1 July 6, 2015 Item 09
1 July 6, 2015 Item 09
July 2,2OI5 Regarding 641- Hoska Dr. Application DRB15-009 Dear Planning Commission, My husband, Nigel Hook, and I have lived at 635 Hoska Drive since 1999 and our property is a U-shaped lot that surrounds 641 Hoska on three sides. Regardine Application DRB15-009 We are requesting careful review of all the decks/patios/balconies. There are a lot of them and together total around 850 sq. ft. all facing our home. That is a lot of extra viewing which will affect our privacy' Therefore, Bulk and Mass and Privacy concerns stillexist. The multiple decks/patios/balconies are certainly contributing to the Bulk and Mass of this project and specifically there are two 2nd story balconies, one of which is 209 sq. ft. 23,08.078 Reeulatorv Conclusions - Buildins Design E. The proposed development fails to limit the amount of design components which unnecessarily add bulk and mass to the building but which are not calculated as floor area ration (FAR) pursuant to DMMC Title 30, the Zone Code. (Ord. 647, Sec.2) 23.08.072 Reeulatorv Conclusions - Generallv D. The design will create an unreasonable invasion of the privacy of neighboring properties Nigel Hook Janet Wilson Hoska Dr, Del Mar, CA9201,4 1 July 6, 2015 Item 09 D7,r g4/ 2l¡1 5 1" B: 5F I t5Ei4B1l¡52t Regardlngr Ë41 Hocka Drlve To: Del Mar Clty Eouncll From: (nrmeI S to7 oß( k Þ uftpÇ (address) As a resldent of Del Mar wlth an lnterest in preservlng the quality of change in our neighborhood, the followlng items ' lU*{oR q}J ¿'€ reh.l a A. Frocedural New appllcatiöns must be routed through Þel Mar's normal CPP and DRB review processes, And every new varlance must be handled by the Del Mar's Ptannlng Cornmission processes, These are procêssês eycry nêw appllcatlorr ls sub;ërtèd to, The sirrrllar previous appllcatlons häve never hecl the benefit of a CPF process. http : //www. d el m a r.ca. u s/Docu-mentÇente rlViewl$ 2 "A CPP ls requlred forr 1) arry new ldetachedl struôture 8reäteÍ thän 500 sq, ft, in sire; and 2) any second story addition to an existin6 structure. A Cpp may also be roquired in cases where the Planning Director, working ¡n consultât¡Òn with thë DRB Châir, determines that a project holds the potential to cause adverse impacts to the surrotlnding area," - Regardlng Varlance V15"002 to this unusual lot configuration does not simplify an already unusual lot conflguratlon' n8ävä fl r[ánce a nd moving 3 Zz feet does not improve privacy, lt mav further compromise viewing angles lnto the adjoining property. Creating a variance and moving 3 Y,feel does not provide harmonv with the F. Plann n8 'fo \ surroundinB neighborhood, 23.08.072 Recujatorv Concluslons : Generqlll¿ D, The deslgn will create !n unreasonable invaslon of the privacy of neiShboring propertles 13.0E,077 ßesulatorv Concluslons - Relatlonship to Neiqhborhood D, The design is not harmonlous wlth or ls function¡lly incompatible with the surrounrlinB neighborhood in one or more of the followlng r€sPectr; 2. Structural 3lt¡nt on thG lot C, DRB Revlew - Regardlng Appllcatlon DRBl5-009 Bulk end Mass and Prlvacy concêrns stlll êxlst, There are multiple decks/patios/balconies contributing to the Bulk and Mass of this project and speciflcally there âre twô 2nd story decks and over 850 sq ft of patios and decks, 23,08.078 Renul¡torv Conclu¡lons - 6ulldl48..qçsle[ bulk and E, The proposed development falls to llmlt the ðmount of deslgn cotnponents wh¡ch unnêcëssarlly add pursuant 30' the Zone (tAR) Title to ÞMMC ration area as floor calculated whlch ärÊ not but bulldlnt rria¡Í to the Code, (Ord, 647, Sec,l) Datedr Slgnedr 4 I '--) ^ ¿l-) /: Plea¡e iubmlt to Adäm Blrnbeum (4FlrnÞ¡gmtÐq"aJmflrciLHg) ör tö Planning Department CltV of Dol Mar, 1050 Camlno del Msr, Del Mar, CA 9t014 Phonr: 858,755,93t3 Fax: 858'755-1794 2 July 6, 2015 Item 09 El/ø4/2øL5 L6:85 t5848185?9 Regardirrg: 641 Hoska Drlve To; Del Mar CitY Council PAGE GARYJGNES øT. ð^J Ë,ç From: L ,4rt¡E Õ (addresr) quarity of change in our neighborhood, the of Der Mar with an interest in preserving the followlng items are of concern: As a resident A. Frocedural processes' And 6very new Del Mar's normal cPP and 0R8 review New appllcations nrust be routed through new cornniìssiun pl"ocesles, Thesê äre Í)rocêsses evely varìänce must be handled by the Del Mar's Planning pplications have never had the benefit of a ÇPP process' "A CPP ls required for; fi."V new [detached] structure Erêäter than 500 sq' ft in size; and structure' Z) any second story addition to än existiñB Director, working in cçnsultation with the bRB chair' Plünrì¡ng A cpp may also be required in cases where the to cdusê adverse impâÉts to the Surroundìng area'" determlnes that ð project hqlds the potentiãl B. Plannlng Commission' Regarding Variance V15-002 sirflplify an already unusuäl lot configuration' Addlng a variance to this unusual lot configuratìon does rìot privacy, lt mav further compromise viéwlng angles creating a variance and moving 3 /, feet does not improve 3 feet does not provide harmorty with the lrrto the adjoìning property. crãating ä varìanËe and moving % surroun D. The design will create ân unre¡sonÐble invaslon of the privacy of neiShborin6 properties not h¿rmonious with or more of the following resPects: 2. Structural sitiug on the lot D, The desi8n is C, DRB i5 functiorrâlly incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood in one or Revlew' Regardlng Application DRË15-009 contributing to the Bulk and Mass and privacy concerr\s still exist. There are multiple decks/patios/balconies and over 850 sq ft of patios and Bulk and Mass of this project and specifically there are two 2nd story decks deck¡. the nt of design components which r'¡nnecessarily add bulk and The proposed development fails to limil floor ðreâ tation (FAR) pursuarrt tô DMMc ritle 30, the zone as mass to the building but which ãre not calculated E, Code 647,5et2l. -l ,:1,¿ "' "fi,..Slghedl Please 3 t- - Datedl 4'f) ëL* rdo,, toAdamBirnbaurn(AtsirnÞaum-@d.q.lmar.ca.us)ortoPlannírtBDepartment City of Del Mar, 1050 Camino del Mar, Þel Mar, CA 92014 Fhone¡ E5E-755'9313 Fax; 858-755'2794 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Subject: FW: Project aT 64L Hoska Drive, Del Mar. Attachments: 20750702-DearCityCouncil-Letter.pdf;ATT0000L.htm; ATT00002.htm From: Angelina Neglia Sent: Monday, July 06, 2015 9:32 To: Adam Birnbaum PastedGraphic-2.tiff; AM Cc: Janet Wilson; nigel@SilverHook,com Subject: Project at 641 Hoska Drive, Del Mar Dear Adam, I apologize for not being able to attend the council meeting tonight, as I am out of town for work. As we live in the village of Del Mar, I felt compelled to write and communicate my thoughts on this project. Over the last few years, I have noticed rather large homes being built in Del Mar, which are somehow being allowed to be built closer and closer to the boundaries. Also the designs give new meaning to Bulk and Mass' They almost overpower and overhang our beautiful small streets. It seems more neighbors are losing privacy and views. (Take for example, Carson Palmer's home just built on Balboa Street). I understand if a person wishes to buy a home in Del Mar, and build an underground level, this isn't terrible as you cannot see it, and it provides extra square footage, But over the last few years, I have noticed larger homes encroaching and pushing the limits of Del Mar's DRB rules. i have seen other situations like this, where neighbors are losing their views, privacy issues (patios overlooking neighbor's yards), & homes being given variances to be built closer to property lines, and street, etc' Going along with this is the placement of pool filters, and air conditioning units being places on boundary lines, and then neighbors have to live with that new noise. All these things contribute and affect property values. This long drawn out situation on Hoska Drive is a sad example of pushing the limits of the DRB, encroaching on neighbors, and pushing for variances, to build bigger homes mere feet from the boundary lines' These are changes I thought Del Mar's DRB would not allow. This situation on Hoska now is a complicated mess with attorneys involved. If the design had met all the DRB rules years ago it would have been approved, and everyone including the neighbors would have been heard, compromises made, and the plans approved. This is not the case. This case needs to be reviewed again from the beginning with clean plans, and consideration of the neighbors, and DRB rules. I appreciate your time in reading my opinion, to keep Del Mar beautiful, and neighbors protected and heard. Yours sincerely, Angelina Neglia 4 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Concerned Resident of Del Mar 5 2 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Regarding: 641 Hoska Drive To Del Mar City Council From:_Angelina & Ross Neglia (name) _1955 Seaview Avenue, Del Mar, CA.92074 (add ress) As a resident of Del Mar with an interest in preserving the quality of change in our neighborhood, the following items are of concern: A. Procedural New applications must be routed through Del Mar's normal CPP and DRB review processes. And every new variance must be handled by the Del Mar's Planning Commission processes. These are processes every new application is subjected to, The similar previous applications have never had the benefit of a CPP process. htto://www.delmar,ca cumentCe nter/View/52 "A CPP is required for: L) any new [detached] structure greater than 500 sq. ft. in size; and 2) any second story addition to an existing structure. A CPP may also be required in cases where the Planning Director, working in consultation with the DRB Chair, determines that a project holds the potentialto cause adverse impacts to the surrounding area." B, Planning Commission - Regarding Variance VL5-00 Adding a variance to this unusual lot configuration does not simplify an already unusual lot configuration, Creating a variance and moving 3%feet does not improve privacy. lt may further compromise viewing angles into the adjoining property. Creating a variance and moving 3%fee| does not provide harmony with the surrou nding neighborhood, 23.08.072 RequlatorV Conclusions - Generallv D. The design will create an unreasonable invasion of the privacy of neighboring properties 23,08.077 Regu latorv Conclusions - Relationshio to Neiehborhood D. The design is not harmonious with or is functionally incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood in one or more of the following respects: 2. Structural siting on the lot C. DRB Review - Regarding Application DR815-009 Bulk and Mass and Privacy concerns still exist. There are multiple decks/patios/balconies contributing to the Bulk and Mass of this project and specifically there are two 2^d story decks and over 850 sq ft of patios and decks. 23.08.078 Regulatory Conclusions - Building Design E. The proposed development fails to limit the amount of design components which unnecessarily add bulk and mass to the building but which are not calculated as floor area ration (FAR) pursuant to DMMC Title 30, the Zone Code. (Ord. 647,5ec.2) Signed: & Ro¿¿ Dated: _June 29,2015 Birnbaum (ABirnbaum@delmar.ca.us) or to Planning Department Please submit to Adam -_J.çeüaa. City of Del Mar, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, CA920L4 Phone: 858-755-9313 Fax: 858-755-2794 6 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Matt Ziskin 624 8th Street Del Mar, CA 92014 July 5, 2015 Adam Birnbaum Planning Manager City of Del Mar 1050 Camino del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014 Dear Adam Birnbaum: I am writing to express my support for the 641 Hoska Drive project under consideration by the City Council. The Lasenskys have already been through an extended process of approvals and changes to the plans for their home to address any concerns their neighbors may have had. At this point, any continued opposition by those whose concerns have already been addressed is an abuse of the process. We are strong supporters of the Del Mar Design Review Board process as a way to include feedback from the community. However, once that process has been allowed to occur, it is important for all participants to respect the process. When opposition is allowed to continue to block a project that has already taken all of the steps prescribed by the city, it weakens the credibility of the process and impinges on the rights of those who abide by the guidelines of the city. Sincerely, Matt Ziskin 7 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Regarding: 641 Hoska Drive To: Del Mar CiÇ Council Cozl 4 €v*L L'f A< n\å"-'15.r{ From: lnamel @wl (address) of Del Mar with an interest in preserving the quality of change in our neighborhood, the following items are of concern: As a resident A, Procedural New applications must be routed through Del Mar's normal CPP and DRB review processes. And every new variance must be handled by the Del Mar's Planning Commission processes. These are processes every new application is subjected to. The similar previous applications have never had the benefit of a CPP process. htto ://www.del ma r.ca. us/Docu mentCenter lViewl\) "A CPP is required for: 1) any new [detached] structure greater than 500 sq. ft. in size; and 2) any second story addition to an existing structure, A CPP may also be required in cases where the Planning Director, working in consultation with the DRB Chair, determines that a project holds the potential to cause adverse impacts to the surrounding area." B. Planning Commission - Regarding Variance V15-002 Adding a variance to this unusual lot configuration does not simplify an already unusual lot configuration, Creating a variance and moving 3%feet does not improve privacy. lt may further compromise viewing angles into the adjoining property. Creating a variance and moving 3%feet does not provide harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. D. The design will create an unreasonable invasion of the privacy of neighboring properties not harmonious with or more of the following respects: 2. Structural siting on the lot D. The design is is functionally incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood in oné or C. DRB Review - Regarding Application DRB15-009 Bulk and Mass and Privacy concerns still exist. There are multiple decks/patios/balconies contributing to the Bulk and Mass of this project and specifically there are two 2nd story decks and over 850 sq ft of patios and decks. E. The proposed development fails to limit the amount of design components which unnecessarily add bulk and to DMMC Title 30, the Zone mass to the building but which are not calculated as floor area rat¡on (FAR) pursuant Code. (Ord. 647,5ec.2) - Signed Dated: a r5 Please submit to Adam Birnbaum (ABirnbaum@delmar.ca.us) or to Planning Department City of Del Mar, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, CA92OL4 Phone: 858-755-9313 Fax: 858-7 55-2794 8 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Regarding: 641 Hoska Drive lo Del Mar City Council trNf From: +.3 /, ILIS tI/ Srø€F- (name (address) of Del Mar with an interest in preserving the quality of change in our neighborhood, the following items are of concern: As a resident A. Procedural New applications must be routed through Del Mar's normal CPP and DRB review processes. And every new variance must be handled by the Del Mar's Planning Commission processes. These are processes every new application is subjected to, The similar previous applications have never had the benefit of a CPP process. "A CPP is required for: 1) any new [detached] structure greaterthan 500 sq. ft. in size; and 2) any second story addition to an existing structure, A CpP mari also be required in cases where the Planning Director, working ín consultation with the DRB Chair, determines that a project holds the potential to cause adverse Ímpacts to the surrounding area." B. Planning Commission - Regarding Variance V15-002 Adding a variance to this unusual lot configuration does not simplify an already unusual lot configuration. Creating a variance and moving 3%feeldoes not improve privacy. lt may further compromise viewing angles into the adjoining property. Creating a variance and moving 3 %feel does not provide harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. D. The design will create an unreasonable invasion of the privacy of neighboring properties D. The design is not harmonious with or is functionally incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood in oné or more of the following respects: 2. Structural siting on the lot C, DRB Review - Regarding Application DRB15-009 Bulk and Mass and Privacy concerns still exist. There are multiple decks/patios/balconies contributing to the Bulk and Mass of this project and specifically there are two 2nd story decks and over 850 sq ft of patios and decks. The proposed development fails to limit the amount of design components which unnecessarily add bulk and mass to the building but which are not calculated as floor area ration (FAR) pursuant to DMMC Title 30, the Zone Code. (Ord, 647 , Sec.2) E, Dated Signed: Please submit 9 to 7-3-ll m (ABirnbaum@delmar.ca.us) or to Planning Department City of Del Mar, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, CA92O14 Phone: 858-755-9313 Fax: 858-755-2794 July 6, 2015 Item 09 Subject: Attachments: wilson hook 3_ShiftEast-smjpg Importance: High FW: Lasensky From: Matthew A, Peterson Imailto:map@petersonprice,com] Sent: Monday, July 06, 2015 12:55 PM To: Jon Corn Cc: Adam Birnbaum Subject: RE: Lasensky ImpoÉance: High Hi Jon, Thank you for sending over the materials. However, this looks exactly the same as what your clients demanded back in 201 I ( see below and attached PDF) except that they now also demand the ability to plant tall trees or a hedge in a proposed "easemenl area" directly within the flat portion of my clients lot (west of where your clients want to relocate my client's new home). Your clients' "win-win" is not fhal at all. It would result in a significant delay, more discretionary hearings with no guarantee of approvals, and a very bad and perhaps dangerous location for his new home. Your clients' suggestion would place my clients home closer to 8'l' connector ( Rue St. Rafäel), make it dug into the slope with no access to back yard along that side, with less light & air etc. As you can imagine our client will not agree to give up what little flat and developable lot he has, in exchange for non- opposition and the street embankment slope area. Further he cannot agree to your clients proposed landscape easement. The demand will result in a signihcant increase in cost for re-engineering and redesigning the entire home, and for the design and installation for the tall retaining wall(s) on the east and north east corner (within the required street side yard setback). There was previously a tremendous alnount of compromise, redesign, and revision to the plan by -y client, all in good faith, to address your clients concerns and desires. It is unfortunate that all of the compromises that were previously endorsed and approved by the City Council are not enough for your clients. Matt cc Mayor & City Council Peter Lasensky 10 July 6, 2015 Item 09 lf.rf, tc ìir- tï.rt +E # ¿ -,aÈl t- I U '# täÈ J{ fEJ .;l.r:. ., 'ìt f ,:Jí, r,,,ïJ ! "ú¿ dt '1 F t ¡¡if .t f¡ ¿t-- #r,Ë ,.t r¡|rtfpfæ OËtæ - ãrrf¡ ,*$ ft 4t LI''çj .- {/Þ 'ëi" ' a".É¿ .t t *ü i J w I \ ---i'!¿ Ê ÌÈl { -+ ü \ ? J,lfÈo vI s olt 11 July 6, 2015 Item 09 ¡r FW: City Hall Concept E and Proposed E-2 Subject: From: Claire Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 7:45 AM To: Kathleen A. Garcia; Al Corti - Private; Sherryl Parks - Private; Donald Mosier; Terry Sinnott - Private; Dwight WordenPrivate Cc: Scott Huth Subject: City Hall Concept E and Proposed E-2 Dear Kathy, Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council, We tried to reach Kathy yesterday via phone, but were told she is out of the offrce until next Wednesday. Accordingly, we decided to communicate to all via this email and attachments. Kudos to you and the architects on Concept E. The only thing we would change is to switch out the location of City Hall and Town Hall. 'We have taken Concept E (copy attached) and done a "cut and paste" to show what the Civic Center would look like if the two buildings were to swap locations (See concept E-2 affached). The orange shading denotes thePlaza in both. This location swap would have many benefits, including: 1) Open up the gorgeous ocean views as well as the ocean breezes to the PIaza, a meeting space for the public. In the original Concept E, those views and breezes would be blocked by City Hall' 2) Push back the Plazafrom Camino Del Mar, thus reducing the amount of traff,rc noise and pollution levels for people enjoying thePlaza. green space and City Hall, City staff, the public and those creating a much quieter and less polluted outdoor space to be enjoyed by attending Farmers Market and civic meetings. 3) Provide separation between thePlazaand CDM with the buffering We believe that having our beautiful new City Hall proudly located on our main street near the city center for all to see sends a strong message of civic pride and engagement. Our city's governance is important to us. It really matters! 4) 5) We believe that the architect will determine the construction cost for Concept E-2 will be much less expensive as only the Town Hall, a much smaller building than City Hall, will be built on the platform over the parking garage. The OEC equipment could be housed in City Hall, on terra firma, just across from the Town Hall breezeway. 6) ConcepIB,-2 can easily retain the shared lobby between City Hall and Town Hall. 7) Farmers Market in the E-2Plazawould be further away from neighbors on the west than the present Farmers Market. 1 July 6, 2015 Item 11 8) The Plazawould still be visible from CDM, but not right at the sidewalk. 9) Breezes from the west are generally very welcome in this neighborhood. Rarely do we seek shelter from the ocean breezes, but in those rare instances, the part of the Plaza directly behind City Hall in Plan E-2 would provide some shelter as City Hall would provide a block to west winds. In sum, we do hope that you will NOT leave our new Civic Plaza adjacent to the sidewalk. For all the reasons stated above, we hope you will decide to swap the locations of City Hall and Town Hall and go with a plan like E-2, giving us a much more user-friendly Plaza. Respectfully Submitted, Claire & Tom McGreal 2 2 July 6, 2015 Item 11 Tnl fih¿l o sl, \ I ¡ 3 July 6, 2015 I Item 11 C ¿nu )¿ /tlra ^,0 a ru¡ C,f+"' t-t"j¿ r2 ü-ra I ?tP .: aì, s I 4 \ July 6, 2015 A I ì Item 11 To: Del Mar City Council From: Rosanne and Joel Holliday Re: Mastet Plan for Shores Park Date: July 5,2015 The Holliday Family Foundation made an eatly,leadership contribution to support the acquisition of the Shores property for the purpose of establishing a park that could be used by our community as open space for both recreation and the quiet enjoyment by residents of all ages. As the Phase One report is reviewed by the Council on July 6,2015, we would like to express the f.ollowing for your consicleration: o The design should ensure that the predominant use of the park is for individuals and families to enjoy the open space at all times, consistent with the obligations to provide field space for the Winston School's students. o We are pleased that a number of our friends and neighbors enjoy both allowing their dogs to play, leash-free at certain times on the property now. and the camaraderie of the other dog owners. The use of a portion of the property for this activity is fine, provided it does not compromise the use of the park by families ¿urd individuals as noted above. The only way to ensure this is to provide a separate, enclosed leash-free dog area. Many would-be park users will be dissuaded from using 'àn areathat can only be used at certain times, without having to contend with ofÊleash dogs, a If it is unlikely that space will be made available for the DMCC and Dcl Mar Foundation facilities in the plarured City Hall complex. we support the staff recommendation to incorporate such space in the plaruring for the Shores Park, While this will encroach on the amount of space available as open space, the activities provided by these organizations enrich the lives of our residents, and some of these activities rnay take advantage ofthe adjacent park. We regret being unable to aftend the .Iuly 6th meeting in person, but hope that this correspondence will be given due consideration during your deliberations. 1 July 6, 2015 Item 12 City Hall Mail Box From: Subject: FW: council meeting item #12 From: S Gay Hugo-Maftinez Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 9:23 PM To: City Hall Mail Box Subject: council meeting item #12 Albert and lfinancially supported acquisition of the Shores property for use by everyone in Del Mar. We thought that this would be an "all inclusive" park with no segregated areas. There are overwhelming statistics that the people in Del Mar prefer a "shared open use" not a segregated off leash dog area. For many, many years before the city bought thls land from the school district the "park" was shared by off leash dogs and their owners as well as the Little League and others. lt worked. When I sat on the city council I never heard anyone complain about the off leash dogs in the park. Albert and l, along with the majority of others who recently have voiced an opinion, believe that this should be a shared open use park. Gay Hugo-Martinez Via Alta 2 July 6, 2015 L Item 12 From: Subject: City Clerk Mail Box FW: Red Dot for June 6 City Council meeting regarding Shores master plan From: Laura DeMarco Sent: Monday, July 06, 2015 10:14 AM To: City Clerk Mail Box Subject: Red Dot for June 6 City Council meetÌng regarding Shores master plan Dear Del Mar City Council members, The City Council resolution that we used in our fundraising to raise over $5 million from the Del Mar and V/inston School communities to acquire the Shores stated that the property was for recreational open park space and school use. The old DMUSD admin building and its adjacent parking lot constitute almost an acre of flat, useable and contiguous potential open green space that can be used to create a separate dog park, tot lot, playground, tennis courts, or other active recreational uses as shown in the diagram linked from our fundraising website: /www 14108 The old DMUSD building was never intended for long-term tenancy and was slated to be torn down. It is alarming that one of the stated Shores master planning options is to expand it or build a new buildingatthe expense ofprecious potential open space. The City Hall development, which will be 100% self-funded by the City, is a better space for DMCC, DMF and other community organizations since that facility is specifically designed for offices, meeting space, etc. The Winston School's current facility and future improvements such as indoor recreational space are available for community use after school and on weekends so the City does not need to expand or build other facilities on the property at the expense ofpotential open recreational space. The Shores master plan needs to take into consideration the active recreational needs of the children at the Winston School as well as the children of our community. Del Mar only has one public playground and tennis court, both located far away in the northern beach area. Our only playing field is the undersized baseball field at the Shores which needs to be expanded to accommodate players over 12 years old and other recreational uses like soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, football, etc. Our community and Winston's would also benefit from adding a tennis court as well as a playground to replace the old one that the City removed on the property. It was surprising to see the suggestion in the draft master plan to shrink the current full length basketball court to half court size since Winston has a high school basketball team. As I was watching and celebrating the US Women's World Cup victory last night it reminded me that one of the US National team members, Rachael Buehler of Del Mar, grew up playing soccer on the Shores Field before going on to Torrey Pines, Stanford, the Olympics and World Cup. V/e need to create more open space for active recreation in Del Mar for our children and active adults, especially with the lack of playing fields and courts in our community. 3 1 July 6, 2015 Item 12 Please honor the City Council resolution that we used to raise over $5 recreational open space at the Shores Park. million to preserve and protect Sincerely, Laura DeMarco Avenida Plimavera Del Mar CA 4 2 July 6, 2015 Item 12 f -- ..--- --'.. OFFICE BUILDING NOT A PARI J 6-t PARK óûg Jt p.rk Þ mrtrg l¡J âñrtlgr ÈIULTI.USE SPORÎS FIELD Jd IU 1 þ Sæcer, lrCrosse, Foódt, Etc-.. I l%:' '!w_ v I ñflT; -""'11 CD ¿' J. Þ z z ¡i t -t ¡ ,8, wtNsroN scHooL BUILDINGg ii h I ,ir,l l --L)¿' /, . ffi{1 ffiN. t ----+ i!--\ o ro' 30' 5{)' \ \r STRATFOR-B -COU+-T5 July 6, 2015 ffi :'-.';'rì:-r ;-:WDecnlúeedltt Item 12 City Hall Mail Box FW: Del Mar Shores Park - Advocate for Open and Shared Space for ALL (People From: Subject: &. Dogs) From: Muenkel Jonathan Sent: Monday, July 06, 2015 10:33 AM To: City Hall Mail Box Subject: Del Mar Shores Park - Advocate for Open and Shared Space for ALL (People & Dogs) Dear Sir/Madam As a resident of Del Mar, I have a strong interest in the development of Del Mar Shores Park which is currently in the planning process. Specifically, I am a strong advocate of open and shared space among people and their dogs, as opposed to a separate dog run. I am unfortunately unable to attend this evening's City Council meeting, but wanted to make sure I voiced my opinion on this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information from me. Thank you Sincerely, Jonathan Muenkel Stratford Court Apt 308B Del Mar, CA92014 Cell: 646-265-9904 6 1 July 6, 2015 Item 12 Subject: Attachments: FW: Red Dot for City Council Meeting regarding Shores master plan Attachment- 1 j peg; ATT00001.txt -----O rigi na I M essage----- From: Laura DeMarco Sent: Monday, July 06,2OtS 12:51 PM To: City Clerk Mail Box Subject: Red Dot for City Council Meeting regarding Shores master plan please copy this draft master plan that we used in our fundraising to raise over S5M from the Del Mar and Winston communities, give to the staff and Council members and have this as a slide available for view in the public discussion period. Note that the old DMUSD admin offices and parking lot are scraped and replaced with recreat¡onalopen space including a dog park, full basketball court and tennis court. 7 July 6, 2015 T Item 12 CAMINO DEL MAR r tJ.l OfFIC€ BTILOIHG ..' v J Nør a P^ßf r,#*1 I TEr{1{lS 4[+ PÀRK ôfF¡ dlft d G-fç Þ ul t¡¡ NULTI.USE i+nsetrg¡it-" SPORTS FIEI.D Sos.l.trua,Ëoüil,8t ! ,i aÊ l- CN #" T "ft' t*rJ ffi íl li 'f. ., |'l ; 'r I - **ffi\ t- z = ii . I t' ¡erÈ¡b Þr #,#=L= =tf.,#*,, I tñ F',! - ffi úlrõl Frùtù Çrlål i I iv: --.þÞ'"+ .FT ffiffi& :{- r ri t; \. , .. ,ffiri Ëe_: \ m&ffi i t i .:.i{€flfH- - I I ...*^-L-,.- ¿ ++ -l STRATFORD COU*"7 ''t 85.3 Acres i---- - - a July 6, 2015 IVDÈnl¿þCl!ì !rîi- ".-. Item 12 FW: RED DOT Shores Park Master Plan Subject: From : rilyn Stoke Imailto : ma nd rstoke@ea rthl Sent: Monday, July 06, 2015 9:59 AM Ma in k. net] To: Kristen M. Crane Cc: Sullivan Joe Subject: RED DOT Shores Park Master Plan Honorable City Council We are familiar with and support Mr. Joe Sullivan's proposed presentation regarding the Master Plan for Shores Park. We urge your approval of Mr. Sullivan's suggestions. Marilyn and Randy Stoke 1 July 6, 2015 1 Item 13 FW: Red Dot for July 6 Meeting Subject: From: Joe Sullivan Sent: Sunday, July 05,2015 9:04 PM To: City Clerk Mail Box Cc: larry brooks Subject: Red Dot for July 6 Meeting TO: Del Mar City Council FROM:Joe Sullivan President, Friends of Del Mar Parks SUBJ: ltem 13: Placing indoor programming space and offices at Del Mar Shores Park It seems appropriate to consider how much, if any, of the Shores property will be built out for indoor use by the community. I suggest it is also an appropriate time forthe Councilto settle the question of the Alvarado House, I understand the Historical Society would preferthe Alvarado House be placed on the City Hall property. lf that is not possible, then I understand the Shores might be an acceptable site. For planning of both of these properties (the Shores and City Hall) lthink it would be helpful for the Council to make a decision as soon as practical on whether the Historical Society will be offered a site on either of these properties, At some time in the planning process you will need to consider who would finance any new building (and the potentialcost of placing the Alvarado House) and how the City would be reimbursed for use of the public space. Respectfu lly 1 Su bmitted 1 July 6, 2015 Item 13