continuing education programs - PAFA
continuing education programs - PAFA
CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS ART CLASSES FOR ADULTS AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Summer 2015 WE MAKE ARTISTS PORTRAIT PAINTING IN PASTEL WITH ELLEN EAGLE June 15 – 19 | See page 6 2 3 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS BENEFITS OF PAFA CE Join our community of dedicated artists of all ages and skill levels ■ A stellar faculty of practicing, professional artists who enthusiastically encourage and support their students. Look for complete faculty biographies on our website, ■ A thriving downtown Philadelphia location, only a few blocks away from the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia Museum of Art and Rodin Museum on the city’s beautiful “Museum Mile.” ■ Convenient connections to mass transit with plenty of discounted parking nearby. ■ Access to the many amenities on PAFA’s campus, including the breathtaking and historic Cast Hall, Arcadia Fine Arts Library and on-site Blick Art Materials store. ■ Free admission to the PAFA museum, featuring a renowned permanent collection of American art and special exhibitions. Visit for more information. TABLE OF CONTENTS Master Classes ...........................................4 Summer Academy for Teachers........7 Pre-College Programs.............................7 Summer Studio Critique Program ..................................................10 One Week Intensive Courses............12 Evening Courses......................................14 Five Week Session One Courses .....18 Ten Week Saturday Courses ............22 Five Week Session Two Courses....23 Weekend Workshops............................27 On the cover: Ellen Eagle, Iza (detail). Pastel on paper, 6 x 8 1/2 in. Registration Information ..................32 Photo: Tom Crane Founded in 1805 as the nation’s first school and museum of fine arts, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) promotes the transformative power of art and art making. For over 200 years, our close-knit community of faculty, critics, scholars, curators, museumprofessionals, and alumni have created a home for contemporary artists to reinvent tradition and make their own mark on the future. As part of this mission, PAFA Continuing Education (CE) Programs offer a diverse array of studio art courses, workshops and programs for adults and high school students, open to all levels of ability, from absolute beginner through advanced artist. Whether you’ve never taken an art class before, are returning after a long absence, or are preparing a portfolio for art school, PAFA CE has something for you! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! Please call 215-972-7632 or write for more information or assistance in course selection. CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS 128 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 t 215-972-7632 f 215-569-0153 e Theodore Xaras CONTINUING EDUCATION OPEN HOUSE FREE BY RSVP! Saturday, April 11 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Interested in taking a class or trying something new, but don’t know where to start? Then join us on Saturday, April 11, and find out what PAFA CE can do for you! Meet our friendly faculty and staff, view demonstrations on painting, drawing, printmaking and sculpture, tour PAFA’s historic Cast Hall, drawing and painting studios and state-of-the-art print and sculpture shop facilities. You can even have your portfolio reviewed by PAFA Admissions staff! Refreshments will be served! RSVP THROUGH THE CE OFFICE: 215-972-7632 or 4 5 MASTER CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Visit for more information on upcoming classes. LECTURES STUART SHILS CHRISTINE LAFUENTE VOYAGES THROUGH PERCEPTUAL HISTORY Thursday, April 16, 6 - 7:30 p.m. Hamilton Auditorium/ Historic Landmark Building Friday, May 1, 6 - 7:30 p.m. Hamilton Auditorium/ Historic Landmark Building FREE BY RSVP TO THE CE OFFICE: 215-972-7632 IN609EK PLEIN AIR PAINTING IN BERMUDA ALL MEDIA Open to All Levels Join PAFA faculty Joe Sweeney and Bermudian watercolorist Jill Amos Raine for a plein air painting class in beautiful St. George’s, Bermuda. Learn to paint efficiently out-of-doors with tips on choosing a location, capturing the weather and light, and setting up a seascape palette. Featuring demonstrations and lectures on painting surfaces, materials, mediums, compositional drawing and color studies. All media welcome, including oil, acrylic, pastel, and watercolor. Daily painting times will be broken up to utilize morning and evening light. Take advantage of the afternoon break to explore the picturesque surroundings or relax on the beach! Includes a visit to the Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art in Paget Photo: Joe Sweeney PT605CM PLEIN AIR PAINTING IN CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY ALL MEDIA Open to All Levels Join plein air painter Joe Sweeney for a painting retreat in Cape May, New Jersey. Experience small town hospitality while painting the landscape/seascape of Cape May, including Cape May Point, the Cove with sweeping vistas, Cape May Lighthouse, and Sunset Beach. Paint efficiently outdoors with tips on choosing a prime location, reading the weather and light at a particular time of day, and setting up a landscape palette. Instruction includes demonstrations and lectures on painting surfaces, materials, compositional drawing and color studies. Morning and evening painting times will leave the afternoons free to relax on Photo: Joe Sweeney the beach – the perfect artist’s getaway. Geared towards oil, acrylic and pastel, but experienced watercolorists are welcome. Thursday – Sunday, June 4 - 7 Times variable Tuition: $495 Register by: May 1 For more information, visit: or write: IN 609JB MASTER CLASS WITH JAN BALTZELL ALL MEDIA Open to Intermediate/Advanced Artists Joe Sweeney, Spanish Point, Oil on masonite, 18 x 22 in. to view works by Charles Demuth, Winslow Homer, Georgia O’Keeffe, Andrew Wyeth, and many others who made the Bermuda pilgrimage. Monday – Friday, May 18 - 22 Tuition: $695 Register by: April 17 Students are responsible for their own airfare and accommodation. Discounted accommodation is available. For more information, visit: or write: Abstraction exists in all works of art, in the artist’s translation of subject matter. How might we then direct ourselves to stop labeling what we are looking at and think more about our drawn and painted marks within the narrative of the whole? How does color create space or convey sound? What is the pace of your hand and eye? Where do you pause? How do you bridge the gaps and transition from moment to moment, brush stroke to brush stroke? Join acclaimed artist and PAFA faculty member Jan Baltzell to explore the different avenues available as one moves from direct observation toward abstraction and invention. Inspiration will be sought from artists such as Henri Matisse, Piet Mondrian and Richard Diebenkorn, whose work reflects a transformation from a representational approach to abstraction. An expansive and visually stimulating still life will serve as the basis and inspiration for structure, movement, light, and color, as students Jan Baltzell, Untitled, 2011. Oil on mylar, 28 x 25 in. explore different means of creating inventive imagery. Work in your choice of drawing, painting, or collage and mixed media. Bring what you know, as well as new materials or ideas, to push your boundaries of image-making. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 12, 13 & 14 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $750 Register by: May 15 6 Master Classes and Workshops 7 IN 627ET SUMMER ACADEMY FOR TEACHERS: PAFA IN YOUR CLASSROOM IN 609EE PORTRAIT PAINTING IN PASTEL WITH ELLEN EAGLE PASTEL DRAWING & PAINTING Open to All Levels Ellen Eagle, noted author of Pastel Painting Atelier, and instructor at the Art Students League in New York, presents a master class intensive on the materials and techniques of pastel portraiture. Students will benefit from Eagle’s passion for the medium, bolstered by her extensive knowledge of its history and applications. Topics such as studio set-up, pastel varieties, and tools and surfaces will be addressed, in addition to methods of executing a successful portrait. If you wish to make portrait painting in pastel a significant part of your artistic endeavor, or if you wish to employ pastel as a means to deepen your understanding of color, this workshop will strengthen your foundation. Monday – Friday, June 15 – 19 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $595 Register by: May 15 Charles Muldowney The Summer Academy for Teachers is designed to renew and invigorate teachers, as well as provide a reserve of project ideas for the new school year and personal artistic practice. Study painting strategies, drawing concepts, printmaking and sculpture methods, and learn ways to use them in the classroom. Visit the PAFA Museum and Vaults and select off-site locations to connect educational ideas with art projects and demonstrations. Learn new artistic methods and study powerful design and educational theories while you collect ideas for classroom projects. Ellen Eagle, Portrait of the Young Artist Marela Alvarez, 2014. Pastel on pumice board, 9 1/4 x 11 1/8 in. See also page 28 for “The Figure in Pastel” with Ted Xaras, June 13 & 14 Monday – Friday, July 20 – 24, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $395 non-credit or $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit. Available for Pennsylvania Act 48 hours and New Jersey Dept of Education Professional Development Credit Register by: June 26 Charles Muldowney Charles Muldowney is a painter, printmaker, writer and educator, who has taught art at the high school level for over 25 years. He has an MFA in painting from PAFA, and completed graduate studies in aesthetics and criticism through the Barnes Foundation. He has exhibited his artwork nationally and internationally. IN 609JA MASTER CLASS WITH JULIETTE ARISTIDES FIGURE DRAWING Open to All Levels SUMMER ACADEMY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS 2015 Learn to accurately and confidently draw the human figure with Juliette Aristides, renowned artist, founder and instructor of the Aristides Atelier at the Gage Academy of Fine Art in Seattle, and noted author of Classical Drawing Atelier and other highly regarded drawing and painting texts. Open to all levels, this workshop will teach students to draw the figure’s essential structure in order to create a strong foundation for value and form. Saturday and Sunday, June 20 & 21 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $650 Register by: May 15 July 6 – August 7, 2015 PAFA’s Summer Academy is the definitive program for talented and motivated high school students: a five week, college-level art making experience in the nation’s first and premier school of fine art. ■ ■ ■ Juliette Aristides, Sleep, 2006. Charcoal heightened with white on toned paper, 21 x 16 inches ■ Rigorous courses in drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and illustration taught by PAFA’s exceptional faculty Field trips to the museums and galleries of Philadelphia, New York and Washington, D.C. A culminating student exhibition in PAFA’s museum, including a reception and awards ceremony A head start on preparing your portfolio for applying to art school ■ ■ ■ The opportunity to earn four collegelevel credits The option for an Admissions portfolio review for pre-approval for your PAFA college application (additional materials required) A $5,000 Next Step Scholarship issued to all Summer Academy alums who enroll in PAFA’s Certificate or BFA programs. FOR MORE INFORMATION, visit 8 9 PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS ONE WEEK HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT INTENSIVES These courses offer teens the valuable opportunity to develop and hone their skills under the guidance of PAFA faculty. All levels welcome. Visit for more information or to register online. DR 710EP SCULPTURE – NEW! Colleen O’Donnell Room 740/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building A staple of fine arts study and a core component of PAFA’s historical curriculum, figure sculpture presents an excellent opportunity for students to explore clay modeling methods, improve their artistic understanding of the human form, and expand their portfolios with three-dimensional work. Students will work from a life model to learn the techniques and tools of terra cotta clay sculpture, focusing on anatomy, proportion, composition, and personal expression. A field trip to Philadelphia’s Rodin Museum, will promote students’ appreciation for the medium. Students will have the opportunity to photograph their pieces for their portfolios, and sculptures will be kiln-fired after the conclusion of the course. Open to all levels. NOTE: This class will utilize nude models. Monday – Friday, June 29 – July 3 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $415 for 1.0 undergraduate credit or non-credit + $10 lab fee Register by: June 12 DR 710ED DRAWING Roger Chavez Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Develop your perception and drawing skills through observation, demonstration and critique. Draw from the still-life, the PAFA cast collection and the portrait model in a range of materials including graphite, charcoal and conté crayon. The class will visit the PAFA Cast Hall, Museum and Vaults, as well as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to view master drawings and discuss drawing in a contemporary and art historical context. Open to all levels. Monday – Friday, July 6 – 10 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $415 for 1.0 undergraduate credit or non-credit Register by: June 26 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! Visit for more information and to download an application. Application Deadline: Friday, June 12 DR 723EC DRAWING FOR COMICS AND ANIMATION Jeff Kilpatrick Room 611/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building If you love animated shows, comic books and newspaper strips or anime and manga, this class is for you. Learn step-by-step cartooning basics so you can create characters, tell a story from life or imagination, build a portfolio or just do a funny or cool drawing. Students will create their own short stories to be included in a collaborative comic book to take home at the end of class. Instruction includes valuable insight on the comic book and animation industry, and a visit to a local comic book store. Monday – Friday, July 13 – 17, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $415 for 1.0 undergraduate credit or non-credit Register by: June 26 DR 710E2 PAINTING II: FIGURE PAINTING Roger Chavez Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Figure painting is one the most versatile and popular subjects taught at PAFA, and a valuable inclusion in any portfolio. In this intensive course, students will paint the life model from observation in oil paint. Instruction will focus on human anatomy and proportions, as well as paint handling and materials and elements of design. Prerequisite: Painting I: Still Life and Portrait or prior basic painting experience. NOTE: This class will utilize nude models. Monday – Friday, July 20 – 24, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $415 for 1.0 undergraduate credit or non-credit Register by: June 26 DR 710EH PAINTING I: STILL LIFE AND PORTRAIT David Wilson Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Develop your painting skills through direct observation using the still-life and portrait model. Explore the fundamentals of oil painting including the care and use of materials and color mixing. Course instruction will be supplemented by a visit to the PAFA Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art . Prerequisite: Drawing for High School Students or prior basic drawing experience. DR 710EI ILLUSTRATION – NEW! Ryan Muldowney Room 611/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course will examine a array of traditional illustration methods. Students will develop problem-solving skills and capacity for idea generation through sketches, color studies, compositional drawings and other preliminary work. Techniques for creating finished illustrations will be demonstrated through pen and ink, watercolor, acrylic, oils, color pencil and digital methods. Projects will include character design, object design, children’s book illustration, editorial illustration, and cover art. Open to all levels. Monday – Friday, July 13 – 17, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $415 for 1.0 undergraduate credit or non-credit Register by: June 26 Monday – Friday, July 27 – 31, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $415 for 1.0 undergraduate credit or non-credit Register by: June 26 10 SUMMER STUDIO/CRITIQUE PROGRAM Six Weeks, July 6 – August 14 Designed for artists and educators who desire constructive feedback on their artwork as well as the support and interaction of an artistic community. Registration includes a private, interior studio in the Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building, and individual Friday critiques from a stellar ensemble of nationally and internationally known artists, including members of the PAFA’s acclaimed faculty. Lead critic Neysa Grassi will hold group critique, discussion and field trips. Alex Baker is the Director of Fleisher/Ollman Gallery, Philadelphia. Previously, he held positions as Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia; Curator of Contemporary Art at PAFA; and Associate Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. He has organized exhibitions with artists including Robert Ryman, Ellen Harvey, Barry McGee, Chris Johanson, Margaret Kilgallen, and Laylah Ali, among others. He holds a Ph.D. in visual anthropology from Temple University, Philadelphia. Anne Canfield is a painter/draftsperson based in Philadelphia. She is a past fellow of the Center for Emerging Visual Artists, and in 2014 she received a fellowship from the Ora Lerman Trust for a month-long artist residency at Soaring Gardens in Laceyville, PA. Her recent solo exhibition at Seraphin Gallery, Philadelphia, was the subject of a review in The Philadelphia Inquirer. She has shown extensively in group and solo exhibitions both regionally and nationally, and her work can be found in numerous private collections. In April 2015, she will be exhibiting with her husband, Hiro Sakaguchi (MFA ’96), at Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York. Anne Canfield, The Blue Bird, 2014, Graphite and oil on panel, 12 x 12 in.. James Dupree is an accomplished artist, educator, and business owner. Dupree writes that his artwork enables him to both speak to the injustices and celebrate the beauty of his experiences. His paintings are in the permanent collections of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the African American Museum in Philadelphia, among others, as well as numerous private collections. Dupree has used his success as an artist to give back to the community through the establishment of Dupree Studios in the Mantua neighborhood of Philadelphia. CE classes and studio time at PAFA have contributed greatly to my continued development as an artist. I have been able to progress to more technically complex work; get valuable guidance, instruction and criticism; and work in a community of intelligent and creative women and men. MONICA KANE Artist and educator, CE student since 2002 11 Neysa Grassi is a recipient of a Pew Fellowship and has had solo exhibitions at several museums, including the Pensacola Art Museum in Florida and PAFA. Since 1990 she has had over 18 one-person exhibitions in galleries in Philadelphia and New York. She is a critic in PAFA’s MFA program. She is represented by Locks Gallery, Philadelphia. Neysa Grassi, Goddess, Oil on linen, 40 x 40 1/8 in. Courtesy of Locks Gallery, Philadelphia. Stuart Shils, a PAFA alumnus and faculty member, has painted the landscape for over 25 years and his work has been presented in solo shows in Philadelphia, New York, Tel Aviv, Boston, San Francisco and Cork, Ireland. Critical review and commentary has appeared in The New York Times, Art in America and numerous other publications. Grants and awards include an Independence Foundation Fellowship in the Arts, and a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant. Shils teaches painting workshops at PAFA, across the country and abroad. Stuart Shils, 2014, Still Life with Yellow, Green and Blue, Acrylic on museum board, 10 x 10 in. Patricia Traub is an Associate Professor at PAFA, teaching drawing and painting. A PAFA alumnus, her interest in animal painting and conservation led her to studies in zoology and taxonomy at the University of Pennsylvania, ornithology at Cornell University, and studies with primatologist Dr. Birute Galdikas at Camp Leakey, Indonesia. Her monumental human figure and animal paintings were the subject of an extensive article in the September 2013 edition of Artist’s Magazine. She is represented by Gallery Henoch, New York. Patricia Traub, Sicilian Buttercup Hen, Oil on linen, 22 x 18 in. Tuition: $1,050 for 3.0 graduate credits, 4.0 undergraduate credits or non-credit Register by: June 5 BONUS! Receive a 10% tuition discount on all subsequent summer studio classes IN 622EC ART LIFE: BUILDING, GROWING, AND SUSTAINING YOUR ARTISTIC PRACTICE Lisa Sylvester Room 420/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Ready to pursue or advance your art career? Then this course is designed for you. Be guided through the multitude of issues involved in practicing, documenting and promoting your craft through presentations, discussion, off-site visits, and practical-action steps. Topics include setting up a studio space, photographing your work, developing a website, approaching galleries, establishing a supportive network of artist peers, and sourcing funding opportunities. 5 weeks, Fridays, July 10 – August 7 1:30 – 4 p.m. Tuition: $225 Register by: June 26 Lisa Sylvester holds an MFA in painting from Boston University. Her artwork has been exhibited at venues throughout the region including Nexus Foundation for Today’s Art, Rosenfeld Gallery, Bridgette Mayer Gallery and the Delaware Center for Contemporary Art. She has taught studio art for many years and has served as a visiting lecture, guest critic and professional mentor at PAFA, West Chester University, Delaware College of Art & Design and Moore College of Art & Design. She received a grant from the Leeway Foundation and was a finalist in the Henry Luce Scholars Program. 12 ONE WEEK INTENSIVES 13 JUNE 29 – JULY 3 Register by: June 5 SCHEDULE* ■ These courses meet for five consecutive days, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ Select courses are available for half-day, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Please see page 33 for more information about half options. TUITION* ■ $495 non-credit ■ $625 for 1.0 undergraduate credits ■ $295 for half-day, non-credit, where available ■ Additional lab and materials fees where indicated MAY 18 – 22 JUNE 22 – 26 Register by: May 1 Register by: June 5 DR 605EL LARGE-SCALE FIGURE DRAWING – NEW! John Horn Studio 1/Historic Landmark Building Designed to advance the skills of students who have studied drawing previously and would like to make drawings on a larger scale. Learn to create a detailed and expressive figure drawings four-feet or larger using sketches and enlarging with a grid. Drawing demonstrations on scale, proportions, skeletal framework, surface form, and movement of the figure will help the student develop the human form on a larger scale with spatial accuracy. Instruction will focus on charcoal and pencil, however all media are welcome. Full- or half-day. DR 605EL CLASSICAL PORTRAIT PAINTING – NEW! Ernie Norcia Studio 1 & Cast Hall/ Historic Landmark Building Create luminous portraits using time-tested materials and traditional painting procedures established during the Renaissance. Step-bystep instruction will demonstrate how to begin and develop a portrait painting. Emphasis will be placed on the relationship of facial parts to the whole of the head, and the development of volume by painting both the model and antique cast from multiple vantage points. Full- or half-day. *Unless otherwise indicated IN609AR AN ARTISTS’ RETREAT WITH ANNA RHODES DRAWING & GOUACHE PAINTING SUMMER ART CAMP JUNE 29 – AUGUST 14 Open to All Levels PAFA and Anna Rhodes join together to create an extraordinary experience! An Artists’ Retreat is an in-depth, concentrated art course designed to encourage confident creativity. Gain a solid understanding of how to develop an image or idea through experimental and traditional drawing and painting techniques, and learn to combine the skills, intuition and freedom needed to create unique works that reflect individual vision. Explore gouache, graphite, and mixtures of mediums on prepared panels and paper. Friday through Monday, May 15 - 18 Tuition: $850 + $85 studio fee (includes catered lunch each day) For more information and to register visit: PR 604E MONOTYPE: THE PAINTERLY PRINT Tony Rosati Print Shop, 6th Floor / Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Monotype is a fast and focused way to produce painterly prints. Masters of the technique include William Blake, Paul Gauguin, and Edgar Degas. Learn color and black-and-white approaches, painterly and drawn methods, and press and hand-printing techniques in both oil and waterbased media. All levels welcome. Lab fee of $20. Full-day only. SC 704E2 PORTRAIT STUDY: TWO- AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL John Horn Room 740, Sculpture Shop/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Each day of this course addresses the portrait subject through drawing and sculpture. The morning session will focus on creating a portrait head in clay, developing it from deep geometric structure to surface form. The afternoon will be devoted to drawing the portrait, informed by the exploration of its three-dimensional form. Students will work from two models for the entire class (a.m. & p.m.). All levels welcome. Full- or half-day. JULY 6 – 10 Register by: June 26 Are you looking for a fun, exciting and creative experience for your child this summer? PAFA Summer Art Camps offer enriching, creative experiences for kids in PAFA’s historical galleries, the art studios of the school, and around the city. Week-long fun and imaginative sessions give students a chance to learn new skills, create art work and make new friends. Sessions are designed to appeal to all levels and interests of young artists, ages 5-15 years. Visit for more information. PT 605ER LANDSCAPE ON THE RIVER Joe Sweeney Kelly Drive, Fairmount Park The tradition of painting along the Schuylkill River has existed from the early 1800s with artists such as Thomas Eakins, Thomas Birch and Titian Ramsay Peale. Based at the charming Castle Ringstetten, located upriver from Boathouse Row, students will paint en plein air quintessential river views as well as Ringstetten’s Frank Furness-designed architecture. Topics include painting materials and techniques, compositional drawing, color mixing and depicting light and weather. Open to all media. This class will meet from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $395 non-credit or $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit JULY 13 – 17 Register by: June 26 SC 616E FIGURE DRAWING AND SCULPTURE Steve Nocella Gang Studio, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Representation of gesture is crucial to rendering the human figure in art. Investigate the movement and the rhythmic arrangement of forms that constitute gesture through both drawing and sculpture. Create studies in charcoal, ink, paint, and collage, working towards studies in clay and direct plaster. Lab fee of $20. All levels welcome. Full- or half-day. DR 615EP BOTANICAL DRAWING AND PAINTING Linda Gist Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Explore flowers and other natural forms, beginning with line and value drawing and progressing to full-color rendering in watercolor and mixed media. Topics will include sighting techniques, line quality, tone and value, creation of depth, composition, texture, and basic color. All levels welcome. Materials fee of $10. Full-day only. 14 EVENING COURSES TUESDAYS 10 weeks, June 2 – August 4 5 weeks, June 2 – 30 or July 7 – August 4 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. MAY 26 – AUGUST 10 SCHEDULE* These courses meet once a week for five, six or ten weeks, from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. ■ Select ten week courses may be taken for five weeks. Please see page 33 for more information about half options. ■ Register by: May 15 ■ MONDAYS June 1 – August 3 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. PT 616EO BEGINNING OIL PAINTING Ernie Norcia Room 1010/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Alla prima and layered approaches to oil painting are just a few of the methods to be explored in this class. Learn to convey light, form, and space while painting from direct observation. Drawing, composition, color, and paint application will be addressed while working from the still life and human figure. Learn critical basics about painting surfaces, palette organization, and how to use a variety of painting tools and mediums. Ten weeks only. 15 TUITION* $395 non-credit ■ $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit ■ $225 for five weeks, non-credit ■ Additional lab and materials fees where indicated ■ *Unless otherwise indicated SC 712E MOLD MAKING FOR SCULPTURE – NEW! A.J. Sutton Plaster Room, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Mold making is a very specialized skill that can be applied to a wide range of studio practices. This course will cover all the necessary steps and techniques to successfully build a plaster waste mold, and a rubber mold. Valuable information for sculptors who are interested in projects that require casting multiples, figure modeling students interested in plaster casting, and foundry students. Students will gain an understanding of processes, terms and tools by watching in-class demos and working under the supervision of the instructor to build their own molds. 10 weeks, June 1 – August 3 Tuition: $395 non-credit or $595 for 1.0 undergraduate credit + $90 lab fee Rubber Mold: 5 weeks, June 1 – 29 Tuition: $225 + $60 lab fee Plaster Waste Mold: 5 weeks, July 6 – August 3 Tuition: $225 + $30 lab fee DR 600EB DRAWING FUNDAMENTALS Lisa Sylvester Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building If you’ve never drawn before, or your skills are a little rusty, then this class is for you. Acquire grounding in the basics so you can draw what you see with confidence. Master the drawing elements – shape, contour line, composition, light and shadow, texture and perspective through study of still life and other subjects. Ten weeks only. PT 610E FIGURE PAINTING Theodore Xaras Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Paint in oil from the life model and make full figure, head and torso studies. Anatomy, composition, proportion, light and shadow, color mixing and painting technique will be addressed. Includes demonstration, lecture and discussion of master paintings of the figure. Drawing experience required. Ten or five weeks. SC 601ET MIG WELDING – NEW! SHORT COURSE Steve Nocella Room 720, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building MIG welding is a simple and easy way of joining metal for creating sculpture, garden furniture and more. Basic cutting and bending processes for bar stock and sheet metal will be thoroughly demonstrated and practiced, including using the safe use of the band saw, cut-off saw, plasma cutter and metal bender. Students will work from their own ideas and imagination with hands-on assistance from the instructor. 6 weeks, May 26 – June 30 Register by: May 15 Tuition: $295 + $40 lab fee PT708ES ART AND FILM – NEW! SHORT COURSE Clarissa Shanahan Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building In the age of Netflix and binge-watching, why not use all this visual input to develop your painting skills? This course examines the correlative relationship between the visual and cinematic arts, and the similar elements they use to tell their stories: composition, perspective, the expressive power of light and dark, and symbolic color. Focusing on select frames from Marie Antoinette, The Royal Tenenbaums, There Will Be Blood, and more, students will learn how to translate these powerful elements into narrative paintings using their own photographs as source material. 5 weeks, July 7 – August 4 Tuition: $225 non-credit Register by: June 26 WEDNESDAYS 10 weeks, June 3 – August 5 5 weeks, June 3 – July 1 or July 8 – August 5 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. PT 604EE WATERCOLOR James Toogood Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Designed for those who wish to acquire or improve their basic skills in watercolor painting. A variety of materials and techniques will be discussed, including the selection of papers, brushes, and pigments, as well as transparent and opaque painting methods. Students will work from still-life, their own source material and models. All levels welcome. Ten or five weeks. 17 16 Evening Courses PT 703ER PAINTING BEYOND THE REAL – NEW! Frederic Kaplan Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Use the observable world as a point of departure to create your own unique abstracted images with emotive and narrative content. Instruction will focus on composition, color, and technique as you work from unique studio arrangements, the life model, or your own photographic and sketch references. Although oil painting is emphasized, exploration of varied materials and methods is encouraged. Previous painting experience required. Ten or five weeks. Photo: Jeff Fusco ART IN PROCESS In conjunction with PAFA’s new Wednesday evening hours, Art in Process will feature programming that gives you an in-depth look at PAFA and the creative process. Each Wednesday night from 5 to 9 p.m., PAFA will feature a diverse selection of programming, including artist talks, hands-on art-making, demonstrations, performances, special tours, and much more! Visit for the complete summer schedule. THURSDAYS 10 weeks, June 4 – August 6 5 weeks , June 4 – July 2 or July 9 – August 6 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. SC 610ER RECYCLABLE SCULPTURE – NEW! SHORT COURSE Steve Nocella Sculpture Shop, 7th Floor / Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Explore the creative possibilities of using recyclable materials for sculpture. Use found objects as well as newspapers, cardboard, metal, wood, shredded paper, dryer lint or any of the myriad things we call “trash.” Create threedimensional constructions from these materials, or use them as ingredients for papier mâché clay and relief modeling paste. Students will work from their own ideas and imagination with practical and aesthetic assistance from the instructor. 6 weeks, May 27 – July 1 Register by: May 15 Tuition: $295 + $20 lab fee PT 723EP PIECING IT TOGETHER: MIXED MEDIA CONSTRUCTION – NEW! SHORT COURSE Richard Watson Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Create unique and personal multimedia works with collage, found objects, painting and sculptural forms. The instructor will assist participants one-on-one with their choice of materials and subject matter in order to explore beyond their comfort zone and unlock their creative voice. 5 weeks, July 8 – August 5 Tuition: $225 non-credit Register by: June 26 DR 609E PORTRAIT DRAWING & PAINTING Jill A. Rupinski Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Learn to draw or paint the portrait with confidence through time-honored methods. Drawing instruction will guide students through a comprehensive understanding of the head structure, proportions and features toward achieving both a likeness and aesthetic effect. Students will have the option of using this understanding to facilitate their study of the portrait in oil. Extended poses will allow thorough study of both drawing and painting processes. All levels welcome. Ten or five weeks. SC 605EA TERRA COTTA SCULPTURE Colleen O’Donnell Room 740, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Explore the versatility of terra cotta clay sculpture which requires neither an armature nor casting. Learn various techniques and tools through demonstration and hands-on sculpting from the life model or imagination. Anatomy, proportion, design, and personal growth will be emphasized, as well as both representational and abstract approaches to subject matter. Sculptures will be fired after the conclusion of the course. All levels welcome. Ten or five weeks. PR 621E PRINT STUDIO Tony Rosati Print Shop, 6th Floor/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course presents introductory printmaking methods in relief, monotype, etching, and lithography. Sample each technique and then focus on a single process or combination of techniques toward producing a finished image or edition. All levels are welcome. Lab fee of $20. Ten weeks only. CE CORE CURRICULUM PROGRAM If you are new to art, taking classes but unsure of your direction, or returning to art after a long absence, the CE Core Curriculum Program is for you. Designed to help you achieve your artistic goals, the program provides a structured curriculum of classes in logical sequence to build your basic skills and the confidence necessary to move forward in any artistic direction. Look for the icon next to courses that meet the first-level requirements. Visit for more information and call the Continuing Education office at 215-972-7632 to discuss what the Core Curriculum Program can do for you. ROSEMARY SACK-INSLEE, CE student since 2011 18 19 FIVE WEEK SESSION 1 WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS MAY 26 – JUNE 29 May 27 – June 24, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: May 15 May 28 – June 25, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: May 15 PR 602E LITHOGRAPHY Ronald Wyffels Print Shop/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Lithography is the printmaking technique that captures the immediacy of direct drawing, with the capacity for both expressive mark-making and detailed imagery. This course covers traditional stone lithography and quick, easy aluminum plate printing. All techniques will be thoroughly demonstrated with assistance from the instructor at every stage, including surface preparation, crayon and liquid drawing materials, etching hand-drawn images, use of the press, and techniques for adding color. Open to all levels. Lab fee of $20. Full-day only. SC 600EF FIGURE MODELING John Horn Room 740, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building An introduction to modeling the human figure in clay on an armature from direct observation. Students will model a 24-inch figure based on volume, proportion, architectonic construction, and spatial displacement of form. All levels welcome. Full-day only. SCHEDULE* These courses meet once a week for five weeks, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ Select courses are available for half-day, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Please refer to individual course descriptions for half-day restrictions. See page 32 for more information. ■ TUITION* $495 non-credit ■ $625 for 1.0 undergraduate credit ■ $295 for half-day, non-credit, where available ■ Additional lab and materials fees where indicated ■ *Unless otherwise indicated MONDAYS TUESDAYS June 1 – 29, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: May 15 May 26 – June 23, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: May 15 PT 604ED IN-DEPTH WATERCOLOR James Toogood Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course is designed for students seeking to enrich their overall knowledge of painting with an in-depth look at watercolor. Topics will include a thorough investigation of watercolor materials and a wide range of techniques, with subjects ranging from landscape and still life to portrait and figure poses. Open to dedicated watercolorists of all levels, and to acrylic/oil painters looking to broaden their skills. Full- or half-day. PT 602E PORTRAIT PAINTING Al Gury Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Investigate the structure of the human head through drawings and painted studies. Progress to finished paintings and address issues of likeness, composition, space and texture. Learn to better see and understand color to mix it more successfully – a useful skill for painting any subject matter. All levels welcome. Full- or half-day. DR 605E LIFE DRAWING John Horn Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This in-depth investigation of basic drawing issues explores the human figure. Emphasis will be placed on a thorough understanding of the body’s underlying geometry and anatomical structure. Learn to draw the figure as convincing volumetric form through the study of proportional accuracy, foreshortening, spatial relationships, and basic use of light and shadow. Full- or half-day. PT 605E LANDSCAPE DRAWING AND PAINTING Douglas Martenson Outside Locations Paint and draw the landscape at select locations including the Highlands Mansion and Gardens, Fairmount Park Horticulture Center, and cool, shady spots along Wissahickon Creek. Students may work in the medium of their choice. All levels welcome. Full- or half-day. Transportation to and from PAFA provided for full-day students. DR 711E DRAWING: MIXED MEDIA Jill A. Rupinski Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Refine your drawing skills and expand your use of drawing materials: graphite, charcoal, colored pencils, hard and soft pastel, dry pigment and metal-point. Subject matter will include still life objects, cityscape views and models. Basic drawing experience recommended. Full- or half-day. PT 623E LIFE PAINTING: MASS AND THE LIMITED PALETTE Renée P. Foulks Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building An in-depth, structured approach to figure painting. Students will use grisaille and limited palettes to model the human form through broad mass relationships, toward gradually fleshing out volume and surface details. Instruction will focus on preparatory sketches and the use of shape, volume and temperature to define form and content. An excellent entry into figure painting for beginners and a helpful practice for painters of all subjects and levels to hone their craft. Drawing experience recommended. Full- or half-day. PT 703EL PAINTING OVER THE LINE Kassem Amoudi Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Advance beyond confined lines and hard edges to a more liberated way of painting. Paint from observation and imagination to find your own visual language. Examples from contemporary and modern art will serve to broaden your understanding of innovative painting. Painting experience recommended. Full- or half-day. PR 600EL WOODCUT AND RELIEF PRINTMAKING Ronald Wyffels 6th Floor Print Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Printing from a drawing carved into wood or a linoleum block is the oldest and most straightforward form of printmaking. Its beauty and expressive power can be seen in the work of Albrecht Dürer and the German Expressionists. All aspects of the process will be covered, including drawing on the block, carving your design and printing techniques for making black-and-white and color prints. Open to all levels, and an excellent introduction to printmaking for beginners. Lab fee of $20. Full-day only. THURSDAYS continued on next page 21 20 Five Week Session 1 DR 625ES DRAWING ON LOCATION SHORT COURSE Anthony Ciambella Outside Locations Draw on location at nearby cultural institutions and focus on personally interpreting subject matter through composition, choice of media, and graphic techniques. Locations include: the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, The Mutter Museum, UPenn Museum, Independence Seaport Museum and the PAFA Museum. The class will meet at PAFA the first day to discuss the most effective materials to use for on-site drawing, including papers, boards and sketch books, colored pencils, ball point, felt tip and gel pens and beeswax crayons. Students are responsible for their museum admission. Space is limited. 5 weeks, Thursdays, May 28 – June 25 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuition: $295 Register by: May 15 PT 605EG GARDEN LANDSCAPE – NEW! Jill A. Rupinski Outside Locations Paint outdoors at the lush, colorful garden locations around the Philadelphia area. These locations will offer picturesque visual material, including water features, building structures, tree specimens, and floral plantings in both intimate and open spaces. Lessons in starting with the oil sketch or a chromatic drawing will be presented, along with in-depth color mixing, value schemes and more. Use the material of your choice. 5 weeks, Fridays, May 29 – June 26 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $395 non-credit or $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit Register by: May 15 FRIDAYS May 29 – June 26, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: May 15 PR 620E SCREENPRINTING Lisa Hamilton Print Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Screenprinting is a versatile and quick form of printing on paper, textiles, wood, glass, ceramics and more. All aspects of the process will be covered including screen preparation, image development, mixing and modifying ink, printing techniques and reclaiming screens. Students will have the opportunity to explore handdrawn, digital and photo processes and will be encouraged to experiment. Open to all levels of experience. Lab fee of $20. Full-day only. Al Gury, Color for Painters: A Guide to Traditions and Practice, New York: Watson-Guptill, 2010. IN 604EP COLOR FOR PAINTERS – NEW! Al Gury Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building An in-depth approach to understanding and mixing color for painting from the Chair of PAFA’s Painting Department and noted author of Color for Painters: A Guide to Traditions and Practice. History, palettes, mixing and application will be explored. Color in still life, landscape, figure and interiors will be made understandable and usable through demonstration and a series of studio paintings. Geared toward oil painting, but applicable to all media and levels of experience. Full- or half-day. SATURDAYS May 30 – June 27, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: May 15 Philip Leslie Hale (1865-1931), Crimson Rambler, ca. 1908, Oil on canvas, 25 1/4 x 30 3/16 in., Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Joseph E. Temple Fund, 1909.12 Artists in the Garden: PAFA at Morris Arboretum Morris Arboretum Visitors Center Through July 26 Be sure to visit this exhibition featuring artwork by students, alumni and faculty of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, curated by PAFA Professor Jill A. Rupinski. Free admission for all PAFA students with ID. DR 604ES ANATOMICAL DRAWING: THE SKELETON – NEW! Robert Waddington Room 461/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Draw from full size, medical school-grade adult skeletons for focused anatomical study. Students will draw bones from multiple views, beginning with the arms and legs before moving on to hands and feet. More difficult drawings of pelvis, rib cage and spine will be undertaken, culminating in the skull. Students will learn the names of all of the bones of the human body while drawing them. This class is ideal for those interested in anatomy and medical illustration. SC 601E METAL SCULPTURE Steve Nocella 7th Floor Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course focuses on metal sculpture fabrication and construction, gas and arc welding, brazing, and forging. Basic equipment will be provided, and specific techniques will be demonstrated. All levels welcome. Lab fee of $65. Full-day only. PR 621EW A PRINT-A-WEEK – NEW! SHORT COURSE Tony Rosati Print Shop/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building For those curious about printmaking and students with experience eager to learn a new technique, this class introduces one print process per week: stamp printing, letterpress, collograph, monotype and drypoint. Experience the potential and diverse image possibilities of each in PAFA’s beautiful Print Shop. 4 weeks, May 30 – June 20, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuition: $225 + $20 lab fee Register by: May 15 SUNDAYS DR 639CL DRAWING WITH THE CAMERA LUCIDA – NEW! SHORT COURSE Robert Waddington Room 461/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Invented in the18th century, the camera lucida is an optical device used by artists as a drawing aid. Unlike its ancestor, the camera obscura, the camera lucida is lightweight, portable and does not require special light conditions for its use. Learn to use this historical device as an aid to create proportionally accurate still life and landscape drawings in perspective. Each student will be provided with a device to use in class along with instructions and assistance to build their own. A fascinating course for beginners, artists interested in incorporating a new technique into their work, and anyone interested in historical art-making practices. Five weeks, Sundays, May 31 – June 28 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuition: $295 Register by: May 15 22 23 TEN WEEK SATURDAY COURSES FIVE WEEK SESSION 2 MAY 30 – AUGUST 8 JULY 6 – AUGUST 15 SCHEDULE These courses meet once a week for ten weeks ■ Select ten week courses may be taken for five weeks. Please see page 33 for more information about half options. ■ No classes on July 4 ■ Register by: May 15 ■ TUITION* $395 non-credit ■ $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit ■ $225 for five weeks (where available), non-credit ■ 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. 1 – 4 p.m. IN 601EC MATERIALS & TECHNIQUES FOR PAINTERS Anthony Ciambella Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course examines the compatibility and effects of art materials available to artists today. Investigate traditional materials such as gesso, egg tempera, wood panels, canvas, brushes, oils, and varnishes; as well as non-traditional materials frequently employed by artists, such as house paint and commercially engineered wood products and polyurethanes. Health hazards and safe working methods will also be discussed. Students will develop their own artistic projects in the media of their choice, based on sound practices. Includes PowerPoint presentations and museum visits. Ten weeks only. DR 608E CAST AND FIGURE DRAWING Jill A. Rupinski Cast Hall & Studio 4/ Historic Landmark Building Working in the Academic tradition, students will study human anatomy, proportion and value with the goal of faithfully representing the figure. Students will first work from PAFA’s collection of historic casts in order to build their foundational drawing skills. These skills will then be applied in the observational study of the life model. Ten or five weeks. 10 weeks, May 30 – August 8 5 weeks, May 30 – June 27 or July 11 – August 8 SCHEDULE These courses meet once a week for five weeks, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ Select courses are available for half-day, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Please refer to individual course descriptions for half-day restrictions. See page 32 for more information. ■ TUITION* $495 non-credit ■ $625 for 1.0 undergraduate credit ■ $295 for half-day, non-credit, where available ■ Additional lab and materials fees where indicated ■ *Unless otherwise indicated MONDAYS TUESDAYS July 6 – August 3, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: June 26 July 7 – August 4, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: June 26 PT 604ED IN-DEPTH WATERCOLOR James Toogood Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course is designed for students seeking to enrich their overall knowledge of painting with an in-depth look at watercolor. Topics will include a thorough investigation of watercolor materials and a wide range of techniques, with subjects ranging from landscape and still life to portrait and figure poses. Open to dedicated watercolorists of all levels, and to acrylic/oil painters looking to broaden their skills. PR 601EM ETCHING AND MIXED MEDIA Tony Rosati Print Shop/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Survey traditional intaglio printmaking techniques including drypoint, etched line, openbite, aquatint, and hardground and softground etching and mixed-media methods. Lab fee of $20. All levels welcome. Full-day only. DR 602E ELEMENTARY FIGURE DRAWING AND PAINTING Al Gury Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This structured approach to drawing and painting the figure from life includes topics such as anatomy, drawing methods, gesture, figure structure, palettes, and basic figure painting methods. This class is excellent for those interested in developing their painting and drawing portfolio. Full- or half-day. PT 621ES THE STUDIO LANDSCAPE Jill A. Rupinski Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Studying and working directly from paintings in the PAFA Museum, unlock the compositional and technical methods used in the studio by painters of landscape, and then apply this knowledge to your own work. Learn to develop your personal ideas and outdoor studies into finished pieces on a larger scale. Full-day only. DR 604E ANATOMICAL DRAWING John Horn Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Understand human anatomy through lecture and drawing from the model. Topics include proportion, skeletal framework, superficial muscles, and the movement of the figure. Full- or half-day. 25 24 Five Week Session 2 WEDNESDAYS July 8 – August 5, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: June 26 DR 710E THE EXTENDED POSE Renée P. Foulks Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Draw or paint from a life model in a single pose for the entire course in order to develop one large image or several smaller studies. Instruction will focus on two-dimensional linear accuracy, three-dimensional volumetric integrity, clarity of space, and color analysis specific to the human form. All levels welcome. Full- or half-day. SC 605EA TERRA COTTA SCULPTURE Colleen O’Donnell Room 740/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Explore the versatility of terra cotta clay sculpture. Learn various techniques and tools through demonstration and hands-on sculpting from the life model or imagination. Anatomy, proportion, design, and personal growth will be emphasized, as well as both representational and abstract approaches to subject matter. Sculptures will be fired at the end of the course. All levels. Lab fee of $10. Full- or half-day. PT 703EL PAINTING OVER THE LINE Kassem Amoudi Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Advance beyond confined lines and hard edges to a more liberated way of painting. Paint from observation and imagination to find your own visual language. Examples from contemporary and modern art will serve to broaden your understanding of innovative painting. Painting experience recommended. Full- or half-day. PT 601ES STILL LIFE PAINTING Ernie Norcia Room 1010/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Still life has a venerable tradition and continues to be relevant today. Learn to build a painting from direct observation while exploring elements of composition, value, color mixing, edges, textures, and a variety of painting procedures. Challenging subjects such as glass, metal, and drapery will be addressed. Open to all levels, this course is an excellent option for those seeking to develop a greater sense of realism in their oil painting. Drawing experience recommended. Full- or half-day. THURSDAYS July 9 – August 6, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: June 26 PT 602E PORTRAIT PAINTING Al Gury Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Investigate the structure of the human head through drawings and painted studies. Progress to finished paintings and address issues of likeness, composition, space and texture. Learn to better see and understand color to mix it more successfully – a useful skill for painting any subject matter. All levels welcome. Full- or half-day. PR 622EM MULTIPLE MULTIPLES – NEW! Lisa Hamilton 6th Floor Print Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This class will explore the exciting possibilities of combining various printmaking processes including intaglio, relief and screen print. Instruction will cover basics of each process enabling students to create matrices to print from, including plates, screens and blocks. Students may also bring previously created matrices to explore further. The instructor will work with students individually to evaluate ideas, goals, and how to best combine techniques. Lab fee of $20. Full-day only. DR 600EB DRAWING FUNDAMENTALS Phyllis Laver Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building If you’ve never drawn before, or your skills are a little rusty, then this class is for you. Drawing is a valuable way of recording your thoughts and impressions. Acquire grounding in the basics so you can draw what you see with confidence. Study the still life, cityscape, human figure, and other subjects to master the drawing elements – shape, contour line, composition, light and shadow, texture and perspective. Full- or half-day. SC 626PP GIANT PUPPET-MAKING AND THE ART OF PAGEANTRY Elizabeth Hill Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Discover the dynamic community-based art of large-scale puppetmaking! This course will introduce a variety of pageantry traditions from around the world that involve giant puppets. Design and build a basic, large-scale backpack-type puppet with moving parts. Materials and methods will involve papier mâché, cardboard, bamboo, wood, fabric, willow, and chicken wire. Great for art teachers, those involved with theater production, community organizers, and anyone with an interest in this colorful sculptural form. Five weeks, July 9 – August 6, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Non-credit Tuition: $395 + $50 materials fee Renée P. Foulks FRIDAYS July 10 – August 7, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: June 26 IN 602EC MASTERING COLOR Neil di Sabato Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Mixing too much paint, for too long, and with poor results? Learn to penetrate the elusive nature of color. Mix and use color with authority by learning how to evaluate it from the tube, in isolation on your palette, and when surrounded by other colors. Discussions, visual aids and challenging projects will develop your color acuity. Essential for painters of all levels. Full-day or morning-only. PT 748EB BUCKS COUNTY LANDSCAPE Jill A. Rupinski New Hope, PA, and Lambertville, N.J. Enjoy painting at varied sites around lower and middle Bucks County. Known for picturesque villages, beautiful meadows, rolling pastures, farmhouses and rustic barns, the area also features gorgeous views of the Delaware River. Both bucolic and town settings will offer ample challenges to heighten your awareness of color, value, drawing and composition. Draw and paint in the media of your choice. 5 weeks, July 10 – August 7 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $395 non-credit or $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit SC 615E ÉCORCHÉ John Horn Room 740, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Écorché (“flayed figure”), is the three dimensional study of human form by developing the bone and muscle structures beneath the skin – a method of study dating back to the Renaissance and a staple of classical art training today. Students will work in clay on an armature from the skeleton and nude model for the accurate development of the body’s proportions and the detailed study of its parts. This an excellent way for draftspersons and sculptors alike to gain a more concrete understanding of human anatomy. 27 26 Five Week Session 2 SATURDAYS SUNDAYS July 11 – August 8, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Register by: June 26 July 12 – August 9 Register by: June 26 SC 711E FOUNDRY: AN INTRODUCTION Pavel Efremoff Room 781, Sculpture Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This course will cover all aspects of the foundry process. Demonstrations and hands-on instruction will be given in wax modeling and casting, ceramic shell techniques, bronze pouring, metal chasing, TIG welding and patination. All levels. Full-day only. 6 weeks, July 11 – August 15 Tuition: $595 non-credit or $950 for 1.5 undergraduate credit + $60 lab fee Register by: June 26 PT 600E FIGURE PAINTING Frederic Kaplan Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Paint in oil from the life model and make full figure, head and torso studies. Anatomy, composition, proportion, light and shadow, color, painting technique and history will be addressed. Instruction will be geared towards oil painting, but students may work in the drawing/painting medium of their choice. Basic drawing experience recommended. Full- or half-day. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $495 non-credit or $625 for 1.0 undergraduate credit See page 14 for Mold Making for Sculpture PT 722E RENAISSANCE PAINTING TECHNIQUES – NEW! Robert Waddington Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This class will explore the painting methods of the Italian Renaissance including fresco on wet plaster, egg tempera, and tempera/oil panel painting. All techniques, including drawing transfer methods, will be discussed and demonstrated, using traditional materials and tools. Students will be encouraged to be creative in their choice of subject matter and interpretations of each project. Basic drawing experience recommended. Materials fee of $40. Full-day only. DR 618E INTERMEDIATE DRAWING Roger Chavez Room 1023/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Draw with more authority and improve your use of line, composition, perspective and value while working from the still life, interior spaces and the model. Work in black-and-white and color with a variety of wet and dry drawing media, and begin to develop the exciting tension between observation and invention in drawing. Designed for students with basic drawing skills. Full- or half-day. PT 612SC CITYSCAPE Larry Francis Outside Locations The city has been the subject of many a great artist, including Eduard Manet, Edward Hopper and Rackstraw Downs. Work in carefully selected locations including parks, cafés, and leafy side streets of Philadelphia in the drawing or painting medium of your choice. Color, perspective, the compositional use of light and shade, and the particular concerns of working on location will be covered. Free on-site parking available. All levels welcome. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuition: $350 IN 610EI INTENSIVE COLLAGE AND MIXED MEDIA – NEW! Anthony Ciambella Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Designed for students ready to develop more challenging imagery using memory, literature, movies, and other sources, while working in a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional materials. Sessions will cover the basics of hand and power tools, as well as craft, durability and presentation. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuition: $250 WEEKEND WORKSHOPS APRIL DR 630EC CHILDREN’S BOOK ILLUSTRATION – NEW! Ryan Muldowney Room 611/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This workshop is focused on developing imagery that effectively contributes to the storytelling of a children’s book manuscript. Topics covered include character design, collecting and utilizing to reference material, designing compositional elements, page layout, and responding to a text. In addition, strategies on marketing and selfpublication will be discussed. Illustration techniques will be demonstrated for pen-andink, watercolors, color pencil, pastels, acrylic, mixed media, collage and oils. Two Saturdays, April 25 & May 2 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: April 17 MAY PR 604EH HAND-PRINTED MONOTYPE Shushana Rucker Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This workshop will introduce students to quick and easy monotype printmaking methods that do not require a press or fully equipped shop. These techniques are easily transportable for use outside for plein air work, or at home on a desk or kitchen table. Techniques covered will include: oil based, dark field, water based and Gauguin monotype. Saturday, May 2, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $150 (includes basic materials) Register by: April 24 DR 620EW SKETCH ON THE GO Frederic Kaplan Center City Locations Capture the active life of the city and its rich architecture. This is an excellent workshop for anyone who wants to learn to sketch on the bus or train, in cafés and public parks or while traveling abroad. Topics discussed and demonstrated include perspective, gauging proportions by eye, gesture figure drawing, and methods for simplifying shape and form. Use your favorite drawing media: pencil, ink, crayon, or watercolor. All levels welcome. Saturday, May 9, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $115 Register by: May 1 PT 605EB PAINTING ON THE BRANDYWINE Frederic Kaplan Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania Enjoy the day while working in the drawing/ painting medium of your choice along the banks of the picturesque Brandywine River, and capture the effects of light, time of day, reflections and shadows. You may choose to have lunch at Hank’s, a longtime haunt of Andrew Wyeth’s. After lunch, the class will visit the Brandywine River Museum to view the land- and seascapes of William Trost Richards, Jasper Cropsey and Asher B. Durand and others. Saturday, May 16, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $125 Register by: May 8 28 29 Weekend Workshops MAY continued JUNE DR 609EW PORTRAIT DRAWING WORKSHOP John Horn Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Learn to create a finished portrait in pencil and charcoal that captures likeness and conveys expressive effect. The workshop will begin with a structural approach to the head and its features and progress to the study of anatomy, composition and value. Excellent for all levels. Saturday and Sunday, May 30 & 31 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: May 15 DR 605HF DRAWING HANDS AND FEET Neil di Sabato Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Novice and experienced artists alike struggle with the realistic rendering of hands and feet, elements that add credibility and expressiveness to figure and portrait drawings. Learn to translate these complicated forms from simple planar construction to complex, intricate drawings using various materials. Saturday and Sunday, June 6 & 7 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: May 29 PR 620EM SCREENPRINT MONOTYPE Lisa Hamilton Print Shop/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Monotypes are a way of creating unique prints. Screen print monotype is no exception to the more traditional processes of monotype. Learn how to paint and draw with water-based materials on a screen, and then print onto paper. Explore reworking images in a series. This exciting low-tech process can be used at home. Saturday and Sunday, June 13 & 14 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 + $10 lab fee Register by: June 5 IN 613EW GOLD LEAF AND GILDING Clarissa Shanahan Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Gold leaf is used in architectural ornamentation, book arts, framing and more. This class is an introduction to the traditional European method of oil gilding. Students will become familiar with the fundamentals of working with precious and non-precious leaf or they produce sample boards and carved samples. Surface preparations and traditional finishes will all be covered. Two Sundays, May 31 and June 7 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tuition: $175 +$25 materials fee Register by: May 22 DR 601EP THE FIGURE IN PASTEL Theodore Xaras Room 1023/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building The immediate subtlety that can be achieved through soft and hard pastel is particularly suited for the figure study. Learn historical and contemporary techniques of hatching, blending, layering and well color mixing in order to pursue figure-based work. Surfaces, pastel varieties and mixed media techniques will be discussed and demonstrated. Drawing experience recommended. Saturday and Sunday, June 13 & 14 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: June 5 PT 605EH THE COLOR OF SUMMER @ THE HEINZ REFUGE – NEW! Frederic Kaplan John Heinz at Tinicum Wildlife Refuge Celebrate summer’s arrival amidst beautiful views and wildlife at nearby Heinz Refuge in Tinicum. Woodlands, marsh, and creek provide varied and compelling scenery for the study of landscape painting techniques, including methods for simplifying the painting of water and foliage, and for managing the effects of shifting daylight. Located near the airport in Southwest Philadelphia, the Heinz Refuge offers plenty of free parking, access by public transportation, sheltered locations and restrooms. Instruction is geared to oil painting, but all media are welcome. Saturday, June 20, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $125 Register by: June 12 JULY PT 604EP WATERCOLOR PLUNGE Tony Rosati Print Shop, 6th floor/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This workshop is designed for those with little or no experience in watercolor. Acquire a thorough grounding in basic watercolor materials and techniques, including papers, brushes and pigments, as well as transparent and opaque painting methods, gain the confidence to continue to working with watercolor beyond the workshop. Take the plunge, a lifeguard will be on duty! Saturday and Sunday, June 27 & 28 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: June 19 DR 605WP LANDSCAPE IN WATERCOLOR AND PASTEL Keith Leitner Outside Locations The combination of fluid watercolor and the texture of soft pastel are ideal for rendering outdoor summer scenes. Learn basic techniques for these mediums in combination as you render the landscape near PAFA along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The instructor will demonstrate and reference art historical examples, as well as encourage you to actively observe, select and edit to create a personal statement. Restroom facilities and food options will be available along the way. Previous drawing experience helpful, but not necessary. Sunday, July 12, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $115 Register by: June 26 Theodore Xaras DR 639GS THE GOLDEN SECTION Charles Muldowney Room 1021/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Known as Pi, the Golden Section, the Golden Ratio, or the Golden Mean, 1:61803 is the world’s most astonishing number. This mysterious ratio can be seen in nature, and has been an underlying design principle in the arts, as seen in the work of Renaissance through Modernist masters including Piero della Francesca, Georges Seurat and Piet Mondrian. Learn the history of this mysterious number and hands-on strategies to apply this powerful principle to your own drawing and painting. Saturday, July 11, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $115 Register by: June 26 31 30 Weekend Workshops JULY continued PT 630EG GOUACHE PAINTING Allison Syvertsen Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Similar to watercolor but with opaque layering capabilities comparable to oil or acrylic paint, gouache is a popular choice among contemporary painters for its versatility, vivid color and delicate matte effect. Painters of all media and levels of experience favor gouache because it is portable, fast-drying, and easy to clean-up – the perfect medium for rapid color sketches and detailed compositions outdoors, in the studio, and at home. Work from colorful still life arrangements and outdoor views to learn the basics of this fascinating and accessible medium. Saturday and Sunday, July 18 & 19 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: July 10 PT 602EW PORTRAIT PAINTING BASICS Theodore Xaras Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This comprehensive workshop covers all aspects of painting a traditional portrait. Topics include achieving a likeness, modeling light and shade, mixing flesh tones and applying paint through various techniques. All participants will produce at least one finished portrait. Includes demonstrations, portrait history and tips on painting children’s portraits. Valuable information for all levels. Saturday and Sunday, July 25 & 26 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: July 17 A GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR A COURSE OR WORKSHOP MAKES A GREAT GIFT! Call 215-972-7632 for more details. PR 617EW ACID-FREE INTAGLIO PRINTMAKING – NEW! Robert Waddington Room 610/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building This printmaking class will use non-acid methods to produce etching plates that can be printed immediately. Students will learn plate making, inking and printing on small, portable, easy to use etching presses. This safe, acid-free and solvent-free method will make printmaking clean and fun. Students will be taught all aspects of this method and will produce test prints, artist proof prints, and then a final edition of prints. Saturday, July 25 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $150 (includes most materials) Register by: July 17 Tony Rosati PR 604CW COLLOGRAPH PRINTMAKING Tony Rosati 6th Floor Print Shop/ Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building The term “collograph” refers to prints made from plates constructed from a vast array of glueddown textural materials. Such a plate can be printed in relief like a wood block, or intaglio printed like an etching in one or more colors for a variety of pleasing image results. This workshop presents a multiplicity of collograph plate possibilities for large, small and multicolor images. Ideal for beginners curious about printmaking as well as those looking to learn a new technique. Sunday, July 26 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $150 (includes most materials) Register by: July 17 AUGUST DR 720EC DRAW AND PAINT WITH QI Paul Hamanaka Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Designed for those with painting and drawing experience who desire to improve their skills and elevate their artistic expression of the human figure. In traditional Chinese culture, qi refers to the life force or energy flow that pervades all things. Learn to recognize qi energy and how to incorporate it into your art. Begin to sense qi in lines, chiaroscuro, colors, and space. Achieve a spiritually profound artistic expression through a new understanding of qi, yin and yang, and wabi-sabi concepts. Saturday and Sunday, August 1 & 2 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: July 24 PT 705EW SPONTANEOUS ABSTRACTION – NEW! Kassem Amoudi Room 465/Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building Many artists can feel frustrated in front of a blank canvas, unsure of how to start and what to paint. This workshop will focus on different techniques that will enable you to start painting with confidence by tapping into your intuitive process and finding inspiration more easily. Demonstration and critique will enhance your knowledge of the process of painting. Saturday and Sunday, August 8 & 9 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuition: $205 Register by: July 31 Paul Hamanaka, QR114/Letter, mixed media assemblage, 69 x 33 x 9 in. IN701E LEARNING TO SEE Christine Stoughton Lobby/Historic Landmark Building Have you ever wondered what you should look for when viewing a work of art and what the artist is trying to communicate? This introductory course will help you answer these questions and many more. Held in the galleries of PAFA, with visits to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the class will examine selected works of American art for concepts you can apply to all of the visual arts, as well as to daily life. You will never see things the same way again! 6 Sessions, Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 28 – August 13, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tuition: $175 The Violette de Mazia Foundation’s programming advances the educational methods developed by John Dewey, Dr. Albert C. Barnes and Violette de Mazia. Firmly committed to the idea that life and art are inextricably linked, the Violette de Mazia Foundation’s programs are predicated on the principle that education is a lifelong activity. 32 33 Summer 2015 REGISTRATION INFORMATION 4 WAYS TO REGISTER! CREDIT REGISTRATION DEADLINES REGISTRATION BEGINS APRIL 6 Register early to guarantee enrollment and prevent course cancellations. PAFA is accredited through the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). PAFA is a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD). Five & Ten Week Sessions Five Week Session One: ..............................May 15 Five Week Session Two: ............................June 26 Ten Week Evening Courses: ................................................................................May 15 Ten Week Saturday Courses: ................................................................................May 15 1. ONLINE: 2. PHONE: 215-972-7632 3. MAIL*: Continuing Education Programs Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 128 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 4. IN PERSON: Visit the Continuing Education office on the 3rd Floor of the Samuel M.V. Hamilton Building * Please mail a completed registration form with check, money order, or credit card information. We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Make checks or money orders payable to “PAFA.” STUDENT ADVISING We are here to help! Please call 215-972-7632 or write for more information or assistance in course selection. Continuing Education Programs Office Hours Monday – Thursday ....................9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday ................................................9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday...............................8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Note: Hours subject to change. Please visit for updated hours after May 26. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Interested in PAFA’s full-time Certificate & Degree Programs? Contact the Office of Admissions at or 215-972-7625 Undergraduate Credit Most courses are available for 1.0 undergraduate credit (unless otherwise indicated). If taken for credit, you may incur additional coursework, and will receive a course grade and appropriate credit that will appear on an official PAFA transcript, if requested. To request an official transcript, visit Registration and Policy Information at to download a transcript request form. Changes in credit status must be arranged through the CE office prior to the second class. No refunds for changes from credit to non-credit. FOR PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY K-12 EDUCATORS PAFA is approved by the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Education to offer Act 48 hours and Professional Development credit, respectively, for its courses, workshops and programs as follows: Thirty contact hour 1.0 undergraduate credit courses are available for 30 Act 48 hours or 30 NJ credits. Thirty-six contact hour 1.0 undergraduate credit courses are available for 36 Act 48 hours or 36 NJ credits. Workshops and Special Programs are eligible for the same number of Act 48 hours or NJ credits as contact hours for which they meet (excluding lunch breaks). Educators electing to receive Act 48 hours or NJ Professional Development credit should notify the Continuing Education Programs office when registering or mark the appropriate box on the online or printed registration form. Call 215-972-7632 for more information. Deadlines vary for One Week Intensives, Short Courses, Workshops, Master Classes and Special Programs. Please refer to individual course descriptions. COURSE TUITION AND FEES One, Five, Six and Ten Week Courses: ■ Thirty (30) contact hours: $395 non-credit; $525 for 1.0 undergraduate credit ■ Thirty-six (36) contact hours: $495 non-credit; $625 for 1.0 undergraduate credit ■ Forty-two (42) contact hours: $595 non-credit; $950 for 1.5 undergraduate credits ■ Half-day, non-credit (where applicable): $295 ■ Five week Evening, non-credit (where applicable): $225 ■ One week High School Intensive Course Tuition: $415 for 1.0 credit or non-credit Tuition varies for Workshops, Short Courses, Master Classes and Special Programs. Please refer to individual course descriptions. Half-Day and Five Week Evening Option All courses are designed for full-time attendance. For greater flexibility, select 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. courses may be taken for half-day, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 1:30 - 5 p.m. Courses generally feature more lecture and demonstration in the morning, and more studio time and individual guidance in the afternoon. Information and demonstrations given during one portion of the day may not be repeated for the other half. Select Ten Week Evening courses may also be taken for five weeks, either in Session One or Two. If you begin a course as half-day, you may add the second half of the same course for the balance of the full-course tuition. Half-day and evening courses are available for non-credit only, and may not be combined to qualify for credit status. For more information, please call 215-972-7632. Lab and Material Fees Please consult individual course descriptions for any applicable lab or materials fees. Late Fee Registrations received after 5 p.m. on their deadline date will be assessed a late fee of $25. Locker Rental Lockers are available on a first-come, first-served basis for $25. DISCOUNTS* Referral Discount* Refer a first-time Continuing Education student, and you and the new student will receive a 10% tuition discount on one regular course or workshop within the current semester (excluding Master Classes). Membership Discount PAFA Members at the “Friend” level and above receive a 10% tuition discount on CE courses, workshops, and Master Classes. For information on becoming a PAFA Member, please call 215-972-2077. *Restrictions apply. Lab, materials and locker fees are not eligible for discount. Call 215-972-7632 for details. 34 Registration Information REFUND POLICY If minimum enrollment is not met, a class will be cancelled on, or shortly after, its registration deadline. Students will be notified by phone and may choose to transfer into another class or receive a full tuition and fee refund. Please register early to help prevent course cancellation. Refund of tuition and lab fees will be adjusted according to the following schedule (less the administrative fee), unless otherwise indicated. WEATHER/EMERGENCY CLOSING Weekend Workshops Prior to one week before the 1st day ........100% After the above, prior to the 1st day ..........50% After the above ....................................................0% Master Classes and Six Week Studio/ Critique Program No refunds after the registration deadline. The closing, delayed opening, or early dismissal of PAFA will be determined jointly by the Dean of the School and the Museum Director, with approval of the President. Such closing or delay would include the School, galleries and administrative offices. Decisions regarding the cancellation of special events and evening classes may be made later in the day. To find out if PAFA is closed or delayed you should check one of the following: ■ ■ CE COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP ■ PAFA Continuing Education is pleased to present the “CE Community Scholarship” to assist students who demonstrate dedication to their art. Requirements: ■ Completed application form ■ Completed CE registration form ■ Personal statement (one page) ■ Application deadline: Friday, May 8 Application will be available to download from by April 6. Please call 215-972-7632 for more information. The CE Community Scholarship is made possible in part by a generous contribution from the Dry Family Foundation. For information about making a gift to support the CE Community Scholarship, please contact the Development Department at 215-972-2077 or use the attached registration form. 35 page 33 for registration deadlines ■ Late registrations will incur a $25 late fee ■ REGISTRATION BEGINS APRIL 6 ■ See Date Date of Birth Last Name First Name Middle Initial Address City State Phone (day) Phone (evening/cell) Email COURSE CANCELLATIONS Withdrawals must be made in writing via letter or email to the Continuing Education Programs office. Students withdrawing are charged a $30 administrative fee per dropped course, Master Class or Special Program and $15 per workshop. One, Five, Six and Ten Week Courses Prior to one week before the 1st class ......100% After the above, prior to the 2nd class ...... 50% After 2nd class meeting ....................................0% REGISTRATION FORM Summer 2015 ■ ■ Our website – messages will be updated on the PAFA homepage, PAFA’s main number, 215-972-7600 – An outgoing message advising of a close or delay will be recorded by 6:30 a.m. KYW (1060AM) – Listen for PAFA’s code 150 (Continuing Education’s code is 2150) WPVI-TV 6ABC – Lists the school by name NBC 10 – Lists the school by name Course # Title Session/ Day/Time Instructor Tuition ■ VISA ■ Mastercard ■ AmEx ■ Discover ■ Check* #_______ ■ Cash Total Locker Sub Total Name on Credit Card Expiration Date I agree to abide by the policies and regulations in printed materials and on the website of Continuing Education Programs at PAFA. I have read and understand policies regarding credits, withdrawals, refunds and course cancellations (pages 32 – 34) Signature (required) Discount* CE Community Scholarship Donation** Signature T O T A L * PAFA Members at the Friends level and above receive a 10% tuition discount Date * * See page 33 TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING PAFA is conveniently located near the SEPTA Market East and Suburban train stations, bus and trolley stops and PATCO Hi-Speed Line station stops. For SEPTA information, call 215-580-7800 or visit For PATCO information, visit Discounted parking is available at adjacent Parkway Corporation Parking garage and surface lot. Tickets must be validated by Security staff. Lab/Mat Fee Tuition Total METHOD OF PAYMENT Credit Card Number Zip Have you taken a class here before? ■ Yes ■ No How did you find out about us? ■ Internet (What site?) ________________________ ■ Radio (What station?) ________________________ ■ Newspaper/magazine ________________________ ■ Other (Please specify)________________________ How did you receive this catalogue? ■ Mailed to me ■ Picked it up at:________________ Please check if you would like more information about PAFA Academic Programs ■ Certificate ■ Bachelor of Fine Arts ■ Master of Fine Arts ■ Post-Baccalaureate ■ I wish to enroll in the CE Core Curriculum Program For K-12 educators ■ I am taking a course for Act 48 credit or New Jersey Dept of Ed Professional Development Credit Are you an PAFA member? ■ Yes ■ No PAFA Membership Level ____________________________ PA Professional Educator I.D.# ____________________ Expiration Date ____________________________________ For Office Use: Class Book ___________________ Materials___________________ Database____________________ Please enclose the address to the right. ■ I am receiving duplicates. ■ Please remove my name from the mailing list. ■ Please change my address as indicated. ADDRESS UPDATE: IMPORTANT: DATED MATERIAL – DELIVER IMMEDIATELY CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS 128 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 t 215-972-7632 f 215-569-0153 e Philadelphia, PA Permit No. 2879 P A I D Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage
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