Pre-press for Dry Offset and Flexo


Pre-press for Dry Offset and Flexo
Pro6 Repro is a unique pre-press company, specialized in
producing printing plates for the Dry-Offset and Flexo
industry. With over 25 years of experience and the use of
state of the art equipment, we are able to supply products
of the highest quality. Our expert team works with a global
customer base, creating laser-engraved, CTP UV-laser
exposed and conventional plates, while also offering a
complete range of services and support, including handling
of all pre-press, guiding the printing process, give training
and provide advice and assistance.
Through a long and successful cooperation with machine
builders, designers and printers, Pro6 Repro has become a
leading pre-press partner for the international Dry-Offset
and Flexo market.
Globally, Pro6 Repro has proved that distance is no object
when it comes to delivery and guidance. Our specialists are
always on hand to offer their services in your own country.
Assisted by our agency in the UK, we can provide you with
an international, flexible and professional team.
What we offer you
At Pro6 Repro, your packaging is our product. We aim to
make your packaging exactly how you envisaged it, with an
end result which is as clear and sharp as possible. Quality,
attention to detail and unrivalled service come as standard.
Our range of services and products are entirely geared to
your wishes.
Besides the pre-press process we can also take care of your
design requirements. Being involved at such an early stage
means we can establish a keener understanding of your
exact needs. This dedicated creative support enables us to
get the best out of your packaging. From initial design
concept you can be assured of a design which is within the
limitations of the Dry-Offset process. From the very first
digital or paper proof you are looking at something which
actually represents the final printed product.
Designs and reprographics not only matched to the
Dry-Offset process but to
the individual print house
and even tailored to your
individual printing machine.
Pre-press for
Dry Offset and Flexo
Image processing in Dry-Offset and Flexo goes much further
than in conventional Offset. Thanks to many years of
experience and a complete digital workflow, we can provide
unlimited possibilities to manipulate artwork in order to
create as sharp and clear an image as possible.
To produce our plates, we use the latest and most advanced
techniques in the field of plate-making. The quality of
laser-engraved plates has set a new standard in the DryOffset industry. Today, high quality images can be so effortlessly printed with laser-engraved plates that over the last
few years, laser-engraving has successfully competed with
the quality of in-mould labeling. Also the costs involved are
several times lower than those associated with in-mould
labeling. So the choice is a very easy one to make. Besides
laser-engraving and CTP UV-exposing we still use our
conventional procedures. Our own special exposing
technique guarantees the highest quality possible in
conventional plate-making.
If you would like to receive more information, please do not
hesitate to contact us or visit our website.
• Prepress in Dry Offset and Flexo
• Laser-engraved plate making
• Conventional plate making
• Plate punching
• Worldwide service and delivery
Pro6 Repro Pre-Press solutions
Kernreactorstraat 11d
T: +31 31 85 70 778
3903 LG Veenendaal
The Netherlands