The Norwegian High Speed Rail Assessment 2010 – 12
The Norwegian High Speed Rail Assessment 2010 – 12
The Norwegian High Speed Rail Assessment 2010 – 12 Stockholm 3rd June 2014 Liv Bergqvist/ Ove Skovdahl Rejlers Railconsult Common premisses Geography Lesson REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Assessment in 3 Phases Existing knowledge Common premisses Corridor analysis Existing knowledge Common premisses Corridor analysis The purpose of Phase I was to give an overview and presentation of the HSR knowledge base already existing in Norway. This includes examining work already undertaken by the Norwegian National Rail Administration, as well as work from other stakeholders including Norsk Bane AS, Høyhastighetsringen AS and Coinco North (the Scandinavian 8 million city). Also, included in this assessment is the work undertaken on HSR in Sweden (SOU 2009:74 Höghastighetsbanor – ett samhällsbygge för stärkt utveckling och konkurrenskraft) REJLERS RAILCONSULT Existing knowledge Common premisses Corridor analysis International Experience Market analyses Technical parameters Technical challenges in construction costs Requirements for implementation and financing Social effects Recommendations COWI Report available in English (and Norwegian) at REJLERS RAILCONSULT Phase 2 Existing knowledge Common premisses Corridor analysis Common premisses REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Common premisses Corridor analysis The purpose of Phase II was to identify common HSR premises relevant for Norwegian conditions The premises comprise a number of topics, including: Market analysis (Atkins + Rand Europe, The institute of Transport studies (Leeds) and Significance) Rail Specific Planning and Development (WSP) Technical and Safety analysis (Pöyry + Sweco, Karlsruhe Institute of tec. and Interfleet tec.) Financial and Economic analysis (Atkins + Faithful & Gould and Ernst & Young Environmental analysis (Asplan Viak + MISA, VWI GmbH and Brekke & Strand) Commercial and Organisational issues (PwC) REJLERS RAILCONSULT Common premisses Corridor analysis Four scenarios to be tested Scenario A a continuation of the current railway policy and planned improvements relatively minor works undertaken (the reference case to which the other upgrades listed below are compared) Scenario B a more offensive development of the current infrastructure Refined to: 20 % uniform reduction in JT, increased frequency (departure every 2 hours) and keeping today's stopping pattern (regional trains) REJLERS RAILCONSULT Common premisses Corridor analysis Scenario C and D End-to-end JT 3 hours or faster Min. design speed 250 kph: 250 kph with freigt 250 kph without freight 330 kph with freight North corridor (Oslo – Trondheim): all departures stops at OSL Alignment close to cities, communities and transport connectivity hubs REJLERS RAILCONSULT Common premisses Corridor analysis Other findings from Phase II: Neither the climate or topography of Norway is an obstacle to HSR as long as one takes this into account in operations. Meaning choosing the right type of train, build extra over where there is a risk of avalanches etc. No large market for high speed freight trains (little is transported by air today) There is not a greater risk for derailment, collision, fire etc. when introducing HSR as these are built on a more secure way to begin with. A SP-survey (stated preference) stated that most Norwegians are positive to HSR. 7 out of 10 would choose HSR instead of air (with the exception Oslo – Gothenburg) REJLERS RAILCONSULT Common premisses Corridor analysis 26 reports from Phase II Available on Norwegian and English summary reports All other reports in English REJLERS RAILCONSULT Phase 3 Existing knowledge Common premisses Corridor analysis Corridor analysis The purpose of Phase III was to conduct specific analysis of action plans for the individual corridors, including recommendations for long-term development strategies From Phase II to III Phase II provided overall and general studies with some technical recommendations for Phase III Corridor Studies Phase III Consultants challenged on common Phase 2 interpretations for all corridors. The consultants’ discipline experts working together in several cross corridor working groups One concluding note from each WG as basis for all corridors REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Værnes Trondheim Rambøll Støren Oppdal Environment and climate Asplan VIAK Market and Economy Atkins (UK) Tynset Otta Lillehammer Voss Gjøvik Hamar Geilo Bergen Gardermoen Sweco Odda Hønefoss Stord Lillestrøm Drammen Kongsberg Haugesund Oslo Ski Norconsult Notodden Sarpsborg/Fredrikstad Porsgrunn/Skien Stavanger Sandnes Multiconsult Arendal Egersund Mandal REJLERS RAILCONSULT Kristiansand Risk and Safety Pöry THE SWEDEN CORRIDORS Corridor analysis Cross corridor working groups, on: Alignment Civil works Stations Construction processes/methods Quantum's for cost estimations Mapping and environment Traffic noise + Cooperation between corridor consultancies’ experts a success…… - Lack of JBV involvement REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis WG 1 Alignment Design principles for Phase III consultants: B: 20% end-to-end travel time reduction (Scenario B) 2*: Design speed 250 P+F Trains (Scenario C) D1: Design speed 330 P+F Trains (Scenario D) D2: Design speed 330 P Trains Only (Scenario D) Deviations accepted where recommendable Technical parameters Design Speed 250- 330 km/h: TSI Design Speed <250 km/h: JBV Technical Rulebook REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis WG 2 Civil works Common approach for: Base foundation Bridges Other constructions Tunnels REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis WG 3 Cost and quantum Common approach for: Understanding the cost model Classification principles Quantum calculation principles Costs for site specific installations REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis WG 4 Mapping and environment Common interactive mapping system - Avinet Common approach to the environmental impact analysis: Landscape/cityscape Cultural heritage Natural environment Natural resources Community life Common approach for input to the environmental analysis Energy consumption Climate consequences REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis WG 5 Alignment search: Basic assumptions Phase II documentation Alignment close to possible HS market KVU Intercity project coordination Included in WG scope: Mapping of existing situation Alignment search Description of alignments, tunnels, bridges and EIA Quantums for cost estimation and economic appraisal Not included: Stopping patterns, JT and cost estimates REJLERS RAILCONSULT CASE ALIGNMENT 250 Corridor analysis REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis All the lines are identified as feasible and realistic with acceptable consequences for the physical environment. 3 challenges… REJLERS RAILCONSULT 1 2 3 Corridor analysis Demand, revenue and JT Oslo - Trondheim Trondheim: 2739 Værnes: 893 Oppdal: 956 2024 Annual HSR passengers HSR pkm HSR tkm Revenue JT 2011 JT core JT Express REJLERS RAILCONSULT B 169 140 increase 5:16 C D 4.4m 4.3 m 1610m 10.0m 1480mNOK 6:36 2:59 2:48 1660m 9.2m 1610mNOK 2:11 2:03 Otta: 1027 Hamar: 933 Oslo: 4136 Gardermoen: 1059 Corridor analysis Demand, revenue and JT Oslo - Bergen Bergen: 3378 Year 2024 Annual HSR passengers HSR passenger km HSR train km B 168 220 increase Revenue JT 2011 JT core JT Express REJLERS RAILCONSULT 5:10 C D 4.5m 4.2m 1250m 1200m 7.6m 1390mN OK 6:28 2:37 2:20 7.0m 1390mN OK 2:06 1:54 Voss: 1208 Myrdal: 73 Geilo: 549 Oslo: 4334 Kongsberg: 1607 Drammen: 1097 Corridor analysis Demand, revenue and JT Bergen - Stavanger Year 2024 Annual HSR passengers HSR passenger km HSR train km Revenue JT core JT Express D 1.9m 330m 4.4mNOK 400mNOK 1:22 1:19 Stord: 281 Haugesund: 858 Stavanger: 2306 REJLERS RAILCONSULT Bergen: 1793 Year 2024 Annual HSR passengers HSR pkm HSR tkm B 72 040 increase Revenue JT 2011 JT core JT Express 6:09 C D 5.1m 5.6m 1530m 10.2m 1470mN OK 7:42 3:31 3:18 1620m 9.5m 1580mN OK Demand, revenue and JT Oslo - Stavanger 3:02 2:52 Oslo: 4917 Drammen: 797 Stavanger: 2434 Porsgrunn: 1789 Sandnes: 1070 Egersund: 643 Arendal: 1321 Kristiansand: 1577 REJLERS RAILCONSULT Mandal: 668 Corridor analysis Demand, revenue and JT Oslo - Stockholm Year 2024 Annual HSR passengers HSR pkm HSR tkm B C D n/a 4.2m 4.4m n/a n/a Revenue n/a JT 2014 JT core JT Express n/a n/a REJLERS RAILCONSULT 1130m 1100m 9.7m 9.3m 1150mN 11460mN OK OK 5:59 2:56 2:47 2:51 2:44 Corridor analysis Impact on freight In both Scenario C and D (depending gradient) freight trains can run on the new line in 120 km/t (conventional freight trains – intermodal) Whilst some higher speed rail freight traffic will be generated by the construction of a high speed line, the absolute number of freight trains is likely to be low. However, the indirect impact on the potential for conventional rail freight (or even higher speed rail freight) on the existing network could be at least as significant. REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Risk and safety HST are safer than conventional trains The difference between today's situation and after introducing HST is small, and one can conclude that traffic safety in total will not be affected significantly by adopting HST The order of goods transferred to rail is small Transfer from air to rail (air is extremely safe) An increase in passenger km as HST generates lots of new traffic REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Construction cost per km REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Life cycle costs REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Economic appraisal Assessment methods according to: Guidance from the Ministry of Finance Alternativ method: Longer assessment period HST treated as a separate mode of Transport Differing discount rate 2 -5,5 % Wider economic benefits 15 and 30 % Result: All alternatives have a negative NPV, regardless of method and assumptions. REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis NPV Million NOK, 2009 Prices, 40 year appraisal period 100000 50000 0 -50000 -100000 -150000 NPV Public Sector/Operator Impacts NPV User Benefits and Third Party Impacts Overall NPV -200000 -250000 -300000 REJLERS RAILCONSULT E_GO1S_1 2 E_GO3Q_1 2 E_ST3R_1 2 E_ST5U_1 2 S_S2P_1 2 S_S8Q_1 2 W_BS1P_1 2 W_H1P_1 2 W_HA2P_1 2 W_N1Q_1 2 N_O2P_1 2 N_G3Y_1 2 -350000 Corridor analysis Some conclusions (short list 1/2) It is possible to construct and operate high speed lines in Norway Further cooperation and communication with Sweden needed Large end-to-end and intermediate market Significant construction costs in the Norwegian corridors Lower in Sweden, but there is still the Swedish risk REJLERS RAILCONSULT Corridor analysis Some conclusions (short list 2/2) In total, there will be an reduction in CO2 emissions, but the payback period varies. When not competing with air and lower demand, payback period = ∞ NPV negative for all corridors Room for optimizing to improve the financial case Which parameters that performs better varies between the corridors As there is no consistency between the results we cannot reccomend which corridor that performs the best and therefore should be constructed first if decided so. It will depend on which parametres one choose. REJLERS RAILCONSULT RETROSPECTIVE: • Due to history before 2010 Jernbaneverket had limited HSR assessment credibility. • HSR assessment project organised independent from Jernbaneverket core organisation. • Externally recruited project manager and consultants. • Limited JBV core organisation involvement during assessment process. • Limited post HSR assessment political interest. • Limited JBV knowledge about the HSR assessment. • Limited JBV HSR assessment benefit. AND THE CONCLUSION (?) NTP 2014-23: Develop intercity network around Oslo 2014-30. This will also be first parts of future HSR Corridor analysis REJLERS RAILCONSULT Thank you for your attention! Liv Bergqvist