kids training plan 1: 5–8 years - Flexi-Bar
kids training plan 1: 5–8 years - Flexi-Bar
KIDS TRAINING PLAN 1: 5–8 YEARS WELCOME TO FLEXI-BAR KIDS TRAINING the arms will not work. Set the shoulders back and down, squeeze the tummy muscles into the back like a big button on a settee. Soften the elbows and the knees. Only ever shake the bar in the direction that your fingers point so that you don’t turn any of your friends into frogs! This training plan has been specifically designed for use with FLEXI-BAR Kids. You can perform all of the exercises in a sequence, or pick 3–4 of your favourites and repeat them twice. Perform each exercise for 30–60 seconds, then rest. Holding the FLEXI-BAR: Always hold the FLEXI-BAR in the middle of the grip, whether you’re using one or two hands. Keep your grip relaxed, wrists straight and elbows slightly bent. When using two hands, keep them together at all times. Try pointing your index fingers forward, as if to make magic spells with your fingers. Swinging the FLEXI-BAR: The FLEXI-BAR works with the core muscles not the big surface muscles. Therefore attempting to shake the bar from Training Guidelines: For best results, use the FLEXI-BAR 3 times per week, 10–15 minutes each time. Always begin with a small warm-up, circling the arms, twisting the torso from side to side and small squats (imagine you’re sitting down in a chair) and begin with exercise 1. Contraindications: There are no known contraindications for children using FLEXI-BAR. If your child is injured, sick, or in pain FLEXI-BAR training is not recommended. For further information visit BLAST OFF! FLYING ROCKET SHOOTING STAR Upper, middle and lower back Glutes, upper and lower back, hip, knee and ankle muscles Shoulders, waist, inner thigh, hip, knee and ankle muscles Body Position: Feet hip distance apart, knees soft, body weight through heels. Double hand grip over head with elbows soft. Swinging Motion: Up and down. Body Position: Body weight over right leg, take left leg backwards; lift leg by squeezing your bottom. Hold FLEXI-BAR with both hands no lower than chest height. Lean forward from hips pull your belly button in. Imagine you are a plane about to take off. Change sides. Body Position: Balance on right leg, keeping the knee soft. Lift other leg off the floor. With the FLEXI-BAR in left hand, lift both arms out to the side, imagining you are a big star shining brightly in the sky. Repeat on other side. Swinging Motion: Forward and back. Swinging Motion: Out and back. WINGS STUCK IN THE MUD DEAD BEETLE Shoulders, upper and middle back Upper and mid back, shoulders, lower back, abdominals Chest, abs, lower back Body Position: Hold FLEXI-BAR in right hand, arm pointing diagonally up to the sky with left arm down by side. Stand tall, holding tummy tight. Imagine how a bird would look flying. Swing your FLEXIBAR, trying to move your wing very slowly down and up, like a bird. Swinging Motion: Out and back. Body Position: Kneeling down, hold your tummy tight. With arms over head, shoulders pulled down, imagine you’ve been caught in the mud and cannot move your legs! Swinging Motion: Up and down. Body Position: Lying on back, feet off the floor and knees bent to 90 degrees. Hold FLEX-BAR with both hands over your chest, arms straight up in air. Dead beetles don’t move, so try to keep your legs perfectly still and shake the FLEXI-BAR. Swinging Motion: Up and down. RACING DRIVER GOLFER T FOR TROUBLE Chest and back Glutes, lower back, upper back, hamstrings Core, shoulders, waist, abs Body Position: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Arms out in front, elbows soft, imagining you’re holding a steering wheel. Once the FLEXI-BAR is swinging change direction of wrists as if driving a car. Noises optional! Body Position: Stand tall, tummy pulled tight, shoulders back and down. Imagine you’re playing golf, bending forward from the hips, eyes forward. Hold FLEXI-BAR with both hands and begin swinging, rotate your torso as if you’re about to hit the ball. Body Position: Lying on right side with right elbow under shoulder. Keep shoulders and hips in line, and bend knees. Lift body weight on to right elbow and shake FLEXI-BAR with outstretched left arm making a ‘T’ shape with your body. Repeat on other side. Swinging Motion: Forward and back. Swinging Motion: Forward and back Swinging Motion: Up and down. KIDS TRAINING PLAN 2: 9–12 YEARS WARRIOR TREE STORK Quads, inner thighs, shoulders, abs and back Inner & outer thigh, chest, back, biceps, hip, knee & ankle muscles Thighs, glutes, triceps, abs Body Position: Feet wider than shoulder-width, turn left foot out and bend left knee so that it is in line with ankle. Hold right leg straight, knee soft and toes pointing forward. With both arms held out to side, hold FLEXI-BAR in left hand and swing. Change sides. Body Position: Weight over right leg, bend left leg and position foot over inside of calf or thigh, avoiding knee joint. Imagine you are a tree, standing tall, strong and perfectly still. Hold FLEXI-BAR with both hands at chest height and swing. Swinging Motion: Out and back. Swinging Motion: Forward and back. Body Position: Weight on left leg and lift right leg to 90 degrees with bent knee. Stand tall and proud, lifting your chest up and hold tummy tight. Hold FLEXI-BAR behind body and swing. Swinging Motion: Up and down. CROUCHING TIGER JUMPING FROG SUMO WRESTLER Thighs, glutes, inner thighs, lower back, abs, shoulders Glutes, thighs, chest, back, calves Inner and outer thigh, waist, shoulders Body Position: Feet hip-width apart with shoulders back and down. Do a half-squat position and shake the FLEXI-BAR. Add a jump from the squat while the FLEXI-BAR is moving; soften the knees as you land the jump. Body Position: Feet wide with toes pointing out, hold FLEXI-BAR in left hand. Perform a wide squat and transfer weight to right leg, like a Sumo, lifting the left leg off the floor. Shake the FLEXI-BAR in line with the leg, palm facing down. Repeat on other side. Swinging Motion: Forward and back. Swinging Motion: Out and back. Body Position: Sink down into a squat, legs wide and toes turned out. Place body weight on to the balls of the feet, lifting heels off the floor. Hold the FLEXI-BAR over head with both hands. Swinging Motion: Up and down. ROCKING HORSE (MOVING POSE) TUG OF WAR (PARTNER POSE) SUPER HERO Chest, back, thighs, hamstrings Core, chest and back, thighs and glutes Core, upper and lower back, glutes Body Position: Stand with weight on left leg, right foot off the floor with knee bent, in front of body. Jump from left leg forward onto right leg, lifting the left heel up towards the bottom, return back to left leg in rocking motion. Swinging Motion: : Forward and back. The team at FLEXI-SPORTS believe that our kids are our future. We feel that exercise and movement are an essential part of growing up to be a healthy adult. FLEXI-BAR training is a great way to help develop both a strong body and a positive attitude towards exercise. Body Position: Stand opposite partner and shake hands. Take the FLEXI-BAR in opposite hand and shake by side. Take a foot off the floor and try to pull each other over. Swinging Motion: Up and down Body Position: Lie on stomach, hands over head and legs out- stretched. Lift arms and legs off floor and move FLEXI-BAR overhead. Swinging Motion: Forward and back. Looking for more innovative fitness equipment? XCO Trainer Flexi:Bak You Breathe