2010 Sportfishing Summit Program Book


2010 Sportfishing Summit Program Book
2010 Sportfishing Summit Agenda
Current as of October 8, 2010
The Registration and Hospitality Suite is sponsored by Frabill, Inc.
Noon – 6:00 p.m. – Registration and Hospitality Suite Open - Bonnet
3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – ASA Board of Directors Meeting - Las Olas Ballroom I
7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Registration and Hospitality Suite Open - Bonnet
8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. – Committee Chairs’ Briefing Breakfast - Oceanside II
8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. – 2010 Sportfishing Summit Welcome Breakfast – Las Olas Ballroom IV-V
Open to all Summit attendees
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Spouses’ and Guests’ Welcome Breakfast - Oceanside I
Sponsored by Maui Jim Sunglasses
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - ASA Committee Meetings
9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Communications - Las Olas Ballroom I
Finance - Las Olas Ballroom II
Membership - Las Olas Ballroom III
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Consumer Shows - Las Olas Ballroom I
Data and Statistics - Las Olas Ballroom II
Show - Las Olas Ballroom III
FishAmerica Foundation - Himarshee
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Government Affairs - Las Olas Ballroom VI
Please note that the Government Affairs Committee will resume its agenda at 1:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – Noon – Saltwater Committee
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Trade & Commerce Committee
2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Freshwater Committee
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Full Government Affairs Committee
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. - Morning Break
The breaks are sponsored by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
The morning and afternoon breaks will be held in the Las Olas Ballroom II-III Prefunction Area
Noon – 1:15 p.m. – Summit Networking Lunch - Las Olas Ballroom IV - V
Our guest speaker is Eric Schwaab, assistant administrator for Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service.
3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. - Afternoon Break
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. - The 2010 Sportfishing Summit Networking Event - Sky Terrace
With support from NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries Service)
The breaks are sponsored by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA)
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. – Registration and Hospitality Suite Open - Bonnet
8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. – Sportfishing Summit Breakfast - Las Olas Ballroom IV-V
Jeff Angers, president, the Center for Coastal Conservation, will engage in some punditry in advance of the
November elections.
9:00 a.m. - Noon - Morning General Sessions - Las Olas Ballroom II-III
Welcome to the 2010 Sportfishing Summit
Mike Nussman, ASA President and CEO
Nick Wiley, Executive Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Jeff Marble, ASA Board of Directors Chairman, CEO, Frabill, Inc.
The Challenges and Opportunities in the Outdoor Industry
During this session, we’ll focus on the challenges, and the opportunities, facing the entire outdoor industry as
well as the challenges and opportunities facing the sportfishing industry.
Frank Hugelmeyer – President, Outdoor Industry Association
Jeff Marble - ASA Board of Directors Chairman, CEO, Frabill, Inc.
Morning Break - Las Olas Ballroom II-III Prefunction Area
Getting People on the Water
A “special” update on recreational fishing participation from Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation’s President
and CEO Frank Peterson and RBFF’s new team member, “Al Bassador.”
KeepAmericaFishing™: The New Voice of the American Angler
In July at ICAST, ASA launched KeepAmericaFishing™ as the voice of the American angler. A number of exciting
efforts are taking place around this advocacy campaign. You don’t want to miss this session.
Noon – 1:15 p.m. - Summit Networking Lunch - Las Olas Ballroom IV-V
Guest speaker Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish, Wildlife and Parks Tom Strickland will address
participation and access issues and the new America’s Great Outdoors initiative as well as provide an update on
the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.
1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Afternoon General Sessions - Las Olas Ballroom II-III
The afternoon sessions are presented with support by the U.S. Geological Survey
1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. – Social Technology and Your Business
How do you reach your customer base and extend your brand through new, and widely-used, social networking
technologies? We have a panel of industry and non-industry practitioners to address this often confusing topic.
Heather Sieber – Director, Communications, Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation, and panel facilitator
Curt Van Loon – President, Adstrategies
Liza Jones – President, Full Circle Public Relations and Costa’s PR Manager
Jeff Kolodzinski – Vice President, Marketing, Frabill, Inc.
Afternoon Break - Las Olas Ballroom II-III Prefunction Area
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Domestic and International Economic Policy
Our afternoon keynote speaker is Peter Morici, Ph.D., economist, author and professor at The Robert H. Smith
School of Business, the University of Maryland. Dr. Morici is an expert on the global economy, state of the U.S.
economy, economic policy and has a peerless track record as an economic forecaster.
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – An Evening with Colleagues and Friends - Oceanside
With support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Reception: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
The Registration and Hospitality Suite is closed on Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. – ASA Board of Directors Meeting - Las Olas Ballroom I
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Continental Breakfast – Las Olas Ballroom III
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – General Membership Meeting - Las Olas Ballroom III
2010 Sportfishing Summit Speakers
Tuesday, October 26
Summit Networking Lunch
Noon - 1:15 p.m.
Las Olas Ballroom IV-V
Eric Schwaab
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Nick Wiley
Executive Director
Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
Nick Wiley began his duties as Executive Director of
the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in December 2009. Wiley began his career
with the former Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish
Eric C. Schwaab was appointed as the Assistant
Commission in 1988 as a wildlife biologist. He moved
Administrator for Fisheries for the National Oceanic
his way up the ranks and was named Assistant Execuand Atmospheric Administration in February 2010. He tive Director in 2008. Wiley holds a bachelor’s degree
oversees the management and conservation of marine in biology from Georgia Southern University and a
fisheries and the protection of marine mammals, sea
master’s degree in wildlife management from Auburn
turtles and coastal fisheries habitat within the United
States exclusive economic zone.
The Challenges and Opportunities in the
Wednesday, October 27
Outdoor Industry
Sportfishing Summit Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Las Olas Ballroom IV-V
Frank Hugelmeyer
Jeff Angers
Outdoor Industry Association
Center for Coastal Conservation
Frank Hugelmeyer is President and CEO of the
Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), the premiere
Jeff Angers is President of the Center for Coastal
outdoor products trade group in the U.S. Based in
Conservation and COO of the Center’s affiliated politi- Boulder, Colo., OIA serves over 4,000 manufacturers,
cal action committee. Over his 25-year career, Angers distributors, suppliers, retailers and 60 related assohas managed congressional campaigns, lobbied legis- ciations in the outdoor industry and is the title sponlative bodies and authored conservation policy. Prior
sor of Outdoor Retailer, the world’s largest outdoor
to his role as founding president of the Center, Angers products tradeshow. Hugelmeyer is a 24 year outdoor
served for 15 years as CEO of the Coastal Conservaindustry veteran with extensive experience in global
tion Association of Louisiana.
retail, distribution and manufacturing.
Morning General Sessions
9:00 a.m. - Noon
Las Olas Ballroom II-III
Jeff Marble
Chief Executive Officer
Frabill, Inc.
ASA Board of Directors Chairman
Jeff Marble is the Chief Executive Officer for Frabill,
Inc. Marble joined Frabill in 1976 when it was owned
by The Huffy Corporation. Prior to joining Frabill,
Marble worked in a variety of retail and wholesale positions within the outdoor industry. Marble has served
on ASA’s board of directors for the past six years and
now serves as Chairman of ASA’s board of directors.
Getting People on the Water
Frank Peterson
President and CEO
Recreational Boating &
Fishing Foundation
Frank Peterson joined the Recreational Boating &
Fishing Foundation (RBFF) as President and CEO in
2007. Peterson brings 20 years of leadership and expertise in business development to the organization.
In his role, Peterson manages all aspects of RBFF operations and assumes responsibility for meeting the
strategic goals set by RBFF leadership.
The New Voice of the American Angler
Misti Dragano
Vice President, Development
First Degree
Misti Dragano is the Vice President of Development for
First Degree, a mission marketing agency. She brings
over 20 years of experience in cause marketing,
strategic planning, business development, finance and
legal strategy to address her clients’ business needs.
Dragano has a history of designing and implementing
award winning cause-marketing programs that deliver
measurable results.
Summit Networking Lunch
Noon - 1:15 p.m.
Las Olas Ballroom IV-V
Tom Strickland
Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife
and Parks
Department of the Interior
Tom Strickland is Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks and is Chief of Staff to Secretary of the
Interior Ken Salazar. In this capacity he oversees and
coordinates policy decisions for the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Strickland
has a long career in public service including United
States Attorney for the District of Colorado and a
founder and board member of Great Outdoors
Colorado which has invested over $600 million into
parks, wildlife and open space programs in Colorado.
Curt Van Loon
Curt Van Loon is President of Adstrategies, which is
headquartered in Easton, Md., and employs a staff of
30 people. Adstrategies has been in business since
1992 and is the largest event marketing advertising
agency in the United States. Adstrategies manages
the marketing efforts for over 200 international auto,
boat, motorcycle, home and bridal shows.
Liza Jones
President, Full Circle Public Relations
PR Manager, Costa
Liza Jones is President of Full Circle Public Relations.
Jones has served as Costa’s PR Manager for more
than four years. She leads the strategy for Costa’s
social media efforts, including overseeing the community engagement on the company’s social networking sites. Costa’s Facebook fan base has grown
to more than 94,000 people in two years. In addition, Jones manages all of the media relations for the
Costa brand.
Jeff Kolodzinski
Vice President, Marketing
Frabill, Inc.
Afternoon General Sessions
An avid angler, Jeff Kolodzinski has represented
the United States in seven World Championships of
Freshwater Fishing. He recently set a world record
for the most fish caught in a 24-hour period. Kolodzinski’s fishing experience and passion for angling
provides his inspiration for his job as Vice President
of Marketing for Frabill, Inc.
Social Technology and Your Business
1:30 p.m - 2:45 p.m.
Domestic and International Policy
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Las Olas Ballroom II-III
Heather Sieber
Communications Director
Recreational Boating &
Fishing Foundation
As Communications Director for the Recreational
Boating & Fishing Foundation, Sieber plays a key role
in developing and implementing the national marketing and communications efforts for Take Me Fishing™ and Anglers’ Legacy™. She has a reputation for
building award-winning communications programs for
non-profit and corporate organizations.
Peter Morici, Ph.D.
Economist and Professor
The Robert H. Smith School of Business
The University of Maryland
Peter Morici, Ph.D.is an economist and professor of
business at The Robert H. Smith School of Business,
the University of Maryland. His peerless track record
as an economic forecaster and accessible presentation style has made his opinions and insight the go-to
source in the national media and for government and
business leaders across the globe. A former director
of economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), he’s an expert on the global economy,
the state of the U.S. economy, economic policy and
business strategy.
ASA Staff
Executive Office
Joyce Anderson-Logan
Executive Assistant to the
President and Board Liaison
Extension 233
Joe George
Communications Associate
Extension 222
Mike Nussman
President and CEO
Extension 233
Government Affairs
Gordon Robertson
Vice President
Extension 237
Mary Jane Williamson
Communications Director
Extension 227
Finance and
Diane Carpenter
Chief Financial Officer
Extension 242
Mike Leonard
Ocean Resource Policy
Extension 230
Naomi Evans
Receptionist and Finance
Extension 221
Alyssa Hausman
Policy Fellow
Extension 244
Member Services
Maria del Valle Hamilton
ICAST Director
Extension 240
Kenneth Andres
ICAST Associate
Extension 231
Jill Calabria
Membership Director
Extension 234
Johanna Laderman
Executive Director
Extension 245
Consumer Shows
ASA/Fred Hall Shows
Bart Hall
Show Producer
Mike Lum
General Manager
ASA/Eastern Fishing &
Outdoor Exposition
Jonathan Sauers
Show Director
Judy Chapman
Assistant Show Director
Amanda Cosgrove
Operations Director
Data & Statistics Research Support
Rob Southwick
Southwick Associates
Melissa Woolley
ICAST Coordinator
Extension 241
American Sportfishing Association • 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 420 • Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-519-9691 • Fax: 703-519-1872 • www.asafishing.org
ASA Board of Directors
Executive Committee*
Jeff Marble - Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Frabill, Inc.
Jeff Pontius - Immediate Past Chairman
ZEBCO Brands
John Jilling
Wright & McGill Company
Dave Buthuis
Vice President, Sales
Thom Dammrich
National Marine Manufacturers Association
Bob Eakes
Red Drum Tackle Shop, Inc.
Peter Foley
Boone Bait Company, Inc.
Tom Fote
Legislative Chairman
Jersey Coast Anglers Association
John Frampton
South Carolina Department of
Natural Resources
Scott Frnka
Vice President of Marketing,
General Outdoors
Cabela’s, Inc.
Kirk Immens
Sportco Marketing, Inc.
Martin MacDonald
Director of Conversation
Bass Pro Shops
Dave Pfeiffer
Shimano American Corporation
Dick Pool
Pro-Troll Fishing Products
Geoff Ratté
National Sales Manager
Water Gremlin Company
Gregg Wollner
Executive Vice President
* The balance of the Executive Committee will be seated during the October 2010 meeting.
ASA Committees - 2010-2012
(9 Members)
John Mazurkiewicz, Catalyst Marketing Services
Chris Chaffin, Professional Outdoor Media
Louis Chemi, Lowrance-Navico
James Ehlers, Lake Champlain International, Inc.
Kelly Gohman, North American Fisherman
Gene Lumsden, Turner’s Outdoorsman
Chris Megan, On The Water, LLC
Liz Ogilvie, WFN: World Fishing Network
Ronell Smith, BASS/FTR
Staff Contact: Mary Jane Williamson
(9 Members)
Randy Lemcke, Plano Molding Company
Mike Battistoni, Maui Jim Sunglasses
Ken Elie, Outdoor Pro Shop, Inc.
Neal Larsson, On The Water, LLC
Jim Lebson, G.Loomis, Inc.
Mark Masterson, Yakima Bait Co.
John Mazurkiewicz, Catalyst Marketing Services
Chris Nelson, Ono’s Trading Company
Richard Zanazlari, Davidson, Davidson & Kappel
Staff Contact: Jonathan Sauers
(7 Members)
Glenn Hughes, Bonnier Corporation (Chairman)
John DeVries, Seaguar
Bob Funk, Shimano American Corporation
Casey McCann, Pure Fishing, Inc.
Chris Megan, On The Water, LLC
Shaun Ruge, Navionics, Inc.
Gregg Wollner, Rapala
Staff Contact: Rob Southwick or
Gordon Robertson
(9 Members)
Dick Dougherty, Baker
Ken Elie, Outdoor Pro Shop, Inc.
Peter Foley, Boone Bait Company
Mark Masterson, Yakima Bait Company
Dosh McClendon, Pacific Products
David Peddy, Bayou Outdoors, Inc.
Dick Posey, Lamiglas, Inc.
Jeff Powell, Ed Cumings, Inc.
Donn Schaible, Wright & McGill Company
Staff Contact: Diane Carpenter
Conservation Committee (19 Members)
Jim Hubbard, (Chairman)
Jack Charvat, Dutch Creek Marketing
(Vice Chairman)
Mike Able, Haddrell’s Point Tackle and Supply
Mike Armstrong, Arkansas Game &
Fish Commission
Michael Brooks, Ardent Outdoors, Inc.
John Brownlee, Bonnier/Salt Water Sportsman
Louis Chemi, Lowrance-Navico
Glenn Hughes, Bonnier Corporation
Bert Kaplan, Kaplan Associates
John Kehoe, Pro Line Manufacturing
Robin Knox, Western Native Trout Initiative
Gary Martel, Virginia Department of Game &
Inland Fisheries
Aaron McGabb, Source Outdoor Group
Virgil Moore, Idaho Department of Fish and Game
John Morlan, Pure Fishing
Steve Quinn, In-Fisherman
Bob Reguly
George Shipes, EGS Enterprises, LLC
Howard Tanner
Research Committee (7 Members)
Ben Hardesty (Chairman)
Glen Contreras (Vice Chairman)
Louis Chemi, Lowrance-Navico
James Ehlers, Lake Champlain International, Inc.
Steve Hoffman, In-Fisherman
Gary Kania, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
Michael Staggs, Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources
Staff Contact: Johanna Laderman
(8 Members)
Ken Hammond, The Hammond Group (Chairman)
Greg Block, Jones & Company
Jeff Bush, Flambeau Products Corporation
Pete Calderone, Calderone & Associates
Wes Campbell, TTI-Blakemore Fishing Group
Tim Manaka, FIA Insurance Services, Inc.
Brad Stevenson, Maurice Sporting Goods, Inc./
South Bend Sporting Goods
Gregg Wollner, Rapala
Staff Contact: Jill Calabria
(31 Members)
Bill Shedd, AFTCO Manufacturing Co. (Chairman)
Mike Able, Haddrell’s Point Tackle and Supply
Jeff Angers, Center for Coastal Conservation
Michael Brooks, Ardent Outdoors, Inc.
Dave Bulthuis, Costa
Matt Connolly, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
Bob Eakes, Red Drum Tackle Shop, Inc.
James Ehlers, Lake Champlain International, Inc.
Bob Fletcher, Sportfishing Association of California
Tom Fote, Jersey Coast Anglers Association
Marc Gaden, Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Marc Gorelnik, Townsend and Townsend
and Crew LLP
Jason Haefner, Do-It Corporation/
Component Systems Paint
Jim Hardin, Grady-White Boats
Glenn Hughes, Bonnier Corporation
Gary Kania, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
Robin Knox, Knox Aquatic Resource Consulting
Jeff Marble, Frabill, Inc.
Jim Martin, Pure Fishing, Inc.
Ross Melinchuk, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Phil Morlock, Shimano American Corporation
Daniel Nussbaum, Z-Man Fishing Products, Inc.
Dick Pool, Pro-Troll Fishing Products
Dick Posey, Lamiglas, Inc.
Jeff Powell, Ed Cumings, Inc.
Geoff Ratté, Water Gremlin Company
Randy Repass, West Marine, Inc.
Shaun Ruge, Navionics, Inc.
Steve Tempini, Old Harbor Outfitters
Jack Young, Pacific Products
Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC
Staff Contact: Gordon Robertson
Saltwater Subcommittee (16 Members)
Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC (Chairman)
Mike Able, Haddrell’s Point Tackle and Supply
Jeff Angers, Center for Coastal Conservation
Matt Connolly, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
Bob Eakes, Red Drum Tackle Shop, Inc.
Bob Fletcher, Sportfishing Association of California
Tom Fote, Jersey Coast Anglers Association
Marc Gorelnik, Townsend and Townsend and Crew
Glenn Hughes, Bonnier Corporation
Gary Kania, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
Jim Martin, Pure Fishing, Inc.
Phil Morlock, Shimano American Corporation
Dick Pool, Pro-Troll Fishing Products
Randy Repass, West Marine, Inc.
Bill Shedd, AFTCO Manufacturing Co.
Steve Tempini, Old Harbor Outfitters
Freshwater Subcommittee (13 Members)
Phil Morlock, Shimano American Corporation
Michael Brooks, Ardent Outdoors, Inc.
James Ehlers, Lake Champlain International, Inc.
Marc Gaden, Great Lakes Fishery Commission
Jim Hardin, Grady-White Boats
Robin Knox, Knox Aquatic Resource Consulting
Jim Martin, Pure Fishing, Inc.
Ross Melinchuk, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Daniel Nussbaum, Z-Man Fishing Products, Inc.
Dick Posey, Lamiglas, Inc.
Jeff Powell, Ed Cumings, Inc.
Geoff Ratté, Water Gremlin Company
Shaun Ruge, Navionics, Inc.
Trade and Commerce Subcommittee
(10 Members)
Jason Haefner, Do-It Corporation/
Component Systems Paint (Chairman)
Michael Brooks, Ardent Outdoors, Inc.
Dave Bulthuis, Costa
Marc Gorelnik, Townsend and Townsend
and Crew LLP
Jeff Marble, Frabill, Inc.
Daniel Nussbaum, Z-Man Fishing Products, Inc.
Dick Posey, Lamiglas, Inc.
Jeff Powell, Ed Cumings, Inc.
Geoff Ratté, Water Gremlin Company
Jack Young, Pacific Products
(11 Members)
Jeff Pontius, ZEBCO Brands (Chairman)
Greg Block, Jones & Company
Pete Calderone, Calderone & Associates
John Hoagland, Simms Fishing Products
Bert Kaplan, Kaplan Associates
Jim Lebson, G.Loomis, Inc.
Randy Lemcke, Plano Molding Company
Chip Powell, Mason Tackle Company
Bill Shedd, AFTCO Manufacturing Co.
Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC
Staff Contact: Mike Nussman
(9 Members)
Dave Bulthuis, Costa (Chairman)
Greg Block, Jones & Company
Pete Calderone, Calderone & Associates
Carey Graves, Shimano American Corporation
John Hoagland, Simms Fishing Products
John Jilling, Wright & McGill Company
Terry Pederson, Daiwa Corp.
Ronell Smith, BASS/FTR
Gary Zurn, Big Rock Sports, LLC
Staff Contact: Maria del Valle Hamilton
For Your Information
The Westin Beach Resort is located in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., often called the “Venice of America.” Explore
300 miles of navigable waterways, relax on the soft Atlantic Ocean sand, or visit some of southeast
Florida’s most popular attractions. Our waterfront setting offers diving, sailing, fishing or just quiet
relaxation. The Westin also has a rejuvenating spa and fitness center, serene oceanfront pool and enticing
dining, all on-site for your enjoyment.
2010 Sportfishing Summit Registration and Hospitality Suite
The Hospitality and Registration suite, located in the Bonnet Room, is the perfect place to network with
colleagues and friends, register for the meeting and get the latest information on Summit events. The
Suite is open Monday from noon to 6:00 p.m.; Tuesday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Wednesday from
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Hospitality and Registration Suite will be closed on Thursday.
Casual breakfasts and lunches, quick snacks, and elegant evening meals are available at The Westin Beach
Resort. Dine indoors or out and discover fresh, satisfying food to appeal to every taste. The resort is home
to Shula’s On the Beach where you can experience the perfect meal in a spectacular outdoor waterfront
setting. To make reservations or for more information about Shula’s On the Beach, call (954) 245-3006.
Waves Pool Bar and Grill is a great place to gather with colleagues. Enjoy a refreshing mix of appetizers,
fresh salads and other light fare along with specialty cocktails.
Recreation Opportunities
A trip to south Florida is sure to be filled with sun, sand and surf. The Westin Beach Resort is the ideal
place to enjoy these pleasures. Bask in the sunshine on our serene pool deck, overlooking the Atlantic
Ocean. Or hit the beach for swimming, lounging and an endless assortment of water sports all easily
arranged by our concierge. If land sports are your preference, it’s a short drive to excellent golf and tennis
facilities. Please see the Recreation Opportunities flyer in your Welcome Packet for more information.
In addition to the outstanding opportunities networking, as well as fishing and boating, the International
Game Fish Association and its Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum welcome visitors year-round at its
location in Dania Beach. The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, the largest in-water boat show in
the world, will be held at various locations throughout the city from October 28 through November 1.
Many local companies provide professional guided fishing charters where you can experience the
excitement of catching the fish of a lifetime. Anglers of all experience levels can fish for Sailfish,
Swordfish, Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, Snapper, Grouper, Barracuda and many more.
Boating and Jet Skiing
Get out on the water and feel the wind on your face. Unwind in the sun and waves. Boat and jet ski
rentals are available seven days a week at several locations along Fort Lauderdale’s beaches.
Beach Access Skywalk
Beautiful Fort Lauderdale Beach is just steps away thanks to our cleverly designed skywalk. It connects
our third-floor pool deck directly to the sandy shores, letting you stroll to the beach safely and effortlessly.
Guests at The Westin Beach Resort can travel the ultimate road to renewal with a visit to our rejuvenating
Heavenly Spa by Westin™. The spa is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For more information, call
(954) 245-3040.
Meeting Venues
Westin Beach Resort