Catalog 2016.indd - St. Mary Catholic Central
Catalog 2016.indd - St. Mary Catholic Central
St. Mary Catholic Central High School presents “Step Right Up” The Auction…a Celebration for Students PROGRAM FOR THE EVENING Register. View the Live Auction items. Place bids on Silent Auction items. Purchase a Car Raffle ticket. Buy a key for Key Club treasure chest. Enjoy cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. 7:15 Dinner 5:30 6:45 Call to Dinner 7:00 Auction’s Grand Opening in the Dining Room Live Auction Gifts are displayed in the Concourse. 8:10 Home & Garden - “Carousels” – Room 103 Closes 8:20 Women & Family - “Feathers & Pearls – Room 102 Closes 8:30 Men & Sports - “Elephants & Lions” – Room 101 Closes 8:40 Entertainment - “Candy & Popcorn” – Room 100 Closes 8:30 Try your key in the treasure chest. Win a trip to the Bellagio in Las Vegas or $1,200 Cash. 9:00 Live Auction Events begin in SMCC gym. 10:30 Car Raffle Drawing CHECK-OUT OPENS WHEN LIVE AUCTION CONCLUDES. (Check-out is located in the IHM Activities Center.) Thank you for joining us! Please drive safely! April23,2016 DearParents,Alumni,andFriendsof SMCC, Welcome to Step Right Up, the26th annual installment of “The Auction…A Celebration for Students!” Fornearly170years,SMCC,anditsparentinstitutionsof St.MaryAcademyandMonroeCatholic Central,haveprovidedanoutstandingCatholicsecondaryeducationtothepeopleof thiscommunity. The“secret”tooursuccessoversomanyyearsliesinthetremendousdedicationof ourfacultyand staff,aswellasthesacrificeof generationsof parentsanddonors. Tonight,wecelebrateallthosewho,astheBrothersof HolyCrosswouldsay,had“thecompetency toseeandthecouragetoact”inordertopreserveCatholicsecondaryeducationinMonroefor succeedinggenerations.Iamconfidentthatyearsfromnow,SMCCsupporterswillgatherand celebrate what you did for the school this evening. Menu for the Evening Salad Spinach,Iceberg,SlicedPoachedPears,Walnuts,BleuCheese Pear Williams Vinaigrette SignatureDinnerRolls,WhippedButter Beef The Auctionisourlargestspecialeventfundraiserof theyear,andthepremiersocialeventforthe Monroecommunity.Sinceitsinception,wehaveraisedover$4millionforthestudentsof SMCC.The moneynettedfromtonight’seventprovidescriticalsupportwhichallowsustokeeptuitionaffordable andtheopportunityof aCatholicsecondaryeducationopentogenerationsof families.Itisonlywith youron-goinggenerositythatwecancontinuetomakeanSMCCeducationavailabletoallwhoseek it. SlicedMarinatedBeef TenderloinFilet–Bordelaise Withroomafterroomof uniquegifts,adeliciouscateredmeal,andaliveauctionwithoutstanding items,wehopethatthiseveningisamemorableoneforyou.Whileyouareheretonight,youwill interactwithmanyof ourstudents,parents,andalumni and have the chance to see what we call the “SMCCfamily.”Indoingso,youwillalsocometobetterunderstandhowtheSMCCexperienceisone setapartfromotherinstitutions.Weseektobea“Christ-centeredlearningcommunityforminglives inatraditionof faithfulnesstoGospel,educationalexcellence,andservicetoothers.” CaramelizedAtlanticSalmon–Cranberry&MangoChutney Whetheryouareacurrentorpastparent,agraduatefromSt.MaryAcademy,MonroeCatholic Central,orSt.MaryCatholicCentral,orafriendof theschool,wehopethatyouwillhavefun,shop untilyoudrop,makenewfriendsandrenewoldacquaintances,andrealizethatyourhelpthisevening benefitsourstudents. Weareextremelygratefulforyourgeneroussupport.MayGod’sblessingsbewithyouandyour family each and every day. YoursinCatholicEducation, Sean Jorgensen Sean Jorgensen Jason Linster Jason Linster Seasoned Fingerling Potatoes AsparagusSpears,GaufretteCarrots Fish Seasoned Fingerling Potatoes AsparagusSpears,GaufretteCarrots Vegetarian StuffedPortobelloMushroom–Spinach&CheeseMousse–RedPepperCoulis MushroomShapedRedBlissPotato Haricots Verts Dessert LemonTartwithRaspberries IndividualChocolateTimbale–RaspberrySauce Coffee & Tea Dinner Prepared by Premier Catering April23,2016 DearParents,Alumni,andFriendsof SMCC, Welcome to Step Right Up, the26th annual installment of “The Auction…A Celebration for Students!” Fornearly170years,SMCC,anditsparentinstitutionsof St.MaryAcademyandMonroeCatholic Central,haveprovidedanoutstandingCatholicsecondaryeducationtothepeopleof thiscommunity. The“secret”tooursuccessoversomanyyearsliesinthetremendousdedicationof ourfacultyand staff,aswellasthesacrificeof generationsof parentsanddonors. Tonight,wecelebrateallthosewho,astheBrothersof HolyCrosswouldsay,had“thecompetency toseeandthecouragetoact”inordertopreserveCatholicsecondaryeducationinMonroefor succeedinggenerations.Iamconfidentthatyearsfromnow,SMCCsupporterswillgatherand celebrate what you did for the school this evening. Menu for the Evening Salad Spinach,Iceberg,SlicedPoachedPears,Walnuts,BleuCheese Pear Williams Vinaigrette SignatureDinnerRolls,WhippedButter Beef The Auctionisourlargestspecialeventfundraiserof theyear,andthepremiersocialeventforthe Monroecommunity.Sinceitsinception,wehaveraisedover$4millionforthestudentsof SMCC.The moneynettedfromtonight’seventprovidescriticalsupportwhichallowsustokeeptuitionaffordable andtheopportunityof aCatholicsecondaryeducationopentogenerationsof families.Itisonlywith youron-goinggenerositythatwecancontinuetomakeanSMCCeducationavailabletoallwhoseek it. SlicedMarinatedBeef TenderloinFilet–Bordelaise Withroomafterroomof uniquegifts,adeliciouscateredmeal,andaliveauctionwithoutstanding items,wehopethatthiseveningisamemorableoneforyou.Whileyouareheretonight,youwill interactwithmanyof ourstudents,parents,andalumni and have the chance to see what we call the “SMCCfamily.”Indoingso,youwillalsocometobetterunderstandhowtheSMCCexperienceisone setapartfromotherinstitutions.Weseektobea“Christ-centeredlearningcommunityforminglives inatraditionof faithfulnesstoGospel,educationalexcellence,andservicetoothers.” CaramelizedAtlanticSalmon–Cranberry&MangoChutney Whetheryouareacurrentorpastparent,agraduatefromSt.MaryAcademy,MonroeCatholic Central,orSt.MaryCatholicCentral,orafriendof theschool,wehopethatyouwillhavefun,shop untilyoudrop,makenewfriendsandrenewoldacquaintances,andrealizethatyourhelpthisevening benefitsourstudents. Weareextremelygratefulforyourgeneroussupport.MayGod’sblessingsbewithyouandyour family each and every day. YoursinCatholicEducation, Sean Jorgensen Sean Jorgensen Jason Linster Jason Linster Seasoned Fingerling Potatoes AsparagusSpears,GaufretteCarrots Fish Seasoned Fingerling Potatoes AsparagusSpears,GaufretteCarrots Vegetarian StuffedPortobelloMushroom–Spinach&CheeseMousse–RedPepperCoulis MushroomShapedRedBlissPotato Haricots Verts Dessert LemonTartwithRaspberries IndividualChocolateTimbale–RaspberrySauce Coffee & Tea Dinner Prepared by Premier Catering The Auction extends its grateful appreciation to: The Robert J. Duffey Foundation BP Toledo Refinery and The R. Manausso Family for their very generous gift sponsorships Auction Committee Auction Coordinator. …………………………………………………………………………...................… Kristine Wahoski Adult Volunteer Coordinator …………………..………………………………………………....................… Cheryl Burkey Beverages and Bar Chair …………………………..…………………………………………...................……... Fox Handler Car Raffle Chair ……………………………………..……………………………………………….....................Greg Applin Catalog Chair………………………………………….………………………………………….....................Wendy Kennedy Check-Out Coordinators ……………………………..………………. ....................Chris Sims, Pat Orr, MB&T Enlist Team .Friday Night Food Coordinator ……………………..…………………………………………….. ...........Anita Passon Gift Coordinators …………………………………………………….…....................................Pam & Ron LaBeau Gift Gatherers……….........Pam LaBeau, Cheynea Hicks, Penny Marino, Lisa Bell, Buffy Barley, Ann Perusk, Lisa Kemmerling Gift Rooms Coordinator ………………….………………………………………………………… Janet Simon Hors d’oeuvres Coordinator ……………………….…………………………………….…..….. Jammie Walters Student Volunteer Coordinators …………………….…………………………………………….Lynne Rostash Volunteer Food Coordinators …………………………………………..…...…….… Tamiko Lamour, Maria Eby Data Entry & Everything else………………...……………………….………..…………………… Vicki Delrue Reservations ………………………………………………….……………………………………….. Cheri Riggs Scripting ………………………………………………………..………………………..…………... Pam LaBeau Student Entertainment ………………………………………………………………….…Tracy Glover and class Invitation & Catalog Cover ………………………..…....... Nancy Masuda design, Tiger image courtesy of Phillip Lehmann, Class of 2016 & Welcome to the Circus image courtesy of Paige Flowers, Class of 2016. Decorations Bay Corrugated Container for corrugated used for decorations Danny’s Fine Foods for sponsoring the printing of the Car Raffle tickets Fr. David Burgard for our prayer before dinner Dining Room …………………………………………………………..….........................Denny Miller, Paul Blanchett Ceiling & Lights ……............................Peter & Laura Burkhardt, Kyle Burkhardt, Monica Burkhardt, Larry Bess, Dave Fleck, Jenny Fleck, Jared Fleck, Nathan Fleck, Scott Anderson, Bill NIchilo, Matt Kemmerling, Mark Piloch Jones for Men for tuxedos and vests & ties worn by the greeter, appetizer and beverage servers Dining Room Art …………………………………………………..……...............Annie Ignagni’s Mural Painting Class Monroe Bank and Trust, Pat Orr, and the Enlist Group for their check-out expertise Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and the JAWS program for their help with clean-up Dining Room Decorating…………...........................Laura Grima, Marie Stogara, Becky Coll, Brad & Alicia Simpson, Larry & Jean Bess, Buffy Barley, Becky Cheff, Colleen Kehres, Carrie Blanchett, Lynn Fedewa, . SMCC Photos …………….…………………………………..……………………………............….......... Chris Ottenbreit SMCC Parent Service Committee for providing Thursday’s dinner for auction workers Chandelier…………………….……….……………………..………………………..............Nancy Masuda, John McGrath, Nathan Wickenheiser Supporters who helped us in any way and whom we have unintentionally overlooked, please accept our humble apologies and sincere thanks. Hot Air Balloons………………… ………………………….………………….........…Nancy Masuda, Aaron Bodrie, Madeline Fogle, Samantha Friday, Russell Goins, Alexander Hall, Bryanna Idzior, Bethany Lupinski, Matthew Morelli, Matthew Rinaldi, Michaela Rogers, Nicole Shook, Autumn Taylor, Stephan Umfress, Hannah Boisvenue, Anna Dobberstein, Nicholas Eby, Amanda Grinn, Samantha Hypio, Joe Jackson, Samantha Kramer, Brandon Marting, Abigail Thompson, Nicholas Welch, Kathryn Anderson, Gabriella Fedewa, Madison Fluent, Toby Huber, Ethan Judd, Abigail Kapp, Elizabeth LaBeau, David Lovett, Lyndsey Lowden, Nicholas Marino, Kelly Nicholson, Lydia Sullivan, Molly Sullivan, Eric Wahoski, Isabelle Younglove, Cole Zalewski Showcase ……………….………………………….…………..…………………………………........................................…..... Nancy Masuda Carpet Installation ……..........….................................................................... Bart Fleming, Robert Fleming, John Duvall, Chris Antonelli, Mat Fleming, John Gaynier, Matt Kemmerling, Tim Ochs, Mike Wilkie, Bill Walters, John Antonelli Concourse ………….….................................... Twyla Luciow, Joe, Tavala, & Joseph Luciow, Steve, Susan & Nick Kandes, Theresa Theisen Art & Hand Painting………………………………………………..............................................……………………………………Amy Cooke Entertainment Room ……………………………………….............................…… Becky Coll, Andrea Clegg, Laura Anderson & Gina Jebbia Women & Family Room ………................................... Cathy Mikesell, Joanie Mahalak, Menone Antonelli, Patty Felthaus, Regan Taormina, Lynn Haut & Linda Johnson Men & Sports Room ……………………..……………….…... .......Mary Ellen & Pat Wickenheiser, Laura Mackenzie, Charlene & Dave Ryder, Margaret Sroka, Deirdre & John Wickenheiser, Herman & Elaine Wickenheiser, Earl & Cathy Navarre, Christopher Wickenheiser, Nathan Wickenheiser, Andrew Wickenheiser Home & Garden Room ………………………………..………….……...............................Mary Fleming and Therese McMillan Auction Committee Auction Coordinator. …………………………………………………………………………… Kristine Wahoski Adult Volunteer Coordinator …………………..………………………………………………… Cheryl Burkey Beverages and Bar Chair …………………………..………………………………………………... Fox Handler Car Raffle Chair ……………………………………..……………………………………………….. Greg Applin Catalog Chairs ………………………………………….…………………………………………Wendy Kennedy Check-Out Coordinators ……………………………..………………. Chris Sims, Pat Orr, MB&T Enlist Team Clean-up Crew ………………………………………..………………..…….…………..…… Freshman Parents Friday Night Food Coordinator ……………………..…………………………………………….. Anita Passon Gift Coordinators …………………………………………………….… Pam & Ron LaBeau/Kristine Wahoski Gift Gatherers………Pam LaBeau, Cheynea Hicks, Penny Marino, Lisa Bell, Kristine Wahoski, Buffy Barley, Ann Peruski, Lisa Kemmerling Gift Rooms Coordinator ………………….………………………………………………………… Janet Simon Hors d’oeuvres Coordinator ……………………….………………………………………….. Jammie Walters Student Volunteer Coordinators …………………….…………………………………………….Lynne Rostash Volunteer Food Coordinators …………………………………………..………… Tamiko Lamour, Maria Eby Data Entry & Everything else………………...……………………….………..…………………… Vicki Delrue Reservations ………………………………………………….……………………………………….. Cheri Riggs Scripting ………………………………………………………..………………………..…………... Pam LaBeau Student Entertainment ………………………………………………………………….…Tracy Glover and class Invitation & Catalog Cover ………………………..… Nancy Masuda design, Tiger image courtesy of Phillip Lehmann, Class of 2016 & Welcome to the Circus image courtesy of Paige Flowers , Class of 2016. Decorations Dining Room …………………………………………………………..….. Denny Miller, Paul Blanchett, Chuck Wilson, Brad Baumann Ceiling & Lights ……........................................ Peter & Laura Burkardt, Larry Bess, Kyle Burkardt, Monica Burkardt Dave, Jenny, Jared & Nathan Fleck, Scott Anderson, Bill Nichilo, Matt Kemmerling and Mark Pioch Dining Room Art …………………………………………………..……..Annie Ignagni’s Mural Painting Class Dining Room Decorating…………..Kristine Wahoski, Laura Grima, Marie Stogara, Becky Coll, Brad & Alicia Siimpson Larry & Jean Bess, Buffy Barley, Becky Cheff, Colleen Kehres, Carrie Blanchett, Lynn Fedewa, Jacqueline Leal, Deanna Hamilton, Lynda Nickelson, Stephanie Mills, Liz Lovett, Susan Keefe SMCC Photos …………….…………………………………..………………………………...... Chris Ottenbreit Chandelier…………………….……….……………………..………………………Nancy Masuda, John McGrath, Nathan Wickenheiser Hot Air Balloons………………… ………………………….…………………..…Nancy Masuda, Aaron Bodrie, Madeline Fogle, Samantha Friday, Russell Goins, Alexander Hall, Bryanna Idzior, Bethany Lupinski, Matthew Morelli, Matthew Rinaldi Michaela Rogers, Nicole Shook, Autumn Taylor, Stephan Umfress, Hannah Boisvenue, Anna Dobberstein, Nicholas Eby, Amanda Grinn, Samantha Hypio, Joe Jackson, Samantha Kramer, Brandon Marting, Abigail Thompson, Nicholas Welch, Kathryn Anderson, Gabriella Fedewa, Madison Fluent, Toby Huber, Ethan Judd, Abigail Kapp, Elizabeth LaBeau, David Lovett, Lyndsey Lowden, Nicholas Marino, Kelly Nicholson, Lydia Sullivan, Molly Sullivan, Eric Wahoski, Isabelle Younglove, Cole Zalewski Showcase ……………….………………………….…………..…………………………………… Nancy Masuda Carpet Installation ……..........…... Bart Fleming, Robert Fleming, John Duvall, Chris Antonelli, Matt Fleming, John Gaynier, Matt Kemmerling, Tim Ochs, Mike Wilkie, Bill Walters, John Antonelli Concourse ………….…... Twyla Luciow, Joe, Tavala, & Joseph Luciow, Steve, Susan & Nick Kandes, Theresa Theisen Art & Hand Painting……………………………………………………………………………………Amy Cooke Entertainment Room ……………………………………….…… Becky Coll, Andrea Clegg, Laura Anderson & Gina Jebbia Women & Family Room ………................................... Cathy Mikesell, Joanie Mahalak, Monone Antonelli, Patty Felthaus, Regan Taormina, Lynn Haut & Linda Johnson Men & Sports Room ……………………..……………….…... Mary Ellen & Pat Wickenheiser, Laura Mackenzie, Charlene & Dave Ryder, Margaret Sroka, Deirdre & John Wickenheiser, Herman & Elaine Wickenheiser, Earl & Cathy Navarre, Christopher Wickenheiser, Nathan Wickenheiser, Andrew Wickenheiser Home & Garden Room ………………………………..………….…… Mary Fleming and Therese McMillan “STEP RIGHT UP” “Step Right Up” Preview Party Friday,April22,2016,6:30-9p.m. Register for a $1,000 2016-17 Tuition Voucher ThankyouRobertJ.DuffeyFoundation Registration table at the Entrance Adultsonly.Mustbepresenttowin.Drawingat9:00p.m.inDiningRoom Bid on Gifts in Silent Auction Rooms Purchase “Your-Choice” Raffle Tickets ($5eachor3for$10) LicenseNo.R33494 Itemsdisplayedinconcourse.Drawingisat8:45p.m. • Bicycle (maybeexchangedfordifferentmodelorsize) ThankyouFloralCityBeverage • $250 Gas Card ThankyouFriendof SMCC • $200 Cash ThankyouFriendof SMCC Student Entertainment 8:45 ~ Dining Room Refreshments ~ Dining Room Eachguestreceivesacomplimentarybeverageticket.Additional ticketsmaybepurchasedfor$2.00nearthebeveragecenter. Bring Family & Friends ~ Enjoy the Evening! Thank You! The Auction...A Celebration for Students “STEP RIGHT UP” “Step Right Up” Preview Party Friday,April22,2016,6:30-9p.m. Register for a $1,000 2016-17 Tuition Voucher ThankyouRobertJ.DuffeyFoundation Registration table at the Entrance Adultsonly.Mustbepresenttowin.Drawingat9:00p.m.inDiningRoom Bid on Gifts in Silent Auction Rooms Purchase “Your-Choice” Raffle Tickets ($5eachor3for$10) LicenseNo.R33494 Itemsdisplayedinconcourse.Drawingisat8:45p.m. • Bicycle (maybeexchangedfordifferentmodelorsize) ThankyouFloralCityBeverage • $250 Gas Card ThankyouFriendof SMCC • $200 Cash ThankyouFriendof SMCC Student Entertainment 8:45 ~ Dining Room Refreshments ~ Dining Room Eachguestreceivesacomplimentarybeverageticket.Additional ticketsmaybepurchasedfor$2.00nearthebeveragecenter. Bring Family & Friends ~ Enjoy the Evening! Thank You! The Auction...A Celebration for Students Live Auction Rules ~ Terms of Sale 1.Allbiddersarerequiredtoregisterwiththecashierandreceiveabidder’snumber.Allbidders maybeaskedtofurnishtheirfullname,address,andphonenumber.Theymaybeaskedtoverify thisinformationwithproperidentification. 2. Allpurchaseditemsmustbepaidforonthedayof thesale,andnoitemmayberemovedfromthe saleuntilpaymentismade. 3. If anydisputearisesbetweentwoormorebidders,theauctioneermaysettlethematterormay immediatelyputthelotupforsaleagainandreselltothehighestbidder.Thedecisionof the auctioneershallbefinalandabsolute. 4. Dan Stall, Inc. The Auction Team reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed inappropriatetothesellingitem.Thefirm’sdecisioninthismatterisalsofinal. 5. Althoughtheutmostefforthasbeenmadetoaccuratelydescribethesalelots,DanStall,Inc. TheAuctionTeamandprincipalsshallnotberesponsibleforcorrectdescription,authenticity, genuineness,oranydefectinanylotandmakesabsolutelynowarrantyinconnectiontherewith. NOallowancewillbemade,orsalesetaside,onaccountof anyincorrectness,errorincataloging, orimperfectionnotnoted.NOdeductionwillbeallowedondamagedarticlesasallgoodsbeing exposedforpublicexhibitionaresold“asis”andwithoutrecourse. 6. DanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamreservestherighttowithdrawfromthesaleanyof thelisted itemsortosellitemsnotlistedandtogrouponeormorelotsandsubdividethelotswheneverthe best interest of the seller will be served. 7. Therecordsof DanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamwillbetakenasfinalintheeventof adispute. 8. Personsattendingduringtheexhibition,sale,orremovalof goods,assumeallrisksof damage orlosstopersonandpropertyandspecificallyreleaseDanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamfrom liabilitythereof.NeitherDanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamnorprincipalsshallbeliablebyreason of anydefectin,orconditionof,thepremisesonwhichthesaleisheld. 9. Allbiddersbyvirtueof acceptingtheirassignednumberagreetheyhavereadthesetermsand agree to be bound thereby. 10.Questionsregardingthetermsandconditionsof thisauctionmustbestatedpriortothebeginning of the sale. 11.Statementsorcorrectionsmadeinregardtolotdescriptionsduringthesaletakeprecedenceover theprintedmaterial. 12.Unlessotherwisespecified,allauctionitemsandservicesmustbeusedWITHINONEYEARof April23,2016.ItemspurchasedandnotclaimedbyApril23,2017,willbecomethepropertyof The Auction for SMCC. Silent Auction Rules Allitemsinthesilentauctionhavebidsheetsattachedoraffixednearby.Personsdesiringto bidmaydosobyplacingtheirnameorpaddlenumberandthebidamountonthesheet.Your paddlenumberisregisteredinyourname;usethisnumberwhenyoubid.Donotallowanyone elsetouseyourpaddle. Eachincreaseinbidmustequalorexceedtheminimumincreasestatedonthebidsheetinorder to constitute a valid bid. Eachnewbidshouldbewrittenonthenextblanklineavailableonthebidsheet. ONLY AN AUTHORIZED AUCTION PERSON MAY NULLIFY A BID. In the event of a dispute, the designated Auction official shall conduct a mini oral auction between the bidders. The highest bidder wins. Unlessotherwisespecified,allauctionitemsandservicesmustbeusedwithinoneyearof April23,2016.ItemspurchasedandnotclaimedbyApril23,2017,willbecometheproperty of The Auction for SMCC. Throw-In Bid: Thissecretbidallowsabiddertowritethemaximumamounthe/shewould pay for an item, thus eliminating the need to constantly check on the subsequent bids. The submitted bid may or may not be higher than the bid sheet number. 1.Bidderdetermineshowmuchhe/sheiswillingtobidforanitemandasksRoomHost fora“Throw-In”bidslip. 2.Bidderfillsoutform,placesitintheenvelope,sealsit,writestheitemnumberonthe outsideof theenvelope,andreturnsittoaRoomHost/Hostess. 3.RoomHost/Hostessplacesastickerontheappropriatebidsheetsignifyingthatat leastonethrow-inbidhasbeenentered. 4.All“Throw-in”bids(frombothFridayandSaturdaynights)areopenedbythec heck-outteamSaturdaynight. 5.Intheeventof tiebids,thetiebidders’formswillbefoldedintoquarters,putintoa box,shaken,andoneselectedbyanEnlistworkeratcheckout. Thesilentauctionroomswillbeopenforbiddingat5:30PMonSaturday,April23,2016and closeatvariousintervalsthroughouttheevening.TheclosingbidverifiedbyTheAuctionofficial constitutes the winning bid. Paymentbythesuccessfulbidderistobemadetheeveningof TheAuction.Onemaypaywith cash,check,MasterCard,Visa,orDiscover.Paymentinfullthateveningismandatory.Items mayberemovedonlybyexhibitingaPAIDreceiptwhenclaimingthepurchase.Fridaywinners arecalledSundaymorningbetween10:00and12:00.Paymentismadeattimeof pick-up. Live Auction Rules ~ Terms of Sale 1.Allbiddersarerequiredtoregisterwiththecashierandreceiveabidder’snumber.Allbidders maybeaskedtofurnishtheirfullname,address,andphonenumber.Theymaybeaskedtoverify thisinformationwithproperidentification. 2. Allpurchaseditemsmustbepaidforonthedayof thesale,andnoitemmayberemovedfromthe saleuntilpaymentismade. 3. If anydisputearisesbetweentwoormorebidders,theauctioneermaysettlethematterormay immediatelyputthelotupforsaleagainandreselltothehighestbidder.Thedecisionof the auctioneershallbefinalandabsolute. 4. Dan Stall, Inc. The Auction Team reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed inappropriatetothesellingitem.Thefirm’sdecisioninthismatterisalsofinal. 5. Althoughtheutmostefforthasbeenmadetoaccuratelydescribethesalelots,DanStall,Inc. TheAuctionTeamandprincipalsshallnotberesponsibleforcorrectdescription,authenticity, genuineness,oranydefectinanylotandmakesabsolutelynowarrantyinconnectiontherewith. NOallowancewillbemade,orsalesetaside,onaccountof anyincorrectness,errorincataloging, orimperfectionnotnoted.NOdeductionwillbeallowedondamagedarticlesasallgoodsbeing exposedforpublicexhibitionaresold“asis”andwithoutrecourse. 6. DanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamreservestherighttowithdrawfromthesaleanyof thelisted itemsortosellitemsnotlistedandtogrouponeormorelotsandsubdividethelotswheneverthe best interest of the seller will be served. 7. Therecordsof DanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamwillbetakenasfinalintheeventof adispute. 8. Personsattendingduringtheexhibition,sale,orremovalof goods,assumeallrisksof damage orlosstopersonandpropertyandspecificallyreleaseDanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamfrom liabilitythereof.NeitherDanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamnorprincipalsshallbeliablebyreason of anydefectin,orconditionof,thepremisesonwhichthesaleisheld. 9. Allbiddersbyvirtueof acceptingtheirassignednumberagreetheyhavereadthesetermsand agree to be bound thereby. 10.Questionsregardingthetermsandconditionsof thisauctionmustbestatedpriortothebeginning of the sale. 11.Statementsorcorrectionsmadeinregardtolotdescriptionsduringthesaletakeprecedenceover theprintedmaterial. 12.Unlessotherwisespecified,allauctionitemsandservicesmustbeusedWITHINONEYEARof April23,2016.ItemspurchasedandnotclaimedbyApril23,2017,willbecomethepropertyof The Auction for SMCC. Silent Auction Rules Allitemsinthesilentauctionhavebidsheetsattachedoraffixednearby.Personsdesiringto bidmaydosobyplacingtheirnameorpaddlenumberandthebidamountonthesheet.Your paddlenumberisregisteredinyourname;usethisnumberwhenyoubid.Donotallowanyone elsetouseyourpaddle. Eachincreaseinbidmustequalorexceedtheminimumincreasestatedonthebidsheetinorder to constitute a valid bid. Eachnewbidshouldbewrittenonthenextblanklineavailableonthebidsheet. ONLY AN AUTHORIZED AUCTION PERSON MAY NULLIFY A BID. In the event of a dispute, the designated Auction official shall conduct a mini oral auction between the bidders. The highest bidder wins. Unlessotherwisespecified,allauctionitemsandservicesmustbeusedwithinoneyearof April23,2016.ItemspurchasedandnotclaimedbyApril23,2017,willbecometheproperty of The Auction for SMCC. Throw-In Bid: Thissecretbidallowsabiddertowritethemaximumamounthe/shewould pay for an item, thus eliminating the need to constantly check on the subsequent bids. The submitted bid may or may not be higher than the bid sheet number. 1.Bidderdetermineshowmuchhe/sheiswillingtobidforanitemandasksRoomHost fora“Throw-In”bidslip. 2.Bidderfillsoutform,placesitintheenvelope,sealsit,writestheitemnumberonthe outsideof theenvelope,andreturnsittoaRoomHost/Hostess. 3.RoomHost/Hostessplacesastickerontheappropriatebidsheetsignifyingthatat leastonethrow-inbidhasbeenentered. 4.All“Throw-in”bids(frombothFridayandSaturdaynights)areopenedbythec heck-outteamSaturdaynight. 5.Intheeventof tiebids,thetiebidders’formswillbefoldedintoquarters,putintoa box,shaken,andoneselectedbyanEnlistworkeratcheckout. Thesilentauctionroomswillbeopenforbiddingat5:30PMonSaturday,April23,2016and closeatvariousintervalsthroughouttheevening.TheclosingbidverifiedbyTheAuctionofficial constitutes the winning bid. Paymentbythesuccessfulbidderistobemadetheeveningof TheAuction.Onemaypaywith cash,check,MasterCard,Visa,orDiscover.Paymentinfullthateveningismandatory.Items mayberemovedonlybyexhibitingaPAIDreceiptwhenclaimingthepurchase.Fridaywinners arecalledSundaymorningbetween10:00and12:00.Paymentismadeattimeof pick-up. 52 CARD RAFFLE ** New Destinations ** Take Six Nights And Have It Your Way St. Andrews Scotland Toronto Ontario, Canada •Enjoy six nights at your choice of any of these Fairmont Hotel or Swissotel properties •You can use your nights all at once or in any combination of nights... YOU DECIDE! Sydney Australia Scottsdale Princess Arizona •NO EXPIRATION DATE!! Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa California San Francisco California Le Chateau Frontenac Quebec, Canada $100 Per Card Only 52 Cards To Be Sold Chicago Illinois Lake Louise Alberta, Canada Chateau Whistler British Columbia, Canada Victoria Island British Columbia, Canada Newport Beach California 52 CARD RAFFLE ** New Destinations ** Take Six Nights And Have It Your Way St. Andrews Scotland Toronto Ontario, Canada •Enjoy six nights at your choice of any of these Fairmont Hotel or Swissotel properties •You can use your nights all at once or in any combination of nights... YOU DECIDE! Sydney Australia Scottsdale Princess Arizona •NO EXPIRATION DATE!! Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa California San Francisco California Le Chateau Frontenac Quebec, Canada $100 Per Card Only 52 Cards To Be Sold Chicago Illinois Lake Louise Alberta, Canada Chateau Whistler British Columbia, Canada Victoria Island British Columbia, Canada Newport Beach California THE 2016 BILL APPLIN MEMORIAL CAR RAFFLE No mystery here! Win a $25,000 New Vehicle Gift Certificate or $20,000 Drawing 6throug s $1,000e h10 ach! gs n i w a r D 5 h g u o r h 1t ch! a e 0 0 5 $ Ticketsavailablefor purchasethroughoutthe evening-$100 11thDrawing~GrandPrizeWinner choosesbetween$20,000orNewVehicleGiftCertificate Sellerof GrandPrizeTicketwins$500 LicenseNo.C27282 DUFFEY TOWING AND SERVICE CENTER 633 S. TELEGRAPH RD. MONROE, MICHIGAN (One block south of Front St.) 241-5400 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR INTEGRITY* DEPENDABILITY* RELIABILITY * LONGEVITY SINCE 1933 FREE LOANER CARS DT ELECTRONICS 457-4006 REMOTE STARTERS AUTO SECURITY CAR AUDIO Phill '72- Phillip II '99- Patrick '03- Paige '16 LIVE Begins at 9:00 p.m. L-001 University of Michigan Football Tickets Don’t miss your chance to bid on four tickets to any University of Michigan home game for the 2016 football season. The Wolverine’s home schedule consists of teams from the following schools: Hawaii, Central Florida, Colorado, Penn State, Wisconsin, Illinois, Maryland and Indiana. You can see for yourself if all the hype about the 2016 recruiting class is valid, and if Jim Harbaugh can continue to the expectations of Wolverine fans. Thank you Monroe Bank and Trust L-004-A & B Autographed Tigers Bats SSpring is here. The robins and the national pastime, baseball, are in place for the season. You can enjoy the Tiger experience even more with the purchase of these rare signed bats enclosed in glass cases. Al Kaline, Mr. Tiger, and Lance Parish had long and successful careers with our own Detroit Tigers. A piece of this storied Detroit baseball history is available to the successful bidders. “Batters Up: Play Ball!” L 004 A Lance Parish Bat L 004 B Al Kaline Bat Thank you Denny & Mary Pat Miller L-002 Hot Air Balloon Ride L-005 Sound Of Music Few experiences can match the beauty and tranquility of floating above the treetops and riding the peaceful Michigan breezes. A hot air balloon ride is one of the most fascinating adventures you will ever embark upon. At first, the burners roar as you rise into the sky but soon you are overcome by the silence of floating as you drift with the winds and look down upon the breathtaking landscape. A bottle of champagne makes the one-hour ride for two people over northern Oakland County complete. You have a choice of dates between June and October, 2016. If the weather is not good for flying on the day selected, it can be rescheduled. The “Halls” are alive with the Sound of Music at The Fisher Theatre in Detroit, and you won’t have to “climb ev’ry mountain” to get there. Two tickets for the Friday, May 13, 2016, 8:00 p.m. performance are for third row center seats. You’ve seen the movie and the television special, but there is nothing better than live theater. Take the free roundtrip shuttle from Mario’s restaurant and avoid downtown traffic and parking. A $150 in gift certificates for your dinner has been provided. Thank you Tom & Doris LaBeau and Lauri & Tommy Hines The next best thing to a trip to a circus is an excursion at a world famous zoo. Father David Burgard invites your family, up to six people, to visit the Toledo Zoo and share a meal, at the zoo or a restaurant. There you can see thousands of mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and invertebrates, representing 750 plus exotic species from all over the world. You can travel from the Arctic tundra to the wilds of Africa, from the tropical rainforest to the Sonoran Desert and all points between—all in one great day. It was voted Best Zoo in the United States in USA TODAY’S Readers’ Choice Awards. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Thank you Fr. David Burgard, Pastor of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Monroe Thank you Ron and Pam LaBeau L-006 Irish Hills Cottage Plan a family getaway in the Irish Hills for a week in May, June, September or October. This lake front cottage on the private Evans Lake can accommodate up to eight people. The four bedroom, two and a half bathrooms make the cottage perfect for two families to share. For more information and reviews check out Type in “Tipton, Michigan.” The Title of the cottage is “Lake House”. We received an update from Sean suggesting you check the availability on his calendar on the airbnb website. He writes, “There are some 3-day weeks available (we would be willing to do two separate three day bookings) during the summer and full weeks during Sept/Oct or they could make a reservation for the following year.” Two families might consider bidding and splitting the reservation, but do so as soon as possible. Thank you Sean Steinman LIVE LIVE L-003 Toledo Zoo with Fr. Burgard E-034 Patio Dining Accessories LIVE L-004-A & B Autographed Tigers Bats Thank you Floral City Beverage Begins at 9:00 p.m. E-035 Cat Basket Thank you BP Foundation Thank you BP Foundation L-001 University of Michigan Football Tickets E-036 Movie Night Package Don’t miss your chance to bid on four tickets to any University of Michigan home game for the 2016 football season. The Wolverine’s home schedule consists of teams from the following schools: Hawaii, Central Florida, Colorado, Penn State, Wisconsin, Illinois, Maryland and Indiana. You can see for yourself if all the hype about the 2016 recruiting class is valid, and if Jim Harbaugh can continue to the expectations of Wolverine fans. Thank you Monroe Bank and Trust Spring is here. The robins and the national pastime, baseball, are in place for the season. You can enjoy the Tiger experience even more with the purchase of these rare signed bats enclosed in glass cases. , and Lance Parish had long and successful careers with our own Detroit Tigers. A piece of this storied Detroit baseball history is available to the successful bidders. “Batters Up: Play Ball!” L 004 A Lance Parish Bat L 004 George Kell Bat Thank you Denny & Mary Pat Miller L-005 Sound Of Music Few experiences can match the beauty and tranquility of floating above the treetops and riding the peaceful Michigan breezes. A hot air balloon ride is one of the most fascinating adventures you will ever embark upon. At first, the burners roar as you rise into the sky but soon you are overcome by the silence of floating as you drift with the winds and look down upon the breathtaking landscape. A bottle of champagne makes the one-hour ride for two people over northern Oakland County complete. You have a choice of dates between June and October, 2016. If the weather is not good for flying on the day selected, it can be rescheduled. The “Halls” are alive with the Sound of Music at The Fisher Theatre in Detroit, and you won’t have to “climb ev’ry mountain” to get there. Two tickets for the Friday, May 13, 2016, 8:00 p.m. performance are for third row center seats. You’ve seen the movie and the television special, but there is nothing better than live theater. Take the free roundtrip shuttle from Mario’s restaurant and avoid downtown traffic and parking. A $150 in gift certificates for your dinner has been provided. Thank you Tom & Doris LaBeau and Lauri & Tommy Hines LIVE L-003 Toledo Zoo with Fr. Burgard The next best thing to a trip to a circus is an excursion at a world famous zoo. Father David Burgard invites your family, up to six people, to visit the Toledo Zoo and share a meal, at the zoo or a restaurant. There you can see thousands of mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and invertebrates, representing 750 plus exotic species from all over the world. You can travel from the Arctic tundra to the wilds of Africa, from the tropical rainforest to the Sonoran Desert and all points between—all in one great day. It was voted Best Zoo in the United States in USA TODAY’S Readers’ Choice Awards. Date to be mutually agreed upon. Thank you Fr. David Burgard, Pastor of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Monroe Thank you Ron and Pam LaBeau L-006 Irish Hills Cottage Plan a family getaway in the Irish Hills for a week in May, June, September or October. This lake front cottage on the private Evans Lake can accommodate up to eight people. The four bedroom, two and a half bathrooms make the cottage perfect for two families to share. For more information and reviews check out Type in “Tipton, Michigan.” The Title of the cottage is “Lake House”. We received an update from Sean suggesting you check the availability on his calendar on the airbnb website. He writes, “There are some 3-day weeks available (we would be willing to do two separate three day bookings) during the summer and full weeks during Sept/Oct or they could make a reservation for the following year.” Two families might consider bidding and splitting the reservation, but do so as soon as possible. Thank you Sean Steinman LIVE ENTERTAINMENT L-002 Hot Air Balloon Ride L-007 James Taylor Concert and Dinner L-010 Pompili Duck Hunt James Taylor’s 2016 Concert comes to Huntington Center in Toledo on Saturday, May 28, at 8:00 pm, and four of you can be there to enjoy his performance. Singer-songwriter James Taylor creates music that combines folk, rock and pop. In 2000, Taylor was inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. In November 2015, he was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Here’s your opportunity to see a true legend in the music world. Before the concert, plan to dine at Registry Bistro, a genuinely unique restaurant the Toledo area serving discerning patrons who want a thoughtfully prepared, high quality dining experience in a contemporary, sophisticated setting. Package includes $200 Registry gift certificate. A weekend duck hunt (late season) on beautiful Hubbard Lake, Michigan will be hosted by Larry Pompili at his rustic log cabin from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. Two hunters will enjoy meals, beverages, darts, poker, shooting pool, and most importantly - DUCKS! The AAA Five-Diamond Fairmont Scottsdale Princess reflects its dynamic surroundings: sun-washed stone, bright green cottonwoods, pale-blue sky and majestic purple mountains. Two of you can spend five days and four nights at one of the top golf resorts in the world. Enjoy the five outdoor pools, seven tennis courts, world class spa and outstanding dining at Bourbon Steak, a Five-Diamond restaurant. The Princess is minutes away from shopping centers and a day’s drive to Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Thank you Robert J. Duffey Foundation L-009 Patio Dining Set Thank you St. Pierre Ace Hardware - Al & Donna St. Pierre Thank you Larry Pompili If you’re looking for a summer activity for a group of friends, you can’t beat an evening boat ride. Join Bruce and Diane for a leisurely, three-hour cruise with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres aboard the “Jewel of the River.” The adventure is for three couples or six ladies. No need to finance the adventure by yourself, get friends or family together to bid as a group. Don’t miss the boat on this item! Thank you Diane Milkins L-012 Chicago/America’s Cup Weekend Package Get up close for the competition and excitement of the America’s Cup races on Lake Michigan! As an official On-Water Hospitality partner of the 2016 America’s Cup Race, the Odyssey will have a prime location on the perimeter for races on Saturday, June 11. You’ll feel like a VIP watching the action from Odyssey decks. The cruise includes a luncheon buffet, ACWS Chicago general admission day pass to the Race Village, DJ entertainment and your personal reserved dining table next to a window. The cruise boards at noon and sails from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. See gift certificate for more details. While in Chicago you will be guests at The Swissotel Chicago for Friday and Saturday (June 10 and 11) in a room on a high floor with a lake view and king bed. The room and taxes have been pre-paid. A cash gift of $300 for expenses is also included. Thank you Mike & Carla Miller LIVE The Addison five-piece dining set by Living Accents features steel frames with decorative back panels on the swivel chairs. The polyester seat cushions, in a solid-color Sunbrella canvas fabric, are combined with coordinating striped lumbar cushions. The table features a smoked glass tabletop. For romantic evenings on the patio, a fire table has been added to this package. This 48” x 48” x 18” table includes lava rocks, tank holder and 10 feet of tank hose. L-011 Night on the Jewel Thank you SMCC Friend L-008 Fairmont Scottsdale Princess LIVE L-016 Real Madrid vs. Chelsea L-013 Fine Wine CelebrateaGreenspringwiththeseBigReds!ThisStag’sLeap WineCellarspackagecancureany“SpringBlues.”Westart withasixbottlecaseof 2011FayVineyardCabernetSauvignon. Throwinasix-bottlecaseof 2012S.L.V.CabernetSauvignon. Andthentopitoff withtwobottlesof 2012Cask23,oneof the finestredwinesmadeinAmerica.Enjoythewinethatwonthenowfamous1976 “Judgmentof Paris.”DrinktheFAYandS.L.V.withyourgoodfriends,butsave theCask23foryourbestbuddy! Thank you Joe & Peggy Bellino L-014 Kenny Chesney and Miranda Lambert NobodyownssummerlikeKennyChesney,thechart-topplinglegendbehindsomeof thebiggestcountrytoursof alltime,andhe’sdoingitagainthisyear.The“SomewherewithYou”singerhastappedsuperstarMirandaLambert,up-and-comerSam Hunt,andhisfrequentcollaborators,OldDominion,asopeningactsforhisFordField appearanceonSaturday,August13at5:00p.m.TwoSandbarticketsforthe2016SpreadtheLoveTourprovidetheluckybidderthe idealsettingtohearsongslike“SheThinksMyTractor’sSexy”and “TheGoodStuff.”FYI:TheSandbarisstandingroomonly.The upsideisSandbaristhesectionclosesttothestageandrestrictedto thosegueststhathavesandbar/floorlevelticketsandhavereceived afloorwristbanduponentrancetoarena. Thank you Friend of SMCC Here’safunadventurethewholefamilycanenjoy.This packageisthewaytotrulyenjoyKalahariinstyle.Inadditiontoadmissionto America’sLargestIndoorWaterpark,you’llalsoenjoyagenerousselectionof meals.It’sanincrediblemixof servicesandexcitementinonefantasticpackage.If usedinMay,thegiftcardwouldallow4peopletosharearoomaswell asbuffetbreakfasteachmorning,pizzaand4fountaindrinks,$50infoodand beveragecreditand50-tokencardfortheBigGameRoom.Otherwise,thecard wouldallow4peopleastayof 2nightswithwaterparkaccessandcreditsleft overforfoodorgametokens.KalahariResortsareinSandusky,Ohio,WisconsinDells,andPoconoMountainsinPennsylvania.EnjoytheZipcoaster,Flowrider,LazyRiverandsomuchmoreatthisAfricanthemedresort. Thank you SMCC Classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and John & Cathy Skibski Thank you Ron & Pam LaBeau L-017 Chef is in the House Your friends will be clamoring for a dinner invitation once theydiscoverthatKevinThomas,MonroeCountyCommunity College Culinary Arts instructor with the assistance of a culinaryartsstudent,ispreparingadinnerforeightinyourhome.Afteragreeing onamenu,Chef ThomaswilldotheshoppingwithfundsprovidedbySt.Patrick SchoolandSt.AnthonyChurch.Ashortcookingpresentationwillalsobeavailable fortheguestsif thehostsochooses.Dateisbasedonavailability-preferablyfallor winter.Gratuitynotincluded. Thank you Chef Kevin Thomas and St. Patrick Catholic School and St. Anthony Catholic Church L-018 A-B-C-D-E Collegiate Team Lockers Allyousportsfanscanshowyourpridewithastoragelockerinyourschoolcolors.Showcasingtheofficiallylicensedlogoof yourfavoriteteam,it’stheperfect additiontoyourgarage,gameroom,bedroom,homegymoranywhereyouwant toputyourloyaltyondisplay.Lockersareof weldedsteelwithhammeredgranitefinishandhaveintegratedthree-digitcombinationlocks.Ananti-tipping bracketisincluded.Dimensionsare12”Wx72”Hx18”D.Futureproductionof theselogoedlockersisquestionableaslicensingpermithasexpired.Thisisa Bidder’s Choice Item: topbidder’sbidwillbeforonelockerbutwillbegiventhe choiceof purchasinganotherlockeratthesamepricebeforethebiddingresumes. Whohasmorepride,Michigan, NotreDameorMichiganState?Bidder’sChoices: L-018AMichiganState#1 L-018BMichiganState#2 L-018CNotreDame#1 L-018DNotreDame#2 L-018EUniversityof Michigan LIVE LIVE L-015 Kalahari MichiganStadiumwillhostatopsoccermatchbetweenRealMadridandChelsea,twoof themoststoriedteamsinEuropenow and regarded as two of the best teams in the world. Four of you will be able to watch it from Club Level seats with the convenience of nearby lounge with televisions and air conditioning as well as refreshments. Seats areinsection308,row3,seat1through4.TicketswillnotarriveuntilJune.Match willtakeplaceSaturday,July30,2016,at3p.m. Thank you Durocher’s TV Appliance & La-Z-Boy Gallery Jorgensen and Jason & Kristy Linster (for ND locker) L-016 Real Madrid vs. Chelsea L-013 Fine Wine CelebrateaGreenspringwiththeseBigReds!ThisStag’sLeap WineCellarspackagecancureany“SpringBlues.”Westart withasixbottlecaseof 2011FayVineyardCabernetSauvignon. Throwinasix-bottlecaseof 2012S.L.V.CabernetSauvignon. Andthentopitoff withtwobottlesof 2012Cask23,oneof the finestredwinesmadeinAmerica.Enjoythewinethatwonthenowfamous1976 “Judgmentof Paris.”DrinktheFAYandS.L.V.withyourgoodfriends,butsave theCask23foryourbestbuddy! Thank you Joe & Peggy Bellino L-014 Kenny Chesney and Miranda Lambert NobodyownssummerlikeKennyChesney,thechart-topplinglegendbehindsomeof thebiggestcountrytoursof alltime,andhe’sdoingitagainthisyear.The“SomewherewithYou”singerhastappedsuperstarMirandaLambert,up-and-comerSam Hunt,andhisfrequentcollaborators,OldDominion,asopeningactsforhisFordField appearanceonSaturday,August13at5:00p.m.TwoSandbarticketsforthe2016SpreadtheLoveTourprovidetheluckybidderthe idealsettingtohearsongslike“SheThinksMyTractor’sSexy”and “TheGoodStuff.”FYI:TheSandbarisstandingroomonly.The upsideisSandbaristhesectionclosesttothestageandrestrictedto thosegueststhathavesandbar/floorlevelticketsandhavereceived afloorwristbanduponentrancetoarena. Thank you Friend of SMCC Here’safunadventurethewholefamilycanenjoy.This packageisthewaytotrulyenjoyKalahariinstyle.Inadditiontoadmissionto America’sLargestIndoorWaterpark,you’llalsoenjoyagenerousselectionof meals.It’sanincrediblemixof servicesandexcitementinonefantasticpackage.If usedinMay,thegiftcardwouldallow4peopletosharearoomaswell asbuffetbreakfasteachmorning,pizzaand4fountaindrinks,$50infoodand beveragecreditand50-tokencardfortheBigGameRoom.Otherwise,thecard wouldallow4peopleastayof 2nightswithwaterparkaccessandcreditsleft overforfoodorgametokens.KalahariResortsareinSandusky,Ohio,WisconsinDells,andPoconoMountainsinPennsylvania.EnjoytheZipcoaster,Flowrider,LazyRiverandsomuchmoreatthisAfricanthemedresort. Thank you SMCC Classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and John & Cathy Skibski Thank you Ron & Pam LaBeau L-017 Chef is in the House Your friends will be clamoring for a dinner invitation once theydiscoverthatKevinThomas,MonroeCountyCommunity College Culinary Arts instructor with the assistance of a culinaryartsstudent,ispreparingadinnerforeightinyourhome.Afteragreeing onamenu,Chef ThomaswilldotheshoppingwithfundsprovidedbySt.Patrick SchoolandSt.AnthonyChurch.Ashortcookingpresentationwillalsobeavailable fortheguestsif thehostsochooses.Dateisbasedonavailability-preferablyfallor winter.Gratuitynotincluded. Thank you Chef Kevin Thomas and St. Patrick Catholic School and St. Anthony Catholic Church L-018 A-B-C-D-E Collegiate Team Lockers Allyousportsfanscanshowyourpridewithastoragelockerinyourschoolcolors.Showcasingtheofficiallylicensedlogoof yourfavoriteteam,it’stheperfect additiontoyourgarage,gameroom,bedroom,homegymoranywhereyouwant toputyourloyaltyondisplay.Lockersareof weldedsteelwithhammeredgranitefinishandhaveintegratedthree-digitcombinationlocks.Ananti-tipping bracketisincluded.Dimensionsare12”Wx72”Hx18”D.Futureproductionof theselogoedlockersisquestionableaslicensingpermithasexpired.Thisisa Bidder’s Choice Item: topbidder’sbidwillbeforonelockerbutwillbegiventhe choiceof purchasinganotherlockeratthesamepricebeforethebiddingresumes. Whohasmorepride,Michigan, NotreDameorMichiganState?Bidder’sChoices: L-018AMichiganState#1 L-018BMichiganState#2 L-018CNotreDame#1 L-018DNotreDame#2 L-018EUniversityof Michigan LIVE LIVE L-015 Kalahari MichiganStadiumwillhostatopsoccermatchbetweenRealMadridandChelsea,twoof themoststoriedteamsinEuropenow and regarded as two of the best teams in the world. Four of you will be able to watch it from Club Level seats with the convenience of nearby lounge with televisions and air conditioning as well as refreshments. Seats areinsection308,row3,seat1through4.TicketswillnotarriveuntilJune.Match willtakeplaceSaturday,July30,2016,at3p.m. Thank you Durocher’s TV Appliance & La-Z-Boy Gallery Jorgensen and Jason & Kristy Linster (for ND locker) L-019 Michigan State at Notre Dame Football Tickets Two powerhouse teams that were ranked in the NCAA top twenty last year will take the field against each other on Saturday, September 17, 2016, in South Bend. This great rivalry between Notre Dame and Michigan State, that began in 1897, picks up again after a two-year hiatus. It has all the markings of a Midwest showdown. Four tickets to the game are up for bid. Experience all of the campus activities that make for a classic Notre Dame football weekend! A parking pass is included. Thank you Anthony & Heather Laboe and Tom & Marilyn Laboe L-020 Last Supper Carving Purchased while on a trip to the Holy Land, this priceless olive wood carving of the Last Supper is the work of the famous craftsman Zacharia. Due to the ongoing political conflicts, Palestinian Catholic and Christian families in the Holy Land who once made up 65% of the population have now decreased to less than 2%. The livelihood and economy of the Holy Land craftspeople are dependent on the sale of the works they produce. The skill of carving olive wood has been passed down for many generations. This artistic relief sculpture, carved in olive wood, has finely chiseled lines with figurines carved in fine exquisite detail. Thank you Denny & Mary Pat Miller It’s mystifying that there’s only one day a year dedicated to celebrating moms, the women who taught us how to tie our shoes and blow our noses. They feed us, clothe us, and, when we’re grown, they share a drink with us and recall all the times they almost lost it while taking care of us. Treat your mom to a relaxing dinner at home with Dad and kids doing all the prep work and clean-up. Danny’s Fine Foods will prepare a 12 to 13 pound boneless prime rib, a green bean casserole, a large pan of cheesy potatoes, tossed salad, rolls, butter, two dozen Danny’s chocolate chip cookies, and two bottles of a fine red wine. Call 48 hours before Mother’s Day to confirm. Thank you Danny’s Fine Foods/Danny II The name Movado, which means “always in motion,” has a reputation for creative, artistic, high quality timepieces. The company was the first to create a watch case designed to fit the curve of the wrist and the first to make a self-winding automatic timepiece. This Blue Movado watch is a work of art. There’s no time like the present to bid on this elegant piece of jewelry. Thank you Milkins Jewelers of Monroe L-022-B Lady’s Valor Movado Watch Bold, timeless and inspired, Movado watches offer excellent craftsmanship with stunning design. They are known for being lightweight and comfortable on the wrist. Don’t waste any time; bid on this lady’s Valor Movado watch (serial number 4276921). The time for action is now. Thank you Milkins Jewelers of Monroe L-023 TOP GUN Air Combat Get suited up for your Air Combat flight into the “Danger Zone” which is sure to “take your breath away.” After completing a basic training course, you will take to the skies in a state-of-the-art military aircraft, not a simulator. You will pilot an SF-200 NATO Attack Fighter with your instructor, practice formation flying, basic maneuvers, and engage in aerial dogfights. Your entire experience will be recorded so you can share the adventure with friends and family. Air Combat guest pilots have ranged in age from 8 to 87. Top Gun is available June 11-13, or September 10-12, 2016. Flights operate out of Oakland International Airport. Thank you A Friend of the Auction LIVE LIVE L-021 Mother’s Day Dinner L-022-A Gent’s Blue Movado Watch L-019 Michigan State at Notre Dame Football Tickets Two powerhouse teams that were ranked in the NCAA top twenty last year will take the field against each other on Saturday, September 17, 2016, in South Bend. This great rivalry between Notre Dame and Michigan State, that began in 1897, picks up again after a two-year hiatus. It has all the markings of a Midwest showdown. Four tickets to the game are up for bid. Experience all of the campus activities that make for a classic Notre Dame football weekend! A parking pass is included. Thank you Anthony & Heather Laboe and Tom & Marilyn Laboe L-020 Last Supper Carving Purchased while on a trip to the Holy Land, this priceless olive wood carving of the Last Supper is the work of the famous craftsman Zacharia. Due to the ongoing political conflicts, Palestinian Catholic and Christian families in the Holy Land who once made up 65% of the population have now decreased to less than 2%. The livelihood and economy of the Holy Land craftspeople are dependent on the sale of the works they produce. The skill of carving olive wood has been passed down for many generations. This artistic relief sculpture, carved in olive wood, has finely chiseled lines with figurines carved in fine exquisite detail. Thank you Denny & Mary Pat Miller It’s mystifying that there’s only one day a year dedicated to celebrating moms, the women who taught us how to tie our shoes and blow our noses. They feed us, clothe us, and, when we’re grown, they share a drink with us and recall all the times they almost lost it while taking care of us. Treat your mom to a relaxing dinner at home with Dad and kids doing all the prep work and clean-up. Danny’s Fine Foods will prepare a 12 to 13 pound boneless prime rib, a green bean casserole, a large pan of cheesy potatoes, tossed salad, rolls, butter, two dozen Danny’s chocolate chip cookies, and two bottles of a fine red wine. Call 48 hours before Mother’s Day to confirm. Thank you Danny’s Fine Foods/Danny II The name Movado, which means “always in motion,” has a reputation for creative, artistic, high quality timepieces. The company was the first to create a watch case designed to fit the curve of the wrist and the first to make a self-winding automatic timepiece. This Blue Movado watch is a work of art. There’s no time like the present to bid on this elegant piece of jewelry. Thank you Milkins Jewelers of Monroe L-022-B Lady’s Valor Movado Watch Bold, timeless and inspired, Movado watches offer excellent craftsmanship with stunning design. They are known for being lightweight and comfortable on the wrist. Don’t waste any time; bid on this lady’s Valor Movado watch (serial number 4276921). The time for action is now. Thank you Milkins Jewelers of Monroe L-023 TOP GUN Air Combat Get suited up for your Air Combat flight into the “Danger Zone” which is sure to “take your breath away.” After completing a basic training course, you will take to the skies in a state-of-the-art military aircraft, not a simulator. You will pilot an SF-200 NATO Attack Fighter with your instructor, practice formation flying, basic maneuvers, and engage in aerial dogfights. Your entire experience will be recorded so you can share the adventure with friends and family. Air Combat guest pilots have ranged in age from 8 to 87. Top Gun is available June 11-13, or September 10-12, 2016. Flights operate out of Oakland International Airport. Thank you A Friend of the Auction LIVE LIVE L-021 Mother’s Day Dinner L-022-A Gent’s Blue Movado Watch L-027 Hotel Walloon L 024 Royal Caribbean Cruise Certificate Where you sail is your choice. How long you sail is your choice. Oceanview cabin or one with a balcony is your choice. This is possible if you bid on and win this Royal Caribbean gift certificate which will cover the cost of two on most short cruises out of Miami, Fort Lauderdale or Tampa on most dates. Certificate may be applied to cruises of longer duration although bidder is responsible for expenses over the value of the certificate. Gift card would cover a five-night Western Caribbean cruise out of Miami in March 2017, a four-night Tampa to Cozumel, or a three-night with balcony from Miami to Cococay and Nassau. Gift certificate can be redeemed on line, by phone or through a travel agent. No expiration date, but you must be 21 years of age. Hotel Walloon’s design aims at propelling each guest back into the elegance of the dawn of the twentieth century with its wrap-around porches, wainscoting and gilded lights which are combined with the comforts of every modern amenity. Centrally located between Petoskey, Boyne City, Charlevoix, Traverse City and Mackinaw, the hotel is located on the shores of picturesque Walloon Lake, one of Michigan’s cleanest lakes, making it perfect for swimming, water sports and fishing. The boutique hotel features 32 unique and elegant guest rooms. Rates vary by season, but this gift certificate should allow the winning bidder a two-night stay in the summer and up to three nights in the winter. You’ll regret not bidding on this item. Thank you Robert J. Duffey Foundation Thank you Steve and Kate (McCormick) Bolhuis L-025 Foursome at Royal Blue Golf Classic The IHM Sisters’ Royal Blue Classic golf outing will be held on Monday, June 20 at the beautiful Fox Hill Golf and Banquet Center in Plymouth, Michigan. Winner of this auction item can choose to golf in the 18-hole event or the 9-hole event. All 18hole participants will golf on the championship course, the Golden Fox, and the 9-hole participants will play the Fox Classic course. Teams of women, men or co-ed are welcome. Golfers of all skill levels can be comfortable in the scramble, best-ball format event. Certificate is for four golfers and includes golf, continental breakfast, outdoor grilled lunch at the turn, beverages on the course, reception, dinner, raffles and silent auction as well as great golf gifts and skills holes including a chance to win a car for a hole-in-one. Thank you IHM Sisters Is this finally the year the Cubs break the jinx and get back to the Series? A strong returning team makes this a real possibility. You can be a part of this historical moment and enjoy Chicago at its finest. These four tickets for a Chicago Cubs game against the Rangers are for Saturday, July 16, 2016, at 1:20 pm CDT. A $500 Marriott gift card is included. You can choose from over 22 Marriott hotels in Chicago. A Cubs’ game is surely on your bucket list! Thank you Friend and Honorable Michael & Joyce Weipert L-029 Daily Coffee from Tim Hortons Thumbs up, Tim Hortons lovers! It’s time to Roll Up the Rim! All you coffee lovers, and most of you are, will be excited to bid on this certificate for coffee every day for a year redeemable at either the Monroe Street or Telegraph Road location. Certificate can only be used by bearer of card, in person. It can be used once daily for any size coffee. Thank you Tim Hortons of Monroe L-030 A Walk in the Woods A Walk in the Woods has been taking people backpacking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on a full-time basis since 1998. All the guides are trained naturalists, certified Wilderness First responders and have years of experience safely taking people into the back country. This generous gift certificate allows you a choice of many different experiences. Tour options are: guided nature walks, guided hikes, birding and salamander treks, and guided backpacking trips. Rob Davies (SMCC ‘ 94) recommends the overnight camping trip for a family of four. (His kids were 8 and 10.) Overnight hike included gear, food and guide and spending the night in a tent. This Gatlinburg area adventure can best be described by visiting Facebook or their website, The certificate is for the 2016 hiking season but may be extended if contacted before the end of the year. Thank you Paul & Kari Blanchett and Rachel & Rob Davies Family LIVE LIVE L-026 Chicago Cubs Tickets L-028 SCHOLARSHIP L-027 Hotel Walloon L 024 Royal Caribbean Cruise Certificate Where you sail is your choice. How long you sail is your choice. Oceanview cabin or one with a balcony is your choice. This is possible if you bid on and win this Royal Caribbean gift certificate which will cover the cost of two on most short cruises out of Miami, Fort Lauderdale or Tampa on most dates. Certificate may be applied to cruises of longer duration although bidder is responsible for expenses over the value of the certificate. Gift card would cover a five-night Western Caribbean cruise out of Miami in March 2017, a four-night Tampa to Cozumel, or a three-night with balcony from Miami to Cococay and Nassau. Gift certificate can be redeemed on line, by phone or through a travel agent. No expiration date, but you must be 21 years of age. Hotel Walloon’s design aims at propelling each guest back into the elegance of the dawn of the twentieth century with its wrap-around porches, wainscoting and gilded lights which are combined with the comforts of every modern amenity. Centrally located between Petoskey, Boyne City, Charlevoix, Traverse City and Mackinaw, the hotel is located on the shores of picturesque Walloon Lake, one of Michigan’s cleanest lakes, making it perfect for swimming, water sports and fishing. The boutique hotel features 32 unique and elegant guest rooms. Rates vary by season, but this gift certificate should allow the winning bidder a two-night stay in the summer and up to three nights in the winter. You’ll regret not bidding on this item. Thank you Robert J. Duffey Foundation Thank you Steve and Kate (McCormick) Bolhuis L-025 Foursome at Royal Blue Golf Classic The IHM Sisters’ Royal Blue Classic golf outing will be held on Monday, June 20 at the beautiful Fox Hill Golf and Banquet Center in Plymouth, Michigan. Winner of this auction item can choose to golf in the 18-hole event or the 9-hole event. All 18hole participants will golf on the championship course, the Golden Fox, and the 9-hole participants will play the Fox Classic course. Teams of women, men or co-ed are welcome. Golfers of all skill levels can be comfortable in the scramble, best-ball format event. Certificate is for four golfers and includes golf, continental breakfast, outdoor grilled lunch at the turn, beverages on the course, reception, dinner, raffles and silent auction as well as great golf gifts and skills holes including a chance to win a car for a hole-in-one. Thank you IHM Sisters Is this finally the year the Cubs break the jinx and get back to the Series? A strong returning team makes this a real possibility. You can be a part of this historical moment and enjoy Chicago at its finest. These four tickets for a Chicago Cubs game against the Rangers are for Saturday, July 16, 2016, at 1:20 pm CDT. A $500 Marriott gift card is included. You can choose from over 22 Marriott hotels in Chicago. A Cubs’ game is surely on your bucket list! Thank you Friend and Honorable Michael & Joyce Weipert L-029 Daily Coffee from Tim Hortons Thumbs up, Tim Hortons lovers! It’s time to Roll Up the Rim! All you coffee lovers, and most of you are, will be excited to bid on this certificate for coffee every day for a year redeemable at either the Monroe Street or Telegraph Road location. Certificate can only be used by bearer of card, in person. It can be used once daily for any size coffee. Thank you Tim Hortons of Monroe L-030 A Walk in the Woods A Walk in the Woods has been taking people backpacking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on a full-time basis since 1998. All the guides are trained naturalists, certified Wilderness First responders and have years of experience safely taking people into the back country. This generous gift certificate allows you a choice of many different experiences. Tour options are: guided nature walks, guided hikes, birding and salamander treks, and guided backpacking trips. Rob Davies (SMCC ‘ 94) recommends the overnight camping trip for a family of four. (His kids were 8 and 10.) Overnight hike included gear, food and guide and spending the night in a tent. This Gatlinburg area adventure can best be described by visiting Facebook or their website, The certificate is for the 2016 hiking season but may be extended if contacted before the end of the year. Thank you Paul & Kari Blanchett and Rachel & Rob Davies Family LIVE LIVE L-026 Chicago Cubs Tickets L-028 SCHOLARSHIP L-031 St. John Dinner in Detroit EnjoyfineculinarydelightsforfourwithFr.JimSmalarz,DeaconMikeStewartandhiswife,Karin,atone of Detroit’sfinediningrestaurants:TheWhitney,The Roast,TheDearbornInnoranotherrestaurantagreed tobyFr.Jim.ThedinnershouldtakeplacepriortoOctober1,2016. Thank you St. John the Baptist Catholic Church L-032 Mechanical Bull or Photo Booth Rental Yeehaww!Areyoulookingforfunandexcitementatyournextparty? Thisbig,badbullcanstampedeitswaytoyourhouse.Foramilderadventure,butjustasmuchfun,chooseaphotoboothforyourgueststotakelastingmemories of yourevent.MechanicalBullorPhotoBoothRentalforuptofourhourswillbesetup andmonitoredbySimpsonMoonwalkemployees. (InMonroeorsurroundingarea) Thank you Simpsons Moonwalks NestledalongSouthwestFlorida’sParadiseCoast,NaplesBayResortcombines boutiquehotelstyle,resortdestinationamenities,andTuscandesigntodeliver auniquewaterfrontexperienceforaluxuryNaplesvacation.Justminutesfrom Naplesareabeaches,Naplesgolf courses,andthenaturalhabitatsof theFloridaEverglades,NaplesBayResortsitsatthethresholdof thefamedFifthAvenueSouthandThirdStreetSouthshopping,dining,andartdistrict.Featuringa distinctiveblendof exclusivityandpersonalizedservice,theseluxurysuitesand hotelroomsarecomplementedbytheperfectcombinationof amenitiesincludingaEuro-stylespa,fourcrystal-bluepools,alagoonstylelazyriver,state-ofthe-artfitnessandtennisfacilities,ourfamousCaptain’sLoungeanda97-slip marina.Infact,NaplesBayResortistheonlySouthwestFloridahotelwitha fullyoperationalmarinawithdirectaccesstotheGulf of Mexico.HotelGift certificateisfor$1,200.00.Packageincludesa$500.00VisaGiftCardfordining. The Manausso Family and Floral City Beverage Better than any circus adventure is a visit to Comerica Parkwithitscarousel,ferriswheel,mammothwaterfeatureincenterfieldaswellasadecade-by-decadepedestrianmuseum.Thereisalsoafieldwithagamebeingplayed aswell.YourGrandstandseatswillbeupperinfieldbox seats,behindhomeplate(Section328,row8,seats7-10) Fourticketsforeachof thesesixgames:Saturday,May7,1:08pm,TexasRangers; Tuesday,May24,7:08pm,PhiladelphiaPhillies;Saturday,June25,4:08pm,ClevelandIndians;Saturday,July16,7:08pm,KansasCityRoyals;Saturday,August20, 7:08pm,BostonRedSox;Saturday,September10,7:08pm,BaltimoreOrioles. Thank you Dave & Carrie Gelwicks and Jack & Pat Ready L-035 Grand Traverse Resort and Spa Lookingforafirst-classadventurewithagolfingbuddyor spouse?Experience36holesof championshipgolf inNorthern Michigan’sremarkablesetting.Thistwo-nightChampionship Golf GetawayWeekendincludes:twonightsaccommodations, tworoundsof golf perperson,twobucketsof rangeballsper person,twobreakfastbuffetsperpersonatSweetwaterAmericanBistroandcouponsfor15%off anyspatreatmentsvalued at$99ormore.Consistentlyvotedasoneof America’smost charmingsmalltowns,TraverseCityhassomeof themostbeautifully restored historic buildings and a varied selection of art galleriesandspecialtyshopsinthedowntownarea. L-036 Shade Trees Thank you Robert J. Duffey Foundation Whether you own a new house with little topographyoranolderbusinesswithtiredlookinglandscaping,newshadetreeswill improveyourproperty’scurbappeal.Two shadetrees(2to21/2inchcaliper)willbe deliveredandinstalledatthehomeorbusiness of the successful bidder. As the old adagesays:Tobehappyforayear,planta garden;tobehappyforalifetime,plantatree. Thank you WH Canon Inc. LIVE LIVE L-033 3 Nights at Naples Bay Resort L-034 Six Detroit Tiger Games L-031 St. John Dinner in Detroit EnjoyfineculinarydelightsforfourwithFr.JimSmalarz,DeaconMikeStewartandhiswife,Karin,atone of Detroit’sfinediningrestaurants:TheWhitney,The Roast,TheDearbornInnoranotherrestaurantagreed tobyFr.Jim.ThedinnershouldtakeplacepriortoOctober1,2016. Thank you St. John the Baptist Catholic Church L-032 Mechanical Bull or Photo Booth Rental Yeehaww!Areyoulookingforfunandexcitementatyournextparty? Thisbig,badbullcanstampedeitswaytoyourhouse.Foramilderadventure,butjustasmuchfun,chooseaphotoboothforyourgueststotakelastingmemories of yourevent.MechanicalBullorPhotoBoothRentalforuptofourhourswillbesetup andmonitoredbySimpsonMoonwalkemployees. (InMonroeorsurroundingarea) Thank you Simpsons Moonwalks NestledalongSouthwestFlorida’sParadiseCoast,NaplesBayResortcombines boutiquehotelstyle,resortdestinationamenities,andTuscandesigntodeliver auniquewaterfrontexperienceforaluxuryNaplesvacation.Justminutesfrom Naplesareabeaches,Naplesgolf courses,andthenaturalhabitatsof theFloridaEverglades,NaplesBayResortsitsatthethresholdof thefamedFifthAvenueSouthandThirdStreetSouthshopping,dining,andartdistrict.Featuringa distinctiveblendof exclusivityandpersonalizedservice,theseluxurysuitesand hotelroomsarecomplementedbytheperfectcombinationof amenitiesincludingaEuro-stylespa,fourcrystal-bluepools,alagoonstylelazyriver,state-ofthe-artfitnessandtennisfacilities,ourfamousCaptain’sLoungeanda97-slip marina.Infact,NaplesBayResortistheonlySouthwestFloridahotelwitha fullyoperationalmarinawithdirectaccesstotheGulf of Mexico.HotelGift certificateisfor$1,200.00.Packageincludesa$500.00VisaGiftCardfordining. The Manausso Family and Floral City Beverage Better than any circus adventure is a visit to Comerica Parkwithitscarousel,ferriswheel,mammothwaterfeatureincenterfieldaswellasadecade-by-decadepedestrianmuseum.Thereisalsoafieldwithagamebeingplayed aswell.YourGrandstandseatswillbeupperinfieldbox seats,behindhomeplate(Section328,row8,seats7-10) Fourticketsforeachof thesesixgames:Saturday,May7,1:08pm,TexasRangers; Tuesday,May24,7:08pm,PhiladelphiaPhillies;Saturday,June25,4:08pm,ClevelandIndians;Saturday,July16,7:08pm,KansasCityRoyals;Saturday,August20, 7:08pm,BostonRedSox;Saturday,September10,7:08pm,BaltimoreOrioles. Thank you Dave & Carrie Gelwicks and Jack & Pat Ready L-035 Grand Traverse Resort and Spa Lookingforafirst-classadventurewithagolfingbuddyor spouse?Experience36holesof championshipgolf inNorthern Michigan’sremarkablesetting.Thistwo-nightChampionship Golf GetawayWeekendincludes:twonightsaccommodations, tworoundsof golf perperson,twobucketsof rangeballsper person,twobreakfastbuffetsperpersonatSweetwaterAmericanBistroandcouponsfor15%off anyspatreatmentsvalued at$99ormore.Consistentlyvotedasoneof America’smost charmingsmalltowns,TraverseCityhassomeof themostbeautifully restored historic buildings and a varied selection of art galleriesandspecialtyshopsinthedowntownarea. L-036 Shade Trees Thank you Robert J. Duffey Foundation Whether you own a new house with little topographyoranolderbusinesswithtiredlookinglandscaping,newshadetreeswill improveyourproperty’scurbappeal.Two shadetrees(2to21/2inchcaliper)willbe deliveredandinstalledatthehomeorbusiness of the successful bidder. As the old adagesays:Tobehappyforayear,planta garden;tobehappyforalifetime,plantatree. Thank you WH Canon Inc. LIVE LIVE L-033 3 Nights at Naples Bay Resort L-034 Six Detroit Tiger Games L-037 Maumee River Cruise Don’t miss the boat on this item. A party of four can enjoy a dinner and a cruise down the Maumee River aboard the 32 foot Tiara, the “Legal Pad II”, captained by Paul E. Braunlich to the Real Seafood Company in Toledo. Hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and dinner included. Time and date to be selected by the parties. A good time is promised for all! Thank you Paul E. Braunlich ’49 L-038 Green Meadows Membership L-040 Grand Hotel Mackinac Island has something to offer everyone. Rugged outdoor activities, breath-taking coastal views, carriage tours and horseback riding make the island a popular travel destination.This Grand Hotel certificate is for two nights for two people between May 1 and July 1 or August 16 and November 1, 2016, subject to availability and based on a Sunday-Thursday arrival/departure plan. Certificate allows guests dinner on day of arrival, breakfast and dinner on second day, and breakfast before departure. Also included are two rounds of golf at The Jewel and horse-drawn carriage transportation between the Grand nine and the Woods nine. On the island every day is timeless and every night is precious. Certificate expires November 1, 2016, and is non-transferrable. Thank you SMCC School Board Green Meadows Golf Course offers terrific views and challenging play for golfers at every skill level. Well-groomed fairways and greens keep the course difficult yet friendly, and the staff can offer tips and tricks for playing your best round. The panoramic view of the coarse and nearby flower garden from the dining room adds to the comfortable atmosphere for a meal and or beverage before or after golfing. Try one of Michigan’s craft beers or ales on tap while comparing golf scores and watching sports on TV. Green Meadows has been a golf destination in Monroe for over forty years. The 2016 Single Player Membership allows you unlimited golf for the year. Membership can be upgraded to a couple or family membership at the bidder’s expense. Thank you Green Meadows Golf Course What more needs to be said: It’s a Weber! The Spirit 320 fifty-two inch gas grill has all the usual Weber features with flush-mounted side burner and stainless steel work surface. The front-mounted access door allows for east access to tank and a protected storage area. The grill will get plenty off use with $200 worth of meat including beef steaks, pork chops and boneless/skinless chicken breasts. Meat will be delivered to school April 22 and refrigerated so the winning bidder may take it home the night of the Auction. Thank you R. Manausso Family and Greg and Nicole Ernst LIVE LIVE L-039 Weber Grill and Meat L-037 Maumee River Cruise Don’t miss the boat on this item. A party of four can enjoy a dinner and a cruise down the Maumee River aboard the 32 foot Tiara, the “Legal Pad II”, captained by Paul E. Braunlich to the Real Seafood Company in Toledo. Hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and dinner included. Time and date to be selected by the parties. A good time is promised for all! Thank you Paul E. Braunlich ’49 L-038 Green Meadows Membership L-040 Grand Hotel Mackinac Island has something to offer everyone. Rugged outdoor activities, breath-taking coastal views, carriage tours and horseback riding make the island a popular travel destination.This Grand Hotel certificate is for two nights for two people between May 1 and July 1 or August 16 and November 1, 2016, subject to availability and based on a Sunday-Thursday arrival/departure plan. Certificate allows guests dinner on day of arrival, breakfast and dinner on second day, and breakfast before departure. Also included are two rounds of golf at The Jewel and horse-drawn carriage transportation between the Grand nine and the Woods nine. On the island every day is timeless and every night is precious. Certificate expires November 1, 2016, and is non-transferrable. Thank you SMCC School Board Green Meadows Golf Course offers terrific views and challenging play for golfers at every skill level. Well-groomed fairways and greens keep the course difficult yet friendly, and the staff can offer tips and tricks for playing your best round. The panoramic view of the coarse and nearby flower garden from the dining room adds to the comfortable atmosphere for a meal and or beverage before or after golfing. Try one of Michigan’s craft beers or ales on tap while comparing golf scores and watching sports on TV. Green Meadows has been a golf destination in Monroe for over forty years. The 2016 Single Player Membership allows you unlimited golf for the year. Membership can be upgraded to a couple or family membership at the bidder’s expense. Thank you Green Meadows Golf Course What more needs to be said: It’s a Weber! The Spirit 320 fifty-two inch gas grill has all the usual Weber features with flush-mounted side burner and stainless steel work surface. The front-mounted access door allows for east access to tank and a protected storage area. The grill will get plenty off use with $200 worth of meat including beef steaks, pork chops and boneless/skinless chicken breasts. Meat will be delivered to school April 22 and refrigerated so the winning bidder may take it home the night of the Auction. Thank you R. Manausso Family and Greg and Nicole Ernst LIVE LIVE L-039 Weber Grill and Meat 2016 SMCC Wish List This list includes items which are not in the school or department budget at the current time. You may purchase of any of these items as part of your Auction experience. The SMCC family gratefully says, “Thank You!” Facility Needs: 1 - Portable Lift ($2,500) 2 - United States and SMCC Flag Sets ($200 each) 1 - New Marquee for front lawn ($5,000) 1 - 10’x10’ Rubbermaid Shed for bus supplies ($700) 1 - Three-step Stool ($50) 1 – Dorm sized refridgerator for School Office ($175) Media Center: 1 - Headphone Set for Computer Lab/Library ($500) 1 - Speaker System for large teaching lab ($400) 1 - Media Center Reception Desk ($3,000) 5 - Round Student Study Tables ($600 each) 1 - 55" Wall Mount TV/Monitor ($700) 1 - Wireless Printer (w/air print capability) Multiple classroom/department/office use: 5 - Powered AV Carts ($154 each) 1 - Laptop Charging Cart ($700) 15 - Laptops for student use ($600 each) 3 - MacBook Airs for teacher use ($1,100 each) 4 - Classroom Whiteboards ($750 each) 5 – LCD projectors ($400 each) Music: 3 - Hand-held Microphones ($100 each) 3 - Wireless Lapel Microphones ($400 each) 2 - Chair Dollies ($250 each) 2 - Large Bulletin Boards ($300 Each) Fine Arts: 2 - pottery wheels ($1,500 each) 1 – Canon T5i digital camera ($899) 2 - Gift Certificates for Delphi Glass ($200 each) 5 - Gift Certificates for Blick Art ($200 each) 2 - Gift Certificate to Lowes ($100) Science: 4 - Conductivity testers ($43.95 each) 1 – Spectrophotometer ($953.90) 4 - Magnetic Stirrer/Hot Plate ($484.70 each) 1 - Drying Oven ($675.60) 1 - Disarticulated Skeleton ($324.95) 1 - Human Skull Model ($115.45) Clubs and Activities: 2 – Choose Life posters for Respect Life Team ($125 each) S-021 La-Z-Boy Chair Certificate (Good for 30 days from auction date) Thank you La-Z-Boy Incorporated S-022 EZ-Inflate Suede Queen Air Mattress Thank you KCH Consulting S-023 Ten Chili Dogs and One Quart of Root Beer during the 2016 Season Thank you Vince’s West Elm Drive-in S-024 Four Toledo Mud Hens vs. Indianapolis Indians Tickets Friday, June 3, 2016, 7:05pm Thank you Ann & Joe Peruski S-025 Grilling Basket - $75 Omaha Steak gift card, grill press and brush, kabob skewers, and mesh food cover Thank you BP Foundation S-026 “The Works” Package - lube, oil & filter change, and tire rotation certificate, carwash kit, and Mustang swivel counter stool, hoodie, ball cap, key chain, and tumbler Thank you Friendly Ford Lincoln Men & Sports S-027 - 4 $25.00 Tiffany Pizza Gift Cards Thank you Tiffany’s Pizza S-028 - 4 $25.00 Tiffany Pizza Gift Cards Thank you Tiffany’s Pizza S-029 4 Lower Level Red Wing Ticket and a Parking Pass for the 2016-2017 Season Thank you Mid-American Group S-030 Lionel Amtrak Ready-to-runo-Gauge Train Set Thank you Rev. Dr. Mike Woroniewicz S-031 Family Game Night Thank you National Galvanizing S-032 Foursome Golf Package with Dinner Included at Monroe golf Banquet & Event Center Thank you Monroe Golf Banquet & Event Center S-033 Wine Package with 2 Bottles of Wine, Corkscrew, 2 Wine Glasses, Wine Stopper Thank you a Friend of SMCC Home & Garden “Carousels” Closesat8:10 H-001 Framed Wine Corks Collage - depicts a wine bottle pouring wine into a glass, Wine Rack, and Wine Thank you Terry & Lorie Bronso H-002 Twelve Place Settings of Antique China Thank you Susan Calmes Lewis H-003 Eight Collector Plates from “Picture Perfect,” “Grand Safari Images of Africa,” Portraits of the Wild,” “Wild Innocents,” or “The Most Magnificent Cats” Collections Thank you Susan Calmes Lewis H-004 Baking Basket - Oneida timer, measuring spoons & cups, tongs, and wood spoon set Thank you Paul & Kim Caruana H-005 “Let’s Bake Cupcakes!” - mixing bowls, cupcake pans, and birthday candles H-006 Fitbit and Fitbit Wi-Fi Aria Smart Scale Thank you Kristine Wahoski H-007 One Furnace or Air Conditioning Clean and Check - labor only, f ilter not included Thank you Sieb Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Inc. H-008 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-009 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-010 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-012 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-013 Three Piece Stainless Steel Food Chopper, Grater, Storage Containers, and Expandable Over-the-Sink Colander Thank you CC Grad H-014 Girls’ Basketball Game - Join the Girls’ Basketball Staff for a game during the 2016-17 season. Thank you Coach John Durbin H-015 Prime SMCC Parking Space #41 for the 2016-17 school year Thank you Mr. Chad Myers, Dean of Students H-016 SMCC Summer Volleyball Camp for a student in grades 5 - 9 Thank you Coach Karen O’Brien H-017 American Tourister 21” Wheeled Upright Luggage Thank you Doug & Carrie Kuras H-018 Bird Bath Package - 30” stained glass bird bath on stand, bird feeder, and seed Thank you The Brinkmeier Family H-019 Tied Memory Quilt Thank you Mary Steinhauser H-020 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family H-021 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family H-022 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family H-023 Herbalife Three Day Trial Kit, Shaker Cup, and Snacks Thank you Nutrition Explosion Home & Garden Home & Garden Thank you Paul & Kim Caruana H-011 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Home & Garden “Carousels” Closesat8:10 H-001 Framed Wine Corks Collage - depicts a wine bottle pouring wine into a glass, Wine Rack, and Wine Thank you Terry & Lorie Bronso H-002 Twelve Place Settings of Antique China Thank you Susan Calmes Lewis H-003 Eight Collector Plates from “Picture Perfect,” “Grand Safari Images of Africa,” Portraits of the Wild,” “Wild Innocents,” or “The Most Magnificent Cats” Collections Thank you Susan Calmes Lewis H-004 Baking Basket - Oneida timer, measuring spoons & cups, tongs, and wood spoon set Thank you Paul & Kim Caruana H-005 “Let’s Bake Cupcakes!” - mixing bowls, cupcake pans, and birthday candles H-006 Fitbit and Fitbit Wi-Fi Aria Smart Scale Thank you Kristine Wahoski H-007 One Furnace or Air Conditioning Clean and Check - labor only, f ilter not included Thank you Sieb Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Inc. H-008 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-009 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-010 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-012 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic H-013 Three Piece Stainless Steel Food Chopper, Grater, Storage Containers, and Expandable Over-the-Sink Colander Thank you CC Grad H-014 Girls’ Basketball Game - Join the Girls’ Basketball Staff for a game during the 2016-17 season. Thank you Coach John Durbin H-015 Prime SMCC Parking Space #41 for the 2016-17 school year Thank you Mr. Chad Myers, Dean of Students H-016 SMCC Summer Volleyball Camp for a student in grades 5 - 9 Thank you Coach Karen O’Brien H-017 American Tourister 21” Wheeled Upright Luggage Thank you Doug & Carrie Kuras H-018 Bird Bath Package - 30” stained glass bird bath on stand, bird feeder, and seed Thank you The Brinkmeier Family H-019 Tied Memory Quilt Thank you Mary Steinhauser H-020 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family H-021 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family H-022 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family H-023 Herbalife Three Day Trial Kit, Shaker Cup, and Snacks Thank you Nutrition Explosion Home & Garden Home & Garden Thank you Paul & Kim Caruana H-011 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt H-024 Kinkade Framed Print Thank you The Pioch Family H-025 Three 2016 General Purpose Sprays control mosquitos, spiders, and leaf-eating insects Thank you Floral City Tree Service H-026 Framed English Scene Picture Thank you Peg Cousino H-027 Winslow Homer Watercolor Print Thank you Peg Cousino H-028 Green and Yellow Quilt Throw (57” x 73”) with Pillowcase machine-made by Wendy Thank you Wendy Godfroy H-029 Spring Bouquet and 40 oz. Whitman’s Sampler Thank you MCC Romeo H-038 Cross and Pope Francis Photo Thank you A Friend of SMCC H-039 Three Glass Candle Holders Thank you Donna Estrada H-040 Skeeter Defeater Thank you Kaitlyn Burkey H-041 Pink Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-042 Pink Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-043 White and Blue Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-044 Blue and White Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-030 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family Thank you The Laginess Family H-032 Scented Wax Warmer & Cubes, Loofah, Journal, Candle Holders, and Woman’s T-shirt Thank you Friend of the Auction H-033 Travelon Waterproof Tablet Portfolio Thank you Friend of the Auction H-034 Shrek DVD Thank you Friend of the Auction H-035 EZ-Inflate Suede Queen Air Mattress Thank you KCH Consulting H-036 Handmade Tailgating Blanket (43” x 54”) in SMCC colors Thank you Robert & Lisa Gessner H-037 $75 Omaha Steak Gift Card Thank you BP Foundation Home & Garden Home & Garden H-031 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) H-024 Kinkade Framed Print Thank you The Pioch Family H-025 Three 2016 General Purpose Sprays control mosquitos, spiders, and leaf-eating insects Thank you Floral City Tree Service H-026 Framed English Scene Picture Thank you Peg Cousino H-027 Winslow Homer Watercolor Print Thank you Peg Cousino H-028 Green and Yellow Quilt Throw (57” x 73”) with Pillowcase machine-made by Wendy Thank you Wendy Godfroy H-029 Spring Bouquet and 40 oz. Whitman’s Sampler Thank you MCC Romeo H-038 Cross and Pope Francis Photo Thank you A Friend of SMCC H-039 Three Glass Candle Holders Thank you Donna Estrada H-040 Skeeter Defeater Thank you Kaitlyn Burkey H-041 Pink Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-042 Pink Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-043 White and Blue Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-044 Blue and White Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall H-030 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family Thank you The Laginess Family H-032 Scented Wax Warmer & Cubes, Loofah, Journal, Candle Holders, and Woman’s T-shirt Thank you Friend of the Auction H-033 Travelon Waterproof Tablet Portfolio Thank you Friend of the Auction H-034 Shrek DVD Thank you Friend of the Auction H-035 EZ-Inflate Suede Queen Air Mattress Thank you KCH Consulting H-036 Handmade Tailgating Blanket (43” x 54”) in SMCC colors Thank you Robert & Lisa Gessner H-037 $75 Omaha Steak Gift Card Thank you BP Foundation Home & Garden Home & Garden H-031 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Women & Family “Feathers & Pearls” Closesat8:20 F-001 "Let's Play Circus" - indoor/outdoor circus tent, Dr. Seuss' "If I Ran the Circus,” "A Day at the Circus,” stacking toy, and two MCES t-shirts Thank you Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools F-002 "Wine & Dine" - four bottles of Michigan Wines (Chateau Chantal Naughty Red, Leelanau Cellars Chardonay, Bowers Harbor Vineyard Pinot Grigio, and Chateau Grand Traverse Riesling)and $25 Michigan Bar/Pete's Garage gift card Thank you Monroe Family YMCA F-012 Be SMCC Principal for a Day Thank you Jason Linster, Principal F-013 Graduation Seating - Use your six senior parent tickets and receive an additional two tickets. The eight seats will be in the front row at the SMCC graduation on Sunday, May 22, 2016, 3:00pm. Thank you Jason Linster, Principal F-014 Half-Sheet Basic Graduation Cake Thank you Cakes by Stephanie F-003 Woman's Beach Bag and Two over-sized Beach Towels F-015 Reserved Graduation Parking - one "in the circle" reserved parking space for the SMCC Graduation Sunday, May 22, 2016, 3:00pm F-004 Sterling Silver Nativity Set Bracelet F-016 American Girl Ultimate Crafting Kit F-005 Sterling Silver 18" Diamond Cut & Silver Circle Necklace and Matching Earrings F-017 Be a Part of the Football Coaching Staff. Choose one 2016 game day to ride the bus, stand on the sidelines, and go into the locker room at halftime. Thank you Godfroy, Wetzel & Horkey P.L.C. Thank you KCH Consulting Thank you Milkins Jewelers of Monroe Thank you Frenchie's Fine Jewelry Thank you Jason Linster, Principal Thank you SMA Grad Thank you Coach Adam Kipf F-006 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events F-018 SMCC Summer Lacrosse Camp for one student in grades 5 - 9 F-007 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt F-019 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) F-008 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt F-020 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic F-009 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic F-010 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department Thank you The Laginess Family Thank you The Laginess Family F-021 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family F-022 Art 101 - 82 piece kit of markers, oil pastels, chalk pastels, pencils, etc. and Two “Color Art” Adult Coloring Books Thank you SMA Grad Women & Family Women & Family F-011 One Year Household Membership (Expires 4-24-17) Women & Family “Feathers & Pearls” Closesat8:20 F-001 "Let's Play Circus" - indoor/outdoor circus tent, Dr. Seuss' "If I Ran the Circus,” "A Day at the Circus,” stacking toy, and two MCES t-shirts Thank you Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools F-002 "Wine & Dine" - four bottles of Michigan Wines (Chateau Chantal Naughty Red, Leelanau Cellars Chardonay, Bowers Harbor Vineyard Pinot Grigio, and Chateau Grand Traverse Riesling)and $25 Michigan Bar/Pete's Garage gift card Thank you Monroe Family YMCA F-012 Be SMCC Principal for a Day Thank you Jason Linster, Principal F-013 Graduation Seating - Use your six senior parent tickets and receive an additional two tickets. The eight seats will be in the front row at the SMCC graduation on Sunday, May 22, 2016, 3:00pm. Thank you Jason Linster, Principal F-014 Half-Sheet Basic Graduation Cake Thank you Cakes by Stephanie F-003 Woman's Beach Bag and Two over-sized Beach Towels F-015 Reserved Graduation Parking - one "in the circle" reserved parking space for the SMCC Graduation Sunday, May 22, 2016, 3:00pm F-004 Sterling Silver Nativity Set Bracelet F-016 American Girl Ultimate Crafting Kit F-005 Sterling Silver 18" Diamond Cut & Silver Circle Necklace and Matching Earrings F-017 Be a Part of the Football Coaching Staff. Choose one 2016 game day to ride the bus, stand on the sidelines, and go into the locker room at halftime. Thank you Godfroy, Wetzel & Horkey P.L.C. Thank you KCH Consulting Thank you Milkins Jewelers of Monroe Thank you Frenchie's Fine Jewelry Thank you Jason Linster, Principal Thank you SMA Grad Thank you Coach Adam Kipf F-006 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events F-018 SMCC Summer Lacrosse Camp for one student in grades 5 - 9 F-007 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt F-019 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) F-008 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt F-020 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic F-009 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic F-010 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you SMCC Athletic Department Thank you The Laginess Family Thank you The Laginess Family F-021 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family F-022 Art 101 - 82 piece kit of markers, oil pastels, chalk pastels, pencils, etc. and Two “Color Art” Adult Coloring Books Thank you SMA Grad Women & Family Women & Family F-011 One Year Household Membership (Expires 4-24-17) F-023 A Baked Item a Month for a Year - includes sample basket F-032 14k Yellow Gold Jerusalem Cross F-024 Gift Basket - handmade Michigan pillow, assorted teas, two mugs, pint of local raw honey and necklace F-033 Wine Basket includes 4 Wine Glass, Corkscrew and Wine Stopper Thank you Jack Ready Thank you Inside Looking Out and Janet Simon F-025 $50 Yaeger’s Shoes Gift Card Thank you Yaeger's Shoes F-026 Large Hand-stitched Mermaid Tail Afghan and "The Secret History of Mermaids and Creatures of the Deep" Book Thank you Robert & Lisa Gessner F-027 Ten Chili Dogs and One Quart of Root Beer during the 2016 season Thank you Vince's West Elm Drive-in F-028 Stationery Basket - greeting cards, note cards, stamps, and date book Thank you Carroll/Ochs Jewelers Thank you BP Foundation F- 034 One SMCC Yearbook Thank you MCC Yearbook Staff F- 035 Green Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall F- 036 Light Blue Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall F-037 Blue Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall F-038 Two Wooden Frames with Beveled Double Mats Thank you Sondra and Jeff Pulter Thank you BP Foundation Donna Estrada F-030 "The Works Package" - lube, oil & filter change, and tire rotation certificate, carwash kit, and "Built Ford Tough" stool, ball cap, tumbler, F-Series hoodie, and F150 key chain Thank you Friendly Ford Lincoln F-031 Manet Picture Book and Stained Glass Ornament from the Toledo Museum of Art Thank you KCH Consulting Women & Family Women & Family F-029 Stuffed Animal F-023 A Baked Item a Month for a Year - includes sample basket F-032 14k Yellow Gold Jerusalem Cross F-024 Gift Basket - handmade Michigan pillow, assorted teas, two mugs, pint of local raw honey and necklace F-033 Wine Basket includes 4 Wine Glass, Corkscrew and Wine Stopper Thank you Jack Ready Thank you Inside Looking Out and Janet Simon F-025 $50 Yaeger’s Shoes Gift Card Thank you Yaeger's Shoes F-026 Large Hand-stitched Mermaid Tail Afghan and "The Secret History of Mermaids and Creatures of the Deep" Book Thank you Robert & Lisa Gessner F-027 Ten Chili Dogs and One Quart of Root Beer during the 2016 season Thank you Vince's West Elm Drive-in F-028 Stationery Basket - greeting cards, note cards, stamps, and date book Thank you Carroll/Ochs Jewelers Thank you BP Foundation F- 034 One SMCC Yearbook Thank you MCC Yearbook Staff F- 035 Green Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall F- 036 Light Blue Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall F-037 Blue Knit Baby Outfit Thank you Marian Duvall F-038 Two Wooden Frames with Beveled Double Mats Thank you Sondra and Jeff Pulter Thank you BP Foundation Donna Estrada F-030 "The Works Package" - lube, oil & filter change, and tire rotation certificate, carwash kit, and "Built Ford Tough" stool, ball cap, tumbler, F-Series hoodie, and F150 key chain Thank you Friendly Ford Lincoln F-031 Manet Picture Book and Stained Glass Ornament from the Toledo Museum of Art Thank you KCH Consulting Women & Family Women & Family F-029 Stuffed Animal Men & Sports “Elephants & Lions” Closes at 8:30 S-001 Popcorn Basket Thank you St. Charles Borromeo School S-002 Gladiator Golf Caddy for storage of golf bag, balls, and shoes Thank you Durocher's TV Appliance & La-Z-Boy Gallery S-003 Two Eighteen Hole Rounds of Golf with Cart Thank you Wesburn Golf & Country Club S-004 Four “Buy One Round Get One Round Free” Certificates and Sandy Creek hat, bag tag, glove, blanket, and logo ball Thank you Sandy Creek Golf Course S-005 Four Tiger vs. Ranger Tickets - Sunday, May 8, 2016, 1:08pm, Section 324 Row B Seats 1- 4 Thank you State Rep. Bill LaVoy S-006 "Come Roar with the Tigers at Comerica!" - four tickets to Phillies game - Wednesday, May 25, 7:08pm and Mariner’s game - Tuesday, June 21, 7:08pm, food vouchers, root beer, t-shirts, koozies, clips, Beanie Baby, Tiger cooler and seven gallon galvanized tin Thank you St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Friends of St. John Parish, and Dave & Carrie Gelwicks S-007 Two Certificates for Two Rounds Golf with Shared Cart (Expires 7-15-16) Thank you Raisin River Golf Club S-008 Samsung Galaxy Tab A (SM-T350) 8.0 Smoky Titanium Thank you Lotus Financial Services - Gary & Marguerite Nowitzke S-009 One River Pass for 2016 Golf Season - tee times available in advance, any time Monday-Friday, after 11:00 weekends, non transferable, cart fee required, range balls included Thank you Raisin River Golf Club S-010 “Pamper Yourself ” Basket - one hour massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic, Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016), body lotion, loofah, and candles Thank you The Laginess Family and BP Foundation Candle Basket - one hour massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic, Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016), tea light, Chesapeake Bay, sea salt scented, Oak Forest candles, and fragrance spray Thank you The Laginess Family and BP Foundation S-012 One Ticket to Touchdown Club Final Four Party April 1, 2017 Thank you SMCC Touchdown Club S-013 Boys' Basketball Game - Join the Boys' Basketball Staff for a game during the 2016-17 season. Thank you Coach Randy Windham S-014 SMCC Summer Soccer Camp for one student in grades 7 - 9 Thank you SMCC Athletic Department S-015 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department S-016 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-017 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-018 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-019 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-020 "Michigan Awesome” Red Wine Basket - electric wine opener, wine goblets, and beverage napkins Thank you Friends of the Auction Men & Sports Men & Sports S-011 Men & Sports “Elephants & Lions” Closes at 8:30 S-001 Popcorn Basket Thank you St. Charles Borromeo School S-002 Gladiator Golf Caddy for storage of golf bag, balls, and shoes Thank you Durocher's TV Appliance & La-Z-Boy Gallery S-003 Two Eighteen Hole Rounds of Golf with Cart Thank you Wesburn Golf & Country Club S-004 Four “Buy One Round Get One Round Free” Certificates and Sandy Creek hat, bag tag, glove, blanket, and logo ball Thank you Sandy Creek Golf Course S-005 Four Tiger vs. Ranger Tickets - Sunday, May 8, 2016, 1:08pm, Section 324 Row B Seats 1- 4 Thank you State Rep. Bill LaVoy S-006 "Come Roar with the Tigers at Comerica!" - four tickets to Phillies game - Wednesday, May 25, 7:08pm and Mariner’s game - Tuesday, June 21, 7:08pm, food vouchers, root beer, t-shirts, koozies, clips, Beanie Baby, Tiger cooler and seven gallon galvanized tin Thank you St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Friends of St. John Parish, and Dave & Carrie Gelwicks S-007 Two Certificates for Two Rounds Golf with Shared Cart (Expires 7-15-16) Thank you Raisin River Golf Club S-008 Samsung Galaxy Tab A (SM-T350) 8.0 Smoky Titanium Thank you Lotus Financial Services - Gary & Marguerite Nowitzke S-009 One River Pass for 2016 Golf Season - tee times available in advance, any time Monday-Friday, after 11:00 weekends, non transferable, cart fee required, range balls included Thank you Raisin River Golf Club S-010 “Pamper Yourself ” Basket - one hour massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic, Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016), body lotion, loofah, and candles Thank you The Laginess Family and BP Foundation Candle Basket - one hour massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic, Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016), tea light, Chesapeake Bay, sea salt scented, Oak Forest candles, and fragrance spray Thank you The Laginess Family and BP Foundation S-012 One Ticket to Touchdown Club Final Four Party April 1, 2017 Thank you SMCC Touchdown Club S-013 Boys' Basketball Game - Join the Boys' Basketball Staff for a game during the 2016-17 season. Thank you Coach Randy Windham S-014 SMCC Summer Soccer Camp for one student in grades 7 - 9 Thank you SMCC Athletic Department S-015 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department S-016 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-017 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-018 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-019 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic S-020 "Michigan Awesome” Red Wine Basket - electric wine opener, wine goblets, and beverage napkins Thank you Friends of the Auction Men & Sports Men & Sports S-011 S-021 La-Z-Boy Chair Certificate (Good for 30 days from auction date) Thank you La-Z-Boy Incorporated S-022 EZ-Inflate Suede Queen Air Mattress Thank you KCH Consulting S-023 Ten Chili Dogs and One Quart of Root Beer during the 2016 Season Thank you Vince’s West Elm Drive-in S-024 Four Toledo Mud Hens vs. Indianapolis Indians Tickets Friday, June 3, 2016, 7:05pm Thank you Ann & Joe Peruski S-025 Grilling Basket - $75 Omaha Steak gift card, grill press and brush, kabob skewers, and mesh food cover Thank you BP Foundation S-026 “The Works” Package - lube, oil & filter change, and tire rotation certificate, carwash kit, and Mustang swivel counter stool, hoodie, ball cap, key chain, and tumbler Thank you Friendly Ford Lincoln Men & Sports S-027 - 4 $25.00 Tiffany Pizza Gift Cards Thank you Tiffany’s Pizza S-028 - 4 $25.00 Tiffany Pizza Gift Cards Thank you Tiffany’s Pizza S-029 4 Lower Level Red Wing Ticket and a Parking Pass for the 2016-2017 Season Thank you Mid-American Group S-030 Lionel Amtrak Ready-to-runo-Gauge Train Set Thank you Rev. Dr. Mike Woroniewicz S-031 Family Game Night Thank you National Galvanizing S-032 Foursome Golf Package with Dinner Included at Monroe golf Banquet & Event Center Thank you Monroe Golf Banquet & Event Center S-033 Wine Package with 2 Bottles of Wine, Corkscrew, 2 Wine Glasses, Wine Stopper Thank you a Friend of SMCC Entertainment “Candy & Popcorn” Closesat8:40 E-001 Suncast Cooler Station Patio Cooler Thank you Doug & Carie Kuras E-002 Six Tiger Den Tickets to a 2016 Tigers Regular Season Home Game including Parking Pass and Pass to Tiger Den Lounge and Tiger Club. Section 136A Row A Seats 1, 2, 3 and Row B seats 1, 2, 3. (Date to be mutually agreed) Thank you Tom & Judy Shankie E-003 Two $25 Cedar Point Gift Cards Thank you BP Foundation E-004 Cedar Point Admission for Two (Representative must be contacted one week prior to visit; must be redeemed by 9-5-16) E-005 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic E-006 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic The Henry Ford and A Friend of SMCC E-012 “Family Bowling Fun” for Six includes: two hours of regular or cosmic bowling, rental shoes, large pizza, pitcher of pop (Reservation required on Saturday or Sunday.) Thank you Nortel Lanes, Inc. E-013 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family E-014 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family E-015 One Week at Shanty Creek Crossroads Condo, Bellaire, MI September 30 - October 7, 2016 - royal deluxe accommodations - sleeps 6, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, queen sleeper sofa, full kitchen, washer/dryer, gas fireplace, private deck. Assorted golf items include Thank you Matthew & Robin Miller E-016 Four VIP Passes for the Bavarian Belle Riverboat, Frankenmuth, MI Thank you Bavarian Belle Riverboat E-017 $50 Detroit Princess Riverboat Certificate toward cruise on Detroit Princess or Michigan Princess, Lansing (Expires 10-28-16) Thank you Detriot Princess Riverboat E-007 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt E-018 Four Tickets to any Go Comedy Show E-008 Ten Chili Dogs and One Quart of Root Beer during the 2016 season E-019 Two Adult Round Trip Tickets to Put-in-Bay and Middle Bass Island, OH (Expires 11-1-16) Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you Vince's West Elm Drive-in E-009 $50.00 Joe’s French-Italian Gift Certificate (Expires 2-5-17) Thank you Joe's French-Italian Inn E-010 Two Tickets for a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday Performance (Expires 9-3-16) The Purple Rose Theatre Thank you Go Comedy Inprov Theatre Thank you Miller Ferries to Put-in Bay and Middle Bass Island, OH E-020 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt ` SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic E-021 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Thank you Cedar Point E-011 Four Admissions to Greenfield Village or Henry Ford Museum and a Manet Book Entertainment “Candy & Popcorn” Closesat8:40 E-001 Suncast Cooler Station Patio Cooler Thank you Doug & Carie Kuras E-002 Six Tiger Den Tickets to a 2016 Tigers Regular Season Home Game including Parking Pass and Pass to Tiger Den Lounge and Tiger Club. Section 136A Row A Seats 1, 2, 3 and Row B seats 1, 2, 3. (Date to be mutually agreed) Thank you Tom & Judy Shankie E-003 Two $25 Cedar Point Gift Cards Thank you BP Foundation E-004 Cedar Point Admission for Two (Representative must be contacted one week prior to visit; must be redeemed by 9-5-16) E-005 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic E-006 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic The Henry Ford and A Friend of SMCC E-012 “Family Bowling Fun” for Six includes: two hours of regular or cosmic bowling, rental shoes, large pizza, pitcher of pop (Reservation required on Saturday or Sunday.) Thank you Nortel Lanes, Inc. E-013 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family E-014 One Hour Massage at Porter & Clark Chiropractic in Flat Rock, MI (Expires 12-2016) Thank you The Laginess Family E-015 One Week at Shanty Creek Crossroads Condo, Bellaire, MI September 30 - October 7, 2016 - royal deluxe accommodations - sleeps 6, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, queen sleeper sofa, full kitchen, washer/dryer, gas fireplace, private deck. Assorted golf items include Thank you Matthew & Robin Miller E-016 Four VIP Passes for the Bavarian Belle Riverboat, Frankenmuth, MI Thank you Bavarian Belle Riverboat E-017 $50 Detroit Princess Riverboat Certificate toward cruise on Detroit Princess or Michigan Princess, Lansing (Expires 10-28-16) Thank you Detriot Princess Riverboat E-007 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt E-018 Four Tickets to any Go Comedy Show E-008 Ten Chili Dogs and One Quart of Root Beer during the 2016 season E-019 Two Adult Round Trip Tickets to Put-in-Bay and Middle Bass Island, OH (Expires 11-1-16) Thank you SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic Thank you Vince's West Elm Drive-in E-009 $50.00 Joe’s French-Italian Gift Certificate (Expires 2-5-17) Thank you Joe's French-Italian Inn E-010 Two Tickets for a Thursday, Friday, or Sunday Performance (Expires 9-3-16) The Purple Rose Theatre Thank you Go Comedy Inprov Theatre Thank you Miller Ferries to Put-in Bay and Middle Bass Island, OH E-020 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt ` SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic E-021 2016-17 Season Pass for all Home Kestrel & Falcon Athletic Events and a SMCC T-Shirt SMCC Athletic Department & Monroe Sports-Varsity Athletic ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Thank you Cedar Point E-011 Four Admissions to Greenfield Village or Henry Ford Museum and a Manet Book E-022 One Hour Tennis Lesson for a student in grades 7 - 12 Thank you Coach Wayne Asher E-023 Boys’ Soccer Game - Join the Boys’ Soccer staff for a game during the 2016-17 season. Thank you Coach Goran Cepo E-034 Patio Dining Accessories Thank you Floral City Beverage E-035 Cat Basket Thank you BP Foundation E-036 Movie Night Package Thank you BP Foundation E-024 4 $25.00 Tiffany Pizza Gift Cards Thank you Tiffany's Pizza E-025 Let’s Eat Ice Cream! Thank you BP Foundation E-026 Family Game Night Package Thank you National Galvanizing E-027 Outdoor Toy Package Thank you National Galvanizing E-028 Ladderball Game and Disc Golf Game Thank you National Galvanizing E-029 Foursome Golf Package with Dinner Included at Monroe golf Banquet & Event Center Thank you Monroe Golf Banquet & Event Center E-030 Emergency Car Care Kit Thank you National Galvanizing E-031 Golf Hat, Golf Tees and Golf Balls Thank you National Galvanizing E-032 Wine Package including 1 Bottle of 2012 Cakebread Chardonnay, Napa Valley, 1 Bottle of 2005 Penfolds Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz, South Australia, 1 bottle of Marenco Pineto, Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG, Italy, 4 Wine Glasses and Wine Decoration E-033 Wine Package includes 1 Bottle of 2012 Cakebread Chardonnay, Napa Valley, 1 Bottle of 2005 Penfolds Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz, South Australia, 1 bottle of Marenco Pineto, Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG, Italy Thank you Floral City Beverage Thank you a Friend of SMCC ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT E-022 One Hour Tennis Lesson for a student in grades 7 - 12 Thank you Coach Wayne Asher E-023 Boys’ Soccer Game - Join the Boys’ Soccer staff for a game during the 2016-17 season. Thank you Coach Goran Cepo E-034 Patio Dining Accessories Thank you Floral City Beverage E-035 Cat Basket Thank you BP Foundation E-036 Movie Night Package Thank you BP Foundation E-024 4 $25.00 Tiffany Pizza Gift Cards Thank you Tiffany's Pizza E-025 Let’s Eat Ice Cream! Thank you BP Foundation E-026 Family Game Night Package Thank you National Galvanizing E-027 Outdoor Toy Package Thank you National Galvanizing E-028 Ladderball Game and Disc Golf Game Thank you National Galvanizing E-029 Foursome Golf Package with Dinner Included at Monroe golf Banquet & Event Center Thank you Monroe Golf Banquet & Event Center E-030 Emergency Car Care Kit Thank you National Galvanizing E-031 Golf Hat, Golf Tees and Golf Balls Thank you National Galvanizing E-032 Wine Package including 1 Bottle of 2012 Cakebread Chardonnay, Napa Valley, 1 Bottle of 2005 Penfolds Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz, South Australia, 1 bottle of Marenco Pineto, Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG, Italy, 4 Wine Glasses and Wine Decoration E-033 Wine Package includes 1 Bottle of 2012 Cakebread Chardonnay, Napa Valley, 1 Bottle of 2005 Penfolds Bin 28 Kalimna Shiraz, South Australia, 1 bottle of Marenco Pineto, Brachetto d’Acqui DOCG, Italy Thank you Floral City Beverage Thank you a Friend of SMCC ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Businesses and Organizations that have contributed to the success of “Step Right Up” Coach Wayne Asher Arrow Pump & Motor Bavarian Belle Riverboat Bay Corrugated Container, Inc. Beacon Recycling The Brinkmeier Family Terry & Lorie Bronson BP Foundation Buffalo Wild Wings Kaitlyn Burkey Busen Appliance, Inc. Cakes by Stephanie Carroll-Ochs Jewelers Paul & Kim Caruana Cedar Point Christoper Ottenbreit Photography Coach Goran Cepo Peg Cousino Custer Baseball/Softball League Danny's Fine Foods/Danny’s II Dansard-Little Insurance Agency Detroit Beach Restaurant & Pizzeria Detroit Princess Riverboat Divine Balance Therapeutic Massage DT Energy DT Electronics Coach John Durbin Duffey Towing Durocher's TV & Appliance & La-Z-Boy Gallery Education Plus Credit Union Erie Restaurant & Bar Donna Estrada Floral City Beverage, Inc. Floral City Tree Service Floral Expressions Friend of the Auction Friends of SMCC Friends of St. John Parish Friendly Ford Lincoln Frenchie’s Fine Jewelry, Coins & Stamps Gehring Pools & Landscaping Dave & Carrie Gelwicks Gerweck Nissan Robert & Lisa Gessner Go Comedy Improv Theatre Wendy Godfroy Godfroy, Wetzel & Horkey LPC Green Meadows Golf Course Groulx Automotive GMC Buick The Henry Ford and A Friend of SMCC Hillside Pools & Landscaping IHM Sisters Inside Looking Out and Janet Simon Jack Ready Joe’s French-Italian Inn Jones For Men Inc. Jostens – Tim & Jeff Hollandsworth KCH Consulting Coach Adam Kipf Doug & Carrie Kuras The Laginess Family Lamour Printing Larry Montri Motor Sales State Rep. Bill LaVoy Law Offices of Paul E. Braunlich La-Z-Boy Incorporated Susan Calmes Lewis Links at Lake Erie Golf Club Jason Linster, Principal Lotus Financial Services Martin’s Shoe House, Inc. Mary Sacco’s Pizza MCC Romeo Milkins Jewelers of Monroe Matthew & Robin Miller Miller Ferries to Put-in Bay and Middle Bass Island, OH Monroe Bank & Trust Monroe Catholic Elementary Schools Monroe County Community College Monroe County Florist Monroe Dodge Chrysler Monroe Family YMCA Monroe Golf and Country Club Monroe Plumbing & Heating Company Monroe Sports Varsity Athletic Monroe Superstore – Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram Mr. Chad Myers, Dean of Students National Galvanizing LP Nortel Lanes North Monroe Flowers and Gifts Coach Karen O'Brien Ann and Joe Peruski The Pioch Family Premier Catering Purple Rose Theatre Raisin River Golf Course Ready, Heller, & Ready, LLP Rick’s Sports Robert J. Duffey Foundation Sandy Creek Golf Course Schafer Agencys’ Inc. Tom & Judy Shankie SMA Grad SMCC Athletic Booster Club SMCC Athletic Department SMCC Boys’ Basketball Team SMCC Girls’ Basketball Team SMCC Cheerleaders SMCC Class of 2015 SMCC Class of 2016 SMCC Class of 2017 SMCC Class of 2018 SMCC Faculty and Staff SMCC Football Team SMCC Parent Service Committee SMCC School Board SMCC Student Government SMCC Touchdown Club SMCC Volleyball Team SMCC Yearbook Staff St. Anthony St. Charles Borromeo School Businesses and Organizations that have contributed to the success of “Step Right Up” St. Charles Ladys Altar Society St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Cemetery St. Joseph Parish, Maybee - Christian Mothers St. Mary Parish - Monroe St. Mary Christian Women St. Michael the Archangel Parish St. Patrick Altar Society St. Patrick School St. Pierre Ace Hardware Sieb Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Mary Steinhauser Terri Hall, Attorney-at-Law Thorne Bros. @ Lilac Golf Course Tiffany's Pizza Corporation Thorne Brothers at Lila Golf Course Tim Hortons Tina Heitman, M.A. Total Sports Monroe Vince’s West Elm Drive-In W.H. Canon Company Wesburn Golf & Country Club Coach Randy Windham Yaeger’s Shoes 24-7 Driving School LLC Zinnen Chiropractice Adult Volunteers Make The Auction Happen! Beth Aldridge Laura Anderson Brian Angerer Dawn Angerer Menone Antonelli Greg Applin Mary Ann Applin Pat Applin Buffy Barley Lisa Bell Joe Bellino Peggy Bellino Jean Bess Larry Bess Leah Bilan Tom Bilan Jenny Biler Ken Bird Kari Blanchett Paul Blanchett Amy Blanchette Dennis Blanchette Cari Blanchett Kate (McCormick) Bolhuis Steve Bolhuis Barb Bonkoski Ray Bonkoski Jodie Bowman Barb Brady Paul Braunlich Michelle Brinkmeier Fr. Tom Burgard Jeff Burgard Tina Burgard Laura Burkardt Kyle Burkardt Patrick Burkardt Pete Burkardt Cheryl Burkey Kerry Burkey Jill Cepo Becky Chef Andrea Clegg Claudia Close Amy Cooke Ian Cooke Debbie Coleman Rebecca Coll Perry Coomer Ruchita Coomer Nick Cousino Paul Cousino Debbie Decker Vicki Delrue Paul DeVee Lynn Fedew Patty Felthaus Nayda Figueroa Jen Fleck Anne Fleming Bart Fleming Ben Fleming Mary Fleming Bob Fleming Sharon Flowers Jen Foldvary Jack Friday Stacey Friday Carrie Gelwicks Dave Gelwicks Tracy Glover Bill Godfroy Wendy Godfroy Nina Goins Mike Grima Laura Grima Deanna Hamilton Fox Handler Lynn Haut Dee Hawkins Karen Heiserman Cheynea Hicks John Hilken Mandy Himes Lyric Hodgson Scott Hoffman Amy Hopper Annie Ignagni Gina Jebbia Linda Johnson Tamara Johnson Lisa Jorgensen Sean Jorgensen Stephen Kandes Susan Kandes Susan Keefe Lisa Kemmerling Matt Kemmerling Debbie Kennedy Stephanie Kennedy Wendy Kennedy Carie Kuras Doug Kuras Pam LaBeau Ron LaBeau Anthony Laboe Heather Laboe Marilyn Laboe Tom Laboe Ed Laginess Karen Laginess Heather LakeStrychar Krista Lambrix Brian Lamour Tamiko Lamour Ray Lauwers Doris LaBeau Tom Labeau Jacqueline Leal Joe Lehmann Lori Lehmann Bill Leicht Lori Leicht Susan Lewis Rick Lingvai Jason Linster Kristy Linster Bob Lobb Don Lobb Michelle Lobb Liz Lovett Joe Luciow Joseph Luciow Tavala Luciow Twyla Luciow Tim Maag Laura Mackenzie Joanie Mahalak Penny Marino Nancy Masuda Sandra McCarty Therese McMillan Cathy Mikesell Bruce Milkins Diane Milkins Carla Miller Dennis Miller Mark Miller Mary Pat Miller Matthew Miller Mike Miller Robin Miller Selena Williams Miller Stephanie Mills Alissa Myers Chad Myers Cathy Navarre Earl Navarre Lydia Nickelson Carroll Och Bernard Och Pat Orr Annamarie Ossment Chris Ottenbreit Dawn Ottenbreit Christa Palmer Anita Passon Kathleen Patznick Dawn Payne Ann Peruski Sue Pickering Karen Pilon Karen Pioch Mark Pioch John Prohaska Jeff Pulter Sondra Pulter Erin Ray Chris Raymond Jack Ready Pat Ready Cheri Riggs Lynne Rostash Charlene Ryder Dave Ryder Missy Sachs Megan Scaggs Sandy Schroeder Janet Simon Alicia Simpson Brad Simpson Jannita Simpson Chris Sims Fiona Skryzmoski Colleen Skrzcki Kathy Smalley Val Smelcer Lisa Sowatsky Margaret Sroka Al St. Pierre Donna St. Pierre John Steinman Sean Steinman Heather Lake-Strychar Laura Strube Brittney Tam Regan Taormina Karen Taylor Tom Taylor To any volunteer whose name was unintentionally missed, please accept our humble apology and sincere thanks! Adult Volunteers Make The Auction Happen! Shannon Upchurch Lisa Vanisacker Sherry Venier Bill Walters Dean Walters Jammie Walters Lisa Walters Judy Weipert Leslie Wheeler Colleen Whalen Joe Whalen Ray Wheeler Andrew Wickenheiser Christopher J. Wickenheiser Dierdre Wickenheiser Elaine Wickenheiser Herman Wickenheiser John Wickenheiser Mary Ellen Wickenheiser Nathan Wickenheiser Patrick Wickenheiser Chuck Wilson Sandra Wilson Adult Volunteers Make The Auction Happen! Beth Aldridge Laura Anderson Brian Angerer Dawn Angerer Menone Antonelli Greg Applin Mary Ann Applin Pat Applin Buffy Barley Lisa Bell Joe Bellino Peggy Bellino Jean Bess Larry Bess Leah Bilan Tom Bilan Jenny Biler Ken Bird Kari Blanchett Paul Blanchett Amy Blanchette Dennis Blanchette Cari Blanchett Kate (McCormick) Bolhuis Steve Bolhuis Barb Bonkoski Ray Bonkoski Jodie Bowman Barb Brady Paul Braunlich Michelle Brinkmeier Fr. Tom Burgard Jeff Burgard Tina Burgard Laura Burkardt Kyle Burkardt Patrick Burkardt Pete Burkardt Cheryl Burkey Kerry Burkey Jill Cepo Becky Chef Andrea Clegg Claudia Close Amy Cooke Ian Cooke Debbie Coleman Rebecca Coll Perry Coomer Ruchita Coomer Nick Cousino Paul Cousino Debbie Decker Vicki Delrue Paul DeVee Lynn Fedew Patty Felthaus Nayda Figueroa Jen Fleck Anne Fleming Bart Fleming Ben Fleming Mary Fleming Bob Fleming Sharon Flowers Jen Foldvary Jack Friday Stacey Friday Carrie Gelwicks Dave Gelwicks Tracy Glover Bill Godfroy Wendy Godfroy Nina Goins Mike Grima Laura Grima Deanna Hamilton Fox Handler Lynn Haut Dee Hawkins Karen Heiserman Cheynea Hicks John Hilken Mandy Himes Lyric Hodgson Scott Hoffman Amy Hopper Annie Ignagni Gina Jebbia Linda Johnson Tamara Johnson Lisa Jorgensen Sean Jorgensen Stephen Kandes Susan Kandes Susan Keefe Lisa Kemmerling Matt Kemmerling Debbie Kennedy Stephanie Kennedy Wendy Kennedy Carie Kuras Doug Kuras Pam LaBeau Ron LaBeau Anthony Laboe Heather Laboe Marilyn Laboe Tom Laboe Ed Laginess Karen Laginess Heather LakeStrychar Krista Lambrix Brian Lamour Tamiko Lamour Ray Lauwers Doris LaBeau Tom Labeau Jacqueline Leal Joe Lehmann Lori Lehmann Bill Leicht Lori Leicht Susan Lewis Rick Lingvai Jason Linster Kristy Linster Bob Lobb Don Lobb Michelle Lobb Liz Lovett Joe Luciow Joseph Luciow Tavala Luciow Twyla Luciow Tim Maag Laura Mackenzie Joanie Mahalak Penny Marino Nancy Masuda Sandra McCarty Therese McMillan Cathy Mikesell Bruce Milkins Diane Milkins Carla Miller Dennis Miller Mark Miller Mary Pat Miller Matthew Miller Mike Miller Robin Miller Selena Williams Miller Stephanie Mills Alissa Myers Chad Myers Cathy Navarre Earl Navarre Lydia Nickelson Carroll Och Bernard Och Pat Orr Annamarie Ossment Chris Ottenbreit Dawn Ottenbreit Christa Palmer Anita Passon Kathleen Patznick Dawn Payne Ann Peruski Sue Pickering Karen Pilon Karen Pioch Mark Pioch John Prohaska Jeff Pulter Sondra Pulter Erin Ray Chris Raymond Jack Ready Pat Ready Cheri Riggs Lynne Rostash Charlene Ryder Dave Ryder Missy Sachs Megan Scaggs Sandy Schroeder Janet Simon Alicia Simpson Brad Simpson Jannita Simpson Chris Sims Fiona Skryzmoski Colleen Skrzcki Kathy Smalley Val Smelcer Lisa Sowatsky Margaret Sroka Al St. Pierre Donna St. Pierre John Steinman Sean Steinman Heather Lake-Strychar Laura Strube Brittney Tam Regan Taormina Karen Taylor Tom Taylor To any volunteer whose name was unintentionally missed, please accept our humble apology and sincere thanks! Adult Volunteers Make The Auction Happen! Shannon Upchurch Lisa Vanisacker Sherry Venier Bill Walters Dean Walters Jammie Walters Lisa Walters Judy Weipert Leslie Wheeler Colleen Whalen Joe Whalen Ray Wheeler Andrew Wickenheiser Christopher J. Wickenheiser Dierdre Wickenheiser Elaine Wickenheiser Herman Wickenheiser John Wickenheiser Mary Ellen Wickenheiser Nathan Wickenheiser Patrick Wickenheiser Chuck Wilson Sandra Wilson Arrow Motor & Pump, Inc. PH 734-285-5700 692 Central St. Wyandotte, MI 48192 FX 734-285-7758 VISIT US @ WWW.ARROWMOTOR.NET GENERAL SERVICES SPECIALTY SERVICES Full Service AC Motor Repair Full Service DC Motor Repair Motor/Generator Repair Pump Repair On Site Trouble Shoot & Repair Dynamic Balancing Vibration Analysis Laser Alignment New Products Industrial, Commercial & Residential Motors: Three Phase Motors * Single Phase Motors * DC Motors Hydronic Heat Pumps, Motors, & Parts Sump Pumps / Utility Pumps Capacitors & Switches Fan Blades & Blower Wheels Ball & Sleeve Bearings Pulleys * V-Belts * Sheaves Commercial Swimming Pool Products & Service Robotic Pool Cleaner Rental & Repair Hayward * Sta-Rite * Marlow * Pentair * And most others... Equipment Service & Maintenance available AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR & WARRANTY REPAIR CENTER FOR: Leeson Armstrong Magnetek A.O. Smith Universal Hayward Lincoln Bell & Gossett Raypak AVAILABLE 24 HOURS DAILY FOR EMERGENCY NEEDS Live Auction Rules ~ Terms of Sale 1.Allbiddersarerequiredtoregisterwiththecashierandreceiveabidder’snumber.Allbidders maybeaskedtofurnishtheirfullname,address,andphonenumber.Theymaybeaskedtoverify thisinformationwithproperidentification. 2. Allpurchaseditemsmustbepaidforonthedayof thesale,andnoitemmayberemovedfromthe saleuntilpaymentismade. 3. If anydisputearisesbetweentwoormorebidders,theauctioneermaysettlethematterormay immediatelyputthelotupforsaleagainandreselltothehighestbidder.Thedecisionof the auctioneershallbefinalandabsolute. 4. Dan Stall, Inc. The Auction Team reserves the right to reject any and all bids if deemed inappropriatetothesellingitem.Thefirm’sdecisioninthismatterisalsofinal. 5. Althoughtheutmostefforthasbeenmadetoaccuratelydescribethesalelots,DanStall,Inc. TheAuctionTeamandprincipalsshallnotberesponsibleforcorrectdescription,authenticity, genuineness,oranydefectinanylotandmakesabsolutelynowarrantyinconnectiontherewith. NOallowancewillbemade,orsalesetaside,onaccountof anyincorrectness,errorincataloging, orimperfectionnotnoted.NOdeductionwillbeallowedondamagedarticlesasallgoodsbeing exposedforpublicexhibitionaresold“asis”andwithoutrecourse. 6. DanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamreservestherighttowithdrawfromthesaleanyof thelisted itemsortosellitemsnotlistedandtogrouponeormorelotsandsubdividethelotswheneverthe best interest of the seller will be served. 7. Therecordsof DanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamwillbetakenasfinalintheeventof adispute. 8. Personsattendingduringtheexhibition,sale,orremovalof goods,assumeallrisksof damage orlosstopersonandpropertyandspecificallyreleaseDanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamfrom liabilitythereof.NeitherDanStall,Inc.TheAuctionTeamnorprincipalsshallbeliablebyreason of anydefectin,orconditionof,thepremisesonwhichthesaleisheld. 9. Allbiddersbyvirtueof acceptingtheirassignednumberagreetheyhavereadthesetermsand agree to be bound thereby. 10.Questionsregardingthetermsandconditionsof thisauctionmustbestatedpriortothebeginning of the sale. 11.Statementsorcorrectionsmadeinregardtolotdescriptionsduringthesaletakeprecedenceover theprintedmaterial. 12.Unlessotherwisespecified,allauctionitemsandservicesmustbeusedWITHINONEYEARof April23,2016.ItemspurchasedandnotclaimedbyApril23,2017,willbecomethepropertyof The Auction for SMCC. Silent Auction Rules Allitemsinthesilentauctionhavebidsheetsattachedoraffixednearby.Personsdesiringto bidmaydosobyplacingtheirnameorpaddlenumberandthebidamountonthesheet.Your paddlenumberisregisteredinyourname;usethisnumberwhenyoubid.Donotallowanyone elsetouseyourpaddle. Eachincreaseinbidmustequalorexceedtheminimumincreasestatedonthebidsheetinorder to constitute a valid bid. Eachnewbidshouldbewrittenonthenextblanklineavailableonthebidsheet. ONLY AN AUTHORIZED AUCTION PERSON MAY NULLIFY A BID. In the event of a dispute, the designated Auction official shall conduct a mini oral auction between the bidders. The highest bidder wins. Unlessotherwisespecified,allauctionitemsandservicesmustbeusedwithinoneyearof April23,2016.ItemspurchasedandnotclaimedbyApril23,2017,willbecometheproperty of The Auction for SMCC. Throw-In Bid: Thissecretbidallowsabiddertowritethemaximumamounthe/shewould pay for an item, thus eliminating the need to constantly check on the subsequent bids. The submitted bid may or may not be higher than the bid sheet number. 1.Bidderdetermineshowmuchhe/sheiswillingtobidforanitemandasksRoomHost fora“Throw-In”bidslip. 2.Bidderfillsoutform,placesitintheenvelope,sealsit,writestheitemnumberonthe outsideof theenvelope,andreturnsittoaRoomHost/Hostess. 3.RoomHost/Hostessplacesastickerontheappropriatebidsheetsignifyingthatat leastonethrow-inbidhasbeenentered. 4.All“Throw-in”bids(frombothFridayandSaturdaynights)areopenedbythec heck-outteamSaturdaynight. 5.Intheeventof tiebids,thetiebidders’formswillbefoldedintoquarters,putintoa box,shaken,andoneselectedbyanEnlistworkeratcheckout. Thesilentauctionroomswillbeopenforbiddingat5:30PMonSaturday,April23,2016and closeatvariousintervalsthroughouttheevening.TheclosingbidverifiedbyTheAuctionofficial constitutes the winning bid. Paymentbythesuccessfulbidderistobemadetheeveningof TheAuction.Onemaypaywith cash,check,MasterCard,Visa,orDiscover.Paymentinfullthateveningismandatory.Items mayberemovedonlybyexhibitingaPAIDreceiptwhenclaimingthepurchase.Fridaywinners arecalledSundaymorningbetween10:00and12:00.Paymentismadeattimeof pick-up. (One block south of Front St.) Schafer Agency Inc. Insurance and Financial Services “A Professional Agency with Personal Service” Since 1924 1124 Monroe Street ● PO Box 358 Carleton, MI 48117 ● 734-654-6269 5955 E. Dunbar ● Monroe, MI 48161 ● 734-242-5100 9029 Raisin Street ● Maybee, MI 48159 ● 734-587-8345 The Auction extends its grateful appreciation to: The Robert J. Duffey Foundation BP Toledo Refinery and The R. Manausso Family for their very generous gift sponsorships Auction Committee Broadway Market Auction Coordinator. …………………………………………………………………………...................… Kristine Wahoski Adult Volunteer Coordinator …………………..………………………………………………....................… Cheryl Burkey Beverages and Bar Chair …………………………..…………………………………………...................……... Fox Handler Car Raffle Chair ……………………………………..……………………………………………….....................Greg Applin Catalog Chair………………………………………….………………………………………….....................Wendy Kennedy Check-Out Coordinators ……………………………..………………. ....................Chris Sims, Pat Orr, MB&T Enlist Team .Friday Night Food Coordinator ……………………..…………………………………………….. ...........Anita Passon Gift Coordinators …………………………………………………….…....................................Pam & Ron LaBeau Gift Gatherers……….........Pam LaBeau, Cheynea Hicks, Penny Marino, Lisa Bell, Buffy Barley, Ann Perusk, Lisa Kemmerling Gift Rooms Coordinator ………………….………………………………………………………… Janet Simon Hors d’oeuvres Coordinator ……………………….…………………………………….…..….. Jammie Walters Student Volunteer Coordinators …………………….…………………………………………….Lynne Rostash Volunteer Food Coordinators …………………………………………..…...…….… Tamiko Lamour, Maria Eby Data Entry & Everything else………………...……………………….………..…………………… Vicki Delrue Reservations ………………………………………………….……………………………………….. Cheri Riggs Scripting ………………………………………………………..………………………..…………... Pam LaBeau Student Entertainment ………………………………………………………………….…Tracy Glover and class Joe & Peg Bellino Proud SMCC Supporters Since 1972 Invitation & Catalog Cover ………………………..…....... Nancy Masuda design, Tiger image courtesy of Phillip Lehmann, ClassAddress:510NMonroeSt, of 2016 & Welcome to the Circus image courtesy of Paige Flowers, Class of 2016. Monroe,MI48162 Phone:(734)241-7272 Decorations Bay Corrugated Container for corrugated used for decorations Danny’s Fine Foods for sponsoring the printing of the Car Raffle tickets Fr. David Burgard for our prayer before dinner Jones for Men for tuxedos and vests & ties worn by the greeter, appetizer and beverage servers Dining Room …………………………………………………………..….........................Denny Miller, Paul Blanchett Ceiling & Lights ……............................Peter & Laura Burkhardt, Kyle Burkhardt, Monica Burkhardt, Larry Bess, Dave Fleck, Jenny Fleck, Jared Fleck, Nathan Fleck, Scott Anderson, Bill NIchilo, Matt Kemmerling, Mark Piloch Dining Room Art …………………………………………………..……...............Annie Ignagni’s Mural Painting Monroe Bank and Trust, Pat Orr, and the Enlist Group for their check-out expertise Gary Nowitzke, EA, CTS Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and the JAWS program for their help with clean-up 11 Scott St., Monroe, MI 48161 SMCC Parent Service Committee for providing Thursday’s dinner for auction workers 734-457-3700 Supporters who helped us in any way and whom we have unintentionally overlooked, please accept our humble apologies and sincere thanks. Fax: (734) 457-3702 Web: Email: Income Tax Preparation • College Education Plans IRAs • 401 (k)’s • 403 (b)’s Tax Sheltered Annunities Auto • Home • Health • Life Offering Securities Through Sigma Financial Corporation. Lotus Financial is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation Member FINRA/SIPC LARRY MONTRI MOTOR SALES Reputation: Michele Moll 4480 Heatherdowns Blvd. Toledo, Ohio 43614 (419) 873-3463 Fax (419) 873-8198 Reliability Respectability Trustworthiness Dependability Excellent Service Excellent Prices Excellent Selection Our customers come first ! 15115 S. Dixie Hwy. 242-7283 SERVING THE AREA FOR 33 YEARS LARRY MONTRI MOTOR SALES Reputation: Michele Moll 4480 Heatherdowns Blvd. Toledo, Ohio 43614 (419) 873-3463 Fax (419) 873-8198 Reliability Respectability Trustworthiness Dependability Excellent Service Excellent Prices Excellent Selection Our customers come first ! 15115 S. Dixie Hwy. 242-7283 SERVING THE AREA FOR 33 YEARS