the diversity issue
the diversity issue The diversity Issue REGIONAL POWER: The Top Regional Minorities p. 30 WORKING WONDERS: Cable’s Best Places To Work p. 38 Cable’s MOST INFLUENTIAL MINORITIES Our Annual Listing of Top Minority Execs p. 6 Editor’s Note 4 > 2010 Most Influential Minorities in Cable 6 > More Influential Minorities 24 > Marketing Excellence 34 > Best Places to Work 38 September 2010 page 38 IN THIS ISSUE COCO’s CHANNEL: Employees at Turner’s Techwood campus in Atlanta surprise new colleague Conan O’Brien earlier this summer. Turner is one of our 10 best places to work. 4 6 EDITOR’S NOTE— Speak to me. 30REGIONALS— A listing of cable’s top regional minorities. MOST INFLUENTIAL MINORITIES— Our salute to cable’s top 75 minority executives. 24 MORE INFLUENTIAL MINORITIES— An additional listing of top minority players. 38 I LOVE MY JOB. I LOVE MY JOB...— We choose cable’s 10 best places to work. On the cover: Cable’s diverse and colorul rainbow is represented by (clockwise from upper left) Insight’s Dinni Jain, Salaam Coleman Smith of Style, NBC U’s Henry Ahn and Telemundo’s Jacqueline Hernández. CableFAX: The Magazine An EMMA for EMMA Our annual review of NAMIC’s awards for the best in multi-cultural marketing. At right, an ad for Comcast’s XFINITY service. page 34 September 2010 3 editorial editorial director, ass't vp, cable group Seth Arenstein (301) 354-1782, executive editor Michael Grebb (301) 354-1790, managing editor Jessica Clegg (212) 621-4626, contributors Seth Arenstein, Steve Donohue, Gerry Ford, Michael Grebb, Cathy Applefeld Olson advertising/business senior vice president and group publisher Diane Schwartz (212) 621-4964, publisher Debbie Vodenos (301) 354-1695, associate publisher Amy Abbey (301) 354-1629, design/production Joanne Moran, senior production manager Joann M. Fato (301) 354-1681, marketing & circulation director of marketing communications Amy Jefferies (301) 354-1699, director of marketing Carol Brault (301) 354-1763, Now you’re talking You’ll notice several changes in this edition of CableFAX: The Magazine’s Diversity Issue. First, instead of repeating the standard bio profiles, we ask most of the executives on our lists about their jobs, companies and interests. Their responses, edited for space here but available in full at our site, make for interesting reading. Knowing a person’s views, career challenges, even their drink or cuisine of choice can help build a relationship, which could become a business advantage. We also dispense with our traditional Top 50 ranked list. Instead you’ll see a ranked list of 75. This larger list coincides with an unusual year, one where NAMIC and BET celebrate 30th anniversaries. We thought those milestones deserved a slightly longer list. As in years past, we’ve included unranked lists of influential executives beyond the 75 (please see p.24), plus important regional players (please see p.30). You’d think compiling a list of 75 would be easier than making one with 50 names. So did I; it was just as difficult. Despite the paucity of minority executives in some of cable’s C-suites, there’s an abundance of top-flight minority executives throughout the industry. Many are included in these pages. Again for space reasons, plenty of deserving people are not. In what has become tradition, NAMIC and CableFAX will celebrate this year’s magazine and those in it during a Diversity Week breakfast Sept 14 at the Hilton, NY. With diversity in cable still a partially realized idea, we hope this magazine and the points raised during the breakfast will provoke a deeper discussion about this important issue and perhaps lead to some results. *** A word of thanks to all who spent time nominating executives to appear in these pages. Thanks, too, to those who helped us secure interviews and photos. Your efforts were invaluable. list sales Worldata (561) 393-8200 Reprint Inquiries for CableFAX: The Magazine please contact Lyndsay Bahn at: or (717) 666-3052 For additional copies, please contact: or 800-777-5006 ACCESS INTELLIGENCE, LLC chief executive officer Donald A. Pazour exec. vp & chief financial officer Ed Pinedo exec. vp, human resources & administration Macy L. Fecto divisional president, access intelligence business media Heather Farley vp, production & manufacturing Michael Kraus svp, corporate audience development Sylvia Sierra svp & chief information officer Robert Paciorek vp financial planning & internal audit Steve Barber sales and editorial offices 4 Choke Cherry Road, 2nd Floor Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 354-2000; Fax (301) 738-8453 110 William Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10038 (212) 621-4900 CableFax: The Magazine is published six times a year, May, July, September, October, November and December by Access Intelligence LLC, 4 Choke Cherry Road, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850-4024. © 2010 Access Intelligence LLC. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. 4 September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine The Most Influential Minorities in Cable: The Top 75 1. Dinni Jain President, COO, Insight Thanks largely to Jain’s leadership, Insight has enjoyed 5 years of basic sub growth. Jain on cn/2: “It’s a new kind of news and information network that we believe will provide substantive, thorough and timely information. Currently it’s a 24-hr all-weather channel… This fall it will launch news and political programming...There are a lot of people who are concerned about the world and can see through fluff on most news channels and want more. Our goal is to meet that need.” 2. Henry Ahn EVP, TV Networks Distribution, NBCU Ahn’s negotiating talents are well known, even more so after executing NBCU’s 1st authentication deal. He’s always key to Olympics deals. and serves on the T. Howard Foundation board. On Authentication Deals: “It’s been challenging to provide distribution rights on a platform that’s still in a nascent stage and constantly evolving. Our industry 6 By Michael Grebb and Seth Arenstein has not developed online/TV Everywhere standards. We, as an industry, need to coral and work quickly to do so.” Ahn on T. Howard: “The most fulfilling part of being on the T. Howard board is being in a room full of distributors and not being yelled at. All kidding aside, playing a small part in developing a pipeline for minority candidates has been a tremendous honor and truly gratifying.” 3. Debra Lee Chairman/CEO, BET Nets Lee oversees one of the world’s most influential multiplatform media companies, which has posted record growth on her watch. Creating C-level Diversity: “First, companies must put more effort into bringing in minorities and women at entry and mid-level positions. Second, companies need to be willing to hire minorities and women as laterals and let them grow into positions if they don’t have the exact background necessary for a particular job. Companies need to support the excellent management programs provided by NAMIC and WICT so that minorities and women can get the training necessary to move into management positions. Finally, if a CEO looks around his senior staff and doesn’t see women or minorities, he needs to commit to change that within 12 months no matter how much effort it takes.” ming to ensure that we provide the best content, either with originals or with our partners.” 4. Jacqueline Hernández 6. Johnathan Rodgers COO, Telemundo One of the few Hispanic women to hold a C-level position in media, the increasing clout of Telemundo—as well as that of the Latino audience— and her expertise should keep Henandez one of the most powerful media execs for years. She’s even got a cool Facebook page. President/CEO, TV One This cable good guy has not only built a major cable network in 6 years but recently added impressive original programming, including The Ultimate Merger reality show with Donald Trump. An NCTA board member who frequently represents cable’s views in DC, Rodgers is the driving force behind TV One’s public affairs slate, including the excellent Washington Watch with Roland Martin. 5. Cesar Conde President, Univision Nets Conde oversees Univision, TeleFutura, Galavisión and Univision Studios. He also works closely with affiliate sales and marketing to keep distributors happy. On Growth:“Univision is about growth, integration and innovation. Our strategy is to serve the U.S. Hispanic community by offering a product that is 100% catered to our audience in the language they speak. We are always exploring opportunities and re-evaluating our programSeptember 2010 7. Rita Tuzon EVP and General Counsel, Fox Networks Known inside Fox as Tony Vinciquerra’s right hand, Tuzon is FNG’s top-ranking woman. She oversees legal for all Fox programming, including its cable properties. Top Priorities: “These days it’s digital rights issues of all stripes, obtaining appropriate compensation for retransmission consent from distributors CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 and affiliated stations and strategic planning for opportunities in the sports area.” 8. Marwan Fawaz EVP, Operations and CTO, Charter Communications As Charter waded through turbulent financial issues in 2009, Fawaz maintained the company’s physical infrastructure—a difficult task even in good times. He’s also a leader in cable’s tech community. Tech Challenges: “The pace of product development is accelerating at a rate we haven’t experienced in our industry for a long time. That’s both challenging and exciting. The challenging part is primarily related to the additional complexity required in our network and end-to-end systems. That results in extra pressure on us to continue developing employees who are better trained and equipped to keep up with the pace of innovation. Cable’s Biggest Tech Opportunity in ’11: “There are many...but the main one that will help transform and evolve our products is DOCSIS 3.0.” 9. Laureen Ong President, Travel Channel Having joined Travel in April, the former Nat Geo chief has 8 a decidedly world view that should serve her well now. On Travel’s Slate: “Travel Channel’s most popular series center around adventures featuring compelling characters who engage viewers. As we move forward, our programming must introduce more talent who inspire and spark discussion. Every journey has a story. It’s the sharing of stories that makes travel so appealing. Our programming in early ’11 will be full of new personalities who are entertaining, authentic and credible.” 10. Herb Scannell President, BBC Worldwide America A top-flight exec, Scannell’s also a good sport. As Nickelodeon’s chief he allowed himself to be slimed repeatedly by the net’s trademark green goo. It’s more serious at his new gig, which includes BBC America. On his to-do list: produce programs in the U.S. and grow BBC A distribution beyond 67mln HHs. Making British Shows Work in the US: “Quality is quality and great TV stands out the world over. The BBC is renowned for quality and innovative TV and we’re lucky to be able to bring the best of that to BBC America. More often than not we’re first with the next new ideas, new formats and breaking talent. There’s the occasional challenge, though. Like the British model of making 6-8 episodes/year when U.S. audiences are accustomed to 22. We’d certainly prefer longer runs, but the upside is more variety and premieres than any cable network.” 11. Scott Mills President/CEO, BET Nets Mills does it all, leading BET’s business functions, including ad sales, distribution and international distribution. On Opportunities: “Continuing to super serve our audience across all of our platforms, in ways such as the new scripted originals on BET, a strong programming slate for Centric, our redesigned Web presence, continued international expansion and upcoming mobile applications. In addition, we are excited about several non-media opportunities we are exploring.” 12. Pearlena Igbokwe SVP, Original Programming, Showtime Networks The slew of shows Igbokwe has helped coax to success are too numerous to list, but trust us when we say she’s on the top of her game and climbing higher. September 2010 On Successful Shows: “I’ve been an executive on a number of successful shows (Dexter, Nurse Jackie, Soul Food). The key ingredients these shows have had is a strong, visionary executive producer and a unique concept that resonates with audiences. An executive like me can only do so much to help a show. It’s the people who live and breathe it on a day-to-day basis who have to have the passion for excellence and the wherewithal to see it through..” 13. Albert Cheng EVP, Digital, ABC/Disney One of the smartest guys in cable, this youth and powerful tech guru deserves that reputation. Disney has zigged where others zagged on digital, yet it’s monetizing online content better than many— perhaps for that reason. Challenges, Opportunities: “Multiplatform access to premium content will be what consumers want. Quality storytelling...will be the differentiator for success. What’s exciting are the breakthroughs in technology and consumer experience that can elevate the way we merchandise stories and connect with our viewers for a stronger, more meaningful relationship. The challenge will be to clearly define the value proposition for viewers in every way we distribute and price our content to maximize and grow the business with our partners.” CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 14. Wonya Lucas EVP/COO, Discovery Channel, Science Channel Lucas leads strategy and operations for two of Discovery’s marquee properties. Her job also includes oversight of research and marketing. On Being Mentored: “Seeking a diverse group of mentors is important because they provide different perspectives. I’ve found the mentors who’ve helped the most have strong business, interpersonal and life skills. They’ve all been successful in this business but they also share a sense of humility and enjoy helping others... I am who I am because of the women and men who’ve taken the time to know me, encourage me and challenge me.” 15. Ray Gutierrez EVP, Human Resources, CBS Television Networks Talk about multitasking, Gutierrez heads HR for Showtime, CBS Sports, CBS College Sports, CBS News and CBS TV Nets. A class act, he’ll chair NAMIC’s board Nov 1. On Philanthropy: “Giving back is something I feel is 10 an obligation as a result of my good fortune. My grandparents, who are from Spain and Mexico, instilled in me the importance of hard work and education. While that’s been very helpful, I’ve also been lucky to find myself at a great company like Showtime. I’ve always been encouraged by Matt Blank to get involved with non-profit and industry organizations... For women and minorities, breaking into senior ranks still isn’t easy. It’s incumbent upon us to try to help others and make a positive difference.” 16. Salaam Coleman Smith President, The Style Network Coleman Smith is one of the few African-American women running a cable net (and one of the youngest). On her watch, Style has grown with inspirational shows like Ruby and fun fare like Jerseylicious. On Ruby: “I’m especially proud of our Emmy-nominated docu-series Ruby, which chronicles the life of a severely obese woman in Savannah, GA. Ruby’s personal journey to lose weight and celebrate life has inspired so many viewers to make positive changes. Ruby is incredibly beautiful—inside and out—and we’ve been able to use the series to create a campaign to fight obesity.” 17. Christina Norman CEO, OWN Oprah. Need we say more? The highly anticipated debut of OWN in ’11 will put Norman to the test. Having spent years honing her executive skills at MTV, she should be up to the task. OWN’s Path: “Our mission is to create TV with intention—TV that inspires and informs, and of course, entertains and brings our audience into the conversation. We aren’t just telling stories; we’re sharing stories. Our launch on 1/1/11 is just the beginning of this amazing journey into a new media landscape, where the viewer is the inspiration, not just the destination.” 19. Lisa Williams-Fauntroy SVP, Business Affairs & Legal, Discovery Comm The global media company’s senior African-American attorney, Williams-Fauntroy still makes time to mentor students in DC and lead clothing drives for the poor. On Being a Media Lawyer: “No work day is the same and such unpredictability requires me to be nimble; in just a few hours I might negotiate TV deal points, review show content for legal issues or draft nuanced provisions in a contract - and I love it. Discovery’s everevolving businesses keep me from being too myopic, allow me to sharpen my skills and stretch me to places beyond the traditional role of an attorney. As a ‘closet creative,’ reviewing content and having daily interaction with programming and production is a rewarding outlet.” 18. Loretta Walker SVP/Chief HR Officer, Turner Broadcasting System Walker has executive oversight for the gamut of HR issues and heads Turner’s global HR group. Under her leadership, TBS has been recognized for excellence inside cable, but also by DiversityInc, Working Mother and the Society for HR Management, among many others. September 2010 20. Doug Gaston SVP and General Counsel, Comcast Cable In case you haven’t heard, Comcast has a few legal issues pending, including a potential merger with a peacock and myriad other CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 at ITVT’s TV of Tomorrow Show for his leadership in multiplatform TV. questions. Gaston is in the middle of it all. Before joining the MSO, the grad of Temple U and Villanova Law School was a corporate associate at Morgan Lewis & Bockius. 21.George Cheeks EVP/Co-Gen Counsel, MTVN The grandson of Ella Mae Johnson, the first female African-American student to attend Case Western U, Cheeks has done his family proud. A key advisor to Judy McGrath, he recently won the Diversity Champion award from the NYC Bar. Looking Ahead: “Increasing consumer demand for content across all platforms and devices dictates the legal and business trends in the entertainment industry... We must continue to develop distribution strategies that increase reach while enhancing the consumer experience so that people are incented to source our content legally. Deal making must adapt quickly to meet these ever-evolving business imperatives. Content production and distribution must work together to combat piracy. The initiatives must focus on tougher enforcement of intellectual property laws, legislative initiatives, partnerships with ISPs and pressure on participants in the piracy ecosystem.... And there must be a laser focus on consumer outreach and education.” 12 22. Marlene Dooner 26. Richard Gay SVP, Investor Relations, Comcast Corp Think you’re busy? Dooner is responsible for developing and managing Comcast’s relationships with the investment community and shareholders—and we’re guessing they’ve had a lot of questions lately when it comes to the pending NBCU deal. On Keeping Investors Informed: “We have a very active investor communications program, including hundreds of investor meetings and conferences. One area where we have increased our communications is online. Our investor site...has turned into a great resource for those who invest in or follow our company. We plan to continue to enhance it.” EVP, Strategy & Business Ops, MTV & VH1 Nets Gay heads strategy for a slew of properties, but also finds time to work on behalf of the Chicago Urban League, the Museum of Television and Radio and the Studio Museum of Harlem, to name a few. On Keeping Ahead of The Curve: “We...are constantly listening to our audience and having continuous dialog with companies and members of the investment community... and, in what I truly believe is an advantage for MTVN, listening to our employees. ...we have the added bonus at MTV and VH1 of having employees who are members of the very target audiences that we are trying to serve.” 24. Loretha Jones President, Original Programming, BET Jones drove BET’s originals to their best ratings year in ’09. Will We See a Shift Toward Scripted Programming? “We already are, with some cable networks using scripted shows to become brand-defining....Networks that are successful in doing this can translate the content into a real connection with an audience and, in turn, drive ratings.” 25. Ed Huguez 23. Arthur Orduna CTO, Canoe Ventures One of cable’s brightest minds, Orduna carries much weight as he heads a team of engineers across the country building a platform to enable nationally distributed iTV. An active member of SCTE, NCTA, NAMIC and CTAM, he received an award EVP, Aff Sales & Marketing, Starz Entertainment As the top affiliate sales and marketing exec at Starz, Huguez sits at the epicenter of affiliate dealmaking for its core multichannel business. Originals and Affiliates: “Spartacus and Pillars of the Earth have been valuable additions and great complements to our premium movie programming. Demand from affiliates to promote Starz originals has exceeded our expectations....” September 2010 27. Brenda Freeman CMO, Turner Bdcasting’s Animation, Young Adults and Kids Media The veteran marketing/promotion executive has lead efforts to turn Cartoon Net into a dominant youth-culture brand, in addition to shepherding the runaway success of Adult Swim. Communicating With Youth: “Cartoon Network attracts a demo that has a unique CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 sensibility...Therefore it’s very important that we serve up our content in all the places that youth spend time...A great tactic at the moment is identifying the most exquisite bit of content from a show and determining ways to seed it so kids can discover it on their own, then share with their friends. Nothing beats peer word of mouth.” 28. Nigel Cox-Hagan EVP, Creative Group and Consumer Marketing, VH-1 Cox-Hagan oversees consumer marketing, creative and on-screen promotions for VH1, VH1 Classic, VH1 Soul and Palladia. He controls VH1’s multi-million dollar marketing budget and was responsible for the successful rebranding of BET Networks’ Centric. 29. Mae Douglas SVP and Chief People Officer, Cox Communications The first African-American woman on Cox’s executive team, Douglas helped create Cox’s National Talent Development program. She initiated The Cox Diversity Council and co-chairs it with Cox President Pat Esser. “Mae has the unique ability to make others not only be better, but want to be better,” Esser says. 14 How Cable Can Attract/ Retain Diverse Employees: “Provide opportunity for continuous learning in order to manage their careers. Supply mentors so they can successfully connect with others who can assist them with the unwritten rules of the culture. Have leaders who are culturally competent and understand how to lead different groups.” 30. Stephen Hill Pres, Music Prog & Specials, BET Anyone who’s watched BET over its 30-year history knows that music has been an integral part of its DNA. While BET has diversified its slate in recent years, music and special events remain key—and Hill is in charge of those. On Keeping BET Fresh: “We understand that to our audience, music matters... And because of our strong connection to the pulse of AfricanAmerican culture, we’ve been able to create moments that were unforgettable and in some cases, unbelievable…We set the standard when we honor our collective accomplishments and understand our ability to inspire great things.” 31. Steve Apodaca President, Ops, Charter Communications As President of the West Operating Group, Apodaca was so impressive he was promoted recently to his current position overseeing sales and service ops nationwide. Challenges of a New Job: “It was a welcome challenge, but when the geographic scope of my job essentially doubled overnight, our team had to quickly adjust the structure of our organization to ensure the right people were in the right positions. Speed was critical to continue focusing on the customer experience and avoid interrupting the pace of Charter’s operations.” 32. Byron Allen Founder/Owner, Entertainment Studios Networks Comic, talk show host and broadcast syndication exec, Allen’s one of the few African Americans who owns a media company in its entirety. Now he’s pushing to get cable carriage for his six HD networks. On Cable and Diversity: “Cable’s done a horrible job – it’s a tragedy and a national disgrace. Women don’t own networks that are widely distributed, nor do Asians, Latinos, LGBTs, Native Americans or African Americans. And without diversity in media ownership, we can’t have a true democracy. It’s time for President Obama, FCC Chairman Genachowski and Attorney General Holder to step in and deliver change.” September 2010 33. Lisa Chang SVP, HR, Turner Broadcasting System Chang leads HR for the company’s entire Technology, Strategy & Operations division and TBS’ International division. In addition to that, she’s President of the CTHRA board and Founder/Chair of its Human Capital Benchmark Survey Committee. Employee Needs in a Recovering Economy: “Employees seem to be keenly interested in learning & development. Coming out of the recession there seems to be a greater focus on building personal skill sets that are translatable. Given the fast pace of change in our industry, it’s in our best interest to provide these opportunities to ensure we have the best and most skilled talent available as well.” 34. Chris Powell EVP, HR, Scripps Networks Among Powell’s many achievements, he has led Scripps’ enterprise-wide training and development initiatives, including the Mentoring Experience program and Foundations of Leadership management training. He serves on the WICT and CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 CTHRA boards. Does Scripps Recruit Talent Aggressively in a Slow Economy? “Most definitely...Regardless of the state of the economy, Scripps needs to have the best talent to optimize our success..The current economic environment is an opportunity for Scripps to proactively source and recruit candidates working in organizations that might not be able to offer them an opportunity to contribute, grow and be rewarded for their performance, experience and skills.” 35. Lino Garcia GM, ESPN Deportes As Deportes’ founding GM, soft-spoken Garcia’s at the top of his game as the mainstream TV industry is just starting to grasp the power of the Latino audience and its love of sports and TV. On Opportunities: “There are so many in the next 12 months, but I will highlight just a couple. First, the ’10 Census is anticipated to open even more doors for the U.S. Hispanic marketplace. ESPN Deportes will benefit from being further lifted by that rising tide. As was the case in the ’00 Census, more and more companies will invest in the Hispanic marketplace. Networks like ESPN Deportes, which have proven to deliver value for affiliates and advertisers, will ben- 16 efit significantly. Within our space, Deportes...will have a strong emphasis on mobile and online.” 38. Paul Richardson 36. Mark Garner SVP, Distribution, Business Dev & Marketing, AETN A tireless champion of interactive technology and advanced media, the thoughtful Garner is one of the architects of AETN’s digital distribution strategy, negotiating TV Everywhere deals and developing interactive TV and commerce applications. A member of our Sales Hall of Fame, Garner chairs the NAMIC board and is Co-chair of CTAM’s ACSC Multiplatform Committee. 37. Kevin Stephens SVP/Commercial & Ad Ops, Suddenlink Stephens leads a multilevel sales organization that includes ad sales, business and carrier services, which generates some $250mln in annual revenue and represents a major growth driver. A proven leader at Suddenlink who’s active in several industry groups, Stephens establishes specific and fair goals—and then holds staff accountable to them. SVP, HR, ESPN The veteran HR pro oversees ESPN’s 6K+ workforce in 50 business units worldwide. Beyond Bristol, he’s most proud of his service to the Foundation Board of the CA State Summer School for the Arts. On ESPN’s Challenges in Recruiting Qualified Global Candidates: “Despite the economic downturn, competition for the best talent remains fierce. At ESPN, we believe our people are our most valuable resource; they give us a competitive advantage. Among other things, this means we are challenged to make sure potential employees know who we are as an employer, our values and priorities, the kind of career development they can expect, the importance of diversity and the absolute necessity to maintain a positive, global work environment where every employee can bring their ‘whole’ self to work and contribute at the highest level.” 39. Hamid Heidary EVP, Central Operations, CTO, Insight Communications Insight’s tech whiz is leading the charge to make the MSO all-digital, so it can offer 100 September 2010 HD nets and faster data. On an IP World: “I am intrigued with how everything is converging toward an IP delivery mechanism. [Soon]..IP delivery will most probably take center stage and become the principal method of providing services to our customers. Today we use about 95% of our network capacity to deliver video (analogue or MPEG digital) and only a sliver for IP-centric services...One view is our networks eventually will become a total IP delivery system for all that we offer, video, phone and high-speed data.” 40. Enrique R. Martínez EVP and Managing Director, Discovery Nets Latin Am Martinez has helped Discovery’s 13 Latin American nets gain carriage in 34 countries, reaching 153mln subs. Comparing Discovery in Latin America and the US: “One of the things that makes Discovery such a strong media brand is our content, much of which has universal appeal. Bear Grylls does well in the US, but also with Latin American audiences. Big productions such as Planet Earth, NASA and Life have universal appeal, too. But there are differences. The US version of Life used Oprah Winfrey to narrate; in Latin America we used Grammy winning singer-songwriter Juanes—a personality and voice that Latin America recognized.” CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 41. Lisa Choi Owens SVP, Digital Media, Scripps A member of Scripps’ Senior Management Committee who’s heavily involved in the company’s global plans, Owens leads digital activities, including the heavily trafficked, and now She’s a NAMIC board member and a Betsy Magness alum. What Programmers Will Do Online in the Future: “I would imagine that programmers will not be doing ‘more’ of the same, but will be taking more advantage of the utility of the Web, with more complementary vs. just tightly aligned experience with programming. There will likely be more integration with social networks. Sites will feature a true two-way dialogue with users vs. broadcasting information the programmer chooses to communicate. Through such two-way dialogue, programmers will get more user participation in creating or at least guiding content decisions.” 42. Lisa Hsia SVP, Digital Media, Bravo Hsia heads Bravo Media’s digital endeavors, which have 18 received Emmy noms four years running. Advice on Starting a Digital Career: “There’s no age barrier to working in the digital media space! Whatever your age or experience, success will come from having a sense of curiosity about what’s happening in this rapidly changing field and a feel for what makes something compelling to a user. Next, you need to focus on the metrics and business models to make a compelling case for your ideas. A passion for learning – coupled with smart strategy – is the most important quality.” 43. Michael Smith GM, Cooking Channel The pop culture success of Food earned its former marketing SVP a shot at launching Cooking. The Difference Between Cooking and Food Net: “Cooking Channel is a complement to Food. It’s for people who want to take things to the next level, passionate food lovers seeking more instruction, exploration into diverse topics, more chefs and personalities.” Smith’s Favorite Indulgence/Comfort Foods: “Lemon-flavored sweets and desserts, whether it’s lemon pound cake, lemon meringue pie, lemon drop candy, or lemonade. I love the contrast of sweet and tart.” has continued under Brian Roberts. Giving back is part of our DNA. Our focuses are expanding digital literacy, building tomorrow’s leaders and promoting community service.” 44. Veronica Cajigas SVP, Intl Media & Global Bus Ops, Discovery Comm The Harvard alum and former management consultant handles global media operations across Discovery’s portfolio. She’s consistently cited internally for honors. Developing a Global Cable Business: “Make sure you understand the market and its stakeholders. Only after doing that decide what can be leveraged and applied from your previous experiences (e.g. the US market) and what needs to be ‘customized’ to meet local needs. I have always applied the phrase ‘Think globally, act locally’ to summarize my approach.” 46. Michelle Rice EVP, Affiliate Sales & Marketing, TV One A Betsy Magness alum and NAMIC board member, Rice led the team that captured our Sales Team of the Year honors earlier this year and pushed TV One past the 50mln sub mark. As TV One chief Johnathan Rodgers says, “She personally sets an example of how multi-ethnic diversity can and should be represented within our industry.” 45. Charisse Lillie 47. Nathalie Lubensky EVP, Comcast Foundation; VP, Community Investment, Comcast Corp Lillie is a fixture in cable, heading Comcast’s community outreach and investment—which have become substantial. The Importance of Comcast’s Community Activities: “When Ralph Roberts founded Comcast, he was committed to creating a culture that fostered community service and employee engagement. That philosophy SVP, Affiliate Marketing, ESPN Lubensky’s work on the ESPN Diversity Council has enabled her to influence initiatives that attract the best talent for the nets she represents. On Changes in Affiliate Needs: “Strategies have evolved from transactional marketing (providing special offers and rewards) to a longer-term view of building brands. Ultimately, affiliates are looking for ways to strengthen customer engagement with their products September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 and services. Affiliate marketing programs that thrive now and well into the future will focus on supporting brand building, which will include ‘exclusive’ content/opportunities and a major thrust on retention and consumer engagement.” 48. Tamara Franklin SVP, Affiliate Strategy & Business Development, Scripps Networks A mentor and active WICT member, Franklin’s ’09 successes with renewals led to her being named National Accounts Team Leader for Comcast. Franklin on Mentoring: “I believe every interaction represents an opportunity to mentor and/or be mentored. As such, I believe I am mentoring (and being mentored by) a very diverse group, on some level, at any given time...I always encourage others to establish career goals and objectives based upon knowledge growth, professional development and exposure, rather than ‘the trappings of success,’ such as title or office size. If you do the former well, the later almost always follows.” 49. Terry Cordova SVP, CTO, Suddenlink Communications 20 Set to celebrate 30 years in cable, Cordova’s team last year launched a bandwidth reclamation effort to support new services, including capacity for 200 HD channels. Cable’s Top Tech Hurdles: “It’s critical that MSOs, SCTE and CableLabs continue to drive standardization (software & architecture) in key industry initiatives like IP video, media gateways, multiroom DVR and Tru2Way/EBIF. Standards will help bring more choice to customers quicker and more cost effectively and could be the impetus to inspire innovation by application developers and non-traditional CPE manufacturers.” 50. Melody Tan SVP, Strategy and Business Ops, Content Distribution and Marketing, MTV Networks, BET Networks Holder of one of the longest titles in cable, Tan’s work reaches a bevy of issues, platforms and technologies, from authentication and advanced advertising to acquisitions. Tan on Her Portfolio Focus: “Distribution is a critical revenue-growth driver. Therefore, I focus on identifying new opportunities that strengthen our relationships with key cable, DBS and telco affiliates, as well as with emerging distributors. TV remains the primary entertainment screen, and we seek to enhance the TV viewing experience by developing VOD, HDTV, interactive TV and 3D. We also recognize online and mobile as critical complements to TV and are participating in TV Everywhere/Authentication to provide compelling, multiscreen access.” legislation and technology. Showtime’s Most Exciting Growth Prospects: “Continuing to meet consumer and affiliate demand for great programming is at the core of our momentum and growth potential. Digital media marketing and ITV initiatives provide innovative tools to extend our reach. Partnering with affiliates who promote the enduring value of premium content remains essential.” 51. Janet Rollé EVP & CMO, BET The veteran marketer held senior posts at MTV Networks prior to joining AOL. She joined BET in ’07 and chairs the US Tennis Association’s Multicultural Participation Committee. Advice on Seeking a Media Job Wth an Untraditional Background: “Leverage your prior experience while augmenting it with the training necessary to succeed in the industry. I made my transition from dance to marketing by getting an MBA to acquire relevant skills, while building on the aspects of dance that would serve me best in business: respect for the creative process, self-discipline, teamwork and leadership.” 53. Enzo Francescoli Founder, CEO, Gol TV Cable has fine athletes in its ranks, but they’d find it tough to best Francescoli, one of the great soccer players of all time. Is it Tougher Being Picked by Pele’s as a Top 100 Soccer Player or Running Gol TV/GolTV HD? “I don’t know that I could put one above the other. It was difficult to create a soccer channel in the US from scratch, but our team turned the idea into a reality. I couldn’t be prouder. Being selected as 1 of the 100 best players in history is 1 of the greatest honors of my life, without a doubt.” 52. Sara Clarke SVP, Corporate Strategy, Analysis and Communication, Showtime Networks The Harvard MBA develops strategies on everything from sales and marketing to revenue growth, distribution, September 2010 54. Abby Pfeiffer SVP, HR, Charter The Betsy Magness alum was upped to SVP in ’09. CableFAX: The Magazine She oversees benefits, comp, training and more. Overcoming Career Hurdles: “The most challenging lesson I learned as an HR professional was to pick my battles. Early on I wanted to bring about positive change, but this didn’t always align with what others felt were priorities for the business. So I learned to first understand the business and then align functional priorities accordingly.” 55. Luis Silberwasser SVP, Content, Discovery Latin America/US Hispanic Nets; GM, US Hispanic Nets Silberwasser recently was tapped to head content for Discovery Nets International’s 100 channels in 180 countries. Biggest Challenges Heading Content for Discovery Nets Intl: “Earlier this year, I’d say my biggest challenge was getting out of Europe despite the Icelandic volcano eruption. Seriously, in the US, people think of ‘international’ as one big region. The reality is that it’s made of very different and complex sub regions; within those regions, there are significant differences, business, cultural and TV consumer habits. It makes this ‘international’ job very complex, but extremely exciting and full of opportunities. The biggest challenge is navigating the nuances and complexities, keeping your eye on identifying common trends and developing new ideas that will give Discovery the biggest impact in the long term.” CableFAX: The Magazine 56. Donna Northington SVP, Strategic Planning, Turner Network Sales An alum of Betsy Magness, CTAM’s Executive Program (Harvard) and NAMIC’s ELDP (UCLA), Northington’s portfolio extends from distribution to content acquisition. The Value of Cable’s Associations: “The value NAMIC, WICT and CTAM have brought to our organization is immeasurable. The breadth and quality of opportunities enhances all, from executives who experience the first-class Ivy League rigor of CTAM’s Harvard Executive Program, to our rising stars, who gain leadership experience through seminars and workshops offered by NAMIC and WICT... The ability to supplement the professional development offered at our home company with industry programs exponentially builds the talent needed to succeed in this complex, ever-changing environment.” Next 5 Years: “In 2011, cable networks will carry the majority of programming hours for the NBA playoffs, MLB postseason, NASCAR Sprint Cup season, the four golf majors, the Bowl Championship Series games and the NCAA Div I men’s basketball championship...I see a continuation of this trend for 5 years with more top-shelf, must-see sporting events on cable.” 58. Claudia Teran SVP, Associate General Counsel, Fox Cable Networks Teran played a pivotal role in the renewal of Fox Soccer Channel’s rights to England’s Barclays Premier League. She handles legal for Fox Sports in Latin America, Fuel TV here and overseas and Fox’s global sports syndication business. Cultural Differences and Business: “Where you’re doing business inevitably influences you—whether domestic or international. To be successful, it’s critical to be aware of cultural as well as business norms. Doing our homework before entering into a negotiation is important.” 57. Mathew Hong SVP, GM, Sports Operations, Turner Sports A fierce advocate for diversity, Hong’s been integral to Turner deals with the NCAA, MLB, NASCAR and Yahoo! Sports. Hong on Cable Sports’ September 2010 59. Jacqueline Welch SVP, HR, Turner Broadcasting System A tireless community volunteer, The Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV) board chairman’s day job has her working with TBS’s corporate-level global talent management, diversity and development. Employment Advice: “Wherever you work or endeavor to work, understand the organization’s model for making money and how what you do supports it. Basic business acumen goes a long way, as does being informed about industry trends. That’s why daily press clippings are posted prominently on Turner’s Intranet, so employees have easy access to general news and content specific to Time Warner and Turner. I also urge people to listen in on their organization’s quarterly earnings calls. From a soft-skills perspective I always stress the importance of clear communication, regardless of the form.” 60. Pragash Pillai SVP, Engineering & Technology, Bresnan One of cable’s most respected tech minds, Pillai uses a ‘fast forward’ approach. He observes big MSOs’ tech doings and quickly follows the best examples. Tech Developments: “Digital media portability and convergence are becoming very robust, especially with IP delivery of content. We are able to provide content through various mediums to custom- 21 Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: The Top 75 ers. Cable is transforming into an advanced telecommunications platform.” 61. Susan Banks EVP, Marketing, TV One Honored by Ebony in ’08 as one of 10 Outstanding Women in Marketing and Communications, Banks has done much with a limited budget. In just a few years, her branding of TV One earned her a ProMax Brand Builder Award (2007). CFO, Discovery Comm Think you have a lot to do? Wilson not only heads the global accounting staff for Discovery’s 120 networks globally, he’s also Division CFO for Digital Media, Education and Commerce. On Handling a Huge Portfolio: “I apply basic rules to ensure I’m productive and responsive to the everyday challenges of managing a large global team: 1. I try to set clear, measurable goals and give continuous feedback. 2. I stay flexible and dynamic in thought, as no plan turns out the way you anticipate. 3. I re-prioritize daily and keep an active “to-do” list. 4. I think business first, to help prioritize my workload. 5. I communicate; I isten and talk to people, stay connected and plugged into what is happening at all levels.” 62. Luis Torres-Bohl President, Mexicanal Torres-Bohl is known for being a hands-on leader who’s poised to continue growing the Mexican-themed network as it reaches it 5th anniversary this year. In ’10, west coast launches were executed in multiple major markets as Torres-Bohl commuted between the U.S. and Mexico, developing and cementing relationships. 63. Drew Wilson SVP, Global Ops; Division 22 65. Myrna Soto 67. Gustavo Prillick SVP, Chief Information & Infrastructure Security Officer, Comcast Cable In addition to being responsible for information and infrastructure security, including customer data, Soto finds time to mentor Hispanic young adults for IT leadership positions. Mentoring Changes: “I find myself focusing on more social media and social networking education. Not only how these channels can be very beneficial from a professional networking and knowledge management perspective, but also the perils of not managing your digital identity well. The Internet is forever, so I always tell those I am mentoring to be very selective in how they use certain sites, as professional discretion is extremely important.” Pres/CEO, Broadstripe LLC Prillick’s leading Broadstripe’s 160K subs out of Chapter 11 by upgrading its plant and call center. A veteran of several industries, he’s also instituted lifetime pricing options for phone and Internet. Comparing Cable to Other Industries: “Cable lacked a lot of competition for a long time, thus it lacks a sensibility to customer needs and response time present in other industries. Cable also has a complex business model with lots of moving parts requiring motivated and talented people. Upgrading the skill set and level of commitment of staff to treat customers as an extension of their family is perhaps the biggest challenge I’ve ever experienced.” 66. Keith Dawkins 68. Karen Wishart SVP/GM, Nicktoons & Teennick A member of MTVN’s Office of Global Inclusion Advisory Committee, Dawkins’ plate got more crowded in Aug as he added oversight of Teennick. The only GM Nicktoons has ever had, the 7-year Nick veteran previously was a supervising producer for VH1 News. EVP, Chief Legal Officer, TV One Wishart’s much more than TV One’s top lawyer. She’s often its chief deal negotiator and is involved with myriad issues. Skills Law Schools Should Teach About Business: “Law schools are great at teaching legal analysis skills, but not nearly as good at introducing advanced business skills, like 64. Rob King Editor-In-Chief, Bristol has lured some of the country’s top newspaper writers to work for the portal King runs. Earlier this year King and his team launched sports sites in key markets, including Chicago, LA and NY. Keeping Relevant: “We keep our ears and eyes open and never stop asking ourselves how we can do a better job of meeting the needs of sports fans.” Favorite Spectator Sport: “The NFL has me in its crushing grip. But I’ll also watch anyone swing a golf club.” September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine business analysis, planning or risk assessment. Hundreds of lawyers can write a great legal brief, but not nearly enough can balance legal answers with a company’s business reality and risk tolerance. As many of us in cable also are responsible for business development, having this knowledge is crucial to the success and growth of our companies. 69. Sebastian Trujillo SVP and Operating Manager, Galavisión Network Trujillo’s been running programming, operations and production for the network since April ’08. On Improving, Growing: “In today’s fragmented media environment, the challenge is not only to provide our loyal audience with the best product via existing platforms, but to deliver engaging content that goes beyond traditional TV viewing. One opportunity is through targeted interactive initiatives; another is by working closely with our distribution partners on non-linear offerings.” 70. Kimberly Edmunds SVP, Customer Operations, Cox Communications The Betsy Magness grad and new Cable Center board CableFAX: The Magazine member brings years of local experience (she was a Cox GM) to her corporate post. 3 Ways Cable Can Improve Customer Service: “Think more broadly about what customer service is. Recognize traditional customer service is only foundational to ensuring that customers remain loyal, committed and profitable.... Two, become very strategic about how we weave together great products and a superior experience throughout the many stages of a customer’s life cycle...Three, invite the customer into every decision. Allow them to shape what we do in serving them, but also in sales and marketing.” with a one-two punch against the toughest competition.” 74. Tina Waters 72. Anand Kini SVP, Financial Analysis & Planning, Comcast Cable The Harvard MBA assesses trends, prepares forecasts, 3-year plans and budgets. Is Cable Recession-Proof? “No business is truly recessionproof. However, despite a challenging economy, cable continues to deliver solid financial results. It generated 24% free cash flow growth in ’09 and stocks have outperformed the market by 20% in ’10. Cable’s ability to offer compelling value... drives its resiliency.” 71. Jatin Desai CTO, itaas The Atlanta-based interactive TV provider has racked up big EBIF wins with Comcast thanks to Desai’s businessminded engineering solutions. Top Technologies: “I am most excited about technologies like DOCSIS 3.0, MoCA 2.0, which increase bandwidth for consumers. Adding bandwidth will enable service providers to offer truly innovative interactive services in addition to more content and better connectivity. Consumers will benefit from the new services that the extra bandwidth will allow, getting us closer to the holy grail of any content, anywhere, anytime. The extra bandwidth, when combined with EBIF, tru2way and beyond can provide cable September 2010 SVP, Human Performance for Customer Ops, Comcast Waters strategizes on recruitment, retention, recognition and development for 50K+ customer care workers. Her Priorities: “To help our employees focus on delivering a consistently superior customer experience, we’re: 1. Acquiring the Best Talent. We’ve launched a pre-employment screening tool for Customer Care that’s based on core competencies...2. Engaging & Motivating Talent. We’re developing supervisors so they’re able to focus at least 60% of their time coaching frontline teams. 3. Maximizing Performance. We’re...focusing on setting clear goals....” 73. Janet Han Vissering SVP, Program Development, Global Wild, NGCI Talk about diversity, the 250+ hours of original programming Vissering commissions yearly runs in 166 countries. Gut Check on Global Programming: “Programs need to transcend language and cultural barriers. The best way to do this is to focus on finding programs with strong stories and characters. Having this foundation will most always transcend language and cultural boundaries.” 75. Julie Wurfel SVP, Strategy & Business Dev, Scripps Nets Intl Wurfel’s job is tied to Scripps’ belief that global expansion will become a critical growth engine. As such, she’s among cable’s world travelers. Travel Tips: “1. Travel light (carry-on only = no lost baggage!); 2. Sleeping pills are your friend; and 3. Exercise as soon as you land at a destination. Somewhat cheeky, but I really live by these principles!” 23 More of the Most Influential As cable becomes more diverse, it is increasingly difficult to come up with a single list of worthy individuals. That’s why we’ve compiled an unranked group of minority executives who have a large influence on the national scene and a similar listing for the regional side, beginning on page 28. As with our Top 75 list, we’ve largely eschewed corporate bios and instead quizzed these influential players on everything from business ideas to mentoring to favorite foods and beverages. Michael Armstrong SVP/GM BET International Armstrong has grown the BET International footprint to more than 50 countries in fewer than two years, including significant strides in the U.K., Middle East and Africa during the past year. “To really target an African American audience in today’s environment, cable networks must work across multiple platforms and develop a wide range of programming to reflect the audience’s ever increasing interests,” he says Black Entertainers Who Are Breaking Fresh Ground: “I may be biased by my international role, but black British actors like Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sophie Okonedo and Idris Elba show incredible range and talent.” James Anderson SVP, Public Relations Turner Broadcasting’s Animation, Young Adults & Kids Media Group Anderson heads messaging and positioning—on and off camera—for Cartoon Network, Adult Swim and Boomerang. Advice For Someone Trying to Break into Cable: “Read everything about the overall business and what’s going on with each company.” 24 Best Non-Cable PR Campaign: “Fox’s campaign for Glee has been great to watch unfold.” Most Valuable Social Media Tool: “Facebook and Twitter. But that could change next week the way this medium is constantly evolving.” Deanna Andaverde SVP, Field Operations Univision Communications This Spanish-language distribution whiz worked her magic again at Univision last year, closing more than 130 retransmission consent deals representing indie operators. She also led the field team in Univision’s VOD launches for its 34 million-plus enabled subscribers. Advice For Someone Trying to Break in to Cable: “Join an industry organization and find a mentor. Read the Jones Cable TV Information And Infrastructure Dictionary.” What Other Company Runs Great Field Ops? “Lexus. Their dedication to quality and superior customer service has given them such a competitive advantage, others are hardpressed to compete.” Franklyn Athias SVP, IP Communications; Wireless CTO, Comcast Comcast veteran Athias led the company’s recent Wi-Fi deployment and its Wi-Fi roaming agreement with Time Warner Cable and Cablevision in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. He literally unplugs every July to attend Reggae SumFest in Jamaica. Advice For Someone Trying to Break in to Cable: “You have to remain knowledgeable on technology and services that are changing rapidly. You also have to become a user of some of these services so you can intelligently see how they benefit your business.” Paxton Baker EVP/GM, Centric; President, BET Event Productions Veteran TV and music exec Baker keeps the beat at Centric, the BET spin-off network targeting the 25-54 African-American audience. He is focused on bringing a mix of “originals that reflect their interests, classics that reignite their passions, and a playlist of the music that provides the flavor, as a soundtrack to their lives.” What The Centric Demo Seeking: “Centric’s programming reflects the lifestyle and sophistication of today’s mature African-American and multi-cultural adult. That is the foundation of our network, so our programming is not only entertaining but also enlightening to our audience.” Kenetta Bailey Ivan Bargueiras SVP, Marketing, WE tv and Wedding Central The consummate ‘wedding planner’ took WE’s prowess of all things marital on the road last year with a 20-city wedding mall tour. She also led the partnership with Web site The Wedding Report and helped establish the network’s burgeoning roster of wedding experts. Wedding Advice: “Wife and husband should always mingle with their guests together. Otherwise they’ll have separate memories from the reception.” Favorite Non-Cable Marketing Campaign: “Dunkin’ Donuts’ Keep It Coolatta Sweepstakes showed keen consumer insight – people love freebies – engagement was high, brand awareness soared.” SVP, Advertising Sales Discovery Networks Latin America/U.S. Hispanic Despite a shrinking marketplace, Bargueiras and his group delivered solid 7% growth in ad sales. “Being able to outpace the market was a big deal for us,” he says. Biggest Challenge Selling to Latin America: “Dealing with the different markets. Each market has its own dynamics and complexities.” Biggest Challenge Advertising to U.S. Hispanic Market: “The same one everyone is facing…getting advertisers to see the value that pay TV offers vs. broadcast.” Best Non-Cable Sales Campaign:“Despicable Me and the GEICO Caveman.” Maryam Banikarim SVP, Integrated Sales Marketing, NBC Universal Behind every great women and lifestyles initiative is, apparently, a great woman. Banikarim oversees NBCU’s Women at NBCU, Green is Universal and Healthy at NBCU, among other cross-platform initiatives. She also manages enterprise marketing sales for the company, identifying targeted advertising opportunities across platforms. September 2010 Thanda Belker EVP, Pay Television Sony Pictures Television As business continues to swirl around VOD, Belker is the point person for Sony’s pay TV business as well as the company’s residential and hotel-based PPV and VOD businesses. She structures, negotiates and executes deals with CableFAX: The Magazine Minorities in Cable by Cathy Applefeld Olson and Steve Donohue cable operators around the country, sharpening her keen negotiating skills with each stop along the way. Payne Brown VP, Strategic Initiatives Comcast As a key liaison for Comcast in the African-American community, Brown is a leader in the development and implementation of the company’s national diversity strategy. Programming content, public affairs and community investment initiatives all fall under his domain, as do managing strategic relationships with various industries; federal, state and local government institutions; and special-interest groups. Louis Carr Merah Chung Rosalind Clay Carter President, Media Sales BET Carr is responsible for 60% of BET’s total revenue, including the company’s flagship network, BET J, and During the economic downturn, “we had to reposition ourselves as a brand that could help marketers not only hold but also grow market share,” he says. Carr also runs a real estate company that redevelops inner-city neighborhoods in Chicago and a foundation that provides paid internships for students of color at leading media and marketing companies. Advice for Someone Trying to Break into Cable: “Be prepared to get your hustle on. In today’s marketplace, you not only have to be smart but also work smart. We call it expanding your capacity.” VP, Development/New Series, The Style Network The woman who put Jerseylicious into the popular lexicon certainly gets our vote. The success of its premiere season ushered in 20 new episodes for season two, and Chung is now knee-deep in development of a docu-series featuring former Spice Girl Mel B. On Working with Mel: “She and her family have so much fun together, it’s infectious.” Style Tip: “Heat your eyelash curler with your blowdryer before curling your eyelashes and they will stay curled all day. Just be careful it’s not too hot. I’ve had friends make that mistake!” SVP, Human Resources A&E Television Networks Talk about a growing family. Carter is overseeing the integration of AETN and Lifetime Entertainment, which increased the size of the company by one-third. As HR head for the combined company, she leads staffing and benefit integrations and is also helping to shape the newly forming company culture. SVP/Gen Counsel, GMC “The Butler did it” is a common refrain around GMC when it comes to deal-making, a fitting tribute to this most efficient executive who recently structured, drafted, negotiated and signed a deal for a concert TV special in 36 hours. His thoughts on the mayhem? “It was actually kind of fun.” Best Business Book Read: Everything But The Coffee Table: Learning About America From Starbucks, by Bryant Simon. “The book was a good commentary, not about the business itself, but more about what Starbucks says about our culture, identity and community.” Sherita Ceasar VP, Product Engineering, Cross Platform Applications and Engineering Analysis, Comcast The design, implementation and deployment of Comcast’s cross-platform applications fall under Ceasar’s purview. She reviews and evaluates security requirements for PE video, data, voice and cross-platform products supporting Comcast markets, ensuring the MSO’s products are efficient and secure. CableFAX: The Magazine A.B. Cruz Craig Collins Lisa Clark Paul Butler VP, Consumer Marketing & Media Strategy National Geographic Channel Credit Clark with helping steer the successful launch of Nat Geo Wild this year. She also helmed strategies that have incited consistent ratings growth for Nat Geo, including C3 ideas that have driven the network to one of the highest indexes among fully distributed non-fiction networks. Best Non-Cable Marketing Campaign: “The Kia Soul Hamsters campaign. The combination of Black Sheep’s The Choice is Yours and the unique use of rodents got my attention.” Best Social Media Tool for Business: Twitter and Facebook. September 2010 primary marketing liaison to national cable distributors and as such spearheaded integral initiatives during the Fox-Time Warner retrans negotiations. Biggest Accomplishment of 2010: “As a team, our ability to simultaneously grow and market our core sports and entertainment networks, launch new products and brand extensions, and invest in new technologies and business models has been the cornerstone of our success.” SVP, Sales and Marketing, Time Warner Cable Business Class It’s not business as usual for Collins, who manages a team of 1,000 employees. Business Class is the operator’s fastest-growing revenue generator, and under his leadership TWCBC reported 19% year-over-year growth in the first quarter of 2010 and is on track to become a $1 billion business. Collins now oversees a customer segmentation project that will result in smarter marketing and customer service. Chief Legal Officer/ Corporate Secretary, Scripps Networks Interactive A mainstay on Capitol Hill working with advocacy groups like MAP, Cruz helps steer SNI’s internal dealmaking, including the recent addition of Travel Channel. Best Business Book: The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century, by George Friedman. “A fascinating look into and forecasts about our world over the next century.” On the Travel Channel Acquisition: “Amazingly quick and smooth for a deal of that size… and completed before the end-of-year holidays hit. Thank goodness!” Michael Cooper VP, Affiliate Marketing and Ad Sales Fox Networks One of cable’s classiest, the Court TV alum serves as the Parthavi Das SVP, Strategy and Initiatives, WICT Thirteen-year WICT staffer Das effortlessly moved into the role of 25 More of the Most Influential Minorities in Cable interim WICT President between Benita Fitzgerald Mosley’s departure and Maria Brennan’s hiring. She’s been instrumental in helping WICT’s leadership formalize its new strategic plan aimed at taking it through its next growth phase. Das has also created a legacy through her leadership of WICT’s PAR initiative. network that is not owned by a major media conglomerate isn’t easy these days, but Dorsey’s tenacity paid off big-time this year when she sealed deals with both Comcast and Time Warner in California. The woman responsible for 70% of Africa Channel’s U.S. distribution is also a consummate mentor. Best Part Of Mentoring: “Providing professional access for people seeking employment in the telecommunications industry.” marketing projects, including TNT’s The Closer and TBS’ Tyler Perry’s House of Payne. This year she oversaw the social network campaign that launched Cartoon’s new Adventure Time series and the extremely, ahem… cool Adult Swim branded ice cream truck at Comic-Con. “Adult Swim has a long-standing love affair with the fans of Comic-Con,” she says. Most Valuable Social Media Tool For Business: LinkedIn. conversation drives engagement, and the social media tools available to curate, measure and drive that buzz are invaluable,” she says. Meal You’d Most Like to Cook on Top Chef: “Thomas Keller’s Cauliflower Panna Cotta. It would make for good entertainment and drama.” because I’m a points hog and hoard them for vacations!” Favorite Food: “Anything that goes with red wine.” Vicki Hamilton Marty Dominguez Ishmel Goodrum VP, Marketing, C-SPAN Even after 22 years, nobody has more passion for the good work C-SPAN does than Dominguez, whose marketing title represents just a fraction of what she does. Among other things, the Tulane MBA leads C-SPAN’s social media charge along with overseeing those iconic C-SPAN school buses. Favorite C-SPAN Moment: “Certainly there are many, but if I had to pick just one, I think it was being in charge of C-SPAN’s 25th Anniversary and bringing together more than 1,000 current and former C-SPAN staffers for a big celebration just over 6 years ago. I’ve occasionally heard people say that co-workers are like family, but at C-SPAN that’s really true. We’re co-workers, friends, family and lifelong believers in C-SPAN’s mission. So this big celebration was really quite the family reunion and a very special thing to be a part of.” VP, Network Operations Insight Communications Network reliability and redundancy are top of mind for Goodrum, who this year established a centralized support team and infrastructure to manage digital video services from the Insight NOC. Biggest Challenge To Digital Transition: Raising the expectations of and building stronger processes with broadcasters and cable providers that deliver a signal to Insight. Also, “working with video processing equipment managers to deliver a consistent customer experience.” Rosalyn Durant Barbara Gee VP, ESPNU Under Durant’s direction, ESPNU has become one of the fastestgrowing networks, catapulting from 22mln households to 70mln in just 15 months. Known for her upbeat personality and radiant smile, Durant sets the strategic direction for the 24-hour college sports network, including all programming and multimedia decisions. She was also a key player in securing ESPN’s contract extension with the NBA and has served as point person for ESPN’s Olympic sports, lacrosse and soccer programming. VP, Strategic Sales Alliances, Comcast Third-party sales partnerships are a cornerstone of Comcast’s growing business, and Gee is a formidable force when it comes to the breadth and depth of her experience in this arena. Her team drives sales and retains the customer base by negotiating innovative deals with third parties. Best of all, she shares her knowledge and business acumen with others through mentoring programs. Cheryl Dorsey VP, Distribution & Marketing, The Africa Channel Securing bandwidth for a new 26 Roger Henry Berto Guzman Mari Ghuneim Vicky Free VP, 360 Consumer Marketing, Turner Broadcasting’s Animation, Young Adults & Kids Media Aside from overseeing multiplatform campaigns for Cartoon Network, Adult Swim and Boomerang, Free is integral in other Turner SVP, Digital Operations and Performance, Turner Broadcasting System Hamilton has been busy enhancing the external Web sites in Turner’s sports, entertainment and news divisions to increase visibility “and ultimately drive revenue.” Best Way For Cable Execs To Keep Up With Technology: Read magazines that take a business approach to technology. “Equally important is to talk to the technology professionals within your company. They can make the connection relevant to your business.” VP, Online Media Bravo Media Under Ghuneim’s direction, and are having their best years. She notched more than 23 partnerships for Bravo’s Web and broadband initiatives, including highprofile pacts for Top Chef with and “For Bravo Digital, watercooler VP, Affiliate Sales, Si TV Guzman and his team sustained a steady rate of distribution throughout key markets this year, despite the challenges for an independent network by “passionately spreading our unique perspective of this market segment.” Best Business Hotel: “I’m a Marriott loyalist because I like the free upgrades and concierge access. But mostly September 2010 VP, Programming and Development Investigation Discovery and Military Channel Henry wrapped his tenure at Discovery’s Science Channel last year with strong performances for series Mantracker and Sci-Fi Science and sealed a new deal with BBC’s Wonders of the Solar System for Investigation Discovery. ID is launching “dozens” of new series in 2010 under Henry’s purview, and he continues to oversee longtime hits including How It’s Made. Favorite How It’s Made Item: Aluminum Foil. CableFAX: The Magazine Biggest Challenge in Creating Fresh Programming: “Keep in mind your audience’s taste and tolerance. I’ve seen so many good executives lose their way by fusing personal interests with the audience’s interests.” completely pleasantly surprised by the Westin Times Square on a recent trip to NYC.” Destination You’d Most Like To Visit: Bali. “I canceled a trip there last December because our acquisition closed that month. I will be going on a yoga retreat there before year-end.” Rhonda Holt SVP, Digital Media Technologies and Media Asset Management Turner Broadcasting System Holt oversaw the successful redesign of, one of 25 major site redesigns she has tackled in the past year, including and—all while continuing her work to mentor the next generation of minority technologists. Best Part About Mentoring: “Watching others grow. It’s personally rewarding to help others avoid some of the challenges I may have run into over the course of my career, leveraging my career learning.” Kathy Johnson President, NAMIC As NAMIC matures into its 30th year, Johnson’s contribution to the association’s success grows. Under her direction, NAMIC is expanding its leadership seminars, mentoring programs and Webinars, as well as offering all-inclusive programs to companies. As a result of proven initiatives she oversees, the industry’s pipeline of diverse talent continues to expand with the goal of “growing our membership and donor base, expanding the reach of our educational programs and ensuring that our members are poised for leadership roles,” she says. Cuisine of Choice: Cuban. Favorite Drink: Mojito. at this year’s NAMIC Emerging Leaders breakfast for her stellar track record of creating brand definitional, highly rated original programming. Biggest Business Accomplishments of the Year: “Negotiating broadcast deals with two powerhouses, Trump Entertainment and Essence Communications. Both ventures have produced originals that performed well on our network and meet our programming vision.” Biggest Challenge Developing Original Programming: “Balancing the creative and the financial while competing with networks that have more resources. I advise my team and producers to think big and then we scale back as needed. The biggest challenge to sustaining original programming today is staying topical and relevant with current programming, yet being visionary with those in development.” Favorite Show Not on TV One: True Blood. “Minorities are created and presented with depth and complexity. Need I say more?” Superna Kalle Linette Hwu VP, Legal Affairs Travel Channel, Scripps Networks Talk about a jet-setter. Hwu oversees Travel Channel program negotiations, talent, video distribution and international syndication. As a follow-up to her work on the network’s acquisition in 2009, she co-chaired Travel’s integration process into the Scripps family. Best Business Hotel: “I was Toni Judkins SVP, Original Programming, TV One In fewer than two years at TV One, Judkins has overseen a series of hits including Unsung, Life After, LisaRaye: The Real McCoy and Donald J. Trump Presents The Ultimate Merger. She was an honoree CableFAX: The Magazine SVP, Networks Sony Pictures Television Kalle has Sony’s hotly anticipated 3D channel covered. She’s spent the past year gearing up for the Oct. 1 launch, as well as overseeing the company’s interests in GSN and FEARnet. She also sits on the board of directors for MSM Singapore, MSM India and MSM Discovery, Sony’s distribution platform in India, where the company will soon add a sixth local language channel. September 2010 Michelle Kim Group VP and Chief Counsel, Programming, Time Warner Cable Kim has the immense responsibility for all legal matters related to programming across Time Warner’s distribution platforms. As such, she plays a key role in negotiating and drafting carriage and distribution arrangements with cable networks, broadcast stations and other content providers, advising senior management in the development of strategic initiatives that intersect with programming. Lee knows a thing or two about storytelling. TLC’s record ratings in 2009-10 can be attributed in part to the programming Lee is shepherding, including Cake Boss, Toddlers & Tiaras and The Little Couple. His work growing new genres for the network led to recent successes for Four Weddings and BBQ Pitmasters. He’s also tasked with nurturing established series, including the high-profile final season of Jon & Kate Plus 8. Bam Liem Jerry Lambert VP, Associate General Council, Bresnan Communications Integral in the deployment of advanced services, Lambert has been ensuring compliance in the federal, state and local regulatory field as Bresnan rolls out voice services. Tip for Successful Negotiations: “Know the desired result; always negotiate with tenacity, tempered by flexibility and characterized by good faith.” Favorite Food and Drink: “Thai, hot enough to make me cry; Maker’s Mark with two cubes of ice.” VP, Advanced Network Engineering Insight Communications If you’re an Insight customer enjoying the company’s Voice Mail Express, you can thank Liem. He and his team not only worked the tech magic that this year enabled phone customers to send voice mail messages to two designated email addresses, but he also oversaw the architecture, design and development of Insight’s HSD and other phone products. Best Business Hotel: “The Hyatt in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia.” Favorite Food: “Sushi.” Carla Lewis-Long Howard Lee VP, Production & Development, TLC VP, Distribution, Si TV One of cable’s most elegant, Lewis-Long has been educating MSOs about the importance of the English-speaking Latino audience during her first year at Si TV. Working with 27 More of the Most Influential Minorities in Cable a limited marketing budget has made things interesting, but the veteran cable exec is up to the task. “That forces us to be creative in our partnerships with operators,” she says. Most Valuable Social Media Tool for Business: Twitter. “You can talk to your viewers directly. It’s also a great tool to connect with people who may not be receiving Si TV.” World and a nationwide mobile health tour with the Red Cross and Verizon in conjunction with TNT’s HawthorRNe. Favorite Recent NonCable Marketing Campaign: “American Ballet Theater’s digital initiatives, which aimed to engage and retain ballet patrons in challenging economic times.” Corps, which targeted 1 million volunteers in five years. Best Non-Cable Marketing Campaign: “Toyota’s Sierra Minivan. The television commercials are hilarious, and on the viral front, the Web videos featuring the ‘parents’ performing the branded rap song is creatively written and well executed.” Favorite Food: “I’ve had this confectionery battle with my taste buds for years—Turtles vs. Snickers.” Ariela Nerubay Terri Moore Director, Diversity & Inclusion Time Warner Cable Moore leads TWC’s Diversity & Inclusion Council, which focuses on mentoring, employee networks, disability awareness, leadership development, supplier diversity and communications. She regularly participates in business workshops and is currently a workshop leader for Monster. com’s Diversity Leadership Programs. SVP, Sales & Marketing TuTv Known for her creativity, Nerubay continues to implement effective marketing initiatives, many resulting in double-digit subscriber growth for TuTv’s affiliates. Strong results continued through the economic challenges of the past few years, earning Nerubay several marketing awards from NAMIC. Favorite Non-Cable Marketing Campaign: “Old Spice Guy. The use of social media to generate buzz is brilliant. I love the Facebook exclusive content where the Old Spice Guy actually responds to fans’ comments via posted videos.” Monica Neal VP, Emerging Markets and Partnerships, TNT, TBS and Turner Classic Movies, Turner Broadcasting System Neal developed the Twitterboard, which featured tweets from fans in real time on an LED billboard in Times Square in support of the launch of TBS’ Lopez Tonight. She oversaw high-profile initiatives this year including TBS’ first partnership with Walt Disney 28 William Ortiz VP, Corporate Marketing Communications Time Warner Cable Marketing whiz Ortiz has segued from focusing on the multicultural audience to helping lead TWC’s campaign in the general market. Ortiz has been heavily focusing on the company’s new marketing campaign, set to debut in the fall that will “leverage our brand essence and increase our relevance to consumers.” Favorite Non-Cable Marketing Campaign: Apple iPod. “They’ve mastered the art of selling without making the consumer feel as if they’re being sold. I also greatly admire their product evolution and innovation. It’s firmly rooted in delivering on consumer needs and desires. Their success has shown that this is truly a winning strategy.” Rebecca Nowlin Director, Trade Marketing, Outdoor Channel Nowlin’s busy year included redesigning Outdoor’s affiliate Web site, launching multiple local campaigns, managing the network’s participation in 10 national trade shows and maintaining conservation volunteer program Outdoor Channel Marie Perez-Brown SVP, Programming & Development, Si TV Perez-Brown notched deals with Twentieth Television for Prison Break and Sony Classics for a series of Latino-themed films that are the cornerstone of Si TV’s new movie block. She’s the author of Mama: Latina Daughters Celebrate Their Mothers (HarperCollins). In her “spare” time, she’s an adjunct professor at Columbia University. Favorite Travel Destination: “El Conquistador Hotel in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. No matter how many times I visit, I find a peaceful retreat in this corner of the world. I liked it so much I got married there!” Favorite Food: “Sweet Potato Fries. I know. It’s wrong. But they provide comfort in times of stress.” Biggest Challenge Negotiating with Cable Operators: “The different regions sometimes have different goals from their local systems.” Bret Perkins Sr Director, Public Policy Comcast Corp The winner of a Young Leadership Vanguard, Perkins is regarded as a rising star at Comcast corporate, having come over last year from Comcast Cable. On the cable side since ’01 he helped manage the growth of the government affairs function when it went from 22 states and 2,500 communities to 39 states and 6K communities. Currently, he fashions Philadelphia’s public policy agenda in national communications and technology policy. Anna Peries Manager, Sales & Affiliate Marketing Playboy TV Charged with seeking out and pursuing carriage opportunities for Playboy’s programming across all brands, Peries is known for her intrepid negotiating skills. But perhaps her most unusual skill is in the area of animal rescue. She recently rescued a family of ducklings lost in the parking lot outside Playboy’s offices. After corralling them into a box, she called animal control and waited by them until a professional rescue worker arrived. “I went to my supervisor and told her I’d be working with my laptop and cell phone in the parking lot,” Peries says. “Kudos to her. She didn’t even blink!” September 2010 Ron Phillips SVP, Employee Engagement, Comcast Comcast’s former VP of Human Resources was named to this newly created post in the spring. On Oct. 1, he moves to Comcast’s corporate headquarters in Philly to begin his new post. Overseeing employee relations, labor relations, compliance and employee loyalty now falls under his purview. He’s known among his peers as being passionate about his fellow employees. Phillips is equally passionate about the role of human resources in solving business issues. CableFAX: The Magazine project gives you a rewarding feeling. Even greater is to see a mentee become a mentor and pass on the knowledge, experience and coaching to someone else.” to the first-ever TV-game cross venture, THQ for Red Faction and De Blob. In addition, he’s the architect behind the Syfy Kids brand. tion are good, what’s on the plate or from the bar is just additive. (When it’s not so good, a nice glass of Kistler Chardonnay or Flowers Pinot works).” Michael Quigley Denmark West VP, Business Development & Multiplatform Distribution, Turner Broadcasting System If Quigley seemed omnipresent this year, it’s because he helmed the commercial deployment of TV Everywhere across multiple Turner network Web sites. “I’m eager to see what the rest of the year will bring in terms of progress with additional distributors and other programmers,” he says. Interactive TV – Myth or Reality? “Part myth and part reality. It’s reality that viewers want more information during their TV viewing experience… The myth of iTV is that not all interactive TV will make good TV. Programmers need to be smart about how they are introducing iTV.” Pres, Digital Media, BET West leads BET’s portfolio of digital brands, including, BET Mobile, BET on Demand and BET’s digital download offerings. This year, he oversaw the relaunch of the company’s mobile site and helped drive significant improvement in integration with advertising, programming and other BET Networks divisions, including BET’s first original web series, Buppies. Keys to Keeping a Web Site Relevant: “Both the content offering, including ties to programming, and the refresh rate, are keys to our relevance. Other keys include: user participation/ interactive tools, integrating user perspective and creativity, as well as providing a clear and easy path to social engagement.” Guillermo Sierra Neal Scarbrough VP, Digital Media VERSUS The Scarbrough-led January relaunch of with full HD and increased editorial content led to a 20%-plus spike in traffic. Up too, by 33%, was users’ time on the site vs. the previous year. And the network’s Tour de France iPhone app became one of the highest-grossing apps and the top sports apps on iTunes during the race. Scarbrough earned a spot on our Digital Hot List in 2009. Favorite Spectator Sport: “Lacrosse and college football national championships.” Favorite non-VERSUS iPhone app: Pandora. “It’s like my iPod, but with playlists that are full of surprises.” Paul T. Robinson VP, Sales Time Warner Cable The veteran telecom industry executive has been focusing on driving Time Warner Cable’s Business Class service. He has strategically built a sales organization reaching out to customers large and small throughout the west, garnering top internal honors in 2008 and 2009. Best Part About Mentoring? “To see the mentee grow and learn from your guidance. Too see the achievement and sense of accomplishment from a mentee because they earned a promotion, or closed a big win, or completed a Alan Seiffert SVP, Syfy Ventures SyFy In just a year at the network, Seiffert has broadened Syfy’s brand by spearheading its strong growth in the gaming and kids spaces. Focusing on bridging videogames, books and digital experiences grounded in a cable network, Seiffert has launched numerous groundbreaking initiatives ranging from TRION CableFAX: The Magazine SVP, V-me Media Sierra has built V-me into the fourth largest Spanish-language network in three years. As the company’s chief strategist, he creates engaging programming for the growing U.S. Hispanic market, and makes deals with a vast roster of global content partners, on-camera talent, affiliates and distribution partners. A seasoned negotiator, he also recently was instrumental in securing V-me’s second round of financing from Spain’s PRISA. Kent Takano Executive Producer, Branded Entertainment DIY Network Though Takano doesn’t do it entirely himself, he is the executive who oversees the look and feel of the DIY brand. He makes daily decisions about which companies the network partners with for shows ranging from ground-breaking Blog Cabin to its extensive roster of home improvement and landscaping programs, including TurfWar and America’s Most Desperate Landscape. Marva Smalls EVP of Public Affairs and Chief of Staff, Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite, TV Land and Noggin Smalls has a knack for keeping the issues most important to Nick viewers top of mind and well-represented on-air, this year through pro-social campaigns like The Big Help, Halo Awards and Beyond the Backpack. Best Way to Stay Ahead of the Curve: “Research. Research. Research! We’ve been in dialog with our audience since day one.” Favorite non-Nick Show: “Mad Men” and “The Good Wife.” Favorite Food/Drink: “When the company and conversa- September 2010 Alicin Williamson Keno Thomas SVP, Affiliate Sales Starz Entertainment Though Thomas focuses most closely on Starz’s DBS and telco account, he’s well known in cable circles too. One of cable’s finest sales execs, Thomas has spent more than 25 years in the business with companies like Times Mirror Cable and ESPN. All that experience is paying dividends for Starz, as Thomas helped engineer a multi-year pact with FiOS that extended the network’s deal with the telco, bringing its hit movies to Verizon’s Internet subs via the Starz Play broadband video download service. SVP, Corporate Responsibility & Public Affairs MTV Networks A tireless proponent of melding private and public interests to help underserved communities—especially youth— Williamson continues to work her magic at MTV Networks. The former NAMIC chair works to integrate corporate social responsibility throughout the MTV family, and communicate the company’s messages through a variety of cross-platform campaigns, including perennial high-profile Rock The Vote and recent A Thin Line campaign, which empowered youth to become more knowledgeable about digital abuse. 29 2010 Most Influential Maria Arias Phyllis Batson VP/GM, Southern Colorado Region, Comcast A native of Mexico, Arias has a background in law and was hired by Comcast as VP of Operations. She manages 275 employees serving 131K subs. Arias was selected as a fellow for WICT’s Betsy Magness Executive Leadership Class and won the Rocky Mountain WICT Chapter Woman to Watch award. VP, Customer Care, Greater Chicago Region, Comcast Batson has more than 30 years experience in customer service, including posts at Sears, Northwest Airlines and Cablevision. She now runs five call centers for Comcast. Best Books: Call Center Management on Fast Forward by Brad Cleveland and The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey. Best Social Media Tool: “LinkedIn gives you an exponential look at networking— sometimes in ways you can’t imagine. Plus, today people rarely stay in one role or with one company for their career.” Favorite Destination: “Italy. I’ve been there 14 times. My goal is to hit every region.” Wally Bakare VP, Operations, Mid-Ohio Division Time Warner Cable Through July, Bakare had helped reduce the number of service call visits by 25% compared to the same period last year. “My biggest challenge is discovering new ways to motivate the 900 employees under my direction to provide each customer they interact with the best possible experience,” he says. “To accomplish this, we’ve placed a keen focus on addressing employee concerns. We believe that satisfied employees will lead to satisfied customers.” Favorite Destination: “Montreal, Canada. This has become an annual destination for me during the International Jazz Festival. Montreal has the look and feel of Western European cities without having to cross the Atlantic.” Favorite Cuisine: “Seafood.” 30 Paul Biava VP of Operations, Central New Jersey Comcast Two of the Central NJ areas Biava oversees achieved the best and fifth-best improvement in Comcast’s Think Customer First rankings for all systems nationwide. “Nothing measures how well we are doing with our customers more than this metric and it’s the proudest accomplishment we have,” Biava says. Best Hotel for Business: “Hampton Inn.” Favorite Destinations: “Colombia. I was born in Medellin. My other favorite is Cartagena, a city by the Caribbean that has both an old city, built in the 1700s, and a beach that’s full of excitement. It’s also where I told my future wife that we were going to be married, so it’s a special place!” “While there is a lot of room to grow, we have made great strides over the last year as a business,” he says. “It’s a marathon not a sprint.” Favorite Travel Destination: “Maui, the beach, the weather and the golf.” Favorite Food: “Filet medium; baked potato with butter and chives, broccoli and bread pudding for dessert.” best beach locations paired with one of the world’s best golf courses.” Best Business Book Read: Execution by Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan. “The book speaks clearly to resultsdriven professionals.” Favorite Food: “Grilled teriyaki salmon. No better taste on Earth!” Todd F. Brown VP, Western Division Comcast Networks Brown’s team has surpassed goals each year since he joined Comcast in 2006. His biggest challenge is “traveling across the country to connect with MSO GMs and VPs of marketing,” he says. “Logging miles and being a brand energizer weekly takes stamina.” Favorite Destination: “Alaska. I had the privilege of visiting the GCI fishing cabin that now unfortunately is in the news due to the death of Sen. Ted Stevens and others. It’s one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The fishing and connection with nature are unbelievably breathtaking.” Dianne Earley Marsha Conaway Regional VP, Midwest Time Warner Cable Conaway is responsible for directing the HR function for nearly 10K employees encompassing the regional office and five divisions. She leads the region’s mentoring program, serves on Time Warner Cable’s Diversity Committee, is treasurer of NAMIC’s board and is board member of the NAMIC Foundation. G. Wayne Davis Craig Collins SVP, Commercial Sales and Marketing Time Warner Cable Collins and his team of 2,500 Business Class employees drove a 7% increase in video, 11% uptick in data and a 100% rise in voice revenue for Time Warner Cable’s commercial services during Q1. VP, HR, Comcast California Region A 23-year human resources veteran, Davis is responsible for more than 7K employees. He also negotiates labor agreements and deals with vendors and suppliers. He says his biggest challenge is “finding and placing the most talented professionals into key positions.” Favorite Destinations: “Maui, Hawaii, Kapalua Beach. One of the world’s September 2010 VP, Media Sales Cox Media Earley has revamped Cox Media’s ad-sales operations. “Our organization has undergone significant transformation over the past two years in an effort to create efficiencies and take advantage of economies of scale,” says Cox Manager of Marketing and Research Patrick Castro. “She has managed the centralization, standardization and optimization changes with great transparency, providing effective and responsible leadership throughout these times of change.” Biggest Accomplishment in Last Year: “Merged two strong, diverse organizations, located in two unique geographic markets into one high performing team.” Favorite Destination: Nemacolin Woodlands Spa in Southwestern Pennsylvania. “It represents total physical, mental and spiritual relaxation, and sometimes I need that.” Favorite Book: The Heart of Change by John P. Kotter. “It is a source of relatable, reallife stories about how people (not processes) facilitate change in organizations.” CableFAX: The Magazine Minorities in Cable: Regional Executives By Steve Donohue Favorite Travel Destination: “The back country of Idaho.” Favorite Food: “French fries. I’m addicted to them.” Board of Visitors for Florida A&M’s school of journalism, is an adjunct lecturer at Drexel and is a double threat on drums and saxophone. Henry Ford Steve Gillenwater SVP/GM, Fox Sports Ohio The sole African-American to head an RSN for Fox, Ford led Fox Sports Ohio to its top NBA season ratings in ’08-09 and ’09-10. Biggest Accomplishment in ’10: “Finding time to be a mentor, impart my experiences and perspectives to help someone navigate and subsequently advance their career.” Best Business Book Read: “Good to Great by Jim Collins, which focuses on leadership.” Favorite Travel Destination: “San Francisco. My adopted second home after my hometown of NY. So many special friends, and the Bay Area is such a beautiful place to live and visit.” Cool: NCTA vet Pam Ford is Henry’s proud sister. President, HR, Southern Division, Comcast An 18-year cable human resources veteran, Gillenwater is responsible for more than 20K employees serving nearly 6mln subs in 12 states. Biggest Challenge: “To reset the performance standards of an established group. This is about rejuvenation and refocus of a collection of talented individuals and transforming them into an engaged, thoughtful and strong leadership team responsible for the company’s most important asset—our human capital.” Favorite Travel Destination: “Kona, Hawaii. Arriving on the island for the first time caused me to reflect on just how far I had traveled both literally and professionally from my upbringing in Detroit.” Ricky Frazier VP of Customer Care, Indianapolis Region Comcast Frazier has risen from Call Center Supervisor to VP of Customer Care in his seven years at Comcast. “His motivating leadership style and his dedication to delivering a superior customer experience were immediately recognized, catapulting him to a position that helps shape customer service delivery for the entire company,” a Comcast exec says. Johnnie Giles Henry “Hank” Fore Regional VP, Oregon and SW Washington Comcast With a team of nearly 2,000 employees in Washington and SW Washington, Fore oversees one of Comcast’s premiere markets. It’s consistently called on to test and pilot products and services. He’s a recent graduate of NAMIC’s Executive Leadership Development Program, where he was chosen as class speaker. Best Business Book Read: Good to Great. Regional VP, Government Affairs, California Region Comcast Giles manages Comcast’s governmental affairs in CA. His advice for those trying to get into cable: “Cable is a great place to build a career but like any professional endeavor, you need to bring with you a passion for collaboration, a focus on personal accountability, a perspective that embraces inclusion and a commitment to doing the best job possible.” Favorite Destination: “Hawaii. My family has deep roots there and it always feels like home when I land.” Favorite Foods: “Musubi, Wing Dings, Plate lunch, Lau Lau, Kahlua Pork and yes, even Poi.” CableFAX: The Magazine Chuck Harris VP, Engineering Time Warner Cable Harris led the expansion to more than 100 HD channels on Time Warner Cable systems nationwide and oversees strategy and tactical oversight for all engineering functions. He’s tutored youth through the company’s Time to Read program, and helped grow a golf tournament for cancer survivors and their families from 16 to more than 240 golfers. Favorite Travel Destination: “Currently it is to my Michigan home to be with my family. I’ve been on the road for a number of years, and it’s wonderful to be with old family and friends, to relive good times and develop new ones.” Favorite Food: “Nothing is as good as a piece of chocolate caramel peanut butter pie to finish off a nice meal.” Princell Hair SVP of News Operations Comcast Sports Group That blur you see in airports might be Princell Hair, the veteran journalist who’s responsible for content and talent decisions for 14 regional networks reaching more than 50mln HHs in eight of the top markets. Before joining Comcast in 2008, he ran CNN’s daily news operations and coordinated the local news coverage for 39 Viacom TV stations. While his day job would be taxing enough, he also serves on the September 2010 experience,” he says. “The changes implemented have improved customer satisfaction and our cost structure, which ultimately returns shareholder value.” The Key to Growing Subs: “Offering attractive products in a bundle, providing great customer service and intelligently adjusting to our competitive landscape.” Favorite Food: “Sushi. It tastes great, is healthier for you and I never leave feeling I’ve over-indulged.” Toni Holland VP, HR, Wisconsin Time Warner Cable A 17-year veteran of Kraft, Holland saw the light and joined the cable industry in 2008. “Toni is the glue that holds TWC-Wisconsin together,” says regional VP Tom Adams. “She successfully led the local roll-out of our values, the delicate people side of regionalization and fine-tuned our leadership development process to reach younger and more diverse talent,” Adams adds. “She is a gifted coach and savvy broker of difficult conversations.” Darrel Hegar Regional VP, Operations, Time Warner Cable Carolinas Hegar manages operations across four states with nearly 4,000 employees, and has helped standardize customer care operations. “Standardization helps us deliver a consistent, high-quality customer Marge Jackson VP of Marketing West Division, Comcast East Side, West Side. It makes no difference to Jackson, who led marketing strategy for Comcast’s Eastern Division, arguably the most competitive 31 Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: Regional Executives location in cable. She relocated recently to California, bringing her family with her. Best Business Book Read: “Winning During Turbulence by Darrell Rigby.” Best Social Media Tool: “LinkedIn.” Best Hotel: “Marriott. The employees take a tremendous amount of pride and ownership in their roles, which ultimately translates into superior customer service. I have insight into this brand as my son-in law is one of their top leaders.” Best Business Book Read: “Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian’s Information Rules is a must-have book for those in the information industries. While technology changes constantly, the underlying business economics have not changed at all.” Favorite Food: “Indian food, for the unending choices and stimulating tastes.” customer expectations.” Favorite Destination: Africa. “A variety of cultures and environments along with plenty of wildlife.” Most Valuable Social Media Tool for Business: Twitter. “Immediate communication.” Favorite Food: Italian. “Lots of great flavors and pairings with wine.” the entertainment they love anytime, anywhere,” he says. “So I direct them to Fancast Xfinity TV, where they can access content from their cable subscription packages online or on mobile devices at no additional cost.” Favorite Destination: “Italy, because of its amazing food, diversity of the regional cultures and picturesque architecture and landscape.” Favorite Food: “My mom’s green chile enchiladas.” Rodrigo Lopez Charlene Keys Rich Jennings VP of Fulfillment, Freedom Region, Comcast Jennings’ territory includes the Philadelphia area, giving him the unique challenge of serving Comcast’s corporate team. He leads 3,500 employees in one of the most competitive regions in the country. Jennings mentors young professionals through WICT and the L. Patrick Mellon program. Area VP, S. Carolina Time Warner Cable Keys helped the South Carolina operation move from last to second at Time Warner Cable for Live Agent Service Level. She coaches women and minorities aspiring to advance and cosponsored an employee network designed to assist women exploring technical and engineering aspects of the business. Filemon Lopez Ajit J. Joy SVP, Strategy and Product Development, Comcast Joy’s team is launching Comcast’s mobile application for the iPhone platform. “The latest generation of mobile platforms offer a great way to extend the value of homebased services to our customers,” Joy says. He also directs development and product roadmaps for Comcast Digital Voice, SmartZone and other key products. 32 Regional SVP, South Florida Region, Comcast When you’re among cable folk, you need only say the word “Filemon” and everyone knows who you mean. The always upbeat Lopez and his team serve nearly 1mln subs. He’s also a board member of the Institute for Executive Leadership on Diversity at Rutgers University and the recipient of many awards, including Comcast’s President Award and the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement Salute to Excellence Award. Challenge Ahead: “Managing multiple priorities and Market VP, Mountain Region, Comcast Lopez leads 1,250 employees in Utah and Arizona. In the last year, his team delivered its best results in a variety of operational, customer and financial metrics and was nominated for Comcast System of the Year. Favorite Travel Destination: Dana Point, CA. “Sun, fun, relaxation, great food and great friends.” Best Business Book Read: The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins. “It’s a reminder that we always have to look at what we do with a different perspective, frequently reassessing to ensure we don’t become complacent or obsolete in a very dynamic industry.” Gary McCollum VP, GM Cox Communications, VA Before becoming one of Cox’s key regional officials, McCollum served eight years as an intelligence officer in the Army. The soft-spoken McCollum also served with the Army Rangers and currently is a Major in the Reserves. Biggest Challenge: “Getting the right people in the right jobs doing the right things, all in a constantly changing environment.” Best Business Book Read: What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter. “It’s a great reminder how we must constantly grow and change if we are to be successful.” Comfort Food: “Anything Italian!” Ralph Martinez VP, San Francisco Bay Area, Comcast Martinez oversees one of cable’s most prominent territories, keeping Silicon Valley subs from cutting the cord on cable. How does he retain those tech-savvy subs? “Comcast’s vision is to provide our customers with Charlon McIntosh VP, Customer Care, Mile High Region, Comcast One of the industry’s leading customer care gurus, September 2010 McIntosh oversees service for 1mln subs in Colorado and New Mexico. Best Business Book Read: Fire Them Up by Carmine Gallo. “This book reveals simple yet profound secrets for using one’s values and vision to motivate, inspire and influence people to achieve success. I love the stories from real-life heads of business on how they fire-up their employees and achieve success by being inspiring leaders. I truly believe that the most effective leaders are those who create a clear vision for their organization and use that vision to inspire others to be successful.” Favorite Travel Spot: “I love the Caribbean. My parents are from Trinidad and when I travel to the islands I feel like I get the opportunity to reconnect with the traditions and culture of my ancestors.” Best Business Hotel: “I like the Hyatt Place. It’s always a safe bet. Rooms are clean, modern and large (they have a separate sitting area). Check-in and check-out is convenient, and customer service is always good.” Zinah Mineyahl VP, Customer Care Comcast An immigrant from Ethiopia, Mineyahl started in cable as a service technician. He now runs customer care in Comcast’s Houston region, leading a team of 900 employees. Mineyahl implemented an improvement plan that has the Houston call center performing at a level that has allowed it to curtail the use of outside CSR firms. “This has resulted in significant savings to the company, CableFAX: The Magazine improved service to our customers and increased sales,” says Comcast VP of Government and Public Relations Ray Purser. the stages of decline then they can react quickly and respond.” Favorite Destination: Hawaii. Favorite Food: “Sushi. Not only is it healthy, but there is a wide variety from which to choose.” the atmosphere and most important, the customer service. I left my kids’ diaper bag in the hotel on one visit. Rather than allow me to go back to the hotel, Disney gave me a kit with diapers, baby powder and everything else we might need. And it was free!” Janet Parker VP, HR Time Warner Cable Parker implemented multiple diversity and inclusion councils across Time Warner Cable with the goal of raising awareness and supporting the company’s focus on inclusion. “My team provides business strategies that will influence employee engagement and satisfaction,” she says. Best Business Book: First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman. “It didn’t approach business principles from a provincial perspective, but challenged the reader to think broadly.” Favorite Destination: “Paris, because of the mixture of cultures, the diversity of architecture, history and variety of experiences the city offers.” Steve Paulus Regional VP/GM Local News Division Time Warner Cable Paulus launched a 24-hour news channel in New York’s Hudson Valley in April, and has been working to integrate news channels in Austin and North Carolina into the Local News Division. “This has resulted in increased sharing of content. An example would be our From the Floor segment at The New York Stock Exchange,” he says. “We are now providing hourly live updates from the Exchange to all of our news channels.” Can Cable Become The Dominant Local News Provider? “In the markets we have established news channels, we are already well on our way.” Jacqui Vines SVP/GM Greater Louisiana, Cox Vines faces competition from three pay TV providers in Louisiana, including a very entrenched ILEC. “Keeping our troops focused on taking their customers and retaining ours is challenging. But as a former athlete, I know that when you are on your A Game, no one can stop you,” she says. Most Valuable Social Media Tool: “Our system is committed to utilizing Facebook to communicate with customers, supplementing traditional media efforts. Personally, I believe in the power of picking up the phone and having a sincere conversation. It may be old school, but the phone is still a great business tool.” Michael Parker VP of Operations, Greater Chicago Region Comcast Comcast promoted Parker from VP at its Connecticut and New York division to run operations in Chicago, which counts 7K employees and more than 2mln subs. Soon after his promotion, engineering was added to his portfolio. Best Business Book Read: How The Mighty Fall by Jim Collins. “This book teaches leaders if they can understand It has also reduced customer disconnects/downgrades and lowered inbound call volume by 70%. Favorite Destination: Pune, India. “That is where most of my extended family lives. Otherwise, it’s Disney World, where everyone can be a kid.” Favorite Cuisine: Japanese food. “A typical Japanese steakhouse is a combination of great food, ambience and festive atmosphere.” Steve Thomas Area VP, City of Chicago Greater Region, Comcast Thomas oversees the largest city where Comcast is the incumbent operator. “I am especially proud that we have improved the productivity of our technicians by 17% year over year,” he says. Favorite Destination: “My family and I have been to Disney World eight times in the past 10 years. We love the energy, CableFAX: The Magazine Vineet Wadhwa VP, Finance Mid-Ohio Division Time Warner Cable Wadhwa led efforts to devise a strategy to better manage customer bills when a promotional campaign expired. The strategy, which included a multi-layered customer notification and education process, has driven cash flow in 2010. September 2010 White’s division drives about $9bln in annual revenue as it serves 6mln customers. Most Recent Accomplishment: “Being entrusted to lead one of the most important businesses in Comcast’s portfolio... It’s an amazing opportunity to lead the West Division’s 20,000 employees.” Best Business Book: Winning by Jack Welch, “because it offers practical advice and practices from a real world leader who took GE to great heights.” Favorite Destination: Maui, Hawaii. “Consistently good weather, down time and a great opportunity to reconnect with my lovely wife.” Emory Walton III VP, Distribution, Field Sales, West, AETN Walton negotiates carriage deals at the local and regional levels for AETN’s portfolio of 10 networks. Recent Accomplishments: “Receiving an MBA and graduating with top honors while still working full time. I also have been a strong advocate for leveraging AETN’s foreignlanguage portfolio, initiating a new strategy to distribute the content domestically.” Favorite Travel Destinations: “Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands. My family is there. I enjoy the weather, the ocean, and the ability to get away and relax (no Blackberry reception).” Best Business Book Read: The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith. Steve White President, West Division Comcast Vin Zachariah VP, Ops, NE Ohio and Western PA Time Warner Cable Zachariah’s territory was Time Warner Cable’s topranked system in customer satisfaction in a recent survey. Biggest Challenge: “Creating a culture that makes all 900K-plus of our customers and 2K-plus employees feel like every interaction is personal, that we care and that it’s not just a part of a big process.” Best Hotel for Business: “Anything with a good workout room.” Favorite Food: “Buffalo wings. I went to school in upstate NY, and I’ve spent the last 20 years eating them and cooking them. Our own Iron Chef in Cleveland, Michael Symon, has my favorite recipe right now, which includes Sriracha sauce. Not for the fainthearted.” 33 Most Influential Minorities in Cable 2010: Regional Executives African-American youth and professionals at Comcast and in the community. Akhiobare is Treasurer of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of WICT and serves on the boards of several associations. Lisa Akhionbare Vice President, Business Operations, Mile High Region Comcast Akhiobare manages a 50-person team that handles financial planning and analysis, supply-chain operations for the 3K-employee system, credit and collections for 1.1mln subs, payroll, security and facilities. She also oversees budgeting of $724mln in operating cash flow, $163mln in capital spending and $1.6bln in revenue. It’s said that every decision made in the cable operation has to cross her desk for approval. She finds time to mentor Why Advertise in CableFAX Daily… Top 5 Reasons Why CableFAX is #1 • CableFAX Daily is paid, great, original content. We are known for our most up-to date, relevant and digestible information in the market place. • CableFAX is read by the C-Suite of 100% of the top 25 MSOs and read by the Top Independent Operators. • CableFAX increased reach from 2009 to 2010 by 10%, from 15K to 16.5K, with significant increase in site licenses and large groups. • CableFAX is the must read with a consistent 90% renewal rate, year over year. Rhea Carter VP Finance, Central Region, Time Warner Cable Media Salest Carter runs the finance department for the largest of Time Warner Cable’s three advertising regions. She is actively involved in structuring representation agreements with other distributors in the Midwest. • We serve beyond Cable…CableFAX is read by the Top Telco/Sat Players, ATT, Verizon, Dish, DirecTV. CableFAX Reaches… • 70%+ Cable Operators, MSO’s, Independents, Telcos/Satellite, Broadband & Mobile • 21% Networks Contact: Debbie Vodenos, Publisher, or 301.354.1695 Amy Abbey, Associate Publisher, or 301.354.1629 The Trusted Talent Resource From the Publishers of CableFAX and Communications Technology We’ve got the next cable job — or the candidate — for you! Use the Cable Job Center to find talent or to connect with new employment opportunities. Job Seekers: Find jobs, manage your resumes, and set up job alerts — • Post an anonymous resume • Access the newest and freshest jobs available • Create job alerts that match your search criteria Employers/Recruiters: Post jobs, browse candidates interested in your positions — • Quickly post job openings and manage your online recruiting efforts with ease • View resumes and only pay for the ones that interest you • Reach the most qualified candidates • Post job openings in CableFAX Daily and The Skinny publications. More information: Kate Schaeffer at Access Intelligence, LLC • 4 Choke Cherry Road • 2nd Floor • Rockville, MD 20850 33A September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine ORdeR yOuR cOPy Top Case sTudies in Cable MarkeTing & pr This one of a kind book, from the publisher of CableFAX, exemplifies how cable programmers, operators and vendors cut through the clutter to mount PR and Marketing efforts that worked, gained revenue, ratings points and industry buzz. Each study demonstrates some facet of ingenuity, innovation or integrated thinking, illuminating communications as a function that has matured with poise and established its indispensability to business practices. Order your copy and improve your power of PR today – 17994 Multi-Cultural Marketing at its Best by Gerry Ford Even in a sluggish economy, some things rise. From the looks of it, multi-cultural marketing is one of them. NAMIC’S Excellence in Multi-cultural Marketing Awards, or the EMMAs, saw a 25% jump in submissions this year, says Daphne Leroy, NAMIC’s VP of Marketing and Communications. The increase “is an exciting demonstration of the commitment to minority marketing,” she says. The rise in entries is consistent with the continued development of multi-cultural marketing at the MSOs, adds Cox’s Senior Marketing Manager Renata Franco. Operators have learned that while the product offered “may be the same, the benefits are seen differently” by ethnic communities. That means cable must “tell the story differently when marketing to a multi-cultural audience,” Franco adds. Also on the rise were EMMA entries from regional entities; grassroots and exponential marketing were up, too. And it wasn’t only quantity that increased; quality of operator and programmer campaigns rose, too. While many traditional EMMA powerhouses were victors again this year, there was a healthy number of first-time winners. As is the tradition, all winners will be presented with awards at a ceremony and panel discussion in NY on Tuesday, September 14, as part of NAMIC’s 24th annual conference during Diversity Week. Below are brief profiles of first-place winners and first-place ties. Secondand third-place winners and ties are listed. CABLE COMPANIES CASE STUDIES/CAMPAIGNS —Lo Mejor On Demand, Time Warner Cable Time Warner Cable bolstered Hispanic On Demand awareness with a campaign that included live events in Hispanic markets tied to new On Demand content. — Web Rebuild, TW Cable Time Warner Cable touted the re-launch of its Spanish-language Website by partnering with Telemundo and Univision on promotional events. Second Place: (Tie) —El Mix Launch Strategy, Cox Communications —Celebrity Campaign, Cox Communications Third Place: (Tie) —TWCLA World Cup Campaign, Time Warner Cable LA —A Capella Acquisition Campaign, Comcast MARKETING TACTICS ALL OTHER MEDIA —Beauty Salon, Direct Response Triple Play, Cablevision Cablevision’s spirited beauty salon campaign aimed at Hispanics was designed to improve triple-play sales. TV spots featured young, vibrant women in a beauty salon singing about the triple play’s benefits. Second Place: —Fun House, Direct Response Triple Play, Cablevision DIGITAL — Web Rebuild, Time Warner Cable 34 September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine This campaign tied for first place in the Case Study/Campaign category (see above). Second Place: —Cox, tu amigo en la comunidad, Cox Communications a child speaking English to a Cox phone agent and Spanish to a relative. It scored well on consumer tests. PRINT Second Place: —Filipino Package Launch Print Ad, Time Warner Cable LA This Time Warner Cable Los Angeles campaign was a variation on its winner in the Direct Mail category (see above). Its 68 percent recall rate was impressive. —Chinese Market Infomercial, Time Warner Cable DIRECT MAIL —GMA Pinoy and GMA Life Launch Postcard, Time Warner Cable Time Warner San Diego’s piece touted GMA Pinoy and GMA Life channels with art featuring their talent. Sales rose 55% for Pinoy and 49% for GMA Life. —Celebrity Campaign, Cox Si TV talent Christian Vera appeared on a mailer touting Cox Arizona’s Hispanic products. A 16% lead increase resulted. —Filipino Package Upgrade Direct Mail, Time Warner Cable Time Warner LA touted the addition of GMA Pinoy to its Filipino lineup with a piece that listed Pinoy’s benefits. Sent in a promotional envelope, the piece garnered a 3.36 percent response rate. Second Place: (Tie) —El Mix, Cox Communications —Cox lo hace fácil para conectar, Cox Communications GRASSROOTS —HD Outreach Program, Retail Events, Time Warner Cable LA Time Warner Cable joined Univision and retailers Dearden’s and Best Buy to promote HD, VOD and The World Cup at events in Los Angeles. Emceed by Univision talent, the events were well attended and rode The Word Cup’s momentum. Third Place: —Aug 09 Nuestra Tele Basico Launch TV Campaign, TW Cable Second Place: NETWORKS/ INDUSTRY SUPPLIERS —South Asian Xfinity Q1 Campaign, Comcast CASE STUDIES /CAMPAIGNS RADIO —Polish Gift with Purchase Campaign, Comcast Comcast launched a two-month effort aimed at Chicago’s Polish community with an ad that offered a $20 MasterCard gift with a Polish Super Pack purchase. The spot improved results by 39%, besting Comcast’s 15% goal. TELEVISION —HD Outreach Campaign, Media Interviews, Time Warner Cable Time Warner Cable LA promoted HD outreach events through interviews on Hispanic TV shows. Almost 250K viewers saw the shows, generating 1,500 calls for HD. —Granddaughter, Cox Communications Cox’s ad supported its brand promise of “Your Friend in the Digital Age.” It featured —The Chicas Project: Season 4, mun2 mun2’s support for season 4 of The Chicas Project was a combination of grassroots, print, radio and TV marketing that incorporated the chicas’ cool, sexy and edgy attitude. The campaign produced the series’ highest-rated premiere. —Cox Las Vegas Filipino On Demand Launch Case Study, Cox Cox Las Vegas attempted to increase Filipino on Demand use through a grassroots event at Seafood City, where Filipino Americans were urged to see TFC celebrity Gelo from the show Barangay USA. The campaign increased FOD usage 12%, exceeding Cox’s goals. Second Place: (Tie) —Latino Student Athlete of the Year Scholarship, Fox Networks CableFAX’s Top Case Studies in Cable Marketing & PR Guidebook This one of a kind book, from the publisher of CableFAX, exemplifies how cable programmers, operators and vendors cut through the clutter to mount PR and Marketing efforts that worked, gained revenue, ratings points and industry buzz. Each study demonstrates some facet of ingenuity, innovation or integrated thinking, illuminating communications as a function that has matured with poise and established its indispensability to business practices. Order your copy and improve your power of PR today – CableFAX: The Magazine September 2010 17907 35 —Happy Mother’s Day Makeover/ Reinvent Yourself, Olympusat —Channel One Russia Comcast Philadelphia Launch Campaign, International Media Distribution Third Place: (Tie) —CNN Presents: Latino In America, CNN —Bandamax Launch, TuTv —BET Awards 09, BET Networks —nyc dominican baseball campaign, ESPN, espn Deportes —Way Black When, TV One MARKETING TACTICS Time Warner Cable sent a bright magazine-format mailer that included a profile of rock band Marie Celeste, On Demand movies and reviews of original series and pay-per-view concerts/events. Strong results included response rates reaching 1% among non-subs and 2% with upgrading customers. —HBO Black History Month, Direct Mail Campaign, HBO HBO faced the economic slowdown head on with a Feb ’10 affiliate and partner campaign. In a mailer sent to some 68K addresses, HBO partnered with MSOs and other providers, emphasizing relevant documentaries and original series Treme. ALL OTHER MEDIA —Bollywood Hero, IFC IFC took to the streets of NY to increase visibility generally and specifically with South Asians for original mini-series Bollywood Hero. It staged “flash mob” dance events where ostensibly people in the crowd joined Indian dancers in elaborate movements. IFC met internal goals for the campaign. —Epitafios Season 2 Press Kit, HBO HBO Latino launched Epitafios with a press kit for the ages. It was disguised as a police file, complete with crime-scene photos, evidence details and criminal profiles. It was HBO Latino’s most successful press launch, with 43mln impressions. DIGITAL —Unmistakable Campaign, HBO HBO ran a digital campaign on BET’s Website for 30 days touting HBO shows and series that would appeal to African Americans. It garnered 2.3mln impressions with a click-through of 0.22%. —BET Honors 2010, BET BET’s support of The BET Honors included a series of online ads featuring host Gabrielle Union. Impressions ran higher than expected at 15mln and the interaction rate of 4.5 exceeded the goal of 2.99. Turner Broadcasting’s 6-week campaign for Lopez Tonight included illuminated boards, wild postings, bus kings and a Times Square Twitter board that displayed real-time messages promoting the show, which premiered to more than 3mln viewers. Second Place: —Bollywood Hero, IFC PRINT —Bollywood Hero, IFC IFC marketed mini-series Bollywood Hero in major markets with half- and full-page ads featuring Indian celebrities Neha Dhupia and Pooja Kumar. Second Place: (Tie) —Comcast GMA Life TV Upsell Marketing Tactic, GMA Network —TV JAPAN Comcast SF Bay Area Free Preview Direct Mail 2009, International Media Distribution Second Place: —Comcast GMA Life TV Upsell Marketing Tactic, GMA Third Place: —TBS Lopez Tonight Direct Mail, Turner —Bring Love Home for the Holidays, TFC Holiday Gift With Purchase Print Ad, International Media Distribution DIVERSITY AWARENESS Radio —TNT HawthoRNe Inspired Connections, Turner TNT promoted HawthoRNe by focusing on positive messages presented in the series aimed at faith-based audiences. Reaching out to faith-based groups and local spiritual leaders, TNT helped its new series premiere to more than 4mln viewers. — Bandamax Vicente Fernández Concert Sweepstakes, TuTV TuTv joined Mediacom and Ranchera music king Vicente Fernández to launch music channel Bandamax. TuTV’s sweepstakes winners got a VIP trip to a Fernández concert. Mediacom saw a 30% jump in sales. Third Place: Second Place: GRASSROOTS —TNT HAWthoRNe Mocha Moms Screenings, Turner TNT partnered with African-American social organization Mocha Moms on HawthoRNe screenings for the group’s 10 largest chapters. As stated above, the series premiered to more than 4mln viewers. —Comcast Hispanic SBN Scoreboards, Ameredia TELEVISION —MTV Tr3s Census 2010, MTV MTV Tr3s promoted the importance of the ’10 Census through a site and PSAs directed at Latino youth. The site generated 80K hits; 6K+ came via the MTV Tr3s link. Second Place: Second Place: —BET Hip Hop Awards 2009, BET Second Place: (Tie) Third Place: —Epitafios Season 2 Microsite, HBO DIRECT MAIL —The Mo’Nique Show, BET —De Película El Santo DVD Giveaway, TuTV —US Census: Dora PSA, MTV —Nexos Latinos™ TWC NYC Acquisition/Upgrade, Winter 2010, Eclipse Marketing OUT OF HOME Third Place: —TBS Lopez Tonight OOH, Turner —Asians Aloud, HBO 36 September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine 2010 Top 10 Places to Work in Cable By Michael Grebb with Seth Arenstein Lately, it seems like the best place to work is anywhere hiring. Gallows humor, perhaps. But know one thing: cable continues to fight for the best employees. Now that the economy has stabilized (sort of), cable remains one of the best places to park it in an office chair, behind the wheel of a service vehicle or at the edge of a utility Versalift. Sure, belts are tight. And companies across the board have implemented cost cutting and other measures that make us yearn for 2007. Despite the shared sacrifices of workers everywhere, we found plenty of cable companies still offering impressive and innovative employee benefits. As in previous years, we asked employees to complete our online nomination form if they felt their employer was deserving and to tell us why. The CableFAX staff compiled the list, with criteria including benefits, growth potential, diversity initiatives, advancement opportunities for women and community involvement, among other things. The companies profiled below are listed in alphabetical order. Canoe Ventures Charter Communications Did you hear that no one’s hiring now? Don’t tell that to Canoe Ventures, which continues to increase its headcount and just moved to bigger offices in Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center area to accommodate its growing ranks. Add to this picture the scrappy feel of this industry-funded upstart and it’s clear why Canoe again makes our list. It’s the kind of place where the lowest-level employee can feasibly bring an idea to dynamic CEO David Verklin—and actually see it incorporated into the business plan without going through endless layers of middle management. It’s a place where smart people go to apply new concepts in interactive advertising, using technologies and techniques never before applied across the country’s diverse patchwork of cable systems. And here’s the best part: Employees get all the excitement of a startup but with the stability of a company backed by cable’s biggest MSOs. It’s literally the best of both worlds. But as a savvy advertiser might say, “Wait… there’s more!” Canoe also offers benefits that go beyond the usual. How about a 50% match on 401K contributions and tuition reimbursement? How about discounts at participating retailers via the Rockefeller Privilege program? And get this: Yoga at Work! This ain’t Don Draper’s advertising business. It’s one thing when we get a couple of nominations from the HR or PR departments. But when nearly 250 employees, ranging from SVPs to CSRs, take the time to give us details on why their company is among cable’s best, we listen closely. That’s the situation with Charter. Despite its rocky road over the last few years with bankruptcy, financial re-orgs and even the loss of respected CEO Neil Smit to Comcast, employees continue to proudly sing its praises. Said one headend tech: “I came to Charter 5 years ago looking for a job and I found a career.” An employee who needed to move because of a family emergency notes that “Charter practically bent over backward trying to find me the closest position I was qualified for to keep me not only closer to my family but [to] stay with the company.” Those kind of anecdotes are typical of Charter. We could list other benefits: Worker training programs, support for charity work, retirement benefits, tuition reimbursement, adoption expense reimbursement, an employee discount program (, survivor benefits, etc. But most workers who got in touch with us focused on the supportive atmosphere and opportunities for advancement. “Charter has been a blessing for my family,” said an enthused employee. For a company that’s been through the ringer in recent years, that’s gotta be music to management’s ears. 38 September 2010 CableFAX: The Magazine Comcast Cox Communications Is big necessarily better? Sometimes. We got dozens of enthusiastic entries from Comcasters who praised cable’s Papa Bear for its advancement programs, including Steve Burke’s brainchild, Comcast U, where employees learn new areas of the business. The company had held more than 15K employee training events by the end of Q2 and most of Comcast’s leaders come from internal promotions. In terms of atmosphere, a common theme seems to be “corporate, but fun.” As a Texas employee noted, “This company really works and plays hard.” In addition, Comcast continues to offer significant perks, including free cable, tuition reimbursement, 401K match (up to 4.5% of salary), an employee stock purchase/stock options program, numerous mentoring initiatives and many other benefits. As one happy employee said: “I attended a conference and founder Ralph Roberts asked folks to raise their hand if Comcast was not their first job. Once he counted the hands, he simply said, ‘You’re home now… Welcome!” That says it all. Not only is Cox one of the best places for customer care and diversity, it’s also one of the best places to work. Perhaps Cox knows something that many others have forgotten: Happy employees equal happier customers. It’s no wonder. A recent employee survey indicated near-perfect scores in areas like company culture and exec engagement. Among Cox’s benefits are career development initiatives that match employee aspirations and values to business needs (simple yet brilliant), a company-funded pension and 50% 401K match, Dependent Care reimbursement including elderly care, Weight Watchers at Work and—who’d a thunk it?—fresh fruit in break rooms. Fresh fruit? Watch out, Snickers! Cox’s call centers offer child care. The San Diego center even has a state-of-the-art facility. And in Hampton Roads, VA, Cox offers a childcare subsidy of 25%/child to employees making less than $60K. A virtual call center initiative in AZ allows employees to work from home. Cox offers tuition reimbursement, mentoring and other support for those who want to work hard and move up. Discovery It’s never a tough call to include Discovery here, especially because it continues to offer the same impressive slate of perks and advantages that have put it in our Top 10 since we started compiling this list. Working at Discovery equals association with a big content company blazing into the future under ever-moving CEO David Zaslav. Its headquarters is in the economically healthy D.C. area. And with Oprah developing a network, isn’t it only a matter of time before all employees get a free car? OK... maybe that’s not going to happen, but Discovery’s focus on employees is truly unique. Not only does its MentorNet program foster professional development, but Fox Networks Imagine a workplace with an on-site daycare center, a car wash, a hair salon, a shoe repair shop, a dry cleaner, a gym and, as of just recently, even a fullservice dentist. Now imagine a Learning and Development Center with classes ranging from “Managing Difficult Conversations” to “Creative Communication.” How about a philanthropic outreach program where employees can volunteer up to 40 hours per year on company time? Or a place where the top legal execs are minority women: (EVP/General Counsel Rita Tuzon and SVP/Associate General CableFAX: The Magazine other perks include tuition reimbursement, a $1,500 employee referral program, a generous 401K match (up to 3% of salary; 50% for the next 3%). In addition to wellness centers at its Silver Spring and NYC locations, Discovery’s headquarters has a childcare center with room for 102 kids, from infants to pre-schoolers. The company also offers national childcare support through Counsel Claudia Teran)? Well, this place actually exists, sunshine. And it’s called Fox Networks. That’s not all. Fox sponsors numerous other employee programs, including the “X Awards,” in which managers can hand out bonuses of $25 to $500 to top performers, referral bonuses and tuition reimbursement. These benefits continue despite the economic downturn. And Fox has avoided significant layoffs. But beyond the programs and perks is the work environment itself. Says one employee: “Creativity and risk-taking are rewarded. Employees are encouraged to September 2010 Bright Horizon’s Back-Up Care Program, providing 24/7 access to emergency in-home childcare or eldercare. Flex time options are available. Need exercise? How about a commuting reimbursement of up to $350 toward the purchase of a bicycle, $100 annually toward athletic shoes, a $60/ month transit subsidy and even car-sharing services? Sign us up. X-CITED: Fox managers can dole out bonuses. voice ideas and opinions. The executives let you run your own deals without micromanaging you.” Sounds good. 39 Scripps Networks For those who love cable but don’t want to live in NY or LA, the little town of Knoxville, TN, beckons like warm apple pie. Perhaps we’re laying it on thick, but Scripps’ homespun charm and location are part of its character and strength. And it offers plenty of perks, including tuition reimbursement, referral bonuses, training programs and a healthy 401K match of 50% (up to 6% of income). Scripps also GUY’S GUY: Food’s Fieri loves apple pie and kids. sports an impressive record on gender equality, with WICT’s ’09 PAR Initiative naming it among the best programmers for women. Not only are 54% of Scripps’ managers women, but women lead three of its nets (Food, Travel and DIY). People of color comprise 25% of management and hold top positions at Cooking, Travel, digital, legal and HR. Community service runs through the Scripps’ soul. It gives employees one paid volunteer day during its annual Volunteer Week and matched staff donations to Haiti’s earthquake relief up to $5K. So we’re over the top with the apple pie thing? Sue us. Turner Like Scripps, Turner offers a way to work at a top media company outside of LA and NY. And while Atlanta gets a bit… shall we say, muggy…during the summer, we think that might be a result of Turner’s red-hot content on broadcast-competitive nets like TNT and TBS. But it’s about more than location. Turner also offers impressive benefits, including its “Total Rewards” portfolio with a paid-time-off bank (18-28 days based on tenure), on-site fitness/gym discounts, an on-site health and wellness center, discounts at local sporting events and on travel, up to $5K tuition reimbursement, up to $250 for backup child care, $10K in adoption assistance, a backup dependent care program for childcare and adult/elder care, a subsidized commuting program for mass transit, vanpools, carpools and bikers, paid leave for adoption, maternity and parental duties. Whew. Turner even offers healthcare management, including a 24/7 “NurseLine,” maternity support and the Autism Support Program. Turner not only sponsors a near-site daycare center in Atlanta but a NYC backup daycare center that traveling employees can use for free. Then there’s professional development, mentoring, support for volunteering… too much to list here. The point? Even with Atlanta’s summers, Turner’s cool. WOW! Wouldn’t you like to work at a company whose reverence for employees is perhaps the most critical piece of its philosophy? That’s Denver-based overbuilder WOW!, whose chief, Colleen Abdoulah, states boldly, “Employees come first here.” There are CAN DO: Happy employees also care. perks and benefits, but the root of WOW!’s thinking is that outstanding customer care comes only when there’s worker satisfaction. “We put a premium on making sure our employees can do their jobs well, consistently,” says Mike Furst, SVP of Customer Care. The feisty Abdoulah routinely spends hours with new hires, especially those who interact directly with customers. WOW!’s philosophy emanates from Abdoulah, who learned it from her dad. More than 90% of WOW! employees say they are “extremely happy” at work. And the customers? In last year’s J.D. Power survey, WOW! achieved the highest customer satisfaction ranking in all its regions for video, Internet and phone. That’s never been done. By anyone. 40 September 2010 Time Warner Cable We often hear good things about working at Time Warner Cable, and it’s no wonder. Judging from its low turnover and attention to employee benefits, this company understands that every worker—no matter what their rank—ultimately has a huge influence on customers. So Time Warner Cable offers more than 2,000 training courses, an education assistance program, mentoring and job shadowing to foster professional development. And there are other perks, including discounted cable, domestic partner benefits, lactating rooms, on-site amenities such as fitness facilities (or subsidized memberships at local wellness/fitness centers), and even dry cleaning pick-up. The company also encourages participation in industry groups, paying for employees to join associations like WICT and NAMIC. An internal Women’s Council, meanwhile, strategizes ways to foster female career advancement. The company also encourages community service and just launched “Connect a Million Minds,” an initiative to encourage youth to pursue education and careers in science, technology, engineering and math. And let’s not forget that the company is based in the heart of midtown Manhattan, considered by many to be the center of the universe and also a major local system for Time Warner Cable. Come to think of it, Time Warner also runs an LA system. So if you want to be in the center of all things show biz, why not work for a company connected to its two central hubs? CableFAX: The Magazine