ibex report_DEF_rid - Safari Club International Italian Chapter
ibex report_DEF_rid - Safari Club International Italian Chapter
The “Marmolada Alpine ibex Project” Safari Club International-Italian Chapter Amministrazione provinciale di Belluno Corpo Forestale dello Stato Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia Dipartimento di Produzioni Animali Epidemiologia Ecologia di Torino Dipartimento di Scienze Animali di Padova Research report: may 2006-may 2009 Cover picture by: Maurizio Ramanzin The “Marmolada ibex project” started in 2006 with the aim of helping the Marmolada colony to recover after a population crash due to a sarcoptic mange epidemic. 14 adult males coming from the Jôf-Fuart Montasio(Giulie Alps) colony, which had survived a previous scabies epidemic, were translocated in 2006 and 2007. The following institutions/corporations took part in the project: Safari Club International-Italian Chapter Financing of monitoring and scientific activities Amministrazione provinciale di Belluno Captures and translocation of the ibexes, logistic support Corpo Forestale dello Stato Captures and translocation of the ibexes, logistic support Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia Supply of ibexes, cooperation in captures Department of Animal science. University of Padova Scientific supervision of the project and post-release monitoring Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology. University of Torino. Scientific supervision of the project and ibex captures; cooperation in ibex monitoring This report was written by L. Scillitani, E. Sturaro and M. Ramanzin The following persons took part to field activities and/or data analysis: Scientific supervison Maurizio Ramanzin – Department of Animal Science, University of Padova Luca Rossi – Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology. University of Torino. Field work supervision Enrico Sturaro – Department of Animal science, University of Padova Luca Dal Compare – Department of Animal science, University of Padova Laura Scillitani – Department of Animal science, University of Padova Chiara Viale – Department of Animal science, University of Padova Statistical analyses Laura Scillitani- Department of Animal science, University of Padova Enrico Sturaro – Department of Animal science, University of Padova Data collection Field assistants: Andrea Aimi, Guido Farenzena, Chiara Viale, Ilaria Angelini Students: Valentina Berardo Gioli. Luca Carrel, Maria Cavedon, Tommaso Corazza, Daniele De Barba, Davide De Zotti, Enrico Formentini, Filippo Frasson, Marco Gobbo, Lara Guerra, Giovanni Orlando, Mattia Pamelin, Vittorio Poli, David Rech, Alberto Saddi, Matteo Sessi, Luca Schiavon, Daniele Vadagnini, Andrea Zanella. Logistic support and captures: Corpo di Polizia Provinciale di Belluno Corpo Forestale dello Stato Index Introduction 1 Captures and characteristics of the sample 1 Monitoring 4 Spatial Behaviour 6 Post-release dispersal 6 Home range size 6 Distribution and movements of ibexes within the study area 10 Distribution of ibexes within the study area 10 Movements between sub-areas 12 Site Fidelity 13 Social Behaviour 15 Group size 16 Group size experienced by males 17 Inter-individual association index between individuals 18 Inter-individual association index between males and females 19 Conclusions and products of the research 20 References 21 Introduction The Marmolada ibex colony was established in 1978 with the introduction of 6 ibexes coming from the Gran Paradiso National Park. In 2003 the estimated population size was of about 500 ibexes, but during the winter 2003-2004 the combined effects of a sarcoptic mange epidemic and harsh weather conditions provocked a dramatic population crash (Monaco et al 2004, Rossi 2006). The Belluno Province and Corpo Forestale dello Stato started a management action with the scientific supervision of from the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology of the University of Torino (Prof. Luca Rossi). Scabietic ibexes were captured and farmacologically treated. In summer 2006 only 110 ibexes were counted, but the epidemic was almost eradicated. In 2006 a restocking project, the “Marmolada Alpine ibex project” was started, with the aim of improving the long term viability of the colony. To this purpose, the translocated ibexes were all adult males, able to reproduce successfully, with the specific aims of: 1. improving genetic variability. The Marmolada-Monzoni colony was founded by a small group of animals, which is a well known cause of loss of genetic variability. Recent studies (Maudet et al. 2002) suggest that the introduction of even a small number of animals can improve the level of heterozygosity within a population; 2. enhancing resistance to sarcoptic mange. Scabies resistance could be an inheritable trait (Guberti e Zamboni 2000, Leung e Grenfell 2003). The translocated ibexes came from the Tarvisio colony, which has recovered from a previous scabies epidemic and it presently increasing, despite the illness is still present in an endemic phase. Several different institutions and societies took part in this project. Funding for monitoring and scientific activities was provided by the Italian Chapter of Safari Club International.. The Belluno province and Corpo Forestale dello Stato ensured capturing ibexes and logistic support for field activities. The Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia supplied ibexes to be translocated and supported their capture. The Department of Animal Science of the University of Padova and the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology of the University of Torino supervised the project and ensured post-release monitoring We provide here the results obtained from a three years post-release monitoring of the spatial and social behaviour of the translocated ibexes, in comparison with that of local individuals, in order to describe their process of adaptation to the new area. This gives an assessment of the short term oucome of the project. In the next years, with a sufficient time span and adequate sampling, we will be able to verify whether the colony has improved its genetic variability and its resistance to scarcoptic mange. Captures and characteristics of the sample Ibexes were captured from the colony of the Jôf Fuart-Montasio massif, near Tarvisio (UD). This colony survived and recovered fast from a previous sarcoptic mange epidemic (Rossi, 2006). Captures were performed using darting guns by trained personnel of Corpo di Polizia Provinciale di Belluno e del Corpo Forestale dello Stato, under the medical supervision of veterinarians from Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology of the University of Torino and from Centro di Ricerca e Gestione della Fauna Selvatica (Ce.Ri.Ge.Fa.S.). Support for handling and transporting ibexes was also provided by personnel of regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Department of Animal Science of Padova, 1 Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology of the University of Torino and Italian Chapter of Safari Club International. All sedated males were blindfolded, aged (from annual horn growth), subjected to measurement of body morphology, examined for health status and blood sampled by the veterinarian. They were then ear-tagged, equipped with a radio-transmitter, placed on a stretcher and carried to the nearest vehicle to be transported into individual wooden cages to to a stable, where they were housed until transportation to the release site. Images of handling and transportation are given in figure 1. b a c d e f Figure 1: Captures of the ibexes in tarvisio: stretcher with a sedated and tagged male a), carrying to the vehicle b), individual wooden cages and vehicle for transportation to the stable c); ear-tagging d) measurements e) and release f). (pictures by M. Ramanzin (a, b, c, f), L. Scillitani) 2 Between 19-23 May 2006 9 adult males (5 to 9 years old) were captured on the Jôf FuartMontasio massif. On the 25th of May they were released near “Malga Ciapela” (46° 26’ 13. 05’’ N 11° 51’ 21. 21’’ E) near Rocca Pietore (BL), at about 1,600 m a.s.l. (figure 2). On 15 May 2007 other 5 adult males were released in the same place. On the 6th and the 7th of August 2007 8 adult local males were captured and radio tagged on the “Cime dell’Auta” area (Figure 2). Capture procedures were the same as above described, except that in this case the animals were released on site after tagging. Figure 2: Study area: the blue star indicates the release site of reintroduced ibexes; the yellow star the capture site of local animals Characteristics of captured (translocated and local) ibexes are given in table 1. In addition to these individuals, 11 other adult males, which had been tagged in a previous project of the Trento province (Monaco et al 2005), and for we were able to collect a consistent number of observation, were included in the monitoring (characteristics of these individuals are not given in table 1). We recorded no stress related mortality due to capture and transportation. During the winter 2008-2009, which was characterized by exceptional snow precipitations (figure 3) two translocated males died engulfed by avalanches. Snow depth (cm) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 123456 2006 1011121 2 3 4 5 6 2007 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 101112 2008 Figure 3: average monthly depth of snow cover. Months are indicated as January = 1, February = 2, ecc.). Months between July and September are excluded Monitoring efficiency was affected by malfunctions of some collars, which were replaced with new ones during 2008 and 2009 (table 2). 3 We hereafter name “local” all local males, “TAR1” the ibexes translocated in 2006, and TAR2 those translocated in 2007. Table 1: Ibexes radio-equipped during 2006-2007 ID MTAR1 M 24/05/06 7 Yellow MTAR2 M 24/05/06 7 Blue MTAR3 M 24/05/06 7 Blue Red Red .685 collar replaced 6 Light blue Green Blue .600 collar replaced Blue Green .650 M 24/05/06 Collar Ear-tag Frequency Notes Left Right Yellow Yellow . 420 collar replaced; killed by avalanche Blue Blue .750 MTAR4 Sex Capture date Age MTAR5 M 24/05/06 9 Blue MTAR6 M 24/05/06 5 Blue Yellow Red .200 brocken collar MTAR7 M 24/05/06 7 Light blue Red Blue .100 collar replaced Yellow Blue .400 MTAR8 M 24/05/06 9 Blue MTAR9 M 24/05/06 8 Light blue Yellow Green Green MTAR10 M 17/05/07 7 Blue MTAR11 M 17/05/07 6 Blue Blue MTAR12 M 17/05/07 7 Blue Red .800 Yellow .050 Yellow .701 collar replaced brocken collar MTAR13 M 17/05/07 7 Black MTAR14 M 17/05/07 8 Blue Bianco .450 Yellow Orange .275 Green Green .350 Red M5 M 07/08/07 7 Black M18 M 07/08/07 5 Light blue Blue killed by avalanche Blue collar replaced Blue .975 Yellow . 826 Blue .555 Red collar replaced M19 M 07/08/07 5 Black M25 M 07/08/07 4 Light blue Bianco Orange M31 M 07/08/07 3 Black M43 M 07/08/07 3 Light blue Orange .180 Orange .075 Green .830 M44 M 07/08/07 7 Black Orange Blue M47 M 07/08/07 5 Black Green Bianco .726 collar replaced .136 Monitoring Monitoring of marked ibexes was conducted by the Department of Animal Science of Padova University (researchers, PhD students, Master and Bachelor students, and professional field workers) and from Bachelor and Master students from the Department of Animal Production, Epidemiology and Ecology of Torino University, with the logistic support of Corpo di Polizia Provinciale di Belluno and of Corpo Forestale dello Stato. Ibexes were located by both triangulation or radio-assisted sightings (Kenward 2001), which consist in following a signal toward its greatest strength to visually identify the animal. However, in Alpine environments the presence of rocky peaks, cliffs and canals causes reflection and refraction of radio waves, therefore locations obtained by triangulation technique may be highly biased (Pedrotti et al., 1995). For this reason, triangulation was used only in particular circumstances when sightings were impossible (for example when an animal was into the forest or when visibility was poor due to clouds). Each sighting was plotted in a orthophotograph of Veneto region (1:10000 scale) and georeferenced in ArcView© 3.2. For each sighting we noted size and composition (age class and sex of individuals) of the group in which the monitored ibex/ibexes was/were observed. To help locating individuals we used binoculars, but individual identification was ensured by a 60 x magnifier telescope. 4 Sampling effort Up to 12/5/2009, we totalled approximately 800 days of fieldwork and collected 1618 sightings of marked ibexes in a total of 2639 ibexes sightings. Fieldwork was conducted all year long, and we tried to obtain at least 5 sightings per month for each radio collared ibex. The efficiency of monitoring, in terms of number of sightings was reduced during winter months, because snow depth and/or the risk of avalanches often prevented fieldworkers from reaching the areas where it was possible to sight ibexes. This problem was more pronounced during the third year of research, characterized by an exceptional snow abundance (figure 4). Table 2: number of sightings of radio-collared males Total 2006 2007 2008 2009 Sightings Local TAR1 TAR2 Local Sightings/individual TAR1 TAR2 June July August September October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December January February March April 77 83 149 141 104 107 68 64 74 89 107 108 179 137 132 116 122 60 105 69 73 84 102 202 123 183 135 115 105 132 48 67 66 89 87 31 25 70 63 26 49 31 22 21 22 27 30 69 39 68 65 76 34 54 42 38 46 55 114 66 117 92 84 75 86 26 44 50 58 58 46 58 79 78 78 58 37 42 53 67 80 55 71 62 44 38 27 16 33 14 21 15 28 54 38 38 25 20 14 27 13 12 5 21 16 23 39 36 20 13 19 10 18 13 14 23 19 34 19 28 18 11 16 19 9 11 11 10 13 2,8 3,1 6,4 5,7 3,3 4,5 3,4 3,1 2,3 3,1 3,4 2,1 5,8 3,3 4,5 4,3 5,1 2,6 3,6 3,2 3,2 3,1 3,4 7,1 4,1 7,3 6,1 5,6 6,3 6,1 4,3 3,4 5,0 4,8 4,1 4,7 6,2 8,2 8,1 8,6 6,2 4,6 4,6 5,9 7,4 8,8 5,9 7,8 6,7 4,9 4 3 2 3,4 2 2,3 1,9 3,1 6 4,2 4,2 3 2,2 2,3 3,4 2,6 2 1 3 2,7 4,6 7,8 7,2 4 2,6 3,8 2,5 3,6 2,6 2,8 4,6 3,8 6,8 3,8 5,6 3,6 2,8 3,2 3,8 2,3 4 4 2,5 3,3 May 56 33 14 9 2,8 2,3 2,3 5 Spatial behaviour Knowledge of how animals use space and how they use the habitat resources within that space is fundamental to apply correct management and conservation strategies. Many animals restrict their movement to specific home ranges (Burt 1943; White & Garrot 1990). According to the classic definition by Burt (1943) the home range of an animal is the area travelled by an animal for food gathering, reproduction and rearing of offspring. Therefore, describing size and characteritics of home ranges is a basic question in wildlife biology. A particularly interesting feature is site fidelity, which is the tendency of an animal either to return to an area previously occupied or to remain within the same area for an extended period of time (White e Garrot 1990). Estimating site fidelity is most interesting when dealing with translocated animals, because it allows to investigate on the adaptation process to the new environment. We expected translocated ibexes to show different spatial strategies than local males, because of their need to explore the new territory and find suitable areas. Quantifying this esploratory phase was one of the main objective of this project, which we addressed by examining the post-release dispersal from the release site and by comparing the size of annual and seasonal home ranges, the patterns of home range use, and the site fidelity to home ranges exhibited by translocated and local males. . Post-release dispersal Translocated animals may disperse from the release site (Maillard et al 1999, Dal Compare 2008 ) and in some cases may abandon it permanently, when the release area is poorly suitable for the species and nearby better areas and/or populations attract them. In our case, translocated ibexes showed a post-release spatial instability (see below), but they all restrained their exploratory movements within the area used also by local males. The study area was obviously suitable for the species, since the Marmolada ibex colony had been thriving before the epidemics, but we believe that also the presence of the residual population prevented the introduced ibexes from displaying wide exploratory movements. This finding has important management implications, since restocking operations are suggested as management tools for ibex conservation in the recent discussion on the possibility of hunting the species in Italy (Tosi G., personal communication) Home range size We estimated annual (I year: June 2006 – May 2007; II year: June 2007-May 2008; III year: June 2008 - May 2009) and seasonal (season 1, “summer”: June-August; season 2 “Autumn”: September-November; season 3 “Winter and Rutting season”: December-February; season 4 “Spring”: March-May) home ranges . We employed two home range estimators: Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) and Cluster (Kenward 2001, Millspaugh e Marzluff 2003). In both cases we used 95% of the total locations (the outermost 5% of locations were excluded from the calculation of home range size to avoid inflated estimates). Home range size was obtained with the Ranges VI software (Kenward et al., 2003), while statistical comparisons were conducted with SAS 9.1(SAS, 1989). For the analysis we used data collected from June 2006 and April 2009. 6 We used the MCP estimator because it allows to describe the maximum area explored by an animal and it permits comparisons with other studies. However, this method tends to overestimate home range size, because it is constructed by drawing the line with the minimum sum of linkage distances connecting the outermost locations (White and Garrot 1990). Cluster estimators are built with a nearest neighbour joining rule, based on the distance between locations (Kenward 2001), and can be really useful to describe the space use by ibexes which generally use areas connected by corridors (Pedrotti 1995). A comparison between the two estimators is given in figure 4. Combining this two methods allowed us to obtain an estimate of both the minimum (Cluster) and the maximum (MCP) areas used by the ibexes. Figure 4: A comparison between the two home range estimators employed in this study: MCP (in red) and Cluster (in blue). Details on statistical comparisons are given in box 1 for the interested readers, while the results are discussed in the following sections. Box 1: statistical analysis of home ranges A preliminary analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a highly significant difference between the two home range estimators both for annual home ranges (F1,282=14.31; p<0.001) and seasonal home range (F1,371=20.55, p<0.0001). Therefore, all the following analyses were carried on separately for MCP and Clusters. Since different individuals can behave differently (Börger et al 2006), we used mixed models, which took into account random effects due to individual variability (PROC MIXED procedure, SAS 1999). These effects were, in all the analyses, an important source of variability. The ANOVA’s of annual home range size showed a highly significant effect of the origin of the ibexes (“TAR1” = ibexes translocated in 2006, “TAR2” = ibexes translocated in 2007, and “Local” = males from the Marmolada colony) on both MCP (F2,36=12.30, p<0.001) and Cluster (F2,36=4.08, p<0.05) estimates. The effect of research year was highly significant with MCP (F2,56=13.54, p<0.001) and very close to significance with Cluster (F2,56=3,05; p=0,0554). The interaction between animal origin and research year was highly significant for MCP (F7,53=8.66, p<0.001) and significant for Cluster (F7,53=2.76, p<0.05). The ANOVA of seasonal home range size showed significant effects of: season (MCP: F3,165=29.24, p<0.001; Cluster: F3,165=28.59, p<0.001), research year (MCP: F2,165=20.74, p<0.001; Cluster: F2,165=2.95, p=0.055), animal origin (MCP: F2,165=12.19, p<0.001; Cluster: F2,165=16.00, p<0.001), and by the interaction between all this factors, which is highly significant (MCP: F28,144=9.41, p<0.001; Cluster: F28,144=6.88, p<0.001). 7 Annual home ranges Size of home ranges used by local males remained fairly constant during the three years of monitoring (figure 5). Tarvisio males used much larger home ranges than local males during 2006 (year 1) and 2007 (year 2), and only in 2008 (year 3) reduced the size of the areas used to values similar to those of local males. Seasonal home range Local males occupied areas of similar size through all the seasons and in all the research years (figure 6). During 2006 and 2007 (years 1 and 2 after 8 Area (ha) 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Local Tar1 Local Tar1 Tar2 Local Tar1 Tar2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1200 Area (ha) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Local Tar1 Local Tar1 Tar2 Local Tar1 Tar2 Y ear 1 Y ear 2 Y ear 3 Figure 5: annual home range size (ha) estimated by MCP (above) and Cluster (below). Note the different scales of the Y-axis. 1800 Local 1500 TAR1 1200 TAR2 900 600 300 Year 1 Year 2 800 DecFeb SepNov JuneAug Marc h- DecFeb SepNov JuneAug Marc h- DecFeb SepNov JuneAug 0 Year 3 Local TAR1 600 TAR2 400 200 0 JuneAug SepNov DecFeb Marc hJuneAug SepNov DecFeb Marc hJuneAug SepNov DecFeb Annual home range sizes determined in this study are similar to those reported for reintroduced populations of Alpine ibex (Michallet 1994, Terrier e Rossi 1994, Pedrotti 1995, Mustoni et al 2000), while the areas estimated for local males are comparable to those reported by Parrini et al. (2003) in the Gran Paradiso National Park. 2500 area HR (ha) Interestingly, the animals released in 2006 (TAR1) roamed over larger areas than local males for two years, while the males translocated in 2007 (TAR2) diminished their home range size one year after release. 3000 area HR (ha) Reintroduced populations are often characterized by a marked tendency to roam in large areas in order to explore the new environment (Terrier e Rossi 1994). This behaviour can cause an increase in home range size estimates, especially MCP (Pedrotti, 1995; Tosi et al., 1996), as is confirmed also by our data. 3500 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Figure 6: seasonal home range size (ha) estimated by MCP (above) and Cluster (below). Note the different Y-axis scales. release) translocated ibexes used larger areas than local males in summer and Autumn, while during the 2008 (year 3) they behaved similarly to local males. In all three years, winter and spring home range sizes of Tarvisio ibexes were comparable to those of local males. Several studies (Pedrotti 1995, Girard 2000, Parrini et al., 2003) report a seasonal variation in home range size of Alpine ibex. During summer ibexes use larger areas, while in winter, when snow cover limits movements and rutting season attracts both sexes in suitable areas, they occupy smaller home ranges. In our case, however, the summer increase in home range size was much more marked for translocated than for local ibexes. This indicates that postrelease exploratory movements are more pronounced when climate is favourable and food resources abundant. As for annual home ranges, the ibexes released in 2007 seemed to settle after one year from release, while those released in 2006 seemed to need two years. Comments Although the Tarvisio ibexes did not disperse outside the Marmolada colony, the analysis of home ranges demonstrates that they showed a postrelease spatial instability, roaming over larger areas than local males. However, this exploratory behaviour was seasonally restricted, being displayed only in summer and autumn, when climate is favourable and food abundant. In winter and spring, no differences in home range size between local and introduced ibexes were observed. Figure 7: different individuals adopt different spatial strategies: a comparison between mTAR2 (above) and mTAR3 (below). In blue home ranges occupied in 2006, in red those of 2007 and in green those of 2008. Yellow dots show locations. Note that scales of the two maps differ. The Tarvisio ibexes stabilised their home ranges to sizes similar to those of local ibexes within one or two years after release. It is interesting to notice how TAR2 ibexes seemed to stabilize faster than TAR1. There were no differences in age and body size, the main factors affecting social behaviour of male ibex, between the animals translocated in 2006 and those released in 2007. Therefore we don’t have any clear explanation for this phenomenon. Two hypothesis can be made, but none of them has been adequately tested in the field. The first one is that TAR2 ibexes might have associated faster with local males because they 9 recognized the males translocated in the previous year. The second hypothesis is that TAR 2 males were individually more prone to adapt to a new environment. Individual variability plays in fact an important role in spatial behaviour, as was highlighted by the statistical analysis (see box 1), and as is exemplified by the behaviour of two different males, mTAR2 and mTAR3, both released in 2006 (figure 7). mTAR2 in the summer following the release occupied mainly the area between Piz Guda and Padon, while during the second summer it explored also Franzedaz, Ombretta and Cime d’Auta. In the third summer he went back to the places he attended the first year. On the contrary male mTAR3 occupied the same areas during the first two summers (Ombretta, Franzedaz e Cime d’Auta). On the third summer he chose to remain in the area of Cime d’Auta. Distribution and movements of ibexes within the study area Home range analysis showed how translocated ibexes tended to use larger areas, indicating a spatial instability. In this paragraph we analyze more in detail the spatial strategies of ibexes, by analyzing their rate of movement and quantifying the areas they use more frequently. Distribution of ibexes within the study area Ibexes (local and introduced) did not disperse uniformly throughout the study area, but they showed a patchy distribution, where areas more intensively used were separated by areas seldom or never used. Based on morphological and land use features that are known to affect habitat suitability for ibex, and on the spatial distribution of sightings, we divided the total study area in different sub-areas (figure 8). We determined 10 sub-areas in summer and 12 in winter, when the presence of snow cover limits the connections between two sub-areas. Figure 8: sub-division of the study area in the 10 sub-areas used in summer 10 We assigned each sighting to its sub-area (Geoprocessing extension in Arc view 3.2) and then compared the sub-areas most used by local and introduced males during summer and winter (figure 9). Local 100% Tar1 Tar2 80% 60% 40% 20% Padon Sasso Bianco Piz Guda Ombretta Franzedaz CimadellUomo Auta Sasso Bianco Padon Ombrettola Ombretta Year 2 Pianezze- Cime Pezza Year 1 Franzedaz Contrin CimadellUomo Auta Other areas Piz Guda Padon Ombrettola Ombretta Franzedaz Auta CimadellUomo 0% Year 3 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Year 1 Year 2 Pale del Menin Ombretta Franzedaz Cime Auta- Becher Piz Guda Pianezze- Cime Pezza Pale del Menin Ombrettola Ombretta Franzedaz Contrin Cime Auta- Becher Piz Guda Pianezze- Cime Pezza Pale del Menin Padon Ombretta Franzedaz Cime Auta- Becher 0% Cima uomo 10% Year 3 Figure 9: frequency of use (% of sightings) of different sub-areas by ibexes of different origins during summer (above) and winter (below) During summers of all years, local males strongly preferred the “Cime d’Auta” sub-area, where wide alpine grasslands can be found (figure 10). The Tarvisio ibexes released in 2006 dispersed in a greater number of sub-areas, especially in the first summer after release, and only in the subsequent years they tended to concentrate, although less strongly than local males, in the “Cime d’Auta sub-area”. The Tarvisio ibexes released in 2007 showed a preference for this sub-area already in the summer of the release year, and in 2008 they used it almost exclusively. 11 During winter, use of the different areas by local and introduced males was similar. This pattern is in accord with that above observed for home range size. Figure 10: a group of local males in the “Cime d’Auta” alpine grasslands. Picture by L. Dal Compare Movements between sub-areas In addition to the tendency to use a smaller or a greater number of subareas, another indication of spatial instability may be obtained by examining the frequency with which an individual moves from a sub-area to another. To this purpose, we calculated the number of times (rate of change) each monitored ibex shifted from a sub-area to another within each season. Comparisons were made using logistic regression models (see figure 11 for some statistical details). We first compared the rate of change (in all seasons) of local with that of translocated males (figure 12). Both TAR1 and TAR2 ibexes tended to change sub-area more often than local males, although this tendency did not reach statistical significance. 12 6 5 4 3 2 Local 1 0 Tar1 Tar2 Figure 11: relative probability of change of sub-area (odds ratio) of the translocated ibexes in comparison to local males. The rate of change of local ibexes is taken as reference value and is = 1; higher values indicate a proportionally higher probability of change. For instance, an odd ratio = 2 indicates that average rate of change is double than that of reference. Vertical bars indicate individual variability. If they overlap 1 the difference in the average odd ratios is not statistically significant We then compared the rate of change (all ibexes) between seasons (figure 12), using summer as the reference season. 2,0 1,5 Summer 1,0 0,5 0,0 Autumn Winter Spring Figure 12: seasonal odds ratio for rate of change of sub-areas. See caption of figure 11 for explanation In winter and spring, ibexes reduced significantly their rate of change, i.e they tended to remain longer in the same sub-area, as respect to summer and autumn, when they shifted more frequently between sub-areas. Site fidelity A common way of measuring site fidelity, e.g. the tendency of an individual to use the same area over a certain period, is to calculate the overlap beyween subseuqnt home ranges of the same individual. We computed the overlap between annual home ranges (overlaps betweens years 1 - 2, years 2 - 3 and years 1 – 3) and summer home ranges (overlap between the home ranges of the same season in years occupied in years 1 - 2, years 2 - 3 and years 1 – 3, if available). The overlap was quantified by using the following equation: S = C*100/(A + B – C) where: S = overlapping percentage A = Home range A area B = Home range B area C = overlapping area between A and B Given the non-normal distribution of data, even when subjected to log- and other transformations, statistical comparisons were made by means of non-parametric tests (interested readers may see box 2 for details). Box 2: statistical analysis of percentage overlap of home ranges The percentage of overlap between annual home ranges was strongly affected by origin of the animals for Cluster (Kruskal-Wallis test: H = 10.65, df = 2, p = 0.005), but not for MCP estimates (Kruskal-Wallis test: H = 1.37, df = 2, p = 0.50). Using only Cluster estimates, the percentage of overlap was not affected by years compared for local males (Kruskal-Wallis test: H = 2.31, df = 2, p = 0.315), while it was significantly affected for TAR1 (Kruskal-Wallis test: H=6.195, df= 2, p=0.045). TAR2 ibexes were not examined because they had only 1 combination of years (2-3). We compared the overlap between summer home ranges in local and TAR1 males. The differences between the two groups were significant, both for Cluster (Mann-Whitney test: U = 48.50, p < 0.001) and MCP (Mann-Whitney test: U = 128.00, p < 0.01. TAR2 ibexes were not examined because they had only 1 combination of years (2-3). 13 60 75 50 overlap percentage Overlap between annual home range The overlap of annual MCP home ranges did not differ between local and translocated animals (data not shown). With cluster home ranges, local males had a higher inter-annual overlap than TAR1, but a lower overlap than TAR2 (figure 13). However, the overlap estimated for TAR2 refers only to years 2 and 3, while for local and TAR1 males we had more data: the smaller sample size of TAR2 could have affected the results. 40 30 20 10 0 LOCAL The median overlap between the home ranges of the first and the third year has an intermediate value between those of years 1-2 and 2-3 overlaps, and the size of the relative box in figure 15 indicates that differences between individuals were much higher. This further emphasizes the importance of individual variability in spatial behaviour, as above reported (see figure 8). Some individuals used the same subareas or explored neighbouring subareas in all 3 years, while other individuals, in one or two years but not in all years, roamed over larger and/or distant areas. 14 TAR2 Figure 13: Overlap percentage between cluster (box and whiskers diagram) in animals of different origin 60 43 50 overlap percentage In the first two years after release, TAR1 males roamed over larger areas than in the third year, when they stabilized in a smaller area. As a consequence, also the overlap percentage of the third year with the others decreased. TAR1 animal's origin 40 30 20 10 0 Years 1-2 Years 1-3 Years 2-3 60 50 overlap percentage Local males maintained a similar overlap of their annual Cluster home ranges from year 1 to year 3 (figure 14). Therefore, their site fidelity did not change with time. On the contrary, TAR1 males (TAR2 were not included in years comparisons because we had only years 2 and 3 available) showed a significantly higher overlap between years 1-2 than between year 1-3 and 2-3 (figure 14). 40 86 30 20 10 63 0 Years 1-2 Years 1-3 Years 2-3 Figure 14: Overlap of annual Cluster home ranges (box and whiskers diagram) in local (above) and TAR1(below) Overlap between summer home ranges percentage of overlap 80 60 40 Summer is the season when ibexes tend to increase their movements, using larger home ranges (Pedrotti 1995, Girard 2000, Parrini et al., 2003). This was also the season, as above reported, when exploratory movements of translocated ibexes were more pronounced, causing a very remarkable increase in home range size. 20 We thus compared the overlap between summer home ranges (summers of years 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3) 0 of local and TAR1 males. With LOCAL TAR1 both MCP and Cluster estimates, animal origin local males showed a higher site fidelity towards their summer Figure 15: Percentage of overlap between summer home ranges (box and whiskers diagram) observed in animals of ranges than TAR1 males (figure 15 different origin. gives the results for Cluster home ranges; those of MCP were similar and not shown). Therefore, exploratory movements of translocated ibexes were directed to different areas in different years. Comments Alpine ibex has been described as a species with a high site fidelity, which occupies stable seasonal ranges (Girard 2000, Tosi e Pedrotti 2003). Our analyses of frequency of use of different sub-areas, rate of movements between sub-areas, inter-annual overlap of annual and summer home ranges) are in general accord with this pattern for local ibexes. On the contrary, translocated ibexes showed a lower site fidelity in the first two yeas after release, which is most probably due to exploratory movements, since in the third year they behaved more similarly to local ibexes. These results, combined with those above described for home range size, suggest that adaptation of spatial behaviour to the new environment in which translocated individuals are released is a slow and gradual process. All parameters linked to exploratory movements showed a seasonal pattern, with a marked increase of spatial instability in summer/autumn, and a decrease in winter/spring, when there were no differences between local and introduced ibexes. Evidently, animals do not face risks and/or costs linked to the need of exploring the new area when climate is harsh and resources scarce. Social behaviour As many other ungulate species, Alpine ibex is characterized by sexual segregation, and outside the rutting season males and females segregate occupying different habitats (Mustoni et al. 2002, Tosi e Pedrotti 2003). In addition, a feature of ibex social behaviour is the high gregariousness of males, that may aggregate in groups of variable and often remarkable size, in which social interactions are apparently regulated by age and body size (Willisch e Neuhaus 2008). We analysed the database obtained form the sightings collected during the three years of monitoring with the objective of describing the gregarious tendency of the two sexes in the 15 colony, but mainly of understanding if translocated males integrated in the Marmolada colony, interacting with local ibexes. Social interactions are important not only per se, but also because they might influence the spatial behaviour and the length of the spatial instability of the released animals. To this purpose, we examined the group size experienced by ibexes of different origin and how they associated individually with each other. Group size The observed group size in relation to group type in the Marmolada colony in the whole research period is reported in figure 16. Male groups are composed by males of different ages, females groups are formed by females with kids and yearlings, and mixed groups are composed by females (also with kids and yearlings) and males. 40% The most frequent group size was 2 -5 1 2-5 6-10 11-20 >20 animals for female groups (58% of 30% observed groups), 1 individual for male groups (47%), and again 2-5 individuals for mixed groups (41.5%). Toïgo et al 20% (1995), in the colony of Belledonne massif (France) reported a similar 10% distribution for female groups, but observed less frequently solitary males and more frequently mixed groups of 60% 10 individuals. However, group size in Females Males Mixed ibex is also related to variation in Figure 16: Group size of three types of groups: allpopulation density (Toigo, 1996), and female, all-male and mixed our result is probably affected by the “altered” social behaviour exhibited by translocated ibexes, as we will discuss later. Group size shows also seasonal variations (Toigo et al., 1995; Pedrotti 1995) which may differ between sexes due to sexual age class segregation (Francisci et al., 1985; Villaret e Bon 1995; Girard, 2000). 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Females Males Also in the Marmolada we observed a Summer Autumn Winter Spring seasonal variation in group size (figure 17). Solitary females were easy to Figure 17: Seasonal variation in mean group size in groups of female and groups of males in the Marmolada encounter in late spring, when they colony withdraw in secluded sites to give birth (35% of sighted females in may-june were alone), while 71% of males were seen alone in December-January, during rutting season when they become solitary in relation to mate competition (Mustoni et al, 2002). The largest groups were recorded, in both sexes, during summer. 16 Group size experienced by males The frequency distribution of observed group types, although it accurately describes the perception of the human observer, does not describe the size of a group in which an average individual lives (Jarman, 1974; Putman, 1996). According to Jarman (1974), the group size experienced by an average individual (“typical group size”) is better described by calculating the frequency distribution of all sightings of a given sex/age category (e.g. male or female) in groups of different size, regardless of the group type. We therefore calculated the group size experienced by TAR1, TARr2 and local males (of the same age class as TAR1 and TAR2). All the statistical comparisons were made with a χ2 test with Bonferroni confidence intervals. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2-5 6-10 11-20 >20 I year a 70% 60% 50% It is interesting to notice how TAR2 ibexes behaved differently from TAR1: although they used less frequently than local males large size groups, they were less often solitary, and joined more often large groups. 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2-5 6-10 11-20 During the first year after release, translocated TAR1 males tended to join small groups (2-5 components) or to be solitary, while local males used more frequently groups formed by 11 to 20 individual, and were often observed in groups composed by more than 20 individuals (figure 18a). This lower gregarious tendency of TAR1 was observed also in the second and third year after release (figure 18 b), although they showed an increased use of groups composed by more than 10 individuals. >20 II year We recorded an increase in size of all males groups from 2006 to 2008 70% .Alpine ibex group size is correlated 60% with population density and has 50% been used as an estimator of population size (Toïgo, 1996). The 40% Marmolada colony experienced a 30% severe demographic decline, due to 20% the outbreak of sarcoptic mange in 10% winter 2003-2004, which also 0% caused a decrease in group size 1 2-5 6-10 11-20 >20 (Monaco et al., 2005). The III year observed tendency toward an c Figura 18: Group size experienced by ibexes released on the increase of the group size could first (TAR1- grey bar) and the second (TAR2- blue bar) therefore be an encouraging signal research year and by local males (in white) during the three of the growth of the colony. To this years of research. purpose, block counts gave an extimated number of 114 individuals in 2006, 151 in 2007, and 185 in 2008. b 17 Inter-individual association index between males Having individually marked animals, it is possible to calculate their individual tendency to associate with each other. We compared the tendency of TAR1 and TAR2 individuals to associate within themselves or with local individuals. The tendency of local ibexes to associate within themselves was used as a reference pattern. Associations were quantified, for each month, by means of a modified Ginsberg e Young (1992) association index: Iab=x/(x+ya+yb) where: x=number of sightings in which a and b were together in a given month; ya= number of sightings of a without b in a given month; yb= number of sightings of b without a in a given month. The index varies from 0 (two animals never associate with each other) to 1 (two animals are always in the same group). Local males (figure 19 a) were almost never observed together with other males from November to January, around the rutting season. The tendency to join other individuals increased then progressively to reach a maximum in summer-early autumn (June-October). The association index never reached, on average, values higher than 0.4. This indicates that individual associations, and hence group composition, are not stable. TAR 1 ibexes almost did not associate with local males throughout the first summer after release (figure 19 b), and started to group together with them from the following spring/summer. Afterwards, we did not observe a preferential association of TAR1 with TAR1 as respect to local ibexes. Loc al-loc al 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 2006 2007 0,4 TAR1-TAR1 2008 2009 TAR1-Local 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 1 2 3 4 2006 0,6 2007 TAR2 2008 2009 TAr2-Local 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1 2 3 4 Once again TAR2 males behaved differently than TAR1 (figure 19 c). Although they tended to associate more within themselves than with local 18 2006 2007 2008 2009 Figure 19: association indexes of local with local ibxes (a); of TAR1 with TAR1 and with local ibxes (b), and of TAR2 with TAR” and local ibexes (c). males during the first year after release, this difference was slight. In addition, they started joining local males much sooner after release than TARl. This result can explain why we recorded an higher percentage of TAR2 males in large groups than TAR1 males. Association index between males and females In order to obtain an estimate of association tendency between males (both introduced and local) and females, we used a simplified index computed as follows: Y= x/(x+n) where: x=number of sightings of collared males with females in a given month; n=number of sightings in which collared males were alone in a given month. We used the simplified index because the sample of ear-marked females in the population wassmall and most sightings were of unmarked (and therefore individually unrecognizable) females. The index varies from 0 (no association) to 1 (always associated). Results are reported in figure 20. indice di associazione The general pattern observed corresponds to Local TAR1 TAR2 that usually described for 0,7 the species (Bassano, 0,6 2006). Alpine ibex is 0,5 characterized by a strong 0,4 sexual segregation: adult 0,3 males and females occupy 0,2 different habitats and are 0,1 separated for most part of the year, and they 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 aggregate in the same herd -0,1 2006 2007 2008 2009 only during the rutting year. Mixed groups can still Figure 20 Association indexes of local and translocated males with be observed after the females rutting season, when food resources are available in restricted areas. Also in low density populations, such as recently reintroduced colonies, mixed sex groups can be observed outside the rutting season (Mustoni et al., 2002), as was also the case for the Marmolada colony.. During the first year post-release, TAR1 males tended to associate with females less than local males. The maximum index value was 0.35 (observed in December 2006) in the first rutting season, while during the same month the value observed for local males was 0.65. In the second year this difference vanished. TAR2 males associated with females similarly to local males since their first rutting season in Marmolada. Comments Our results on group size experienced and association indexes suggest that social integration of male ibexes introduced in an established colony is a slow process, that may require one to two years to be completed. As compared to local males, newly translocated males initially tended to be more solitary or to associate more among themselves than with local males. This behaviour was observed particularly in the TAR1 ibexes released in 2006, while the TAR2 integrated faster in the new colony. The pattern of progressive normalisation of social 19 behaviour matches closely the patterns, above described, of progressive stabilisation of spatial behaviour. The association of translocated males with local females proceeded faster than that observed with local males. Only during the first year TAR1 tended to associate less than local males with females. A high association index indicates that males were not prevented from joining females, but it doesn’t mean that they have successfully reproduced. During pre-rutting season males fights to define a hierarchy (based on body and horns size), which regulate the priority of access to females in the rutting season (Bassano 2006,Willisch e Neuhaus 2008); only bigger males usually reproduce (Bassano2006, Toïgo et al. 2007). Observing matings is really difficult in this species, and we did not collect a sufficient number of observations. In any case, male reproductive success may be assessed with accuracy only using a genetic approach. Up to now several genetic samples has been collected, and the genetic analysis will be one of the tasks of the next years of research in Marmolada. Conclusions and products of the research Three years after the release of Tarvisio males in the Marmolada massif, we can state that the restocking was successful. None of the translocated males abandoned the colony, and all survived showing no capture/transport related stress. However, their integration into the colony appeared to be a complex process. The released ibexes needed one or even two years to conclude explorative movements, stabilise spatial behaviour and fully associate with local males. It is interesting how the subjects released in the second year adapted faster their spatial and social behaviour than those released in the first year. We cannot distinguish whether this resulted from a facilitation by ibexes released in the previous year, or from an individual attitude. In any case, in all spatial and social parametrs we parameters we observed a very remarkable individual variability, which couldn’t be explained by age and boy mass differences. The experience and knowledge gained by monitoring the post release behaviour of ibexes translocated in Marmolada might be very useful in designing future restocking interventions aimed at reinforcing small and isolated colonies. This is particularly relevant for the Eastern Alps, where the distribution of Ibex is still far from that suggested by habitat suitability evaluations, and is fragmented into colonies often of a very small size. Restocking programmes have also been suggested as a management tool in the recent discussion of the possibility of hunting the species in Italy (Tosi G., personal communication). Obviously, a three-year monitoring of post-release spatial and social behaviour can only address the short term outcomes of the translocation. This time interval is largely insufficient to obtain information on the effects the translocations might have exerted on the long term viability of the colony. To this purpose, we need first to know whether and how the epidemic and the subsequent crash have affected the genetic variability within the colony, and whether and how it has been influenced by the translocation. Tissue/blood samples of individuals perished in the epidemic were already stored at the beginning of the project, and in these three years we have started collecting samples from survivors and individuals born after the crash and after the release of Tarvisio ibexes. But more time and samples are needed, and assessing whether translocated males have reproduced successfully and how they have influenced the genetic structure of the population is an important task for the next years. Time will also be 20 needed to test the demographic effects of the sarcoptic mange epidemics on the survival of the colony, and to verify whether it has acquired resistance to this illness. Therefore, this project was important also because it laid the foundations for a long-term study on the ecology and demography of the colony. In addition to starting the genetic databank, we gained a deep knowledge of the spatial behaviour, seasonal distribution and habitat use of the colony, which will help improving counts and monitoring procedures. In addition to males, a large proportion of which are now individually marked, we were able to direct our interest also to females. Presently, 11 females are radiocollared and other 23 are ear tagged. With an increase in sample size, in the next years we hope to be able to investigate survival and reproductive success of the population. Finally, the results obtained in the project have been (and will be) presented in the following scientific meetings: 1. Rossi L., Menzano A., Sommavilla G.M., De Martin P., Cadamuro A., Rodolfi M., Coleselli A. e Ramanzin M. 2006. Actions for the recovery o fan Alpine ibex herd affected by epidemic scabies: the Marmolada case, Italy. 3rd International Conference on Alpine ibex, 12-14 October 2006. Pontresina, Switzerland 2. Dal Compare L, Sturaro E., Rossi L, Sommavilla GM, Ramanzin M.. Restocking of male ibex (Capra ibex): post-release behaviour in the Marmolada colony (Eastern Italian Alps). II Congreso Internacional del Genero Capra en Europa. 20-23 November 2007, Granada, Spain 3. Scillitani L., Sturaro E., Rossi L., Menzano A. e Ramanzin M.. The Marmolada ibex project: status of the research and future perspectives. 11-12 Dicember 2008, Ceresole Reale, Italy 4. Scillitani L., Sturaro E., Rossi L., Menzano A. e Ramanzin M. .Spatial and social behaviour of adult male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) after a restocking intervention in the eastern Italian Alps. 10-14 Novembre 2009, Granada, Spain They have also produced a chapter (Ramanzin M., Rossi L. and Caldesi L. Fighting the invisible enemy: an ibex conservation project in the Dolomite Alps, Italy, in press) in a book being edited by Safari Club International. In the next year they will be summarised in at least three scientific papers submitted to international journals, and will support a PhD thesis in the Department of Animal Science at Padova University. References Aebischer N.J. & Robertson P.A., (1993). Compositional analysis of habitat use from animal radio-tracking data. Ecology 74(5): 1313-1325. Bassano B., (2006). online.org/byologya.htm The natural history of Alpine Ibex.http://www.gse- Börger L., Franconi N., Ferretti F., Meschi F., Michele G., Gantz A. & Coulson T. (2006). An integrated approach to identify spatiotemporal and individual-level determinants of animal home range size. The American Naturalist 168 (4): 471-484 Burt W.H., 1943. Territoriality and home range concepts as applied to mammals. J. Mammal., 24:346-352. 21 Choisy J. P., (1990). 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