Page 1 of 1 Two Libyana employees killed in Benghazi | Libya
Page 1 of 1 Two Libyana employees killed in Benghazi | Libya
Two Libyana employees killed in Benghazi | Libya Herald ABOUT US ADVERTISING CONTACT LIBYA GUIDE BLOGS/WEBSITES JOBS & CLASSIFIEDS Page 1 of 1 LETTERS EVENTS & EXHIBITIONS Two Libyana employees killed in Benghazi By Noora Ibrahim. Benghazi, 13 February 2014: The head of security at Benghazi’s Libyana office and his driver were shot dead today. Mohamed Al-Amruni and his driver Mohamed Al-Meshai were killed when they were driving down Benghazi’s Dubai Street this afternoon. Their car was repeatedly fired on and both men were shot in the head, spokesperson for Benghazi Joint Security Room, Ibrahim Al-Sharaa told the Libya Herald. The bodies of the two men were taken to one of the hospitals in the city, he added. Tweet Like 13 5 1 Share This Post More from Libya Herald.. Benghazi Air Force Search and Rescue head assassinated By Ahmed Elumami. 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Benghazi security official shot dead Benghazi, 2 December 2013: A young member of the Preventative Security Force in Benghazi, Misbah Gbaylli, was shot dead this morning. The 21-year old was shot twice in the head outside his ho... Zemanta 2/14/2014 Page 1 of 1 وزﯾار ﺣﻘوق اﻻ ﻧﺳﺎن واﻟﺻﺣﺔ ﯾﺗﻔﻘﺎن ﻣﻊ اﻟﻠﺟﻧﺔ اﻟدوﻟﯾﺔ ﻟﺷؤون اﻟﻣﻔﻘودﯾن ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﺳرﯾﻊ اﻻﺟارءات اﻟﺧﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﺗﺣدﯾد ﻫوﯾﺔ ﺷﻬداء اﻟﻣﻘﺎﺑر اﻟﺟﻣﺎﻋﯾﺔ اﻟﻛﺎﺗب{0} : 2/12/2014 Alibadrawi ﺗم ﻗارءة اﻟﻣوﺿوع 35ﻣرة ﺗم ﺗﻘﯾم اﻟﻣوﺿوع ﻣن ﻗﺑل 0ﻗارء ﻋﻘد وزﯾار ﺣﻘوق اﻻﻧﺳﺎن اﻟﻣﻬﻧدس ﻣﺣﻣد ﺷﯾﺎع اﻟﺳوداﻧﻲ و اﻟﺻﺣﺔ اﻟدﻛﺗور ﻣﺟﯾد ﺣﻣﻪ اﻣﯾن اﺟﺗﻣﺎﻋﺎ ﻣﺷﺗرﻛﺎ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻠﺟﻧﺔ اﻟدوﻟﯾﺔ ﻟﺷؤون اﻟﻣﻔﻘودﯾن ﺑﺣﺿور ﻣدﯾر ﻣﻌﻬد اﻟطب اﻟﻌدﻟﻲ ﻓﻲ وازرة اﻟﺻﺣﺔ وﻣدﯾر ﻋﺎم داﺋرة اﻟﺷؤون اﻻﻧﺳﺎﻧﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ وازرة ﺣﻘوق اﻻﻧﺳﺎن ،وﺗﺧﻠل ﻋﻘد وزﯾار ﺣﻘوق اﻻﻧﺳﺎن اﻟﻣﻬﻧدس ﻣﺣﻣد ﺷﯾﺎع اﻟﺳوداﻧﻲ واﻟﺻﺣﺔ اﻟدﻛﺗور ﻣﺟﯾد ﺣﻣﻪ اﻣﯾن اﺟﺗﻣﺎﻋﺎ ﻣﺷﺗرﻛﺎ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻠﺟﻧﺔ اﻟدوﻟﯾﺔ ﻟﺷؤون اﻟﻣﻔﻘودﯾن ﺑﺣﺿور ﻣدﯾر ﻣﻌﻬد اﻟطب اﻟﻌدﻟﻲ ﻓﻲ وازرة اﻟﺻﺣﺔ وﻣدﯾر ﻋﺎم داﺋرة اﻟﺷؤون اﻻﻧﺳﺎﻧﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ وازرة ﺣﻘوق اﻻﻧﺳﺎن ،وﺗﺧﻠل اﻻﺟﺗﻣﺎع اﺳﺗﻌارﺿﺎ ﻟﻣارﺣل ﻣﺎﺗم ﺗﻧﻔﯾذﻩ ﻣن ﻣذﻛرة اﻟﺗﻔﺎﻫم اﻟﻣوﻗﻌﺔ ﺑﯾن اﻟﻌارق واﻟﻠﺟﻧﺔ اﻟدوﻟﯾﺔ ﻟﺷؤون اﻟﻣﻔﻘودﯾن ﺑﺷﺄن ﺗﺣدﯾد ﻫوﯾﺔ ﺷﻬداء اﻟﻣﻘﺎﺑر اﻟﺟﻣﺎﻋﯾﺔ اﻟذﯾن ﻗﺿوا ﻧﺗﯾﺟﺔ ﺳﯾﺎﺳﺎت اﻟﻧظﺎم اﻟدﻛﺗﺎﺗوري اﻟﻣﺑﺎد. وﺧﻠص اﻻﺟﺗﻣﺎع اﻟﻰ اﻻﺗﻔﺎق ﻋﻠﻰ ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﻟﻣدة 4اﺷﻬر ﯾﺗم ﻓﯾﻬﺎ ﺗﺳرﯾﻊ اﻟﺧطوات اﻟﻌﻣﻠﯾﺔ ﺑﺷﺄن ﺗﺳﻠم اﻟﻌﯾﻧﺎت واﺟارء اﻟﻔﺣوﺻﺎت واﻟﻣطﺎﺑﻘﺔ واﻟوﺻول اﻟﻰ اﻟﻬدف اﻻﺳﺎس وﻫو ﺗﺣدﯾد ﻫوﯾﺔ ﺷﻬداء اﻟﻣﻘﺎﺑر اﻟﺟﻣﺎﻋﯾﺔ. وﻋﺑر اﻟوزﯾارن ﻋن ﺷﻛرﻫﻣﺎ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ ﻟﻣﺎ ﺗﻘدﻣﻪ اﻟﻠﺟﻧﺔ اﻟدوﻟﯾﺔ ﻟﺷؤون اﻟﻣﻔﻘودﯾن ﻣن ﺧﺑارت ﻓﻧﯾﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻫذا اﻟﻣﺟﺎل. ﯾذﻛر ان ﻣﻠف اﻟﻣﻘﺎﺑر اﻟﺟﻣﺎﻋﯾﺔ ﻣن ﻣﻬﺎم وازرة ﺣﻘوق اﻻﻧﺳﺎن ﺣﺳب ﻗﺎﻧون رﻗم ) (5ﻟﺳﻧﺔ 2006وﯾﺷﺗرك ﻣﻊ اﻟوازرة ﻛل ﻣن :ﻣﻌﻬد اﻟطب اﻟﻌدﻟﻲ وﻣؤﺳﺳﺔ اﻟﺷﻬداء ﻓﻲ ﺗﻧﻔﯾذ ﻫذا اﻟﻘﺎﻧون. 2/14/2014 2 Događaji NEZAVISNE NOVINE tar Ujedinjenih nacija, izrazio je zabrinutost zbog nasilja i uni{tavanja imovine tokom masovnih protesta u Bosni i Hercegovini 7. februara. "Pomno pratim situaciju u Bosni i Hercegovini. Zabrinut sam zbog onoga {to se de{a- Ban Ki Mun zabrinut zbog protesta SARAJEVO, NJUJORK Ban Ki Mun, generalni sekre- Identifikovane `rtve iz Toma{ice petak, 14. februara 2014. va. Bosna i Hercegovina je jedno podru~je u kojem etni~ki razli~iti predstavnici vlasti nisu uspjeli da formiraju ujedinjenu vladu", izjavio je na ru~ku koji je odr`an za ~lanove Udru`enja UN-ovih reportera. (Tanjug) @arko KORA], potpredsjednik Narodne skup{tine Srbije STREPIM, DOBRONAMERNO STREPIM ZA BiH I, AKO MOGU DA KA@EM, MOLIM SE DA BOG PRIZOVE PAMETI BAR JEDAN DEO POLITI^ARA U BiH, A OD DRUGIH NE O^EKUJEM NI[TA. PRAVNICI O KAZNAMA ZA TERORIZAM, DEMONST SARAJEVO - Tijela devet `rtava ekshumirana uglavnom iz masovne grobnice Toma{ica identifikovana su prekju~e u Centru za obdukciju i identifikaciju [ejkova~a u Sanskom Mostu. Na osnovu DNK analize i potvrde porodica identifikovani su Esmir (Mehmed) ^au{evi} (1967), Muhamed (Mehmed) Muhi} (1963), Enes (Ramo) Kadi} (1962), Adnan (Idriz) Ceri} (1962), Ned`ad (Najil) Omanovi} (1952), Osman (Ramo) Gazibara (1943), Jasmin ([erif) Kljaji} (1961), Ivo (Marko) Juri} (1943) i Emsud (Mustafa) Ku`elj (1933). Rije~ je o civilima hrvatske i bo{nja~ke nacionalnosti, potvrdila je Lejla ^engi}, portparol Instituta za nestale osobe BiH, ubijeni u ljeto 1992. godine na podru~ju Prijedora. (Fena) Vladaju}i u KS nemaju prijedlog za mandatara SARAJEVO - Nakon {to je Skup{tina Kantona Sarajevo prihvatila ostavku premijera i kom ple tne vla de ovog kantona, vladaju}e stranke jo{ nisu spremni da predlo`e novog mandatara. Ka`u da ~ekaju prijedloge gra|ana koji su oformili "Plenum", te dogovorili kako }e svoje prijedloge uskoro iznijeti pred poslanike u Skup{tini KS. Elmedin Konakovi}, {ef Kluba poslanika SDA, ka`e kako je ova stranka spremna prihvatiti svaki dobar prijedlog, posebno gra|ana. "Podr`ali bismo i dobar prijedlog od ko le ga iz dru gih stranaka", rekao je Konakovi}. Ned`ad Fazlija, {ef Kluba poslanika SDP-a, ka`e da oni jo{ ne mogu govoriti o prijedlozima, dok je Ke nan Ade mo vi} iz SBB-a poru~io da je da do izbora ne}e u~estvovati u vlasti, ali da }e podr`ati dobar prijedlog gra|ana M. L. D. Vu~i}: BiH ne}e lako iza}i iz krize BEOGRAD - BiH }e iza}i iz krize, ali to ne}e biti lako, ocijenio je Aleksandar Vu~i}, prvi potpredsjednik Vlade Srbije. Potvrdio je da su o situaciji u BiH on i Ivica Da~i}, premijer Srbije, razgovarali prekju~e u Briselu s Ketrin E{ton, visokim predstavnikom EU. E{tonova se, isti~e, interesovala {ta oni misle o tome, ali nije `elio da otkriva detalje razgovora o situaciji u BiH. (Srna) U Srednjoj {koli "Ivo Andri}" u Vi{egradu nisu dosad prijavljeni slu~ajevi vr{nja~kog nasilja niti zloupotrebe djece putem interneta i dru{tvenih mre`a, re~eno je ju~e na predavanju u~enicima ove {kole o temi "Zloupotreba djece putem kompjutera i mobilnih telefona". Na podru~ju CJB Isto~no Sarajevo u januaru su se dogodile 84 saobra}ajne nezgode, {to je 3,7 odsto vi{e nego u istom mjesecu pro{le godine. U odnosu na januar 2013. broj te`e povrije|enih u saobra}ajkama pove}an je za pet, a lak{e povrije|enih za 14. Dugogodi{nja za paljenje i r vni poredak. "Pripadnici FUP-a tra`e nalogodavca ili podstekra~a, kao i izvr{ioce, kojih je bilo vi{e. Treba podsjetiti da su uni{teni objekti, ali i da su povrije|eni policajci. Mo`e se desiti da }e neka lica biti osu|ena za vi{e krivi~nih djela i u tom slu~aju se uzima jedinstvena kazna, koja mora biti manja od zbira pojedina~nih. Za terorizam, Dragan SLADOJEVI], kao i za napad na ustavni poreMirsada LINGO-DEMIROVI] dak, predvi|ene su zatvorske kaSARAJEVO - Napada~i- zne od minimum pet godina", ma na zgrade Predsjedni{tva isti~u pravnici. Napada~e u prijavi FUP-a suBiH i drugih institucija u Sarajevu, koje su uni{tene i zapalje- mnji~e za nano{enje velike {tete ne tokom protesta u FBiH, objektima BiH, kao i za, kako piprijeti robija od minimalno pet {e u Krivi~nom zakonu BiH, napad na `ivot osobe koji mo`e godina. To su nam ju ~e pot vrdi li prouzrokovati njezinu smrt, te za pravni stru~njaci, osvr}u}i se na napad na fizi~ki integritet osobe. Dok policija, kako bi dokuizvje{taj koji je Federalna uprava policije u srijedu podnijela mentovala predmete, sakuplja foTu`ila{tvu BiH protiv nepozna- tografije, video i audio snimke, te tih lica zbog terorizma, u vezi s ostale dokaze, demonstranti se i krivi~nim djelom napad na usta- dalje okupljaju, kako u Sarajevu, Prijava: FUP u prijavi Tu`ila{tvu BiH tra`i nalogodavca ili podstekra~a, kao i izvr{ioce tako i u pojedinim drugim gradovima FBiH. Sarajlije su ju~e zatra`ile prijem kod Nermina Pe}anca, kantonalnog ministra unutra{njih poslova, i predstavnika Skup{tine kantona, da im objasne za{to im je zabranjena blokada saobra}aja u Ulici mar{ala Tita, ispred zgrade Predsjedni{tva BiH. Demonstranti su se oglu{ili o ovu zabranu, blokirali Ulicu mar{ala Tita, kao i Ali-pa{inu, te su uz zvi`duke ponovo tra`ili ostavku federalne vlade. Jedan od demonstranata je nasrnuo na kamermana TV Alfe, a neki od njih su bacali kovanice ispred zgrade Predsjedni{tva i uzvikivali "Ako vam nije dosta, evo vam i od naroda, ionako ste nam uzeli sve." "Mi na ivici `ivota, vama bitna svota", poru~ili su na transparentu. Prikupljali su, ka`u, i pomo} za federalnu vladu i Bakira Izetbegovi}a, ~lana Predsjedni{tva 6 petak, 14. februar 2014. GLAS SRPSKE SARADWA VJERSKIH POGLAVARA POKRETA^KA SNAGA Dru{tvo BIJEQINA - Vladika zvorni~ko-tuzlanski Hrizostom i muftija tuzlanski Vahid Fazlovi} saglasili su se ju~e tokom susreta u Vladi~anskom dvoru u Bijeqini da se saradwom vjerskih poglavara posti`u i dobra djela u korist svih gra|ana, javila je Srna. - @elimo da pro{irimo na{u iskrenu i dobronamjernu saradwu i to }emo inicirati i na vi{em nivou - rekao je vladika Hrizostom. BiH i NATO Sastanak {efova zemaqa ~lanica NATO-a u septembru u Velikoj Britaniji Samit u Velsu prilika za BiH Institut za javno zdravstvo RS Sviwski grip vode kao sezonski BAWALUKA - Iako se virus H1N1, poznatiji kao sviwski grip, pojavio u regionu, u Srpskoj nema podataka da li ima zara`enih pacijenata. Kako su istakli u Institutu za javno zdravstvo RS, u bolnicama su prijavqena i tri slu~aja te{ke respiratorne infekcije koja su zahtijevala hospitalizaciju. Na pitawe da li je ove godine u Srpskoj registrovan ijedan slu~aj sviwskog gripa, u Institutu su rekli da u RS H1N1 vode kao "sezonski grip", po{to je ve} u cirkulaciji nekoliko godina i dominantan je virus, tako da ga ne razdvajaju posebno. Virus H1N1 potvr|en je u Klini~kom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu, gdje su zara`ena tri pacijenta. D. K. TOPI] "@EQEZNICE" Dobar tempo gradwe autoputa ^i{}ewe pruge [amac - Doboj BAWALUKA - Direktor "Autoputeva RS" Du{an Topi} rekao je da se izgradwa dionice autoputa Bawaluka - Doboj od Prwavora do Doboja odvija dobrim tempom. Topi} je poslije posjete gradili{tu istakao da ekipe "Integral in`eweringa" iz Lakta{a i "Granita" iz Skopqa najintenzivnije rade u mjestu Kladari, gdje je u toku gradwa mosta preko rijeke Bosne koji je najve}i objekat na ovoj dionici autoputa, prenijela je Srna. BAWALUKA - Sektor za odr`avawe pruga "@eqeznica RS" po~eo je sa ~i{}ewem kanala i propusta na pruzi [amac - Doboj radi spre~avawa plavqewa zemqi{ta. U "@eqeznicama RS" su rekli da }e ~i{}ewe trajati do 18. februara. Radovi se izvode na dva plo~asta propusta, dva kanala i prostoru profil pruge prema rijeci Bosni, prenijela je Srna. Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj U BiH ulo`eno 200 miliona evra SARAJEVO - Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) ulo`ila je lani vi{e od 200 miliona evra u projekte privatnog sektora u BiH, izjavio je direktor Kancelarije EBRD-a u BiH Libor Krko{ka. Na ju~era{woj prezentaciji izvje{taja o tranziciji za 2013. godinu i EBRD-ovim ulagawima i aktivnostima u BiH "Zaustavqawe u tranziciji", Krko{ka je rekao da je rije~ o projektu u infrastrukturu - koridor 5C te izrazio nadu da }e ovo finansirawe u potpunosti biti iskori{}eno do qeta ove godine, prenijela je Srna. Guverner Centralne banke BiH Kemal Kozari} rekao je da je EBRD najva`niji investitor za BiH i da finansira vi{e od 106 projekata. Od rje{avawa pitawa vojne imovine zavisi da li }e se govoriti o aktivirawu Akcionog plana za ~lanstvo na samitu u Velsu, rekla Kuburovi}eva SAMITI PREKRETNICA PRI DONO[EWU ODLUKA BiH bila i tema samita u ^ikagu 2012. FOTO: AGENCIJE PI[U: VEDRANA KULAGA DEJAN [AJINOVI] BAWALUKA - [efovi zemaqa i vlada ~lanica NATO-a i predstavnici zemaqa partnera Saveza okupi}e se po~etkom septembra ove godine na samitu u Velsu, a jedna od tema trebalo bi da bude i put BiH ka ovoj organizaciji. [efovi zemaqa ~lanica su i tokom nekoliko proteklih sastanaka na ovom nivou razmatrali integracije BiH u Savez i podsticali zemqu da krene naprijed, stavqaju}i akcenat na postizawe dogovora o rje{avawu pitawa vojne imovine. O tome bi, prema rije~ima portparola NATO [taba u Sarajevu Ines Kuburovi}, moglo da bude rije~i i po~etkom septembra na samitu u Velikoj Britaniji. Ipak, nagla{ava da to najvi{e zavisi od vlasti u BiH te da }e pri~a o odnosima BiH i NATO-a na samitu u Velsu zavisiti od razvoja situacije u zemqi o raspodjeli imovine. - Obavqa}e se stal ne konsultacije BiH sa NATOom, odnosno sa odgovaraju}im organima u vezi s tim da li }e do}i do rje{ewa. To }e biti osnovni faktor koji }e presuditi da li }e se govoriti o aktivirawu Akcionog plana za ~lanstvo (MAP) na samitu u Velsu - rekla je Kuburovi}eva. SAMIT U VELSU 26. PO REDU OD OSNIVAWA NATO-a Podsjetila je da je BiH i wen put ka NATO-u bila jedna od tema na samitima u Rigi 2006. i ^ikagu 2012. godine. Zvani~nu delegaciju BiH na samitu u ^ikagu predvodio je tada{wi pred sjeda va ju }i Predsjedni{tva BiH Bakir Izetbegovi}. Na ovom sa mi tu pozdravqen je politi~ki sporazum lide ra o rje {a vawu pitawa imovine uz podsticaj da se on i sprovede u djelo kako bi BiH mogla aktivirati MAP. U zavr{noj Deklaraciji NATO samita u ^ikagu saveznici su sna`no podr`ali aspiracije BiH ka ~lanstvu te je nagla{eno da }e NATO pratiti napredak u implementaciji i pru`ati BiH neophodnu pomo}. Saveznici su izrazili zahvalnost BiH na Za{to NATO? "Nezavisne novine"i "Glas Srpske" objavquju seriju tekstova o ulozi NATO-a u izgradwi bezbjednosti i o~uvawu mira na teritoriji koju ~ine zemqe ~lanice, kao i {ta BiH dobija pristupawem NATO-u, koje su prednosti ~lanstva u ovoj organizaciji, te u kojoj fazi je proces prikqu~ivawa BiH. u~e{}u u mirovnim operacijama NATO-a. Samit u Velsu bi}e 26. po redu od osnivawa NATO-a. - NATO samiti su va`na prekretnica pri dono{ewu odluka na najvi{em nivou, uvo|ewu novih politika, primawu ~lanica i pokretawu novih inicijativa i ja~awu par tner tskih odno sa sa zemqama partnerima Saveza kazala je Kuburovi}eva. Sa mi ti su, ka ko ka `e, odli~na prilika za usmjeravawe i pomo} zemqama za rje{avawe otvorenih pitawa, kao {to je slu~aj sa vojnom imovinom u BiH. Na razli~itim platformama se, dodaje, otvoreno razgovara o otvorenim pitawima i po sma tra dokle je ko ja zemqa do{la u okviru integra ci ja u NATO, odno sno opredi jeqenos ti zemqe da nastavi sa procesom integracija i da postane ~lanica. Republi~ka organizacija porodica zarobqenih, poginulih boraca i nestalih civila Tu`ba protiv BiH danas u Strazburu BAWALUKA - Republi~ka organizacija porodica zarobqenih, poginulih boraca i nestalih civila RS podnije}e danas Evropskom sudu za qudska prava u Strazburu kolektivnu tu`bu protiv BiH zbog zastoja u procesu tra`ewa nestalih Srba i procesuirawu ratnih zlo~ina nad pripadnicima srpskog naroda. Izjavio je to predsjednik organizacije Nedeqko Mitrovi}, dodaju}i da je prikupqena sva dokumentacija i pu no mo }i po rodi ca. Po ja{wava da podno{ewe tu`be podrazumijeva tri faze i da je rije~ o predmetima koji su pro{li sve pravosudne in- PODNO[EWE TU@BE U TRI FAZE stance u BiH. - Prvi dio tu`be podnije}e porodice nestalih, u drugoj fazi ide podno{ewe tu`be za ratne zlo~ine, a u tre}oj BiH tu`imo zbog nerealizovanih pravosna`nih presuda. Glavni motiv je da kona~no po~ne procesuirawe odgovornih za ratne zlo~ine nad Srbima i da porodice nestalih iz RS kona~no saznaju istinu o sudbini svojih nestalih ~lanova - ka`e Mitrovi}. G. M. Examination at Rudnica near Raska to continue in spring – InSerbia News Since March 1st 2013 | ACCOMODATION TOURISM PLANNER MULTIMEDIA SOHO & SAAS Page 1 of 2 SEARCH Wednesday 12 February, 2014 TRENDING Goal of protests in Federation is destabilization... BELGRADE POLICE ARRESTED A WOMAN WITH SIX GUNS AND SIX KG OF PARACETAMOL POLITICS HOME BUSINESS ELECTIONS 2014 LATEST WORLD TRENDING SOCIETY BREAKING NEWS CULTURE AUTHORS’ CORNER TECH SCIENCE FREE TIME WEATHER SPORT LIFESTYLE DESTINATION: SERBIA! EMBASSIES WEIRD FUN Society | By InSerbia Team Published On: Wed, Feb 12th, 2014 Examination At Rudnica Near Raska To Continue In Spring Source: TANJUG Most Read Find story with similar tags: GRAVESITE RASKA RUDNICA SERBIA Serbian President to attend Deep Purple concert in Belgrade BELGRADE – The activities in the examination of the Rudnica gravesite near Raska should continue in late Russia: School for mastering "The Art of March or early April depending on weather conditions, said Veljko Odalovic, head of the Belgrade delegation in oral sex" the Working group in charge of cases of people gone missing during the incidents in Kosovo in 1998-1999. Serbia determined to have the sexiest Ministry of Foreign Affairs [photo] ABBA to reunite for 40th anniversary We'll find E.T. within two dozen years Shostak Sexiest Serbians on planet - Coco-T and Davalos twins Exercise with Jen Selter - or just watch [video] Recent Comments Dr. Jonathan Levy on ICTY has subjected Vojislav Seselj to inhuman treatment – SRS Rocky on The Kingdom of Lesotho is 106th state to recognize Kosovo Alessandra DeMarco on Serbia wins Volvo Cup Rodrigo on Tito was not a Yugoslav? jj on Indian businessmen interested in automobile industry Rudnica – Photo: Wikipedia Addressing a news conference following the working group meeting in Belgrade, Odalovic said that plan of activities entails the removal of a building from the site and added that the results of the first analyses should Recent On InSerbia Examination at Rudnica near Raska to continue in spring Serbia needs EUR 1.7 billion investment with IMF support arrive in some ten days. We will treat the Rudnica site near Raska as a priority location and we expect the works to take at least some Belgrade police arrested a woman with six guns and six kg of paracetamol 60 work days, according to our plan assessments, Odalovic said and added that this is a rather difficult site to Netanyahu Prepares Historic and Economic Trip to work on. Colombia and Mexico We will examine everything and everything will be completely transparent, he said. He also expressed the satisfaction that the meeting will also be organised with Clint Williams as head of the EULEX team in charge of As Mexico City Marijuana Proposal Looms, Former Presidents Support Legalization human organ trafficking investigation, adding that it could produce a solution to the fate of a number of missing persons. Odalovic said that the Belgrade delegation insists on continuing the search at Lake Limoc near Gnjilane and in Kosare. Head of the Pristina delegation Pajazit Nusi said that 31 potential gravesite should be opened this year. 2/14/2014 Examination at Rudnica near Raska to continue in spring – InSerbia News Page 2 of 2 Nusi stated that the report filed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-mon opened a special international dimension for the search for a solution to the fate of missing persons. Author InSerbia Team | E-Mail: | Related Belgrade police arrested a woman with six guns and six kg of paracetamol Serbia: 15 percent of youth do not attend high school Tolerance and Dialogue against Hate Speech Headstones at Jewish cemetery in Subotica vandalized Leave a comment No More WanderSuffering God Loves you Eager Helping you ! Listen to Bible Crusade for Hope (Required) (Will not be published) (Required) Please note: InSerbia News reserves the right to choose which comments will be published, as well the right to edit comments. We are trying to be open for all opinions, but in some cases that is impossible. 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All Rights Reserved. 2/14/2014 B92 - News - Examination of site at Rudnica to continue in spring B92.NET VIDEO TV RADIO FM BLOG FORUM MOBILE APPS Page 1 of 3 SRPSKI Like 752 SUB Laka Zarada Prestanite da tražite načine kako da zaradite, pogledajte našu ponudu NEWS POLITICS BUSINESS & ECONOMY REGION SOCIETY CRIME WORLD GALLERY INSIGHT TRAVEL BLOG CRIME | FEBRUARY 12, 2014 | 10:41 Examination of site at Rudnica to continue in spring Translations and Classes SOURCE: TANJUG BELGRADE -- The examination of the Rudnica gravesite near Raška should continue in late March or early April depending on weather conditions, said Veljko Odalović. Recommend Share 8 Tweet 2 Portuguese Swedish Italian English. Discount for large projects 0 Apply for Jobs now FindEmployment enables job seekers to apply for jobs instantly. NEWS ARCHIVE (Tanjug) CHOOSE DATE: Odalović heads the Belgrade delegation in the Working group in charge of cases of people gone missing during the incidents in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999. Addressing a news conference following the working group meeting in Belgrade, Odalović said that February 12 GO 2014 TODAY'S NEWS IN FOCUS plan of activities entails the removal of a building from the site and added that the results of the first analyses should arrive in some ten days. Early elections 2014 Kosovo status "We will treat the Rudnica site near Raška as a priority location and we expect the works to take at Economic crisis in Serbia least some 60 work days, according to our plan assessments," Odalović said and added that this is a Euro-Atlantic integrations rather difficult site to work on. Corruption & organized crime We will examine everything and everything will be completely transparent, he said. Commission Investigating Murders of Journalists B92 Fund humanitarian campaigns He also expressed the satisfaction that the meeting will also be organised with Clint Williams as head of the EULEX team in charge of human organ trafficking investigation, adding that it could produce a solution to the fate of a number of missing persons. Odalović said that the Belgrade delegation insists on continuing the search at Lake Limoč near VOTE Will Serbia join EU in 2020? Yes No Gnjilane and in Košare. Don't know Head of the Priština delegation Pajazit Nusi said that 31 potential gravesite should be opened this year. Vote View Results Nusi stated that the report filed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-mon opened a special international dimension for the search for a solution to the fate of missing persons. BLOG Worlds of metaphors and symbols - Mark Pullen Always and Forever - Chris Farmer Comments 0 Read: New Recommended Not Recommended Reverse Backsliding - Chris Farmer The Great Shift continued - Mark Pullen The Great Shift - Mark Pullen VIEWPOINT 2/14/2014 Bosnia begins IDing 395 war crime victims, searches for more graves | EUROPE ON... REISEPORTAL EUROPE Politics Home Business Sport The Arts Freitag, 14.02.2014 13:42 Uhr NACHRICHTEN Journal Europe Page 1 of 2 Politics Boulevard ---------------- Bosnia begins IDing 395 war crime victims, searches for more graves Europe 12.02.2014 Košice (14.02.2014 13:40) By our dpa-correspondent and Europe Online -1 / 4 °C Belgrade (dpa) - Bosnian authorities have completed exhuming 395 war crime victims from a mass grave and began work on their identification, the state prosecutor said Wednesday. The grave, the largest uncovered from the Bosnian War, is located at Tomasica near Prijedor, 220 kilometres north-west of Sarajevo. It contained 275 complete and 120 partial skeletons. The search is continuing for more mass graves in the area. 15.02.2014 16.02.2014 -2 / 5 °C 1 / 8 °C Forensic experts are now working with the surviving relatives of people who went missing in the area to collect DNA samples and interview them for possible information on war crimes. The remains from the grave, found late last year, were probably of Muslims and Croats executed elsewhere in the summer of 1992, early in the Bosnian War, which raged until late 1995. The remains were then believed to have been relocated to hide the atrocity, the state prosecutor said. Several concentration camps under the control of Bosnian Serbs where inmates were starved, tortured and killed were located around Prijedor. Photos of famished, skeletal prisoners standing behind a barbed-wire fence at the Omarska concentration camp shocked the world in 1992, becoming one of the most powerful images from the war that pitted Serbs against Muslims and Croats. Suche starten Artikel - Pauschalreis ... Artikel - TTIP: EU-Abg ... Kyrgyz Ex-President, R ... ... Ex-boss of state bank ... EXTRA: Viletta surpris ... LEAD: Russia faces gro ... Russia faces growing c ... powered by Stock News DX30 ESTX50 NQ100 SP500 Öl Find us on Facebook europe online magazine Like Indizes sind GOYAX berechnet 32,614 people like europe online magazine. The war ended with the partition of the country along ethnic lines. Tens of thousands were killed, many more injured and maimed, and hundreds of thousands displaced. Of the 30,000 people who went missing in the conflict, about 20,000 have been found, most of them dead, while around 10,000 remain unaccounted for, according to the International Commission on Missing Persons. Weitere Börsenkurse Facebook social plugin KOMMENTARE ZU DIESEM ARTIKEL @europeonline folgen Werder: 'Axt' Borowka attackiert Dutt und Eichin +++ Neuer Kommentar +++ 1. Bundesliga (10:40) - BVB: Gündogan-Comeback frühestens im April +++ * * (wird nicht öffentlich angezeigt) Name Email Kommentar * Pflichtangaben Privacy & Terms Absenden DIESEN ARTIKEL EMPFEHLEN Absender Empfänger Name Name E-Mail E-Mail Nachricht (optional) Artikel empfehlen TIPPS DER REDAKTION AUS DEM NACHRICHTENPORTAL NACHRICHTEN Politics alle Artikel Marine Le Pen lost immunity Politics alle Artikel Politics alle Artikel Britain delays migration EU prize for Ladies in report White The European Parliament, acting on The British government has delayed The Cuban protest group Damas de a request by French prosecutors, a report on the impact of Blanco (Ladies in White) on voted Tuesday to strip far-right immigration, Prime Minister David Tuesday picked up the European lawmaker Marine Le Pen of her Cameron‘s spokesman confirmed Parliament's Sakharov Prize for judicial immunity so that she may be on Wednesday, after reports that it freedom, which was awarded to tried over a remark she made about painted too positive a picture. EU them eight years ago, having finally Muslims in 2010. Strasbourg, Commission President Jose Manuel been allowed to leave the country. weiter weiter weiter 2/14/2014 BBC News - Syria crisis: UN 'must stop flagrant violation of humanitarian law' Page 1 of 2 MIDDLE EAST 14 February 2014 Last updated at 08:02 GMT Syria crisis: UN 'must stop flagrant violation of humanitarian law' UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos has urged the Security Council to act immediately to ensure more humanitarian access in war-torn Syria. Calling for a resolution, she said it was "unacceptable" that both Damascus and rebels continued to "flagrantly" violate humanitarian law. The council has been deadlocked over aid deliveries in Syria, where millions have been forced to flee their homes. Meanwhile, Syrian troops resumed their attack on a key rebel town. Warplanes have been carrying out air strikes and artillery has been pounding Yabroud since Wednesday. The town is the last rebel stronghold in the Qalamoun mountains, near the Lebanese border. There has been a surge in fighting across Syria in recent weeks, with both sides apparently trying to gain territory to strengthen their hands in ongoing peace talks in Geneva, Switzerland. The negotiations between the government of President Bashar al-Assad and Syrian opposition groups remain deadlocked, with both sides failing to even agree a common agenda on Wednesday. The UN-Arab League envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, met US and Russian officials who, he said, assured him they would try to "unblock the situation". But he warned: "Failure is always staring at us in the face." 'Wrong model' Briefing the UN Security Council on Thursday, Baroness Amos said: "It is unacceptable that four months since the members of that Council demanded action, international humanitarian law continues to be consistently and flagrantly violated by all parties to the conflict. "All parties are failing in their responsibility to protect civilians. We understand that a war is going on, but even wars have rules." Speaking to the BBC's Nick Bryant, Baroness Amos said a UN-brokered ceasefire deal which has allowed civilians to be evacuated from the besieged Old City of Homs in the past few days did not offer a long-term solution. "It's 14 months since I raised the alarm in the Security Council about Homs. We managed to get 1,200 people out of Homs, we managed to get food and medicines in for 2,500 people," she said. "If it's going to take 14 months to do that when you've got 250,000 people in besieged communities, when you've got over three million people in hard-to-reach communities, I really find it very difficult to say that this is a [right] model." The Security Council remains deadlocked over the issue. The US, Britain and France favour a toughly-worded resolution, but it is opposed by Russia which has put forward an alternative draft on fighting what it calls "terrorism" in Syria and offering its own plan for improving aid, our correspondent adds. The civil conflict in Syria has claimed more than 100,000 lives since March 2011. Some 9.5 million people have been forced to flee their homes. 2/14/2014