Anthem Ranch
Anthem Ranch
Anthem Ranch New Year 2011 Issue Yet another year spent with my feet firmly planted in the ground? Wondering what’s in store for Colorado’s Best Selling Active Adult Community in 2011? Find Out Inside! Del Webb at Anthem Ranch J AN U AR Y 2 011 I S S UE 16583 Las Brisas Drive Broomfield, CO 80023 Hours-Tuesday-Sunday 9:30am-5:30pm Monday Hours– 1:30-5:30pm Online: Office Number 303-604-5440 New Year’s Resolution 2011 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2nd Annual Cast-Iron Chef Challenge January 22nd Show case Homes Community Newsletter Community Events—Pick Your Favorite to Attend Happy New Year from the entire team here at Del Webb. A tradition that many people enjoy each year is setting fun and challenging resolutions. For each of the past 50 years Del Webb has resolved to just one goal - improving the quality of life for our homeowners. Many people think our purpose is developing land and building houses. While it is true that Del Webb is exceptional at these, they are not the main purpose upon which we embark each day. The real mission of Del Webb is introducing our customers to the amazing quality of life that is possible in our communities. 2011 is the best year yet for you to experience what your life would be like at Anthem Ranch. You are invited to any of our monthly community events where you will meet homeowners similar to yourself so you can develop a very real sense of what living at Anthem Ranch is like. Take advantage of our events to test drive the community. Discover all the opportunities that our homeowners enjoy each day; the big and little things that make Anthem Ranch a great place to call home. UPCOMING EVENTS AT ANTHEM RANCH: Saturday, January 22nd: Cast Iron Chef Event 25pm– Anthem Ranch Sales Pavilion Saturday, January 22nd: Cabaret Night and Swinttime– 6pm-8pm– Aspen Lodge Recreation Center Join Us In Our Annual New Year’s Resolution by Coming to A Community Event Take us up on our New Year’s resolution and discover first hand the quality of life the residents at Anthem Ranch enjoy. If you find something in our newsletter you would like to attend please call your us to ensure your reservation for the event. You will also see an upcoming events page in our magazine issues each month. Here is to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011! Nate, Dave, Mel and Tom Saturday, January 29th: Home and Garden Show 9-12pm– Aspen Lodge Recreation Center Sunday, February 6th: Super Bowl Party– 4pm– Aspen Lodge Recreation Center Sunday, February 13th: Valentine’s Brunch– 11am –1pm– Aspen Lodge Recreation Center Saturday, February 26th: Mardi Gras– 6-9pm– Aspen Lodge Recreation Center Saturday, March 19th: Celtic Celebration– 69pm– Aspen Lodge Recreation Center MUST CALL 303-6045440 TO RSVP! Come meet your future tennis partner, hiking buddies, fitness instructor and neighborhood Cast Iron Chef! Come experience life in a Del Webb community as we kick off the new year with a special Weekend of Renewal. There’s never been a better time to explore the world of smart retirement. JOIN US FOR A WEEKEND OF RENEWAL Don’t miss our special celebration. Saturday, January 22nd s Cast Iron Chef Event - 2pm - 5pm Enjoy food, wine and music as you watch our Gourmet Cooking Club show off their skills at the Sales Pavilion. Plus! Register to win one of two $250 Williams-Sonoma Gift Cards! s Cabaret Night with “Swingtime” - 7pm - 8:30pm Enjoy the live music and dancing of “Swingtime”, a group of men and women who perform the classic music of the 30’s, 40’s & the Big Band Era at the Aspen Lodge Recreation Center! Sunday, January 23rd s Pottery Class - 10am Bring your grandchildren to the Aspen Lodge Recreation Center and enjoy a pottery lesson. Must RSVP to 303.604.5440 by Wednesday, January 19th. At least one resident must be 55 years of age or better, a limited number of residents may be younger and no one under 19 years of age. Some residents may be younger than 55. Community Association fees required. Prices reflect base prices and are subject to change without notice. Lot premiums may apply. Details available upon request. Photography is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended to be an actual representation of a specific community, neighborhood, or any completed improvements being offered. ©2011 Pulte Home Corporation. *No purchase or sales presentation is necessary to enter. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Begins 2:00pm and ends at 5:00pm on 1/22/2011. Must be present to win. Open to legal residents of the state of CO, 18 and older at the time of entry. Odds of winning depend upon the number of entries received. Anthem Ranch New Homes from the $250’s Highway 7 and Lowell Blvd. in Broomfield • 303-604-5440 Anthem Ranch Community News THE ASPEN LODGE January 2011 Top 10 2011 New Year's Resolutions for Active Adults Mary Carol Herwood, Yahoo! Contributor Network Being a septuagenarian, I believe I can be a spokesperson for active adults with regard to New Year's Resolutions. Speaking for myself, I suspect I would have a different set of goals than a 30-something man or woman. I therefore post the following list of resolutions which my fellow golden- agers might want to ponder. 1. I will exercise by walking a distance of one mile at least twice a week. It is tempting, particularly if you live alone, to stay in your robe and slippers if you have nothing planned for the day. Getting up and out may set the tone for a constructive afternoon when you have finished your walk. 2. I will make plans more often to call a friend to take in a play or a movie, stop for a bite to eat and chit-chat about this and that. It takes effort to schedule time with old friends when mind and body tell you to stay at home and catch up on your TV programs or the newspaper or even sleep. 3. I will clean out my closets and drawers, discarding worthless possessions which I haven't used for two or three years. It is amazing how much we can accumulate, thinking that we will find a use for that gadget or article of clothing that has been gathering dust for several years. The Salvation Army, Goodwill Industries or the St. Vincent de Paul Society will find a grateful recipient of your cast-offs and you will have a more streamlined place to live. 4. I will volunteer my time for a worthy cause. Organizations love active adults for their loyalty, their work ethic, and their attendance habits. There are so many places to volunteer - Meals on Wheels, Literacy Volunteers, readers for elementary classrooms, drivers for elderly people who have doctors' appointments, church organizations, baby-sitting for grandchildren. 5. I will take an adult education class at my nearby high school.( or Aspen Lodge) It is always good to learn something new - perhaps Spanish, or a computer course, or flower arranging, swimming or line dancing. The opportunity to meet new people with similar values is a bonus when taking a class. 6. I will read at least one book each month. So many books and so little time. It is best to set aside a certain time during the day to do some serious reading. Keeping your mind active is vital as you advance in years. You can go online to your public library to request a book - they will notify you when it is in. It will cost you 25 cents when you pick it up, but that is much less expensive than buying the book. 7. I will reduce frivolous spending. Impulse buying can diminish your cash if this is a problem you have. Picking up unnecessary items - whether they be food, clothing or household items - may be a symptom of boredom or even unhappiness. You are never too old to put aside something for a rainy day. 8. I will Go Green. Recycling your old newspapers, bottles, even clothing is helping our planet to survive. Cutting back on fuel consumption, both at home and in your car is a benefit. Turn out the lights and lower your thermostat when you leave the house. Collect rainwater to use in your garden. Become conscious of ways to conserve energy, power and water. 9. I will do one good thing for myself each day. This is a tricky one, because it may involve frivolous spending (7), or indulging yourself by staying in bed for a day (1), or taking a long ride in your car just for the joy of it (8). The important thing to remember is that you are worth it. You have lived this long and most likely have achieved many things. Altering your pattern may not be your best course. Which brings us to #10. Yes, #10 may be the best resolution of all for an active adult. 10. I will not make any New Year's Resolutions in 2012. Aspen Lodge Holiday Hours January 1, 2011 New Year‘s Day, CLOSED *Important Announcement* Please check the Portal for advice on winter watering Phone Numbers: Ted Wiegman, Community Manager — 303-665-1256 x115 Susan Cwik, Administrative/Covenants Coordinator— 303-665-1256 x 114 Cindy Gerhardt, Lifestyle Director— 303-665-1256 x 111 Amy Bazinet-Broadhurst, Member Services Coordinator—303-665-1256 x 100 Thomas Alderman, Maintenance Manager—303-665-1256 x 106 Jennifer Nehls , Recreation Associate—303-665-1256 x 110 Kelly Pizzuto, Recreation Associate—-303-665-1256 x 110 Aspen Lodge Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:00AM-9:00PM Saturday-Sunday 8:00AM-6:00PM Committee Reports Common Areas Committee This fall has continued to be a busy time for the committee. We have completed a final inspection of Filing 12; this is the common areas along Anthem Ranch Road from Lindsey Dr. south to Lowell Blvd. and along Wilson Drive, Belford Circle and Quandry Loop. The landscaper has replaced most shrubs and trees that have died but there is still some work to be completed in the spring. The committee will then do another inspection to assure the work was completed. We have also been monitoring the shrub and tree replacement in Filing 14; this is the area surrounding Silver Mountain Loop. We also assured the retaining wall repair on the south side was completed. There are still a few shrubs that need to be replanted along this wall. A final inspection will be done next summer. This winter we will be reviewing proposals from the developer to improve the drainage in the cobble channel on the north side and in the natural grass area on the south side. Last August we began working with our landscaper to address the overwatering in some of the open space areas. They have been working with the developer‘s landscape architect to review the programs for every controller and this winter they will convert them to shorter, cycle soak periods. You will be hearing more about this in the future. We are also working with the city and developer to add pressure reducing valves in the irrigation system where we had problems of blown sprinkler heads and valves last summer. In addition, this winter we will be reviewing the remote communication system for proper signal strength so we assure every controller is communicated with so we can fully utilize the remote weather station. This will prevent watering during rain showers. The committee also did an inspection of the pathways throughout the community to determine where repairs were necessary. You may have seen the green markings as you walk along. These repairs will be made in the near future and then a final inspection will be made. Please note the pathway along Anthem Ranch Road is not the HOA responsibility. This will be the city‘s to maintain when they do final acceptance. This should occur in 2011. Last, but not least, the committee is preparing to do a complete inventory of all trees and shrubs in the open space we maintain to determine where all dead trees and shrubs need to be replaced and where we might recommend they do not need to be replaced. Once complete the committee can make recommendations to the BOD and they can work with the budget and finance committee to put a long term plan in place that won‘t strain the community budget. The committee will also help prepare amendments to the Site Development Plan (SDP), where necessary, for approval by the city. AREA News Your Anthem Ranch Environmental Awareness committee is pleased to welcome two new members-----Karla Allen and Paul Classen. Our focus in the new year will be on water conservation. The very large volume of water usage throughout Anthem Ranch is a concern, as emphasized by a recent letter received from Broomfield. Our committee will strive to educate homeowners and to come up with suggestions for reducing our water usage. So stay tuned! A Note From Ted, Community Manager An issue has come up in the pool and spa area that we need the community‘s help with. We have a requirement that states that everyone using the swimming pool or spa must take a shower before entering the water. The rule is in place for two main reasons. One, it is an issue of cleanliness for everyone that goes into the water. By showering off before entering the pool area you remove a majority of loose hair and dirt that adheres to your body throughout the day. You will also remove the coating of sweat on your body if you have worked out in the gym prior to going to the pool area. The second reason for showering goes hand in hand with the first reason. If we carry less dirt and hair into the pool- our filter systems will not have to work as hard keeping the water clean. This will save the associa- tion money in both utility costs and pool chemicals. We are asking that all of our pool users- lap swimmers, water aerobics classes. spa users- take that extra couple of minutes to shower off before entering the pool deck. Together we can make a difference. Tell us your thoughts! Surveys, Surveys, Surveys Veterans Day Celebration Lifestyle Survey 10 being the highest rating.‖ The average rating was 8.49.. The lifestyle team has started using a free service, Survey Monkey, to create surveys after events. If you attend an event that you had to register for, you will receive an email with a link to a survey or you can find it posted on the portal. We would love to hear your thoughts so we can use your input for future events. Help us make your parties and celebrations the best they can be by taking a few minutes to fill out these surveys! Thanks! Page 2 We sent out a survey on this event via Survey Monkey. The first question was ―What did you think about the Veterans Day Celebration?‖ Out of 35 responses, all 35 were positive. Thanksgiving Harvest Feast Lifestyle Survey We sent out a survey on this event via Survey Monkey. The first question was ―What did you think about the Thanksgiving Harvest Feast?‖ Out of 41 responses, 37 were positive. We also asked ―Overall, how would you rate the event? 1 being the lowest and A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Cabaret Night with Mark Stone The Mentalist Lifestyle Survey We sent out a survey on this event via Survey Monkey. The first question was ―What did you think about the Cabaret Night with Mark Stone the Mentalist?‖ Out of 28 responses, 26 were positive. We also asked ―Overall, how would you rate the event? 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest rating.‖ The average rating was 8.87. If you wish, you may request a complete copy of all surveys from Cindy Gerhardt, Lifestyle Director. Club and Community News Anthem Ranch Gourmet Club Planning Meeting for 2011 The Anthem Ranch Gourmet Club will hold a planning meeting for 2011 at 7 p.m. on January 12th at Aspen Lodge. Dessert and coffee will be served. You are invited to attend the meeting whether you are a member or are just interested in learning about the club. The evening agenda will include: reviewing dinner guidelines; options for setting dinner dates; picking themes for the 2011 dinners; and sign-ups for committees. Membership, which is open for couples and singles, is currently 140 diners. Prospective members may wish to visit the Gourmet Club web site at: www.AnthemRanchGourmetClub .com. For further questions, please call Dale Hannan at 303-413-1791 or Harriet Shaw at 303-666-6876. Men’s Golf Even with the snow and cold weather upon us, progress has been made on scheduling the 4th Annual Anthem Ranch Men‘s Golf Scramble. All golfers—please mark your 2011 calendars to show the scramble being played on May 18th. As for the last 3 years, we will play at the Thorncreek Golf Course which is located about a 15 minute drive from Anthem Ranch on Washington Blvd and 138th Street in Thornton. The cost will be the same as 2010--$52 to include green fees, cart, practice balls, grill lunch with a drink (this includes bar well drinks) and prizes. The sign-up sheet should go up in late March-early April. In 2010 we had 52 golfers, and there is always room to enlarge the field. The adhoc committee for this event includes: Dave Steedle, Jerry Marxhausen, Norm Kvern, Rick Morgan, Ken Besse and Sam Beeler. Please contact any of these men for additional information. Covenant’s Corner Holiday Lighting and Decorations Reminder Please remember that holiday lighting, artifacts and other decorative landscaping items will need to be removed no later than January 15th. Illumination of lighting will be allowed only between November 25th and January 5th. Happy Holidays! And THANK YOU for making 2010 an awesome year at Anthem Ranch! Anthem Ranch Veterans News Will Staub, Seaman, United States Coast Guard, 1942-1946. Will served on the USS Samuel Chase driving the LST‘s loaded with US servicemen onto Omaha Beach during D-Day, June 6, 1944. The Samuel Chase then became a Hospital Ship to transport the dead and wounded back to England. Will and his lovely wife, Mary Jo, moved to Anthem Ranch to be close to their children and grandchildren. The date for the next ARVets meeting is Wednesday, January 5, Heroes Among Us A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 3 January Lifestyle Offerings The following information is a courtesy to our Residents. Anthem Ranch Community Association or Capital Consultants Management Corporation are in no way affiliated or endorse the companies or individuals presenting the workshops, classes, seminars, programs, etc. All listed activities take place at the Aspen Lodge unless otherwise indicated in the description. There are no refunds on listed activities unless they are cancelled by the instructor or Association. All activities must have the specified minimum number of registrants by the deadline date or they will be cancelled. Eldora Skiing with RTD Every Tuesday beginning January 4th, 2011 through March 29th, 2011, Senior-Ride will offer transportation to the Eldora Ski Resort. The bus will depart the Longmont Senior Center at 8:15 a.m. The bus makes a scheduled stop at the East Boulder Recreation Center at 9:00 a.m. and then travel to the Eldora Ski Resort. The bus will leave Eldora at approximately 2:15 p.m. to return to Boulder and Longmont. The fare is $5.00 round-trip for seniors 65 and older and $10.00 roundtrip for all other passengers. Just show up at least 15 minutes in advance at one of the locations listed. Groups of 20 or more seniors (64 years and older) pay $22 each for lift tickets. SCFD Free Days SCFD (Scientific and Cultural Facilities District) has six regional institutions that provide free admission to Colorado residents on select days of the year. Free Days are funded in part by the citizens of the metro area via the SCFD 0.1% sales and use tax. It's a great value. Check out the dates below and have a free day or check out their web site at Denver Art Museum – 1/1 Denver Botanic Gardens @ Chatfield – 1/7 Denver Zoo – 1/8 & 1/24 Denver Museum of Nature & Science – 1/9 & 1/31 Denver Botanic Gardens – 1/17 Page 4 No Sew Quilt Wall Hanging Class Mondays, January 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 1:00-3:00 PM $29 Students will have a choice of color schemes; Red or Turquoise/Sage. The quilt is a classic quilt design that is an ideal beginner project. The project is a no-sew quilt wall hanging. All supplies are included in the class fee. Fun, easy and rewarding. If students finish the project early there are complimentary designs that are available. A 20% discount will be offered for additional kits to students. Students need to bring: Scissors and Pins (Seam Ripper Optional). Sign up at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Beginning Acrylic Painting Class Tuesdays, January 4, 11, 18, 25 10:00 AM-12:00 PM $5 for first class $20 each class after Calling all Painters or anyone who ever thought they might like to paint. ALL supplies are provided for these classes so you don‘t have to purchase ANYTHING. We will paint on a variety of surfaces from cardboard, to glass, pottery, wood, canvas and who knows what else! The focus of this class is fun! You don‘t have to have ANY previous experience or training. Why not give it a try? Sign up for each class at the front desk or call the instructor Sandee Franz at 303655-0028 (or email at Morning Bingo January 4 10:30 AM-12:00 PM $5 Donation Come to the Aspen Lodge and join your neighbors for a fun morning of Bingo. All the donations will go back to the winners of each game. There is no need to register. Please bring exact change. Osaana Fitness Talk Wednesday, January 5 1:00-2:00 PM Free OSAANA is a lifestyle approach to fitness that is based on sensible, moderate exercise and nutrition that supports active longevity and fosters optimal health on an individual basis. Optimal health is what we all have when A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS our minds and bodies are working in concert, each supporting the function and acuity of the other. OSAANA of Boulder will have representatives here on the January 5th at 1pm to present an informational session on the effects of exercise and diet on brain function and physical capabilities. The session will focus first on general information about how and what types of exercise supports brain function and what exercises best support bone health and muscular retention or development. Once the exercise quotient has been covered they will address nutrition from a point of supporting brain function and keeping the body at optimal potential. . Sign up at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Front Range Community College Open House Thursday, January 6 1:00-2:00 PM Free Come and meet the instructors for the upcoming Front Range Community College spring courses held here at the Aspen Lodge. They will give a brief course outlines. Coffee and treats provided as well as a $10.00 discount coupon (for the spring classes) to each person that comes. Wet-on-Wet Oil Class Thursday, January 6 1:00-4:30 PM $45 We will be painting a scene that might be from a spot near Vista Ridge. The picture will include a small mountain in the distance with a host of evergreens close up and further away. The centerpiece of this picture is the small stream with a tiny waterfall in the foreground. This is a wonderful Fall scene that is so typical of the Colorado mountains. Sign up for each class at the front desk or call the instructor Sandee Franz at 303 -655-0028 (or email at Club Fair Saturday, January 8 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Free The purpose of the Club Fair is to acquaint all residents with existing and newly established clubs. Each person can visit a table for club information and talk to the club members regarding future activities. New Anthem Ranch residents are highly encourage to visit the Club Fair and meet your neighbors and begin getting involved. January Lifestyle Offerings Cont. Writing Like A Pro with Front Range Community College (SENR1006-001) Tuesdays, January 11-February 8 3:00-4:30 PM $75 Taught By: Bill Burns (an Anthem Ranch Resident) James Lee Burke opens The Glass Rainbow with the following passage: ―The room I had rented…seemed more reflective of New Orleans than a river town in Mississippi….the courtyard outside touched with mist off the river, the pastel walls deep in shadow and stained with lichen above the flower beds, the brick walkways smelling….‖Ernest Hemingway opens A Farewell to Arms with the following passage: ―…there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels…dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees…the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.‖ These writers, like all good writers, know a writer is distinguished by how well he or she can show what they are describing. We will see how Hemingway and Burke use the literary elements of diction, detail, imager, syntax, and tone to paint a powerful portrait. For registration, please call Front Range Community College Continuing Education office at 303-404-5465. Minimum class size is 6 and a maximum of 24. Last day to register for or drop the course and receive a full refund is January 6. Coffee Cart Wednesday, January 12 8:00-10:00 AM Free Sponsored by Kanaber Group at Merrill Lynch Your portal advertiser, Kanaber Group at Merrill Lynch, is sponsoring a free coffee cart with all the goodies in the morning. Please stop by to have a cup of coffee on them and thank our sponsor. Free Hearing Aid Cleaning Wednesday, January 12 9:00 AM-10:30 PM Residents who wear hearing aids .... make sure all systems are working well! Family Hearing centers will have clinicians available to begin Service Clinics to clean your hearing aids (and ears, if needed) at No Charge on Wednesday, January 12th from 9:00 am to 10:30 am in the upstairs conference room. Please sign up at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Saudi Arabia by Active Minds Wednesday, January 12 10:00-11:30 AM Free Sponsored by Humana With over 20% of the world's proven oil reserves, the importance of Saudi Arabia to the United States (and the world) has been clear for some time. That does not mean, however, that Saudi Arabia's place in the world is simple or straightforward; far from it. Join Active Minds as we tell the story of Saudi Arabia. We will cover Saudi history, current international relations, and the complicated role played by Wahhabi Islam and Sunni Islam in the country and the region. You must register for this lecture at the Aspen Lodge. Registration deadline is the day of the lecture. Valley Crest Wednesday, January 12 1:00-2:30 PM Free Valley Crest Landscaping Service is offering a free seminar to all Anthem Ranch Residents. They will be here to discuss whether snow count for watering dormant tree and shrubs. They will also take the time to answer some questions you might have in regard to caring for your lawn and the maintenance that it requires. Please register for this free event at the Aspen Lodge front desk. A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Bull Market or Bear Market Seminar & Dinner Wednesday, January 12 6:00 PM Free Magnolia, 1381 Forest Park Cr. Lafayette, CO 80026 Learn How to Protect and Grow Your Assets In Changing Economic Conditions You are cordially invited to a complimentary dinner event featuring Frank Oliver with Oliver Financial Group. He will be discussing the most recent updates in safe financial and estate planning topics: Does your current retirement plan still work? How to reduce or eliminate income and estate taxes for you and your heirs How to prevent making the top mistakes most people make with their retirement planning How to avoid paying 40% of your IRA to Uncle Sam. Potentially reduce your income taxes with just one simple change How to increase your income 50-70% over the next decade to protect against increasing inflation How to design a retirement and estate plan to predict and protect your future How to guarantee that your income will last forever! Regardless of your current retirement situation, we politely encourage you to join us as Frank speaks at this informative dinner event. You will definitely come away with some valuable knowledge that will be beneficial for you and your family. Please join us for a night of thought provoking financial information and a wonderful meal. Register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Seating is LIMITED to 30 people and the final RSVP for seating to Wanted - Veranda Social Greeters It has been suggested that we have designated greeters at the Veranda Socials to welcome all the new residents to the evening and our Community. There is a sign up sheet at the front desk in the registration book for this purpose. If you are interested in being a greeter, please sign up for the month and date of the Veranda Social you are willing to attend and greet new people for the first hour or so. Thank you. Page 5 January Lifestyle Offerings Cont. Medieval Islamic Spain: ALAndalus with FRCC (SENR2009-001) Thursdays, January 13-Febuary 17 1:00-3:00 PM $100 Instructor: John Hitchcock For several centuries, the Islamic culture of Spain, than known as AlAndalus, included participation by Christians and Jews at high levels of government and society and this culture shaped much of the subsequent history of Europe. During this course participants will explore this time in history and a culture that was described as the ―ornament of the world‖ because Muslims, Jews, and Christians created a culture of tolerance. The forces that shaped language and identity will also be brought forward, along with specific remnants of Islamic influence in the modern western culture. For registration, please call Front Range Community College Continuing Education office at 303-404-5465. Minimum class size is 8 and a Maximum of 24. Last day to register for or drop the course and receive Movie Night- Seven Pounds (PG-13) Friday, January 14 6:00 PM Free Distraught over his wife's death -- and convinced that his own actions had something to do with it -- a depressed IRS agent (Will Smith) begins plotting his suicide, vowing to improve the lives of seven strangers in the process. But a chance meeting with a woman who has a life-threatening heart defect (Rosario Dawson) makes him think twice when their budding relationship suddenly feels a lot like love. There is no need to register for this event. Popcorn will be served, BYOB. AARP Driving Safety Course Saturday, January 15 8:00AM-1:00 PM $12 AARP Member/$14 NonMember related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. You do not have to take a test. You can take quizzes home with you for your reference. You must register at the Aspen Lodge Front Desk. Payment is due the first day of class. Make check payable to AARP. If you are an AARP member, please bring your membership card to class. Minimum registration is 10 maximum is 25. Deadline: January 10. Oil Painting Class Monday, January 17 9:00-11:00 AM $30 or $50 if you want Michelle to provide materials Join Michelle Philips for beginning oil painting classes. We will work together step-by-step and create beautiful paintings of landscapes, still life, and portraits. No experience necessary. Michelle Philips is a supportive and fun instructor, and this class is designed for painters who want to explore the medium of oil painting in an upbeat social environment. Students can purchase their own oil painting kit, or register for a package that includes all materials to be provided class by class. Make your reservations with the Aspen Lodge front desk. Registration deadline is January 12. Payment is due the day of class to the instructor. Minimum number of participants is 5 and maximum is 15. Please call Michelle at 303-522-3048 or visit Michelle's website for more information. Portal Training – General Monday, January 17 10:00-11:30 AM Free This class covers all the functions in your profile tab, sending emails, joining a group, the use of message boards, using the calendar (both Community and personal/ house), and classifieds. This is a great class if you are a beginner to the portal. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Registration deadline is January 12. Minimum registration is 5 and maximum number of participants is 80. An Affiliate of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage - #1 Reverse Lender FREE Consider taking an hour out of your day to join us for coffee and cookies to learn the truth about reverse mortgage loans! Get the facts about how you can turn your equity into TAX FREE INCOME in a lump sum, monthly installments or a line of credit on your primary residence. Fees are lower than ever! Learn how this program can be a great financial resource to you to meet your daily and monthly expenses Remodel or repair your home Cover your health care expenses Consolidate your credit card debts Enjoy a higher quality of life with a vacation home, vacations or travel to see family You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Registration deadline is January 14. Minimum registration is 5 and maximum number of participants is 80. Bingo Tuesday, January 18 6:30-8:00 PM $5 Donation Come to the Aspen Lodge and join your neighbors for a fun evening of Bingo. All the donations will go back to the winners of each game and there will also be a progressive jackpot. The jackpot game is played the last game of the night. If no one wins the jackpot the money is carried over to the next Bingo night. There is no need to register. Please bring exact change. Anthem Ranch Association Community Coffee Wednesday, January 19 9:00-10:00 AM Free This coffee is sponsored by the Anthem Ranch Community Association. It‘s a great time for general mingling and community news. No need to register for this event. Are you looking for an automobile insurance discount? Take the AARP Driver‘s Safety Course. This eight hour course is broken up into two days. Learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws, and rules of the road. Also find out how to adjust to age-. Page 6 Reverse Mortgage Workshop January 18 1:00–2:00 PM Snacks will be served Facilitator: Linda Snow, Reverse Mortgage Specialist Colorado Mortgage Alliance A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Anthem Ranch Clubs A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 8 A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 9 A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 10 Anthem Ranch Clubs A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 11 January Lifestyle Offerings con’t Helping You Keep More of What You Make Wednesday, January 19 1:00-2:00 PM Free This workshop is provided by the CPA firm of Brad Borncamp, CPA, LLC. Please note this brief workshop only explains some more important aspects of estate planning and reflects the laws in place as of August 2010. Planning is vital to achieving financial goals. This can seem overwhelming in light of our busy lives. It also involves more than just working hard, filing annual income tax returns, and saving money. Even if you expect your estate will be too small to be exposed to the estate tax in the future, there are several good reasons to do estate planning now. Come to this workshop for those reasons and many more. There will be a time for Q&A. Register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Registration deadline is January 12. Veranda Social Friday, January 21 5:00-8:30 PM Wrap up the week with your friends and neighbors while enjoying a beverage and hors d'oeuvres. Be part of this twice a month event. Please bring your favorite hors d'oeuvres to share with your neighbors. Also, this is a BYOB event. Soda, plates, plastic ware, cups & napkins are provided. There is no need to RSVP; just join us for a relaxing evening! Dancing at the third Friday Veranda Social is reserved mostly for line dancing. Please let's all share in the clean-up at the end of each social or event. It really goes very smoothly with many hands working Cabaret Night with ―Swingtime‖ Saturday, January 22 7:00-8:30 PM $10 afavorites like Glen Miller‘s Moonlight Serenade, Chatanooga Choo Choo, and Java Jive, or just singa-long. Register t the Aspen Lodge. Maximum registration is 144. This is a BYOB event. Registration deadline is January 9 Splash & Pottery Grandparent & Grandchild Day Sunday, January 23 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM $10 each piece Enjoy the afternoon with your grandchildren at the Aspen Lodge. You can have fun splashing and swimming in the indoor pool from 11:00 am-2:00 pm. After swimming you and your grandchild can have fun painting a masterpiece of pottery. Register to paint a heart bowl, heart box, heart plate or heart mug. A great way to prepare for Valentine‘s Day. All pieces are $10 each. You may paint one or all items as long as it is in one hour. All the brushes, paints/tools to paint will be supplied. The pieces will be glazed, fired and returned by the following Sunday. Register at the front desk for each piece you want to paint. Maximum number of children is 24. Registration deadline is January 16. A Grandparent must swim with the Grandchild. Any child who is toilettrained and over the age of three is allowed to use the pools subject to the posted Grandchildren/Minor Pool hours. Please let's all share in the clean-up at the end of each social or event. Portal Training – Admin Monday, January 24 10:00-11:30 AM Free Enjoy the cabaret night at Aspen Lodge. ―Swingtime‖ is a small group of men and women who perform the classic music of the 30s, 40s and big band area. Having performed together for over a decade, the group consists of 5 voices and an instrumental trio of drums, bass and keyboard. ―Swingtime‖ performs arrangements in close harmony .. . many written especially for the group. Their traditional program is interspersed with dance and humorous commentary from their ―MC/drummer‖. This music will make you want to tap your feet, dance to This class covers all the functions in your profile tab, sending emails, joining a group, the use of message boards, using the calendar (both Community and personal/ house), and classifieds. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Registration deadline is January 18. Minimum registration is 5 and maximum number of participants is 80. Ladies Newcomers Coffee Wednesday, January 26 9:00-10:00 AM FREE Ladies, if you have moved to Anthem Ranch in the last six months, please join us for coffee and light refreshments at the Aspen Lodge. This is your chance to meet and become acquainted A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS with fellow newcomer neighbors, and to get answers to some of your questions or other information from a few seasoned" residents. No need to register - just come and enjoy! Waffle Extravaganza Pot Luck Dinner & Game Night Wednesday, January 26 5:30-8:30 PM Free Remember when you had waffles for supper? Relive the good old days again and enjoy some comfort food at the waffle supper. Please call the lodge front desk or sign up in person with your choice of: waffle iron and your favorite waffle batter for ten people, syrup—maple, sugar free, or flavored, meat or meatless--sausage patties, links, ham, or bacon, vegetable or salad, fresh fruit salad, ice cream and toppings on waffles for dessert. Hosts will provide decaf coffee, tea, butter and ―Russian Cream Syrup.‖ Plan to stay after supper for a great fun game that all ages will enjoy!!! For questions, call Judy and Paul Classen at 720-328-8320, or Ken and Harriet Shaw at 303-666-6876. Plastic/paper goods, tableware, and soda will be furnished. This is a BYOB event. Register at the front desk. Don’t forget to bring your favorite board games or play one of ours after the pot luck dinner. We have the Wii system as well as lots of games. You’ll be sure to have a few laughs. Anthem Community 4th Annual Home & Garden Show Saturday, January 29 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Free Enjoy the 4th Annual Anthem Community Home & Garden Show at the Aspen Lodge where you can find inspiration from the latest ideas and trends in landscaping, gardening and home improvement. Stroll through the vendor fair from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sit through free seminars through out the morning. Snack on free goodies and take a shot at winning one of several prizes. There is no need to register for this event. Page 7 January & February Lifestyle Offerings Violin & Piano Recital Wednesday, February 2 4:30 PM Free Chinese New Year with RTD Sunday, January 30 1:00-3:30 PM $7.00 per person $2.25 Bus Fare Take a journey to the Far East right here in Denver to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. Enjoy first class performances of magic, folk and opera songs, lion dance, ancient Chinese music, Kung Fu, group folk dances and more by internationally renowned awardwinning artists. Savor a variety of specially made Chinese food. Experience folk artworks, crafts, calligraphy, Chinese painting, traditional customs and fun ancient games. 1:00 pm 3:30 pm, food is not included but can be purchased on-site separately). You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Ritchie Center at the University of Denver and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $7.00 Registration deadline is January 9. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. Breckenridge Snow Sculptures with Lafayette Senior Center Monday, January 31 8:00 AM-5:00 PM $26/person 19+ years In Breckenridge each year, people from varying cultures and climates come together to carve beautiful masterpieces from 20-ton blocks of snow. In just 65 hours, these enormous snow canvasses transform into dimensional works of art. Lunch will be on your own at a restaurant of your choice. Register directly with the Lafayette Senior Center, 303-665-9052, or in person at 103 S. Iowa Ave, Lafayette. Registration deadline is January 24 Page 12 Anthem residents Norman Paulu and Mary Lou Heslip will give a free violin and piano recital at the Anthem Lodge. Norman Paulu, Emeritus Professor and Artist in Residence at the University of Wisconsin, was an active concert artist primarily in chamber music, having served for thirty years as first violinist of the Pro Arte QuartetMary Lou Heslip was an elementary vocal music teacher in Boulder and Jefferson County, CO schools and with the Dept. of Defense Overseas Dependent Schools in Baumholder, Germany, for 25 years. She also had a private piano/voice studio in Boulder for 35 years and in Anthem Ranch for 4 years. She is state and nationally certified. There will be a reception following, hosted by Judith Dows. Please register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Super Bowl Party, Macho Nachos & Pot Luck Sunday, February 6 4:00 PM Free Join your friends and neighbors at the Aspen Lodge for the BIG GAME. Pregame starts at 4:00 pm with kick off at 6:00 pm. We will watch all the festivities on the big screen TV in the multipurpose room. Nachos provided by your Lifestyle team. Please bring a dish to share with your neighbors and friends. This is BYOB but the drink set ups and paper goods will be provided. Register at the Aspen Lodge. Watch for more information. Loveland Valentine Tour with Lafayette Senior Center Thursday, February 10 8:15 AM-3:00 PM $18/person 19+ years Are you in the mood for love? Well, who isn‘t? Join Denver History Tours for a tour northward to the heart of love in Colorado, the city of Loveland. The Valentine‘s Day Re-Mailing Program keeps the postal system in Loveland busy, stamping and sending out more than 200,000 envelopes filled with love every year. You‘ll get your valentine personally stamped, ready to send off to the sweetheart of your choice; maybe you have more than one! We‘ll also visit the museum to see the valentine poems and art of the past. It‘s love in action in Loveland, and we‘ll even take in one or two of the city‘s famous statues (from the warmth of the bus, of course) and more. The tour includes an hour for lunch on your own at Widow McCoys. Price range $1012. Get ready to pucker up! Register directly with the Lafayette Senior Center, 303-665-9052, or in person at 103 S. Iowa Ave, Lafayette. Registration deadline is January 31. PAL Presents Marcin Arendt, Piano Trio Saturday, February 12 7:00 PM $10 Award winning musicians will grace the stage of Aspen Lodge. Be sure to mark your calendars for this night of exquisite music performed by Marcin Arendt on violin, Kathryn Mientka on piano and Tyme Mientka on cello. Dr. Arendt has performed solo and chamber concerts throughout the United States and internationally including Italy, Wales and Poland. He has been a prize winning violinist at several international competitions as well as first prize winner at Missoula Symphony Young Artists Competition, Mo; the Arapahoe Philharmonic Young Artists Competition, Co; and the Bruce Ekstrand Memorial Graduate competition, Co, to name a few. The husband and wife team of Mientka Duo has performed internationally to critical acclaim. They have given concerts in Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland and in the USA where they have been featured nationally on radio and television. In 1995, they were selected by an American film company to be the subject of a documentary film that was shown nationwide and nominated for an Emmy. The Mientka Duo is the recipient of many honors and awards, including a special prize at the Concours International de Musique de Chambre in Paris. The Marcin Arendt Trio will be performing varying styles of classical music including pieces by Bach, Hubay and Arensky. Tickets may be purchased at Aspen Lodge. Students are admitted free with a ticketed adult. A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS February & March Lifestyle Offerings Bourbon Street Brass with RTD Sunday, February 13 2:30 PM $30.30 per person /$2.25 Bus Fair Sassy Jass! Warren Deck – Conductor & Rick Crandall – Host, With the Hot Tomatoes Dance Orchestra. Way Down Yonder in New Orleans, field hollers, Afro-Cuban rhythms and European songs all came together to give birth to Jass, or as it was later called, Jazz! Sultry blues, high-energy Zydeco, ragtime and Dixie create a Southern Gumbo SoundFest! ―A Night in Tunisia,‖ ―South Rampart Street Parade,‖ ―Zydeco Brass,‖ ―Basin Street Blues,‖ ―Puttin‘ on the Ritz,‖ ―Bourbon Street Parade,‖ ―Down by the Riverside.‖, Newman Center for the Performing Arts. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Newman Center for the Performing Arts and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $30.30 Registration deadline is January 21. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. Veranda Social & Fine Art Display Friday, February 18 5:00-8:30 PM Wrap up the week with your friends and neighbors while enjoying a beverage and hors d'oeuvres. Be part of this twice a month event. Also, joining us will be fine art photographer Tim Zandee and his award-winning work. Please bring your favorite hors d'oeuvres to share with your neighbors, and Tim Zandee will bring some hors d‘oeuvres as well. This is a BYOB event. Soda, plates, plastic ware, cups & napkins are provided. There is no need to RSVP; just join us for a relaxing evening! Dancing at the third Friday Veranda Social is reserved mostly for line dancing. Please let's all share in the clean-up at the end of each social or event. It really goes very smoothly with many hands working. Queen City Jazz Band with RTD Saturday, February 19 2:00 PM $16 per person $2.25 Bus Far The Queen City Jazz Band is presenting its annual concert. The concert will feature the Queen City Jazz Band with vocalist Wende Harston and our guest artist Eddie Metz. ―Little Eddie‖ was given his first pair of drumsticks at the age of three from the drummer in his dad‘s Dixie-land band. At the age of 12 he played his first professional job and hasn‘t stopped since. While attending college, Eddie spent six months touring with the Count Basie Orchestra. He has become the drummer of choice for artists such as Dick Hyman, Warren Vache` Jr., The Woody Herman Orchestra, Clark Terry, Bill Allred, Arturo Sandoval, Bucky Piz-zarelli, Ralph Sutton, and many more. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Mile Hi Church and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $16.00 Registration deadline is January 28. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. Genealogy with Front Range Community College (SENR1007-001) Tuesdays, February 22-March 29 1:30-3:30 PM $100 Taught By: Bette Kot Have you ever wondered about your great grandfather and his parents? Have you known people who can recount their family‘s history for generations? Personal, practical family history is what this class is all about. Compile and validate several generations of your family. Add your recollections and create a family heirloom to be appreciated and enjoyed for years to come. Join us for a journey into your family‘s past. There is a materials fee of $2.00 payable to the instructor during the first class session. For registration, please call Front Range Community College Continuing Education office at 303404-5465. Minimum class size is 12 and a Maximum of 24. Last day to register for or drop the course and receive a full refund is February 17 A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Neuro-Philosophy:Minds-Brains -Science with Front Range Community College (SENR2007-001) Thursdays, February 24-March 31 1:00-3:00 PM $100 Taught By: Blake Wilson What is the mind? Is it just the brain, or are they different substances with different qualities? We will review the philosophical debate known as ―the mind/body problem,‖ investigate empirical advances in brain science (neuroscience), and pursue answers to questions about consciousness, personal identity, artificial intelligence, and the philosophy of the mind. There is a materials fee of $5.00 payable to the instructor during the first class session. For registration, please call Front Range Community College Continuing Education office at 303-404-5465. Minimum class size is 8 and a Maximum of 25. Last day to register for or drop the course and receive a full refund is February 21. LAISSEZ LES BONS TEMPS ROULER! (Let the Good Times Roll) Saturday, February 26 6:00-9:00 PM $20 Christmas is over, and the New Year has been celebrated. Now what do you do to break up that long idle stretch until you can kick up your heels with the Irish? Let‘s celebrate Mardi Gras! Come join us for a New Orleans style celebration with lots of good food, fun and music. A DJ will be there to spin the tunes for your dancing pleasure, but there will also be music reminiscent of Louis Armstrong, Al Hirt and others as well as activities for those who do not wish to dance. Come, join in the fun with your neighbors and try something new. The menu will be posted at the Lodge after January 5, so check it out. We will use the table reservation system, which means you may purchase a table for up to 8 persons or purchase single seats. If you are purchasing a table for 8, please have the names and telephone numbers of each person at the table, and presenting a single check for the total amount will shorten the reservation process. When you purchase your tickets you will be assigned a table number, location of table numbers will be determined by a drawing on the day of the event. . Tickets will go on sale January 10, 2011 at 6 pm. Registration deadline is February 13. Page 13 March Lifestyle Offerings Imax Under the Sea 3D with RTD Wednesday March 2 10:30AM-2:00PM $11.00 per person includes admission to the museum $2.25 Bus Fair Under the Sea starts at 1:00 p.m. Visit exotic and isolated underwater locations, including Southern Australia and New Guinea, and encounter some of the most mysterious and stunning creatures of the sea. Explore the natural wonder of the oceans and see the impact of global climate change in this 3D adventure, which is narrated by Jim Carrey. $11.00 includes admission to the film and admission to the Museum of Nature and Science. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Museum of Nature and Science and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $11.00 Registration deadline is February 8. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. The Wedding Singer with RTD Sunday, March 6 2:00PM $18 per ticket $2.25 Bus Fair Based on the hit movie, The Wedding Singer celebrates the 80's in earnest. It's 1985 and rock-star wannabe Robbie Hart is New Jersey's favorite wedding singer. He's the life of the party until his own fiancée leaves him at the altar. Shot through the heart, Robbie ends up making every wedding as disastrous as his own. Enter Julia, a sympathetic waitress who unknowingly wins his affection. But Julia is about to be married to a Wall Street shark, and unless Robbie can pull off the performance of the decade, the girl of his dreams will remain nothing more than a dream. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Aurora Fox and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $18.00 Registration deadline is February 10. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is Page 14 Buffalo Bill & Annie Oakley with RTD Sunday, March 13 12:00 PM $32.50 per person $2.25 Bus Fair Price includes all you can eat buffet, show, coffee/tea during dinner, dessert tax and gratuity; excludes alcoholic drinks and soft drinks. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Heritage Square and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $32.50 Registration deadline is February 18. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. Denver Firefighter’s Museum with RTD Wednesday, March 16 10:15AM $4.00 per person $2.25 Bus Fair + Lunch Discover the life of a firefighter through a guided tour of the Museum! After the tour we will eat lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Tour cost is $4.00 per senior. Lunch prices start at $5.99 and is paid at the restaurant. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Museum and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $4.00 Registration deadline is February 22. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. Shen Yun with RTD Saturday, March 19 2:00PM $50.00 per person $2.25 Bus Fair Shen Yun, the world‘s premier Chinese dance and music company, is returning to Denver. With over 100 of the world‘s foremost classical artists, fresh new annual programs, magnificent choreography, gorgeous costumes, state-of-the-art back-drops and a powerful live orchestra weaving the beauty of Eastern and Western instruments together, Shen Yun is a show you cannot miss! The Chinese Divine Culture Association (CDCA) would like to hare this extraordinary cultural event with the senior groups. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Ellie Caulkins Opera House and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission is $50.00 Registration deadline is January 31. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. 37th Annual Denver March Pow Wow with RTD Sunday, March 20 10:00 AM $3.00 60+ and $7.00 per person under 60 $2.25 Bus Fair Take part in the 37th annual Denver March Pow-Wow. Enjoy American Indian singing and dancing. Don‘t forget to taste the delicious fry bread and to visit the storytelling room and the 170+ arts and crafts booths. Admission is $3.00 for 60 years of age and older and $7.00 for persons under 60. Tickets sold at the door, no checks or credit cards accepted. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk. The RTD bus will pick you up at the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined), take you to the Denver Coliseum and return to the Aspen Lodge (time to be determined). Bus fare is paid at the first pick up $2.25. Admission 3.00 60+ and $7.00 per person under 60 Registration deadline is February 24. We must have a minimum of 10 people on the bus in order for this trip to go. Maximum registration is 10. A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Fitness and Wellness Offerings Reflexology Sessions Practitioner: Alma Dubin 30 Minute Session: $18 60 Minute Session: $35 Form and Fitness Physical Therapy Physical Therapist: Brian Forman Reflexology is like a combination massage and acupressure treatment of the feet. It is based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet that relate to every organ & to all parts of the body. Properly stimulating these reflexes helps to activate the natural healing powers of the body. The benefits of Reflexology include overall relaxation, improved circulation and immune system function, and improved digestion and elimination. Also, it makes your feet feel very happy! Thirty minute and sixty minute sessions are available at the Aspen Lodge. For more information or to set up an appointment call Alma at 303-442-7818. We will formulate a physical therapy inue where you already exercise. Services we provide include: balance training, strengthening, treatment of arthritis, pain & dysfunction, treatment of back and neck problems, pre-and post surgical rehabilitation, custom orthotic fabrication, & pool therapy. We accept Medicare and most insurances. Benefits will always be checked for you before your appointment. Affordable private pay options with an EZPay plan. Call 303-404-9494 to schedule an appointment at the Aspen Lodge or for questions Chiropractic Care Chiropractor: Dr. Michelle Mathiesen Personal Training Dr. Mathiesen has an established family practice in Westminster & is available on Wednesday afternoons at the Aspen Lodge for all who would like to maintain a healthy spine. Residents can schedule new patient appointments at a special rate $30 and additional visits of $25. To schedule your appointment call 303-845-2972. Soothing Hot Stone Swedish Massage Therapy Therapist: Anne Brauker, RMT $49/Hour Hot stone Swedish massage uses smooth water heated basalt river stones to deeply relax your tight muscles & release toxins. Choose to have your massage with aromatherapy if you prefer. For appointments at the Aspen Lodge, please schedule with Anne at 720-217-5543 or Email at Massage Therapy Therapist: Sonia Puccio, RMT Fee: $55/Hour $35/ Half Hour Treat yourself to a tranquil and pleasing experience such as a calming Swedish massage. Maybe an invigorating Deep Tissue Massage is what you need, or for deeper relief, try Tension-Relieving Trigger Point Therapy. Gift certificates are available for purchase as well. To schedule appointment at the Aspen Lodge, please schedule with Sonia at 303-955-4817. Personal Training with Jay Willey My goal is to provide the safest and most efficient program to help you meet your needs as an individual; while taking into account your history (medical & activity), time constraints, and time availability. I have over 40 years experience in the fitness field. I specialize in ‗lifestyle fitness‘, rehabilitation, weight management and activity specific training (golf, tennis, swimming, hiking and biking etc.). I also teach Nordic Walking here at Anthem, in groups and by individual appointments. Please call 303-947-9348 to discuss how I may be of service to you or to schedule an appointment. Rates: Individual training sessions are $55 for 60 minutes, with great discounts for multiple session packages. Payment due at time of service; 24 hour cancellation notice required or fee will apply. Personal Training with Heather Horvath NSCA-CPT Sessions are approximately 45 minutes. All packets must be used within 6 months. 24 hours notice for cancellation of a session or a charge will apply. Grab a friend and train together at a reduced rate! Call Heather for more information and to schedule a free consultation at the Aspen Lodge. Sessions are $50. Contact Heather at: 303-883-7655 or email: to schedule. Sharon Prager-Wortham, CPT Personal Training, Nutrition and Wellness Coaching In Depth initial consultation $65.00 approx. 50 minutes Personal Training: *1 session $55.00, *4 sessions $200.00; *8 sessions $384.00; *10 sessions $450.00. I have 28 years in the field of exercise, nutrition and wellness. I can help you obtain your goal by creating an exercise, nutrition, and wellness plan . pecifically for you. Please call me for details. *Sessions are approximately 50 minutes long. Payment is due at time of service. 24 hour cancellation notice required or fee may apply. Call Sharon for an appointment at Aspen Lodge 720-323-0643 or email me Checkout my website at Swim Lessons with Andrew LeVasseur $15/Half Hour Beginning swimming lessons are offered Thursdays from 10:00-10:30am, Intermediate and Advanced swimming lessons are offered on Fridays from 10:00-10:30am. Please call with questions or to schedule lessons in the Aspen Lodge pool with Andrew at 303968-6464. Andrew‘s coaching experience includes 30 years age group & master‘s level swimming. He currently serves as Head Coach of the DU Masters Swimming Program, Coach with the Colorado Athletic Club Tabor Center Masters, and Head Coach of the SQUID Masters and Denver Parks and Recreation Masters as well as Head coach of the Denver Wave age-group swimming teams. Andrew has achieved USMS top ten ranking and places consistently in regional, national and international swimming meets. He has enjoyed attending clinics and workshops to keep up with his coaching skills. Check out for further information. Fitness Orientations If you are unfamiliar with the fitness equipment here at the Aspen Lodge, you may want to schedule a Fitness Orientation. Kelly Pizzuto, Recreation Associate, is happy to familiarize you with all of the equipment. Please call Kelly at 303-665-1256 Ext. 110 or email at: to schedule . A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 15 Fitness and Wellness Offerings Cont. Anthem Series The specially designed ―Anthem Series‖ takes a low cost approach to meeting your fitness needs. The classes offered under the ―Anthem Series‖ umbrella are subject to change at any time. Classes that are listed with Anthem in the title will be part of the series and offered at the low cost of $2 per class. The selection of classes will change over time. Anthem Fitness Mondays 8:10-8:55 AM Fee: $2 Drop-in Instructor: Heather Horvath * Class max is 20 participants.* This is a full well rounded workout. A wellness weight training program, geared for active adults and those that are new to exercise, to help improve strength, balance, coordination & flexibility. Anthem Aqua by Andrew M/W/F Shallow Water, T/Th Deep Water 9:00-10:00 AM Fee: $2 Drop-in Instructor: Andrew LeVasseur Classes include a short warm-up, stretching, a high intensity aerobic section followed by a warm down & final stretches. Andrew is a certified Water Aerobics Instructor with the Aquatic & Fitness Professional AssociationInternational, Aquatic Professional with Distinction. Check out for further information. Anthem Gentle Seated Yoga Mondays & Wednesdays 10:30-11:15 AM Fee: $2 Drop-in Instructor: Kimm Kutches Come discover the inner peace available to us all through a gentle seated yoga practice. Our class will consist of movement in & out of the chair, using the chair continuously as a support tool. (We will remain standing when out of chair, will not be getting up & down from the floor.) Breathing, movement, flexibility, & balance will be the primary focus of this class. This class is perfect for those who may the primary focus of this class. This class is perfect for those who may struggle with getting on the floor, but would still like to enjoy the benefits of a regular yoga practice. Some benefits may include, but are not limited to, increased flexibility, lower blood pressure, increased focus and ability to relax, increased balance, reduced anxiety, & an overall sense of well-being. Page 16 ZUMBA Gold Mondays & Fridays 9:00-10:00 AM *First Class is FREE* Fee: $5 drop-in or 10 Class Punch-Pass for $45 (Valid for 4 Months) Instructor: Carol Casper Let's face it, working out can be healthy, rewarding and beneficial. Working out can be lots of things, but it's never been known to be an exhilarating experience…UNTIL NOW! The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! Cardio/Strength Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00–10:00 AM Fee: $3 Instructor: Leah Lackey This class offers dynamic cardiovascular training mixed with strength, balance and coordination exercises. Class will use weights, tubing and weighted balls alternated with low to high impact choreography. Class will end with some stretching and relaxation exercises to get you ready for your day. Bodies in Balance Tuesdays: 12:35-1:35 PM Fridays: 10:15-11:15 AM *No Class 1/4 or 1/28 Fee: $2 Drop-in Instructor: Liz Negrey * Class max is 20 participants.* This is a fun class for all fitness levels where the focus is on improving and increasing balance – both dynamic balance and balance in the major muscle groups. While in class you‘ll utilize weights, bands, body bars, fitballs, and your own body to strengthen and tone your muscles (arms, chest, back, legs, abdominals, core muscles), which will in turn improve coordination, posture, and balance. By training specific areas individually or in combination, your whole body will get an invigorating, balancing workout. Each exercise can be modified to fit an individual‘s needs, by either increasing or decreasing intensity. Pilates Mat Wednesdays 8:15-9:15 AM *First Class is FREE* Fee: $8 drop in or $65 10 class pass (cash, check, visa/mc) Instructor: Alisa from Axis of Movement A sixty minute mat class is designed to focus on the isolation of all the abdominal muscles, transverse abdominal wall, inner& outer thighs, lower back and hips, your body‘s Powerhouse. Mat class helps in creating long, lean muscles while gaining strength, flexibility, balance, alignment and postural improvements. Students are encouraged to go at their own pace Core & More Thursdays 6:30-7:00 PM Fee: $5 drop-in Instructor: Sharon PragerWortham This class focuses on core strengthening using a variety of equipment and exercises. We focus on the core area which is the deep abdominal muscles, back, glutes, hip flexors, and shoulders. A strong healthy core is essential for good posture and a reduction in back issues. Pilates Mat w/props Fridays 8:00-9:00 AM *First Class is FREE* Fee: $8 drop in or $65 10 class pass (cash, check, visa/mc) Instructor: Sharen from Axis of Movement Never get the same workout twice. From mini balls and thera-bands to magic circles, this prop class changes each week. Challenge your strength and stamina while toning your whole body. Total Body Fitness Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00AM-12:00PM *First class is FREE* Fee: $5 drop-in Instructor: Sonia Puccio This low impact class is designed for anyone interested in improving cardiovascular fitness and endurance, increasing muscle tone and strength as well as improving flexibility, balance and coordination. Classes consist of a variety of effective and easy to follow movements. Hand weights, bands, balls, and poles will be used for added resistance. A chair is offered for seated or standing support and for stretching and relaxing exercises. Come join us and move to the music A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Fitness con’t & Dance Classes Operation Boot Camp Mondays-Fridays February 7th – March 4th 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM $215 – BUT first timers get $25 dollars off! Operation Boot Camp is a fitness and nutrition program that will help you get into the best shape of your life. Whether you are a fitness first-timer, or an avid athlete, we can help you reach your next fitness goal. Camp will be held outside if the weather permits so dress accordingly. Sign up at the Aspen Lodge front desk. Minimum of 8 participants. Contact Chad Knight at 888-7-FITNOW or Kelly Pizzuto at 303-665-1256 with questions Intermediate Foxtrot Fridays, January 7, 14, 21 28 5:00-6:00PM $30/Person per Session ($25 per session if taking more than one 4 week dance class) Will learn intermediate patterns such as the twinkle, left 1/2 turns and right turns. Must be comfortable with beginner basics to take this class. Call instructor, Linda Ream, at 303-995-2610 for questions. Bringing a partner is strongly encouraged. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk by Jan 7th. Minimum registration is 6 and maximum is 24. Beginning Foxtrot Fridays, January 7, 14, 21, 28 4:00-5:00PM $30/Person per Session ($25 per session if taking more than one 4 week dance class) Will learn beginner patterns such as the basic, promenade and left 1/4 turn. Call instructor, Linda Ream, at 303-995-2610 for questions. Bringing a partner is strongly encouraged. You must register at the Aspen Lodge front desk by Jan 7th. Minimum registration is 6 and maximum is 24 LINE DANCE CLASSES - November through December 2010 LINE DANCE CLASSES WINTER SESSION January-February 2011 All classes are held in the Aerobics/Fitness Room at Anthem Ranch Lodge. You may sign up for the January Level 1a and 1b classes now. Check at the Front Desk of AR Lodge. Contact the other instructors if you are interested in attending Level II, III, or the Evening class during this session. Line Dance IA, Mondays, 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. January 10-February 14. Instructor: J.P. Roberts, 303.499.3190 Ever thought about trying line dancing? Come out and give it a try in this class for beginners. No prior experience necessary. Line Dance IB, Wednesdays, 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. January 12-February 16 Instructor: J. P. Roberts, 303.499.3190 This class is designed for students who have taken Line Dance IA and wish to continue with slightly more challenging dances. Line Dance II, Mondays, 4:15 to 5:15 p.m., January 10-February 14. Instructor: Francine Purdom, 303.993.5215 Review dances you learned in Line Dance I and learn new ones to dance at the Club and Veranda Social line dances. Please contact the instructor if you are interested in this class. Line Dance III, Mondays, 2:30 to 4:00 p.m., January 10-February 14. Instructor: Francine Purdom, 303.993.5215 Continue building your line dancing skills in this class as we review dances you‘ve learned in prior classes, as well as learn new dances and new steps. Please contact the instructor if you are interested in this class. Line Dance III, Tuesdays, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m., January 11-February 15. Instructor: Carol Sooter, 303-993-4772 Continue building your line dancing skills with more challenging dances and steps. You will increase the number of dances you know that are played at the Club and Veranda Social line dances. Please contact the instructor if you are interested in this class. Line Dance IV, Tuesdays, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. January 11-February 15. Instructor: Carol Sooter, 303.993.4772 This class is full. Evening Line Dancing, Mondays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. January 10-February 14. Instructor: Wendy Anderson, 303.919.1199 A N T H E M R AN C H C O M M U N I T Y N E WS Page 17 Anthem Ranch Love life to the Fullest $368,500 $333,490 $501,690 $344,290 Breckenridge 248/12 Eldora 61/14 Snowmass 6/14 Copper 49/14 4680 Belford Circle Broomfield, CO 80023 4560 Silver Mountain Loop Broomfield, CO 80023 1,876 Sq Ft, open floor plan 2 Bed/2 Bath + Office Corner Home Site Professional Landscaping Composite Deck Hardwood Flooring Air Conditioning Laundry Center Slab Granite Countertops Upgraded Maple Cabinetry Gas Fireplace Garage Door Opener Available Now! Ask about our purchase incentives! 1,669 Sq Ft 2 Bed/2 Bath + Office Corner Home Site Mountain Views Slab Granite Countertops Hardwood Flooring Upgraded Maple Cabinetry Granite Countertops Gas Fireplace Air Conditioning Composite Deck Garage Door Opener Available Now! Ask about our purchase incentives! 4665 Silver Mountain Loop Broomfield, CO 80023 2,229 Sq Ft 2 Bed/2 1/2 Bath + Office Gourmet Kitchen Stainless Steel Appliances Upgraded Maple Cabinetry Slab Granite Countertops Gas Fireplace Hardwood Flooring Extended 3 Car Garage Garage Door Opener Mountain Views Backs to Open Space Available Now! Ask about our purchase incentives! 16263 Cirque Mountain Way Broomfield, CO 80023 1,805 Sq Ft 2 Bed/2 Bath + Office Extended Garage Mountain Views Composite Deck Trey Ceiling Hardwood Floors Slab Granite Countertops Gas Fireplace Stainless Steel Appliances Air Conditioning Upgraded Maple Cabinets Available Now! Ask about our purchase incentives! 303.604.5440 for more information Directions: I-25 North to Hwy 7 West to Lowell South to Anthem Ranch Rd. West and Models are located on the left at 16583 Las Brisas Dr., Broomfield CO Business Hours Monday 1:30-5:30pm Tuesday-Sunday 9:30am -5:30pm At least one resident must be 55 years of age or better. No one under the age of 19 is allowed in permanent residence, and additional restrictions apply. Community Association fees required. Void where prohibited. Photos for illustrative purposes only. ANTHEM RANCH BY DEL WEBB 16583 LAS BRISAS DR. BROOMFIELD, CO 80023 More events and opportunities to meet our happy homeowners than ever before! Contact your sales associate for a sneak peek of 2011’s event schedule.