public awareness of hiv epidemy in ukraine 2015
public awareness of hiv epidemy in ukraine 2015
PUBLIC AWARENESS OF HIV EPIDEMY IN UKRAINE 2015 Prepared for: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH acting on behalf of the Federal Government of Germany Prepared by: Inna Volosevych, Head of Social and Political Research Department at GfK Ukraine, Tamila Konoplytska, Project Manager at Social and Political Research Department at GfK Ukraine, Nick Moon, Managing Director of Social Research at GfK UK, Date: 26.01.2015 Table of contents Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1 Awareness of the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign and the National AIDS helpline ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2 HIV awareness ......................................................................................................................... 11 3 Attitudes to HIV ....................................................................................................................... 24 4 Risk behavior and HIV testing ............................................................................................... 31 5 Attitude to PLWH ..................................................................................................................... 43 6 Core indicators for Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting ...................................... 51 7 Conclusions and recommendations ..................................................................................... 57 8 Sample design ......................................................................................................................... 64 2 Abbreviations AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus IDUs – Injecting drug users PLWH - People Living with HIV UCDC - State institution "Ukrainian Center for Socially Dangerous Disease Control of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" Target groups Population, Population of Ukraine, Ukrainians – population of Ukraine aged 15 and older Youth – population of Ukraine aged 15-24 Population of Dnipropetrovska oblast – population of Dnipropetrovska oblast aged 15 and older 3 General information about the survey The objective of the research is to evaluate the outputs and outcomes of the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign: induced changes, measuring HIV and AIDS-related knowledge, behaviour, and attitudes in Ukraine. The first wave of the survey was conducted in Autonomous Republic Crimea in January-February 2013 and covered two target groups: the population of Crimea aged 15+ and the population of Crimea aged 15-24. The second wave of the survey was conducted in Ukraine (not including Crimea and settlements in Donetska and Luhanska oblast which are not under control of Ukrainian government) in November 2014. It covered three target groups of the campaign: the population of Ukraine aged 15+, the population of Ukraine aged 15-24 (Youth) and the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast aged 15+. The third wave of the survey was also conducted in Ukraine (not including Crimea and settlements in Donetska and Luhanska oblast which are not under control of Ukrainian government) in November 2015. It covered three target groups of the campaign: the population of Ukraine aged 15+, the population of Ukraine aged 15-24 (Youth) and the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast aged 15+. Dnipropetrovska oblast became target one of the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign because of the high HIV prevalence there. As of December 1, 2014 Dnipropetrovska oblast holds the second place in Ukraine by HIV prevalence after Odeska oblast (732 PLWH per 100 000 of population)1. As of October 2015 this indicator increased to 765 PLWH per 100 000 of population2 while the average indicator in Ukraine for indicated period decreased: the average indicator of HIV-infection in Ukraine as of 1.12.2014 was 323,7 PLWH per 100 000 of population and it decreased to 298,7 PLWH per 100 000 of population as of 1.10.2015. This report gives the results of the third wave of the survey, compared with the results of the second wave. Questions that were modified in the third wave are shown with the results of only the third wave. The total sample size of the third wave of the survey was 1502 interviews3, the Youth sample size was 403 interviews, and the Dnipropetrovska oblast sample was 340 interviews. The total sample size of the second wave of the survey was 1479 interviews 4, the Youth sample size was 411 interviews, and the Dnipropetrovska oblast sample was 321 interviews. The sample of the survey is random. At the last stage interview was conducted with the person who fits by age (15+). If there are several persons who fit by age, the interview was conducted with the person whose birthday was the last among members of household aged 15+. If all potential respondents denied participating in the survey, the interviewer followed the next household. According to data of State Institution “Ukrainian Center for Social Disease Control of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraineлистопад%202014.pdf 2 According to data of State Institution “Ukrainian Center for Social Disease Control of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine. 3 Sample size of 1502 interviews includes 1077 respondents for nationally representative sample (which included 204 respondents aged 15-24 and 114 residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast) and boosters of 199 respondents for Youth and 226 respondents for residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast. The boosters were conducted in order to have enough number of respondents for reliable analysis. 4 Sample size of 1479 interviews includes 1068 respondents for nationally representative sample (which included 211 respondents aged 15-24 and 110 residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast) and boosters of 200 respondents for Youth and 211 respondents for residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast. The boosters were conducted in order to have enough number of respondents for reliable analysis. 1 4 The sample for Ukraine is representative for the population of Ukrainian settlements that are under control of the Ukrainian government aged 15+ by gender, age, settlement size, region of respondent`s residence according to State Statistic Service of Ukraine data: for the second wave - at January 1, 2013; for the third wave – at January 1, 2014. The sample for Youth is representative for the population of Ukrainian settlements that are under control of the Ukrainian government aged 15-24 by gender, settlement size, region of respondent`s residence according to State Statistic Service of Ukraine data: for the second wave - at January 1, 2013; for the third wave – at January 1, 2014. The sample for Dnipropetrovska oblast is representative of the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast aged 15+ by gender, age and settlement size according to State Statistic Service of Ukraine data: for the second wave - at January 1, 2013; for the third wave – at January 1, 2014. Geographical coverage of the territories of the survey differs in 2014 and 2015 because of changes in borders of territories that are under control of the Ukrainian government and those that are not controlled by the Ukrainian government. Territorial coverage in 2015 was defined by with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Order dated by November 7, 2014 № 1085-р “On the list of settlements in the territory of which the public authorities temporarily do not exercise their authority, and the list of settlements that are located on the contact line” and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Order dated by May 5, 2015 № 428-р “On the Amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Order dated November 7, 2014 № 1085. Distribution of the sample (population of Ukraine) by regions in the second and the third waves of the survey showing different regional coverage Kyiv city North West Centre South West Total 2nd wave 3rd wave 7,2% 13,0% 22,6% 25,0% 16,3% 15,9% 100,0% 7,4% 13,4% 23,3% 25,6% 16,4% 14,0% 100,0% 5 1 Awareness of the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign and the National AIDS helpline Awareness of the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign is similar to its level in 2014. Overall 39% of Ukrainians are aware of the campaign. This percentage is higher among Youth (52%). Also the number of those who have heard about the campaign in Dnipropetrovska oblast is higher than in Ukraine (54%). Regarding the majority of the Ukrainians, they are mostly haven’t heard of this campaign. Graph 1.1 HAVE YOU HEARD OR SEEN ANYTHING ABOUT «DON’T GIVE AIDS A CHANCE!» CAMPAIGN? (shows the card with the samples of ads of the campaign) % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast Yes, I have heard/seen the company`s logo or posters No, haven`t heard or seen anything N 2014 39% 37% 61% 63% 54% 56% 46% 44% 52% 47% 48% 53% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 The most common sources of information about the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign in Ukraine remain the TV – 24% (in 2014 – 29%), and outdoor ads/billboards – 17% (in 2014 – 14%). Comparing with the previous wave there is as increase in the number of those who became aware of the campaign via brochures/posters (8% in 2015 comparing with 5% in 2014), social media (5% in 2015 comparing with 2% in 2014), promotions organized in the city (5% in 2015 comparing with 1% in 2014), doctors or other employees of the health care system (4% in 2015 comparing with 2% in 2014). The share of Youth who got aware of campaign via TV significantly decreased (29% in 2015 comparing with 34% in 2014). Youth was also mentioning the Internet more frequently than the others. 6 The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast heard about “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign much more often than the total population from TV and outdoor ads/billboards. Comparing with 2014 there is a significant decrease of the share of those who got aware of campaign from brochures/posters (12% comparing with 22% in 2014) and newspapers (10% comparing with 23% in 2014). In contrast, many more residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast heard of the campaign from their friends (13% comparing with 3% in 2014). Graph 1.2 WHERE HAVE YOU HEARD OR SEEN ABOUT «DON’T GIVE AIDS A CHANCE» CAMPAIGN?* % of all respondents** TV Outdoor ads/billboards Brochures/leaflets Newspapers, magazines The Internet (not social media) Social media Radio Public events that took place in your city Doctor/other healthcare professional Friends Public transport (trolleybus, bus, train) School Haven’t received information N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 24% 29% 17% 14% 8% 5% 7% 7% 6% 5% 5% 2% 5% 4% 5% 1% 4% 2% 3% 2% 3% 2% 2% 1% 61% 63% 40% 48% 34% 34% 12% 22% 10% 23% 5% 7% 5% 4% 10% 9% 6% 4% 7% 3% 13% 3% 7% 3% 5% 2% 46% 44% 29% 34% 26% 22% 9% 8% 10% 6% 13% 9% 7% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 7% 3% 2% 4% 8% 7% 48% 53% 2015 1502 340 403 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 1479 321 411 2014 * The graph includes the sources which constitute at least 5% of the responses at least in one of the target groups **Here and further statistically significant differences with a probability of 95% are marked bold 7 33% of Ukrainians have heard about the National HIV/AIDS (the figure decreased comparing with 2014 when it was 39%). This result is higher among Youth (46%). Graph 1.3 HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NATIONAL HIV/AIDS HELPLINE? (the card with the name of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline, its telephone number and Internet web-site address was shown to the respondents) % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast Yes 2014 33% 39% 67% 61% 28% 31% 72% 69% 46% 42% 54% 58% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 No N 2015 Awareness of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline decreased among those who are aware of the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign as well as among those who never heard of the campaign. There are 56% of those who are aware of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline among those who have heard of the campaign (in 2014 this indicator reached 62%), whereas among those who never heard of the campaign only 18% heard of this helpline (in 2014 it was 25%). Graph 1.4 HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NATIONAL HIV/AIDS HELPLINE? (the card with the name of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline, its telephone number and Internet web-site address was shown to the respondents) % of all respondents Those who Those who did received not receive Population of information information Ukraine about the about the campaign campaign Yes 2014 33% 39% 67% 61% 56% 62% 44% 38% 18% 25% 82% 75% 2015 1502 653 849 2014 1479 622 857 2015 2014 No N 2015 8 The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians (73%), as well as the overwhelming majority of Youth (75%) and the residents of Dnipropetovska oblast (76%) know that the calls to the National HIV/AIDS Helpline are free of carge. Graph 1.5 DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT COSTS TO CALL THE NATIONAL HIV/AIDS HELPLINE? IS IT … % of respondents, who have heard of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 73% 76% 75% Free 2014 72% 86% 71% The same rate as a local calls The same rate as a call to another city Don’t know N 2014 3% 2% 1% 1% 23% 26% 1% 2% 0% 0% 23% 12% 6% 1% 0% 1% 20% 27% 2015 517 105 183 2014 570 87 169 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Ukrainians who have heard about the helpline named the following situations that should cause people to call there: if the caller suspects him/herself being HIV-infected (58%); or if the caller wishes to hear general information about HIV/AIDS (46%). Among Youth there are similar indicators. Among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast there are much fewer of those who believes that the National helpline should be called when you believe that you are HIV-infected. In contrast, they slightly more often than the others named the necessity to know where to be tested for HIV as the reason for the call. Graph 1.6 WHEN SHOULD SOMEONE CALL THE NATIONAL HIV/AIDS HELPLINE? % of the respondents who have heard of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast If they think they might have HIV For information about HIV and AIDS in general To ask where they can undergo a HIV test To ask about how to prevent getting HIV If they know someone who might have HIV or AIDS Don’t know N Youth (15-24) 2015 58% 33% 58% 2015 46% 44% 43% 2015 36% 44% 38% 2015 34% 26% 30% 2015 28% 26% 28% 2015 6% 5% 8% 2015 517 105 183 9 Regarding the possibility of online consultation on the issues related to HIV/AIDS, the awareness level among the total population reaches 15% and approximately the same rate among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast (17%). Youth is better informed – in its case the indicator reaches 25%. Graph 1.7 ARE YOU AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ONLINE CONSULTATION ON HIV/AIDS ISSUES AT THE WEB-SITE INDICATED ON THE CARD? (the card with the name of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline, its telephone number and Internet web-site address was shown to the respondents) % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast Yes 2015 15% 17% 25% No 2015 85% 83% 75% N 2015 1502 340 403 Approximately one-third (35%) of those who have heard of the National Helpline know about the possibility of online consultation on HIV/AIDS issues. There are 46% of such respondents among Youth and more than a half (58%) among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast. Graph 1.8 DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF ONLINE CONSULTATION ON THE ISSUES OF HIV/AIDS AT THE WEB-SITE INDICATED ON THE CARD) (the card with the name of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline, its telephone number and Internet web-site address was shown to the respondents) % of the respondents who have heard of the National HIV/AIDS Helpline Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast Yes 2015 35% 58% 46% No 2015 65% 42% 54% N 2015 517 105 183 10 2 HIV awareness More than half (59%) of Ukrainians consider themselves to be very or fairly well informed about HIV/ AIDS. 25% say they’re poorly informed and 9% are not informed at all. The percentage of informed respondents is higher among Youth (69%). There is a significant decrease in the level of awareness among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast (55% in 2015 in comparison owith 67% in 2014). At the same time the percentage of those who are not informed at all (8% in 2015 versus 1% in 2014), and those for whom it’s difficult to say (14% in 2015 versus 7% in 2014) increased in Dnipropetrovska oblast Graph 2.1 HOW WELL INFORMED WOULD YOU SAY YOU ARE ABOUT HIV AND AIDS? % among all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 12% 16% Very well informed 2014 11% 11% 2015 47% 39% Fairly well informed 2014 44% 56% 2015 25% 23% Fairly poorly informed 2014 27% 26% 2015 9% 8% Not at all informed 2014 10% 1% 2015 7% 14% Don’t know 2014 8% 7% 1502 340 2015 N 1479 321 2014 Youth (15-24) 15% 12% 54% 56% 23% 22% 3% 2% 5% 8% 403 411 76% of Ukrainians have heard or seen some information about HIV/AIDS in the past year (in 2014 this indicator was 79%). The most common sources of information about HIV/AIDS in Ukraine remain the TV (56%), however the percentage of those who indicated that they have heard or have seen something about HIV/AIDS on TV significantly decreased comparing with 2014 when it was 68%. Among Youth information about HIV/AIDS was received by 85%. The main sources of information for Youth, just as for all Ukrainians, are TV (53%, which is much less in comparison with 67% in 2014), outdoor ads/billboards (36%), the Internet except for the social media (25%). 23% of Youth received such information at schools and 11% at universities. Among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 79% have not received information about HIV/AIDS in the past year. The proportion receiving such information from the newspapers decreased (11% in 2015 versus 33% in 2014). The same is true for the brochures (15% in 2015 versus 29% in 2014), at work (5% in 2015 versus 14% in 2014). 11 Graph 2.2 WHERE DID YOU GET ANY INFORMATION ABOUT HIV AND AIDS DURING THE LAST YEAR FROM?* % among all respondents Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2015 56% 57% 53% 2014 68% 74% 67% 2015 25% 44% 36% Outdoor ads/billboards 2014 26% 45% 32% 2015 16% 11% 17% Newspapers, magazines 2014 22% 33% 21% 2015 15% 16% 16% Brochures/leaflets 2014 14% 29% 17% 2015 13% 10% 25% The Internet (not social media) 2014 14% 14% 27% 2015 11% 15% 10% Radio 2014 17% 19% 13% 2015 9% 17% 11% Friends 2014 11% 12% 17% 2015 9% 8% 9% Doctor/other healthcare professional 2014 10% 7% 13% 2015 9% 9% 12% Social media 2014 6% 9% 10% 2015 8% 5% 10% Public events that took place in your city 2014 5% 8% 7% 2015 7% 7% 23% School 2014 5% 6% 23% 2015 6% 5% 3% Workplace 2014 8% 14% 6% 2015 6% 8% 5% Public transport (trolleybus, bus, train) 2014 6% 12% 8% 2015 4% 4% 10% Lectures 2014 3% 4% 8% 2015 4% 3% 9% Parents 2014 1% 2% 5% 2015 4% 2% 11% University 2014 2% 3% 9% 2015 3% 5% 2% A partner or spouse 2014 3% 3% 2% 2015 2% 3% 2% Other relatives 2014 3% 6% 3% 2015 14% 11% 5% Don’t remember 2014 8% 6% 6% 2015 Haven’t received information about HIV 10% 16% 4% 2014 and AIDS in past year 13% 8% 10% 2015 1502 340 403 N 2014 1479 321 411 * The graph includes the sources which constitute at least 5% of the responses at least in one of the target groups TV More than a half of Ukrainians know the following information about HIV: You can get infected with HIV and be unaware of it (84% of respondents estimated this statement correctly) Use of condoms considerably reduces the risk of getting infected with HIV ВІЛ (76%) There is no medicine as of now to completely cure HIV-infection and AIDS (71%) 12 A healthy-looking person can be HIV-positive (69%) You cannot rest assured that you do not have HIV/AIDS just because you do not take drugs (59%) More than one third of Ukrainians know that people living with HIV are provided with treatment and can live a normal life. The proportion of those who think this way has significantly increased – 37% in 2015 versus 24% in 2014 among the Ukrainians in general. The increase of this indicator is also noticeable among Youth (42% in 2015 versus 27% in 2014) and the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast (42% versus 28%). On the other hand only one third of Ukrainians (34%) know that HIV is not a death sentence. 67% of Ukrainians believe that a man who is known to be carrying condoms would not have a bad image; 58% of Ukrainians believe the same to be true about a woman that is known to be carrying condoms. One third of Ukrainians (34%) believe that HIV-infected woman can give a birth to a healthy child. Among Youth this indicator is 26%. The same trends are being observed among Youth and population of Dnipropetrovska oblast overall. However in Dnipropetrovska oblast in comparison to 2014 there is a decrease in a number of those who know that a person cannot rest assured that he/she does not have HIV just because he/she does not take drugs (57% in 2015 versus 67% in 2014). Graph 2.3 NOW I AM GOING TO READ YOU A SET OF STATEMENTS ABOUT HIV AND AIDS. PLEASE LABEL EACH OF THEM RIGHT OR WRONG. % of all respondents, share of those who believe the statement to be correct Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast You can get infected with HIV and be 2015 82% 87% 83% unaware of this 2014 84% 81% 85% Use of condoms considerably reduces the 2015 76% 75% 84% risk of getting infected with HIV 2014 76% 78% 81% There is no medicine as of now to cure of 2015 72% 69% 71% HIV infection and AIDS completely 2014 69% 74% 70% A healthy-looking person can be HIV2015 69% 66% 71% positive 2014 69% 71% 72% 2015 2014 67% 67% 59% 59% 58% 58% 67% 68% 57% 67% 60% 58% 73% 71% 62% 65% 63% 64% 2015 2014 37% 24% 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 34% 33% 34% ─ 42% 28% 27% 36% 30% ─ 42% 27% 35% 37% 26% ─ 1502 1479 340 321 403 411 A man who is known to be carrying condoms would not have a bad image 2015 2014 If you do not take drugs, you can not rest assured that you do not have HIV or AIDS 2015 2014 A woman who is known to be carrying condoms would not have a bad image These days people with HIV are provided with treatment and are able to live a normal life Getting infected with HIV do not mean a death-warrant HIV-infected woman can give birth to a healthy child N 13 According to the public opinion, the main reasons why HIV is being spread is prostitution (according to 74% of the respondents; the number of those who think that way decreased in comparison to 2014 when this indicator reached 80%), drug-trafficking (73%) and homosexual relations (66%). Other reasons given by respondents are: people believe they are not at risk of getting HIV (54% mentioned it as one of the main reasons); disrespect to the traditional moral and ethical values of the society (51%); people do not understand the ways HIV is distributed (48%; the number of those who think that way decreased in comparison to 2014 when it was 52%). There is no significant difference among Youth and the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast regarding this issue, although among Youth there are significantly less of those who believe that the reason for HIV distribution is homosexual relations (60%, whereas among the Ukrainians overall its 66%), and the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast named prostitution much more often as the reason (79%, whereas overall in Ukraine it is – 74%). Graph 2.4 NOW I AM GOING TO READ YOU A FEW STATEMENTS CONCERNING THE REASONS OF HIV/AIDS SPREAD IN UKRAINE. PLEASE SPECIFY IF IT IS THE MAIN REASON, SECONDARY REASON OR NOT A REASON AT ALL OF THE UNEFFECTIVE HIV/AIDS PREVENTION IN UKRAINE FOR EACH OF THE STATEMENTS? % of all respondents, population of Ukraine: N 2014 = 1479, N 2015 = 1502 2015 Spread of prostitution 74% 2014 80% 2015 Spread of drug-trafficking 66% 2014 68% People think they are not at risk of2015 getting infected with HIV 2014 Traditional moral and ethical values neglection 2015 People do not understand the ways HIV and AIDS are spread Parents do not provide their children with enough information on sex safeguards Lack of information on safe sex in schools 2015 2014 18% 8% 8% 20% 3% 9% 26% 57% 14% 28% 51% 6% 8% 8% 27% 15% 7% 32% 14% 6% 12% 7% 48% 2014 52% 28% 2015 47% 34% 2014 48% 30% 2015 42% 34% 2014 42% 32% 35% The quality of condoms is poor, they tear easily 2015 28% People displacement (wars, labour migration, urbanization, tourism, trade) 2015 Secondary reason 5% 27% Not a reason 11% 16% 24% 26% 33% 33% 9% 26% 42% 26% 14% 10% 22% 38% 20% 2014 16% 20% 33% 7% 33% 29% 14% 17% 38% 28% 2015 10% 24% 2014 2014 12% 36% People think there has been discovered a cure for HIV/AIDS 2014 14% 6% 36% 2015 Main reason 6%4% 15% 4% 5% 54% It is difficult for people to speak 2015 openly about sex 2014 Condoms are too expensive 2% 17% 76% 2015 6%4% 13% 73% 2014 Spread of homosexual relations 16% 33% 44% 49% 11% 12% 9% 10% 10% Don`t know/Refuse 14 Graph 2.5 NOW I AM GOING TO READ YOU A FEW STATEMENTS CONCERNING THE REASONS OF HIV/AIDS SPREAD IN UKRAINE. PLEASE SPECIFY IF IT IS THE MAIN REASON, SECONDARY REASON OR NOT A REASON AT ALL OF THE UNEFFECTIVE HIV/AIDS PREVENTION IN UKRAINE FOR EACH OF THE STATEMENTS? % of all respondents: population of Dnipropetrovska oblast, 2015 N=340, 2014 N=321 2015 Spread of prostitution 79% 2014 77% 2014 2015 53% 2014 51% People do not understand the ways HIV and AIDS are spread 2015 51% 2014 53% Parents do not provide their children with enough information on sex safeguards 2015 Lack of information on safe sex in schools 2015 2015 2014 People think there has been discovered a cure for HIV/AIDS Condoms are too expensive Main reason 16% 3% 38% 8% 6% 10%3% 4% 7% 36% 16% 3% 40% 48% 34% 45% 39% 32% 17% 6% 20% 5% 17% 4% 35% 20% 5% 47% 13% 8% 32% 2014 30% 2015 29% People displacement (wars, labour 2015 migration, urbanization, tourism, 2014 trade 28% 48% 27% 2015 2014 8%3% 35% 37% 2014 11% 37% 44% 2014 7%3% 35% 41% 2015 Traditional moral and ethical values neglection 37% 52% 2014 2015 1% 8% 11%2% 48% 2014 It is difficult for people to speak openly about sex 21% 85% People think they are not at risk of getting infected with HIV 3% 12% 2% 69% 2014 The quality of condoms is poor, 20% 84% 2015 Spread of homosexual relations 2% 10% 2% 87% 2015 Spread of drug-trafficking 17% 16% 45% 31% 13% 30% 45% 36% 27% 21% 44% 45% 20% 10% 9% 6% 4% 9% Secondary reason Not a reason Don't know/Refuse 15 Graph 2.6 NOW I AM GOING TO READ YOU A FEW STATEMENTS CONCERNING THE REASONS OF HIV/AIDS SPREAD IN UKRAINE. PLEASE SPECIFY IF IT IS THE MAIN REASON, SECONDARY REASON OR NOT A REASON AT ALL OF THE UNEFFECTIVE HIV/AIDS PREVENTION IN UKRAINE FOR EACH OF THE STATEMENTS? % of all respondents: Youth (15-24), 2015 N=403, 2014 N=411 2015 Spread of prostitution 73% 2014 80% 2015 Spread of drug-trafficking People think they are not at risk of getting infected with HIV 2015 46% 2014 47% Lack of information on safe sex in schools 2015 40% 38% 2014 41% 33% Traditional moral and ethical values neglection 2015 It is difficult for people to speak openly about sex 2015 People think there has been discovered a cure for HIV/AIDS 2015 2014 33% The quality of condoms is poor, they tear easily 2015 33% 13% 6% 38% 13% 4% 31% 37% 14% 7% 18% 5% 19% 36% 17% 6% 9% 35% 2014 39% 39% 33% 30% 2014 35% 2015 2014 Condoms are too expensive 2015 15% 2014 15% Secondary reason 34% 28% Not a reason 22% 6% 20% 44% 35% 5% 23% 38% 25% 22% 26% 32% 21% People displacement (wars, labour migration, urbanization, tourism, trade Main reason 14% 4% 28% Parents do not provide their children with enough information on sex safeguards 2014 6% 6% 31% 54% 8% 14% 5% 27% 51% 2014 6% 29% 61% 2015 11% 7% 20% 53% 2014 People do not understand the ways HIV and AIDS are spread 23% 66% 2015 3% 16% 4% 5% 60% 2014 2% 22% 75% 2015 3% 13% 67% 2014 Spread of homosexual relations 19% 24% 29% 42% 50% 9% 12% 9% 11% 11% 8% 7% Don't know/Refuse 16 Most Ukrainians are aware of the ways of HIV transmission. The highest level of awareness is observed for: Transfusion of infected blood (90% of Ukrainians know this way of HIV transmission); Shared use of needles and syringes for injections (90% – the indicator increased in comparison to 2014 when it reached 87%); Blood-to-blood contact with an infected person (90%). There is an increased level of awareness of HIV transmission through vaginal sex without condom (84% in 2015 versus 80% in 2014), unprotected anal sex (74% in 2014 versus 66% in 2015), oral sex without condom (65% in 201, 54% in 2014). The level of awareness of HIV transmission through piercing and tattooing reaches 81%, sharing shaving products / toothbrushes – 75%. The number of those who are aware of HIV transmittance from an HIV positive mother to a baby is 64%, the number of those who are aware of this decreased in comparison to 2014 (75%). As well as in case of the respondents overall, the number of young people who are aware the HIV can be transmitted from an HIV positive mother to a baby decreased (63% in 2015 versus 75% 2014). In Dnipropetrovska oblast there is an increase in the number of those who are aware that a person can be infected by transfusion of infected blood, – 99% in 2015 versus 95% in 2014 - or by the blood of the infected person via blood-to-blood contact – 97% in 2015 versus 88% in 2014. However, there is a decrease in the proportion of those who are aware of the probability of HIV transmittance via oral (60% in 2015 versus 82% in 2014), anal (71% in 2015 versus 83% in 2014), vaginal (78% in 2015 versus 90% in 2014) sex without condom. There is also a decrease in those who are aware of the risk of HIV transmittance when doing piercing or tattooing (73% in 2015 versus 82% in 2014) Graph 2.7 WHICH OF THESE ARE POSSIBLE AND WHICH ARE IMPOSSIBLE WAYS OF GETTING HIV OR AIDS? POSSIBLE WAYS % of all respondents: share of those who considers the following ways of being infected to be possible Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 90% 99% 93% When transfusing infected blood 2014 89% 95% 88% Shared use of needles and syringes for 2015 90% 89% 91% injections 2014 87% 90% 86% Through blood of infected people upon any 2015 90% 97% 89% blood-to-blood contact 2014 88% 88% 83% 2015 84% 78% 82% Vaginal sex without using a condom 2014 80% 90% 78% 2015 81% 73% 86% When doing piercing and tattoo 2014 80% 82% 81% When using somebody else’s shaving 2015 75% 66% 76% products, toothbrushes 2014 76% 72% 74% 2015 74% 71% 73% Anal sex without using a condom 2014 66% 83% 66% 2015 65% 60% 63% Oral sex without using a condom 2014 54% 82% 55% An HIV-positive mother-to-baby 2015 64% 84% 63% transmission 2014 75% 83% 75% 2015 1502 340 403 N 2014 1479 321 411 17 The most important objective of the campaign is raising awareness of thise ways of being infected that are directly connected with the risky behavior of citizens – unprotected sex or shared use of sharp objects (the fact that citizens are aware of the possibility of HIV transmittance by blood transfusion, blood-toblood contacts or when the child is born does not have any impact on their behavior).For each of the target groups the proportion aware of all the ways of getting infected through the risky behavior was calculated. Among the population of Ukraine the proportion who are aware of all the ways of getting infected which are associated with risky behavior increased from 37% in 2014 to 46%. Among Youth this proportion increased from 37% in 2014 to 44%. On the contrary, awareness of all the ways of getting infected is lower among the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast than among the overall population (also, this awareness significantly decreased in comparison to 2014). Graph 2.8 WHICH OF THESE ARE POSSIBLE AND WHICH ARE IMPOSSIBLE WAYS OF GETTING HIV OR AIDS? POSSIBLE WAYS, ASSOCIATED WITH RISKY BEHAVIOUR % of all respondents: share of those who considers the following ways of getting infected to be possible Indicator: awareness on the ways of getting infected associated with a risky behavior - % of respondents who consider all the indicated ways of getting infected to be possible Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast Shared use of needles and syringes for 2015 90% 89% 91% injections 2014 87% 90% 86% 2015 84% 78% 82% Vaginal sex without using a condom 2014 80% 90% 78% 2015 81% 73% 86% When doing piercing and tattoo 2014 80% 82% 81% When using somebody else’s shaving 2015 75% 66% 76% products, toothbrushes 2014 76% 72% 74% 2015 74% 71% 73% Anal sex without using a condom 2014 66% 83% 66% 2015 65% 60% 63% Oral sex without using a condom 2014 54% 82% 55% Awareness of ways of getting infected 2015 46% 37% 44% associated with risky behaviour (% of 2014 37% 50% 37% those who know all the ways) 2015 1502 340 403 N 2014 1479 321 411 Regarding wrong stereotypes about HIV transmittance, 34% of Ukrainians wrongly consider that a person can be infected if treated at a doctor’s surgery where HIV-positive patients are also treated. 28% consider that HIV is transmitted via mosquito bites. 26% of respondents said that the person can be infected by sharing toilet/bathhouse/swimming pool with the infected person (the proportion thinking this way increased from 20% in 2014) and 26% consider that one can be infected by sharing the same glass with HIV-infected person. 11-22% of Ukrainians wrongly consider that HIV can be transmitted by shared use of towels and other household items, consuming food together, sneezing or coughing, kissing etc., whereas 5% believe even touch or hugging to be risky. All these wrong perceptions lead to intolerant attitude towards PLWH. 18 Among Youth the proportion who consider that HIV can be transmitted via mosquito bite increased in 2015 up to 28% (comparing with 18% in 2014). Among the residents of Dnipropetrovka oblast there is an increase in those who think that a person can be infected if treated at a doctor’s surgery where HIV-positive patients are also treated (2015 – 29%, 2014 – 16%). However, on the other hand, there is a decrease in those who think that a person can get infected by touches and hugging (2015 – 2%, 2014 р. – 8%). Graph 2.9 WHICH OF THESE ARE POSSIBLE AND WHICH ARE IMPOSSIBLE WAYS OF GETTING HIV OR AIDS? IMPOSSIBLE WAYS % of all respondents: share of those who consider that the following ways of getting HIV-infected are possible Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast If you’re treated at a doctor’s surgery 2015 34% 29% 33% where HIV-positive patients are also 2014 32% 16% 27% treated 2015 28% 16% 28% Insect bite transmission 2014 24% 22% 18% Using one toilet/bathhouse/swimming pool 2015 26% 25% 24% or sauna with an infected person 2014 20% 28% 20% Drinking from the same glass with HIV2015 26% 23% 20% positive person 2014 22% 25% 22% Through shared use of a towel, bath 2015 22% 25% 20% sponge, soap 2014 19% 29% 17% 2015 20% 17% 17% Through a kiss 2014 19% 15% 16% Living in one room with an HIV-positive 2015 18% 21% 17% person 2014 18% 20% 15% If you share food with an HIV-positive 2015 16% 20% 17% person 2014 18% 23% 15% 2015 12% 15% 11% Through sneezing or coughing 2014 11% 16% 8% Eating food prepared by an HIV-positive 2015 11% 12% 9% person 2014 9% 13% 8% 2015 5% 2% 5% Through touch or hugging 2014 6% 8% 4% 2015 1502 340 403 N 2014 1479 321 411 According to the total population the best way to protect from HIV is to engage in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner that doesn’t have any other sexual partners (90% of Ukrainians mentioned it as a method to reduce the risk of infection); also 80% mentioned using condoms during each sexual intercourse as another effective way of protection. There is an increase in a number of those who do not consider that for preventing infection it is necessary to have one faithful partner: in 2015 – 5%, in 2014 р. – 3%; in those who do not consider it necessary to using condoms: 2015 – 11%, 2014 р. – 5%; and in those who do not consider that f HIV can be prevented from spreadingby abstaining from anal sex: 2015 – 33%, 2014 – 28%. 19 Among Youth there is a significant decrease in the proportion of those who believe that is necessary to use condoms constantly – 85% in 2014 to 79% in 2015. Among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 98% consider that it is possible to decrease the risk of HIV infection by engaging in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner that doesn’t have any other sexual partners; for 44% it is abstaining from anal sex (the number of such respondents decreased comparing with 2014 – 55%) whileamong Ukrainians this indicator reached 37%). Graph 2.10 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION… POSSIBLE WAYS % of all respondents: population of Ukraine, N 2014 =1479, N 2015= 1502 By engaging in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner, that doesn't have any other sexual partner By using condoms during each sexual intercourse 2015 90% 2014 91% 5% 5% 3% 7% 2015 80% 11% 10% 2014 82% 5% 13% 2015 37% 2014 38% 33% 30% Abstain from anal sex Yes No 28% 35% Don`t know Graph 2.11 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION… POSSIBLE WAYS % of all respondents: Dnipropetrovska oblast, N 2014 =321, N 2015= 340 By engaging in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner, that doesn't have any other sexual partner By using condoms during each sexual intercourse 2015 98% 2014 94% 2015 3% 4% 87% 2014 2015 2% 8% 5% 90% 44% 4% 6% 23% 33% Abstain from anal sex 2014 Yes No 55% 22% 24% Don't know 20 Graph 2.12 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION… POSSIBLE WAYS % of all respondents: Youth (15-24), N 2014 =411, N 2015= 403 By engaging in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner, that doesn't have any other sexual partner By using condoms during each sexual intercourse 2015 88% 2014 88% 2015 6% 6% 2% 10% 79% 2014 13% 85% 7% 4%11% 2015 36% 34% 2014 38% 28% 30% Abstain from anal sex Yes No 34% Don't know The highest share (46%) of the interviewed residents of Ukraine considers that sexual contacts with those persons who said that they are HIV negative are reducing the risk of HIV transmission. Also other wrong stereotypes on the protection from being HIV-infected prevail in over one-fifth of the population of Ukraine: reducing HIV risk by practicing sexual penetration without ejaculation (24%); use of spermicidal agents when having a sexual intercourse (20% versus 16% in 2014 р.); use of hormonal contraceptives (19%). A significant share of the respondents demonstrated uncertainty regarding the wrong stereotypes related to protection from HIV infection: 43% of Ukrainians are not aware whether using of spermicidal agents can reduce the risk of being HIV-infected, 29% of the population is not aware whether practicing sexual penetration without ejaculation can reduce the risk (in 2014 this indicator reached 35%), and 28% are not certain if using of hormonal contraceptives can help. ( 34% in 2014) Graph 2.13 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION… WRONG WAYS % of all respondents: population of Ukraine, N 2014 =1479, N 2015= 1502 2015 Sexual contacts only with those who told you they are not HIV-positive 2014 Sexual penetration without ejaculation Use of spermicidal agents when having a sexual intercourse 46% 43% 2015 2014 21% 2015 20% 2014 16% Yes 44% 37% 36% 15% No 25% 46% 19% 2014 18% 32% 24% 2015 Use of hormonal contraceptives (i.e. birth control pills) 36% 29% 35% 43% 48% 53% 50% 28% 34% Don`t know 21 Graph 2.14 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION… WRONG WAYS % of all respondents: Dnipropetrovska oblast, N 2014 =321, N 2015= 340 Sexual contacts only with those who 2015 told you they are not HIV-positive 2014 Sexual penetration without ejaculation 63% 71% 2015 25% 2014 26% 2015 Use of hormonal contraceptives (i.e. birth control pills) 27% 23% 52% 31% 42% 46% 27% No 15% 29% 44% 18% 2014 Yes 31% 28% 2015 17% 14% 40% 2014 Use of spermicidal agents when having a sexual intercourse 20% 36% 51% 23% Don't know Graph 2.15 IS IT POSSIBLE TO REDUCE THE RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION… WRONG WAYS % of all respondents: Youth (15-24), N 2014 =411, N 2015= 403 Sexual contacts only with those who told you they are not HIVpositive 2015 Sexual penetration without ejaculation 2015 24% 2014 23% 2015 22% 51% 2014 Use of spermicidal agents when having a sexual intercourse 44% 2014 Use of hormonal contraceptives (i.e. birth control pills) 16% 2015 19% 2014 18% Yes 34% No 15% 29% 27% 44% 39% 37% 36% 31% 38% 41% 49% 56% 45% 25% 37% Don't know 22 Only 32% of respondents say they do not need additional information on HIV/AIDS. This figure was 28% for the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast and 21% for Youth. The overall population and Youth would first and foremost prefer to receive information on the possible personal measures of HIV-infection prophylactics. Among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast the most requested information relates to HIV-testing and explanation of the results and also the measures that can be taken by people in order to prevent being HIV-infected and on the treatment of HIV and people who live with HIV. Graph 2.16 WHAT TYPE OF INFORMATION ABOUT HIV/AIDS YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE IN FUTURE % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast To receive information on measures 2015 27% 17% 32% person could take to prevent HIV To receive information on HIV testing and 2015 23% 19% 27% test results explanation To receive information about HIV treatment 2015 21% 17% 20% and people living with HIV To receive other information about HIV and 2015 14% 9% 15% AIDS No further information about HIV and AIDS 2015 32% 28% 21% is required 2015 Difficult to answer 14% 26% 16% N 1502 340 403 2015 23 3 Attitudes to HIV The health issue people in Ukraine are most worried about is heart diseases (31%, versus 21% in 2014). Cancer holds the second place (29%), third – HIV/AIDS (10%, a decrease from 16% in 2014). Sexually transmitted diseases, except HIV; and road traffic accidents are the main concern respectively only to 4% and 3% of respondents. 10% of the interviewed do not worry about health issues at all. Among Youth there is the highest share of those who are worried by cancer (27%, an increase from 19% in 2014). HIV/AIDS holds a second position (16%, this indicator is half as high as in 2014). Concern levels for sexually transmitted diseases (except HIV) are not high at 8%. The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast shows the highest level of concern with health threats – only 3% do not worry about their health. The population of this oblast has a much higher level of concern about cancer – 37% named it as a most important health threat. Heart diseases hold a second place (29%), and HIV/AIDS dropped to third position (13%, in 2014 – 21%). Graph 3.1 WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING THREATS TO HEALTH WORRIES YOU MOST OF ALL? % of all respondents Heart diseases Cancer HIV and AIDS Sexually-transmitted infections, except HIV Road traffic accidents Not worried about threats to health Difficult to answer N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 31% 21% 29% 26% 10% 16% 4% 4% 3% 3% 10% 12% 7% 9% 29% 20% 37% 38% 13% 21% 6% 6% 3% 4% 3% 1% 7% 4% 8% 5% 27% 19% 16% 32% 8% 4% 4% 3% 21% 21% 11% 8% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 63% of Ukrainians are sure they are absolutely not at risk or unlikely to get HIV-infected. Only 22% consider the risk as real («absolutely real», «quite real» and «fifty-fifty»); 14% did not respond to the question. Youth assesses the risk of being HIV-infected higher than the population generally (27% among Youth versus 22% among the population in general). 24 Graph 3.2 HOW HIGH IS THE RISK THAT YOU YOURSELF MIGHT GET INFECTED WITH HIV? % of all respondent Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 3% 3% 3% Absolutely real 2014 2% 3% 3% Quite real Fifty-fifty Unlikely I’m absolutely not at risk Don’t know N 2014 7% 7% 12% 12% 32% 35% 31% 31% 14% 12% 5% 17% 10% 15% 29% 34% 33% 25% 19% 6% 8% 6% 16% 18% 35% 37% 23% 18% 16% 18% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Those who don’t use condoms because of having permanent partners and those who always use condoms assess their risk of being infected as lower than do those who not always use condoms (for the figures on using condoms see Chapter 4) Graph 3.3 HOW HIGH IS THE RISK THAT YOU YOURSELF MIGHT GET INFECTED WITH HIV % of respondents who: always use condoms; use condoms from time to time; don’t use condoms because of having permanent partners. Population of Ukraine Absolutely real Quite real Fifty-fifty Unlikely I’m absolutely not at risk Don’t know N Always use condoms Not always use condoms Do not use condoms, because of having a permanent partner 2014 3% 2% 6% 8% 20% 25% 42% 41% 22% 13% 7% 11% 4% 4% 14% 10% 19% 17% 39% 41% 11% 15% 12% 13% 3% 2% 8% 8% 14% 10% 38% 44% 27% 27% 11% 9% 2015 195 316 339 2014 200 326 357 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 25 Most of those who consider themselves to be at risk of HIV infection say that they know how to protect themselves but anything might happen in life (62%). 16% of respondents say that they do not always have the possibility to take safety measures, and 13% don’t know how to protect themselves. Youth showed no significant differences from the total population of Ukraine in this regard. On the contrary, in Dnipropetrovska oblast there is a significant increase in people who don’t know how to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS (32% in 2015 whereas in 2014 – 11%). Graph 3.4 WHY DO YOU THINK THERE IS REAL RISK? % of those respondents who consider that they are completely at risk, quite at risk or fifty-fifty Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast I know how to secure myself against HIV and AIDS and I always take 2015 62% 47% 57% corresponding measures 2014 67% 66% 70% but anything might happen in life I know how to secure myself against HIV and AIDS but I am not always able to take safety measures 16% 13% 11% 16% 19% 16% 2014 13% 9% 1% 3% 2% 2% 5% 7% 32% 11% 3% 5% 2% 2% 5% 1% 16% 9% 0% 0% 3% 0% 6% 5% 2015 333 71 101 2014 369 115 120 2015 2014 I don’t know how to secure myself against HIV and AIDS 2015 I can get infected during the medical tratment, testing or blood transfusion 2015 Other Difficult to answer N 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 Those who think they are unlikely to get infected explain their confidence by the fact they: have one permanent sexual partner whom they trust (47% in 2015, down from 53% in 2014); they do not take drugs (34%); or they do not have a sexual partner (21%). In comparison with 2014 there is an increase in those who do not believe that they can be infected. In 2015 that was the response of a quarter of respondents (25%) believe that the risk is low or completely does not exist (20% in 2014). Among Youth the reasons why people are not worrying about the risk of being HIV-infected are the following: «I have a permanent sexual partner whom I trust» (45%), «do not take drugs» (40%), «do not have a sexual partner» and «do not believe it can happen to me» (23% each). The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast rely for the most on having one permanent partner (48%). Disbelief that it can happen to them is the second most popular reason for confidence of not getting infected (24% - an increase from 14% in 2014), and the third reason is that they do not take drugs (22%). 26 Graph 3.5 WHY DO YOU THINK IT IS UNLIKELY YOU WOULD GET HIV-INFECTED? % of respondents who consider that the risk is low or that they are absolutely not at risk of being infected Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast I have one permanent sexual partner I 2015 47% 48% 45% trust 2014 53% 58% 41% 2015 34% 22% 40% I do not do drugs 2014 36% 27% 44% 2015 25% 24% 23% I do not believe it can happen to me 2014 20% 14% 19% 2015 21% 16% 23% I do not have a sexual partner 2014 22% 22% 28% 2015 9% 3% 18% I always use condoms 2014 8% 8% 17% 2015 5% 7% 4% Difficult to answer 2014 5% 6% 5% 944 205 232 2015 N 930 180 218 2014 40% of respondents wouldn’t agree if a new partner suggested having sex without a condom but 10% (up from 6% in 2014) would agree to such proposal. 26% of respondents would not know what to do in such a situation. A quarter suppose they would never have a new relationship 30% (in 2014). More men than women wouldn’t know what to do in such a situation. There are more women who suppose that they will never have a new relationship. Men more often agree upon sex without condom (12% comparing with 7% among women). 52% of respondents among Youth wouldn’t agree if a new partner suggested having sex without a condom (up from 46% in 2014) and only 10% would agree. 23% of respondents would not know what to do in such a situation. Among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 39% wouldn’t agree if a new partner suggested having sex without a condom and 9% would agree. 36% would not know what to do in such a situation and 16% do not believe there is a possibility of new relations. Graph 3.6 YOUR NEW PARTNER WANTS TO INTIMATE WITH YOU WITHOUT A CONDOM AND WITHOUT BEING SURE ABOUT HIS/HER HIV STATUS. WOULD YOU AGREE OR NOT? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 10% 9% 10% Would agree 2014 6% 8% 11% 2015 40% 39% 52% Would not agree 2014 39% 55% 46% 2015 26% 36% 23% Don’t know 2014 25% 23% 29% 2015 25% 16% 15% Would never have a new relationship 2014 30% 15% 14% 2015 1502 340 403 N 2014 1479 321 411 27 Graph 3.7 YOUR NEW PARTNER WANTS TO INTIMATE WITH YOU WITHOUT A CONDOM AND WITHOUT BEING SURE ABOUT HIS/HER HIV STATUS. WOULD YOU AGREE OR NOT? % of all respondents Population of Women Men Ukraine 2015 10% 7% 12% Would agree 2014 6% 5% 7% Would not agree Don’t know Would never have a new relationship N 2014 40% 39% 26% 25% 25% 30% 42% 39% 22% 21% 29% 36% 38% 39% 30% 30% 20% 24% 2015 1502 799 703 2014 1479 784 695 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 52% would themselves suggest using a condom with a new sexual partner. Men and women demonstrate the same level of will to take on such an initiative. Among Youth the share of those who are ready to suggest using condoms with a new sexual partner is higher than among total population (63% versus 52%). Men are more likely to suggest condom use than women in a new relationship. Among respondents from Dnipropetrovska oblast the share of those who are ready to suggest using condoms with a new sexual partner is 54% down from 65% in 2014). Men are more likely to suggest condom use than women in a new relationship. Graph 3.8 IMAGINING YOU WERE STARTING A NEW RELATIONSHIP, WOULD YOU TAKE THE INITIATIVE AND SUGGEST USING CONDOMS? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 52% 54% 63% Yes 2014 52% 65% 67% No Don’t know N 2014 15% 11% 33% 37% 17% 10% 29% 25% 12% 6% 25% 27% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 47% of Ukrainians think that they have quite a good chance of convincing a new partner to use a condom and only 12% % believe that it would prove difficult for them. There is also quite a big proportion who do not know whether it would be difficult or easy (41%). Men think it would be easier than women do to convince a partner to use condoms. 28 Youth is much more sure it would be easy to convince a new partner to use condoms: 56% of young respondents believe that it would be easy, whereas 9% think it would prove to be difficult. Men find it easier than women to convince a partner to use condoms. Among respondents from Dnipropetrovska oblast 45% think that it would be easy to convince a new partner to use condoms while 21% believe it to be a difficult task. Similar to the two other target groups men find it easier than women to convince a partner to use condoms. Graph 3.9 IF YOU DID WANT TO CONVINCE A NEW PARTNER TO USE CONDOMS AT THE START OF A NEW RELATIONSHIP, HOW EASY OR DIFFICULT DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE? % of all respondents Very easy Fairly easy Fairly difficult Very difficult Don’t know N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 19% 15% 28% 25% 9% 5% 3% 4% 41% 50% 12% 25% 33% 33% 12% 8% 9% 6% 35% 27% 23% 18% 33% 31% 6% 6% 3% 2% 35% 43% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Graph 3.10 IF YOU DID WANT TO CONVINCE A NEW PARTNER TO USE CONDOMS AT THE START OF A NEW RELATIONSHIP, HOW EASY OR DIFFICULT DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE? % of all respondents Very easy Fairly easy Fairly difficult Very difficult Don’t know N Population of Ukraine Women Men 2014 19% 15% 28% 25% 9% 5% 3% 4% 41% 50% 16% 13% 26% 23% 11% 6% 3% 5% 44% 53% 22% 18% 30% 27% 7% 5% 3% 3% 38% 47% 2015 1502 799 703 2014 1479 784 695 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 22% of respondents say that they would, and 25% (up 5% from 2014) that they would not suggest undergoing an HIV test to a new partner. However, the majority of respondents could not answer whether they would suggest undergoing an HIV test before having sexual intercourses with a new partner (53%) 29 which may simply mean that people haven’t previously considered having a new sexual partner. Among Youth 25% would suggest undergoing an HIV test before having sex with a new partner and 28% would not (an increase from 18%in 2014). In Dnipropetrovska oblast the proportion who would be willing to suggest an HIV test before sex with a new partner is equal to the share within the population overall (22%); while 28% wouldn’t do that. 51% of the respondents could not answer this question. Graph 3.11 IMAGINING YOU WERE STARTING A NEW RELATIONSHIP, WOULD YOU TAKE THE INITIATIVE AND SUGGEST UNDERGO HIV-TEST BEFORE YOU HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSES? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 22% 22% 25% Yes 2014 22% 30% 26% 2015 25% 28% 28% No 2014 20% 21% 18% 2015 53% 51% 47% Don’t know 2014 58% 49% 56% 1502 340 403 2015 N 1479 321 411 2014 The majority of respondents do not know how easy it would be to convince a new partner to undergo HIV testing at the start of a new relationship (53% which is less than 61% in 2014). Only 17% believe this would be very or fairly easy while 30% think this would be very difficult or fairly difficult (there is a significant growth in the share of those who think it would be fairly difficult: 14% in 2015 and 21% in 2014). The perception of this question among Youth is similar to the total population. At the same time, 19% of the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast think it would have been an easy task and 34% believe it to be a difficult task. Graph 3.12 IF YOU DID WANT TO CONVINCE A NEW PARTNER TO UNDERGO HIV TEST AT THE START OF A NEW RELATIONSHIP, HOW EASY OR DIFFICULT DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 7% 3% 7% Very easy 2014 5% 6% 6% 2015 10% 16% 14% Fairly easy 2014 10% 17% 11% 2015 21% 21% 21% Fairly difficult 2014 14% 21% 15% 2015 9% 13% 10% Very difficult 2014 10% 12% 11% 2015 53% 47% 48% Don’t know 2014 61% 45% 57% 1502 340 403 2015 N 1479 321 411 2014 30 4 Risk behavior and HIV testing 86% of Ukrainians over 15 have experience of sexual intercourse. The percentage of respondents with sexual experience in Dnipropetrovska oblast is 87% (in both cases there is a visible decrease since 2014 when these indicators were respectively 90% and 93%). Among Youth 63% had sexual intercourse and 26% never had sexual intercourse. Graph 4.1 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN INTIMATE WITH ANYONE? % of all respondents Yes No I’d rather not answer N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 86% 90% 5% 5% 9% 5% 87% 93% 4% 2% 10% 5% 63% 64% 26% 27% 11% 9% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 62% had their first sexual experience at the age of 15 or later, and 3% before they turned 15. In Dnipropetrovska oblast 5% of the respondents had their first sexual experience before they turned 15 (this indicator has halved since 2014 when it was 10%). Graph 4.2 AT WHAT AGE DID YOU HAVE YOUR FIRST SEXUAL INTERCOUSE? % of respondents who had ever had sexual intercourse Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 3% 5% Before the age of 15 2014 3% 10% At the age of 15 or later I’d rather not answer N Youth (15-24) 2014 62% 66% 35% 31% 66% 68% 29% 22% 6% 4% 63% 62% 31% 34% 2015 1382 320 296 2014 1361 311 301 2015 2014 2015 31 Out of those respondents who have experience of sexual intercourse, 58% of Ukrainians, 59% of the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast and 72% of Youth have been intimate within the last 12 months. Graph 4.3 HAVE YOU BEEN INTIMATE WITH ANYONE IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? % of respondents who have ever had a sexual intercourse Yes No I’d rather not answer N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 58% 61% 24% 25% 18% 14% 59% 69% 20% 20% 21% 11% 72% 78% 8% 6% 20% 17% 2015 1382 320 296 2014 1361 311 301 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 14% of Ukrainians who had intimate relations over the past 12 months use condoms always and 9% almost always; 20% use them from time to time or rarely; 33% of respondents do not use condoms because they have one permanent partner(down from 39% in 2014), and 5% do not use them because of other reasons. Condoms are more widely used among Youth and population of Dnipropetrovska oblast than among the total population of Ukraine, although it is noteworthy to mention the decrease of those who almost always use condoms in Dnipropetrovska oblast: 5% in 2015 versus 17% in 2014. Graph 4.4 HOW OFTEN IN THE PAST YEAR DID YOU USE CONDOMS DURING THE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE? % of respondents who had intimate relations over the past 12 months Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 14% 22% 31% Always 2014 13% 26% 33% Almost always From time to time Rarely I don’t use them because I have one permanent partner I don’t use them due to other reasons I’d rather not answer N 2014 9% 10% 13% 9% 7% 8% 33% 39% 5% 4% 20% 17% 5% 17% 12% 15% 5% 4% 29% 23% 8% 2% 20% 14% 15% 16% 15% 10% 5% 8% 17% 14% 1% 2% 16% 17% 2015 1106 275 275 2014 1086 264 282 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 32 Among those Ukrainians who do not use condoms or do not always use them, 38% say this is because they trust their partner, 31% (21% in 2014) say that condoms make sex less pleasant, 29% say condoms are not always available, 19% use other means of protection, 13% pointed out that condoms are questionable protection (up significantly from 4% in 2014), 11% don’t think it’s necessary and 11% think that condoms are too expensive. For Youth the main reason for not using condoms is their unavailability (38%), followed by trust in the partner (35%) and less pleasurable sex (31%). The most popular reason for not using a condom in Dnipropetrovska oblast is the same as for the total population – a trustworthy partner – although the proportion who think that way has halved since the last wave (2015 – 27%, 2014 – 54%). There is also an increase in the proportion of those residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast who complain at the poor quality of condoms: in 2015 their number reached 18%, whereas in 2014 it was only 1%. There is also increase in the proportion who believe that condoms are too expensive (20% in 2015 and only 4% in 2014). Graph 4.5 WHY DON’T YOU USE OR NOT ALWAYS USE CONDOMS?* % of respondents who had intimate relations over the past 12 months and not always use condoms not because of having permanent partner Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast I don’t use them when I trust my 2015 38% 27% 35% partner 2014 37% 54% 26% Condoms make sex less pleasant, I don’t like having sex with condoms Condoms are not always available Other ways of protection used Condoms are questionable protection (low quality/tear easily) I don’t think it is necessary Condoms are too expensive My partner refuses to use condoms 31% 21% 20% 18% 31% 25% 2014 29% 30% 19% 20% 13% 4% 11% 15% 11% 12% 6% 2% 5% ─ 3% 3% 23% 15% 19% 39% 18% 1% 12% 3% 20% 4% 9% 0% 4% ─ 2% 0% 38% 42% 20% 8% 9% 5% 7% 12% 13% 9% 10% 4% 4% ─ 6% 0% 2015 316 65 91 2014 326 94 97 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 Sometimes I do not use condom because of having drunken sex 2015 I don’t feel comfortable to buy condoms 2015 N 2014 *The Graph includes the alternatives given by at least 3% in at least one of the target groups 33 Condoms are perceived mostly as a method of contraception among those who use condoms (83% of Ukrainians, 82% of Youth and 86% of population of Dnipropetrovska oblast). 34% of Ukrainians use condoms to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS, 35% use them as protection from other infections (down from 44% in 2014). Youth named protection from HIV much more often (41%), than other target audiences. Graph 4.6 WHY DO YOU USE CONDOMS? % of respondents who indicated frequency of using condoms (from «always» to «seldom») Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 83% 86% 82% Contraception 2014 77% 88% 79% Protection against other infections Protection against HIV and AIDS Difficult to answer N 2014 35% 44% 34% 36% 2% 3% 44% 40% 33% 55% 1% 2% 46% 47% 41% 54% 2% 4% 2015 511 136 177 2014 526 170 194 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Of those respondents who have been intimate with anyone within the last year, 23% of Ukrainians used condoms during the last sexual intercourse. The highest rate of condom usage is among Youth (45%). Among the respondents of Dnipropetrovska oblast 27% used condoms during their last intercourse which is significantly less than last year (39%). Graph 4.7 DID YOU USE CONDOMS DURING LAST SEXUAL INTERCOURSE? % of respondents, who had intimate relations over the past 12 months Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 23% 27% Yes 2014 21% 39% No I’d rather not answer N Youth (15-24) 2014 50% 58% 26% 22% 46% 45% 27% 17% 45% 47% 32% 29% 23% 23% 2015 1106 275 275 2014 1086 264 282 2015 2014 2015 34 63% of Ukrainians, 68% of respondents in Dnipropetrovska oblast and 58% of Youth had one sexual partner during last 12 months. 28% of Ukrainians refused to answer and the rest had 2 or more sexual partners. Graph 4.8 HOW MANY PARTNERS DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? % of respondents, who had intimate relations over the past 12 months Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 63% 68% One 2014 67% 67% Two Three Four Five to ten More than 10 I’d rather not answer N Youth (15-24) 2014 6% 5% 2% 2% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 28% 24% 5% 8% 1% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 25% 20% 58% 56% 10% 7% 1% 5% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 1% 29% 29% 2015 1106 275 275 2014 1086 264 282 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Out of those respondents who have ever been intimate with anyone, 30% discussed safe sex with their partner; 26% discussed previous relations with a partner; 19% asked their partner to use a condom and the same proportion underwent a test for sexually transmitted infections. However, only 9% abstained from sexual relations if a partner refused to use a condom. Another 10% asked if their partner underwent an HIV test and 6% asked the partner to undergo such a test. 8% asked their partner to undergo a test for sexually transmitted infection. Among Youth there are more who discussed safe sex with their partner (45%). This is a decrease in comparison with 2014 when it reached 54%. Also, there is a decrease in the number of those who discussed previous relations with a partner (36% in 2015 and 44% in 2014). 18% decided to abstain from sex if a partner refused to use condom. 16% of respondents of Dnipropetrovska oblast refused to have sex without a condom, which is almost half the level in 2014 (30%). Also among the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast there is a significant decrease in those who discussed safe sex with their partner (28% versus 38% in 2014) and those who asked a partner to use condom (22% versus 34% in 2014). 35 Graph 4.9 THERE ARE SITUATIONS LISTED BELOW, WHICH PEOPLE IN RELATIONSHIPS CAN COME ACROSS. PLEASE SPECIFY FOR EACH SITUATION WHETHER YOU HAVE COME ACROSS IT IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP. IF IT DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU, SPECIFY THE CORRESPONDING ANSWER OPTION % of respondents who have ever had a sexual intercourse Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 30% 28% 45% I discussed safe sex with my partner 2014 34% 38% 54% I discussed past sexual relations with my partner I asked my partner to use condoms 26% 26% 19% 19% 19% 19% 10% 13% 23% 28% 22% 34% 29% 33% 17% 16% 36% 44% 33% 38% 20% 24% 15% 23% 9% 8% 16% 30% 18% 17% 2014 8% 8% 6% 6% 9% 7% 9% 7% 10% 11% 9% 10% 2015 1382 320 296 2014 1351 311 301 2015 2014 2015 2014 I underwent a sexually-transmitted infections test 2015 I inquired about whether my partner underwent HIV test 2015 I decided to abstain from a sexual contact as my partner refused to use a condom 2014 2014 2015 2014 I asked my partner to undergo a sexually-transmitted infections test 2015 I asked my partner to undergo an HIV test 2015 N 2014 Most respondents have never undergone an HIV test – 60% among the total population, 67% among Youth. In comparison with 2015 there is a decrease in those who did not undergo a test in Dnipropetrovska oblast (41% in 2015 comparing with 53% in 2014). Graph 4.10 HAVE YOU UNDERGONE A HIV TEST? % of all respondents I undergo it regularly I did it a couple of times but not regularly I did it once I didn’t do it I’d rather not answer N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 5% 4% 13% 12% 13% 16% 60% 62% 9% 6% 6% 5% 27% 14% 22% 22% 41% 53% 4% 5% 4% 4% 9% 9% 12% 19% 67% 64% 8% 5% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 36 Among those who have never used condoms, or who use them but not always, a half of respondents (50%) have never undergone an HIV test, 17% did it once, 19% – did it a couple of times but do not take the test regularly and only 7% pass the test regularly. Graph 4.11 HAVE YOU UNDERGONE A HIV TEST? % of respondents who not always or never use condoms not because they have one permanent partner Population of Ukraine 2015 7% I undergo it regularly 2014 7% 2015 I did it a couple of times but not 19% regularly 2014 17% I did it once I didn’t do it I’d rather not answer N 2014 17% 24% 50% 50% 6% 2% 2015 366 2014 364 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Most people who underwent the test did it because they needed a mandatory health certificate (including those who did it in connection with pregnancy): 80% of total population of Ukraine, 80% of Youth and 86% respondents of Dnipropetrovska oblast. 16% Ukrainians did it just for themselves thinking they might have HIV. There are 13% of such respondents among Youth, 9% among the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast. Graph 4.12 WHY DID YOU UNDERGO THE TEST? % of respondents who passed an HIV test I needed a mandatory health certificate (including owing to pregnancy) 2015 2014 For my own peace of mind/ I thought I might have HIV 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 I was convinced at a public event / I went for company At my partner’s request On the doctor`s perscription during the medical tratment Other I’d rather not answer N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 80% 81% 16% 11% 4% 3% 2% 0% 2% ─ 0% 3% 3% 4% 86% 86% 9% 6% 2% 4% 1% 0% 5% ─ 0% 2% 0% 3% 80% 80% 13% 12% 5% 7% 2% 1% 1% ─ 0% 1% 2% 6% 523 518 199 152 119 138 37 Among those who never use condoms or use them but not always, and who had a test, 70% got tested because they needed a mandatory health certificate (including those who did it in connection with pregnancy), 22% underwent the test for their own peace of mind which means that having has unprotected sex (not with one permanent partner) was not a motivation for HIV testing. Graph 4.13 WHY DID YOU UNDERGO THE TEST? % of respondents who who not always or never use condoms not because they have one permanent partner and passed an HIV test Population of Ukraine I needed a mandatory health certificate (including owing to pregnancy) 2015 2014 70% 79% For my own peace of mind/ I thought I might have HIV 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 22% 14% 9% 4% 5% 0% 3% ─ 0% 2% 2% 2% I was convinced at a public event / I went for company At my partner’s request On the doctor`s perscription during the medical tratment Other I’d rather not answer N 120 184 The popular places to get tested for HIV are the women’s consultations centres: 31% among the total population. 14% visited trust cabinets/AIDS centres, and 5% family doctors. 45% of the respondents took the test in other medical institutions. There are similar results among Youth and population of Dnipropetrovska oblast. Graph 4.14 WHERE HAVE YOU UNDERGONE AN HIV TEST? % of respondents have passed an HIV-test Population of Ukraine Other medical institution 2015 45% Women’s consultations 2015 31% Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 42% 33% 13% 5% 0% 35% 34% 16% 7% 3% Trust cabinets/AIDS centers 2015 Family doctor 2015 Used test-systems by yourself Ambulatory actions of different organizations (quick testing) Mobile laboratory 2015 14% 5% 2% 2015 2% 0% 3% 2015 NGOs 2015 Difficult to answer 2015 2% 1% 0% 1% 4% 2% 3% 1% 0% N 2015 523 199 119 38 Regarding the convenience of HIV-testing the responses were the following: 19% would prefer to use test-systems by themselves, 17% would use the services of trust cabinets/AIDS centers, and 15% – women’s consultation. Youth to a greater extent believes it is convenient to use test-systems by themselves (26%) or to use the services of trust cabinet /AIDS-center (23%). On the contrary the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast believe it’s more convenient to get tested in women’s consultation (20%), to use test-system by themselves (17%), and also to pass an HIV-test at mobile laboratories (14%). Graph 4.15 WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO UNDERGO AN HIV TEST? % of all respondents Population of Ukraine To use test-systems by yourself 2015 19% Trust cabinets/AIDS centers 2015 17% Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 17% 9% 20% 12% 14% 6% 26% 23% 15% 10% 12% 4% Women’s consultations 2015 Other medical institution 2015 Mobile laboratory 2015 Family doctor Ambulatory actions of different organizations (quick testing) Nowhere, I would not undergo the test 2015 15% 13% 10% 9% 2015 9% 10% 9% 2015 NGOs 2015 Difficult to answer 2015 4% 3% 13% 1% 4% 12% 1% 2% 10% N 2015 1502 340 403 Of those who got tested for HIV the overwhelming majority were satisfied with the quality of the HIV testing procedure: 83% among Ukrainians, 87% among Youth and 93% in Dnipropetrovska oblast. Only 6% of Ukrainians who had had a test were dissatisfied or partly dissatisfied with the quality of HIV testing procedure and consultation (the number of them increased in comparison to 2014 when it reached 3%). Most of the complaints regarding the quality of the consultation and testing procedure deal with impolite medical personnel and lack of necessary information. However, the number of such respondents is insufficient for reliable observation. 39 Graph 4.16 WERE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF HIV TESTING PROCEDURE AND CONSULTATION? % of respondents who have passed an HIV-test (except for those who use test-system by themselves) Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 83% 93% 87% Yes 2014 80% 92% 81% Yes, but no consultation was proposed Partly yes, partly no No Don’t know N 2014 6% 9% 5% 2% 1% 1% 5% 8% 1% 5% 1% 1% 2% 1% 3% 1% 8% 10% 2% 3% 1% 0% 2% 6% 2015 515 199 116 2014 511 151 136 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Out of respondents who have passed an HIV test, 30% of Ukrainians, 34% of residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast underwent an HIV test within the last 12 months. The proportion of Youth who have passed the test in the last year is significantly higher at 52%. Graph 4.17 HAVE YOU UNDERGONE HIV TEST IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS? % of respondents, who have passed an HIV-test Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 30% 34% Yes 2014 30% 38% No Don't remember / Difficult to answer N Youth (15-24) 2014 67% 64% 3% 6% 63% 57% 4% 5% 52% 41% 48% 55% 0% 5% 2015 523 199 119 2014 518 152 138 2015 2014 2015 40 Among the respondents who have passed an HIV-test in the last 12 month 94% are aware of their result. Among Youth this indicator is 100%. Graph 4.18 DO YOU KNOW YOUR RESULTS? % of respondents who have passed HIV/AIDS test in the last 12 months Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 94% 96% Yes 2014 89% 90% No Don't rememberr Refuse N Youth (15-24) 2014 3% 3% 2% 3% 1% 5% 0% 4% 0% 0% 4% 6% 100% 92% 0% 4% 0% 1% 0% 3% 2015 185 77 58 2014 204 68 68 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Among those respondents who did not undergo HIV testing within the last 12 month the prevailing majority simply did not feel the need. Another reason for not taking the test was respondents’ confidence that they do not have HIV (18% overall in Ukraine, 9% in Dnipropetrovska oblast and 20% among Youth). 4% did not want to pay for testing. 5% did not know where to pass an HIV-test or did not know at all that such test can be taken. Graph 4.19 WHY DIDN’T YOU UNDERGO THE TEST? % of respondents who did not undergo a HIV-test in the last 12 month or never passed it Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast I do not feel need to undergo the test 2015 71% 83% 67% I am sure there is no chance that I 18% 9% 20% 2015 might have HIV or AIDS I don’t want to pay for it 2015 4% 5% 3% I don’t know where to do it I don’t want the other to know I undergo the test I did not know one could have a test for HIV I don’t trust the reliability of the test 2015 3% 1% 5% 2015 3% 1% 4% 2015 2% 1% 3% 2015 I am afraid of the test results 2015 I’d rather not answer 2015 2% 1% 4% 0% 0% 4% 3% 0% 6% N 2015 1198 251 314 29% of Ukrainians are interested in taking an HIV test if it is free of charge. Among Youth there are 43% of such respondents and among the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast 33%. Among the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast there is a significant increase in those who would like to take a free HIV-test (62% in 2015 versus 50% in 2014). 41 Graph 4.20 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A FREE HIV TEST IF YOU WERE OFFERED TO? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 29% 33% Yes 2014 32% 39% 2015 59% 62% No 2014 57% 50% 2015 12% 5% I’d rather not answer 2014 11% 11% 1502 340 2015 N 1479 321 2014 Youth (15-24) 43% 43% 47% 43% 11% 14% 403 411 Out of respondents who have never taken an HIV test, 22% would do it if it’s free of charge. Among Youth this figure reached 37%, and among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast – 23%. Graph 4.21 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A FREE HIV TEST IF YOU WERE OFFERED TO? % of respondents who have never passed an HIV test Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast 2015 22% 23% Yes 2014 25% 27% 2015 64% 72% No 2014 65% 62% 2015 14% 6% I’d rather not answer 2014 10% 11% 979 141 2015 N 961 169 2014 Youth (15-24) 37% 38% 50% 49% 12% 13% 284 273 Аlmost half of those who always use condoms would like to take a free HIV test (49%). There are fewer willing to do so among those who use condoms from time to time (46%) or who do not use them because of having a permanent partner (29%, down from 40% in 2014). Graph 4.22 WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A FREE HIV TEST IF YOU WERE OFFERED ONE? % of respondents who: always use condoms; use condoms from time to time; do not use condomes because of having one trusted partner. Population of Ukraine Yes No I’d rather not answer N Always use condoms Not always use condoms Do not use condoms, because of having a permanent partner 2014 49% 49% 44% 41% 8% 10% 46% 42% 43% 42% 11% 16% 29% 40% 57% 52% 14% 7% 2015 195 316 339 2014 200 326 357 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 42 5 Attitude to PLWH 68% of Ukrainians think that people infected with HIV have the right to keep it a secret (69% of Youth and 68% of respondents in Dnipropetrovska oblast). 40% of Ukrainians (down from 44% in 2014) believe people get HIV only because of their carelessness and immoral behaviour. At the same time 52% disagree or rather disagree with such a statement, an increase from 45% in 2014). 37% of Ukrainians think that the rights of HIV-positive people are violated in Ukraine, down from 44% in 2014. 27% of respondents consider HIV to be a «divine retribution», and 19% that people living with HIV/AIDS should be isolated. Youth and population of Dnipropetrovska oblast have rather similar results to the total population. At the same time among the residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast there is a decrease in a number of those who think that people can be HIV-infected because of their own carelessness and immoral behaviour (38% in 2015 and 49% in 2014) and, respectively there is an increase up to 54% of those who do not think this way (46% in 2014). There is a decrease in a number of those who think that the rights of people with HIV/AIDS are violated (34% in 2015 and 47% in 2014). Among Youth there is also a decrease in those who think that the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS are violated in Ukraine (34% in 2015 versus 43% in 2014). Graph 5.1 PLEASE, STATE, TO WHAT EXTENT YOU AGREE OR DSAGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS REGARDING HIV-INFECTED PEOPLE. % of all respondents Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) oblast Completely Completely Completely Completely Completely Completely or rather or rather or rather or rather or rather or rather DISAGREE AGREE DISAGREE AGREE DISAGREE AGREE Population of Ukraine People infected with HIV or AIDS have the right to keep it confidential People only get HIV because of personal carelessness and immoral behavior 2015 2014 2015 2014 Rights of the people who live with HIV/AIDS are violated in Ukraine 2015 HIV and AIDS are divine retribution 2015 People living with HIV/AIDS should be isolated 2015 N 2014 2014 2014 22% 22% 68% 65% 11% 23% 68% 73% 21% 18% 69% 69% 52% 45% 40% 44% 54% 46% 38% 49% 52% 48% 39% 41% 39% 27% 54% 51% 62% ─ 37% 44% 27% 27% 19% ─ 31% 36% 52% 58% 46% ─ 34% 47% 22% 27% 26% ─ 43% 28% 61% 57% 61% ─ 34% 43% 18% 21% 18% ─ 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 The survey includes four main levels of perception of PLWH: the perception of unfamiliar PLWH (Bogardus scale), perception of acquaintances in case of getting HIV, perception of the acquaintances that are PLWH and perception of HIV-positive children. The Bogardus scale consists of 7 steps, which mean that representatives of a certain group can be accepted as 1) family members 2) close friends 3) neighbours 4) colleagues 5) residents of Ukraine 6) visitors of Ukraine 7) can’t be accepted even as visitors of Ukraine. Acceptance as each group presumes 43 the respondent accepts the subsequent, for example if a respondent accepts PLWH as neighbours then he accepts them as colleagues, residents and visitors of Ukraine as well, and so on. Only 15% of Ukrainians are ready to admit PLWH as colleagues, or neighbours, or close friends, or family members. Regarding the other vulnerable groups this figure is even smaller – 13% for homosexuals, 11% for bisexuals, 8% commercial sex workers, and 6% for IDUs. More than a half of Ukrainians do not tolerate PLWH: 70% of respondents say they agree to have PLWH as no closer than residents of Ukraine or visitors to Ukraine or would keep them out of Ukraine altogether (at the same time, the number of those who would not let such people to enter Ukraine significantly increased: in 2015 – 34%, while in 2014 – 27%). Regarding the other vulnerable groups this figure is higher – 83% for IDUs (there is a noticeable increase in a number of those who would not let them into country at all: 65% in 2015 versus 52% in 2014), 74% for homosexuals (level of intolerance towards homosexuals increased: if in 2014 the number of those who would not let them into the country was 45%, in 2015 52%), 73% for bisexuals, 79% for commercial sex workers (there is also an increase in a number of those who would not let such people to the country: 51% in 2015 versus 43% in 2014). In general results are similar among Youth: 16% are ready to admit PLWH as colleagues, neighbours (the number of respondents ready for the neighborhood with PLHW increased to 6% in 2015 from 3% in 2014), close friends or even family members; at the same time 11% are ready to accept bisexuals that close, 11% homosexuals, 7% IDUs, and 9% commercial sex workers. The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast is the least tolerant group: about 2% are ready to accept PLHW as colleagues or closer, the same number for homosexuals, and about 1% forbisexuals. Only 3% are ready to accept that close IDUs, and 1% commercial sex workers. 44 Graph 5.2 PLEASE ASSESS YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE REPRESENTATIVES OF DIFFERENT GROUPS BY THE FOLLOWING ACCESS LEVELS. EACH ACCESS LEVEL IN THE SCALE PROVIDES FOR ALL THE FOLLOWING ACCESS LEVELS, FOR EXAMPLE IF A GROUP IS ACCEPTED AS A FAMILY MEMBER, IT IS ALSO ACCEPTED AS FRIENDS, NEIGHBOURS, ETC. I AGREE TO ACCEPT THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THIS GROUP AS… % of all respondents: population of Ukraine, N 2014 =1479, N 2015 = 1502 HIV-positive people Homosexuals 2015 3% 6% 5% 28% 2014 33% 2%4%4% 2015 4%5%4% 13% 11% 2014 11% 3%3% 18% 2015 3% 5% 3% 14% 13% 8% 34% 6% 27% 52% 45% 46% 16% 22% 12% 18% 16% Bisexuals 2014 Commercial sex workers 2015 3%2% 19% 2014 24% 2015 4% 12% 9% 9% 6% 51% 43% 65% 16% 20% 10% Injection drug users 2014 1% 21% My family members Neighbours Residents of Ukraine I’d keep them out of Ukraine at all 6% 52% 17% Close friends Colleagues Visitors of Ukraine Difficult to answer 45 Graph 5.3 ASSESS YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE REPRESENTATIVES OF DIFFERENT GROUPS BY THE FOLLOWING ACCESS LEVELS % of all respondents: Dnipropetrovska oblast, N 2014 =321, N 2015 = 340; 2015 1% 48% 7% 32% 11% HIV-positive people 2014 2015 Homosexuals Bisexuals 2014 3% 9% 3% 2015 7% 2014 2015 1% 38% 37% 14% 42% Injection drug users 2015 2% 28% 5% 61% 29% 31% 10% 19% 20% 2014 14% 65% 30% Commercial sex workers 2014 8% 8% 11% 50% 15% 44% 7% 30% 8% 57% 12% My family members Neighbours Residents of Ukraine I’d keep them out of Ukraine at all 12% 5% 52% 6% Close friends Colleagues Visitors of Ukraine Difficult to answer Graph 5.4 ASSESS YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE REPRESENTATIVES OF DIFFERENT GROUPS BY THE FOLLOWING ACCESS LEVELS % усіх респондентів: Youth (15-24), N 2014 = 411, N 2015 = 403; HIV-positive people 2015 2%4%6%5% 32% 2014 2%6%3%3% 2015 5%3% Homosexuals Bisexuals Commercial sex workers Injection drug users 2014 2% 3% 2015 5%3% 2014 2015 4% 33% 18% 19% 12% 25% 8% 2015 19% 2014 1% 15% 16% 26% 23% My family members Neighbours Residents of Ukraine I’d keep them out of Ukraine at all 8% 5% 9% 25% 8% 19% 2014 1% 4% 8% 22% 40% 41% 35% 38% 38% 55% 46% 19% 23% 17% 19% 19% 20% 24% 14% 18% Close friends Colleagues Visitors of Ukraine Difficult to answer 46 Over a half of Ukrainians (59%) say that finding out about an HIV-positive status of one of their friends or colleagues wouldn’t change their attitude and/or they would like to help such friend or colleague (the number of those whose attitude would not change significantly increased: 43% in 2015 versus 30% in 2015). Among Youth this figure reached 68% (in this group there is also an increase in the share of those whose attitude wouldn’t change), and among population of Dnipropetrovska oblast it was54%. In all target groups there is a significant decrease in those who would feel it unpleasant to communicate with HIV-infected person. Graph 5.5 WOULD YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU TREAT YOUR FRIENDS, COLLEAGUES, OR FELLOW STUDENTS IF YOU KNOW THEY ARE HIV-POSITIVЕ? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 16% 13% 19% I’d do what I could to help them 2014 16% 9% 16% My attitude won’t change It will be uncomfortable to communicate with them, but I’ll try not to show this I’ll try to communicate with them less I’ll stop communicating with them at all Difficult to answer N 43% 30% 41% 32% 49% 38% 13% 18% 16% 26% 9% 18% 2014 10% 12% 6% 6% 12% 17% 12% 17% 5% 6% 13% 11% 9% 11% 3% 3% 11% 13% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 Those respondents who would try to communicate less or stop communicating at all with an HIV positive friend/colleague most often explained it by the fear of getting infected (57% for Ukrainians, 58% for Youth and 51% for population of Dnipropetrovska oblast). 25% of Ukrainians (up significantly from 18% in 2014), 27% of population of Dnipropetrovska oblast and 21% of Youth will try to communicate less with an HIV positive person because they think HIV is a result of immoral behaviour. 47 Graph 5.6 WHY CAN YOUR ATTITUDE CHANGE FOR WORSE? % of respondents who stated they will try to communicate less with or abstain from communication with PLHW I`m afraid that I could get infected I would think it was their fault they got infected because of their immorality Other Difficult to answer N Population of Ukraine Dnipropetrovska oblast Youth (15-24) 2014 57% 60% 25% 18% 1% 2% 22% 26% 51% 63% 27% 33% 2% 0% 21% 18% 58% 63% 21% 14% 1% 1% 26% 24% 2015 616 147 126 2014 777 186 191 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 4% of Ukrainians have PLWH among acquaintances. This share has hardly changed since 2014. Graph 5.7 ARE THERE ANY HIV-POSITIVЕ PEOPLE AMONG THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Ukraine oblast Yes No N Youth (15-24) 2014 4% 5% 96% 95% 6% 6% 94% 94% 3% 3% 97% 97% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 Among those who know PLWH, 77% say that they treat them as ordinary people, 18% try to avoid communicating with them, and 3% of Ukrainians who know PLWH demonstrate an openly negative attitude toward PLWH. Graph 5.8 WHAT IS YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEM? % of all respondents, who know anyone HIV-positive: all sample, N=71 Population of Ukraine I treat them as ordinary people I treat them as ordinary people outwardly, but I try to avoid communicating with them I dislike them and make no secret of it Difficult to answer N 2015 2014 2015 2014 77% 58% 18% 27% 2014 3% 4% 2% 11% 2015 68 2014 71 2015 2014 2015 48 Those, who know HIV-positive persons and treat them worse than ordinary people, explain their behaviour by being afraid of getting infected/worried about their kids getting infected or blame PLHW for immoral behavior but the number of these cases is not enough for the reliable analysis. 37% (up from33% in 2014) of the total population think it is ok for HIV-positive children to attend the same school with HIV-negative children (38% among Youth and only 23% among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast). Graph 5.9 IN YOUR OPINION, IS IT OK FOR HIV-POSITIVE CHILDREN TO GO TO SAME SCHOOL AS HIVNEGATIVE CHILDREN DO? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 37% 23% 38% Yes 2014 33% 23% 39% 2015 26% 24% 32% It depends 2014 23% 26% 22% 2015 23% 37% 18% No 2014 28% 37% 23% 2015 14% 16% 13% Don’t know / not sure 2014 16% 14% 16% 1502 340 403 2015 N 1479 321 411 2014 Among those respondents who don’t agree that it is ok for HIV-positive children to attend the same schools HIV-negative children go to the main reason was that children could get infected (57% among Ukrainians, 49% among Youth and 47% among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast). However, it should be noted that the proportion afraid of getting infected decreased in all three groups since 2014. Also, respondents consider that an HIV-positive child could hardly come from a good family and can therefore have a bad influence on other children (29% among Ukrainians, 33% among Youth and 39% in Dnipropetrovska oblast). Here an opposite trend can be observed – the number of those who think that way increased in all three groups. Graph 5.10 WHY COULD YOU NOT AGREE WITH THAT? % of respondents who could not agree that it is ok for HIV-positive children to attend the same schools HIV-negative children Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 57% 47% 49% Negative children could get infected 2014 68% 67% 64% An HIV-positive child could hardly come 2015 29% 39% 33% from a good family and can have bad 2014 16% 27% 12% influence on other children 2015 0% 0% 0% Other 2014 1% 1% 1% 2015 18% 18% 22% Difficult to answer 2014 21% 16% 25% 975 264 250 2015 N 992 239 255 2014 49 46% of Ukrainians (up significantly from 36% in 2014) would advise a person whose partner has contracted HIV to continue the relationship with additional HIV-preventive measures, while 20% (down from28% in 2014) would recommend they end the relationship. Among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast these figures reach 43% and 20% (the share of “intolerant” decreased in comparison to 2014). Youth demonstrates the highest level of tolerance: 53% versus 14%. Graph 5.11 WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONEWHOSE GIRLFRIEND OF BOYFRIEND HAS CONTRACTED HIV? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast To continue relationship, taking HIV and 2015 46% 43% 53% AIDS prevention measures 2014 36% 38% 44% Withdraw from that person Don’t know Difficult to answer N 2014 20% 28% 15% 17% 19% 20% 20% 31% 13% 13% 24% 18% 14% 21% 14% 17% 19% 19% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 The majority of respondents in each of the target groups would not buy vegetables from an HIV-positive salesman or say that it will depend on situation. Also, approximately one quarter of respondents in each target group do not know what they would do in such situation. The share of those who definitely would not buy vegetables from a HIV-positive salesman significantly decreased in comparison to 2014 among total population and population of Dnipropetrovska oblast. Graph 5.12 IF YOU GET TO KNOW THAT SALESMAN HAS HIV, WOULD YOU BUY FRESH VEGETABLES FROM HIM? % of all respondents Population of Dnipropetrovska Youth (15-24) Ukraine oblast 2015 15% 11% 13% Yes 2014 15% 12% 20% It depends No Don’t know / not sure N 2014 24% 21% 41% 47% 20% 17% 25% 21% 39% 51% 25% 16% 31% 20% 36% 43% 20% 17% 2015 1502 340 403 2014 1479 321 411 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 50 6 Core indicators for Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 5 The indicators were constructed for monitoring the United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS and correspondent questions for their measurement were added to the survey upon the request of UCDC. 1.1 Indicator 1. Percentage of young people aged 15–24 who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions about HIV transmission The 5 questions on HIV prevention which were chosen for indicator are presented in Table 6.1.1. Table 6.1.1 Percentage of young men and women aged 15-24 who gave correct answers to questions: 2015: N=403; 2014: N=411 2015 2014 1. Is it possible to reduce the risk of HIV transmission by engaging in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner that doesn't have any other sexual partners? 88% 88% 2. Is it possible to reduce the risk of HIV transmission by using condoms during each sexual intercourse? 79% 85% 3. Is it a correct statement that a healthy-looking person can be HIV-positive? 71% 72% 4. Is the transmission possible through a mosquito bite? 49% 50% 5. Is it possible to get HIV by sharing food with an HIV-positive person? 53% 55% The indicator was calculated by dividing the number of respondents aged 15-24 who gave the correct answer to all five questions on HIV prevention (see Table 6.1.1) by total amount of respondents aged 1524. Table 6.1.2 Indicator 1 Respondents aged 15-24, 2015: N=403; 2014: N=411 Numerator Denominator Amount of respondents aged 15-24 who gave correct answer to all five questions Total amount of respondents aged 15-24 2015 2014 20% 23% 2015 2014 21% 25% 19% 21% Table 6.1.3 Indicator 1, by gender Male respondents aged 15-24, 2015: N=203; 2014: N=217; Female respondents aged 15-24, 2015: N=200; 2014: N=194 Numerator MALE FEMALE Amount of male respondents aged 15-25 who gave correct answers to all five questions Denominator Total amount of male respondents aged 15-24 Numerator Amount of female respondents aged 15-25 who gave correct answers to all five questions Denominator Total amount of female respondents aged 15-24 5 51 Table 6.1.4 Indicator 1, by age group Respondents aged 15-19, 2015: N=177; 2014: N=183; Respondents aged 20-24, 2015: N=220; 2014: N=228; Numerator 15-19 Denominator Numerator 20-24 Denominator 1.2 Amount of respondents aged 15-19 who gave correct answers to all five questions Total amount of respondents aged 15-19 Amount of respondents aged 20-24 who gave correct answers to all five questions Total amount of respondents aged 20-24 2015 2014 14% 19% 25% 26% Indicator 2. Percentage of young men and women aged 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 The indicator was calculated by dividing the number of respondents aged 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 by total amount of respondents aged 15-24. Table 6.2.1 Indicator 2 Respondents aged 15-24, 2015: N=403; 2014: N=411 Numerator Denominator Amount of respondents aged 15-24 who had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 Total amount of respondents aged 15-24 2015 2014 5% 3% 2015 2014 6% 6% 3% 0% 2015 2014 2% 4% 7% 3% Table 6.2.2 Indicator 2, by gender Male respondents aged 15-24, 2015: N=203; 2014: N=217; Female respondents aged 15-24, 2015: N=200; 2014: N=194 MALE Numerator Denominator FEMALE Numerator Denominator Amount of male respondents aged 15-24 who had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 Total amount of male respondents aged 15-24 Amount of female respondents aged 15-24 who had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 Total amount of female respondents aged 15-24 Table 6.2.3 Indicator 2, by age group Respondents aged 15-19, 2015: N=177; 2014: N=183; Respondents aged 20-24, 2015: N=220; 2014: N=228 15-19 Numerator Denominator 20-24 Numerator Denominator Amount of respondents aged 15-19 who had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 Total amount of respondents aged 15-19 Amount of respondents aged 20-24 who had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 Total amount of respondents aged 20-24 52 1.3 Indicator 3. Percentage of men and women aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months The indicator was calculated by dividing the number of respondents aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months by total amount of respondents aged 15-49. Table 6.3.1 Indicator 3 Respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=1000; 2014: N=1010 Numerator Denominator Amount of men and women aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months Total amount of respondents aged 15-49 2015 2014 10% 9% 2015 2014 14% 11% 5% 7% 2015 2014 3% 9% 13% 13% 10% 8% Table 6.3.2 Indicator 3, by gender Male respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=492; 2014:N=515; Female respondents 15-49, 2015: N=508; 2014: N=495 MALE Numerator Denominator FEMALE Numerator Denominator Amount of male respondents aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months Total amount of male respondents aged 15-49 Amount of female respondents aged 15-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months Total amount of female respondents aged 15-49 Table 6.3.3 Indicator 3, by age group Respondents aged 15-19, 2015: N=177; 2014: N=183; Respondents aged 20-24, 2015: N=220; 2014: N=228; Respondents aged 25-49, 2015: N=603; 2014: N=599 15-19 Numerator Denominator 20-24 Numerator Denominator 25-49 Numerator Denominator Amount of respondents aged 15-19 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months Total amount of respondents aged 15-19 Amount of respondents aged 20-24 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months Total amount of respondents aged 20-24 Amount of respondents aged 25-49 who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the past 12 months Total amount of respondents aged 25-49 53 1.4 Indicator 4. Percentage of women and men aged 15-49 who had more than one partner in the past 12 months and used a condom during their last sexual intercourse The indicator was calculated by dividing the number of respondents aged 15-49 who had more than one partner in the past 12 months and used a condom during their last sexual intercourse by total amount of respondents aged 15-49 who have been intimate with more than one partner in the past 12 months.. Table 6.4.1 Indicator 4 Respondents aged 15-49 who have been intimate with more than one partner in the past 12 months, 2015: N=93; 2014: N=95 Numerator Denominator Amount of men and women aged 15-49 who had more than one partner in the past 12 months and used a condom during the last sexual intercourse Total amount of men and women aged 15-49 who have been intimate with more than one partner in the past 12 months 2015 2014 56% 61% Table 6.4.2 Indicator 4, by gender Male respondents aged 15-49 who have been intimate with more than one partner in the past 12 months, 2015: N=64; 2014: N=62; Female respondents aged 15-49, who have been intimate with more than one partner in the past 12 months, 2015: N=29*; 2014: N=33* 2015 2014 Amount of male respondents aged 15-49 who had more Numerator than one sexual partner in the past 12 months and used a MALE condom during the last sexual intercourse 60% 53% Total amount of male respondents aged 15-49 who had Denominator more than one sexual partner in the past 12 months Amount of female respondents aged 15-49 who had more Numerator than one sexual partner in the past 12 months and used a condom during the last sexual intercourse FEMALE 56% 74% Total amount of female respondents aged 15-49 who had Denominator more than one sexual partner in the past 12 months * The number of cases is not sufficient for reliable analysis 54 1.5 Indicator 5. Percentage of women and men aged 15-49 who have undergone an HIV test in the past 12 months and know their results The indicator was calculated by dividing the number of respondents aged 15-49 who received an HIV test in the past 12 months and know their results by total amount of respondents aged 15-49. Table 6.5.1 Indicator 5 Respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=1000; 2014: N=1010 Numerator Amount of men and women aged 15-49 who have undergone HIVtesting in the past 12 months and know their results Denominator Total amount of respondents aged 15-49 2015 2014 12% 14% 2015 2014 10% 13% 13% 15% 2015 2014 5% 8% 18% 17% 11% 14% Table 6.5.2 Indicator 5, by gender Male respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=492; 2014: N=515; Female respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=508; 2014: N=495 MALE Numerator Denominator FEMALE Numerator Denominator Amount of male respondents aged 15-49 who have undergone HIV-testing in the past 12 months and know their results Total amount of male respondents aged 15-49 Amount of female respondents aged 15-49 who have undergone HIV-testing in the past 12 months and know their results Total amount of female respondents aged 15-49 Table 6.5.3 Indicator 5, by age group Respondents aged 15-19, 2015: N=177; 2014: N=183; Respondents aged 20-24, 2015: N=220; 2014: N=228; Respondents aged 25-49, 2015: N=603; 2014: N=599 15-19 Numerator Denominator 20-24 Numerator Denominator 25-49 Numerator Denominator Amount of men and women aged 15-19 who have undergone HIV-testing in the past 12 months and know their results Total amount of respondents aged 15-19 Amount of men and women aged 20-24 who have undergone HIV-testing in the past 12 months and know their results Total amount of respondents aged 20-24 Amount of men and women aged 25-49 who have undergone HIV-testing in the past 12 months and know their results Total amount of respondents aged 25-49 55 1.6 Indicator 6. Percentage of women and men aged 15–49 who report discriminatory attitudes towards PLWH The indicator was calculated by dividing the number of respondents aged 15-49 who report discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV by total amount of respondents aged 15-49. Table 6.6.1 Indicator 6 Respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=1000; 2014: N=1010 Numerator Denominator Amount of men and women aged 15-49 who answered «No» or «It depends on situation» to at least one of the questions : Would you buy fresh vegetables from a salesman if you know he had HIV? Is it ok for HIV-positive children to attend the same schools HIV-negative children go to? Total amount of men and women aged 15-49 2015 2014 76% 74% Table 6.6.2 Percentage of respondents aged 15-49 who answered «No» or «It depends on the situation» to the question “Would you buy fresh vegetables from a salesman if you know he had HIV?” Respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=1000; 2014: N=1010 Numerator Amount of men and women aged 15-49 who answered «No» or «It depends on the situation» to the question “Would you buy fresh vegetables from a salesman if you know he had HIV?” Denominator Total amount of men and women aged 15-49 2015 2014 64% 66% Table 6.6.3 Percentage of respondents aged 15-49 who answered «No» or «It depends on the situation» to the question “Is it ok for HIV-positive children to attend the same schools HIV-negative children go to?” Respondents aged 15-49, 2015: N=1000; 2014: N=1010 Numerator Denominator Amount of men and women aged 15-49 who answered «No» or «It depends on the situation» to the question “Is it ok for HIV-positive children to attend the same schools HIV-negative children go to?” Total amount of men and women aged 15-49 2015 2014 48% 49% 56 7 Conclusions and recommendations Awareness about the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!” campaign and National AIDS helpline 1.1 39% of Ukrainians have at some point heard about the information campaign "Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!"6. The most common sources of information about the “Don’t Give AIDS a Chance” campaign in Ukraine are the TV (24%), outdoor ads/billboards (17%), brochures (8%), newspapers (7%), Internet other than social media (6%), social media (5%), radio (5%), actions in the settlement (5%), and medical workers (4%). Compared with 2014 Ukrainians heard the information about the campaign less often from TV (29% in 2014 vs. 24% in 2015) and more often from brochures (5% vs. 8%), social media (2% vs. 5%), actions in the settlement (1% vs. 5%), and medical workers (2% vs. 4%). At the same time the share of Ukrainians who heard about the National AIDS helpline has decreased significantly in 2015 (from 39% in 2014 to 33% in 2015). Among those who have heard about the campaign 56% know about the National AIDS helpline (vs. 62% in 2014), while among those who are not aware of the campaign only 18% have heard about the helpline (vs. 25% in 2014). Most Ukrainians (73%) who heard about the helpline know that the helpline is free. A quarter of Ukrainians do not know anything about the price of the helpline and only 4% think that the helpline isn't free. Among those Ukrainians who have heard about the helpline the following were given as possible reasons for making a call: if the caller suspects him/herself to have HIV (58%); if the caller wishes to hear general information about HIV (46%); to ask where to have HIV test (36%); and to ask about how to prevent getting HIV (34%). Youth7 52% heard about the information campaign "Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!" (vs. 39% among the total population). Youth were more likely than the total population to have heard about the campaign from outdoor ads/billboards (26%) and Internet other than social media (13%). 46% had heard about the National AIDS helpline (vs. 33% among total population). The indicator significantly increased from 42% in 2014. The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 54% heard about the information campaign "Don’t Give AIDS a Chance!" (vs. 39% among the total population). The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast were more likely than the total population to have heard about the campaign from TV (40%), outdoor ads/billboards (34%), radio (10%). 6 From here and after only significant differences are mentioned between 2014 and 2015 From here and after only significant differences are mentioned between the total population of Ukraine on one side and Youth/population of Dnipropetrovska oblast on the other 7 57 1.2 HIV awareness 59% of Ukrainians consider themselves to be very or fairly well informed about HIV and AIDS. 25% say they’re informed poorly, 9% are not informed at all. 76% of Ukrainians have heard or seen some information about HIV and AIDS in the past year. The most common sources of information about HIV and AIDS in Ukraine are the TV (56%), outdoor ads/billboards (25%), newspapers/magazines (16%), brochures (16%) and Internet (not including social media – 13%). Compared with 2014, Ukrainians heard the information about the campaign less often from TV (68% in 2014 vs. 56% in 2015), newspapers/magazines (22% vs. 16%), and radio (17% vs. 11%); and more often from social media (6% vs. 9%), and actions in the settlement (5% vs. 8%). Over a half of Ukrainians know the following facts about HIV: You can get infected with HIV and be unaware of it (82% of respondents evaluated this statement correctly); Use of condoms considerably reduces the risk of getting infected with HIV (76%); There is no medicine as of now to completely cure the HIV infection and AIDS (71%); A healthy-looking person can be HIV-positive (69%); You cannot be sure that you do not have HIV or AIDS just because you do not take drugs (59%) The share of Ukrainians who know that PLWH can have a normal life these days increased significantly in 2015 (37% compared with 24% in 2014) though the majority still don’t know this fact. Also only a third of Ukrainians know that «HIV is not a death sentence». According to public opinion, the main reasons why HIV is being spread are: prostitution (according to 74% of respondents), drug-trafficking (73%) and homosexual relations (66%). Most Ukrainians are aware of the possible ways of HIV transmission associated with risky behaviour: Shared use of needles and syringes for injections (90% in 2015, this percent is significantly higher than 87% in 2014 ); Vaginal sex without using a condom (84% in 2015 that is significantly higher compared to 80% in 2014); When doing piercing and tattoo (81%); When using somebody else’s shaving products, toothbrushes (75%). Anal sex without a condom (74% vs. 66% in 2014); Oral sex without a condom (65% vs. 54% in 2014); The share of Ukrainians who are aware of all abovementioned ways of HIV transmission increased from 37% in 2014 to 46%. The following false facts about the means of HIV transmission are most widespread among Ukrainians: being treated at the same surgery with HIV-positive patients (34% of respondents), via mosquito bites (28%), drinking from the same glass with an HIV-positive person (26%), and using the same toilet/bathhouse/swimming pool/sauna with an infected person (26%). All these wrong beliefs could be expected to cause intolerance to PLWH. The best way to protect from HIV is considered to be engaging in sexual intercourse only with a constant and faithful partner that doesn't have any other sexual partners (90%); 80% mentioned using condoms during each sexual intercourse as another effective way of protection. 58 However, only about a half of Ukrainians definitely know that sexual penetration without ejaculation (46%) and using hormonal contraceptives (i.e. birth control pills) (53%) don’t reduce the risk of HIV infection and about a third of Ukrainians definitely know that spermicidal agents don’t reduce the risk of HIV infection (37%). Approximately one in five believe that these methods reduce the risk of HIV infection. Only 32% of Ukrainians say that they don’t need any further information on HIV and AIDS. Others most often would like to continue receiving information about the possible measures of HIV-prevention (27%) and about PLWH (21%). Youth 69% consider themselves to be very or fairly well informed about HIV and AIDS (vs. 59% among the total population). 85% have heard or seen some information about HIV and AIDS in the past year (vs. 76% among total population) The Internet (other than social media) is a more popular source of information about HIV among the Youth (25%) than among the total population (13%). 42% know that «PLWH can have a normal life» (vs. 37% among total population) 21% say that they don’t need any further information on HIV and AIDS (vs. 32% among the total population). The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 1.3 79% have heard or seen some information about HIV and AIDS in the past year (vs. 86% in 2014) 42% know that «PLWH can have a normal life these days» increased significantly in 2015 (vs. 37% among total population) Awareness of HIV transmission through unprotected sex, piercing and tattoo and using somebody else’s shaving products, toothbrushes is lower than among total population. At the same time false belief that sexual penetration without ejaculation can reduce the risk of HIV infection is significantly higher than among total population. Share of those who know all ways of HIV transmission in much lower among citizens of Dnipropetrovska oblast than in total population (37% vs. 46%). Attitudes to HIV The most disturbing health issue to Ukrainians is heart disease: 31% of all respondents are worried about it. Cancer was in second place (29%). There are 10% of Ukrainians who are most concerned about HIV and AIDS (vs. 16% in 2014). 63% of Ukrainians say they are absolutely not at risk or unlikely to get infected with HIV. Only 22% consider the risk as real («absolutely real», «quite real» and «fifty-fifty»); approximately 14% did not answer the question. Most of those Ukrainians who consider themselves to be at risk of HIV infection say that they know how to protect themselves but anything might happen in life (62%), 16% say that they do not always have the possibility to take safety precautions and 13% don’t know how to protect themselves. Those Ukrainians who think they are unlikely to get infected explain their confidence with the fact they a) have one permanent sexual partner whom they trust (47% vs. 53% in 2014); b) do not take drugs (34%); c) they don’t believe it can happen to them (25% vs. 20% in 2014); d) do not have a sexual partner (21%). 59 67% of Ukrainians believe that a man who is known to be carrying condoms would not have a bad image and 58% of Ukrainians believe the same to be true about a woman that is known to be carrying condoms. As for the attitudes to relationships with new sexual partners 10% of Ukrainians would agree if a new partner suggested having sex without a condom (vs. 6% in 2014), additionally 26% are not sure; 40% wouldn’t agree to this proposition and 25% would never have new relationships (vs. 30% in 2014). Men are more likely than women to agree to have sex without a condom (12% vs. 7% among women). Also more men (30%) than women (22%) wouldn’t know what to do if their partner in a new relationship were to suggest sexual intercourse without a condom. Women more often believe that they wouldn’t have new relationships (29% vs 20% among men). A half of Ukrainians say they would take the initiative and suggest using a condom with a new sexual partner. There are no significant differences between men and women. The proportion of Ukrainians who think that they have quite a good chance of convincing a new partner to use a condom has increased significantly from 40% in 2014 to 47% in 2015. Only 12% in 2015 believe that it would prove difficult for them. Men say they would find it easier than do women to convince a partner to use condoms. Almost an equal percentage of respondents say that they would (22%) and that they would not (25% vs. 20% in 2014) suggest undergoing an HIV test in a new relationship. However, the majority of respondents could not answer whether they would suggest undergoing an HIV-test before having sexual intercourse with a new partner (53%), which may mean that this is an unusual notion and people haven’t previously considered such a course of action. Youth Cancer is the most worrying disease for young people in 2015 (27%), HIV and AIDS are in second place (16% vs. 10% among total population). 27% feel themselves to be at risk of getting HIV (vs. 22% among the total population). 18% of those who think they are unlikely to get infected say this is because they always use condoms (vs. 9% among the total population). 52% would not agree if a new partner proposed sex without a condom (vs. 40% among the total population). 63% are ready to suggest using condoms with a new sexual partner (vs. 52% among the total population). The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 1.4 There are no significant differences among attitudes to HIV among the population of Dnipropetrovska oblast and the total population Risk behavior and HIV testing 86% of Ukrainians over the age of 15 have experience of sexual intercourse. 62% of them had their first sexual experience at the age of 15 or later while only 3% had it before they turned 15, others refused to answer the question. Out of those respondents who have ever been intimate with anyone, 32% discussed safe sex with their partner, 26% discussed previous relations with their partner, 19% asked their partner to use condoms and the same proportion underwent a test for sexually-transmitted infections, 10% were interested if their 60 partner have undergone an HIV test, 9% decided to abstain from sex if their partner refused to use a condom, and 8% asked partner to undergo HIV test. 58% of Ukrainians have been intimate with anyone within the last 12 months, 63% of them had only one sexual partner during the last 12 months. Among them 14% always use condoms, 9% use them almost always and 20% use them from time to time or rarely. 33% do not use condoms because they have one permanent partner and 5% do not use them because of other reasons, others refused to answer. Among those Ukrainians who do not use or do not always use condoms 38% say that this is because they trust their partner, 29% say condoms are not always available, 31% that condoms make sex less pleasant (vs. 21% in 2014), 19% that they use other methods of contraception, 13% that condoms are not reliable (vs. 4% in 2014). Among those who used condoms during last year condoms are perceived mostly as a method of contraception (83%) and only 34% of Ukrainians use condoms to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS. For 35% of Ukrainians condoms serve for protection from other infections. More than a half of Ukrainians (60%) have never undergone a HIV test and 31% took it (others refused to answer). Among those who have never used condoms/use them but not always 44% got tested for HIV. Among those who took an HIV test the main reason for getting tested was to get a mandatory health certificate including one due to pregnancy (80%); the majority of the others did it for own peace of mind (16%). The most popular locations for getting tested are medical centres (45%), women’s consultations (31%) and AIDS centres (14%). Most of those who got tested for HIV were satisfied with the test and consultation (83%), 6% said that they were satisfied, but consultation wasn’t provided and only 5% showed some dissatisfaction. Out of those who never got tested for HIV 22% are interested in getting a free test. Youth 63% have experience of sexual intercourse (vs. 86% among the total population). Youth who have been intimate with somebody show higher readiness for safe sex than the total population: 45% discussed safe sex with their partner (vs. 30% among the total population); 36% discussed previous relations with their partner (vs. 26% among the total population); 33% asked their partner to use condoms (vs. 19% among the total population); and 18% decided to abstain from sex if their partner refused to use a condom (vs. 9% among the total population). 31% of those who had intimate relations over the past 12 months use condoms always (vs. 14% among the total population) however, only 17% don’t use condoms because of having a permanent partner (vs. 33% among total population). The top reason for not using condoms or not always using them is that they are not always available (38% vs. 29% among the total population). 25% passed HIV test (vs. 31% among total population) Out of those who never got tested for HIV 37% are interested in getting a free test (vs. 22% among the total population). The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast 22% of those who had intimate relations over the past 12 months use condoms always (vs. 14% among the total population). 61 1.5 Residents of Dnipropetrovska oblasts who have been intimate with somebody show higher readiness for safe sex than the total population: 29% underwent a test for sexually-transmitted infections (vs. 19% among the total population); 22% asked their partner to use a condom (vs. 19% among the total population); 16% decided to abstain from sex if their partner refused to use a condom (vs. 9% among the total population). 55% passed HIV test (vs. 31% among the total population) 93% of those who got tested for HIV are satisfied with the provided test and consultation (vs. 83% among the total population). Attitude to PLWH Most of Ukrainians (68%) believe that people with HIV have the right to keep their diagnosis a secret. As for the belief that people only get HIV because of their immoral behaviour, the proportion who disagree has significantly increased from 45% in 2014 to 52% in 2015. The share of those who think that PLWH rights are violated in Ukraine is 37% (vs. 44% in 2014). 46% would advise a person whose partner contracted HIV to continue the relationship with additional HIV-preventive measures (vs. 36% in 2014), while 20% would recommend ending the relationship (vs. 28% in 2014), others are not sure. The survey indicates 4 levels of perception for PLWH: the perception of unfamiliar PLWH (Bogardus scale), perception of acquaintances in case of getting HIV infection; perception of familiar PLWH; perception of HIV-positive children. Bogardus scale. Only 14% are ready to accept PLWH as colleagues, neighbours, close friends or family members. More than half of Ukrainians are intolerant of PLWH – 70% agree to have PLWH as no closer than residents of Ukraine/visitors to Ukraine/would keep them out of Ukraine altogether. Ukrainians are significantly less tolerant of other vulnerable groups (IDUs, homosexuals, bisexuals, commercial sex workers). Perception of acquaintances in case of getting HIV infection. Almost a half of Ukrainians (59%) say that finding out about an HIV-positive status of one of their friends or colleagues wouldn’t change their attitude or they even would like to help such a friend/colleague (vs. 46% in 2014). For 13% the communication with such person will be uncomfortable, but they’ll try not to show this (vs. 18% in 2014). 16% answered that they would try to communicate less with such person or stop communicating at all, others are not sure about their reaction. Out of those people who would negatively change their attitude to a person in case of his/her HIV-positive status 57% explain it with fear of getting infected. The share of those who accuse PLWH in immorality increased from 18% in 2014 to 25% in 2015. Perception of PLWH. 4% of Ukrainians have PLWH among acquaintances. Among those who know PLWH 77% say that they treat them as ordinary people, 18% try to avoid communicating with them, but only 3% demonstrate an openly negative attitude toward PLWH. Negative attitudes are most often explained by fear of getting infected. Perception of positive children. 37% think that it’s acceptable for HIV-positive children to attend the same school with HIV-negative children (vs. 33% in 2014) while 23% are against it (vs. 28% in 2014) (others answered that it depends on the situation or not sure in their position). Most of the latter say that the main reason for their position is that HIV-negative children could get infected. 62 Youth Youth is more tolerant to PLWH according to all indicators The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast The population of Dnipropetrovska oblast is less tolerant to PLWH according to all indicators 1.6 Conclusions and recommendations on target areas of campaign In 2015 comparing to 2014 both positive and negative tendencies are observed. The positive tendencies are: Increased awareness that HIV is transmitted through vaginal, anal and oral sex without a condom; Increased tolerance to PLWH. The negative tendencies are: Decreased awareness about National AIDS helpline Decreased share of Ukrainians who named HIV among most disturbing health issues Increased share of Ukrainians who would agree if a new partner suggested having sex without a condom The following target areas of communication were recommended in 2015 and they still are relevant for 2016 – the following information is recommended to be shared: HIV can be transferred through unprotected oral and anal sex as well as through vaginal. Among all methods of contraception only condoms can protect from HIV (this message is especially relevant for population of Dnipropetrovska oblast which has widespread belief that sexual penetration without ejaculation can reduce the risk of HIV infection). Sexual pleasure during unprotected sex is not worth infection of HIV and other diseases (especially relevant message for men as they are more inclined to risky behaviour). It’s natural for women to have condoms and insist on using them; shyness is not worth infection with HIV and other diseases. Symptoms of HIV don’t show themselves right after the infection, one can’t tell if a person has HIV just by looking at him/her. HIV tests are accessible, anonymous, free (or available for buying in drugstore for those who don’t want to address organizations) and quick. It’s natural to ask a partner to take HIV test. It’s safe to live with PLWH and use the same bath, soap, towel etc. (everything except for shaving products and toothbrushes). Mosquito bites can’t transfer HIV. There is no medicine to cure HIV completely, but PLWH receive treatment and are not dangerous for people around them. Any positive information about PLWH would be good to prove that they are common people just like everybody else. 63 8 Sample design Thе sample size of 1502 interviews includes 1077 respondents for a nationally representative sample (which included 204 respondents aged 15-24 and 114 residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast) and boosters of 199 respondents for Youth and 226 respondents for residents of Dnipropetrovska oblast. The boosters were conducted in order to have a sufficient number of respondents for reliable analysis. The sample design is based on State Statistics Service of Ukraine data for January 1, 2014 The sample design for the nationally representative sample included the following stages: 1. The sample was first stratified by 25 administrative units (24 oblasts and Kyiv - not including Crimea and settlements in Donetska and Luhanska oblast which are not under control of Ukrainian government). 2. In each administrative unit (except for Kyiv) interviews were proportionally distributed according to the size of settlement. The following grouping of settlements is used in the sample design: rural area; towns and town-type settlements with population less than 50,000; towns with population of 51,000-100,000; towns with population of 101,000-500,000; cities with population of more than 500,000. All Ukrainian settlements with a population greater than 200,000 were included in the sample, smaller settlements were randomly selected from a list of such settlements, ordered alphabetically. 3. For Kyiv and other large cities the sample was then stratified by administrative districts. 4. Within each settlement the routes were selected randomly. Each interviewer received instructions with rules for selecting a starting point for the route and defining skip intervals for selecting the following addresses. 5. At the last stage interview was conducted with the person who fits by age (15+). If there are several persons who fit by age, the interview was conducted with the person whose birthday was the last among members of household aged 15+. If all potential respondents denied participating in the survey, the interviewer followed the next household. The sample design for boosters was built according to the same scheme. Three types of weights were calculated for the analysis: 1. Weighted data for Ukrainian population corresponds to the population’s distribution by age/gender/settlement type and administrative unit according to State Statistics Service of Ukraine data for January 1, 2014 2. Weighted data for 403 respondents aged 15-24 population corresponds with the population’s aged 15-24 distribution by gender/macroregion/settlement type according to State Statistics Service of Ukraine data for January 1, 2014 3. Weighted data for 340 respondents in Dnipropetrovska oblast population corresponds with the oblast’s population distribution by age/gender/settlement type according to State Statistics Service of Ukraine data for January 1, 2014 64 Sample for the population of Ukraine aged 15+: size of the city Size of the city: Village City with the population below 50 thsd City with the population 51-100 thsd City with the population 101-500 thsd City with the population 500 thsd+ Total 33% 22% 6% 17% 22% 100% Sample for the population of Ukraine aged 15+: administrative unit Oblast: Vinnytska Volynska Dnipropetrovska Donetska Zhytomyrska Zakarpatska Zaporizka Ivano-Frankivska Kyivska Kirovogradska Luganska Lvivska Mykolaivska Odeska Poltavska Rivnenska Sumska Ternopilska Kharkivska Khersonska Khmelnytska Cherkaska Chernivetska Chernigivska Kyiv Total 4% 3% 9% 5% 3% 3% 4% 4% 5% 2% 2% 6% 3% 6% 4% 3% 3% 3% 7% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 7% 100% 65