St. Louis, Missouri 2015 LKS ANNUAL CONVENTION


St. Louis, Missouri 2015 LKS ANNUAL CONVENTION
Lambda Kappa Sigma
“Promoting the Profession of Pharmacy Since 1913”
St. Louis, Missouri
Alpha Beta
Alpha Beta
2015 Collegiate
Chapter of the Year
2015 Alumni
Chapter of the Year
Turn to page 4 for a summary
of convention events.
The Blue and Gold Triangle of
Lambda Kappa Sigma
Message from the Grand President
Published by
Lambda Kappa Sigma Fraternity
P.O. Box 570
Muskego, WI 53150-0570
Sharon Brown
Communications Committee
Sharon Brown - Chair
Debbie Bourquin, Justine Dickson,
Kim Hancock, Nancy Horst, Nathaniel Ngo
Jenny Brandt, Sharon Brown,
Elicia Fauvel DeParolesa, Christina Inteso
2014-2016 Grand Council
Grand President
Jenny Brandt
Grand Vice President for Alumni
Patti Lozano
Grand Vice President for Collegiates
Afton Wagner
Grand Vice President for Development
Tiffany Self
Grand Treasurer
Sandy Mullen
Grand Secretary
Kim Hancock
Past Grand President
Sharon Brown
Regional Supervisors
Northern New England—Justine Dickson
Eastern Atlantic—Amanda Higgins
Northeastern—Christina Inteso
Mid-Atlantic—Melissa O’Brien
Southern—Arielle Bibeault
Northern Lakes—Tracee Abrams
Midwestern—Kaitlyn Harnden
Western—Nicole Lombardo
Alternate—Ijeoma Nwosu
LKS International Office Managing Director
Deb Ruesch
Professional Fraternity Association
College Fraternity Editors Association
Mission Statement
Lambda Kappa Sigma provides lifelong
opportunties for women in pharmacy through
professional excellence and personal growth.
Core Values
In addition to the Code of Ethics, Lambda
Kappa Sigma is guided by professionalism and
the core values of Integrity, Sisterhood,
Service, Leadership, Scholarship.
The Blue and Gold Triangle is the official
publication of Lambda Kappa Sigma Pharmacy
Fraternity and is published semi annually. It is
distributed to all dues paid members, patrons,
honorary members and numerous pharmacy
schools and Greek organizations. Deadlines:
February 15 and October 15. Postmaster: please
send address changes to Lambda Kappa Sigma,
PO Box 570, Muskego, WI 53150-0570. Printed in
the USA.
Jenny Brandt
Grand President
As I sit down to write my final
message as your Grand President,
I find myself reflecting on the last
three and a half years, as well as
the 14 years I have spent on Grand
Council. A lot has changed over the
and within the Fraternity. Lambda
Kappa Sigma has grown significantly,
adding both members and chapters.
Grand Council’s focus has changed
as well, as we have had to focus on
the ever-changing view of fraternities.
However, while focusing on new
areas, like risk management, Grand
Council is still asked to provide
guidance to chapters on dealing with
difficult situations, which often boil
down to misunderstandings and
It seems as though every day
we are faced with challenges in our
interpersonal relationships–at home, at
work and within our Fraternity. People
can be overly critical, too demanding
and sometimes downright rude. We all
experience this from time to time. And
it is at those times I find myself turning
to the Creed of Lambda Kappa Sigma.
In my opinion, Ruth Davies Flaherty
was inspired when she penned it in
1954. It is simple, yet applicable to all
aspects of our lives.
“I believe in loyalty.” The first and
overarching principle. To exist as a
Fraternity, we need to be loyal to our
sisters and to the Fraternity as a whole.
This means giving steadfast friendship
and support in good times and bad
and expecting it in return. This also
means that we should not air our dirty
laundry or speak poorly of our sisters.
As you can imagine, this same principle
is applicable to our work and personal
environments as well. Being loyal
to your boss and your department,
even if you disagree, can earn you the
respect of your coworkers and help
bolster your leaders in a public setting.
Personally, I have disagreed with my
boss in the confines of her office, but
I ultimately support her in public as
we are working for one common goal.
Respect is the other key principle
contained in the Creed. As sisters,
we are charged to listen to others’
points of view, understanding that
although we may not agree with it,
there is often some truth to the words.
We must be open-minded and not
quick to make judgements, as this is
detrimental to relationships. Everyone
is entitled to an opinion, and we must
allow for those opinions to be voiced.
However, Ruth Davies Flaherty
also pointed out, and rightly so, that we
all have defects in our communication
whether we are aware of them or
not. We must be sure not to be too
critical of others as it ill becomes us
as individuals and the sisterhood as
a whole. The concept of respect is
one of the hardest things to master,
but it is the most important in our
interpersonal relationships. When
we forget to practice respect in our
relationships and communications and
instead seek domination over another’s
ideas, the result can be damaging to
the relationship, to other relationships,
to the chapter and to the Fraternity.
I charge every sister to read
the Creed and to really take it to
heart. Doing so can make sure your
relationships and communications will
be more meaningful and perhaps a
little less drama-filled. I also charge
you to lead by example. Not every
person you interact with has the
benefit of the Creed, but he or she will
almost certainly react more positively
when faced with a positive example.
Perhaps if we all lived by the tenants of
the Creed, the world would be a better
Substance Abuse and Preganancy
By Christina Inteso, Pharm.D.
Substance abuse is a growing issue in the United
States for the general population and, unfortunately,
affects the pregnant population as well. In 2012,
5.4% of pregnant women ages 15 to 44 reported
using illicit drugs; however, this is lower compared
to 11.4% in the non-pregnant population. Illicit
drug use is highest in the first trimester (9.0%) and
continues to decline as the pregnancy progresses
(4.8% 2nd trimester and 2.4% 3rd trimester).1
The opioid agents
include heroin, codeine,
fentanyl, hydrocodone,
meperidine, morphine,
oxycodone. Patients will
followed by withdrawal,
both of which pose a
threat to mother and
fetus. During euphoria,
there is an increased risk
of maternal respiratory
depression and fetal
growth restriction. During withdrawal, tachycardia,
hypertension, nausea, vomiting and increased
metabolic demand can occur, which can cause
negative outcomes for the fetus such as spontaneous
abortion, preterm labor, premature preterm rupture
of membranes, intrauterine growth restriction
(IUGR), and intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD).2,3
Withdrawing is not ideal in pregnancy due to risks
to the fetus and high risk of relapse in the mother.
At birth, infants born to women using illicit
drugs can also go through withdrawal, otherwise
known as neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).
NAS is defined as the hyperactivity of the central and
autonomic nervous systems. Clinical presentation
depends on duration of opioid use, duration of
use prior to delivery, maternal metabolism and
placental metabolism. Symptoms of NAS manifest
in the CNS and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Heroin
withdrawal can occur within the first 24 hours of
birth, and usually peaks within 48 to 72 hours, but
may take up to 7 days for withdrawal to occur. If
the mother uses nicotine, stimulants, sedatives,
withdrawal can occur or
worsen. The modified
Abstinence scoring tool
is used to assess for signs,
symptoms and severity
of NAS. Depending on
the score, pharmacologic
treatment, such as an
chlorpromazine, may be
used to relieve moderate to severe signs of NAS and
to prevent complications.4
Methadone, a full mu agonist, has been the
standard of treatment for opioid addiction during
pregnancy since the 1970s.2 Recently there has been
increasing evidence for the use of buprenorphine,
a partial mu agonist, in pregnancy due to the
potential of less NAS compared to methadone.
In general, our goal as a pharmacist is to
educate about the dangers of substance abuse and
to help patients seek the appropriate treatment to
minimize harm to mother and fetus.
1 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National
Findings. NSDUH Series H-48, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 14-4863. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014.
Cited 2015 Aug 16. Available from:
Opioid abuse, dependence, and addiction in pregnancy. Committee Opinion No. 524. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet
Gynecol 2012 [cited 2015 Aug 16];119:1070–6. Available from:
Young JL, Martin PR. Treatment of opioid dependence in the setting of pregnancy. Psychiatr Clin N Am 2012; 35:441-60.
Hudak ML, Tan RC, The Committee on Drugs and the Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Clinical report: neonatal drug withdrawal [published online
ahead of print January 30, 2012]. Pediatrics 2012 [cited 2015 Aug 16];129:e540. Available from:
2015 Lambda Kappa Sigma
Annual Convention Summary
St. Louis, Missouri
Beautiful weather and the
world famous Gateway Arch
provided a stunning stage for the
arrival of LKS to the 2015 Annual
Convention in St. Louis, held at
the beautiful Renaissance St. Louis
Airport Hotel. Programs for this
year’s convention were designed
to strengthen our “Old School”
values and get back to basics,
while incorporating “New Century” technologies and
opportunities into fraternity operations and activities.
Following a day of Fraternity and Trust Liaison
Committee business, Alpha Zeta Collegiate and
Alumni chapters served as hostesses for the Opening
Reception held at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy
(STLCOP). STLCOP President John Pieper provided
a warm welcome and historical perspective to the
members in attendance. LKS was honored to be the
first group to hold an official function in the beautiful
new facilities, and we thank Dr. Pieper, Alpha Zeta
chapters, and STLCOP administration for sponsoring
the event. A great time was had by all as we mixed
it up with some
trivia contests
prior to returning
to our hotel to
prepare for a
busy first full
The first full day began with a keynote address
given by T.J. Sullivan, author of “Motivating the
Middle: Fighting Apathy in College Student
Organizations” sponsored by Your Community
Pharmacy. The business session was followed by a
luncheon presentation entitled “Professional Presence
– Making an Impact”. Melanie Broyles, founder of
Etiquette Saint Louis, shared valuable advice on first
impressions, appearance, and other challenges in
social-professional settings. Alumni and collegiate
programs concluded the afternoon programming,
followed by the ever popular Blue and Gold Banquet.
Albertsons Safeway Pharmacies graciously sponsored
this fun and entertaining event, which pitted teams
against each other utilizing the unique skill sets
of each member to tackle the
formidable tasks of apple stacking,
toilet paper mummy building, and
other such challenging events.
Friday provided an opportunity
for work and fun, with the second
business session, Ewe Can Shop,
posters, workshops, and collegiate
and alumni conferences. Christine
Perry, sponsored by Albertsons
Safeway Pharmacies, and Sara Richter, LKS Alumni,
provided the workshops, which focused on CV,
resume, and interviewing skills for community and
institutional practitioners. The evening was spent
on the town, with some members choosing to visit
museums, while some headed to the nightlife, and
others attended a game to watch the Cardinals rack up
another win. It was a beautiful night for any and all of
these activities.
The Project HOPE Committee presented a program
entitled “HOPE waLKS Around the World”, with
breakfast and round-robin workshops to demonstrate
the activities Project HOPE supports and engages in
throughout the underserved countries around the
world. Amanda Higgins and the committee are to be
congratulated on an exceptionally successful program!
Two continuing education programs were provided
Saturday. “Know Your Audience: Communicating with
Patients and Healthcare Providers” was presented by
Dr. Amy Tiemeier, and “Use and Abuse of Stimulant
Medications” was presented by Dr. Sandy Mullen,
as our Women’s Health Issues topic. Thanks to the
LKS Educational Trust for providing the grant for our
continuing education programs.
The LKS Educational Trust Reception and Live
Auction kicked off the evening events, followed by
the closing gala and the announcement of chapter
awards. Congratulations go to: Collegiate Chapter of
the Year – Alpha Beta Chapter; Alumni Chapter of
the Year – Alpha
Chapter; Region
Chapters of the
Year: Alpha Pi,
Eastern Atlantic
Region; Alpha Phi, Mid-Atlantic Region; Alpha Iota,
Midwestern Region; Delta, Northeastern Region; Alpha
Omicron, Northern Lakes Region; Alpha Rho, Northern
New England Region; Alpha Kappa, Southern Region;
Lambda, Western Region. Chrysanthemum Award
winners were Alpha Xi Chapter for Recruitment, and
Pi Chapter for Retention. The Core Values Poster
competition winner was Delta Chapter.
This year, Lambda Kappa Sigma welcomed Chris
Dickey, professional registered parliamentarian, to our
business sessions to provide guidance and ensure
compliance with Robert’s Rules of Order as well as
our own policies and procedures while conducting the
business of the fraternity.
Of note, Beta Alpha, D’Youville College of Pharmacy,
and Beta Beta, Western New England University,
attended their first convention! We hope to see them at
many more!
Thanks to all who
played a role in planning,
coordinating this meeting,
and to all who attended.
A special thanks to our
sponsors: Merck, Your
Community Pharmacy, St. Louis College of Pharmacy,
Project HOPE, and Albertsons Safeway Pharmacies.
Also to our individual sponsors: Gloria Bernstein,
Sharon and Jeff Brown and family, Chris and Andre
Grass, Petra Fippen, Kim Hancock, Kathy Huff,
Dixie and Neil Leikach, Alpha Phi Collegiate and
Alumni chapters, Alpha Beta Alumni Chapter, Nicole
Lombardo, Jennifer Rhodes, Alpha Zeta Collegiate and
Alumni chapters, Xi Chapter, and the LKS Educational
Trust. Without the support of these organizations and
individuals, the annual meeting would not be possible.
Finally, thanks to the Convention Committee:
Nicole Lombardo, Chris Grass, Afton Wagner, Sandy
Mullen, Tiffany Self, Patti Lozano, Jennifer Rhodes,
Katie Toeniskoetter, Renee Savory, Jenny Brandt, and
headquarters staff Joan Rogala, Julie Schnittka, and
especially Angelle Bujol. These ladies are awesome!
Their dedication to the
fraternity and commitment
to making the meeting fun
and successful are beyond
2015 Fraternity Award Winners
LKS.Merck & Co.
Vanguard Leadership Award
Dixie Leikach
Service Citation
Christine Grass
Award of Merit
Christine Perry
Young Pharmacist Award
Elicia Fauvel DeParolesa
Advisor Award
Pamela Smithburger
And now onto the 2016 Annual Convention in Scranton…
2016 LKS Annual Convention
July 20–23, 2016
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Every year, members leave convention having gained knowledge
in chapter management and personal and professional development.
In addition, they’ve experienced an unforgettable opportunity to
enhance their connection to the Fraternity and deepen the bonds of
sisterhood while building relationships with sisters outside of their
local chapter. Sisters leave convention motivated, connected and
energized to bring great ideas back to the chapter. Time and again we
hear, “I wish more of our members could have been here!”
If you’ve been saying for years, “I would love to go to convention if only….”
It were closer.
• It were more affordable.
• I didn’t have to take so much time away
from work/school.
Then, the 2016 LKS
Annual Convention Is for You!
Nearly 55% of LKS chapters are within a 4-1/2 hour drive or less!
That means many of you are able to realize a significant reduction in
the cost of attending because you won’t have an airfare expense. Many
of you can also leave for convention early Wednesday afternoon or late
Wednesday morning and still arrive in time for the Welcome Reception.
This year’s educational and leadership development program,
“Lambda Kappa Sigma: Your Road Map to Success”, demonstrates
a variety of routes, on-ramps, exits and even the occasional potholes
attendees can face as they navigate the opportunities and challenges
during their life’s journey.
The well-balanced programming mix includes chapter-management
focused workshops, professional development programs, including
those offering continuing education credit and personal-interest and
life-planning discussions. Topics include leadership, decision-making,
financial & retirement planning, work-school/life balance, lifelong
learning and other trending themes in the industry.
This year’s program aims to provide attendees with the information
and tools they will need for critical decision-making as they encounter
the various personal, academic and professional decision points and
crossroads of life.
Registration Fees
After June 30:
Alumni Weekend
Optional Add-On Events
RailRiders Baseball:
Art ’n’ Vino:
Special LKS Hotel Rate
Visit to register, to make your hotel reservation and to learn more.
We hope you’ll join us this summer for the ultimate road trip!
Women’s Health Issues: Why We Advocate
By Sharon C. Brown, MS, RPh (LKS Past Grand President)
As one of the healthcare professionals most
accessible to the public, pharmacists are in an excellent
position to guide women to make sound healthcare
decisions for themselves and their families. Women
who delay their own routine medical appointments
and health screenings most often indicate that the
reason is lack of time due to demands of family and
work. Other barriers include cost, fear of doctors and
treatments, cultural beliefs, and lack of knowledge
regarding healthcare issues. Pharmacists who develop
a professional, trusting relationship with their patients
can identify the barriers that individuals encounter
and provide information about available resources to
potentially overcome existing barriers.
Guiding and assisting women in these circumstances
is a special type of advocacy, one that Lambda Kappa
Sigma embraces. Each biennium, members adopt
a current challenge to women’s health to focus the
combined efforts of LKS members with the goal of
having a positive impact on the advancement of that
issue during the biennium. Mental health, cancer
and heart disease are just a few of the recent topics
LKS members have not only adopted but invested
significant time and resources in. As advocates for
women’s health, LKS is proud of what has been
accomplished and of our continuing commitment to
support and strengthen our chosen Women’s Health
In addition to WHI, many of our members have
pursued a passion for other types of advocacy. We
have members who travel to foreign countries at their
own expense to participate in medical mission trips.
Other members play an integral role in providing
pharmaceutical care to underserved members of their
community, such as the blind, HIV patients and
transgender populations. Members such as these
go above and beyond the idea of “supporting” an
initiative. They make personal sacrifices, invest their
own time and money, participate in fundraising, and
actively engage in designing innovative patient care
practices to meet the unique needs of special patient
Advocacy is in the DNA of Lambda Kappa Sigma–
our roots are in advocating for women in pharmacy
at a time when these pioneers needed support. So
it is not surprising that our members with diverse
backgrounds and interests branch out in new and
exciting ways to feed the passion they feel for worthy
public service and healthcare initiatives around the
Robert F. Kennedy said, “The purpose of life is
to contribute in some way to making things better.”
Most of us don’t have the resources to make major
changes that create headlines around the world. But
each of us has the ability to fuel changes that create
positive outcomes for those whose personal struggles
never make the headlines. These actions to serve the
greater good (at a rate of even one life at a time) are
worthy of pride, gratitude and recognition.
Upcoming issues of the Blue & Gold Triangle will
be featuring such stories in the hopes that sharing the
passions of some of our members will instill passion
in others, leading to exponential growth in how we
touch the lives of others through advocacy.
The Blue & Gold Triangle: A Change is Coming!
The Fall 2016 issue of the Blue & Gold Triangle will kick off a new look to Lambda
Kappa Sigma’s flagship publication. With a focus on current events, up-todate accomplishments of chapters and individuals, and strategic planning for
growth and excellence, the new Blue & Gold Triangle will be a magazine every
member will want to read from cover to cover!
Share Your Stories! We are looking for articles to feature in the Blue & Gold
Triangle that fully highlight the accomplishments of LKS collegiate and alumni
chapters as well as individual members. Every chapter and member has a story
to tell…so share it! We encourage all members to contact a Region Supervisor,
a Grand Council member or the Headquarters Office with article ideas.
Don’t Forget Photos. A picture is worth a thousand words and really adds
a personal touch to a publication. We are looking for outstanding photos of
our members in action! High-resolution photos (300 dpi) can be emailed to Be sure to include a caption indicating who is in the photo, what
chapter is represented and what event is taking place.
Educational Trust Update
By Elicia Fauvel DeParolesa, Trust Liaison Committee Secretary
At its July 2015 meeting, the
Trust Liaison Committee members met Michele King, owner of
Shelle Design, who presented the
topic of capital campaigns. The
TLC voted to adopt reasonably
priced upgrades to the November
2015 appeal as the first step toward
a new fundraising campaign for
the Trust. In conjunction with the
Fraternity rebranding, the fully
redesigned fundraising campaign
will be unveiled in November 2016.
Furthermore, the TLC plans
to return to the thought that
“November is Trust Month”. The
TLC hosted silent and live auctions during the 2015 Annual
Convention. We are ecstatic to
report that the auctions, memorials/celebrations and donations
brought in over $14,000!
The Trust is an integral part
of the history of Lambda Kappa
Sigma, and one of our goals is to
highlight what the Trust can mean
to every member, not just award
recipients. We hope to assist with
further educational programs and
continue to bring back the history
of this important part of LKS.
Meet TLC Member Mary Meredith
Why did you accept the position
to be on the Trust Liaison
Networking and scholarship
opportunities are key elements
that drove me to join LKS in
1975. As a scholarship winner
myself, I have always felt a
responsibility to give back to
the Fraternity and to other
sisters who need and deserve
the financial support that was
so crucial to my education at
What is one thing you wish the
Fraternity members knew more
of in regards to the TLC?
The difference that even a
small donation can make to
so many collegiate sisters and
the fact that the Trust also
supports educational funding
for Convention events.
What are your hopes for the
To be able to grow our funds
to not only continue to provide
scholarships and educational
support at Convention but to
be able to grow them in such a
way that we can award more
significant monies to deserving
How long have you been on the
This is my very first year
on the Trust Committee,
but I have chaired and been
a member of the Grant
Committee for many years.
Who is the most influential lamb
to you?
Marilyn Harris was our
chapter advisor when I was
a student at Duquesne and
continues to be an inspiration
and role model to me.
Collegiate Chapter News
Alpha, Massachusetts
College of Pharmacy
Alpha Chapter has been working
diligently to better our own members,
especially in the areas of personal and
professional development. Officers have
put on their thinking caps and channeled
their creative sides, incorporating new
events alongside traditional ones.
Due to unforeseen circumstances,
fraternities at MCPHS are not accepting
new members this year. VP & New
Membership Coordinator Kelsey Sheehan
revolutionized her role as “Membership
Coordinator”. Instead of focusing on
developing our new members, she has
worked to develop our current membership.
We hosted the career center to facilitate a
CV workshop. As a follow-up, we spent an
afternoon preparing for midyear by asking
and answering interview-like questions.
Additionally, we held a breast cancer
awareness event during which a sister
gave an informational presentation. We
have worked to re-brand the interfraternal
council. LKS, PDC, KY and AZO hosted the
first “Cubby Clean Up” to clean the desks
of the library using the slogan “No matter
the letters, we all work together”. We also
created an interfraternal educational poster
for World AIDs day.
Traditionally, Alpha Chapter holds
orientation during the four weeks of
February. This year, each week in the
month of February has a theme pertaining
to LKS for sisters to enjoy. For example,
we just wrapped up with Chrysanthemum
Week with a sister paint night. This has
been a great way for all the sisters to
come together and to learn more about
LKS and also more about ourselves.
Our experience has reminded us that far
beyond orientation, we are Lambs for Life.
Alpha Alpha, Temple University
Last October, our chapter held two
OTC pain management counseling sessions
to observe both Founder’s Day and
Pharmacy Week. The events were valuable
opportunities for our sisters to practice their
counseling skills. In November, we had the
pleasure of welcoming 12 new members
into our chapter. Our organization also
held a fundraiser for Project HOPE at
a local venue in Philadelphia, and we
were excited to have raised $700 for the
cause. We also teamed up with our brother
organization, Kappa Psi, to organize a
very successful food drive for the Last
Stop Recovery Club House. Our chapter
fundraised and donated over $300 worth
of toys for Grandma’s Kids, a local charity
dedicated to supporting children in foster
homes. In December, our sisters had the
opportunity to plan a holiday crafting
event for the children at Shriners Hospital
for Children. Philanthropy is a core value of
our organization, and it was very rewarding
to have had multiple opportunities to give
back to the community this past semester.
As for upcoming events this semester,
we are in the process of organizing a
school-wide spring formal, with the
proceeds going toward Shriners Hospital
for Children.
Alpha Beta,
University of Connecticut
Our semester is in full swing as we have
decided to bring back spring recruitment.
Along with gaining new members this
spring, the Alumni Committee hopes to
strengthen our connection with graduated
members by introducing “Lamb of the
week”, which will showcase a different
existing member each week.
Our chapter is also ecstatic to announce
we will once again be participating in
HuskyTHON, which is an eighteenhour dance marathon fundraising for
Connecticut’s Children Medical Center. Our
Service Committee will continue to send
our sisters to volunteer at the Discovery
Depot to teach children lessons on health
topics. Our HOPE Walks Committee is
introducing a new event this spring, which
will include a cookout competition to raise
money to help supply impoverished areas
with necessary medical supplies.
Our Social Committee has been hard
at work as we plan to continue to hold
joint events with our brother fraternity,
such as a bowling outing. Our Professional
Committee has a busy semester ahead as
they will hold mock interviews for the
pre-pharmacy members. The Professional
Committee will also be holding another
professional panel while also planning the
annual P3 banquet.
Lastly, the Fundraiser Committee is off
to a great start as they have already planned
a Valentine’s candy gram fundraiser.
Alpha Chi, Northeast Ohio Universities
As the new year progresses, Alpha Chi
Chapter has a lot of upcoming activities.
We are excited to welcome our Regional
Supervisor for a visit on February 25th and
26th. We are also gearing up for our HOPE
WaLKS event this April. We will be hosting
this on the NEOMED campus again this
year. We will also be participating in the
NEOMED holistic health fair, NEOMED
Body and Beyond Fair, a joint leadership
discussion series with Phi Lambda Sigma
and Kappa Psi, and lastly a yoga/wellness
joint fund raiser with Kappa Psi.
Alpha Eta, Long Island Univ.
This year Alpha Eta Chapter has been
working hard on revamping ourselves.
We used this past orientation period to
not only teach our new initiates history
and core values but also to reevaluate the
reason each of us joined LKS. Members,
old and new, have spent countless hours
internalizing our mission and creed in
hopes of becoming better sisters. Over the
past few months, we have truly evolved
into a much stronger chapter, making sure
we live through our mission in everything
we do.
Recently, we have incorporated
professional presentations into our “Good
Enough Member” list. Sisters were paired
up (old with new) to give a presentation
on anything pharmacy related, whether it
be a specific disease state, research, proper
counseling techniques, etc. Amandeep
Kaur, our professional chair, created a list
of guidelines to be followed, as well as an
evaluation sheet for sisters to constructively
critique each other. It was a great way for
us to not only educate each other but bond
with new sisters and learn how to improve
ourselves. The event was a huge success.
Alpha Iota, Ferris State University
On October 29th, 2015, we welcomed
20 new lambs to the Alpha Iota family!
We haven’t had an associating class this
big since Fall 2011! Following a very
successful recruitment, we participated in
Homecoming with the gentlemen of Pi
Kappa Alpha, in Pharmacy Day at the
Capitol and a Can Drive War between the
chapters of the Professional Greek Council.
Fortunately, we didn’t have any members
to send-off at our retreat this year, but
we did celebrate the 20th anniversary of
Collegiate Chapter News
Advisor Dr. Hancock advising us! We
presented her a plaque at our fall retreat
this semester.
We also participated in a bubble soccer
tournament through Panhellenic Council.
We lost in the first round, but had a blast
playing! We also had two volleyball teams
play in the sorority intramural league.
The A Team made it to the finals but lost
to Delta Zeta. With the Tablet chair, we
have a workout tally that goes around
every meeting. Lambs write in how many
workouts they did the previous week and
can earn extra tablet points.
Most of our pharmacy actives attend
Pharmacy Day at the Capitol in Lansing
every fall. Something new this year is
we met up with Omicron chapter and
connected with them! We also participated
in a can drive war through Professional
Greek Council and won by donating over
100 cans to a local food pantry in Big
Alpha Kappa, University of Georgia
Last semester, our biggest goal was to
raise $4,500 to fund a team for the annual
In Their Shoes walk in Athens, Georgia. We
were so excited when our final fundraising
total exceeded $6,900! We were able to
have a team of 5 participate in the walk
and other members set up a pit stop for
the walkers. We are hoping for the same
success in our Project HOPE fundraising.
In January, our chapter hosted our
Women in Pharmacy Networking Night
for the female pharmacy students at the
college. Female pharmacists joined us for
dinner and answered questions about their
pharmacy careers. We also have a CV
workshop later this month and a journal
club workshop in March. These events
feature our faculty advisor, Dr. Bourg.
Other professional events this month
include seminars for medical students
covering glucometers, over the counter
medications and contraception.
There are many other events that
are in the works for this semester. Our
community service chair is coordinating
an event at the local after-school program.
We are planning on spending an afternoon
with the children and bringing them school
supplies. Our third annual Girl Scouts
10 #
event is planned for April of this year. In
previous years, we have invited local Girl
Scouts to come and earn their first aid
badge by compounding lip balm, touring
an ambulance and learning basic first aid.
We are expecting a large turnout this year!
Alpha Lambda,
University of British Columbia
Alpha Lambda Chapter finished 2015
with an annual Christmas Boat cruise, and
our first social outing of 2016 was an event
exclusive to Vancouver called Dine Out.
In January, we had a few lucky members
attend an annual conference called
Professional Development Week (PDW)
in Niagara Falls hosted by the Canadian
Association of Pharmacy Students and
Interns (CAPSI). Our members had a
rare opportunity of listening to talks and
network with professionals from all across
We also plan to participate in UBC’s
Pharmacy Awareness Month (PAM),
where pharmacy students go to campuses
to teach about common topics such as
colds, STDs and asthma. We have also
hosted several professional development
events, including PCCA compounding
bootcamps and CPR courses.
Besides hosting other social events, we
will be giving high school presentations
debunking myths about the profession of
pharmacy and our roles as pharmacists.
Another big event Alpha Lambda runs
is called Manufacturers’s Night. This is an
annual event where Alpha Lambda Chapter
invites pharmaceutical companies, such as
Pfizer, Apotex, PCCA and many others,
to present their company’s products and
innovations to our UBC students.
Girl Scouts, where the girls had a blast
earning their first aid badges and
learning about healthcare from various
professionals, including pharmacists,
nurses and firefighters.
We are continuing to raise money for
Project HOPE and plan to participate in
the university’s Big Event, where we will
be placed somewhere in the community
to help make a difference through service.
We will be selling our traditional peanut
butter eggs for fundraising around Easter
and are in the process of putting together a
pharmacy themed cookbook with our own
homemade recipes.
Alpha Mu continues to grow in
sisterhood as we recently celebrated Big/
Little Week and have plans for more fun
bonding experiences including a selfdefense class. We are very excited to have
our Region Supervisor visit us this spring
and hope that we are able to show her all
that Alpha Mu has to offer.
Alpha Nu, University of Kentucky
Alpha Nu Chapter held the annual
“Mistletoe Mingle” event for students at
the University of Kentucky College of
Pharmacy. This year the proceeds from
the event will be donated to Project HOPE,
which we are very excited about! The event
was a great success, providing a great
opportunity not only for our LKS sisters
to have a good time together but also for
the rest of the college as well. We hope to
continue to grow and expand the reach of
this event in years to come.
Alpha Omega, Sullivan University
Alpha Mu, University of Toledo
Alpha Mu Chapter has a busy spring
ahead of us with upcoming service,
fundraising and social events. We recently
hosted our very successful annual Girl
Scout Event for both Junior and Brownie
The new initiates completed the new
member education in November and were
initiated on December 3rd. There were a
total of 15 lambs that initiated, increasing
the chapter from 19 to 34 members!
In November, Alpha Omega Chapter
held the major fundraiser for the year, a
silent auction at the KPhA legislative day.
Members created baskets from donations
and out of their own funds. There was a
total of 20 baskets, which raised $1,098.
We hope to continue this fundraising event
on an annual basis. The proceeds of this
fundraiser help to finance the cocktail
reception, chapter events and a donation
to Project HOPE.
The major social event Alpha Omega
Chapter put on was the second annual
cocktail reception. This year, our chapter
partnered with another Greek organization,
Kappa Psi, to host the dance and split the
cost of the dance. This event was held at a
local venue in downtown Louisville. We
had a great turnout with over 80 students
in attendance! With the success of the
dance growing each year, we are excited to
see how it continues to grow in the future.
Alpha Omicron,
West Virginia University
Alpha Omicron is now in full swing for
Relay for Life on behalf of the WVU School
of Pharmacy. We are planning fundraising
events and reaching out to local businesses
for donations. Our first fundraiser was
a Valentine’s bake sale and flower gram
sale. Cute, “punny” sayings were written
on the flower grams, and they were a big
hit! Also, we held a Valentine’s for Vets
community service event, which allowed
us to make candy bags and personalized
cards to donate to a local Veteran Center.
Lastly, we had a “Pinterest Party” craft
night for sisterhood, and it was a lot of fun.
Alpha Phi, Wilkes University
This past semester, Alpha Phi Chapter
hosted its annual Turkey Tea, which is a
buffet-style luncheon open to all students,
staff and faculty. Ticket proceeds were
donated to the local Salvation Army in
Wilkes-Barre. As a chapter, we volunteered
during Christmas time at a local farm to help
with their community-wide holiday event.
We also participated in the annual Alcohol
Awareness Walk to help raise awareness
about the consequences of alcohol abuse
on college campuses. We were excited
to welcome 14 new members into our
chapter this year, and they have proven
to be extremely involved and enthusiastic
regarding their new sisterhood.
This coming semester, we are looking
forward to growing our relationship with
the Girl Scouts by continuing our badge
event in recognition of Hygeia Day. We
will also be hosting a Substance Abuse
Week by collaborating with several other
pharmacy clubs on campus.
This coming summer, Alpha Phi
Chapter is honored to be hosting the
Annual Lambda Kappa Sigma Convention
in Scranton, Pennsylvania. We are looking
forward to gathering with students, alums
and Grand Council members.
benefit Crossroads, a behavior health
and addiction treatment center. Our
philanthropy chair, Holly Tayne, did a
great job leading the event. We had playful
competition between our pharmacy and
dental students. We also had huge support
from our lambs in “adopting” a newborn
child for Christmas in order to purchase
the items on his wish list.
Alpha Rho, Northeastern University
Alpha Pi, St. John’s University
This past October, we were able to
come together and celebrate Founder’s
Day with alumni and sisters of the LIU
Chapter, Alpha Eta. This day was filled
with tradition, sisterhood and delicious
food. We also welcomed seven amazing
girls into our chapter.
To start off this semester, we had a
post-midyear event, where we had alumni
and current six-year students talk about
their midyear experiences. This event was
a great way for our younger sisters to learn
more about fellowships and residencies.
We also participated in an event, My
Vascular Valentine, where we worked with
other organizations to help teach children
about the heart through fun games and
Later in the semester, we are excited
to work on different fundraising events,
including the American Cancer Society’s
Relay for Life (where we have been the
top fundraisers for the past 10 years) and
a Project HOPE event. One thing we are
looking forward to is a Paint Night event
in which part of the proceeds will be going
to the American Cancer Society. Alpha Pi
is also looking forward for Hygeia Day,
where we’ll be inviting a faculty member
to speak about women’s health.
Alpha Psi, University of New England
Our two social events this semester
were apple picking and Muse Paintbar.
Both events were much-needed breaks
from studying! Our biggest charity
event was the volleyball tournament to
Our chapter has been working to
strengthen our presence on campus. In
January, we participated in the MLK Day
of Service and helped paint a classroom
at a local preschool. We also set up a table
featuring Project HOPE to raise awareness
about the organization’s accomplishments
and work overseas and to encourage our
fellow students to join their efforts in
promoting global wellness. In February,
we collaborated with two other pharmacy
organizations on campus to put together
a panel of pharmacists, who were able to
give insight into unique career paths in
In the coming months, our chapter
will be hosting several events on a variety
of professional topics, including inhaled
naloxone, needle exchanges and interview
preparation. We also expect to hold
several fundraisers whose earnings will
contribute towards donations to Project
HOPE. In March, we will be participating
in the annual Relay for Life event at
Northeastern. In the future, we hope to
hold more philanthropy events focused on
women’s health and to further expand our
presence on campus.
Alpha Sigma,
Texas Southern University
Over the holidays, Alpha Sigma
collaborated with Texas Pharmacy
Association to gather canned goods at
Texas Southern University. Together we
were able to provide over fifty families
with a Christmas meal. Upon successful
completion of another semester of
Collegiate Chapter News
pharmacy school, we held a Christmas
social at our president’s home, where we
exchanged gifts and celebrated sisterhood.
We are very thankful and blessed to have
one another as sisters.
Moving forward into the spring
semester, we are excited to initiate new
members into our chapter. We have
created fun and exciting games (such as
Pharmacy Spanish Bingo) to help develop
well-rounded pharmacy students. The
game teaches students how to counsel
in Spanish in order to better serve an
underserved population here in Houston.
We also anticipate celebrating Hygeia
Day by collecting hygiene products to
donate to the women’s shelter. Plans for
summer convention attendance is also in
the making.
Alpha Theta,
State University of New York at Buffalo
Alpha Xi, University of the Pacific
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while they’re receiving treatment in St.
Louis. Sisters helped the residents make a
special Valentine’s Day crafte and served
ice cream. The residents and staff seemed
to love our visit and want us to come back
in April.
Beta Alpha, D’Youville College
School of Pharmacy
Our chapter hosted three recruitment
events this semester to get to know
potentials on a deeper level. It was an
exciting recruiting season for the actives.
We invited our alumni to come out to our
final recruitment event that was hosted
in the Alumni House on campus. It was a
beautiful dinner, where the potentials got
to see alumni and actives showcasing the
best qualities of the fraternity. We hope to
kick off initiating the new sisters soon and
welcome them into our family.
Alpha Zeta,
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
In collaboration with Student National
Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA),
Alpha Theta brainstormed an idea that
we named Project: We Are Here! This
great effort was to raise awareness and
money for the tragedies occurring in
the world, especially the attack on Paris
that happened on November 13, 2015.
The money we raised was donated to
International Relief Teams, an organization
that helps countries in need and provides
supplies so that they are able to survive
such tragedies and attacks. We also put
together a banner in which students and
faculty were able to sign with well wishes
and words of encouragement and support
to the people in Paris.
Over winter break, a pharmaceutical
science student from Paris delivered
our banner to Dean Scherrmann of Paris
Descartes University. Professors from
UB, including Dr. Mager and Dr. Jusko,
were there to present the banner as well.
Dean Scherrmann and the students of
Paris Descartes were very touched by our
efforts and the banner is now hanging in
their main atrium. Thank you so much
to everyone who contributed and helped
make this project possible, especially
Susan Liu ‘17, Justin Bui ‘18, Jonathan You
’17 and Isabella Lee’18!
Alpha Zeta Chapter has hosted and
participated in a lot of exciting events
in the past six months! Our focus has
been on our service and professional
events in addition to our sisterhood and
recruitment events. Sisters volunteer their
time monthly at a local HPES (Health
Protection & Education Services) health
fair, where they educate patients on OTC
and prescription medications at no charge.
Additionally, our current professional
chair, Lisa Grzelak, planned an on-campus
event with our school’s Illinois Pharmacy
Association, where a speaker came to
educate students on provider status and
its importance.
For service, our most noteworthy event
was our annual Hoops for Hope event last
fall, which was organized by our previous
service chair, Mackenzie Steck. Hoops for
Hope is a campus event where students
form groups and compete in a variety of
mini-games. This event was very fun, and
we successfully raised money for Project
HOPE! Our current service chair, Molly
Kallal, is working hard to plan more events
to contribute more to Project HOPE and
to our local community. For example, in
early February some of our sisters went to
Hope Lodge, a local housing facility where
cancer patients and their families can stay
We had a great start with our Bid Week
and Recruitment process. We bonded with
our new members through individual
meetings and an all-sister luncheon at Pan
Am. We also had successful days of getting
together to play games and enjoy exciting
and endearing stories about each other.
We also held our highly successful
yearly Valentine’s Day Sucker sale. New
members participated in making chocolate
suckers and delivering them to the
respective classes. It was a very successful
We had our Sunset Ceremony at the
Pedestrian Bridge early in the morning.
Yes, it was freezing with temperatures
dropping to 4 degrees; however, the
weather was no match for the excitement
of our new members and our current
sisters! As we look forward to the Big/
Little reveal, we are eager to see what the
rest of the semester will bring.
Beta Beta,
Western New England University
Last semester, members participated
in the APPE survival kit fundraiser, which
includes a clipboard detailing pertinent
information for all pharmacists to know
and have at their convenience, along with
a card of common drug interactions and
pocket immunization reference cards.
Another fundraiser was “Gobblegrams”,
which are Thanksgiving candygrams.
We have held different professional
events, including a Practice Clinical Skills
Session for PY-2 learners. Members plan to
hold an Interview Techniques event with
Christine Perry, as well as a professional
attire fashion show with APhA. For social
programs, our sisters organized an Ice
Cream Social Event and multiple potluck
lunches for potential new members to meet
our chapter and learn about the fraternity.
This spring, we will be participating in
Greek Olympics with the other fraternities
and are joining PDC in a semi-formal.
Members continue to engage with
the elderly residents of Keystone Woods,
and last semester, we collaborated with
PDC in a food drive to support The Food
Bank of Western Massachusetts. On April
9th, members will be participating in a
Habitat for Humanity event, working
with the organization to give back to our
community. We will be participating in the
SSHP Annual Health Fair on April 10th,
presenting on opiate substance abuse. Our
sisters will also be sponsoring an LKS team
in the Out of the Darkness Walk on April
30th to raise awareness about suicide; we
will also be presenting on opiate abuse.
Chi, University of Washington
Our year started off great with a chapter
visit from our Region Supervisor, Nicole
Lombardo. We were able to celebrate a
very special Founder’s Day with her and
to share in a chapter dinner that included
our alumni. We also recently had a sunrise
brunch that brought together new and
current members as well as alumni. We are
looking forward to making new traditions
with our alumni chapter. We have been
busy fundraising with Yankee Candle and
our annual Valentine’s Day Candy Grams
at school. We also look forward to our
future service activities of sorting donations
for West Side Baby, which supports local
families with children in need.
Delta, University of Pittsburgh
After another successful fall semester,
the sisters of Delta Chapter have been hard
at work to make this semester another one
for the books. To kick off the new year, the
sisters hosted our fourth annual Dr. Salk
Hall, an all male beauty pageant, where
the most talented and charismatic men
of the University of Pittsburgh Schools of
Pharmacy and Dental Medicine face-off
in hopes of taking the crown. This year,
we were able to donate $1,646 and split
it between St. Jude’s Children’s Research
Hospital (the winner’s charity of choice)
and our philanthropy, Project HOPE.
One new upcoming project is an
advocacy and educational video about the
HPV vaccine to promote awareness about
this important preventative measure. We
have also been working on our second
annual Teal Tap event to support the
National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and on
a 5K to support Project HOPE. With the
continued dedication and hard work from
all of our sisters, these events are sure to
be just as successful, if not more so, than
last year!
We will also be continuing to promote
the profession and serve the community
through various health-related initiatives,
such as OTC tabling and blood pressure
University of Southern California
After many successful events last
semester, we were excited to start the
year and implement new events to help
our members grow and develop. We have
inducted 14 amazing new members to the
LKS family, and we could not be happier to
help shape these lambs in their pharmacy
school journey.
During the residency application
process, we organized a series of workshops
to better prepare our members for the
program, such as CV/writing skills as well
as interview/verbal skills. Thanks to our
strong and supportive alumni network, the
first two workshops were very successful,
and we plan to hold them annually from
now on.
In February, we held one of our most
favorite professional events, the Dining
Etiquette Workshop. Our members were
taught about proper table settings as well
as the proper ways for fine dining. We
received great feedback from the students
and hope to bring the workshop back again
next year.
Regarding social events, we held a
social dedicated to exploring some of what
Los Angeles has to offer, such as the
famous Los Angeles County Museum of
Art and La Brea Tar Pits. We also held our
annual holiday party, where the whole
fraternity gets together for food and a gift
exchange before diving into finals week.
Wayne State University
We are excited to announce that our
chapter initiated 12 new members! This
great group of ladies will undoubtedly
make great contributions to our chapter in
the years to come.
One of our most notable achievements
over the past few months has been
establishing our relationship with Vista
Maria, a local organization that aids
women in need who come from neglected
and abusive environments. We have
successfully set up a pharmacotherapy
clinic to help educate them on their
medications and other health-related
Our chapter was able to network with
other organizations at our university to
have monthly presentations on various
health topics as well. We are proud to
introduce a new position to our executive
board, a Philanthropy Chair, to help with
developing and maintaining this project in
the future.
Collegiate Chapter News
We had a taco bar fundraiser, a Lularoe
fundraiser, and a Painting With a Twist
event over the past few months that were
a great success. We are hoping our hockey
game fundraiser with the Detroit Red
Wings is just as successful!
Upcoming, we have a professional
event with a faculty member on nutrition
and our Hygeia Day event on sex
trafficking, which will be very informative.
Our chapter members had so many great
opportunities to bond over social events
including pumpkin carving, an outing
to the Great Escape Room and Fowling
Phi, Butler University
Phi Chapter kicked off the semester
by hosting a “tips and tricks” session for
our pre-pharmacy and first-year pharmacy
sisters. Older members shared their
experiences in some of the more difficult
courses (microbiology, intro to principles
of drug action, etc.) in an effort to help our
younger members succeed. Additionally,
Social Media Secretary, Kate Roels, hosted
a LinkedIn/social media how-to session
enlightening us all on how best to manage
our professional identities and to expand
our professional networks. We hope to
better engage with Phi chapter alumni
through our newly created LinkedIn
Aside from pharmacy engagements,
our sisters have been active volunteering.
We’ve volunteered at a local food bank
and clinic and are planning to prepare
and serve dinner at the Ronald McDonald
House next month. These volunteer
experiences benefit our local community
and serve as great bonding opportunities
for our sisterhood. We also look forward to
spending an evening together volunteering
at a concession stand at a high-energy
Butler basketball game!
Vice President Alison Hamrick has
been working diligently to organize
a guest speaker and dinner to celebrate
Hygeia Day. We plan to open up this event
to other pharmacy fraternities on campus,
14 #
Pi, Rutgers
lip-sync battle, where our chapter took
2nd place and got to donate $181 to an
organization of our choice (Project HOPE).
We took part in more fundraisers as well
this year, such as selling LKS sweatpants
and holding bake sales. Finally, we will
collaborate with our sisters from the Delta
Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh for
our very first HOPE waLKS.
Xi, University of Rhode Island
Pi Chapter has been very involved in
fundraising this past semester. Our biggest
and most noteworthy event of the semester
was “Festival of Cultures: A Charity Event
for Project HOPE”. The premise of this
event was to bring together students and
professors from Rutgers to shed light
about Project HOPE and the impact it
has, as well as to enjoy a variety of foods
and performances from different cultures
around the world. We also had activities
set up around the room, including a
photo booth with Project HOPE signs, a
henna tattoo booth and an origami station.
During this event, nine Rutgers groups
performed, and over 150 people attended.
We raised over $500 and hope to continue
to raise more money for this amazing
philanthropic organization this semester.
Last semester, our chapter also began
fundraising for the school-wide event
dance marathon, the Rutgers’ biggest
fundraising event at Rutgers, which
raises hundreds of thousands of dollars
for the Embrace the Kids Foundation. To
help four of our sisters participate in this
event, we have started selling customized
pharmacy travel mugs and Rutgers
pharmacy baseball caps and lanyards.
Tau, Duquesne University
This year, we were really into expanding
our awareness and efforts at raising money
for Project HOPE. We started off with our
first HOPE Gala during our fall semester
and were able to raise over $2,000. We
also participated in our pharmacy school’s
This fall was a great one for Xi Chapter.
We initiated 44 new sisters and we are so
excited about our growing family! The
Professional Committee organized their
first “Sleep & Wellness” presentation,
where sisters presented options for
relieving stress, offered sleep tips and
provided other wellness inspirations.
Our Fundraising Committee was also
hard at work and raised about $2,300
bewteen our Yankee Candle fundraiser,
Moe’s fundraiser and our first volleyball
tournament. The entire chapter and College
of Pharmacy came together to support our
alumni sister and friend Jess Soldivieri,
who became ill last May. The College of
Pharmacy was able to raise a total of $725
to donate to her GoFundMe page along
with two large care packages for her and
her family while she was in the hospital.
She is now home and in recovery, and we
wish her the best on the road ahead!
Community service also spread some
holiday cheer to a local hospital by making
holiday cards for patients. Spring semester
will bring some new opportunities to
recreate traditional events starting with
our annual Gala fundraiser, which will
benefit Ovarian Cancer Awareness. We
are also continuing an LKS water bottle
fundraiser from last semester as well as
bringing back favored events, like an
etiquette dinner, HOPE waLKS and our
annual spring retreat/banquet.
Alumni Chapter News
Alpha Alumni
Our alumni have been having a great
time partaking in several events with
each other and with our collegiates. We
are currently developing a mentoring
program within our chapter to assist
our girls in their careers and work-life
balance and offering advice on everything
and anything. Several of our alumni are
continuing their positions at MCPHS
University here in Boston as adjunct
professors in the Pharmacy Practice lab:
Mary Durante, Allesandra Baron, Elicia
DeParolesa, Kerry McGee and Donna
Horn. We all love teaching and coaching
the future pharmacists on becoming
informed, empathetic and amazing future
caregivers to the community.
The alumni enjoyed a Yankee Swap at
Donna Horn’s house after the holidays,
and our annual alumni-sponsored Brunch
for the Collegiates was as always, fun and
delish! We are gearing up for Hygeia Day,
which is open to not only our chapters,
but to the pharmacy public. Alumni Kathy
McTiernan has also offered CEs for safety
in compounding.
At this year’s Awards Banquet, we
will be honoring one of our very own 50+
members-the Elite! Christine Perry has
been leading the way with putting together
our criteria for our newest Loyalty Award.
We’ve welcomed several babies into
the flock—Kerry McGee, Emily Ademy
and Kim Lindstrom all had beautiful little
girls. Sue Folger retired after 36 years
on the bench with CVS Health, and
Arielle Faneuf was accepted to the 2016
ASHP Oncology Patient Care traineeship
and also got married. Elicia DeParolesa
was awarded the Pharmacist Mutual
Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award.
Our own Jessi Crowley is running the
Boston Marathon this year, and her sisters
have been eager to support her and her
cause, Run for Research.
In leadership roles for the Fraternity,
Arielle Faneuf and Amanda Higgins
continue to enjoy their time as Region
Supervisors. Donna Horn and Elicia
DeParolesa are working hard on the TLC,
and Elicia also served on the Nominating
Alpha Beta Alumni
Our chapter is excited to kick off the
new year following our annual “Lock-In”
meeting, where we brainstorm events for
the semester. We are enthusiastic about
working with the collegiate members
to organize an event within the UConn
community to create awareness about our
women’s health initiative of substance
We are looking forward to a couple
social events this upcoming semester with
our collegiate chapter. We are planning
for a night of decorating wine glasses
as well as a potential game night this
spring. In addition, the Alumni Chapter
is collaborating with the collegiate chapter
to organize an Alumni Lamb of the
Week. This selected alumni sister will
be introduced via a PowerPoint slide at
each chapter meeting as a way to allow
new members to be able to network with
alumni sisters and to seek a mentor in
them if they have similar interests.
As the semester comes to a close, we
are preparing for our annual P4/Senior
Dinner at Chuck & Margarita’s Mexican
Restaurant & Steak House to recognize
and celebrate the accomplishments of our
graduating pharmacy students and senior
members. We will be anticipating which
career paths our LKS sisters choose to take
upon graduation and officially welcome
them into the alumni chapter.
Alpha Phi Alumni
A few members attended convention
in St. Louis and had a great time seeing
old friends and creating new relationships.
An alumnus hosted a holiday party at
her house for the collegiate chapter, and
it was a huge success. Everyone who
attended had a great time wearing fun
holiday sweaters, playing games, eating
delicious food and, of course, spending
time with fellow lambs. The chapter has
been working with the collegiate chapter
to prepare for the upcoming convention.
Chi Alumni
We had a meeting in December, where
we re-elected the officers, signed holiday
cards for distant sisters and had a cookie
exchange. We also discussed how to help
the collegiate chapter with recruiting new
members. Rachel Beardshear was elected
as the Alumni Chapter Liaison with the
Chi collegiate members.
In January some collegiates and alumni
met for a Sunday breakfast; it was a good
opportunity to chat informally. Jennifer
Rhodes drove up from Camas, WA to
attend this event.
Past Grand President Pat and Patron
Bob Tanac celebrated their 70th wedding
anniversary in February! and they are still
active in LKS!
Epsilon Alumni
Epsilon Alumni Chapter remains in
communication with each other via email
and Facebook. We generally get together
during local and national pharmacy
association meetings. Recently, there were
eight alumni members at the Maryland
meeting. LKS members represent much of
the leadership of MPhA. Dixie Leikach is
the current chair of the Board, and Kristen
Fink is the current Vice President. We are
very excited to announce that Cherokee
Layson-Wolf is running for Vice President.
We were able to meet the newest lamb in
the area, Tara Bastawrous, who is a PGY1
resident at Kaiser.
Omicron Alumni
Since the chapter is still newly
reactivated and goals are being developed,
we are still working on many logistical
items such as membership, dues,
communications and treasury. Several
alumni members attended the collegiate
initiation ceremony on November 13, 2015.
The Omicron collegiate chapter is planning
a professional CE program for Hygeia Day
on March 14, 2016, and we hope to have
several alumni members in attendance.
We are also looking forward to our second
annual collegiate and alumni brunch that
will be held in April 2016. One of the
initiatives we are working on is to reinstate
the Omicron alumni scholarship award for
the collegiate chapter this year. We still
have a long way to go, but we are proud of
the accomplishments we have made since
our reactivation in 2014!
Tau Alumni
This year has been one of leadership
for Tau alums. Gayle Cotchen continues
to serve on the Pennsylvania State
Board of Pharmacy. Donna Jean Hazel is
President of the Pennsylvania Pharmacists
Association. Maria Osborne is President
of the Allegheny County Pharmacists
Association. And, of course, Patti Lozano
is Lambda Kappa Sigma’s Vice President
for Alumni. We’re proud of all our leading
We have lots in store for this spring,
including a fundraiser, scholarship to be
awarded to a deserving collegiate sister
and upcoming events with the collegiate
Tau chapter.
P.O. BOX 570
MUSKEGO WI 53150-0570
April 30: Deadline for:
June 1:
•Submitting National Award
nominations (Advisor Award,
Award of Merit, Distinguished
Service Citation, Distinguished
Young Pharmacist Award and
Leadership Award).
• Deadline for completing the
Alumni Chapter Annual Report.
• Completing the Collegiate Chapter
Annual Report. (This replaces the
Annual Financial Summary Report,
Annual History Report, Convention
Delegate Credentials Form and
Convention Report).
July 3:
• Submitting all financial obligations,
initiation fees and the Chapter Officer
Roster Form.
June 30:
• Early Bird Registration for
Convention Ends.
• Last day for the discounted
Convention hotel room rate.
July 8:
• Online Registration for Convention
Ends. (Registration after this date
must be done on-site).
July 20-23:
• LKS Annual Convention in
Scranton, Pennsylvania.
for all the latest information!