16 th July - Kananook Primary School
16 th July - Kananook Primary School
Kananook News Kananook Primary School 5418 Wells Road Seaford, 3198 Phone: 9786 6066 Facsimile: 9786 9806 Web site: www.kps.vic.edu.au E-mail: kananook.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au School App at Tiqbiz.com Thursday 16th July No. 21 - 2015 SAINTS VISIT TO KANANOOK PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME Welcome back everyone for Term 3. I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable holiday. I am delighted to be starting as Acting Principal at Kananook Primary School this term. I have been the Assistant Principal at Woodlands Primary School for the last 9 years. That school has a student population of 850 students. I am looking forward to meeting everyone involved with Kananook Primary School. Feel free to introduce yourself to me when you see me around the school. A big thank you to Stuart Gilchrist for all of his hard work as Acting Principal last term. Stuart is very passionate about Kananook Primary School and has made an enormous contribution to the school over many years. Stuart was well supported by Martene Matthews and the staff of Kananook Primary. I am already learning so much about the school and trying very hard to remember everybody’s name. I have visited all classrooms this week and have been very impressed with the way students have settled back into school routines, their friendships and their learning. The staff has been doing a wonderful job at this school. They are dedicated and professional educators. This term is going to be a busy one, with the highlight being the school production at the Frankston Arts Centre on Thursday, September 19th. Please put this date in your diary. I am looking forward to working with the all staff, parents and children during Term 3. Kind Regards, Michael Block – Acting Principal PREP CHILDREN - 100 DAYS OF SCHOOL The Education Minister -James Merlino has sent a congratulations card to all Prep students in the State of Victoria. This week marks the 100th day of Prep for Victoria’s 76,000 Prep children. Well done to the 25 Prep children at Kananook Primary for completing 100 days of Prep. You only have approximately 1,200 days to go until you complete Year 12. I have included a copy of the card and a photograph of our fantastic Prep children. National Tree Planting Day - Friday 24th July 2015 In conjunction with Frankston Council, Planet Ark and Frankston Toyota, the students from the middle school will be involved in a planting activity to help beautify the garden area surrounding the Sherlock Courtyard (weather permitting). PTF NEWS WOOLWORTHS EARN AND LEARN The Woolworths Earn and Learn program has now begun. This is a great way to gain extra educational resources th for our school. Until Tuesday 8 September, you can collect one sticker for every $10 spent on groceries at Woolworths. Place collected stickers onto sticker cards and hand then in to school or drop them into the Kananook box at Woolworths Seaford or Frankston. The more stickers we collect the more points we can spend on educational resources and equipment. Ask your friends and family to collect too! KANANOOK DISCO st All students are invited to the annual Kananook Disco to be held on Friday 31 July! We are using a new group this year called “Little and Trivial Events”. The entry price will be $8 which will include popcorn and a bottle of water. Glow sticks can be purchased for 50c each, either on your form or on the night. The note is coming home today with the newsletter. Only one form per family is needed, please include your current contact details on the form. Extra forms will be available at the office. Return your completed forms and money to school no later than th the morning of Wednesday 29 July. SCHOOL BANKING There is a new competition for school bankers in Term 3. Students who make three or more school banking deposits over Term 3 will automatically be entered into a draw to win prizes including iPad minis, headphones and book gift certificates, plus a chance to double your entries by completing a “Money Mission” on the Commonwealth Bank prize portal at commbank.com.au/prizeportal. Remember Tuesday is school banking day. THANKS Thankyou to Nicki for organising, shopping for and preparing the pita special lunch last term. Thankyou to Nadine and Rebecca for helping us with counting orders and preparing the lunch on the day. Also a special thankyou to those families who persevered and joined us at Skateworld during the holidays. EMAIL We now have our email service back up and running, so if you would like to join our mailing list to receive information and reminders about PTF events, or have any questions or suggestions, send us an email at ptf1@kps.vic.edu.au. Jenny and Trish Term 3 July Wed 15th Thurs 16th Fri 17th Mon 20th Wed 22nd Fri 31st Important Calendar Dates Start Collecting Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers P/1K and P/1 R Cooking session 1 Family Life Sessions all 4/5/6 “Understanding Humanity” lesson delivered to 4/5/6S and 4/5/6C by Red Cross Australia. School Pix reshooting school and house captain’s photo School Spectacular rehearsal ALL Day Kananook School Disco Birthday Celebrations at Kananook: July 6th 7th 9th 17th Lily-Rose Hailey, Harper Rachael Coraly, Natalie Remember - ‘Every Day Counts’ Please be at school every day – even on your birthday Friendly Stars Friendly Stars this week: Nathan, Emily, Kristine, Annabella & Finn Friendly Stars are children who have been observed in the playground helping others, playing happily and safely with their peers and voluntarily taking care of their school environment. KAAPA CUP: 4/5/6C SPECIALIST CUP: 2/3B