February 2016 Issue


February 2016 Issue
February 2016 Issue
A message from the President
Dear Brother and Sisters:
As we begin the New Year, I am reminded
of our wonderful volunteers and
members that make our organization
such a great success. We had a great
2015 ending with our holiday
celebrations and began 2016 with our
Epiphany Party. What a great new
tradition for our lodge. Many thanks to
Mike Castino and Monica LaPenta for their
hard work to make this evening such a success.
Also, with the beginning of the New Year, please remember to
pay your annual dues. For our new members, we will have a
new member initiation at our March General Membership
Meeting. At our February meeting, we will be voting for one
Mistress of Ceremony. Nominees are Joyce Blake and Gina
Okowolski. In addition, we will install our newly elected
trustees: Angie Kurek and Sharon Bielski. Come and join us!!
One of the challenges we face in the winter is bad weather and
snow storms. I want to thank everyone for understanding as
we closed our hall and cancelled Friday Night Dinner due to
the weather. We will continue to keep the safety of our
members and their guest as our priority and appreciate your
support. Hopefully, this past storm will be the one and only
event to affect our activities.
The lodge is happy to announce our new Publicity Chairman,
Christopher Pisano. Chris is eager to support the lodge,
continue communication with our Facebook page and promote
the lodges activities and events. The Ways and Means
Committee has completed our calendar and we will send our
membership the yearly calendar.
Please remember our Council Meeting remains on the first
Tuesday of the month and our General Membership Meeting is
the second Wednesday of the month. Look forward to seeing
you there!!
Ali Tinelli Sliwka
Lodge President
410-299-1526 | alicesliwka@gmail.com
General Membership Meeting
Come and join us for the General Membership Meeting
on Wednesday, February 10th. Have a FREE
DINNER, drinks with your friends, and join in the
camaraderie. There is a guaranteed $50 attendance prize
and 50/50 raffle at every meeting.
Council Meeting is February 2nd.
Cosa C’è Per Cena Venerdì Sera?
What’s for Dinner Friday Night?
February 2016
Pesto, potatoes, green beans w/ sausage
Fried shrimp, calamari & zucchini
Cheese ravioli w/ mushrooms
Spaghetti w/ clams
March 2016
Oven roasted salmon
Mussels butter & garlic
Vegetable lasagna
*Note: Menu is subject to change at any time without notice.
Along with our delicious specials we offer the
following Italian favorites every Friday night:
Pasta with two meatballs $11
Pasta Marinara $8
Meatball Sub $6
Caesar Salad with Chicken $9
Small Pasta $3
Whole Pizza: Cheese $8 - Pepperoni $9
Pizza by the Slice: Cheese $1.25 - Pepperoni $1.50
Salad – Large $4 / Small $2
Extra Meatball $1.50
Cannoli $3
Cake/Pie (regular/no sugar added) $2
Coffee- Free
Rent the Lodge for all your special occasions…
Birthdays, bereavements, anniversaries,
family reunions or any other special event.
Lodge members pay ONLY $300 for the
hall rental
We also offer catering.
Please contact Ali Sliwka
410-299-1526 alicesliwka@gmail.com
Do you have email?
If you do please consider receiving the La Notizia
via email and help the lodge save money. Also, for
all change of addresses or change of email
addresses please contact Nancy Barberi Wolfe at
Please come and try your luck at Bingo Sunday February
21st. Doors open at 12 noon, the full game package is $10.
Please join us for a day of fun. Food will also be available
for purchase. Cake donations are appreciated.
Take a Cruise with the Lodge on Royal Caribbean’s
Grandeur of the Seas to…
Charoltte Amalie, St. Thomas, St John’s, Antigua, Castries, St Lucia,
Basseterre, St Kitts, Nevis, Philipsburg and St. Maarten’s. Leaving
from the Port of Baltimore, January 23rd, 2017- February 4! Rates:
Balcony $2,544.25pp,
Oceanview $1,419.25pp
Large Oceanview $ 1,448.25pp,
Inside $1,208.25pp
Large Inside $1,245.25
Prices based on double occupancy.
Deposit $450pp (900 per cabin double occupancy) and includes
cabin, port charges, taxes, gratuities and travel protection. Contact
Sue Spinnato-Walmsley at swalmsley44@gmail.com or at 443-6913046 to reserve your place.
Please pray for the return of good health to:
Joyce Armetta, Frank Cimino, Rose Esposito, Marge Hayes, Doreen Matczuk
and Sal Spinnato
The Lodge sends deepest
condolences to:
The families of Frank Terzigni and Mary
Knights of Columbus Premium Raffle & Dinner
Sponsored by St. Vincent Pallotti. Raffle tickets are $50 each. Only 200
Tickets will be sold. Cash Prizes:
1st ticket drawn receives $100
50th ticket drawn receives $150
100th ticket drawn receives $200
150th ticket drawn receives $350
200th ticket drawn receives $2,000
Each Ticket holder gets free admission to the St. Patricks Day Themed
Dinner and Drawing to be held at the Little Italy Lodge on Sunday March
13, 2016 from 1-4pm. For more information contact: Francis Blattermann
410-207-7075, Marco Minnie 410-218-6097, Walter Wits 410-869-3536 or
Tony Walmsley 443-943-7524.
2016 DUES were due before January 1, 2016
If you have not already done so, payment should be sent, as soon as possible, to:
The Little Italy Lodge (#2286)
905 E. Pratt St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Attn: Nancy Barbieri Wolfe
$40 for renewals, $65 for new members – along with a completed application
(Checks should be made payable to “The Little Italy Lodge (OSIA #2286)”)
(Please note: According to The Lodge By-Laws, “If dues are not paid by April 1st,
the member shall be stricken from the rolls of membership.”)
In addition, please remember that being added to our E-Mail
Notification List (for La Notizia delivery, event announcements and changes,
member death notices, etc.) saves our Lodge significant printing and mailing
expenses. To be added, just contact Nancy Barbieri Wolfe, Membership Chair at
nbwolfe@comcast.net or leave a message at the Lodge (410.685.3116)
La Famiglia Scholarship Program
& Taste of Italy Fund-Raising Dinner
The 2016 La Famiglia Scholarship Program is officially open! Now
is the time to apply! The criteria for application along with the
necessary forms and this year’s essay question are posted on the Little
Italy Lodge website (www.littleitalylodge-osia.com) at the
Scholarship tab at the upper left section of the site’s Home page. This
information is also available at the Lodge. See the Scholarship
Committee Chair, the Lodge President or any Council member.
This year, the Scholarship Fund will be awarding two $6,000
scholarships to successful applicants. Every member should
encourage eligible family members to apply! This is our investment
in the future of our Italian-American youth and their representation of
our Italian-American heritage!
Also, mark your calendar for the La Famiglia Scholarship FundRaising Dinner to be held on Sunday, April 24, 2016 (tickets are $60
for members, $70 for non-members and $600 per table for all)! This
is the primary fundraiser for our Scholarship Program and we need
you, our members, to support this dinner if we are to continue this
Program! Besides, the Committee believes that you will not be
disappointed – we are preparing a few surprises. We hope to see you
at this “signature” Lodge event!
Please let me or any Committee member know if you have any
questions (or would like to reserve seats or a table)!
Scholarship Committee Chair
Tony Montcalmo
Carnevale in Italy
“Carnevale is the last
celebration before lent which
begins on Ash Wednesday.
Lent has historically been the
time before Easter when
many Catholics deprive
themselves of something
they enjoy. The thought is to
party until you drop and
spend the period of Lent
Celebrations are held all over
Italy from Venice and Milan down to the villages and towns of
Sicily. The celebration of Carnevale is the Italian version of
Mardi Gras in New Orleans with oranges instead of beads.
Many of the biggest celebrations are on Martedi’ Grasso or Fat
Tuesday.” This year Fat Tuesday is February 9th.
Source: http://www.amoretravelguides.com/blog/carnevale-in-italy.php
Little Italy Lodge
905 East Pratt St
Baltimore, Md 21202
A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale!