STORM WATER PROJECT COST ESTIMATES & LOCATION MAPS Appendix F RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 4400 South Street - Piping and Collection Improvements 700 West Street to 1191 West on 4400 South Street Project #1 Item Description Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $45,000.00 $45,000.00 2. Remove existing storm drainage piping (average cost) 3,690 lf. $16.00 $59,040.00 3. Remove surface materials - asphalt, curb and gutter 4,035 lf. $8.75 $35,306.25 21 ea. $2,725.00 $57,225.00 5. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 345 lf. $39.25 $13,541.25 6. Construct 24" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 375 lf. $71.50 $26,812.50 7. Construct 27" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 1,030 lf. $81.00 $83,430.00 8. Construct 30" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 750 lf. $91.75 $68,812.50 9. Construct 33" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 345 lf. $115.00 $39,675.00 10. Construct 48" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 600 lf. $145.00 $87,000.00 11. Construct 60" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 590 lf. $176.00 $103,840.00 12. Construct 4' diameter storm drain manhole 4 ea. $2,550.00 $10,200.00 13. Construct 5' diameter storm drain manhole 23 ea. $2,950.00 $67,850.00 14. Construct 6' diameter storm drain manhole 5 ea. $3,340.00 $16,700.00 $4.50 $5,962.50 1. Mobilization 4. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 15. Furnish trench backfill materials Quantity Units 1,325 tons 16. Furnish bedding materials 1,940 tons $10.50 $20,370.00 17. Roadway patching 3,280 sy. $19.50 $63,960.00 18. Traffic control and flagging 75 days $150.00 $11,250.00 19. Looping residential waterlines 22 ea. $450.00 $9,900.00 20. Looping main waterlines 5 ea. $4,500.00 $22,500.00 21. Landscaping & surface restoration 1 ls. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $863,375.00 $172,700.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $1,036,100.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 4400 South Street - Piping Upgrade Improvements (700 West Street to Weber River) Project #2 Item Description Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $9,300.00 $9,300.00 2. Remove existing storm drainage piping 935 lf. $11.00 $10,285.00 3. Remove surface materials - asphalt, curb and gutter 935 lf. $8.75 $8,181.25 3 ea. $2,725.00 $8,175.00 935 lf. $67.25 $62,878.75 6. Construct 6' diameter storm drain manhole 2 ea. $3,240.00 $6,480.00 7. Install storm water outlet structure at Weber River connection with rip rap 1 ea. $8,300.00 $8,300.00 8. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 155 lf. $39.25 $6,083.75 9. Furnish trench backfill materials 350 ton $4.50 $1,575.00 1,050 ton $10.50 $11,025.00 60 lf. $19.50 $1,170.00 1 ea. $4,800.00 $4,800.00 920 sy. $19.50 $17,940.00 $150.00 $4,500.00 1. Mobilization 4. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 5. Construct 48" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 10. Furnish bedding materials 11. Construct concrete curb and gutter 12. Connection to existing system 13. Roadway patching 14. Traffic control and flagging Quantity Units 30 days 15. Landscaping & surface restoration 1 ls. $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $163,694.00 $32,700.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $196,400.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: Cherry Drive - Piping Upgrade Improvements (Highland Drive & Cherry Drive Intersection to the Northwest) Project #3 Item Description Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $7,600.00 $7,600.00 2. Remove existing storm drainage piping 970 lf. $5.50 $5,335.00 3. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 970 lf. $39.25 $38,072.50 4. Construct 4' diameter manhole 8 ea. $2,550.00 $20,400.00 5. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 7 ea. $2,725.00 $19,075.00 6. Construct double grate inlet catch basin box 1 ea. $3,175.00 $3,175.00 7. Construct concrete curb and gutter 160 lf. $19.50 $3,120.00 8. Remove surface materials - asphalt, curb and gutter 970 lf. $8.75 $8,487.50 2 ea. $2,800.00 $5,600.00 10. Furnish trench backfill materials 245 ton $4.50 $1,102.50 11. Furnish bedding materials 290 ton $10.50 $3,045.00 12. Roadway patching 650 sy. $23.50 $15,275.00 $150.00 $4,500.00 1. Mobilization 9. Connection to existing system 13. Traffic control and flagging Quantity Units 30 days 14. Landscaping & surface restoration 8 ea. $200.00 $1,600.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $136,388.00 $27,300.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $163,700.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 1150 West - 5500 South Intersection - Piping and Collection Improvements 1150 West - 5500 South Intersection and 1106 West 5475 South Street Project #4 Item Description Quantity Units Unit Price Amount 1. Mobilization 1 ls. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2. Remove existing storm drainage structures 6 ea. $450.00 $2,700.00 90 lf. $8.75 $787.50 4 ea. $2,725.00 $10,900.00 90 lf. $39.25 $3,532.50 2 ea. $2,550.00 $5,100.00 3. Remove surface materials - asphalt 4. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 5. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 6. Construct 4' diameter cleanout manhole 7. Furnish trench backfill materials 50 tons $4.50 $225.00 8. Furnish bedding materials 30 tons $10.50 $315.00 120 lf. $19.50 $2,340.00 2 ea. $3,700.00 $7,400.00 100 sy. $19.50 $1,950.00 $150.00 $2,100.00 9. Construct concrete curb and gutter 10. Construct double hooded inlet catch basin box 11. Roadway patching 12. Traffic control and flagging 14 days 13. Landscaping & surface restoration 6 ea. $200.00 $1,200.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $41,050.00 $8,200.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $49,300.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 5175 South 1200 West Intersection - Piping Collection Improvements (5175 South - 1200 West Intersection to the West) Project #5 Item Description 1. Mobilization 2. Remove existing waterway 3. Remove surface materials - asphalt 4. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 5. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 6. Construct 4' diameter cleanout manhole Quantity Units Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $4,100.00 $4,100.00 65 lf. $5.75 $373.75 460 lf. $8.75 $4,025.00 5 ea. $2,725.00 $13,625.00 460 lf. $39.25 $18,055.00 3 ea. $2,550.00 $7,650.00 7. Furnish trench backfill materials 180 tons $4.50 $810.00 8. Furnish bedding materials 180 tons $10.50 $1,890.00 1 ea. $2,800.00 $2,800.00 100 lf. $19.50 $1,950.00 2 ea. $2,700.00 $5,400.00 345 sy. $19.50 $6,727.50 $150.00 $3,150.00 9. Connection to existing system 10. Construct concrete curb and gutter 11. Construct handicap ramp at old waterway location 12. Roadway patching 13. Traffic control and flagging 21 days 14. Landscaping & surface restoration 7 ea. $200.00 $1,400.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $71,956.00 $14,400.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $86,400.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 4800 South - 1700 West Intersection - Piping and Collection Improvements 4800 South - 1700 West Street Intersection Project #6 Item Description Quantity 1. Mobilization 2. Remove surface materials - asphalt 3. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 4. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 5. Construct 4' diameter cleanout manhole Units Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $1,500.00 $1,500.00 55 lf. $8.75 $481.25 3 ea. $2,725.00 $8,175.00 55 lf. $39.25 $2,158.75 1 ea. $2,550.00 $2,550.00 6. Furnish trench backfill materials 30 tons $4.50 $135.00 7. Furnish bedding materials 25 tons $10.50 $262.50 8. Roadway patching 65 sy. $19.50 $1,267.50 9. Traffic control and flagging 4 days $150.00 $600.00 10. Landscaping & surface restoration 1 ls. $500.00 $500.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $17,630.00 $3,500.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $21,100.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: Parker Drive - Piping and Collection Improvements River Valley Drive to manhole near 3675 South on Parker Drive Project #7 Item Description Quantity 1. Mobilization 2. Remove surface materials - asphalt (1/2 width) 3. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 4. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 5. Construct 4' diameter cleanout manhole Units Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $2,200.00 $2,200.00 525 lf. $3.00 $1,575.00 1 ea. $2,725.00 $2,725.00 525 lf. $39.25 $20,606.25 1 ea. $2,550.00 $2,550.00 6. Furnish trench backfill materials 130 tons $4.50 $585.00 7. Furnish bedding materials 120 tons $10.50 $1,260.00 8. Roadway patching (1/2 width) 525 sy. $10.50 $5,512.50 9. Traffic control and flagging 5 days $150.00 $750.00 10. Landscaping & surface restoration 1 ls. $750.00 $750.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $38,514.00 $7,700.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $46,200.00 RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 4300 South 700 West - Intersection - Piping and Collection Improvements 4300 South 700 West Intersection Project #8 Item Description Quantity Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $1,500.00 $1,500.00 2. Remove surface materials - asphalt 45 lf. $8.75 $393.75 3. Remove waterway materials - concrete 40 lf. $9.75 $390.00 3 ea. $2,725.00 $8,175.00 45 lf. $39.25 $1,766.25 1 ea. $2,550.00 $2,550.00 1. Mobilization 4. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 5. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 6. Construct 4' diameter cleanout manhole Units 7. Furnish trench backfill materials 30 tons $4.50 $135.00 8. Furnish bedding materials 25 tons $10.50 $262.50 9. Roadway patching 40 sy. $19.50 $780.00 $150.00 $600.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $18,553.00 $3,700.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $22,300.00 10. Traffic control and flagging 4 days 11. Landscaping & surface restoration 1 ls. RIVERDALE CITY CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STORM DRAINAGE Engineer's Cost Estimate January 2009 Project Name: Project Location: Project Number: 4350 South Street - Piping and Collection Improvements 800 West to 751 West on 4350 South Street Project #9 Item Description Quantity 1. Mobilization 2. Remove surface materials - asphalt 3. Remove waterway materials - concrete 4. Construct single grate inlet catch basin box 5. Construct 15" diameter rcp storm drain pipe 6. Construct 4' diameter cleanout manhole Units Unit Price Amount 1 ls. $4,000.00 $4,000.00 460 lf. $8.75 $4,025.00 85 lf. $9.75 $828.75 7 ea. $2,725.00 $19,075.00 460 lf. $39.25 $18,055.00 3 ea. $2,550.00 $7,650.00 7. Furnish trench backfill materials 120 tons $4.50 $540.00 8. Furnish bedding materials 120 tons $10.50 $1,260.00 9. Roadway patching 410 sy. $19.50 $7,995.00 $150.00 $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Subtotal Engineering and Construction Contingencies (20%) $70,429.00 $14,100.00 Estimated Total for Improvements $84,500.00 10. Traffic control and flagging 11. Landscaping & surface restoration 20 days 1 ls.