Here - Hillel of Greater Philadelphia


Here - Hillel of Greater Philadelphia
annual review
Fall 2014
Inspiring, challenging, and empowering Jewish
college students throughout Philadelphia.
Building leadership for the
Jewish community
Hillel: Our Leadership Laboratory
Leadership in Action
Dear Friends:
The Mission of Hillel of Greater Philadelphia is to enrich the lives
of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish People and
the world. Hillel’s immediate goal is to inspire, challenge, and empower
Philadelphia area students to explore their Judaism, build Jewish
community, and appreciate Israel as an integral part of their Jewish
identities. At HGP’s Vision and Values Celebration on June 10, 2014,
we honored five students who exemplify this mission through their
leadership on campus. Here are two of their stories.
classical and contemporary Judaic texts, traveling
to Israel, volunteering in communities around
the world, and generally having fun with their
peers helps them discover the “value-add” that
Judaism can bring to their lives.
I have been graced with a career that brings me
in daily contact with young adults who delight in
discovering their Judaism and determining their place
in the Jewish community. Working with such young
adults continuously renews my faith in the future
of the Jewish people. The goal of this publication
is to share with you the satisfaction that my Hillel
colleagues and I experience every day and to tell
how Hillel of Greater Philadelphia works its magic.
Our student-run organizations on twenty-two
campuses in the Philadelphia area are a “leadership
laboratory,” providing more than 600 student
leaders with experiences, mentored by Hillel
educators, that hone their skills and prepare them
to change the world. The opportunities that we
provide help them discover themselves as Jews,
determine what they can contribute to their
communities, and choose their place in society.
They become Jewish adults who go on to shape
their adult Jewish world.
Hillel’s purpose is to inspire a new generation of
Jews with an enthusiasm for their Judaism and
a love of the Jewish community. Our success is
measured not in the number of students our
activities engage – as impressive as that is – but
in the passion with which our graduates pursue
their Judaism after they leave campus and the
impact they have on the broader Jewish community.
Please enjoy this publication and share with us
the satisfaction earned by your support of our
great organization.
Our success stands on two pillars: the joy that
Hillel helps students find in exploring and
celebrating their Judaism and the leadership skills
they develop through their Hillel involvement.
In addition to the thousands of events each year
on campuses throughout the city, more than 5,200
students meet with staff one-on-one for mentoring,
visioning, and exploring how to deepen their
experiences as students, as leaders, and as Jews.
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
holiday Meals
Social Justice
Social Events
Drexel Hillel students enjoying
the Old City of Jerusalem on their
Taglit-Birthright Israel trip.
As the head of PR, Ali has built a social media presence as well as an in-person
presence through office hours where students can come by and chat with
her and other Hillel leaders. She’s especially proud of the successes they’ve
had with holiday celebrations on campus, including “Promakkah,” and,
for the first time in 2014, a traditional Passover seder. Her role has prepared
her for leadership in Jewish communities wherever she goes. Ali was
elected President of West Chester Hillel for the 2014-15 academic year.
She is very excited to take her leadership skills to the next level.
As an undergrad, Barry Taller (‘Temple Dental
’15) helped create Hillel at Fairleigh Dickinson
University, so when he arrived at Temple Dental,
it came naturally to him to reinvigorate the chapter
of Alpha Omega (AO), the Jewish Dental Fraternity,
which had been inactive for over a decade. As he
got involved in city-wide events through Hillel’s
Grad Network, he brought his vision and leadership
back to campus. “I love getting peers involved in Jewish life. Their faces light
up because it brings them back to something they may have forgotten about.”
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia engages students
as leaders, encourages innovation, and provides
an opportunity to create micro-communities
within the larger campus structure.
Members of Jewkebox, Temple Hillel’s
a capella group, pose with the Temple
Owl at a home basketball game.
Rabbi Howard Alpert
Chief Executive Officer
Hillel students’ experiences celebrating Shabbat
and holidays in a variety of traditions, learning
Hillel by
the Numbers
Ali Frank (West Chester ’16) had a strong Jewish
identity growing up, and she entered college
planning to continue her Jewish involvement.
Her freshman year, she was disappointed by the
lack of Jewish life on campus. She says, “I got this
great picture in my head of Hillel growing and
having it be a home away from home.” Through
her personal quest to create a comfortable
community for herself, she and several fellow sophomore have successfully
grown Hillel at West Chester to be, “a big thing on campus.”
By networking with AO leadership locally and nationally, he’s created
a Jewish path for his peers to make professional connections. He says,
“The challenges of owning a dental practice and working with people are
very similar to leading a student organization. I hope to remain involved
in Hillel and AO after I graduate. My goal is not only to extend the Jewish
community for students today, but to leave a legacy.”
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
Students are challenged to think about the role they
can play in making the world a better place through
intense travel experiences like Taglit-Birthright Israel,
Alternative spring breaks, lobbying trips to Washington,
and a wide variety of educational conferences and
spiritual retreats.
why i lead?
Jeff Wilson
Hugh Chairnoff
Vice President;
Chair, Drexel Hillel Board of Overseers
Jonathan Korman
Vice President;
Chair, Hillel Graduate Student Network
I loved Shabbat dinner at Temple Hillel as an undergrad. During
grad school, the Grad Network helped me get reconnected. When
I went to the new Temple Hillel building on Shabbat and saw 100
students having dinner, it showed that we can all come together
as a community. I want to work with alumni on giving back to
Hillel. Helping students and contributing to Jewish life on campus
has been really rewarding. I’m involved in the Renaissance Group
at Federation and I’m finding overlap between my professional
life and my volunteer leadership.
George Pomerantz
Craig Blackman
Marc Prine, Hillel at Temple University Board of Overseers
Drexel students enjoy an alternative
spring break experience in Baltimore, MD
in partnership with Repair the World.
Israel really gave me a sense of what
it means to be Jewish. Not only did
I meet amazing people on Birthright,
but I gained experiences that will last
a lifetime.
Brad Abrams 15’
Bucks County Community College
My father was on the HGP board for over a decade, and he was always
so positive about the organization. It brought him joy, and he passed
that legacy onto me. I’m a community organizer and I want to find
my place to be impactful within the board. I enjoy being a role
model for students at smaller campuses and say to them, “You are
incredible.” I also want to connect my friends in different industries
to HGP to create mentorship opportunities. I’m a connector, and my
strength is bringing people together to make great things happen.
Sara Landman, Hillel of Greater Philadelphia
Board of Directors
I got involved with Drexel Hillel through AEPi. All pledges have
to go to Hillel, and I eventually became community service chair
and President. Hillel has to cater to a lot of different perspectives,
which was a good lesson for me to learn. My role on the board
has been engaging young alumni and helping with technology.
Hillel builds networks and connects the generations. I’m targeting
AEPi alumni through a fundraising campaign with the message
that even though you graduated, Hillel is still important to you
and to the broader Jewish community.
Students bond over their commitment
to Jewish life on campus at the Hillels
in Philadelphia (HIP) leadership retreat.
Jeffrey A. Barrack
Chair, Center for Israel on Campus
Marla Benedek
Edwin Berkowitz (Honorary)
Mary Ellen Bernstein
Marshall Brooks
Chair, Human Resources Committee
Neil Cooper
David Forsted
Richard Gettlin
Sara Landman
Chair, Commission for Campus Projects
Ann C. Lebowitz
Barry Levin
Adam Levine
Jacob Levy
Paul Mandell
Jeremy Menkowitz
Edward Newman (Honorary)
Ron Perilstein
Chair, Penn Hillel Board of Overseers
Albert Perlstein
Edward H. Rosen (Honoray)
James Rosenstein (Honorary)
Daniel Segal (Honorary)
Lee Shlamowitz
Craig Snider
Ben Strauss
Moshe Sutton-Kravitz
Joel M. Sweet
Richard Weiss
Chair, Temple Hillel Board of Overseers
Yuval Yarden
professional staff
Rabbi Howard Alpert
Chief Executive Officer
Executive Directors:
Shaw Levin, Drexel Hillel Board of Overseers
Rabbi Mike Uram
Penn Hillel
Rabbi Isabel de Koninck
Drexel Hillel
annual campaign
total $3,455,924
Jewish Federation of
Greater Philadelphia (13%)
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
Penn Hillel students receive
the prestigious AIPAC “Duke
Rudman Award.”
Rentals & Fees (8%)
Parent Contributions (11%)
Income (3%)
Alumni Contributions (8%)
In Kind Service (5%)
Board Contributions (19%)
Other (16%)
Tslil Shtulsaft
Graduate Student Network
Advancement Staff:
International Hillel (2%)
Hillel at Temple University students learn from
Philadelphia media pioneers Sharla Feldscher
and Lew Klein at a mentoring luncheon.
Grants (16%)
Phil Nordlinger
Hillel at Temple University
Brooke Schostak
Director of IA/Director of Development
Drexel Hillel
Rachel Baum
Director of Development
Hillel at Temple University
Gina Ceisler Shapiro
Director of Development Penn Hillel
Latasha Carrington
Assistant Director
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
“Our involvement with Hillel has an impact
on students today and for years to come.
Planned giving allows us to continue giving
back and to know that future generations
of students will learn, celebrate, and share
their Judaism together.”
We thank the following individuals for choosing
to leave a legacy to Hillel. Please join us by
considering Hillel in your estate plans. You may
designate your gift to a specific campus Hillel
or program center.
Marshall Brooks
Hugh Chairnoff
William Chertok
D. Walter Cohen
Sarah Dein
Sheldon Farber
David Forsted
Miriam Kotzin
Ann Lebowitz
Barry Levin
Marla and Dan Meyers
Albert Perlstein
George Pomerantz
Edward Rosen
James Rosenstein
Toni Rothman
Gina Shapiro
Barbara and Richard Weiss
Jeffrey Wilson
Lena Yevelson
To learn more about Planned Giving or to discuss your estate plans,
please contact: Brooke Schostak, Director of Institutional Advancement,
Penn Vet students celebrate Purim with the
Grad Network at the National Museum of
American Jewish History’s Masquerade Ball.
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
Hillel is dependent on the generosity of parents, alumni,
and community friends.
Your contributions allow us to inspire Jewish life
and community on college campuses throughout
the Philadelphia region.
$10,000 – $99,999
Edward and Evelyn Rosen
Rabbi Howard Alpert
Aili Baer
Steve Barber
Jeffrey Barrack
Rachel Baum
Edwin Berkowitz
Gladys Bernstein
Mary and Louis Bernstein
Craig Blackman
Joan Bobroff
Special Thanks to Our Supporters
Dean Adler, Susanna Lachs Adler
(Penn, Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
The Jewish Federation of Atlantic
and Cape May Counties
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Jeffrey and Michelle Barrack (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Nancy Beren and Larry Jefferson (Penn)
Adam and Ellen Beren (Penn)
Edwin and Barbara Berkowitz
(Penn, Drexel, Temple, Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia)
Craig Blackman (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Solomon and Sylvia Bronstein
Foundation (Grad Network, Penn)
Hugh and Hedda Chairnoff (Drexel,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Rhoda and Michael Danziger
(Drexel, Penn)
Philip and Betsy Darivoff (Penn)
Jacob and Suzanne Doft (Penn)
Drexel University
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Craig and Caryn Effron (Penn)
Estate of Sheldon Farber (Penn)
Robert and Penny Fox (Penn,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Martin and Julie Franklin (Penn)
David and Leslee Geltzer (Drexel)
Elie and Sharon Gindi (Penn)
Stanley Ginsburg (Drexel)
Ishaia and Jane Gol (Penn)
Bennett and Cynthia Golub (Penn)
Hillel: The Foundation for
Jewish Campus Life (Drexel,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia,
Temple, Penn)
Jewish Federation of Greater
Philadelphia (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Drexel, Penn,
Temple, Grad Network, Hillels in
Philadelphia, Israel Encounters)
Robert and Ellen Kapito (Penn)
Shmuel and Evelyn Katz
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia, Penn)
The Eleanor M. & Herbert Katz Family
Foundation Thomas Katz and
Sally Katz (Penn)
Bernard Korman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Lowell and Caryn Kraff (Penn)
Martin and Susan Lautman (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Penn)
Frank Lindy, Lindy Properties
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Seth Merrin and Anne Heyman z”l
Heyman-Merrin Family
Foundation (Penn)
Ira and Mindy Mitzner (Penn)
The Moses Feldman Family
Foundation (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Daniel and Jane Och (Penn)
Louis and Fern Oppenheim (Penn)
Albert and Arlene Perlstein
(Penn, Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Marjorie M. and Irwin Nat Pincus
Fund (Penn)
Marc and Julie Platt (Penn)
PNC Bank
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
RAF Industries
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Steven and Belinda Raikin
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia,
Grad Network, Penn)
Repair The World
(Drexel, Penn, Temple)
David and Deborah Roberts (Penn)
Sherrie Savett
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Jodi Schwartz (Penn)
Harrison and Charlotte Schweig Estate
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Craig Snider, The Snider Foundation
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Michael and Judy Steinhardt (Penn)
Mark and Marlyn Stutman (Drexel)
Swarthmore College (Swarthmore)
University of Pennsylvania (Hillel
of Greater Philadelphia, Penn)
Judith and David Wachs
Family Foundation
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Michael and Arianne Weinberger
Estate of Lena Yevelson (Penn)
Mark Zucker (Penn)
$1,000 – $9,999
Barry and Robin Abelson
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
David Abrams and Amy Levine (Penn)
Nona Abrams (Temple)
David Adelman (Penn)
Robert and Marta Adelson
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Daniel and Gisela Ades (Penn)
David Albert
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Howard and Sarah Alpert (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Lawrence and Joan Altman (Penn)
Ari-Zev Anolic
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Miriam Arlin (Penn)
E. Scott Aronow (Grad Network,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Joshua and Jackie Astrof (Penn)
Kenneth Baer (Penn)
Yale and Ann Baron (Penn)
Steven Barrer
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Harley and Lori Bassman (Penn)
Richard and Barbara Baum (Temple)
Allan and Dale Bell (Penn)
Max and Elyse Berger (Penn)
Berger & Montague, P.C.
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Bryna Berman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Jerry and Lisa Bernard (Penn)
Mary Ellen and Louis Bernstein
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia,
Joy Bernstein and Jonathan Broder
Arthur and Dahlia Bilger (Penn)
BioHorizons (Temple)
Martin and Nancy Black (Penn)
Blank Rome LLP
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Michael and Sarah Blum (Penn)
Robert Boiarsky and Alise Reicin
Rebecca Bootin Nussbaum and
Alex Nussbaum (Penn)
Jonathan and Ellen Bortz (Penn)
Adam and Arielle Brenner (Penn)
Marshall Brooks (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Howard Butler (Temple)
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Gary and Gail Cantor
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Capital One
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Capital One Foundation (Drexel)
Jody and Jonathan Caplan (Penn)
Gary Charlestein (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Penn)
Estate of William Chertok (Penn)
Gary Claar and Lois Kohn-Claar (Penn)
Joel Cohen (Drexel)
Richard and Wendy Cohen (Temple)
Jeffrey and Lisa Cohen (Penn)
Richard Cohen (Temple)
John and Sherry Cohn
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Norman Cohn
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Cozen O’Connor
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Alan and Leslie Crane (Penn)
Morris & Beryl Dean
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Estate of Sarah Dein (Penn)
Kim & Jordan Dickstein (Penn)
Julius Eisen (Penn)
Arnold Eisen (Penn)
Stewart Eisenberg (Temple)
Jay and Bonnie Eisner (Drexel, Hillel
of Greater Philadelphia)
Yaron Eitan
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Adam and Pamela Emmerich (Penn)
Gary and Vicki Erlbaum (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
David and Beth Ertel (Penn)
Jack and Susan Feiler
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
John R. and Cathy A. Feldman (Penn)
Andrew R. and Mindy Feldman (Penn)
Barry and Sharla Feldscher (Temple)
Marc and Judy Felgoise (Temple)
Walter and Margie Ferst
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Lori and Mark Fife (Penn)
Ralph and Cynthia Finerman (Penn)
FirsTrust Bank
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Wendy Fisher (Penn)
Mark and Jill Fishman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
James Fitzgerald
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
David Fleischer (Penn)
Fogelson Foundation (Penn)
Lenore and David Forsted
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia,
Penn, Temple)
Richard and Geraldine Fox
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Fox Leadership Program (Penn)
Eli Fromm (Drexel)
Ivan and Ruth Gabel
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Ira and Jill Gansler (Penn)
Jerry Gelb Foundation (Drexel)
Joel and Elaine Gershman,
Foundation Elaine Levitt
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Richard Gettlin (Drexel,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
David and Judy Gilberg (Penn)
Jaime and Raquel Gilinski (Penn)
Fredrick Gluckman and
Judith Friedman (Penn)
Zoe Goldfarb (Penn)
Marshall and Merle Goldman (Penn)
Jay Goldman (Penn)
Myer H. Goldman Foundation
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Goldman Sachs
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Chuck and Staci Goss (Temple)
Lawrence and Beth Greenberg (Penn)
Joel and Julia Greenblatt (Penn)
Allan and Muriel Greenblatt (Penn)
Ira and Sandra Greenstein (Penn)
Vicki Gross (Penn)
Ken Gross (Penn)
Leonard Grossman (Temple)
Eric and Karen Gurwin (Penn)
Chad and Jessica Haller (Penn)
Michael and Nancy Halpern (Penn)
Arie and Eva Halpern Family
Foundation Shelley Paradis (Penn)
Adam Hanover (Penn)
Ira and Sandra Harkavy (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Penn)
Kim and Alan Hartman (Penn)
Stephen and Barbara Heyman (Penn)
Mitchell and Christy Hollin (Penn)
Jeffrey and Margie Honickman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Lynne and Harold Honickman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Ralph and Daniela Horn (Penn)
Richard and Ruth Horowitz
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Neal and Alison Jacobi (Penn)
Avrom Jacobs (Penn)
David and Michal Kahan (Penn)
Ofer and Elayne Kalina (Drexel)
William and Adonna S. Kaplan
Endowment Fund
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Steven and Robin Katz (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Sally Katz (Penn)
Alan and Susan Katz (Drexel)
Jonathan and Dina Kaufthal (Penn)
Kaufthal Family Foundation (Penn)
Steven and Madeline Kessler
Laurence Kirsch Celia Goldman
Klaff Family Foundation,
Hersch Klaff (Penn)
Lewis and Janet Klein (Penn)
Joshua and Rena Kopelman (Penn)
Jonathan Korman and Alexandra
Hochster-Korman (Grad Network,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Hartley and Faye Koschitzky (Penn)
Daniel and Jocelyn Krifcher (Penn)
Jane and Neil Kuttner (Drexel)
Lasko Charitable Fund
(West Chester)
Gary and Laura Lauder (Penn)
Ann Lebowitz (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Penn)
Marc Lehmann (Penn)
Barry and Gail Levin
(Grad Network, Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Jonathan and Sharon Levin (Temple)
Shaw Levin (Drexel)
Adam Levine (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Joseph Levine (Temple)
Jay and Tammy Levine (Penn)
Robert Levine
(Grad Network, Temple)
Henri Levit (Drexel)
Elaine Levitt
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Howard and Elayne Levkowitz (Penn)
Robert Levy (Penn)
Leon Levy (Temple, Penn)
Michael and Phyllis Levy (Penn)
Jeffrey and Sharon Lewis (Drexel)
Lewis Family Trust (Penn)
Gustave Lipman (Penn)
LLR Partners
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Len Lodish (Penn)
Michael and Carol Lowenstein (Penn)
Jody Lurie (Bryn Mawr,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
M&T Bank
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Earle Mack (Drexel)
Main Line Reform Temple (Temple)
Arnold and Dawn Markowitz (Penn)
Scott and Cynthia Matte (Penn)
Isidore Mayrock (Penn)
Eitan Melamed (Penn)
Jeffrey and Andrea Meltzer (Penn)
Jeremy Menkowitz (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Merril Lynch
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Stuart Meyers (Penn)
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Harold and Sherrie Middleberg
Henry and Barbara Miller (Penn)
Jodi and David Miller (Penn)
Jay and Sara Minkoff (Penn)
Herbert and Ellen Moelis (Penn)
Rene and Melanie Moreno (Penn)
Frank and Deborah Morgenstern
Richard and Tamara Morgenstern
Morison Cogen LLP
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Scott and Debra Mund (Penn)
Robert Nathan (Penn)
Angella Nazarian (Penn)
John and Jane Nelson (Penn)
Network for Good (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Penn)
Netzach David-Kesharim (Penn)
Bruce and Nancy Newberg (Penn)
Edward Newman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Bernard Newman,
Newman & Company, Inc.
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Eliahu and Joanne Niewood (Penn)
Elliot and Gail Norry (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Barry and Anna Novack (Penn)
David and Jill Nuddle (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Larry and Melanie Nussdorf (Penn)
Ronald and Mona Ozlek (Temple)
Alla Pasternack (Penn)
Trevor and Elaine Pearlman (Penn)
Samuel and Sheryl Pearlstein (Penn)
Arlene Pedovitch Joel Reissman
Mark and Anne Pepper (Drexel)
Ronald and Jayne Perilstein (Penn)
Jeremy Perlman (Penn)
Jeff and Sharon Perlman (Penn)
Brian and Jerilyn Perman (Penn)
Benjamin Perwien (Drexel)
Edward and Arlene Plasky (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Seth and Linda Plattus (Penn)
George Pomerantz and Sheryl Rentz
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia,
David and Felicia Posluns (Penn)
Robert and Stacey Pressman
Marc Prine (Temple)
Lorraine Carrady Quinn (Penn)
Ed and Cindy Ravitch (Temple)
Alon and Cindy Redlich (Penn)
Donald and Nancy Resnick (Temple)
Valerie and Norman Riback (Drexel)
Michael and Rachel Rimland (Penn)
Gilroy and Lillian Roberts
Charitable Foundation
(Grad Network, Temple)
Lawrence and Kathy Roman (Penn)
Frank Romanoski (Temple)
Suzanne Root
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Gary and Karen Rose (Penn)
Edward and Evelyn Rosen (Temple,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Theodore Rosen (Temple)
Gary and Lisa Rosen (Penn)
Mark and Florence Rosen (Penn)
Stephen Rosenberg (Penn)
David and Roberta Rosenberg (Penn)
Philip and Tomoko Rosenfeld (Penn)
James Rosenstein
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Bennett and Allison Rosenthal (Penn)
Ivan and Nina Ross (Penn)
Lyn M. Ross (Drexel, Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia)
Melvyn Rothbard (Temple)
Marc and Bobbi Rothman (Temple)
Stuart and Shari Rudoler
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Leonard Russ and
Linda Meyer Russ (Penn)
Saul and Mary Sanders (Penn)
Jonathan Sassover (Penn)
Alan Schapire (Drexel)
Robert Schattner (Penn)
Henry Schein (Temple)
Curtis Schenker (Penn)
Rose and Solomon Schneider Fund
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Harris and Amy Schwalb (Penn)
Jeffrey and Wendy Schwarz (Penn)
Seed The Dream Foundation,
Joel Greenberg and Marcy Gringlas
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Theodore Segal Joyce Wasserstein
Daniel Segal (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Penn)
Jay Selznick (Penn)
Gina and Stuart Shapiro (Penn)
Debra Shapiro-Ross (Drexel)
Shechtman Marks Devor
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Steven and Wendy Shenfeld (Penn)
David and Susan Sherman (Penn)
Garett and Bethany Shiner,
Jack and Audrey Miller Family
Charitable Foundation (Drexel)
Lee Shlamowitz (Grad Network,
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Bradford Shusman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Jonathan and Rifki Slonim (Penn)
David Slosburg (Penn)
Mark Smith (Penn)
Constance Smukler
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Adam and Susan Sokoloff (Penn)
Mark and Laura Solomon (Penn)
Shanin and Tracey Specter (Penn)
Robert Spiegel (Penn)
Jeffrey and Dina Stahl (Penn)
David Steirman (Penn)
Stradley, Ronon, Stevens and Young
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Ira and Naomi Sved
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Joel Sweet
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Fernando Szew (Penn)
Harriette and Charles Tabas
Foundation (Penn, Temple)
Abigail Lindenbaum Tambor (Penn)
Lisa and Steven Tananbaum (Penn)
Lynne Tarnopol (Penn)
Mark and Debra Teicher (Penn)
Temple University Fox School of
Business, School of Tourism,
and Hospitality Management
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Howard and Bashi Tepper (Penn)
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
The David Project Center for
Jewish Leadership (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Penn)
The Strauss Foundation,
Scott Isdaner (Temple)
Peter and Leslie Tilles (Drexel)
Herb Tobin (Temple)
Joshua and Elizabeth Trump (Penn)
UCH Properties (Grad Network)
Audrey Uknis and
Richard Budenstein (Temple)
United Way of New York City (Penn)
Kenneth and Deborah Vogelstein
The David and Barbara B.
Hirschhorn Foundation (Penn)
Harvey Wank (Penn)
Amy Warmflash (Temple)
Caroline Waxler (Penn)
Malvin and Irene Weinberger (Penn)
Evan Weiner (Penn)
Jon Weiss (Temple)
Richard and Barbara Weiss (Temple)
Barry Weiss (Penn, Temple)
Howard and Lucia Weiss (Temple)
Wells Fargo
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Matla Wiener (Penn)
Dina and Etan Wiesen (Penn)
Willis (Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Jeff Wilson (Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, Temple)
Martin Winter (Penn)
Katherine Wiseman (Temple)
Wistar Institute
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Abraham Wolf (Penn)
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
David Wolpe (Penn)
Alan Woronoff and Shira Goodman
Marc and Mona Yudkoff
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Bruce Zeiger (Temple)
Rivka and Matt Zell (Penn)
Kenneth Ziebelman and
Lori Koffman (Penn)
$360 – $999
Elie Abemayor (Penn)
Samuel and Marcy Abloeser (Penn)
Raphael and Flavia Ades (Penn)
David and Hedy Adler (Penn)
Sarah and Oren Adler (Penn)
Richard Adrian (Penn)
AIG Matching Gift Program (Penn)
Herbert and Ronnie Allen (Penn)
Alpha Omega International
Dental Fraternity (Temple)
Martin and Susan Altschuler (Penn)
American Express Foundation,
Employee Gift Matching
Program (Penn)
Mark Apfelbaum and
Rochelle Goldsmith (Penn)
Michael Apkon (Penn)
Richard Aronoff (Penn)
Jason and Ali Auerbach (Penn)
Joan Baker (Penn)
Jim and Tami Baldinger (Penn)
Diksha Bali (Penn)
Alvin and Elaine Barg
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Stanley Baum (Penn)
Norman Beckoff and
Hope Salmansohn (Penn)
Isaac and Lydia Bejar (Penn)
Nancy Bell (Penn)
Daniel and Ilana Benson (Penn)
Garrett and Marilyn Bergman (Penn)
Ira and Karen Berk (Drexel)
Jesse Berlin and
Alice Hausman (Penn)
Jack Bershad (Temple)
Ezra Billinkoff (Penn)
Peter and Eleanor Bloch (Penn)
Jonathan Block and Deborah
Diamond (Grad Network)
Ruthie Braffman (Penn)
Meir Braunstein (Penn)
Arthur Brenner and
Nanette Halpern (Penn)
Magda and Gloria Bresnitz (Penn)
Jeremy Brosowsky and Beth Tritter
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Marc Brummer and
Suzanne Klar (Temple)
Nancy Bunin (Penn)
Campus Philly (Grad Network)
Gerald Chalfin (Penn)
Andrew and Beth Chapman (Penn)
Judy Chasin and Eric Horwitz (Penn)
Jamie Chiel Sturm and
Josh Sturm (Penn)
Robert and Amy Chipetz (Penn)
Eric and Michelle Chudow (Penn)
D. Walter Cohen and
Claire Reichlin (Penn)
Jonathan Cohen (Penn)
Herbert Cohen (Temple)
Community Health Systems
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
David Cook (Penn)
Richard and Diane Covkin (Penn)
Aaron and Leslee Cowen (Penn)
Marc and Lisa Cummins (Penn)
Stephan and Susan Cutler (Penn)
Alan Dabrow (Temple)
David Danish (Penn)
Mark Deitcher (Penn)
Jacqueline DeLeo (Penn)
Joseph Devietti (Penn)
Harris and Debra Devor (Temple)
Liebe Diamond (Penn)
Shari Diamond (Drexel)
Avrom Doft (Penn)
Steven and Mary Douglas (Penn)
William and Ronell Douglass (Penn)
Michael and Andrea Dubin (Penn)
Brad and Judith Dworkin (Temple)
Alan and Norma Edwards (Penn)
Neil Efron (Penn)
Richardo Eichenwald (Penn)
Susan Eiseman (Penn)
Andrew and Rachel Eisen (Penn)
Jeffrey and Michelle Eisenberg
Michelle Eisenberg (Penn)
Bruce Eisenstein (Drexel)
Matthew and Lauren Elman (Penn)
Ezekiel Emanuel (Penn)
Hadley and Susan Engelhard (Penn)
Marc and Beth Epstein (Drexel)
Debra Epstein (Penn)
Albert and Rosa Esquenazi (Penn)
Jeffrey and Debra Feldman (Penn)
Norman and Helen Felsenthal (Penn)
Gladys Fenichel (Penn)
Maury and Nancy Fertig (Penn)
Walter and Pamela Feuereisen (Penn)
Richard and Deborah Fine (Penn)
Ruth Fink (Penn)
Susan Weiss Firestone (Penn)
Steven Fisch Allison Schneirov
Fisch (Penn)
David Fisher (Penn)
Ariel and Elana Fishman (Penn)
Lee and Renee Fleisher (Penn)
Samuel Franco (Penn)
David Frankel and
Dana Bazelon (Penn)
Jonathan Freedberg (Penn)
Melvyn Freid (Drexel, Penn)
David and Erica Freilich (Penn)
Richard Freundlich (Penn)
Tammy Fried (Penn)
Joseph Friedberg (Penn)
Mark and Lisa Friedman (Penn)
Rachel Friedman (Penn)
Cinda and Bill Friend (Penn)
Richard P. and Karen J. Furst (Penn)
Lewis and Susan Gantman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Richard Goldberg Rosemary
Chromey (Penn)
Jay Goldberg (Temple)
Jeffrey and Susan Goldenberg
Ken Goldman (Drexel)
Goldman, Sach & Co
Matching Gift (Penn)
Michael and Myra
Goldschmidt (Penn)
Mark Goldstein (Penn)
Curtis and Michelle Golkow (Penn)
Peter and Gabriela Gottlieb (Penn)
Amy Greenberg (Penn)
Hal Greenblatt (Temple)
Elaine Grobman (Drexel)
Philip and Barbara Grossman
Robert Grossman (Penn)
Murray and Fran Grossman (Penn)
Sally Groverman (Penn)
Brian and Ann Haber (Penn)
Steven Halpern (Penn)
Steven and Linda Harelick (Penn)
Dennis Harris (Penn)
Jay Harris (Penn)
Lewis Heafitz (Penn)
Marc Herman (Haverford)
Mark Hershhorn (Penn)
Sydney and Hermia Heyman (Hillel
of Greater Philadelphia, Penn)
Hiossen (Temple)
Adam and Lisa Hodes (Penn)
Jaclyn Hoffman (Penn)
hillel of greater philadelphia fall 2014
Joel Hoffman (Penn)
Jonathan Hollin (Penn)
Gail Howard Michael Seidman (Penn)
Elizabeth Hurtig (Grad Network)
Norman and Heidi Hurwitz (Penn)
Rachel Iannotti (Grad Network)
Alex Igbalsky, The Dentist Choice
Jeffrey and Joanne Ingerman (Penn)
Israel Emergency Alliance
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Marshall Jaffe and
Ellie Kulman (Penn)
Mark Kahn (Penn)
Leib Kaminsky (Penn)
Julie Kantrowitz (Penn)
Jerry and Barbara Kaplan (Penn)
Pamela Kaplan (Penn)
Bruce and Carol Katcher (Penn)
Michael and Sherryl Kaufman (Penn)
Jeffrey and Carol Kaufman (Penn)
Larry and Hilda Kaufman (Penn)
Charles and Sheryl Kaye (Penn)
David Kekst (Penn)
Doron and Jennifer Kenter
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Scott and Linda Ketover (Penn)
Steven King (Penn)
Wilbur L. and Rachel Kipnes (Penn)
Gary and Cindi Kirshner (Penn)
Robert and Fern Klein (Temple)
Jeffrey Kolansky (Penn)
Abner and Bethan Korn (Penn)
Seth Koven (Swarthmore)
Seth Krasilovsky (Penn)
Jack and Barbara Krenzel (Penn)
Julian Krinsky (Penn)
Elizabeth Kuhn (Penn)
Stuart and Deborah Kurtz (Penn)
William and Judith Labkoff (Penn)
Alan and Joyce Laiter (Temple)
Sara Landman
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Bruce Lane (Penn)
Bob and Holly Lankin (Temple)
Keith Laskin and
Mara Schiffman (Penn)
David Leibman (Penn)
Arthur and Elise Leibowitz (Penn)
David Leinwand (Penn)
Scott and Caroline Lerner (Penn)
Michele Levin
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Lynn Levin and
Steven Weitman (Penn)
Steven and Rachel Levine (Temple)
Richard and Wendy Levine (Penn)
Stanley Levine (Penn)
Jerry P. Levitt and
Julie Meranze Levitt (Penn)
Michael Levy (Penn)
Micah and Deborah Liben (Penn)
Aaron and Sheryl Liberman (Penn)
Linnett’s Gulf Inc.
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Ethan and Ilene Lish (Drexel)
Stu and Jessica Loeser (Penn)
Barbara Lorry (Penn)
Chantal Low (Penn)
Joseph and Dolores Lubin (Penn)
Douglass Lurio (Penn)
Sidney and Kathy Machefsky (Penn)
Nancy Machinist (Penn)
Ralph Susan Mack (Penn)
Morton Mandell (Haverford)
Laurence and Barbara Marder (Penn)
Sherry and David Marder (Drexel)
Carly Mayer (Penn)
Alan and Michele Meltzer (Penn)
David Menchel (Penn)
Robert and Anne Mendelson (Penn)
David and Susan Miller (Penn)
Andrew and Robin Miller (Penn)
Val Milonov and
Marina Sigidin (Penn)
Joan Mintz (Penn)
Robert and Vera Moreen (Penn)
Joseph and Joyce Morgan (Drexel)
David and Lisa Moss (Penn)
Joel and Lisa Muderick (Drexel)
Philip Nordlinger (Temple)
Andrew Obus (Grad Network)
Steven Oppenheim (Penn)
Marc Orlow (Penn)
Orlee and Irwin Panitch (Penn)
Jessica Pearl (Penn)
Paul and Karen Pechman (Penn)
Kevin Penn (Penn)
Thomas and Audrey Perkins (Penn)
Pfizer Foundation (Drexel, Penn)
Elliott Platt (Penn)
Adam Pogoda (Penn)
Rita Polonsky (Penn)
John Pomerantz (Penn)
Meyer and Michele Potashman
Harriet Potashnick (Penn)
David Ricanati and Beth
Warshawsky Ricanati (Penn)
Erika Rimson and
David Bernstein (Penn)
Roll Giving (Penn)
Elliott Rosch (Penn)
Jay Rosen (Temple)
Henry and Debra Rosen (Drexel)
Gary Rosen (Penn)
Andrew and Sheri Rosen (Penn)
Brett and Debbie Rosen (Penn)
David Rosenbaum (Penn)
Peter Rosenberg (Penn)
Scott Rosenblum (Penn)
Orna Rosenthal (Penn)
Ira Rosenwaike (Penn)
Jonathan Rosner and
Dena Rabinowitz (Penn)
Stuart and Ina Ross (Penn)
Norman and Barbara Rothbard
(Penn, Temple)
Jessica Roussanov (Penn)
Harriet Rublin (Penn)
Louis Samuels (Penn)
Jonathan and Arielle Saposh
Ronald Sarachan (Penn)
Sharam and Fariba Sasson (Penn)
Monica Sasson (Penn)
Leonard and Alice Sayles (Penn)
Max Schapiro (Penn)
Alex and Esther Schwartz
(Grad Network)
Lee Schwartz (Penn)
Dean Schwartz (Penn)
Louis and Linda Schwartz (Penn)
Jeff and Iris Schwartz (Penn)
Harvey Shapiro (Drexel)
Irving and Joan Shapiro (Penn)
Doniel Sherman (Penn)
Philip Sherman (Penn)
Martin Shore (Drexel)
Gerald Shreiber (Drexel)
Susan Shubert (Penn)
Murray Shusterman (Temple)
Zachary Silver (Penn)
Jody Silver (Penn)
Alan and Ellen Simons (Penn)
Alison and Neil Skolnik (Drexel)
Richard and Phyllis Slocum (Penn)
Robert and Andrea Solomon (Penn)
Erich Sorger (Penn)
Barbara Spevak (Penn)
Gail Spiegel Cohen and
Martin Cohen (Penn)
Harmon Spolan (Penn)
Melvin and Deena Squires (Penn)
Jenna Statfeld Harris (Penn)
Robert and Jacqueline Stein (Penn)
Ann Steiner (Penn)
Eugene and Julia Step (Penn)
Edward and Lesley Sterba (Penn)
Richard and Alexis Sternhell (Penn)
James Stoller and
Susan Lieberman (Penn)
Stanley and Ruby Strauss (Penn)
Sunrise Charitable Foundation (Penn)
Mollie Sussman (Penn)
Darren and Lila Taichman (Penn)
Jeff and Amy Taub (Penn)
Howard Tepper (Penn)
The Grove Student Properties, Inc.,
Cira Centre South
(Grad Network)
The Philadelphia Foundation,
The Calabi Fund (Penn)
The Shusterman Foundation
Debbie Feith Tye
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Jane Uhr (Penn)
Todd Vanett (Penn)
Donna Vogel (Bryn Mawr)
Harry Wanderer (Penn)
Larry and Cindy Wanerman (Penn)
Lisa Washington (Penn)
Jacob Wasserman (Penn)
Gary Waxman (Penn)
Arthur Weinbach (Penn)
Joshua and Ariel Weiner (Penn)
Bart Weiner (Penn)
Gary Weisband (Penn)
Jordan Weiss (Penn)
Westchester Reform Temple
Alan and Denise Wildes (Penn)
Steven and Georgene Winick (Penn)
Anne Witkin (Penn)
Rona Woldenberg and
Reuben Askowitz (Penn)
Wayne and Laura Yaffee (Penn)
Michael and Susan Yellin (Penn)
Young Adjustment Company
(Hillel of Greater Philadelphia)
Mario and Jan Zacharjasz (Hillel of
Greater Philadelphia, Temple)
Henry and Judith Zachs, The Zachs
Family Foundation (Penn)
Thank You to our Vision &
Values Celebration Sponsors
silver Partner
Sherrie R. Savett
Judy & David Wachs
*gifts received between July 1, 2013
and June 15, 2014.
bronze Partner
Thank You!
Make your gift
online today at
Mary Ellen &
Louis Bernstein
Marta & Bob Adelson
or call 215-898-8265.
Bonnie & Jay Eisner
We apologize for any errors or
omissions. All gifts to Hillel are
greatly appreciated. Due to space
limitations, contributions of $360
and more are listed.
Gerry & Dick Fox
The Honickman Family
Ruth & Rick Horowitz
Connie Smukler
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia
215 S. 39th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Arcadia University • Art Institute of Philadelphia • Bryn
Mawr College • Bucks County Community College •
Community College of Philadelphia • Drexel University •
Haverford College • La Salle University • Montgomery County
Community College • Moore College of Art and Design
• Pennsylvania State University, Abington • Philadelphia
College of Osteopathic Medicine • Philadelphia University •
Saint Joseph’s University • Stockton College • Swarthmore
College • Temple University • Thomas Jefferson University •
University of Pennsylvania • University of the Arts • University
of the Sciences in Philadelphia • Ursinus College • Villanova
University • West Chester University • Widener University
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia is a constituent
agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater
Philadelphia, affiliated with Hillel:
The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.
Visit Hillel online at
Hillel of Greater Philadelphia’s Vision & Values
Celebration was a tremendous success. Over 250
friends and community members were in attendance.
We were proud to Honor Robert A. Fox and Pay
Tribute to Sherrie Savett for their leadership in
the community. Bonnie and Jay Eisner served as
Event Chairs and Richard J. Fox and Edward H. Rosen
were the Honorary Chairs. We recognized 5 student
exemplars of leadership, who were nominated by
their directors and peers.
Sherrie Savett with Jeff Barrack
Robert Fox with
Rabbi Howard Alpert
Thanks to tremendous support from the community,
we raised over $200,000, which enables us to serve
all of our campuses and program centers. We
exceeded last year’s fundraising goals and are
grateful to all of our supporters, corporate sponsors,
lay leaders and volunteers.
Student Exemplars of Leadership: (left to right) Elie Peltz,
University of Pennsylvania; Ali Frank, West Chester
University; Matt Solomon, Drexel University; Barry Taller
(Grad Network) and Amy Rubin, Temple University

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