Daya Bay - University of Oxford Department of Physics
Daya Bay - University of Oxford Department of Physics
Daya Bay Experiment and the Future of Chinese Neutrino Physics Program Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics Oxford, March 4, 2014 Neutrinos around us Supernova Astrophysics Geology Human body Cosmology Accelerator Galaxy Nuclear physics Particle physics Sun Big Bang 2014-3-7 Reactor Earth 2 Neutrinos Fundamental building blocks of matter: e e u d c t s b Abundant: 300/cm3 in the Universe, same as photons Mass: the central issue of neutrino physics Although tiny, very important to the universe Not massless: Only evidence beyond the Standard Model of particle physics Neutrinos and cosmology Part of dark matter Related to matter-antimatter asymmetry Related to the universe evolution, large scale structure, … 2014-3-7 3 Neutrinos are useful Neutrino astronomy Proved the solar model Supernovae study Neutrinos from deep Universe Cosmic-rays Neutrino geology Earth thermal emission U/Th ratio in earth Neutrino beams through earth: CT ? Rector monitoring 2014-3-7 4 Neutrino Oscillation If the neutrino mass eigenstate is different from that of the weak interaction, neutrinos can oscillate: from one type to another during the flight: e Oscillation probability: e P(e->) = sin2(2q) sin2(1.27Dm2L/E) Oscillation amplitude Oscillation frequency Oscillation matrix for 3 generations: Known parameters: q23,q12,DM223, DM212, Recent progress: q13 Unknown parameters: mass hierarchy(DM223), CP phase d 2014-3-7 5 Daya Bay: for a New Type of Oscillation q12 Solar Oscillation q23 Atm. Oscillation 1 2 3 q13 ? Fundamental principles Fundamental parameter Direction of future neutrino physics: 2014-3-7 If q13 is too small,CPV cannot be figured out in the near future CPV can be measured by Pe ≈ sin2q23sin22q13sin2(1.27Dm223L/E) + cos2q23sin22q12sin2(1.27Dm212L/E) - A(r)cos2q13sinq13sin(d) 6 Direct Searches in the Past Palo Verde & Chooz: no signal Sin22q13 < 0.15 @ 90%C.L. if DM223 = 0.0024 eV2 T2K: 2.5 s over bkg(2011) 0.03 < Sin22q13 < 0.28 @ 90%C.L. for NH 0.04 < Sin22q13 < 0.34 @ 90%C.L. for IH Minos: 1.7 s over bkg(2011) 0 < Sin22q13 < 0.12 @ 90%C.L. NH 0 < Sin22q13 < 0.19 @ 90%C.L. IH Allowed region Sin22q13 prediction Double Chooz: 1.7 s(2011) sin22θ13=0.086±0.041(stat)±0.030(sys) 2014-3-7 7 Experiments with neutrinos from reactors Huge production yield: 6 1020 /s @ 3 GW Powerful background rejection capability: e p e n Neutrino energy: E Te Tn ( M n - M p ) me 10-40 keV 2014-3-7 1.8 MeV: Threshold 8 Reactor Experiments: comparing observed/expected neutrinos Precision of past experiments, typically 3-6% Reactor power: ~ 1% Spectrum: ~ 0.3% Fission rate: 2% Backgrounds: ~1-3% Target mass: ~1-2% Efficiency: ~ 2-3% Pee 1 - sin22q13sin2 (1.27Dm213L/E) - cos4q13sin22q12sin2 (1.27Dm212L/E) Our design goal:a precision of ~ 0.4% 2014-3-7 9 Daya Bay Experiment: Layout Redundancy !!! Relative measurement to cancel Corr. Syst. Err. 2 near sites, 1 far site Multiple AD modules at each site to reduce Uncorr. Syst. Err. Far: 4 modules,near: 2 modules Cross check; Reduce errors by 1/N Multiple muon detectors to reduce veto eff. uncertainties Water Cherenkov: 2 layers RPC: 4 layers at the top + telescopes 2014-3-7 10 Comparison with others Experiment Luminosity (t GW) Detector uncertainty Overburden (Near/far)(MWE) Sensitivity (90%CL) Daya Bay 1400 0.38%/√N 250 / 860 ~ 0.008 Double Chooz 70 0.6% 120 / 300 ~ 0.03 260 0.5% 120 / 450 ~ 0.02 RENO • Higher luminosity Faster to accumulate statistics • Smaller systematics (in fact 0.2%√N) Daya Bay Reno Double Chooz Higher precision • More overburden Less backgrounds 2014-3-7 Huber et al. JHEP 0911:044, 2009 11 The Daya Bay Collaboration Europe (2) JINR, Dubna, Russia Charles University, Czech Republic North America (16) BNL, Caltech, LBNL, Iowa State Univ., Illinois Inst. Tech., Princeton, RPI, UC-Berkeley, UCLA, Univ. of Cincinnati, Univ. of Houston, Univ. of Wisconsin, William & Mary, Virginia Tech., Univ. of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Siena ~250 Collaborators 2014-3-7 Asia (20) IHEP, Beijing Normal Univ., Chengdu Univ. of Sci. and Tech., CGNPG, CIAE, Dongguan Polytech. Univ., Nanjing Univ., Nankai Univ., NCEPU, Shandong Univ., Shanghai Jiao tong Univ., Shenzhen Univ., Tsinghua Univ., USTC, Zhongshan Univ., Univ. of Hong Kong, Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, National Taiwan Univ., National Chiao Tung Univ., National United Univ. 12 Timeline of the Experiment Aug. 2003: Experimental plan and the detector design is proposed 2006: Project approved in China, and afterwards in other countries Oct. 2007: Civil construction started Dec.2010: All the blasting for the tunnel and underground hall completed 2008-2011: Detector construction, assembly and installation Aug. 2011: Near detector data taking started Dec. 2011: Far detector data taking started full detector data taking Opening ceremony:Oct. 2007 2014-3-7 13 Tunnel and Underground Lab •Tunnel: ~ 3100m •3 Exp. hall •1 hall for LS •1 hall for water A total of ~ 3000 blasting right next reactors. No one exceeds safety limit set by National Nuclear Safety Agency(0.007g) 2014-3-7 14 Anti-neutrino Detector (AD) Three zones modular structure: I. target: Gd-loaded scintillator II. g-catcher: normal scintillator III. buffer shielding: oil 192 8” PMTs/module Two optical reflectors at the top and the bottom, Photocathode coverage increased from 5.6% to 12% ~ 163 PE/MeV Target: 20 t, 1.6m g-catcher: 20t, 45cm Buffer: 40t, 45cm Total weight: ~110 t 2014-3-7 15 Detector Assembly SSV Top reflector 2014-3-7 SSV lid Bottom reflector PMT Leak check 4m AV 3m AV ACU 16 Challenge: Gd-loaded Liquid Scintillator Liquid production, QA, storage and filling at Hall 5 185t Gd-LS, ~180t LS, ~320t oil LAB+Gd (TMHA)3+PPO+BisMSB Stable over time Light yield: ~163 PE/MeV Stable Liquid Liquid hall:LS production and filling 2014-3-7 17 Water Cerenkov Detector Installation PermaFlex painting Install AD 2014-3-7 PMT frame & Tyvek Pool with water Completed pool Cover 18 Hall 1(two ADs) Started Operation on Aug. 15, 2011 2014-3-7 19 One AD insalled in Hall 2 Physics Data Taking Started on Nov.5, 2011 2014-3-7 20 Three ADs installed in Hall 3 Physics Data Taking Started on Dec.24, 2011 2014-3-7 21 Daya Bay:Data taking & analysis status Two detector comparison [1202.6181] • 90 days of data, Daya Bay near only • NIM A 685 (2012), 78-97 First oscillation analysis [1203:1669] • 55 days of data, 6 ADs near+far • PRL 108 (2012), 171803 Improved oscillation analysis [1210.6327] • 139 days of data, 6 ADs near+far • CP C 37 (2013), 011001 Spectral Analysis arXiv:1310.6732 • 217 days complete 6 AD period • 55% more statistics than CPC result • Reported at NuFACT’2013, paper submitted 2014-3-7 22 Event Signature and Backgrounds Signature: e p e n Prompt: e+, 1-10 MeV, Delayed: n, 2.2 MeV@H, 8 MeV @ Gd Capture time: 28 s in 0.1% Gd-LS Backgrounds Uncorrelated: random coincidence of gg, gn or nn g from U/Th/K/Rn/Co… in LS, SS, PMT, Rock, … n from a-n, -capture, -spallation in LS, water & rock Correlated: 2014-3-7 Fast neutrons: promptn scattering, delayed n capture 8He/9Li: prompt b decay, delayed n capture Am-C source: prompt g rays, delayed n capture a-n: 13C(α,n)16O 23 Neutrino Event Selection Pre-selection Reject Flashers Reject Triggers within (-2 μs, 200 μs) to a tagged water pool muon Neutrino event selection Multiplicity cut Prompt-delayed pairs within a time interval of 200 μs No triggers(E > 0.7MeV) before the prompt signal and after the delayed signal by 200 μs Muon veto 1s after an AD shower muon 1ms after an AD muon 0.6ms after an WP muon 0.7MeV < Eprompt < 12.0MeV 6.0MeV < Edelayed < 12.0MeV 1μs < Δte+-n < 200μs 2014-3-7 24 Signal+Backgound Spectrum EH1 138835 signal candidates 66473 signal candidates EH3 B/S @EH1/2 B/S @EH3 28909 signal candidates 2014-3-7 Accidentals ~1.4% ~4.5% Fast neutrons ~0.1% ~0.06% 8He/9Li ~0.4% ~0.2% Am-C ~0.03% ~0.3% a-n ~0.01% ~0.04% Sum ~2% ~5% 25 Daily Neutrino Rate Three halls taking data synchronously allows near-far cancellation of reactor related uncertainties Rate changes reflect the reactor on/off. Prediction: Baseline( 3.5cm, ~0.002%) Target mass(3kg, 0.015%) Reactor neutrino flux Predictions are absolute, multiplied by a normalization factor from the fitting 2014-3-7 26 The Most Precise Neutrino Experiment Side-by-side Comparison Design:(0.18 - 0.38) % 2014-3-7 Expectation: R(AD1/AD2) = 0.981 Measurement: 0.984 0.004(stat) 0.002(syst) 27 A New Type of Oscillation Discovered Observation of electron anti-neutrino disappearance: announced on R = 0.940 ±0.011 (stat) ±0.004 (syst) Mar. 8, 2012 Sin22q13 = 0.092 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) c2/NDF = 4.26/4, 5.2 σ for non-zero θ13 2014-3-7 F.P. An et al., NIM. A 685(2012)78 F.P. An et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) 171803 28 Energy Response Model Mapping the true energy Etrue to the reconstructed kinetic energy Erec: Build models taking into account: Electronics non-linearity: timedependent charge collection efficiency Scintillator non-linearity: Quench effect & Cerenkov radiation Complicated e+,e-, g’s interactions in LS, from simulation Constraint parameters by a fit to all calibration data Model difference systematic errors 2014-3-7 arXiv:1310.6732 29 Prompt IBD spectra (~E) 2014-3-7 30 Pure Spectral Analysis θ13 = 0 can be excluded at > 3σ from spectral information alone 2014-3-7 31 Rate+Spectra Oscillation Results arXiv:1310.6732 2014-3-7 32 Global Comparison of θ13 Measurements Be careful to take the average: Correlated errors Error estimate The three reactor experiments will work together to report results in 2014-3-7a coherent way, and probably can report a combined result. 33 Current status and future plan Summer(2012) maintenance completed Two new AD modules installed Special Automatic & Manual calibration completed Data taking resumed in Oct. Precision results in three years, D(sin22q13) ~ 4% 2014-3-7 34 Still a lot of unknowns Neutrino oscillation: 2014-3-7 Neutrino mass hierarchy ? Unitarity of neutrino mixing matrix ? Θ23 is maximized ? CP violation in the neutrino mixing matrix as in the case of quarks ? Large enough for the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe ? What is the absolute neutrino mass ? Neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana ? Are there sterile neutrinos? Do neutrinos have magnetic moments ? Can we detect relic neutrinos ? …… 35 Next Experiment: JUNO Daya Bay Huizhou Lufeng Yangjiang Taishan Status Operational Planned Planned Under construction Under construction Power 17.4 GW 17.4 GW 17.4 GW 18.4 GW 17.4 GW Overburden ~ 700 m Daya Bay JUNO Site 2 Huizhou Lufeng Daya Bay Site 1 Taishan Yangjiang 2014-3-7 Talk by Y.F. Wang at ICFA seminar 2008, Neutel 2011; by J. Cao at Nutel 2009, NuTurn 2012 ; Paper by L. Zhan, Y.F. Wang, J. Cao, L.J. Wen, PRD78:111103,2008; PRD79:073007,2009 36 The plan: a large LS detector – – LS volume: 20 for more mass & statistics light(PE) 5 for resolution Muon detector Steel Tank 20 kt LS Water seal 20kt water Acrylic tank:F34.5m Stainless Steel tank :F37.5m 6kt MO ~15000 20” PMTs coverage: ~80% 1500 20” VETO PMTs 2014-3-7 37 Physics Reach Thanks to a large θ13 • Mass hierarchy • Precision measurement of mixing parameters • Supernova neutrinos • Geoneutrinos • Sterile neutrinos • …… Current Daya Bay II Dm212 3% 0.6% Dm223 5% 0.6% sin2q12 5% 0.7% sin2q23 5% N/A 14% 4% ~ 15% 2 2014-3-7sin q13 Detector size: 20kt Energy resolution: 3%/E Thermal power: 36 GW Y.F. Li et al., arXiv:1303.6733 For 6 years,mass hierarchy cab be determined at 4s level, if Δm2 can be determined at 1% level 38 Detector design LS detector in the water pool: No Gd-loading Estimated signal event rate: 40/day Backgrounds: Accidentals(~10%), 9Li/8He(<1%), fast neutros(<1%) Several detector options: Acrylic ball + unistruct for PMT Steel ball + acrylic blocks Steel ball + acrylic walls + Balloon … R&D one the way Design choice by 2014 Prototype will be started soon 2014-3-7 39 Liquid Scintillator Longer attenuation length: 15m 30m Improve raw materials (using Dodecane instead of MO for LAB production) Improve the production process Purification Higher light yield fluor concentration optimization LIght output, relative units 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 KamLAND 0,0 0,0 0,1 2014-3-7 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 PPO mass fraction, % 0,6 Linear Alky Benzene Atte. L(m) @ 430 nm RAW 14.2 Vacuum distillation 19.5 SiO2 coloum 18.6 Al2O3 coloum LAB from Nanjing, Raw Al2O3 coloum, fourth time Al2O3 coloum, second time Al2O3 coloum, 8th time 22.3 20 27 25 24 0,7 40 High QE MCP-PMT Prototypes underway SPE QE 2014-3-7 41 Test results of a prototype 2014-3-7 42 Site selection • Site is determined, configuration is finalized – A vertical shaft(600 m) + sloped tunnel(1300m) • Overburden: ~ 700 m 2014-3-7 43 Status of the project Conceptual design & R&D plan approved in China Site determined, geological survey completed Rock: High quality granite No water leak Rock Tem. ~ 31 oC Detailed civil design underway Bidding process started Winner(for design and construction) will be determined on April 1 2014-3-7 Paper work to get construction permission underway Collaboration will be established soon 44 Brief schedule Civil preparation:2013-2014 Civil construction:2015-2017 Detector R&D:2013-2016 Detector component production:2016-2017 PMT production:2016-2019 Detector assembly & installation:2018-2019 Filling & data taking:2020 After a number of reviews, we are approved by the CAS(~ CD1) R&D funding is available 2014-3-7 45 A New Type of Neutrino Beam for CP (MOMENT) Detector Detector: Flavor sensitive Charge sensitive NC/CC sensitive 2014-3-7 Neutrinos after the target/ collection/decay: 〉1021 /year 46 Comparison Factory Super pi beam MOMENT Neutrino energy 2-4 GeV 0.3-0.7,2-4 GeV 300 MeV Neutrino source Muon decay Pi decay Muon decay high low Beam backgrounds no Neutrino flux 1021/year 1018-21/year 51021/year Proton driver Pulsed 8-16 GeV 4 MW Pulsed 5-400 GeV 1-5 MW CW 1.5 GeV 15 MW Target Mercury Mercury ? Collection Horn Horn SC magnet Decay pipe Storage ring Vacuum pipe SC magnet cooling yes No No Muon acceleration yes No No cost High low low 2014-3-7 47 Best energy for CP ? • Below in-elastic threshold: ~ 300 MeV baseline = 150 km • Such a threshold is similar for CC/NC & /bar • Although we loose statistics due to the lower cross section, but we have less systematics by being p0 free J.Formaggio and G.Zeller, Rev. Mod.Phys. 84.3(2012)1307 2014-3-7 48 Summary • Neutrino physics is very promising in the next decades • Daya Bay experiment is the start of neutrino physics in China • JUNO will bring us to a new stage • MOMENT is still under study. Hopefully it can be developed into a real project • We are looking for collaborators 2014-3-7 49
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