sept-11-bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Lake Wales, FL
sept-11-bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Lake Wales, FL
Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espiritu Santo 644 South 9th Street Lake Wales, Florida 33853 Website: Church Office Phone: (863) 676-1556 Fax: (863) 676-2962 OUR CLERGY Father David Vargas Parochial Administrator Deacon John Avery: (863)-678-6908 Deacon Sam Knight: (863)-638-1231 CHURCH OFFICE Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12, 1-3pm OFFICE PERSONNEL Parish Secretary: Jessica Cordova Business Manager: Richar d Miller Faith Formation Director for Children & Youth: Terri Seitz Mass Schedule 1st Saturday Mass 8:30a.m English 4:00 pm English 6:30 pm Spanish 8:00 am & 11:00am English Director of Music: Bob Luft Saturday Mass Maintenance: Robert Melnitzke and Nicholas Lindaman Co-leaders of Outreach Ministry Sharon Olson & Robyn Prater Monday Communion Service Daily Mass 8:30 am Tue, Thurs, Friday, Wed 5:15 pm, 6:30 pm Spanish Website Coordinator: Bob Salajka Confessions Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm Sunday 8:30am Appointments: (Or by appointment) Please call or email during office hours Page 2 Sat September 11, 2016 Sept 10 4:00 p.m 6:30 pm Sun Sept 11 8:00 am 11:00am Mon Sept 12 Tue 8:30 am Sept 13 8:30 am +Barbara Crosby by mother +Antonio Ortiz Diaz by family +David & Sabino Corona, Claudia Velazquez, Emilia Tellez by family +Debbie Dibernardino by Parish Choir +Jeff Aho Orth by Mary Fri Sept 16 8:30 am For the sick and suffering Sat Sept 17 4:00 pm +Lorraine Drace by George Drace 11:00am $1,841.00 Lest it go unsaid your monetary offerings are always appreciated! Special intentions for Lucia Ortiz Thur Sept 15 8:30 am Sept 18 8:00 am Second Collection for Louisiana Flood Victims Eucharistic Communion Service +Steven Drace by George Drace Sun Sept 3 & 4 $ 8,474.50 +Brenda “Carol” Drace by George Drace Special wedding anniversary intentions for Earl & Carol Goetz Wed Sept 14 5:15 pm 6:30 pm (Spanish) 6:30 pm OUR STEWARDSHIP: Holy Spirit Total Collection Special intentions for Julia Diaz by family +Antonio Ortiz by family +Kimberly Chicerchia by CCW +William Jones & Eric Gable by wife & mom +Mary Jonas by Sharon Anderson Adoration Please pray for: Dick Champion, Margaret Ireland, Jody McDonald, Joyce Brandenberg, Kristina Martinez, Theresa Cook, Angie Perez, Linda Niño, Mildred McDonald, Don Luko, David Monte Johns Jr, Tim Mosley, J.C McLendon, Luis A. Figueroa, Julia Diaz Reyes, Lucia Ortiz. If you would like to put a family member, friend or yourself in the bulletin under “Prayers for the Sick”, please call the office & let Jessica know. BEGINS THE WEEKEND OF SEPTEMBER 10 WINTER MASS SCHEDULE. MASSSES ARE AS FOLLOWS: SATURDAY– 4:00 PM SATURDAY– 6:30 PM SPANISH Every Tuesday at 7:00pm SUNDAY– 8:00 AM in the Chapel. Everyone is SUNDAY– 11:00 AM welcome to Bingo! Attention! We will re-open Bingo the first week of October! come Please remember we are still looking for volunteers for next year. worship Any questions or to volunteer please call the parish office or with us! Jerry Knuth (863) 949-4504 Page 3 September 11, 2016 FAITH FILLED CATHOLIC WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Women’s Bible Study Beginning on Monday mornings in the school Conference Room on October 10, 2016 from 9:15am – 10:30am. Light refreshments will be served. No Cost! Just bring a bible! There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex for any women in the parish who would be interested in exploring how the lessons in the Bible relate to our everyday lives. Through the sharing of experiences with other women in a small group discussion setting, this program will address themes that will resonate with women. Please pick up a schedule and sign-up! With prayer as its cornerstone, you’ll find this creative program convenient and rewarding. For more information or if you have questions about this program, please contact the parish office (863 676 1556) and speak with: Terri Seitz, Faith Formation Director. Dear Families, Attention!! We are happy to have your family be a part of the Holy We need a volunteer to run our parish Spirit Faith Formation Program! As parents, we are website. If your talent is computers… charged with forming our children in the Catholic faith and we need you! Our current Web master nurturing them in their relationship with God. The Faith Bob Salajka will train you. Please call Formation Program is a continuous program from PK3 the office for more information, and to leave your name and number so we through 12th grade. We strongly encourage participation can have Bob contact you. throughout the entirety of the elementary and high school years, but welcome children at any point. Included in the Thank you in advance for your help! program, at age appropriate times, is preparation for the Jessica Cordova sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Weekly mass attendance is a necessary part BLOOD DRIVE!! of the program and a foundation for our lives as Catholics. Classes for the 2016-2017 school year begin on Sunday, Here at Holy Spirit on Saturday, September 11. Please stop by the parish office if you still September 10 from need to register and please do so before the first day of 2:45 pm –5:45 pm. class! Also Sunday, September 11 from 7:30am –1:00pm God Bless! Terri Seitz Faith Formation and Youth Director Free gift with blood donation, First time donors please bring a photo ID! Thank you for saving lives!! Page 4 September 11, 2016 OUR CATHOLIC APPEAL We need your help to reach our goal this year so far the total to date donations to Our Catholic Appeal are $ 76,206.47 How your gift to Our Catholic Appeal helps others Your gifts to Our Catholic A ppeal are the sole source of funding for 28 ministries that benefit every parish, mission and school in our diocese. In addition, your gifts provide critical support for outreach programs such as Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Hope Community Center, and our schools in the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic. Because of your generosity, we are able to: support 35 seminarians in their formation provide food, medical care and housing to those in need organize spiritual enrichment opportunities for both the lay community and our clergy train parish catechists and certify new lay ecclesial ministers evangelize through diocesan-wide media meet with elected officials to discuss issues that affect all people, Catholic and non-Catholic alike Dorothy's Corner Food Pantry: Thank you for your continued donations to our Food Pantry. The items listed below are always Needed. PLEASE we ask that no clothing be left in the food donation boxes at this time. We also ask Please check all expiration dates no food can be accepted if it is over one year old. Items needed: Canned fruit Canned meats Dried potatoes Cereal Spaghetti sauce Spaghetti noodles, pasta Canned vegetables Macaroni and cheese Shampoo Soap Toothpaste Toothbrushes Dish detergent Laundry detergent Thank you! THERE WILL BE ENVELOPES AT THE CHURCH AND ALSO AT THE PARISH MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS OFFICE FOR YOUR DONATIONS The sound of music is in the SACRED JOURNEYS For all girls celebrating a Quinceañera between the months of Sept. 2016- Jan. 2017 As part of your Quinceañera preparation you must attend a Quiceañera Retreat on: air! Choir and instrumental rehearsals will be starting on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. If you play an instrument or like to sing then we would love to have you join us. Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 from 10:00am -2:00 pm. The cost is $10.00 which will cover materials and lunch. Please do not be late. This is a very special retreat just for you. See You on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016 at 10:00am. We will gather in the school bldg. Rehearsal times are as follows: Wednesdays at 10:30am: Instrumental Rehearsals Wednesdays at 6:09pm: Choir Rehearsals Saturdays at 6:00pm: Spanish Rehearsals Page 5 September 11, 2016 BECOMING CATHOLIC Meetings are held most Thursday Evenings from 6:30-8:00pm in the Living/Community Room located in the parish office. We officially begin on Thursday, September 15, 2016. FAITH FIT APP PROMOTES HEALTH OF BODY, MIND AND SOUL The Diocese of Orlando is offering a free app, “Faith Fit” that focuses on the Catholic teachings on the human person and the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. The app provides prayer, health tips and catechetical information BECOMING CATHOLIC about the human person, the value of huAges 18 and older man life and the wholeness of each person What is “Becoming Catholic” all about? Becoming Catholic follows the Rite of Christian Initiation that God intends for humankind. There is a of Adults (RCIA) and is a comprehensive formation process daily inspirational message for individuals into the full sacramental life of the Catholic Church. It is to reflect upon and take action on. There is both educational and spiritual, designed to develop the also the ability to enter and track activity whole person into the Catholic Christian Faith. Who is the program for? and weight goals, a “prayer note” feature so 1. Those who are un-baptized and are seeking people can write prayer reminders, as well admittance into the Catholic Church. (Catechumen) as prayer podcasts to inspire a more robust 2. Those who are baptized in another Christian community and prayer life. Faith Fit is available to download seek full communion in the Catholic Church. (Candidate— from iTunes or the Google Play Store. Visit Baptized Christian of another Faith) 3. Those Catholics who did not receive the for more Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation and desire full information. initiation into the Catholic Church. (Catholic Candidate) 4. Those Catholics who had previously left the Church and now desire re-admittance. (Candidate) 5. Non- Catholics Christians who are planning to, or are already married to Catholics and desire to learn more about their spouse’s faith. (Candidate - Baptized Christian of another Faith) Knitters for Christ As always, WE ARE IN NEED OF YARN! If you have any yarn, or see it on clearance in the store or any Rummage Sale, you are welcome to donate it by dropping it off at Those interested in the Becoming Catholic process are the parish office between 9 and 3, Monday kindly asked to email Terri.s@holyspiritlakewales,org or through Friday. Knitting will continue on call the parish office and contact Terri Seitz at September 14. every second and fourth 863- 676-1556.We at Holy Spirit Parish are happy that Wednesday of the month. the Lord has called you to journey with Him in this Everyone, welcome to join us! spiritual process. We will do all we can, not only to assist you in this journey, but to walk with you. SIPS OF FAITH REMINDER: Do not forget on the weekend of Sept 17 and 18, we have a special second collection and speaker coming for our Sister Diocese in the Dominican Republic. Thank You in advance for your donations! Resumes on the weekend of September 10 in the Parish hall after the 8:00am Mass. All Welcomed! Page 6 September 11, 2016 OKTOBERFESTSEPTEMBER 16, 2016 FROM 5:00PM—8:00PM COME JOIN US FOR… FOOD, FUN & FROLIC! Tickets are on sale for our Oktoberfest after all Masses starting this week. They will also be on sale at the Parish office! $15.00 each or 2 tickets for $25.00! Tickets are limited so get yours today and come have a taste of Germany! Knights News K of C meeting every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm. Any questions contact Grand Knight Gary Kennedy at 863-2329562 or via the website The Msgr. J. Walter Grill Columbiettes Auxiliary #5643 We meet every second Monday of each month for potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. Meetings lasts about an hour. If you have any questions, please contact your President, Miriam Kennedy at 863-287-9486. Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women News! Please don’t forget about our harvest Moon Ball ! October 14,2016 & Our Parish Picnic October 30th! The Vocation Blessing Chalice Next meeting is this, October 4th. Mass will be at 8:30 am. The meeting will begin at 9:30am in the Parish Center. Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon following the monthly program. All women of the Parish are invited to attend and to consider joining CCW. Dues are $10.00 per year, and lunches are $3.00 each. Once again, thank you to all those who supported Spook Hill Elementary with school supplies ($600.00 +) , and who sold Spook Hill shirts sold $3,500 + at orientation on August 11, 2016. Each week at Sunday Mass Fr. David will call a family, individual, or couple forward to receive the Vocation Chalice. They receive a Franciscans Meet after the 8:30am blessing and take the chalice home, putting it in a place Mass every 1st Saturday of the of honor. Each day for a week, during prayer time Month. Everyone is welcome to (morning, bedtime or at meals), they pray for an attend! increase and perseverance of vocations. The following Sunday they return the Vocation Blessing Chalice Anchors of Faith before Mass. We are on vacation for the summer, but A prayer journal also travels with the Blessing Chalice. we will resume our meetings on Each week the family, individual, or couple who has the September 6th. If you would like to join Anchors of Faith, do not hesitate to call. chalice enters a thought, prayer, or scripture verse. Please Contact Please sign up in the Narthex to reserve your Marge Prunty at 863-605-1115 week! Pagina 7 Septiembre 11, 2016 NUESTRA COLECTA Septiembre 3 & 4 $ 8,474.50 Segunda Colecta $1,841.00 Gracias por sus donaciones que Dios los bendiga siempre Grupo de Oración El Grupo de Oración se reúne los viernes en el salón de la Iglesia a las 7:00pm. Todos invitados a ser parte de este grupo de oración! Caballeros de Colon Reunión todos los 1er y 3er lunes del mes a las 7:00 pm. Para cualquier pregunta se pueden comunicar con Gary Kennedy al 863-232-9562 o buscarnos en nuestra página de internet Clases de Bautismo Quinceañeras: Serán celebradas solamente dos veces por mes, estas serán privadas, si usted quiere que su hija tenga misa privada, habrá costo (llame a la oficina para costo de misa) *si usted quiere una bendición solamente durante alguna de las Misas, no habrá costo. *Todas las quinceañeras deben estar en clase de formación religiosa (aunque ya este confirmada) *su familia debe ser miembros de la parroquia. · Completar las formas en la oficina · Traer carta de permiso (de su parroquia) o prueba de ser miembro de *Podrá rentar el salón haciendo contrato, pagando el costo, con nuestra parroquia. depósito, tiene que tener seguridad en · Traer acta de nacimiento del niño(a) quien quiera bautizar (Mayores de su evento, y asegúransa si va a traer 6 años deben de estar en clase de Catecismo) alcohol al salón. · Atender regularmente a Misa. *Tiene que reservar su fecha, por lo · Padrinos y padres deben tomar clase de bautismo, la clase es el menos de 4-6 meses antes para la Misa segundo sábado de cada mes a las 5:00pm en la iglesia. y el salón. (POR FAVOR NO LLEGUEN TARDE O TENDRAN QUE ESPERAR AL SIGUIENTE MES A TOMAR LA CLASE) * El costo para música es separado, si · Hacer cita con Jessica para reunirse con el Padre David si es necesario. usted quiere tener música en Deben llegar por lo menos 15 minutos antes de la Misa del bautismo. Clases de Formación Religiosa Gracias y bendiciones! Registración para nuestro año escolar 20016-2017. Grados Pk-5 Grado Domingos 9:30am–10:45am Grados 6-8 Miercoles 6:30pm-8:30pm Grados 9-11 Domingo 6:00pm-8:00pm Cofirmacion– Domingo 5:30pm-8:00pm Atencion: Por favor llame a la Señora CUALQUIER PREGUNTA LLAME A LA OFICINA PARA HABLAR CON JESSICA. POR FAVOR MIRE LA PAGINA NUMERO 4, PARA INFORMACION SOBRE EL RETIRO DE QUINCEANERAS. RETIRO SERA EL 24 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 10:00AM-2:00PM. MANDARORIO! POR FAVOR MANTENGANSE INFORMADO! Clases de Esol comenzaran pronto! Maria Vega si esta usted interesado/a en formar parte de un grupo de bienvenida de Si usted esta interesado por favor llene la Iglesia. Necesitamos personas quienes quieran ayudar y ser partes de este Nuevo una forma después de misa. Los sábados estará alguien en el frente para que usted llene la forma y la deje y nosotros saber quien esta grupo que queremos formar. Llame al interesado. Alguna pregunta llame a… (863) 224-1805 Para mas informacion. Jessica en la oficina (863)676-1556