Ultrafast AMO Physics at the LCLS X
Ultrafast AMO Physics at the LCLS X
ultrafast.stanford.edu Ultrafast Short Wavelength Probes of Inner Electron Sub-Cycle Dynamics in Molecules Philip H. Bucksbaum Stanford PULSE Institute Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Menlo Park, CA Collaborators • • 3/1/13 Bucksbaum group (including alumni) : Adi Natan, James Cryan, Mike Glownia, Doug Broege, Andrei Kamalov, Julien Devin, James White, Song Wang, Jaehee Kim, Limor Spector, Joe Farrell, Brian McFarland, Vlad Petrovic, Lucas Zipp, Ian Tenney, Markus Guehr, Ryan Coffee • Experimental groups contributing to our LCLS work: Nora Berrah et al, Kalamazoo; Lou Dimauro et al, OSU; Jon Marangos, Imperial College; Linda Young et al, ANL; Hamed Merdji, CEA Saclay; Raimund Feifel, Uppsala; Abbas Ourmazd et al., Milwaukee; AMO and Laser group, LCLS; PULSE Institute: Bucksbaum group, Guehr group; Reis group; Bogan group. Theory contributions: Tamar Seideman group, Northwestern; Alejandro Saenz group, Berlin; Martinez group, PULSE Institute FRISNO 2013 2 Strong fields at long and short wavelengths both induce nonlinear dynamics in molecules • Molecules are highly interactive multi-particle systems. • Strong optical fields couple states, induce ionization and structural changes, ATI, HHG • Short wavelengths excite inner electrons, leading to exotic many-electron excited states, Auger relaxation. • These ultrafast dynamics unite strong field HHG and free electron laser science. Laser Lab: hv=1.5 eV LCLS: hv=1500 eV T=3fs 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 T=3as 3 3 High harmonic generation (HHG) Pulse energies: picojoules to nanojoules 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 4 X-ray Free Electron Laser (LCLS) Pulse energies: millijoules 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 5 Two sources: HHG and LCLS Relativistic electrons in strong magnetic fields. Atomic electrons in strong laser fields. •Electron energy= γmc2 •Wavelength = λ •Undulator period =λu •Maximum deviation angle of the electrons = K/ γ λHHG MAX 3/1/13 −1 3.17 F I ~ 15 − 50nm = hc + P 2 4mω L 2 FRISNO 2013 λFEL λu K 2 ~ 0.1 − 4nm = 2 1 + 2γ 2 6 Two sources: HHG and LCLS LCLS: Sub-fs spikes, SASE Power HHG: Attosecond pulse trains, attochirp 0 2 4 6 8 Time (fs) 10 12 14 Low bunch charge Nuhn, NIM A 429, 249 (1999) Y. Ding, PRL 102, 254801(2009) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 7 Two sources: HHG and LCLS HHG: Inner electron dynamics on the 3 eV and 1 fs scale LCLS: Inner electron dynamics on the keV and few fs scale Impulsive dynamics If tunnel time t < h/∆E ΓK = σKFlcls ≈ 1015 s-1 Impulsive dynamics If Auger time t < h/∆E 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 8 Coherent rotational revivals: tool for aligning the molecule U=-1/4 ∆α E2 cos2θ Stapelfeld, Seideman, Averbukh, others τ pump <τ rotation Cryan, et al. PRA, 80, 063412 (2009). 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 9 HHG in kicked N2 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 10 The HHG spectrum changes with the alignment angle HOMO Generate 90o Align Generate 0o Align H21 and H43 HOMO 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 11 H21 and H43 McFarland et al, Science 322, 1232 (2008) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 12 Align Cutoff Align McFarland et al, Science 322, 1232 (2008) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 Generate Plateau Generate H21 13 Align Cutoff Align McFarland et al, Science 322, 1232 (2008) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 Generate Plateau Generate H43 14 Cutoff Align Align McFarland et al, Science 322, 1232 (2008) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 Generate Plateau Generate H21 oblate distribution 15 Plateau Align Cutoff Generate H43 oblate distribution shows destructive interference + Harmonics produced by different orbitals are out of phase by e-i∆E∆t ~ e-iπ Farrell, J. P. Chemical Physics 366(1-3): 15 (2009). 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 16 Stripping atoms at LCLS Core ionization and Auger relaxation strip the atom “from inside out”. P A Charge P A P P rate ~ Ixrays A rate ~ Nelectrons P V Time 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 18 Ne10+ at the focus Nature 466, 56 (2010) • Full ionization of Ne is possible 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 19 Auger electron energies observed in the molecular frame from N2 N2+ N22+ at 1.1keV 0o 90o Total 45o (Cryan et al, J. Phys. B 45 055601 (2012)) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 20 Transient state studies: N2++ Potential Energy Surfaces Shaded area: Frank-Condon R. W. Wetmore and R. K. Boyd, J. Phys. Chem. 90, 5540 (1986). 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 21 Transient state studies: N2++ Potential Energy Surfaces Shaded area: Frank-Condon R. W. Wetmore and R. K. Boyd, J. Phys. Chem. 90, 5540 (1986). t=47 fs = 0.09eV ~ N22+ 1Π u(v=1011) t=21 fs = 0.19eV ~ N22+ X1Σg(v=34) t=13 fs = 0.31eV ~ N2+ 2Σg(v=01) 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 22 Example: searching for N2++ vibrational wave packets probed by 800 nm dissociation. N2++ N2++ N+ N+ Pump-probe jitter obscures the femtosecond dynamics Glownia, J. M., et al. (2010). Opt. Express 18(17): 17620-17630. 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 23 Strong and Ultrafast: Hollow atoms P Charge P Double core holes form when the photoionization rate exceeds Auger A P A P Time 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 24 Hollow atom formation at LCLS Hoener, M., L. Fang, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104(25): 253002 (2010). Frustrated ionization in N2 M. Hoerner, N. Berrah, et al. LCLS, Fall 2009 Hoener, M., Fang, L., Kornilov, O., Gessner, O., Pratt, S. T., G\"Uhr, M., Kanter, E. P., Blaga, C., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J. D., Bucksbaum, P. H., Buth, C., Chen, M., Coffee, R., Cryan, J., Dimauro, L., Glownia, M., Hosler, E., Kukk, E., Leone, S. R., Mcfarland, B., Messerschmidt, M., Murphy, B., Petrovic, V., Rolles, D. & Berrah, N. 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 25 N2 from LCLS shows Double core vacancies. Single-site double core Auger spectrum Main Auger ssDCH Auger Shake-Up Auger 3/1/13 Cryan PRL 105, 083004 (2010) x10 Cryan, J. P., Glownia, J. M., Andreasson, J., Belkacem, A., Berrah, N., Blaga, C. I., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J., Buth, C., Dimauro, L. F., Fang, L., Gessner, O., Guehr, M., Hajdu, J., Hertlein, M. P., Hoener, M., Kornilov, O., Marangos, J. P., March, A. M., Mcfarland, B. K., Merdji, H., Petrovi\Ifmmode \Acutec\Else \'C\Fi, V. S., Raman, C., Ray, D., Reis, D., Tarantelli, F., Trigo, M., White, J. L., White, W., Young, L., Bucksbaum, P. H. & Coffee, R. N. FRISNO 2013 26 DNA photoprotection (thymine) Hudock et al., J. Chem. Phys. A, 111, 85 (2007) Potential energy ππ* ππ* Perun et al., J. Chem. Phys. A,110, 13238 (2006) 100 fs ~ps 100 fs nπ* nπ* 100 fs ~ps Excitation Effective nuclear path Effective nuclear path Fast: 100 fs – relaxation from FC to minimum Medium: ~ ps – tunneling through barrier Fast: 100 fs – non-BOA dynamics Medium: ~ ps – vibrational relaxation Markus Guehr collaboration, McFarland, et al., arXiv:1301.3104 [physics.chem-ph] 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 27 Pump-Probe Scheme UV PUMP n NONBOA DYNAMICS SXR PROBE ∆t=? TIME π AUGER DECAY π∗ Ekin Record Auger electron energies as function of pump-probe delay DELAY O 1s O 1s Markus Guehr collaboration, McFarland, et al., arXiv:1301.3104 [physics.chem-ph] 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 28 Delayed Ultrafast X-ray Auger Probing: DUXAP Thymine Auger spectra (BL8 ALS) π∗ n C π N O Auger Matrix element: <φcore χcont|1/r12|φvalφval’> O 1s 3/1/13 Spatial sensitivity for valence orbital at core hole! FRISNO 2013 29 Time Dependent Auger 3/1/13 UV on – UV off/ (UV on + UV off) FRISNO 2013 McFarland, et al., arXiv:1301.3104 [physics.chem-ph] 30 Map of DNA photoprotection ππ* 70fs nπ* 400fs 200 fs Ground state Excitation Effective nuclear path Fast: 100 fs – non-BOA dynamics Medium: ~ ps – vibrational relaxation Markus Guehr collaboration, McFarland, et al., arXiv:1301.3104 [physics.chem-ph] 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 36 Strong field lasers and LCLS create and probe ultrafast processes: • X-ray induced core holes allow access to the fastest time scales in atoms and molecules • Strong field lasers and HHG can probe interelectron dynamics in bonding electrons • High time and spatial resolution of both tools can reveal how bonds are made and broken 3/1/13 FRISNO 2013 37 Thanks! • • 3/1/13 Bucksbaum group (including alumni) : Adi Natan, James Cryan, Mike Glownia, Doug Broege, Andrei Kamalov, Julien Devin, James White, Song Wang, Jaehee Kim, Limor Spector, Joe Farrell, Brian McFarland, Vlad Petrovic, Lucas Zipp, Ian Tenney, Markus Guehr, Ryan Coffee • Experimental groups contributing to our LCLS work: Nora Berrah et al, Kalamazoo; Lou Dimauro et al, OSU; Jon Marangos, Imperial College; Linda Young et al, ANL; Hamed Merdji, CEA Saclay; Raimund Feifel, Uppsala; Abbas Ourmazd et al., Milwaukee; AMO and Laser group, LCLS; PULSE Institute: Bucksbaum group, Guehr group; Reis group; Bogan group. Theory contributions: Tamar Seideman group, Northwestern; Alejandro Saenz group, Berlin; Martinez group, PULSE Institute FRISNO 2013 38
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