2016 Missions Fest Flyer_2016 Missions Fest Flyer
2016 Missions Fest Flyer_2016 Missions Fest Flyer
M ISSIONS F EST A LBERTA 2016 February 19 - 21 N EW V ENUE : West Edmonton Christian Assembly “ 6315 - 199 St., Edmonton The ROAD to the WHOLE WORLD” L OREN C UNNINGHAM Youth With A Mission S TEVE H AWKINS Operation Mobilization R USSELL S TENDAL Colombia Para Cristo K IDS T RAVEL C OMPANY Prayer Room; Children's Ministry; Youth and Young Adult Night & Activities; Resurgence; General Assemblies; Panel Discussion; Concert of Prayer; Intensive Training Days: Great Commission Coaching**, Connections for Women** & Men on a Mission**; Mission**; Seminars; Exhibit Hall: local, national & international mission organizations, camps, Bible colleges, universities and feature areas; areas; Missions Search Centre; Variety of ethnic music, drama & dance on the Festival Stage and at Sing to the Nations; Praying for the Nations; Book Sales, CD/DVD Sales & MFA Store; and much more. **Tickets or Pre-Registration required, more info coming soon. Free-will Offerings will be taken in Assemblies and the Donation Centre. “Scent/Fragrance Free” Conference Family ConFerenCe - no General reGistration - Free General admission - Free-Will oFFerinGs mFa mission statement: “FIND YOUR PURPOSE, MAKE A DIFFERENCE” 780-451-0080 info@mfest.ab.ca www.mfest.ab.ca CONFERENCE SCHEDULE ** M I S S I O N S F E S T LU N C H E O N **Tickets required, call the MFA office to purchase. Deadline: Noon on Tuesday, Feb. 16. **INTENSIVE TRAINING DAYS **INTENSIVE TRAINING DAY I, FRI. - FEBRUARY 19 GREAT COMMISSION COACHING 9:00 am - 2:15 pm A one-day training event with sessions, discussions, tools & resources and the Missions Fest Luncheon. This event is geared for Church Leadership (senior, youth & young adults, children, board, elders & other depts.) and Missions committees to help them develop a healthy missions-active church. **Pre-Registration is required to attend, space is limited. Cost: $55.00 **INTENSIVE TRAINING DAY II, SAT. - FEBRUARY 20 CONNECTIONS FOR WOMEN 9:30 am - Noon These sessions are for women of all ages. As we pray for each other, the Holy Spirit will empower us and release us in all fullness to do Kingdom work on the mission field, at home, and beyond. Cost: $30.00 pre-conference, $40.00 at door. **Pre-Registration preferred, space is limited, on-site registration may not be available. MEN ON A MISSION 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Men on a Mission will focus on deepening the spiritual life of men while encouraging them to rise up to their call as effective leaders and missionaries where God has positioned them. Cost: $30.00 pre-conference, $40.00 at door. **Pre-Registration preferred, space is limited, on-site registration may not be available. ** Pre-reGistration For the registration form, visit our website or call the MFA office. Registration deadline: Noon on Tuesday, February 16. M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N *Join in the spirit of worship 10 minutes before each General Assembly. **Pre-Conference Registration or Tickets Required. “scent/Fragrance Free” Conference. no General registration is required for the conference (except for noted** activities). Free-will offerings will be taken during Assemblies and at the donation Centre at CD/DVD Sales. 14323 - 107 A Ave. NW, Edmonton, AB T5N 1G2 www.mfest.ab.ca info@mfest.ab.ca Phone:780-451-0080 Children’s Ministry: Ages 3-5: Kids Travel Company & other presenters; (Three-year-olds must be completely trained.) Kindergarten-Grade 6: Kids Travel Company & other presenters;“On the Road Again” (simulated mission trip) Friday & Saturday evening, various other aciviies and presenters. Youth & Young Adults: Friday - “The Road to the Whole World - Challenge” (interacive) & Y/YA Night, Saturday - Resurgence as well a variety of sessions, training and aciviies throughout the weekend. Exhibit Hall: Local, naional & internaional mission organizaions, camps, Bible colleges, seminaries and Chrisian universiies and Feature Areas. Volunteers: MFA operates because of hundreds of volunteers. Signup is Jan. 25 - Feb 8. The Volunteer Form is on the website or call the MFA office. Food: Café Connect and Concessions in the Lobby. Buses: Routes will be listed in the magazine & on the website. Hotel: Marriott - River Cree 1-800-960-4913. Ask for the “Missions Fest 2016” Block, rates available until January 25th. 2016 MFA Resource Magazine: The magazine has all the conference details. It will be available after January 25 at Partnering Churches, the MFA Office or the Conference. Scent/Fragrance Free Conference: Many people are sensitive or allergic to fragrances and scented products, we appreciate your help in making our conference “Scent/Fragrance Free”.