sign Code for The Arbors Condominium Association, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive (Trustee Trilling) SUMMARY: By a vote of 5 to 0, the Zoning Board of Appeals recommends to the Village Board to grant the request made by The Arbors Condominium Association, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive, for variance of Sign Code, Sections 14.20.010 and 14.20.070, to replace the existing Subdivision ground sign. [GO TO] Unfinished Business New Business 12. Ordinances and Resolutions A. Ordinance No. 2011-__________: Ordinance Amending Title 15 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code Buildings and Construction (Trustee Trilling) [GO TO] B. Ordinance No. 2011-__________: Ordinance approving Rules of Procedure by the Village of Buffalo Grove Ethics Commission for Hearing of a Complaint. (Trustee Berman) [GO TO] 13. Unfinished Business A. Authorization to accept contract with Twin Supplies for efficient lighting initiative at Village facilities (Trustee Stein) [GO TO] B. 14. Award of Bid: Cambridge on the Lake Lift Station Rehabilitation - Group B&C Work (Trustee Stein) [GO TO] New Business A. Authorization to Waive Bids and to Purchase - Pedestrian Fence Along Arlington Heights Road (Trustee Stein) [GO TO] 15. Executive Session A. 16. Pending Litigation: Section 2(c)(11) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act Adjournment The Village Board will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 11:30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 11:30 p.m. The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2518 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. Minutes of the August 22, 2011 Village Board Meeting Overview Approval is recommended. Attachments m082211.pdf Trustee Liaison Clerk Sirabian Staff Contact Janet Sirabian, Finance & GS Monday, September 12, 2011 Approval of Minutes - Item : 4-A 4-A 12555 08/22/2011 MINUTES OF THE RESCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 50 RAUPP BOULEVARD, BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS ON MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2011 CALL TO ORDER President Braiman called the meeting to order at 7:36 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Roll call indicated the following present: President Braiman; Trustees Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein and Ottenheimer. Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; William Raysa, Village Attorney; Ghida Neukirch, Deputy Village Manager; Scott Anderson, Director of Finance; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Robert Pfeil, Village Planner; Carol Berman, Deputy Building Commissioner-Administration; Fire Chief Vavra and Police Chief Balinski. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Berman, seconded by Sussman, to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2011 Rescheduled Regular Meeting. Upon roll, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 –Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein, Ottenheimer NAYS: 0 – None Motion declared carried. WARRANT #1175 Mr. Anderson read Warrant #1175. Moved by Trilling, seconded by Stein, to approve Warrant #1175 in the amount of $2,151,218.74, authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 –Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein, Ottenheimer NAYS: 0 – None Motion declared carried. VILLAGE PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Braiman read a Proclamation remembering September 11, 2001: Buffalo Grove Joins the National Moment of Remembrance of the 10th Anniversary of September 11th. President Braiman encouraged residents to observe the moment of remembrance to last for one minute at 12:00 P.M. on September 11, 2011, and also urged attendance at Buffalo Grove’s 9/11 Commemorative Event at 3:00 P.M. at Buffalo Grove High School. President Braiman read a Proclamation for National Preparedness Month, September 2011, declaring that the Village of Buffalo Grove will continue to participate in efforts to ensure that our community has an integrated disaster response capability so that all emergency responders and the general public can work together effectively. President Braiman read a Proclamation regarding No Texting While Driving Campaign, encouraging all public and private high schools to take the AT&T “Texting & Driving – It Can Wait” pledge in an effort to increase public awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. 12556 08/22/2011 President Braiman urged all residents to attend the 9/11 Commemorative Event to be held at 3:00 P.M. on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at Buffalo Grove High School. VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT Mr. Bragg noted the submittal and posting to the website and the e-library of the Monthly Management Report for July 2011; there were no questions on the report. Chief Vavra made a presentation with regard to Fire Department Accreditation and ISO, detailing the long-term goals of the Fire Department and addressing past performance and the direction and metrics that will be used to measure the goals. The Chief referred to a Power Point presentation, which was contained in Board packets; he then answered questions from the Board. Chief Balinski was recognized for his 35 years of service to the Village of Buffalo Grove, and was thanked and congratulated by the audience and the Board. QUESTIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE President Braiman asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight’s agenda; there were none. TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Berman reported that the Illinois Tollway Authority will hold a Public Hearing in the Buffalo Grove Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 for the purpose of gathering input regarding the Tollway’s 15-year capital plan, and he urged residents to attend to express their opinions on the Tollway’s capital plan, the possible toll increase, and the need for current funding for prompt completion of the northward extension of Route 53. Trustee Terson reported that there will be a Blood Drive on Saturday morning, September 3, 2011 at the Alcott Center. This year, there will also be an opportunity to donate at the LifeSource mobile unit at the corner of Raupp and Church streets from 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. Trustee Terson reminded everyone that the Park District is sponsoring the Buffalo Grove Stampede, an annual walk/run during Buffalo Grove Days, on Sunday, September 4, 2011. Trustee Stein reported on the Farmer’s Market that is held each Sunday morning from 8:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. in the Spray & Play parking lot on Route 83. Trustee Trilling reported that there will be an Electronics Recycling Event on September 24, 2011 at 151 Hastings Drive in Buffalo Grove. CONSENT AGENDA There are no items on tonight’s Consent Agenda. ORDINANCE #2011-41 – CARMEN AVENUE PARKING Moved by Berman, seconded by Ottenheimer, to pass Ordinance #2011-41, amending Title 10 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code (Carmen Avenue Parking Restriction), in accordance with the draft ordinance included in Board packets dates 8/16/2011. 12557 08/22/201 Mrs. Neukirch reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview that she prepared. Mr. Raysa recommended modifying the proposed ordinance to include a new Section 2. identifying Exhibit A for reference only. Trustees Berman and Ottenheimer accepted Mr. Raysa’s modification. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on he amended motion: AYES: 6 – Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein, Ottenheimer NAYS: 0 – None Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION #2011-28 – NW SUBURBAN HOUSING Moved by Berman, seconded by Trilling, to pass Resolution #2011-28, Intergovernmental Agreement concerning the Northwest Suburban Housing Collaborative, in accordance with the draft contained in Board packets dated 8/17/2011. Mr. Bragg reviewed the proposed resolution, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Agenda Item Overview prepared by Mr. Pfeil. Mr. Bragg confirmed that there is no financial obligation to the Village. Trustee Berman confirmed that this proposal will be funded by the grant or not at all. Mr. Raysa stated that this is spelled out on Page 4 of the Agreement. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the motion: AYES: 6 – Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein, Ottenheimer NAYS: 0 – None Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION #2011-29 – WAGES & COMPENSATION Mr. Bragg reviewed the proposed resolution, details of which are contained in the Village Board Meeting Overview prepared by Mr. Malinowski. Moved by Sussman, seconded by Trilling, to pass Resolution #2011-29, establishing Tier II Wages and Compensation for Fiscal Year 2011 – Non-Represented Employees. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows: AYES: 6 – Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein, Ottenheimer NAYS: 0 – None Motion declared carried. RESOLUTION #2011-30 – VILLAGE TREASURER Moved by Sussman, seconded by Terson, to pass Resolution #2011-30, appointing Scott Anderson, Director of Finance, as the Village Treasurer. 12558 08/22/2011 President Braiman suggested that the language “without stipend” be added to the resolution. Trustees Sussman and Terson agreed to President Braiman’s amendment. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the amended motion: AYES: 6 – Berman, Trilling, Sussman, Terson, Stein, Ottenheimer NAYS: 0 – None Motion declared carried. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Sussman, seconded by Terson, to adjourn the meeting. Upon voice vote, the motion was unanimously declared carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 P.M. Janet M. Sirabian, Village Clerk APPROVED BY ME THIS 12th Village President DAY OF September , 2011 Presentation and Reading of Warrant #1173 Overview Approval is recommended. Attachments Excel W#1173.pdf Payroll 8-28.PDF (Appendix) Word Warrant 1173.pdf (Appendix) Trustee Liaison Staff Contact Scott D Anderson, Finance & GS Monday, September 12, 2011 Approval of Warrant - Item : 5-A 5-A VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE WARRANT #1173 12-Sep-11 Corporate Fund: Reimbursements & Fund Transfers Reserve for Capital Replacement-Autos Reserve for Capital Replacement-MIS Revenue Reimbursements Legislative Office of Village Manager Management Information Systems Legal Finance & General Services Human Resources Fire Services Police Services Building & Zoning Engineering Services Building & Grounds Street & Bridge Operations Street & Bridge Administration Forestry Central Garage Drainage System ESDA Transfer/Non Operating 5,450.00 9,043.83 575.48 40,667.23 3,550.37 6,662.22 12,027.36 4,427.56 63,756.78 2,805.01 13,264.13 7,297.74 561.03 1,849.51 35,117.87 4,909.05 1,052.62 1,670.65 33,320.20 15,669.06 1,093.22 115,110.76 Total 379,881.68 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund: Parking Lot Fund: Motor Fuel Tax Fund: 0.00 111,806.81 10,090.91 School & Park Donations 0.00 Capital Projects-Facilities: 0.00 Capital Projects-Streets: 0.00 Health Insurance Expense 6,461.49 Facilities Development Debt Service Fund: 0.00 Police Pension Fund: 0.00 Fire Pension Fund: 4,222.17 Retiree Health Savings: 16,467.83 Water Fund: Reimbursements & Refunds: Water Operations Sewer Operations Total 0.00 2,564.12 255,781.04 258,345.16 Buffalo Grove Golf Fund: Reimbursements & Refunds: Golf Operations Total 0.00 55,651.49 55,651.49 Arboretum Golf Fund: Reimbursements Golf Operations Total 0.00 31,839.06 31,839.06 Refuse Service Fund: 161,553.46 PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING 8/28/11 855,776.84 TOTAL WARRANT #1173 . 1,892,096.90 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS Village Clerk Village President See appendix: Appendix001 - Payroll 8-28.PDF See appendix: Appendix002 - Word Warrant 1173.pdf Proclamation: Monday, October 31, 2011 as Trick or Treat Day in Buffalo Grove 6-A Overview Proclaims Monday, October 31, 2010 as TRICK OR TREAT DAY in Buffalo Grove and urges children and their parents to cooperate in limiting the time of trick-or-treat activities between the hours of 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Also urges parents and other responsible adults to accompany children, and householders wherever they are able to do so, to cooperate in making this a happy occasion for all youngsters. Attachments Trick or Treat.pdf Trustee Liaison Staff Contact Leisa M Niemotka, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Village President's Report - Item : 6-A Monday, October 31, 2011 - Trick or Treat Day in Buffalo Grove WHEREAS, the children of Buffalo Grove are entitled to the fun and festivity associated with the observance of the Halloween "Trick or Treat" custom - going from door to door in the immediate neighborhood, displaying their costumes and requesting "treats", and WHEREAS, there is increased possibility of accidents due to the general carefree spirit of children at this particular time and when costumes and masks may make them indistinguishable in the darkness; and, WHEREAS, the late afternoon and early evening schedule is more coducive to the participation to the younger children, for whom the observance was originally intended, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEFFREY S. BRAIMAN, President of the Village of Buffalo Grove do hereby proclaim that Monday October 31, 2011 shall be known as TRICK-OR-TREAT DAY in Buffalo Grove between the hours of 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. I also ask that young children be accompanied by parents or other responsible adults. I further request that householders indicate their willingness to welcome children by keeping their porch or exterior lights on and that youngsters call only on homes so lighted. Because there have been incidents of children receiving and consuming articles of food or candy that have been tampered with, it is the recommendation of this office that parents supervise closely so that children do not consume any "treats" until closely examined. It is further advised that everyone follow the rule "if in doubt – throw it out" where any evidence of tampering with packaging or surfaces of consumable products exists. I encourage the cooperation of all citizens, young and old, in making this a happy and safe occasion for children. Dated this 12th Day of September, 2011. CRD Chair Appointment 6-B Overview President Braiman recommends for appointment Larry Swieca as Chair of the Village's Commission for Residents with Disabilities (CRD) and Marty Sussman, Vice Chair of the CRD. Rick Kahen resigned as Chairman and is recommended to continue his appointment as a Commissioner of the CRD. The Commission currently consists of fifteen (15) appointed commissioners. The duties of the CRD are as follows: A. Make recommendations to the Corporate Authorities with respect to adoption and amendment of ordinances relating to persons with disabilities; B. Investigate the needs and areas of concerns of residents with disabilities which may include medical care, housing, transportation, recreation, support groups, local government, employment, education, respite services, physical accessibility and all other related areas of planning; C. Analyze and/or review complaints of Village residents with disabilities on a timely basis; D. Consult and cooperate with all agencies of the Village, other municipalities and federal, state and local agencies on matters of concern to residents with disabilities, when deemed appropriate; E. Promulgate and effect a program of publicity and public education relating to residents with disabilities; F. Assist in providing information concerning resource services available to residents with disabilities; G. Conduct public hearings, carry on research or otherwise obtain such factual data, and issue such reports and recommendations to the corporate authorities and to the public as in the judgment of the commission will effectuate the goals and purpose of the commission; H. Develop programs of benefit to persons with disabilities and exercise such other functions as may be delegated by the Corporate Authorities. Chapter 2.58.040, Duties, VBG Municipal Code Attachments Trustee Liaison Staff Contact Ghida Neukirch, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Village President's Report - Item : 6-B Monthly Management Report - August, 2011 7-A Overview The Monthly Management Report will be available at www.vbg.org on Monday, September 12. Attachments Trustee Liaison Staff Contact Dane C Bragg, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Village Manager's Report - Item : 7-A Committee of the Whole Meeting, September 19, 2011 7-B Overview The Committee of the Whole will convene on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 6:30 PM for the purpose of discussing finance items related to the FY 2012 budget. Dinner will be served. Preliminary agenda items include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program Final Draft Revenue and Expense Projections - Corporate Fund Sunset Provisions - Home Rule and Natural Gas/Electric Use Taxes 20-Year Pro-Forma Water and Sewer Fund Projections Centralized Purchasing Program Rental Registration Program Please contact the Village Manager if you have any questions about any of these items. The Board will recess to Closed, Executive Session immediately following the Committee of the Whole meeting for the purpose of discussing the performance of the Village Manager. Attachments Trustee Liaison Trustee Berman Staff Contact Dane C Bragg, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Village Manager's Report - Item : 7-B Personnel Manual Update 7-C Overview The process of revising the Personnel Manual ("Manual") for Village employees is currently being undertaken in recognition that a comprehensive review of the Manual had not been conducted for several years. It is important to note that incremental changes have been made to the Manual over the years and that human resource related practices and procedures have been modified, as required, to assure that the Village's procedures remained up-to-date and was legally compliant. This most recent review of the Manual seeks to incorporate recent changes in Federal and State labor and employment law into the document, as well as to address current human resources practices. Special labor and employment law counsel from Laner Muchin, as well as the Village's Department Heads and their staffs, are in the process of reviewing the document. Their recommendations on both current and proposed language will be incorporated into the final document when presented to the Village President and Board of Trustees on October 17, 2011. Once the Manual's revisions are finalized, the proposed amendments are intended to: A) ensure that the Village fully complies with all applicable Federal and State labor and employment law; B) clarify the policies, practices and procedures currently located within the document; and, C) incorporate new human resource related policies, practices and procedures into the existing document. Although staff plans to seek Board approval of the revised Manual as part of the Regular Board meeting of October 17, 2011, the amendments to the Manual will not become effective until on or after November 1, 2011 which will allow staff adequate time to distribute the amended Manual to all personnel, as well as educate employees where appropriate. Attachments Trustee Liaison Trustee Sussman Staff Contact Arthur Malinowski, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Village Manager's Report - Item : 7-C Overview of Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA) 7-D Overview The following presentation is intended to provide the Village Board with an overview of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA), of which the Village is a charter member. Originally formed in 1979, IRMA is a self-funded pool of over 70 municipalities and special districts in Illinois that have joined together to prevent, control and pay for the members covered property and casualty risks. With more than 30 years of experience, solid financial strength and membership stability, IRMA has grown to be a proven leader in self-insured public entity pooling. Attachments 2011 What is IRMA.pdf Trustee Liaison Trustee Berman Staff Contact Arthur Malinowski, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Village Manager's Report - Item : 7-D • • • • !" • !$ • & ' # % # • • • • • • • • • • CIP Status Update, 2011 7-E Overview The following report is a status update on all projects originally approved within the FY 2011 portion of the Capital Improvement Plan. For the current fiscal period, a total of eighteen projects were proposed for the current C.I.P., however only fifteen were accepted and integrated into budgets for FY 2011. The purpose of the update is to provide estimated costs for the current year and determine if a budgeting component will be required for the next fiscal year. The status report is a segue to the development of the next five year plan. The 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Plan will be presented to the Village Board on October 3, 2011. Attachments CIP Status Update.pdf Trustee Liaison Trustee Berman Staff Contact Scott D Anderson, Finance & GS Monday, September 12, 2011 Village Manager's Report - Item : 7-E TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Dane Bragg Katie Skibbe September 7, 2011 FY 2011 Capital Improvement Plan Project Updates The following status summaries are presented for projects incorporated into the FY 2011 portion of the current Capital Improvement Plan (C.I.P.). For the current fiscal period, a total of nineteen projects were proposed for the current C.I.P., however only sixteen were accepted and integrated into budgets for FY 2011. The following projects were not included into this year’s budget: PBF50/01 PBF75/09 PBF 91/10 Public Service Center Expansion Cabinet and Countertop Replacement – Station #25 Administration/Training Rooms Carpet Replacement ‐ Station #26 Listed below are summaries that detail the progress levels for FY 2011 projects. Project Name: Project Number: Raupp Boulevard Bridge Reconstruction ST43/11 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Evaluation, design, and construction of needed improvements. $ 23,000 Priority Score: 9 Current Project Status: Currently, awaiting approval of the design engineering contract. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 Completion of 65% of the Phase I Engineering. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 15,000 Yes Municipal Parking Facility Maintenance PBF33/11 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Provides for the routine sealing and restriping of municipal parking lots $ 48,000 Priority Score: 16 Current Project Status: Completed except for punch list. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 By December 31, 2011, it is anticipated that the annual element of this project will be completed. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 50,000 No, although a new scope of work will be presented in FY 2012. Annual Sidewalk/Bike Path Maintenance ST8(M)/11 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: New and replacement slabs $ 150,000 Priority Score: Current Project Status: 20 Complete except for punch list. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 By December 31, 2011, it is anticipated that the annual element of this project will be completed. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 149,000 No, although a new scope of work will be presented in FY 2012. Annual Street Maintenance Engineering/Construction ST9(M)/11 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Annual street maintenance and rehabilitation $ 1,750,000 Priority Score: 19 Current Project Status: Complete except for punch list. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 By December 31, 2011, it is anticipated that the annual element of this project will be completed. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 1,366,200 Yes, the Village has estimated a remaining expense of $167,000 (Old Checker Road & Main Street), which will be budgeted in FY 2012. Illinois Route 22 Street Improvement ST37/04 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: The Village's share of the elements of the Route 22 project $ 210,454 Priority Score: Not Scored Current Project Status: The project was initiated in accordance with Buffalo Grove Resolution No. 2004‐24 (A Resolution Approving an Agreement with the State of Illinois concerning the Improvement of Illinois Route 22 between Milwaukee Avenue and Illinois Route 83), which was approved by the Village Board on 11/1/04. The project's contract was awarded at a total cost of $22,496,517.11, as a result of the bid letting held on 6/17/05. The project's preconstruction meeting was held on 8/16/05 and construction began on 9/6/05. In early October 2005, storm sewer, temporary traffic signals and temporary pavement construction was underway. As of October 1, 2006, two lanes of the new four‐lane improvement had been completed and traffic was planned to soon be transferred to the new two lanes to allow construction of the remainder of the work. All lanes of the project were opened to traffic on 8/31/07. Sidewalk, street lighting and landscaping work was then underway. As of August 1, 2009, the completion of Village and IDOT punch items is being awaited. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: $ ‐ Yes, the Village has an estimated remaining expense of $210,454, which will be identified in the FY 2012 budget. Project Name: Project Number: Weiland Road/Prairie Road Street Improvement ST40/08 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Construction of a corridor from Lake Cook to Route 22 $ 335,633 Priority Score: 24 Current Project Status: This project's Phase 1 Study is now proceeding in accordance with Resolution No. 2007‐ 18 (A Resolution Approving an Agreement for Engineering Services for the Weiland Road/Prairie Road {Lake Cook Road to Illinois Route 22} Street Improvement) which was adopted by the Village Board at the 6/4/07 meeting to approve the Phase I Engineering Service Agreement. The project is also proceeding in accordance with Resolution No. 2008‐27 (A Resolution Approving an Agreement for Supplemental Preliminary Engineering Services for the Weiland Road/Prairie Road {Lake Cook Road to Illinois Route 22} Phase I Study to Add Areas of Lake Cook Between Hastings Lane and Raupp Boulevard) which was adopted by the Village Board at the 9/8/08 meeting to approve the expansion of the Lake Cook portion of the Phase I Engineering Service Agreement. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 It is anticipated that as of December 31, 2011, this study will be progressing toward completion in early 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 90,000 Yes Dundee Road Streetscape Improvement ST42/09 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Improvements of walkways and aesthetics $ 143,743 Priority Score: 19 Current Project Status: The Village Board approved the CMAQ Grant Agreement and related Engineering Service Agreement at the 7/20/09 meeting and IDOT returned the fully executed Grant Agreement on 12/17/09. The corridor streetscaping study process began after IDOT returned the fully executed Grant Agreement. A public information meeting on the corridor study was held on 12/7/10. Final design will soon be completed following completion of the discussion of potential involvement of the Village of Wheeling. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 The project design for the improvement which will be constructed in 2012 should be completed and construction will occur in 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 5,000 Yes Lift Station Repair and Rehabilitation WS18/01 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Installation of permanent emergency generators and other lift station renovation work $ 300,000 Priority Score: 19 Current Project Status: Old Treatment Plant and Cambridge on the Lake Lift Station renovations have been designed. MWRDGC permit issuance is now delaying initiation of bidding and construction. In response to a dry well flooding related failure which occurred on 10/26/10, some components of the proposed COTL rehabilitation has been implemented as emergency repairs. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 It is anticipated that OTP and COTL Lift Station construction will be completed in 2011 based upon competitive pricing which was obtained in follow‐up to the emergency repair activities. Final completion of work at OTP and preliminary design studies of the Raupp, Golfview and Camelot Lift Stations are expected to be completed in 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 290,000 Yes Arlington Heights Road Water Main Replacement WS22/09 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Repair existing water main $ 980,000 Priority Score: 21 Current Project Status: The plans have been prepared and were submitted to IEPA with a construction permit application on 6/10/09. The Village Board authorized the cost effective incorporation of this project into the Cook County Highway Department's Arlington Heights Road reconstruction project through the adoption of Resolution No. 2011‐5 (A Resolution Approving an Agreement with the County of Cook and the Village of Arlington Heights concerning the Improvement of Arlington Heights Road between University Drive and Lake‐Cook Road) at their 2/7/11 meeting. The project is now under construction. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 As of December 31, 2011, the project will be substantially complete with final restoration to be performed in 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 280,000 Yes Well at Pump House #7 WS23/10 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Construction of deep well at pump house #7 $ 1,470,000 Priority Score: 20 Current Project Status: At the 1/4/10 Village Board Meeting, the Board approved Resolution No. 2010‐01 (A Resolution Approving a Proposal for Professional Engineering Services related to the Design of a New Deep Well at Pump Station No. 7). Plans were completed and submitted for an IEPA construction permit on 8/10/10. The IEPA construction permit was received on 9/27/10. The Village Board authorized the project's bidding at their 1/17/11 meeting and awarded the construction project contract at their 5/16/11 meeting. Project construction is now underway. Anticipated Status As of December 31, 2011, it is anticipated that the project construction will be 12/31/2011 substantially completed and final restoration will then be completed in 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 1,200,000 Yes Village Facilities Window Evaluation/Replacement PBF94/11 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Develop a solution to the various problems with windows in Village buildings. $ 15,000 Priority Score: Current Project Status: 10 The problem windows at the Public Service Center have been repaired. In accordance with the preliminary evaluation report of the windows at Police, an engineering firm has been lined up to perform additional inspection and evaluation. Following the results of this inspection, window replacements or repairs will be designed and implemented. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 Evaluation work, design, and cost estimate will be completed. Construction will then be budgeted for 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 15,000 Yes Station #26 ‐ Raise Rear Apparatus Bay Doors PBF95/11 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Raise rear apparatus bay doors to allow the new tower to enter and exit the bay $ 30,000 Priority Score: 18 Current Project Status: Staff is pursuing a design‐build option for competitively bidding this project. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 Complete. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 30,000 No Pump House Repairs and Security Improvements WS24/10 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Repair projects identified in 2008 Comprehensive Water Study Update. $ 600,000 Priority Score: 19 Current Project Status: The design of this project is now being completed. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 As of December 31, 2011, the project design will be completed. Construction will then occur in 2012. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 40,000 Yes Telephone System Upgrade PBF78/08 Project Description: Redesign system and upgrade. Estimated 2011 Cost: $ 140,000 Priority Score: 14 Current Project Status: This project will be completed by mid‐October. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 Completed. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: Project Name: Project Number: $ 140,000 No Financial System Upgrade PBF73/08 Project Description: Estimated 2011 Cost: Upgrade to current operating platform. $ 300,000 Priority Score: Current Project Status: 19 A Request for Proposal was distributed to vendors on July 28th. Proposals are due 9/8/11 and the review of proposals will begin shortly thereafter. Anticipated Status 12/31/2011 Contract awarded with 2012 implementation. FY 2011 Expenditures: Project Carried Over: $ 300,000 Yes The sum of all projects originally submitted for consideration for the 2011 portion of the C.I.P. had an estimated cost of $8,366,830 charged against the following five separate village operating funds: Corporate Motor Fuel Tax Capital Projects‐Facilities Capital Projects‐Street Maintenance & Construction Water and Sewer After staff review, the final projects brought forward into the published C.I.P. and subsequently incorporated into the budget had a construction value of $6,320,830 resulting in a difference of $2,046,000. Some of the projects’ scope of work was reduced in order to be manageable within the budget and the remaining projects were deferred or cancelled. Of the projects listed, it is anticipated that eight will be completed by December 31, 2011. The remainder of the projects will be carried over into FY 2012. Projects that are generally carried forward are longer‐term construction or capital acquisition programs, especially in street construction, where both seasonal constraints and inter‐ agency coordination create challenges in completing the projects. This is the case with seven carry over projects. Several projects are reported as being complete although the projects will continue the next year with a different scope of work. These are recurring maintenance programs such as the annual sidewalk/bike path replacement, street maintenance projects, and water system maintenance programs. The most significant projects to be brought forward to the next fiscal year are the Well at Pump House #7, Dundee Road Streetscape Improvement, Weiland Road/Prairie Road Street Improvements, Arlington Heights Road Water Main Replacement, and Pump House Repairs and Security Improvements. The anticipated expenditures, projected as of December 31, 2011, are approximately $3,970,200 or 63% of the C.I.P. estimate as integrated into the FY 2011 budget. The largest portion of the variation in the estimated FY 2011 costs versus actual expenditures can be attributed to the aforementioned significant multi‐agency construction projects and the Pump House Repairs and Security Improvements. Additionally, the scope of the financial system software project has been expanded. This project was originally contemplated as a version upgrade of the current software and has since been extended to include new platforms. There were no other variances of note to report for this program year. Expenditures for this year's programs were funded with recurring revenue, surplus from prior fiscal periods, fund balance transfers, or proceeds from corporate purpose bond issues. This year's expenditures on Capital Improvement Plan projects appear to be line with budgeted expectations and fiscal limitations established throughout the C.I.P., budget, and appropriation process. This status report provides a point of closure on FY 2011 projects and provides a segue into the development of the next five‐year Capital Improvement Plan. Golden Bison Award presented to Deerfields Bakery, 201 Buffalo Grove Road 9-A Overview BISON AWARD HISTORY AND PURPOSE. The Village's Business Showcase Program was created in August, 1999 with the intention to highlight and promote local businesses. The Village promotes this program and encourages residents, employees, and business manager or owner nominations. Since not all businesses can be highlighted in the Village Newsletter and other media, the Village uses this program as one opportunity to promote businesses for coordinating a special event, supporting a charitable cause, celebrating an anniversary, or anything unique and newsworthy. Businesses that go "above and beyond" their normal day-to-day operation may be eligible for the Village’s Golden Bison Award. Selected businesses are featured at a Village Board meeting, recognized in the Village newsletter, and press releases are sent to local newspapers. ABOUT DEERFIELDS BAKERY. Five generations of the Schmitt family have carried on the family bakery tradition that Adam Schmitt started in 1886. Today, the Buffalo Grove bakery is run by owner Tim Schmitt, with support from his father Carl and uncle Kurt. The first Schmitt family bakery opened in 1886 in Weisloch, Germany. In 1911, Adam's son Carl and his wife Anna immigrated to Chicago and opened "The New York Bakery". The family tradition continued. The Buffalo Grove bakery was opened in 1993, and today, the Schmitt's operate three locations in the Chicagoland area: Buffalo Grove, Deerfield & Schaumburg. Deerfields Bakery is a great supporter of local and national charitable causes. They have generously donated and coordinated special events for events and programs including funds for Haiti relief, Japan relief, Doctors without Borders, and others. They are currently partnering with Share Our Strength, a national organization and donating 10% of all their lemonaid products for the month of August to support their No Kid Hungry program. Locally, Deerfields Bakery has been a generous sponsor of park district, village, schools and other local events. On a daily basis, the bakery staff provides baked goods to support local food pantries. 125 YEAR CELEBRATION. The web site for Deerfields Bakery offers a great deal of information such as their Gluten Free products, special promotions, and more. The public is invited to an anniversary celebration on Saturday, October 15, 2011 at their Buffalo Grove location from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. The event will include food, music, and a special guest appearance. A signature cake and other dessert will also be featured. Trustee Ottenheimer stated, "There's no sweeter business more deserving of the Village's Golden Bison Award than Deerfields Bakery". The Village President and Board of Trustees proudly recognize and honor Deerfields Bakery for their community spirit and contributions. The Village extends its best wishes for continued, great success! To learn more about the business, check out www.deerfieldsbakery.com Deerfields Bakery Deerfields Bakery 201 Buffalo Grove Road Buffalo Grove, Illinois Attachments Trustee Liaison President Braiman Staff Contact Ghida Neukirch, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Special Business - Item : 9-A Farmers Market 10-A Overview Farmers Market continues every Sunday through October 16. Thanks to all who donated books for needy Lake County children at yesterday’s market and during Buffalo Grove Days. Highlights for this Sunday’s market include a performance by Whitey O’Day and the Cub Scout #36 fundraiser for the Vernon Hills Pantry. Thank you. Attachments Trustee Liaison Trustee Stein Staff Contact Susan L Levy, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Reports from the Trustees - Item : 10-A Overview of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, Public Education Meeting, September 22, 2011 10-B Overview Public Information Meeting Thursday, September 22, 2011 7:00 pm, Village Hall Meeting with White Pine Creek area residents and others interested in the Village’s stormwater management plan. Water pollution degrades surface waters making them unsafe for drinking, fishing, swimming, and other activities. As regulated by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. As part of the permit program, the Village is coordinating a public information meeting to 1) provide information about the Village’s Stormwater Management Plan; 2) provide educational information such as where residents can dispose of motor oil, white goods, household paint, construction material, and more; 3) address the dangers of dumping in the storm sewers; and 4) seek public’s comments regarding the Village’s stormwater plan. A special presentation is planned by Renee Wilde, Environmental Scientist and John Briggs, Environmental Resource Engineer with Bonestroo Consulting Engineers. An update of resident volunteer nature planting maintenance and restoration will also be presented by Village resident Sarah Schultz. If residents have any questions in advance of the meeting, they can contact Ghida Neukirch, Deputy Village Manager or Greg Boysen, PE, Director of Public Works at 847-459-2500 or info@vbg.org. Attachments Trustee Liaison Trustee Trilling Staff Contact Ghida Neukirch, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Reports from the Trustees - Item : 10-B Electronics Recycling Event, September 24, 2011 10-C Overview In September 2009, Illinois became the 16th state to adopt an electronics recycling law known as the Electronics Products Recycling and Reuse Act. This legislation bans certain electronic items, mainly computers and televisions, from Illinois landfills starting in January 2012. The Village of Buffalo Grove in conjunction with the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) will be hosting this one day electronics recycling event. Residents of SWANCC communities, including Buffalo Grove, are invited to participate in an Electronics Recycling Event on Saturday September 24, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The event will take place at 151 Hastings Drive (immediately north of Banner Plumbing on Lake Cook Road). Only certain electronics devices can be accepted based upon the State of Illinois legislation. A comprehensive list of acceptable and unacceptable items can be found on the Village's web site at www.vbg.org. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the Village Manager at 847-4592518. FOR REFERENCE: ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS Computers – PCs and Laptops Computer Monitors DVD Players DVR/Cable Boxes Fax Machines Mobile Phones MP3 Players PDAs Peripherals such as computer mice, keyboards, drives Printers Scanners TVs VHS Players Video Game Consoles UNACCEPTABLE MATERIALS Hazardous materials Air Conditioners Answering Machines Blenders Calculators Camcorders CDs/DVDs (Games) Copy Machines Dehumidifiers Digital Cameras Home Appliances Humidifiers Microwaves Print Cartridges Postage Machines Power Tools/Cords Refrigerators Shredders Software Stereo Equipment Telephones Toasters Typewriters Vacuum Cleaners Attachments Trustee Liaison Trustee Trilling Staff Contact Brian P Sheehan, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Reports from the Trustees - Item : 10-C Fire Department Open House, September 24, 2011 10-D Overview The Buffalo Grove Fire Department will hold its Annual Open House on September 24 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Visitors will be able to interact with members of the fire department, get a tour of our fire equipment and see demonstrations. Children will be able to challenge the Fire Fighter Obstacle Course, slide down a fire pole, make buttons, see a puppet show, tour an ambulance and learn about fire safety. Food will be prepared by our partner the Metropolitan Emergency Support Service. MESS provides food and shelter support to area fire departments during emergency operations. The Buffalo Grove Emergency Management Agency will demonstrate the capabilities of the brand new communications vehicle. Flight for Life will land a medical transport helicopter and display their life saving equipment. The Village’s Citizen’s Emergency Response Team will be available to share what they do and how citizens can get involved. Many other village and community partners will have displays and representatives available. Join us for some fun and learn about YOUR Fire Department. Attachments Trustee Liaison Trustee Terson Staff Contact Terry Vavra, Fire Monday, September 12, 2011 Reports from the Trustees - Item : 10-D Ordinance No. 2011-__________: An Ordinance Granting Variations to the Buffalo Grove Sign Code for The Arbors Condominium Association, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive 11-D Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval of the request made by The Arbors Condominium Association, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive, for variance of Sign Code, Sections 14.20.010 and 14.20.070, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback. Overview Request was made by The Arbors Condominium Association, 6 Oak Creek Drive, for variance of Sign Code, Section 14.20.010, pertaining to Residential Districts; and Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area. On Tuesday, August 16, 2011 a public hearing was held. Mr. Rick Wood, Independent Outdoor, 5009 Chase Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515, Mr. Adrian J. Zawadzki, President, Arbors Condominium Association, 7 Oak Creek Drive, and Mr. Michael Shifrin, Attorney, 750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 350, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, 60089, testified at the public hearing and presented documentary evidence. The Zoning Board of Appeals, by a vote of 5 to 0, recommends to the Village Board to grant the request made by The Arbors Condominium Association, 6 Oak Creek Drive, for variance of Sign Code, Section 14.20.010, pertaining to Residential Districts; and Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area pursuant to Exhibits “A”, “A2”, “E”, “F” and “G”. Subject to the Village Engineer’s memorandum dated July 29, 2011 and the ART Minutes dated August 3, 2011. Pursuant to Sign Code, Section 14.44.010, Subsection B. Attachments 1-12 Oak Creek Dr Ord A 9-8-11.pdf Mins & Findings - 1-12 Oak Creek Dr, The Arbors Condominiums.PDF 1-12 Oak Creek Dr - Exhibits.PDF Trustee Liaison Trustee Trilling Staff Contact Brian P Sheehan, Building & Zoning Monday, September 12, 2011 Consent Agenda: Ordinances and Resolutions - Item : 11-D 09/08/2011 ORDINANCE NO. 2011-_____ GRANTING A VARIATION OF THE BUFFALO GROVE SIGN CODE The Arbors Condominiums, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, the real property (“Property”) hereinafter legally described is zoned as a special use in the R9 Residential District, and is commonly known as 1-12 Oak Creek Drive; and, WHEREAS, request is being made by The Arbors Condominium Association, for variance of the Village’s Sign Code, Section 14.20.010, pertaining to Residential Districts; and Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing, received testimony, prepared minutes, made certain findings, and made an affirmative recommendation on the said request for a variation; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereby determine and find that the variation requested for the ground sign is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Sign Code (Title 14 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code) , and that (1) The proposed signage is of particularly good design and in particularly good taste; and, (2) The entire site has been or will be particularly well landscaped. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, as follows: 1 Section 1. The preceding WHEREAS clauses are hereby adopted by the Corporate Authorities and made a part hereof. Section 2. A variation is hereby granted to Sections 14.20.010 and 14.20.070 (Title 14 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code) for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area for the following legally described Property: That part of Section 4 and Section 5, Township 42 north, Range 11, east of the Third Principal Meridian, described as commencing at the most southerly southeast corner of Lot “C” in Buffalo Grove Unit Number 7, thence westerly along the south line of said Lot, 110.0 feet, thence northerly along a lot line of said Lot “C”40.0 feet, thence westerly along the south line of Lot “C” 10.0 feet to the point of beginning of this description, thence west along a south line of Lot “C” 634.62 feet to the southwest corner thereof, then north 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east along the west line of said Lot “C” 520.41 feet, thence north 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 361.50 feet, thence north 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 255.0 feet, thence north 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east, 172.43 feet, thence south 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 57.35 feet, thence north 44 degrees 58 minutes 27 seconds east 121.17 feet, thence south 45 degrees 08 minutes 33 seconds east 59.85 feet, thence north 44 degrees 58 minutes 27 seconds east 100.00 feet, thence north 59 degrees 22 minutes 43 seconds east 72.32 feet, thence south 89 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds east 117.50 feet, thence south 00 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds west 85.0 feet, thence south 89 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds east 66.00 feet, thence south 00 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds west 267.00 feet, thence north 89 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds west 66.00 feet , thence south 00 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds west 173.62 feet, thence north 89 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds west 50 feet, thence south 00 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds west 102.84 feet, thence south 44 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds west 32.53 feet, thence south 89 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds west 120.0 feet said point being 235.91 feet north of the point of beginning, thence south 00 degrees 20 minutes 34 seconds west 235.91 feet to the point of beginning, in Cook County, Illinois. Commonly known as: 1-12 Oak Creek Drive, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Section 3. The variation is subject to the following conditions: A. The sign is to be installed pursuant to Exhibits “A”, “A2”, “E”, “F” and “G”. B. Subject to the Village Engineer’s memorandum dated July 29, 2011. 2 C. Subject to the Appearance Review Team (ART) Minutes dated August 3, 2011. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: ___________________________________________________________ NAYES: __________________________________________________________ ABSENT: _________________________________________________________ PASSED: __________________________________________, 2011. APPROVED: _______________________________________, 2011. APPROVED: _________________________________ Village President ATTEST: __________________________________ Village Clerk 3 1‐12 OAK CREEK DRIVE, THE ARBORS CONDOMINIUMS ‐ SIGN CODE, SECTIONS 14.20.010 AND 14.20.070, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPLACING THE EXISTING SUBDIVISION SIGN THAT WOULD BE LOCATED WITHIN TWO HUNDRED FIFTY (250) FEET OF AN EXISTING GROUND SIGN LOCATED ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE STREET AND WOULD ENCROACH INTO THE REQUIRED BUILDING SETBACK AREA Mr. Rick Wood, Independent Outdoor, 5009 Chase Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515, Mr. Adrian J. Zawadzki, President, Arbors Condominium Association, 7 Oak Creek Drive, and Mr. Michael Shifrin, Attorney, 750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 350, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, 60089, were present and sworn in. The public hearing notice published in the Daily Herald on July 29, 2011 was read. Mr. Wood explained that the Arbors Condominiums had hired Mr. Wood to replace the existing Subdivision sign that was originally granted a variance. The current sign is made out of wood and has not lasted anywhere near the time that they were looking for. The proposed sign is essentially in the same location with the same setback as the existing sign. The proposed sign was be made out of masonry and aluminum. Ch. Entman read the Village Engineer’s memorandum addressed to Brian Sheehan dated July 29, 2011 which states: “I have no comments on either proposal.” Ch. Entman also read the ART minutes dated August 3, 2011. The recommendation by the ART was subject to landscaping plan being submitted to and approved by the Village. A landscaping plan was submitted and approved by the Village Forester, Rick Kuhl. The landscaping plan has been marked as Exhibit “G”. Ch. Entman asked if the proposed sign will be in the exact same location as the existing sign. Mr. Wood advised that the sign would be located adjacent to the present signs location. Com. Windecker stated that the proposed sign would be an improvement over the existing sign. The proposed sign construction will add to the area. Com. Shapiro agrees with Com. Windecker and asked if the sign would be backlit. Mr. Wood stated that the sign will not be illuminated. There were no additional questions or comments from the Commissioners. There were no questions or comments from the audience. Com. Shapiro made the following motion: I move we recommend to the Village Board to grant the request made by The Arbors Condominium Association, 6 Oak Creek Drive, for variance of Sign Code, Section 14.20.010, pertaining to Residential Districts; and Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area pursuant to Exhibits “A”, “A2”, “E”, “F” and “G”. DRAFT MINUTES ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AUGUST 16, 2011 Subject to the Village Engineer’s memorandum dated July 29, 2011 and the ART Minutes dated August 3, 2011. Pursuant to Sign Code, Section 14.44.010, Subsection B. Com. Windecker seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: AYE – Steingold, Windecker, Shapiro, Au, Entman NAY – None ABSTAIN – None Motion Passed 5 to 0. Findings of fact attached. Item to appear on the September 12, 2011 Village Board agenda. DRAFT MINUTES ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AUGUST 16, 2011 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, ILLINOIS FINDINGS OF FACT ON VARIATION OF SIGN CODE THE BUFFALO GROVE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HEREBY MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS: I. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY: A. B. C. D. E. F. II. Applicant: The Arbors Condominiums Location: 1-12 Oak Creek Drive Zoning District: R9 Special Use Type of Sign: Ground Sign Characteristics of Sign (including size): 30.5” high by 145” wide Subdivision sign with aluminum fabricated individual letters non-illuminated concealed fasten to masonry background with green oval channel. Lot Characteristics: Multi-building multi-family residential development with the main entrance adjacent to Dundee Road. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SURROUNDING AREA: North – Multi-Family Residential South – B1 and B3 Business Districts East - B3 Business District West - R5A Single Family Residential III. VARIATION SOUGHT: Sign Code, Section 14.20.010, pertaining to Residential Districts; and Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area. IV. EXHIBITS DEPICTING VARIATION: A. B. C. D. V. Exhibit “A” – Plat of Survey Exhibit “A2” – Site Plan Exhibit “E” – Proposed sign rendering Exhibit “F” – Photograph of proposed sign location VILLAGE ENGINEER’S REPORT Findings of Fact The Arbors Condominiums, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive August 16, 2011 Page 1 of 3 Village Engineer’s memorandum addressed to Brian Sheehan dated July 29, 2011 which states: “I have no comments on either proposal.” VI. VARIATION POWER & CRITERIA: Sign Code, Section 14.44.010, Sub-section B VII. PUBLIC HEARING: After due notice as required by law, a copy of said publication notice being attached hereto as Exhibit C, the Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing regarding the proposed variance on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at the Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 at 7:30P.M. The applicant, Mr. Rick Wood, Independent Outdoor, 5009 Chase Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515, Mr. Adrian J. Zawadzki, President, Arbors Condominium Association, 7 Oak Creek Drive, and Mr. Michael Shifrin, Attorney, 750 W. Lake Cook Road, Suite 350, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, 60089testified at the hearing and presented documentary evidence. The following objectors appeared at the hearing: None The following sent written objection prior to the hearing: None Attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit J are the minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. VIII. FINDINGS: The Zoning Board of Appeals finds that the criteria as set forth in Section 14.44.010, Subsection B of the Sign Code have been met in that the Petitioner has shown: 1. The proposed signage is of particularly good design and in particularly good taste; and 2. The entire site has been or will be particularly well landscaped. IX. CONDITIONS: The variance shall be subject to the following conditions: Findings of Fact The Arbors Condominiums, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive August 16, 2011 Page 2 of 3 1. 2. X. The sign is to be installed pursuant to Exhibits “A”, “A2”, “E”, “F” and “G”. Subject to the Village Engineer’s memorandum dated July 29, 2011 and the ART Minutes dated August 3, 2011. CONCLUSION: The Zoning Board of Appeals, by a vote of 5 to 0, recommends to the Village Board to grant the request made by The Arbors Condominium Association, 6 Oak Creek Drive, for variance of Sign Code, Section 14.20.010, pertaining to Residential Districts; and Section 14.20.070, pertaining to Ground Signs, for the purpose of replacing the existing Subdivision sign that would be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing ground sign located on the same side of the street and would encroach into the required building setback area. Dated – August 16, 2011 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, IL Bruce Entman, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Findings of Fact The Arbors Condominiums, 1-12 Oak Creek Drive August 16, 2011 Page 3 of 3 Ordinance No. 2011-__________: Ordinance Amending Title 15 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code - Buildings and Construction 12-A Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to Title 15 iof the Municipal Code. Overview The attached ordinance contains proposed amendments to Title 15, Buildings and Construction, of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. A brief description of the major changes are as follows: 1. Patios were added to Section 108.2.A.1 Schedule of permit fees (Page 2). This is in response to the style of patios currently being constructed that incorporate electrical lighting systems, grills with natural gas connections and fire pits that all have code requirements, but are currently being installed without review or inspection. 2. A fee was added to Section 108.2.A.14 Permits for parking lot repairs/re-striping (Page 7). Due to the time spent with review and inspection, this fee has become necessary to cover the costs associated with these permits. 3. Section 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections was added to both Chapter 15.04 the International Building Code and Chapter 15.07 the International Fire Code (Pages 12 and 25 respectively). This section had been inadvertently left out during the last revision. 4. AP101 Fire Sprinklers (Page 24) was amended to delete the reference to sprinklers for single family homes, which the Village does not require. 5. Chapter 15.14 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) (Pages 34-35) was amended to adopt the 2009 IECC. This was in response to the State of Illinois adopting the IECC as the energy code for the state. 6. Chapter 15.20 Fence Code had two sections modified. Section 15.20.040 Residential Districts (Page 39) and Section 15.20.070 (Page 41) were amended to ascertain the definition of an “ornamental” fence and where this type of fencing is allowed to be located. This revision solidifies the prohibition of fencing in the front yard, except as allowed as an Ornamental Fence. Attachments Title 15 Amendments Cover Memo 8-31-2011.pdf Title 15 Amendments - Highlight and Strikeout Draft 9-7-11.pdf Title 15 Amendments - Clean Copy with all proposed changes Draft 9-7-11.pdf Trustee Liaison Trustee Trilling Staff Contact Brian P Sheehan, Building & Zoning Monday, September 12, 2011 Ordinances and Resolutions - Item : 12-A The attached ordinance contains proposed amendments to Title 15, Buildings and Construction, of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. A brief description he major changes are as follows: 1. Patios were added to Section 108.2.A.1 Schedule of permit fees (Page 2). This is in response to the style of patios currently being constructed that incorporate electrical lighting systems, grills with natural gas connections and fire pits that all have code requirements, but are currently being installed without review or inspection. 2. A fee was added to Section 108.2.A.14 Permits for parking lot repairs/re-striping (Page 7). Due to the time spent with review and inspection, this fee has become necessary to cover the costs associated with these permits. 3. Section 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections was added to both Chapter 15.04 the International Building Code and Chapter 15.07 the International Fire Code (Pages 12 and 25 respectively). This section had been inadvertently left out during the last revision. 4. AP101 Fire Sprinklers (Page 24) was amended to delete the reference to sprinklers for single family homes, which the Village does not require. 5. Chapter 15.14 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) (Pages 34-35) was amended to adopt the 2009 IECC. This was in response to the State of Illinois adopting the IECC as the energy code for the state. 6. Chapter 15.20 Fence Code had two sections modified. Section 15.20.040 Residential Districts (Page 39) and Section 15.20.070 (Page 41) were amended to ascertain the definition of an “ornamental” fence and where this type of fencing is allowed to be located. This revision solidifies the prohibition of fencing in the front yard, except as allowed as an Ornamental Fence. Brian Sheehan Deputy Building Commissioner/Operations ORDINANCE NO. 2011-_____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AND PURSUANT TO ITS HOME RULE AUTHORITY: SECTION 1: Chapter 15.04 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.04 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Sections: 15.04.010 15.04.020 Adoption by reference Amendments 15.04.010 Adoption by reference. The 2006 Edition of the International Building Code is adopted by reference. (Ord. 2008-48 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 97-97 § 1 (part), 1997: Ord. 95-15 § 1 (part), 1995). 15.04.020 Amendments. The 2006 Edition of the International Building Code is amended as follows: Section 101.1 Title. (Amend to read as follows.) These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereinafter referred to as "this code". Section 101.4.4 Plumbing. (Amend to read as follows.) The provisions of the Illinois Plumbing Code shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system. The provisions of the Illinois Plumbing Code shall apply to private sewage disposal systems. 1 Section 102.4 Referenced codes and standards. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IPC-2006 International Plumbing Code; IPSDC-2006 International Private Sewage Disposal Code; IWUIC-2006 International Wildlife-Urban Interface Code; IZC-2006 International Zoning Code. Section 105.2 Work exempt from permit. (delete.) Section 106.2.1 Compliance with site plan. It shall be the responsibility of the builder/developer to submit to the Building and Zoning Department a spot survey prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor after the foundation is installed. This survey must be at a scale of not less than one inch equal to thirty feet (1"=30'). The survey must also indicate the elevation above sea level of the top of the foundation wall and the top of the curb and sidewalk at lot lines extended relative to a United States Geological Survey benchmark. No construction will be allowed to proceed except for decking, underground water and sewer, and related items until the spot survey is approved by the Building and Zoning Department. This section applies to principal structures only and not to additions or accessory structures. Section 108.2 Schedule of permit fees. (Amend by adding the following) On buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as established by the Village of Buffalo Grove. A. A fee for each plan examination, building permit and inspection shall be paid prior to the issuance of permit(s) in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Building Permit Fees. For construction costs up to one thousand dollars, the fee will be fifty dollars. For construction costs over one thousand dollars, the fee will be fifty dollars for the first one thousand dollars, plus ten dollars for each additional one thousand dollars or fraction thereof. Decks, sheds, and gazebos and patios have a fifty-five dollar base fee plus fifteen cents per sq. ft. (not including any electrical fees). Whenever the cost of construction is a factor in determining a permit or plan review fee, the valuation of building projects shall be established based on the 2 greater of: a. The cost of construction established by the International Code Council (ICC) and published on their website. Adjustments to these figures shall be made on March 1 of each year based upon ICC published data; or b. The cost of construction as stated by the applicant or agent on the application for the relevant permit. 2. Building Plan Review Fees. Building Sq. Ft. Up to 500 501 through 1,000 1,001 through 2,000 2,001 through 3,000 3,001 through 4,000 4,001 through 5,000 5,001 and over Plan Review Fee $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 $250.00 $0.05 per sq. ft. Alterations and remodeling where it is impractical to compute plan review fees on a square foot basis, the fee shall be .25% (.0025) of the cost of the work to be performed. The minimum plan review fee shall be fifty dollars. 3. Plumbing Permit Fees. Water heater Each sump pump pit Each sewer service Each water service Each water meter Each clean out Each plumbing fixture or opening not listed In-ground swimming pool Lawn sprinkler system Sewer repair Minimum plumbing fee Plan review fee $50.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $60.00 $4.00/head $75.00 minimum $65.00 $50.00 $50.00 or 25% of building plan review fee -whichever is greater 4. Electrical Permit Fees. (a) The fees for circuits shall be determined as follows: 15 AMPS - $7.00 each 20 AMPS - $12.00 each 3 30 AMPS - $20.00 each 40 AMPS - $25.00 each 50 AMPS - $30.00 each 60 AMPS - $40.00 each (b) For services, including service revisions, the fee shall be: 100 amp 101 through 200 amp 201 through 400 amp 401 through 800 amp 801 through 1199 amp 1200 through 4000 amp 4001 through 8000 amp $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 (c) For feeder circuits, the fees shall be: 60 through 100 amp 101 through 200 amp 201 through 400 amp 401 through 600 amp 601 through 1000 amp 1001 through 2000 amp $35.00 $50.00 $65.00 $85.00 $110.00 $130.00 (d) Motors. The fee for a motor three quarter horsepower or over shall be twentyfive dollars for the first and fifteen dollars for each additional, plus the circuit fee. Except for residential units, the fee for a motor less than three quarter horsepower shall be ten dollars each, plus the circuit fee. (e) Additional systems fees are as follows: System Audio communications Burglar alarm Electronic computer/data processing Fire alarm system Intercom and public address system Relocatable wired partitions Temporary wiring Fee $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 per system $50.00 $50.00 (f) In all installations, except signs, the minimum fee shall be fifty dollars. 4 (g) Electrical permit fees for sign installations shall be based on circuit count in subsection (a) above. (h) Minimum plan review fee shall be fifty dollars or twenty-five percent of the building plan review fee -- whichever is greater. 5. Mechanical Permit Fees. Heating: Residential - New or replacement unit All other uses (new installations) per 2,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $50.00 Residential - New or replacement unit All other uses (new installations) per 2,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof Minimum mechanical fee $50.00 $50.00 Air Conditioning: (Window units not included) Plan review fee: $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 or 25% of building plan review fee -whichever is greater 6. Elevator Permit Fees. New installation: Each elevator, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator, conveyor or manlift (includes initial inspection) $125.00 Each elevator, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator, conveyor or manlift Repairs and reinspections: $80.00 per inspection Each elevator, conveyor, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator or manlift for buildings of four stories or less $175.00 Semi-annual inspection/Certificate of compliance: $80.00 per inspection Plan review fee: Additional fee per floor for every story above four stories: $10.00 7. Fire Protection System Fees. 5 Fire Suppression New automatic sprinkler system Each system, 1--100 heads Every 100 additional heads or fraction thereof Renovation to an existing system: 20 heads or less 21--100 heads Every 100 additional heads or fraction thereof Partial system of the domestic water system Standpipes (each) Fire pumps (each) Hood suppression systems Clean agent extinguishing systems Alternate fire extinguishing systems Means of egress access control systems Plan review/inspection fee for fire suppression systems Fire Alarm Systems New or modifications to an existing system (this is in addition to a $100.00 electrical fee) Plan review/inspection fee for fire alarm systems 5,000 sq. ft. or less 5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. or more $125.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $60.00 $50.00 $5.00 per device (minimum $100.00) $5.00 per device (minimum $150.00) 8. Swimming Pool Fees. Above-ground pools: Installation or alteration $50.00 In-ground pools will comply with building fee schedule. The installation permit fee shall be in addition to any electrical or plumbing fees that may be required. 9. Health Department Plan Review Fees. Plan review fees for the Health Department shall be fifty dollars or twenty-five percent of building plan review 6 fee--whichever is greater. 10. Reinspection Fees. The aforementioned permit fees include one reinspection. Any inspection or reinspection not covered by the fees designated in this section shall be charged at fifty dollars per inspection. 11. Work Prior to Permit. Where work has been started prior to the issuance of a permit, the normal permit fee shall be doubled with a minimum of fifty dollars and a maximum of one thousand dollars. 12. Certificate of Occupancy. The fee for Certificate of Occupancy, including business license inspections, shall be as follows: Residential (per unit) Non-residential (per unit) $50.00 $150.00 13. Zoning/Code Compliance Letter -- non-residential only $150.00 14. Parking Lot Repairs/Restriping - $50.00 Section 112.1 Appeal: (Amend to read as follows.) Any person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the Village Manager. A letter for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equivalent or better method of construction is proposed. All appeals shall be filed within thirty days of the decision of the code official. The Village Manager shall affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the code official. Section 112.2 Limitations on authority. (delete.) Section 112.3 Qualifications. (delete.) Section 406.1.4 Separation. Separations shall comply with the following: (Amend to read as follows.) 1. The private garage shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by means of a minimum 5/8-inch gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than a 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent. Door openings between a private garage and the dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1 3/4 inches thick. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted. Doors shall be self-closing and self7 latching. 2. Ducts in a private garage and ducts penetrating the walls or ceilings separating the dwelling unit from the garage shall be constructed of a minimum 0.019-inch sheet steel and shall have no openings into the garage. 3. A separation is not required between a Group R-3 and U carport, provided the carport is entirely open on two or more sides and there are not enclosed areas above. Attached private garages shall be completely separated from adjacent tenant vehicle spaces by means of a floor to ceiling partition or by a partition extending to the underside of the roof deck. All interior combustible framing shall be covered with 5/8 inch gypsum board or the equivalent. Exceptions: 1. Garages of Type 1 or 2 construction or 2. Fully sprinklered garages complying with NFPA 13. 3. Overhead doors including header and jambs. Section 406.1.5 One-story frame detached garage and accessory buildings. (Add Section 406.1.5 to read as follows.) Comply with construction requirements for one-story dwellings with the following exceptions: 1. Foundation walls and footings shall not be less than eighteen inches (18") below finish grade, six inches (6") minimum thickness at the top and shall be flared to not less than twelve inches (12") at the bottom. 2. Grade beam construction is permitted consisting of a four inch (4") concrete floor that is monolithically poured over a minimum four inches (4") of crushed stone, sand or gravel with a minimum ten inches (10") thickened outer edge and a width of twenty inches (20") around perimeter of building. 3. Studs, maximum spacing twenty-four inches (24") on center. Doubling of studs not required on jambs of openings less than three feet, five inches (3'5") wide. 4. Wall sheathing and building paper may be omitted if corner bracing is used. Each corner is to be braced from top downward in two directions to a minimum of seventy-two inches (72") from corner at sill plate, and may be applied on the inside surface of studs, minimum one inch by four inches (1" × 4"). 5. Corner post may be two (2) - two inches by four inches (2"×4") or one (1) four inches by four inches (4"×4"). 8 6. A single top plate may be installed in bearing and exterior walls, provided the plate is adequately tied at joints, corners and intersecting walls, and the rafters or joists are centered over the studs with a tolerance of no more than one (1) inch. 7. Rafter ties at eaves not less than two inches by four inches (2"×4"), maximum spacing six feet (6') on center. 8. Concrete floor, minimum four inches (4") of concrete on minimum four inches (4") of crushed stone, sand or gravel. Section 406.4.3 Construction. (Add Section 406.4.3 to read as follows.) Adjacent tenant vehicle spaces in public garages shall be completely separated by means of a floor to ceiling partition or by a partition extending to the underside of the roof deck. All interior combustible framing shall be covered with 5/8 inch gypsum board or the equivalent. Exceptions: 1. Garages of Type 1 or 2 construction or 2. Fully sprinklered garages complying with NFPA 13. 3. Overhead doors including header and jambs. Section 415.6.4 Dry cleaning plants. (Amend to read as follows.) The construction and installation of dry cleaning plants shall be in accordance with the requirements of this code, the International Mechanical Code, the Illinois Plumbing Code and NFPA 32. Dry cleaning solvents and systems shall be classified in accordance with the International Fire Code. Section 501.2 Address numbers. (Amend to read as follows.) Buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches high with a minimum stroke width of 1 inch. Section 603.1.2 Piping. (Amend to read as follows.) The use of combustible piping materials shall be permitted when installed in accordance with the limitations of the International Mechanical Code and the Illinois Plumbing Code. Section 903.2 Automatic Fire Suppression Systems, where required: (Amend to read as follows.) Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in all new buildings regardless of materials used in construction and/or use group 9 classification. Exceptions: 1. One-family dwelling, which is hereby defined as a building designed exclusively for use and occupancy by one family which building is entirely surrounded by open space and said open space being on the same zoning lot as the building. 2. Detached accessory buildings with an intended use that is incidental to that of the primary building on the same lot of record as a detached one-family dwelling. Detached accessory buildings shall include, but not be limited to, detached garages, storage sheds, and animal habitats. 3. Detached accessory buildings with an intended use that is incidental to that of the primary building on the same lot of record where the primary building is classified as a Use Group B, F, I, M, S, and U that are less than two hundred and fifty square feet in size. This exception shall not apply if the horizontal separation between the accessory building is less than twenty five feet from any other building or the accessory building and/or structure is used for the storage of the following hazardous materials: (a) Flammable and/or combustible liquids classified as Class IA, IB, IC, II, and IIIA if the combined quantity exceeds 30 gallons. (113.562 liters). (b) Flammable gas if the quantity exceeds 10 gallons (37.9 liters) and/or 333 cubic feet of gas (9,429.5 liters). (c) Corrosives. (d) Toxic agents. (e) Oxidizers classified as Class 2, 3, or 4. Class 1 oxidizers shall not exceed 100 gallons (378.5 liters) and/or 1,000 pounds (373.2 kilograms). (f) Unstable/reactives. (g) Water reactives if the quantity exceeds 100 gallons (378.8 liters) and/or 1,000 pounds (373.2 kilograms). (h) Pyrophoric materials (all classifications). (i) Organic peroxides (all classifications). (j) Explosives (all classifications). 10 4. Picnic shelters, gazebos, pergolas, and detached public restroom facilities with a minimum horizontal separation of twenty-five feet from all other buildings. This exception shall not apply if the picnic shelter, gazebo, pergola, or detached public restroom is equipped with a permanent heat producing appliance that utilizes natural gas and/or propane as a fuel supply or if the detached public restroom facility exceeds a total of four hundred square feet in size. 5. In telecommunications equipment buildings, a manual dry fire suppression system shall be installed in those spaces or areas equipped exclusively for telecommunications equipment, associated electrical power distribution equipment, batteries and standby engines provided that those spaces or areas are equipped with an automatic fire detection system in accordance with Section 907 and are separated from the remainder of the building with fire separation assemblies consisting of 1-hour fire resistance rated walls and 2-hour fire resistance rated floor/ceiling assemblies. Section 903.1.2 Sprinkler System Design Criteria: (Add Section 903.1.2 to read as follows.) Hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems shall be designed to maintain a minimum of 10% or 5 psi pressure cushion (whichever is greater) between the seasonal low water supply and the total sprinkler demand. The total sprinkler demand shall include the sprinkler demand and hose stream demand, and/or standpipe demand. Section 903.2.13 Other required suppression systems: (Amend to read as follows.) An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in any existing building, excluding one-family dwellings, when: 1. The total square footage of the building or contiguous space is expanded to 3,000 square feet or more regardless of building separation, fire rated assemblies, and type of construction. 2. Reconstruction involves structural modifications equal to or greater than 50% of the building. Section 903. Exempt locations: (Amend Subsections 3 and 4 to read as follows.) 3. Generator and transformer rooms separated from the remainder of the building by walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, when approved by the fire official. 4. In rooms or areas that are of noncombustible construction with wholly noncombustible contents, when approved by the fire official. 11 Section 903.4.3 Floor Control Valves: (Amend to read as follows.) Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor of a multi-story building and on each floor in high-rise buildings. Section 903.6 Fire Pumps: (Add Section 903.6 to read as follows.) All fire pumps shall have an outside test header. All test headers shall be equipped with outside stem and yoke (OS&Y) gate valves. Provide a ball drip between the OS&Y control valve and the outside test header. The test header shall have a minimum 2- 1/2" test valves required by NFPA 20. All fire pump test headers shall be wall mounted outside of the building. Test headers are not permitted inside the fire pump room or building. Section 903.7 Exterior access to sprinkler valve room/fire pump room: (Add Section 903.7 to read as follows.) An exterior access door shall be required to provide direct access to the automatic fire sprinkler valves/pump room for all new buildings. Doors shall be labeled "Fire Equipment Room". In existing buildings, where possible, an outside access door shall be provided. The fire pump room shall be constructed to provide a minimum of one hour fire resistive rating. Section 905.3.1 Building Height. (Amend to read as follows.) Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout buildings over two stories in height or more than two stories below the highest level of fire department vehicle access. Section 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections. (Amend by adding the following.) 7. In all warehouse storage areas exceeding 20,000 square feet, and where storage heights exceed 12’ high, provide inside 2-1/2” fire hose valves. Locate the valves at each exterior access/egress door to the warehouse and/or storage area. Provide additional 2-1/2” fire hose valves so that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than 150’ maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The fire hose valve system piping shall be: a. a.b. A separate riser piping system. The 2-1/2” valves shall be supplied by a minimum of 4” pipe with 2-1/2” drops to each valve. 12 Section 907.2 Where required: (Amend to read as follows.) 1. Every new and existing building, except one family dwelling, requiring an electrical permit shall be required to have an approved automatic fire alarm system. 2. All new required fire alarm systems shall transmit trouble, supervisory, and fire signals directly to the Buffalo Grove Fire Department remote receiving station via a wireless transmitter in accordance with NFPA 72. Only equipment certified and approved by the remote receiving station, and/or its' designated proprietor may be installed. The designated proprietary agent shall be the only authorized installer of the approved radio transmitters. Existing systems shall be changed to wireless upon alarm owners request, when the existing equipment is updated or where a disconnection of the telephone lines has occurred for a time period of more than thirty days. 3. All required fire alarm systems shall be connected to the Village of Buffalo Grove remote receiving station in accordance with NFPA 72. Exceptions: (a) Smoke detectors in Use Group R-1 occupancy sleeping areas shall be installed for alerting staff. (b) Smoke detectors in occupancies in Use Group I-3 (907.2.6.3). Section 907.10.1 Individual tenant identification: (Add Section 907.10.1 to read as follows.) All multi-tenant Use Group M buildings shall have individual sprinkler flow switches and control valves. Sprinkler system activation shall include an outside weatherproof clear strobe light over the entrance to each tenant space as directed by the fire official. All outside strobe lights shall be minimum 75 candela. Chapter 11 Accessibility (delete.) Section 1203.4.1.2 Openings below grade: (Amend by adding the following) Protect openings with metal gratings or other approved covers. Section 1211 Signage: (Add Section 1211 to read as follows.) Section 1211.1 Restroom signage. A legible sign designating the sex, either male or femalfemale as well as unisex, shall be provided in a readily visible location near the entrance to each toilet facility. Signs for accessible toilet facilities shall comply with the 1997 Illinois Accessibility Code. 13 Section 1404.5.3 Lead-coated copper. (delete.) Table 1405.2 is amended to read as follows. TABLE 1405.2 MINIMUM THICKNESS OF WEATHER COVERINGS COVERING TYPE Adhered masonry veneer Aluminum siding Anchored masonry veneer Asbestos-cement boards Asbestos shingles Cold-rolled copperd Copper shinglesd Exterior plywood (with sheathing) Exterior plywood (without sheathing) Fiber cement lap siding Fiber cement panel siding Fiberboard siding Glass-fiber reinforced concrete panels Hardboard sidingc High-yield copperd Marble slabs Particleboard (with sheathing) Particleboard (without sheathing) Precast stone facing Steel (approved corrosion resistant) Stone (cast artificial) Stone (natural) Structural glass Stucco or exterior Portland cement plaster Three-coat work over: MINIMUM THICKNESS (inches) 0.25 0.019 2.625 0.125 0.156 0.0216 nominal 0.0162 nominal 0.313 See Section 2304.6 0.25c 0.25c 0.5 0.375 0.25 0.0162 nominal 1 See Section 2304.6 See Section 2304.6 0.625 0.0149 1.5 2 0.344 Metal plaster base Unit masonry Cast-in-place or precast concrete Two-coat work over: 0.875b 0.625b 0.375b Unit masonry Cast-in-place or precast concrete Terra cotta (anchored) Terra cotta (adhered) Vinyl siding Wood shingles Wood siding (without sheathing)a 0.5b 0.375b 1 0.25 0.035 0.375 0.5 14 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. a. Wood siding of thickness less than 0.5 inch shall be placed over sheathing that conforms to Section 2304.6. b. c. Exclusive of texture. As measured at the bottom of decorative grooves. d. 16 ounces per square foot for cold-rolled copper, 12 ounces per square foot for copper shingles and high-yield copper. Section 1503.4 Roof drainage. (Amend to read as follows.) Design and installation of roof drainage systems shall comply with the Illinois Plumbing Code. Table 1507.2.9.2 is amended to read as follows. TABLE 1507.2.9.2 VALLEY LINING MATERIAL MATERIAL Aluminum Cold-rolled copper MINIMUM THICKNESS 0.024 in. 0.0216 in. GAGE - Copper Galvanized steel 0.0179 in. 26 (zinc-coated G90) High-yield copper 0.0162 in. - Painted terne Stainless steel Zinc alloy 0.027 in. 28 - WEIGHT ASTM B 370, 16 oz. per square ft. 16 oz ASTM B 370, 12 oz. per square ft. 20 pounds - For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.454 kg, 1 ounce = 28.35 g. Table 1507.4.3(1) is amended to read as follows. TABLE 1507.4.3(1) METAL ROOF COVERINGS ROOF COVERING TYPE STANDARD APPLICATION RATE/THICKNESS 15 Aluminum Aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel Cold-rolled copper Copper Galvanized steel Hard lead Prepainted steel Stainless steel Steel Terne and terne-coated stainless Zinc ASTM B 209, 0.024 inch minimum thickness for roll-formed panels and 0.019 inch minimum thickness for press-formed shingles. ASTM A 792 AZ 50 ASTM B 370 minimum 16 oz/sq. ft. and 12 oz./sq. ft. high yield copper for metal-sheet roof covering systems: 12 oz./sq. ft. for preformed metal shingle systems. 16 oz./sq. ft. for metalsheet roof-covering systems: 12 oz./sq. ft. for preformed metal shingle systems. ASTM A 653 G-90 zinccoateda 2 lbs./sq. ft. ASTM A 755 ASTM A 240, 300 Series Alloys ASTM A 924 Terne coating of 40 lbs. per double base box, field painted where applicable in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. 0.027 inch minimum thickness; 99.995% electrolytic high grade zinc with alloy additives of copper (0.08% - 0.20%), titanium (0.07% - 0.12%) and aluminum (0.015%). For SI: 1 ounce per square foot = 0.0026 kg/m 1 pound per square foot = 4.882 kg/m 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.454 kg. a. For Group U buildings, the minimum coating thickness for ASTM A 653 galvanized steel roofing shall be G. Section 1805.2 Depth of footings: (Amend to read as follows.) The minimum depth of footings below the undisturbed ground surface shall be 42 inches where applicable, the depth of footings shall also conform to Sections 1805.2.1 through 1805.2.3. 16 Section 1805.2.1 Frost protection: (Amend to read as follows.) Except where otherwise protected from frost, foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected by one or more of the following methods: 1. Extending below the frost line of the locality; 2. Constructing in accordance with ASCE 32; or 3. Erecting on solid rock. Footings shall not bear on frozen soil unless such frozen condition is of a permanent character. Section 1805.4.5 Timber Footings -- (delete.) Section 1805.4.6 Wood foundations -- (delete.) Section 2406.3 Hazardous locations. (Amend by adding the following) 12. All new glazing installed in a ground floor location in every business located in Business Districts B-1 through B-5 shall be safety glass. Each pane of tempered glass, except tempered spandrel glass, shall be permanently identified by the manufacturer. The identification label shall be acid etched, sand blasted, ceramic fired, embossed or shall be of a type that once applied cannot be removed without being destroyed and shall be visible when the unit is glazed. The installation of replacement glass shall be the same as required for new installations. Chapter 29 Plumbing systems. (delete.) Section 3001.2 Referenced standards. (Amend to read as follows.) Conveyances for which a building permit is issued as of the effective date of August 1, 2008, (building permit for new construction or a permit issued for the repair/modification of a conveyance) must be designed, constructed, installed, operated, inspected, tested, maintained, altered and repaired in accordance with the following standards and recommended practices: (1) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 (A) Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.1-2007/CSA B44-07) and Performance-Based Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.12007/CSA B44.7-07); 17 (B) Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (ASME A17.2-2004); (C) Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.3-2005) (upgrades required by application of the Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators must be completed no later than January 1, 2009, except that upgrades to the hydraulic cylinder system and the firefighter control system must be completed by January 1, 2011); (D) Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts (ASME A18.12005); (E) Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors (ASME QEI-1-2004). (2) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10036 (A) Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists and Employee Elevators (ANSI A10.4-2004). (3) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 (A) Automated People Mover Standards (ASCE 21-2000). or other standards or practices as enacted by the State of Illinois. Section 3001.3 Accessibility. (Amend to read as follows.) Passenger elevators required to be accessible by the Illinois Accessibility Code shall conform to ICC A117.1. Section 3401.3 Compliance with other codes. (Amend to read as follows.) Alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy to existing structures shall comply with the provisions for alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy in the International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, Illinois Plumbing Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Residential Code and ICC Electrical Code. Chapter 35 Referenced standards: (Amend NFPA Section to read as follows.) 18 Pursuant to the Village's home rule authority, the following National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards are adopted by reference and supersede those codes and standards listed in Chapter 35 of the 2006 International Building Code. This adoption by reference specifically preempts and is in lieu of the requirements of Sections 1-3-1 and 1-3-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65, ILCS 5/1-3-1 and 5/1-3-2: (1) NFPA 10 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Portable Fire Extinguishers (2) NFPA 14 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Standpipes, Private Hydrants and Hose Systems (3) NFPA 17A 2002 edition Standard for the Installation of Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishing Systems (4) NFPA 20 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps (5) NFPA 96 2008 edition Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations (6) NFPA 13 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (7) NFPA 13D 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes (8) NFPA 13 R 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height (9) NFPA 30 2008 edition Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (10) NFPA 30B 2007 edition Standard for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products 19 (11) NFPA 33 2007 edition Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials (12) NFPA 1123 2006 edition Code for Outdoor Fireworks Displays (13) NFPA 1124 2006 edition Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Retail Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Fireworks (14) NFPA 1126 2006 edition Standard for Proximate Audience Pyrotechnics (15) NFPA 58 2008 edition Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (16) NFPA 72 2007 edition National Fire Alarm Code SECTION 2: Chapter 15.05, International Residential Code One- and TwoFamily Dwellings, is added to the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.05 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS Sections: 15.05.010 15.05.020 Adoption by reference Amendments 15.05.010 Adoption by reference. The 2006 edition of the International Residential Code One- and Two-Family Dwellings is adopted by reference. 15.05.020 Amendments. The 2006 edition of the International Residential Code One- and Two-Family Dwellings is hereby amended as follows: Section R101.1 Title. (Amend to read as follows.) These regulations shall be known as the Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereinafter referred to as “this code”. Section R102.4 Referenced codes and standards. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. 20 Exception: Where enforcement of a code provision would violate the conditions of the listing of the equipment or appliance, the conditions of the listing and manufacturer’s instructions shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IPC-2006 International Plumbing Code; IPSDC-2006 International Private Sewage Disposal Code; IWUIC-2006 International Wildlife-Urban Interface Code; IZC-2006 International Zoning Code. Section R105.2 Work exempt from permit. (delete.) Section R106.1 Submittal documents. (Amend to read as follows.) Construction documents for new single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, townhouse dwellings, duplex dwellings, additions to dwelling units above the first floor, modifications which alter the roof of a dwelling unit of a substantial scope as determined by the Building Official, shall be sealed and signed by an Illinois licensed architect or structural engineer. Section R309.2 Separation required. (Amend to read as follows.) The garage shall be completely separated from the residence and its attic area by not less than -inch gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than -inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent. Where the separation is a floor-ceiling assembly, the structure supporting the separation shall also be protected by not less than -inch gypsum board or equivalent. All other interior combustible framing located within a garage shall be covered with 5/8inch gypsum board or equivalent. Garages located less than 3 feet from a dwelling unit on the same lot shall be protected with not less than -inch gypsum board applied to the interior side of exterior walls that are within this area. Openings in these walls shall be regulated by Section R309.1. This provision does not apply to garage walls that are perpendicular to the adjacent dwelling unit wall. Section R311.4.3 Landings at doors. (Amend to read as follows.) There shall be a floor or landing on each side of each exterior door. The floor or landing at the exterior door shall not be more than 1.5 inches lower than the top of the threshold. The landing shall be permitted to have a slope not to exceed 0.25 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent). Exceptions: 1. The exterior landing at an exterior doorway shall not be more than 7 ¾ inches below the top of the threshold, provided the door, other than an exterior storm or screen door does not swing over the landing. 1. The height of floors at exterior doors other than the exit door required by Section R311.4.1 shall not be more than 7 ¾ inches lower than the top of the threshold. 21 The width of each landing shall not be less than the door served. Every landing shall have a minimum dimension of 36 inches measured in the direction of travel. Section R322.1 Scope. (delete.) Section R323.3 Accessibility. (Amend to read as follows.) Elevators or platform lifts that are part of an accessible route required by the Illinois Accessibility Code, shall comply with ICC A17.1. Figure R403.1 (2) Permanent wood foundation basement wall section. (delete.) Figure R403.1 (3) Permanent wood foundation crawl space section. (delete.) Section R403.1.4 Minimum depth. (Amend to read as follows.) All exterior footings shall be placed at least 42 inches below the undisturbed ground surface. Where applicable, the depth of footings shall also conform to Sections R403.1.4.1 through R403.1.4.2. Section R403.1.4.1 Frost protection: (Amend to read as follows.) Except where otherwise protected from frost, foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected from frost by one or more of the following methods: 1. Extended below the frost line specified in Table R301.2.(1); 2. Constructing in accordance with ASCE 32; or 3. Erected on solid rock. Footings shall not bear on frozen soil unless the frozen condition is permanent. Section R403.2 Footings for wood-foundations. (delete.) Section R403.3 Frost protected shallow foundations. (delete.) Section R403.3.1 Foundations adjoining frost protected shallow foundations. (delete.) Section R403.3.1.1 Attachment to unheated slab-on-grade structure. (delete.) Section R403.3.1.2 Attachment to heated structure. (delete.) Section R404.2 Wood foundation wall. (delete.) Section R404.2.1 Identification. (delete.) Section R404.2.2 Stud size. (delete.) Section R404.2.3 Height of backfill. (delete.) 22 Section R404.2.4 Backfilling. (delete.) Section R404.2.5 Drainage and damproofing. (delete.) Section R404.2.6 Fastening. (delete.) Section R404.3 Wood sill plates. (delete.) Section R405.2.1 Base. (delete.) Section R405.2.2 Moisture barrier. (delete.) Section R405.2.3 Drainage system. (delete.) Section R502.7.1 Bridging. (Amend to read as follows.) All joists shall be supported laterally by solid blocking, diagonal bridging (wood or metal), or a continuous 1 inch by 3 inch (25.4 mm by 76 mm) strip nailed across the bottom of joists perpendicular to joists at intervals not exceeding 8 feet (2438 mm). Section R505.2 Wood foundations. (delete.) Chapter 11 Energy efficiency. (delete.) Chapter 25 Plumbing administration. (delete.) Chapter 26 General plumbing requirements. (delete.) Chapter 27 Plumbing fixtures. (delete.) Chapter 29 Water supply and distribution. (delete.) Chapter 30 Sanitary drainage. (delete.) Chapter 31 Vents. (delete.) Chapter 32 Traps. (delete.) Chapter 33 General requirements. (delete.) Chapter 34 Electrical definitions. (delete.) Chapter 35 Services. (delete.) Chapter 36 Branch circuit and feeder requirements. (delete.) 23 Chapter 37 Wiring methods. (delete.) Chapter 38 Power and lighting distribution. (delete.) Chapter 39 Devices and luminaires. (delete.) Chapter 40 Appliance installation. (delete.) Chapter 41 Swimming pools. (delete.) Chapter 42 Class 2 Remote-control, signaling and power-limited circuits. (delete.) Appendix D Recommended procedure for safety inspection of an existing appliance installation. (delete.) Appendix E Manufactured housing used as dwellings. (delete.) Appendix H Patio covers. (delete.) Appendix I Private sewage disposal. (delete.) Appendix L Permit fees. (delete.) Appendix M Home day care – R-3 Occupancy. (delete.) Appendix N Venting methods. (delete.) Appendix O Gray water recycling systems. (delete.) Appendix P Sprinkling. (delete.)(Amend to add as follows.) AP101 Fire Sprinklers. (Amend to read as follows.) An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new two-family dwellings and townhouses in accordance with Section 903 as amended of the 2006 International Building Code. Appendix Q ICC International Residential Code Electrical Provisions/National Electrical Code Cross-Reference. (delete.) SECTION 3: Chapter 15.07, International Fire Code, is amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.07 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE Sections: 15.07.010 15.07.020 Adoption by reference Amendments 15.07.010 Adoption by reference. The 2006 edition of the International Fire Code is adopted by reference. 15.07.020 Amendments. The 2006 edition of the International Fire Code is hereby amended as follows: 24 Section 101.1 Title. (Amend to read as follows.) These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereinafter referred to as “this code”. Section 102.6 Referenced codes and standards. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 45 and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IPC-2006 International Plumbing Code; IWUIC-2006 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code. Section 505.1 Address numbers. (Amend to read as follows.) Each structure to which an address number has been assigned shall have such number displayed in a position easily observed and readable from the public right-ofway. All numbers shall be in Arabic numerals at least six (6) inches high with a one (1) inch stroke. The color of the numbers shall be in contrast with the background for the numbers. Section 506.1 Key boxes. (Amend to read as follows.) All buildings or structures equipped with a fire alarm or fire suppression system shall provide a fire department key box on the exterior of the building or structure. The box shall contain keys to allow fire department entry in the event of fire alarm activation or an emergency. The fire official may also require a fire department key box if access to the building, structure or area is unduly difficult. All fire department key boxes, location of the key boxes, and the number of key boxes required shall be approved by the fire official. Section 905.3.1 Building height. (Amend to read as follows.) Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout buildings over two stories in height or more than two stories below the highest level of fire department vehicle access. Section 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections. (Amend by adding the following.) 7. In all warehouse storage areas exceeding 20,000 square feet, and where storage heights exceed 12’ high, provide inside 2-1/2” fire hose valves. Locate the valves at each exterior access/egress door to the warehouse and/or storage area. Provide additional 2-1/2” fire hose valves so that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than 150’ maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The fire hose valve system piping shall be: 25 a. A separate riser piping system. b. The 2-1/2” valves shall be supplied by a minimum of 4” pipe with 21/2” drops to each valve. Section 906.1 Portable fire extinguishers. (Amend to read as follows.) Where required: A portable fire extinguisher shall be installed in the following locations in accordance with NFPA 10, 2007 edition. 1. In all occupancies in Use Groups A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B, F-1, F-2, I-1, M, R1(except single family dwellings not used as adult care or child care facilities), S-1, S-2, and H. 2. In all areas containing commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems Class K fire extinguishers are required. 3. In all areas where fuel is used, stored or dispensed. 4. In all areas where flammable or combustible liquids is used in the operation of spraying, coating, or dipping. 5. In all occupancies in Use Group I-3 at staff locations. Access to portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked. 6. On each floor of structures under construction, except occupancies in Use Group R-3. 7. In any laboratory, shop or other room of similar purpose. 8. Where required by sections indicated in Table 906.1 for various operations, processes, structures and areas. Section 3301.1.3 Fireworks. (Amend to read as follows.) The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited. Exceptions: 1) Storage and handling and use of fireworks at display sites in accordance with Sections 3304 and 3308.5 and NFPA1123 or NFPA 1126 listed in Chapter 35 of the 2006 International Building Code. 2) The retail sale of approved consumer novelties as defined by this Ordinance shall be permitted but only to persons 18 years of age or older. Such sales shall be permitted only in buildings equipped with approved automatic sprinkler systems. The display of consumer novelties in a building shall be separated from all exit doors by a minimum distance of 20 feet or as approved in advance in writing by the Fire Chief. The sale of consumer novelties shall not be permitted at any building or on any property where flammable or combustible liquids or gases are sold or dispensed. Section 3301.1.3.1 Penalties for Possession. (add Section 3301.1.3.1 to read as follows.) Any person, firm, corporation, or entity that violates any provision of Section 3301.1.3 shall be subject to an escalating fine schedule as follows: 1. First offense: $50 2. Second offense: $100 26 3. Third offense and each subsequent offense: $250 Section 3302.1 Definitions. (Amend by adding the following) CONSUMER NOVELTIES. Consumer novelties shall mean: (i) snakes, glow worm pellets, smoke devices, trick snappers, trick matches, cigarette loads, auto burglar alarms, toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, and other devices in which paper or plastic caps containing 0.25 grains or less of explosive compound are used, provided they are constructed so that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for the explosion, and (ii) toy pistol paper or plastic caps which contain less than 0.25 grains of explosive mixture. Section 3308.2.1 Outdoor displays. (Amend to read as follows.) In addition to the requirements of Section 403, permit applications for outdoor fireworks displays using Division 1.3G fireworks shall include a diagram of the location at which the display will be conducted, including the site from which fireworks will be discharged; the location of buildings, highways, overhead obstructions and utilities; and the lines behind which the audience will be restrained. All outdoor fireworks displays shall be electronically fired using approved electronic firing units and approved mortar racks. All outdoor fireworks displays shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois Fireworks Use Act (425 ILCS 35), and the Pyrotechnic Distributor and Operator Licensing Act (225 ILCS 227). Section 3308.11 Retail display and sale. (Amend to read as follows.) It shall be unlawful to display, sell, store, or advertise for sale any Class l.3G or 1.4G fireworks within the Village of Buffalo Grove. SECTION 4: Chapter 15.08, Electrical Code, of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.08 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 15.08.010 15.08.020 Adoption by reference. Amendments. Section 15.08.010 Adoption by reference. The 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code is adopted by reference. Section 15.08.020 Amendments. The 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows: Article 110.24. Identification of the Electrical Contractor. (Add Section 110.24 to read as follows.) 27 The name of the electrical contractor performing the work on all new electrical services shall be displayed on the service panel cover. Article 110.26(C)(2). Large Equipment. (Amend to read as follows.) For equipment rated 1200 amperes or more and over 1.8m (6ft) wide that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices, there shall be one entrance to the required working space not less than thirty-two (32) inches wide and six and two thirds (6-2/3) feet high at each end of the working space. Where the entrance has a personnel door(s), the door(s) shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under ample pressure. A single entrance to the required working space shall be permitted where either of the conditions in 110.26(C)(2)(a) or (C)(2)(b) is met. (a) Unobstructed Exit. Where the location permits a continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel, a single entrance to the working space shall be permitted. (b) Extra working space. Where the depth of the working space is twice that required by 110.26(A)(1), a single entrance shall be permitted. It shall be located so that the distance from the equipment to the nearest edge of the entrance is not less than the minimum clear distance specified in Table 110.26(A)(1) for equipment operating at that voltage and in that condition. Article 210.4 Multiwire Branch Circuits. (Amend by adding the following) 210.4(D). Identification of the Underground Conductors. The means of identification of each system phase conductor, wherever accessible, shall be color coded for 277/480 volt (brown, orange and yellow with gray as neutral conductor) and for 120/208 volt (black, red, blue with white as neutral conductor). Article 210.12(B). Dwelling Unit Bedrooms. (Amend by adding the following.) Exception No. 1: The location of the arc-fault circuit interrupter shall be permitted to be at other than the origination of the branch circuit in compliance with (a) and (b): (a) The arc-fault circuit interrupter installed within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the branch circuit conductors. (b) The circuit conductors between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the arcfault circuit interrupter shall be installed in a metal raceway or a cable with a metal sheath. Exception No. 2: Where RMC, IMC or EMT, meeting the requirements of Section 250.118 using a metal outlet and junction boxes is installed for the portion of the branch circuit between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a combination AFCI at the first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the circuit. Article 210.52(G). Basements and Garages. (Amend by adding the following.) In the construction of, or addition to, attached and detached garages, at least one lampholder, one switch and one G.F.C.I. receptacle shall be required. 28 Article 215.9. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel. (Amend by adding the following.) Ground-fault circuit interrupters shall be self-contained units, circuit breaker types, feedthrough receptacle types or other approved types. When feed through G.F.C.I. receptacles are used, they shall feed only receptacles on the same floor as the resetting means. Article 230.4. Services. (Add Article 230.4 to read as follows.) 1. Each dwelling unit main service entrance equipment shall consist of a single disconnecting means of not less than 100-ampere capacity. A minimum of six (6) breakers or fuses must be in use for any dwelling unit. 2. In commercial and industrial buildings, the service shall have a rating not less than the load to be carried; however, in no case shall the service by smaller than 100ampere. 3. Half-size breakers are not approved for any use. Article 230.23(B). Minimum size. (Amend to read as follows.) The conductors shall not be smaller than 8AWG copper. The use of aluminum or copperclad aluminum wire for the purpose of Article 230 is prohibited. Article 230.31(B). Minimum size. (Amend to read as follows.) The conductors shall not be smaller than 8AWG copper. The use of aluminum or copperclad aluminum wire for the purpose of Article 230 is prohibited. Article 230.43. Wiring methods for 600 volts, nominal, or less. (Amend to read as follows.) Service-entrance conductors preceding the first disconnecting means shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of this Code covering the type of wiring method used and limited to the following methods: (1) Rigid metal conduit (2) Intermediate metal conduit (3) Rigid nonmetallic conduit when located outside the structure and terminating at the local utility pad Article 230.67. Location. (Add Article 230.67 to read as follows.) No outside meter fitting for a single-family house shall be installed on the front or rear wall of the building, only a side wall installation is permitted. Article 230.70(A)(1). Readily accessible location. (Amend to read as follows.) The service disconnecting means (circuit breaker or fused switch device(s)) shall be located within five (5) feet of the point where the service conductors enter the building and/or within five (5) feet of the metering device. Exceptions to this rule shall be made only with the approval of the Public Utilities and the Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction. 29 Article 230.71(A) General. (Amend to read as follows.) In all applications a single main disconnecting means shall be installed. Exceptions to this rule shall be made only with the approval of the Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction. Note: Sequence switching NOT permitted. Article 230.71(B) Single-pole units. (Amend to read as follows.) In all applications a single main disconnecting means shall be installed. Exceptions to this rule shall be made only with the approval of the Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction. Note: Sequence switching not permitted. Article 240.87. Circuit breakers for other than dwelling units. (Add Article 240.87 to read as follows.) All electrical panels shall be bolt-on type circuit breakers. Article 250.30(A)(1). System bonding jumper. (Amend to read as follows.) An unspliced system bonding jumper in compliance with 250.28(A) through (D) that is sized based on the derived phase conductors shall be used to connect the equipment grounding conductor. This connection shall be made only at the point of the separately derived system that has no disconnecting means or overcurrent devices. The point of connection of the grounding electrode conductor shall directly connect to the grounded terminal of the separately derived system. Exception No. 1: For separately derived systems that are dual fed (double ended) in a common enclosure or grouped together in separate enclosures and employing a secondary tie, a single system bonding jumper connection to the tie point of the grounded circuit conductors from each power source shall be permitted. Exception No. 2: A system bonding jumper at both the source and the first disconnecting means shall be permitted where doing so does not establish a parallel path for the grounded conductor. Where a grounded conductor is used in this manner, it shall be smaller than the size specified for the system bonding jumper but shall not be required to be larger than the grounded conductor(s). For the purposes of this exception, connection through the earth shall not be considered as provided a parallel path. Exception No. 3: The size of the system bonding jumper for a system that supplies a Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 circuit, and is derived from a transformer rated not more than 1000 volt-amperes, shall not be smaller than the derived phase conductors and shall not be smaller than 14 AWG copper or 12 AWG aluminum. Article 250.52(A)(1). Metal underground water pipe. (Amend to read as follows.) A metal underground water pipe in direct contact with the earth for 3.0m (10ft) or more (including any metal well casing effectively bonded to the pipe) and electrically continuous (or made electrically continuous by bonding around insulating joints or insulating pipe) to the points of connection of the grounding electrode conductor and the bonding conductors. Interior metal water piping located more than 1.52m (5ft) from the point of entrance to the building shall not be used as a part of the grounding electrode 30 system or as a conductor to interconnect electrodes that are part of the grounding electrode system. All ground conductors shall be enclosed in conduit and run to street side of water meter and shall be terminated in a visible and readily accessible location with a “Warning Tag”. Water meter shall have a jumper wire installed. Article 250.62. Grounding electrode conductor material. (Amend to read as follows.) The grounding electrode conductor shall be copper. The use of aluminum or copper-clad aluminum wire for the purpose of grounding is prohibited. The grounding electrode conductor shall be solid or stranded, insulated or covered. Article 300.13 Mechanical and electrical continuity-conductors. (Amend by adding the following.) (C) Use of stab-lock connections on receptacles is prohibited. Article 310.2(B). Conductor Material. (Amend to read as follows.) Use of aluminum conductors and copper-clad aluminum conductors is prohibited. Conductor material shall be copper only. Article 320. Armored Cable: Type AC. (delete.) Article 324. Flat Conductor Cable: Type FCC. (delete.) Article 330. Metal-Clad Cable: Type MC. (delete.) Article 334. Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable: Types NM, NMC, and NMS. (delete.) Article 338.10(B). Branch Circuits or Feeders. (delete.) Article 352.10(A)(C)(D)(E)(F) Uses Permitted. (delete.) Article 352.12. Uses Not Permitted. (Amend by adding the following.) (G) Conduits installed below or in concrete slabs. All conduits that are installed below or in concrete slabs within the perimeters of the foundation wall shall be rigid galvanized metal conduit. (H) Detached Structures. All conduits that contain conductors for the purpose of supplying electricity to detached structures such as garages, storage sheds, etc., shall be installed in rigid galvanized metal conduit. Article 356. Liquidtight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit: Type LFNC. (delete.) Article 358.12. Uses Not Permitted. (Amend to read as follows.) The use of listed electrical metal tubing shall be permitted for both exposed and concealed work. Electrical metal tubing shall not be used: (1) Where, during installation or afterward, it will be subject to severe physical damage 31 (2) Where protected from corrosion solely by enamel (3) In cinder concrete or cinder fill where subject to permanent moisture unless protected on all sides by a layer of noncinder concrete at least 50 mm (2 in.) thick or unless the tubing is at least 450 mm (18 in.) under the fill (4) In any hazardous (classified) location except as permitted by sections502.4, 503.3, and 504.20 (5) For the support of fixtures or other equipment except conduit bodies no larger than the largest trade size of the tubing (6) In earth or concrete on or below grade. Where practicable, dissimilar metals in contact anywhere in the system shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of galvanic action Exception: Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to be used with steel electrical metal tubing. Article 382. Nonmetallic Extensions. (delete.) Article 394. Concealed Knob-and-Tube Wiring. (delete.) Article 396. Messenger Supported Wiring. (delete.) Article 398. Open Wiring on Insulators. (delete.) Article 450.27. Oil-Insulated Transformers Installed Outdoors. (Amend to read as follows.) Space separations shall be at least five (5) feet horizontally from a doorway or window and twenty (20) feet from a fire escape. Article 505. Class 1, Zone 0, 1, and 2 Locations. (delete.) Article 525.20(G). Protection. (Amend to read as follows.) Flexible cords or cables running on the ground where accessible to the public shall be covered with approved nonconductive mats. Cables and mats shall be arranged so as not to present a tripping hazard. Article 552. Park Trailers. (delete.) Article 604.4. Uses Permitted. Exception No. 1 and Exception No. 2 are deleted. Article 604.6(A)(2). Conduits. Exception No. 1 and Exception No. 2 are deleted. Table 680.10 Minimum Burial Depths. (Amend to read as follows.) Minimum burial Wiring method mm in. Rigid metal conduit 150 6 32 Article 680.23(A)(4). Voltage Limitation. (Amend to read as follows.) Lighting fixtures installed in swimming pools, fountains, and the like, shall not operate at more than twelve (12) volts, as measured between conductors. Article 700.12(F). Unit Equipment. (Amend to read as follows.) Individual unit equipment for emergency illumination shall consist of the following: (1) A rechargeable battery (2) A battery charging means (3) Provisions for one or more lamps mounted on the equipment, or shall be permitted to have terminals for remote lamps, or both (4) A relaying device arranged to energize the lamps automatically upon failure of the supply to the unit equipment The batteries shall be of suitable rating and capacity to supply and maintain at not less than 87 ½ percent of the nominal battery voltage for the total lamp load associated with the unit for a period of at least 1 ½ hours, or the unit equipment shall supply and maintain not less than 60 percent of the initial hours. Storage batteries, whether of the acid or alkali type, shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of emergency service. Unit equipment shall be permanently fixed in place (i.e., not portable) and shall have all wiring to each unit installed in accordance with the requirements of any of the wiring methods in Chapter 3. The branch circuit feeding the unit equipment shall be the same branch circuit as that serving the normal lighting in the area and connected ahead of any local switches. The branch circuit feeding unit equipment shall be clearly identified at the distribution panel. Emergency illumination fixtures that obtain power from a unit equipment and are not part of the unit equipment shall be wired to the unit equipment as required by Section 700.9 and by one of the wiring methods of Chapter 3. Exception: In a separate and uninterrupted area supplied by a minimum of three normal lighting circuits, a separate branch circuit for unit equipment shall be permitted if it originates from the same panelboard as that of the normal lighting circuits and is provided with a lock-on feature. Article 700.16. Emergency Illumination. (Amend to read as follows.) Emergency illumination shall include all required means of egress lighting, illuminated exit signs and all other lights specified as necessary to provide required illumination. Emergency lighting systems shall be designed and installed so that the failure of any individual lighting element, such as the burning out of a light bulb, cannot leave in total darkness any space that requires emergency illumination. Where high-intensity discharge lighting such as high and low-pressure sodium, mercury vapor, and metal halide is used as the sole source of normal illumination, the emergency lighting system shall be required to operate until normal illumination has been restored. Emergency (battery pack) lighting shall be installed in each electrical room, closet, or vault, wherever an electrical service is located, or adjacent to any electrical service panel. Article 701.11(D). Separate Service. (delete.) 33 Article 720.12. Water Meter Conduit. (Add Article 720.12 to read as follows.) In all new construction a metal conduit shall be installed from the water meter location to an outside wall at a point approximately five (5) feet from the front of the building and three (3) feet to five (5) feet in height from the top of the foundation wall, or to a location approved by the electrical inspector. This conduit is low voltage wiring to a remote reader for the water meter; wiring and reader will be installed by the Department of Public Works. Annex G. Administration and enforcement. (delete.) SECTION 5: Chapter 15.14 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.14 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Sections: 15.14.010 15.14.020 Adoption by reference. Amendments. 15.14.010 Adoption by reference. (Amend to read as follows.) The 20062009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code is adopted by reference. 15.14.020 Amendments. (Amend to read as follows.) The 20062009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code is amended to read as follows: Section 102.1.1 Above code programs. (Amend to read as follows.) The code official or other authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to deem a national, state or local energy efficiency program to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code. Buildings approved in writing by such an energy efficiency program shall be considered in compliance with this code. Two sets of compliance statements, such as but not limited to either a REScheck or COMcheck or equal approved energy efficiency program, are required to be submitted by the person responsible for the construction drawings. If a licensed design professional is responsible, these sets are to be signed and sealed by the design professional. The requirements identified as “mandatory” in Chapters 4 and 5 of this code, as applicable, shall be met. Section 107.1 General. (Amend to read as follows.) The standards, and portions thereof, referred to in this code and listed in Chapter 6 shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the extent of such reference. The following codes and standards are no adopted by reference: 34 IPC-2006 International Plumbing CodeSection 106.1 General. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those listed in Chapter 6, and such codes and standards shall be considered as part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IBC-2009 International Building Code IFC-2009 International Fire Code IFGC-2009 International Fuel Gas Code IMC-2009 International Mechanical Code IPC-2009 International Plumbing Code IRC-2009 International Residential Code SECTION 6 : Chapter 15.16 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.16 ANTIBURGLARY SECURITY CODE Sections: 15.16.010 15.16.020 15.16.030 15.16.040 15.16.050 15.16.060 15.16.070 15.16.080 15.16.090 15.16.100 Scope. Definitions. Responsibility for compliance. Alternate materials and methods of construction. Tests. Exceptions. Unlawful acts designated – Violations and penalties. Appeals. Private dwelling – Minimum standards. Multiple dwelling – Minimum standards. 15.16.010 Scope. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to: A. All new construction; B. The entire building or structure when additions, alterations, or repairs within any twelve-month period, exceed fifty percent of the replacement valve value of the existing building or structure. 15.16.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows: A. “Burglar-resistant glazing material” means a glazed minimum of one-half inch tempered insulated glass. B. “Cylinder guard” means a hardened steel ring or plate surrounding the otherwise exposed portion of a cylinder lock to prevent cutting, drilling, prying, pulling or wrenching with common tools. 35 C. “Deadbolt” means a bolt which has no automatic spring action and which is operated by a key cylinder, thumb turn, or lever, and is held fast when in the projected position. D. “Deadlatch” means a latch which is held in the latched position within a strike by an added, integral bolt-type mechanism and is again released by a key from the outside and a knob or similar actuator from the inside. E. “Door scope” means a system of lenses encased for convenient installation in entrance doors permitting an inside viewer to observe the outside with the door closed. F. “Double cylinder” means a locking device with a keyway on both sides of the door. G. “Multiple dwelling” means any building or structure used to provide sleeping accommodations for more than one family unit or person who is not being detained involuntarily or for medical or other care or treatment, including, but not limited to hotels, motels, rooming houses, dormitories, apartments, and duplexes. H. “Private dwelling” means any building or structure used as a residence by one family unit, with the exception of mobile homes. I. “Rated” means listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, American Society of Testing Material, U.S. Bureau of Testing Standards or other approved laboratory. J. “Strike plate” means a steel plate secured to the door frame which protects the area into which a latch or bolt projects. 15.16.030 Responsibility for compliance. The owner of any building or structure or designated agent shall be responsible for compliance with the specifications set forth in this Chapter. 15.16.040 Alternate materials and methods of construction. The provisions of this Chapter are not intended to prevent the use of alternate devices or methods of construction other than those prescribed, provided such alternatives afford the same or a greater degree of security, and they are approved by the building official. The burdens of proving that such alternative meets or surpasses the provisions of this Chapter shall be upon the person requesting its approval. 15.16.050 Tests. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this Chapter or evidence that any material or any construction does not conform to the requirements of this Chapter, or in order to substantiate claims for alternate materials or methods of construction, the building official may require tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or agent by an approved agency. 15.16.060 Exceptions. No portion of this Chapter shall supersede any local, state or federal laws, regulations, or codes dealing with the life-safety factors. 15.16.070 Unlawful acts designated--Violations and penalties. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, convert, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the 36 Village, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished according to the provisions of Chapter 1.08. 15.16.080 Appeals. (Amend to read as follows.) Any person aggrieved may appeal the decision of the building official as provided in Section 112.1 of Section 15.04.020. 15.16.090 Private dwelling--Minimum standards. A. Exterior Doors. 1. Exterior doors and doors leading from garage areas into private family dwellings shall be either of solid core wood having a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths inches or metal clad flush or embossed doors with a minimum thickness around the perimeter of one and three-fourths inches. 2. Exterior doors and doors leading from garage areas into private family dwellings shall have single cylinder dead bolt devices with a minimum throw of one inch. 3. Vision panels in exterior doors or within forty inches of the inside activating device must be of burglar-resistant glazing material. 4. Exterior doors swinging out shall have nonremovable hinge pins. 5. In-swinging exterior doors shall have rabbeted jambs. 6. Jambs for all doors shall be so constructed or protected as to prevent violation of the function of the strike. 7. Bored cylinder locks shall be equipped with cylinder guards as previously defined. B. Accessible Sliding Patio Type Doors. 1. All single sliding patio doors shall have the movable section of the door sliding on the inside of the fixed portion of the door, unless specifically manufactured to be installed with movable section of the door on the outside. 2. A lock shall be provided on all sliding patio doors. Mounting screws for the lock shall be inaccessible from the outside. C. Accessible Windows. 1. Windows shall be so constructed that when the window is locked it cannot be lifted from the frame. 2. Window locking devices shall be provided. 15.16.100 Multiple dwelling – minimum standards. A. Exterior Doors. 1. Exterior doors into multiple dwelling buildings and doors leading into stairwells, except in hotels and motels, shall be equipped with self-closing devices, and shall have self-locking (deadlatch) devices, allowing egress to the exterior of the building or into the garage area, or stairwell. B. Garage Doors. 1. Whenever parking facilities are provided, either under or within the confines of the perimeter walls of any multiple dwelling, such facility shall be fully enclosed and provided with a locking device on the overhead door. C. Entrance Doors to Individual Units. 37 1. Entrance doors to individual units shall be either of solid core wood having a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths inches or metal clad flush or embossed doors with a minimum thickness around the perimeter of one and three-fourth inches. 2. Swinging entrance doors to individual units shall be equipped with a keyed lockset with a dead latch and a separate deadbolt with a one-inch throw. Deadbolts shall be located a minimum of four inches from the lockset. 3. Vision panels in individual unit entrance doors or within forty inches of the inside activating device shall be of burglar-resistant glazing material. 4. A viewer or door scope shall be provided in each individual unit entrance door which does not contain a vision panel. 5. Door closers will be provided on each individual entrance door. 6. Doors swinging out shall have nonremovable hinge pins. 7. In-swinging doors shall have rabbeted jambs. 8. Jambs for all doors shall be so constructed or protected as to prevent violation of the function of the strike. D. Accessible Sliding Patio Type Doors. 1. All single patio doors shall have the movable section of the door sliding on the inside of the fixed portion of the door, unless specifically manufactured to be installed with movable section of the door on the outside. 2. A lock shall be provided on all sliding patio doors. Mounting screws for the lock shall be inaccessible from the outside. E. Windows. 1. Windows shall be so constructed that when the window is locked it cannot be lifted from the frame. 2. Window locking devices shall be provided. SECTION 7: Chapter 15.20 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sections: 15.20.010 Compliance to provisions required. 15.20.020 Construction--Permit--Requirement. 15.20.030 Construction--Fee--Designated. 15.20.040 Residential districts. 15.20.050 Golf course lots. 15.20.060 Nonresidential districts. 15.20.070 Ornamental fences. 15.20.080 Projections, barbed wire--Prohibited. 15.20.090 Construction and appearance. 15.20.100 Abatement of safety hazard, public nuisance. 15.20.110 Variance--Authority to grant. 15.20.120 Variance--Public hearing. 15.20.130 Variance--Decision--Appeal. 15.20.140 Variance--Golf course lots. 15.20.150 Violation--Penalty. 38 15.20.010 Compliance to provisions required. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or cause to be erected any fence or other screening structure unless it is in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. 15.20.020 Construction--Permit--Requirement. It is unlawful to erect any fence without first having secured a permit. Application for permits shall be made to the building department, and shall specify the intended location, type and size of fence. The intended location of fences shall be shown on a plat of survey submitted with the application. 15.20.030 Construction--Fee--Designated. A. The fee for a fence permit shall be twenty dollars for the first one hundred lineal feet and five dollars for each additional one hundred lineal feet or any part thereof. The fee shall be paid at the time of permit issuance. B. Where work has been started prior to the issuance of a permit, the normal permit fee shall be doubled but said payment shall not relieve any person from complying with the provisions or being subject to penalties described in this Chapter. 15.20.040 Residential districts. (Amend to read as follows.) The following restrictions apply in residential districts: A. Fences may be erected, placed and maintained to a height not to exceed six feet above ground level. No fence, other than an Ornamental Fence, shall be located nearer to the street than the front line of the building. It shall be permissible to erect a fence on a lot up to the lot line at the rear of a lot where the front and rear of the lot are both on a street. No fence may be erected to a height exceeding three feet above the street grade within forty-five feet of the intersection of any curb-lines or street lines projected. B. Fences may be erected, placed and maintained on corner lots to a height not to exceed six feet above ground level. No such fence shall be located nearer to any street than the building setback line. C. Either solid or opaque fences may be erected, placed and maintained around patios to be a height not to exceed six feet above ground level or six feet above a wood deck. No such screening structure shall be located nearer to any interior lot line than permitted for the main building. 39 D. Either solid or opaque fences, to a height not to exceed six feet, may be erected, placed and maintained along a shared lot line between residentially zoned property and: 1. Nonresidentially zoned property; 2. Major streets and highways (as defined in the Village Transportation Plan); or 3. A railroad right-of-way. 15.20.050 Golf course lots. A. Definitions. The following definitions pertain only to this section of the Fence Code. Definitions in other Village ordinances are not applicable. "Above-ground pool" means a removable pool of any shape that is located on the surrounding earth and may be readily disassembled or stored and reassembled to its original integrity. "Hot tub/spa" means any structure that contains water not less than twenty-four inches in depth or has a surface area of not less than two hundred fifty square feet or is equipped with a water-recirculating system and is not intended to be used for swimming or diving. It may include jet circulation, hot water, cold water mineral baths, air induction bubbles, or any combination thereof. "In-ground pool" means a pool that is constructed in the ground and in such a manner that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage. "Swimming pool" means any structure that contains water over twenty-four inches in depth or has a surface area of not less than two hundred fifty square feet or is equipped with a water-recirculating system and is intended to be used for swimming. B. No fence is allowed in any rear yard that abuts a golf course. C. Exceptions. 1. A four-foot high fence is allowed on the property line if it is to be used in conjunction with an in-ground swimming pool requiring such fencing. In such cases a permit for the erection of a four-foot fence will be issued with the in-ground swimming pool permit, as long as they comply with Village regulations, including but not by way of limitation, the Village building code. 2. A four-foot high fence is allowed, not to exceed a distance of six feet from the edge of an above-ground swimming pool or hot tub/spa requiring such fencing. In such cases a permit for the erection of a four-foot high fence will be issued with the above-ground swimming pool or hot tub/spa permit, as long as they comply with Village regulations, including but not 40 by way of limitation, the Village building code. 3. Patio and deck screens are permitted provided they are attached or adjacent to the patio or deck and do not exceed four feet in height. 4. Fencing for dog runs is permitted, provided it is attached and does not extend more than ten feet from the rear of the house, and does not exceed four feet in height. 15.20.060 Nonresidential districts. The following restrictions apply to nonresidential districts: A. Fences may be erected, placed and maintained along a lot line in nonresidential zoning districts. Fences may be erected not to exceed a height of eight feet. B. A six-foot solid fence may be erected to enclose and screen refuse collection areas or facilities. 15.20.070 Ornamental fences. (Amend to read as follows.) In any district, no permit shall be issued for construction of an ornamental fence greater than three feet in height and more than thirty feet of continuous length. an ornamental fence may be erected in the rear, side or front yards. An ornamental fence requires a permit and shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. No ornamental fence shall exceed eighteen (18) feet in continuous length. No section of ornamental fencing is allowed to be placed closer than twenty (20) feet to any other section of fencing. Ornamental fencing is designed to be decorative in nature or to be used as an accent piece. 15.20.080 Projections, barbed wire--Prohibited. (Amend to read as follows.) A. No fence shall be permitted to have any projections, including but not limited to any spike, nail or pointed instrument, barbed wire or other sharp projection. Any fence containing same shall be removed by owner upon receipt of notice from the Village. B. It is unlawful to erect any fence that will cross, block or in any way obstruct public sidewalks or any other public ways. C. No fence shall be erected within twelve inches of any public sidewalk or other public way. D. No fence shall be erected within thirty six inches of any bike path. 41 15.20.090 Construction and appearance. lines. A. The finished side of all fences shall face the front, rear, side and street lot B. Fence posts, including decorative fence post caps, shall not extend above the height of the fence by more than eight inches. C. Fencing material that is over five feet in height shall be of a design that is open so as to allow visibility perpendicular or tangentially through the fence when moving along a plane parallel to the fence, including but not by way of limitation, board on board fencing; shadow box fencing; picket fencing or any other style of fencing that allows open visibility through the fencing material. D. Fence posts for fences over five feet in height shall extend 42 inches below grade, or be secured to a pier which extends 42 inches below grade. E. Existing fences as of May 16, 2011 that exceed five feet in material height and were legally installed by variance, or exist as a legal non-conforming fence, shall be allowed to undergo normal maintenance and repair. If said existing fence is relocated or over fifty percent of the fence is replaced, the fence shall comply with Subsection C of this Section. 15.20.100 Abatement of safety hazard, public nuisance. Whenever any fence is a safety hazard or public nuisance, the owner of the property shall be notified in writing by the Village, and shall remove same within five days from receipt of such notice. 15.20.110 Variance--Authority to grant. A. The Zoning Board of Appeals or the Corporate Authorities may approve variations to this Chapter (except Section 15.20.050) where sufficient evidence has been provided that all of the following criteria have been met: 1. The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances; 2. The proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; 3. There are practical difficulties or particular hardships in carrying out the strict letter of this Chapter which difficulties or hardships have not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property; and 4. The proposed variation will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. 42 B. Conditions and restrictions may be imposed upon the subject property, and on the fence location, construction, and design as may be necessary or appropriate to comply with the foregoing criteria and to protect adjacent property and property values. 15.20.120 Variance--Public hearing. The Zoning Board of Appeals or the Corporate Authorities shall hold a public hearing on such application upon publication of notice in a newspaper or general circulation and posting of said notice on the subject property. Such notices shall be published and posted not less than fifteen days nor more than thirty days prior to the hearing. In addition to said publication and posting, a written notice shall be given to each contiguous property owner within the same time limitation. The applicant shall furnish the Village with contiguous names and addresses. 15.20.130 Variance--Decision--Appeal. An appeal from a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals may be taken to the Corporate Authorities by: A. Any property owner(s) notified pursuant to Section 15.20.120; B. Any other property owner(s) residing within the Village who appeared and objected at the public hearing; or C. An applicant if their request was denied. Such appeal shall be taken by filing a written objection within fifteen days of final action of the Zoning Board of Appeals with the Zoning Administrator. The appeal shall be set for a hearing before the Corporate Authorities as it shall select, and then ten days' written notice shall be given to the objector. The Corporate Authorities may approve, overrule or modify the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals. 15.20.140 Variance--Golf course lots. A. The Corporate Authorities, after a public hearing is held and a recommendation is made by the Zoning Board of Appeals, may determine and vary the application of Section 15.20.050, if evidence presented demonstrates that the plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances and the proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. B. Conditions and restrictions may be imposed upon the subject property, the location, the construction, design and use of the property benefited by such a variation as may be necessary or appropriate to comply with the foregoing criteria and to protect adjacent property and property values. 43 15.20.150 Violation--Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished according to the provisions of Chapter 1.08. SECTION 8: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. SECTION 9: The adoption by reference of the various codes, standards and regulations herein is pursuant to the Village’s Home Rule authority and specifically preempts and is in lieu of the requirements of Section 1-3-1 and 1-3-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILES 5/1-3-1 and 5/1-3-2. SECTION 10: Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished according to the provisions of Chapter 1.08 General Penalty. SECTION 11: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2011. APPROVED: , 2011. PUBLISHED: , 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: Village President Village Clerk 44 ORDINANCE NO. 2011-_____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AND PURSUANT TO ITS HOME RULE AUTHORITY: SECTION 1: Chapter 15.04 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.04 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Sections: 15.04.010 15.04.020 Adoption by reference Amendments 15.04.010 Adoption by reference. The 2006 Edition of the International Building Code is adopted by reference. (Ord. 2008-48 § 1 (part), 2008: Ord. 97-97 § 1 (part), 1997: Ord. 95-15 § 1 (part), 1995). 15.04.020 Amendments. The 2006 Edition of the International Building Code is amended as follows: Section 101.1 Title. (Amend to read as follows.) These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereinafter referred to as "this code". Section 101.4.4 Plumbing. (Amend to read as follows.) The provisions of the Illinois Plumbing Code shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system. The provisions of the Illinois Plumbing Code shall apply to private sewage disposal systems. 1 Section 102.4 Referenced codes and standards. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IPC-2006 International Plumbing Code; IPSDC-2006 International Private Sewage Disposal Code; IWUIC-2006 International Wildlife-Urban Interface Code; IZC-2006 International Zoning Code. Section 105.2 Work exempt from permit. (delete.) Section 106.2.1 Compliance with site plan. It shall be the responsibility of the builder/developer to submit to the Building and Zoning Department a spot survey prepared by a Registered Land Surveyor after the foundation is installed. This survey must be at a scale of not less than one inch equal to thirty feet (1"=30'). The survey must also indicate the elevation above sea level of the top of the foundation wall and the top of the curb and sidewalk at lot lines extended relative to a United States Geological Survey benchmark. No construction will be allowed to proceed except for decking, underground water and sewer, and related items until the spot survey is approved by the Building and Zoning Department. This section applies to principal structures only and not to additions or accessory structures. Section 108.2 Schedule of permit fees. (Amend by adding the following) On buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required, in accordance with the schedule as established by the Village of Buffalo Grove. A. A fee for each plan examination, building permit and inspection shall be paid prior to the issuance of permit(s) in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Building Permit Fees. For construction costs up to one thousand dollars, the fee will be fifty dollars. For construction costs over one thousand dollars, the fee will be fifty dollars for the first one thousand dollars, plus ten dollars for each additional one thousand dollars or fraction thereof. Decks, sheds, gazebos and patios have a fifty-five dollar base fee plus fifteen cents per sq. ft. (not including any electrical fees). Whenever the cost of construction is a factor in determining a permit or plan review fee, the valuation of building projects shall be established based on the 2 greater of: a. The cost of construction established by the International Code Council (ICC) and published on their website. Adjustments to these figures shall be made on March 1 of each year based upon ICC published data; or b. The cost of construction as stated by the applicant or agent on the application for the relevant permit. 2. Building Plan Review Fees. Building Sq. Ft. Up to 500 501 through 1,000 1,001 through 2,000 2,001 through 3,000 3,001 through 4,000 4,001 through 5,000 5,001 and over Plan Review Fee $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $175.00 $200.00 $250.00 $0.05 per sq. ft. Alterations and remodeling where it is impractical to compute plan review fees on a square foot basis, the fee shall be .25% (.0025) of the cost of the work to be performed. The minimum plan review fee shall be fifty dollars. 3. Plumbing Permit Fees. Water heater Each sump pump pit Each sewer service Each water service Each water meter Each clean out Each plumbing fixture or opening not listed In-ground swimming pool Lawn sprinkler system Sewer repair Minimum plumbing fee Plan review fee $50.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $60.00 $4.00/head $75.00 minimum $65.00 $50.00 $50.00 or 25% of building plan review fee -whichever is greater 4. Electrical Permit Fees. (a) The fees for circuits shall be determined as follows: 15 AMPS - $7.00 each 20 AMPS - $12.00 each 3 30 AMPS - $20.00 each 40 AMPS - $25.00 each 50 AMPS - $30.00 each 60 AMPS - $40.00 each (b) For services, including service revisions, the fee shall be: 100 amp 101 through 200 amp 201 through 400 amp 401 through 800 amp 801 through 1199 amp 1200 through 4000 amp 4001 through 8000 amp $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 (c) For feeder circuits, the fees shall be: 60 through 100 amp 101 through 200 amp 201 through 400 amp 401 through 600 amp 601 through 1000 amp 1001 through 2000 amp $35.00 $50.00 $65.00 $85.00 $110.00 $130.00 (d) Motors. The fee for a motor three quarter horsepower or over shall be twentyfive dollars for the first and fifteen dollars for each additional, plus the circuit fee. Except for residential units, the fee for a motor less than three quarter horsepower shall be ten dollars each, plus the circuit fee. (e) Additional systems fees are as follows: System Audio communications Burglar alarm Electronic computer/data processing Fire alarm system Intercom and public address system Relocatable wired partitions Temporary wiring Fee $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 per system $50.00 $50.00 (f) In all installations, except signs, the minimum fee shall be fifty dollars. 4 (g) Electrical permit fees for sign installations shall be based on circuit count in subsection (a) above. (h) Minimum plan review fee shall be fifty dollars or twenty-five percent of the building plan review fee -- whichever is greater. 5. Mechanical Permit Fees. Heating: Residential - New or replacement unit All other uses (new installations) per 2,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $50.00 Residential - New or replacement unit All other uses (new installations) per 2,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof Minimum mechanical fee $50.00 $50.00 Air Conditioning: (Window units not included) Plan review fee: $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 or 25% of building plan review fee -whichever is greater 6. Elevator Permit Fees. New installation: Each elevator, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator, conveyor or manlift (includes initial inspection) $125.00 Each elevator, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator, conveyor or manlift Repairs and reinspections: $80.00 per inspection Each elevator, conveyor, dumbwaiter, moving walk, escalator or manlift for buildings of four stories or less $175.00 Semi-annual inspection/Certificate of compliance: $80.00 per inspection Plan review fee: Additional fee per floor for every story above four stories: $10.00 7. Fire Protection System Fees. 5 Fire Suppression New automatic sprinkler system Each system, 1--100 heads Every 100 additional heads or fraction thereof Renovation to an existing system: 20 heads or less 21--100 heads Every 100 additional heads or fraction thereof Partial system of the domestic water system Standpipes (each) Fire pumps (each) Hood suppression systems Clean agent extinguishing systems Alternate fire extinguishing systems Means of egress access control systems Plan review/inspection fee for fire suppression systems Fire Alarm Systems New or modifications to an existing system (this is in addition to a $100.00 electrical fee) Plan review/inspection fee for fire alarm systems 5,000 sq. ft. or less 5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. or more $125.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 $60.00 $50.00 $5.00 per device (minimum $100.00) $5.00 per device (minimum $150.00) 8. Swimming Pool Fees. Above-ground pools: Installation or alteration $50.00 In-ground pools will comply with building fee schedule. The installation permit fee shall be in addition to any electrical or plumbing fees that may be required. 9. Health Department Plan Review Fees. Plan review fees for the Health Department shall be fifty dollars or twenty-five percent of building plan review 6 fee--whichever is greater. 10. Reinspection Fees. The aforementioned permit fees include one reinspection. Any inspection or reinspection not covered by the fees designated in this section shall be charged at fifty dollars per inspection. 11. Work Prior to Permit. Where work has been started prior to the issuance of a permit, the normal permit fee shall be doubled with a minimum of fifty dollars and a maximum of one thousand dollars. 12. Certificate of Occupancy. The fee for Certificate of Occupancy, including business license inspections, shall be as follows: Residential (per unit) Non-residential (per unit) $50.00 $150.00 13. Zoning/Code Compliance Letter -- non-residential only $150.00 14. Parking Lot Repairs/Restriping - $50.00 Section 112.1 Appeal: (Amend to read as follows.) Any person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the Village Manager. A letter for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equivalent or better method of construction is proposed. All appeals shall be filed within thirty days of the decision of the code official. The Village Manager shall affirm, modify, or reverse the decision of the code official. Section 112.2 Limitations on authority. (delete.) Section 112.3 Qualifications. (delete.) Section 406.1.4 Separation. Separations shall comply with the following: (Amend to read as follows.) 1. The private garage shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by means of a minimum 5/8-inch gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than a 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent. Door openings between a private garage and the dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1 3/4 inches thick. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted. Doors shall be self-closing and self7 latching. 2. Ducts in a private garage and ducts penetrating the walls or ceilings separating the dwelling unit from the garage shall be constructed of a minimum 0.019-inch sheet steel and shall have no openings into the garage. 3. A separation is not required between a Group R-3 and U carport, provided the carport is entirely open on two or more sides and there are not enclosed areas above. Attached private garages shall be completely separated from adjacent tenant vehicle spaces by means of a floor to ceiling partition or by a partition extending to the underside of the roof deck. All interior combustible framing shall be covered with 5/8 inch gypsum board or the equivalent. Exceptions: 1. Garages of Type 1 or 2 construction or 2. Fully sprinklered garages complying with NFPA 13. 3. Overhead doors including header and jambs. Section 406.1.5 One-story frame detached garage and accessory buildings. (Add Section 406.1.5 to read as follows.) Comply with construction requirements for one-story dwellings with the following exceptions: 1. Foundation walls and footings shall not be less than eighteen inches (18") below finish grade, six inches (6") minimum thickness at the top and shall be flared to not less than twelve inches (12") at the bottom. 2. Grade beam construction is permitted consisting of a four inch (4") concrete floor that is monolithically poured over a minimum four inches (4") of crushed stone, sand or gravel with a minimum ten inches (10") thickened outer edge and a width of twenty inches (20") around perimeter of building. 3. Studs, maximum spacing twenty-four inches (24") on center. Doubling of studs not required on jambs of openings less than three feet, five inches (3'5") wide. 4. Wall sheathing and building paper may be omitted if corner bracing is used. Each corner is to be braced from top downward in two directions to a minimum of seventy-two inches (72") from corner at sill plate, and may be applied on the inside surface of studs, minimum one inch by four inches (1" × 4"). 5. Corner post may be two (2) - two inches by four inches (2"×4") or one (1) four inches by four inches (4"×4"). 8 6. A single top plate may be installed in bearing and exterior walls, provided the plate is adequately tied at joints, corners and intersecting walls, and the rafters or joists are centered over the studs with a tolerance of no more than one (1) inch. 8. Concrete floor, minimum four inches (4") of concrete on minimum four inches (4") of crushed stone, sand or gravel. Section 406.4.3 Construction. (Add Section 406.4.3 to read as follows.) Adjacent tenant vehicle spaces in public garages shall be completely separated by means of a floor to ceiling partition or by a partition extending to the underside of the roof deck. All interior combustible framing shall be covered with 5/8 inch gypsum board or the equivalent. Exceptions: 1. Garages of Type 1 or 2 construction or 2. Fully sprinklered garages complying with NFPA 13. 3. Overhead doors including header and jambs. Section 415.6.4 Dry cleaning plants. (Amend to read as follows.) The construction and installation of dry cleaning plants shall be in accordance with the requirements of this code, the International Mechanical Code, the Illinois Plumbing Code and NFPA 32. Dry cleaning solvents and systems shall be classified in accordance with the International Fire Code. Section 501.2 Address numbers. (Amend to read as follows.) Buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches high with a minimum stroke width of 1 inch. Section 603.1.2 Piping. (Amend to read as follows.) The use of combustible piping materials shall be permitted when installed in accordance with the limitations of the International Mechanical Code and the Illinois Plumbing Code. Section 903.2 Automatic Fire Suppression Systems, where required: (Amend to read as follows.) Approved automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be installed in all new buildings regardless of materials used in construction and/or use group classification. Exceptions: 9 1. One-family dwelling, which is hereby defined as a building designed exclusively for use and occupancy by one family which building is entirely surrounded by open space and said open space being on the same zoning lot as the building. 2. Detached accessory buildings with an intended use that is incidental to that of the primary building on the same lot of record as a detached one-family dwelling. Detached accessory buildings shall include, but not be limited to, detached garages, storage sheds, and animal habitats. 3. Detached accessory buildings with an intended use that is incidental to that of the primary building on the same lot of record where the primary building is classified as a Use Group B, F, I, M, S, and U that are less than two hundred and fifty square feet in size. This exception shall not apply if the horizontal separation between the accessory building is less than twenty five feet from any other building or the accessory building and/or structure is used for the storage of the following hazardous materials: (a) Flammable and/or combustible liquids classified as Class IA, IB, IC, II, and IIIA if the combined quantity exceeds 30 gallons. (113.562 liters). (b) Flammable gas if the quantity exceeds 10 gallons (37.9 liters) and/or 333 cubic feet of gas (9,429.5 liters). (c) Corrosives. (d) Toxic agents. (e) Oxidizers classified as Class 2, 3, or 4. Class 1 oxidizers shall not exceed 100 gallons (378.5 liters) and/or 1,000 pounds (373.2 kilograms). (f) Unstable/reactives. (g) Water reactives if the quantity exceeds 100 gallons (378.8 liters) and/or 1,000 pounds (373.2 kilograms). (h) Pyrophoric materials (all classifications). (i) Organic peroxides (all classifications). (j) Explosives (all classifications). 4. Picnic shelters, gazebos, pergolas, and detached public restroom facilities with a minimum horizontal separation of twenty-five feet from all other buildings. This exception shall not apply if the picnic shelter, gazebo, pergola, or detached public 10 restroom is equipped with a permanent heat producing appliance that utilizes natural gas and/or propane as a fuel supply or if the detached public restroom facility exceeds a total of four hundred square feet in size. 5. In telecommunications equipment buildings, a manual dry fire suppression system shall be installed in those spaces or areas equipped exclusively for telecommunications equipment, associated electrical power distribution equipment, batteries and standby engines provided that those spaces or areas are equipped with an automatic fire detection system in accordance with Section 907 and are separated from the remainder of the building with fire separation assemblies consisting of 1-hour fire resistance rated walls and 2-hour fire resistance rated floor/ceiling assemblies. Section 903.1.2 Sprinkler System Design Criteria: (Add Section 903.1.2 to read as follows.) Hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems shall be designed to maintain a minimum of 10% or 5 psi pressure cushion (whichever is greater) between the seasonal low water supply and the total sprinkler demand. The total sprinkler demand shall include the sprinkler demand and hose stream demand, and/or standpipe demand. Section 903.2.13 Other required suppression systems: (Amend to read as follows.) An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in any existing building, excluding one-family dwellings, when: 1. The total square footage of the building or contiguous space is expanded to 3,000 square feet or more regardless of building separation, fire rated assemblies, and type of construction. 2. Reconstruction involves structural modifications equal to or greater than 50% of the building. Section 903. Exempt locations: (Amend Subsections 3 and 4 to read as follows.) 3. Generator and transformer rooms separated from the remainder of the building by walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, when approved by the fire official. 4. In rooms or areas that are of noncombustible construction with wholly noncombustible contents, when approved by the fire official. Section 903.4.3 Floor Control Valves: (Amend to read as follows.) 11 Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to the riser on each floor of a multi-story building and on each floor in high-rise buildings. Section 903.6 Fire Pumps: (Add Section 903.6 to read as follows.) All fire pumps shall have an outside test header. All test headers shall be equipped with outside stem and yoke (OS&Y) gate valves. Provide a ball drip between the OS&Y control valve and the outside test header. The test header shall have a minimum 2- 1/2" test valves required by NFPA 20. All fire pump test headers shall be wall mounted outside of the building. Test headers are not permitted inside the fire pump room or building. Section 903.7 Exterior access to sprinkler valve room/fire pump room: (Add Section 903.7 to read as follows.) An exterior access door shall be required to provide direct access to the automatic fire sprinkler valves/pump room for all new buildings. Doors shall be labeled "Fire Equipment Room". In existing buildings, where possible, an outside access door shall be provided. The fire pump room shall be constructed to provide a minimum of one hour fire resistive rating. Section 905.3.1 Building Height. (Amend to read as follows.) Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout buildings over two stories in height or more than two stories below the highest level of fire department vehicle access. Section 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections. (Amend by adding the following.) 7. In all warehouse storage areas exceeding 20,000 square feet, and where storage heights exceed 12’ high, provide inside 2-1/2” fire hose valves. Locate the valves at each exterior access/egress door to the warehouse and/or storage area. Provide additional 2-1/2” fire hose valves so that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than 150’ maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The fire hose valve system piping shall be: a. b. A separate riser piping system. The 2-1/2” valves shall be supplied by a minimum of 4” pipe with 2-1/2” drops to each valve. Section 907.2 Where required: (Amend to read as follows.) 12 1. Every new and existing building, except one family dwelling, requiring an electrical permit shall be required to have an approved automatic fire alarm system. 2. All new required fire alarm systems shall transmit trouble, supervisory, and fire signals directly to the Buffalo Grove Fire Department remote receiving station via a wireless transmitter in accordance with NFPA 72. Only equipment certified and approved by the remote receiving station, and/or its' designated proprietor may be installed. The designated proprietary agent shall be the only authorized installer of the approved radio transmitters. Existing systems shall be changed to wireless upon alarm owners request, when the existing equipment is updated or where a disconnection of the telephone lines has occurred for a time period of more than thirty days. 3. All required fire alarm systems shall be connected to the Village of Buffalo Grove remote receiving station in accordance with NFPA 72. Exceptions: (a) Smoke detectors in Use Group R-1 occupancy sleeping areas shall be installed for alerting staff. (b) Smoke detectors in occupancies in Use Group I-3 (907.2.6.3). Section 907.10.1 Individual tenant identification: (Add Section 907.10.1 to read as follows.) All multi-tenant Use Group M buildings shall have individual sprinkler flow switches and control valves. Sprinkler system activation shall include an outside weatherproof clear strobe light over the entrance to each tenant space as directed by the fire official. All outside strobe lights shall be minimum 75 candela. Chapter 11 Accessibility (delete.) Section 1203.4.1.2 Openings below grade: (Amend by adding the following) Protect openings with metal gratings or other approved covers. Section 1211 Signage: (Add Section 1211 to read as follows.) Section 1211.1 Restroom signage. A legible sign designating the sex, either male or female as well as unisex, shall be provided in a readily visible location near the entrance to each toilet facility. Signs for accessible toilet facilities shall comply with the 1997 Illinois Accessibility Code. Section 1404.5.3 Lead-coated copper. (delete.) 13 Table 1405.2 is amended to read as follows. TABLE 1405.2 MINIMUM THICKNESS OF WEATHER COVERINGS COVERING TYPE Adhered masonry veneer Aluminum siding Anchored masonry veneer Asbestos-cement boards Asbestos shingles Cold-rolled copperd Copper shinglesd Exterior plywood (with sheathing) Exterior plywood (without sheathing) Fiber cement lap siding Fiber cement panel siding Fiberboard siding Glass-fiber reinforced concrete panels Hardboard sidingc High-yield copperd Marble slabs Particleboard (with sheathing) Particleboard (without sheathing) Precast stone facing Steel (approved corrosion resistant) Stone (cast artificial) Stone (natural) Structural glass Stucco or exterior Portland cement plaster Three-coat work over: MINIMUM THICKNESS (inches) 0.25 0.019 2.625 0.125 0.156 0.0216 nominal 0.0162 nominal 0.313 See Section 2304.6 0.25c 0.25c 0.5 0.375 0.25 0.0162 nominal 1 See Section 2304.6 See Section 2304.6 0.625 0.0149 1.5 2 0.344 Metal plaster base Unit masonry Cast-in-place or precast concrete Two-coat work over: 0.875b 0.625b 0.375b Unit masonry Cast-in-place or precast concrete Terra cotta (anchored) Terra cotta (adhered) Vinyl siding Wood shingles Wood siding (without sheathing)a 0.5b 0.375b 1 0.25 0.035 0.375 0.5 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 14 a. Wood siding of thickness less than 0.5 inch shall be placed over sheathing that conforms to Section 2304.6. b. c. Exclusive of texture. As measured at the bottom of decorative grooves. d. 16 ounces per square foot for cold-rolled copper, 12 ounces per square foot for copper shingles and high-yield copper. Section 1503.4 Roof drainage. (Amend to read as follows.) Design and installation of roof drainage systems shall comply with the Illinois Plumbing Code. Table 1507.2.9.2 is amended to read as follows. TABLE 1507.2.9.2 VALLEY LINING MATERIAL MATERIAL Aluminum Cold-rolled copper MINIMUM THICKNESS 0.024 in. 0.0216 in. GAGE - Copper Galvanized steel 0.0179 in. 26 (zinc-coated G90) High-yield copper 0.0162 in. - Painted terne Stainless steel Zinc alloy 0.027 in. 28 - WEIGHT ASTM B 370, 16 oz. per square ft. 16 oz ASTM B 370, 12 oz. per square ft. 20 pounds - For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.454 kg, 1 ounce = 28.35 g. Table 1507.4.3(1) is amended to read as follows. TABLE 1507.4.3(1) METAL ROOF COVERINGS ROOF COVERING TYPE Aluminum STANDARD APPLICATION RATE/THICKNESS ASTM B 209, 0.024 inch minimum thickness for roll-formed panels and 0.019 inch minimum thickness for press-formed shingles. 15 Aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel Cold-rolled copper Copper Galvanized steel Hard lead Prepainted steel Stainless steel Steel Terne and terne-coated stainless Zinc ASTM A 792 AZ 50 ASTM B 370 minimum 16 oz/sq. ft. and 12 oz./sq. ft. high yield copper for metal-sheet roof covering systems: 12 oz./sq. ft. for preformed metal shingle systems. 16 oz./sq. ft. for metalsheet roof-covering systems: 12 oz./sq. ft. for preformed metal shingle systems. ASTM A 653 G-90 zinccoateda 2 lbs./sq. ft. ASTM A 755 ASTM A 240, 300 Series Alloys ASTM A 924 Terne coating of 40 lbs. per double base box, field painted where applicable in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. 0.027 inch minimum thickness; 99.995% electrolytic high grade zinc with alloy additives of copper (0.08% - 0.20%), titanium (0.07% - 0.12%) and aluminum (0.015%). For SI: 1 ounce per square foot = 0.0026 kg/m 1 pound per square foot = 4.882 kg/m 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 pound = 0.454 kg. a. For Group U buildings, the minimum coating thickness for ASTM A 653 galvanized steel roofing shall be G. Section 1805.2 Depth of footings: (Amend to read as follows.) The minimum depth of footings below the undisturbed ground surface shall be 42 inches where applicable, the depth of footings shall also conform to Sections 1805.2.1 through 1805.2.3. Section 1805.2.1 Frost protection: (Amend to read as follows.) Except where otherwise protected from frost, foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected by one or more of the following methods: 16 1. Extending below the frost line of the locality; 2. Constructing in accordance with ASCE 32; or 3. Erecting on solid rock. Footings shall not bear on frozen soil unless such frozen condition is of a permanent character. Section 1805.4.5 Timber Footings -- (delete.) Section 1805.4.6 Wood foundations -- (delete.) Section 2406.3 Hazardous locations. (Amend by adding the following) 12. All new glazing installed in a ground floor location in every business located in Business Districts B-1 through B-5 shall be safety glass. Each pane of tempered glass, except tempered spandrel glass, shall be permanently identified by the manufacturer. The identification label shall be acid etched, sand blasted, ceramic fired, embossed or shall be of a type that once applied cannot be removed without being destroyed and shall be visible when the unit is glazed. The installation of replacement glass shall be the same as required for new installations. Chapter 29 Plumbing systems. (delete.) Section 3001.2 Referenced standards. (Amend to read as follows.) Conveyances for which a building permit is issued as of the effective date of August 1, 2008, (building permit for new construction or a permit issued for the repair/modification of a conveyance) must be designed, constructed, installed, operated, inspected, tested, maintained, altered and repaired in accordance with the following standards and recommended practices: (1) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 (A) Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.1-2007/CSA B44-07) and Performance-Based Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.12007/CSA B44.7-07); (B) Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (ASME A17.2-2004); (C) Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators (ASME A17.3-2005) (upgrades required by application of the Safety Code for Existing Elevators and 17 Escalators must be completed no later than January 1, 2009, except that upgrades to the hydraulic cylinder system and the firefighter control system must be completed by January 1, 2011); (D) Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts (ASME A18.12005); (E) Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors (ASME QEI-1-2004). (2) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10036 (A) Safety Requirements for Personnel Hoists and Employee Elevators (ANSI A10.4-2004). (3) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1801 Alexander Bell Drive Reston, VA 20191-4400 (A) Automated People Mover Standards (ASCE 21-2000). or other standards or practices as enacted by the State of Illinois. Section 3001.3 Accessibility. (Amend to read as follows.) Passenger elevators required to be accessible by the Illinois Accessibility Code shall conform to ICC A117.1. Section 3401.3 Compliance with other codes. (Amend to read as follows.) Alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy to existing structures shall comply with the provisions for alterations, repairs, additions and changes of occupancy in the International Fire Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code, Illinois Plumbing Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Residential Code and ICC Electrical Code. Chapter 35 Referenced standards: (Amend NFPA Section to read as follows.) Pursuant to the Village's home rule authority, the following National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards are adopted by reference and supersede those codes and standards listed in Chapter 35 of the 2006 International Building Code. This adoption by reference specifically preempts and is in lieu of the requirements of Sections 1-3-1 and 1-3-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65, ILCS 5/1-3-1 and 5/1-3-2: 18 (1) NFPA 10 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Portable Fire Extinguishers (2) NFPA 14 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Standpipes, Private Hydrants and Hose Systems (3) NFPA 17A 2002 edition Standard for the Installation of Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishing Systems (4) NFPA 20 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps (5) NFPA 96 2008 edition Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations (6) NFPA 13 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems (7) NFPA 13D 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes (8) NFPA 13 R 2007 edition Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height (9) NFPA 30 2008 edition Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (10) NFPA 30B 2007 edition Standard for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products (11) NFPA 33 2007 edition Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials (12) NFPA 1123 2006 edition Code for Outdoor Fireworks Displays 19 (13) NFPA 1124 2006 edition Code for the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, and Retail Sales of Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Fireworks (14) NFPA 1126 2006 edition Standard for Proximate Audience Pyrotechnics (15) NFPA 58 2008 edition Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code (16) NFPA 72 2007 edition National Fire Alarm Code SECTION 2: Chapter 15.05, International Residential Code One- and TwoFamily Dwellings, is amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.05 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS Sections: 15.05.010 15.05.020 Adoption by reference Amendments 15.05.010 Adoption by reference. The 2006 edition of the International Residential Code One- and Two-Family Dwellings is adopted by reference. 15.05.020 Amendments. The 2006 edition of the International Residential Code One- and Two-Family Dwellings is hereby amended as follows: Section R101.1 Title. (Amend to read as follows.) These regulations shall be known as the Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereinafter referred to as “this code”. Section R102.4 Referenced codes and standards. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Exception: Where enforcement of a code provision would violate the conditions of the listing of the equipment or appliance, the conditions of the listing and manufacturer’s instructions shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IPC-2006 International Plumbing Code; IPSDC-2006 International Private Sewage Disposal Code; 20 IWUIC-2006 International Wildlife-Urban Interface Code; IZC-2006 International Zoning Code. Section R105.2 Work exempt from permit. (delete.) Section R106.1 Submittal documents. (Amend to read as follows.) Construction documents for new single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, townhouse dwellings, duplex dwellings, additions to dwelling units above the first floor, modifications which alter the roof of a dwelling unit of a substantial scope as determined by the Building Official, shall be sealed and signed by an Illinois licensed architect or structural engineer. Section R309.2 Separation required. (Amend to read as follows.) The garage shall be completely separated from the residence and its attic area by not less than -inch gypsum board applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than -inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent. Where the separation is a floor-ceiling assembly, the structure supporting the separation shall also be protected by not less than -inch gypsum board or equivalent. All other interior combustible framing located within a garage shall be covered with 5/8inch gypsum board or equivalent. Garages located less than 3 feet from a dwelling unit on the same lot shall be protected with not less than -inch gypsum board applied to the interior side of exterior walls that are within this area. Openings in these walls shall be regulated by Section R309.1. This provision does not apply to garage walls that are perpendicular to the adjacent dwelling unit wall. Section R311.4.3 Landings at doors. (Amend to read as follows.) There shall be a floor or landing on each side of each exterior door. The floor or landing at the exterior door shall not be more than 1.5 inches lower than the top of the threshold. The landing shall be permitted to have a slope not to exceed 0.25 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (2-percent). Exceptions: 1. The exterior landing at an exterior doorway shall not be more than 7 ¾ inches below the top of the threshold, provided the door, other than an exterior storm or screen door does not swing over the landing. 1. The height of floors at exterior doors other than the exit door required by Section R311.4.1 shall not be more than 7 ¾ inches lower than the top of the threshold. The width of each landing shall not be less than the door served. Every landing shall have a minimum dimension of 36 inches measured in the direction of travel. Section R322.1 Scope. (delete.) 21 Section R323.3 Accessibility. (Amend to read as follows.) Elevators or platform lifts that are part of an accessible route required by the Illinois Accessibility Code, shall comply with ICC A17.1. Figure R403.1 (2) Permanent wood foundation basement wall section. (delete.) Figure R403.1 (3) Permanent wood foundation crawl space section. (delete.) Section R403.1.4 Minimum depth. (Amend to read as follows.) All exterior footings shall be placed at least 42 inches below the undisturbed ground surface. Where applicable, the depth of footings shall also conform to Sections R403.1.4.1 through R403.1.4.2. Section R403.1.4.1 Frost protection: (Amend to read as follows.) Except where otherwise protected from frost, foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be protected from frost by one or more of the following methods: 1. Extended below the frost line specified in Table R301.2.(1); 2. Constructing in accordance with ASCE 32; or 3. Erected on solid rock. Footings shall not bear on frozen soil unless the frozen condition is permanent. Section R403.2 Footings for wood-foundations. (delete.) Section R403.3 Frost protected shallow foundations. (delete.) Section R403.3.1 Foundations adjoining frost protected shallow foundations. (delete.) Section R403.3.1.1 Attachment to unheated slab-on-grade structure. (delete.) Section R403.3.1.2 Attachment to heated structure. (delete.) Section R404.2 Wood foundation wall. (delete.) Section R404.2.1 Identification. (delete.) Section R404.2.2 Stud size. (delete.) Section R404.2.3 Height of backfill. (delete.) Section R404.2.4 Backfilling. (delete.) Section R404.2.5 Drainage and damproofing. (delete.) Section R404.2.6 Fastening. (delete.) 22 Section R404.3 Wood sill plates. (delete.) Section R405.2.1 Base. (delete.) Section R405.2.2 Moisture barrier. (delete.) Section R405.2.3 Drainage system. (delete.) Section R502.7.1 Bridging. (Amend to read as follows.) All joists shall be supported laterally by solid blocking, diagonal bridging (wood or metal), or a continuous 1 inch by 3 inch (25.4 mm by 76 mm) strip nailed across the bottom of joists perpendicular to joists at intervals not exceeding 8 feet (2438 mm). Section R505.2 Wood foundations. (delete.) Chapter 11 Energy efficiency. (delete.) Chapter 25 Plumbing administration. (delete.) Chapter 26 General plumbing requirements. (delete.) Chapter 27 Plumbing fixtures. (delete.) Chapter 29 Water supply and distribution. (delete.) Chapter 30 Sanitary drainage. (delete.) Chapter 31 Vents. (delete.) Chapter 32 Traps. (delete.) Chapter 33 General requirements. (delete.) Chapter 34 Electrical definitions. (delete.) Chapter 35 Services. (delete.) Chapter 36 Branch circuit and feeder requirements. (delete.) Chapter 37 Wiring methods. (delete.) Chapter 38 Power and lighting distribution. (delete.) Chapter 39 Devices and luminaires. (delete.) 23 Chapter 40 Appliance installation. (delete.) Chapter 41 Swimming pools. (delete.) Chapter 42 Class 2 Remote-control, signaling and power-limited circuits. (delete.) Appendix D Recommended procedure for safety inspection of an existing appliance installation. (delete.) Appendix E Manufactured housing used as dwellings. (delete.) Appendix H Patio covers. (delete.) Appendix I Private sewage disposal. (delete.) Appendix L Permit fees. (delete.) Appendix M Home day care – R-3 Occupancy. (delete.) Appendix N Venting methods. (delete.) Appendix O Gray water recycling systems. (delete.) Appendix P Sprinkling. (Amend to add as follows.) AP101 Fire Sprinklers. (Amend to read as follows.) An approved automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new two-family dwellings and townhouses in accordance with Section 903 as amended of the 2006 International Building Code. Appendix Q ICC International Residential Code Electrical Provisions/National Electrical Code Cross-Reference. (delete.) SECTION 3: Chapter 15.07, International Fire Code, is amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.07 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE Sections: 15.07.010 15.07.020 Adoption by reference Amendments 15.07.010 Adoption by reference. The 2006 edition of the International Fire Code is adopted by reference. 15.07.020 Amendments. The 2006 edition of the International Fire Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 101.1 Title. (Amend to read as follows.) These regulations shall be known as the Fire Code of the Village of Buffalo Grove, hereinafter referred to as “this code”. Section 102.6 Referenced codes and standards. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 45 24 and such codes and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IPC-2006 International Plumbing Code; IWUIC-2006 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code. Section 505.1 Address numbers. (Amend to read as follows.) Each structure to which an address number has been assigned shall have such number displayed in a position easily observed and readable from the public right-ofway. All numbers shall be in Arabic numerals at least six (6) inches high with a one (1) inch stroke. The color of the numbers shall be in contrast with the background for the numbers. Section 506.1 Key boxes. (Amend to read as follows.) All buildings or structures equipped with a fire alarm or fire suppression system shall provide a fire department key box on the exterior of the building or structure. The box shall contain keys to allow fire department entry in the event of fire alarm activation or an emergency. The fire official may also require a fire department key box if access to the building, structure or area is unduly difficult. All fire department key boxes, location of the key boxes, and the number of key boxes required shall be approved by the fire official. Section 905.3.1 Building height. (Amend to read as follows.) Class III standpipe systems shall be installed throughout buildings over two stories in height or more than two stories below the highest level of fire department vehicle access. Section 905.4 Location of Class I standpipe hose connections. (Amend by adding the following.) 7. In all warehouse storage areas exceeding 20,000 square feet, and where storage heights exceed 12’ high, provide inside 2-1/2” fire hose valves. Locate the valves at each exterior access/egress door to the warehouse and/or storage area. Provide additional 2-1/2” fire hose valves so that no portion of the warehouse and/or storage area is more than 150’ maximum travel distance to a fire hose valve. The fire hose valve system piping shall be: a. A separate riser piping system. b. The 2-1/2” valves shall be supplied by a minimum of 4” pipe with 21/2” drops to each valve. Section 906.1 Portable fire extinguishers. (Amend to read as follows.) 25 Where required: A portable fire extinguisher shall be installed in the following locations in accordance with NFPA 10, 2007 edition. 1. In all occupancies in Use Groups A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, B, F-1, F-2, I-1, M, R1(except single family dwellings not used as adult care or child care facilities), S-1, S-2, and H. 2. In all areas containing commercial kitchen exhaust hood systems Class K fire extinguishers are required. 3. In all areas where fuel is used, stored or dispensed. 4. In all areas where flammable or combustible liquids is used in the operation of spraying, coating, or dipping. 5. In all occupancies in Use Group I-3 at staff locations. Access to portable fire extinguishers shall be permitted to be locked. 6. On each floor of structures under construction, except occupancies in Use Group R-3. 7. In any laboratory, shop or other room of similar purpose. 8. Where required by sections indicated in Table 906.1 for various operations, processes, structures and areas. Section 3301.1.3 Fireworks. (Amend to read as follows.) The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited. Exceptions: 1) Storage and handling and use of fireworks at display sites in accordance with Sections 3304 and 3308.5 and NFPA1123 or NFPA 1126 listed in Chapter 35 of the 2006 International Building Code. 2) The retail sale of approved consumer novelties as defined by this Ordinance shall be permitted but only to persons 18 years of age or older. Such sales shall be permitted only in buildings equipped with approved automatic sprinkler systems. The display of consumer novelties in a building shall be separated from all exit doors by a minimum distance of 20 feet or as approved in advance in writing by the Fire Chief. The sale of consumer novelties shall not be permitted at any building or on any property where flammable or combustible liquids or gases are sold or dispensed. Section 3301.1.3.1 Penalties for Possession. (add Section 3301.1.3.1 to read as follows.) Any person, firm, corporation, or entity that violates any provision of Section 3301.1.3 shall be subject to an escalating fine schedule as follows: 1. First offense: $50 2. Second offense: $100 3. Third offense and each subsequent offense: $250 Section 3302.1 Definitions. (Amend by adding the following) CONSUMER NOVELTIES. Consumer novelties shall mean: (i) snakes, glow worm pellets, smoke devices, trick snappers, trick matches, cigarette loads, auto burglar alarms, toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, and other devices in which paper or plastic caps 26 containing 0.25 grains or less of explosive compound are used, provided they are constructed so that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for the explosion, and (ii) toy pistol paper or plastic caps which contain less than 0.25 grains of explosive mixture. Section 3308.2.1 Outdoor displays. (Amend to read as follows.) In addition to the requirements of Section 403, permit applications for outdoor fireworks displays using Division 1.3G fireworks shall include a diagram of the location at which the display will be conducted, including the site from which fireworks will be discharged; the location of buildings, highways, overhead obstructions and utilities; and the lines behind which the audience will be restrained. All outdoor fireworks displays shall be electronically fired using approved electronic firing units and approved mortar racks. All outdoor fireworks displays shall comply with the provisions of the Illinois Fireworks Use Act (425 ILCS 35), and the Pyrotechnic Distributor and Operator Licensing Act (225 ILCS 227). Section 3308.11 Retail display and sale. (Amend to read as follows.) It shall be unlawful to display, sell, store, or advertise for sale any Class l.3G or 1.4G fireworks within the Village of Buffalo Grove. SECTION 4: Chapter 15.08, Electrical Code, of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.08 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 15.08.010 15.08.020 Adoption by reference. Amendments. Section 15.08.010 Adoption by reference. The 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code is adopted by reference. Section 15.08.020 Amendments. The 2005 edition of the National Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows: Article 110.24. Identification of the Electrical Contractor. (Add Section 110.24 to read as follows.) The name of the electrical contractor performing the work on all new electrical services shall be displayed on the service panel cover. Article 110.26(C)(2). Large Equipment. (Amend to read as follows.) For equipment rated 1200 amperes or more and over 1.8m (6ft) wide that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices, there shall be one entrance to 27 the required working space not less than thirty-two (32) inches wide and six and two thirds (6-2/3) feet high at each end of the working space. Where the entrance has a personnel door(s), the door(s) shall open in the direction of egress and be equipped with panic bars, pressure plates, or other devices that are normally latched but open under ample pressure. A single entrance to the required working space shall be permitted where either of the conditions in 110.26(C)(2)(a) or (C)(2)(b) is met. (a) Unobstructed Exit. Where the location permits a continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel, a single entrance to the working space shall be permitted. (b) Extra working space. Where the depth of the working space is twice that required by 110.26(A)(1), a single entrance shall be permitted. It shall be located so that the distance from the equipment to the nearest edge of the entrance is not less than the minimum clear distance specified in Table 110.26(A)(1) for equipment operating at that voltage and in that condition. Article 210.4 Multiwire Branch Circuits. (Amend by adding the following) 210.4(D). Identification of the Underground Conductors. The means of identification of each system phase conductor, wherever accessible, shall be color coded for 277/480 volt (brown, orange and yellow with gray as neutral conductor) and for 120/208 volt (black, red, blue with white as neutral conductor). Article 210.12(B). Dwelling Unit Bedrooms. (Amend by adding the following.) Exception No. 1: The location of the arc-fault circuit interrupter shall be permitted to be at other than the origination of the branch circuit in compliance with (a) and (b): (a) The arc-fault circuit interrupter installed within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the branch circuit conductors. (b) The circuit conductors between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the arcfault circuit interrupter shall be installed in a metal raceway or a cable with a metal sheath. Exception No. 2: Where RMC, IMC or EMT, meeting the requirements of Section 250.118 using a metal outlet and junction boxes is installed for the portion of the branch circuit between the branch circuit overcurrent device and the first outlet, it shall be permitted to install a combination AFCI at the first outlet to provide protection for the remaining portion of the circuit. Article 210.52(G). Basements and Garages. (Amend by adding the following.) In the construction of, or addition to, attached and detached garages, at least one lampholder, one switch and one G.F.C.I. receptacle shall be required. Article 215.9. Ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel. (Amend by adding the following.) Ground-fault circuit interrupters shall be self-contained units, circuit breaker types, feedthrough receptacle types or other approved types. When feed through G.F.C.I. receptacles are used, they shall feed only receptacles on the same floor as the resetting means. Article 230.4. Services. (Add Article 230.4 to read as follows.) 28 1. Each dwelling unit main service entrance equipment shall consist of a single disconnecting means of not less than 100-ampere capacity. A minimum of six (6) breakers or fuses must be in use for any dwelling unit. 2. In commercial and industrial buildings, the service shall have a rating not less than the load to be carried; however, in no case shall the service by smaller than 100ampere. 3. Half-size breakers are not approved for any use. Article 230.23(B). Minimum size. (Amend to read as follows.) The conductors shall not be smaller than 8AWG copper. The use of aluminum or copperclad aluminum wire for the purpose of Article 230 is prohibited. Article 230.31(B). Minimum size. (Amend to read as follows.) The conductors shall not be smaller than 8AWG copper. The use of aluminum or copperclad aluminum wire for the purpose of Article 230 is prohibited. Article 230.43. Wiring methods for 600 volts, nominal, or less. (Amend to read as follows.) Service-entrance conductors preceding the first disconnecting means shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of this Code covering the type of wiring method used and limited to the following methods: (1) Rigid metal conduit (2) Intermediate metal conduit (3) Rigid nonmetallic conduit when located outside the structure and terminating at the local utility pad Article 230.67. Location. (Add Article 230.67 to read as follows.) No outside meter fitting for a single-family house shall be installed on the front or rear wall of the building, only a side wall installation is permitted. Article 230.70(A)(1). Readily accessible location. (Amend to read as follows.) The service disconnecting means (circuit breaker or fused switch device(s)) shall be located within five (5) feet of the point where the service conductors enter the building and/or within five (5) feet of the metering device. Exceptions to this rule shall be made only with the approval of the Public Utilities and the Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction. Article 230.71(A) General. (Amend to read as follows.) In all applications a single main disconnecting means shall be installed. Exceptions to this rule shall be made only with the approval of the Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction. Note: Sequence switching NOT permitted. Article 230.71(B) Single-pole units. (Amend to read as follows.) 29 In all applications a single main disconnecting means shall be installed. Exceptions to this rule shall be made only with the approval of the Electrical Inspector having jurisdiction. Note: Sequence switching not permitted. Article 240.87. Circuit breakers for other than dwelling units. (Add Article 240.87 to read as follows.) All electrical panels shall be bolt-on type circuit breakers. Article 250.30(A)(1). System bonding jumper. (Amend to read as follows.) An unspliced system bonding jumper in compliance with 250.28(A) through (D) that is sized based on the derived phase conductors shall be used to connect the equipment grounding conductor. This connection shall be made only at the point of the separately derived system that has no disconnecting means or overcurrent devices. The point of connection of the grounding electrode conductor shall directly connect to the grounded terminal of the separately derived system. Exception No. 1: For separately derived systems that are dual fed (double ended) in a common enclosure or grouped together in separate enclosures and employing a secondary tie, a single system bonding jumper connection to the tie point of the grounded circuit conductors from each power source shall be permitted. Exception No. 2: A system bonding jumper at both the source and the first disconnecting means shall be permitted where doing so does not establish a parallel path for the grounded conductor. Where a grounded conductor is used in this manner, it shall be smaller than the size specified for the system bonding jumper but shall not be required to be larger than the grounded conductor(s). For the purposes of this exception, connection through the earth shall not be considered as provided a parallel path. Exception No. 3: The size of the system bonding jumper for a system that supplies a Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3 circuit, and is derived from a transformer rated not more than 1000 volt-amperes, shall not be smaller than the derived phase conductors and shall not be smaller than 14 AWG copper or 12 AWG aluminum. Article 250.52(A)(1). Metal underground water pipe. (Amend to read as follows.) A metal underground water pipe in direct contact with the earth for 3.0m (10ft) or more (including any metal well casing effectively bonded to the pipe) and electrically continuous (or made electrically continuous by bonding around insulating joints or insulating pipe) to the points of connection of the grounding electrode conductor and the bonding conductors. Interior metal water piping located more than 1.52m (5ft) from the point of entrance to the building shall not be used as a part of the grounding electrode system or as a conductor to interconnect electrodes that are part of the grounding electrode system. All ground conductors shall be enclosed in conduit and run to street side of water meter and shall be terminated in a visible and readily accessible location with a “Warning Tag”. Water meter shall have a jumper wire installed. Article 250.62. Grounding electrode conductor material. (Amend to read as follows.) 30 The grounding electrode conductor shall be copper. The use of aluminum or copper-clad aluminum wire for the purpose of grounding is prohibited. The grounding electrode conductor shall be solid or stranded, insulated or covered. Article 300.13 Mechanical and electrical continuity-conductors. (Amend by adding the following.) (C) Use of stab-lock connections on receptacles is prohibited. Article 310.2(B). Conductor Material. (Amend to read as follows.) Use of aluminum conductors and copper-clad aluminum conductors is prohibited. Conductor material shall be copper only. Article 320. Armored Cable: Type AC. (delete.) Article 324. Flat Conductor Cable: Type FCC. (delete.) Article 330. Metal-Clad Cable: Type MC. (delete.) Article 334. Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable: Types NM, NMC, and NMS. (delete.) Article 338.10(B). Branch Circuits or Feeders. (delete.) Article 352.10(A)(C)(D)(E)(F) Uses Permitted. (delete.) Article 352.12. Uses Not Permitted. (Amend by adding the following.) (G) Conduits installed below or in concrete slabs. All conduits that are installed below or in concrete slabs within the perimeters of the foundation wall shall be rigid galvanized metal conduit. (H) Detached Structures. All conduits that contain conductors for the purpose of supplying electricity to detached structures such as garages, storage sheds, etc., shall be installed in rigid galvanized metal conduit. Article 356. Liquidtight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit: Type LFNC. (delete.) Article 358.12. Uses Not Permitted. (Amend to read as follows.) The use of listed electrical metal tubing shall be permitted for both exposed and concealed work. Electrical metal tubing shall not be used: (1) Where, during installation or afterward, it will be subject to severe physical damage (2) Where protected from corrosion solely by enamel (3) In cinder concrete or cinder fill where subject to permanent moisture unless protected on all sides by a layer of noncinder concrete at least 50 mm (2 in.) thick or unless the tubing is at least 450 mm (18 in.) under the fill (4) In any hazardous (classified) location except as permitted by sections502.4, 503.3, and 504.20 31 (5) For the support of fixtures or other equipment except conduit bodies no larger than the largest trade size of the tubing (6) In earth or concrete on or below grade. Where practicable, dissimilar metals in contact anywhere in the system shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of galvanic action Exception: Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to be used with steel electrical metal tubing. Article 382. Nonmetallic Extensions. (delete.) Article 394. Concealed Knob-and-Tube Wiring. (delete.) Article 396. Messenger Supported Wiring. (delete.) Article 398. Open Wiring on Insulators. (delete.) Article 450.27. Oil-Insulated Transformers Installed Outdoors. (Amend to read as follows.) Space separations shall be at least five (5) feet horizontally from a doorway or window and twenty (20) feet from a fire escape. Article 505. Class 1, Zone 0, 1, and 2 Locations. (delete.) Article 525.20(G). Protection. (Amend to read as follows.) Flexible cords or cables running on the ground where accessible to the public shall be covered with approved nonconductive mats. Cables and mats shall be arranged so as not to present a tripping hazard. Article 552. Park Trailers. (delete.) Article 604.4. Uses Permitted. Exception No. 1 and Exception No. 2 are deleted. Article 604.6(A)(2). Conduits. Exception No. 1 and Exception No. 2 are deleted. Table 680.10 Minimum Burial Depths. (Amend to read as follows.) Minimum burial Wiring method mm in. Rigid metal conduit 150 6 Article 680.23(A)(4). Voltage Limitation. (Amend to read as follows.) Lighting fixtures installed in swimming pools, fountains, and the like, shall not operate at more than twelve (12) volts, as measured between conductors. Article 700.12(F). Unit Equipment. (Amend to read as follows.) Individual unit equipment for emergency illumination shall consist of the following: 32 (1) A rechargeable battery (2) A battery charging means (3) Provisions for one or more lamps mounted on the equipment, or shall be permitted to have terminals for remote lamps, or both (4) A relaying device arranged to energize the lamps automatically upon failure of the supply to the unit equipment The batteries shall be of suitable rating and capacity to supply and maintain at not less than 87 ½ percent of the nominal battery voltage for the total lamp load associated with the unit for a period of at least 1 ½ hours, or the unit equipment shall supply and maintain not less than 60 percent of the initial hours. Storage batteries, whether of the acid or alkali type, shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of emergency service. Unit equipment shall be permanently fixed in place (i.e., not portable) and shall have all wiring to each unit installed in accordance with the requirements of any of the wiring methods in Chapter 3. The branch circuit feeding the unit equipment shall be the same branch circuit as that serving the normal lighting in the area and connected ahead of any local switches. The branch circuit feeding unit equipment shall be clearly identified at the distribution panel. Emergency illumination fixtures that obtain power from a unit equipment and are not part of the unit equipment shall be wired to the unit equipment as required by Section 700.9 and by one of the wiring methods of Chapter 3. Exception: In a separate and uninterrupted area supplied by a minimum of three normal lighting circuits, a separate branch circuit for unit equipment shall be permitted if it originates from the same panelboard as that of the normal lighting circuits and is provided with a lock-on feature. Article 700.16. Emergency Illumination. (Amend to read as follows.) Emergency illumination shall include all required means of egress lighting, illuminated exit signs and all other lights specified as necessary to provide required illumination. Emergency lighting systems shall be designed and installed so that the failure of any individual lighting element, such as the burning out of a light bulb, cannot leave in total darkness any space that requires emergency illumination. Where high-intensity discharge lighting such as high and low-pressure sodium, mercury vapor, and metal halide is used as the sole source of normal illumination, the emergency lighting system shall be required to operate until normal illumination has been restored. Emergency (battery pack) lighting shall be installed in each electrical room, closet, or vault, wherever an electrical service is located, or adjacent to any electrical service panel. Article 701.11(D). Separate Service. (delete.) Article 720.12. Water Meter Conduit. (Add Article 720.12 to read as follows.) In all new construction a metal conduit shall be installed from the water meter location to an outside wall at a point approximately five (5) feet from the front of the building and three (3) feet to five (5) feet in height from the top of the foundation wall, or to a location approved by the electrical inspector. This conduit is low voltage wiring to a remote 33 reader for the water meter; wiring and reader will be installed by the Department of Public Works. Annex G. Administration and enforcement. (delete.) SECTION 5: Chapter 15.14 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.14 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE Sections: 15.14.010 15.14.020 Adoption by reference. Amendments. 15.14.010 Adoption by reference. (Amend to read as follows.) The 2009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code is adopted by reference. 15.14.020 Amendments. (Amend to read as follows.) The 2009 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code is amended to read as follows: Section 102.1.1 Above code programs. (Amend to read as follows.) The code official or other authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to deem a national, state or local energy efficiency program to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code. Buildings approved in writing by such an energy efficiency program shall be considered in compliance with this code. Two sets of compliance statements, such as but not limited to either a REScheck or COMcheck or equal approved energy efficiency program, are required to be submitted by the person responsible for the construction drawings. If a licensed design professional is responsible, these sets are to be signed and sealed by the design professional. The requirements identified as “mandatory” in Chapters 4 and 5 of this code, as applicable, shall be met. Section 106.1 General. (Amend to read as follows.) The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those listed in Chapter 6, and such codes and standards shall be considered as part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. The following codes and standards are not adopted by reference: IBC-2009 International Building Code IFC-2009 International Fire Code IFGC-2009 International Fuel Gas Code IMC-2009 International Mechanical Code IPC-2009 International Plumbing Code IRC-2009 International Residential Code 34 SECTION 6 : Chapter 15.16 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.16 ANTIBURGLARY SECURITY CODE Sections: 15.16.010 15.16.020 15.16.030 15.16.040 15.16.050 15.16.060 15.16.070 15.16.080 15.16.090 15.16.100 Scope. Definitions. Responsibility for compliance. Alternate materials and methods of construction. Tests. Exceptions. Unlawful acts designated – Violations and penalties. Appeals. Private dwelling – Minimum standards. Multiple dwelling – Minimum standards. 15.16.010 Scope. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to: A. All new construction; B. The entire building or structure when additions, alterations, or repairs within any twelve-month period, exceed fifty percent of the replacement value of the existing building or structure. 15.16.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows: A. “Burglar-resistant glazing material” means a glazed minimum of one-half inch tempered insulated glass. B. “Cylinder guard” means a hardened steel ring or plate surrounding the otherwise exposed portion of a cylinder lock to prevent cutting, drilling, prying, pulling or wrenching with common tools. C. “Deadbolt” means a bolt which has no automatic spring action and which is operated by a key cylinder, thumb turn, or lever, and is held fast when in the projected position. D. “Deadlatch” means a latch which is held in the latched position within a strike by an added, integral bolt-type mechanism and is again released by a key from the outside and a knob or similar actuator from the inside. E. “Door scope” means a system of lenses encased for convenient installation in entrance doors permitting an inside viewer to observe the outside with the door closed. F. “Double cylinder” means a locking device with a keyway on both sides of the door. G. “Multiple dwelling” means any building or structure used to provide sleeping accommodations for more than one family unit or person who is not being detained 35 involuntarily or for medical or other care or treatment, including, but not limited to hotels, motels, rooming houses, dormitories, apartments, and duplexes. H. “Private dwelling” means any building or structure used as a residence by one family unit, with the exception of mobile homes. I. “Rated” means listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, American Society of Testing Material, U.S. Bureau of Testing Standards or other approved laboratory. J. “Strike plate” means a steel plate secured to the door frame which protects the area into which a latch or bolt projects. 15.16.030 Responsibility for compliance. The owner of any building or structure or designated agent shall be responsible for compliance with the specifications set forth in this Chapter. 15.16.040 Alternate materials and methods of construction. The provisions of this Chapter are not intended to prevent the use of alternate devices or methods of construction other than those prescribed, provided such alternatives afford the same or a greater degree of security, and they are approved by the building official. The burdens of proving that such alternative meets or surpasses the provisions of this Chapter shall be upon the person requesting its approval. 15.16.050 Tests. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this Chapter or evidence that any material or any construction does not conform to the requirements of this Chapter, or in order to substantiate claims for alternate materials or methods of construction, the building official may require tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or agent by an approved agency. 15.16.060 Exceptions. No portion of this Chapter shall supersede any local, state or federal laws, regulations, or codes dealing with the life-safety factors. 15.16.070 Unlawful acts designated--Violations and penalties. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, convert, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the Village, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished according to the provisions of Chapter 1.08. 15.16.080 Appeals. (Amend to read as follows.) Any person aggrieved may appeal the decision of the building official as provided in Section 112.1 of Section 15.04.020. 15.16.090 Private dwelling--Minimum standards. A. Exterior Doors. 1. Exterior doors and doors leading from garage areas into private family dwellings shall be either of solid core wood having a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths 36 inches or metal clad flush or embossed doors with a minimum thickness around the perimeter of one and three-fourths inches. 2. Exterior doors and doors leading from garage areas into private family dwellings shall have single cylinder dead bolt devices with a minimum throw of one inch. 3. Vision panels in exterior doors or within forty inches of the inside activating device must be of burglar-resistant glazing material. 4. Exterior doors swinging out shall have nonremovable hinge pins. 5. In-swinging exterior doors shall have rabbeted jambs. 6. Jambs for all doors shall be so constructed or protected as to prevent violation of the function of the strike. 7. Bored cylinder locks shall be equipped with cylinder guards as previously defined. B. Accessible Sliding Patio Type Doors. 1. All single sliding patio doors shall have the movable section of the door sliding on the inside of the fixed portion of the door, unless specifically manufactured to be installed with movable section of the door on the outside. 2. A lock shall be provided on all sliding patio doors. Mounting screws for the lock shall be inaccessible from the outside. C. Accessible Windows. 1. Windows shall be so constructed that when the window is locked it cannot be lifted from the frame. 2. Window locking devices shall be provided. 15.16.100 Multiple dwelling – minimum standards. A. Exterior Doors. 1. Exterior doors into multiple dwelling buildings and doors leading into stairwells, except in hotels and motels, shall be equipped with self-closing devices, and shall have self-locking (deadlatch) devices, allowing egress to the exterior of the building or into the garage area, or stairwell. B. Garage Doors. 1. Whenever parking facilities are provided, either under or within the confines of the perimeter walls of any multiple dwelling, such facility shall be fully enclosed and provided with a locking device on the overhead door. C. Entrance Doors to Individual Units. 1. Entrance doors to individual units shall be either of solid core wood having a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths inches or metal clad flush or embossed doors with a minimum thickness around the perimeter of one and three-fourth inches. 2. Swinging entrance doors to individual units shall be equipped with a keyed lockset with a dead latch and a separate deadbolt with a one-inch throw. Deadbolts shall be located a minimum of four inches from the lockset. 3. Vision panels in individual unit entrance doors or within forty inches of the inside activating device shall be of burglar-resistant glazing material. 4. A viewer or door scope shall be provided in each individual unit entrance door which does not contain a vision panel. 5. Door closers will be provided on each individual entrance door. 6. Doors swinging out shall have nonremovable hinge pins. 7. In-swinging doors shall have rabbeted jambs. 37 8. Jambs for all doors shall be so constructed or protected as to prevent violation of the function of the strike. D. Accessible Sliding Patio Type Doors. 1. All single patio doors shall have the movable section of the door sliding on the inside of the fixed portion of the door, unless specifically manufactured to be installed with movable section of the door on the outside. 2. A lock shall be provided on all sliding patio doors. Mounting screws for the lock shall be inaccessible from the outside. E. Windows. 1. Windows shall be so constructed that when the window is locked it cannot be lifted from the frame. 2. Window locking devices shall be provided. SECTION 7: Chapter 15.20 of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sections: 15.20.010 Compliance to provisions required. 15.20.020 Construction--Permit--Requirement. 15.20.030 Construction--Fee--Designated. 15.20.040 Residential districts. 15.20.050 Golf course lots. 15.20.060 Nonresidential districts. 15.20.070 Ornamental fences. 15.20.080 Projections, barbed wire--Prohibited. 15.20.090 Construction and appearance. 15.20.100 Abatement of safety hazard, public nuisance. 15.20.110 Variance--Authority to grant. 15.20.120 Variance--Public hearing. 15.20.130 Variance--Decision--Appeal. 15.20.140 Variance--Golf course lots. 15.20.150 Violation--Penalty. 15.20.010 Compliance to provisions required. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or cause to be erected any fence or other screening structure unless it is in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. 15.20.020 Construction--Permit--Requirement. It is unlawful to erect any fence without first having secured a permit. Application for permits shall be made to the building department, and shall specify the intended location, type and size of fence. The intended location of fences shall be shown on a plat of survey submitted with the application. 38 15.20.030 Construction--Fee--Designated. A. The fee for a fence permit shall be twenty dollars for the first one hundred lineal feet and five dollars for each additional one hundred lineal feet or any part thereof. The fee shall be paid at the time of permit issuance. B. Where work has been started prior to the issuance of a permit, the normal permit fee shall be doubled but said payment shall not relieve any person from complying with the provisions or being subject to penalties described in this Chapter. 15.20.040 Residential districts. (Amend to read as follows.) The following restrictions apply in residential districts: A. Fences may be erected, placed and maintained to a height not to exceed six feet above ground level. No fence, other than an Ornamental Fence, shall be located nearer to the street than the front line of the building. It shall be permissible to erect a fence on a lot up to the lot line at the rear of a lot where the front and rear of the lot are both on a street. No fence may be erected to a height exceeding three feet above the street grade within forty-five feet of the intersection of any curb-lines or street lines projected. B. Fences may be erected, placed and maintained on corner lots to a height not to exceed six feet above ground level. No such fence shall be located nearer to any street than the building setback line. C. Either solid or opaque fences may be erected, placed and maintained around patios to be a height not to exceed six feet above ground level or six feet above a wood deck. No such screening structure shall be located nearer to any interior lot line than permitted for the main building. D. Either solid or opaque fences, to a height not to exceed six feet, may be erected, placed and maintained along a shared lot line between residentially zoned property and: 1. Nonresidentially zoned property; 2. Major streets and highways (as defined in the Village Transportation Plan); or 3. A railroad right-of-way. 15.20.050 Golf course lots. A. Definitions. The following definitions pertain only to this section of the Fence Code. Definitions in other Village ordinances are not applicable. "Above-ground pool" means a removable pool of any shape that is located on the surrounding earth and may be readily disassembled or stored and reassembled to its 39 original integrity. "Hot tub/spa" means any structure that contains water not less than twenty-four inches in depth or has a surface area of not less than two hundred fifty square feet or is equipped with a water-recirculating system and is not intended to be used for swimming or diving. It may include jet circulation, hot water, cold water mineral baths, air induction bubbles, or any combination thereof. "In-ground pool" means a pool that is constructed in the ground and in such a manner that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage. "Swimming pool" means any structure that contains water over twenty-four inches in depth or has a surface area of not less than two hundred fifty square feet or is equipped with a water-recirculating system and is intended to be used for swimming. B. No fence is allowed in any rear yard that abuts a golf course. C. Exceptions. 1. A four-foot high fence is allowed on the property line if it is to be used in conjunction with an in-ground swimming pool requiring such fencing. In such cases a permit for the erection of a four-foot fence will be issued with the in-ground swimming pool permit, as long as they comply with Village regulations, including but not by way of limitation, the Village building code. 2. A four-foot high fence is allowed, not to exceed a distance of six feet from the edge of an above-ground swimming pool or hot tub/spa requiring such fencing. In such cases a permit for the erection of a four-foot high fence will be issued with the above-ground swimming pool or hot tub/spa permit, as long as they comply with Village regulations, including but not by way of limitation, the Village building code. 3. Patio and deck screens are permitted provided they are attached or adjacent to the patio or deck and do not exceed four feet in height. 4. Fencing for dog runs is permitted, provided it is attached and does not extend more than ten feet from the rear of the house, and does not exceed four feet in height. 15.20.060 Nonresidential districts. The following restrictions apply to nonresidential districts: A. Fences may be erected, placed and maintained along a lot line in nonresidential zoning districts. Fences may be erected not to exceed a 40 height of eight feet. B. A six-foot solid fence may be erected to enclose and screen refuse collection areas or facilities. 15.20.070 Ornamental fences. (Amend to read as follows.) In any district, an ornamental fence may be erected in the rear, side or front yards. An ornamental fence requires a permit and shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. No ornamental fence shall exceed eighteen (18) feet in continuous length. No section of ornamental fencing is allowed to be placed closer than twenty (20) feet to any other section of fencing. Ornamental fencing is designed to be decorative in nature or to be used as an accent piece. 15.20.080 Projections, barbed wire--Prohibited. (Amend to read as follows.) A. No fence shall be permitted to have any projections, including but not limited to any spike, nail or pointed instrument, barbed wire or other sharp projection. Any fence containing same shall be removed by owner upon receipt of notice from the Village. B. It is unlawful to erect any fence that will cross, block or in any way obstruct public sidewalks or any other public ways. C. No fence shall be erected within twelve inches of any public sidewalk or other public way. D. No fence shall be erected within thirty six inches of any bike path. 15.20.090 Construction and appearance. lines. A. The finished side of all fences shall face the front, rear, side and street lot B. Fence posts, including decorative fence post caps, shall not extend above the height of the fence by more than eight inches. C. Fencing material that is over five feet in height shall be of a design that is open so as to allow visibility perpendicular or tangentially through the fence when moving along a plane parallel to the fence, including but not by way of limitation, board on board fencing; shadow box fencing; picket fencing or any other style of fencing that allows open visibility through the fencing material. D. Fence posts for fences over five feet in height shall extend 42 inches below grade, or be secured to a pier which extends 42 inches below grade. 41 E. Existing fences as of May 16, 2011 that exceed five feet in material height and were legally installed by variance, or exist as a legal non-conforming fence, shall be allowed to undergo normal maintenance and repair. If said existing fence is relocated or over fifty percent of the fence is replaced, the fence shall comply with Subsection C of this Section. 15.20.100 Abatement of safety hazard, public nuisance. Whenever any fence is a safety hazard or public nuisance, the owner of the property shall be notified in writing by the Village, and shall remove same within five days from receipt of such notice. 15.20.110 Variance--Authority to grant. A. The Zoning Board of Appeals or the Corporate Authorities may approve variations to this Chapter (except Section 15.20.050) where sufficient evidence has been provided that all of the following criteria have been met: 1. The plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances; 2. The proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; 3. There are practical difficulties or particular hardships in carrying out the strict letter of this Chapter which difficulties or hardships have not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property; and 4. The proposed variation will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare. B. Conditions and restrictions may be imposed upon the subject property, and on the fence location, construction, and design as may be necessary or appropriate to comply with the foregoing criteria and to protect adjacent property and property values. 15.20.120 Variance--Public hearing. The Zoning Board of Appeals or the Corporate Authorities shall hold a public hearing on such application upon publication of notice in a newspaper or general circulation and posting of said notice on the subject property. Such notices shall be published and posted not less than fifteen days nor more than thirty days prior to the hearing. In addition to said publication and posting, a written notice shall be given to each contiguous property owner within the same time limitation. The applicant shall furnish the Village with contiguous names and addresses. 15.20.130 Variance--Decision--Appeal. 42 An appeal from a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals may be taken to the Corporate Authorities by: A. Any property owner(s) notified pursuant to Section 15.20.120; B. Any other property owner(s) residing within the Village who appeared and objected at the public hearing; or C. An applicant if their request was denied. Such appeal shall be taken by filing a written objection within fifteen days of final action of the Zoning Board of Appeals with the Zoning Administrator. The appeal shall be set for a hearing before the Corporate Authorities as it shall select, and then ten days' written notice shall be given to the objector. The Corporate Authorities may approve, overrule or modify the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals. 15.20.140 Variance--Golf course lots. A. The Corporate Authorities, after a public hearing is held and a recommendation is made by the Zoning Board of Appeals, may determine and vary the application of Section 15.20.050, if evidence presented demonstrates that the plight of the owner is due to unique circumstances and the proposed variation will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. B. Conditions and restrictions may be imposed upon the subject property, the location, the construction, design and use of the property benefited by such a variation as may be necessary or appropriate to comply with the foregoing criteria and to protect adjacent property and property values. 15.20.150 Violation--Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished according to the provisions of Chapter 1.08. SECTION 8: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. SECTION 9: The adoption by reference of the various codes, standards and regulations herein is pursuant to the Village’s Home Rule authority and specifically preempts and is in lieu of the requirements of Section 1-3-1 and 1-3-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILES 5/1-3-1 and 5/1-3-2. SECTION 10: Any person violating the provisions of this Chapter shall be punished according to the provisions of Chapter 1.08 General Penalty. 43 SECTION 11: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. This Ordinance may be published in pamphlet form. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: PASSED: , 2011. APPROVED: , 2011. PUBLISHED: , 2011. APPROVED: ATTEST: Village President Village Clerk 44 Ordinance No. 2011-__________: Ordinance approving Rules of Procedure by the Village of Buffalo Grove Ethics Commission for Hearing of a Complaint. 12-B Recommendation of Action Staff recommends approval of the attached Rules of Procedure which would be utilized by the Ethics Commission for hearing of a complaint. Overview On December 14, 2009, the Village Board unanimously approved Ordinance No. 2009-84, amending Chapter 2.49, State Officials and Employees Ethics Act of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. The ordinance in part established the Ethics Commission and established Powers and Duties of the Ethics Commission and procedures for filing complaints. The Village's Ethics Commission consists of seven appointed commissioners. At their meeting on August 11, 2011, the Commission reviewed and recommended approval of Rules of Procedures that the Ethics Commission would adhere to if a complaint was made and a hearing scheduled. Following are brief highlights of the Rules: • The Ethics Commission shall conduct and preside over all hearings and take necessary action to avoid delay, maintain order, ensure compliance with all notice requirements and ensure the development of a clear and complete record. • A transcript of the proceedings will be made by a certified court reporter. • The Commission will consider all evidence as may be submitted, including but not limited to, documentary evidence, affidavits, and oral testimony. • The Commission will not be bound by rules of procedure or rules of evidence which obtain in courts of law, although it may take guidance from such rules. • The Commission will state in writing its findings and recommendation to the Corporate Authorities of the Village. Next Steps The Rules will not be codified. Subject to approval, the Rules will be referenced and adhered to if the Ethics Commission is called for a hearing. Prior Actions At the August 11, 2011 meeting of the Ethics Commission, the Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of the Rules of Procedures. Anticipated Future Board Actions n/a Attachments Ethics Rules Proced Ord 9-2011.pdf Rules of Procedures - Ethics 8-11-2011.pdf Trustee Liaison Trustee Berman Staff Contact Ghida Neukirch, Office of Village Manager Monday, September 12, 2011 Ordinances and Resolutions - Item : 12-B 9-7-2011 Ordinance No. 2011 - ______ An Ordinance Approving Rules of Procedure by the Village of Buffalo Grove Ethics Commission for Hearing of a Complaint WHEREAS, Village of Buffalo Grove Ordinance No. 2009-84 amended Chapter 2.49, State Officials and Employees Ethics Act of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code to establish the Ethics Commission of the Village of Buffalo Grove. WHEREAS, the Village Ordinance established Powers and Duties of the Ethics Commission and procedure for filing complaints. WHEREAS, Section 2.49.050 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code provides that the Ethics Commission shall recommend to the Corporate Authorities procedures governing the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS: Section 1. The foregoing Whereas clauses are hereby incorporated herein. Section 2. The Rules of Procedures by the Village of Buffalo Grove Ethics Commission for Hearing of a Complaint, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A, are hereby approved. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. This Ordinance shall not be codified. AYES: ______________________________________ NAYES: ______________________________________ ABSENT: ______________________________________ ABSTAIN: ______________________________________ PASSED: _______________________________________, 2011. APPROVED: _______________________________________, 2011. APPROVED: _____________________________ Village President ATTEST: _________________________________ Village Clerk 8-11-2011 RULES OF PROCEDURE BY THE VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE ETHICS COMMISSION FOR HEARING OF A COMPLAINT On December 14, 2009, the Village Board unanimously approved Ordinance No. 2009-84, amending Chapter 2.49, State Officials and Employees Ethics Act of the Village of Buffalo Grove Municipal Code. The ordinance in part established the Ethics Commission. The ordinance also established Powers and Duties of the Ethics Commission and procedures for filing complaints. This procedure sets forth Rules and procedures of the Ethics Commission for hearing complaints and concerns. 1. Appearances at the hearing on a complaint for a violation of Chapter 2.49 of the Buffalo Grove Municipal Code by the complainant and the respondent may be in person or by counsel. All parties appearing before the Commission must file a completed Appearance form. On the Appearance form each party must provide the Commission with contact information, including but not limited to telephone numbers and email addresses whereby the party can be reached during the day and at night. 2. On the day set for the hearing on the complaint, both the complainant and the respondent are required to be present in person and to be ready for the hearing of their case. Legal counsel to represent the complainant or the respondent shall have the right to be present. 3. The Commission will grant no continuances or resetting of hearings on the complaint except for good cause shown. The Commission may schedule proceedings in a case to extend beyond the initial day set for hearing. 4. The Ethics Commission shall conduct and preside over all hearings and take necessary action to avoid delay, maintain order, ensure compliance with all notice requirements and ensure the development of a clear and complete record. The Commission shall have all the powers necessary to conduct a fair and impartial hearing, including, but not limited to: a. Administer oaths; b. Regulate the course of the hearings, establish the order of proof, set the time and place for continued hearings, set times for filing of documents, and in general conduct these proceedings in accordance with the recognized principles of administrative law and these rules; c. Examine any witnesses and direct witnesses to testify, limit the number of times a witness testifies and limit repetitive or irrelevant testimony, set reasonable limits to the amount of time each witness may testify; d. Rule upon offers of proof and receive relevant evidence; e. Direct parties to appear and confer to simplify the issues or otherwise conduct prehearing conferences; Ethics Commission Rules of Procedure for Hearing a Complaint - 1 f. Require the parties to prepare written briefs or submit authority in support of their positions and proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law; g. Consider and rule upon all motions presented in the course of the proceedings; h. Dispose of procedural requests or similar matters; i. Consider such evidence as may be submitted and determine its competence, including but not limited to, documentary evidence, affidavits and oral testimony; j. Issue subpoenas and rule upon objections to subpoenas; k. Enter any order that further carries out the purpose of these rules, including the default of a party for failure to abide by the requirements herein; and l. Prepare a record of its proceedings. A transcript of the proceedings will be made by a certified court reporter. Copies may be purchased from the reporter and will not be furnished by the Ethics Commission. 5. If the complainant fails to appear for the hearing, the Commission may, in its sole discretion, default the complainant and dismiss the complaint. If the respondent fails to appear for the hearing, a decision in the nature of a default judgment may be entered and the complaint shall be confessed against the respondent only upon a determination by the Commission that the complainant’s complaint sets forth valid grounds for upholding the complaint. The Commission has the sole discretion as to grant or deny a motion to withdraw the complaint. The Commission may, in its sole discretion, require a preliminary showing of proof on the validity of the complaint or response or any portion of the allegations in the complaint or response. 6. Preliminary motions and objections to the complaint in the nature of a motion to strike the complaint or any allegations therein may be heard first or taken with the case-in-chief. If sufficient objections to the complaint are sustained, the complaint shall be dismissed. If objections to a portion of the complaint are sustained, that part of the complaint shall be dismissed. 7. The Commission will consider all evidence as may be submitted, including, but not limited to, documentary evidence, affidavits, and oral testimony. In view of the fact that the Commission must hear and pass upon objections within a limited time, extended examination and cross examination of witnesses will not be permitted. The Commission will not be bound by rules of procedure or rules of evidence which obtain in courts of law, although it may take guidance from such rules. Evidence, including hearsay, may be admitted only if it is of a type commonly relied upon be a reasonably prudent person in the conduct of their affairs. The Commission must render its decision based on the evidence in the record. The Commission may not consider matters outside the record even though it has knowledge of such additional facts. The degree of proof necessary is preponderance of the evidence. 8. The original complaint may be amended with consent of the Commission. 9. All arguments of counsel and evidence must be confined to the points raised by the complaint and the response, if any, to the complaint. The parties shall be limited to 15 Ethics Commission Rules of Procedure for Hearing a Complaint - 2 minutes each for the presentation of their case, unless the Commission extends the period for such presentation. The Commission may require the parties to submit written argument or legal authority in support of their position(s) or any issue involved in the matter. 10. If the allegations in the complaint, or sufficient part thereof, are sustained, the complaint will be held valid, and the Commission will state in writing its findings and recommendation to the Corporate Authorities of the Village. If the allegations in the complaint, or a sufficient part thereof, are not sustained the Commission shall dismiss the complaint, and the Commission will state its findings in a written decision. 11. After the Commission convenes on the date and at the time set, it will be in session continuously until all matters have been considered and disposed of, and if necessary, in the sole discretion of the Commission, its session will be extended or recessed from time to time. Approved by the Ethics Commission, August 11, 2011 Ethics Commission Rules of Procedure for Hearing a Complaint - 3 Authorization to accept contract with Twin Supplies for efficient lighting initiative at Village facilities 13-A Recommendation of Action Staff recommends accepting Twin Supplies proposal to retrofit the lighting at all Public Safety facilities. Budget Impact $0 Fund / Account 451 / 3916 Budget Notes Overview Staff sought out proposals from Twin Supplies and All Tech Energy Inc. Twin Supplies' proposal valued the cost to upgrade all the lighting at our Public Safety facilities at $64,801.15 all of which would be covered by grant funding. Twin Supplies also proposed to wait 4-6 months for payment allowing the Village to receive grant funding prior to paying Twin Supplies. Alltech Energy's proposal valued the cost to upgrade all the lighting at our Public Safety facilities at $60,552.00 all but $756.00 would be covered by grant funding. After reviewing both proposals it would appear that Twin Supplies would be the preferable vendor to complete this project. Next Steps Upon acceptance of the proposal staff will ask the vendor to begin the process of applying for the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity grant funding. Once the notice to proceed has been received from D.C.E.O, staff will notify the vendor to proceed with installation of the new energy efficient lighting. Prior Actions Authorization to Waive Bids and to Request Proposals Anticipated Future Board Actions None Attachments Twin Proposal Complete.pdf All Tech Proposal Complete.pdf Trustee Liaison Trustee Stein Staff Contact Brett Robinson, Public Works Monday, September 12, 2011 Unfinished Business - Item : 13-A YR 4 Buffalo Grove Police - 46 Raupp Area Action Year Lobby Bathroom Bathroom Interview Hallway Control Interview Police Room Jail Process Jail Process Sally port Patrol Sergeant Rooms File Lab Lab Lab Hallway Hallway Close Garage Criminal Invest Cell Office Office Office Hallway Hallway Office Office Office Lobby Administrator Administrator Comm Room Comm Room Hallway Chiefs Office Sergeant Community Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Existing Fixture Hours Per 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 Qty 10 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 6 8 3 8 15 10 2 2 5 4 3 1 1 10 9 1 5 14 3 5 6 5 1 4 12 2 2 2 3 6 3 1 2 Type 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 2F T12U 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 2F T12U 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 1L 3F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 RetroFit Fixture W 78 78 78 158 158 158 158 158 78 158 78 78 78 158 158 158 158 158 78 158 158 78 78 158 78 158 158 158 158 158 158 78 78 78 78 70 158 158 158 158 158 158 Qty 10 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 6 8 3 8 15 10 2 2 5 4 3 1 1 10 9 1 5 14 3 5 6 5 1 4 12 2 2 2 3 6 3 1 2 Type 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 1L 3F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR Eligible to W 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 28 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 28 48 48 48 40 48 48 48 48 48 48 reserve ($) $260.00 $52.00 $52.00 $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 $70.00 $140.00 $52.00 $420.00 $208.00 $78.00 $208.00 $1,050.00 $700.00 $140.00 $140.00 $350.00 $144.00 $210.00 $70.00 $26.00 $260.00 $630.00 $26.00 $350.00 $980.00 $210.00 $350.00 $420.00 $350.00 $36.00 $104.00 $312.00 $52.00 $24.00 $140.00 $210.00 $420.00 $210.00 $70.00 $140.00 Reduced watts (W) 300 60 60 220 220 220 110 220 60 660 240 90 240 1,650 1,100 220 220 550 200 330 110 30 300 990 30 550 1,540 330 550 660 550 50 120 360 60 60 220 330 660 330 110 220 Reduced watts (KW hrs) 1,310 262 262 961 961 961 480 961 262 2,883 1,048 393 1,048 7,207 4,805 961 961 2,402 874 1,441 480 131 1,310 4,324 131 2,402 6,727 1,441 2,402 2,883 2,402 218 524 1,572 262 262 961 1,441 2,883 1,441 480 961 Retrofit 4F Delamp 4F Delamp 8F Retrofit HP T8 T12 WR T12 WR 2F T8 20 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 12 16 6 16 30 20 4 4 10 0 6 2 2 20 18 2 10 28 6 10 12 10 0 8 24 4 0 4 6 12 6 2 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 2 4 0 12 0 0 0 30 20 4 4 10 4 6 2 0 0 18 0 10 28 6 10 12 10 1 0 0 0 0 4 6 12 6 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YR 4 Buffalo Grove Police - 46 Raupp Area Action Year Copy Room Records Office File Room Roll Call Large Lobby Elevator Evidence Room Stairway Records Gun Rag Hallway Elevator Room Weight Room Lunch Office Boys Girls Parts Train Room Men Girls Men Girls Girls Hallway Stairway Exits 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20 Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Existing Fixture Hours Per 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 Qty 1 14 5 2 4 32 2 3 3 3 9 12 1 8 10 6 2 2 6 20 15 8 6 2 1 2 3 11 Type 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 1L 3F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 EXIT SIGN Incandescent RetroFit Fixture W 158 158 158 158 78 78 78 78 78 78 158 158 78 158 158 158 158 158 78 158 158 158 78 70 78 158 78 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qty 1 14 5 2 4 32 2 3 3 3 9 12 1 8 10 6 2 2 6 20 15 8 6 2 1 2 3 11 382 Type 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 1L 3F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 EXIT SIGN LED Eligible to W 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 40 48 48 48 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 reserve ($) $70.00 $980.00 $350.00 $140.00 $104.00 $832.00 $52.00 $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $630.00 $840.00 $26.00 $560.00 $700.00 $420.00 $140.00 $140.00 $156.00 $1,400.00 $1,050.00 $560.00 $156.00 $24.00 $26.00 $140.00 $78.00 $275.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,167.00 Reduced watts (W) 110 1,540 550 220 120 960 60 90 90 90 990 1,320 30 880 1,100 660 220 220 180 2,200 1,650 880 180 60 30 220 90 418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,288 Reduced watts (KW hrs) 480 6,727 2,402 961 524 4,193 262 393 393 393 4,324 5,766 131 3,844 4,805 2,883 961 961 786 9,610 7,207 3,844 786 262 131 961 393 1,826 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132,298 Retrofit 4F Delamp 4F Delamp 8F Retrofit HP T8 T12 WR T12 WR 2F T8 2 28 10 4 8 64 4 6 6 6 18 24 2 16 20 12 4 4 12 40 30 16 12 0 2 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 724 2 28 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 24 0 16 20 12 4 4 0 40 30 16 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 YR 4 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, 109 505 DEARFIELD DUNDEE RD. PARK FIRE #26HOUSE Area Action Year TRUCK LAUNDRY SUPPLY BREAKER ROOM Outdoor Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Replace Existing Fixture Hours Per 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 Qty 24 5 2 3 5 Type 2L 8F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 4F T12 250W MH RetroFit Fixture W 224 224 224 78 295 Qty 24 5 2 3 5 39 Type 4L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 33W LED Eligible to W 111 111 111 48 33 reserve ($) Reduced watts (W) $1,248.00 $260.00 $104.00 $78.00 $1,716.62 2,712 565 226 90 1,310 $3,406.62 4,903 Reduced watts (KW hrs) 11,846 2,468 987 393 Retrofit 4F Delamp 4F Delamp 8F Retrofit HP T8 T12 WR T12 WR 2F T8 96 20 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 YR 4 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, 109 DEERFIELD PARK #26 Area Action Year GARAGE HALLS #1 B GARAGE C GARAGE CLOSET RADIO HALLS #2 FAMILY RM MEN'S RM BEDROOM LOCKER Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Existing Fixture Hours Per 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 Qty 25 1 10 8 1 3 8 15 4 7 12 Type 2L 8F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 2F T12U 2L 2F T12U 2L 2F T12U 4L 4F T12 2L 2F T12U 2L 2F T12U RetroFit Fixture W 224 78 224 224 78 78 78 78 158 78 78 Qty 25 1 10 8 1 3 8 15 4 7 12 94 Type 4L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L F17 T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR 2L F17 T8 WR Eligible to W 111 48 111 111 48 28 28 28 28 28 28 reserve ($) Reduced watts (W) $1,300.00 $26.00 $520.00 $416.00 $26.00 $108.00 $288.00 $540.00 $320.00 $252.00 $432.00 2,825 30 1,130 904 30 150 400 750 520 350 600 $4,228.00 7,689 Reduced watts (KW hrs) 12,340 131 4,936 3,949 131 655 1,747 3,276 2,271 1,529 2,621 Retrofit 4F Delamp 4F Delamp 8F Retrofit HP T8 T12 WR T12 WR 2F T8 100 2 40 32 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 15 12 7 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 30 8 14 24 176 26 0 52 YR 4 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, 1051 Highland Drive Area Action Year WEIGHT ROOM CLASSROOM EMS HALLWAY SHIFT COMM FIRE PREVENT COPY LUNCH CLOSET MEN'S MEN'S LADY'S LADY'S WLMA FIRE CHIEF OFFICE #1 FILE OFFICE #2 CONFERENCE DEPUTY Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Existing Fixture Hours Per 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 Qty 6 20 3 5 4 3 2 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 19 2 4 5 6 Type 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 RetroFit Fixture W 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 78 158 78 158 78 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 Qty 6 20 3 5 4 3 2 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 19 2 4 5 6 104 Type 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR Eligible to W 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 reserve ($) $420.00 $1,400.00 $210.00 $350.00 $280.00 $210.00 $140.00 $350.00 $26.00 $140.00 $78.00 $140.00 $78.00 $280.00 $350.00 $1,330.00 $140.00 $280.00 $350.00 $420.00 $6,972.00 Reduced watts (W) 660 2,200 330 550 440 330 220 550 30 220 90 220 90 440 550 2,090 220 440 550 660 10,880 Reduced watts (KW hrs) 2,883 9,610 1,441 2,402 1,922 1,441 961 2,402 131 961 393 961 393 1,922 2,402 9,129 961 1,922 2,402 2,883 Retrofit 4F Delamp 4F Delamp 8F Retrofit HP T8 T12 WR T12 WR 2F T8 12 40 6 10 8 6 4 10 2 4 6 4 6 8 10 38 4 8 10 12 86 12 40 6 10 8 6 4 10 0 4 0 4 0 8 10 38 4 8 10 12 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YR 4 VILLAGE OF BUFFALO GROVE, 1051 100Highland Half Day Drive Road Area Action Year GARAGE GARAGE PARTS #1 PART S#2 BREAKER SIDE RM LAUNDRY COPY LOBBY FAMILY RM CLOSET HALLS MEN'S #1 MEN'S #2 SHOWER #1 SHOWER #2 LOCKER #1 LOCKER #2 KITCHEN BED #1 BED #2 Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Existing Fixture Hours Per 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 4368 Qty 17 6 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 14 1 5 2 2 2 1 2 4 5 1 7 Type 2L 8F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 8F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 2L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 4L 4F T12 RetroFit Fixture W 224 78 78 224 224 224 78 158 158 158 78 158 158 78 78 78 158 78 158 158 158 Qty 17 6 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 14 1 5 2 2 2 1 2 4 5 1 7 83 Type 4L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 4L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR 2L 4F T8 WR Eligible to W 111 48 48 111 111 111 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 reserve ($) $884.00 $156.00 $52.00 $104.00 $52.00 $208.00 $26.00 $140.00 $140.00 $980.00 $26.00 $350.00 $140.00 $52.00 $52.00 $26.00 $140.00 $104.00 $350.00 $70.00 $490.00 $4,542.00 Reduced watts (W) 1,921 180 60 226 113 452 30 220 220 1,540 30 550 220 60 60 30 220 120 550 110 770 7,682 Reduced watts (KW hrs) 8,391 786 262 987 494 1,974 131 961 961 6,727 131 2,402 961 262 262 131 961 524 2,402 480 3,363 Retrofit 4F Delamp 4F Delamp 8F Retrofit HP T8 T12 WR T12 WR 2F T8 68 12 4 8 4 16 2 4 4 28 2 10 4 4 4 2 4 8 10 2 14 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 28 0 10 4 0 0 0 4 0 10 2 14 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Estimate Name / Address Estimate # 8/8/2011 Project 678 Rep Project Rate Total Ship To Village of Buffalo Grove Dept. of Public Works Fifty One Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2198 Item Date Village of Buffalo Grove Dept. of Public Works Fifty One Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2198 Description Qty ** Buffalo Grove Police Dept - 46 Rupp ** TWO PHILIPS # 169383 F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 WATT EXTRA LONG LIFE 48 MONTH WARRANTY ADVANCED BALLAST #IOP2P32LWSC, SOCKETS,POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 2X4 28X... REFLECTOR,SOCKETS,BRACKETS,WIRE SHIELDS, TWO F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 W EXTRA LONG LIFE SERIES #13990-7 & ADVANCE BALLAST#IOPA-2P32-SC OPTANIUM, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 2 X 2 REFLECTOR, SOCKETS, BRACKETS, WIRE SHIELDS, TWO F17 T8 KUMHO#401841 & ELECTRONIC BALLAST ADVANCE IOPA-2P32-SC OPTANIUM, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 TCP-26L90W RED DIECAST EXIT SINGLE FACE BBU 25 YEAR LED WHITE HOUSING REF-KIT 1 X 3 THREE FOOT F25 T8 & ADVANCE BALLAST, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 1X4 28 W 129 29.29 3,778.41 233 55.00 12,815.00 5 55.00 275.00 11 84.00 924.00 4 27.00 108.00 7 29.29 205.03 97 55.00 5,335.00 **1051 Highland Drive ** TWO PHILIPS # 169383 F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 WATT EXTRA LONG LIFE 48 MONTH WARRANTY ADVANCED BALLAST #IOP2P32LWSC, SOCKETS,POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 2X4 28X... REFLECTOR,SOCKETS,BRACKETS,WIRE SHIELDS, TWO F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 W EXTRA LONG LIFE SERIES #13990-7 & ADVANCE BALLAST#IOPA-2P32-SC OPTANIUM, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 1X4 28 W ** Fire House-505 Dundee Rd. ** Subtotal Sales Tax (0.0%) Total Page 1 Estimate Name / Address REF-KIT 1 X 8 REF-KIT 1X4 28 W LUMECON-33W PHOTO-CELL-B Estimate # 8/8/2011 Project 678 Rep Project Rate Total Ship To Village of Buffalo Grove Dept. of Public Works Fifty One Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2198 Item Date Village of Buffalo Grove Dept. of Public Works Fifty One Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2198 Description Qty FOUR PHILIPS F32T8/ADV/850/ALTO SERIES #13990-7 SOCKETS, BALLAST COVER, AND ADVANCE BALLAST #IOPA-4P32-SC OPTANIUM TWO PHILIPS # 169383 F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 WATT EXTRA LONG LIFE 48 MONTH WARRANTY ADVANCED BALLAST #IOP2P32LWSC, SOCKETS,POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 LED 33W FORWARD THROW WALL PACK LWP2 90,000 L70 LUMINAIRE LIFETIME, 7 YR UNMATCHED WARRANTY PHOTOCONTROL FOR WALL PACK 120V ** 109 Dearfield Park #26 ** FOUR PHILIPS F32T8/ADV/850/ALTO SERIES #13990-7 SOCKETS, BALLAST COVER, AND ADVANCE BALLAST #IOPA-4P32-SC OPTANIUM REF-KIT 1X4 28 W TWO PHILIPS # 169383 F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 WATT EXTRA LONG LIFE 48 MONTH WARRANTY ADVANCED BALLAST #IOP2P32LWSC, SOCKETS,POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 2 X 2 REFLECTOR, SOCKETS, BRACKETS, WIRE SHIELDS, TWO F17 T8 KUMHO#401841 & ELECTRONIC BALLAST ADVANCE IOPA-2P32-SC OPTANIUM, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 2X4 28X... REFLECTOR,SOCKETS,BRACKETS,WIRE SHIELDS, TWO F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 W EXTRA LONG LIFE SERIES #13990-7 & ADVANCE BALLAST#IOPA-2P32-SC OPTANIUM, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 1 X 8 31 70.00 2,170.00 3 29.29 87.87 5 375.00 1,875.00 5 18.75 93.75 43 70.00 3,010.00 2 29.29 58.58 45 55.00 2,475.00 4 55.00 220.00 ** 100 Half Day Rd. ** Subtotal Sales Tax (0.0%) Total Page 2 Estimate Name / Address Description Qty FOUR PHILIPS F32T8/ADV/850/ALTO SERIES #13990-7 SOCKETS, BALLAST COVER, AND ADVANCE BALLAST #IOPA-4P32-SC OPTANIUM REF-KIT 1X4 28 W TWO PHILIPS # 169383 F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 WATT EXTRA LONG LIFE 48 MONTH WARRANTY ADVANCED BALLAST #IOP2P32LWSC, SOCKETS,POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 REF-KIT 2X4 28X... REFLECTOR,SOCKETS,BRACKETS,WIRE SHIELDS, TWO F32T8/ADV850/XLL/ALTO 28 W EXTRA LONG LIFE SERIES #13990-7 & ADVANCE BALLAST#IOPA-2P32-SC OPTANIUM, POWER PLUG LUMINAIRE DISCONNECT #102 DCEO-INCENTIVE ICE-INCENTIVE 8/8/2011 Project 678 Rep Project Rate Total Village of Buffalo Grove Dept. of Public Works Fifty One Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2198 REF-KIT 1 X 8 LABOR ADMIN, BOND F... RECYCLING Estimate # Ship To Village of Buffalo Grove Dept. of Public Works Fifty One Raupp Blvd Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-2198 Item Date 24 70.00 1,680.00 19 29.29 556.51 40 55.00 2,200.00 23,635.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 23,635.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 -39,315.62 -39,315.62 -25,486.53 -25,486.53 LABOR TIME BOND: BID, PERFORMANCE LAMP DISPOSAL AND BALLAST DISPOSAL, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE CONTAINERS DCEO-INCENTIVE BASED UPON APPROVAL ***When the incentive check is received from Judy Baar Topinka, this amount will be due the next day**** ILLINOIS CLEAN ENERGY ACT INCENTIVE BASED UPON APPROVAL *****When the incentive check is received, this amount will be due the next day**** Page 3 Subtotal $0.00 Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 Total $0.00 Illinois Energy Now - Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program 2011-2012 Building/Facility: BUFFALO GROVE PUBLIC SAFET Address: Project #: Lighting Incentive Worksheet - DCEO Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program 2011-2012 (B) # of Units (A*B) Incentive (A) Incentive Unit 15 W or Less $1.50 Lamp $0.00 16 W - 26 W $1.50 Lamp $0.00 27 W or Greater $2.00 Lamp $0.00 $45.00 $82.00 Fixture Fixture $0.00 Delamp, 4-foot Lamp, Ballast, Holders $12.00 Lamp $0.00 Delamp, 8-foot Lamp, Ballast, Holders $15.00 Lamp Delamp, 4-foot Lamp, add Reflector Delamp, 8-foot Lamp, add Reflector $22.00 $29.00 Lamp Lamp 471 4-foot Lamp and Ballast $13.00 Lamp 1042 4-foot Reduced Watt Lamp Only $1.50 Lamp $0.00 $22.00 $2.50 Lamp Lamp $0.00 4-foot U-Tube and Ballast $7.00 Lamp 2-foot Lamp and Ballast 3-foot Lamp and Ballast $7.00 $12.00 Lamp Lamp 116 $812.00 8 $96.00 $25.00 $15.00 Signs Lamp 19 $475.00 Integrated Ballast Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps $7.50 Pulse Start or Ceramic, 100 W or Less $33.00 Fixture Fixture Pulse Start or Ceramic, 101 W - 200 W Pulse Start or Ceramic, 201 W - 350 W $57.00 $66.00 Fixture Fixture $0.00 $45.00 $90.00 Fixture Fixture $0.00 Occupancy Sensors $0.16 Connected Watts Controlled Plug Load Occupancy Sensor Bi-Level Stairwell/Hall/Garage Fixtures w/ integrated sensors $15.00 $70.00 Sensors Fixture Equipment Type Compact Fluorescent Lamps (Screw-in) Hardwired Compact Fluorescent Fixtures 29 W or Less 30 W or Greater $0.00 Delamp, Permanent Lamp Removal - Pre-approval application is required $0.00 $10,362.00 $0.00 High Performance or Reduced Wattage 4-foot T8 $13,546.00 Reduced Wattage 8-foot T8 8-foot Lamp and Ballast 8-foot lamp only $0.00 Specialty T8 Lamps and Ballasts $0.00 LED Lighting LED T-1 Electroluminescent Exit Signs LED Lamp/Fixture $0.00 Metal Halide $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Induction Lighting Interior Induction Fixture 160W or less Interior Induction Fixture greater than 160W $0.00 Controls $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Existing Fixture Wattage T8/T5 New Fluorescent Fixtures with Electronic Ballast (Pre-approval application is required) Total Existing Fixture Watts less total New Fixture Watts $0.75 Total Existing Fixture Watts less total New Fixture Watts $0.75 Total Existing Fixture Watts less total New Fixture Watts $0.75 Connected Watts Reduction 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 LED traffic signal modules. LED Signal Head consists of 1 red, 1 green and 1 yellow ball module. Arrow and Pedestrian LED Modules consist of 1 module (any color). Pedestrian Combo consists of walk/hand/countdown. 8" Traffic LED Signal Head $125.00 Module $0.00 12" Traffic LED Signal Head $150.00 Module $0.00 8" Arrow LED Module $33.00 Module $0.00 12" Arrow LED Module $57.00 Module $0.00 8"-9" Pedestrian LED Module $49.00 Module $0.00 12" Pedestrian LED Module 16"x18" Pedestrian Combo $57.00 Module Module $0.00 Total Appendix B $57.00 $0.00 $25,291.00 B‐2 Number of Existing Fixtures New Fixture Wattage Number of New Fixtures Award of Bid: Cambridge on the Lake Lift Station Rehabilitation - Group B&C Work 13-B Recommendation of Action Staff recommends award of bid for Group B & C work to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Marc Kresmary Construction, LLC. Budget Impact $144,150 Fund / Account 542-411 Budget Notes Overview Following the flooded dry well at the Cambridge on the Lake (COTL) Lift Station in October 2010, several measures were taken to temporarily regain function of the Lift Station. By-pass pumping arrangements and temporary electrical control panels were installed by Village personnel. In addition to the work performed by the Village, several immediately needed items from the previously planned COTL Lift Station Rehabilitation project were separated into "Group A" work which was immediately bid and awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Marc Kresmary Construction, LLC. Group A work was completed and the station is temporarily functional.. The remaining work, of a less immediate nature but vital to the long term operational quality of the Station, was split into Group B & C work and bid separately. Staff now recommends that Group B & C work be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Marc Kresmary Construction, LLC, in accordance with the Engineer's Bid Review and Recommendations attached. Next Steps Following the Village Board's award of bid, staff will enter into a contract with Marc Kresmary Construction, LLC and the involved work will be completed, insuring the long term operational quality of COTL Lift Station. Prior Actions The Cambridge on the Lake Lift Station Rehabilitation Group A work was previously awarded to Kresmary under which certain emergency repairs and security upgrades were performed. Group A construction work is complete. Anticipated Future Board Actions No further Board action would be anticipated at this time regarding the Cambridge on the Lake Lift Station Rehabilitation. Attachments Bid Tab - Recommendation - Group B.pdf Bid Tab - Recommendation - Group C.pdf Contract Docs - COTL Rehab BC.pdf (Appendix) Trustee Liaison Trustee Stein Staff Contact Gregory P Boysen, Public Works Monday, September 12, 2011 Unfinished Business - Item : 13-B See appendix: Appendix003 - Contract Docs - COTL Rehab BC.pdf Authorization to Waive Bids and to Purchase - Pedestrian Fence Along Arlington Heights Road 14-A Recommendation of Action Staff recommends that the Village Board authorize a Bid Waiver and Purchase of 875 feet of chain link fence replacement along Arlighton Heights Road. Budget Impact $14,333 Fund / Account 541-4412 Budget Notes Overview Approximately 875 feet of green vinyl chain link fence along the east side of Arlington Heights Road near Resevoir #1 is in need of replacement due to age, deterioration, and vehicular accident damage. A price for replacement was obtained form the contractor currently performing the Arlington Heights Road work under the Cook County contract. The cost is $17,736.25. The Village expects to be reimbursed $3,403.20 from the motorist's insurance company to offset a portion of the cost. A bid waiver is requested because the contractor is currently in the area working and their pricing compares favorably to a quote obtained previously from an outside fencing contractor, at a savings of almost $6,000. A copy of the alternate proposal is attached as an appendix. Next Steps Following the Board's approval, Village Staff will work with the Cook County Highway Department to initiate a change order to their road project contract to cover the work, which would later be billed by CCHD to the Village. Prior Actions None Anticipated Future Board Actions No futher Board action would be required. Attachments Fence Proposal.PDF Alternate Fence Proposal.pdf (Appendix) Trustee Liaison Trustee Stein Staff Contact Gregory P Boysen, Public Works Monday, September 12, 2011 New Business - Item : 14-A See appendix: Appendix004 - Alternate Fence Proposal.pdf