Worker Recruitment - Berman Jewish DataBank
Worker Recruitment - Berman Jewish DataBank
THE JEWTSH FEDERATTON OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY is conducting a Community Study of the local Jewish population o Calling will take place in OCTOBER 2OO7 for approximately 2 weeks. o All calls will be made from theAllentown JCC,702 N 22nd St., Allentown o The telephone interviewing salary is $14 PER HOUR. o Both daytime and evening training sessions will be offered. o Those who work at least 3 full shifts, and work their requested, assigned shifts, will receive $25 for having attended the training session. o There is no maximum Iimit to the number of shlfts you may request. Double shifts are available. Sunday to Thursday shifts: |OAM to 2 PM I 2 PM to 6 Friday: daytime shifts only. 6 PM to l0 PM (calling ends at 9:30 PM) We do not work on Saturday. PM | You moy request to work different shifts on different days. Hiring preference is given to those who can work some Sundoy ond evening shifts. to with the following info: Your name, all your contact phone numbers, your mailing and e-mail addresses -- and the best time and phone number to use to contact you. The number of shifts per week you would like to work. Your preference for morning, afternoon, evening and/or Sunday shifts. o Send an e-mail NOTE: Only if you absolutely cannot e-mail, Ieave a message at 305-284-5693. However, you may only be contacted for a position after others who have sent an e-mail. Afterwe receive your e-mail,you'll be contacted by KarenTina Sheskin. You'll be scheduled for a I0 minute, in-person interview at the Allentown JCC with Study Director, Dr. lra Sheskin. Please bring your October calendar to request specific dates/shifts when you are available to work. o YoUwlLL BE NOTIFIED BY E-MAILABOUTYOUR HIRING STATUS. lf hired, respond with an e-mail accepting the job and offered shifts Read the provided training material and attend a training session.