GaBi Databases `13
GaBi Databases `13
GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Legend: Process = life cycle inventory / eco-profile Plan = a collection of processes / process chains (also known as a system) There are process types in accordance with the European Union’s ILCD system: agg = In contrast to unit processes, an aggregated process contains the entire life cycle data for part of or for the complete life cycle of a product system. This kind of dataset is often referred to as a cradle to gate or system process. aps = An ‘avoided product system process’ containing the life cycle information for a product system or part of the system that can be “saved” when a secondary material is substituted for a virgin one (“credit”). Avoided product system data sets are especially used in the context of allocating environmental burden in the presence of recycling or reuse. p-agg = A partly terminated system contains all LCI data for the process except for one or more product flows that require additional modelling. For example, the steel wire process is a partly terminated system because all of the inputs and emissions for the process are accounted for except for the type of steel being used to make the steel wire. This process type is sometimes referred to as a partly linked process. u-bb = A unit process black box, represented by u-bb, refers to a multifunctional process or process chain at a plant level. This type of process may represent a group of processes rather than a single process step. For example, the entire production chain of a computer keyboard key (excluding acquisition of raw materials) rather than the individual manufacturing and transport processes for the keyboard key. u-so = A unit process single operation is often referred to as a unit process or gate to gate process. This process type contains only the data for one specific process step and no LCI (or Life cycle inventory) data. Page 1 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Table of contents GaBi Professional Database ..........................................................................................................................3 Extension database Ia: Intermediates organic .............................................................................................36 Extension database II: Energy .....................................................................................................................37 Extension database V: Non-ferrous metals ..................................................................................................54 Extension database VI: Precious metals ......................................................................................................55 Extension database VII: Plastics ..................................................................................................................56 Extension database VIII: Coatings ...............................................................................................................57 Extension database IX: End of life ...............................................................................................................58 Extension database X: Manufacturing..........................................................................................................59 Extension database XI: Electronics ..............................................................................................................60 Extension database XII: Renewable raw materials ......................................................................................62 Extension database XIV: Construction materials .........................................................................................63 Extension database XVI: Seat covers ........................................................................................................110 Extension database XVII: Full US ..............................................................................................................111 Extension database XVIII: NREL USLCI Integrated ...................................................................................119 Page 2 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database GaBi Professional Database Country Process Name Details Type Data source EU-27 Acetone from cumene, production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Acrylic acid (Propene) from propene, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Aerated concrete P2 04 not reinforced P2 04, production mix, at plant, 380 kg/m3 agg PE CN Aluminium casement frame section, thermally separated, powder coated 1,51 kg/m agg PE EU-27 Aluminium ingot mix EAA (2010 only primary production, production mix, at producer, agg produced in Europe) Aluminium ingot mix, including import fraction GLO Aluminium ingot mix IAI (2010) Primary production, production mix, at producer, agg Aluminium ingot mix IAI RoW Aluminium ingot mix IAI (2010) Primary production, production mix, at producer, agg Aluminium ingot mix IAI Aluminium profile technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, aluminium semi-finished extrusion product, agg including primary production, transformation and recycling PE CN Aluminium sheet technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, aluminium semi-finished sheet product, including agg primary production, transformation and internal recycling of extrusion scrap PE EU-27 Benzene (from reformate) BTX; from reformate, production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Benzene (from toluene dealkylation) from toluene dealkylation, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Bitumen sheet v 60 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 5 kg/m2 agg PE CN Bitumen sheets G 200 S4 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 5,0 kg/m2 agg PE CN Brick technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1800 kg/m3 agg PE CN Cement (average) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Page 3 of 122 EAA GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database DE Chlorine from chlorine alkali electrolysis (membrane) from chlorine-alkali electrolysis (membrane), production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Chlorine mix (chlorine production countries) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Concrete C12/15 technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete bricks technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE CN Concrete C12/15 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C20/25 technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C20/25 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C25/30 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C30/37 technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C30/37 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C35/45 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C8/10 technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Concrete C8/10 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Construction rubble on inert matter landfill landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at landfill agg site PE EU-27 Copper pipe mix technology mix, consumption mix, at plant agg DKI/ ECI CN Copper sheet technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Copper Sheet Mix technology mix, consumption mix, at plant agg DKI/ ECI EU-27 Copper Wire Mix technology mix, consumption mix, at plant agg DKI/ ECI EU-27 Corrugated board (2012) technology mix, production mix, at producer, paper input grade per kg corrugated board changeable p-agg PE/ FEFCO EU-27 Corrugated board input material mixer u-so PE/ FEFCO GLO Cotton fiber (bales after ginning) agg CottonInc GLO Credit for recycling of steel scrap u-so PE Page 4 of 122 technology mix, production mix, at producer GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database CN Crushed rock 16-32 mm technology mix, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE CN Crushed sand 0/2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, dried agg PE CN Crushed stone grain 2-15 mm technology mix, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE AU Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 0.80 wt.% bio components PE BR Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 3.68 wt.% bio components PE CN Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components PE DE Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 8.49 wt.% bio components PE EU-27 Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 5.76 wt.% bio components PE FR Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 7.82 wt.% bio components PE GB Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 4.60 wt.% bio components PE NL Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 4.39 wt.% bio components PE US Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 0.60 wt.% bio components PE AU Diesel mix at filling station Western Australia from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 0.80 wt.% bio components PE EU-27 Diethylene glycol production mix, at plant p-agg Plastics Europe CN Dimpled sheets polyethylene (PE) agg PE Page 5 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database CN District heating 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 120400 kW agg PE CN District heating 20-120 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 20-120 agg kW PE CN Double glazing unit technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BG Electricity from biogas AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production agg mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV PE CY Electricity from biogas AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production agg mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV PE GR Electricity from hard coal AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production agg mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV PE LU Electricity from heavy fuel oil (HFO) AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production agg mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV PE CN Electricity from hydro power AC, technology mix of run-off-river, storage and pump storage, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE IT Electricity from lignite AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production agg mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV PE SK Electricity from photovoltaic AC, technology mix of CIS, CdTE, mono crystalline and multi crystalline, production mix, at producer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE CN Electricity from waste AC, CHP, dry flue gas treatment, without waste collection, transport and pre-treatment, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE CN Electricity from wind power AC, technology mix of onshore and offshore, production mix, at producer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE CN Electricity grid mix AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE CN Elevator average utilization (200.000 technology mix, production mix, at plant, rides/a) 200.000 rides/a agg PE CN Elevator high utilization (400.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 400.000 rides/a agg PE CN Elevator low utilization (100.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 100.000 rides/a agg PE Page 6 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database EU-27 Ethylene glycol from ethene and oxygen via EO, production mix, agg at producer PE EU-27 Ethylene glycol production mix, at plant p-agg Plastics Europe EU-27 Ethylene oxide production mix, at plant p-agg Plastics Europe CN Excavator 100 kW 1m3 (Sand) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 100 kW agg PE CN Excavator 15 kW 1m3 (Sand) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 15 kW agg PE CN Expanded Polystyrene (EPS 15) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 15 kg/m3 agg PE CN Expanded Polystyrene (EPS 30) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 30 kg/m3 agg PE CN Extruded polystyrene (XPS) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 32 kg/m3 agg PE GLO Ferro nickel (29%) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 29 % nickel agg PE CN Film for green roof technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE GLO Final manufacturing (carbon steel product) u-so PE GLO Final manufacturing (stainless steel product) u-so PE CN Flat collector (Big plant > 500m2) (Use) agg PE EU-27 Float flat glass (Cradle to gate) (open technology mix, production mix, at producer, sec. material) open secondary material agg PE EU-27 Fluting (2012) technology mix, thermal energy sold/used externally, production mix, at producer, 1.07 kg waste paper input per kg Fluting p-agg PE/ FEFCO DE Formaldehyde (HCHO; 100%) partial oxidation of methanol with air, single producer, at plant, density 0.8153 g/cm³ (−20 agg °C), molar mass 30.03 g mol−1, boiling point -19 °C PE EU-27 Formaldehyde (HCHO; 100%) dehydrogenation of methanol, production mix, at agg producer, 100 % PE CN Gas low temperature 20-120 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE CN Gas low temperature boiler < 20 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE Page 7 of 122 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database CN Gas low temperature boiler 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Gasoline mix (E10) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 10.66 wt.% bio components agg (E10) PE AU Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 1.94 wt.% bio components PE BR Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 35.63 wt.% bio components PE CN Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 3.63 wt.% bio components PE DE Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 4.39 wt.% bio components PE EU-27 Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 3.79 wt.% bio components PE FR Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 7.53 wt.% bio components PE GB Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 1.57 wt.% bio components PE NL Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 5.24 wt.% bio components PE US Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 9.45 wt.% bio components PE AU Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station Western Australia from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 1.94 wt.% bio components PE AU Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 1.94 wt.% bio components PE Page 8 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database BR Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 35.63 wt.% bio components PE CN Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 3.63 wt.% bio components PE EU-27 Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 3.79 wt.% bio components PE US Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 9.45 wt.% bio components PE AU Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station Western Australia from crude oil and bio components, consumption agg mix, at filling station, 1.94 wt.% bio components PE CN Gravel (grain size 2-32mm) wet and dry quarry, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE CN Gypsum cardboard 10 kg/m2 agg PE CN Gypsum interior plaster technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1000 kg/m3 agg PE CN Gypsum plaster (CaSO4 beta hemihydrate) technology mix of natural gypsum (45%) and gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation (55%), production mix, at plant, grinded and purified product agg PE EU-27 Kraftliner (2012) technology mix, by-products tall oil, turpentine, thermal energy sold/used externally, production mix, at producer, 0.32 kg waste paper input per kg Kraftliner p-agg PE/ FEFCO CN landfill including landfill gas utilisation and Landfill (Municipal household waste) leachate treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at landfill site agg PE EU-27 Lead primary and secondary mix technology mix, production mix, at producer, primary 44% / secondary 56% agg ILA CN Lead sheet technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Lighting (1 kWh of electricity consumption) 1 kWh agg PE CN Lightweight plaster (lime-cement) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 900 agg kg/m3 PE Page 9 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database CN Lime gypsum interior plaster technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1400 kg/cbm agg PE DE Methyl methacrylate (MMA) from acetone and hydrogen cyanide from acetone and hydrogen cyanide (prussic acid), production mix, at producer agg PE CN Mineralic render 1200 kg/cbm agg PE EU-27 Municipal waste water treatment (agricultural sludge application) technology mix, production mix, at producer, agricultural sludge application agg PE EU-27 Municipal waste water treatment (mix) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 50% agricultural sludge application, 50% sludge agg incineration PE EU-27 Municipal waste water treatment (sludge incineration) technology mix, production mix, at producer, sludge incineration agg PE CN Natural stone slab, flexible, facade technology mix, production mix, at plant, 104 kg/m2 agg PE CN Natural stone slab, flexible, indoor technology mix, production mix, at plant, 52 kg/m2 agg PE CN Natural stone slab, rigid, exterior technology mix, production mix, at plant, 208 kg/m2 agg PE CN Natural stone slab, rigid, facade technology mix, production mix, at plant, 78 kg/m2 agg PE CN Natural stone slab, rigid, indoor technology mix, production mix, at plant, 52 kg/m2 agg PE CN Normal mortar 1600 kg/m3 agg PE CN Oil low temperature < 20 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE CN Oil low temperature 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE CN Oil low temperature 20-120 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE EU-27 o-Xylene production mix, at plant p-agg Plastics Europe EU-27 Phenol from cumene, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Prefabricated concrete part slab, 20cm technology mix, production mix, at plant, 504 kg/m2 agg PE CN Prefabricated concrete part slab, 40cm technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1008 kg/m2 agg PE AT Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE Page 10 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database AU Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE BE Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CH Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE DE Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE DK Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE FR Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE GB Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE GR Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE Page 11 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database IE Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE IT Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LT Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LU Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE NL Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE NO Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE NZ Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SE Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE Page 12 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database US Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE AT Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BE Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CH Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE DE Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE DK Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE FR Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE GB Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 13 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database GR Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IT Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LT Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LU Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE NL Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE NO Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE NZ Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SE Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 14 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database SI Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE US Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE AT Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE BE Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE CH Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE DE Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE DK Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE Page 15 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database FR Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE GB Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE GR Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE IT Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE LT Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE LU Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE NL Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE NO Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE NZ Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE Page 16 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database PT Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SE Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE US Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE BE Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CH Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CN Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE Page 17 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database FR Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE IT Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LT Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE NO Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 18 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database BE Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CH Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CN Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE FR Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IT Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LT Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 19 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database NO Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BE Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CH Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CN Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 20 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database ES Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE FR Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IT Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LT Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE NO Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 21 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database BG Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from hard coal 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 22 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database IE Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PT Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from hard coal 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE Page 23 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database PT Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from hard coal 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE MT Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE MT Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE MT Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE MT Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 24 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database MT Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE LV Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE MT Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE BR Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE DE Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE GR Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE Page 25 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database NZ Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE US Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE BR Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE DE Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE Page 26 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database FI Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE GR Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE NZ Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE US Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE AU Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE BG Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE BR Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE CZ Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE Page 27 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database DE Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE ES Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE GR Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE HU Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE NZ Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE PL Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE RO Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SI Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SK Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE US Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from peat 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE Page 28 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database FI Process steam from peat 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from peat 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE SE Process steam from peat 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from peat 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from peat 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from peat 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE SE Process steam from peat 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% agg efficiency PE EE Process steam from peat 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE FI Process steam from peat 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE IE Process steam from peat 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE SE Process steam from peat 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% agg efficiency PE CN Pumping of concrete 1m3 Pumping of concrete, production mix, at plant, 2365 kg/m3 agg PE CN PVC roofing membrane technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE EU-27 p-Xylene production mix, at plant p-agg Plastics Europe CN Recycling potential - steel thin sheet Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE Page 29 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database CN Recycling potential aluminium (sheet Recycling potential, production mix and profiles) agg PE CN Recycling potential copper sheet Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Recycling potential stainless steel Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Recycling potential steel sections Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Reinforcement plaster 1600 kg/m3 agg PE CN Resilient flooring, Halstead Expona Commercial (PVC), 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 4.3 kg/m2 agg PE-EPD CN Resilient flooring, Halstead Expona Design (PVC), 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 5,2 kg/m2 agg PE-EPD CN Resilient flooring, Halstead Expona Domestic (PVC), 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 3.7 kg/m2 agg PE-EPD CN Roof tile technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Room air conditioner > 12 kW (SEER technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh 4.7) (Use) agg PE CN Sand 0/2 wet and dry quarry, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE CN Sand-lime brick technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1800 kg/m3 agg PE EU-27 Semichemical Fluting (2012) technology mix, thermal energy sold/used externally, production mix, at producer, 0.1 kg waste paper input per kg Semichemical Fluting p-agg PE/ FEFCO EU-27 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) mix technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer (100%) agg PE CN Stoneware tiles unglazed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE CN Strip parquet technology mix, production mix, at plant, 11,5 kg/m² agg PE EU-27 Testliner (2012) technology mix, thermal energy sold/used externally, production mix, at producer, 1.08 kg waste paper input per kg Testliner p-agg PE/ FEFCO GLO Textile Manufacturing - Knit Fabric (Batch Dyed) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg CottonInc GLO Textile Manufacturing - Knit Fabric (Yarn Dyed) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg CottonInc GLO Textile Manufacturing - Woven Fabric (Continuous Dyed) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg CottonInc AT Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 30 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database AU Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE BE Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CH Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CZ Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE DK Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE EE Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE ES Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE FI Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE FR Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE GB Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE GR Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE HU Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE IE Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE IT Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LT Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LU Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LV Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE NL Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE NO Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 31 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database NZ Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PL Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PT Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SE Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SI Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SK Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE AU Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE BE Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE BG Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CH Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CN Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CZ Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE EE Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE ES Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE FR Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE HU Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE IE Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE IT Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 32 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database LT Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LV Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE NO Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PL Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PT Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE RO Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SI Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SK Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE BG Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CZ Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE HU Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE IE Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LV Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PL Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PT Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE RO Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SI Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SK Thermal energy from hard coal technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LV Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 33 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database MT Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE LV Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE MT Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE BG Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CZ Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE EE Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE GR Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE HU Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE NZ Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE PL Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE RO Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SI Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE SK Thermal energy from lignite technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE CN Tile adhesive agg PE CN Timber pine (10.7% water content) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE CN Timber teak technology mix, production mix, at plant, 630 kg/m3 agg PE CN Transport, small truck (up to 14 t total cap., 9.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix, 1 tkm agg PE CN Transport, truck (26 t total cap., 17.3t diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, 1 tkm payload) agg PE CN Transport, truck-trailer (40 t total cap., 24.7t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix, 1 tkm agg PE CN Transport, van (up to 7,5 t total cap., diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix, 1 3.3t payload) tkm agg PE Page 34 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets GaBi Professional Database p-agg Plastics Europe Use Phase (carbon steel product) u-so PE GLO Use Phase (stainless steel product) u-so PE GLO Waste water treatment mixer (agricultural sludge application/sludge incineration) u-so PE EU-27 Water (desalinated; deionised) via ion exchange, production mix, at producer agg PE CN Woodchip boiler 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE CN Wooden frame technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1,30 kg/m p-agg PE EU-27 Triethylene glycol GLO production mix, at plant Country Plan Name EU-27 Corrugated board incl. paper production, average composition 2012 PE/FEFCO [p-agg] GLO Credit for recycling of stainless steel scrap GLO Credit for recycling of steel scrap GLO Exemplary life cycle model of a stainless steel product (Eurofer) GLO Exemplary life cycle model of a steel product (Worldsteel) EU-27 Municipal waste water treatment (variable sludge treatment) Page 35 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database Ia: Intermediates organic Extension database Ia: Intermediates organic Country Process Name Details Type Data source DE Activated carbon technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Butane from C4-raffinate, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Dichloromethane chlorination of methyl chloride, production mix, at producer, by-product tri-, tetrachloromethane agg PE DE Hexamethylene diamine (HMDA; from butadiene via adiponitrile) via adiponitrile, production mix, at producer agg PE GB Hexamethylene diamine (HMDA; from butadiene via adiponitrile) via adiponitrile, production mix, at producer agg PE US Hexamethylene diamine (HMDA; from butadiene via adiponitrile) via adiponitrile, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Isobutane (from n-butane) via n-butane, production mix, at producer agg PE Page 36 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy Extension database II: Energy Country Process Name Details Type Data source GLO Diesel CHP Electricity (AC) and thermal energy from CHP, at plant, 230V u-so PE IN Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE JP Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE MY Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 5.33 wt.% bio components agg PE Diesel mix at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE RU TR Electricity from biogas ID Electricity from biomass (solid) MY Electricity from biomass (solid) TR Electricity from biomass (solid) US Electricity from biomass (solid) (Alaska) MY Electricity from coal gases Page 37 of 122 AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy TR Electricity from coal gases AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV TR Electricity from geothermal AC, CHP, technology mix, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity from geothermal AC, CHP, technology mix, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE agg PE Electricity from waste AC, CHP, dry flue gas treatment, without waste collection, transport and pretreatment, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity from waste (Texas) AC, CHP, dry flue gas treatment, without waste collection, transport and pretreatment, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – AKGD AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – AKMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – AZNM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – CAMX AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE TR Electricity from hard coal TR Electricity from heavy fuel oil (HFO) ID Electricity from lignite TR Electricity from lignite TR Electricity from natural gas TR Page 38 of 122 AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV AC, mix of direct and CHP, technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Electricity grid mix – ERCT AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – FRCC AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – HIMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – HIOA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – MISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – MROW (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – NEWE AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – NWPP AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – NYISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – PJM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – RFCW (without MISO and PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – RMPA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SPNO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SPSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRMV AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRTV (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRVC (without PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV AKGD AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE Page 39 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV AKMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV AZNM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV CAMX AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV ERCT AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV FRCC AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV HIMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV HIOA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV MISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV MROW (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV NEWE AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV NWPP AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV NYISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - PJM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV RFCW (without MISO and PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV RMPA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV SPNO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV SPSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV SRMV AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV SRSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE Page 40 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV SRTV (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV SRVC (without PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE TR Electricity mix (energy carriers, generic) AC, technology mix, production mix, at power plant, <1kV u-so PE GLO Gas CHP Electricity (AC) and thermal energy from CHP, at plant, 230V u-so PE JP Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE MY Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 5.33 wt.% bio components agg PE RU Gasoline mix (premium) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE IN Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.59 wt.% bio components agg PE JP Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE RU Gasoline mix (regular) at filling station from crude oil and bio components, consumption mix, at filling station, 0.00 wt.% bio components agg PE CA Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from biogas 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE Page 41 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from biogas 85% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE CA Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from biogas 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 90% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE CA Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from biogas 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biogas 95% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE IN Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE JP Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE Page 42 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy TR Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE ZA Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 85% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE IN Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE JP Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE ZA Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE Page 43 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from biomass (solid) 90% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE IN Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE JP Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE ZA Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from biomass (solid) 95% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 85% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 85% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE Page 44 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from hard coal 85% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 90% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 90% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 90% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 95% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 95% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from hard coal 95% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE Page 45 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 85% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 90% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from heavy fuel oil (HFO) 95% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE Page 46 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 85% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 90% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE Page 47 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from light fuel oil (LFO) 95% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE CA Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE IN Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE RU Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from lignite 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from lignite 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from lignite 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE CA Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE IN Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE RU Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from lignite 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from lignite 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE Page 48 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from lignite 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE CA Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE IN Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE RU Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE TR Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from lignite 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from lignite 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from lignite 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 85% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 85% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 85% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 85% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 90% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE Page 49 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Process steam from natural gas 90% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 90% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 90% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 95% (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 95% (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 95% (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE US Process steam from natural gas 95% (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE RU Process steam from peat 85% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 85% efficiency agg PE RU Process steam from peat 90% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 90% efficiency agg PE RU Process steam from peat 95% technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant, MJ, 95% efficiency agg PE CA Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE TR Thermal energy from biogas technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biogas (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 50 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Thermal energy from biogas (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biogas (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE IN Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE JP Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE TR Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE ZA Thermal energy from biomass (solid) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biomass (solid) (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biomass (solid) (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biomass (solid) (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from biomass (solid) (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from hard coal (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from hard coal (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from hard coal (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 51 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US Thermal energy from hard coal (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from hard coal (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from heavy fuel oil (HFO) (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) (Hawaii) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from light fuel oil (LFO) (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from lignite (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Page 52 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database II: Energy US technology mix regarding firing and flue Thermal energy from lignite (Texas) gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from natural gas (Alaska) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from natural gas (East) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from natural gas (Texas) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE US Thermal energy from natural gas (West) technology mix regarding firing and flue gas cleaning, production mix, at heat plant agg PE Country Plan Name TR Electricity grid mix (production mix) Page 53 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database V: Non-ferrous metals Extension database V: Non-ferrous metals Country Process Name Details Type Data source CN technology mix, primary production, production mix, at producer, 99.5% Antimony agg PE Antimony Page 54 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database VI: Precious metals Extension database VI: Precious metals Country Process Name GLO Gold mix (primary and copper route) Page 55 of 122 Details Type Data source technology mix, primary and copper anode sludge route, production mix, at producer agg PE GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database VII: Plastics Extension database VII: Plastics Country Process Name Details Type Data source EU-27 Biopolyethylene Low Density Granulate (LDPE/PE-LD) from bioethylene based on wheat, production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Biopolyethylene Low Density Granulate (LDPE/PE-LD) from bioethylene based on sugar beet, production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Biopolyethylene Low Density Granulate (LDPE/PE-LD) from bioethylene based on sugar cane (60% slash and burn), production mix, at producer agg PE EU-27 Biopolyethylene Low Density Granulate (LDPE/PE-LD) from bioethylene based on US corn, production mix, at producer agg PE US Biopolyethylene Low Density Granulate (LDPE/PE-LD) from bioethylene based on BR sugar cane (60% slash and burn), production mix, at producer agg PE Page 56 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database VIII: Coatings Extension database VIII: Coatings Country Process Name Details Type Data source DE Industrial coating (high resistance, CO2 ice; powder coating, 60% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (high resistance, CO2 ice; powder coating, 80% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (high resistance, CO2 ice; solvent-based coating, 40% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (high resistance, CO2 ice; solvent-based coating, 60% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (medium resistance, CO2 ice; powder coating, 60% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (medium resistance, CO2 ice; powder coating, 80% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (medium resistance, CO2 ice; solvent-based coating, 40% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Industrial coating (medium resistance, CO2 ice; solvent-based coating, 60% transfer efficiency) industrial serial metal coating, production mix, at producer, coating of 1 m² agg PE DE Pretreatment ice blast cleaning (industry) industrial serial coating, single production route, at producer, 1 sqm agg PE DE Pretreatment snow blast cleaning (industry) industrial serial coating, single production route, at producer, 1 sqm agg PE Page 57 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database IX: End of life Extension database IX: End of life Country Process Name Details Type Data source DE Municipal waste water treatment (mix) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 50% agricultural sludge application, 50% sludge incineration agg PE GLO Waste water treatment mixer (agricultural sludge application/sludge incineration) Mixer u-so PE Country Plan Name DE Municipal waste water treatment (variable sludge treatment) Page 58 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database X: Manufacturing Extension database X: Manufacturing Country Process Name Details Type Data source GLO Air drying Air drying of food products using a Fluidized Bed Dryer, single operation, at producer u-so PE GLO Chilled & Frozen Cold Storage Storage of products in a cold store operating under user-defined chilling/freezing conditions, single operation, at producer u-so PE GLO Drum drying Drum drying, single operation, at producer, Drying product on a drum dryer u-so PE GLO Freeze drying Freeze drying of food products, single operation, at producer, Production of dried food in a batch process u-so PE GLO Individual quick freezing Individual quick freezing (IQF) of food products, single operation, at producer, Production of quick frozen food in a typical tunnel freezer u-so PE Country Plan Name EU-27 Air drying (food products) [p-agg] US Air drying (food products) [p-agg] EU-27 Chilled & frozen cold storage (food products) [p-agg] US Chilled & frozen cold storage (food products) [p-agg] EU-27 Drum drying (average) [p-agg] US Drum drying (average) [p-agg] EU-27 Freeze drying [p-agg] US Freeze drying [p-agg] EU-27 Individual quick freezing (IQF) [p-agg] US Individual quick freezing (IQF) [p-agg] Page 59 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XI: Electronics Extension database XI: Electronics Country Process Name Details Type Data source GLO Alkaline cell - LR series (AA) Alkaline Cell, Manganese/Zinc, LR Alkaline agg PE GLO Alkaline cell - LR series (AAA) Alkaline Cell, Manganese/Zinc, LR Alkaline agg PE GLO Alkaline cell - LR series (C) Alkaline Cell, Manganese/Zinc, LR Alkaline agg PE GLO Alkaline cell - LR series (D) Alkaline Cell, Manganese/Zinc, LR Alkaline agg PE GLO Cable 1-core power 18AWG PVC (16 g/m) D2.9 technology mix, production mix, at producer, tinned Cu wire, PVC insulation agg PE GLO Cable 1-core signal 24AWG mPPE (3.0 g/m) D1.1 technology mix, production mix, at producer, tinned Cu wire, mPPE insulation agg PE GLO Cable 1-core signal 24AWG PE (4.5 g/m) D1.4 technology mix, production mix, at producer, tinned Cu wire, PE insulation agg PE GLO Cable 1-core signal 24AWG PTFE (3.0 technology mix, production mix, at g/m) D0.9 producer, tinned Cu wire, PTFE insulation agg PE GLO Cable 1-core signal 24AWG PVC (4.5 g/m) D1.4 technology mix, production mix, at producer, tinned Cu wire, PVC insulation agg PE GLO Cable 3-core mains power 10A/13A 16AWG mPPE (60 g/m) D6.3 technology mix, production mix, at producer, bare Cu wire, mPPE insulation, mPPE jacket, unshielded agg PE GLO Cable 3-core mains power 10A/13A 16AWG PVC (100 g/m) D8 technology mix, production mix, at producer, bare Cu wire, PVC insulation, PVC jacket, unshielded agg PE GLO Capacitor Aluminum screw terminal (220g) D 51.6 x 75 mm technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO Capacitor Aluminum screw terminal (400g) D 64.3 x 96 mm technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC BGA 48 (70mg) 6x6x1.1mm MPU generic (130 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 196 (400mg) 12x12x1.41mm CMOS logic (22 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 196 (400mg) 12x12x1.41mm DRAM (57 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE Page 60 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XI: Electronics GLO IC WLP CSP 196 (400mg) 12x12x1.41mm flash (45 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 196 (400mg) 12x12x1.41mm MPU generic (130 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 425 (736mg) 19x19x1.5mm CMOS logic (22 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 425 (736mg) 19x19x1.5mm DRAM (57 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 425 (736mg) 19x19x1.5mm flash (45 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 425 (736mg) 19x19x1.5mm MPU generic (130 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 49 (10.2mg) 3.17x3.17x0.55mm CMOS logic (22 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 49 (10.2mg) 3.17x3.17x0.55mm DRAM (57 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 49 (10.2mg) 3.17x3.17x0.55mm flash (45 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO IC WLP CSP 49 (10.2mg) 3.17x3.17x0.55mm MPU generic (130 nm node) front-end and back-end processing of the wafer, including Czochralski method of silicon growing, production mix, at producer agg PE GLO Mains plug connector CEE 7/16, Type C (15g, 2pins) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE Page 61 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XII: Renewable raw materials Extension database XII: Renewable raw materials Country Process Name Details Type Data source DE Bovine fresh hide (economic allocation) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE US Bovine fresh hide (economic allocation) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Bovine meat, semi-boneless (economic allocation at slaughterhouse) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE US Bovine meat, semi-boneless (economic allocation at slaughterhouse) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE AR Soy bean field border (13% H2O) agg PE AR Soy bean field border (13% H2O) incl. LUC agg PE BR Soy bean field border (13% H2O) incl. LUC agg PE BR Soy bean field border (13%) agg PE Page 62 of 122 technology mix, production mix, at producer, Soy bean at field border, 13% H20 technology mix, production mix, at producer, Soy bean at field border, 13% H20 technology mix, production mix, at producer, Soy bean at field border, 13% H20 technology mix, production mix, at producer, Soy bean at field border, 13% H20 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Extension database XIV: Construction materials Process Name Details DE Accessories for 1 m² bathtub, shower tub, shower area and steel / enamel washbasins Bette (A1-A3) DIN EN 14516:2010-12 ; DIN EN 14527:201012 ; DIN EN 14688:2007- 02, single producer agg (at the factory of Bette in Delbrück), inclusive 0.18 kg packaging PEEPD DE Accessories for 1 m² bathtub, shower tub, shower area and steel / enamel washbasins Bette (C3) DIN EN 14516:2010-12 ; DIN EN 14527:201012 ; DIN EN 14688:2007- 02, single producer agg (at the factory of Bette in Delbrück), inclusive 0.18 kg packaging PEEPD DE Accessories for 1 m² bathtub, shower tub,shower area and steel/enamel washbasins - Bette (D from C3) DIN EN 14516:2010-12 ; DIN EN 14527:201012 ; DIN EN 14688:2007- 02, single producer agg (at the factory of Bette in Delbrück), inclusive 0.18 kg packaging PEEPD Acoustic panel, StoSilent Panel Aluminium 15mm - StoVerotec GmbH (A1-A3) P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:15mm, Density: 337 kg/m³ agg PEEPD Acoustic panel, StoSilent Panel Aluminium 15mm - StoVerotec GmbH (C4) P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:15mm, Density: 337 kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE DE Page 63 of 122 Type Data source Country GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Acoustic panel, StoSilent Panel Aluminium 25mm - StoVerotec GmbH (A1-A3) DE Acoustic panel, StoSilent Panel Aluminium 25mm - StoVerotec GmbH (C4) DE Acoustic panel, StoSilent Top Panel Aluminium 15mm StoVerotec GmbH (A1-A3) Page 64 of 122 P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:25mm, Density: 311 kg/m³ P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:25mm, Density: 311 kg/m³ P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:15mm, Density: 346 kg/m³ agg PEEPD agg PEEPD agg PEEPD GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Acoustic panel, StoSilent Top Panel Aluminium 15mm StoVerotec GmbH (C4) DE Acoustic panel, StoSilent Top Panel Aluminium 25mm StoVerotec GmbH (A1-A3) DE Acoustic panel, StoSilent Top Panel Aluminium 25mm StoVerotec GmbH (C4) UA Aerated concrete P2 04 not reinforced DE P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:15mm, Density: 346 kg/m³ P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:25mm, Density: 326 kg/m³ P-SAC 02/III-140 StoSilent top panel and top panel aluminum– Building material class B1, general appraisal certificate; M35 120/108 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/109 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 30 mm cavity, determination of sound absorption coefficient; M 35 120/110 StoSilent top panel aluminum, 100 mm cavity determination of sound absorption coefficient, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:25mm, Density: 326 kg/m³ agg PEEPD agg PEEPD agg PEEPD P2 04, production mix, at plant, 380 kg/m3 agg PE Air ventilation duct (zinc coated steel plate) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Air ventilation duct (zinc coated steel plate) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE UA Aluminium casement frame section, thermally separated, powder coated 1,51 kg/m agg PE Page 65 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Aluminium profile technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, aluminium semi-finished sheet product, including primary production, transformation and recycling agg PE Aluminium profile technology mix, production mix, at plant, aluminium semi-finished extrusion product, including primary production, transformation and recycling agg PE End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD AT Aluminium scraps Anodized aluminium profile (thermal insulated) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD AT Aluminium scraps Coated aluminium profile (mech. processed) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD AT Aluminium scraps Coated aluminium profile (thermal insulated) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD AT Aluminium scraps Powder coated aluminium profile - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD AT Aluminium scraps Pressblank aluminium profil (mech. processed) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD AT Aluminium scraps Pressblank aluminium profile - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD BR UA AT AT Aluminium scraps Anodized aluminium profile - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) Aluminium scraps Anodized aluminium profile (mech. processed) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) Page 66 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Aluminium scraps Pressblank aluminium profile (therm. isolated) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (D out A5) End of Life, production mix, single producer (at plant) agg PEEPD Aluminium sheet technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, aluminium semi-finished sheet product, including primary production, transformation and internal recycling of extrusion scrap agg PE UA Aluminium sheet primary production, production mix, at plant, aluminium semi-finished sheet product, including primary production, transformation and internal recycling of extrusion scrap agg PE AT Anodized aluminium profile Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 PEEPD AT Anodized aluminium profile (mechanically processed) Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1A3) mix of primary and secondary material, mill finish, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW 6063, EN AW 6082 agg PEEPD AT Anodized aluminium profile (thermal insulated) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1-A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 PEEPD DE Base coat/primer water-based (windows, white) (EN15804 A1A3) windows, white, 5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Base coat/primer water-based (windows, white) (EN15804 A5) windows, white, 5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Bath- and shower tub acrylic (1kg) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Bath- and shower tub acrylic (1kg) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Bathtub, shower tub, shower area and steel / enamel washbasins - Bette (A1-A3) DIN EN 14516:2010-12 ; DIN EN 14527:201012 ; DIN EN 14688:2007- 02, single producer (at the factory of Bette in Delbrück), 1 m2, agg 18.2 kg ; average thickness: 2.37 mm ; enamel layer: 300 µm ; density: 6.52 g / cm³ AT BR Page 67 of 122 PEEPD GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Bathtub, shower tub, shower area and steel / enamel washbasins - Bette (C4) DIN EN 14516:2010-12 ; DIN EN 14527:201012 ; DIN EN 14688:2007- 02, single producer (at the factory of Bette in Delbrück), 1 m2, agg 18.2 kg ; average thickness: 2.37 mm ; enamel layer: 300 µm ; density: 6.52 g / cm³ PEEPD DE Bathtub, shower tub, shower area and steel / enamel washbasins - Bette (D from C4) DIN EN 14516:2010-12 ; DIN EN 14527:201012 ; DIN EN 14688:2007- 02, single producer (at the factory of Bette in Delbrück), 1 m2, agg 18.2 kg; average thickness: 2.37 mm ; enamel layer: 300 µm ; density: 6.52 g / cm³ PEEPD BR Bitumen sheet v 60 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 5 kg/m2 agg PE UA Bitumen sheet v 60 technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Bitumen sheets G 200 S4 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 5,0 kg/m2 agg PE UA Bitumen sheets G 200 S4 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 5,0 kg/m2 agg PE UA Brick technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1800 kg/m3 agg PE DE Brick chimney double-duct (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Brick chimney single-duct (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE ES Bright-Rolled Zinc Sheet elZinc Natural - Asturiana de Laminados (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD DE Buffer storage (stainless steel) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Buffer storage (stainless steel) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Buffer storage (steel) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Buffer storage (steel) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Cable 1 wire (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Cable 1 wire (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 68 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Cable 3 wire (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Cable 3 wire (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Cable 5 wire (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Cable 5 wire (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Cable CAT 7 (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Cable CAT 7 (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Calcium silicate insulation board average product - Calsitherm (A1-A3) EN 14306, EN 13172, Individual producer in Germany, average product, valid for Calsitherm Silca, Silcal, Microcal calcium silicate boards and Calsitherm climate boards, average bulk density 259 kg / m³ agg PEEPD BR Cement (average) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Cement (average) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Cement (CEM I 32.5) technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM I 32.5 agg PE UA Cement (CEM I 42.5) technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM I 42.5 agg PE UA Cement (CEM I 52.5) technology mix, production mix, at plant, Cement (CEM I 52.5) agg PE UA Cement (CEM III 32.5) technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM III 32.5 agg PE UA Cement (CEM III A) technology mix, at producer agg PE UA Cement CEM II 32.5 technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM II 32.5 agg PE UA Cement CEM II 42.5 technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM II 42.5 agg PE UA Cement CEM II 52.5 technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM II 52.5 agg PE UA Cement CEM II/A technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM II/A agg PE UA Cement CEM II/B technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM II/B agg PE Page 69 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials UA Cement CEM III 42.5 technology mix, production mix, at plant, CEM III 42.5 agg PE UA Cement CEM IV technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Cement screed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1900 kg/m3 agg PE UA Cement screed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1900 kg/m3 agg PE DE Chimney polypropylene (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Chimney polypropylene (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Chimney stainless steel (single wall) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Chimney stainless steel singlewall (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Circulating pump <50 W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Circulating pump <50 W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Circulating pump 250 - 1000 W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Circulating pump 250 - 1000 W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Circulating pump 50 - 250 W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Circulating pump 50 - 250 W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Clay plaster (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1600 kg/m3 agg PE DE Clay roof tile, factory Dorfen CREATON (A1-A3) Product corresponds to the European Standard EN 1304, Single producer (in factory Dorfen), 46,6 kg/m²; 3,3 kg/Piece agg PEEPD DE Clay roof tile, factory Höngeda CREATON (A1-A3) Product corresponds to the European Standard EN 1304, Single producer (in factory Höngeda), 45,0 kg/m²; 3,4 kg/Piece agg PEEPD DE Coating silicate emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A1-A3) building, exterior, white, 1,25% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE Page 70 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Coating silicate emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A5) building, exterior, white, 1,25% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Coating silicone (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A1-A3) building, exterior, white, 1,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Coating silicone (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A5) building, exterior, white, 1,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Compact fluorescent lamp (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Compact fluorescent lamp (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Compact high pressure laminate - Fundermax (A1-A3) Production of compact high pressure laminates, production facility in Wiener Neudorf, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD Compact high pressure laminate - Fundermax (C4) Incineration in biomass power plant of high pressure laminates after usage, production facility in Wiener Neudorf, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product incinerated in biomass power plant agg PEEPD AT Compact high pressure laminate - Fundermax (D) produced energy out of the incineration of high pressure laminates, production facility in Wiener Neudorf, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of produced energy out of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD BR Concrete bricks technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE UA Concrete bricks technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE BR Concrete C12/15 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Concrete C12/15 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Concrete C20/25 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE AT AT Page 71 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials UA Concrete C20/25 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Concrete C25/30 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Concrete C25/30 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Concrete C30/37 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Concrete C30/37 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Concrete C35/45 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Concrete C35/45 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Concrete C8/10 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Concrete C8/10 (Ready-mix concrete) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Construction panel Eterplan Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Neubeckum, Germany), 1m² with 10mm thickness and 18 kg/m²; density between 1650 - 1800 kg/m³; available in thickness 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20mm agg PEEPD BR Construction rubble on inert matter landfill landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pretreatment, at landfill site agg PE UA Construction rubble on inert matter landfill landfill including leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pretreatment, at landfill site agg PE DE Copper (blank) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Copper (Blank) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Copper (coated) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Copper (Coated) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Copper scraps TECU Bronze (D out A5) Industry mix, End of Life agg PEEPD DE Copper scraps TECU ECO Classic - KME (D out A5) Industry mix, End of Life agg PEEPD Page 72 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Copper scraps TECU ECO Oxid - KME (D out A5) Industry mix, End of Life agg PEEPD DE Copper scraps TECU ECO Patina - KME (D out A5) Industry mix, End of Life agg PEEPD DE Copper scraps TECU Gold KME (D out A5) Industry mix, End of Life agg PEEPD BR Copper sheet technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE UA Copper sheet technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Copper sheet TECU Bronze KME (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), Thickness 0.7 – 1.0mm; Width 500 – 670mm; Ring - inside - Ø for big coil 500mm, 600mm; Panel lengths 2000mm, 3000mm agg PEEPD DE Copper Sheet TECU ECO Classic - KME (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), Thickness 0,5 – 1,5mm, Width 500 – 1000mm, Ring - inside - Ø for big coil 500mm, 600mm, Panel lengths 2000mm, 3000mm agg PEEPD DE Copper sheet TECU ECO Oxid KME (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), Thickness 0.5 – 1.5mm, Width 500 – 1000mm, Ring - inside - Ø for big coil 500mm, 600mm agg PEEPD DE Copper sheet TECU ECO Patina - KME (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), Thickness 0.5 – 1.5mm, Width 500 – 1000mm, Panel lengths 2000mm, 3000mm agg PEEPD DE Copper sheet TECU Gold - KME (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), Thickness 0.5 – 1.0mm; Width 500 – 1000mm; Ring - inside - Ø for big coil 500mm, 600mm; Panel lengths 2000mm, 3000mm agg PEEPD DE Corrugated panel - Eternit (A1A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Heidelberg, Germany), 1m² with average square weight 17,6 kg/m²; density between 1550 - 1750 kg/m³ agg PEEPD BR Crushed rock 16-32 mm technology mix, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE UA Crushed rock 16-32 mm technology mix, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE BR Crushed sand 0/2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, dried agg PE Page 73 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials UA Crushed sand 0/2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, dried agg PE BR Crushed stone grain 2-15 mm technology mix, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE UA Crushed stone grain 2-15 mm technology mix, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE Decorative high pressure laminate - Fundermax (A1-A3) production of decorative high pressure laminates, production facility in Wiener Neudorf, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD Decorative high pressure laminate - Fundermax (C4) incineration in biomass power plant of high pressure laminates after usage, production facility in Wiener Neudorf, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product incinerated in biomass power plant agg PEEPD AT Decorative high pressure laminate - Fundermax (D) produced energy out of the incineration of high pressure laminates, production facility in Wiener Neudorf, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of produced energy out of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD DE Derived timber product in MWI (EN15804 C3) End of Life, incineration, production mix, at consumer, 1kg agg PE DE Derived timber product in MWI (EN15804 D) End of Life, incineration, production mix, at consumer, 1kg agg PE DE Diffuser (Damp room) T8 36W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Diffuser (Damp room) T8 36W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE UA Dimpled sheets polyethylene (PE) agg PE DE Dip-Switch (Light switch) (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Direct expansion air conditioner (per 1 kW) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Direct expansion air conditioner (per 1 kW) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE AT AT Page 74 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials US Disposal of insulated metal panel (IMP), CF architectural wall panel - Metl-Span end of life landfill and recovery, single producer, at waste facility, 14.8 kg/m2 (3.04 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Disposal of insulated metal panel (IMP), CF roof panel - Metl-Span end of life landfill and recovery, single producer, at waste facility, 12.5 kg/m2 (2.57 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Disposal of insulated metal panels (IMP), CF wall panel Metl-Span end of life landfill and recovery, single producer, at waste facility, 11.1 kg/m2 (2.28 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD DE District heating 120-400 kW (EN15804 B6) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 120400 kW agg PE UA District heating 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 120400 kW agg PE DE District heating 20-120 kW (EN15804 B6) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 20120 kW agg PE UA District heating 20-120 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 20120 kW agg PE DE District heating transfer station (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE District heating transfer station (EN15804 D) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kW agg PE UA Double glazing unit technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Downlight 18 W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Downlight 18 W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE BE Dry construction panel HYDROPANEL 12mm - Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium), 1m² with 12mm thickness and 13.2 kg/m²; density 1100 kg/m³ agg PEEPD BE Dry construction panel HYDROPANEL 9mm - Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium), 1m² with 9mm thickness and 9.9 kg/m²; density 1100 kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal collector) 10 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 75 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal collector) 10 kW (EN15804 D) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal collector) 20 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal collector) 20 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal collector) 70 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal collector) 70 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal probe) 10 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal probe) 10 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal probe) 20 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal probe) 20 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal probe) 70 kW (EN15804 C3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (Brine-Water, geothermal probe) 70 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (WaterWater) 10 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (WaterWater) 10 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (WaterWater) 20 kW (EN15804 C3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 piece agg PE Page 76 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Electric heat pump (WaterWater) 20 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (WaterWater) 70 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electric heat pump (WaterWater) 70 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electrical flow heater (21 kW) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electrical flow heater (21 kW) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE BR Electricity from hydro power AC, technology mix of run-off-river, storage and pump storage, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE UA Electricity from hydro power AC, technology mix of run-off-river, storage and pump storage, production mix, at power plant, 1kV - 60kV agg PE BR Electricity from wind power AC, technology mix of onshore and offshore, production mix, at producer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE BR Electricity grid mix AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE UA Electricity grid mix AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE DE Electronic ballast EB (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Electronic ballast EB (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE BR Elevator average utilization (200.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 200000 rides/a agg PE UA Elevator average utilization (200.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 200000 rides/a agg PE DE Elevator basic component (Independent of floor) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Elevator basic component (Independent of floor) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Elevator component dependent on floor (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 floor agg PE Page 77 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Elevator component dependent on floor (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 floor agg PE BR Elevator high utilization (400.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 400000 rides/a agg PE UA Elevator high utilization (400.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 400000 rides/a agg PE BR Elevator low utilization (100.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 100000 rides/a agg PE UA Elevator low utilization (100.000 rides/a) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 100000 rides/a agg PE DE EPDM foam (pipe insulation) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1kg agg PE DE EPDM foam (pipe insulation) (EN15804 D) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE EPDM gaskets aluminium profile, thermally insulated (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 0,43 kg/m agg PE DE EPDM gaskets for aluminium profile (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 0,18 kg/m agg PE DE EPDM seals for aluminium section (EN15804 C3) waste-to-energy plant with dry flue gas treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at plant agg PE DE EPDM seals for aluminium section (EN15804 D) waste-to-energy plant with dry flue gas treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at plant agg PE DE EPDM seals for aluminium section, thermally separated (EN15804 C3) waste-to-energy plant with dry flue gas treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at plant agg PE DE EPDM seals for aluminium section, thermally separated (EN15804 D) waste-to-energy plant with dry flue gas treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at plant agg PE DE Escalator basic componenet (Independent of lifting height) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Escalator basic componenet (Independent of lifting height) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 78 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Escalator component dependent on lifting height (per m) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 meter lifting height agg PE DE Escalator component dependent on lifting height (per m) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 meter lifting height agg PE ETICS anchor with usable length 121-140 mm - fischerwerke (A1A3) Guideline for the european technical approval of plastic anchors for the fixing of the external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering, individual producer, the main production site is in Germany but there is also a plant in Czech Republic, quantity: 21.9 g/anchor; 1 m² ETICS- system for the usable length 121–140 mm; declared unit weight 153.2 g/m²; conversion factor for 1 kg: 6.53 piece/m²; additional packaging: 4.2 g/declaration unit agg PEEPD ETICS anchor with usable length 121-140 mm - fischerwerke (C4) Guideline for the european technical approval of plastic anchors for the fixing of the external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering, individual producer, the main production site is in Germany but there is also a plant in Czech Republic, quantity: 21.9 g/anchor; 1 m² ETICS- system for the usable length 121–140 mm; declared unit weight 153.2 g/m²; conversion factor for 1 kg: 6.53 piece/m²; additional packaging: 4.2 g/declaration unit agg PEEPD ETICS anchor with usable length 141-160 mm - fischerwerke (A1A3) Guideline for the european technical approval of plastic anchors for the fixing of the external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering, individual producer, the main production site is in Germany but there is also a plant in Czech Republic, quantity: 24.7 g/anchor; 1 m² ETICS- system for the usable length 141–160 mm; declared unit weight 172.9 g/m²; conversion factor for 1 kg: 5.78 piece/m²; additional packaging: 4.2 g/declaration unit agg PEEPD DE DE DE Page 79 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials ETICS anchor with usable length 141-160 mm - fischerwerke (C4) Guideline for the european technical approval of plastic anchors for the fixing of the external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering, individual producer, the main production site is in Germany but there is also a plant in Czech Republic, quantity: 24.7 g/anchor; 1 m² ETICS- system for the usable length 141–160 mm; declared unit weight 172.9 g/m²; conversion factor for1 kg: 5.78 piece/m²; additional packaging: 4.2 g/declaration unit agg PEEPD ETICS anchor with usable length 75-120 mm - fischerwerke (A1A3) Guideline for the european technical approval of plastic anchors for the fixing of the external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering, individual producer, the main production site is in Germany but there is also a plant in Czech Republic, quantity: 17.7 g/anchor; 1 m² ETICS- system for the usable length 75-120 mm; declared unit weight 123.6 g/m²; conversion factor for 1 kg: 8.09 piece/m²; additional packaging: 4.2 g/declaration unit agg PEEPD DE ETICS anchor with usable length 75-120 mm - fischerwerke (C4) Guideline for the european technical approval of plastic anchors for the fixing of the external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering, individual producer, the main production site is in Germany but there is also a plant in Czech Republic, quantity: 17.7 g/anchor; 1 m² ETICS- system for the usable length 75-120 mm; declared unit weight 123.6 g/m²; conversion factor for 1 kg: 8.09 piece/m²; additional packaging: 4.2 g/declaration unit agg PEEPD BR Excavator 100 kW 1m3 (Sand) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 100 kW, sandy soil agg PE UA Excavator 100 kW 1m3 (Sand) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 100 kW, sandy soil agg PE BR Excavator 15 kW 1m3 (Sand) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 15 kW, sandy soil agg PE DE DE Page 80 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials UA Excavator 15 kW 1m3 (Sand) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 15 kW, sandy soil agg PE UA Expanded Polystyrene (EPS 15) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 15 kg/m3 agg PE UA Expanded Polystyrene (EPS 20) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 20 kg/m3 agg PE UA Expanded Polystyrene (EPS 25) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 25 kg/m3 agg PE UA Expanded Polystyrene (EPS 30) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 30 kg/m3 agg PE UA Extruded polystyrene (XPS) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 32 kg/m3 agg PE BE Facade panel CEDRAL - Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium), 1m² with 10mm thickness and 13 kg/m²; density 1300 kg/m³ agg PEEPD Facade panel NATURA - Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Neubeckum, Germany), 1m² with 10mm thickness and 18 kg/m²; density between 1650 - 1800 kg/m³; available in thickness 8 and 12mm agg PEEPD DE Facade panel TEXTURA - Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Neubeckum, Germany), 1m² with 10mm thickness and 18 kg/m²; density between 1650 - 1800 kg/m³; available in thickness 8 and 12mm agg PEEPD BR Face brick technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1800 kg/m3 agg PE UA Face brick technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1800 kg/m3 agg PE BR Film for green roof technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Film for green roof technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Flat collector (Big plant > 500m2) (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE UA Flat collector (Big plant > 500m2) (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Flat solar collector (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Page 81 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Flat solar collector (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamp T5 14W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamp T5 14W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamp T5 28W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamp T5 28W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamp T8 36W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamp T8 36W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamps socket T8 18W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamps socket T8 18W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamps socket T8 36W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Fluorescent lamps socket T8 36W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler < 20 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler < 20 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler < 20 kW (wall-mounted unit) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler < 20 kW (wall-mounted unit) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler 120-400 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler 120-400 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas condensing boiler 20-120 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 2 piece agg PE Page 82 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Gas condensing boiler 20-120 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 2 piece agg PE DE Gas heat pump air 20-70 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas heat pump air 20-70 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE UA Gas low temperature 20-120 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler < 20 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler < 20 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE BR Gas low temperature boiler < 20 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE UA Gas low temperature boiler < 20 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler 120400 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler 120400 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE UA Gas low temperature boiler 120400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler 20120 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler 20120 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler 20120 kW upright unit (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Gas low temperature boiler 20120 kW upright unit (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE AT Glassfibre reinforced concrete panels - Rieder (A1-A3) Glassfibre reinforced concrete panels, production facility in Kolbermoor, Germany; product average based on the production agg quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 ton of product PEEPD BR Gravel (grain size 2-32mm) wet and dry quarry, production mix, at plant, undried PE Page 83 of 122 agg GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Gravel (grain size 2-32mm) wet and dry quarry, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE BR Gypsum (CaSO4 beta hemihydrate) technology mix of natural gypsum (45%) and gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation (55%), production mix, at plant, grinded and purified product agg PE UA Gypsum (CaSO4 beta hemihydrate) technology mix of natural gypsum (45%) and gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation (55%), production mix, at plant, grinded and purified product agg PE BR Gypsum cardboard 10 kg/m2 agg PE UA Gypsum cardboard 10 kg/m2 agg PE BR Gypsum interior plaster technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1000 kg/m3 agg PE UA Gypsum interior plaster technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1000 kg/m3 agg PE Homogenous particle board Fundermax (A1-A3) Production of homogenous particle boards, production facility in St. Veit, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD AT Homogenous particle board Fundermax (D) Incineration in biomass power plant of homogenous particle boards after usage, production facility in St. Veit, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product for incineration in biomass power plant agg PEEPD BR Hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2; dry slaked) 1kg agg PE US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF architectural wall panel - MetlSpan via coil coating and discontinuous foaming, single producer, at plant, 14.8 kg/m2 (3.04 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF roof panel - Metl-Span via coil coating and continuous metal panel foaming, single producer, at plant, 12.5 kg/m2 (2.57 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF wall panel - Metl-Span via coil coating and continuous metal panel foaming, single producer, at plant, 11.1 kg/m2 (2.28 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD UA AT Page 84 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Intermediate coat water-based (windows, white) (EN15804 A1A3) windows, white, 10% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Intermediate coat water-based (windows, white) (EN15804 A5) windows, white, 10% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE EU-27 Kraft paper (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE BR Landfill (Municipal household waste) landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at landfill site agg PE UA Landfill (Municipal household waste) landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate treatment, without collection, transport and pre-treatment, at landfill site agg PE BR Lead sheet technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Lead sheet technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Lighting (1 kWh electricity consumption) (EN15804 B6) agg PE BR Lighting (1 kWh of electricity consumption) 1 kWh agg PE UA Lighting (1 kWh of electricity consumption) 1 kWh agg PE UA Lightweight plaster (lime-cement) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 900 kg/m3 agg PE BR Lime (CaO; finelime) 1kg technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Lime gypsum interior plaster technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1400 kg/cbm agg PE UA Lime gypsum interior plaster technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1400 kg/m3 agg PE DE Lime interior plaster (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 2700 l (above ground) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 2700 l (above ground) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 2700 l (underground) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 2700 l (underground) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 85 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Liquefied gas tank 4850 l (above ground) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 4850 l (above ground) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 4850 l (underground) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 4850 l (underground) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 6400 l (above ground) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 6400 l (underground) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 6400 l (underground) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Liquefied gas tank 6400l (above ground) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight 2X T8 36 W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight 2X T8 36 W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight integrated into ceiling 2x T5 28W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight integrated into ceiling 2x T5 28W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight integrated into ceiling 3x T5 14W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight integrated into ceiling 3x T5 14W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight integrated into ceiling 3x T8 18W (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Louvrelight integrated into ceiling 3x T8 18W (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Low-loss ballast LLB (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Low-loss ballast LLB (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE AT Mill finish aluminium profile Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 Page 86 of 122 PEEPD GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials AT Mill finish aluminium profile (thermal insulated) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1-A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 PEEPD AT Mill finish aluminium profile (mechanically processed) Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 PEEPD DE Mineral reinforcement mortar, "Pulverkleber 3550" - Brillux (A1A3) EN 998-1/ DIN EN 998-1; DIN V 18550; ETAG 004, single producer (in factory Malsch), 1.3 ± 0.15 kg/ltr agg PEEPD DE Mineral reinforcement mortar, "Pulverkleber VZ" - Brillux (A1A3) EN 998-1/ DIN EN 998-1; DIN V 18550; ETAG 004, single producer (in factory Malsch), 1.4 ± 0.15 kg/ltr agg PEEPD DE Mineral wool (Facades) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 46 kg/m3 agg PE DE Mineral wool (Flat roofs) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 145 kg/m3 agg PE DE Mineral wool (Floors) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 85 kg/m3 agg PE DE Mineral wool (Partition walls) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 26 kg/m3 agg PE DE Mineral wool (Pitched roofs) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 30 kg/m3 agg PE BR Mineralic render 1200 kg/cbm agg PE UA Mineralic render 1200 kg/cbm agg PE BR Natural stone slab, flexible, facade technology mix, production mix, at plant, 104 kg/m2 agg PE UA Natural stone slab, flexible, facade technology mix, production mix, at plant, 104 kg/m2 agg PE BR Natural stone slab, flexible, indoor technology mix, production mix, at plant, 52 kg/m2 agg PE UA Natural stone slab, flexible, indoor technology mix, production mix, at plant, 52 kg/m2 agg PE BR Natural stone slab, rigid, exterior technology mix, production mix, at plant, 208 kg/m2 agg PE UA Natural stone slab, rigid, exterior technology mix, production mix, at plant, 208 kg/m2 agg PE Page 87 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials BR Natural stone slab, rigid, facade technology mix, production mix, at plant, 78 kg/m2 agg PE UA Natural stone slab, rigid, facade technology mix, production mix, at plant, 78 kg/m2 agg PE BR Natural stone slab, rigid, indoor technology mix, production mix, at plant, 52 kg/m2 agg PE UA Natural stone slab, rigid, indoor technology mix, production mix, at plant, 52 kg/m2 agg PE BR Normal mortar 1600 kg/m3 agg PE UA Normal mortar 1600 kg/m3 agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler <20 kW (upright unit (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler <20 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler <20 kW (wall-mounted appliance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler <20 kW (wall-mounted appliance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler 120 - 400 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler 120 - 400 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler 20 - 120 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil condensing boiler 20 - 120 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE UA Oil low temperature < 20 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE UA Oil low temperature 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE UA Oil low temperature 20-120 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Oil low temperature boiler < 20 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil low temperature boiler < 20 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 88 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Oil low temperature boiler 120400 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil low temperature boiler 120400 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil low temperature boiler 20-120 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil low temperature boiler 20-120 kW (upright unit) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank nylon (1000 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank nylon (1000 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank nylon (1500 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank nylon (1500 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank nylon (750 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank nylon (750 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank PE HD (1000 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank PE HD (1000 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank PE HD (1500 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank PE HD (1500 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank PE HD (750 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank PE HD (750 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank steel/PE-HD (double walled tank, 1000 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 89 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Oil tank steel/PE-HD (double walled tank, 1000 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank steel/PE-HD (double walled tank, 750 l) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Oil tank steel/PE-HD (double walled tank, 750 l) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Organic fibre board - Fundermax (A1-A3) production of organic fibre boards, production facility in St. Veit, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD AT Organic fibre board - Fundermax (D) incineration in biomass power plant of organic fibre boards after usage, production facility in St. Veit, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product for incineration in biomass power plant agg PEEPD DE Organic finishing plaster, "Rausan" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824, import mix (in Herford and in Malsch), Rausan KR: 1.8 ± 0.15 g/cm³ and Rausan R: 1,9 ± 0.15g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Organic finishing plaster, "Silcosil" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824, import mix (in Herford and in Malsch), Silcosil KR: 1.9 ± 0.15 g/cm³ and Silcosil R: 1.85 ± 0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Organic finishing plaster, "Silicon- Putz" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824, single producer (in factory Malsch), Silicone plaster KR: 1.95 ± 0.15 g/cm³ and Silicone plaster R: 1.8 ± 0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Organic finishing plaster, "SilikatPutz" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824, single producer (in factory Malsch), Silicate plaster KR: 1.9 ± 0.15 g/cm³ and Silicate plaster R: 1.9 ± 0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Organic reinforcement plaster, "Multiflex" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824 und DIN EN 1062-1, single producer (factory Herford), 1.2±0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Organic reinforcement plaster, "Polykleber"- Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824 und DIN EN 1062-1, single producer (in factory Herford), 1.5±0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Organic reinforcement plaster, "ZF-R 3636" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824 und DIN EN 1062-1, single producer (in factory Malsch), 1.7±0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD AT Page 90 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Organic reinforcement plaster, "ZF-Sil" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 15824 und DIN EN 1062-1, import mix (in Herford and in Malsch), 1.5±0.15 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Paint emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A1-A3) building, exterior, white, 4,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Paint emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A5) building, exterior, white, 4,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Paint emulsion (building, interior, white, wear resistant) (EN15804 A1-A3) building, interior, white, wear resistant, 2% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Paint emulsion (building, interior, white, wear resistant) (EN15804 A5) building, interior, white, wear resistant, 2% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Paint system wooden facade (Half-Pigmented scumble) (EN15804 A1-A3) wooden facade, 1,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Paint system wooden facade (Half-Pigmented scumble) (EN15804 A5) wooden facade, 1,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE Particle board, StoVentec 12mmStoVerotec GmbH (A1-A3) Z-33.2-394 StoVentec façade system with plaster coating ; Z-33.2-776 StoVentec with ceramic, natural stone and glass mosaic ; Z33.2-601 StoVentec façade system from timber- substructure ; Z-33.2-658 StoVerotec glass panels for use in ventilated external wall or ceiling finishes ; Z-33.2-1152 StoVentec façade system with glass surface area, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:12mm, Density: 489 kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Page 91 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Particle board, StoVentec 12mmStoVerotec GmbH (C4) Z-33.2-394 StoVentec façade system with plaster coating ; Z-33.2-776 StoVentec with ceramic, natural stone and glass mosaic ; Z33.2-601 StoVentec façade system from timber- substructure ; Z-33.2-658 StoVerotec glass panels for use in ventilated external wall or ceiling finishes ; Z-33.2-1152 StoVentec façade system with glass surface area, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:12mm, Density: 489 kg/m³ agg PEEPD Particle board, StoVentec 20mmStoVerotec GmbH (A1-A3) Z-33.2-394 StoVentec façade system with plaster coating ; Z-33.2-776 StoVentec with ceramic, natural stone and glass mosaic ; Z33.2-601 StoVentec façade system from timber- substructure ; Z-33.2-658 StoVerotec glass panels for use in ventilated external wall or ceiling finishes ; Z-33.2-1152 StoVentec façade system with glass surface area, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:20mm, Density: 475 kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Particle board, StoVentec 20mmStoVerotec GmbH (C4) Z-33.2-394 StoVentec façade system with plaster coating ; Z-33.2-776 StoVentec with ceramic, natural stone and glass mosaic ; Z33.2-601 StoVentec façade system from timber- substructure ; Z-33.2-658 StoVerotec glass panels for use in ventilated external wall or ceiling finishes ; Z-33.2-1152 StoVentec façade system with glass surface area, single producer (through the company StoVerotec GmbH), Thickness:20mm, Density: 475 kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Pellet boiler < 20 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Pellet boiler < 20kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Pellet boiler 20 - 120 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE DE Page 92 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Pellet boiler 20-120 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE PEX aluminium pipe (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE PEX aluminium pipe (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE PEX pipe (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE PEX pipe (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE BE Plaster baseboard BLUCLAD Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium), 1m² with 10mm thickness and 11 kg/m²; density 1100 kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Plastic, incineration in MWI (EN15804 C3) End of Life, incineration, production mix, at consumer agg PE DE Plastic, incineration in MWI (EN15804 D) End of Life, incineration, production mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polybutadiene pipe (PB) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Polybutadiene pipe (PB) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polybutadiene pipe (PB) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polypropylene pipe (PP) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Polypropylene pipe (PP) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polypropylene pipe (PP) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polystyrene, incineration in MWI (EN15804 C3) End of Life, incineration, production mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polystyrene, incineration in MWI (EN15804 D) End of Life, incineration, production mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polyurethane hard foam (Pipe insulation) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polyurethane hard foam (Pipe insulation) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE Page 93 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer DE Porous concrete (including packaging) - Xella Baustoffe (A1A3) DIN V 20000-404 and DIN V 4165-100 as well as general technical approvals, mix production (at all the factories of the company agg Xella Baustoffe), 1 m³ ; 0.3 – 0.8 kg/dm³ ; 2.0 10.0 N / mm² ; 0.24 to 1.2 N / mm² ; 0.44 to 2.2 N / mm² ; 750 - 3250 N / mm² PEEPD AT Powder coated aluminium profile - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 PEEPD AT Powder coated aluminium profile (mechanically processed) Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1A3) mix of primary and secondary material, mill finish, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW 6063, EN AW 6082 agg PEEPD AT Powder coated aluminium profile (thermal insulated) - Hydro Aluminium Nenzing (A1-A3) mix of primary and secondary material, blank, production mix, at plant, EN AW 6060, EN AW agg 6063, EN AW 6082 PEEPD DE Power outlet (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE BR Prefabricated concrete part slab, 20cm technology mix, production mix, at plant, 504 kg/m2 agg PE UA Prefabricated concrete part slab, 20cm technology mix, production mix, at plant, 504 kg/m2 agg PE BR Prefabricated concrete part slab, 40cm technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1008 kg/m2 agg PE UA Prefabricated concrete part slab, 40cm technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1008 kg/m2 agg PE ES Prewetheared Zinc sheet elZinc Slate - Asturiana de Laminados (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD DE Primer emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A1-A3) building, exterior, white, 1,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Primer emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A5) building, exterior, white, 1,5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Primer silicate emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A1-A3) building, exterior, white, 1% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Page 94 of 122 agg PE GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Primer silicate emulsion (building, exterior, white) (EN15804 A5) building, exterior, white, 1% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Primers and facade paints, "Acryl-Fassadenfarbe" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 1062-1, single producer (in factory Münster), 1.5-1.6 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Primers and facade paints, "Silicon-Fassadenfarbe"- Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 1062-1, single producer (in factory Malsch), 1.45-1.55 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Primers and facade paints, "Silikat-Streichfüller"- Brillux (A1A3) DIN EN 1062-1, single producer (in factory Malsch), 1.4-1.5 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Primers and facade paints,"Grundierungen 3710 and 3644" - Brillux (A1-A3) DIN EN 1062-1, import mix (in Herford and in Malsch), 1.5-1.6 g/cm³ agg PEEPD BR Pumping of concrete 1m3 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2365 kg/m3 agg PE UA Pumping of concrete 1m3 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2365 kg/m3 agg PE BR PVC roofing membrane technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA PVC roofing membrane technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Radiator (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Radiator (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Rain drain pipe (PVC pipe) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Reaction resin based on epoxy resin, aqueous / unfilled DBC,IVK,VdL (A1-A3) DIN EN 1504 ; ETAG 033 ; ETAG 022 ; DIN EN 13813 ; DIN 18356, association- EPD (product of a group with the highest environmental impacts) in Germany, 1 kg ; 11.25 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Reaction resin based on epoxy resin, filled and / or aqueous DBC,IVK,VdL (A1-A3) DIN EN 1504 ; ETAG 033 ; ETAG 022 ; DIN EN 13813 ; DIN 18356, association- EPD (product of a group with the highest environmental impacts) in Germany, 1 kg ; 1.1-2.5 g/cm³ agg PEEPD Page 95 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Reaction resin based on epoxy resin, highly filled and / or aqueous - DBC,IVK,VdL (A1-A3) DIN EN 1504 ; ETAG 033 ; ETAG 022 ; DIN EN 13813 ; DIN 18356, association- EPD (product of a group with the highest environmental impacts) in Germany, 1 kg ; 1.1-2.5 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Reaction resin based on epoxy resin, unfilled/solvent-free, high reactive cont.- DBC,IVK,VdL (A1A3) DIN EN 1504 ; ETAG 033 ; ETAG 022 ; DIN EN 13813 ; DIN 18356, association- EPD (product of a group with the highest environmental impacts) in Germany, 1 kg ; 11.25 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Reaction resin based on epoxy resin, unfilled/solvent-free, low reactive cont. - DBC,IVK,VdL (A1-A3) DIN EN 1504 ; ETAG 033 ; ETAG 022 ; DIN EN 13813 ; DIN 18356, association- EPD (product of a group with the highest environmental impacts) in Germany, 1 kg ; 11.25 g/cm³ agg PEEPD DE Ready-mix concrete C20/25 (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Ready-mix concrete C20/25 (EN15804 A4) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Ready-mix concrete C30/37 (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Ready-mix concrete C30/37 (EN15804 A4) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Recycling potential aluminium (sheet and profiles) End of Life, production mix agg PE UA Recycling potential aluminium (sheet and profiles) End of Life, production mix agg PE BR Recycling potential copper sheet Recycling potential agg PE UA Recycling potential copper sheet End of Life agg PE DE Recycling potential stainless steel sheet (EN15804 C3) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential stainless steel sheet (EN15804 D) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel profile (EN15804 C3) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel profile (EN15804 D) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE Page 96 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials BR Recycling potential steel sections Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE UA Recycling potential steel sections Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel sheet galvanised (EN15804 D) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel sheet galvanized (EN15804 C3) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel thick plate hot rolled (EN15804 C3) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel thick plate hot rolled (EN15804 D) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel thin sheet (EN15804 C3) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Recycling potential steel thin sheet (EN15804 D) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE BR Recycling potential steel thin sheet (galvanized) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE UA Recycling potential steel thin sheet (galvanized) Recycling potential, production mix, at producer agg PE DE Reinforcement (synthetic resin trowel) (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Reinforcement plaster 1600 kg/m3 agg PE UA Reinforcement plaster 1600 kg/m3 agg PE EU-27 Resilient flooring, Cork floor tiles, EN 12104, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 1 company of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 2,0 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, cushioned PVC, EN ISO 26986, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 6 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 1.7 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, heterogeneous PVC, EN ISO 10582, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 4 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 2.9 kg/m2 agg ERFMI Page 97 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials EU-27 Resilient flooring, homogeneous and heterogeneous smooth rubber flooring, EN 1817, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 2 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 3.3 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, homogeneous PVC, EN 649/ISO 10581, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 6 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 3.2 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, Linoleum, EN ISO 24011, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 3 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 2.9 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, printed laminated PVC, EN ISO 10582, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 4 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 3.4 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, PVC with enhanced slip resistance, EN 13845, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 5 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 2.9 kg/m2 agg ERFMI EU-27 Resilient flooring, PVC with foam layer, EN 651, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at producer, data have been provided by 5 companies of ERFMI which represents 100 % of ERFMI members., 3.0 kg/m2 agg ERFMI FI Resilient flooring, Upofloor, synthetic thermoplastic polymer, EN 14565, 1m2 technology mix, production mix, at plant, 3,6 kg/m2 agg PEEPD DE Rock mineral wool, DDP - Knauf Insulation (A1-A3) DIN EN 13162; CE-Identification; Z-23.151475 (DIBt); Z 1-071.0-01 (FIW); DIN 4108, Single producer (in factory Sankt Egidien), 145 ± 10% kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Rock mineral wool, DDP - Knauf Insulation (C4) DIN EN 13162; CE-Identification; Z-23.151475 (DIBt); Z 1-071.0-01 (FIW); DIN 4108, Single producer (in factory Sankt Egidien), 145 ± 10% kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Rock mineral wool, DDP - Knauf Insulation (D from C4) DIN EN 13162; CE-Identification; Z-23.151475 (DIBt); Z 1-071.0-01 (FIW); DIN 4108, Single producer (in factory Sankt Egidien), 145 ± 10% kg/m³ agg PEEPD Page 98 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Rock mineral wool, DDP-RT Knauf Insulation (A1-A3) DIN EN 13162; CE-Identification; Z-23.151475 (DIBt); Z 1-071.0-01 (FIW); DIN 4108, Single producer (in factory Sankt Egidien), 130 ± 10% kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Rock mineral wool, DDP-RT Knauf Insulation (C4) DIN EN 13162; CE-Identification; Z-23.151475 (DIBt); Z 1-071.0-01 (FIW); DIN 4108, Single producer (in factory Sankt Egidien), 130 ± 10% kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Rock mineral wool, DDP-RT Knauf Insulation (D from C4) DIN EN 13162; CE-Identification; Z-23.151475 (DIBt); Z 1-071.0-01 (FIW); DIN 4108, Single producer (in factory Sankt Egidien), 130 ± 10% kg/m³ agg PEEPD DE Rock wool flat roof plate (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 145 kg/m3 agg PE DE Rock wool heating tube shell (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE BR Roof tile technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Roof tile technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Roofing and facade Panel Eternit (A1-A3) technology mix, ETERNIT production mix, at producer, one plant (Neubeckum, Germany), 1m² with average square weight 9 kg/m²; density between 1700 - 1950 kg/m³ agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 3020 - POLYFIN AG (A1A3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.888 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.530 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 3020 - POLYFIN AG (A5) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.888 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.530 m²/kg agg PEEPD DE DE Page 99 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE DE DE DE DE Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 3020 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.888 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.530 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 3020 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.888 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.530 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 3020 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.888 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.530 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 3020 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.888 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.530 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 4230 - POLYFIN AG (A1A3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.118 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.472 m²/kg agg PEEPD Page 100 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE DE DE DE DE Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 4230 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.118 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.472 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 4230 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.118 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.472 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 4230 - POLYFIN AG (A5) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.118 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.472 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 4230 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.118 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.472 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane ECB, O.C. Plan 4230 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18195:2011-12 ; DIN 18195:2009-04 ; DIN 18195:2009-07 ; DIN 18195:2010-05 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202: 2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.118 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.472 m²/kg agg PEEPD Page 101 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE DE DE DE DE DE Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 3020 - POLYFIN AG (A1-A3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.938 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.516 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 3020 - POLYFIN AG (A5) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.938 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.516 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 3020 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.938 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.516 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 3020 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.938 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.516 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 3020 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.938 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.516 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 3020 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 1.938 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.516 m²/kg agg PEEPD Page 102 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE DE DE DE DE DE Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 4230 - POLYFIN AG (A1-A3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.168 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.461 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 4230 - POLYFIN AG (A5) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.168 kg/ m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.461 m²/ kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 4230 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.168 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.461 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 4230 - POLYFIN AG 0% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.168 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.461 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 4230 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (C3) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.168 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.461 m²/kg agg PEEPD Roofing membrane FPO, Polyfin 4230 - POLYFIN AG 100% recycling (D) DIN EN 13956:2006 ; DIN EN 13967:2012 ; DIN 18531-1:2010-05 ; DIN 18195 ; DIN V 20.000-201:2006-11 ; DIN V 20.000202:2007-12, single producer (in factory Aurich in Germany), surface weight: 2.168 kg/m²; conversion factor to 1 kg: 0.461 m²/kg agg PEEPD Page 103 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Roofing membrane PIB, Rhenofol CG 1.8 mm- FDT GmbH (A1-A3) DIN V 20.000-201: DE/E1 PIB-NB-E-GV-1,5 ; DIN V 20.000-202: BA PVC-NB-E-GV-1,5 ; FPC Certificate Nr.1343-CPD-K060660.3/1343-CPD-K06 0660.5, single producer (in factory Mannheim-Neckarau), Average surface weight: 2.60 kg/m² ; Thickness: 1.8 mm DE Roofing membrane PIB, Rhepanol fk 1.5 mm- FDT GmbH (A1-A3) DIN V 20 000-201: DE/E1 PIB-BV-K-PV-1,5 ; FPC-Certificate Nr. 1343-CPD-K06-0660.15, single producer (in factory Hemsbach), Average surface weight: 2.57 kg/m² ; Thickness: 1.5 mm agg PEEPD DE Roofing membrane PVC, Rhepanol hg 1.8 mm- FDT GmbH (A1-A3) DIN V 20.000-201: DE/E1 PIB-BV-E-GV-1,5 ; DIN V 20.000-202: BA PIB-BV-GV-1,5 ; FPC Certificate Nr.1343-CPD-K06-0660.10 / 1343CPD-K06-0660.11 / 1343-CPD-K06-0660.12 / 1343-CPD-K06-0660.18, single producer (in factory Mannheim-Neckarau), Average surface weight: 1.97 kg/m² ; Thickness: 1.8 mm agg PEEPD BR Room air conditioner > 12 kW (SEER 4.7) (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE UA Room air conditioner > 12 kW (SEER 4.7) (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE BR Sand 0/2 wet and dry quarry, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE UA Sand 0/2 wet and dry quarry, production mix, at plant, undried agg PE UA Sand-lime brick technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1800 kg/m3 agg PE DE Sanitary ware (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1kg agg PE DE Sewer pipe (SML-pipe) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Sewer pipe (SML-Pipe) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Stainless steel pipe (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Stainless steel pipe (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE Page 104 of 122 agg PEEPD GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials Star-Favorit wood based panel Fundermax (A1-A3) Production of wood based panels, production facility in St. Veit, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product agg PEEPD AT Star-Favorit wood based panel Fundermax (D) incineration in biomass power plant of wood based panels after usage, production facility in St. Veit, Austria; product average based on the production quantities of the reference year, functional unit of 1 m³ of product for incineration in biomass power plant agg PEEPD DE Steel pipe (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Steel pipe (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Stone wool (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Stoneware pipe (EN15804 C4) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE BR Stoneware tiles glazed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE UA Stoneware tiles glazed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE BR Stoneware tiles unglazed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE UA Stoneware tiles unglazed technology mix, production mix, at plant, 2000 kg/m3 agg PE BR Strip parquet technology mix, production mix, at plant, 11,5 kg/m² agg PE UA Strip parquet technology mix, production mix, at plant, 11,5 kg/m² agg PE BR Tile adhesive agg PE UA Tile adhesive agg PE DE Tile adhesive (EN15804 A1-A3) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE UA Timber larch (10.7% water content; estimate) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 661 kg/m3 at 12% humidity agg PE BR Timber pine technology mix, production mix, at producer, 549 kg/m3 at 12% humidity agg PE UA Timber pine (10.7% water content) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 549 kg/m3 at 12% humidity agg PE UA Timber spruce (10.7% water content) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 482 kg/m3 at 12% humidity agg PE AT Page 105 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials BR Timber teak technology mix, production mix, at plant, 630 kg/m3 at 12% humidity agg PE DE Titanium zinc scrap - Rheinzink (D out A5) EoL, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD DE Titanium zinc sheet prePatine blue-grey/graphite-grey Rheinzink (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD DE Titanium zinc sheet prePatine bright-rolled - Rheinzink (A1-A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD DE Titanium zinc sheet prePatine Protect/Interieur - Rheinzink (A1A3) Industry mix, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD DE Toilet seat/Cover (Duroplast) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Toilet seat/Cover (Duroplast) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Top coat water-based (facade) (EN15804 A1-A3) wooden facade, 2% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Top coat water-based (facade) (EN15804 A5) wooden facade, 2% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Top coat water-based (windows, white) (EN15804 A1-A3) windows, white, 5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE DE Top coat water-based (windows, white) (EN15804 A5) windows, white, 5% organic solvents, production mix, at producer, 1 kg agg PE BR Transport, small truck (up to 14 t total cap., 9.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix, 12-14t gross weight / 9,3t payload capacity agg PE UA Transport, small truck (up to 14 t total cap., 9.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix, 12-14t gross weight / 9,3t payload capacity agg PE BR Transport, truck (26 t total cap., 17.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, 20 - 26t gross weight / 17,3t payload capacity agg PE UA Transport, truck (26 t total cap., 17.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, 20 - 26t gross weight / 17,3t payload capacity agg PE BR Transport, truck-trailer (40 t total cap., 24.7t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo agg PE UA Transport, truck-trailer (40 t total cap., 24.7t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo agg PE BR Transport, van (up to 7,5 t total cap., 3.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix agg PE Page 106 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials UA Transport, van (up to 7,5 t total cap., 3.3t payload) diesel driven, Euro 2, cargo, technology mix agg PE DE Underfloor heating system copper (100 mm distance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system copper (100 mm distance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system copper (200 mm distance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system copper (200 mm distance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PEX (100 mm distance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PEX (100 mm distance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PEX (200 mm distance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PEX (200 mm distance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PP (100 mm distance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PP (100 mm distance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PP (200 mm distance) (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Underfloor heating system PP (200 mm distance) (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Used carpet, incineration in MWI (EN15804 C3) End of Life, production mix, at consumer agg PE DE Used carpet, incineration in MWI (EN15804 D) End of Life, production mix, at consumer agg PE Page 107 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Vacuum tube solar collector (EN15804 C3) End of Life, incineration, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Vacuum tube solar collector (EN15804 D) End of Life, incineration, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation (1kWh electricity consumption) (EN15804 B6) technology mix, production mix, at plant agg PE DE Ventilation central 10.000 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central 10.000 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central 30.000 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central 30.000 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central 5.000 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central 5.000 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central with heat recovery 1.000 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central with heat recovery 1.000 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central with heat recovery 10.000 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central with heat recovery 10.000 m3/h (EN15804 D) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central with heat recovery 5.000 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation central with heat recovery 5.000 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation local (Wall and ceiling) 60 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE Page 108 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XIV: Construction materials DE Ventilation local (Wall and ceiling) 60 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation local ventilation local with heat recovery (Wall and ceiling) 60 m3/h (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Ventilation local ventilation local with heat recovery (Wall and ceiling) 60 m3/h (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Wood chip boiler 120-400 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Wood chip boiler 120-400 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE UA Wood chip boiler 120-400 kW (Use) technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1 kWh agg PE DE Wood, natural in MWI (EN15804 C3) End of Life, incineration, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Wood, natural in MWI (EN15804 D) End of Life, incineration, technology mix, at consumer agg PE DE Woodchip boiler < 20 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Woodchip boiler < 20 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Woodchip boiler 20 - 120 kW (EN15804 C3) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE DE Woodchip boiler 20 -120 kW (EN15804 D) End of Life, technology mix, at consumer, 1 piece agg PE BR Wooden frame technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1,30 kg/m p-agg PE UA Wooden frame technology mix, production mix, at plant, 1,30 kg/m p-agg PE ES Zinc scrap elZinc - Asturiana de Laminados (D out A5) EoL, Single producer (at plant), 1 kg agg PEEPD Page 109 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVI: Seat covers Extension database XVI: Seat covers Country Process Name Details Type Data source DE Bovine fresh hide (economic allocation) cattle breeding, slaughtering, single producer, at plant, beef skin from fat bull agg PE DE Bovine meat, semi-boneless (economic allocation at slaughterhouse) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE Page 110 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US Extension database XVII: Full US Country Process Name Details Type Data source GLO Ferro nickel (29%) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 29 % nickel agg PE US Grocery food retail Grocery Store, Retail Store, technology mix, country average agg PE US Sulphuric acid aq. mix (96%) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE US Methanol from natural gas mix from natural gas, consumption mix, at consumer agg PE US Butanediol mix technology mix (from ethine/PO/butane), production mix, at producer agg PE US Municipal waste water treatment (agricultural technology mix, production mix, at sludge application) producer, agricultural sludge application agg PE US Municipal waste water treatment (sludge deposited on landfill) technology mix, production mix, at producer, sludge deposited on landfill agg PE US Municipal waste water treatment (mix) technology mix, production mix, at producer, 60% agricultural sludge agg application, 22% sludge incineration, 18% landfill PE US Municipal waste water treatment (sludge incineration) technology mix, production mix, at producer, sludge incineration agg PE US Bovine fresh hide (economic allocation) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE US Bovine meat, semi-boneless (economic allocation at slaughterhouse) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PE RNA Spring wheat straw, carted, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Spring wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Harvest, wheat, single pass u-so USLCI RNA Fertilizer, winter wheat straw, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Grinding u-so USLCI RNA Corn wet milling, operations, AP-42 u-so USLCI RNA Spring wheat straw, ground and stored, 2022 u-so USLCI Page 111 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US RNA Winter wheat straw, ground and stored u-so USLCI RNA Winter wheat straw, carted u-so USLCI RNA Winter wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Corn, production, average, US, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Harvest, corn, single pass u-so USLCI RNA Tillage, conversation, corn production u-so USLCI RNA Tillage, reduce, corn production u-so USLCI RNA Pesticide, corn, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Tillage, intensive, corn production u-so USLCI RNA Fertilizer, corn, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Lime, agricultural, corn production u-so USLCI RNA Corn grain, harvested and stored u-so USLCI RNA Corn, decomposition, 15.5% moisture u-so USLCI RNA Corn grain, at conversion plant, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Corn stover, ground and stored u-so USLCI RNA Corn stover, production, average, US, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Fertilizer, stover, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Corn stover, carted u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, 85%, blended, at service station, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Corn wet mill, gluten drying, AP-42 u-so USLCI RNA Combustion, wet wood residue, AP-42 agg USLCI RNA Corn steep liquor agg USLCI RNA Wheat straw, at conversion plant, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Switchgrass, at conversion plant, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Switchgrass, ground and stored, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Switchgrass, carted, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Switchgrass, harvested, wet u-so USLCI RNA Switchgrass, production, US, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Fertilizer, switchgrass, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Pesticide, Switchgrass u-so USLCI RNA Planting, switchgrass 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Heat, indirect, heated zones, softwood, plywood veneer drying, AP-42 u-so USLCI RNA Forest residue, preprocessed, at conversion facility u-so USLCI RNA Forest residue, dried, stored u-so USLCI Page 112 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US RNA Forest residue, processed and loaded, at landing system agg USLCI RNA Biodegradable loose fill u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, 85%, at blending terminal, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, at refueling station, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, mixed feedstocks, at conversion facility, 2022 u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn dry mill u-so USLCI RER enzyme, Alpha-amylase, Novozyme Liquozyme u-so USLCI RER enzyme, Glucoamylase, Novozyme Spirizyme u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, wheat straw, biochemical u-so USLCI RER enzyme, Cellulase, Novozyme Celluclast u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, switchgrass, biochemical u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn stover, biochemical u-so USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, forest residues, thermochem u-so USLCI US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF wall panel Metl-Span via coil coating and continuous metal panel foaming, single producer, at plant, 11.1 kg/m2 (2.28 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF roof panel Metl-Span via coil coating and continuous metal panel foaming, single producer, at plant, 12.5 kg/m2 (2.57 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US via coil coating and discontinuous Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF architectural foaming, single producer, at plant, 14.8 wall panel - Metl-Span kg/m2 (3.04 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US end of life landfill and recovery, single Disposal of insulated metal panels (IMP), CF producer, at waste facility, 11.1 kg/m2 wall panel - Metl-Span (2.28 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Disposal of insulated metal panel (IMP), CF roof panel - Metl-Span end of life landfill and recovery, single producer, at waste facility, 12.5 kg/m2 (2.57 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD Page 113 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US US Disposal of insulated metal panel (IMP), CF architectural wall panel - Metl-Span end of life landfill and recovery, single producer, at waste facility, 14.8 kg/m2 (3.04 lb/ft2), 3-inch thick agg PEEPD US Hexamethylene diamine (HMDA; from butadiene via adiponitrile) via adiponitrile, production mix, at producer agg PE US Plastic recycling (clean scrap) no metal contamination, production mix, at producer p-agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - AKGD AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - AKMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - AZNM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - CAMX AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - ERCT AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - FRCC AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - HIMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - HIOA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - MISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - MROW (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - NEWE AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - NWPP AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - NYISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - PJM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - RFCW (without MISO and PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - RMPA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE Page 114 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - SPNO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - SPSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - SRMV AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - SRSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - SRTV (without AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at MISO) consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix 1kV-60kV - SRVC (without PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, 1kV - 60kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – AKGD AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – AKMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – AZNM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – CAMX AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – ERCT AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – FRCC AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – HIMS AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – HIOA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – MISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – MROW (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – NEWE AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – NWPP AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – NYISO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE Page 115 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US US Electricity grid mix – PJM AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – RFCW (without MISO and PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – RMPA AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SPNO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SPSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRMV AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRSO AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRTV (without MISO) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE US Electricity grid mix – SRVC (without PJM) AC, technology mix, consumption mix, at consumer, <1kV agg PE GLO Waste water treatment mixer (agricultural sludge application/sludge incineration/landfilling) u-so PE US Foil Facer technology mix, at producer, single US manufacturing location agg PIMA US Polyiso Insulation Manufacturing technology mix, production mix, at producer u-bb PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R15.3) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R15.3) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R20.4) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R25.5) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R30.6) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R35.7) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R13.0) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA Page 116 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R14.6) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R19.5) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R4.9) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R6.5) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R9.8) technology mix, production mix, at producer agg PIMA US Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) technology mix, US manufacturing locations agg ACC Country Plan Name US Municipal waste water treatment (variable sludge treatment) RNA Harvest, wheat, single pass RNA Fertilizer, winter wheat straw, 2022 RNA Spring wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Spring wheat straw, carted, 2022 RNA Grinding RNA Spring wheat straw, ground and stored, 2022 RNA Winter wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Winter wheat straw, carted RNA Winter wheat straw, ground and stored RNA Pesticide, corn, 2022 RNA Lime, agricultural, corn production RNA Fertilizer, corn, 2022 RNA Fertilizer, stover, 2022 RNA Soybean oil, crude, degummed, at plant RNA Wheat straw, at conversion plant, 2022 RNA Fertilizer, switchgrass, 2022 RNA Pesticide, switchgrass RNA Switchgrass, production, US, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, harvested, wet Page 117 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVII: Full US RNA Switchgrass, carted, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, ground and stored, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, at conversion plant, 2022 RNA Forest residue, dried, stored RNA Forest residue, preprocessed, at conversion facility RNA Loose fill, biodegradable RNA Corn wet milling, operations, AP-42 RNA Corn, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Corn grain, harvested and stored RNA Corn grain, at conversion plant, 2022 RNA Corn stover, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Corn stover, ground and stored RNA Corn stover, carted RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn dry mill RNA Ethanol, denatured, wheat straw, biochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, switchgrass, biochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn stover, biochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, forest residues, thermochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, mixed feedstocks, at conversion facility, 2022 RNA Ethanol, denatured, at refueling station, 2022 RNA Ethanol, 85%, at blending terminal, 2022 RNA Ethanol, 85%, blended, at service station, 2022 Page 118 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVIII: NREL USLCI Integrated Extension database XVIII: NREL USLCI Integrated Data source Country Process Name Type RNA Spring wheat straw, carted, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Spring wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Harvest, wheat, single pass e-ep USLCI RNA Fertilizer, winter wheat straw, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Grinding e-ep USLCI RNA Corn wet milling, operations, AP-42 e-ep USLCI RNA Spring wheat straw, ground and stored, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Winter wheat straw, ground and stored e-ep USLCI RNA Winter wheat straw, carted e-ep USLCI RNA Winter wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Corn, production, average, US, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Harvest, corn, single pass e-ep USLCI RNA Tillage, conversation, corn production e-ep USLCI RNA Tillage, reduce, corn production e-ep USLCI RNA Pesticide, corn, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Tillage, intensive, corn production e-ep USLCI RNA Fertilizer, corn, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Lime, agricultural, corn production e-ep USLCI RNA Corn grain, harvested and stored e-ep USLCI RNA Corn, decomposition, 15.5% moisture e-ep USLCI RNA Corn grain, at conversion plant, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Corn stover, ground and stored e-ep USLCI RNA Corn stover, production, average, US, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Fertilizer, stover, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Corn stover, carted e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, 85%, blended, at service station, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Corn wet mill, gluten drying, AP-42 e-ep USLCI RNA Combustion, wet wood residue, AP-42 agg USLCI RNA Corn steep liquor agg USLCI RNA Wheat straw, at conversion plant, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Switchgrass, at conversion plant, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Switchgrass, ground and stored, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Switchgrass, carted, 2022 e-ep USLCI Page 119 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVIII: NREL USLCI Integrated RNA Switchgrass, harvested, wet e-ep USLCI RNA Switchgrass, production, US, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Fertilizer, switchgrass, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Pesticide, Switchgrass e-ep USLCI RNA Planting, switchgrass 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Heat, indirect, heated zones, softwood, plywood veneer drying, AP-42 e-ep USLCI RNA Forest residue, preprocessed, at conversion facility e-ep USLCI RNA Forest residue, dried, stored e-ep USLCI RNA Forest residue, processed and loaded, at landing system agg RNA Biodegradable loose fill e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, 85%, at blending terminal, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, at refueling station, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, mixed feedstocks, at conversion facility, 2022 e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn dry mill e-ep USLCI RER enzyme, Alpha-amylase, Novozyme Liquozyme e-ep USLCI RER enzyme, Glucoamylase, Novozyme Spirizyme e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, wheat straw, biochemical e-ep USLCI RER enzyme, Cellulase, Novozyme Celluclast e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, switchgrass, biochemical e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn stover, biochemical e-ep USLCI RNA Ethanol, denatured, forest residues, thermochem e-ep USLCI US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF wall panel - Metl-Span agg PEEPD US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF roof panel - Metl-Span agg PEEPD US Insulated metal panel (IMP), CF architectural wall panel - Metl-Span agg PEEPD US Disposal of insulated metal panels (IMP), CF wall panel - Metl-Span agg PEEPD US Disposal of insulated metal panel (IMP), CF roof panel - Metl-Span agg PEEPD US Disposal of insulated metal panel (IMP), CF architectural wall panel Metl-Span agg PEEPD US Foil Facer agg PIMA US Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) agg ACC US Polyiso Insulation Manufacturing e-bb PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R15.3) agg Page 120 of 122 USLCI PIMA GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVIII: NREL USLCI Integrated US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R15.3) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R20.4) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R25.5) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R30.6) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Roof - R35.7) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R13.0) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R14.6) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R19.5) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R4.9) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R6.5) agg PIMA US Polyiso Manufacturing (Wall - R9.8) agg PIMA Country Plan Name RNA Corn grain, at conversion plant, 2022 RNA Corn grain, harvested and stored RNA Corn stover, carted RNA Corn stover, ground and stored RNA Corn stover, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Corn wet milling, operations, AP-42 RNA Corn, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Ethanol, 85%, at blending terminal, 2022 RNA Ethanol, 85%, blended, at service station, 2022 RNA Ethanol, denatured, at refueling station, 2022 RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn dry mill RNA Ethanol, denatured, corn stover, biochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, forest residues, thermochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, mixed feedstocks, at conversion facility, 2022 RNA Ethanol, denatured, switchgrass, biochemical RNA Ethanol, denatured, wheat straw, biochemical RNA Fertilizer, corn, 2022 RNA Fertilizer, stover, 2022 RNA Fertilizer, switchgrass, 2022 RNA Fertilizer, winter wheat straw, 2022 RNA Forest residue, dried, stored RNA Forest residue, preprocessed, at conversion facility RNA Grinding Page 121 of 122 GaBi Databases ’13 New datasets Extension database XVIII: NREL USLCI Integrated RNA Harvest, wheat, single pass RNA Lime, agricultural, corn production RNA Loose fill, biodegradable RNA Pesticide, corn, 2022 RNA Pesticide, switchgrass RNA Soybean oil, crude, degummed, at plant RNA Spring wheat straw, carted, 2022 RNA Spring wheat straw, ground and stored, 2022 RNA Spring wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, at conversion plant, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, carted, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, ground and stored, 2022 RNA Switchgrass, harvested, wet RNA Switchgrass, production, US, 2022 RNA Wheat straw, at conversion plant, 2022 RNA Winter wheat straw, carted RNA Winter wheat straw, ground and stored RNA Winter wheat straw, production, average, US, 2022 RNA Ethanol, 85%, blended, at service station, 2022 Page 122 of 122
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