ramadhaan 2015 - al
ramadhaan 2015 - al
AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE Dr. Shanaz Sawyer, LMHC About me - I am a first generation from London, England with parents from the beautiful Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago and ancestral roots from India. I have been a resident of Florida for many years and grateful to celebrate so many wonderful influences that have enriched my life experiences and, my work. My philosophy - In our working partnership I aim to facilitate awareness and change in your life that is in keeping with your goals. You can expect compassion, empathy and respect as well as an approach that is non judgmental yet appropriately challenging. I will be engaged in our work, keeping you accountable for the work you must do outside our sessions while offering the tools and support that will assist you in making the changes you desire. All Dr. Shanaz A Sawyer ethnicities, races, nationalities, sexual orientations, religious and spiritual orientations/affiliations are welcome in my practice. While I am grounded in a cognitive behavioral (CBT) approach to therapy i integrate the narrative of your life story into our work so that all of you, the whole person, is being honored. I also use a variety of other approaches to form an eclectic orientation to therapy that is tailored to the individual. My holistic approach to your mental wellness will support your own work in progress, your own evolution to the next better version of you. Gainesville Locatin: 7328 W. University Ave. Suite F Education: Ph.D., University of Florida Gainesville, FL. 32607 TEL: (352) 332-6686 -M.S. Nova Southeastern University Saturday appointments also available -B.S. University of Florida -Florida Licensed Mental Health Counselor (lmhc) Orlando Location: 7450 Dr Phillips Blvd Suite 315 Services: Individual counseling and psychotherapy Orlando, FL. 32819 TEL: (407) 454-9786 -Couples counseling Thursdays and Fridays by appointment only -Groups ASHRAF’S HALAL MEA T CENTER MEAT 20705 N.W 2nd Ave. Miami, Fl 33169 100% FREE RANGE GRASS-FED NATURAL FRIDAY NIGHT HALAAL HALAAL BURGERS BEEF & LAMB PATTY FRENCH FRIES $5.00 with Al-Hikmat AAA Members Receive 10% Discount at DARUL ULOOM INSTITUTE - 7050 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, (Between 441 & University Drive) FROM MAGHRIB TO ISHAA SALAAH Drive thru service Available For details contact: Bro. Abzal Hosein DISTRIBUTED BY : Ashraf Halal Meat Center NOW A VAILABLE AV 954-445-9695 Ashraf’s Halal Meat Center 20705 N.W 2nd Ave. Miami, Fl 33169 Stop In or Call In Your Orders in HALAAL RESTAURANTS WEST INDIAN & INDO-PAK GROCERIES *Price* *Quality* *Service* Tel: 305-654-0195 Fax: 305-653-7293 AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 1 2015 SOUTH FL ORID A SALAAH TIME SCHEDULE FLORID ORIDA *NOTE: AVERAGE Time for Daily Salaah *10 Minutes should be Added/Subtracted accordingly for precaution. DATE FAJR SUNRISE ZUHR 1:19 6:28 Jun.1-6 4:58 1:20 6:28 4:57 7-12 1:22 6:28 4:58 13-18 1:23 6:30 4:59 19-24 1:24 6:32 25-30 5:01 Global Islamic Calendar - ASR MAGHRIB ISHA DATE FAJR SUNRISE ZUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHA 8:11 8:13 8:15 8:16 8:17 July 1-6 7-12 13-18 19-24 25-31 5:03 5:06 5:11 5:14 5:18 6:10 6:11 6:10 6:10 6:08 6:04 6:06 6:07 6:08 6:09 9:41 9:44 9:46 9:47 9:47 1436 A.H - 2015 6:33 6:36 6:39 6:42 6:45 1:25 1:26 1:27 1:27 1:27 8:17 8:16 8:14 8:11 8:08 9:46 9:45 9:42 9:38 9:33 Upcoming islamic Dates & islamic occasions 1436 A.H - 2015 *15th of Sha’baan - June 3rd, 2015 *Possible 1st Taraweeh - June 17th, 2015 *Possible 1st Fast - June 18th, 2015 *1st of Ramadhaan - June 18th, 2015 *27th Night - July 13th, 2015 *1st of Shawwal - July 17th, 2015 *Possible Eid-ul-Fitr - July 17th, 2015 Inshaa Allaah Ameen (Subject to change due to Moonsighting) Compliments Ashraf’s Halal Meat Center Al-Hikmat AAA Members Receive 10% Discount al-HiKmat inteRnational mUslim magaZine 2 May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789 IN THIS ISSUE FEATURE ARTICLES 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789 P.O Box 816277 Hollywood Florida 33081 Toll Free: 1-800-804-0267 *Tel: 954-986-0158 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com *Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE The Voice of Al-Qur’aan “Invite To The Way Of Thy Lord With Hikmat (Wisdom)”. Al-Qur’aan Ch:16 V:125 Founder: Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed Mission Statement: Serving the Muslim community and Non-Muslim Community by establishing tolerance and better understanding among different faiths and cultures. 32 YEARS OF DA’WAH ACTIVITIES *Sponsoring Students to Study Islam *Training Students to become Imaams *Providing Imaam / Khutba Services *Printing of Islamic Publications *Al-Hikmat International Muslim Magazine *Distribution of Qur’aan, Cd’s, Dvd’s, Pamphlets etc. *Radio, TV Programs and Interfaith Activities *Feeding those in Need Local National - International DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Staff are not responsible for the views and comments by writers and advertisers published in Al-Hikmat Muslim Magazine. HALAAL PRODUCTS: The Editor & Staff are not responsible for the Authenticity of Halaal products advertised in Al-Hikmat. Committee: Founder / Editor in Chief: Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed Editor / Advertisements: Faria Mohamed Graphic Design / Printing: Salma Mohammed Website: Bro. Siddique Al-Hikmat 20 15 A war d Cer emon y 201 Aw ard Ceremon emony Recipients Page 16 Technical Support: Bro. Khizr Mohamed Correspondence / Proofreading: Sultana Azim Saara Ahmed Articles by: Rev. Thomas Graf Sis. Sylmerie Bro. Farooq Shafi Sis. Karen Shah Sis. Kiran Khan Paracha Bro. Hamzad Dr. Ghous Muhammad Bro. Taj Siddiqui Dr. Harun Yahya Bro. Al Mustapha Dr. Mohsin Jaffer WHOLE GRAIN By: Dr. Mohsin Jaffer Page 25 I’TIKAAF By Bro. Farooq Shafi Page 11 Priority should be Your Duty to Allaah.......................Pg. 4 Interpretation..........................................................Pg. 7 Hikmah & The Sunnah.............................................Pg. 7 Let us make this Our Best Ramadhaan........................Pg. 8 Death’s Inevitability..................................................Pg. 8 Mistakes are part of Destiny......................................Pg. 11 I’tikaaf...................................................................Pg. 11 How the Mighty are Fallen! The Rise & Demise of Yajuj and Majuj.......................................................Pg. 12 Divorce - Is Not the End Life...................................Pg. 30 CONTENTS Contents / Committee / Feature Articles......................................pg. 3 Shaikh Shafayat Message.............................................................pg. 4 Attorney Corner.............................................................................pg. 7 Sister’s Corner/ Congratulation Corner.......................................pg. 8 What’s Going on/Al-Hikmat TV Guide......................................pg. 15 Community Update...................................................................pg.16/21 Health / Humor................................................................................pg. 25 Letters / E-mail Feedback..............................................................pg. 22 Recognition Corner........................................................................pg. 29 Who’s Who in America ...............................................................pg. 30 Q & A...............................................................................................pg. 33 Photographers: *Bro. Niamath *Bro. Yaseen *Bro. Afraz *Bro. Hamza *Bro. Waheed Send photos of your Events- so we can Publish them in AlHikmat Int’l Magazine or Website, Inshaa Allaah. Alhikmat@alhikmat.com AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE AVAILABLE AT Most Masaajid, Islamic Centers, Restaurants and Halaal Grocery Shops in Florida and Nationwide. FOR AL-HIKMAT CONTACTS INFO. - CALL OR E-MAIL AL-HIKMAT OFFICE: 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com / Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com AL-HIKMAT Bro. Farooq Shafi INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 3 MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 By Staci Brody / Florida USA Al-Qur’aan - Ch. 66 V. #6 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 SHAIKH SHAFAYAT’S MESSAGE 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 O You who belive! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whoes fuel is men and stones; over it are angels stern and strong. they do not disobey Allaah in what He commands them, and do as they are commanded. Hadith: Hazrat Abu Hurairah RA reported: The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: A continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit, pious son who prays for him.” (Muslim) 99 Names of AllaahAL-MAJID The Excellent & The One With Veneration Words of Wisdom“Be humble when you are victorious, and smile when you are at loss.” “Haters will broadcast your failure, but whisper your success.” PRIORITY should be YOUR DUTY Dear Readers, As we approach the c o m i n g months of Staci Brody Ramadan and Dhul-Hijjah, it is important for us to recognize and prioritize our duties to Allah SWT. Although it is easy to fall into the habit of spending our time trying to obtain merely transient success, it is necessary that we also take the time to reflect on how our conduct and actions will contribute to our success not only in this world, but also in the hereafter. One of the most profound ways we can realize Allah SWT’s mercy is through the execution of good deeds. Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran, “And those who believe and do righteous good deeds, they are dwellers of TO ALLA AH paradise, they will dwell therein forever” (2: 82). Keeping this in mind, it is essential to understand that it does not matter what your status, good or bad, may be in this world, but rather, when it comes to death, the only memento of worth that any of us will bring to the grave with us will be the good deeds in which we performed. The five pillars of Islam (declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage) are among the most sublime actions any human being can fulfill during their lifetime. The Hajj (pilgrimage) is such a substantial act that it actually removes the sins of the performer and cleanses one so much that, SubhanAllah, after performing Hajj, Prophet Muhammad SAW says that it is like the pilgrim becomes as pure as a newborn baby. With the potential to receive this extraordinary blessing, it comes as a surprise that some Muslims choose not to perform Hajj, as instructed by Allah SWT. In the Holy Quran (3:97), Allah says, “And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds.” This verse has a two-fold meaning. First it addresses whom the pilgrimage is obligatory for, which is those who have the ability (health and financial means), and next it declares the self-sufficiency of God. Continued on Page 33, InShaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. Serving the Muslim & Non-Muslim community for the past 32 years through the publishing and distribution of Islamic literature and Radio / TV programs plus Interfaith activities. Bio. of Founder: Al-Hamdulillaah- Shaikh Shafayat was born, in Trinidad, West Indies, where he attended college etc,. Due to his multifaith and multi-cultural upbringing, he was awarded a scholarship to become a Christian Minister. In 1975 he went to India to study Islam and became the first student from the Caribbean and North America to have enrolled in Darul Uloom Deoband, which is the largest and oldest Islamic Institute in India. In addition to graduating as a Qaari and Islamic Scholar, he also did a course in Journalism and established the Al Hikmat Muslim Magazine. He has also produced many television and radio programs in Trinidad and Florida USA. In 1983 he founded the National Muslim Sports League of Trinidad and Tobago, which established the Islamic Home for Children. He is the Founder/Principal of Darul Uloom Institute in Pembroke Pines and the first Muslim to become President of the Interfaith Council of South Florida in the year 2002. He is the pioneer of many Christian / Muslim / Jewish Dialogues in Churches, Synagogues and Islamic Centers in the U.S.A. Shaikh Shafayat was the first Muslim to represent Islam at a Florida State Faith Summit, held at the Capitol Building with Gov. Jeb Bush in the year 2000. He is a recipient of the Silver Medallion Award from NCCJ (a national interfaith organization) and a recipient of the Peacemaker Award from St. Thomas University in Miami. For many years he has been lecturing on Islam and terrorism to college and university students plus to Pembroke Pines Police of South Florida and other Law Enforcement Officers. He lectures throughout the U.S.A. and worldwide on Interfaith Issues and Cultural Diversity. AL-HIKMAT TV 24/7 Online DA’WAH ACTIVITIES: WWW.ALHIKMATTV.COM *Al-Hikmat International Muslim Magazine Also On *Printing & Publishing of Islamic Literature *IBN TV *TIN TV * ROKU TV *Distribution of Qur’aan, Cd’s, Dvd’s, Pamphlets etc. *JADOO TV 24/7 & ARAB TV: *Interfaith Activities ALFETRA.US *Friday Khutbah LIVE on AL-HIkmat TV Online @ 1:30pm from Darul Uloom Institute, FLorida *ISLAMIC BOX *Feeding those in Need Local National International *Al-HAYA - Al-Hikmat Arm of Youth & Art *Imaam / Khutba Services *Classes / Community Services *Sponsoring Students to Study Islam AL-HIKMAT *Tel: 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com *Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 4 MAGAZINE 100,000 QUR’AAN DRIVE ON (Cos er CD $1 .00 Onl y) (Costt P Per $1.00 Only) Ch. 5 V. 99- CD’S Ch. 5 Verse 67 - “The Messenger’s duty is but to Bismillaah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem proclaim (the message of AlQur’aan).Allaah knoweth COMPLETE QUR'AAN MP3 CD all that ye reveal and ye conceal.” “Oh Messenger! Spread the message (of AlQur’aan) which has been sent to you from your Lord. If you do notthen you did not Recitation by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Al'afasy spread Allaah’s message (The Qur’aan).” Arabic with English Ch. 36 Verse 17 - “And our duty is but to proclaim the message (of the Qur’aan).” Sponsored Sadaqa Jaariya & Distributed by Muhammad Abdullah as Fee Sabeelillaah PLE M A S of CD For The Late AL-HAMDULILLAAH I, _____________________________ pledge to Sponsor $_____.00 for Qty:_____CD’s with the Complete Holy Qur’aan in Arabic & English, F EE SABEELILLAAH or as SADAQA JAARIYA for the Late:_______________________ __________________________________ Relation:______________________ Address: __________________________ ___________________________________ Ch. 33 V. 39- Khalid Abdullah spread the mes- who City:_______________________________ sage of Allaah (Al-Qur’aan) and fear Allaah, and fear none but Allaah. Sufficient is Allaah who keeps account (of Mankind) State: __________________Zip:________ foR CopIES CoNTACT: AL-HIKMAT dA'wAH SERVICES P.O Box 816277 Hollywood FL 33081 *1-800-804-0267 *954-986-0158 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com *Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV- www.alhikmattv.com *Youtube: hikmat954 InShaa Allaah Aameen MaaShaa Allaah “Those Due to the negative propaganda against the Qur’aan and the Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, it has become imperative upon us to spread the message of the Qur’aan Inshaa Allaah. Therefore, Al-Hikmat kindly request your support to pledge/sponsor: ( )500 CD’S ( )1,000 CD’S ( ) 1,500 CD’S ( )2,000 ( )2,500 ( )3,000 OTHER:________ FEE SABEELILLAAH OR AS SADAQA JAARIYA for your near and dear ones who have passed away. (Cost per CD $1.00 ONLY). We would have your name and /or your deceased relatives names on the CD, Inshaa Allaah Ameen-Maashaa Allaah. InShaa Allaah Aameen MaaShaa Allaah Tel:________________Cell:____________ E-mail:____________________________ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. P.O BOX 816277 HOLLYWOOD FLORIDA 33081 U.S.A. *1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 E-MAIL: ALHIKMAT@ALHIKMAT.COM *WEB: WWW.ALHIKMAT.COM AL-HIKMAT TV - WWW.ALHIKMATTV.COM You Can also PAY WITH CREDIT CARD OR PAYPAL - ONLINE WWW.ALHIKMAT.COM InShaa Allaah Aameen MaaShaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 6 May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 1234567890123456789012345678901212 1234567890123456789012345678901212 1234567890123456789012345678901212 ATTORNEY CORNER 1234567890123456789012345678901212 1234567890123456789012345678901212 By: Justice ® Dr. Ghous Muhammad / Karachi, Pakistan 1234567890123456789012345678901212 INTERPRETATION By Rev. Thomas Graf Professor at BC College, Florida Continued from March / April 2015 HIKMAH When I begin my World Religion class each semester, we discuss the importance of understanding interpretation. I attempt to demonstrate that from the beginning of time, human beings have been involved in the process Rev. Thomas Graf of interpretation and re-interpretation. Some students question if this is good, or bad? In all honesty I wonder if such a question is valid. In essence, whether some "interpret" it to be good, or bad does not take away from the fact that interpretation is a reality and part of our every day lives. One of the tools that I use to illustrate this topic of interpretation is art. I usually bring a form of art art, show it to the class and ask them what they see, feel, understand this particular piece of art to represent. As you can imagine, the number of responses, "interpretations" become as vast as possibly the number of students in the class. One thing that is usually identified by the students is that each person's interpretation needs to be respected, even though, perhaps, one might not be able to identify with nor fully understand their particular interpretation. It is from this vantage point of identifying the validity of interpretations, that we go a little further and begin to study how religions have developed as human beings have attempt to understand and communicate their very deep, personal experiences of the Divine in their lives and in their relation to one another. In essence, what is the essential meaning of the word religion? In its Latin root (RELIGIO) it translates to RECONNECT. I find it interesting that the word itself connotes an apparent Disconnect, thus requiring the need to come back together. Our discussions naturally become quite involved at this point in the class, as we delve into thee manifold understandings of what is disconnected, what might be reasons for such disconnect and how the reconnection can be made complete and whole. We are indeed complex individuals. I truly believe that we live in a complex world, and that our God is not as easily defined as some seem to think. As we continue our journeys here on this earth, I would hope that we use all of our senses to fully enter into this wonderful opportunity given us to attempt understanding of the Magnificent Divine that is in us, around us and is hopefully working through us as we feebly continue this momentous task of reconnecting. As I begin my World Religion Class with this understanding of interpretation, and the use of art form to exact such illustration, I believe that Art in and of itself can be a wonderful tool that assists us in this process of understanding and reconnecting. As Aristotle once mentioned, "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." This past Sunday, our church hosted our Annual Art Exhibition. One of our devoted church members, and local artist, Gin Todd, teaches an art class every Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning at our church. And The SUNNAH Dr. Ghous Muhammad Dr. Hamid Ullah, after mentioning all the traditions of prohibition, writes:— “All these traditions mean that round about the year 7 A.H., the Prophet (peace be upon him) made some important speeches. Some newly converted Muslims had come from Yemen, Some of them were literate. Some Surahs of the Quran were given to them to read and memorise. When they heard that speech of the Prophet (peace be upon him) some of them wrote it on the same papers on which the Qur’an had been written. At thin the Prophet (peace be upon him) prohibited to write anything from him other than the Qur’an and ordered to cancel what had been so written.” “Don’t write, from me anything except the Qur’an, and he who has done .so should erase that.” The traditions are the history of the Sunnah. These were being recorded during the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him), as shown below “And remember what is read in your houses out of the Qur’an and the Sunnah’ Somebody asked from Imam Shafi’i about the argument that the ‘Hikma’ which was revealed along with the Qur’an, means the Sunnah, He recited this verse. And this verse, further points out that in the house of the Prophet two things used to be read, the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This indicates that the Prophet’s wives used to write the Sunnah as well There- fore the Qur’an itself witnesses to the early stage of the compilation of the Sunnah during the Prophet’s life (peace be upon him); (b) Hafiz Abdul Bar says, “The Prophet dictated a book on the law of taxation, monetary come pensation, inheritance and general law. Its copies were given to the governors appointed outside Madina, “ (c) Hafiz Ibne Hajar Asqlani writes: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) appointed Amr bin Hazam as the commissioner and the jurisconsult of Najran, and dictated for him a book which contained the ‘Law of Inheritance the general law, law of taxation and monetary compensation, Imam Zuhri says that this book was written on leather. It was with the grandson of Amer bin Hazam. He took it from him and read it. Amer bin Hazam collected twenty one more dictations of the Prophet and compiled in one volume. Ibne Tulum has made it the appendex of his book ‘Aa’lam ul Sailin An Kitabe Syed il Mursalin.’ Umar bin Abdul Aziz required some document of the Prophet on the: ‘Law of Taxation’. He got this book from the descendants of Amer bin Hazam. 2 Abu Daud, Nasai, Ibne Habban and Darmi haven narrated its parts relating to the Revenue and Criminal Laws. Yaqub bin Safyan says: The companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and their successors used to refer to it and rely on it. Continued on Page 30, Inshaa Allaah Continued in July/August 2015 Issue AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 7 MAGAZINE May / June 2015 123456789012345678901234567890121234567 123456789012345678901234567890121234567 123456789012345678901234567890121234567 123456789012345678901234567890121234567 SISTER’S CORNER 123456789012345678901234567890121234567 123456789012345678901234567890121234567 By: Sis. Sylmarie Mustapha / Coral Springs, Florida Let Us Mak e This Make Our Best Ramadhan! Sister Sylmerie Congratulations to The blessed month of opportunity, the month of Qur’aan, mercy, forgiveness, salvation and patience, the month of endless blessings will soon be upon us. May Allah SWT bless us all with the life, health and motivation to embrace and maximize the blessed month in ways that are most pleasing to Him, Ameen. With just a few days to go before we are hopefully graced with the blessed month of Ramadhan, we should be preparing ourselves and our families for this special season of opportunity, joy, glad tidings and great blessings. We must prepare ourselves mentally, spiritually and physically and plan to make every effort for this to be our best Ramadhan ever. Let us also continue to utilize the rest of this month of Shaban to sharpen and fine tune our worship habits, and follow up the coming month of Ramadhan to fast, and worship our Lord and Creator with the utmost love, gratitude and sincerity and focus. Let us use our good health and our free time in seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT by remembering Him in prayer 5 times a day, as well as in extra Sunnah, Nafil and tahajjud prayers and other Dhikr. Let us also repent for all our sins daily, so we can meet the month of Ramadan with a clean record ready to fill our accounts with lots and lots of blessings from Allah SWT the most gracious most merciful. Let us also call on our Lord with focus, humility, and consistency if we want our duas and supplications answered insha Allah. As we make our plans for this special month of Ramadhan, the month of Quran, the month of mercy, forgiveness and salvation from the fire of Hell, let us remember the advice of Prophet Muhammad PBUH who told us more or less that there are two great favors that Allah SWT has bestowed on us human beings that we frequently take for granted and we consistently waste: They are Allah’s blessings of good health that He gives to us and also our free time. One day we will have to give an account to our Creator Allah SWT for how we utilized our good health as well as how spent our free time on this earth. While we are blessed with good health and spare time, we should look for every opportunity to worship our Lord in every way, we should try to help others in need, help clean the house of Allah God Almighty, the Masjid, visit the sick, go to funerals, help out in our community, help provide food and clothing to the less fortunate brothers and sisters in humanity, help in the Dawa efforts to spread the word of God Almighty to all mankind, help our neighbors, etc. My friends, we have to stop making excuses for our inaction and complacency and start making the effort by remembering our duties to our Lord and duties to each other and by utilizing the favors and bounties of our Lord in meaningful ways. We waste so much time at home on the computer, surfing the internet, playing games, watching TV, talking on the phone about each other, sinning ourselves by slandering and talking ill of others without even realizing it, and we do so many other things that will not bring us any rewards. Continued on Page 29, Inshaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567 CONGRATULATION CORNER 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567 INTERNATIONAL Raeesah Mohammed Raeesah Mohammed recently graduted on June 2nd, 2015 from Miramar High School, Florida USA. The graduation ceremony was held at Don Taft University Arena (NSU Arena) Florida USA. Raeesah wishes to pursue her career in Nursing in the future, Raeesah Mohammed Inshaa Allaah - Ameen Maa Shaa Allaah. DEATH’S INEVITABILITY Written By: Br. Hamzad Death is your final chapter, Taking you off life’s burner. No more the toast on earth, As to six under you will berth. Our journey from birth to death, Only begins with a simple breath. A road paved with joys, much sorrow, As we travel to the eventual morrow. Malikul Mawt waits not for anyone. As for friend or foe, he knows none. Blows your fuse by Allah’s behest, Saying adiou to your mundane test. When the throes of death reach man, He sights end of his earthly span, And filled is his heart, emotions rife, For at stake a very precious life. Some take life stride by stride. Others not, opting for suicide. What a way on earth to sit, then exit Straight to the Bottomless Pit! Allah says: “Taste of death for every soul.” So while on stage, act your role, Following script, Sunnah & Qur’aan, And successful would be His Insaan. MUSLIM 8 Br. Hamzad MAGAZINE Jyotis Salon & Boutique Over 10 years of experience from India SPECIALIZE IN: ~Eyebrow Threading ~Facials ~Waxing ~Henna Tattoo ~Bridal Make Up ~Bridal Package We carry Ladies Suits, Sarees, Kurta, Jewelry, Sandals Long Anrakali Suits ALL KINDS OF INDIAN & PAKISTANI DRESS Mens Wear Ladies Wear Hours: Tues.-Sunday - 11am - 8pm MONDAY CLOSED For more information call: 954-471-5426/954-530-6019 E-mail: jyotis.salon@yahoo.com 3432 N University Dr Sunrise, FL 33351 (954) 530-6019 AL-HIKMAT AAA SEVEN (7) Muslim Cemetery Plots FOR SALE at FRED HUNTERS *Terms Available *NO Interest Call Habeeb Khan at: 954-680-9838 954-540-8377 Purchase Your Spot NOW!!! AL-HIKMAT AdvANTAGE AccESS AL-HIKMAT AAA MEMBERSHIP AL-HIKMAT AAA Businesses & PROFESSIONALS / Clients & Customers Professionals and Business Owners who would like to gain more clients and customers, are hereby kindly requested to contact AlHikmat office, so we could add your Business/Services to our List online for Al-Hikmat AAA Members to support your business, Inshaa Allaah Ameen. Bismillaah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem AL-HIKMAT AAA JOIN AL-HIKMAT MEMBERSHIP AL-HIKMAT AdvANTAGE AccESS & MEMBERSHIP cARd YOU WILL RECEIVE An AL-HIKMAT Name:______________________________ AAA Date of Issue:________Exp. Date:_________ Membership Card (Al-Hikmat Advantage Access) V isit our W ebsit or Al-Hikmat AAA Websit ebsitee ffor Membership Benefits! State:_____________Country:___________ Inshaa Allaah Ameen - Maashaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT AAA cARdHOLdERS Please contact Al-Hikmat office or visit our website for a list of businesses WORLDWIDE that offer a Discount to Al-Hikmat AAA Members, Inshaa Allaah Ameen - Maashaa Allaah. To become an Al-Hikmat AAA Cardholder Contact: Tel: 954-986-0158 / Toll Free: 1-800-804-0267 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com *Web: www.alhikmat.com / *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 9 CHHABRA’S FASHIONS Indian Boutique Largest Selection of Bollywood Dresses *Salwar Kameez *Sarees *Lehngas *Churidars *Ghagras *Bridalwear *Sherwanis *Matching Jewelry *Shoes *Bangles AVAILABLE: CUSTOM MADE BOLLYWOOD STYLE SAREES, LEHENGA, BRIDE MAID DRESSES 7232 W. OAKLAND PK. BLVD. FT. LAUDERDALE, FL. 33313 Tel/Fax: 954-578-0093 Cell: 954-873-4652 E-mail: chhabrasfashion@hotmail.com Mention this AD for a Discount BUSINESS HOURS: Tues. - Sun. 11:00am - 8:00pm Monday - Closed AT NO CHARGE Mission Statement: Our mission is to promote the well-being of our medically undeserved, low income neighbors by providing access to quality primary healthcare for all, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, origin, sex and age. Primary Goals: Address: 4851 NW 183rd St. Miami, FL / Tel: 305-620-7797 •Continually Enhance Health •Maintain Strong Volunteer Network •Seek Community and Service Partnerships Clinic Hours Mon. thru Fri. - 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Saturday - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Join Our STOP SMOKING Program at NO CHARGE Since 2008, the UHI CommunityCare Clinic has provided free primary health care to low-income, uninsured residents of South Florida by means of office visits, lab work, x-rays, and specialty referrals. AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 10 May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H I’TIKAAF MISTAKES ARE PART OF DESTINY By: Dr. Harun Yahya / Ankara, Turkey Submitted by: Sis. Ebru / Turkey No one wants to make a mistake and do himself or others mischief. However, making mistakes is an important part of Dr. Harun Yahya our trial in the life of this world. Allah created our trial in the life of this world in this way. Anyone can make a mistake but what is important is that he repents after his mistake and strive not to repeat this mistake. Allah reveals in the verses of the Qur’an that human beings are weak creatures who can forget and be mistaken. A person can make a mistake when he does not think something through, ignores something, does not take the necessary precautions, is overwhelmed by his weak points, forgets or is mistaken. This is very natural. However the important thing is how the person reacts after this, rather than the mistake itself. However big the mistake is, as soon as the person decides to resign himself and begins to show the attitude hoped to please Allah, that mistake disappears -by Allah’s leave. Almighty Allah reveals as such in Surah Al- Imran: “Those who, when they act indecently or wrong themselves, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their bad actions (and who can forgive bad actions except Allah?) and do not knowingly persist in what they were doing.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 135) Allah Creates Everything We Do - Everything a person lives throughout his or her life, everything they do, every situation they face, all of them are created by Allah with all of the pros and cons. In the verses it is revealed that not even a single leaf falls without the knowledge of Allah. (Surah al-An‘am, 59). In Surat al-Qalam, it is revealed “Everything they did is in the Books. Everything is recorded, big or small.” (Surat al-Qamar, 52-53). This means that the person makes that mistake because Allah wills him to do so; it is in his destiny to make that mistake. When he acts according to the Qur’an, something good will happen after that mistake. For example, a person may break a vase when walking by it because he is not careful enough or does not look ahead. Or he can bump into a dinner plate prepared with great effort and knock it off a table. He may cause the people waiting for him to delay their jobs because he fell asleep. Now in all these there is a variety of reasons created by Allah. Allah is the One Who breaks that object. Maybe that object would have caused a conflict between its owners or broken in a dangerous way that would harm someone. Maybe Allah will make a much more beautiful one to be purchased instead. In the same way, Allah is the One Who makes the food spill on the floor. Maybe there is an bad ingredient inside that food and it would have made someone ill. Maybe that food would have prevented that person from eating something healthier. By Bro. Farooq Shafi Sunrise, Florida U.S.A One of the bounties that Allaah SWT has bestowed upon the Muslim Ummah via the Holy Prophet (SAW) is the holy month of Ramadhan. Although this whole month Bro. Farooq Shafi is full of Almighty Allaah’s Mercy, Grace and Benevolence, these attributes of Allaah SWT are at the utmost height in the last 10 days. The holy prophet SAW, used to do Itikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadhan. Now, it is Almighty Allaah’s Mercy and Benevolence that a large number of Muslims sit for Itikaaf these days; and the majority is of the younger generation. The heightened inclination to sit for Itikaaf these days is a living proof that the NEW ERA of Islam is dawning. During Itikaaf, not only do we reap the benefits of our presence in the House of Allaah, but also the mercies of the last 10 days of Ramadhan. Although the duration of Itikaaf is for a short period of time, the rewards are ENORMOUS. During Itikaaf, one should recite the Holy Qur’aan, do Zikr, read Darood Sharif, perform nafal salaah and do tasbih; all in abundance. And the last item that is a “panacea” for many asks from Allaah SWT is the “muraaqibah” (meditation). Allaah SWT Says in chapter 34, v. 46 of the Holy Qur’aan, “Say unto them O Muhammad, I exhort you unto one thing only, that ye awake for Allaah’s sake, by twos and singly, and then reflect”. In chapter 3, v. 191, Allaah SWT Defines the Intelligents (Momins) as, “Such as remember Allaah, standing, sitting and reclining and consider the creation of the heavens and the earth”. There is no restriction of taking a bath during Itikaaf; neither it is in the Holy Qur’aan or the Hadith. Islam, which is easy and according to nature, is not rigid. One cannot enjoy ibaadah (state of prayer) without cleansing the body. Bathing, rather, freshens up the body. What is “not” recommended strongly during Itikaaf is “vain talk”. It has the greatest potential of keeping one away from reaping the benefits of Itikaaf. There are two narrations about visiting the sick during Itikaaf and both are related by Aisha (RA). One relates that the Holy Prophet (SAW) used to visit the sick but for a very limited time. The other relates that one should refrain from this practice. If read together, it can be ascertained that visiting the “very sick” for a short time is permissible but not every sick. And accordingly, it is permissible to attend the funeral of a close relative during Itikaaf. At the end, as a reminder to myself and all the readers, Allaah SWT Reminds us in chapter 13, v. 28, “who have believed and whose hearts rest in the remembrance of Allaah: verily, in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find solace”. Allaah Knows Best (Translated from Noor-e-Baseerat, an Urdu article) Continued on Page 25, Inshaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 11 MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H HOW THE MIGHTY ARE FALLEN! THE RISE & DEMISE OF YAJUJ AND MAJUJ Bro. Mikayl Yahya Ibn Kefa / United Kingdom Some time ago, I visited a local supermarket with my wife. As we ambled around the aisles, I saw a man. He was Bro. Mikayl Yahya Ibn Kefa physically imposing, and carried with him a palpable aura of aggression. Writ large on the front of his dark blue sweat shirt, in starkly contrasting white letters, were the words, “I DO NOT CARE IF YOU RESPECT ME”. As he passed, I noticed that there were words writ large on the back of his sweat shirt also: “ AS LONG AS YOU FEAR ME”. That told me pretty much everything I needed to know about his mindset. Fear is a very powerful emotion, and its power is often woefully underestimated. Shaitan knows this, and it a tool that he has no hesitation in utilising if he deems it necessary. Fear can make people do truly terrible things. However, depressing though this thought may be, the Qur’an contains an example of how fear itself can be conquered, and how the power it seems to imbue a person with is truly illusory. During a protracted journey abroad, the legendary king Dhu’l Qarnayn, a man of both great piety and great power, was approached by a tribe who seem to have been rather devoid of technological expertise and lived simple, uncomplicated lives. They were, the Qur’an states, “barely able to understand speech”. They told Dhu’l Qarnayn that they were being harassed by two tribes known as Yajuj and Majuj, who were causing “great mischief” in the land. The full story of what then transpired is contained in Surat al Kahf, 93-100 and Surat al Anbya 96-97. I strongly urge you to read the complete account before continuing, but what we are told in essence is this: “They said, ‘O Dhul Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are great mischief-makers in the land. Can we pay you so that you might make between us and them a barrier?’ He replied, ‘My Lord has established me in something which is better than what you offer, but help me with your strength and I will create between you and them a dam. Bring me sheets of iron.’ When he had placed them between the two mountainsides, he said, “Blow upon them with bellows’ until he had made a fire. Then he said, ‘Bring me molten copper that I may pour it over [the dam].” So Gog and Magog were unable to pass over it, nor were they able to penetrate it.” Now it is clear that the people of Yajuj and Majuj were warlike and aggressive, and yet the actions of a pious servant of Allah, with the evident blessing and permission of Allah Himself, neutered their behaviour and enabled their Continued on July / Aug. 2015 Issue Ramadhaan Mubaarak THINK BIG! BE WISE & ADVERTISE! AL-HIKMAT REACHES MILLIONS OF PEOPLE from WORLDWIDE FLAVORS OF INDIA Advertise on Al-Hikmat TV and Your Business Will Reach Millions Of People Worldwide. 2088 N. University Drive Pembroke Pines Fl. 33024 SPECIAL RAMADHAAN SALE Local - National - International Starting from June 1st, 2015 Get 50% OFF with Advance Payment for 6 Issues on Al-Hikmat Muslim Magazine Plus a Free 30 Sec. AD on Al-Hikmat TV. FOR MORE DETAILS CALL: FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT: *1-800-804-0267 *954-986-0158 *E-MAIL: ALHIKMAT@ALHIKMAT.COM *WEBSITE: WWW.ALHIKMAT.COM *AL-HIKMAT TV: WWW.ALHIKMATTV.COM AL-HIKMAT victims to enter an era of peace in which Yajuj and Majuj could not trouble them further. This is the first juncture in the account where we learn a most valuable lesson: no matter how powerful our enemies may think they are, their might is as nothing compared to that of their Creator. However, breathtaking though the story of Dhu’l Qarnayn is, what we are told later about Yajuj and Majuj elevates things to a completely different level. Before he leaves, Dhu’l Qarnayn tells the tribes-people, “This [wall] is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord arrives, He will make it level, and the promise of my Lord is always true.” Abu Hurayrah was a meticulous scholar who spent three years in the companionship of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). He related a hadeeth of the Prophet (SAW) in which he once stated, “Every day, Yajuj and Majuj dig [at the wall] until they can almost see daylight coming through from the other side. Their leader says to them, ‘Stop now; come back tomorrow and complete your task.’ But then Allah makes the wall as strong as it was before. This will continue until Allah decides that the time is right to let them loose against mankind. They will dig, and their leader will say, ‘Come back and finish it tomorrow, if it is the will of Allah.’ 954-433-4343 INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 12 MAGAZINE BEST CLEANING SERVICES Residential & Commercial Available Serving Broward County No Appointments Necessary References Available Tel: 954-213-1029 E-mail: bestcleaningservices2013@gmail.com MEHFIL Restaurant FINE I NDIAN SUBCONTINENT AL C UISINE UBCONTINENTAL Insured *F INE DINING & *T AKE O UT Licensed Caterers For All Major Hotels *C ATERING *B ANQUET F ACILITY Open Wed-Mon 11:30 AM-10:00 PM Tuesdays Closed 8550 NW 44 th Street – Forum Plaza Sunrise, FL 33351 Phone: (954)742-3370 Fax: (954)578-3903 MONIR HOSSAIN, MBA, BARRISTER Cell: 954-678-7226 Fax: 954-544-2209 F as ax R efund astt es estt T Tax Refund E-mail: monir426@gmail.com Web: RapidTaxes.net & Small Business Pro 2430 Sheridan Street, Hollywood FL. 33020 Business, Personal Self-employment Accounting IRS Audit Assistance Immigrations Documents typing Notary Public, Payroll, Sale Tax, IRS E-File Provider, Business Incorporation GREEN WOOD INSURANCE LET US QUO TE BEFORE Y OU B UY! QUOTE YOU BUY! Complete Insurance Solutions for: Commercial Lines - Commercial Packages, Liability, General Liability, Property, Pollution Liability, Umbrella Liability, Workmen Compensation, All Classes of Business Personal Lines - Homeowners, Dwelling, Condo, Renters, Auto, Health & Flood Our Specialities - *Apartment & Office Buildings *Gas Stations *Hotels & Motels *Conv. Stores *Restaurants * Shopping Centers *Beauty Salons *Garage Keepers *Small Businesses SYED NASIR ALI OFFICE: 954-900-7186 Fax: 754-484-4489 E-MAIL: info@greenwoodins.co. www.greenwoodins.co. GREENWOOD INSURANCE 7628 WILES RD. CORAL SPRINGS FL. 33067 AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 13 TROPICS . ros B son ran der , Kar n m eA Th y, Sha And West Indian Restaurant Specialize In American, West Indian & Chinese Food Halaal Food Catering for All Occasions Tel: 954-985-8382 Come Experience the Difference in South Florida Fax: 954-985-9993 Address: 7100 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines FL. 33024 Sheiks Bakery & Roti Cafe WEST INDIAN GROCERY MARKET Come to Sheiks for not only your Food & Bread cravings but also for: *Halaal Meats *Fresh Produce & Groceries *West Indian Products & Much More!!! Located: Next Door to Sheiks Bakery & Roti Café in the Lowe’s Shopping Plaza. 184 N University Drive Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Tel: 954-441-4895 or 954-441-4997 Grocery: 954-431-4200 Ramadhaan Greetings to Ramadhaan Special We Cater for Iftaar Parties From 50 - 500 Guests The Muslim Community AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 14 May / June 2015 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 123456789012345678901234567890121 AL-HIKMAT TV GUIDE 123456789012345678901234567890121 Tune in To AL-HIKMAT TV for a LIVE BROADCAST OF JUMUA KHUTBAH from Darul Uloom Institute, Fl. USA Tell your Friends & Relatives WORLDWIDE Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 WHAT’S GOING ON 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 DARUL ULOOM INSTITUTE CLASS SCHEDULE BEGINNING ON AUGUST 3RD 2015 *Mon. - Thurs. - Evening Madrasah for Students *Mon. - Qur’aanic Arabic Class for Sisters *Tues. - Qur’aanic Arabic Class for Brothers *Wed. - Imaam / Khutba Training Class *Thurs. - Weekly Qur’aan / Zhikr Session *Fri. - Fiqh Class for Brothers & Sisters *Mon. - Thurs - Full Time Hifz Class *Fri. - Sun. - Weekend Hifz Class All Students MUST Register! we are For more details contact Al-Hikmat Office - WWW.ALHIKMATTV.COM 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Web: www.alhikmat.com ONLINE - IPAD - MOBILE PHONES Sponsored by: Generous Brothers & Sisters AL-HIKMAT TV KHUTBAS are also on *IBN TV - Sat. @ 7:30am *TIN TV - Sat. @ 9:00pm *Roku TV *JADOO TV 24/7 *Arab TV: ALFETRA.US *Islamic Television Network AL-HIKMAT 100,000 Qur ’aan Dr iv e Qur’aan Driv ive JOIN US by Sponsoring Qur’aan on CDS FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION to Muslims & Non-Muslims WORLDWIDE For more details see Page 5 TEL: 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com Inshaa Allaah Ameen AL-HIKMAT AAA Sanad Scholar Series with MCA of South Florida presents Rights of Family Workshop Fri. June 5th & Sat. June 6th, 2015 Venue: ISLAMIC CENTER OF GREATER MIAMI For more details visit: www.sanadtrust.org QUR’AAN INTENSIVE WEEKEND SEMINAR Conducted By: Mufti Izhar Khan Fri. June 12th - Sun.14th, 2015 Venue: Islamic School of Miami 11699 SW 147th Ave. Miami Fl. 33196 Donation / Fee= $100 All proceeds does towards the expansion of Masjid-Al-Mutaqeen, Margate Contact: 305-613-1256 Register: www.islamicschoolofmiami.org AL-HIKMAT SERVIcES HAJJ 2015 to the Muslim Community May Allaah (S.W.T) bless you and your Family with a prosperous Ramadhaan. from Al-Hikmat S ervices I nc. Services Inc. RAMADHAAN 2015 *Tues. June 2nd, 2015 - 15th Sha’baan *Wed. June 17th, 2015 - Possible 1st Taraweeh *Thurs. June 18th, 2015- Possible 1st Day of Fasting *Mon. July 13th, 2015 - 27th Night of Ramadhaan *Fri. July 17th, 2015- Possible Eid-Ul-Fitr Contact Al-Hikmat Office For A Copy of 2015 Ramadhaan Schedule *1-800-804-0267 *954-986-0158 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com *Website: www.alhikmat.com Inshaa Allaah Ameen AL-HIKMAT IMAAM & KHUTBAH SUppORT SERVIcES Islamic Centers / Masjids Seeking an Imaam or someone to deliver Khutbah plus Imaams / Khateeb who are available or willing to Support Islamic Centers or Masjids in need of an Imaam or someone to deliver Khutbah: Contact Al-Hikmat office: 954-986-0158 E-mail:alhikmat@alhikmat.com JOIN US TO FEED THOSE IN NEED Local - National International For more details: CALL OR E-MAIL AL-HIKMAT OFFICE 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com Inshaa Allaah Ameen Maashaa Allaah Led by: Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed See page 36 for more details, Inshaa Allaah VISIT AL-HIKMAT WEBSITE JOIN AL-HIKMAT MEMBERSHIP & YOU WILL RECEIVE AN AL-HIKMAT MEMBERSHIP CARD (Al-Hikmat Advantage Access) Visit our Website for Al-Hikmat AAA Membership Benefits For Darul Uloom Institute Daily Activities, Events, etc. For more details see Page 9 InShaa Allaah Ameen AL-HIKMAT Ramadhaan Greetings WWW.ALHIKMAT.COM INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 15 Muslim Cemetery of South Florida 17551 NW 137th Ave. Hialeah, FL. 33020 Contact: Br. Golam Dandia - (954) 680-0209 Br. Abdel Razak - (786) 290-3000 SUPPORT our QUR’AAN & Da’w ah Activities Da’wah For more details contact Al-Hikmat: 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Web: www.alhikmat.com Please see Page 22, Inshaa Allaah MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H Al-Hikmat 20 15 A war d Cer emon y 201 Aw ard Ceremon emony Recipients Ghazala Salam - Community and Government Relations Director (CAIR-FL) Dr. Tehsin Siddiqui Bro. Khurrum - Lawyer Al-Hamdulillaah-Al-Hikmat 2015 Annual Award Ceremony held on Saturday May 2nd, 2015 was a resounding success with a sold out audience of over 500 people. The Guest Speaker was Col. Michael Lembke from US South Command, Florida USA. Rabbi Barry Silver entertained the crowd with his Shaikh Shafayat - Founder song and presentation. The and Director of Al-Hikmat MC’s were Basit and Fahad. Bro. Saukat - President of Al-Amin Center Col. Michael Lembke US South Command Bro. Abdur Rahman Businessman Faiz Gibril - Hifz Student Omer Subhani - UIF Financial Shaikh Zameer - President of Sara International Rabbi Barry Silver La’Dor Va Dor Congregation Bro. Siddiq Ramjohn - Technical Support for Al-Hikmat Services Consultant Dr. Wazir - City Manager Bro. Aleem - City Manager Bro. Shoyeb - Engineer Bro. Salahuddin - Industrialist Hollywood North Miami For more details visit Al-Hikmat Website www.alhikmat.com or Al-Hikmat TV www.alhikmattv.com 16 Bro. Munju - Supervisor in Walnut Creek Community Development District Bro. Shahjahan - Businessman By: Salma Mohammed AL-HIKMAT INSIGHT AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 18 AL-HIKMAT INSIGHT AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 SEND PHOTOS OF YOUR EVENTS AL-HIKMAT MAGAZINE 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 By: Salma Mohammed 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 TO ALHIKMAT@ALHIKMAT.COM 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 LOCAL / NATIONAL / INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY UPDATE Religious Senior Leader Symposium Religion Matters II Al-Hikmat is available at most Islamic Centers, restaurants and Halaal Grocery Shops in Florida and Nationwide. *DISTRIBUTION CENTERS-Darul Uloom Institute - Pembroke Pines FL -Al-Amin Center - Boynton Beach, FL -Ashraf’s Halal Center - Miami, FL -Tawhid Islamic Center - Seattle, WA -Ali’s Roti Shop - Brooklyn, NY -Sara International - Ozone Park, NY -Bombay Bazaar - Orlando, FL -Masjid Hedeya - Georgia -Salsabeel - Trinidad W.I -Canape Vert - Port-Au-Prince - Haiti -Masjid Noor - Imaam Tuffail, AL -Masjid Al-Hikmah - Jamaica WI PHOTO ON RIGHT FROM LEFT: Chaplain Hedrick from the U.S. AIR FORCE BASE MIAMI, Imaam Asim Hafiz from London (the only Muslim Chaplain in the British Army), Rabbi Yeshayah from a Miami Synagogue and Shaikh Shafayat having lunch at a RELIGIOUS FREEDOM SYMPOSIUM on April 21st, 2015 held at the U.S. ARMY SOUTHCOMMAND conference hall in Miami, Florida USA. Da’wah Trip to Seattle, Washington *DISTRIBUTORS- Al-Hamdulillaah Shaikh Shafayat delivered the Jumua Khutbah at the Islamic Center of Bothell WA on Friday May 15th, 2015. He also gave lectures on Da’wah at the Islamic Center of East Washington, the Ethiopian Islamic Center and Abu Bakr Masjid in Seattle. The Shaikh also met with most of the Imaams at an Imaams meeting held at the Islamic Center of Photo Above: Shaikh Shafayat (left) Bothell on Saturday 16th, and Shaikh Amin (right) the Imaam 2015. of the Islamic Center of Bothell Photo on Right Shaikh Shafayat (left) and Shaikh Shukri (right) from Tawhid Islamic CenWashington State. ter, West Seattle WA. Rajab & Mi’raj Program Masjid-E-Khalil held their fundraising program on Saturday May 23rd, 2015. There were lectures and Qiraat by Mufti Rasheed and Hafiz Akratul Jaman along with South Florida Scholars such as- Maulana Yusuf, Shaikh Shafayat and Hafiz Khalid from Georgia. The program was coordinated by Maulana Zakariya. MaaShaa Allaah. AL-HIKMAT IN PREPARATION OF RAMADHAAN TAFSIR OF THE ENTIRE HOLY QUR’AAN The Muslim Community of West Palm Beach held a Tafsir Qur’aan seminar on Saturday May 23rd & Sunday May 24th, 2015. The program was conducted by Mufti Izhar Khan from MJAM and coMufti Izhar Khan ordinated by Bro. Sircar. The event was a great success with visitors from Tampa and Orlando. MaaShaa Allaah! INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 21 -Bro. Salvador Quadri - Miami FL. -Bro. Wazir Mohammed - Orlando FL. -Sis. Zorisha Sattar - Queens, NY -Bro. Nassim Baksh - Dallas, GA -Bro. Asheek Baig - Texas -Bro. M.H. Makda - Texas -Bro. Khalil Khan - Islamic Ctr. of Danville, VA -Sis. Aneesa & Bro. Mohan - Massachusetts -Bro. Faruk Dadar - Illinois INTERNATIONAL -Trinidad - Sis. Shaleeza & Bro. Moonir Khan -Bro. Asheek, Sis. Shakira, Bro. Hamzad. -Grenada - Sis. Umm Kulthum -Cayman Islands - Bro. Muzaffar Samaroo -Jamaica - Bro. Abdul Kareem -Bangladesh - Maulana Kabir Ahmed -LONDON - Qaari Abdul Jaleel Hafiz Tahir Imam Mikayl Ibn Kefa Mufti Ibrahim -SOUTH AFRICA - Deedat Center-INDIA - Darul Uloom Deoband -PAKISTAN: Karachi - Darul Uloom, Clifton -CANADA - Islamic Forum of Canada Ontario - Mr. & Mrs. Rahman -BAHAMAS - Islamic Cent. of the Bahamas -GUYANA - C.I.O.G -VIRGIN ISLANDS - Imam Khorshid Ahmed *ALSO AVAILABLE AT-Joel Motel - Punta Gorda, FL. -Islamic Ctr. of SW Florida - Port Charlotte, FL. -Islamic Center - Pine BLuff, Arkansas -Islamic Center of Little Rock - Little Rock, Arkansas AL-HAMDULILLAAH Millions of People Read Al-Hikmat Magazine and View Al-Hikmat TV InShaa Allaah Ameen - MaaShaa Allaah MAGAZINE May / June 2015 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 VOICE OF OUR READERS / LETTERS 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMAND OFFICE OF THE COMMAND CHAPLAIN 9301 NW 33RD ST MIAMI, FL 33172-1217 May 11, 2015 Dear Shaikh, On behalf of General John Kelly, Commander United States Southern Command, I wish to thank you very much for sharing your journey of faith and providing information about your work with Darul Uloom Institute. We were most gratified that you took the time to assist us with religious perspectives and cultural insights we would not have otherwise had. . You brought nuance to the discussion and greatly assisted the US Southern Command Religious Affairs Office in conducting the entire event. I want to personally thank you for your willingness to take extra time to invest in developing the themes and underpinnings of the symposium. Your contributions were significant and will continue to ‘play out’ as we move towards Religion Matters III. You demonstrated, in word and deed, your commitment to the United States Military, and US Southern Command specifically. We were inspired by your wisdom and enriched by your candor; and I would like to think we had some fun along the way. We look forward to many other engagements with you as we seek to broaden our perspective in working with nations in Central and South America and the Caribbean and creating environments for multi-faith dialogue. May the Lord God Almighty Bless and Keep You, +AMEN+. Broward Sheriff’s Office 2601 West Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-891-8900 www.sheriff.org Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H MATRIMONIAL SERVICES If you are looking for a spouse- you can e-mail us your information, go online to fill out a form or call for details. Your information would be confidential, Inshaa Allaah. Sister - Age 37 - Doctor Residing in Pennsylvania Looking for a Muslim Brother between the age of 35-41 Q17 May 7, 2015 Imam Shaikh Shafayat AL- Hikmat Services P.O. Box 816277 Hollywood, FL 33081 R18 Muslim Sister Age-45 Resides in Morocco Looking for a Muslim Brother Dear Imam Shafayat, On behalf of the Office of the Chaplain and the Broward Sheriff’s Office, we would like to thank you for participating in the National Day of Prayer, on May 7, 2015. It is truly a blessing, when people of different faiths and ethnicities can come together and pray for a common goal. Your prayers were well received and appreciated. Again, thank you for participating and I look forward to seeing you in future events throughout, Broward County. If I can ever be of assistance to you or your congregation, please do not hesitate to call. Muslim Brother Seeking Sister for Marriage Age: 44 Height: 6’2 / Resides in: New York Profession: Engineer / Divorced / 1 Kid S19 T20 Muslim Sister Age-28 Resides in Virginia Looking for a Muslim Brother U21 Muslim Sister Age - 55 Resides in Florida Looking for a Muslim Brother V22 Muslim Brother / Age - 60 Resides in Florida Looking for a Muslim Sister W23 Muslim Sister / Age - 29 Resides in Guyana Looking for a Muslim Brother For more details contact AL-HIKMAT OFF: 954-986-0158 alhikmat@alhikmat.com QUR’AAN & DA’WAH / ISLAMIC LITERATURE Zakaat & Sadaqa Generous Brothers & Sisters can give Zakaat or Sadaqa so Al-Hikmat could provide Islamic Materials and Literature to brothers and sisters in Correctional Institutions, plus to New Muslims and Non-Muslims who are needy and seeking to learn more about Islam, Inshaa Allaah. I, _________________________________________________ pledge to donate $_____________________ towards Da’wah & Community Services, Inshaa Allaah. Distribution of Free Qur’aan Sponsoring Students to Study Islam Al-Hikmat International Magazine Al-Hikmat TV 24/7 Online Printing of Islamic Publications Al-Hikmat DAII - Da’wah & Interfaith Institute Distribution of Islamic Cd’s, Dvd’s, Pamphlets Feeding & Clothing the Poor Orphans & Needy Al-Hikmat DAII - Da’wah & Interfaith Institute Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________State: ___________________________Zip:_________________ Tel:______________________Cell:_______________________ E-mail:_____________________________ Please make check payable to: AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. P.O Box 816277 Hollywood Florida 33081 Toll Free: 1-800-804-0267 *Tel: 954-986-0158 *E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com AL-HIKMAT OR INTERNATIONAL DON ATE P AYP AL ONLINE WITH DONA PA YPAL CREDIT CARD WWW.ALHIKMAT.COM MUSLIM 22 MAGAZINE AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. P.O. Box 816277 Hollywood Florida USA 33081 Tel: 1-800-804-0267 * 954-986-0158 *Web: www.alhikmat.com * E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Al-Hikmat Student Scholarship Application Form Students interested in getting an Al-Hikmat Scholarship to study Islam Local or International, can contact Al-Hikmat office with your request, Inshaa Allaah. First Name: ___________________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth ______________________Gender: Male ( ) Female( )Home Tel: ____________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ Work :______________________Email: _____________________________ Address: _______________________City:_______________State: _______Country: ______________ Zip Code: _________ Academic Education:_______________________________I.D/Passport/Driver License No:___________________________ Occupation: _____________________________________________Skills: _______________________________________ Institute / Madrasah Attended:__________________________________Years __________Country_____________________ Institute / Madrasah Request to Attend:__________________________________ Country: ____________________________ Remarks: ______________________________________Signature:____________________________Date:_____________ Inshaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 23 MENTION AL-HIKMAT FOR SPECIAL SERVICES KHAN & TEAM Shortsale & Foreclosure EXPERT REALTY Tel: (954) 394-8935 Shortsale & Foreclosure EXPERT http://irfankhan.sef.mlxchange.com/ E-mail: Honestrealtor2000@yahoo.com 19979 SW 7th PL, Pembroke Pines FL. 33029 *IRFAN KHAN Home & Business Loans Residential & Commercial Properties AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 24 Short Sale, REO, Bank Owned & Foreclosure Homes March / April 2015 Jammadi-uth-Thani / Rajab 1436 A.H 1234567890123456789012345678901212 1234567890123456789012345678901212 1234567890123456789012345678901212 1234567890123456789012345678901212 HEALTH CORNER HUMOR WHOLE GRAIN DISTRIBUTION By: Dr. Mohsin Jaffer Senior Medical Associates What’s the difference between whole grains and refined grains? Any foods made with rice, oats, wheat, cornmeal or cereal, are part of the grains Dr. Mohsin Jaffer group. Breads, cereals, oatmeal, pasta, and tortillas are all made from grain products. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel, the bran (fiber), the germ, the endosperm (the starchy part). These whole grain components are rich in vitamins and minerals. Examples of whole grains include whole wheat flour, oatmeal, and brown rice. Refined grains have been milled and processed to give them finer texture and an extended shelf life. However, this process removes much of the fiber as well as many vitamins and minerals the body needs. Examples of refined grains include white flour, white bread, and white rice. Why are whole grains better for your health? It has long been known that eating whole grains is important because whole grains contain mostly fiber, an important element in digestive health. Fiber has important vitamins and minerals. It also helps with constipation, bloating, some bowel diseases, and contains plant antioxidants. Recently, studies have shown that eating more whole grains may help with lowering cholesterol, maintaining insulin control, slowing plaque build-up in arteries, managing weight, and some cancers. How do I get more whole grains in my diet? The dietary guidelines recommend increasing whole grains by choosing whole grain breads, bran cereals, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends at least three servings of whole grains every day. Be sure to check the food label and ingredients. Choose foods that name one of the following ingredients first on the ingredient list: whole wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, whole cornmeal, cracked wheat, graham flour, whole barley, and whole rye. Continued on Page 34, Inshaa Allaah AL-HIKMAT Continued from Page 11 AT THE CEMETER Y CEMETERY Two little boys stole a bag of orange from their neighbour and decided to go to a calm place to share the “loot’’. One of them suggested the nearby cemetery. As they were jumping the big gate to enter the cemetery, 2 oranges fell out of the bag behind the gate, but they didn’t bother to pick them since they felt they had enough in the bag. Few minutes later, a drunkard on his way from a local bar passed near the cemetery gate and heard a voice: “One for me, one for u. “One for me, one for u” He immediately sobers up and runs as fast as he can to the local priest. “Father father pls come with me oh!!! Come and witness God & Satan sharing corpse at the cemetery.” They both ran back to the cemetery gate and the voice continued: “One for me, one for u, one for me, one for you! Suddenly the voice stop counting and says: “What about the two at the gate (refering to the Priest and the drunkard)?” See the marathon! Even the priest almost passed the church gate, shouting “we are not dead yet!!! AL-HIKMAT 100,000 Qur ’aan Dr iv e Qur’aan Driv ive JOIN US by Sponsoring Qur’aan on CDS for FREE DISTRIBUTION To Muslims & Non-Muslims WORLDWIDE. For more details see Page 5 TEL: 1-800-804-0267 / 954-986-0158 E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Web: www.alhikmat.com *Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com Inshaa Allaah Ameen Maashaa Allaah INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 25 MISTAKES ARE PART OF DESTINY By: Dr. Harun Yahya / Ankara, Turkey Submitted by: Sis. Ebru / Turkey Also Allah is the One Who does not wake a person who is late for a job because he fell asleep because maybe his friends waiting for him need to be late as well. Maybe this will protect them from some danger or maybe bring the means to carry out a more important job. If one does not realize these facts, when he makes a mistake he would panic and feel anxiety and sorrow. He would feet unease and dismay. His sadness would increase even because of the effect of this situation on other people and his troubles increase day by day. However, it is not in line with the moral values of the Qur’an to feel sad, dismay and troubled because of a mistake, which took place in his destiny by Allah’s will. Muslims overthrow their discomort and anxieties as a result of their mistakes again by turning to Allah and acting according to the moral values of the Qur’an. They do not fall into depression like people who do not live by the morality of religion. They do not feel sadness, sorrow or hopelessness by evaluating their mistakes with an emotional state of mind. They only experinece a very deep and strong sense of regret. However this is not an evil kind of regret; it is a Muslim kind of regret because this feeling of regret helps them hold onto the Qur’an even more strongly. They pray to Allah even more deeply. Their religious enthusiasm, determination to live by the moral values of the Qur’an, submission to Allah, faith in the hereafter and fear of Allah increase tremendaously. They take very sincere decisions to become better in every way and become more enthusiastic and energetic by striving more in this way. They know that even if they could take the time back, they would still make the same mistakes. When they criticize themselves and feel regret for their actions, they do not forget that all things have occured according to destiny. Therefore they do not “live in a sense of guilt” as irreligious people do. Continued on Page 26, InShaa Allaah MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H Continued from Page 25 By: Dr. Harun Yahya / Ankara, Turkey - Submitted by: Sis. Ebru / Turkey MISTAKES ARE PART OF DESTINY Allah revealed in the Qur’an as such:“Everything they did is in the Books. Everything is recorded, big or small. (Surat alQamar, 52-53) It is impossible to claim that a person will never make any mistakes throughout his life and is complete and flawless because human beings are created as weak creatures who can make mistakes. Our Almighty Lord is the One Who is forgiving and accepts repentance. Therefore, a believer needs to take lessons from the mistakes he made knowingly or unknowingly or because he followed his inner self. What he needs to do is to regret it and follow the truth and submit to our Lord and strive not to repeat that mistake. Of course he needs to be very careful about not making any mistakes and commit any further sins and protecting the boundaries of our Lord. But even if he makes a mistake it is a very good quality of faith to ask for forgiveness from Allah. The names of Allah as “The Acceptor of Repentance” (AtTawwab), “The All-Forgiving” (Al-Ghaffar), “The All-Merciful” (Ar-Rahman) are manifested on the believers who regret their mistakes, ask for forgiveness and turn to Allah. Believers Take Lessons From Their Mistakes - As a result of their faith and fear of Allah, mistakes help believers become more clean morally. Maybe they make a mistake on one thing, but they remember that mistake all their lives and avoid making a similar mistake by taking lessons from it. However, Allah created human beings especially in a character so that they can use their conscience, feel regret and repent, turn to Him and ask for His forgiveness and take decisions not to repeat that mistake. A person must do all he can not to make a mistake; and strive to act in a very moral way by using his mind, will and conscience to the end. But when there is a mistake, he needs to act in the way as described in the Qur’an. If that mistake has helped the person to better understand his weakness in the face of Allah’s infinite power and his need for Allah, then this shows that person’s sincere faith and fear of Allah. If he regrets his mistake and fears to be held responsible in the Day of Judgment, and if he submits to Allah’s mercy and forgiveness, then he is abiding by the moral values of the Qur’an by Allah’s leave. Such a person prays sincerely so Allah accepts his repentance and forgives him. He promises to Allah with a true heart not to repeat that mistake. In one verse, our Lord heralds that He will accept the repentance of his sincere servants: “But if anyone makes repentance after his wrongdoing and puts things right, Allah will turn towards him. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 39) The Qur’an is the only measure for believers, so their approach to a person who makes a mistake is always in line with the moral values of the Qur’an. A believer knows that every person is a human being who is weak and who can make a mistake easily. He does not forget that Allah is the One Who creates everything –by Allah’s leaveand he can distinguish a sincere mistake from a deliberate one. When a person is sincere, his love or respect would not change because of a single mistake - by Allah’s leave. 6301 TAFT STREET HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA THE FOLLOWING SERVICES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE TO THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY OF S.E. FLORIDA ON A PRE-ARRANGED BASIS. COMPLETE PRE-ARRANGED FUNERAL AND BURIAL PACKAGE $8,185.00 The pricing is subject to the following conditions: *Only available to the Muslim Community of S.E. Florida on a Pre-Arranged basis. *Not available on an At-Need basis. *Prevailing General Price List, Casket Price List and Outer Burial *Container Price List will be in effect if no Pre-Arrangements are in force. *The aforementioned pricing does not include Documentary Stamps ($26.60) or Recording and Archiving fee ($125.00) Pre-Arranged Agreements offered at Twenty Four (24) month payment plan with no layaway fee. PACKAGE INCLUDES: -Muslim Funeral Packages - $900.00 -Cardinal - White Casket - $695.00 -Cemetery Interment Services - $1695.00 -Vault Setting fee: $100.00 -Wilbert Monarch (V-2) - $995.00 -Single Interment Right - $3800.00 FOR APPOINTMENTS PLEASE CALL: (954) 989-1550 (OFFICE) AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 26 MAGAZINE S & A CARIBBEAN MARKET FOR ALL YOUR HALAAL MEATS: BEEF, GOAT, LAMB, DUCK, CHICKEN L A L LA A A A H AL H The Store For All Your East & West Indian Grocery FRESH FISH: FRESH GILBAKA, HASSA, SNAPPER, BUTTER FISH , BANGA MARY, SHRIMP & FRESH VEGETABLE Also The Latest Movie On DVD, VHS & AUDIO CD Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00 A.M - 8:00 P.M * Sat: 9:00 A.M - 8:00 P.M * Sun: 10:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M Call To Place Your Order: 954-961-6160 We Are Located: 6232 Pembroke RD, Miramar We Accept Food Stamps SUNSET ROTI SHOP Specialize In Caribbean & International Cuisine We Cater For All Occasions Delivery Available All Our Foods Are Halaal Specialize In: •Curry Chicken & Roti•T-Bone Steak•Chicken Parmesan•Fried Rice & Fried Ckicken• •Seafood Specialties•Polouri•Shrimp Pasta•Soups 6232 Pembroke Rd., Miramar, FL 33023 AND MANY MORE! (Between 64th Ave & 62nd Ave on Pembroke Rd) Same Plaza With S & A Caribbean Tel: (954) 322-0725 AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 27 TRINFORWARDING INT’L INC. Trinforwarding is your innovative partner to lead you towards your logistics solutions locally and around the world Forwarding & Shipping Services ♦ ♦Sea ♦ ♦Air ♦ ♦Logistics ♦ ♦Customs/Brokerage ♦Transport by road/ last mile delivery ♦ ♦Warehousing ♦Inventory management ♦ ♦Modern distribution technology ♦Project forwarding ♦ ♦Oil & Energy Services ♦Materials sourcing ♦ ♦Telecommunication logistics specialists CARIBBEAN USA & CANADA Trinidad & Tobago: 9720, NW 115 Way. Miami, Florida 33178 USA Tel: 305-887-9725 Fax:305-887-4897 Contacts: Veronica Ali, Cerce Vidal E-mail: miami@trinforwarding.com CANADA: 65, Crocker Drive, Brampton, Ontario, Canada LP6 1Z7 Tel: 905-362-7118 Fax: 905-794-3238 Contact: Omar Majeed E-mail: omarmajeed@trinforwarding.com 2-4, Luis Street,Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I. Tel: 868-624-6250, 868-623-1375, 868-625-3358. Fax: 868-624-6251. Contacts: Natasha Ann Bachew, Nichol Mc Comie, Mahindra Nagassar. E-mail:nbachew@trinforwarding.com; nmccomie@trinforwarding; mnagassar@trinforwarding.com INDIA Trinforwarding Logistics (India)Pvt.,Ltd 204, 2nd Floor, Saptagiri Towers,Above Pantaloons Showroom,Begumpet, Hyderabad -500 016 Contacts: Muhil , Saraswathi, Parvez*Tel: 91 40 66325202 *Fax:91 40 40032772 muhil@trinforwardinglogistics.com, saraswathi@trinforwardinglogistics.com New Delhi: Trinforwarding Logistics (India)Pvt.,Ltd A-44/B, Second Floor, Road #2, Mahilpalpur Ext., CONTACTS: MANU CHOPRA, VINOD KUMAR,MAJOR PURWAR *TEL: 91 11 26787249/50/51/52 FAX: 91 11 26787248 E-mail: manuchopra.del@trinforwardinglogistics.com *vinodkumar.del@trinforwardinglogistics.com majorpurwar.del@trinforwardinglogistics.com Mumbai: Trinforwarding Logistics (India)Pvt.,Ltd c-109, 1st Floor, Jayant Apartment, Sahar Air CargoComplex, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 099. *Tel: 91 022 28200420/ 28200424/ 28301046 *Fax: 91 022 28268839 Contacts: Norbert Mendonca, Yusuf Ali E-mail: norbertm.bom@trinforwardinglogistics.com, yusufali.bom@trinforwardinglogistics.com COMING SOON: Chennai & Kolkata (India) Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana and Dominican Republic (Caribbean) AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 28 May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567 RECOGNITION CORNER AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. Recognizes Shoyeb Mansur i Shoyeb Mansuri was born in Ahmedabad, India and have lived in the United States since High School. He is a graduate of Florida International University with a major in Civil Engineering. Since graduation, he has obtained his Professional Engineering License. He has worked as a Project Manager at the Florida Department of Transportation and is currently working with the Miami Dade County as a Design and Construction Manager. Shoyeb has been blessed by Allaah to serve the Muslim Community in South Florida. He is a Muslim community volunteer seeking the pleasure of Allah. Al-Hamdulillah, he is currently serving as the Vice-Chairman for the Muslim Communities Association of South Florida (MCA). MCA oversees the operations of Islamic Center of Greater Miami (better known as Masjid Miami Gardens) and Masjid Miami (aka Flagler Masjid). Shoyeb is a teacher for the Sunday School of ICGM and has worked Shoyeb Mansuri to establish the After School Learning Program at ICGM. Al-Hamdulillah, he has also serve as a Shura member of Musallah Al-Faiza in Downtown Miami. Shoyeb Mansuri is married to his beautiful wife Nasim. They have four beautiful children – Amira, Ammar, Asila and Abdul Aziz. Continued from Page 8 By: Sis. Sylmarie Mustapha Let Us Mak e T his Our Best R amadhan! Make Ramadhan! We make many excuses for not praying and remembering our Lord and in so doing instead of obeying our Lord and being grateful to Him, we end up sinning our souls by obeying and being deceived by Satan our sworn enemy whose goal is to lead us into Hell, (Allah forbid). Let us use our good health and our free time in seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT by remembering Him in prayer 5 times a day as well as in extra our extra prayers. Remember, whatever we may need help with in life, let us call on Allah God Almighty first, as no one else can help us but Him. Allah SWT said in the Quran, more or less, “Call on me and I shall answer your prayer”. My friends, if you have health problems, family problems, problems with you kids, house problems, job problems….beg Allah God AlAL-HIKMAT mighty for His help and He will surely help you in your time of need, as He does now. Sometimes the help or the answer to our prayer may not come right away or may not always come the way we expect it to, but rest assured, Allah SWT knows what is best for us and He will always help us in the right way and at the right time. But it would really help if we had a strong connection with Him, thru our daily worship to Him. Let us also spend more time reciting or reading the Quran more often; if you can’t recite the Arabic then contact your local Masjid and Imam and try to learn the Arabic. Either way, we need to read the English meaning and ask Allah SWT to open our hearts and guide us to understand and implement the meaning of the Quran in our lives. Read it for at least 15-20 minutes a day or more, I guarantee you will see marked changes in your life with the mercy of Allah SWT. Let us fast as many days as we can, as PBUH did in Shaban, this will help us prepare for fasting in Ramadhan. Let us repent to our Lord daily while we can (now in Shaban) for all the sins that we have committed knowingly or unknowingly. This way, with the mercy of Allah we can begin the blessed month of Ramadhan with a clean record and begin accumulating blessings from day one. Let us read books on the life and teachings of our mentor Prophet Muhammad PBUH, learn about his life and how he and his noble companions lived and let us try to be like them. In general, let us try to always be in the remembrance of our Lord and Creator Allah SWT. INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 298 Remember Allah SWT says in chapter 2 verse 152: “Remember Me and I will remember you, and be grateful to Me for my countless favors, and never be ungrateful to Me”. Also, let us seize the opportunity to tell our friends and coworkers and others about why we fast and the significance of Ramadhan. Let us try to go to the Masjid for the obligatory prayers especially in Ramadhan, let us stay for the Taraweeh prayer and listen to the Quran being recited nightly, also listen to any lectures being offered. Let us listen to Quran and Islamic lectures on CDs in our cars on our way to work and also in our homes. Let us get some Islamic lectures and encourage our families to listen to the advice and commands of God Almighty and His Messenger. Continued on Page 34, Inshaa Allaah MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H DIVORCE 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456 WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456 DR. WAZIR ISHAMAEL IS NOT THE END OF LIFE City Manager By: Sis. Kiran / Pembroke Pines FL. Kiran Khan Paracha Divorces are on the rise and we see it everywhere. My country, where we were once proud of low divorce rate, has seen exponential rise in marriage breakups for variety of reasons and in almost all social classes. So we can say with some degree of certainty that it is not a class issue. It is happening all around us with almost similar frequency. There are many reasons but most commonly cited ones are financial issues, in-laws problems, domestic unrest, abuse, infidelity, general dislike and lack of respect. The end of a marriage for any reason is a social and emotional setback for most people. It is the end of a journey that had been initiated with faith, dreams, love and more. But divorce is not always wrong or bad. In some cases, it is important and even necessary for survival. So I will never want anyone to make a sweeping judgment that all marriages can be saved or a divorce could have been avoided. I have personally met people whose divorce saved their lives because they were married to semi-psychopaths. However regardless of why it ends or how important it was to end the marriage, most will mourn a divorce because it brings an end to a life that could have been. Girls usually go through a period of mourning and self-pity followed by hope if parents are supportive and may eventually end up with better partners too if they seek to remarry. It’s not impossible and it is actually happening far more frequently than you might think. But in such cases, and for things to turn out positive for the girls, it is essential that they have a strong support system. While men of all ages would be encouraged to remarry, girls are usually not actively encouraged unless they have highly supportive parents and relatives who wish to see them happy again. It is important that girls be encouraged to remarry, find good partners but while they do this, allow them to first seek their own identity, have a financial ground to stand on and take it from there. It is not right to rush them into another marriage with just about anyone because no one would want to go through divorce yet one more time. In case of divorce then, let girls go through the period of mourning. Continued on Page 34, Inshaa Allaah Continued from Page 7 Dr. Wazir Ishmael is the City Manager of the City of Hollywood, Florida. He joined the City as Assistant City Manager for Sustainable Development in August 2014. Dr. Dr. Wazir Ishmael Ishmael supervises a full service City of 1,400 full-time and 200 part-time employees, and oversees a combined budget of approximately $500 million. Dr. Ishmael has over thirty years experience as a local government administrator, planner, educator and international business executive with the City of Miramar; Broward County Planning Council; Clark County, Washington; Wigan County Council, Lancashire, United Kingdom; and PlanLogical Corporation. During his 16 year tenure with Miramar, he progressively held the positions of Planning Manager, Community Development Director, Assistant City Manager for Development Services, Deputy City Manager and Interim City Manager. Dr. Ishmael received his Bachelor’s Degree with Honors in Development Studies (focusing on Economics and Natural Resources) from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England; his Master’s of Urban Regional Planning from the University of Miami, Florida; and his Doctorate in Urban Studies from Portland State University, Oregon. A native of Guyana, South America, Dr. Ishmael also holds dual nationality in the United Kingdom and the US. He sits on the Board of Directors for the Smart Growth Partnership, an organization that promotes responsible sustainable development practices, as well as Jamaat Ul Muttaqeen, where he also acts as the Administrator of the Sunday School. In his spare time, he assists with the coaching of his son’s soccer team and is an avid reader, cyclist and traveler. Most importantly, he is the father of two amazing children, Jordanna and Aaron, and a lovely wife of 28 years, Yasmin. INTERPRETATION Once a year, our church is transformed into a Sacred Art Gallery, as pieces from her class, art from members of our congregation, and wonderful treasures from the children in our Center grace our Sacred Space. It is a wonderful thing to see! This year, after the glorious viewing was drawing to a close, someone approached our beloved artist and congratulated her on a wonderful exhibit. However, she did not end there. She than stated, "What a AL-HIKMAT of The City of Hollywood WONDERFUL MINISTRY you offer here in our church." Gin was clearly touched by her remark, and than after brief pause shared this story: She told of how recently a woman entered her class who had been very ill, and whose hands trembled. She recently completed a work of art, and in tears approached Gin to thank her and share that for quite some time now she had not felt as "whole" as she did working on and completing this piece of art. INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 30 By Rev. Thomas Graf Had she reconnected? Pablo Picasso once shared, The purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." We thank you Gin and we celebrate your wonderful ministry at our church. As we all continue our journeys here on this earth, may we encounter wonderful "ministries" that can afford us opportunities to continue such Sacred Interpretation and Reconnection. MAGAZINE www.darelsalam.com Consolidator and Ethnic Agent for all major airlines to: INDIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA, FAR EAST & EUROPE Many More Airlines!!! BEST PACKAGES FOR HAJJ & UMRAH (561) 416-2033 / (954) 834-5000 (800) 319-9291 2201 N.E 52nd St. Suite #202 Lighthouse Point Florida 33064 AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 31 La w Of Law Offfices Of Roger Ally A Professional Association Admitted in Florida & Massachusetts Mailing Address: 200 S.E. 6th Street Suite# 602A Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33301 Tel: (954) 465-3594 Facsimile: (954) 727-9521 E-Mail: rogerally@yahoo.com 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 IS 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012345678901 YOUR HEALTH YOUR WEALTH DR. FIRAZ HOSEIN Internal Medicine (Board Certified) Address: 1 West Sample Rd Suite #201 Pompano Beach Fl. 33064 (954) 782-3170 For General Information Please Contact our business office at FLORIDA OFFICE Address: 5373 N Nob Hill Rd Sunrise, Florida 33351 Phone: 954-572-0299 Fax: 954-735-8889 F & S Insurance agency provides specialty niche products and service solutions through industry’s leading insurance companies and program administrators. We currently focus on serving gas stations, truck stops, convenience stores, repair shops, car washes, hotels, motels, restaurants, shopping centers, dry cleaners & laundry mats and other small to medium size businesses. Toll Free: 877-572-0999 GEORGIA OFFICE Address: 1825 Locke way Drive, Suite 205, Alpharetta, GA 30004 Phone: 770-242-9429 Fax: 770-242-9431 AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 32 May / June 2015 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 Continued from Page 4 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 By: Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890 QUESTION & ANSWER CORNER PRIORITY THE NIGHT OF POWER should be Question: When is Layla-tul-Qadr / The Night of Power and what should we do? Answer: Allaah describes the “Night of Power’ as better than a thousand months. Angel Jibraeel and the angels descend therein, by Allaah’s permission according to Ch. 97 of the Holy Qur’aan..The Night of Power or Destiny is an extremely important night for Muslims. It is the night in which the Holy Qur’aan, was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Qu’raan was revealed in Ramadhaan accroding to Chapter 2 V:185 and Chapter 97. Because the Night of Power is such a special night, many Muslims who want to gain extra blessings, spend the night by praying, supplicating and reading the Qur’aan etc., either in their privacy or in a mosque with other Muslims. There are also some Muslims who retreat/i’tikaaf in a mosque for the last ten days of Ramadhaan, which has been a strong practice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. Aisha R.A., may Allaah be pleased with her, reported that the Prophet SAW said: Look for Laylatul Qadr on an odd-numbered night during the last ten nights of Ramadhaan (Bukhaari). The Prophet said: “Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” (Bukhari and Muslim). We should try and make time to do extra ibaadat/worship in Ramaadhaan, while fasting and on the Night of Power Inshaa Allaah. Effort should be made to do I’tikaaf if possible; we should use every opportunity to make dua/ supplicate to Allaah; we should not forget to remember the dua given to Aisha R.A. by the Holy Prophet SAW, (Aisha R.A., may Allaah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?’ He said: ‘Say: O Allaah, You are Most Generous in pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me/“Allahumma innaka `afuwwun kareem tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee)” Last but not least, extra effort should be made to read, study and ponder over the verses of the Holy Qur’aan. Ramadhaan, is the month in which the Qur’aan was revealed as a GUIDE TO HUMAN BEINGS, therefore, in addition to reading and listening to the Qur’aan in Ramadhaan and the Night of Power, Allaah expects us to make the sincere intention and effort to change our attitude, manners and lifestyle for better according to the Qur’aan and Sunnah Inshaa Allaah. YOUR DUTY TO ALLA AH Therefore, if you have the resources and the health to perform Hajj, then you should not procrastinate to do so. Going back to the unpredictability of life and death discussed earlier, it is crucial to realize that to die without performing Hajj, when you had the ability to do so (according to the Hadith) is like dying as a “Jew or Christian”. This is not meant as an insult to either religion, but rather a point to be made that although Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all People of the Book, and all technically perform the first four pillars of Islam, Muslims are the only people Allah SWT commanded to perform Hajj, as a requirement of their religion. For this reason, do not simply make the intention to perform Hajj in your lifetime, but rather make it a priority because there is a chance you could fall ill, lose your wealth, or have some other difficulty in the future which prevents you to go. Lastly, in the world today Islam is being attacked from many angles. It is our responsibility as Muslims, more than ever, to spread the proper message of Islam to others who are misguided about Islam’s true message. In the Holy Quran (5:67), Allah tells the Prophet SAW, “O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people.” As Muslims, we cannot be afraid to speak up against evil in the world. In the last sermon of Prophet Muhammad SAW, he states, “Be my witness, O ALLAH, that I have conveyed your message to your people”. Granted that Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most excellent example we have of good character and righteous deeds, we should all strive to make it our duty to spread the message of Islam, just like our beloved Prophet SAW did. Assuredly, by taking on this responsibility, the popularity and spread evil messages will cease. As Muslims, it is essential that we remain steadfast in fulfilling our duties to Allah SWT. This includes performing good and righteous deeds as well as completing the five pillars that have been ordained to us. Only then can we expect to receive the mercy and blessings of Allah SWT and obtain true success, both in this world and in the hereafter, InshaAllah, Ameen. Shahi Restaurant 2092 N. University Drive. Pembroke Pines Florida 33024 Tel: 954-392-0999 Allaah Knows Best *Bombay Style Chinese (By request, the names of the questioners are not published) Answers Online by: Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed WWW.ALLEXPERTS.COM (Go to Religion/Spirituality, then go to Islam, then Click on Islamic Scholar). You can also send Questions to alhikmat@hotmail.com. Your Questions will be answered in the order they were received. AL-HIKMAT By Staci Brody *Indian *Pakistani INTERNATIONAL Al-Hikmat AAA Members Receive 10% Discount MUSLIM 33 *Fresh Subs MAGAZINE May / June 2015 Continued from Page 29 Rajab / Sha’baan 1436 A.H By: Sis. Sylmarie Mustapha Let Us Mak e This Make Our Best Ramadhan! My friends, this time is too precious to waste, we could be gaining so many blessings by just making a greater effort to gain knowledge and do more good deeds. Remember, this is a progressive way of life, if you think you are doing all of the above or some of these good deeds now…then try to do more, keep raising the bar, we can never have too many blessings, we will need as much as we can get to wipe out the many sins we commit knowingly, and unknowingly, in the past, present and future. Allah SWT continuously showers us with His many favors, to show our gratitude, we should continue to give more in His way and for His pleasure. Unfortunately many folks may not realize the true value of good health and the value of our spare time until it’s too late to use it; when we get sick or old and lose our good health or when we get too busy and have no spare time. Sometimes busyness is a test from Allah SWT, we may be rushing around always busy, with work, busy with chores, busy with our kids, busy with everything else except busy making time to pray to our Lord and Creator 5 times a day as He ordered us to. Let us make a better effort to manage our time more efficiently not just for all these worldly things but also so that we can devote more time to praying to and thanking our Lord God Almighty for all the favors and bounties he blesses us with daily…thankfully we’re alive, we can see, we can hear and talk and feel and taste and walk etc.. RememAL-HIKMAT ber, Allah is not in need of our prayers and thanks, we are the ones that need to show our love, gratitude and servitude to Him. My friends, sooner or later we will all die and leave this world, our time for using our good health and our free time will be over, it will be too late for tears. As the Prophet’s companion Omar R.A said: “Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable and weigh your deeds before they are weighed for you”. Great words of wisdom for us all. Also, the noble Prophet PBUH said: Take advantage of 5 things before 5 others happen: 1) Take advantage of your youth before you grow old. 2) Take advantage of your health before you fall sick. 3) Take advantage of your wealth or money before you become poor. 4) Take advantage of your spare time before you become busy. 5) Take advantage of your life before you die. Let us ponder and then act on this great advice from the wisest man to ever walk this earth, Muhammad SAW. May Allah SWT grant us all the life, health and motivation to meet and observe the blessed month of Ramadhan in the best manner, may He guide us to do more good deeds and to utilize the bounties and favors that He has blessed us with to gain from all His blessings, mercies, forgiveness and salvation available in the blessed month of Ramadhan and beyond, Ameen. Continued from Page 30 DIVORCE IS NOT THE END OF LIFE By: Sis. Kiran It is important for them to get this out of their system because that is natural grieving response. Once they have accepted it, let them build a life for themselves through educational and work. It may take few years but it is for their own good. During this period, if they find someone nice, by all means encourage them to explore the opportunity but if not, do not push them into marrying just about anyone because if they go ahead and marry without any solid education or financial support, they are very likely to end up feeling inferior and inadequate. This can lead to trouble in marriage which is certainly not desirable a second time. Pray, pray and pray some more. Nothing works better than prayers. No amount of education, financial support, effort or background check on the prospective groom will yield better results than when all of these are combined with duaa. It works wonders and when combined with physical efforts on your part, it can produce some magical results. I am a big believer in human effort but I have seen and experienced the sheer magic of hard work when it was combined with duaa because duaa brings that additional x-factor to it that sheer human effort cannot. So pray for the girl, encourage her to pray for her brighter future and then make all the effort required on your part. The results will most definitely surpass your expectations. I know a young girl who got married to the wrong man, came back to parents house INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM 34 in three months, found herself pregnant, gave birth to a boy, got divorced, all of this within one year of marriage. She was depressed, but prayed a lot. Had a very strong support system. Luckily found a guy in similar situation after two years. Got married to him and they have now been married for ten lovely years. It’s a beautiful union and she says nothing would have changed her life had she not believed in power of duaa. So by all means find solace in remembrance of Allah for He alone can change your life and put all your worries to rest. Continued from Page 25 WHOLE GRAIN By: Dr. Jaffer Note: wheat flour, enriched flour, and degerminated corn meal are not whole grains. The word “whole” is what you want to look for on the food label. It means the bread was made using the entire kernel, which offers the most nutritional value. Where can I get more information? Go to the American Dietetic Association: www.eatright.org or talk with your doctor. YES (Whole Grain) •Whole (name of grain) •Whole (name of grain) flour •Whole grain (name of grain) •Oats, oatmeal •Graham flour NO (Whole Grain Ingredients) •Enriched flour •Degerminated •Wheat germ •Wheat flour (this is refined white flour) AL-HIKMAT 100,000 Qur’aan Drive JOIN US BY Sponsoring Qur’aan on CDS FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION To Muslims & Non-Muslims WORLDWIDE For more details see Page 5 MAGAZINE HALAAL CHICKEN KFC No Body Does Chicken Like KFC N E 182 st KFC 179 st 176 st A1A I-95 Miami Gardens Biscayne Blvd Hallandale Beach 18108 Collins Ave. North Miami, Fl Call And Order In Advance 305-937-1553 Al-Hikmat AAA Members Receive 10% Discount!!! AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE 35 AL-HIKMAT INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM MAGAZINE AL-HIKMAT MUSLIM MAGAZINE DARUL ULOOM INSTITUTE P.O. Box 816277, Hollywood, Florida, U.S.A, 33081 1-800-804-0267 PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PA I D SOUTH FL. FL. PERMIT NO:443 CO ANE AND ASSOCIA TES C OA AT S,, P L L LC IMMIGRA TION LA W IMMIGRATION LAW HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND EXPERIENCE 407 Lincoln Road Suite 11-B Miami Beach, FL 33139 *(305) 538-6800 *(786) 457-8472 Mr.vCoanevisvBoardvCertifiedvinvImmigrationvand Nationalityv Lawv byv thev Texasv Boardv ofv Legal Specializationvandvhasvoverv25vyearsvofvexperience andv worksv togetherv withv Mr.v Benhayounv inv all Abraham Benhayoun areasvofvimmigrationvlaw. Attorney www.coane.com Printed by: Al-Hikmat Services Inc. Tel: 954-986-0158 / 1-800-804-0267 E-mail: alhikmat@alhikmat.com Website: www.alhikmat.com Al-Hikmat TV: www.alhikmattv.com
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