Appendix 17
Appendix 17
Appendix 17 Comment Response Matrix and Record of Consultation Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date Comments Response 1 Delaware County Floodplain Administration March 17, 2016 GRDA appreciates the response of the Delaware County Floodplain Administration. Its comment is noted. 2 Oklahoma Water Resources Board March 29, 2016 3 Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation March 29, 2016 The Delaware County Floodplain has reviewed the draft Application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License for the Pensacola Project and has no comment on, nor any objections. We have reviewed the Application for a Rule Curve Amendment and support the proposed request. We would like to encourage GRDA to continue to look toward managing Grand, Hudson, and Holloway as a “system” instead of as individual reservoirs. This would enhance GRDA’s ability to adaptively provide a better balance for the myriad stakeholder needs in the area. The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) fully supports the application requested by the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) to amend Article 401 of its license for the Pensacola Project, and agrees that no additional mitigation for fish and wildlife resources be required through the remainder of the license to account for the amendment. This support is a result of a recently finalized Interagency Agreement between ODWC and GRDA in which mitigation for wildlife resources (Article 411) will be addressed through adjacent-site restoration and management, thereby negating the need to lower the lake level to seed mudflats with millet. 4 Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma March 31, 2016 GRDA has elevated the level and frequency of flooding by continuing to raise the lake elevation over the years, with FERC’s approval. The FERC license allows GRDA to place water upon lands up to 760 feet; the Tribe has lands above 760 feet and GRDA does not own easements on tribal lands. The Tribe does not support even a small increase in lake elevation when it is already being impacted on its lands on which GRDA does not hold easements. GRDA appreciates the response of the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), particularly the comment regarding system integration among its three hydropower projects. This is an issue that GRDA intends to explore further in the upcoming FERC relicensing of the Pensacola Project. ORWB’s comment is noted. GRDA appreciates the work and engagement of ODWC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in cooperative efforts to resolve this long-standing challenge at Grand Lake. GRDA expects this compromise to enhance wildlife conditions in support of this permanent amendment of the existing license. See Environmental Report § 8.1 (Appendix 4). Although GRDA has not yet formally presented the offsite mitigation agreement to FERC, with a request to make several license changes needed to implement the agreement, GRDA expects to make this filing with FERC in the near future. GRDA appreciates the Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma’s review of the draft amendment application. GRDA is seeking a license amendment that would only allow the reservoir to be maintained at 743 feet Pensacola Datum (PD) for a period of 1 month. This elevation is 2 feet below the flood pool, which begins at elevation 745 feet PD. The proposed amendment does not seek to raise targeted levels of Grand Lake beyond elevation 743 feet PD. While GRDA does not agree with the Tribe’s belief that implementing the amendment would result in the placement of water on lands above GRDA’s flowage easements, it understands the Tribe’s flooding concerns during high-precipitation events. For this reason, GRDA is proposing to permanently implement a Storm Adaptive Management Plan (SAMP) as part of this amendment. This Plan would apply whenever a significant storm event occurs throughout the year—not merely during the August Page 1 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) 5 Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma Date March 31, 2016 Comments The Modoc Tribe does not support to operational criteria GRDA is using to justify raising the rule curve. The Tribe has no respect for the conclusion of the Dennis study, which “suffer from unscientific limitations that command little confidence in this incomplete ‘academic exercise.’” The Tribe urges FERC to instead rely on the Tetra Tech study for a realistic model of water surface elevations in Ottawa County. Response through October period for which GRDA seeks to change the rule curve. Based on the successful implementation of a similar adaptive management plan during the variance period of 2015, as well as during the near historical flooding events this past December, GRDA believes that the proposed amendment will be implemented without adversely affecting upstream communities. See Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.3 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. All three models that have been developed to analyze the potential changes in surface water elevations due to implementation of the requested amendment reached substantially identical conclusions. The results of all models indicate that the change from 741 feet PD to 743 feet PD for a four-week during the August-September period will result in negligible changes in surface water elevations and durations upstream of Grand Lake. The TetraTech model, in fact, predicted the smallest change of all the models—and certainly within the margin of error of the model itself. While the TetraTech model had different assumptions of the water-surface elevations beginning at the Twin Bridges area than the Dennis and FERC models, the assumptions in the TetraTech model have not been substantiated. See Appendix 5; Appendix 10. Moreover, the events simulated in the February 2016 TetraTech report are some of the most severe highprecipitation events ever recorded in the basin. Under such extreme (and rare) occurrences, GRDA has no control over Project operations, as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)—pursuant to its exclusive jurisdiction under section 7 of the Flood Control Act of 1944—assumes full control of spillway releases during flood events. Finally, the different assumptions in the models regarding water-surface elevations beginning at the Twin Bridges are irrelevant during normal, day-to-day Project operations. When GRDA operates the Project within the normal Page 2 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) 6 City of Miami Date April 12, 2016 Comments The City strongly recommends that GRDA’s final application rely on two new flood routing studies that the City commissioned from Tetra Tech and provided to GRDA. Based on the results of the Tetra Tech studies, it is now clear to the City that the FERC Study (and the 2014 Dennis Study) are unreliable, because they utilize faulty methodologies and have significant data limitations. Response operating range of 741-44 feet PD, upstream water levels are well within GRDA’s flowage easements upstream of Grand Lake. The extreme events simulated in the February 2016 TetraTech distort reality by failing to acknowledge that during normal, everyday conditions at Grand Lake, upstream areas are not flooded. Instead, the TetraTech report presents a highly skewed sample of extreme, rare events—and events in which USACE would be spillway releases at the Project. See Environmental Report §§ 3.2, 3.4 (Appendix 4). The City of Miami’s position conflicts with the consensus reached in the December 16, 2015 technical conference by all participants—including the City, FERC staff, GRDA, and other participants. The whole purpose of the technical conference was to address any concerns related to the modeling work needed to support a permanent amendment to the Project’s rule curve. Despite being supported by TetraTech during the technical conference, the City adopted the consensus decision that the Dennis and independent FERC staff models would suffice. And yet, all along, it appears that the City has been planning to leverage its modeling effort to block GRDA’s amendment application. The TetraTech report at issue is dated February 3, 2016—over 3 months ago. Although GRDA reached out to the City numerous times since February (including consultation regarding GRDA’s report on the December 2015 technical report and this amendment application), the City never apprised GRDA that it had commissioned the TetraTech report, and it never alerted GRDA that its consultant had reached a different conclusion than the independent FERC staff and Dennis models. Instead, the City ostensibly held this report back—waiting until the last possible time to distribute its report and announce a complete change of position than it agreed to during the technical conference, in a transparent attempt to disrupt this process. GRDA believes that the Commission should not tolerate the City’s tactics. Many parties devoted substantial time and resources to make the December 2015 technical Page 3 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date Comments Response conference a success. Commission staff from both Washington, DC and Atlanta attended the conference, as did many other parties. For its part, GRDA’s CEO and many members of its management and consulting teams were present for the entire day. USACE attended to help the parties understand the overlay of flood operations throughout the Arkansas River Basin. Many experts were around the table to discuss and agree upon the proper course of action. The City’s last-minute effort to upend the process with a “new” study report attempts to undermine the integrity of this process and waste significant resources that were exerted by all to make the technical conference a successful, collaborative effort. GRDA has worked very hard over the last several years to build a positive working relationship with the City, and to address issues of mutual interest in a collaborative and cooperative manner—and to build on those successes by addressing the more challenging and complex issues that have caused mistrust and concerns of both parties over a period of many years. Given the recent progress we have made to work together, it is both disappointing and surprising that the City would elect to engage in in this manner to address a very important issue that is intended to benefit the public throughout the entire region— including the City of Miami. Nonetheless, contrary to the City’s comment letter, the February 2016 TetraTech report does nothing to question the reliability of the independent FERC staff and Dennis models. To the contrary, the TetraTech report confirms the single most important technical question at issue in this amendment proceeding: that changing the target level elevation of Grand Lake from 741 feet PD to 743 feet PD during a four-week period in August-September would have negligible effects to water-surface elevations upstream of Grand Lake. All three models are exactly consistent in that conclusion—and in fact, the TetraTech model calculates an even smaller effect than the other two models. Page 4 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) 7 City of Miami Date April 12, 2016 Comments The 2015 Tetra Tech study confirms Project-related flooding of over 12,900 acres, which are not subject to easements, and on which GRDA has no right to increase the elevation and duration of flooding and FERC has no right to grant a license allowing it to do so. Response See also GRDA’s response to Comment 5; Environmental Report §§ 3.2, 3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. While it is true that large precipitation events have resulted in flooding in the City of Miami and other areas upstream of Grand Lake, the City inaccurately claims that such flooding is attributable to the Project. In fact, the 2015 TetraTech study itself concludes that factors that have nothing to do with the Project—such as a decrease in agricultural operations and increases in forest and other vegetation along the river channel—have likely contributed to upstream flooding. The Dennis model concluded that the numerous piers and other in-water structures supporting roads and railroad crossings also have contributed to such flooding. Again, these are unrelated to the Project. In any event, the fact that flooding does occur in upstream areas during significant precipitation events is not relevant in this narrow amendment proceeding. GRDA is simply requesting that the rule curve be changed during a 10week period each summer/fall. During approximately 4 weeks of this period, target reservoir elevations for Grand Lake will be increased from current levels of 741 feet PD to 743 feet PD. All the models used to assess effects of this 2-foot increase have uniformly concluded that the change will result in negligible changes in upstream surface water elevations, and maintaining a target elevation of 743 feet PD will not result in flooding in upstream areas beyond GRDA’s flowage easements. Moreover, the acreage figure cited by the City is extreme, having been generated by a simulation of one of the most significant precipitation events ever experienced in the basin—when stream stages were very high and when reservoir levels at Grand Lake were much higher than the target elevation of 743 feet PD, which is what GRDA is seeking in this application. Simply stated, GRDA is not seeking to increase even reservoir levels beyond the normal maximum level of 744 feet PD, and the City cannot accurately claim that any upstream flooding occurs Page 5 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date Comments Response when the Grand Lake targeted surface elevation is 743 feet PD. Finally, GRDA believes that implementation of the proposed SAMP will go far to help manage reservoir levels during flood operations, when USACE assumes control of Project spillway operations. This adaptive management and communications strategy proved very useful during the variance period of 2015 and the near historical flooding during December 2015. 8 City of Miami April 12, 2016 9 City of Miami April 12, 2016 10 City of Miami April 12, 2016 11 Plaintiffs in City of Miami v. GRDA and Asbell v. GRDA April 13, 2016 12 Plaintiffs in City of Miami v. GRDA and Asbell v. GRDA April 13, 2016 The 2016 Tetra Tech study concluded that actual water surface elevations at the Miami gage are up to 2.9 feet higher than those predicted in FERC’s analysis, indicating that FERC’s estimate of the number of structures which would be subject to increased or new flooding is based upon assumed backwater elevations that are too low and may be incorrect. The 2016 Tetra Tech study estimates that the Proposed Amendment would increase the area of unauthorized flooding by up to 102 acres. The City believes that increasing the extent of unauthorized flooding, even by a small amount, is inequitable and inappropriate in the absence of adequate mitigation. Any position the City may adopt regarding the Proposed Amendment is without prejudice to its positions in the forthcoming relicensing proceeding on the use of comprehensive flood routing studies to assess impacts of continued Project operations and mitigation measures to address any flood-related impacts. The operation and presence of Pensacola Dam is causing a backwater effect in the area of the City of Miami, which impacts the elevation and duration of flooding on the property for which GRDA has no flowage easements. Therefore, the lake elevation should not be increased, as that further increases the risk of flooding, even if just a little bit. The requested rule curve changes the lake elevation from August 15 to November 1, not just August 15 to September 15. See also GRDA’s response to Comment 4 and 5; Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. See GRDA’s response to Comments 4, 5, 6 and 7; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. See GRDA’s response to Comments 4, 5, 6, and 7; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. GRDA’s application recognizes that comprehensive issues related to Project operations and management will be addressed during the upcoming relicensing of the Project. See GRDA’s response to Comments 4, 5, 6, and 7; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. Plaintiffs are correct, and GRDA’s application is very clear on this point. However, comments on GRDA’s proposal have focused on the August 15 to September 15 time period for two reasons: 1) that time frame is when the largest variance in the rule curve occurs; and 2) that is also the time frame when the proposed rule curve change Page 6 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date Comments 13 Plaintiffs in City of Miami v. GRDA and Asbell v. GRDA April 13, 2016 The documentation presented, a thesis prepared by Mr. Dennis, and the subsequent study performed by FERC, are not using the latest technology available. 14 Plaintiffs in City of Miami v. GRDA and Asbell v. GRDA April 13, 2016 The thesis and study use bathymetric data that is old and very likely does not recognize or consider the sedimentation that has undoubtedly occurred at the head of the reservoir. It is physically probable that this sedimentation hump occurs at the head of the reservoir, and that sedimentation impacts the backwater effect in Miami. Therefore, a study which does not consider that sedimentation is not probable to be accurate. Yet, GRDA presents it as the equivalent of a flood routing study. 15 493 Ottawa County citizens and businesses April 14, 2016 There have not been adequate easements purchased for the operation of Pensacola Dam. 16 493 Ottawa County citizens and businesses 493 Ottawa County citizens and businesses April 14, 2016 Any increase in the rule curve increases the risk of invasion into the flood pool, causing a backwater effect in Ottawa County. April 14, 2016 To date, all Courts have been consistent in rulings and opinions issued: GRDA is responsible for the flooding due to the existence and operation of Pensacola Dam, it has caused a quantifiable increase in the magnitude and duration of flooding, and lands without an easement have been flooded because of the backwater effect of Pensacola Dam. FERC Staff April 18, 2016 In Appendix 4: Information Supporting Amendment Application, the ninth bullet on the list refers to a document as “FERC staff modeling 17 18 Response would result in the highest water level at the dam (for the period under consideration by the proposed amendment). See Appendix 9. GRDA notes that all three models reached the exact same conclusion—that the proposed change in the targeted surface elevation from 741 to 743 feet PD, during a 4week period each August-September, will have negligible effects to upstream water levels. See GRDA’s response to Comments 5 and 6; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2, 3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. Mr. Dennis used the most current bathymetric and topographic information that was available; the sources and dates of the data sets are well-documented in Section 3.2.1 of the thesis. In particular, the lake bathymetry is based on data collected by the OWRB in 2009, so it would certainly represent any sedimentation that may have occurred between construction of the dam and 2009. See GRDA’s response to Comments 5, 6, and 13; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2, 3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 9 at 3; Appendix 10. See response to Comments 4 and 7. The variance request does not seek to raise targeted levels of Grand Lake beyond elevation 743 feet PD. GRDA has all rights necessary to legally operate the project in accordance with the proposed license amendment. See GRDA’s response to Comments 4, 5, 6, 7, and 15; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. See GRDA’s response to Comments 4, 5, 6, 7, and 15; see also Environmental Report §§ 3.2-3.4 (Appendix 4); Appendix 5; Appendix 10. Resolution of alleged property damages claims are beyond the scope of FERC’s jurisdiction and will not be addressed in this proceeding. As explained in GRDA’s amendment application, however, should any major precipitation occur during the variance period, its proposed SAMP would help address concerns related to high water conditions upstream of Grand Lake. GRDA has revised its final application consistent with this comment. Page 7 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date 19 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 20 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 21 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 22 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 Comments analysis.” That document should be referred to as “FERC staff independent analysis.” FERC staff has provided comments on GRDA’s proposed SAMP in track changes. As approved in the 2015 order, GRDA would implement the Drought Adaptive Management Plan (DAMP) if water levels in Grand Lake fall below the elevations on the temporary rule curve as the result of a severe to exceptional regional drought as identified using information from the U.S. Drought Monitor. In the draft application, GRDA appears to implement the DAMP by a determination of a severe to significant drought alone, without reference to water levels. This change might cause actions under the DAMP to be taken prematurely. Please explain why GRDA is not using water levels, in part, to trigger implementation of the DAMP or add water levels as a trigger for implementing the DAMP. Also, please explain the use of the term “significant drought” when referring to the Drought Monitor. It appears you should be using the term “exceptional” which is the highest Drought Monitor category. As approved in the 2015 order, once the DAMP was implemented, GRDA would make decisions on hourly and daily release rates using input from the same entities participating in the weekly teleconferences. In the draft application, it is not clear that GRDA would use input from these entities. Please address this difference, or modify the relevant text to clarify that input from the listed entities would be used in decisions regarding release rates under the DAMP. Section IV: The environmental analysis in the draft application indicates that the scope of the application is the same as GRDA’s 2015 temporary variance. GRDA then says no further studies are necessary and that relevant existing information including materials prepared by GRDA for the 2015 application appears in Appendix 4. In Appendix 4 of the draft application, GRDA lists the information that would be included in that appendix of its final application. GRDA needs to include in its final application a discussion and analysis of the Response GRDA has adopted all of the proposed changes submitted by Commission staff, with one exception. One change seemed to suggest that GRDA controls reservoir operations during a flood event, and that USACE’s role is only advisory. Under section 7 of the Flood Control Act of 1944, USACE has exclusive jurisdiction for flood control operations at the Project. For this reason, GRDA retained language in the SAMP that recognized USACE’s exclusive jurisdiction to manage reservoir levels and operations during flood events. GRDA believes it prudent to implement the DAMP whenever a severe to exceptional regional drought occurs in the Project basin, even before Grand Lake levels may be approaching the target elevations. Bringing the parties together to discuss drought issues—early in the drought— may help identify strategies to prepare for (and possibly minimize) changes in Project operations as the drought intensifies. With regard to the proper drought category, GRDA has changed the DAMP to clarify that it applies during any drought in the range of severe (D2) to exceptional (D4), consistent with the Commission’s 2015 variance order. The DAMP in the final application has been revised to clarify that releases will be based upon input received during the weekly teleconferences. In response to Commission staff’s comment, GRDA has prepared an entirely new Environmental Report supporting this amendment application, and which includes the additional information requested by staff. The new Environmental Report appears in Appendix 4. Page 8 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date 23 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 24 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 Comments differences in possible environmental effects between last year’s temporary variance and GRDA’s proposed permanent, multi-year change. GRDA should discuss and analyze any such differences for each major resource area including differences that could occur in individual years and identification, discussion, and analysis of cumulative effects. In your draft application, you say a new water quality certificate is not needed for the proposed rule curve change. Please consult with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality to determine whether or not a new water quality certificate is needed for this amendment application. In the 2015 order, staff found that a temporary amendment of the rule curve would not cause any significant effects to cultural/historic resources. However, in support of a request for a permanent amendment and under the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, GRDA should consult with Oklahoma SHPO to obtain their concurrence with the proposed amendment’s Area of Potential Effect and any potential effects to historic properties. Also, GRDA should consult with any Native American tribes to obtain their comments on the proposed amendment’s effects. We note that the Modoc tribe has already raised objections to the permanent rule curve amendment. If needed, GRDA can ask to be designated the Commission’s non-federal representative for the purposes of conducting initial consultation with the Oklahoma SHPO and tribes for this amendment. Response After consulting with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) on this matter, GRDA filed an application for a water quality certificate with ODEQ on April 14, 2016. GRDA has requested expedited consideration of its application. ODEQ issued public notice of the application, which establishes a 30-day public comment period ending June 8, 2016. See Appendix 15. GRDA has updated its FERC application to note these recent developments. GRDA has consulted with the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) as requested by Commission staff. As explained in Comment 31 below, SHPO requested that the SAMP and DAMP be expanded to include SHPO as a consulting agency, and to include a provision to address historic properties and burial sites that may be affected during implementation of the plans. The final plans included in this application contain the provisions requested by SHPO. As to consultation with federally recognized tribes, GRDA notes that it provided a draft application for review and comment to the following: • • • • • • • • • • Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Miami Tribe of Oklahoma Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Shawnee Tribe Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma Delaware Tribe of Indians Wichita and Affiliated Tribes Page 9 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date 25 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 26 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 27 FERC Staff April 18, 2016 28 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) April 21, 2016 29 USFWS April 21, 2016 30 USFWS April 21, 2016 Comments Please include documentation of consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service identifying specific actions that may be required under the Endangered Species Act in the processing of a permanent change to the project rule curve. Federally-listed species in the project area that should be considered include the Neosho mucket, Neosho madtom, Ozark cavefish, and gray bat. In addition, please discuss whether any new endangered or threatened species have been identified in the project area and the results of your discussions with FWS regarding those species. The Vessel Aground log submitted in the 2015 application should be updated to include all vessel groundings since that filing (i.e., all vessel groundings from 2013 until the date of the application). Section 2.1.1 of the 2015 Environmental Report Supplement should be updated to reflect new vessel grounding information collected since it was filed on August 10, 2015 (i.e., the Supplement should discuss any patterns in vessel groundings during the 2015 variance period in comparison to prior years). The Service supports the proposed rule curve change, but has concerns about the related effects of the rule curve change for mitigation incorporated in Article 411, compliance with Article 411 and accomplishing the mitigation that was intended for that license article. The proposed change would limit or reduce mitigation for an article that has achieved very limited mitigation. We strongly support the proposed adjacent site mitigation restoring upland and wetland habitat near the upstream portion of Grand Lake. We suggest that additional mitigation be incorporated into the next license to compensate for the limited mitigation implemented in the current license. We are pleased to see the agreement between GRDA and ODWC signed earlier this year and support the proposed development and management of wetlands and wildlife habitat on GRDA lands. We have some concerns related to the GRDA/ODWC agreement. We do not believe that the Article 411 funds were intended to fund staff or positions and such use of funds may not comply with conditions in the article. We believe the funds were intended to maximize on the ground mitigation and management of the created habitat should be considered a long term obligation funded by GRDA. We previously provided comments for the potential effects on listed Response GRDA has included documentation of this consultation in Appendix 17. Only the Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma has objected to this application. GRDA has included documentation of its consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Appendix 17 to its amendment application. USFWS has concluded that the amendment “would not adversely affect any listed species.” Please see GRDA’s response to Comment 30. Please see GRDA’s response to Comment 22. The new Environmental Report contains an updated vessel aground log. The new Environmental Report appears in Appendix 4. Please see GRDA’s response to Comment 26. USFWS’s suggestion is noted. With regard to USFWS’s comments on Article 411, please see GRDA’s response to Comment 3. Please see GRDA’s response to Comment 3. GRDA appreciates the USFWS’s support for the Page 10 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) 31 32 SHPO SHPO Date April 22, 2016 May 2, 2016 Comments Response species related to the temporary variance last summer. The proposed rule curve raises water levels in August-October and any additional risk of flooding Beaver Dam Cave is not an issue because the listed bats are not using the cave at that time. We agreed that the variance would not adversely affect any listed species and that would also apply for extending that variance through the end of the current license. The SAMP and DAMP do not include provisions for the management of historic properties (including archaeological sites) located along shorelines and in the vicinity of shorelines and are thus impacted by the changes in reservoir elevations. Not only are historic properties affected by fluctuations in the water levels but archaeological survey reports that have been prepared for GRDA projects and submitted to SHPO have documented looting and vandalism of shoreline archaeological sites associated with reservoir recreation activities. amendment request and supports its conclusion that the amendment is not likely to adversely affect any federally listed species. We are unable to complete review of your project without the following additional information: (1) Inclusion of a historic properties management plan for the protection and mitigation of historic resources in the application to amend the rule curve, SAMP, and DAMP. (2) Contact list: SHPO should be included in the contact list for the SAMP and DAMP. After reviewing the information from the 2015 GRDA Environmental Assessment on archaeological and historical properties, we have concerns that the State Archaeologist/OAS was left out in paragraph one. The OAS is the main repository for all the archaeological site records and reports. The issue of the potential for burials to be discovered and the state laws protecting them was not mentioned in paragraph one or in sections 11.2 and 11.3 where the idea that archaeological sites are protected when inundated is incorrect. Higher levels of water do not protect archaeological sites or other historic resources, it damages and destroys them. That’s why GRDA needs to have a historic properties management plan (HPMP) in place to address how they mitigate these adverse effects to the historic properties when the water levels change. GRDA has revised its SAMP and DAMP to include provisions for consulting with the SHPO when the plans are in effect to protect known burial sites and archaeological sites or other cultural resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. GRDA has added SHPO to the contact list for these plans. GRDA has revised the DAMP and SAMP to address SHPO’s comments. GRDA will be preparing an HPMP as part of the upcoming relicensing and looks forward to working with the SHPO in that effort. In the event consultation is needed as provided in the DAMP or SAMP, the HPMP currently in place for GRDA’s Markham Ferry Project will provide a framework for SHPO and GRDA to address any effects to historic properties. This brings me to the revisions submitted for the storm and drought adaptive management plans. It would be difficult and stressful to craft a HPMP in the middle of an event or after some sort of storm or drought event occurs. So, I recommend that GRDA develop an HPMP to have in place for the final storm and drought plans instead of Page 11 of 12 Grand River Dam Authority, Pensacola Project No. 1494 Permanent Rule Curve Amendment Request – Response to Comments Received No. Commenter(s) Date Comments Response waiting until an event happens and it’s too late to do anything. Below are my comments on the draft revisions: Storm Plan Page 2-1, Background, include the State Archaeologist/OAS as a consulting party with the SHPO. Page 2-2, Historic Properties, please include the State Archaeologist/OAS as a consulting party with the SHPO. Include a provision for the potential of burials to be discovered and the state laws protecting burials and GRDA’s plan for when this happens. Drought Plan Please include the State Archaeologist/OAS as a consulting party with the SHPO Include a provision for the potential of burials to be discovered and the state laws protecting burials and GRDAs plan for when this happens. In the contact list, please include “Oklahoma” with State Historic Preservation Office. Page 12 of 12 Draft Application Distributed for Comment (with Appendices 1-3 only) 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Daniel S. Sullivan General Manager/Chief Executive Officer March 15, 2016 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: Pensacola Project No. 1494; Draft Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License and Request for Waiver of 60-day Comment Period Dear Secretary Bose: The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) is pleased to file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) the enclosed draft Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License (Draft Application) for the Pensacola Project, No. 1494 (Project). As detailed in the Draft Application, GRDA seeks to change the rule curve requirement under Article 401 during the August 15 through October 31 period each year through the remaining license term, for purposes of promoting public safety, water quality, and recreational enhancement through a peak public recreation period of the year. This Draft Application seeks a permanent change to the Article 401 rule curve, and eliminates the need for GRDA to seek yearly variance requests to rule curve requirements for the duration of the license. Section 4.38(a)(7) of the Commission’s regulations, 18 C.F.R. § 4.38(a)(7), requires that before filing a non-capacity related amendment application, an applicant must provide copies of the draft application to federal and state resource agencies, Indian tribes, local governmental authorities, and interested members of the public and allow them at least 60 days to comment on the proposed amendment. Concurrent with today’s filing, GRDA is circulating this Draft Application to stakeholders listed on the attached Distribution List. With this letter, GRDA requests that the Commission waive the 60-day comment period required under Section 4.38(a)(7) and instead allow a 30-day comment period on the Draft Application. Under GRDA’s proposal, all written comments on the Draft Application would be due by April 14, 2016. This requested reduction in the comment period is warranted for several reasons. GRDA has sought temporary variances to the Article 401 rule curve many times in prior years, and the Commission analyzed and granted a variance as recently as last year. Thus, Commission staff, resource agencies, tribes and stakeholders are all very familiar with the scope of GRDA’s request, as GRDA has consulted extensively with all parties on this issue many times over the years. As recently as December 2015, GRDA, Commission staff, resource agencies, local governmental entities, and Indian tribes held a technical conference on modeling needs to sustain this proposal. 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Moreover, the environmental scope of this Draft Application is well established in the record. The proposed changes sought in the Draft Application are essentially identical to GRDA’s temporary variance request from 2015. Thus, the same environmental studies, technical modeling work, and other information that supported last year’s variance are relevant here, and all parties are very familiar with this record. Finally, a 30-day comment period will promote administrative economy in resolving a longstanding issue at the Project. Because the requested amendment to Article 401 would affect levels at Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees each year beginning on August 16, a 30-day comment period increases the likelihood of Commission action before August 16, 2016—thus obviating the need for a separate temporary variance for 2016. GRDA greatly appreciates the time and effort of Commission staff, resource agencies, Indian tribes, local governmental authorities, and other stakeholders in participating in consultation for the many variance requests to rule curve requirements over the years. The technical conference held in December 2015 on this matter was particularly helpful in resolving issues and helping to identify a path forward that would resolve the Article 401 requirements during the remaining years of the existing license. GRDA believes that if granted by the Commission, the change in the rule curve under this Draft Application will result in significant improvements to public recreation and safety during the peak recreation period each year, and eliminate the need for stakeholders to consult yearly on temporary variances to the rule curve for the remainder of the license term. Should you have any questions related to this Application, please contact Nathan Reese on my staff at 918-610-9726 or by email at Sincerely, Daniel S. Sullivan CEO and General Manager cc: Attached Distribution List Attachments 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Distribution List Bureau of Indian Affairs Cherokee Nation P.O. Box 948 Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74465 Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma P.O. Box 350 Seneca, Mo 64865 Miami Tribe of Oklahoma P.O. Box 1326 Miami, OK 74354 Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma 505 G Southeast Miami, OK 74354 Mr. Josh Johnston N.E. Regional Fisheries Biologists Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation P.O. Box 1201 Jenks, OK 74037 Mosby Halterman Bureau of Indian Affairs 2100 W Peak Blvd Muskogee , OK 74401 Mr. Terry Hallaeuer Delaware County Department of Environmental Quality 2096 South Main Street Grove, Oklahoma 74344 Ms. Cynthia Stacy Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma P.O. Box 1527 Miami, OK 74355 Ms. Melvena Heisch Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Oklahoma Historical Society 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-7917 Ms. Rosanna Sheppard Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma 13 South 69A P.O. Box 110 Miami , OK 74355 Ms. Kathleen A. Welch Environmental Assistant Wyandotte Tribe of OK 64700 E Hwy 60 Wyandotte, Ok 74370 Mr. Everett Bandy Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma P.O. Box 765 Quapaw, OK 74363 Michael Payton Ottawa County Floodplain Administrator 102 East Central – Suite 202 Miami, Ok 74354 Shawnee Tribe P.O. Box 189 Miami, OK 74355 Mr. Jeff Southwick Oklahoma Corporation Commission 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City OK 73105 Mr. Kevin Stubbs Field Supervisor U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 9014 E 21st Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129-1428 Dr. Robert Brooks State Archeologist Oklahoma Archeological Survey 111 East Chesapeake - Bldg. 134 Norman, Oklahoma 73019-0575 Mr. Andrew Commer Chief U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District Attn: CESWT - PE -R (Regulatory Branch) 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128-4609 Mr. Robert Real Delaware County Floodplain Administrator P.O. Drawer 550 Jay, Ok 74346-0550 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Distribution List Mr. Luke Tallant Office of State Fire Marshal 2401 N W 23rd Street, Suite 4 Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Mr. Morris Bluejacket Craig County Flood Plain Manager P.O. Box 397 Vinita, OK 74301 Flood Plain Manager Mayes County 1 Court Place Suite 140 Pryor, OK 74361 Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Dept. 120 N. Robinson 6th Floor Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Ms. Kris Marek Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Dept. State Parks & Resorts 120 N. Robinson 6th Floor Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Mr. Derek Smithee Water Quality Division Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Ms. Elena Jigoulina Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1677 Oklahoma City , OK 73101-1677 Caddo Nation P.O. Box 487 Binger, OK 73009 Seneca-Cayuga Nation P.O. Box 453220 Grove, OK 74345-3220 Muscogee Nation P.O. Box 580 Okmulgee, OK 74447 Ms. Lisa Stopp Preservation Office United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees P.O. Box 746 Tahlequah, OK 74665 Wichita and Affiliated Tribes P.O. Box 729 Anadarko, OK 73005 U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office 101 North 5th St. Muskogee, OK 74401-6206 Mr. Barry Bolton Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Chief of Fisheries Division P O Box 53465 Oklahoma City, OK 73152 Honorable Chief Chester Brooks Delaware Tribe of Indians 170 N. E. Barbara Bartlesville, OK 74006 Mr. Farris Barker Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office 1449 Main Street Pawhuska, OK 74056 Mr. Brian Forrester Council Member NE Ward 1 P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355-1288 Mr. Doug Weston Council Member NE Ward 2 P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355-1288 Mr. Neal Johnson Council Member SW Ward 3 P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355-1288 Joe Sharbutt Council Member SE Ward 4 P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355-1288 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Distribution List Chairman John Clark Ottawa County Commissioners 102 E Central Ave Suite 202 Miami, OK 74354 Mayor Rudy Schultz City of Miami P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 Gary Wyrick Ottawa County Commissioner District #2 102 E Central Ave Suite 202 Miami, OK 74354 The Honorable Ben Sherrer House of Representatives 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Room 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Russell Earls Ottawa County Commissioner District #3 102 E Central Ave Suite 202 Miami, OK 74354 The Honorable James Mountain Inhofe United States Senate 205 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Charles Wyrick Oklahoma State Senate 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Room 522 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Dr. J. Mark Osborn, MD 301 2nd Ave SW Miami, OK 74354 The Honorable Doug Cox House of Representatives 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Room 410 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 The Honorable Chuck Hoskin House of Representatives 2300 North Lincoln Boulevard Room 509 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Director Michele Bolton Miami Area Chamber of Commerce 103 East Central Ave Suite 100 Miami, OK 74354 Mr. Dean Kruithof City Manager City Of Miami P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 The Honorable Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Suite 212 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 The Honorable James Lankford United States Senate B40C Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Michael Teague Secretary of Energy and Environment 100 N. Broadway, Suite 2350 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 The Honorable Marty Quinn 2300 N Lincoln Blvd. Room 528B Oklahoma City, OK 73105 The Honorable Wayne Shaw 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Rm 325 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 The Honorable Jim Bridenstine 216 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Markwayne Mullin 1113 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Frank Lucas 2405 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Distribution List The Honorable Ben Loring 2300 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Mr. Lance Phillips Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Mr. Richard Hatcher Director Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation P O Box 53465 Oklahoma City, OK 73152 Mr. Monty Porter Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Ms. Jonna Polk U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 9014 E 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74129-1428 Ms. Beth Wilhelm Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Mr. William Cauthron Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Mr. Johny Jantzen County Floodplain Administrator Mayes County 1 Court Place, Suite 140 Pryor, OK 74361 Mr. William Chatron U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Chuck Childs Director of Community Development P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 Mr. Ed Rossman U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Greg Estep U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Jack Dalrymple 54297 E 75 Rd Miami, OK 74354-3020 Ms. Jennifer Aranda U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Matt Rollins Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 North Classen Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Mr. Scott Henderson U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Steve Nolan U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Terry Rupe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Ms. Tonya Dunn U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. David Williams U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Distribution List Mr. Brad Johnston Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation P.O. Box 53465 Oklahoma City, OK 73152 Mr. Miroslav Kurka Mead & Hunt 1616 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74120 Mr. Charles Kerns Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management P.O. Box 53365 Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3365 Mr. Shawn Puzen Mead & Hunt 1616 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74120 Ms. Glenda Longan Director of Emergency City of Miami P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 Ms. Nicole McGavock National Weather Service 10159 E 11th St. Suite 300 Tulsa, OK 74128 Ms. Judy Francisco City of Miami P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 Mr. Ronnie Cline City of Miami P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 Mr. Doug Weston Ward 2 City of Miami P.O. Box 1288 Miami, OK 74355 Mr. Joe Dan Morgan Ottawa County Floodplain Administrator 102 E Central, Suite 104b Miami, OK 74354 Mr. Mike Abate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101 East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Ms. Eva Zaki-Delitt U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1645 S 101st East Ave Tulsa, OK 74128-4609 Mr. Larry Bork Goodell, Stratton, Edmonds & Palmer 515 South Kansas Avenue Topeka, KS 66003-3999 Mr. James Paul National Weather Service 10159 E 11th St Suite 300 Tulsa, OK 74128 Mr. Dai Thomas Tetra Tech 3801 Automation Way Suite 100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Mr. Bob Mussetter Tetra Tech 3801 Automation Way Suite 100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Grand River Dam Authority Pensacola Project FERC Project No. 1494 Comment Draft Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License March 15, 2016 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Pensacola Project FERC No. 1494 Draft Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License TABLE OF CONTENTS Initial Statement ...............................................................................................................................1 Subscription and Verification ..........................................................................................................8 Appendix 1: Detailed Description of Proposed License Amendment Appendix 2: Storm Adaptive Management Plan Appendix 3: Drought Adaptive Management Plan Appendix 4: Information Supporting Amendment Application Appendix 5: Grand River Dam Authority Enabling Act Appendix 6: Request to Reduce Public Comment Period for Draft Amendment Application 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License 18 C.F.R. §§ 4.32, 4.201 (a) Initial Statement 1. The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) applies to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) for a non-capacity related amendment for the Pensacola Project No. 1494 (Project). 2. The exact name, business address, and telephone number of the applicant are: Grand River Dam Authority Administrative Headquarters 226 W Dwain Willis Avenue P.O. Box 409 Vinita, OK 74301 918-256-5545 3. The applicant is an agency of the State of Oklahoma and a municipality within the meaning of Section 3(7) of the Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. § 796(7), and licensee for the water power project, designated as Project No. 1494 in the records of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, issued on the 24th day of April, 1992. Grand River Dam Auth., 59 FERC ¶ 62,073 (1992) (issuing a new 30-year license to GRDA for the Project). 4. The amendments of license proposed and the reasons why the proposed are necessary, are: With this amendment application, GRDA seeks to change the rule curve applicable to the Project under Article 401 of the license. The current rule curve requirements were established by Commission order dated December 3, 1996. 1 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Grand River Dam Auth., 77 FERC ¶ 61,251 (1992). Specifically, GRDA proposes to change the rule curve for the period August 15 through October 31 each year, consistent with the Commission’s temporary variance approval order dated August 14, 2015. Grand River Dam Auth., 152 FERC ¶ 61,129 (2015). As part of this proposed amendment, GRDA also seeks the Commission’s approval of a Storm Adaptive Management Plan and Drought Adaptive Management Plan. GRDA seeks to amend Article 401 to read as follows: Article 401. The Licensee shall operate the Pensacola Project to control fluctuations of the reservoir surface elevation for the protection of fish, wildlife, and recreational resources associated with the Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees (Grand Lake) reservoir. The Licensee shall act, to the extent practicable (except as provided by the Storm Adaptive Management Plan or the Drought Adaptive Management Plan, or as necessary for the Department of the Army, Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers to provide flood protection in the Grand (Neosho) River), to maintain the reservoir surface elevations, as measured immediately upstream of the project dam. These target reservoir surface elevations are as follows: Reservoir Elevation, feet Period (Pensacola Datum) May 01 – May 31 .........................Raise elevation from 742 to 744 Jun 01 – Jul 31 .............................Maintain elevation at 744 Aug 01 – Aug 15 ..........................Lower elevation from 744 to 743 Aug 16 – Sep 15...........................Maintain elevation at 743 Sep 16 – Sep 30............................Lower elevation from 743 to 742 Oct 1 – Apr 30..............................Maintain elevation at 742 Upon the forecast of any major precipitation event within the Grand/Neosho River basin that may result in high water conditions upstream or downstream of Grand Lake, the Licensee shall implement the Storm Adaptive Management Plan through the duration of the event. The Licensee shall institute the Drought Adaptive Management Plan during any period in which the National Drought Mitigation Center’s U.S. Drought Monitor has identified a severe or exceptional drought within the Grand/Neosho River basin. 2 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM A complete explanation of GRDA’s proposed amendment appears in Appendix 1 to this Application. The proposed Storm Adaptive Management Plan appears in Appendix 2, and the proposed Drought Adaptive Management Plan appears in Appendix 3. GRDA seeks this application to reduce the risk of vessel groundings at Grand Lake in late summer, improve recreation during a peak recreation period, better balance competing stakeholder interests, and provide for additional storage that can assist in managing dissolved oxygen levels in the Grand River downstream of the Project (as well as downstream of GRDA’s Markham Ferry Project No. 2183), which is directly downstream of the Project. Existing studies and other information that analyze the effects of this proposal appear in Appendix 4 to this Application. GRDA recognizes that this application is being filed only a few months before the proposed changes to the Article 401 rule curve would take effect beginning August 16, 2016. In the event that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Commission or FERC) determination of this application extends beyond that date, GRDA seeks herein a temporary variance to the Article 401 rule curve requirements during the period August 16, 2016 through October 31, 2016. This temporary variance would consist of the following elements: 1. Maintain Grand Lake levels as proposed in this application (which is identical to what the Commission approved as a temporary variance in 2015); 2. Implement the Storm Adaptive Management Plan in Appendix 2 during the variance period; and 3 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM 3. Implement the Drought Adaptive Management Plan in Appendix 3 during the variance period. 5. (i) The statutory or regulatory requirements of the state in which the project would be located that affect the project as proposed with respect to bed and banks and to the appropriation, diversion, and use of water for power purposes are: GRDA’s Enabling Act, 82 O.S. § 861 et seq. provides GRDA the right, privilege, and authority to control, store, preserve, and distribute the waters of the Grand River and its tributaries for such purposes as hydropower, irrigation, raw water supply, and other useful purposes. It further allows GRDA to make rules and regulations governing the use of the shoreline and lakes created by the hydropower facilities. With respect to the right to the appropriation, diversion, and use of water for power purposes, the Enabling Act expressly grants GRDA statutory authority “[t]o control, store and preserve . . . the waters of Grand River and its tributaries, for any useful purpose, and to use, distribute and sell the same within the boundaries of the district.” A copy of GRDA’s Enabling Act is included as Appendix 5 to this Application. Under section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), a federal license or permit “which may result in any discharge into the navigable waters” triggers water quality certification by the State of Oklahoma. 33 U.S.C. § 1341(a). (ii) The steps which the applicant has taken or plans to take to comply with each of the laws cited above are: 4 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM GRDA maintains compliance with its Enabling Act by operating and maintaining the Project in accordance with the Commission-issued license. As a means to protect public safety, promote public recreation during a peak period of the year, and address water quality downstream, GRDA has concluded that the instant Application is necessary to meet its statutory obligations under the Enabling Act. With regard to water quality certification under CWA section 401, the State of Oklahoma issued its certification as part of the most recent relicensing of the Project. Grand River Dam Auth., 59 FERC ¶ 62,073, at p. 63,235 (1992). Because the instant Application will not result in “a new or greater discharge” from the Project as previously certified by the State, water quality certification is not applicable. S.C. Elec. & Gas Co., 109 FERC ¶ 61,099 at PP 16-17 (2004); see also North Carolina. v. FERC, 112 F.3d 1175 (D.C. Cir. 1997) (holding that state water quality certification is not required for a water withdrawal); Idaho Power Co., 96 FERC ¶ 61,303 (2001) (holding that a suspension of flow requirements does not require state water quality certification). In the instant Application, GRDA does not seek changes to releases of flows beyond the normal operating range of the Project. (b) Required exhibits for capacity related amendments. Because this Application is for a non-capacity related amendment, this section does not apply. 5 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM (c) Required exhibits for non-capacity related amendments. This Application seeks only to amend Article 401 of the license; no exhibits to the Project license require revision in light of the changes proposed herein. (d) Consultation and waiver. As required under section 4.38(a)(7) of the Commission’s regulations, 18 C.F.R. § 4.38(a)(7), GRDA distributed a draft application to federal and state resource agencies, Indian tribes, local governmental authorities, and interested members of the public on March 15, 2016. Although section 4.38(a)(7) affords a 60-day public comment period for non-capacity related amendment applications such as this, GRDA has asked the Commission to waive this requirement, and instead approve a 30-day comment period. As explained in GRDA’s request to the Commission (which appears in Appendix 6), issues related to the Article 401 rule curve requirements have been analyzed and addressed by the Commission, resource agencies and stakeholders many times in the past. As such, the public comment period is not expected to produce any significant new issue relevant to this application. Moreover, an abbreviated comment period will promote administrative economy by giving the Commission more time to rule on this application before the new rule curve requirements would begin on August 16, 2016—thus avoiding the need for the Commission to rule on a separate variance request for 2016. For these reasons, GRDA seeks written comments from agencies and stakeholders by April 14, 2016. In the event the Commission does not grant GRDA’s request for an abbreviated comment period, GRDA will notify all entities on the Distribution List that comments are due within 60-days, i.e., by May 16, 2016. Once the comment period expires, GRDA will prepare its final amendment application, incorporating commenters’ 6 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM recommendations, as appropriate. The final application will contain a complete record of consultation, including GRDA’s response to each comment received. 7 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Subscription and Verification This Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License is executed in the STATE OF: Oklahoma COUNTY OF: Tulsa by: Daniel S. Sullivan CEO and General Manager Grand River Dam Authority 9933 E. 16th Street Tulsa, OK 74128 Daniel S. Sullivan, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the contents of this application are true to the best of his knowledge or belief. The undersigned applicant has signed this application this ______ day of ____, 2016. GRAND RIVER DAM AUTHORITY By: _________________________ Daniel S. Sullivan Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public of the State of Oklahoma this _____ day of ____, 2016. /SEAL/ ________________________ Notary Public No. ______________ My Commission expires: _______________ 8 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Appendix 1 Detailed Description of Proposed License Amendment 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Pensacola Project, FERC No. 1494 Detailed Description of Proposed License Amendment I. Background Currently, Article 401 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission or FERC) license for the Pensacola Project No. 1494 (Project) provides seasonal target elevations for Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees, the reservoir associated with the Project and created by Pensacola Dam, and which Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) manages pursuant to the FERC license. As amended by the Commission most recently in 1996, Article 401 presently provides: Article 401. The Licensee shall operate the Pensacola Project to control fluctuations of the reservoir surface elevation for the protection of fish, wildlife, and recreational resources associated with the Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees (Grand Lake) reservoir. The Licensee shall act, to the extent practicable (except as necessary for the Department of the Army, Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers to provide flood protection in the Grand (Neosho) River), to maintain the reservoir surface elevations, as measured immediately upstream of the project dam. These target reservoir surface elevations are as follows: Reservoir Elevation, feet Period (Pensacola Datum) May 01 – May 31 ............................................... Raise elevation from 742 to 744 Jun 01 – Jul 31 ................................................... Maintain elevation at 744 Aug 01 – Aug 15 ................................................ Lower elevation from 744 to 743 Aug 16 – Sep 15 ................................................. Lower elevation from 743 to 741 Sep 01 – Oct 15 .................................................. Maintain elevation at 741 Oct 16 – Oct 31 .................................................. Raise elevation from 741 to 742 Nov 01 – Apr 30 ................................................ Maintain elevation at 742 Grand River Dam Auth., 59 FERC ¶ 62,073, at p. 63,227 (1992) (including Article 401 in the new license); Grand River Dam Auth., 77 FERC ¶ 61,251, at p. 61,2005 (1996) (amending Article 401). When implementing Article 401 in previous years, GRDA on a number of occasions has requested a temporary variance of the Article 401 rule curve target elevations, to maintain higher reservoir levels during the August through October time period—primarily for the purpose of retaining water during drought conditions. While the Commission, depending on the circumstances each year, has both denied and granted these variance requests,1 in each instance GRDA reached out to, and consulted with, federal and state resource agencies, Indian tribes, and other stakeholders. 1 The Commission granted GRDA’s variance request in 2012 and 2015, but denied the requests submitted in 2006, 2011 and 2013. 1-1 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM II. Temporary Variance in 2015 In 2015, GRDA again sought a temporary variance from the Article 401 rule curve target elevations. Recognizing the need to balance the many additional competing interests of the Project, such as projected drought conditions, water quality requirements, and support for public recreation and safety, GRDA proposed a different solution—that a slightly modified rule curve be instituted during late summer and early fall as follows: maintain Grand Lake elevation at 743’ Pensacola Datum (PD) through the Labor Day holiday, and then on September 16 begin lowering the reservoir to reach 742’ PD by September 30, where it would remain for the balance of the modified period. Recognizing the uncertainty of weather patterns during this period of the year, GRDA also proposed, as part of the variance request, to implement a Storm Adaptive Management Plan in the event that a high precipitation event in the basin affects water levels upstream or downstream of the Project. GRDA also proposed to implement a Drought Adaptive Management Plan, in the event that drought conditions prevail during the variance period— consistent with weather patterns in prior years. On August 14, 2015, the Commission granted GRDA’s temporary variance. Grand River Dam Auth., 152 FERC ¶ 61,129 (2015). The Commission found that the proposed rule curve variance would result in minimal incremental changes to upstream and downstream water levels in the Grand/Neosho River basin. Id. at PP 28-30. The Commission also conducted an analysis of the increased physical danger to residents upstream of the Project due to the incremental increase in Grand Lake levels sought by the variance request. Based on this analysis, the Commission concluded that “[s]ince many inundated structures are located at the edge of the inundated area where flood depths are minor and the incremental flooding impacts are minimal, the increase in the probability for risk to human life is negligible at Miami,” the community immediately upstream of Grand Lake. Id. at P 31. As to downstream effects, the Commission found “some increased danger for various structures,” but concluded that the changes in releases as a result of the variance would not change the hazard classification of such structures under the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Engineering and Research Technical Memorandum No. 11, Downstream Hazard Classification Guidelines. Id. at P 32. Moreover, the Commission concluded that any increased risk “would be mitigated by the existing Emergency Action Plan (EAP) procedures” implemented by GRDA. Id. Thus, consistent with its analysis of upstream areas, the Commission concluded that implementation of the variance would result in “little increase in the probability of human risk” downstream of the Project. Id. With regard to other effects of the proposed 2015 variance, the Commission found numerous other beneficial effects: The variance “would allow [GRDA] to store more water in the reservoir during the late summer and early fall period. This would provide GRDA with more water for making releases to maintain downstream [dissolved oxygen (DO)] during this period.” Id. at P 39. 1-2 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM The variance “would allow GRDA to retain additional drinking water in reserve for the City of Tulsa. The city uses the Markham Ferry Project’s Lake Hudson as its sole backup water supply in the event of an emergency.” Id. “[GRDA’s] proposal would not have any significant effects on water quality in Grand Lake, and may provide minor benefits to lake water quality through reducing shoreline erosion that may be associated with the normal elevation changes and exposure of shallow areas. Any reduction in such erosion would reduce turbidity in near-shore areas, and could reduce exposure and suspension of pollutants in sediment, such as heavy metals.” Id. at P 41. “GRDA’s proposed Drought Adaptive Management Plan would help to maintain downstream DO concentrations in the event that drought conditions cause reservoir elevations to fall below the rule curve during the variance. Under the Drought Adaptive Management Plan, the licensee would make releases equivalent to between 0.03 and 0.06 foot of reservoir elevation per day. These releases would be equivalent to approximately 175 to 837 cfs per hour over a 24-hour period.” Id. at P 43. The temporary variance would allow GRDA to “maintain lake elevations [at the downstream Lake Hudson] necessary for the reliable operation of its Salina Pumped Storage facility.” Id. The variance “could have minor positive effects on shallow-water fish and waterfowl habitat [in Grand Lake], in part by protecting emergent and aquatic plants that become established in such areas.” Id. at P 47. GRDA’s variance proposal, “including its proposed Drought Adaptive Management Plan for maintaining downstream DO in the event of a severe to exceptional drought that causes the reservoir to fall below the proposed rule curve, would further provide protection of downstream fisheries.” Id. at P 48. “Implementation of the temporary variance in 2015 would not affect any terrestrial or wildlife resources located above normal reservoir rule curve elevations. The variance would not likely cause any negative impacts to wetland or wildlife resources located at and below normal reservoir rule curve elevations, because water levels would remain within the range of the current rule curve and may provide minor, short-term benefits by reducing the water level fluctuations that occur under the current rule curve, allowing some degree of increased growth and establishment of riparian and shallow-water vegetation, which could benefit both fish and wildlife that utilize these areas.” Id. at P 52. The variance would not affect the federally listed endangered species of gray bat (Myotis grisescens) or Neosho mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana), nor would it affect the federally listed threatened species of Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae) or Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus). Id. at PP 53-60. 1-3 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM The variance would allow GRDA “to maintain reservoir elevations 2 feet higher from August 15 to September 15, and up to 1 foot higher from September 15 to October 31. These higher reservoir elevations would increase the amount of area available for boating in the reservoir, and would likely allow for easier public and private access at the numerous boat ramps and boat docks located at the project. Because the increase in area available for boating and improved recreational access would occur during the recreational boating season, the proposed rule curve amendment would result in benefits to recreation at the project.” Id. at P 63. “The higher reservoir elevation [under the variance] would also likely decrease boating hazards in the reservoir. Based on the licensee’s provided data, the vast majority of boat groundings during the high recreation season occur during the tail end of the season when recreational boating use is still high but the reservoir level is being lowered to or is at 741. Thus, we expect the proposed rule curve to contribute to a decrease in boat groundings at the project.” Id. at P 64. “The proposed temporary variance would not result in a substantial change to generation at Pensacola.” Id. at 67. The shift in energy generation energy from August (under the Article 401 rule curve implementation) to late September (under the variance) would result in a net loss of $132,000 to GRDA, as “energy generated in late August is more valuable than energy generated in late September.” Id. At the downstream Markham Ferry Project, implementation of the variance “would result in an estimated loss of about 123 MWh in generation, which has a value of about $58,000.” Id. at P 68. Following the Commission’s order, GRDA implemented the temporary variance in 2015. The effort was a marked success for Grand Lake, and resulted in a successful collaborative effort among GRDA, federal and state resource agencies, and local governmental entities with regard to lake level management. Recreation during the Labor Day holiday and the remainder of the high-recreation season, and the correlating benefits to the local economy, far exceeded past years. Information describing these benefits appears in Appendix 4. GRDA held weekly conference calls to discuss current and forecasted water levels in the Grand/Neosho River basin. While the basin did not encounter any significant event during the variance period, the experience gained through this coordinated effort helped tremendously later in the year, when the basin experienced a near-record precipitation event in December 2015, and GRDA consulted closely with federal, state, and local authorities in safely passing the significant flows through the system. III. Proposed Amendment to License Article 401 Building on the successful implementation of the 2015 temporary variance, this Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of the Project license seeks to adopt the change in the Article 401 rule curve for the remaining term of the existing license (including any annual license period). The proposed rule curve change is depicted in Figure 1. 1-4 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Figure 1. Depiction of Proposed Rule Curve Amendment In terms of the changes to the language of Article 401, GRDA seeks the following: Article 401. The Licensee shall operate the Pensacola Project to control fluctuations of the reservoir surface elevation for the protection of fish, wildlife, and recreational resources associated with the Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees (Grand Lake) reservoir. The Licensee shall act, to the extent practicable (except as provided by the Storm Adaptive Management Plan or the Drought Adaptive Management Plan, or as necessary for the Department of the Army, Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers to provide flood protection in the Grand (Neosho) River), to maintain the reservoir surface elevations, as measured immediately upstream of the project dam. These target reservoir surface elevations are as follows: Reservoir Elevation, feet Period (Pensacola Datum) May 01 – May 31 ............................................... Raise elevation from 742 to 744 Jun 01 – Jul 31 ................................................... Maintain elevation at 744 Aug 01 – Aug 15 ................................................ Lower elevation from 744 to 743 Aug 16 – Sep 15 ................................................. Lower elevation from 743 to 741 Sep 01 – Oct 15 .................................................. Maintain elevation at 741 Oct 16 – Oct 31 .................................................. Raise elevation from 741 to 742 Nov 01 – Apr 30 ................................................ Maintain elevation at 742 Aug 16 – Sep 15 ................................................. Maintain elevation at 743 Sep 16 – Sep 30.................................................. Lower elevation from 743 to 742 Oct 1 – Apr 30.................................................... Maintain elevation at 742 1-5 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Upon the forecast of any major precipitation event within the Grand/Neosho River basin that may result in high water conditions upstream or downstream of Grand Lake, the Licensee shall implement the Storm Adaptive Management Plan through the duration of the event. The Licensee shall institute the Drought Adaptive Management Plan during any period in which the National Drought Mitigation Center’s U.S. Drought Monitor has identified a severe or exceptional drought within the Grand/Neosho River basin. The Storm Adaptive Management Plan is set forth in Appendix 2 to this Application, and the Drought Adaptive Management Plan appears in Appendix 3. GRDA proposes that the Commission approve these plans for implementation as part of its order granting this Application. IV. Environmental Analysis The environmental scope of this Application is the same as GRDA’s temporary variance request from 2015, the same studies, modeling work, and assessments that supported the Commission’s favorable environmental analysis, summarized above. Accordingly, GRDA has concluded that no additional studies are necessary to sustain this Application. Relevant existing information, including the materials prepared by GRDA last year and relied upon by the Commission in its 2015 order approving the temporary variance, appears in Appendix 4. V. Conclusion For the reasons explained above, GRDA believes that this Application is in the public interest. If granted by the Commission, the change in the rule curve will result in significant improvements to public recreation and safety during a peak recreation period each year and assist GRDA in meeting water quality and water supply obligations—all without exacerbating upstream or downstream water levels. As part of this Application, GRDA is committed to continued cooperation and collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Commission staff, and local governmental authorities in addressing high flow events in the Grand/Neosho River basin. While GRDA has concluded that the changes to Article 401 proposed in this Application meet public interest requirements through the remainder of the existing license term, it recognizes that the relicensing process for the Project is scheduled to begin within the next year or so, as the current license expires in 2022. The relicensing process will involve a comprehensive review of all license obligations, including rule curve requirements. As such, the Commission’s approval of this Application will not determine GRDA’s management obligations under a new license issued following the upcoming relicensing process. 1-6 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Appendix 2 Storm Adaptive Management Plan 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Pensacola Project, FERC No. 1494 Storm Adaptive Management Plan Background As part of this Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment to the license for the Pensacola Project No. 1494 (Project), GRDA proposes under an amended Article 401 to implement a Storm Adaptive Management Plan (Plan) “[u]pon the forecast of any major precipitation event within the Grand/Neosho River basin that may result in high water conditions upstream or downstream of Grand Lake.” This Plan sets forth rules and protocols for the adaptive management process to meet this requirement of the amended Article 401. Description This Plan sets forth protocols for managing GRDA’s Grand Lake during major precipitation events. GRDA will work with resource agencies and local governments to address concerns related to high water conditions upstream of Grand Lake during any major precipitation event that may occur in the Grand/Neosho River basin. GRDA will review, on a daily basis, weather forecasts in the watershed, Grand Lake surface elevation data, U.S. Geological Service gauges upstream of the Project, surface elevations at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) upstream John Redmond Reservoir, and other relevant information affecting surface elevations at Grand Lake during the potential flood period. Based on GRDA’s daily review of the above-referenced information, if the weather forecast indicates a high probability of high water conditions in the Grand/Neosho River basin in the immediate vicinity of the Project, GRDA will take the following actions: Notification and Data Distribution. Immediately provide all above-referenced data to the USACE; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) staff in Washington, DC (Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance) and Atlanta Regional Office (Division of Dam Safety and Inspections); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality; City of Miami, Oklahoma; and interested Indian tribes. A listing of all entities to receive this information is provided below, and each entity is expected to keep GRDA informed of any changes in personnel or contact information on the list. Schedule Teleconference. In conjunction with the notification and data distribution, GRDA will schedule a conference call at the earliest practicable time, and notify all entities listed below of the time for the call and instructions on how to participate in the call. Consultation with USACE. Prior to convening the conference call, GRDA will consult with the USACE, Tulsa District, regarding the forecasted event. USACE, Tulsa District, will determine whether any actions can be taken to prevent, minimize, or mitigate water levels upstream or downstream of the Project—recognizing USACE’s over-arching flood 2-1 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM risk management responsibilities within the Arkansas River basin under the Flood Control Act of 1944, and to balance all reservoirs within the basin under its jurisdiction. GRDA expects USACE, Tulsa District, to consider factors such as pre-existing watershed conditions, soil moisture content, and storm event composition (e.g., path, intensity, and duration). Convene Teleconference. During the teleconference, GRDA will report USACE’s decision on any actions at the Project to prevent, minimize, or mitigate water levels upstream or downstream of the Project. Participants will have an opportunity during the teleconference to explore alternative potential solutions to respond to the forecasted highflow event, recognizing the USACE’s jurisdiction to manage the Project for purposes of flood risk management. Subsequent Communications. As necessary and appropriate in each high-flow event, GRDA will continue regular communications with all entities listed below, to keep them informed of prevailing conditions at the Project during the event. Such communications may entail conference calls, email messages, or other forms of communication appropriate under the circumstances. Relationship to Emergency Action Plan The requirements of this Plan are separate and distinct from any obligations under GRDA’s FERC-approved Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the Project. Once the EAP is triggered, however, the communication protocols contained in the EAP supersede those included in this Plan until the emergency is resolved. CONTACT LIST Grand River Dam Authority Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Division of Hydropower Administration & Compliance Division of Dam Safety and Inspections U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District National Weather Service, Tulsa Forecast Office Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Oklahoma Water Resources Board Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management 2-2 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service City of Miami Ottawa County Office of the County Commissioner Ottawa County Emergency Management Modoc Tribe United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees Quapaw Tribe of Indians Oklahoma Archeological Survey 2-3 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Appendix 3 Drought Adaptive Management Plan 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Pensacola Project, FERC No. 1494 Drought Adaptive Management Plan Background Under its existing Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license for the Pensacola Project No. 1494 (Project), the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) is required to ensure maintenance of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the tailrace area downstream of the Project. It also is required under Article 401 of its downstream Markham Ferry Project to mitigate for low DO levels to meet state water quality standards. During periods of drought, however, strict adherence to the Project’s rule curve under Article 401 can result in an inadequate supply of water to meet these water quality requirements—as well as potential water supply needs downstream. For these reasons, the amended Article 401 of the license requires GRDA to implement this Drought Adaptive Management Plan (Plan) “during any period in which the National Drought Mitigation Center’s U.S. Drought Monitor has identified a severe or exceptional drought within the Grand/Neosho River basin.” This Plan provides for certain deviations from the Article 401 target elevations to allow GRDA to meet other obligations during drought conditions. It is intended to help GRDA to have sufficient water to maintain flow releases to meet downstream DO requirements at the Pensacola and Markham Ferry projects, while maintaining lake elevations necessary for the reliable operation of its downstream Salina Pumped Storage Project. Description In the event that the National Drought Mitigation Center’s U.S. Drought Monitor has identified a severe or exceptional drought within the Grand/Neosho River basin, GRDA will continue to make releases at the Project to meet downstream obligations, regardless of the prevailing levels at Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees (Grand Lake) and Article 401 rule curve target elevations. Such releases are limited to up to 0.06 feet of reservoir elevation per day—up to approximately 837 cubic feet per second per hour over a 24-hour period. The daily release allowances under this Plan are designed to allow short-duration pulsed releases to simultaneously conserve water in Grand Lake while maintaining downstream DO requirements. These release allowances are expected to provide enough flow to maintain gate releases downstream at the Markham Ferry Project while maintaining an elevation of 619 feet mean sea level at Lake Hudson, which is necessary to meet general daily operations and North American Electric Reliability Corporation reliability standards associated with the Salina Pumped Storage Project. In the unusual event that the allowances authorized under this Plan are insufficient to meet its objectives, GRDA may seek further authorization from FERC to release additional flows from Grand Lake to meet downstream requirements during a severe or exceptional drought. 3-1 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM Procedures Monitoring. GRDA will monitor drought conditions in the Grand/Neosho River basin using the U.S. Drought Monitor, available at, as well as other generally accepted sources of drought information applicable to the basin. Weekly Teleconferences. When these sources indicate that a severe or exceptional drought is imminent in the Grand/Neosho River basin, GRDA will commence weekly teleconferences to keep federal and state resource agencies informed of prevailing conditions and GRDA’s plans to begin additional releases in the event a severe or exceptional drought is declared. These weekly conference calls will continue until the threat of a severe or exceptional drought subsides. Entities invited to participate in this weekly teleconference include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, the City of Miami, and FERC staff. A listing of all entities to receive notification of GRDA’s weekly conference calls is provided below, and each entity is expected to keep GRDA informed of any changes in personnel or contact information on the list. Commencement of Additional Releases. Upon the declaration of a severe or exceptional drought in the Grand/Neosho River basin, GRDA at its discretion may commence additional releases of up to 0.06 feet of reservoir elevation per day—up to approximately 837 cubic feet per second per hour over a 24-hour period. At each weekly teleconference during the duration of a severe or exceptional drought, GRDA will address the following issues: (1) current and forecasted drought conditions and planned project operation; (2) maintenance of water levels and flows sufficient to maintain downstream DO concentrations for water quality and the prevention of fish kills; and (3) maintenance of reservoir elevations at Markham Ferry sufficient to operate the Salina Pumped Storage Project for system reliability; and (4) based on available information, when the severe or exceptional drought period is expected to end. Cessation of Additional Releases. Upon the end of the declared severe or exceptional drought condition in the Grand/Neosho River basin, GRDA will cease the additional releases authorized under this Plan. GRDA will notify the entities on the Contact List below of the end of the severe or exceptional drought and its cessation of additional releases. CONTACT LIST Grand River Dam Authority Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Division of Hydropower Administration & Compliance Division of Dam Safety and Inspections 3-2 20160315-5161 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/15/2016 4:32:29 PM U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Oklahoma Water Resources Board Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service City of Miami Ottawa County Office of the County Commissioner Ottawa County Emergency Management Modoc Tribe United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees Quapaw Tribe of Indians Oklahoma Archeological Survey 3-3 Agency and Stakeholder Comments • Delaware County Floodplain Administration • Oklahoma Water Resources Board • Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation • Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma • City of Miami • Plaintiffs in City of Miami v. GRDA and Asbell v. GRDA • 493 Ottawa County citizens and businesses • FERC staff • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • State Historic Preservation Office From: Robert Real [] Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 1:15 PM To: Hicks, Teresa Subject: Re: Pensacola Project No. 1494 - Draft Application For GRDA Rule Curve Amendment Ms. Hicks: The Delaware County Floodplain has reviewed the draft Application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License (Application) for the Pensacola Project, No. 1494 (Project). The Delaware County Floodplain has no comment on, nor any objections. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office at the numbers listed above. Robert G. Real, CFM, OCEM Delaware County/City of Grove Emergency Management Safety Coordinator Floodplain Administrator Offfice/EOC 918-787-4357 Fax: 918-787-2228 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: This e-mail and any attachments are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this e-mail or any attachment is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us immediately by returning it to the sender and delete this copy from your system. Thank you for your cooperation. ________________________________ From: "Hicks, Teresa" <<>> To: "Hicks, Teresa" <<>> Cc: "Sullivan, Daniel" <<>>; "Reese, Nathan" <<>>; "Chuck Sensiba (<>)" <<>>; Steve Hocking <<>>; Pete Yarrington <<>> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 4:01 PM Subject: Pensacola Project No. 1494 - Draft Application For GRDA Rule Curve Amendment March 15, 2016 To: Attached Distribution List Re: Pensacola Project No. 1494; Draft Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License Dear Interested Party: The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) is enclosing, for your review and comment, a draft Application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License (Application) for the Pensacola Project, No. 1494 (Project). As detailed in the draft Application, GRDA seeks to change the rule curve requirement under Article 401 of the Project license during the August 15 through October 31 period each year, for purposes of promoting public safety, water quality, and recreational enhancement through a peak public recreation period of the year. GRDA also seeks to implement a Storm Adaptive Management Plan and Drought Adaptive Management Plan in conjunction with the requested changes to the rule curve. GRDA requests that all comments on the draft Application be submitted in writing within 30 days of this letter—i.e., by April 14, 2016. Although FERC’s regulations, 18 C.F.R. § 4.38(a)(7), establish a 60-day comment period for non-capacity related amendment applications, GRDA has asked FERC to waive this requirement and instead allow a 30-day comment period, given the long-history of consultation, environmental review, modeling, and FERC actions related to the rule curve at this Project. GRDA’s request for an abbreviated comment period appears at Appendix 6 of the attached draft Application. If any party has concerns about this request, GRDA anticipates that FERC will issue a public notice of the request and provide an opportunity for public comment. In the event FERC does not grant GRDA’s request for an abbreviated comment period, all written comments on this draft Application will be due within 60 days of this letter—i.e., by May 16, 2016. GRDA will keep those listed in the attached Distribution List informed of FERC’s decision. Please send comments on the draft Application to GRDA at the following address: Legal Department P.O. Box 409 226 West Dwain Willis Avenue Vinita OK 74301 You may also provide comments via email to<>. If you have any questions related to this letter or the draft Application, please contact Nathan Reese at 918-610-9726 or via email at<>. Sincerely, Teresa Hicks Administrative Assistant Grand River Dam Authority P O Box 409 Vinita OK 74301 918-256-0632 From: Smithee, Derek [] Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 10:57 AM To: Hicks, Teresa Cc: Townsend, Darrell; Jahnke, Tamara Subject: RE: Pensacola Project No. 1494 - Draft Application For GRDA Rule Curve Amendment Teresa, I have reviewed this Application for a Rule Curve Amendment for the Pensacola Project No. 1494 and support the proposed request. I would also like to encourage GRDA to continue to look toward managing Grand, Hudson and Holloway as a “system” instead of as individual reservoirs. This would enhance GRDA’s ability to adaptively provide a better balance for the myriad stakeholder needs in the area. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Derek Smithee Derek Smithee, Chief Water Quality Programs Division Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 N. Classen Blvd. OKC, OK 73118 (405) 530-8800 (office) (405) 388-2805 (cell) From: Hicks, Teresa [] Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 4:01 PM To: Hicks, Teresa Cc: Sullivan, Daniel; Reese, Nathan; Chuck Sensiba (; Steve Hocking; Pete Yarrington Subject: Pensacola Project No. 1494 - Draft Application For GRDA Rule Curve Amendment March 15, 2016 To: Re: Attached Distribution List Pensacola Project No. 1494; Draft Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License Dear Interested Party: The Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) is enclosing, for your review and comment, a draft Application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License (Application) for the Pensacola Project, No. 1494 (Project). As detailed in the draft Application, GRDA seeks to change the rule curve requirement under Article 401 of the Project license during the August 15 through October 31 period each year, for purposes of promoting public safety, water quality, and recreational enhancement through a peak public recreation period of the year. GRDA also seeks to implement a Storm Adaptive Management Plan and Drought Adaptive Management Plan in conjunction with the requested changes to the rule curve. GRDA requests that all comments on the draft Application be submitted in writing within 30 days of this letter—i.e., by April 14, 2016. Although FERC’s regulations, 18 C.F.R. § 4.38(a)(7), establish a 60-day comment period for non-capacity related amendment applications, GRDA has asked FERC to waive this requirement and instead allow a 30-day comment period, given the long-history of consultation, environmental review, modeling, and FERC actions related to the rule curve at this Project. GRDA’s request for an abbreviated comment period appears at Appendix 6 of the attached draft Application. If any party has concerns about this request, GRDA anticipates that FERC will issue a public notice of the request and provide an opportunity for public comment. In the event FERC does not grant GRDA’s request for an abbreviated comment period, all written comments on this draft Application will be due within 60 days of this letter—i.e., by May 16, 2016. GRDA will keep those listed in the attached Distribution List informed of FERC’s decision. Please send comments on the draft Application to GRDA at the following address: Legal Department P.O. Box 409 226 West Dwain Willis Avenue Vinita OK 74301 You may also provide comments via email to If you have any questions related to this letter or the draft Application, please contact Nathan Reese at 918-610-9726 or via email at Sincerely, Teresa Hicks Administrative Assistant Grand River Dam Authority P O Box 409 Vinita OK 74301 918-256-0632 20160331-5254 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/31/2016 2:24:54 PM 20160331-5254 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 3/31/2016 2:24:54 PM Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Submitted to: Submitted by: City of Miami, Oklahoma 126 Fifth Avenue NW Miami, OK 74354 3801 Automation Way, Suite 100 Fort Collins, CO 80525 February 3, 2016 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... vii Study Objectives and Methods .............................................................................................. vii Summary of Findings............................................................................................................ viii 1 2 3 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................1 1.1 Study Objectives and Tasks......................................................................................... 2 1.2 Authorization ................................................................................................................ 3 Evaluation of the OU (2014) and FERC (2015) Studies .......................................................6 2.1 OU (2014) Study .......................................................................................................... 6 2.2 FERC (2015) Study...................................................................................................... 7 FLOW AND STAGE DATA ..................................................................................................9 3.1 Flood Hydrographs .....................................................................................................10 October 1996 .......................................................................................................11 September 1993 ..................................................................................................11 May 1995 (Flood 11) ............................................................................................12 June 1995 (Flood 13) ...........................................................................................12 June-July 2007 ....................................................................................................12 April-May 2009.....................................................................................................12 October 2009 .......................................................................................................13 May-June 2013 ....................................................................................................13 December 2015 ...................................................................................................13 3.2 Development of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD Flood Hydrographs..............................14 October 1986 .......................................................................................................14 September 1993 ..................................................................................................15 October 2009 .......................................................................................................15 December 2015 ...................................................................................................15 4 5 TOPOGRAPHIC DATA ......................................................................................................35 4.1 2008 Grand Lake Survey ............................................................................................35 4.2 2011 LiDAR Data ........................................................................................................35 4.3 2015 Tetra Tech Survey..............................................................................................35 4.4 Comparison of Bed Elevation Changes.......................................................................37 HYDRAULIC MODELING ..................................................................................................45 5.1 Model Development ....................................................................................................45 i Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Model Geometry ..................................................................................................46 Manning’s n Roughness Values ...........................................................................46 5.2 Model Calibration ........................................................................................................47 5.3 Rule Curve Evaluation Model Results .........................................................................51 October 1986 .......................................................................................................57 September 1993 ..................................................................................................59 October 2009 .......................................................................................................60 December 2015 ...................................................................................................60 Comparison with FERC Results ...........................................................................60 6 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................92 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Proposed temporary variance from the Article 401 reservoir elevation rule curve requirements for the Pensacola Project (copied from FERC, 2015) ........... 4 Figure 1.2. Map of study area showing limits of the HEC-RAS model. .................................. 5 Figure 3.1. Map showing location of stream gages in the vicinity of the study area. .............16 Figure 3.2. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the October 1986 flood. ................................................................................17 Figure 3.3. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the September 1993 flood. ............................................................................18 Figure 3.4. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the May 1995 flood. ......................................................................................19 Figure 3.5. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the June 1995 flood. .....................................................................................20 Figure 3.6. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the June-July 2007 flood. ..............................................................................21 Figure 3.7. Reported hourly stages from the recording gage at Commerce and stages corresponding to USGS field-measured discharges during the June-July 2007 flood. .........................................................................................................22 Figure 3.8. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the April-May 2009 flood. .............................................................................23 Figure 3.9. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the October 2009 flood. ................................................................................24 Figure 3.10. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the June 2013 flood. .....................................................................................25 Figure 3.11. Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the December 2015 flood. .............................................................................26 Figure 3.12. Comparison of the measured and predicted stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam, and predicted stage hydrographs for the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD ii Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma starting water-surface elevations for the October 1986 flood. The data were obtained from the FERC (2015) analysis. ..........................................................27 Figure 3.13. Comparison of the measured and predicted stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam, and predicted stage hydrographs for the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations for the September 1993 flood. The data were obtained from the FERC (2015) analysis. ..................................................28 Figure 3.14. Storage versus Water-surface elevation curve for Pensacola Dam based on the 2008 hydrographic survey of Grand Lake (OWRB, 2009). ...........................29 Figure 3.15. Water-surface elevation versus discharge rating curves for a main gate and auxiliary spillway at Pensacola Dam. .................................................................30 Figure 3.16. Comparison of the measured and routed stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam for the October 2009 flood. ................................................................................31 Figure 3.17. Comparison of the routed stage hydrographs at Pensacola Dam for the measured, 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations for the October 2009 flood.......................................................................................32 Figure 3.18. Comparison of the recorded and routed stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam for the December 2015 flood. .............................................................................33 Figure 3.19. Comparison of the routed stage hydrographs at Pensacola Dam for the existing, 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations fo the December 2015 flood. ..................................................................................34 Figure 4.1. Storage-Elevation curves for Grand Lake. 1992 Water Control Manual same as original 1940 storage-elevation curve; USACE>Jan 28, 2012 from post Jan 28, 2012 data published on USACE Water Control website. ..............................38 Figure 4.2. Flow hydrograph measured at the Commerce gage. The discharge during the hydrographic survey from ranged from approximately 1,350 cfs on April 24, to approximately 730 cfs on April 27, 2015. ...........................................................39 Figure 4.3. Location of the benchmarks used for the 2015 hydrographic survey. .................40 Figure 4.4. Location of the survey transects. ........................................................................41 Figure 4.5. Comparison of the thalweg profile developed from the 2015 bathymetric survey, with survey measurements collected by Settle Engineering Co. in 1995 and 1998. The red lines show the location of the interpolated channel profile. ................................................................................................................42 Figure 4.6. Comparison of the 1940 and 2015 thalweg profiles............................................43 Figure 4.7. Comparison of the 1998 thalweg profile from the Simons HEC-2 model and 2015 thalweg profile. ..........................................................................................44 Figure 5.1. Aerial photograph showing the vegetation in the vicinity of Tar Creek in 2015. ..62 Figure 5.2. Aerial photograph showing the vegetation in the vicinity of Commerce Gage (Stepps Ford Bridge) in 2015. ............................................................................63 Figure 5.3. Aerial photograph showing the vegetation in the vicinity of Twin Bridges (Stepps Ford Bridge) in 2015. ............................................................................64 Figure 5.4. Roughness zones used to assign Manning’s n-values to the with-dam conditions model. ...............................................................................................65 Figure 5.5. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the May 1995 flood......66 iii Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.6. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the June 1995 flood.....67 Figure 5.7. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the June-July 2007 flood. .........................................................................................................68 Figure 5.8. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the May 2009 flood......69 Figure 5.9. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the October 2009 flood. ..................................................................................................................70 Figure 5.10. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the May-June 2013 flood. ..................................................................................................................71 Figure 5.11. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the December 2015 flood. ..................................................................................................................72 Figure 5.12. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the May 1995 flood. ..............................................................73 Figure 5.13. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the June 1995 flood. .............................................................74 Figure 5.14. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the May-June 2007 flood. .....................................................75 Figure 5.15. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the October 2009 flood. ........................................................76 Figure 5.16. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the October 2009 flood. ........................................................77 Figure 5.17. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the May 2013 flood. ..............................................................78 Figure 5.18. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the December 2015 flood. ....................................................79 Figure 5.19. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the May 1995 flood. ............................................................................80 Figure 5.20. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the June 1995 flood. ...........................................................................81 Figure 5.21. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the 2007 flood. ...................................................................................82 Figure 5.22. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the May 2009 flood. ............................................................................83 Figure 5.23. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the October 2009 flood. ......................................................................84 Figure 5.24. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the May 2013 flood. ............................................................................85 iv Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.25. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the December 2015 flood. ..................................................................86 Figure 5.26. Predicted inundation area for the existing (with-dam) conditions June-July 2007 flood compared to the 760-foot contour line. .............................................87 Figure 5.27. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for October 1986 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. ...........................................................88 Figure 5.28. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for September 1993 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. ...........................................................89 Figure 5.29. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for October 2009 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. ...........................................................90 Figure 5.30. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for December 2015 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. ...........................................................91 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1. Named flood events and associated peak discharge. ......................................... 1 Table 3.1. Stationing of key features along the project reach. .............................................. 9 Table 3.2. Peak discharge and duration of flow exceeding bankfull discharge (21,000 cfs) at the Commerce Gage. .................................................................11 Table 3.3. Starting and maximum lake level elevation over the duration of the floods. ........11 Table 3.4. Comparison of the measured and predicted maximum lake level elevation for the existing conditions, the maximum lake elevation with starting watersurface elevations of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD, and difference in maximum lake elevation between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions for the October 1986 flood.................................................................14 Table 4.1. USACE survey control points. ............................................................................36 Table 4.2. Temporary survey control set by Tetra Tech. .....................................................36 Table 5.1. Extents of the 1- and 2-dimensional areas in the HEC-RAS model. ...................45 Table 5.2. Summary of Manning's n-values applied to the channel for model calibration. ...47 Table 5.3. Overbank Manning’s n-values (Arcement and Schneider, 1989). .......................48 Table 5.4. Summary of high-water marks and modeled maximum water-surface elevations for the May and June 1995 floods. ....................................................49 Table 5.5. Summary of high-water marks and modeled maximum water-surface elevations for 2007 flood. ...................................................................................52 Table 5.6. Summary of high-water marks and modeled maximum water-surface elevations for the May 2009 flood. .....................................................................53 Table 5.7. Comparison of measured high-water marks for the October 2009 flood. ............54 Table 5.8. Comparison of measured high-water marks for the May 2013 flood. ..................55 Table 5.9. Comparison of measured high-water marks for the December 2015 flood. ........56 Table 5.10. Summary of Manning's n-values applied to the main channel for the rule curve simulations. ..............................................................................................57 v Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.11. Extents of the subreaches used in the area calculations. ...................................57 Table 5.12. Maximum predicted water-surface elevation at three locations in the study reach for 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations, and the difference between the 760-foot NGVD29 flood easements. .................58 Table 5.13. Duration above 760-foot flood easement at Miami Gage for the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions (hours). ...................................................................59 Table 5.14. Comparison of predicted inundation under the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions (acres)...............................................................................................59 Table 5.15. Predicted Maximum water-surface elevation from the Tetra Tech and FERC analyses at the Pensacola Dam and Twin Bridges (feet, NGVD29). ..................61 Table 5.16. Predicted Maximum water-surface elevation from the Tetra Tech and FERC analyses at the Miami Gage (feet, NGVD29). ....................................................61 vi Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Study Objectives and Methods The City of Miami, Oklahoma and surrounding area has been subjected to several floods over at least the past three decades that have caused extensive property damage. The flooding in the vicinity of Miami has been exacerbated by the construction of Pensacola Dam. Flooding above the 760-foot NGVD easement elevation occurs relatively frequently, indicating that the existing flowage easements are inadequate. The City is concerned that the recent rule curve change could further exacerbate flooding conditions within the city. In addition, it is recognized that additional flooding created by rule curve change would also impact tribal sovereign land within the project reach. Tetra Tech was retained by the City to perform additional model runs to specifically evaluate the effects of the temporary seasonal rule curve change on flooding along in the vicinity of City. Seasonal rule curves specify the target maximum water-surface elevation of each reservoir in the water control system throughout the year. The seasonal rule curve that was in effect for Pensacola Dam from 1996 through August 2015 established target maximum water-surface elevations that vary from 741 feet Pensacola Datum (PD) between September 1 and October 15 to 744 feet PD from June 1 through July 31 (Figure 1.1). In August 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a temporary variance that raises the target elevation to 743 feet PD from August 15 through September 15 and to 742 feet PD from October 1 through October 15. In 2016, it is expected that the Grand River Dam Authority, who own and operate the dam, will apply to FERC for a permanent change to the rule curve. Two previous studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of the rule curve change, both of which suffer from limitations that reduce the reliability of the results with respect to flood impacts associated with Pensacola Dam on flooding in the City of Miami. One of the studies was a Master of Science thesis at the University of Oklahoma (OU) (Dennis, 2014) and the other was performed by FERC Division of Dam Safety and Inspections (D2SI-Atlanta) as an independent evaluation of the OU thesis. The OU thesis included development of a HEC-RAS model of the Neosho River system and major tributaries from Pensacola Dam to the Commerce gage. The OU results for the 25-year peak discharge (50,750 cfs) indicated that the water-surface elevations in the Miami area would only be about 0.04 feet higher with the lake level held at 743 feet PD than they would if the lake level was held at 741 feet PD. The OU analysis suffered from a number of significant limitations. The bathymetry data for the reach between Twin Bridges and Commerce gage was developed from a 1996 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydraulic model, and these data do not account for the deposition that has occurred at the head of Grand Lake over the past two to three decades. The model was calibrated using unsteady-flow simulations for known floods, but the actual runs that were used to evaluate the rule curve changes were made in steady-state mode with constant water-surface elevations at the dam throughout the flood of 741 feet PD, 742 feet PD and 743 feet PD. The assumption of constant lake levels at the three relatively low elevations and the assumption of steady-state backwater conditions are not realistic. The lake levels rose significantly above the indicated level during all of the actual floods that were used in the calibration; the dynamic effects of hydrograph movement through the reach also affect the watersurface elevations. The FERC study recognized some of the limitations of the OU Study, and as a result, FERC performed their own analysis using unsteady-flow modeling with Grand Lake stage hydrographs that were developed from recorded pool elevations and dam releases. FERC made some minor modifications to the OU model, but the bathymetry and overbank topography are essentially the same. While the OU model extends from Pensacola Dam to the Commerce Gage, the FERC model eliminated the portion of Grand Lake between Pensacola Dam and Twin Bridges, assuming that the lake elevation at Twin Bridges would be the same as the elevation at vii Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma the dam. Modeling by Tetra Tech, with confirmation from the available high-water marks, indicates that the water-surface elevation at Twin Bridges is typically several feet higher than at the dam. FERC concluded that the differences in water-surface elevation resulting from the rule-curve changes would be relatively small and in the same general range at the OU study. FERC’s underestimation of the water-surface elevation at the Twin Bridges, however, results in unrealisticallylow water-surface elevations and flood inundation levels in the vicinity of Miami In 2015, Tetra Tech conducted a study to evaluate the impacts of Pensacola Dam on flooding along the Neosho River between Twin Bridges and the Commerce Gage, focusing on the adequacy of the existing flood easements. The study included collection of new bathymetry data and calibration of the with-dam (i.e., existing conditions) model to known floods. The modeling was performed using the HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta software that includes both 1-dimensional (1-D) and 2-dimensional (2-D) capabilities. A second pre-dam conditions model was also developed using the available pre-dam topographic and bathymetric data. Among other key finding, the Tetra Tech (2005) study showed that the currently-held flowage easements are approximately 12,900 acres less than needed to account for the backwater effects associated with Pensacola Dam in the area between Twin Bridges and the Commerce Gage. The current study that is the subject of this report was performed using the Tetra Tech (2015) 1-D/2-D, existing conditions model to evaluate the rule curve changes. Four specific floods were evaluated in the analysis, three of which were the same as floods considered by FERC [October 1996 (peak discharge = 101,000 cfs), September 1993 (peak discharge = 74,200 cfs), October 2009 (peak discharge = 46,300 cfs)] and the fourth flood occurred in December 2015 (peak discharge = 44,000 cfs). Similar to the approach used by FERC, water-surface elevation hydrographs at Pensacola Dam were developed using ModifiedPuls routing with known inflows and Pensacola Dam gate operations, with a range of lake levels at the beginning of the flood, including the actual elevation and alternative scenarios with the starting elevation at 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD. Summary of Findings Results from the study indicate the following with respect to flooding effects along the Neosho River in the vicinity of Miami associated with the proposed rule curve change at Pensacola Dam: 1. The difference in maximum water-surface elevation at the Miami gage, located on the State Highway 125 Bridge on the southwest side of Miami, between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting lake levels range from 0.02 feet for the October 1986 flood to 0.17 feet for the December 2015 flood. 2. The predicted maximum water-surface elevation (WSE) at the Miami gage exceeded the flood easement elevation of 760 feet for each of the four modeled floods for both the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting lake levels. The depth of flooding above the 760-foot elevation ranged from approximately 1.2 feet for the October 2009 flood to 12.3 feet for the October 1986 flood. 3. The duration of flooding above the 760-foot easement elevation at the Miami gage increased by up to 3 hours (October 2009 flood) under the 743 feet PD condition compared to the 741 feet PD condition. 4. The increase in flood inundation area between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions ranged from 18 acres for the October 1996 event to 102 acres for the December 2015 flood event. 5. A comparison with the FERC results indicated the magnitude of the difference in water-surface elevations between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions was very similar for the 3 concurrent floods; however, this study indicates that the water-surface elevations at the Miami gage would be 0.5 feet to 2.9 feet higher than those predicted by FERC. viii Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 1 INTRODUCTION The City of Miami, Oklahoma, and surrounding area has been subjected to several floods over at least the past three decades that have caused extensive property damage (Table 1.1). The flooding in the vicinity of Miami has been exacerbated by the construction of Pensacola Dam. Table 1.1. Named flood events and associated peak discharge. Flood Date 1986 1 2 3 4 1993 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2007 2009-1 2009-2 2013 2015-1 2015-2 9 September - 11 October, 1986 18-19 November, 1992 9-21 December, 1992 18-30 March, 1993 6-23 April, 1993 9 September - 1 October, 1993 8-26 May, 1993 29 June – 14 July, 1993 21 September - 5 October, 1993 7-20 April, 1994 26 April - 11 May, 1994 17-28 November, 1994 5-16 May, 1995 17 May - 2 June, 1995 7-20 June, 1995 23 June - 7 July, 1995 28 June - 8 July, 2007 27 April - 5 May, 2009 7-14 October, 2009 30 May – 5 June, 2013 23 May – 4 June, 2015 27 December – 1 January 2016 Peak Flow at Commerce Gage (cfs)1 101,000 33,700 45,600 14,700 19,500 74,200 40,000 21,700 81,700 106,000 43,800 34,3700 35,900 33,700 70,500 22,200 141,000 64,500 46,300 57,800 46,100 44,000 1 All values are published USGS peak hourly flows, except for the 1986 and 1993 floods, which are the mean daily values. In August 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a temporary variance to the seasonal rule curve. Seasonal rule curves specify the target maximum water-surface elevation of each reservoir throughout the year. The seasonal rule curve that was in effect for Pensacola Dam from 1996 through August 2015 established target maximum water-surface elevations that vary from 741 feet Pensacola Datum (PD) from September 1 through October 15 to 744 feet PD from June 1 through July 31 (Figure 1.1). The recently issued temporary variance raises the target elevation to 743 feet PD from August 15 through September 15 and to 742 feet PD from October 1 through October 15. In 2016, it is expected that the Grand River Dam Authority, who own and operate the dam, will apply to FERC for a permanent change of the rule curve. 1 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Construction of Pensacola Dam that created Grand Lake was completed by the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) in 1940. Acquisition of flood easements between elevations 750 and 760 feet NGVD29, encompassing a total area of 11,700 acres, was completed in 1947. A Preliminary Planning Report by the Corps of Engineers (USACE) in 1948 indicated that an additional 11,750 acres of lands extending up to elevation 769 feet NGVD29 should be acquired for operation of the project for flood control; however, for a variety of reasons, including lack of complaints from people in the affected area in the 1950s, the acquisition was not completed. Following the September 1986 flood, public concern and frustration about Grand (Neosho) River flooding and the Grand Lake easement issue were elevated (USACE, 1998), and this eventually led to completion of the USACE (1998) Real Estate Adequacy Study. The technical analysis that was performed for USACE (1998) based on a Land Acquisition Flood (LAF) with an average recurrence interval of once in 50 years concluded that using current criteria and based on current lake operations, additional flowage easements would be recommended if Grand Lake was a “new” project. In 2015, Tetra Tech conducted a study to evaluate the impacts of Pensacola Dam on flooding along the Neosho River between Twin Bridges and Pensacola Dam. Two different hydraulic models were developed for the 2015 study to represent (1) with-dam (i.e., existing) conditions (Figure 1.2) and (2) pre-dam conditions (i.e., before construction of the dam). The significant results of the 2015 study included the following: 1. Based on the USGS gage data and the with-dam model results, the maximum water-surface elevation (WSE) at the Miami gage that is located on the State Highway 125 Bridge on the southwest side of Miami exceeded the flood easement elevation of 760 feet during five of the six modeled floods: June 1995, June-July 2007, April-May 2009, October 2009, May-June 2013. Under pre-dam conditions, the water-surface elevations at the Miami gage would have exceeded the flood easement elevation during only three of the six modeled floods: June 1995, June-July 2007, and April-May 2009. The water-surface elevations at the Miami gage under with-dam conditions are 3.5 feet (May 2013) to 5.9 feet (June-July 2007) higher than they would have been under pre-dam conditions. 2. The duration of overbank inundation in the Miami area is significantly longer under with-dam conditions than it would have been under pre-dam conditions. 3. Based on the model results and the USACE guidance for reservoirs, the Guide Take Line would be set at an elevation of approximately 778 feet if Pensacola dam were considered a new Federal project. This is approximately 18 feet higher than the existing easement line at 760 feet. 4. Using the USACE real estate and reservoir criteria, the currently-held flowage easements are approximately 12,900 acres less than needed to account for the backwater effects associated with Pensacola Dam in the area between Twin Bridges and the Commerce Gage. Due to the inadequate flowage easements and because flooding regularly exceeds the 760-foot easement elevation, the City of Miami is concerned that the rule curve change will further exacerbate flooding conditions in and near the City. 1.1 Study Objectives and Tasks At the request of the City of Miami, Tetra Tech, Inc. used the previously-discussed 2015 model to assess the reasonableness of the analyses that were performed by Alan Dennis at the University of Oklahoma [subsequently referred to as the OU (2014) study], and by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of the recent change in the Pensacola Dam rule curve. For completeness, the description of the available data, model development and calibration that was included in the Tetra Tech (2015) report are in this report. 2 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma The work performed for this study included the following tasks: 1. Review of the OU (2014) and FERC studies. 2. Validation of the previously-calibrated hydraulic model for the December 2015 flood using measured water-surface elevations at the Miami and Commerce Gages, reported operations at Pensacola Dam, and high-water marks collected at various locations in the vicinity of Miami near the flood peak. 3. Development of lake elevation hydrographs at Pensacola Dam for starting water-surface elevations of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD. 4. Model runs using the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting lake elevations for the four floods, including three floods that were specifically analyzed by FERC (October 1986, September 1993, and October 2009) and the December 2015 flood. Comparison of the model output was conducted to assess the effects of the rule-curve change on flood inundation boundaries, depths and durations. 1.2 Authorization This study was performed by Tetra Tech Inc. under a contract with the City of Miami, OK. Mr. Dean Kruithof was the Project Manager for the City. Tetra Tech technical staff who contributed to the work included: Dr. Robert A. Mussetter, PE, Principal Engineer, Project Manager Dr. Dai B. Thomas, PE (Colorado), Senior Engineer Mr. Ted Bender, PE (Colorado), Staff Engineer 3 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 1.1. Proposed temporary variance from the Article 401 reservoir elevation rule curve requirements for the Pensacola Project (copied from FERC, 2015) 4 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 1.2. Map of study area showing limits of the HEC-RAS model. 5 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 2 EVALUATION OF THE OU (2014) AND FERC (2015) STUDIES Both the OU (2014) and FERC (2015) studies suffer from limitations that reduce the reliability of the results with respect to potential flood in the City of Miami associated with the rule-curve changes. 2.1 OU (2014) Study The OU (2014) study was performed by Mr. Alan Dennis for his M.S. Thesis. Mr. Dennis developed a HEC-RAS model of the Neosho River system and major tributaries from Pensacola Dam to Commerce gage to answer the following basic question: What effect would a proposed rule curve adjustment at Pensacola Dam have on upstream water surface elevations during extreme streamflow events in the Grand Lake region? The bathymetry data for the Neosho River between Twin Bridges and the Commerce gage were developed from a 1996 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydraulic model. The reservoir bathymetry was based on the 2008 hydrographic survey conducted by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (2009), and the overbank topography was based on a LiDAR survey conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey by Dewberry (2011). The OU model was calibrated in unsteady mode (i.e., by simulating the hydrograph) for the September 2009 flood (peak discharge of 44,600 cfs) so that the magnitude and timing of the predicted water-surface elevations during the hydrograph at the Miami gage matched the recorded water-surface elevations. Input to the OU model included recorded flows at the Commerce gage as well as the recorded flows at the Tar Creek at 22nd Street Bridge at Miami, OK (USGS Gage No. 07185095), Spring River near Quapaw, OK (USGS Gage No. 07188000) and Elk River near Tiff City, MO (USGS Gage No. 07189000). The OU study included a flood-frequency analysis of the maximum discharges that have been recorded at the Commerce gage during the period of the year that would be affected by the rule curve adjustment (i.e., August 15 through October 15). This analysis provided estimates of the peak flows for a range of flood events with average recurrence intervals ranging from 2 years to 500 years. In spite of the unsteady flow “calibration”, the portion of the analysis on which the conclusions were based was performed by assuming steady flows with a constant lake level set at either 741 feet PD or 743 feet PD, and held constant throughout the flood. The OU results for the 25-year peak discharge (50,750 cfs during the period of the year affected by the rule curve) indicated that the water-surface elevations in the Miami area would only be about 0.04 feet lower with the lake level at 741 feet PD than they would if the lake level was at 743 feet PD. Limitations of the OU (2014) Study include the following: 1. The modeling was performed using the 1-D, HEC-RAS model. While this is a standard model for conducting flood inundation analyses, the 1-D flow formulation is not well suited to analyzing flooding in the Neosho River because of the large floodplain area and complex flow patterns. A 2-D formulation is much better suited to the problem. This issue was clearly recognized many years ago and is the primary reason that both Holly (2001) and Tetra Tech have used 2-D modeling to evaluate flooding impacts along the Neosho River. Mr. Dennis partially justified the one-dimensional approach by noting that HEC-RAS has been approved for use in flood studies by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). While this is true, FEMA also recognizes that 1-D analysis is not always appropriate, and as a result, has approved a number of 2-D models for use in such studies. 6 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 2. There is a disconnect between the unsteady-flow “calibration” and the steady-flow analysis on which the conclusions are based. In short, showing that the unsteady model reproduces the water-surface elevation hydrograph for a particular flood does not demonstrate that the steady-state model is well calibrated. 3. The conclusions from the OU (2014) study state that the water-surface elevations from the steady-state model, and therefore, the conclusions, are conservative. It may be true that the predicted water-surface elevations for the scenarios that were considered are conservatively high, but this does not mean that the differences between scenarios are conservative. In fact, use of “conservatively–high” water-surface elevations for comparative scenarios likely decreases the differences between scenarios. 4. Use of constant Grand Lake water levels for the simulations is not realistic. Based on the configuration of the Pensacola Dam outlet works, it would be physically impossible to maintain the lake level at the assumed elevations for the size of floods that were modeled. As a result, the steady-state model results are not meaningful with respect to the basic question. 5. The bathymetric data for the river are nearly two decades old; thus, they do not account for sedimentation that has occurred at the head of the reservoir that affect flood-carrying capacity of the upstream river. 2.2 FERC (2015) Study Information provided to support the FERC (2015) study included hydrologic and hydraulic modeling performed by FERC D2SI-Atlanta staff. In performing the analysis, FERC reviewed the OU (2014) HEC-RAS model, and concluded that the model “should be assessed further because it does not account for storm composition, there are questions with the input data of the model, and the model assumed constant downstream boundary conditions … The study recognizes the possible benefit of further evaluation with dynamic reservoir routing, i.e., the reservoir elevation varying due to dam outflows and upstream tributary inflows.” Furthermore “…the use of steady flow routing, fixed downstream boundary conditions, and HEC-RAS input discrepancies call into question the reliability of the study results. Because of this concern, staff (FERC) completed independent analyses to confirm the conclusions in the report”. FERC staff used a modified version of the OU (2014) model to perform their analysis. The modifications included removing cross sections to improve numerical stability of the model, adjusting bridge geometry to better match actual conditions, adjusting the Manning’s n-roughness values to improve calibration, and most significantly, reducing the length of the modeled reach to eliminate the portion of Grand Lake downstream from U.S. Highway 60 (aka, Twin Bridges). FERC evaluated the impacts of the rule curve change by performing unsteady flow routing of the October 1986, September 1993 and October 2009 floods for four different starting reservoir elevations, which represent recorded conditions and three hypothetical starting reservoir elevations of 741 feet PD, 742 feet PD and 743 feet PD. These floods had peak flows at the Commerce gage of 101,000 cfs, 81,700 cfs and 46,300 cfs, respectively. The modeled reservoir elevations for the four conditions were directly applied to the downstream model boundary, which effectively assumes no change in water-surface elevation over the approximately 52-mile reach between Pensacola Dam and Twin Bridges. FERC staff compared the predicted water-surface elevations at the Miami gage for each starting water-surface elevation for each of the floods, and concluded that the largest differences of approximately 0.2 feet occurred between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting-conditions runs for the October 2009 flood. As will be discussed further in Section 5.3.3, the assumption of constant water-surface elevation between the dam and Twin Bridges is not correct because both the available data and Tetra Tech’s modeling of the full length of the reservoir indicate a significant rise in water surface 7 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma between these two points. While this does not have a significant effect on predictions of the incremental increase in flooding associated with the change in rule curve, it does result in underprediction of the extent to which Pensacola Dam and Grand Lake influence the amount of flooding in the Miami area. 8 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 3 FLOW AND STAGE DATA Flow and stage data applied as input to the hydraulic models were obtained from records available from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information website ( and the USACE Pensacola Dam website ( The USGS operates six gages in the study reach that are specifically relevant to this analysis (Figure 3.1): Neosho River near Commerce, Oklahoma (USGS Gage No. 07185000) Neosho River at Miami gage (USGS Gage No. 07185080) Tar Creek at Miami, OK (USGS Gage No. 07185095) Spring River near Quapaw, OK (USGS Gage No. 07188000) Elk River near Tiff City, MO (USGS Gage No. 07189000) Lake O’ The Cherokees at Langley, OK (USGS Gage No. 0719000) The USACE website reports water-surface elevations, flow releases and other data for Grand Lake O’ The Cherokees at Pensacola Dam. To facilitate certain aspects of the analysis and to aid in identifying the location of key features along the reach, a station line was developed to provide accurate distances along the river. The downstream end of the station line (Sta 0) is at Pensacola Dam. Table 3.1 lists the stationing of key features along the stationline. Table 3.1. Stationing of key features along the project reach. Station (ft) 0 124,305 143,000 Pensacola Dam Sailboat Bridge Elk River 228,360 Railroad Bridge 199,000 229,560 231,200 252,890 290,300 291,200 294,500 297,950 298,990 299,320 299,660 301,570 351,900 387,500 Downstream limit of pre-dam model Spring River Highway 60 Bridge S 590 County Road (Connors) Bridge Will Rodgers Bridge Tar Creek Confluence Abandoned Railroad Bridge Low-water dam Highway 125 Bridge Miami Gage Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge Highway 69 Bridge Commerce Gage Upstream end of model Feature The Commerce gage is located at the Stepps Ford Bridge near the upstream end of the model reach. Data available from the USGS NWIS website and Instantaneous-Data archive for this gage include hourly stage and discharge values dating back to April 1990, and mean daily and annual 9 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma peak discharges dating back to October 1939. The stage data are reported in the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29). The Miami gage is located at the Highway 125 Bridge in the City of Miami (Sta 299,320). Due to the backwater effects from Grand Lake, only stage values are reported at this location. Hourly stage values are available for the entire period of record beginning in October 1994. Although the NWIS website indicates that the datum for the Miami gage is referenced to NGVD29, field surveys to support this and previous Tetra Tech studies indicate that the datum is actually reported in the GRDA Pensacola Datum (PD). The reported values were, therefore, converted to NGVD29 for use in this analysis by adding 1.07 feet so that they are consistent with the Commerce data and the mapping and other data used for the modeling. The USACE Grand Lake O’ The Cherokees and USGS Lake O’ The Cherokees gage is located on Pensacola Dam approximately 44 miles downstream from U.S. Highway 60. The GRDA website reports lake levels in PD twice daily at 8am and midnight. Lake storage, power and total release rates and inflows, among other data, are reported once daily. Data for this gage are available on the website back to November 1994. The USGS website for this gage reports hourly stage (in PD) and reservoir storage values back to October 2007 and daily reservoir storages back to March 1940. The stage values were also converted to NGVD29 by adding 1.07 feet. The Tar Creek at Miami gage is located at the 22nd Street Bridge in Miami. Data available from the USGS NWIS website and Instantaneous-Data archive for this gage include hourly stage dating back to 2007 and mean daily and annual peak discharges dating back to 1984. The Spring River gage is located approximately 12 miles upstream from the confluence with the Neosho River. Data available from the USGS NWIS website and Instantaneous-Data archive for this gage include hourly stage dating back to 2007 and mean daily and annual peak discharges dating back to 1939. The Elk River gage is located approximately 12 miles upstream from the confluence with the Neosho River. Data available from the USGS NWIS website and Instantaneous-Data archive for this gage include hourly stage dating back to 2007 and mean daily and annual peak discharges dating back to 1939. 3.1 Flood Hydrographs The model was calibrated to seven floods that represent a range of peak discharges and flood durations: May 1995 (referred to in previous studies as Flood 11), June 1995 (Flood 13), JuneJuly 2007, April-May 2009, October 2009, May-June 2013 and December 2015 (Table 3.2). To evaluate the change in the rule curve, the hydraulic model was run over the same 3 floods evaluated by FERC (October 1986, September 1983 and October 2009) and December 2015 flood (Table 3.2). The reported data at the Commerce gage for each of the modeled floods were used for the inflowing discharge hydrograph at the upstream end of the model for all of the model runs, and the reported stage values at this location were also used to aid in the calibration. The lake levels at Pensacola Dam were used to represent the downstream boundary conditions. The Miami gage only reports stages due to the confounding effects of backwater from Grand Lake; data from this gage were used to aid in calibrating the model. According to the NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service website (, the flood action stage at the Commerce gage is 14 feet which corresponds to a discharge of 20,500 cfs. For purposes of this study, the bankfull discharge was, therefore, assumed to be 21,000 cfs. 10 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma The following sections provide a brief description of each of the modeled floods. Table 3.2. Peak discharge and duration of flow exceeding bankfull discharge (21,000 cfs) at the Commerce Gage. Peak Days Comment Flood Discharge (cfs) >Bankfull October 1986 101,0001 12 Rule Curve Analysis 1 September 1993 74,200 6 Rule Curve Analysis May 1995 35,900 4.1 Calibration June 1995 70,500 15.4 Calibration June-July 2007 141,000 9.8 Calibration April-May 2009 64,500 10.0 Calibration October 2009 46,300 4.3 Calibration, Rule Curve Analysis May-June 2013 57,800 9.6 Calibration December 2015 44,000 2.0 Rule Curve Analysis 1 Mean Daily Flow October 1996 The October 1986 flood had a peak mean daily discharge of 101,000 cfs that occurred on October 6, 1986 (Figure 3.2). No stage data were available at the Commerce gage or the Miami gage for this flood. The discharge at the Commerce gage exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 12 days (Table 3.2). The peak mean daily flow discharge at Spring River was 96,400 cfs, the peak at Elk River was 28,800 cfs, and the peak inflow at Tar Creek was 3,340 cfs. Hourly lake levels at Pensacola Dam were obtained from the FERC (2015) analysis. The maximum reported lake level at Pensacola Dam of 756.04 feet occurred on October 6 (Table 3.3). Table 3.3. Starting and maximum lake level elevation over the duration of the floods. Flood October 1986 September 1993 May 1995 June 1995 June-July 2007 April-May 2009 October 2009 May-June 2013 December 2015 Starting WSE (ft) 743.1 744.9 747.5 748.7 746.8 746.0 742.1 745.0 743.9 Maximum WSE (ft) 756.0 755.6 751.9 756.0 755.6 751.7 750.7 748.7 756.0 September 1993 The September 1993 flood had a peak mean daily discharge of 74,200 cfs that occurred at September 27, 1993 (Figure 3.3). No stage data were available at the Commerce gage or the Miami gage for this flood. The peak mean daily flow discharge at Spring River was 210,000 cfs, the peak at Elk River was 11,000 cfs, and the peak inflow at Tar Creek was 8,200 cfs (Figure 3.3). 11 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Hourly lake levels at Pensacola Dam were obtained from the FERC (2015) analysis. The maximum reported lake level at Pensacola Dam of 755.57 feet occurred on September 27 (Table 3.3). May 1995 (Flood 11) The May 1995 flood had a peak discharge of 35,900 cfs and maximum stage of 768.7 feet at the Commerce gage that occurred at 3am and 6am, respectively, on May 10 (Figure 3.4). The discharge at the Commerce gage exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 99 hours (approximately 4 days) (Table 3.1). The peak stage at the Miami gage of 758.6 feet occurred between 3p.m. and 6p.m. on May 10. The maximum reported lake level at Pensacola Dam of 751.87 feet occurred on May 11 (Table 3.3). The unusually low reported stages at the Miami gage for approximately 40 hours during May 8 and the early part of May 9 compared to the stages at the Commerce gage appear to be anomalous and may indicate a problem with the stage recorder during this period. The reported Miami stage values were used in the comparisons with the predicted model stages. No discharge records were available at the Tar Creek gage; a constant discharge of 10 cfs was input to the model to represent Tar Creek flows. June 1995 (Flood 13) The June 1995 flood had a peak discharge of 70,500 cfs, and the maximum stage of 772.2 feet at the Commerce gage occurred at noon on June 12, 1995 (Figure 3.5). The discharge at the Commerce gage exceeded the bankfull discharge of approximately 21,000 cfs for 370 hours (approximately 15.4 days) during this event (Table 2.1). The peak stage of 767.47 feet at the Miami gage occurred at 7pm on June 12, and the maximum reported lake level at Pensacola Dam gage of 755.8 feet occurred on June 14 (Table 3.2). The 760-foot flood easement elevation was exceeded at the Miami gage for more than 6 days during this flood. No discharge records were available at the Tar Creek gage; a constant discharge of 10 cfs was input to the model to represent Tar Creek flows. June-July 2007 The June-July 2007 flood had a peak discharge of 141,000 cfs at the Commerce gage that occurred at 6am on July 3; however, the maximum reported stage of 787.22 feet occurred at midnight on July 4 (Figure 3.6). The bankfull discharge at the Commerce gage was exceeded for approximately 235 hours (10 days) during this event (Table 3.1). The USGS data indicate that the stages during the rising limb of the flood hydrograph were in the range of 1 to 1.5 feet lower than on the falling limb when the Pensacola Lake levels were higher, confirming earlier findings that backwater from Grand Lake can extend as far upstream as the Commerce gage under certain conditions (Mussetter, 1998) (Figure 3.7). The peak stage of 774 feet at the Miami gage occurred at 4am on July 4, and the maximum lake level at Pensacola Dam of 755.61 feet occurred on July 8 (Table 3.2). The 760-foot flood easement elevation was exceeded at the Miami gage for 40 hours during the event. The reported 50-year peak flow event at the Commerce gage is 150,000 cfs (USACE, 1986). The 2007 flood, with a peak discharge of 141,000 cfs, approximates the 50-year peak flow event. April-May 2009 The April-May 2009 flood had a peak discharge of 64,200 cfs and maximum stage of 771.18 feet at the Commerce gage, both of which occurred on May 2, 2013 at 9am and 1pm, respectively (Figure 3.8). The discharge at the Commerce gage exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 240 hours (approximately 10 days) (Table 3.1). The peak stage at the Miami gage of 765.0 feet occurred at 6am on May 3, 2009, and the maximum lake level at Pensacola Dam of 751.7 feet occurred on May 5 (Table 3.2). The 760-foot flood easement elevation at the Miami gage was 12 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma exceeded for over 3.6 days (87 hours) during this event. The peak flows at the Elk River and Spring River gages was 7,170 and 22,800 cfs, respectively. October 2009 The October 2009 flood had a peak discharge of 46,100 cfs and maximum stage of 769.46 feet at the Commerce gage, both of which occurred at midnight on October 11, 2009 (Figure 3.9). The discharge at the Commerce gage exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 107 hours (approximately 4.5 days) (Table 3.1). The peak stage at the Miami gage of 761.09 feet occurred at 6am on May 3, 2009, and the maximum lake level at Pensacola Dam of 751.7 feet occurred on October 12 (Table 3.2). The 760-foot flood easement elevation at the Miami gage was exceeded for over 1.75 days (42 hours) during this event. The peak flows at the Tar Creek gage was 4,630 cfs, at the Elk River gage the peak flow was 39,000 cfs, and the peak flow at the Spring River gage was 66,200 cfs. May-June 2013 The May-June 2013 flood had a peak discharge of 60,000 cfs and maximum stage of 770.97 feet at the Commerce gage, both of which occurred at 9pm on June 2, 2013 (Figure 3.10). The discharge at the Commerce gage exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 239 hours (approximately 9.6 days) (Table 3.1). The peak stage at the Miami gage of 763.02 feet also occurred at 10pm on June 2, 2013, and the maximum lake level at Pensacola Dam of 748.7 feet occurred on June 4 (Table 3.2). The 760-foot flood easement elevation at the Miami gage was exceeded for over 2 days (55 hours) during this event. The peak flows at the Tar Creek gage was 3,060 cfs, at the Elk River gage the peak flow was 2,840 cfs, and the peak flow at the Spring River gage was 43,500 cfs. December 2015 For the December 2015, the USGS reported stage data at the Commerce Gage over the full duration of the flood, but did not report discharge values between noon on December 28 and 12 am on January 2 due to “backwater” at the gage (Figure 3.11). It is not clear why the USGS reported backwater conditions for the relatively low peak flow event. Previous analyses indicated that backwater-water conditions occur during relatively high flow events, such as the 2007 flood, which had a peak flow of 141,000 cfs. The peak stage of 769.27 feet at the Commerce Gage occurred at 10:30 pm on December 28, 2015, 10.5 hours after the last reported discharge measurement when the stage was 0.26 feet lower. To facilitate the analysis, the missing discharge values were estimated by fitting a linear regression curve through the nearest reported stage-discharge pairs. Although this method is not strictly appropriate under backwater conditions, since the missing data occur near peak stage and on the falling limb of the hydrograph, it is likely that errors in the predicted discharge are relatively minor. The resulting flood hydrograph had an estimated peak discharge of 44,000 cfs at the Commerce Gage (Figure 3.11). The discharge exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 94 hours (approximately 3.9 days) (Table 3.1). The resulting flood hydrograph had an estimated peak discharge of 44,000 cfs at the Commerce Gage (Figure 3.11). The discharge exceeded 21,000 cfs for approximately 94 hours (approximately 3.9 days) (Table 3.1). The peak stage at the Miami gage of 763.42 feet occurred at 5 pm on December 29, 2015, and the maximum lake level at Pensacola Dam of 756.99 feet occurred on December 29 (Table 3.2). The 760-foot flood easement elevation at the Miami gage was exceeded for over 2 days (63 hours) during this event. The peak discharge at the Tar Creek gage was 4,790 cfs. The inflows at the Elk River and Spring River were very high, with peak inflows of 105,000 cfs and 151,000 cfs, respectively. 13 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 3.2 Development of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD Flood Hydrographs To evaluate the rule curve changes, stage hydrographs at Pensacola Dam were developed for starting water-surface elevations of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD for each of the four floods. The stage hydrographs for the October 1986 and September 1993 flood events were taken from the FERC (2015) analysis. Although FERC developed stage hydrographs for the October 2009 event, the water-surface elevations used to represent existing conditions did not match values reported by the USACE or GRDA. As a result, Tetra Tech developed new stage hydrographs for this flood. Hydrographs were also developed for the December 2015 event using the reported data and similar computational procedures. Both FERC and Tetra Tech used similar methods to develop the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD hydrographs that involved a mass balance analysis (similar to the modified-Puls flow routing), which calculates the reservoir elevations based on an initial water-surface elevation, reservoir inflows, water-surface versus outflow rating-curves for various gate operations, and a watersurface versus reservoir storage rating curve. This method assumes that the water-surface elevation is the same over the entire reservoir and does not take into account routing of the flood through the reservoir. The mass-balance analysis was initially calibrated by comparing the predicted and reported water-surface elevations at Pensacola Dam for each flood events. A limitation of the analysis is that is not possible to predict how the gates would have been operated under the different scenarios. As a result, the same gate operations were used for the each of the three starting water-surface elevation conditions. October 1986 For the October 2009 flood, the calibrated flood hydrograph from the FERC analysis matches reasonably well to the measured values. Under existing conditions, the predicted maximum watersurface elevation of 756.0 feet matches the measured value (Table 3.4), however the timing of the predicted hydrograph is lagged by approximately 4 hours (Figure 3.12). The maximum lake level with starting water-surface elevations of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD is 755.8 feet and 756.1 feet, respectively; a difference of 0.3 feet (Table 3.4). Table 3.4. Flood Event Oct. 1986 Sept. 1993 Oct. 2009 Dec.2015 Comparison of the measured and predicted maximum lake level elevation for the existing conditions, the maximum lake elevation with starting water-surface elevations of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD, and difference in maximum lake elevation between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions for the October 1986 flood. Difference Recorded Predicted Predicted Predicted in Peak Peak Peak for Peak for Peak WSE Peak WSE WSE (ft) Discharge Existing Existing with Starting with Starting (743 feet (cfs) Conditions Conditions WSE at 741 WSE at 743 PD – 741 WSE (ft) WSE (ft) feet PD feet PD feet PD) 101,000* 756.0 756.0 755.8 756.1 0.3 74,200* 755.6 755.6 755.0 755.4 0.4 46,100 750.7 750.6 750.6 751.3 0.7 44,025 756.1 756.0 755.5 756.0 0.5 *Mean Daily Flow 14 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma September 1993 For the September 1993 flood, the predicted maximum water-surface elevation of 755.6 feet from the FERC analysis matches the measured value (Table 3.4). Similar to the October 1986 flood, the predicted hydrograph lags the measured hydrograph by approximately 4 hours (Figure 3.13). The maximum lake level with starting water-surface elevations of 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD is 755.0 and 755.4 feet, respectively; a difference of 0.4 feet. October 2009 As noted above, Tetra Tech developed new stage hydrographs for the October 2009 flood event using the available data. The water-surface elevations and reservoir outflows, including the power release and spill releases, were obtained from the USACE website (USACE Gage No.: PENO2). . An updated reservoir volume versus water-surface elevation rating curve for lake elevations up to 745 feet NGVD was taken from Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB, 2009) (Figure 3.14). The OWRB (2009) curve was extended through the flood pool based on recent data published on the above USACE website. Discharge versus water-surface elevation rating curves were developed for the primary and auxiliary spillways based on the Plates 7-3 and 7-4 in the Pensacola Water Control Manual (1992) (Figure 3.15). The routing analysis was calibrated by adjusting the number of primary and auxiliary gate openings until the predicted outflows and reservoir elevations matched the recorded values. The difference in maximum water-surface elevation between the recorded and routed flows is only about 0.1 feet (Table 3.4, Figure 3.16). The lake elevation at the start of this flood was very close to 741 feet PD; thus, it was only necessary to develop an additional hydrograph for the 743 feet PD starting conditions. This was accomplished by rerunning the analysis using the reservoir inflows and gate operations from the calibration (Figure 3.17). The difference in maximum water-surface elevation at the dam between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions is 0.7 feet (Table 3.4). December 2015 The stage hydrographs for the December 2015 flood were calculated using the same method that was used for the October 2009 flood. Comparison of the measured and routed stage hydrographs shows a very good match (Figure 3.18). The difference in maximum water-surface elevation between the recorded and routed flows is 0.1 feet (Table 3.4). Under the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions, the difference in maximum water-surface elevation is 0.5 feet (Figure 3.19, Table 3.4). 15 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 3.1. Map showing location of stream gages in the vicinity of the study area. 16 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 120,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge 100,000 775 Commerce Gage - Discharge Pensacola Dam - WSE 80,000 Discharge (cfs) 765 60,000 760 755 40,000 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 770 750 20,000 745 0 9/29/1986 Figure 3.2. 740 10/4/1986 10/9/1986 10/14/1986 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the October 1986 flood. 17 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 250,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge 775 Commerce Gage - Discharge 200,000 Pensacola Dam - WSE 765 150,000 760 100,000 755 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) Discharge (cfs) 770 750 50,000 745 0 9/24/1993 Figure 3.3. 9/26/1993 9/28/1993 9/30/1993 10/2/1993 740 10/4/1993 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the September 1993 flood. 18 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 50,000 770 Elk River - Discharge Spring River - Discharge Commerce Gage - Discharge Pensacola Dam - WSE Commerce Gage - WSE Miami Gage - WSE 45,000 40,000 765 30,000 760 25,000 20,000 755 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) Discharge (cfs) 35,000 15,000 10,000 750 5,000 0 5/6/1995 Figure 3.4. 5/7/1995 5/8/1995 745 5/9/1995 5/10/1995 5/11/1995 5/12/1995 5/13/1995 5/14/1995 5/15/1995 5/16/1995 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the May 1995 flood. 19 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 90,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge 80,000 Commerce Gage - Discharge 775 Pensacola Dam - WSE Commerce Gage - WSE 70,000 Miami Gage - WSE Discharge (cfs) 60,000 765 50,000 40,000 760 30,000 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 770 755 20,000 750 10,000 0 6/1/1995 Figure 3.5. 6/3/1995 6/5/1995 6/7/1995 745 6/9/1995 6/11/1995 6/13/1995 6/15/1995 6/17/1995 6/19/1995 6/21/1995 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the June 1995 flood. 20 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 780 160,000 WSE - Commerce Gage WSE - Miami WSE - Pensacola Dam 140,000 Discharge - Commerce Elk River (MDF) Spring River 120,000 770 100,000 765 80,000 760 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) 775 60,000 755 40,000 750 745 28-Jun-07 Figure 3.6. 20,000 30-Jun-07 2-Jul-07 4-Jul-07 6-Jul-07 8-Jul-07 0 10-Jul-07 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the June-July 2007 flood. 21 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 7/3/2007 7/5/2007 7/6/2007 7/2/2007 7/1/2007 7/8/2007 7/9/2007 Gage Height (ft) 20 7/7/2007 30 25 7/4/2007 35 15 10 USGS Reported Hourly Q 5 Reported Discharge at noon on indicated day USGS Gage Measurements USGS Rating #12 0 0 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 Discharge (cfs) Figure 3.7. Reported hourly stages from the recording gage at Commerce and stages corresponding to USGS field-measured discharges during the June-July 2007 flood. 22 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 70,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge Commerce Gage - Discharge 60,000 775 Pensacola Dam - WSE Commerce - WSE Miami Gage - WSE 770 Discharge (cfs) 765 40,000 760 30,000 755 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 50,000 20,000 750 10,000 745 0 4/27/2009 Figure 3.8. 4/29/2009 5/1/2009 5/3/2009 5/5/2009 740 5/7/2009 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the April-May 2009 flood. 23 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 70,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge Commerce Gage - Discharge 60,000 775 Pensacola Dam - WSE Commerce - WSE Miami Gage - WSE 770 Discharge (cfs) 765 40,000 760 30,000 755 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 50,000 20,000 750 10,000 745 0 10/8/2009 Figure 3.9. 10/9/2009 740 10/10/2009 10/11/2009 10/12/2009 10/13/2009 10/14/2009 10/15/2009 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the October 2009 flood. 24 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 70,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge Commerce Gage - Discharge 60,000 775 Pensacola Dam - WSE Commerce Gage - WSE Miami Gage - WSE 770 Discharge (cfs) 765 40,000 760 30,000 755 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 50,000 20,000 750 10,000 745 0 5/28/2013 5/30/2013 Figure 3.10. 6/1/2013 6/3/2013 6/5/2013 6/7/2013 6/9/2013 740 6/11/2013 6/13/2013 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the June 2013 flood. 25 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 160,000 780 Spring River - Discharge Elk River - Discharge Commerce Gage - Discharge (Measured) 775 140,000 Commerce Gage - Discharge (Predicted) Pensacola Dam - WSE Discharge (cfs) Miami Gage - WSE 770 100,000 765 80,000 760 60,000 755 40,000 750 20,000 745 0 12/24/2015 12/26/2015 12/28/2015 12/30/2015 Figure 3.11. 1/1/2016 1/3/2016 1/5/2016 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) Commerce Gage - WSE 120,000 740 1/7/2016 Discharge and water-surface elevation hydrographs used in the simulations for the December 2015 flood. 26 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 758 756 Pool Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 754 752 750 748 746 744 Measured 742 Predicted Predicted 741-PD Starting WSE Predicted 743-PD Starting WSE 740 9/29/1986 10/1/1986 10/3/1986 10/5/1986 10/7/1986 10/9/198610/11/198610/13/198610/15/198610/17/1986 Figure 3.12. Comparison of the measured and predicted stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam, and predicted stage hydrographs for the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations for the October 1986 flood. The data were obtained from the FERC (2015) analysis. 27 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 758 756 Pool Elevation (ft, NVGD29) 754 752 750 748 746 744 Recorded 742 Predicted 741-PD Starting WSE 743-PD Starting WSE 740 9/24/1993 Figure 3.13. 9/25/1993 9/26/1993 9/27/1993 9/28/1993 9/29/1993 9/30/1993 10/1/1993 Comparison of the measured and predicted stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam, and predicted stage hydrographs for the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations for the September 1993 flood. The data were obtained from the FERC (2015) analysis. 28 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Pensacola Dam Water Surface Elevation (feet, NGVD29) 760 750 740 730 720 710 700 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Millions Grand Lake Storage (ac-ft) Figure 3.14. Storage versus Water-surface elevation curve for Pensacola Dam based on the 2008 hydrographic survey of Grand Lake (OWRB, 2009). 29 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Pensacola Dam Water-Surface Elevation (feet, NGVD29) 760 755 750 745 740 735 1 Main Gate 730 1 Auxillary Spillway 725 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 Discharge (cfs) Figure 3.15. Water-surface elevation versus discharge rating curves for a main gate and auxiliary spillway at Pensacola Dam. 30 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 752 751 750 Pool Elevation (ft, NVGD29) 749 748 747 746 745 744 743 742 Recorded 741 10/8/2009 Figure 3.16. 10/9/2009 Routed 10/10/2009 10/11/2009 10/12/2009 10/13/2009 10/14/2009 10/15/2009 Comparison of the measured and routed stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam for the October 2009 flood. 31 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 752 Pool Elevation (ft, NVGD29) 750 748 746 744 742 Routed - Existing Conditions 741-feet PD 743-feet PD 740 10/8/2009 Figure 3.17. 10/9/2009 10/10/2009 10/11/2009 10/12/2009 10/13/2009 10/14/2009 10/15/2009 Comparison of the routed stage hydrographs at Pensacola Dam for the measured, 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations for the October 2009 flood. 32 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 758 756 Pool Elevation (ft, NVGD29) 754 752 750 748 746 Recorded - Existing Conditions 744 Routed - Existing Conditions 742 12/25/2015 12/26/2015 12/27/2015 12/28/2015 12/29/2015 12/30/2015 12/31/2015 Figure 3.18. 1/1/2016 Comparison of the recorded and routed stage hydrograph at Pensacola Dam for the December 2015 flood. 33 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 758 756 Pool Elevation (ft, NVGD29) 754 752 750 748 746 744 Routed - Existing Conditions 742 741-PD Starting WSE 743-PD Starting WSE 740 12/25/2015 12/26/2015 12/27/2015 12/28/2015 12/29/2015 12/30/2015 12/31/2015 Figure 3.19. 1/1/2016 Comparison of the routed stage hydrographs at Pensacola Dam for the existing, 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations for the December 2015 flood. 34 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 4 TOPOGRAPHIC DATA The HEC-RAS hydraulic model requires an input “terrain” that represents the lake bed, channel bed and overbank topography. The terrain is a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) that consists of square pixels that represent an area and an associated elevation. The terrain is used to assign elevations to the grid elements in the model input files, and to map the flood inundation limits from the model output. The terrain used for the with-dam (i.e., existing) conditions model has a 5-foot (25 ft2) pixel resolution that was developed from four data sets that cover various parts of the reach: 2008 OWRB Grand Lake Survey, 2011 LiDAR Survey, 2015 Tetra Tech Neosho River survey, and channel geometry from the 1997 survey of the Neosho River in areas not covered by the Tetra Tech 2015 survey. Where applicable, all the data sets were converted to the NGVD29 datum. A more detailed description of each of these data sets is provided in the following sections. 4.1 2008 Grand Lake Survey The Oklahoma Water Resources Board conducted a bathymetric survey of Pensacola Reservoir and approximately 4.5 miles of the Neosho River upstream from the confluence of the Spring River. The survey data were collected between April 2008 and January 2009 and referenced to the Pensacola Datum. The OWRB used the survey data to develop updated stage versus storage rating curves for Grand Lake. The updated curves indicate that there has been a decrease in capacity of approximately 156,588 acre-feet (9.3 percent) between 1940 and 2008/2009 (Figure 4.1). It should be noted that the lake storage values reported for the USGS Lake O’ The Cherokees website and the storage values reported on the USACE website prior to January 28, 2012, are based on the original stage-storage curve. The USACE-reported values after January 28, 2012 are based on the updated curve. 4.2 2011 LiDAR Data A high-accuracy Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) survey of the Grand lake area was conducted for the USGS by Dewberry (2011). The survey encompassed the entire area of Grand Lake and its tributaries, including the Neosho River and overbank areas. The survey data were referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). For purposes of this study, these data were converted to NAVD29 datum by subtracting 0.33 feet. The LiDAR data are reported to have a vertical accuracy of ±18.5 cm (~7.3 inches) at the 95-percent confidence level. 4.3 2015 Tetra Tech Survey Tetra Tech conducted a hydrographic and bathymetric survey of the portion of the study reach between Twin Bridges and the Stepps Ford Bridge in April 2015 to evaluate topographic changes within the study reach between 2015 and the previous surveys, including pre-dam surveys (USACE, 1940) and surveys conducted in 1995 to support earlier flood studies, and to develop the with-dam conditions HEC-RAS model. During the hydrographic survey period, the discharge at the Commerce City gage steadily decreased from 1,350 cfs on April 24 to 730 cfs on April 27 (Figure 4.2). Survey control was established along the reach on April 23 and 25; no hydrographic surveying was conducted on these days. Horizontal survey control for the project was referenced to benchmarks along the study reach established in conjunction with USACE surveys conducted in 1998. Based on discussions with Survey Services (personal communication, May 2015), it is understood that the USACE benchmarks were surveyed by two different companies; one company established the horizontal coordinates and the other company established the elevations. During the Tetra Tech survey, static survey data were collected during each base station setup. In addition, an independent check was done on a nearby benchmark. The static survey data was sent to Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) to refine the horizontal coordinates and elevations based on the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network. 35 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma The differences between the OPUS and USACE horizontal coordinates at the four USACE benchmarks was approximately 0.03 feet, indicating very good agreement. The OPUS derived elevations were, 0.27 feet lower than the USCAE elevations, on average. These elevation differences are consistent with measurements made by Survey Services to support the survey effort (personal communication, Survey Services, May 2015). The OPUS corrected survey elevations were, therefore, used for this study (Table 4.1; Figure 4.3). Table 4.1. USACE survey control points. Point ID Easting (ft) Northing (ft) USACE Elevation (ft, NGVD 29) OPUS Elevation (ft, NGVD29) Fairview School MON 27 Dotyville MON 28 Airport S MON 32 Gravel Pt 2865246.01 2872685.49 2878795.03 2908604.89 716373.34 691133.84 706341.42 675506.51 805.97 773.48 797.90 849.25 805.74 773.11 797.72 848.95 Because the USACE benchmarks were located a significant distance from the river, thick vegetation along the river and overbanks limited the radio range between the boat and the GPS base station. As a result, temporary survey control was set closer to the river between Twin Bridges and the Commerce gage (Table 4.2; Figure 4.3) to facilitate the hydrographic survey. The temporary survey control was set from the USACE benchmarks and verified using OPUS. The survey methodology and results were verified by Survey Solutions (personal communication, May 2015). Table 4.2. Temporary survey control set by Tetra Tech. Point ID Easting (ft) Northing (ft) R1 1037 R1 1037 R1 1042 R1 1048 R1 1052 R1 1062 R1 1071 R1 1181 R1 1199 R1 1213 2858087.56 2858087.57 2860285.99 2876604.12 2871094.15 2880765.07 2887806.04 2918129.61 2899522.93 2888344.71 715865.56 715865.60 705585.16 699452.49 700739.61 693071.12 688064.72 671344.39 672538.37 686359.32 Elevation (ft, NGVD29) 785.71 785.77 763.86 775.65 757.83 770.09 795.23 829.64 765.56 813.67 The hydrographic survey was conducted using conventional surveying methods in accordance with guidelines that meet the requirements of Class 2 Hydrographic surveys (USACE, 2002). Depth soundings were measured using an Ohmex SonarMite sonar transducer (0.1-foot resolution) mounted on the side of the boat. Horizontal and vertical positioning data were measured using a Leica Viva RTK survey-grade GPS. The positioning accuracy of the GPS data is approximately 0.05 feet both vertically and horizontally. The hydrographic survey was conducted by surveying transects across the river. A total of 110 transects were surveyed with an average spacing of 1,000 feet along the reach (Figure 4.4). Due to the thickness of the vegetation and limited range of the GPS radio, there were three limited areas where data could not be collected (Figure 4.5). These included an approximately 0.8-mile reach in the vicinity of Mud Eater Bend between Sta 252,890 and Sta 258,940, an approximately 36 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 2.3-mile reach in the tight bends upstream from Miami between Sta 316,000 and Sta 328,160, and an approximately 1-mile reach upstream of the second area between Sta 332,360 and Sta 338,550. In the area of the survey gaps, the bed elevation was linearly interpolated based on the up- and downstream surveyed cross sections. A comparison of the thalweg elevation at 10 cross sections surveyed by Settle Engineering Co in 1995 and 1998 show a very good match except at Station 289,220, where the thalweg elevation surveyed by Settle Engineering is approximately 5 feet above the 2015 survey. The Settle data at this location appears to be anomalously high compared to the adjacent river profile. 4.4 Comparison of Bed Elevation Changes Construction of Pensacola Dam was completed in March 1940. Since that time, sediment carried by the Neosho River and other tributaries that enter Grand Lake has deposited in the reservoir, occupying a portion of the storage space. Because the amount of sediment that can be carried by the river is controlled by the local hydraulic energy, and the required amount of energy increases with increasing particle size, the coarser-grained portion of the sediment load (i.e., sands and gravels) will typically deposit on the river bed near the head of the reservoir and the finer grained sediment will be carried progressively farther downstream into the reservoir. At the discharges and lake-levels that typically occur during non-flood periods, the backwater from Grand Lake extends at least as far upstream as the Miami low-water dam that is located at Sta 297,950. Comparison of the thalweg (i.e., minimum bed elevation) profiles from the 2015 bathymetry with thalweg elevations measured in 1940 indicates that the bed has aggraded by an average of about 5 feet, with over 10 feet of aggradation in some locations in the 6- to 7-mile reach upstream from Twin Bridges/U.S. Highway 60 (Figure 4.6). Based on the elevations along the tops of the channel banks, a similar amount of aggradation has occurred in the overbanks along this portion of the reach. In general, the top of bank elevations upstream from Highway 69 from the 1940 and current mapping match reasonably well and are approximately parallel with the channel profile. The 1940 top-of-bank profile downstream from Highway 69 is also roughly parallel with the channel bed profile, and the slope of the profile is consistent with the slope upstream from Highway 69. The 2015 top of bank elevations in the vicinity of Twin Bridges are at an elevation of approximately 750 feet, which coincides with reservoir elevation that often occur during flood periods when outof-bank flows are occurring. Based on the bank elevations, there has been approximately 15 feet of overbank deposition in the vicinity of Twin Bridges between 1940 and 2015. A comparison of the channel profile from the Simons (1998) HEC-2 model that was based primarily on data collected in 1995 shows the channel is approximately 2.4 feet lower than the 2015 channel profile and the 1995/1998 Settle Survey between Twin Bridges and Highway 69 (Figure 4.7). 37 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 760 Pensacola Dam Water Surface (feet, NGVD29) 755 750 745 740 735 1992 Water Control Manual 730 OWRB (2009) 725 USACE >Jan 28, 2012 Extrapolated from USACE Data 720 715 710 0.6 Figure 4.1. 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Grand Lake Storage (ac-ft) 2 2.2 2.4 Millions Storage-Elevation curves for Grand Lake. 1992 Water Control Manual same as original 1940 storage-elevation curve; USACE>Jan 28, 2012 from post Jan 28, 2012 data published on USACE Water Control website. 38 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 16,000 Commerce - Discharge 14,000 Hydrographic Survey Period 12,000 Discharge (cfs) 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 16-Apr-15 Figure 4.2. 18-Apr-15 20-Apr-15 22-Apr-15 24-Apr-15 26-Apr-15 28-Apr-15 30-Apr-15 Flow hydrograph measured at the Commerce gage. The discharge during the hydrographic survey from ranged from approximately 1,350 cfs on April 24, to approximately 730 cfs on April 27, 2015. 39 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 4.3. Location of the benchmarks used for the 2015 hydrographic survey. 40 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 4.4. Location of the survey transects. 41 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Commerce Gage 770 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR Br. 790 760 Elevation (ft) 750 740 730 720 710 Settle Survey (1995,1998) Bed Eevation - With-Dam 700 Interpolated Section 690 230000 250000 270000 290000 310000 330000 350000 Station (ft) Figure 4.5. Comparison of the thalweg profile developed from the 2015 bathymetric survey, with survey measurements collected by Settle Engineering Co. in 1995 and 1998. The red lines show the location of the interpolated channel profile. 42 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Miami Gage Commerce Gage 770 Abandonded RR Br. 780 County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 790 760 Elevation (ft) 750 740 730 720 Bank Profile 2015-DS of HWY69 Bank Profile 2015 - u/s of HWY69 710 Bed Eevation - With-Dam Bank Profile (GNR 1941) 700 1941 Profile Linear (Bank Profile 2015 - u/s of HWY69) 690 160000 180000 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 Station (ft) Figure 4.6. Comparison of the 1940 and 2015 thalweg profiles. 43 340000 360000 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Commerce Gage 770 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR Br. 790 760 Elevation (ft) 750 740 730 720 Bed Eevation - With-Dam 710 1998 HEC-RAS Model 700 Settle Surveys 690 160000 180000 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 Station (ft) Figure 4.7. Comparison of the 1998 thalweg profile from the Simons HEC-2 model and 2015 thalweg profile. 44 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 5 HYDRAULIC MODELING The modeling was conducted using HEC-RAS 5.0.0 (Beta August 2015) with available topographic, bathymetric, flow and stage data. HEC-RAS 5.0 is used to simulate movement of a flood hydrograph over a system of 2-D grid elements and 1-D cross sections (Figure 1.1). The model was calibrated to seven floods that represent a range of peak discharges and flood durations: May 1995 (referred to in previous studies as Flood 11), June 1995 (Flood 13), JuneJuly 2007, April-May 2009, October 2009, May-June 2013 and December 2015 (Table 3.2). To evaluate the rule curve change, the hydraulic model was run over the same 3 floods evaluated by FERC (October 1986, September 1983 and October 2009) as well as the December 2015 flood (Table 3.2). 5.1 Model Development The current version of HEC-RAS 5.0 does not have the ability to calculate energy losses at bridges in 2-D model areas. As a result, 1-D reaches were included in appropriate locations, including the reach between the abandoned railroad bridge at Sta 294,420 and Highway 69, within the City of Miami, to insure that the bridge losses are properly accounted for. In addition, the complexity of the 2-D algorithm requires substantial computing resources that can result in long model execution times. Since the primary focus of the study is on flooding in the Miami area and the downstream conditions primarily provide boundary conditions for the focus area, the entire modeled reach from Pensacola Dam to Sta 275,605 (approximately 2.8 miles downstream from I-44) was also modeled one-dimensionally (Table 5.1). The 1-D approach is appropriate for the reach between Twin Bridges and Station 275,605 because the channel relatively confined, and the resulting flow patterns for the majority of the flow are essentially parallel to the channel. Table 5.1. Extents of the 1- and 2-dimensional areas in the HEC-RAS model. Type 1-D 2-D 1-D 2-D Downstream Limit 0 275,605 294,420 301,645 Upstream Limit 275,605 294,420 301,645 407,300 Reach Length (mi) 52.2 3.6 1.4 20.0 The 1-D area from the abandoned railroad bridge to Highway 69, the most northern bridge in the City of Miami, includes four bridges: the abandoned railroad bridge (Sta 294,505), Highway 125 bridge (Sta 298,990), Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge (Sta 299,660) and the Highway 69 Bridge (Sta 301,570). The Miami gage is located in this reach and the average cross-section spacing along the reach is 250 feet. Initial model simulations indicated that, at flows greater than approximately 30,000 cfs there is significant flooding across the western portion of the floodplain in the vicinity of the Commerce gage. It was determined after several trial runs that locating the upstream model boundary where the Neosho River inflow is specified in the vicinity of Sta 387,550, approximately 6.7 miles upstream from the Commerce gage, produced the most reasonable model results at flows greater than about 30,000 cfs. The floodplain is relatively confined in this area; thus, the flow distribution across the upstream model boundary can be specified with more certainty, providing an accurate prediction of the flow distribution in the overbanks at and downstream from the Commerce gage. The trial runs indicate that little or no discharge attenuation occurs in the reach between the inflow point and the Commerce gage, but the flows are offset by about 4 hours. As a result, the recorded flows at the Commerce gage for each flood were shifted back in time by four hours for input to the model. The inflows for the Spring River and Elk River were input at the confluence of the 45 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Neosho River and were both set forward 6 hours to account for the travel time. The inflows from Tar Creek were applied at the gage with no adjustment to the timing. The recorded stage at the Pensacola Dam was directly applied to the downstream boundary of the model. Model Geometry As noted above, a digital terrain model (DTM) was developed to represent the reservoir, channel and overbank area, and this terrain was used to develop the geometry for the 1-D cross sections and 2-D areas in the hydraulic model. An initial terrain was developed from the 2008 bathymetry and the 2011 LiDAR data that extend lengthwise from approximately 6 miles upstream of Commerce gage to the dam and extends laterally across the floodplain. Data from the 2015 bathymetric data were then inserted into the DTM using the “RAS Mapper” tool in HEC-RAS 5.0 for the reach from approximately Twin bridges to the Commerce Gage. This tool was also used to incorporate the cross-sections from the Simons & Associates (1996) HEC2 model from approximately the Commerce gage to the upstream end of the model, as these are the most recently surveyed cross sections that are available for this part of the reach. The cross-section geometry for the 1-D portion of the model was developed from the terrain surface using geoHEC-RAS. The terrain was also applied to the 2-D areas to compute the “2-D hydraulic flow area tables” using the RAS mapper tools in HEC-RAS. The bridge geometry was primarily obtained from the Simons & Associates (1996) HEC-2 model from bridge measurements. Previous modeling indicates that the Miami low-water dam has little or no impact on hydraulic conditions at the high flows that are the focus of this study. Since the topographic discontinuity created by the dam in the DTM causes model instability, the dam was not included in the model. Manning’s n Roughness Values The HEC-RAS model uses Manning’s n roughness values to quantify the energy losses at the cross sections and in the 2-D areas. Manning’s n-values for the main channel were initially selected based on the local channel characteristics, standard references and previous modeling of the project reach, and the initial values were then adjusted within physically reasonable limits to achieve agreement between modeled and observed water-surface elevations, and flood timing (Table 5.3). The resulting n-values in the reaches of primary interest to this study tend to increase with increasing discharge, particularly when there is substantial overbank flow. This result if physically reasonable because significant turbulence and energy losses occur along the boundary of the riparian vegetation that propagates into the channel, increasing the effective roughness of the overall main-channel cross section. 46 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.2. Description Reservoir to approximately Twin Bridges Twin Bridges to bend downstream of Tar Creek Bend downstream of Tar Creek to Abandoned RR bridge Abandoned RR bridge to HWY69 HWY69 to upstream end of model Summary of Manning's n-values applied to the channel for model calibration. Station May 1995 (35900cfs) Dec. 2015 Oct 2009 May 2013 (44000cfs) (46300cfs) (57800cfs) AprilMay 2009 (64500cfs) Jun 1995 (70500cfs) Flood 2007 (JuneJuly) (141000cfs) 0 to 231262 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 231262 to 282500 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.037 282500 to 297360 0.032 0.034 0.035 0.037 0.045 0.049 0.083 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.035 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 297360 to 301645 301645 to 387500 The overbank n-values were established by delineating polygons from the 2015 aerial photography that represent zones with similar roughness characteristics (Figures 5.1 through 5.3) using ArcGIS. The specific values were assigned based on guidance from Arcement and Schneider (1989) and previous modeling of the project reach (Table 5.4). The individual zones were visually identified based on vegetation type and density and land-use that includes agricultural fields, orchards and urbanized areas (Figure 5.4). The roughness zones are generally consistent with the areas of woody vegetation that were delineated by Mussetter (1998) using the 1995 aerial photographs; thus, overbank roughness conditions at the time of the 2007 and 2013 floods appear to be similar to conditions during the mid-1990s floods. The n-values assigned to these areas ranged from 0.04 for ponded water and bare sand-and-gravel substrate to 0.15 for dense vegetation. 5.2 Model Calibration The model was calibrated by comparing the predicted stage hydrographs at the Miami and Commerce gages with the recorded hydrographs, and by comparing the available, measured high-water marks with the predicted maximum water-surface elevation at the location of the highwater mark. The high-water marks for May 1995 (Flood 11) and June 1995 (Flood 13) were taken from Holly (2001). Since the specific locations of these high-water marks were not recorded, it was assumed for purposes of comparison with the predicted water-surface elevations that the points are near the main river channel, and the location of the points on the channel station line (i.e., approximate centerline of the main river channel) was determined by interpolating between the river miles reported by Holly (2001) (Figures 5.5 and 5.6). A more extensive set of high-water marks was collected throughout the Miami area after the 2007 flood by the City of Miami and Survey Service (Figure 5.7), following the May 2009 (Figure 5.8), October 2009 (Figure 5.9), during the recession of the 2013 flood by Survey Service (Figure 5.10) and near the peak of the December 2015 flood by Survey Service (Figure 5.11). The data for 2007 and later floods includes the horizontal location of the point, as well as the elevation. 47 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.3. Overbank Manning’s n-values (Arcement and Schneider, 1989). Developed Dense Light Farmland Urban Vegetation Vegetation Bare Ponded SandWater Gravel nb 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 n1 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 0 n2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n3 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0 n4 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 0.07 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.04 Description Base value for the floodplains with bare surface Correction for the effect of surface irregularities Correction for shape and size of the floodplain cross section (assumed 0.0 for this analysis) Correction for obstructions Correction for floodplain vegetation Multiplication factor for floodplain sinuosity (assumed equal to 1.0 for this analysis) Composite overbank n-value n = (nb+n1+ n 2+ n 3+ n 4)*m Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.4. Flood May-95 Summary of high-water marks and modeled maximum water-surface elevations for the May and June 1995 floods. Model Model Model Reported Under (-) Peak Obs. Station HWM or Over Remarks WSEL (ft) Elev. (ft) (+) (ft) Prediction Commerce 351,850 768.7 768.1 -0.6 Gage May-95 9 301,415 760.6 762.3 1.7 May-95 May-95 10 11 Miami Gage 12 13 14 301,267 298,684 759.4 758.7 759.1 758.8 -0.3 0.1 298,928 758.9 759.1 0.2 280,165 253,013 230,916 755.9 753.4 752.83 755.8 753.8 752.9 -0.1 0.4 0.1 351,850 772.2 771.7 -0.5 318,333 298,684 770 767.6 769.3 767.6 -0.7 0.0 298,928 767.7 767.6 -0.1 May-95 May-95 May-95 May-95 Jun-95 Jun-95 Jun-95 Jun-95 Commerce Gage 16 17 Miami Gage High-water mark seems unusually low1 Jun-95 18 280,165 763.8 762.4 -1.4 High-water mark seems unusually high1 Jun-95 19 253,013 760.5 759.5 -1.0 High-water mark seems unusually high1 1Adapter from Holly (2001) 49 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma The predicted maximum water-surface elevations along the station line are very consistent with the elevations of the available high-water marks for each of the seven floods used to calibrate the model (Figures 5.12 through 5.18, Table 5.5 through 5.9). To provide a more specific comparison for the 2007, 2009, 2013 high-water marks for which horizontal locations were available, the predicted water-surface elevation at the location of each mark was determined from the 2-D model grid (Tables 5.5 through 5.9). In comparing the predicted profiles with the highwater marks, it is important to note that many of the points are located in the overbanks well away from the main river channel; thus, some of the differences seen in the plots are likely due to changes in the water-surface between the main channel and the specific location of the mark. It is also important to note that some of the high-water marks were collected after the floods had receded; thus, there is some uncertainty as to whether all of the marks precisely represent the maximum water surface at that location. The predicted stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages are also in reasonable agreement with the measured hydrographs (Figures 5.19 through 5.25). The model results shown in these figures for the indicated floods in which the model input parameters, including input hydrograph timing and roughness coefficients, have been adjusted to obtain the best overall fit to the available data across all the floods. In general, the comparisons for all seven floods indicate good agreement between the watersurface elevations predicted by the HEC-RAS model and the measured values over the relatively large model area and large range of floods considered in the analysis. For the May and June 1995 floods, the difference between the predicted and measured values is less than one foot over most of the reach, particularly through the City of Miami (Figures 5.12 and 5.13; Table 5.4). The maximum stage at the Miami gage during the May 1995 flood was 758.9 feet, which is 1.1 feet lower than the 760-foot easement elevation. The June 1995 flood exceeded the 760-foot easement elevation by 7.7 feet. Comparison of the predicted stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages with the reported stages for these flows also indicates reasonable agreement (Figures 5.19 and 5.20). The timing of the predicted stage hydrograph for the June 1995 flood is shifted somewhat later than the measured hydrographs, but the maximum stage at the Miami gage is very consistent with the measured value. The average difference between the 24 measured high-water marks and the corresponding predicted maximum water surface for the June-July 2007 flood is -0.1 feet, with individual values ranging from -2.0 to +1.2 feet (Table 5.5). The maximum recorded water-surface elevation at the Miami gage was 775 feet, which exceeds the easement elevation by 15 feet. For the May 2009 flood, the average difference between the 27 measured high-water marks and the corresponding predicted maximum water surface is -0.2 feet, with individual values ranging from -0.9 to +0.3 feet (Figure 5.15, Table 5.6). Similar to the May 1995 and June-July 2007 floods, the timing of the predicted stage hydrograph for the May-June 2013 flood is shifted somewhat later than the measured hydrographs, but the maximum stage at the Miami gage (764.9 feet) is very consistent with the measured value (765.0) (Figure 5.22). At the Commerce Gage, the predicted water-surface elevation is 770.8 feet compared to the measured value of 771.2 feet, a difference of 0.4 feet. The maximum recorded water-surface elevation at the Miami gage exceeds the easement elevation by 5 feet. For the October 2009 flood, the average difference between the 29 measured high-water marks and the corresponding predicted maximum water surface is 0.3 feet, with individual values ranging from -0.9 to +1.3 feet (Table 5.7). The timing of the predicted stage hydrograph at the Miami and Commerce gages looks very good. The maximum stage at the Miami gage (761.0 feet) is very consistent with the measured value (761.1) (Figure 5.23). At the Commerce Gage, the predicted water-surface elevation is 769.2 feet compared to the measured value of 769.5 feet, a difference 50 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma of 0.3 feet. The maximum recorded water-surface elevation at the Miami gage exceeds the easement elevation by 1.1 feet. For the May-June 2013 flood, the average difference between the 20 measured high-water marks and the corresponding predicted maximum water surface is +0.2 feet, with individual values ranging from -1.1 to +2.4 feet (Table 5.8). The timing of the predicted stage hydrograph for the May-June 2013 flood is shifted somewhat later than the measured hydrographs, but the maximum stage at the Miami gage (763.0 feet) is the same as the measured value (763.0) (Figure 5.24). At the Commerce Gage, the predicted water-surface elevation is 771.0 feet compared to the measured value of 770.4 feet, a difference of 0.6 feet. Approximately 500 feet upstream of the Commerce Gage at Point 910, the difference between the measured and predicted values is only 0.1 feet. The maximum recorded water-surface elevation at the Miami gage exceeds the easement elevation by 3.0 feet. For the December 2015 flood, all the high-water marks were collected close to the peak watersurface elevation, except for the measurement near the Commerce Gage which was collected approximately 1 day before the peak. The average difference between the 22 measured highwater marks and the corresponding predicted maximum water surface is -0.2 feet, with individual values ranging from -0.6 to +0.5 feet (Table 5.9). Similar to the May 1995 and June-July 2007 floods, the timing of the predicted stage hydrograph for the May-June 2013 flood is shifted somewhat later than the measured hydrographs, but the maximum stage at the Miami gage (763.8 feet) is 0.4 feet higher than the measured value. Two high-water marks (Obs. 10 and 11) were surveyed close the Miami Gage near the peak of the flood (Table 5.9). The predicted maximum water-surface elevation is 0.4 feet lower than the measured value at Obs. 10 and is 0.6 feet lower at Obs. 11. It is not known why there is a discrepancy between the gage recordings and measured high-water mark. Since the predicted water-surface elevation is approximately midway between the gage and high water marks, no further adjustments were made to the model and it was deemed calibrated. The comparison at the Commerce Gage is not shown since the high-water mark was collected approximately 1 day before the peak. 5.3 Rule Curve Evaluation Model Results The calibrated models were re-run for the four floods selected for the rule curve analysis (Table 3.2) with the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD stage hydrographs applied at Pensacola Dam. During model calibration, the Manning’s n-values varied with discharge, most notably in the reach from the bend downstream of Tar Creek to the abandoned railroad bridge (Sta 282,500 to Sta 297,360) (Table 5.2). For the rule curve runs, the Manning’s n-values in this reach were interpolated based on discharge and the calibrated n-values (Table 5.10). 51 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.5. Summary of high-water marks and modeled maximum water-surface elevations for 2007 flood. Obs. Easting (ft) 2 40 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 56 60 62 63 64 66 72 73 74 76 77 80 Miami Commerce 2,859,731 2,893,266 2,892,354 2,884,670 2,884,193 2,884,816 2,884,815 2,885,115 2,885,359 2,885,498 2,885,425 2,887,155 2,872,654 2,880,243 2,881,748 2,882,417 2,881,761 2,876,683 2,876,475 2,879,010 2,879,063 2,897,530 2,897,368 2,893,488 2,881,386 2,857,838 Approx. Reported Model Northing HWM Peak (ft) Elev. (ft) WSEL (ft) 718,764 696,272 695,892 691,741 694,691 696,110 696,151 696,497 697,250 697,337 699,732 699,460 691,248 692,291 694,205 693,655 694,628 699,997 700,084 697,008 697,089 687,294 687,591 693,006 693,292 716,040 778.4 771.3 771.3 773.3 773.3 773.3 773.2 773.2 773.2 773.2 773.2 773.2 777.2 775.2 775.5 775.3 775.6 776.8 776.8 776.3 776.3 769.1 769.2 771.3 775 778.22 52 777.5 771.5 771.5 773.6 774.5 773.5 773.5 773.5 773.5 773.5 773.5 773.5 776.2 775.0 775.2 775.0 775.3 776.1 776.1 775.7 775.7 769.1 769.2 771.5 775.0 777.4 Model under (-) or over (+) prediction (ft) -0.9 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 -1.0 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 -0.8 Remark Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.6. Summary of high-water marks and modeled maximum water-surface elevations for the May 2009 flood. Model Report under (-) ed Approx. Model Easting Northing or over Obs. HWM Peak WSEL Remark (ft) (ft) (+) Elev. (ft) prediction (ft) (ft) 300 2,872,193 708,429 768 767.5 -0.5 301 2,876,232 703,143 768 767.3 -0.7 302 2,875,516 700,748 767.54 767.0 -0.5 Shown on profile 303 2,877,834 698,440 766.56 766.2 -0.3 Shown on profile 304 2,878,757 697,347 766.43 765.9 -0.5 Shown on profile 305 2,880,327 691,396 764.8 764.9 0.1 306 2,872,119 691,146 768.23 767.3 -0.9 307 2,880,057 695,665 765.78 765.5 -0.3 308 2,880,302 695,536 765.69 765.3 -0.4 Shown on profile 309 2,880,795 694,837 765.2 765.2 0.0 Shown on profile 310 2,881,300 694,814 765.24 765.1 -0.1 Shown on profile 311 2,881,601 694,015 764.85 765.1 0.3 Shown on profile 313 2,881,837 693,581 764.77 764.9 0.2 Shown on profile 314 2,883,485 692,669 764.69 764.7 0.0 316 2,885,567 697,200 762.72 762.9 0.2 317 2,885,625 699,126 762.8 762.9 0.1 318 2,886,059 699,972 763.03 762.9 -0.1 319 2,886,865 699,490 762.99 762.9 -0.1 320 2,886,767 696,044 762.7 762.9 0.2 321 2,886,906 695,845 762.76 762.9 0.1 322 2,886,933 694,636 762.78 762.9 0.1 Shown on profile 323 2,893,353 690,945 761.4 761.0 -0.4 Shown on profile 324 2,892,694 694,102 761.39 761.4 0.0 325 2,892,223 695,277 761.35 761.4 0.0 336 2,886,037 700,033 763.27 763.1 -0.2 Miami 2,881,386 693,292 765 764.9 -0.1 Shown on profile Commerce 2,857,838 716,040 771.18 770.8 -0.4 Shown on profile 53 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.7. Comparison of measured high-water marks for the October 2009 flood. Obs. Easting (ft) Northing (ft) Reported HWM Elev. (ft) Approx. Model Peak WSEL (ft) 501 502 503 504 507 508 509 510 512 513 514 515 516 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 533 527 528 529 530 531 532 Miami 716,103 707,807 707,253 700,697 695,687 695,496 694,769 694,785 692,706 692,598 692,082 691,090 692,217 694,057 693,581 693,537 691,269 691,253 695,862 696,056 694,307 687,229 688,690 670,685 670,505 670,703 670,880 690,636 690,684 2,881,386 2,858,584 2,870,802 2,872,506 2,875,491 2,880,021 2,880,143 2,880,771 2,881,091 2,882,803 2,883,384 2,885,134 2,869,751 2,880,462 2,881,168 2,881,591 2,881,810 2,884,484 2,884,537 2,886,878 2,886,734 2,886,904 2,897,633 2,896,337 2,899,569 2,899,668 2,918,410 2,918,255 2,888,911 2,888,688 693,292 770.1 764.3 764.1 763.5 761.7 761.5 761.2 761.3 760.7 760.6 759.0 764.2 760.9 761.0 761.0 760.8 760.0 759.8 758.8 759.0 758.9 756.5 756.7 754.7 754.5 752.6 752.7 758.2 758.3 761.1 769.2 764.5 764.3 763.5 761.6 761.4 761.3 761.3 760.9 760.8 759.7 764.0 761.1 761.3 761.1 761.0 760.3 760.3 758.5 759.7 759.7 757.6 758.0 755.1 755.1 753.9 753.9 759.3 759.6 761.0 Model under (-) or over (+) prediction (ft) -0.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.7 -0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 -0.4 0.7 0.8 1.2 1.3 0.4 0.6 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.3 0.0 Commerce 2,857,838 716,040 769.5 769.2 -0.3 54 Remark Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.8. Comparison of measured high-water marks for the May 2013 flood. Obs. Easting (ft) 901 903 906 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 919 921 922 923 924 926 927 928 929 Miami Commerce 2,858,647 2,870,785 2,872,474 2,876,136 2,876,146 2,876,150 2,875,522 2,877,345 2,876,579 2,871,879 2,880,321 2,881,950 2,882,414 2,887,167 2,892,202 2,893,920 2,885,688 2,885,605 2,885,905 2,886,838 2,881,386 2,857,838 Model Approx. under (-) Reported Model Northing or over HWM Peak (ft) (+) Elev. (ft) WSEL prediction (ft) (ft) 716,110 708,601 707,516 705,131 704,905 704,880 700,678 698,584 694,208 691,140 692,037 693,429 693,007 695,905 695,165 690,941 697,201 697,308 699,899 698,966 693,292 716,040 771.5 766.4 766.1 766.1 765.9 765.8 765.7 764.8 764.6 766.3 762.8 762.7 762.7 760.6 759.5 759.1 760.5 760.6 760.6 760.6 763.0 771.0 55 770.4 766.5 766.2 766.0 766.0 766.0 765.5 764.9 764.0 766.0 763.0 763.0 763.0 761.4 760.2 759.6 761.4 761.4 763.0 761.4 763.0 770.4 -1.1 0.1 0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.2 -0.1 0.1 -0.6 -0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.8 2.4 0.8 0.0 -0.6 Remark Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.9. Comparison of measured high-water marks for the December 2015 flood. Obs. Easting (ft) Northing (ft) Reported HWM Elev. (ft) Approx. Model Peak WSEL (ft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Miami Gage 2858527 2860115 2870770 2876112 2877325 2880000 2880259 2869791 2880460 2881772 2881679 2885259 2885037 2885419 2886827 2886923 2892735 2893560 2897531 2899647 2918500 2881386 716096 710553 707987 705012 698582 695713 695498 691075 691409 693577 693897 690955 695889 697247 696034 695907 694102 690946 687322 670425 670803 693292 769.6 766.3 765.8 765.8 765.2 764.7 764.4 766.2 764.2 764.2 764.5 763.7 763.4 763.4 763.4 763.4 762.9 762.9 762.3 761.1 760.3 763.4 769.4 766.2 765.7 765.6 764.8 764.1 764.0 765.5 763.8 763.8 763.9 763.4 763.1 763.1 763.1 763.1 762.7 762.5 762.2 761.2 760.8 763.8 56 Model under (-) or over (+) prediction (ft) -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.5 -0.4 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.6 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 -0.1 0.2 0.5 0.4 Remark Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Shown on profile Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.10. Summary of Manning's n-values applied to the main channel for the rule simulations. Oct Sep Oct Description Station 1986 1993 2009 Reservoir to approximately Twin 0 to 231262 0.02 0.02 0.02 Bridges Twin Bridges to bend downstream 231262-282500 0.027 0.027 0.027 of Tar Creek Bend downstream of Tar Creek to 282500-297360 0.064 0.051 0.035 Abandoned RR bridge Abandoned RR bridge to HWY69 297360-301645 0.030 0.030 0.030 HWY69 to upstream end of model 301645 to 387500 0.043 0.043 0.043 curve Dec 2015 0.02 0.027 0.034 0.030 0.043 The HEC-RAS model output was used to develop maximum water-surface elevation profiles for each model flood to assess the impact of the rule curve change on water-surface elevations and inundation area outside the 760-foot easement. Area calculations were made for four subreaches located between Twin Bridges and the upstream end of the model (Figure 5.26; Table 5.11). Table 5.11. Extents of the subreaches used in the area calculations. Subreach Lower Reach - from Twin Bridges to Will Rodgers (I-44) Miami Reach - Will Rodgers to HWY 69 Bridge Commerce Reach 0 HWY 69 to Commerce gage Upper Reach - Commerce gage to u/s end of model. Station 231200 to 301500 301,500 to 301,570 301,570 to 351,900 351,900 to 387,500 To aid in assessing the impacts of the rule curve change with regard to the existing flood easements, the area within the 760-foot contour was quantified using the terrain surface. The resulting area, including the channel and overbanks, ranges from 2,646 acres in the Lower subreach to 1,793 acres in the Miami subreach, 3,291 acres in the Commerce subreach and 226 acres in the Upper subreach, for a total area of 7,655 acres (Table 5.11). A terrain surface was then developed from the maximum predicted water-surface elevations using the mapper tool in HEC-RAS and the underlying terrain, and inundated area calculations were made for each of the four subreaches. October 1986 For the October 1986 flood, the predicted water-surface elevation at the Miami gage under the 741 feet PD condition is 772.29 feet, and this increases to 772.31 feet under the 743 feet PD conditions, a difference of 0.02 feet (Figure 5.27, Table 5.12). The differences in water-surface elevation are about 0.03 feet at the Will Rodgers Bridge and 0.01 feet at the Commerce Gage. The flood easement elevation of 760 feet is exceeded at the Miami gage by approximately 12.3 feet and for the same duration of approximately 103 hours (4.3 days) under both scenarios (Table 5.13). The extents of flooding in the Miami Reach are approximately 4 acres greater under the 743 feet PD condition compared to the 741 feet PD condition (Table 5.14). The difference in the Lower reach and the Commerce reach are 11 acres and 3 acres, respectively. There is no difference in flooding extent in the upper reach. 57 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.12. Maximum predicted water-surface elevation at three locations in the study reach for 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting water-surface elevations, and the difference between the 760-foot NGVD29 flood easements. Flood Event Location Station (ft) October 1986 Will Rodgers Br. 290,300 Qpeak= Miami Gage 101,000 cfs* Commerce Gage September 1993 Will Rodgers Br. Qpeak= 77,200 cfs* October 2009 Qpeak= 46,100 cfs December 2015 Qpeak= 44,025 cfs Miami Gage Commerce Gage 299,320 351,900 290,300 299,320 351,900 741 feet PD Starting WSE Predicted Height Waterabove surface flood Elevation easement (feet (760 feet NGVD29) NGVD29) 743 feet PD Starting WSE Predicted Height Waterabove surface flood Elevation easement (feet (760 feet NGVD29) NGVD29) 769.22 9.22 769.25 9.25 772.29 12.29 772.31 12.31 774.97 14.97 774.98 14.98 766.87 6.87 766.95 6.95 769.77 9.77 769.82 9.82 773.09 13.09 773.11 13.11 Difference between 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD starting WSE 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.05 0.02 Will Rodgers Br. 290,300 759.48 -0.52 759.65 -0.35 Miami Gage Commerce Gage 299,320 351,900 761.22 769.18 1.22 9.18 761.35 769.19 1.35 9.19 Will Rodgers Br. 290,300 762.79 2.79 762.98 2.98 299,320 763.71 3.71 763.88 3.88 0.17 351,900 769.26 9.26 769.28 9.28 0.03 Miami Gage Commerce Gage *Mean Daily Flow 58 0.17 0.12 0.01 0.19 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.13. Duration above 760-foot flood easement at Miami Gage for the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions (hours). Flood Event October 1986 September 1993 October 2009 December 2015 Table 5.14. 741 feet PD 103 100 48 68 743 feet PD 103 100 51 69 Difference 0 0 3 1 Comparison of predicted inundation under the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions (acres). Subreach Ground Surface Lower Miami Commerce Upper Total Area <= 760 2,646 1,493 3,291 226 7,655 feet 741 feet PD 743 feet PD Difference October 1996 2,070 3,178 12,879 2,081 3,182 12,882 11 4 3 5,903 5,903 0 24,030 24,048 18 741 feet PD 743 feet PD Difference September 1993 2,152 2,829 12,142 2,160 2,842 12,153 8 13 11 5,703 5,704 1 22,826 22,860 34 741 feet PD 743 feet PD Difference 1,525 1,548 23 October 2009 1,705 9,368 1,720 9,388 15 20 4,638 4,640 2 17,236 17,297 61 741 feet PD 743 feet PD Difference December 2015 1,976 2,082 9,749 1,998 2,109 9,796 22 27 47 4,489 4,493 4 18,295 18,397 102 September 1993 For the September 1993 flood, the predicted water-surface elevation at the Miami gage under the 741 feet PD condition is 769.77 feet, and this increases to 769.82 feet under 743 PD conditions, a difference of 0.05 feet (Figure 5.28, Table 5.12). The differences at the Will Rodgers Bridge and the Commerce Gage are about 0.08 feet and 0.02 feet, respectively (Table 5.12). The flood easement elevation is exceeded at the Miami gage by approximately 9.8 feet under both scenarios and for the same duration of approximately 100 hours (4.2 days) (Table 5.13). 59 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma The extents of flooding in the Miami Reach are approximately 13 acres greater under the 743 feet PD condition compared to the 741 feet PD condition (Table 5.14). The differences in the Lower reach is 8 acres, in the Commerce reach is 3 acres and in the Upper Reach is 1 acre (Table 5.14). October 2009 For the October 2009 flood, the predicted water-surface elevation at the Miami gage under the 741 feet PD condition is 761.22 feet, increasing to 761.35 feet under 743 feet PD conditions, a difference of 0.12 feet (Figure 5.29, Table 5.12). The differences at the Will Rodgers Bridge are about 0.17 and at the Commerce Gage are about 0.01 feet (Table 5.12). The flood easement elevation of 760 feet is exceeded at the Miami gage under the 741 feet PD conditions by 1.2 feet and for 48 hours, and 1.4 feet and 51 hours under the 743 feet PD condition (Table 5.13). The increase in the flooding extents between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions are approximately 23 acres in the Lower Reach 15 acres in the Miami Reach is 20 acres in the Commerce reach and about 1 acre in the upper reach (Figure 5.14). December 2015 For the December 2015 flood, the predicted water-surface elevation at the Miami gage under the 741 feet PD condition is 763.71 feet, increasing to 763.88 feet under the 743 feet PD condition, a difference of 0.17 feet (Figure 5.30, Table 5.12). The differences are about 0.19 feet at the Will Rodgers Bridge and 0.03 feet at the Commerce Gage (Table 5.12). The flood easement elevation of 760 feet is exceeded at the Miami gage under the 741 feet PD conditions by 3.7 feet for 68 hours and by about 3.9 feet for 69 hours under the 743 feet PD condition (Table 5.13). The increase in the flooding extents between the 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions are about 22 acres in the Lower Reach, 27 acres, in the Miami Reach, 47 acres in the Commerce reach and 4 acres in the Upper Reach (Figure 5.14). Comparison with FERC Results As discussed above, the FERC hydraulic extends from just upstream of Twin Bridges to Commerce gage, and they assumed that the water-surface elevation at Twin Bridges is the same as the elevation at the lake. The Tetra Tech model predicts maximum differences between Pensacola Dam and Twin Bridges ranging from 1.8 feet (757.6-755.8=1.8 feet) for the October 1996 flood to 7.4 feet (762.5 to 755 feet) for the September 1993 flood (Table 5.15). These results are supported by high-water marks that were surveyed in October 2009 and December 2015 that show differences in water-surface elevations between Pensacola Dam and Twin Bridges of 1.9 feet and 4.3 feet, respectively. Although the differences between maximum water-surface elevation in the Miami area for the two starting lake-level scenarios from the FERC and Tetra Tech analysis are similar (Table 5.16), FERC’s analysis that neglects the increase in water-surface elevation from the dam to Twin Bridges significantly under-predicts the actual water-surface elevations. For example, for the September 1993 flood under the 743 feet PD condition, the Tetra Tech model predicts a water surface elevation of 769.8 feet compared 766.9 feet from the FERC model, a difference of 2.9 feet. As a result, the FERC model also significantly under-estimates the flood inundation areas for each of the modeled floods. 60 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Table 5.15. Predicted Maximum water-surface elevation from the Tetra Tech and FERC analyses at the Pensacola Dam and Twin Bridges (feet, NGVD29). 741 feet PD 743 feet PD October 1986 September 1993 October 2009 755.8 757.6 FERC Twin Bridges 755.8 755.0 762.5 754.8 755.4 762.6 755.2 750.6 753.9 751.8 751.3 754.4 752.5 December 2015 755.5 760.6 756.0 760.8 Flood Event Tetra Tech Pensacola Twin Dam Bridges Table 5.16. Tetra Tech Pensacola Twin Dam Bridges 758.0 756.1 FERC Twin Bridges 756.1 Predicted Maximum water-surface elevation from the Tetra Tech and FERC analyses at the Miami Gage (feet, NGVD29). FERC Tetra Tech Flood Event 741 743 Difference 741 feet 743 feet Difference feet PD feet PD (ft) PD PD (ft) 772.29 772.31 769.49 769.53 0.04 October 1986 0.02 September 769.77 769.82 0.05 766.83 766.91 0.08 1993 October 2009 761.22 761.35 760.69 760.85 0.16 0.12 61 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.1. Aerial photograph showing the vegetation in the vicinity of Tar Creek in 2015. 62 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.2. Aerial photograph showing the vegetation in the vicinity of Commerce Gage (Stepps Ford Bridge) in 2015. 63 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.3. Aerial photograph showing the vegetation in the vicinity of Twin Bridges (Stepps Ford Bridge) in 2015. 64 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.4. Roughness zones used to assign Manning’s n-values to the with-dam conditions model. 65 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.5. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the May 1995 flood. 66 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.6. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the June 1995 flood. 67 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.7. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the June-July 2007 flood. 68 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.8. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the May 2009 flood. 69 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.9. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the October 2009 flood. 70 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.10. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the May-June 2013 flood. 71 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.11. Map showing location of available high-water marks for the December 2015 flood. 72 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 770 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR. Br. 790 750 740 Commerce Gage Elevation (ft) 760 730 720 710 WSE -With-Dam Bed Eevation - With-Dam 700 HWM 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.12. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the May 1995 flood. 73 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 770 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR. Br. 790 750 740 Commerce Gage Elevation (ft) 760 730 720 710 WSE - With-Dam Bed Eevation- With-Dam 700 HWM 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.13. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the June 1995 flood. 74 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Elevation (ft) 750 740 Commerce Gage 760 Commerce Gage Abandonded RR. Br. 770 Miami Gage 780 Miami Gage Twin Bridges County Rd. Br. 790 730 720 710 WSE - With-Dam 700 Bed Eevation - With-Dam HWM 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.14. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the May-June 2007 flood. 75 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Commerce Gage 770 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR. Br. 790 750 740 Commerce Gage Elevation (ft) 760 730 720 WSE -With-Dam 710 Bed Eevation - With-Dam 700 HWM 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.15. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the October 2009 flood. 76 770 Commerce Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR. Br. 790 Miami Gage Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Elevation (ft) 760 750 740 730 720 WSE - With-Dam 710 Bed Eevation (With-Dam) HWM 700 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.16. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the October 2009 flood. 77 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Commerce Gage 770 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR. Br. 790 Elevation (ft) 760 750 740 730 720 WSE - With-Dam Bed Elevation - With-Dam 710 HWM 700 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.17. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the May 2013 flood. 78 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Abandonded RR. Br. 760 Elevation (ft) 750 740 Commerce Gage 770 Miami Gage Twin Bridges County Rd. Br. 780 730 720 710 HWM 700 Water-Surface Elevation Bed Elevation 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.18. Comparison of the predicted maximum water-surface profile along the channel stationline compared to the measured high-water marks and peak gage measurements for the December 2015 flood. 79 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 770 40,000 765 30,000 25,000 760 20,000 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) 35,000 755 15,000 Commerce - Measured Commerce - Predicted 750 10,000 Miami -Measured Miami - Predicted 5,000 Commerce - Discharge 745 5-May-95 6-May-95 7-May-95 8-May-95 0 9-May-95 10-May-95 11-May-95 12-May-95 13-May-95 14-May-95 15-May-95 Figure 5.19. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the May 1995 flood. 80 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 775 80,000 770 60,000 50,000 765 40,000 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) 70,000 760 30,000 Commerce - Measured Commerce - Predicted 755 20,000 Miami -Measured 10,000 Miami - Predicted Commerce - Discharge 750 31-May-95 2-Jun-95 4-Jun-95 6-Jun-95 8-Jun-95 10-Jun-95 12-Jun-95 14-Jun-95 16-Jun-95 0 18-Jun-95 Figure 5.20. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the June 1995 flood. 81 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 780 160,000 140,000 120,000 770 100,000 765 80,000 760 60,000 755 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) 775 Commerce - Measured 40,000 Miami - Measured Miami - Predicted 750 Commerce - Predicted 20,000 Commerce - Discharge 745 28-Jun-07 Figure 5.21. 0 30-Jun-07 2-Jul-07 4-Jul-07 6-Jul-07 8-Jul-07 10-Jul-07 Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the 2007 flood. 82 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 775 70,000 60,000 50,000 765 40,000 760 30,000 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) 770 755 20,000 Commerce - Measured Commerce - Measured 750 Miami - Measured 10,000 Miami - Predicted Commerce - Discharge 745 25-Apr-09 Figure 5.22. 27-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 1-May-09 3-May-09 5-May-09 7-May-09 0 9-May-09 Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the May 2009 flood. 83 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 775 50,000 45,000 40,000 765 35,000 30,000 760 25,000 755 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) 770 20,000 Commerce - Measured 15,000 750 Commerce - Predicted 10,000 Miami -Measured 745 Miami - Predicted 5,000 Commerce - Discharge 740 7-Oct-09 8-Oct-09 9-Oct-09 10-Oct-09 11-Oct-09 12-Oct-09 13-Oct-09 14-Oct-09 15-Oct-09 0 16-Oct-09 Figure 5.23. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the October 2009 flood. 84 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 775 70,000 Commerce - Measured Commerce - Predicted 770 60,000 Miami - Predicted 765 Commerce - Discharge 50,000 760 40,000 755 30,000 Discharge (cfs) Water-surface Elevation (feet NGVD29) Miami - Measured 750 20,000 745 10,000 740 735 28-May-13 30-May-13 1-Jun-13 3-Jun-13 5-Jun-13 7-Jun-13 9-Jun-13 11-Jun-13 0 13-Jun-13 Figure 5.24. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the May 2013 flood. 85 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 775 50000 Commerce - Measured Miami Gage - Measured Commerce - Predicted Miami - Predicted Commerce - Discharge 40000 765 35000 30000 760 25000 755 20000 Discharge (cfs) Water Surface Elevation (feet, NGVD29) 770 45000 15000 750 10000 745 5000 740 12/24/2015 12/26/2015 12/28/2015 12/30/2015 1/1/2016 1/3/2016 1/5/2016 0 1/7/2016 Figure 5.25. Predicted and measured stage hydrographs at the Commerce and Miami gages for the December 2015 flood. 86 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Figure 5.26. Predicted inundation area for the existing (with-dam) conditions June-July 2007 flood compared to the 760-foot contour line. 87 0.5 770 Abandonded RR. Br. Elevation (ft) 760 750 740 0.4 Commerce Gage 780 Miami Gage Twin Bridges County Rd. Br. 790 0.3 730 0.2 720 WSE - 741' PD 710 WSE - 743' PD 0.1 Bed Eevation 700 Difference in WSE 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 0 400000 Difference in Predicted Water-Surface Elevation (743'PD - 741'PD) (ft) Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Station (ft) Figure 5.27. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for October 1986 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. 88 0.5 Abandonded RR. Br. 770 Elevation (ft) 760 750 740 0.4 Commerce Gage 780 Miami Gage Twin Bridges County Rd. Br. 790 0.3 730 0.2 720 710 WSE - 741' PD 0.1 WSE - 743' PD 700 Bed Eevation - With-Dam Difference in WSE 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 Difference in Predicted Water-surface Elevation (743'PD - 741'PD) (ft) Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 0 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.28. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for September 1993 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. 89 0.9 760 Elevation (ft) 0.8 Commerce Gage 770 1 Miami Gage County Rd. Br. Twin Bridges 780 Abandonded RR. Br. 790 750 0.7 0.6 740 0.5 730 0.4 720 0.3 WSE - 741' PD 710 0.2 WSE - 743' PD Bed Eevation (With-Dam) 700 0.1 Difference in WSE 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 Difference in Predicted Water-surface Elevation (743'PD - 741'PD) (ft) Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 0 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.29. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for October 2009 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. 90 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma Miami Gage Twin Bridges 770 0.4 760 740 730 Commerce Gage Abandonded RR. Br. Elevation (ft) 750 0.3 0.2 WSE -741' PD 720 WSE - 743' PD 710 Bed Eevation - With-Dam 0.1 Difference in WSE 700 690 200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 360000 380000 Difference in Predicted Water-surface Elevation (743'PD - 741'PD) (ft) 0.5 County Rd. Br. 780 0 400000 Station (ft) Figure 5.30. Predicted maximum water-surface profiles for December 2015 flood under 741 feet PD and 743 feet PD conditions. 91 Hydraulic Analysis to Evaluate the Impacts of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Neosho River Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma 6 REFERENCES Arcement, G.K. and Schneider, V.R., 1989. Guide for Selecting Manning's Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and Floodplains. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2339. Dewberry, 2011. USGS Grand Lake, OK LiDAR Project. Prepared for the U.S. geological Survey. November, 63 p. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 2015. Supporting information from Commission staff’s independent analysis of GRDA’s request for expedited approval of a temporary variance from Article 401. Technical Memorandum. August 31. Holly, F.M., 2001. Flood Level and Duration Determination Neosho River below Commerce Gage. Prepared for Dalrymple et al v. Grande River Dam, Case No. CJ-94-444, Miami, Oklahoma, April. Mussetter, R.A., 1998. Evaluation of the Roughness Characteristics of the Neosho River in the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma. August 7. OWRB, 2009. Hydrographic Survey of Grand Lake. August. 26 p. Simons & Associates, Inc., 1996. Backwater Analysis of Pensacola Reservoir on the Neosho River, Miami, Oklahoma. Statement of Opinions by Daryl B. Simons, March. Tetra Tech, 2015. Hydraulic Analysis of the Effects of the Rule Curve Change at Pensacola Dam on Flooding In the Vicinity of Miami, Oklahoma. Prepared for the City of Miami, Oklahoma. December. 107p. University of Oklahoma (OU), 2014. Floodplain Analysis of the Neosho River Associated with Proposed Rule Curve Modifications for Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees. Master’s Thesis submitted by Alan C. Dennis. Norman, Oklahoma U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 1940. Pensacola Reservoir topographic mapping. 36”x48” sheets. USACE, 1942. Pensacola Reservoir Computation Folder for the revised envelope curve of water surface in Reservoir. USACE, 1970.Hydrologic Criteria for Acquisition of Reservoir Lands. Southwest Division Engineering Technical Letter 1110-2-22. USACE, 1980. Arkansas River Basin Water Control Master Manual. Tulsa and Little Rock Districts Corps of Engineers. USACE, 1985. Real Estate Handbook. Engineering Regulation 405-1-12. USACE, 1986. Miami, Oklahoma Flood Study, Technical Section 1, hydrology and Hydraulics. USACE, 1992. Pensacola Reservoir, Grand (Neosho) River, Oklahoma. Water Control Manual, Appendix E, Part 1 of 3 to Water Control Master Manual, Arkansas River Basin. Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, August USACE, 1997. Pensacola Reservoir, Survey of Lake of the Cherokees, Oklahoma. Survey conducted for the St. Louis District Corps of Engineers. Data provided on CD. USACE, 1998. Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Real Estate Adequacy Study. Prepared by Tulsa District. USACE, 2015. HEC-RAS 2D Modeling User’s Manual. April. 143 p. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA), 1939. Aerial photography in the vicinity of Miami, OK. Aerial Photography Field Office, Washington, D.C. 92 GOODELL STRATTON 515 S Kansas Ave Topeka, KS 66603 WWVV.GSEPLAW.COM EDMONDS&PALMER LLP T 785.233.0593 F 785.233.8870 E E-filed April 14, 2016 Ms. Kimberly Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Mr. Norman C. Bay, Chairman Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Mr. Robert Fletcher Land Resources Branch Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington DC 20426 RE: Ms. Jennifer Hill, Director Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Mr. Jason Murphy Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 N. Classen Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Mr. Kenneth Kopocis Deputy Assistant Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. MC4101M Washington D.C. 20460-0001 Project No. P-1494-433 Application for Non Capacity Related Amendment of License- Article 401 (Rule curve) Protest and Comments Dear Secretary Bose, Mr. Bay, Mr. Fletcher, Ms. Hill, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Kopocis: This letter is on behalf of 493 citizens and businesses that live and/or do business in Ottawa County, Oklahoma. It is to protest and comment on the application dated March 16, 2016, and filed by the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA) titled Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment of License. Our position is simple and straightforward: It cannot be disputed there have not been adequate easements purchased for the operation of Pensacola Dam; any increase in the rule curve increases the risk of invasion into the flood pool, causing a backwater effect in Ottawa County. The backwater effect is an increase in the elevation and duration of flooding. Thus, GRDA should not be allowed to increase the lake elevation, with its corresponding increase in the risk of flooding on property with no easements, even a little bit. Over the course of many years I have supplied FERC with documents, studies from the Corps of Engineers, court rulings and hydrologist studies as supporting documentation going back to the 1940's (exhibits), which conclude adequate easements have not been purchased to operate the Dam, and that would be particularly true with an elevated rule curve. Yet GRDA continues to maintain the plaintiffs I represent do not know what they are talking about. This is after being flooded 14 times between 1993 and 1995. Then flooded again, at least 21 times, PARTNERS H. PHIUP ELWOOD JOHN H. STAUFFER, JR. N. LARRY BORES NATHAN D. LEADSTROM MIRANDA K. CARMONA MARY E. CHRISTOPHER' RICHARD J. RAMON° TIMOTHY A. SHULTZ', OF COUNSEL ARTHUR E. PALMER, GERALD J. LETOURNEAU HAROLD S. YOUNGENTOB s PATRICK M. SALSBURY SPECIAL COUNSEL WESLEY A. WEATHERS' PATRICIA A. RILEY' CYNTHIA J. SHEPPEARD ASSOCIATES ALISON J. ST. CLAIR USA M. BROWN SARAH A. MORSP RETIRED GERALD L. GOODELL WAYNE T STRATTON DECEASED ROBERT E. EDMONDS H932-20011 'ALSO ADMITTED IN MO SALAD ADMITTED IN MO & NY 3 ALSO ADMITTED IN MO, NE & OK 4 ALSO ADMITTED IN MO, NE & MN sALSO ADMITTED IN GA Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 between 2007 and 2010. If GRDA thinks they own enough easements to operate the project, as required by the license issued by FERC, to keep raising the rule curve, they need to prove it. As its regulatory and licensing agency, FERC should hold GRDA accountable when they are non-compliant with its license, just as the Agency did in 2011. In 2011 GRDA was assessed a fine for violating fifty two (52) requirements of nineteen (19) Reliability Standards by failing to adequately perform critical functions required for the reliable operation of transmission systems.1 PLAINTIFFS HISTORY WITH GRDA Four hundred forty-five (445) of these citizens and/or businesses were all flooded in the 2007 flood impacting Ottawa County, and have all sued GRDA for that flooding. City of Miami, et al., v. Grand River Dam Authority, Case CJ-08-619. The additional 48 citizens and/or businesses, flooded in 1993, 1994, 1995 and some again in 2007, have sued GRDA for that flooding: Asbell, etal., v. Grand River Dam Authority Case CJ-01-381, filed in 2001. In 1994, Dalrymple, et aL, v. Grand River Dam Authority, Case CJ-94-444, was filed. That case was not fully adjudicated until November of 2007, just five (5) months after the second largest flood ever in the area (July 2007), costing millions of dollars in losses and displacing hundreds. Ottawa County District Judge Reavis has specifically found in litigation involving GRDA: "The operation of Pensacola Dam caused increased average lake elevations in approximately 1982 and again in approximately 1992." 2 (Exhibit 1, ¶ 20, p. 9). The Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals (COCA) then stated: "Indeed, it was only the increase through the years of "normal" elevation levels of the lake that resulted in flooding of the Landowners' property."3 (Exhibit 2, p.17). To date, all Courts have been consistent in rulings and opinions issued: GRDA is responsible for the flooding due to the existence and operation of Pensacola Dam, it has caused a quantifiable increase in the magnitude and duration of flooding, and lands without an easement have been flooded because of the backwater effect of Pensacola Dam. The Courts have stated: "The increased elevation and duration of flooding (above 760 feet NGVD) is already on ground above the elevation to which GRDA has easements". See Ex.1, p, 11(N); Ex.4, p.3, ¶2, f.n. [2]4. Yet, GRDA asks to increase lake elevation still more. 'Order Approving Stipulation and Consent Agreement, 136 FERC ¶ 61,132 2 Order (Dated Nov. 5, 1999): Dabymple, et al., v. GRDA. Case No.: CJ-94-444 3 Appeal From the District Court of Ottawa County, Oklahoma, Affirmed, (June 15, 2004), McCoo/ v. Grand River Dam Authority, Case 97,020 4 A flowage easement permits GRDA to flood privately-owned property, if necessary, for the operation of the project. Page 2 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 DOCUMENTATION FOR A PERMANENT AMENDMENT TO THE RULE CURVE The fact the request for the Amendment to permanently raise the rule curve is based on the Dennis Thesis, the study performed by FERC's Atlanta Office of Energy Projects, (accession # 20150831-4012), as well as the 2004 Holly report (which has a significant modeling flaw detected in 2010), raises even more concerns. The Order5 issued by FERC, approving the temporary variance, states: "GRDA's May 28 application also included a February 20, 2015 letter from the Corps stating that the 2014 Dennis Study is of high quality..." II 6. In the analyses of the Dennis Thesis, the Atlanta office of FERC modeled three (3) different floods, 1986, 1993 and 2009 making many changes to the Dennis Thesis. Those necessary changes call into question "the high quality" of the Dennis Thesis. In the FERC Order granting GRDA's Request for the Temporary Variance from Article 401 of the License, the Rule Curve, as Amended in December, 1996, the following was stated: "In the HEC-RAS model for the 2014 Dennis Study, the downstream boundary condition (reservoir elevation) was set at a static elevation of either 741 or 743 feet for all model runs. The study recognizes the possible benefit of further evaluation with dynamic reservoir routing, i.e., the reservoir elevation varying due to dam outflows and upstream tributary inflows." Id. at 17 (emphasis added) "Staff's review indicates that the HEC-RAS model for the 2014 Dennis Study contained a number of input data errors (concerning, e.g., bridge deck data, cross section data, and improper ineffective flow areas). While these errors were carried through for all model runs, thereby possibly negating some impact of the input errors, the errors to some extent call into question the reliability of the modeling results. "Id. at 18 (emphasis added) These errors resulted in the FERC staff performing an independent analysis, resulting in changes to the modeling used in the Dennis Thesis. FERC issued the Order allowing for a Temporary Variance to raise the rule curve. The increased elevation of Grand Lake 0' the Cherokees makes Ottawa County susceptible to flooding, even when just a moderate rain occurs: the higher the Grand Lake elevation, the greater the risk of upstream flooding. FERC concluded: "In addition, we note that our approval of GRDA's request for temporary variance in no way requires GRDA to deviate from the Article 401 reservoir elevation rule curve requirements for the project. Rather, we simply approve GRDA's request to 5 Order Approving Request for Temporary Variance, 152 FERC1 61,129 (2015) Page 3 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 deviate from the Article 401 reservoir elevation rule curve, which it does at its own risk. Regardless of this temporary variance, section 10(c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA) provides that GRDA is liable for damages caused by its operation of the Pensacola Project [52].” "En. 52. See 16 U.S.C. § 803(c) (2012) ("Each licensee hereunder shall be liable for all damages occasioned to the property of others by the construction, maintenance, or operation of the project works or of the works appurtenant or accessory thereto, constructed under the license, and in no event shall the United States be liable therefore."); also, e.g., Pacific Gas & Electric Company, 115 FERC ¶ 61,320, at P 21(2006) (observing that while Congress intended for the Commission to ensure that hydroelectric projects were operated and maintained in a safe manner, Congress intended for section 10(c) of the FPA to preserve existing state laws governing the damage liability of licensees) (citing South Carolina Public Service Authority v. FERC, 850 F. 2d 788, 795 (D.C. Cir. 1988))". Id. at 77 "Accordingly, should GRDA flood lands on which it has no flowage rights, it may be liable for any damages that result. [53] "En. 53. For this reason, the City of Miami's assertions that we [FERC] should deny the proposed variation because of its belief that GRDA lacks flowage easements for certain lands is misplaced. GRDA's right to flood property is constrained by the extent of its legal rights to do so. If GRDA exceeds its rights, it is subject to damages." Id. at 78 GRDA began raising the rule curve in 1982 (without consent) and formally adopted the modification in 1984. It was after this action on GRDA's part that the flooding began as a regular occurrence in Miami. It was then increased yet again in 1996.6 GRDA continued to request an increase in the rule curve elevation, based on different factors, and now requests a permanent amendment to the license. FOOTNOTES 52 & 53 OF FERC ORDER OF 8/14/2015 A. Footnote 52 In footnote 52 of the Order, FERC cites 16 U.S.C. § 803(c) (2012) "that GRDA is liable for damages caused by the operation of Pensacola Dam". Following is how the former and current litigation has progressed, how the law has been applied and Grand River Dam Authority's position as to its liability: 1. Dalrymple, et al., v. GRDA CJ-94-444 The Dalrymple case, consisted of 107 citizens and businesses, was filed in Ottawa County District Court in 1994, removed to Federal Court by GRDA when it filed 6 Order Amending License, 77 FERC ¶ 61,251 (1996) Page 4 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 suit against the United States of America ex rel, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the United States Army Corps of Engineers as third party defendants. FERC took the position that it had regulatory authority over the entire project, including the impact of the flood pool. The federal case was remanded back to State Court. The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the third party dismissal and dismissed GRDA's appeal of the remand order. On remand to the District Court, the Trial Court appointed a referee from the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, who concluded, "[T]he existence and operation of Pensacola Dam has caused a quantifiable increase in the magnitude and duration offlooding" The litigation went from 1994 to 2005, when certain claims were settled for $9 million. Resolution of all claims took until 2007 with total damages paid by GRDA of approximately $11.5 million. All of those damages occurred on land above elevation 760 NGVD, above easements. 2. Asbell, et al., v. GRDA CJ-01-381 The Asbell case was filed on behalf of 48 plaintiffs for the floods of late 1992, through much of 1995, a total of 14 floods in a three and a half (3%2) year period of time. This case was filed as a takings case and went to the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. The Court of Civil Appeals found GRDA responsible for the flooding7 and having taken property, but remanded the case to the District Court for additional findings. After 15 years, the plaintiffs are still awaiting a decision from the District Court on the type of taking, the time of the taking and the resulting damages. The attorneys for GRDA state any decision will be appealed. (Pending) (See Exhibit 4, pp. 11, 12,20) 3. City of Miami, et al., v. GRDA CJ-08-619 All 456 citizens and businesses were flooded in the 2007, and some also in 2009 and 2010. Every one of these plaintiffs was impacted by the increased elevation and duration of flooding caused by the existence and operation of Pensacola Dam. The basis for making the statement regarding the "existence and operation of the Pensacola Dam" comes from the lawsuit filed in 1994 in Ottawa County District Court in Dalrymple. (Pending) (Exhibit 4) GRDA's counsel, Mr. Joseph Farris, made it clear that whatever ruling is handed down by the District Court, in Asbell, he will appeal on behalf of GRDA. This is after 15 years in ongoing litigation, one trip to the Appellate Court, a writ of certiorari filed with the Oklahoma Supreme Court by GRDA, and later denied. GRDA then filed a Petition for a Rehearing with the Oklahoma Supreme Court. This request was promptly denied. In a hearing in the Asbell matter held on the 13th of April, 2015, even the Judge expressed an opinion on the delays: "I've always wanted to try to get to what's fair to the landowners and what's fair to GRDA, who provides a power source, a hydroelectric plant, all these things, and to be fair to both of you in my decisions. But I'm getting a little bit tired of what happens in these kinds of cases in the sense Perry v. Grand River Darn Authority, 2015 OK CIV APP 12, 344 P.3d 1 (Div. 42013) Page 5 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 that every, every little issue has to be appealed, and it takes time for appeals, and then back to the Court, then back to this ".(Exhibit 5) And again at a hearing in the same matter held on the 24th0f September, 2015: MR.BORK: As to the other cases, just to get it in front to talk about it, there would be some that would say you make your substantive decision. We already know GRDA is going to appeal it. COURT: Sure. (Exhibit 6, pg. 13) THE COURT: -- and you [GRDA] appeal it, do you want to move forward on these other cases in trial while that's going on appeal, or do you want to wait? MR.FARRIS: I do, Judge, because I think those other cases are going to raise other issues that are going to have to be dealt with, such as standing, for example, the substitution of decedents, who has the right if you sold it, what do we get now, you know. I see all sorts of issues between the current owners of the property, former owners of property, about who has the right to the proceeds, if any. (Exhibit 6, pg.14) GRDA continues to deny any responsibility for the flooding caused by the backwater effect, found to exist by all hydrologists that have studied this issue. Even the FERC study, performed by the Atlanta office for the purpose of granting/denying the temporary variance, showed an impact above the 760 feet easements. GRDA takes the position that it is the aggrieved and cooperative party, but has its attorney(s) delaying the due process that FERC suggests is the proper venue for persons damaged by GRDA. B. Footnote 53 FERC's Order denied the City's request, based on the City's "belief that GRDA lacks flowage easements for certain lands is misplaced" (En 53) (emphasis added) I have been involved in this litigation since 1993. I have been lead counsel for these plaintiffs since 1994 and have advocated on their behalf based on facts presented to the Courts, using documentation and scientific evidence, which supports the position that inadequate easements exist for the operation of Pensacola Dam to continue to flood and store water on the plaintiffs property. Easements need to be purchased; this is not just a belief, but rather a fact found by multiple Courts and for which GRDA has paid millions of dollars, albeit many years after the damage was done. The lack of easements is addressed in the FERC license issued in 1939 and again in 1992: the Court decision in Dalrymple; the Appellate Court Decision in McCoo/; and the Appellate Court Decision in Perry, Pryor and Shaw, consolidated under Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals as Case 109,714. The very study commissioned by FERC and referenced in the Order, (152 FERC ¶ 61,129) is a substantial argument that the "belief" of the plaintiffs is based on science and facts. " bile agree that the proposed temporary variance would have some benefits, including increased water levels, greater access for boaters and other recreationists on Grand Lake, ... ... However, notwithstanding these benefits, the proposal could potentially exacerbate flooding both upstream and downstream of the project during any flood Page 6 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 events. As explained above, based upon Commission staff's independent analysis of three historic storm events (October 1986; September 1993; and October 2009), the proposed temporary variance would increase flood elevations by up to 0.2 foot in the City of Miami and up to 0.7 foot downstream of Pensacola Dam at the Langley gage. Given the presence of certain low lying structures at the City of Miami and near the Langley gage, a flood event could potentially impact additional homes and businesses that would have been unaffected absent the proposed temporary variance." 152 FERC ¶ 61,129, Order, ¶ 70. This statement, from the Order, allows GRDA to perform an illegal act, since the property necessary to operate the Dam, particularly at an increased elevation, has never been purchased and GRDA has no easement(s) on the property. EASEMENTS Before I go further, it is critical to reemphasize that each and every one of these plaintiffs was impacted by the "increased elevation and duration" of flooding caused by "the existence and operation of Pensacola Dam." above the level of the easements. (Ex.1, pp. 2;11). In other words, every one of them had more flooding than what they otherwise would have had without Pensacola Dam. Some of them would not have flooded at all. Since all of these properties have no flowage easement on them, GRDA has no right to put ANY water on their property. Such rights are necessary to operate the project pursuant to Article 401,8 for power generation as well as "to provide flood protection". That is consistent with the position previously taken in federal litigation by FERC when 3"1 partied in by GRDA. An increase in the rule curve should not be allowed until the easements are purchased in accordance with the terms of the license. The license issued to the GRDA on July 12, 1939 by the Federal Power Commission, Article 2 states: "The project covered by and subject to this license is located in Mayes, Craig, Delaware and Ottawa Counties, Oklahoma... Article 2§C states "... also, all other rights, easements, or interests the ownership, use, occupancy or possession of which is necessary or appropriate in the maintenance and operation of the project or appurtenant to the project area". For the license issued to GRDA in 1992, FERC ¶ 62,073, B3(D): This license is subject to the articles set forth in Form L-3 (October 1975) 9 entitled "Terms and Conditions of the License for Constructed Major Project Affecting Navigable Waters of the United States". (Exhibit 3). Article 5 states: "The Licensee, within five years from the date of issuance of the license, shall acquire title in fee or the right to use in perpetuity all lands, other than lands of the United States, necessary or appropriate for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the 8 Order Issuing New License, April 24, 1992 (59 FERC ¶ 62,073). Article 401. The Licensee shall operate the Pensacola Project to control fluctuations of the reservoir surface elevation for the protection of fish, wildlife, and recreational resources associated with the Grand Lake 0' the Cherokees (Grand Lake) reservoir. The Licensee shall act, to the extent practicable (except as necessary for the Department of the Army, Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers to provide flood protection in the Grand (Neosho) River)). 9 Reported at 54 FPC 1817 Standardized Conditions For Inclusion in Preliminary Permits and Licenses Issued Under Part I of the Federal Power Act (October 31, 1975) Page 7 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 project. The Licensee or its successors and assigns shall, during the period of the license, retain the possession of all project property covered by the license as issued or as later amended, including the project area, the project works, and all franchises, easements, water rights, and rights of occupancy and use;" (Ex. 3, Article 5). As FERC considers this request for a permanent amendment to the license of FERC project P-1494, based on the limited studies and reports submitted by GRDA, it is important to differentiate the options which are legal, and those which are illegal. The flooding of property which does not have a flowage easement on it is an illegal act, for which multiple courts have found GRDA to be liable. This goes beyond whether a landowner can get his boat to and from his dock; or whether a fish has significant oxygen, particularly when there is very questionable science as to whether the increased elevation of the lake would significantly have a favorable impact on the dissolved oxygen issue under these circumstances. When there is a history of thirteen (13) years, fifteen (15) years and going on eight (8) years and growing, of litigation, it is not appropriate to casually mention those so aggrieved can just go to the courts. We are now more than twenty (20) years after the damage was to some of these plaintiffs and they still have not been compensated for the damage done by GRDA. Why did GRDA buy any property or easements to 755 for storage or 760 for flowage, when it can just take the property and stall its way through years of litigation? If no easements had been purchased, so only fee to elevation 750 feet, would FERC allow the amendment stating the landowners can just go to the Courts? Of course not, and it should not here, either. Even GRDA cannot take the position there are adequate easements, so it focuses on the fact it is just causing a little more damage. The flooding that occurred in the City of Miami and Ottawa County, Oklahoma this past May and December, 2015 was a result of backwater. Flooding caused by a backwater effect of 1-3 feet may seem inconsequential, something that can be cleaned up quickly once the water recedes. That is not a reflection of the reality of what is happening to these plaintiffs. With only 1-3 feet of water in a home there is impact on: electrical wiring, sheetrock, paint, flooring, baseboard trim, doors, duct work, cabinetry, personal property; the home may have black mold; and, the home has become devalued as flood property. Also, the homeowner is displaced. This scenario has been repeating since 1986, multiple times, in the same area. This is not a small amount of money we are talking about, but millions of dollars. FEMA, private insurance companies and individuals are impacted. These costs, in addition to the damages suffered by plaintiffs, are then magnified by way of raising the floodplain elevation and the increase in the cost of flood insurance due to the repeated flooding that continues in this area, caused by GRDA. Additionally, increased lake elevation causes a danger. Mr. Sullivan, General Manager and CEO of Grand River Dam Authority, briefly touched on the rainfall received in the area, in December of 2015, at the January 2016 GRDA Board meeting. [H]e stated: "they received a tremendous amount of rain in a very short period of time as compared to the May 2015 event. ... he told the Board ... water was about 0.05 of an inch from the top of the flood gates at the Pensacola Dam at one point. He stated "... at one time during this rainfall event there were 18 gates open at one time, with this being the second highest release at Pensacola Dam since Page 8 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 1943..." (Exhibit 7, pg. 7). Mr. Sullivan made no mention of the 1951, 1986, 1994 or 2007 floods, all causing widespread devastation. The Dam came very close to being breached in December of 2015. Now GRDA is asking, once again, to store more water in the Lake. My clients are continually portrayed as one of the impeding elements in an attempt to raise the rule curve. They have gone to the Courts for a remedy and after receiving multiple favorable rulings against GRDA, many still have yet to recover any damages due to the denial and delay tactics practiced by GRDA. Plaintiffs want GRDA to purchase the flowage easements required by the license, initially issued in 1939, and reissued in 1992. Pensacola Dam was constructed for two (2) primary reasons: flood control and hydropower. This project (Pensacola), was legislatively established by the 76th Congress 1st, Session, based on studies of the area as early as the late 1920's. GRDA has known of the necessity to purchase additional flowage easements since the 1943 flood. There have been multiple studies done, beginning in the late 1930's and the early 1940's by the Corps of Engineers, and other private engineering firms (i.e. Black & Veach) and more recently by Dr. Robert Mussetter and engineers hired by GRDA, (including Forrest Holly, special master at the Dalrymple trial) who found: "the existence and operation of Pensacola Dam caused a quantifiable increase in the flooding and duration of flooding in the City of Miami, Oklahoma above the elevation of the easements..." (Ex. 1, p.2) (emphasis added). The operation of the dam is the critical component and the common denominator in the entire unnatural flooding taking place in Ottawa County. The plaintiffs ask that the cumulative effect of the small incremental changes made to the rule curve since 1982 be reevaluated. Asking to raise the rule curve one-to-two feet does not seem like a lot, when in fact the rule curve has been raised by 10 feet in this time period since 1980. The dam originally was drawn down to 732 feet, 10 feet less than what is currently being sought. The drawdown to 732 feet allowed for more storage of inflows due to heavy rainfall. With weather patterns being difficult to predict, less storage translates to less time to react in the event of an emergency. Plaintiffs also ask that the lack of storage acre per foot and the nearly 10 feet of sediment, found to exist at Pensacola Dam, be taken into consideration. The 493 citizens and businesses that I represent request that FERC consider the Study performed by Tetra Tech. Dr. Robert Mussetter has been studying this area and these issues since the middle 1990s. (Exhibit 8). The Tetra Tech Study used the latest technology and bathymetry. That Study shows a backwater effect of a difference of 2.9 feet from the FERC modeling for the September 1993 flood, for example. (Exhibit 8, p. 60). The Mussetter study shows the FERC model as significantly underestimating the flood inundation area for each of the modeled floods (p.60). Further, that study shows a backwater impact up to elevation 778 feet, NGVD 18 feet above the existing easements at 760 feet, involving nearly 13,000 acres. (Exhibit 8,p. 2). FERC has the authority to make changes to the Pensacola Dam operations. Flood control is listed as one of the two purposes for building the Dam. The repeated flooding of the area where these plaintiffs reside, the City of Miami and Ottawa County, Oklahoma, is Dam caused Page 9 of 10 Protest and Comment On Behalf of 493 Plaintiffs April 14, 2016 and has been found so by multiple Courts and hydrology studies. This continued flooding is in direct opposition to the 76" Congress, 1st Session, intended purpose of approving the financing and building of this Dam under authority of the Flood Control Act. For the reasons stated herein, 493 citizens and businesses in Ottawa County state the requested Amendment to the license GRDA holds to operate Pensacola Dam, to permanently raise the rule curve, should be denied. We appreciate your consideration of this protest and comment. NLB:pz Miami City Council cc: Ottawa County Commissioners B. Pete Yarrington David Anderson Dean Kruithof Jack Dalrymple, P.E. Mark Osborn, M.D. Kevin Stubbs Derek Smithee Barry Bolton Senator James M. Inhofe Senator Charles Wyrick Senator Ron Wyden (Oregon) Congressman Markwayne Mullin Kenneth Kopocis, EPA Jerry Clark, FEMA, Region IV Page 10 of 10 April 18, 2016 FERC staff informal review comments on GRDA’s draft application for amendment of Article 401 rule curve requirements, Pensacola Hydroelectric Project, No. 1494 Oklahoma ____________________________________________________________________ Flood Analysis 1. In Appendix 4: Information Supporting Amendment Application, the ninth bullet on the list refers to a document as “FERC staff modeling analysis.” That document should be referred to as “FERC staff independent analysis.” Storm Adaptive Management Plan 2. Regarding Appendix 2, please see the attached Word document, which contains GRDA’s proposed Storm Adaptive Management Plan, with FERC staff comments in track changes. Drought Adaptive Management Plan 3. We compared the Drought Adaptive Management Plan (DAMP) approved in paragraph (C) of the Commission’s August 14, 2015 order to the DAMP proposed in the draft application. Please address the following differences in your final application: a. As approved in the 2015 order, GRDA would implement the DAMP if water levels in Grand Lake fall below the elevations on the temporary rule curve as the result of a severe to exceptional regional drought as identified using information from the U.S. Drought Monitor. In the draft application, GRDA appears to implement the DAMP by a determination of a severe to significant drought alone, without reference to water levels. This change might cause actions under the DAMP to be taken prematurely. Please explain why GRDA is not using water levels, in part, to trigger implementation of the DAMP or add water levels as a trigger for implementing the DAMP. Also, please explain the use of the term “significant drought” when referring to the Drought Monitor. It appears you should be using the term “exceptional” which is the highest Drought Monitor category. b. As approved in the 2015 order, once the DAMP was implemented, GRDA would make decisions on hourly and daily release rates using input from the same entities participating in the weekly teleconferences. In the draft application, it is not clear that GRDA would use input from these entities. Please address this difference, or modify the relevant text to clarify that input from the listed entities would be used in decisions regarding release rates under the DAMP. Environmental Analysis 4. Section IV: The environmental analysis in the draft application indicates that the scope of the application is the same as GRDA’s 2015 temporary variance. GRDA then says no further studies are necessary and that relevant existing information including materials prepared by GRDA for the 2015 application appears in Appendix 4. In Appendix 4 of the draft application, GRDA lists the information that would be included in that appendix of its final application. GRDA needs to include in its final application a discussion and analysis of the differences in possible environmental effects between last year’s temporary variance and GRDA’s proposed permanent, multi-year change. GRDA should discuss and analyze any such differences for each major resource area including differences that could occur in individual years and identification, discussion, and analysis of cumulative effects. 5. In your draft application, you say a new water quality certificate is not needed for the proposed rule curve change. Please consult with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality to determine whether or not a new water quality certificate is needed for this amendment application. Cultural and Historic Resources 6. In the 2015 order, staff found that a temporary amendment of the rule curve would not cause any significant effects to cultural/historic resources. However, in support of a request for a permanent amendment and under the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, GRDA should consult with Oklahoma SHPO to obtain their concurrence with the proposed amendment’s Area of Potential Effect and any potential effects to historic properties. Also, GRDA should consult with any Native American tribes to obtain their comments on the proposed amendment’s effects. We note that the Modoc tribe has already raised objections to the permanent rule curve amendment. If needed, GRDA can ask to be designated the Commission’s non-federal representative for the purposes of conducting initial consultation with the Oklahoma SHPO and tribes for this amendment. Threatened and Endangered Species 7. Please include documentation of consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service identifying specific actions that may be required under the Endangered Species Act in the processing of a permanent change to the project rule curve. Federally-listed species in the project area that should be considered include the Neosho mucket, Neosho madtom, Ozark cavefish, and gray bat. In addition, please discuss whether any new endangered or threatened species have been identified in the project area and the results of your discussions with FWS regarding those species. Recreation 8. The Vessel Aground log submitted in the 2015 application should be updated to include all vessel groundings since that filing (i.e., all vessel groundings from 2013 until the date of the application). 9. Section 2.1.1 of the 2015 Environmental Report Supplement should be updated to reflect new vessel grounding information collected since it was filed on August 10, 2015 (i.e., the Supplement should discuss any patterns in vessel groundings during the 2015 variance period in comparison to prior years). Pensacola Project, FERC No. 1494 Storm Adaptive Management Plan Background As part of this Application for Non-Capacity Related Amendment to the license for the Pensacola Project No. 1494 (Project), GRDA proposes under an amended Article 401 to implement a Storm Adaptive Management Plan (Plan) “[u]pon the forecast of any major precipitation event within the Grand/Neosho River basin that may result in high water conditions upstream or downstream of Grand Lake.” This Plan sets forth rules and protocols for the adaptive management process to meet this requirement of the amended Article 401. DescriptionPurpose This Plan sets forth protocols for managing Grand Lake prior to and during major precipitation events. Description GRDA will work with resource agencies and local governments to address concerns related to high water conditions upstream and downstream of Grand Lake prior to and during any major precipitation event that may occur in the Grand/Neosho River basin. GRDA will review, at a minimum on a daily basis, weather forecasts in the watershed, Grand Lake surface elevation data, U.S. Geological Service gauges upstream and downstream of the Project, surface elevations at the Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) upstream John Redmond Reservoir and downstream Lake Hudson, and other relevant information affecting surface elevations at Grand Lake during the potential flood period. Based on GRDA’s daily review of the above-referenced information, if the weather forecast indicates a high probability of high water conditions in the Grand/Neosho River basin in the immediate vicinity of the Project, GRDA will take the following actions: • Notification and Data Distribution. Immediately provide all above-referenced data to the USACE; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) staff in Washington, DC (Division of Hydropower Administration and Compliance) and Atlanta Regional Office (Division of Dam Safety and Inspections); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality; City of Miami, Oklahoma; and interested Indian tribes, and interested local governments. A listing of all T h e entities to t h a t w i l l receive this information is are provided below, and each entity is expected to keep GRDA informed of any changes in personnel or contact information on the list. This list of entities is subject to change, at any time, as other entities express an interest or a need for participation. • Schedule Teleconference. In conjunction with the notification and data distribution, GRDA will schedule a conference call at the earliest practicable time, and notify all entities listed below of the time for the call and instructions on how to participate in the call. • Current Reservoir Operation. [ G R D A : P L E A S E A D D B R I E F DESCRIPTION OF RESERVOIR LEVEL OPERATION PROTOCOLS WITH THE USACE e.g.: “Dedicated flood storage (the flood pool) is provided between elevations 745 and 755 feet PD. When reservoir elevations are within the limits of the flood pool, the Tulsa District directs the water releases from the dam under the terms of a 1992 Letter of Understanding and Water Control Agreement between the USACE and GRDA that addresses flooding both upstream and downstream of Grand Lake. When reservoir elevations are below the limits of the flood pool, GRDA operates the project pursuant to the terms of its license.” • Consultation with USACE. Prior to convening the conference call, GRDA will determine in consultation consult with the USACE, Tulsa District, regarding the forecasted event. USACE, Tulsa District, will determine whether any actions, including initiating pre-releases, can be taken to prevent, minimize, or mitigate water levels upstream or downstream of the Project.—recognizing USACE’s overarching flood risk management responsibilities within the Arkansas River basin under the Flood Control Act of 1944, and to balance all reservoirs within the basin under its jurisdiction. GRDA expects USACE, Tulsa District, to consider Ffactors such asconsidered will include pre-existing watershed conditions, soil moisture content, and storm event composition (e.g., path, intensity, and duration). • Convene Teleconference. During the teleconference, GRDA will report USACE’snotify the participants of any decision on anyto take actions at the Project, including initiating pre-releases, to prevent, minimize, or mitigate water levels upstream or downstream of the Project. Participants will have an opportunity during the teleconference to explore alternative potential solutions to respond to the forecasted high- flow event, recognizing the USACE’s jurisdiction to manage take over spill operations at the Project for purposes of flood risk management once the reservoir elevation reaches flood pool elevation 745 feet PD. • Subsequent Communications. As necessary and appropriate in each high-flow event, GRDA will continue regular communications with all entities listed below, to keep them informed of prevailing conditions at the Project during the event. Such communications may entail conference calls, email messages, or other forms of communication appropriate under the circumstances. Relationship to Emergency Action Plan Although tThe requirements of this Plan are separate and distinct from any obligations under GRDA’s FERC-approved Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the Project, the protocols set forth in this Plan compliment the EAP and include many of the same interested entities. Once the EAP is triggered, however, the communication protocols contained in the EAP supersede those included in this Plan until the emergency is resolved. CONTACT LIST Grand River Dam Authority Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Division of Hydropower Administration & Compliance Division of Dam Safety and Inspections U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District National Weather Service, Tulsa Forecast Office Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Oklahoma Water Resources Board Oklahoma Office of Emergency Management U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service City of Miami Ottawa County Office of the County Commissioner Ottawa County Emergency Management Modoc Tribe United Keetoowah Band of Cherokees Quapaw Tribe of Indians Oklahoma Archeological Survey From: Catharine Wood [] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 2:19 PM To: Reese, Nathan Subject: RE: Historic Properties Addition to Pensacola License Amendment Nathan, We did not receive the 2015 GRDA EA for review and so I do not have the context for the additional information you sent below. However, after I read the three paragraphs from the EA I had concerns that the State Archaeologist/OAS was left out in paragraph one. The OAS is the main repository for all the archaeological site records and reports. The issue of the potential for burials to be discovered and the state laws protecting them was not mentioned in paragraph one or in sections 11.2 and 11.3 where the idea that archaeological sites are protected when inundated is incorrect. Higher levels of water do not protect archaeological sites or other historic resources, it damages and destroys them. That’s why GRDA needs to have a historic properties management plan (HPMP) in place to address how they mitigate these adverse effects to the historic properties when the water levels change. This brings me to the revisions submitted for the storm and drought adaptive management plans. It would be difficult and stressful to craft a HPMP in the middle of an event or after some sort of storm or drought event occurs. So, I recommend that GRDA develop an HPMP to have in place for the final storm and drought plans instead of waiting until an event happens and it’s too late to do anything. Below are my comments on the draft revisions: Storm Plan Page 2-1, Background, include the State Archaeologist/OAS as a consulting party with the SHPO. Page 2-2, Historic Properties, please include the State Archaeologist/OAS as a consulting party with the SHPO. Include a provision for the potential of burials to be discovered and the state laws protecting burials and GRDAs plan for when this happens. Drought Plan Please include the State Archaeologist/OAS as a consulting party with the SHPO Include a provision for the potential of burials to be discovered and the state laws protecting burials and GRDAs plan for when this happens. In the contact list, please include “Oklahoma” with State Historic Preservation Office. From: Reese, Nathan [] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 11:27 AM To: Catharine Wood Subject: RE: Historic Properties Addition to Pensacola License Amendment Cate, the Environmental Assessment that was prepared for GRDA’s 2015 variance request included the following information related to archaeological and historical properties. I would note that the “proposed variance” from last year is identical to our request in this year’s license amendment. We will include similar information in the EA we are currently preparing, but we can also include reference to our HPMP. Currently, there is risk of exposure of archeological or historical properties during drawdown and drought. Article 409 addresses GRDA’s responsibilities related to land-clearing or land-disturbing activities within the Project boundary and includes a provision for the protection of any unidentified archeological or historical properties exposed or discovered during Project operations. GRDA maintains data supplied by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the Oklahoma Historical Society that identified potential and significant cultural resources sites. Approximately 50 cultural sites are known to exist within the Project area (GRDA 2008). Because of the sensitive nature of cultural or historic resources, their locations and significance are not public information. 11.2 Potential Impacts The proposed variance would create less disturbance of the land around the reservoir because more land would be inundated for a longer period of time throughout the year. The risk of greater exposure occurs during the drawdown period of the current rule curve. The proposed variance would prevent the areas below 742 feet from being exposed to natural and human disturbance (GRDA 2015b). 11.3 Proposed Mitigation License Article 409 provides for the protection of previously unidentified archeological or historical properties that are discovered during Project operations, maintenance, or permitted construction. No additional mitigation actions for this resource are recommended because the temporary change to the rule curve would positively impact cultural and tribal resources. From: Catharine Wood [] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:19 AM To: Reese, Nathan Subject: RE: Historic Properties Addition to Pensacola License Amendment Nathan, Just wanted to let you know that I received the document and that I will review it and provide my comments before the end of the day. Sincerely, Catharine “Cate” M. Wood Historical Archaeologist Section 106 Program Coordinator Oklahoma Historical Society State Historic Preservation Office Oklahoma History Center 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-7917 (405) 521-6381/fax (405) 522-0816 Upcoming Events: May 4 & 5, 2016 Section 106 & the NRHP Workshop BLM Oklahoma Field Office, Tulsa June 1-3, 2016 Oklahoma’s 28th Annual Statewide Preservation Conference Enid From: Reese, Nathan [] Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 10:10 AM To: Catharine Wood Subject: Historic Properties Addition to Pensacola License Amendment Catharine, attached is language that incorporates a plan to manage historic properties as part of our license amendment application. Please let me know if this is in line with our conversation last week. We are happy to amend if necessary. Thank you. Nathan Reese Director of Public Policy Grand River Dam Authority P.O. Box 409 Vinita, OK 74301-0409 918-530-8247