latestTorch - Colorado JCL
latestTorch - Colorado JCL
VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 IN THIS ISSUE: Written by: ✴ Welcome and Letter from the Editor Melanie Sawyer ✴ Classics Day 2015 ✴ Guest Contribution: High School Latin in Retrospect ✴ Upcoming Events & Announcements COJCL Editor THE TORCH A COJCL PUBLICATION Editor's Note: Salvete to all the new and returning members of COJCL! My name is Melanie, and I'm serving as the editor for the 2015-2016 school year. I'm currently a senior at Fairview High School enrolled in IB Latin 4. I really enjoy playing the flute, making origami, and (of course) studying Latin! I would love to include any artwork, poetry, comics, or articles that relate to Roman History, Latin, or classics in general. Email me with any questions or concerns! Spirit points will be awarded to contributors! This edition will include pictures and reflections from the recent Classics Day, as well as an article written by a college student who studied Latin in high school. !1 CO Classics Day 2015 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 On September 19th, students, teachers, and parents from all over the state gathered on the CU campus to engage in a variety of activities, lectures, and events as part of Colorado Classics Day, the annual CU-sponsored Classics event. Students had the opportunity to attend workshops in the morning, taught by professors and other experts in the field of classics, on a wide variety of topics- from mosaics to animals in the Ancient World. Then, after a brief lunch break, the local rocky Mountain Romans demonstrated various weapons and artifacts Above: A Classics Day bookmark, designed by to an eager audience. To finish off the day, Parliamentarian Evan Derby. Evan graciously COJCL officers and sponsors held certamen and distributed these to all of the attendees of this meet-and-greet sessions, allowing older year's event. students to test their latin knowledge and interact with other COlorado Latin students Enormous thank you to Josh Whitaker, who contributed a multitude of photos for this article. Left: Two members of the Rocky Mountain Romans display their elaborate costumes. !2 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 Without the support and enthusiasm of a multitude of CU students, Classics Day would not have been a success. Right, volunteers greet attendees. Christine Soh and Siri Gudavalli, both of Fairview, attended the "Greek in a Day" workshop. Students vie for ducks during one of the afternoon Certamen sessions Type to enter text !3 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 Young attendees learn about the intricacies of ancient weapons as part of the presentation by the Rocky Mountain Romans. The coalition of students hailing from The Classical Academy, presenting their introduction. !4 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 Participants hard at work designing mosaics out of foam, as part of the "Mosaics- the Ancient Instagram" workshop. The 2015-16 COJCL Officer's at CU Classics Day. From left to right, Katherine (Treasurer), Sky (Machinator), Henry (Vice President), Christine (Secretary), Melanie (Editor), Evan (Parliamentarian), and Matt (President). Check out for more information on each of the officers. !5 Guest Contribution: SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 High School Latin in Retrospect Written'by'Jake'Hansen,'FHS'alumni' After'completing'four'years'of'Latin'at'Fairview'High'School'with'Ms.'Lynn'LiCalsi,'I'am' currently'a'sophomore'at'the'University'of'Washington'in'Seattle'studying'mathematics'and'Russian' language.'Looking'back'on'high'school'Latin'with'two'years'of'perspective,'it'is'fair'to'ask:'was'four' years'of'Latin'language'really'worth'all'the'toil'and'trouble?'The'answer:'absolutely!' ' The'reasons'I'decided'to'sign'up'for'Latin'1'way'back'when'K'well'that'is,'before'my'freshman' year'in'high'school'K''are'common'ones:'I'wanted'to'expand'my'English'vocabulary,'improve'my' grammar,'become'more'eloquent'[that'is'derived'from'the'deponent'verb'loqui&K'to'speak],'and'knock' out'the'SAT'vocabulary'section'by'learning'the'roots'and'etymology'underlying'our'language.' ' In'some'of'these'areas,'Latin'paid'off'greatly.'As'a'Russian'language'major'I'have'found'that' Latin,'despite'being'an'entirely'unKslavic'language,'has'given'me'a'solid'grammatical'foundation'that' has'been'helpful'in'learning'Russian.'Beyond'providing'a'good'understanding'of'the'functions'of' different'noun'cases'and'syntactical'structures,'Latin'gave'me'great'ease'in'dealing'with'phenomena'in' Russian'language'such'as'occasional'pronoun'omission'in'the'presence'of'a'verb,'lack'of'articles,'and' lessKstructured'word'order.'' ' Venturing'outside'of'the'Slavic'and'Math'departments'last'quarter,'I'wandered'into'the'oldest' building'on'the'University'of'Washington'campus,'Denny'Hall,'where'the'Classics'department'exists'in' a'dusty'maze'of'old'castleKlike'rooms.'There,'I'signed'up'for'an'elective'K'Latin'307,'Virgil.'Having'not' taken'any'Latin'for'almost'a'year'at'that'point,'I'was'nervous'that'a'thirdKyear'college'course'might'be'' extremely'stressful'and'well'over'my'head.'On'the'contrary,'it'ended'up'being'my'favorite'class'that' quarter'K'many'rainy'mornings'were'spent'puzzling'together'the'great'poet's'sentences'over'large' mugs'of'coffee,'and'relaxed'sociable'classes'followed,'where'we'discussed'grammar'and'reviewed'our' translations'as'a'group.'However'excellent'high'school'Latin'was,'I'have'found'college'Latin'to'be'even' better'K'the'class'sizes'are'tiny'(even'at'my'public'university,'which'is'very'very'large,'the'Vergil'class' was'less'than'ten'students),'and'the'only'students'who'end'up'sticking'with'upperKlevel'classics' courses'are'those'who'really'care'about'the'subject,'because'it'is'hard'K'but'it'is'also'very,'very'fun.' Taking'that'Vergil'class'prompted'me'to'buy'a'booklet'of'Caesar's'Bellum&Gallicum&and'read'it'on'my' own'over'the'summer'after'the'school'year'ended.' ' Now,'six'years'after'^irst'signing'up'for'the'Latin'1'course'at'Fairview'High'School,'it'is'clear'to' me'that'Latin'will'remain'a'part'of'my'life'for'a'long'time.'The'reason?'Despite'all'its'other'bene^its,' studying'classical'literature'is'the'best'possible'mixture'of'puzzleKsolving'and'reading,'and'it'connects' me'with'the'past'in'a'way'that'nothing'else'quite'can.'Translating'Latin'is,'despite'its'occasional'(okay,' fairly'frequent)'frustrations,'peaceful,'interesting,'and'fun. Oh'yes,'and'as'far'as'the'SAT'vocab'section'goes...'if'that'is'your'reason'for'taking'Latin,'then'just' stick'to'memorizing'vocab'lists'out'of'those'big'evil'yellow''testKprep''booklets'that'College'Board'puts' out'every'year...'like'I'said,'Latin'is'a'lot'of'work.'' ' ' ' ' Ave'atque'vale' and' всего хорошего! Jake'Hansen '' ' !6 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 Pre-Convention Film Contest: This year, the COJCL officers will be sponsoring a PreConvention film contest, open to all students. Make sure you follow these guidelines when creating your masterpiece: 1. All films must be between 3-5 minutes. 2. All films must either be in English with Latin subtitles, or Latin with English subtitles. 3. Films must clearly express a Roman/Latin theme. 4. Please do not include credits. 5. Submit films on a flash drive, in MP4 format, with an index card containing: -film title -film length -theme -school -names of students involved The judging rubric will be on a 5-point scale with each of the following categories: -Accuracy of subtitles -Adherence to theme -Quality of film -Characterization -Enunciation -Costumes/Set -Originality -Continuity/Fluidity/Transitions -Engaging/ entertaining. If you have any questions, please contact Matt at !7 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 Announcements: We are having an Instagram contest: share COJCL-related images with the hashtag #cojcl2015 to win Spirit Points! (1 per picture). Also, don't forget to submit photos, articles, or anything else to the Torch. Submissions will earn 5 spirit points for your school. Upcoming Events: If you missed out on Classics Day, fear not! We have a couple more fun events this spring! ✴ March 6th: Certamen Online! ✴ April 14th-15th: CONVENTION! For more information and updates, please visit !8 SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 VOLUME 1 EDITION 1 The 2015-16 COJCL Officer's at CU Classics Day. From left to right, Katherine (Treasurer), Sky (Machinator), Henry (Vice President), Christine (Secretary), Melanie (Editor), Evan (Parliamentarian), and Matt (President). Check out for more information on each of the officers. !9