annual report - Appenzeller® Käse
annual report - Appenzeller® Käse
A N N UA L R E PORT 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Editorial 6 Market development 9 Products and innovations 10 Production, sales and quality 12 Goldvreneli 14 Key figures 16 A glance at the brand 18 Marketing and communication 24 Organization 26 Management The photos in the Annual Report come from Nicolas Senn’s series called “SENNtisblicke.” They were all taken in 2014 for the Appenzeller 2015 photo calendar. ® EDITORIAL The shareholders of the Appenzeller cheese trade organization (Sortenorganisation) are confronted every day with the task of reaching a sufficient level of earnings in Switzerland and abroad to provide them with an appropriate profit after covering their operating and capital costs, despite higher production costs at home. This can be achieved only with a high-quality product, which has always been the case with Appenzeller cheese. ® The entire value-added chain of Appenzeller cheese is ® based on its position as a guarantor of a traditional, spicy and unmistakable product, satisfying the highest consumer requirements. It ranges from the exemplary animal husbandry, ethical feeding and hygienic milk production, via commercial cheese production and storage with a high level of expertise to shrewd, accommodating and fair business practices. It is the task of the trade organization to support its shareholders in their work. In addition to marketing activities and a consistent policy of brand protection, the trade organization considers quality assurance and a guarantee of origin to be its main obligations, which it has assumed successfully and is also prepared to assume in the future. Our plans and activities are based on this objective. At the level of the office of Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Käse GmbH this means optimally planning and con trolling the use of resources in favour of the shareholders and our partners. This is a challenging task which in the past has been solved by using various information technology tools. The increasing complexity of the regulatory requirements, marketing needs and manufacturing processes prompted a move to a new ERP system. Its evaluation, planning and implementation represented an enormous challenge to every employee over many months. The fact that it was introduced without any problems is a credit to our office staff. It was a particular challenge for our brand to safeguard management body. A vote of thanks needs to be given to and expand our market presence abroad, initially in the people leaving us and a friendly welcome is extended the EU, where we sell more than half of our volume to the newly elected members and we wish them every of production. With the support of the Center for success in their new positions. Customer Insight at the University of St. Gallen and the Contexta advertising agency, the organization and Finally, I would like to thank all the members of the management focused intently on optimizing the quality organization for the work they have carried out this year of our products, reviewing the sales strategy and draw- for Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Käse GmbH. Last ing up innovative concepts. but not least I would like to thank all those who have shown commitment and have made a successful con- A business is also an organism undergoing change. As a tribution to maintaining and strengthening the mutual result the trade organization itself is also subject to change, trust and mutual appreciation amongst the groups of including its staff from time to time. shareholders. David Vincze left the management team in September. He had been particularly involved with promoting sales during the two years he spent with Appenzeller cheese ® and achieved excellent results. At this point I would like to thank David Vincze for his work for the benefit of the organization. Until a new Director is elected at the Meeting of Shareholders in spring 2015, we are grateful to Monika Walser-Storchenegger for taking over the interim management. After the retirement of Josef Inauen and Hans Ruckstuhl in 2013, two other long-standing members of the man agement team also departed during the year covered by the report. This means that two of the founding members of the Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Käse GmbH, namely Josef Hardegger and Heinz Güntensperger, have left the management. Both were already members of the previous market organization for Appenzeller cheese ® and therefore provided their many years of experience to Appenzeller cheese. The cheese side of the business is ® now being represented by Anton Schmutz, who works for a major retailer in the sector. Jacques Gygax has been elected to the management to represent the cheese makers. As the Director of Fromarte, he is able to bring great expert knowledge from the cheese sector into our CARLO SCHMID - SUTTER Chairman of the Executive Management 5 MARKET DEVELOPMENT From the perspective of market development, 2014 was Sales in Germany, the most important export market for characterized by the price increase, which Appenzeller ® Appenzeller cheese, were characterized to a large extent ® cheese was forced to implement in October 2013. by the high shop sales prices. However, it became evident Despite this adjustment, it was possible to prevent our that even breaching the price threshold of € 1.99 for products being delisted, but sales declined slightly in 100 grams of cheese did not lead to a major collapse in some markets compared with the previous year. This might sales. After a slight decline in sales in the previous two also have been because some foreign cheese producers years, they rose slightly this year. This is only possible reduced their prices in their European export markets. for a strong brand with an attractive image, which is popular with consumers. Fortunately it was possible to In Switzerland small cheese types from home and abroad maintain the high distribution level of 96 percent at gained market shares. Imported products continue to cheese counters. remain very attractive in price terms and compete fiercely with domestic products within the sector. Thanks to In France the quality awareness of consumers is extremely a targeted and consistent marketing strategy and high- high. As long as quality is above average, French con- quality standards it was possible for Appenzeller cheese sumers are prepared to pay a higher price. The French are to achieve a good result in the circumstances. Sales in prepared to dig deep into their pockets for more mature Switzerland fell only slightly and even rose a bit abroad. cheese such as Appenzeller EXTR A in particular. This ® ® fact is also reflected in the internal statistics. Appenzeller ® Regional products also performed well in 2014 on the E XTR A enjoys the highest proportion of sales of all Swiss home market. Traceability and proximity to the Appenzeller maturity levels. However, price acceptance manufacturer are becoming increasingly important as also has its limits and the high price therefore prevented sales arguments for consumers. A wide range is also ap- stronger growth in France. ® preciated. These developments represent a good starting point for smaller brands in particular so that they are The idea that a brand can reduce its advertising expendi- continually gaining market share. There will therefore ture if it has a high level of awareness is mistaken. Current remain fierce competition to divide up the cake that is studies show that within the sector the expenditure on expanding only slightly. This requires the continued full marketing activities is increasing every year. Foreign brands commitment of Appenzeller cheese. The marketing in particular now invest more money in advertising than ® activities of the last few years have once again paid off. five years ago. Every fourth major decision-maker also in- Despite fierce competition for shelf space, sales in creased its share of the advertising budget. As two-thirds Switzerland could almost be maintained at the level of of all consumers make their purchasing decisions in front the previous year. of the shelves, Appenzeller cheese will also implement ® targeted measures in the future to prompt consumers to make a purchase at the point of sale – in addition to campaigns that have broad coverage. 6 PRODUCTS AND INNOVATIONS Spicy national hero with a spare tyre Bio Suisse (organic certification). There is also a visual The Swiss summer of 2014 was hot only in the vicinity difference: the green label on the wheel of cheese shows of a barbecue. This was because Appenzeller cheese was unmistakably that this speciality is of organic quality. ® able to come up with a product innovation that had a lot to offer: a cervelat sausage cut into two halves fi lled Refined appearance for the cheese quiche mixture with a piece of Appenzeller cheese and wrapped in a As part of the image standardization at points of sale, slice of bacon. Sales reached 16 tonnes alone during the the spiciest cheese quiche mixture in Switzerland received fi rst few weeks after the launch of the new product. a makeover with black in the autumn. The color black This corresponds to over 124,000 sausages and 1.8 tonnes in no way symbolizes the color of mourning, but stands of Appenzeller cheese. for traditional, timeless values. This is completely in line ® ® with Switzerland’s brand of cheese with the longest tradiAppenzeller ORGANIC SURCHOIX for the whole tions. Black also contrasts superbly with the golden color- of Switzerland ed cheese quiche in the foreground. This combination Test sales which had been running in some Migros gives the impression of a particularly refined cheese – which ® branches since the autumn of 2013 showed an extremely of course is the case for Appenzeller cheese. ® positive result for the new organic product Appenzeller ® ORGANIC SURCHOIX. In fact, they were so positive Alpenzeller goes online that the Migros cooperative decided to stock ORGANIC Appenzeller cheese is a very exclusive delicacy, which SURCHOIX throughout German-speaking Switzerland is available only in selected cheese shops, namely only as of autumn 2014. in the Appenzellerland and in the well-known Berlin ® ® department store KaDeWe. However, the exclusivity is to the taste of gourmets throughout Switzerland, which is why Appenzeller cheese has also been on offer in the ® online shop since 2014. This has been a success: it is already in the top five products in the shop. Innovation secures the future In collaboration with the University of St. Gallen (HSG), in 2014 Appenzeller cheese developed an innovation ® strategy for the next few years. This defined the sectors in which innovation should take place. In addition, processes, room for manoeuvre and targets were described Appenzeller ORGANIC SURCHOIX is made fol- and specified. The new organizational structure also lowing the same process as the other types and is treated makes it possible to strengthen the brand in the future with the herbal brine during the maturing stage which and safeguard growth and its continued existence. lasts from four to five months. In terms of taste, it cor- Naturally, the precise strategy is just as strictly confi- responds to Appenzeller SURCHOIX because of the dential as the recipe for the herbal brine. ® ® period for which it is stored. There is the subtle difference that it is produced using milk from farms certified by 9 PRODUCTION, SALES AND QUALITY Production With regard to exports, it was possible to exceed the During the 2014 financial year a total of 9,028 tonnes results of last year. A total of 5,189 tonnes of Appenzeller of full fat and ¼-fat Appenzeller cheese were produced. cheese was exported, whereby the proportion in relation Compared with the 9,224 tonnes of the previous year, to total sales rose from 56.7 percent to 57.3 percent. After this corresponds to a reduction of 2.1 percent. The level of a decline last year, sales in the most important export stocks of 2,404 tonnes is slightly lower than in the pre market of Germany increased again by 0.9 percent to vious year when it stood at 2,429 tonnes. It was possible 4,110 tonnes. Sales remained at almost the same level to maintain the volume of production of Appenzeller in the second most important export market of France. cheese in November, whilst it had to be restricted during Despite the continuation of tough market conditions the other months by 5 and 10 percent respectively. owing to the price rise and the difficult currency situation, ® ® ® sales rose slightly to 592 tonnes. According to the TSM Stocks are at an optimum level if all the different degrees reports, sales to the rest of Europe were slightly above those of maturity are ideally in line with customer requirements of the previous year. On the other hand there was a throughout the year. This year on 31. 10. 2014 stocks of minor decline in the category of the other countries. all Appenzeller cheese were 25 tonnes lower than the ® previous year and totalled 2,404 tonnes. This meant Quality that the measures carried out to limit production were At the time of the cheese “taxation,” Ia Appenzeller cheese extremely effective. accounted for 98.37 percent of total volume – a very ® good result. Such a high value is only possible through Sales the extremely high commitment of all the milk pro Domestic sales remained almost unchanged in 2014. ducers involved as well as the cheesemakers and merchants. The decline is merely 63 tonnes or 1.6 percent. Owing In 2014 the master cheesemaker Peter Steiner also to the rising number of imported products and fierce achieved an excellent result: the independent “taxation” competition within the category of sliced cheese, this committee assessed his cheese over the year to be at 20, result is something to be proud of. In order to be able the maximum number of points. to defend this market position in the future, the focus 10 continues to be on targeted marketing activities in the The proportion of IIa cheese stood at 147.4 tonnes, domestic market. which corresponds to 1.63 percent of total volume. GOLDVRENELI Just like every autumn over the last few years, the best Honor for 20-point Goldvreneli winner cheesemakers again received awards this year. Ten cheese- This year special mention must be made of Peter Steiner, makers with the highest quality level were awarded a who achieved the maximum possible number of points, Goldvreneli for their excellent work. Between May 2013 namely 20. Therefore many congratulations to Peter Steiner and April 2014 ten cheesemakers again achieved record as well as to the other nine Goldvreneli winners for the results. The prize-winning wheels of cheese achieved values high quality of their achievements. of between 19.733 and an excellent 20 out of a possible 20 points. Swiss Cheese Award This year’s Swiss Cheese Award took place in Rapperswil. Traditional Goldvreneli excursion In the “Appenzeller cheese” category 24 cheesemakers ® This year’s Goldvreneli excursion was bathed in a positive were competing against each other. The winning cheese light – the sun accompanied the excursion group during comes from Niklaus Allenspach and Konrad Thalmann the afternoon and evening, ensuring a cheerful atmosphere. from Käserei Lenggenwil AG. In addition, the cheesemakers from positions two to six in the “Appenzeller ® The highlight of the excursion was the visit to the Stadler cheese” category were awarded the diploma of the Swiss company in Bussnang. A tour of this kind is only given Cheese Award: Roland Gemperle, Käserei Bettenau; selectively to meet special requests. Participants were Josef Hardegger, Hardegger Käse AG, Jonschwil; Godi enthusiastic about Stadler Rail and its innovative produc- Thönen, Käserei Wängi; Albin Grätzer, Appenzeller tion processes. Milchspezialitäten AG, Schönengrund; Hans Eberle, Käserei Muolen. After this it was time to measure everyone’s strength, not in stacking wheels of cheese, but on the go-cart track. The Appenzeller cheese trade organization congratu- The Goldvreneli cup was opened, adrenalin levels rose lates the winners and thanks all the participants as well from round to round and motivated some people to top as their staff and families for the daily work carried out performances. Subsequently the evening meal was in the name of Appenzeller cheese. served on the Ottenberg above Weinfelden. The evening was rounded off in Restaurant Thurberg, embedded picturesquely in vines and with an unbelievable view, by the celebratory awarding of the Goldvreneli. 12 ® ® AESCHBACHER MARCEL Käserei Gabris 9515 Hosenruck AMACKER EMIL Käserei Niederdorf 9200 Gossau BISCHOF ERICH Käserei Egg-Eggersriet 9034 Eggersriet BUCHEGGER URS Emmi Käse AG Appenzeller Schaukäserei 9063 Stein EBERLE NORBERT Käserei Obersteinach 9323 Steinach ENGELI ROMAN c/o Josef Hardegger Käserei Jonschwil 9243 Jonschwil (for full fat and ¼-fat) PFISTER ALOIS Käserei Goldingen 8638 Goldingen RUTZ ANDY Käserei Studer AG 8580 Hefenhofen STEINER PETER Käserei Dorf 9103 Schwellbrunn WERDER OTHMAR c/o Traber Käse AG Käserei Kirchberg 9533 Kirchberg SG 13 KEY FIGURES 2014 financial year These production figures are based on data collected by SO Appenzeller Käse GmbH. The export figures were made available by TSM Treuhand GmbH according to information from the Directorate General of Customs. They correspond to the quantities which were exported to the respective country. However, because of the free traffic of goods inside the EU this does not automatically mean that they were sold in the same country. The comparative period of November 1, 2013, until October 31, 2014, corresponds to the cheese volumes recorded in the reporting year. 9,053 9,028 9,224 9,067 8,825 8,802 9,102 8,900 9,398 10,000 9,162 PRODUCTION, STORAGE AND SALES DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER TO OCTOBER IN TONNES 8,000 Volume of production 6,000 Sales abroad 5,189 5,140 5,278 4,000 5,738 5,612 Sales in Switzerland Stocks on 30. 11. (full fat, semi-fat and ¼-fat) 2010 2011 3,864 3,927 3,547 0 3,364 3,551 2,000 2012 2013 2014 CONCLUSION The volume of production had to be reduced by a total of 2.1 percent. Stocks of 2,404 tonnes at the end of October were slightly below the level of the previous year. Export sales were able to be increased again by 0.95 per cent, however domestic sales declined by 1.6 percent. SHARE OF SALES ACCORDING TO PRODUCTS / TYPES ORGANIC: 1.5 % SWITZERLAND ¼-FAT: 1.5 % ORGANIC: 10.1 % GERMANY CLASSIC: 29.8 % ¼-FAT: 0.02 % EXTRASPICY: 6.1 % STRONGLY-SPICY: 15.1 % EXTRA: 14.6 % MILD: 77.3 % SURCHOIX: 44 % CONCLUSION In Switzerland ORGANIC rose by 2.9 % following the introduction of ORGANIC SURCHOIX. In Germany the trend towards spicier cheese continues; STRONGLY-SPICY as well as EXTR ASPICY are gaining market share. 14 SHARE OF SALES ACCORDING TO COUNTRY 7 5 3 SHARE OF SALES IN TONNES 2014 (NOVEMBER 2013 TO OCTOBER 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3,864 4,110 592 101 285 * 38 43 20 Switzerland (–1.6 %) Germany (0.9 %) France (0.2 %) Benelux (4.1 %) Rest of Europe (2.9 %) USA (–35.6 %) Canada (95.5 %) Other countries (–9.1 %) 4 6 8 2 1 9,053 TOTAL (–0.15 %) * Great Britain 19 / Italy 1/ rest of Europe 265 CONCLUSION In the main export market of Germany sales were able to be increased again despite price increases. Sales also went up overall in the other EU countries. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT READY-MADE FONDUE (INDEXED) CONCLUSION 140 127 120 The marketing measures continue 130 to show an effect: in 2014 sales of 119 113 100 ready-made fondue were able to be increased by a further 2.36 percent. 100 80 2010 2011 2013 2012 2014 STOCKS FROM NOVEMBER TO OCTOBER IN TONNES 2013 0.9 October 0.5 2,428.8 2,395.6 Monthly average (Nov. – Oct.) 2014 32.3 2,403.7 2382,2 1.3 21 2,175.7 24.1 ¼-fat ½-fat 0.9 2,201.1 full fat 2,289.7 2261,3 27.5 CONCLUSION Stocks of 2,403.7 tonnes were 1.03 percent lower than during the same period of the previous year. However, the monthly average rose by 4.03 percent. 15 A GLANCE AT THE BR AND Brands, owners and marketing departments often want Consumers: likeable, down-to-earth, natural too much. They are so enthusiastic about their product Appenzeller cheese is well known to most Swiss and that they love reporting all the advantages that make German consumers. This is understandable in Switzerland, their product stand out. This is how they convey various but is surprising in the enormous German market and forms of content in campaigns that run over several leads to the conclusion that the message and media strat- years in the belief that the customer is just as interested egy in Germany have been well selected. The majority in their product as they are. of those questioned tended to also agree completely that ® the brand promise of Appenzeller cheese (“The spiciest ® cheese in Switzerland”) is being satisfied. Less is more However, reality is different. Communication with consumers has become much too complex for consumers Anyone who knows Appenzeller cheese perceives the to absorb several messages at the same time. Particularly brand to be traditional, down-to-earth, close to nature as we are confronted with several thousand messages every and successful. However above all it is also likable or day, as various studies are always reporting. Brands even very likeable. For almost one-third of those ques- that want too much become too fragmented and are not tioned Appenzeller cheese has even increased in pop noticed at all in the battle for attention. ularity over the last few years. Naturally you need to be brave to focus on a single message. However, the different types in the range are not so well It is also far from easy to find the core of the company, known, particularly in Germany. In addition, the Swiss which is to be communicated. However the brand wins product descriptions (CLASSIC, SURCHOIX, if incidental information is no longer reported. EXTR A) make it more difficult to guess the maturity ® ® than the German product descriptions MILD, It is therefore impressive how the Appenzeller cheese trade STRONGLI-SPICY and EXTR ASPICY. Too much organization has for many years been able to incorporate is expected of the consumers themselves. This problem the many interests and opinions into a common objective emerged once again in the survey – with those questioned and unite them under one roof into a strong brand. wondering why Appenzeller cheese can’t have simpler ® ® product descriptions and have a more identifiable image Spicy survey instead of dull theory at the point of sale. This also makes sense because over In order to discover how Appenzeller cheese is perceived 60 percent of those questioned decide spontaneously in in the two most important markets of Switzerland and the shop to buy some. ® Germany, the University of St. Gallen (HSG) under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Torsten Tomczak carried out a consumer perception survey. However, it was not only the layman’s perspective that was of interest in 2014, but also the astute analysis of strong Swiss brands by marketing professionals. 16 Marketing managers: bold, consistent and humorous In addition to the consumer survey, the professional view of the brand is also of interest to the Sortenorganisation. Marketing managers from four well-established Swiss brands were asked about their perceptions for the annual report. “Thanks to the many decades of continuous communi “For me Appenzeller cheese is one of the examples of how cation, Appenzeller cheese has managed to become a commodity can become a power brand through good an unmistakable brand personality, which every child in marketing. A high-quality product with a history is also Switzerland recognizes. It is perceived simultaneously as the basis here. However, the unique feature of it all is the spicy and amusing, traditional and successful, whereby mystification of the secret surrounding the herbal brine, it proves that marketing is not a waste of time. Appen the authentic setting and the enviable consistency and zeller cheese has this aspect in common with the Bell continuity with which this story has been repeated over brand. It’s therefore no wonder that at Bell we also the years. This is because without a secret recipe Ricola have a cordon bleu dish with Appenzeller in our range.” would just be a herbal sweet, Coca-Cola only a brown fizzy ® ® ® Davide Elia, Manager of Corporate Marketing / Communication, Bell ® drink, the potion from Miraculix probably just a soup and Appenzeller simply only cheese.” ® Bernhard Christen, Head of Marketing, Swiss International Air Lines “Appenzeller is undisputedly one of the best-managed ® brands of cheese in Switzerland. It differentiates clearly and awakens emotions. The differentiating feature lies “A brand, which offers several things: a unique skill, history deep within the product: it’s the taste. This – according and insight into rural life in the country – and nevertheless to the brand history – is based on the secret recipe of manages to refrain from saying too much and focus on a the herbal brine. This secret has been the center of com- simple message: the spicy secret. The fact that it is imple- munications by Appenzeller since the beginning of mented by skillfully linking the character of the cheese time. Thanks to a dose of humor it’s neither boring nor with the stereotypical uniqueness of the inhabitants of brash. Continuity is major factor of the success of the Appenzell and simultaneously expressing the tradition brand communication. The staying power and courage to and origin of the brand is not only an excellent result, continue with an existing advertising campaign a ppears but also shows humor. This creates a great deal of sympa- to exist with.” thy for the brand.” ® Christoph Ott, Manager of Branding & Advertising, Mobiliar Lukas Eiselin, Head of Brand and Communications, Ricola 17 MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION The world is changing quickly. Appenzeller cheese of time 5,000 people secured a space for their name plate remains constant. This is because the reason for its on the bench that ended up being 1 km 13 m 32 cm popularity is its spicy flavour and its consistently high long. This was not only a resounding reverberation for quality. However, advertising also plays its part in the campaign, but at the same time achieved an entry the success of Appenzeller . Here consistency also pays in the Guinness Book of Records. ® ® off: a strong brand always tells its customers the same Ice Bucket Challenge thing – but always in a different way. Summer 2014 was cool – almost frosty. Not least Unmistakable spices earn unmistakable because 2014 was the summer of the “ice bucket chal- brand identity lenge.” It’s a challenge because it was about tipping Continuity in brand management does not mean shying a bucket full of iced water over your head. Anyone who away from something new. It means that one has found achieved this, donated 10 dollars to the ALS charity the brand promise and does everything to ensure that and was able to nominate three people to do the same the company says the same things in every communica- thing within 24 hours. People who were nominated tion medium about something new. This makes the and did not complete the challenge, had to dig deeper brand consistent and the consumer can remember the into their pockets and donate 100 dollars. A clever message. charity appeal, which raised a lot of money for research into and the treatment of the nervous disease Amyo- Creativity between tradition and innovation trophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The way in which the message is told is solely a question of creativity. The interplay between the brand’s The campaign became a worldwide phenomenon traditional values and the new means of communication and was naturally also supported by our three Alpine and communication flows was also played skillfully by dairymen – even if they interpreted it rather freely. Appenzeller cheese in 2014. It was worthwhile: already Instead of tipping the bucket over their heads, the three during the last few years Appenzeller successfully Alpine dairymen preferred to bathe their feet in iced broke new ground and continued on this path, which water, donated generously and nominated three promi- also brought a well-known prize in 2014 for the nent Swiss advertisers. In a slickly produced advert Contexta advertising agency responsible for advertising. disseminated via social media the keepers of the secret Great honor for “the longest bench in the world” text was unmistakable: “Local people like us from Appen- An international jury composed of the top creative zell don’t follow every fashion. We prefer to donate minds from the leading agencies in the world awarded CHF 1,000 immediately for ALS.” The idea is another the Facebook campaign run by Appenzeller cheese example of how one can make use of a craze and at a bronze Facebook Studio Award. Such a Studio Award the same time underpin traditional values. Because the has so far been received by only 15 advertising agencies brand message is so clear, simple and ingrained, such in 10 countries worldwide. Facebook honors brands campaigns can be planned and implemented quickly and agencies with this prize, which have run particu- and the public understands them – even without larly creative and successful campaigns on Facebook. many words. ® ® were as silent as always. However, the superimposed ® In this case successful means that within a short space 18 Facebook has voted and gave a Bronze Studio Award to “The longest bench in the world.” The Ice Bucket Challenge was interpreted by the three Alpine dairymen in their own inimitable way. 19 The fan wave ran over 22 mobile phones and tablets. “Lost your bread? Take a card!” Appenzeller® cheese makes for entertaining fondue meals with the bread-loser game. 20 Interstellar silence tumn promotion. Tradition has it that anyone who loses Even with cold feet the three Alpine dairymen did not their bread in the fondue must pay a penalty. The actual give anything away this year. Although it was easy to penalty features on the cards which were enclosed with feel very sorry for Uwe Ochsenknecht this time. For one every pack of fondue between September and December. cinema advert he was kidnapped by two aliens, who The more cards that were collected, the more entertain- wanted to find out the secret of the spiciest cheese in the ing eating the fondue became. galaxy. Of course they didn’t manage to do this. The secret remains on Earth and the three Alpine dairy- In addition to the three cards, there was also a winning men remain on the ground despite the intergalactic code in the pack. This made it possible to enter the success. The two-part advert was shown in the cinema competition online to win 1 of 300 complete game sets. before the science-fiction films “Planet of the Apes” Like in other previous promotions, the advertising and “Guardians of the Galaxy.” now often refers to the e-shop, where this time the set with exclusive joker cards was for sale. Cheering Appenzeller style One reason to cheer was the Appenzeller cheese Appenzeller cheese launched the free “Fondue game” fan wave because this promotion reached over 30,000 app for a technically experienced audience – a digital people within a short space of time. The cheerleaders add-on to the card game which is just as easy and enter- merely had to visit the website, where taining. The matching “Fondue game” app with a lucky they were able to start their own Mexican wave alarm offered additional fun and even more opportuni- with one click. Thanks to a team ID this could be passed ties for a wide range of penalties. The app for the game onto other screens on smartphones and tablets. An remains available for iOS and android devices. ® ® app was not required because the wave operated in the web browser. Immediate prizes thanks to the new promotion mechanics In addition to enjoying the great result, there was also In Germany Appenzeller cheese traditionally featured a good prize to be won. Anyone whose wave was able in two promotions at the sales counters: the spring to travel via more than four devices was automatically promotion before Easter and that in November and entered in the draw for 11 tickets for the football match December. A new aspect of the winter promotion between Switzerland and England. The idea consciously was a scratch card flyer with a code that could be revealed appealed to a younger audience and was promptly picked at the sales counters. This could be entered on the up by the youth broadcaster Joiz and presented in detail promotion website and it showed straight away whether in the program called “noiz.” The Joiz team them- one had won a snow globe with the three Alpine selves actually achieved the longest fan wave with dairymen as an immediate prize. ® 22 mobile devices. As well as the promotions, the adverts with the three Appenzeller fondue gives away penalty cards silent Alpine dairymen and Uwe Ochsenknecht could ® Appenzeller does not create traditions itself – but it uses be seen once again on the major German private broad- them skilfully for promotions. The Appenzeller fondue casters in December until before Christmas. ® ® bread-loser game also fits into this long sequence of entertaining ideas, which was launched as part of the au- 21 Strong brand, strong image A tasting campaign and a trade fair are really much more At IGW in January 2015 Appenzeller cheese once again than places to taste cheese. Thanks to the female tasting stirred things up with the enormous fondue forks: the staff, Appenzeller found an attractive way to transmit unchanged stand from 2014 with the bar in the shape of cultural knowledge about the country and its inhabitants. an oversized fondue caquelon pot and the three Alpine Skillful and friendly, they make an extremely valuable dairymen who are guarding the secret of the herbal brine contribution. For this reason Appenzeller devoted a again attracted a lot of attention. On the opening day special edition to its ambassadors in 2014. The ladies the rhythmic duo Bubble Beatz literally drummed up in traditional costume were introduced in person on a dozens of visitors every half an hour. In addition to double-page spread and praised for their commitment. ® ® ® the spiciest cheese in Switzerland, other promotions attracted visitors to the stand on the other days of Tasting was also brisk at OLMA. The trade fair stand, the trade fair. This time visitors could play a game of which was given a new image in 2013, also attracted dice to win an Appenzeller straw hat. If visitors bought visitors in droves in 2014. However, not only because of at least 500 grams of cheese, they would also receive a its appearance, but also because of the intrinsic value free genuine felt bag. In total over 9,500 felt bags of the OLMA hits. This year this consisted of a shopping were given away, 4.7 tonnes of cheese and 3.5 palettes bag with a snow globe design, a pack of Appenzeller of fondue were sold. fondue, a snow globe with the three Alpine dairymen, ® traditional fondue forks and matching napkins with the silent Albert. Tasting campaigns, the spiciest selling trick Anyone who comes into contact with Appenzeller cheese, ® can hardly move away from its effect. Evidence of this Illuminated traditional brand is also provided by the tasting campaign with which Ap- at Swiss railway stations penzeller was presented by the German grocery chain In addition to the traditional signs, in 2014 Appenzeller Globus in the late autumn. Customers were invited to cheese also features on new APG illuminated posters in visit the sales stand with an Appenzeller design and try selected railway stations. An extraordinary feature of the Appenzeller MILD, STRONGLY-SPICY and EXTRA- new range is that the poster locations can be synchro- SPICY. Out of a total of 40,000 customers who tried nized. Therefore if for example the ICE train from Berlin a cube of cheese, every third person subsequently bought comes into Basel, the German travellers see adverts for a piece of Appenzeller . This meant that approximately the spiciest cheese in Switzerland at every poster location 120 kilograms of cheese were sold every day of the tast- and know they are in the right place here. ® ® ® ® ® ing campaign. The Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft (APG) poster company Naturally something similar also applies to tasting asked Appenzeller cheese to become involved with the campaigns and counter promotions in other countries. first display on this new generation of so-called rolling ® In the Netherlands Appenzeller cheese was presented star poster surfaces, the rotating posters. The idea be- for one week in May in various branches of Albert Heijn, hind this: for their inauguration the new poster locations the largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands. should feature a strong brand with a strong presence. ® This was also a runaway success: sales of Appenzeller Once again this demonstrates that tradition and innova- SURCHOIX increased six fold. tive marketing go together well. ® 22 The spiciest cheese again attracted visitors this year at the IGW trade fair. Das würzigste Geheimnis der Schweiz. 144117_APP_Kampagne_2012_PL_F12_dt.indd 1 24.02.15 09:35 An illuminated poster, which also spoke volumes without any words in 2014. 23 O RGANIZATION STATUS 31. 12. 2014 SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING (171 MEMBERS) Appenzeller® Cheese Foundation Milk producers Cheese producers Cheese merchants Executive management of Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Cheese (8 members) ® Geschäftsstelle SO Appenzeller Käse GmbH David Vincze (Managing Director until September 5, 2014) Geschäftsstelle SO Appenzeller Käse GmbH Monika Walser (Managing Director as of September 5, 2014) Marketing Administration Finance and Accounting Quality Management Shop in Salesis Monika Walser Head of Marketing and Communication David Vincze Head of Administration Tatiana Franco Head of Finance and Accounting Alfred Ammann Head of Quality Management David Vincze Management Shop Renato Caluori Project Manager Marketing Stefanie Enzler Administration Fritz Messner Quality Management Simone Zuberbühler Shop Marketing Christian Gatsas Project Manager Online Marketing Fabienne Tobler Administration Simone Zuberbühler Project Manager Marketing Beatrice Sutter Part-time Mirjam Inauen Part-time Uschi Schmid Part-time 24 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT STATUS 31. 12. 2014 26 CARLO SCHMID-SUTTER STEPHAN HAGENBUCH URS WERDER JÜRG SCHMIDHAUSER JACQUES GYGAX LORENZ KOLLER LEONHARD WEY ANTON SCHMUTZ EXTER NAL BOAR D OF DIR ECTORS Carlo Schmid-Sutter Chairman of the Board of Directors R EPR ESENTATIVES OF THE MILK PRODUCERS Stephan Hagenbuch Vice-Chairman Member of the Executive Management of the Swiss Milk Producers (SMP) Urs Werder Member, Association of Dairy Farmers of Central/Eastern Switzerland Member of the Executive Management of the Swiss Milk Producers (SMP) R EPR ESENTATIVES OF THE CHEESE PRODUCERS Jürg Schmidhauser Member of the Board of Directors Cooperative of Eastern Swiss Milk Processors Jacques Gygax Director of Fromarte APPENZELLER CHEESE FOUNDATION ® Lorenz Koller Chairman Landeshauptmann (Governor) R EPR ESENTATIVES OF THE CHEESE MERCHANTS Leonhard Wey Member of the Board of Directors of the Appenzeller Cheese Merchants’ Association, Emmi Käse AG ® Anton Schmutz Sales Manager and member of the Board of Directors Elsa/Mifroma SA 27 Sortenorganisation Appenzeller Käse GmbH • Haus Salesis • Poststrasse 12 • 9050 Appenzell Telephone 071 788 30 40 • Telefax 071 788 30 45 E-mail • Internet