Fall 2009


Fall 2009
Beulah Newsletter
Fall 2009
From the Editors: What an exciting time to be
active in Beulah. Beulah Brainstorming meetings
were held, community input for the Master Plan
review/survey were collected, belated summer
weather in September was wonderful and a well
attended Streetscape Visioning meeting was held.
The discussion, attendance and next steps have been
exciting and the interest and volunteers who want to
participate has been wonderful. It is so sad to see
empty store fronts and we miss the owners/staff at
those businesses. Come to Council meetings and be
a part of it all. Phil Downs &Vicki CarpenterDowns, volunteer editors
“Success is deciding from the start what end result
you want and creating the circumstances to realize
that result.” Mark Victor Hanson
From the Village President
With the signs of Fall all around us, it just
reinforces the beauty of the area we live in and how
fortunate we are to have our natural resources. The
T-Dock and swim buoys being removed serve as a
reminder that all docks and hoists must be off the
Village Beach by November 1st. Thanks to all the
Boosters who participated in putting the corn stalks
up at the lamp posts. It adds a lot to the Fall
atmosphere of Beulah. Significant changes are
happening in our area with the closing of Brookside
and the demolition of the Sail Inn. Save-A-Lot
Groceries is going to build a new store on the Sail
Inn property. At the October meeting, the Village
Council voted to partnership with the County. We
will utilize each others equipment and resources.
This is an effort to work together with other
Villages and the County to meet each others needs.
A Visioning Session on “Streetscape” was held in
September at the Best Western Motel. This was
well attended (60 people) and some very
constructive ideas were put forth. This gave the
Village Council some direction for the future and
priorities put forth by the people. Several questions
concerning the Trailer Park came up as to why we
don’t eliminate it. The response is that it generates
approximately $60,000.00 per year in revenue to the
Village (equal to 2 Mills of tax). It also brings in
much needed business to our merchants. It has for
many years been a trademark of Beulah.
The Council is in the process of preparing the 2010
Budget and it will be presented for approval at the
December meeting. Your participation in our
meetings is appreciated. I wish you all a very
Happy Thanksgiving and even in these tough
economic times, give thanks for all that we have.
Jerry Rank, Village President
Beulah Brainstorm and Master Plan Updates: A
series of 3 brainstorm meetings were held and the
focus was to gather input for the review of the
Master Plan for the Village. This data will be
presented to the Council this winter. Additionally,
nearly 90 surveys (focused on the Master Plan)
were returned and the summary was presented to
the Council at their October meeting. The survey
document will be available in November on the
villageofbeulah.org website. The information will
be useful for the Council in future planning.
Crystal Lake Community Business Association
(CLCBA) Past and Future Events:
Sidewalk Days: despite the rain, the annual event
on the first Saturday in August was successful.
New this year were several vendors who paid for
space and provided more bargains for shoppers.
Many thanks to the volunteers who helped move the
many boxes of books to the Trail Building in the
rain on behalf of the Friends of the Darcy Library.
Crystal Lake Team Marathon was held on the
second Saturday in August and despite the early
rain, over 80 teams participated. Congratulations to
new race coordinators, Asa & Tracy Kelly for their
work and thanks to the many volunteers.
Fall Fest: Over 200 people attended the many
activities for all ages: kids’ art, petting zoo, car
show, cookie sale, vendors and great soups to taste!
Halloween Maze: 10/31, with Tricks/Treats, 6 pm
Christmas Magic: 12/12, a parade & activities
Membership: support the CLCBA and become a
member, annual dues are $50, PO Box 754, Beulah.
Go to the CLCBA Web site for more information:
Darcy Library of Beulah: Hours & Info
12 to 5
3 to 7 pm
9 to 1 pm
Beulah Newsletter
Fall 2009
231-882-4037 beulahpubliclibrary.blogspot.com
and or www.darcylibraryofbeulah.org
Friends of the Darcy Library meet the 1st Wed. of
each month at 9:30 am, everyone is invited.
Library Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each
month, 7 pm, everyone is invited.
Beulah Recycling Information:
Recycling Update-for info call 882-0554 or go to.
www.benzieco.net and click on services
• Effective now, #5 plastic can be recycled along
with #1 and #2 (make sure it’s all clean)
• Styrofoam will have date specific recycling
sites each quarter, check the web site. The next
one is 1/9/2010 at Government Center, 9-12.
• Beulah sites remain behind the Village Offices
for glass, paper/cardboard and plastic/tin,
available to residents. Businesses should call
regarding permits.
• Leaves & Yard Waste Drop Off: leaves and
waste only (no plastic bags, only paper leaf
bags) at 14352 Homestead Rd. 882-5468 for
• County residents may transport and unload yard
waste, tree branches, small brush by
appointment, call 882-0554.
• Cardboard may be dropped at BC High School.
• Large trash cans are in place at all sites for #2
plastic shopping bags.
• Call the Recycling Coordinator, Marlene, with
any recycling or disposal questions 882-0554
Village Office Hours
Clerk-Laura Spencer Tues-Wed-Thurs 10-2 pm
Treasurer Dawn Olney Mon & Wed, 5-7:30
Phone 231-882-4451 Fax 231-882-5759
Free Fax services available to residents
Web Site: www.villageofbeulah.org
The Newsletter and Council minutes can be found
on the web site.
Village Meetings: First Thursday after the first
Monday each month (10/8, 11/5, 12/10,1/7at 7 pm).
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
Village Council Trustees and Staff and Terms
Jerry Rank – President-2010
Patty Cantrell –Equipment-2010
Co-Chair: Gary Pallin
Maxine Hansen– Law and Finance-2010
Co-Chair: Gary Siderman
Jim Kilgus – Water and Sewer-2012
Co-Chair: Charley Kinzel
Charley Kinzel– Streets and Sidewalks-2010
Co-Chair: Jim Kilgus
Gary Pallin – Parks and Recreation-2012
Co-Chair: Patty Cantrell
Gary Siderman – Buildings and Grounds-2012
Co-Chair: Maxine Hansen
Laura Spencer – Clerk-2010
Dawn Olney – Treasurer-2010
Brian Moore – Supervisor
John Lawrence – Village Crew
Brandon Wittig– Village Crew
Public Information is posted on the windows of
the Village Office. Minutes, agendas, upcoming
events in the Village Park are listed. Also posted
would be notices such as: run water request, annual
drinking water report and boil water warnings.
Sponsors of special events that require Village
support, such as barricades or staff, should make a
request to the Council using the Event Request form
available from the Village Office or web site.
Sewer/Water Update and Rate Increase: When
did the cost of anything go down lately (except the
value of your portfolio!)? Water and sewer rates
have not increased for the past four years even
though costs for maintaining our systems have gone
up every year. Chlorine and other chemicals to
keep our water pure, cost of electricity to pump the
water from the wells, $12,000 this year to
recondition our water tank, the cost of jetting our
sewers to clear them of roots and grease, the list can
go on and on. But the revenue to cover these
additional costs has not. To partially offset our
rising costs of providing pure drinking water and
pumping and processing our sewage, we must
increase our water/sewage rates next year.
Effective January 1, 2010, water usage rates will
increase from $3.00 per 1000 gal. to $3.10 per 1000
gal. and sewage rates will increase from $3.50 per
1000 gal. to $3.60 per 1000 gal.
This is
approximately a 3% increase which will amount to
an average of $8.00 per quarter for an average
Beulah Newsletter
Fall 2009
household or $32.00 per year.
The March
water/sewer bill will have the new rate. We are
proud of the services we provide for the Village and
endeavor to keep those services first rate. This is a
necessary step to continue to provide you with the
very best we can provide.
We listen to the residents of Beulah. This spring we
had complaints from residents on Clark Street
regarding moisture in their basements and crawl
spaces due to rainwater draining down the hill from
Commercial and into their homes. Though it
seemed to be common knowledge among our
maintenance personnel and contractors involved
that there is, or was, a storm drain on that section of
Clark Street, none was able to be located after much
probing and excavating. The end result was that a
new storm drain was installed this summer on the
north side of Clark Street between Commercial and
the village parking lot to alleviate water run-off
The contractor offered residents a
minimal charge to connect to the new drain and we
hope this will solve their moisture problems.
Jim Kilgus, Chairman: Water/Sewer
Did You Know:
• Beulah’s public beach runs the length of Lake
Street, from the beach house/playground to the
end of the paved section. The docks are
privately owned and space is rented from the
Village, however, the beach front is public.
• Prospect Street mural updated thanks to the
support of Marie Dalrymple and the artistic
skills of Connie McLaren. The retaining wall
mural has fresh color and some new sights.
• The Benzie Bus has a stop at the Betsie Valley
Trailhead Building in the back parking lot; call
for information and pick up times: 325-3000.
• Darcy Library has an ongoing book sale inside
the library. Donations of new or gently used
hardbound and softbound books are accepted
and needed for the Book Sale on 12/11-12/09.
• 2010 Census has started and currently workers
are only confirming address information. The
Better Business Bureau is advising to avoid
fraud and identity theft: do not give out SSN,
credit card info or banking information as this
information is not part of the census process.
Beulah Streetscape Visioning Meeting:
Wednesday evening, September 16, 2009
approximately 60 citizens gathered at the Best
Western Scenic Hill Resort to participate in a
streetscape visioning meeting. This event was co
sponsored by the Beulah Boosters and the Beulah
Village Council. The Best Western donated the
meeting space and the presenter, Harry Wierenga,
Landscape Architect, had his time donated by his
firm, Fleis-VandenBrink Engineering, of Traverse
City. At the end of the meeting, participants
identified their top five (5) areas of streetscape
need. There were additional comments, ideas and
suggestions which are being organized and will be
shared at a later time. Approximately 60 people
attended the meeting and 35 response cards (58%)
were received. The top areas of need were: (1)
improved entrance signage, to the Village from US
31, (2)lighting (nicer poles, bury cables), (3)
sidewalks (improve, cross walk, comfort areas), (4)
parking (more, where, type), (5)green (trees,
flowers upkeep of open spaces) and (6) buildings
(upkeep, blight, unsightly). The Council is looking
at 2010 budget development to include work in
these areas and in the interim, efforts to improve the
signage to direct people off on US 31 to downtown
are underway.
Streetscape Visioning meeting generating ideas
The Village-owned travel trailer park at the beach in
Beulah is ready for your 2010 business. Sites at the
Beulah Newsletter
Fall 2009
park are available for the 2010 season.
Contact with the Village Clerk at 231-882-4451 or
email beulah@chartermi.net for more information.
Dock Space has a waiting list; contact Laurie at the
Village Office for information, 231-882-4451.
Upcoming or Ongoing Events:
• Every Thursday, ‘Read to Rosie’ at the Darcy
Library, 3-7 and call for a time slot, 882-4037
• Every Friday, Children’s Story time 11 am,
Darcy Library
• State Representative Dan Scripps is at the Darcy
Library from 11-12, 1st Monday of each month.
• Foreign Films at Darcy Library, check web site
• Village Council Meeting 11/5/09, 7 pm
• Halloween Maze, 10/31, 6-8 pm in Park
• Village Trick-Treat hours, 6-8 pm
• Water bills due, 11/15
• Moonlight Madness in downtown Beulah on
Friday night after Thanksgiving, open ‘til 10 pm
• Village Council Meeting 12/10/09, 7 pm
• Fishing Contests: check w/Paul at Five Corners
• Darcy Library Cookie & Book Sale in the
Trailhead Building, 12-11 and 12-12/09, 10-2.
• Christmas Magic: 12/12 events all day with a
parade downtown at 6 pm and park activities
• Village Council Meeting 1/7/2010, 7 pm
• Village Council Meeting 2/4/2010, 7 pm
• WinterFest, Saturday, 2/13/2010
Beulah Boosters are Busy Volunteers: Twelve
volunteers worked over 2 rainy days to put up the
cornstalks in Beulah and Benzonia for Fall Fest.
Additionally another 10 were involved in the Fall
Fest activities on 10/3. The Halloween Maze,
Winter Fest and Christmas Magic are upcoming
events that need volunteers. The Booster’s goal is
to support local groups by providing volunteers and
financial resources in order to build cohesiveness in
the community and to promote Beulah as a vacation
destination. Members of this non-profit are asked
to volunteer on at least one community activity each
year. Membership forms are available now at
Crystal Copies. For more information, please
randall_automotive@yahoo.com or 517-202-3807.
Everyone is welcome!
Betsie Valley Trailhead Building has new sign:
A new lighted sign was installed at the Betsie
Valley Trailhead Center this summer. Replacing
the original signage, this 2 section sign lists the
Village of Beulah, Sunshine Rotary,
CLCBA and the Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail.
as well as noting the location of parking, tourist
information and available bathrooms. Also a listing
of upcoming events and a walking map of the
Village is displayed. The new sign was designed
and created by Patrick Ivory of Traverse City, who
also did the new signs at the Village parks and
beach. A great addition, thanks!
New lighted sign at Trailhead lists upcoming events
Business Updates:
• Beading Frenzy had exterior painting updated
which coordinates awning colors and is very
lively thanks to building owner Peggy Timm.
Good work!
• Good bye to the Brookside Inn. The doors
closed on 10/11/09 after 30+ years. However,
Denise, their baker is now at the Cherry Bowl
Gifts & Goodies Café in Honor.
• Cherry Hut was featured in the American
Profile Sunday Magazine Tidbits in October.
• Crystal Crate & Cargo owner Sally Berlin and
her staff were recognized for raising over $2000
for breast cancer research with the “Save the
TaTas” campaign. Thanks for the support!
• Hungry Tummy is now offering Sunday Brunch
from 8-noon, starting 10/25/09.
Beulah Newsletter
Fall 2009
Cold Creek Inn has been expanding and up
grading their kitchen to serve breakfasts. Now
open at 7 a.m. for breakfast, Mon.-Sat and
Sunday brunch from 10-3, regular menu after 3.
Beading Frenzy is offering Free Make & Take
activities for Halloween on every Saturday, 11-2
for the rest of October. Questions-882-9838
L’Chayim hosts the ‘Hit the Wall’ student art
show during October, come check it out!
Fall Fest Car Show Results: Despite the threat of
bad weather, 15 cars came to the Village RV Park
for the 2nd Annual Fall Fest Car Show, sponsored by
the CLCBA. Phil Downs coordinated the show and
was helped by Mike Miller at the event. The
following awards were made and everyone was
encouraged to calendar the first Saturday in October
next year to return.
Fireman’s Award: Erik Delia’s 1961 Ford Falcon
Village of Beulah Award: Rob Bennett’s 1966
Sheriff’s Award: Paul Mazor’s 1920 Model T
People’s Choice Award: Will Radionoff’s 1954
Winners: Erik Delia, Rob Bennett, Paul Mazor and
Will Radionoff at the Fall Fest Car Show in Beulah
• Please don’t rake leaves into the street or
mulch or mow the leaves in the street, it clogs
up the storm drains.
Tie up your branches and large yard refuse for
pick up. Yard waste, leaves, cuttings should be
bagged and left street side for pick up. Please
keep bags to 25 pounds or less.
Christmas trees, with their branches bound, can
be left curbside for pickup. Smitty’s Tree
Service, 2741 Benzie Hwy. (across from the
Timberline Shell station) will take trees too.
All dogs in the Village are to be on leash. Only
certified service animals are allowed on the
Trail. Please clean up after your pets.
Red trash bags are sold at Village Office, yellow
at Stapletons (single bags) and Shop & Save
(10/pkg). Friday mornings is pick-up for red
and yellow bags in the Village. Weekday
holidays (2009 Thanksgiving, Christmas, New
Year Day) move pick-up to Saturday morning.
Village charges $21 for 10 red trash bags.
Business owners and staff are encouraged to
park in the parking lots in order to save spaces
for visitors and patrons.
Please don’t feed the birds on the lake, that
will only increase cases of swimmer’s itch.
Water bills are now on a postcard and will be
sent out separately from the newsletter.
Snow is coming and must be removed from
your sidewalks.
No overnight parking on streets ordinance is
in effect November 1 to April 1. Please
encourage renters, visitors and everyone to
comply with the ordinance to support the
Village crews in snow removal. Remember, the
ordinance is in effect regardless of snowfall
Failure to comply may get your vehicle towed.
2009 People’s Choice Winners (Beulah
businesses): From the Grand Traverse Insider
newspaper (free and published on Sundays,
formerly the Advisor, found in the purple news
boxes) listing the top 3 in each category.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to the
voters for recognizing our local businesses.
• Best Salad: Phoenix Café
• Best Sandwich/Sub: East Shore Market
• Best Cup of Coffee: Phoenix Café
• Place for Pizza: East Shore Market
• Bakery: Brookside
Beulah Newsletter
Fall 2009
Auto Parts Shop: Kaskinen Auto Supply
Law Firm: Linda Kehr
Optometrist/Opthalmologist: Cedar Run Eye
• Dentist/Orthodontist: Dr. Jarrold, Dr. Kehr
• Insurance Agency: Curtis Insurance
• Thrift Store: Holly Jean’s Mercantile
• Day Care Center: Little Bear Day Care, Kid’s
• Accountant/CPA: Mary Weishaar & Company,
Jennifer Christopher
• Financial Advisor: David Boekeloo
• Furniture Store: Classic Interiors
• Place for Floor Covering: Classic Interiors,
Carpet Galleria
• Gift Shop: Crystal Crate & Cargo, Northern
• Place for Produce: The Market Basket
• Best Men’s Clothing: Five Corners
• Jewelry Store: Jackleen’s Jems, Northern Décor
• Copy/Print Shop: Crystal Copies
• Bank/Credit Union: Central State Bank
• Barber Shop: Beulah Barber
• Place for Nail Care: Eden Hill
• Tanning Salon: Eden Hill
• Gym/Health Club: Curves
• Sporting Good Store: Adventure Sports
• Massage Therapist: Eden Hill
• Paint & Wallpaper Store: Classic Interiors
• Antiques & Collectables: Granary
• Lawn Service: Kevin Kennedy
• Hotel: Best Western Scenic Hill Resort
• Laundromat: Beulah Laundromat
Fall Fest Soup Contest Results: What a perfect
day for hot soup-no rain but a fall chill was in the
air. Many people tasted, voted and the results are:
First Place: Hungry Tummy’s Nacho Cheese
Second Place: Benzie Council on Aging’s Grilled
Chicken & Portabella
Third Place: Manitou’s Smokey Great Lake’s
February 13th at Winter Fest will be your next
opportunity to participate in or taste or do both with
the equally popular annual Chili Cook-Off.
Fair Park Renovation:
The upgraded park
continues to see increased use. Additionally, two
crimson king maples were donated in memory of
Imogene and Michael Malkovich by their
daughters. Al Brown also donated additional sand.
Their generosity is much appreciated by the Village
and park visitors.
Brian Moore takes delivery of the Village’s new
sewer jetter from Dan Whitehead of American
Jetter, Knoxville, TN. Custom-built for our needs,
this machine will allow our maintenance personnel
to clean grease, debris and other clogs in our sewer
mains which we previously had to contract out and
cost thousands of dollars per year. The machine
will pay for itself in only two years and continue to
provide major cost savings for many years to come.
Jim Kilgus, Chairman: Water/Sewer
Pick up litter. Let’s keep Beulah beautiful!