2010 - The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine


2010 - The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
Department of
Social & Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
Annual Report 2010
©Department of Social & Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya,50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel. +603 7967 4756 Fax. + 603 7967 4975 http: //spm.um.edu.my
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Edited by:
Azlan Darus, Sirajoon Noor Ghani, Retneswari Masilamani, Choo Wan Yuen
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Foreword From
The Head of Department
The year 2010 was another eventful year for the
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine (SPM)
with the efforts by everyone to achieve the year’s
targets and schedules.
Associate Prof Dr
Retneswari Masilamani
future collaborations and networking. We also had
Associate Professor Dr. Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul
several visiting professors namely Prof Nico Nagelkerke,
Mohsein was transferred as head to the Student
Prof Uiterwaal C.S P, Prof Omar Hasan Kasule, Sr.,
Empowerment and Resource Unit of the university. Mr.
and Prof David Koh who supported our postgraduate
Roshidi Ismail who was a tutor, succeeded in obtaining
programmes and conducted short courses in the
a scholarship to pursue his PhD in UM under the SLAB
department in biostatistics, epidemiology and scientific
programme and we wish him good luck.
writing respectively. The department conducted a total
It has been a busy year for everyone in the department
Several staff from the department made presentations
as certain requirements had to be met for the
of their research endeavours at conferences overseas.
Malaysian Quality Agency (MQA) to approve all
postgraduate courses offered in the department of
SPM. The Postgraduate unit, especially Dr Maznah,
Dr Farizah and the unit members had to prepare the
MQA documents for all postgraduate programmes.
Thanks to the Postgraduate team for the hard work
and perseverance to achieve this task.
The semester system introduced in 2009 continued
with the smooth running of the programmes and
examinations. In 2010 we had 104 candidates for the
postgraduate programme. Foreign students constitute
almost 40 percent of the total enrolment. This year
we had students from 12 countries namely; Iran,
Sudan, Nigeria, China, Yemen, Peru, Somalia, United
Kingdom, Libya, Russia, Myanmar and Cameroon
The department has successfully published 38 ISI
and 5 Non – ISI journal articles, and one chapter in a
book in the year 2010. We had the fifth most number
of journals in the faculty despite the comparatively
smaller number of staff. This is a great achievement
for the department especially with the number
programmes that the department caters.
The Julius Centre, under the leadership of Professor
Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud, made great strides
in the field of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence –
Based Medicine with their links with University Medical
Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands; University of Oxford and
Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta, under
of 12 short courses and most of them were through the
Julius Centre, University Malaya (JCUM).
staff was very supportive in all activities carried out
without whom many may not have been possible.
week; a family day and a farewell day for the 2009-2010
Finally a big thanks to Dr Claire Choo and Y. Bhg Dato’
students. The Family Day organised at the Templer’s
Sirajoon Noor Ghani who jointly worked towards the
Park was a hit. Thanks to Dr Maznah, and her team for
output of this annual report.
the excellent organisation of all these activities.
The SPM website was kept updated with information
on the activities for the year. This was well done by Dr
Azlan, the department’s webmaster.
leadership of Associate Professor Nabilla Al Sadat
The Department had 2 academic staff, Associate
Mohsein signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Professor Wong Yut Lin and Dr Wong Li Ping transferred
with the Pahang State Health Director to execute the
from the Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine.
research activities in Breast Cancer and the Cancer
Associate Professor Wong Yut Lin was appointed
registry. CePH conducted short courses in these areas
as head of the Family Health Unit and continued to
under the tutorship of Visiting Professor Liam Murray
coordinate the undergraduate M.B.B.S programme
from Queen’s University, Belfast in mid 2010.
for the department. Congratulations to Dr Wong Li
space for the staff and research activities. This gave
the department a boost in appearance and added
features like a conference room and a meeting room.
the targets set in one way or the other. The support
and students. These were a very interactive orientation
The CePH has had a major renovation to facilitate
department for all the hard work put in to accomplish
The department undertook several activities for staff
the Asia link programme, which came to an end in late
The Centre for Population Health (CePH) under the
I take this opportunity to thank one and all in the
Ping who was promoted as Associate Professor. Dr
Hazreen Abd Majid successfully completed his PhD
and returned in July 2011. Dr Farizah Mohd Hairi is
due to complete hers in July 2011. In late 2010 two
additional staff namely Professor Chan Chee Khoon,
We had several visitors from China, the United States
a public health consultant, and Associate Professor
and Thailand to share and exchange experiences for
Karuthan Chinna, a statistician, joined the department.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
The Beginnings of
the Department of SPM
Professor Winifred Danaraj nee Lewis was born on the 8th
of August 1916. She read Medicine at the King Edward
VII College of Medicine, Singapore and graduated as
Licentiate of Medicine and Surgery in 1938.
She was also involved in the development of the
medical curriculum which gave emphasis to ‘integrated
teaching’ and also relevant to the needs of a developing
country. Social and preventive medicine became
Professor Winifred Danaraj,
L.M.S. (Singapore), D.C.H. (London),
M.P.H. (Magna cum Laude, Harvard)
Foundation Professor of the Department
of Social and Preventive Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
important elements in the undergraduate curriculum, in
the face of opposition from her clinical colleagues. She
worked closely with the Ministry of Health Malaysia so
as to expose medical students, early in their studies,
to problems faced by the public health officers in the
On graduation she served in various states in Malaya,
She was the first woman to be appointed to an academic
various districts. This was done by rural visits as well
including during the Second World War (1942 – 1945).
medical chair in the University of Malaya in Singapore,
as postings to the districts. The first intake of students
This was followed by a stint of private practice (1947-
and later became the first local person to be appointed
was in 1964 and they completed a 5 year programme,
1949). Professor Winifred Danaraj nee Lewis was born
as Professor of Social Medicine and Public Health. In
graduating in 1969. Professor W. Danaraj did not rest
on the 8th of August 1916. She read Medicine at the
1964 she accepted the post of Professor of Social and
on her laurels, but embarked on planning for a Master
King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore and
Preventive Medicine in the newly established medical
of Public Health programme. This was to provide more
graduated as Licentiate of Medicine and Surgery in
school in Kuala Lumpur, while her husband, Professor
specialists in the field of public health to meet the
1938. On graduation she served in various states in
T.J. Danaraj was appointed Foundation Dean and
need of the health services in the country, as it was
Malaya, including during the Second World War (1942
Professor of Medicine.
the policy of the government to uplift the health of the
– 1945). This was followed by a stint of private practice
(1947-1949).The war years delayed her postgraduate
training. However in 1952 she was able to obtain her
Master of Public Health (magna cum laude) from the
Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, U.S.A. and
the Diploma in Child Health from the Royal College
of Physicians of London and the Royal College of
Surgeons of England also in 1952.
time offenders and ‘in deep disgrace’ for recalcitrants.
She was a person of warmth and a deep sense
of humour. She always had a ’ear’ for her staff and
students and was always available to those who sought
her wisdom on matters personal or otherwise. Her staffs
were her personal friends and her colleagues enjoyed
her company. All was forgiven at Christmas time as
she organized a Christmas party in her department
and all staff and students of the faculty were invited.
It stretched from morning coffee till lunch, and if there
were left-over’s until afternoon tea. She lived to see
the transformation of a hill covered with scrub into a
medical complex comprising of the faculty, teaching
hospital and student community. Her untimely death in
1974, after a long illness was unfortunate as it robbed
the faculty of an icon, a good teacher and a pillar of
strength to the staff and students.
rural people, who at that time consisted of 75% of the
Many professors will pass through this department but
population. The programme was introduced in 1974.
none will be able to leave an impact as she did. They
Since then it has produced 569 graduates, 407 local
do not make professors like that anymore strict, jovial
and 162 foreign candidates.
with a sense of humour to wit.
the department must take in pursuing change in the
Professor W. Danaraj could be seen from afar as she
field of public health in the then developing Malaya.
By: Dato’ Dr Sirajoon Noor Ghani
was a ‘big’ person with a ‘big heart’and her signature
Her academic and administrative skills honed while
instrument was a large blackboard set-square which
Her appointment as the first professor to the chair in the
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine (SPM)
gave her the opportunity to develop a department
with her own vision and philosophy as to the direction
in Singapore enabled her to develop the department
she used in teaching. She loved teaching and her
In October 1949, she joined the Faculty of Medicine
despite acute staff shortage. She was able to recruit
lectures were well prepared and rich in facts. Her
in Singapore, as lecturer in the Department of Social
experienced staff from overseas, while encouraging
English was immaculate, spiced with wit and humour.
Medicine and Public Health. She was promoted to
young Malaysian doctors to pursue a career in public
Students had to be punctual, if once too often, were
senior lecturer in 1958. In 1961, with the resignation
health. Many were sent overseas to read for higher
‘invited to tea’. Books borrowed from her department
of the incumbent, she became the head of the
degrees and also to gain valuable experience in the
had to be returned on time, otherwise their names will
field of public health. On return they became the future
be mentioned in dispatches, with their names up on the
academic staff of the department.
notice board, under the heading of ‘in disgrace ‘for first
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Vision and Mission
To become the institution of excellence which will
provide leadership in activities for the education,
training, research, development, spread and provision
of service in the domain of Public Health and in all the
specialities associated with it.
Programme Activities
Undergraduate programme
The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine contributes to the
undergraduate medical and science programmes of the Faculty of Medicine
and the University. The programmes are:
• Bachelor in Science Nursing
• Bachelor in Biomedical Science
• Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
The Department views its mission at the undergraduate
level as being charged with the responsibility, via the
medical undergraduate instructional programme, for
the preparation of the potential graduate to take up
duties in the running of health programmes for the
community in all parts of the nation and to be able to
operate from the national health care service system
effectively and efficiently (at the level of the medical
The Department views its mission at the post-graduate
level as being charged with the responsibility, via its
post-graduate public health training programmes,
to produce a doctor who may be considered as a
professional and a specialist in the general domain of
public health as well as in a particular chosen specialty
within it.
The Department also considers its mission to share
the knowledge and skills gained in its various activities
with others who are interested. This is envisaged to
be achieved in various ways including the conduct of
short courses from time to time.
• Diploma in Nursing
The courses offered include the following; 1) The Management of Self, 2)
Foundations of Epidemiology, 3) Medical Statistics, 4) The Management of
Resources, 5) Epidemiology of Specific Diseases, 6) Family Health , 7) Health
Promotion, 8) The Management of People, 9) Environmental Health, 10)
Occupational Health and, 11) International Classification of Diseases
The Community Residency Programme (CRP)
The Community Residency Programme (CRP) for phase IIIA MBBS students
was conducted from 23 February to 23th March 2010. The CRP offers an
opportunity for medical student to interact with residents in rural areas and
understand their life-style, health beliefs and problems. The programme was
carried out in five rural districts in the state of Perak. These five districts include
Kinta, Larut Matang & Selama, Parit Buntar, Kuala Kangsar and Hulu Perak.
The students also visited places of public health interest such as water
treatment plants, sanitary land fill, sewage treatment plants, gravity feed water
supply systems, vector control activities and factories. This gave the students
an opportunity to learn possible environmental and occupational health issues
faced by the community in these facilities.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Postgraduate Unit
Organisation and Management of Healthcare Services
OMHS is one of the field programmes conducted by the SPM Department
for MBBS undergraduates. The Organisation and Management of Healthcare
Services (OMHS) module for phase IIIB MBBS started on 3rd July 2010.
The OMHS programme allows potential medical graduates to undertand
various systems of health care delivery in the country. The students have the
opportunitiy to familiarise with their future work environment as they learns
about the functions of the various categories of staff who man the hospitals
and health centres.
The students were divided into 8 groups
From left to right: Kamar Junus,
Nony Mohd Abdul Wahab,
Dr Maznah Dahlui (center),
Normala M Shamsuddin,
Shamsina Shamsuddin
and posted to districts in Selangor, Wilayah
Persekutuan, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang
organisations in the respective areas. The
module was concluded with the students’
presentations on the health organisations and
focus areas which were assigned to each
group. The districts involved this year were:
The SPM Postgraduate Unit aims to produce
professionals who are specialists in the general domain
of Public Health as well as a particular specialty.
Klang, Gombak, Petaling (Selangor), DBKL,
Putrajaya (W. Persekutuan), Seremban, Port
Dickson (N. Sembilan) and Raub (Pahang).
The Unit is set up to coordinate all the
Orientation Day
post graduate teachings and assist
At the beginning of every academic
Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine
The CE and EBM module was introduced into the undergraduate curriculum in
2009. The module was borne out of the collaboration between the University
of Malaya (UM) and the University Medical Centre, Utrecht (UMCU), University
of Oxford, the Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Hospital under the
Asia-Link programme. The programme aimed to introduce the principles of
clinical epidemiology, critically appraise evidence and how to apply evidence
in clinical practice. The programme was a success with support from clinicians
and staff from SPM whom had contributed to the teachings of this module.
under SPM. The unit is headed by Dr.
Maznah Dahlui who is responsible
to the Head of Department. The
staff are Ms Shamsina Shamsuddin
Normala M Shamsuddin (Programme
Assistant), Mdm Nony Mohd Abdul
Wahab and Mr. Kamar Junus.
programme for the new intake of MPH
and MMedScPH students. The main
objective of this event is to introduce
the program and staff of SPM to the
new comers and initiate interactions
among the students. The event was
scheduled for three days from 5th to
9th July 2010 involving the activities
such as ice-breaking session, team-
Unit Activities
building and some games. In the
PG unit has been actively organizing
event, students were grouped into
several activities for the department
six with nine to eight members in
in general and the unit specifically.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
each group. These groupings remained the same for
started with the briefing session by Dr. Maznah and
Integration Day
the whole academic session for students to conduct
followed by the activities and ended with prize giving
group activities/assignments. The orientation program
ceremony. On the last day of the programme, the
The integration day was held on the 21st September
by the students and staff. There was also a karaoke
facilitates students to know their group members so that
students elected their class representative, assistant
2010 to allow the students and the staff of the
session. The students and staff took this opportunity
they can work as an excellent team. The programme
and treasurer.
department to get together in between their busy days
to show their talent in singing. The day was so cheerful
with studies and work. This year the integration day
with colourful dresses and traditional costumes from
was held in the month of Eid Mubarak or Hari Raya
local and international countries. The main dishes were
Aidilfitri. In view of the good team work spirit showed
prepared by the department like ketupat, lemang,
by this year’s batch, the PG unit decided to allow the
lontong, Penang laksa and peanut paste. There were
students to organise the activities for this event, while
also dishes from other countries provided by the
the PG unit provided the support needed. The activities
international students.
of the day were indoor games and performances
MPH/MMedSc(PH) 2010/2011
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya
5 - 9 July 2010
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Presentation of Research Progress
List of modules offered and module coordinator
At the beginning of every semester research students (DrPH) are to present
Master of Public Health (MPH) / Master of Medical Science in Public Health (MMedScPH) Session 2010/2011
the progress of their research, as a requirement before they could renew the
registration of candidature. In 2010 there were 2 cohorts of DrPH students
who presented their research progress. Problems faced by students regarding
their project and logistics issues were discussed and solutions given where
applicable. All academic supervisors were involved in the evaluation of the
research that was presented. This event was one of the activities that were
organized by PG unit.
Postgraduate Meeting
The postgraduate meeting is held every three months or quarterly which
involves all the lecturers. The objective of the meeting is to discuss on the
Semester 1
Core Courses
Principles of Biostatistics
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Management in Health
A/P Dr Saimy Ismail
Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Principles of Family Health
A/P Dr Nabilla
Research Methodology
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Occupational and Environmental Health
Dr. Azlan Darus
Elective Courses
issues related to the postgraduate program especially in curriculum review and
with regards to development of modules. In 2010 issues brought to attention
Health Risk Assessment
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
Law and Health
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Public Health Nutrition
Dr. Maslinor Ismail
Core Courses
Society, Behaviour and Health
A/P Dr. Wong Yut Lin
Research Proposal Development
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Elective Courses
and discussed were mainly related to the modules that were introduced after
the introduction of the semester system in 2009.
MQA meeting
In fulfilling the Malaysian Qualifying Agency requirements on the standards
to be achieved for higher learning institutions, the curriculum of the MPH/
MMedScPH and DrPH programmes had to be reviewed. All the modules were
revamped to match its learning outcomes with the strategies and subjects to
be taught and the matrix of soft skills were developed. PG unit organized 2
meetings to brief and discuss with all the module coordinators on how to meet
the MQA requirements. Several sessions were held between PG personnel and
the module coordinators. The exercise was very time consuming and tedious.
Occupational Medicine
Dr. Azlan Darus
Epidemiology of Diseases in Malaysia
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Women, Child and Adolescent Health
Dr. Maslinor Ismail
Vetting of Postgraduate Examinations Questions
Health Economics
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
PG unit is also responsible for coordinating the vetting of exam questions at
Medical Surveillance and Fitness to Work
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
Qualitative Inquiry in Public Health
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Producing Better Evidence
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Dr. Farizah assisted and coordinated the last few sessions and compiled the
MQA documents, assisted by Ms. Hadharina.
department level. All vetted exam questions from each unit are compiled and
vetted again at the department level by the head of department and all unit
heads. This is in accordance with the requirements for MQA.
Semester 2
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University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) Session 2010/2011
List of Postgraduate candidates for session 2010/2011
Semester 1
Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Health Policy and Leadership
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Core Courses
Human Factor and Ergonomics
Dr. Azlan Darus
Health Economics
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Nutrition and Lactation Management
Dr. Maslinor Ismail
Disability Assessment
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
Analysis of Rates and Proportions
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Semester 2
Quality in Health
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Society, Behaviour and Health
A/P Dr Nabilla
Occupational Safety Health in Management System
Dr. Azlan Darus
Human Resource Planning and Management
A/P Dr Saimy Ismail
Critical Readings and Special Topics in Epidemiology
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Qualitative Methods in Health Research
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Lifetime Health
A/P Dr Nabilla
Clinical Epidemiology
Elective Courses
Semester 3 / Special Semester
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Research Protocol Development
In Public
Core Courses
Number of students enrolled for postgraduate programmes
No of students enrolled
No of students graduated
Master of Medical Science in Public Health
Master of Public Health
Master of Public Health
(Speciality) Year 3
Core Courses
Master of Public Health (Specialty) Year 4
Professional Internship
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Doctorate of Public Health (DrPH)
Master of Medical Science (by Research)
Doctor of Philosophy (by Research)
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Master of Public Health
Dr Abda Salih
Dr Abdul Ghalib
Dr Ahmed Abdullahi
Jama Liban
Dr Ainul Nadziha Bt.
Mohd Hanafiah
Dr Alkali Mohammed
Dr Mohamed El Amin
Eltahir Mohamad
Dr Mohammad Gafar
Mohammad Ahmed
Mohammed Othman
Mohammed Alshaikh
Dr Muftah Abdusalam
Dr Mukail Olawuyi
Dr Alsadig Hamid
Abdallah Suliman
Dr Ashvini a/p
Dr Azran bin
Dr Cassidy a/l
Dr Chanjan Ghio
Marlon Walter
Dr Muthu Chelvan a/l
Mathi Arasu
Dr Nirmalah a/p
Dr Noor Safina Ahmad
Dr Norsilah bt. Sudin
Dr Nurfazlinda Md
Dr Chitra a/p S.
Dr Fatima Elnagieb
Adam Gamer Eldien
Dr Haslina bt. Ismail
Dr Khairiah bt. Ibrahim
Dr Lily Rafidah bt.
Mohamed Zaki
Dr Ogueji Okechi
Dr Osama Mohamed
Elhassan Khalafalla
Dr Raja Abdelrahim
Mohamed Fadil
Dr Rajini a/p
Dr Ramadan Ibrahim
Dr Maha Melik Razik
Dr Mazliza Bt. Ramly
Dr Meisyashaer
Dr Meram Mohammed
Ali Azzani
Dr Mohamed Ahmed
Haji Abdalla
Dr Razatul Shima bt.
Abdul Razak
Dr Rida
Dr Roddy Teo
Dr Shaila Anjum Bhat
Dr Shazimah bt Abdul
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Master of Public Health (Speciality)
Dr Shubash Shander
a/l Ganapathy
Dr Tilal Ibrahim
Dr Sule Meleh
Dr Wan Md Shihabudin
bin Wan Mamat
Dr Tan Seok Hong
Dr Yin Min Thant
Dr. Patwinder Kaur Gill
Dr Tariq Nasreldin
Dr Zulfa Zety bin Dol
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Dr Patwinder Kaur Gill
A simple risk score for gestational diabetes screening
Dr. Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Occupational Medicine
Dr Mohd Iqbal Bin Hamzah
drmohiq@google .com
Prevalence of work related neck and upper limb
disorder and its association with hand grip strength
among office employees in Pulau Pinang
Dr. Azlan Bin Darus
Master of Medical Science (by research)
Master of Medical Science in Public Health
Dr. Mohamed Iqbal bin
Mr Ahmed Hagar
Ms Lee Kwai Yan
Ms Marie Felicite
Ms Masoumeh Ghane
Ms Nada Ab Mansour
Mr Prabakaran a/l
Ms Sareh Dashti
Ms Zahra Hajjari
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Ms Eng Jui Yee
Validation of a food frequency questionnaire to asses
total cholesterol, total fat and different types of fat
intake among Malay adults in UMMC
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Mr Mohammad Bagher
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Doctorate of Public Health (Year 1)
Dr Alfred Aldrin a/l
S. Perianayagam
Dr Chow Sze Loon
Dr Anisah Jantim
Dr Dyanan a/l
Dr Bala Murali
Dr Erlendawati
Mohd Anuar
Dr Balachandar a/l
S. Sayapathi
Dr Juliana Sharmini
Name of candidate
Dr. Alfred Aldrin a/l S. Perianayagam
Prof. Madya Dr. Wong Yut Lin
Dr. Anisah Jantim
Dr. Anslem Su Ting / Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Dr. Bala Murali
Prof. Madya Dr. Retneswari Masilamani /
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr. Balachandar a/l S. Sayapathi
Dr. Tin Tin Su / Dr. Anslem Su Ting
Dr. Chow Sze Loon
Dr. Anslem Su Ting / Dr. Tin Tin Su
Dr. Dyanan a/l Puvanandran
Prof. Madya Dr. Nabilla Al Sadat
Dr. Erlendawati Mohd Anuar
Dr. Azlan Darus / Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Dr. Juliana Sharmini Paul
Dr. Maslinor Ismail / Dr. Choo Wan Yuen
Dr. Mohammad Idris Zamhuri
Dr. Azlan Darus / Dr. Tin Tin Su
10. Dr. Noraida Jamal
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
11. Dr. Norliza Ahmad
Dr. Maznah Dahlui /
Prof. Madya Dr. Nuraishah
12. Dr. Norliza Ibrahim
Prof. Madya Dr. Wong Li Ping
13. Dr. Nur Suffia Sulaiman
Dr. Choo Wan Yuen / Dr Azlan Darus
14. Dr. Nuraidah Mohd Marzuki
Prof. Madya Dr. Saimy Ismail / Prof. Madya Dr. Nabilla Al
15. Dr. P. Raviwharmman a/l Packierisamy
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan / Dr. Maznah Dahlui
16. Dr. Tuty Adrizan
Prof. Madya Dr. Wong Yut Lin
Doctorate of Public Health (Year 2)
Dr Mohammad Idris
Dr Nur Suffia Sulaiman
Dr Noraida Jamal
Dr Nuraidah Mohd
Dr Norliza Ahmad
Dr P. Raviwharmman
a/l Packierisamy
Dr Norliza Ibrahim
Dr. Ismawati Ismail
Dr. Jenifer @ Jennifer
Dr. Mohamad Rodi
bin Isa
Dr. Mohd Harriszamani
Abu Bakar
Dr. Mohd Ridzwan bin
Dr. Premila Devi
Dr. Rima Marhayu binti
Abdul Rashid
Dr. Sophia binti Mohd
Dr Tuty Adrizan
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Dr Ismawati Binti Ismail mamaliff@
Characteristics, Treatment Outcome and
Survival of TB/HIV Co-Infected Patients in Kuala
Lumpur and Selangor – A Multi Centre Study
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Dr Mohamad Rodi Bin Isa
The Impact of the Progressive Deep Muscle
Relaxation to the Level of Anxiety, Stress,
Depression and Quality of Life Among Prostate
Cancer Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Dr Jenifer@Jennifer John
Economic Evaluation of Thalassaemia Treatment
in Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Dr. Maznah Bte Dahlui
Dr Premila Devi
Factors Influeincing Transition of Smoking
Stages Among Secondary School Student in
Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur: a Longitudinal
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla Bte
Abdul Mohsein
Dr Rima Marhayu Bte Abdul Rashid
Call-Recall system in Klang using SIPPS (Pap
Smear Program Information System) software:
The cost effectiveness of different types of
reminder on patient`s response rates.
Prof. Madya Dr. Nabilla binti
Abdul Mohsein /
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr Sophia Bte Mohd Ramli)
Cost effectiveness analysis of clinical breast
examination and mammogram for breast
cancer screening in the general population: a
randomized controlled trial in Klang district
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr Mohd Harriszamani
Bin Abu Bakar
Internal brain drain and career advancement
among medical officers in Malaysia
Dr. Tin Tin Su /
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr Mohd Ridzwan Bin Shahari
Equity in Utilization of Healthcare in Malaysia:
Evidence from National Household Health
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan /
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Doctorate of Public Health (Year 3)
Dr. Narimah Hanim
binti Ibrahim
Dr. Noorhaire Sumarlie
bin Nordin
Dr. Nurhuda binti
Dr. Rafdzah binti
Ahmad Zaki
Dr. Fauziah binti
Dr. Nik Daliana binti
Nik Farid
Dr. Nor Irdawaty binti
Dr. Noraliza Zabari
Dr. Norzakiah binti
Mohd Tahir
Dr. Siti Horirotul
Hamrok binti Asis
Dr. Ruzita binti Othman
Dr. Siti Munira binti
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Dr Narimah Hanim Bte Ibrahim
Survival and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of
AIDS Patients on Highly Active Anti-Retroviral
Therapy (HAART)
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr Noorhaire Sumarlie
Bin Nordin
Adverse cardiac events and vascular
complication following PCI in ACS patients in
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Dr Nurhuda Bte Ismail
Mathematical Modeling in Tuberculosis
transmission and impact on early intervention
(chemoprophylaxis) in Malaysia
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr Fauziah Bte Abdullah
A call-recall system to increase attendance at
screening for cervical cancer among noncompliance female school teachers in Kula
Dr Tin Tin Su
Dr Nik Daliana Bte Nik Farid
Predictor of high risk sexual behavior among
adolescents in welfare institutions
Assoc Prof Dr. Nabilla Bte
Abdul Mohsein
Dr Nor Idawaty Bte Ibrahim
Ethnic differences in female breast cancer
Dr. Maznah Bte Dahlui
Dr Noraliza Bte Zabari
Effectiveness of school based weight
intervention program in overweight adolescents:
A community trial study.
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Dr Norzakiah Bte Mohd Tahir
Telephone lactation counseling and breast
feeding practice: A Randomized controlled trial
Assoc Prof Dr. Nabilla Bte
Abdul Mohsein
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Name of candidate
Title of Project
Dr Siti Harirotul Hamrok
Bte Asis
Employment status and breast feeding practice
in Kuala Langat District
Assoc prof Dr.Nabilla Bte
Abdul Mohsein
Dr Rahayu Lubis
Prof Dr. Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr Ruzita Bte Othman
Evaluation of house officer training: A study in
Klang Valley.
Dr. Maznah Bte Dahlui
Identification of determinants for progression
to AIDS in HIV patients receiving antiretroviral
Dr Marzuki Bin Isahak
Employee assistance progress for stress:
An intervention on self-perceived stress,
anxiety and depression and sickness in public
Dr. Azlan Bin Darus
Dr Umar Yagoub Mohammed
Factor affecting adherence to antiretroviral
treatment in HIV positive patients
Prof Dr. Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr Siti Munirah Bte Yasin drsitimy@
Smoking Cessation at a workplace: The
Dynamic process of Lapse and Relapse after
1st and 2nd administration of medication.
Assoc Prof Dr. Retneswari
Ms Wee Lei Hum
Planning in smoking cessation attempts: A
prospective and retrospective study in Malaysia
Prof Dr. Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr. Rafdzah Bte Ahmad Zaki
Statistical method of determining agreement
and reliability in some medical application
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
Dr Isam Eldin Elnour
Mohamed Baloul
Evaluation of National Health Insurance/Sudan
Dr. Maznah Bte Dahlui
Dr. Magaji Bello Arkilla mbarkilla@
Pattern, Predictors of survival and health related
quality of life among colorectal cancer patients
in University of Malaya Medical Centre
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Yusuf Abdu Misau
Antibiotics For Chronic AIDS associated
Diarrhea in adults
Profesor Madya Nabilla AlSadat
Offu Ogochukwu Fidelia
Economic Evaluation of treatment of
uncomplicated malaria in Enugu, Nigeria
Dr. Maznah Bte Dahlui
Rosalia binti Saimon
Physical Activity and Physical Fitness: The
Needs of Adolescents for Built Environment
Prof. Dr. Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud /
Dr Claire Choo
Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. Isam Eldin Elnour
Dr. Umar Yagoub
Dr. Bello Arkilla Magaji
Dr. Ogochukwu
External Examiners for Master of Public Health by Specialty
Professor Malcolm Sim Ross, Monash University, Australia (Occupational Health)
Professor Harry Campbell, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (Epidemiology)
Professor Colin Binns, Curtin University of Technology, Australia (Family Health)
Dr. Rahayu Lubis
Wee Lei Hum
Dr. Yusuf Abdu Misau
Professor Robert Graham Cumming, University of Sydney, Australia (Epidemiology)
External Examiner for MPH/MMedScPH and DrPH Part 1
Prof. Danial Reidpath, University of Sunway Monash, Kuala Lumpur
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Family Health Unit
The Family Health Unit was headed by Associate
Academic Staff:
Support Staff:
Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abd Mohsein. Pn Wee
To produce students who are theoretically sound
and technically competent especially in handling
issues regarding family health and nutrition.
Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat
Abd Mohsein
To empower the staff with skill related to their job
scope and research.
Associate Professor Dr Wong Yut Lin
Dr Maslinor Ismail
Dr Hazreen Abd Majid
Bee Suan has left for another university college.
Cik Norizan Moez has been promoted from PPS
Gred C27 to PPS Gred C32 and was transferred to
another faculty. The official handing over from Cik
Norizan Moez to En Abdul Hadi Tabrani (PPS Gred
C27) was done on 1st April 2010. The Family Health
Unit welcomed Associate Professor Dr Wong Yut
Lin who joined the unit in July 2010. Dr Hazreen
Abdul Majid has successfully completed his PhD
from Imperial College, United Kingdom and returned
Strengths / Expertise:
1. Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat
Abd Mohsein - Adolescent Health, Tobacco
Economics, Behavioural Science
Associate Professor Dr Wong Yut Lin - Primary
Health Care (Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights,
Health Policy), Qualitative Research Methods,
Gender And Reproductive Health And Rights
Dr Maslinor Ismail- Infertility,
Reproductive Health, Child Health
Dr Hazreen Abd Majid - Sports Nutrition, Clinical
Nutrition, Obesity
to the unit on 1st September 2010. Associate Prof
Nabilla was promoted and transferred to head the
university’s Student Empowerment Research Unit
(SERU) in December 2010.
En Abdul Hadi Tabrani
Research Projects:
Project No
Risk Perception and Attitudes of Influenza
A (H1N1) Virus among Staff and Students at
University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur
AP Dr Nabilla
Al-Sadat Abdul
Malaysian Healthcare Programmes:
Intervention, Cost and Outcomes (MIHICO),
2006-Present, MOH
AP Dr Nabilla
Al-Sadat Abdul
A randomised controlled trial to
determine the effect of additional fructooligosaccharides on colonic microbiota,
faecal short-chain fatty acids and immune
status among patients receiving enteral tube
feeding, 2008-2010.
2009-34, Nutricia
Dr Hazreen Abd
Amount (RM)
From left to right:
Dr Maslinor Ismail,
A/Prof Dr Wong Yut Lin,
Norazirah, A/Prof Dr
Nabilla Al-Sadat, Nithiah,
Dr Hazreen,
Mr Abdul Hadi Tabrani
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Occupational & Environmental Unit
The Occupational and Environmental Health Unit
Unit Activities
(OEH) within the Department of Social and Preventive
1. Occupational stress and salivary biomarkers for
Medicine continued our efforts to become a prominent
• The unit bid farewell to Dr. Htay Moe, who had been
• The unit conducted a short course on scientific
2. Fitness for work
with the department for more than 25 years. He has
writing. The 2 days course was conducted by
3. Burden of occupational diseases
been the senior lecturer in Environmental Health for
Prof David Koh and Prof Lee See Muah from
both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
the National University of Singapore. Nearly 50
teaching cum research centre for postgraduate and
doctorate studies in Occupational and Environmental
Health in the country. In the year 2010, efforts were
4. Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome.
concentrated on further establishing the unit and its
Other projects in the unit include a study in eye injury
• A total of 4 candidates were awarded the degree
activities. The unit provides teaching for the modules
(collaboration with Aditya Jyot Hospital, Mumbai,
of Master of Public Health (Occ. Health) this year.
in occupational and environmental health for the
India), a study on sexual dysfunction among healthcare
They were Dr. Navjeet Kaur, Dr. Edrin Nazri Abdul
attainment of the MPH, MMedSc(PH), MPH (Occ.
workers (collaboration with the O&G Department) and
Rasib, Dr. Suhainizam Saliludin and Dr. Mohd Iqbal
Health), DrPH and MBBS at the department.
various research studies by Doctor of Public Health
Hamzah. The external examiners for this year’s
candidates in the unit.
examination were Prof. Malcom Sim (Monash
The aims of this unit are:
1. To deliver occupational health physicians with
commendable occupational health clinical
skills to provide occupational health service par
excellence to industries locally and regionally.
2. To promote occupational health through the
establishment of a centre for environmental and
occupational health research
3. To pave into new niche areas of occupational and
environmental research.
The Occupational Medicine Clinic
The clinic continues to be the clinical arm of occupational
health practice by at the University of Malaya Medical
Centre. Apart from clinic based patient management,
the specialists also conduct walk through surveys
relevant to the patients at their workplaces. Thus
the scope of diagnostic measures at the clinic goes
beyond the hospital facilities and medical diagnosis, as
• A/P Dr. Retneswari and Dr. Azlan Darus are the
lecturers and coordinators for KXGS6106 Industrial
Health module which is a requirement for the
Masters in Engineering (SHE) degree by the Faculty
of Engineering.
• The unit also contributed to the teaching in the
Bachelor of Nursing degree through Dr. Anselm Su
Ting who taught occupational safety and health in
the walk through surveys also enable us to scrutinize
research and also clinical practice in the field of
environmental and hygiene monitoring pracdices at
occupational health. This year the unit received nine
the workplace to diagnose occupational diseases. The
• The unit conducted a short course on ‘Managing
DrPH candidates interested to conduct research in the
Occupational Medicine Clinic continues to be the only
OSH at the Workplace: OSH Committee and
field of occupational health, which add to our strength
such facility in a teaching hospital in the country.
Health Risk Assessment’ at the faculty on the 28th
their courses.
in research for the coming years. Currently three of
September 2010. The course was attended by
our academic staff are reading for their PhD, which
more than 30 participants from UMMC and various
will further strengthen our teaching staff in the future.
departments in the university.
In addition, Professor David Koh from the National
visiting professor to further strengthen the teaching
health, A/P Dr. Retneswari and Dr. Azlan appeared
on Bernama TV program ‘Hello Malaysia’ on the 2
October 2010. During the one hour programme,
they spoke of health promotion at the workplace
and occupational diseases.
• In a graduation ceremony held locally, Dr. Azlan
was awarded Membership of the Faculty of
Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physician
of Ireland. During the same event, Dr. Anselm
Su Ting was awarded the Dean’s Gold Medal for
his outstanding performance during the 2009
occupational health advisory services to Unilever
Malaysia Holdings Sdn Bhd since December 2008.
Research – based on the current interest of the
• In a continuous effort to promote occupational
• Dr Azlan and A/P Dr Retneswari have been providing
and research activities in the OEH unit.
health. These include:
Professor David Koh and participants at the Scientific Writing
Workshop on the 13-14th October 2010
membership examination.
University of Singapore continued his tenure as a
research expertise in several fields in occupational
at the department and the SPM computer lab.
University) and Prof. Ken Addley (RCP Ireland).
The unit continued to build up its strength in teaching,
academicians in the unit, the unit is developing
participants attended the short course conducted
From left to right: Fadlina Othman, Dr Anselm SuTing, Dr Azlan Darus,
A/Prof Retneswari Masilamani, Hasdharina Johari
A/P Dr Retneswari presenting during the “Managing OSH at the
Workplace: OSH Committee and Health Risk Assessment” course
on the 28th September 2010
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Health Services Management Unit
• This year, Dr. Anselm, A/P Dr. Retneswari and Dr.
Azlan also provided a consultancy service to the
Main Library of UM to ascertain the safety and
health aspects at the archiving and conservation
division of the library.
• The unit continued to be actively involved in
research projects throughout the year. The list of
research projects can be viewed at the individual
Academic Staff
The Health Services Management Unit experienced quite a few changes in the
Dr. Azlan Darus (Head of Unit)
year 2010. A/Prof Saimy Ismail, who has been successfully heading the unit
A/P Dr Retneswari Masilamani
(Head of SPM Department)
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
Dr. Victor Hoe Chee Wai (on study leave)
was previously with the Centre for Policy Research and International Studies,
Dr. Marzuki Isahak (on study leave)
Universiti Sains Malaysia, joined the unit in December. Pn Normala, who was
for the past 5 years, decided to step down and passed over the helm of the
unit to Dr Ng Chiu Wan in October. In July, the unit welcomed back Dr Farizah
Mohd Hairi, who had been away pursuing her doctoral studies at the Erasmus
University in Rotterdam, Netherlands since 2006. Dr Chan Chee Khoon, who
the unit’s Programme Assistant left for a new position in the Post-graduate
academic staffs profiles in the annual report.
Unit and was replace by Pn Suhaili Suboh in November. But by end 2010,
Support Staff
Ms. Hasdharina Johari (Staff nurse)
Ms Nur Fadhlina Othman
(Assistant Scientific Officer)
From left to right:
Suhaili, Dr Tin Tin Su, Dr Ng Chiu Wan,
Dr Farizah Hairi, Dr Maznah Dahlui
staff movement settled down and the final line-up of academic staff comprised
of 6 persons with training in diverse areas of health policy, economics and
The year 2010 was essentially a year of consolidation for the academic staff of
The future
the unit where they oversaw the refinement and maturation of existing postgraduate teaching modules, mainly in health economics, health management,
The OEH unit is looking forward to further develop our
heath policy, health laws and quality in health. Now, with a full staff complement
research activities and Occupational Medicine Clinic.
and with the return of Dr Farizah, a trained social epidemiologist, and with Dr
We envision this progress through an integrated Social
Chan an acknowledged health policy analyst, the unit will be able to move
and Preventive Medicine Clinic and an OEH research
forward at a faster pace and to re-focus effort on developing new teaching
centre which is now being proposed to the faculty
material on population health and policy besides strengthening the existing
and hospital. With this effort, we look into the future to
modules in management.
become a leading OEH centre in the country.
Academic Staff
Support Staff
A/Prof Saimy Ismail
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Pn. Normala Samsudin
(until 14th November 2010)
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Pn. Suhaili Suboh
(from 15th November 2010)
Dr. Tin Tin Su
Dr. Farizah Mohd Hairi
Dr. Chan Chee Khoon
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Epidemiology & Statistics Unit
The Epidemiology and Medical Statistics Unit is headed by Dr Moy Foong
Julius Centre University of Malaya
Peramalah joined the centre as a Research Officer in
Ming. The Unit is very actively involved in teaching undergraduate and
Formation of the centre
2009. The future is bright for JCUM as it is an officially
postgraduate students. Together with Julius Centre, the unit runs many courses
and workshops throughout the year, such as Evidence Based Practice, SPSS,
Regression Analysis, Survival Analysis and Endnote.
The unit also offers statistical consultations to academic staff, doctors, allied
health practitioners and also students. The Unit provides advice on study
design, data management, statistical analysis, interpretation, and presentation
of results.
The Julius Centre University of Malaya was borne out
of the collaboration between the University of Malaya
(UM) and the University Medical Centre, Utrecht
(UMCU). UMCU together with the Centre for EvidenceBased Medicine (CEBM), University of Oxford, the
Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Hospital,
Jakarta and UM had earlier won a bid under the AsiaLink project series funded by the European Union.
The winning bid for this particular Asia-Link project
Academic Staff
was called the Asia-Europe Clinical Epidemiology and
Associate Professor
Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud (Deputy Dean)
Evidence-Based Medicine project (fondly referred to as
Associate Professor
Dr Sanjay Rampal (on study leave)
of at least 2 European and 2 Asian partners. The project
Associate Professor
Dr Wong Li Ping
to Dec 2010) and was officially launched on 19 Nov
Dr Noran Naqiah Mohd Hairi (on study leave)
UMCU, CEBM, RSCM and UM, it was decided that
Dr Mas Ayu Said (on study leave)
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Link project. Professor Awang Bulgiba presented the
Dr Moy Foong Ming
proposal to create this centre to the UM Management
Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki (on study leave)
Asia-Link within JCUM) and required the collaboration
which ended in Dec 2010 lasted for 3 years (Nov 2007
2007 in UM. To further strengthen the ties between
recognised research centre in the Faculty of Medicine
and is expected to grow to be the referral centre
for epidemiology and evidence-based medicine in
The aims of the JCUM are:
1. To carry out research in the field of epidemiology
and evidence-based medicine.
To develop the field of epidemiology and evidencebased medicine in Malaysia.
To train medical staff in the field of epidemiology
and evidence-based medicine.
To improve the quality of epidemiological and
evidence-based medicine research in Malaysia.
To develop training and activity development
programmes in epidemiology and evidencebased medicine in the University of Malaya.
To act as the centre for problem solving in
research methodology and medical statistics in
the country.
the department would set up a centre which would
further the collaboration beyond the remit of the Asia-
and the centre was approved by the UM Management
on 9 Jan 2008.
Strengths and Expertise
The strengths of the centre lie in its expertise in
Support Staff
Currently the centre has a room for a visiting professor,
statistics, evidence-based medicine, epidemiology
Mrs Nor Zurina Zainol
(Dietician/Programme Assistant)
3 work areas which are able to accommodate 16
and research. As a young centre, it is still growing in
doctoral students and 2 research officers, a utility room
stature but has proven itself capable of organising itself
Ms Norlissa binti Gani
(Dietician/Programme Assistant)
and a meeting room. The centre is currently equipped
very well. The other main strength of the centre is its
with 15 personal computers, printer/copier/fax and
close links to its partners in the Netherlands, the United
Ms Lee Pek Ling
(Assistant IT officer)
video-conferencing facilities.
Kingdom, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates.
Ms Nur Hashimah Kamar Redzawan
(Assistant Scientific Officer/Programme Assistant)
The first project officer hired under the Asia-Link
programme was Ms Celine Quek She Lin. She served
as project officer from January to March 2008 and
was succeeded by Ms Aimi Naira Mat Ruzlin who
served from April to December 2008. Ms Aimi left to
pursue her studies at the end of 2008 and she was
succeeded by Ms Hamizwanis Abdul Hamid. Ms Devi
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Centre Activities
Research Projects
The activities of the JCUM are:
1. Managing research activities in the field of clinical
epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
The Process of Smoking Cessation in Smokers
attending Quit Smoking Clinics in Malaysia
Ms Wee Lei Hum
Prof Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang
Prof Dr Robert West (Health
Behaviour Research Centre,
Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health, University College
London) – Advisor
Managing the Asia-Europe Clinical Epidemiology
and Evidence-Based Medicine Programme.
Organising short courses in the field of clinical
epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
Coordinating student exchange programmes
amongst PhD candidates between Utrecht,
Oxford and Jakarta.
Developing the curriculum in the field of clinical
epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.
Funding agency:
Ministry of Health Malaysia
Ninth Malaysia Plan (Research
and Development)
Acting as a reference and advisory centre in the
field of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based
Reference number:53-02-03-1016 (Oracle 8531016)
Amount spent:
RM 520,000
January 2007 - June 2011 Since its inception, the centre has been active in carrying
Wee LH, Mahmud ABA. The psychological
process and factors related to smoking cessation.
Ministry of Health Malaysia. ISBN 967-999-23
after chemoprophylaxis will do better in controlling the
Wee LH, West R, Bulgiba A, Shahab L (2010).
Predictors of 3-Month Abstinence in Smokers
Attending Stop-Smoking Clinics in Malaysia.
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2010; doi: 10.1093/
ntr/ntq221. (JOURNAL PAPER).
treat persons recently infected may have a substantial
Wee LH, Shahab L, Bulgiba A, West R. Predictors
of short-term quit success in smokers attending
Malaysian smokers’ clinics. Proceedings of
the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for
Public Health (APACPH) Conference: p556. Bali,
Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010. (CONFERENCE
number of infectives due to reduced progression to
active tuberculosis. The model also suggests that this
recommended chemoprophylaxis which identify and
effect on controlling tuberculosis epidemics. The
project is funding research by one DrPH candidate
(Dr. Nurhuda Ismail), currently is being written up. The
completion of the project should result in 2 journal
papers, 2 conference papers and 1 DrPH thesis. In
2010 the project resulted in a workshop (Workshop on
Infectious Disease Modelling and Its Applications 2225 Mar 2010) coordinated by Dr Nurhuda Ismail and
the following outputs:
Ismail N, Bulgiba AM, Nagelkerke N, Awang O.
Isoniazid for preventing tuberculosis among nonHIV population in Malaysia. Proceedings of the
Asia Link International Conference on Clinical
Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine:
p88-89. Bali, Indonesia. 27-28 Nov 2010.
Ismail N, Bulgiba AM, Nagelkerke N, Awang
O. Teaching Infectious Disease Modelling in
Postgraduate Public Health Training Programme
in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH)
Conference: p53. Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov
Fariza AG, Masilamani R, Ismail N, Aziah AM.
Prevalence and risk factors for latent tuberculosis
infection among healthcare workers in Institute
of Respiratory Medicine (IPR), Kuala Lumpur.
Proceedings of the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic
Consortium for Public Health Conference 2010:
p86. Bali, Indonesia. 24–27 Nov 2010.
Fariza AG, Masilamani R, Ismail N, Aziah AM.
Prevalence and risk factors for latent tuberculosis
infection among healthcare workers in Institute
of Respiratory Medicine (IPR), Kuala Lumpur.
Proceedings of the Malaysian Thoracic Society
Annual Congress 2010: p65. Terengganu,
Malaysia. 23 – 25 July 2010.
Mathematical Modelling in Tuberculosis Transmission
and Impact on Early intervention (Chemoprophylaxis)
in Malaysia
out activities both under the Asia-Link programme as
This project attempts to test a new motivational theory
well as its own activities separately from the Asia-link
called the PRIME theory in understanding how smokers
Dr. Nurhuda Ismail
programme. These activities include maintaining the
prepare their quit attempts. This groundbreaking theory
Asia-Europe CE & EBM website (http://www.asialink-
marks a significant shift in understanding the process
Prof. Dr. Awang Bulgiba Awang
ce.org), organising short courses (with UMCU, CEBM
and determinants of behavioural change. Despite
Prof. Dr. Nicolaas J.D. Nagelkerke
and RSCM partners), selecting PhD fellows destined
the evidence on the effectiveness of various tobacco
Funding agency: University of Malaya
for UMCU and CEBM Oxford and coming out with the
control strategies to improve the quit rates, there
clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine
appear to be gaps in understanding the processes
Reference number:PS386/2009B
module for the MBBS programme. Dr Ng Chong Guan
involved in smokers’ decisions to stop smoking. The
and Dr Sharmini Selvarajah (Asia-Link PhD fellows
RM 10,100
study is expected to offer new insights into the process
selected in 2009) have both returned to Malaysia to
June 2009 - May 2011
of smoking cessation and is also set to discover new
complete their PhDs. Dr Nirmala Bhoo Pathy, currently
predictors and improve intervention strategies. The
attached to JCUM is progressing well with her PhD and
project is funded by the Ministry of Health and is
has begun publishing her work. The following research
projections of disease morbidity and mortality over
expected to cost about RM520, 000 over 4 years. Data
projects were carried out by JCUM in 2010.
time. This project aims to apply the use of deterministic
collection for the project has been completed and the
mathematical models to study the progression of latent
project is on schedule for completion in June 2011.
tuberculosis infection in high risk sub-populations in
The project has funded research by one PhD candidate
Malaysia, and to assess the impact of chemoprophylaxis
(Ms Wee Lei Hum). In 2010 the project resulted in an
online database system for smoking cessation clinics
incidence. It is hoped that the result will demonstrate
and the following outputs:
that treatment of infectives is more effective in the
UM Postgraduate Research Fund
first years of implementation as treatment results in
clearing active tuberculosis immediately and there
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Factors affecting adherence to anti-retroviral
treatment in HIV patients in Malaysia
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
The completion of the project should result in 3 journal
also the Ministry of Health and other agencies which
study is funding research by one DrPH candidate (Dr
papers, 3 conference papers and 1 PhD thesis. In 2010
contributed to the service in terms of planning and
Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki). The completion of this project
the project resulted in the following outputs:
expanding the services in future. The project was to
should result in 3 journal papers, at least 2 conference
fund research by one DrPH candidate (Dr Narimah
papers and 1 DrPH thesis. In 2010 the project resulted
Mohammed UY, Bulgiba A, Chik Z, Lee C,
Hanim Ibrahim). The completion of the project should
in the following outputs:
Peramalah D. Measuring adherence to Highly
result in 2 journal papers and 1 DrPH thesis. However,
Dr Umar Yagoub Mohammed
Dr Zamri bin Chik
Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment (HAART) in HIV
due to some unresolved problems in getting the data
Dr Christopher KC lee
positive patients. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia
and lack of cooperation from the Renal Registry,
Ms Devi Peramalah
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
the research project has been discontinued and the
Funding agency:
University of Malaya
(APACPH) Conference: p123. Bali, Indonesia. 24-
student has had to begin a new project.
University of Malaya Research
27 Nov 2010.
Reference number:UMRG/RG006/09HTM
RM 222,200
April 2009-March 2012
This project aims to determine the true level and
Survival analysis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
patients in Malaysia
Methods of determining agreement and reliability
in some medical applications
Dr Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki
Dr Narimah Hanim Ibrahim
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Funding agency: University of Malaya
determinants of adherence to anti-retroviral treatments
Funding agency: University of Malaya
in HIV positive patients in Sungai Buloh Hospital,
Malaysia. It will also be used to validate self- reporting
Reference number:PS162/2009B
Reference number:PS 169/2009B
RM 15, 910
RM 10,000
June 2009 - June 2011
August 2009 - August 2010
instruments as a means of testing adherence. This is
the first study on adherence to antiretroviral treatment
in Malaysia and expected to help in improving
the clinical management of HIV / AIDS patients,
reduce drug resistance and treatment failure and
more importantly provide the different pharmacy
departments with sufficient information about the
effect of their prescribed medications which will enable
the country to avoid wastage of expensive medication.
The study is a combined retrospective and prospective
cohort in which a self-reported medication adherence
questionnaire is administered and blood samples
collected for analysis by mass spectrometry, while
pharmacy records and medical test results are collected
from medical electronic records retrospectively. The
project is funding research by one PhD candidate (Dr
Umar Yagoub Mohammed). Primary data collection
for the project has been completed and the blood
samples have been analysed. The data is currently
being analysed and are currently undergoing analysis.
UM Postgraduate Research Fund
UM Postgraduate Research Grant
Zaki RA, Bulgiba A, Ismail NA. Sample size
for Bland-Altman analysis in validation study.
Proceedings of the Asia Link International
Conference on Clinical Epidemiology and
Evidence-Based Medicine: p122-123. Bali,
Indonesia. 27-28 Nov 2010.
Zaki RA, Bulgiba A, Nordin NS, Ismail NA.
Knowledge on methods of validation study in
medicine. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH)
Conference: p56. Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov
Zaki RA, Nordin NS, Bulgiba A, Ismail NA.
Assessing methods to determine reliability of
medical instruments. Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Quantitative Science
and Its Application: p217-221. Penang, Malaysia.
2-4 Nov 2010.
This study aimed to prognosticate the 5-year and 10-
statistical methods of measuring agreement and
year survival probabilities and to prognosticate CVD-
reliability, and to propose a method using regression
specific mortality among End-Stage Renal Disease
analysis for measuring agreement. This study will
Zaki RA, Bulgiba A, Roshidi I, NoorAzina I. A
review of statistical methods used to assess
agreement in medicine. Proceedings of the 31st
Annual Conference of the International Society for
Clinical Biostatistics: p116. Montpellier, France.
(ESRD) patients in Malaysia. It was supposed to be a
present a direct comparison of commonly used
29 Aug-2 Sept 2010.
cohort study involving all ESRD patients registered in
statistical methods to measure agreement and
either NRR or NTR between 1992 and 2008. Prognostic
reliability. This study aims to make recommendations
factors of interest were predictors for better survival for
on which method is the most appropriate method to
example younger age group, non-smoking patients, no
use to measure agreement and reliability. This is a
history of existing co-morbidities, good social support,
cross-sectional study, where the study population
less immunologic risks and normal biochemical data
comes from the UM Wellness programme and
(normal cholesterol level, no Hepatitis B, no Hepatitis
community-based health screening program. Phase
C, HIV negative). This study was supposed to come out
I of data collection has been completed (variables:
with scoring models to predict the survival probabilities
Systolic BP, Diastolic BP, Heart Rate, and Glucose
of ESRD patients in Malaysia. This would have been
level). Phase II of data collection (variables: CO level,
very useful especially to the healthcare provider to
Peak Flow Rate, Weight and Temperature) is now on
improve the management of renal failure patients and
going at the UM Wellness Quit Smoking Clinic. This
The purpose of this study is to compare different
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Characteristics, treatment outcome and survival of
TB/HIV co-infected patients in Kuala Lumpur and
Selangor – a prospective, multi-centre study
Translational research in primary prevention of
chronic diseases in a workplace
Determinants of clinical outcomes among ACS
patients following PCI in UMMC
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Dr. Noorhaire Sumarlie B. Nordin
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public
Assoc. Prof. Imran Zainal Abidin
Health Conference (APACPH), 24-27 Nov 2010,
International Convention Centre, Bali, Indonesia.
Dr Ismawati Ismail
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Assoc. Prof Sanjay Rampal
Funding Agency:
University of Malaya
Funding agency:
University of Malaya
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai Abdullah
Postgraduate Research Fund
UM Postgraduate Research Grant
Funding agency: University of Malaya
Reference number:PS172/2009B & PS275/2010B
Grant: Amount:
RM 5,000 & RM 3,600
August 2009 – Dec 2010
Reference number:PS 230/2010A
RM 6,736
April 2010 to April 2011
Worldwide, more than 38 million people are currently
infected with HIV/AIDS. In high HIV prevalence
countries, HIV/AIDS is the main reason for failure
to meet Tuberculosis (TB) control targets and TB is
the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among
persons living with HIV/AIDS. This study will be able
to highlight the characteristics of TB/HIV co-infected
patients in Malaysia; their treatment outcomes and
the predictors of survival thus providing beneficial
information that can be used to improve the outcome.
The study population comes from the Institute of
Respiratory Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Sungai Buloh
Hospital, Kajang Hospital and Hospital Tuanku
Ampuan Rahimah, Klang. The evidence from this study
can be used to guide the development of appropriate
strategies in addressing the TB/HIV epidemic in
Malaysia. The project is currently in the data collection
Research University Grant
Reference number:RG051/09HTM
RM 97,300
March 2009 - December 2010
Primary prevention of chronic diseases is proven
to be much more cost effective than secondary and
tertiary prevention. Multiple approaches at different
settings are needed to combat the increase burden
of these diseases. Worksite health promotion which
is comprehensive with multiple approaches has
been associated with a reduction in health risks and
promotion of healthy lifestyles, improvements in
economic and productivity factors including medical
costs, compensation benefits, employee absenteeism
and job satisfaction. This proposed study will try to
translate evidences from clinical trials to the worksite
setting through health education with behavioural
change, environmental support and participation
from the management of the university. This study is
supporting 2 DrPH and 2 Master candidates. In 2010
the project resulted in the following outputs:
Moy FM and Bulgiba A (2010). The modified NCEP
Nordin NS, Zaki RA, Moy FM, Abidin IZ. Healthrelated quality of life following percutaneous
coronary intervention during drug stenting era: a
systematic review (Oral presentation), The 42nd
Built environment factors, individual factors and
social factors affecting adolescents’ physical
activity behaviour
Rosalia Saimon
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
following PCI among ACS patients in UMMC, Malaysia
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
as well as develop a prognostic model for the risk of
Funding agency:
University of Malaya
these outcomes following PCI. Besides that this study
Grant: UM Postgraduate Research Fund
plans to describe the HRQOL outcome following PCI in
Reference number:PS200/2009C
The aims of this study are to identify different
determinants or predictors of clinical outcomes
UMMC. This study will be the first study to identify the
predictors of outcomes of PCI and provide knowledge
in terms of local management in Malaysia. The
prognostic model can be used as a tool for stratifying
patients according to the risk of outcomes and as a
simple bedside scoring system. The study design is
a prospective cohort study. The study population is
selected from all ACS patients who are admitted to the
cardiology ward and undergo PCI in the UMMC. Data
collection for the study is still ongoing. The project
has funded research on one DrPH candidate. The
completion of the study should result in 1 DrPH thesis
and 3 journal papers. In 2010 the project resulted in the
following outputs:
Amount: RM 16,000
Period: January 2010 – December 2011
Physical inactivity is a global health hazard on its own
contributing to mammoth public health problems. Thus
this project aims to determine the relationship between
built envionment factors, individual factors and social
factors affecting adolescents’ physical activity (PA)
behaviour. There is a pressing need for more scientific
and rigorous data on built environment and physical
activity research as ecological models open up a
broader range of interventions to increase physical
activity and combat obesity in Malaysia. This mixed
method research uses a sequential transformative
ATP III criteria maybe better than the IDF criteria in
designs. In the qualitative phase, data will be collected
diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome among Malays in
through photovoice techniques, in-depth interviews,
Kuala Lumpur. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:678.
and focus group discussions. The study has been
conducted with adolescents and parents in the rural
and urban neighbourhoods to explore specific themes
and domains and to identify hypotheses and construct
items. Data generated from the interviews will inform
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
the subsequent survey designed for larger samples in
from the UMMC. The project was completed at the
the dynamic relapse process. It also examines whether
the quantitative phase. The quantitative data will use
end of 2009 but publications are still being produced
Trans theoretical model (TTM) measures could predict
structural equation modelling (SEM) to examine the
from this project. The project has funded research by
relapse at the action stage, (i.e. the first 6 months of
relationship between latent variables in a single model.
one PhD candidate. In 2010 the project resulted in the
smoking cessation) and explores whether factors
Data collection is still in progress. The project will
following outputs:
associated with relapse in an early quit attempt will
support one PhD student and is expected to result in
3 journal papers and 1 PhD thesis. In 2010 the project
resulted in the following outputs:
Environmental Factors, Adolescents’ Physical
Activity and Body Mass Index in Rural and
Urban Neighbourhoods in Sarawak, Malaysia.
Conference, Baltimore, USA. 6-11 July 2010
(conference proceedings)
Identification of determinants for progression
to AIDS in HIV patients receiving anti-retroviral
Lubis R, Bulgiba A, Kamarulzaman A, Hairi
NN, Peramalah D. Progression to AIDS in
HIV patients seen in the University of Malaya
Medical Centre. Proceedings of the Asia Link
International Conference on Clinical Epidemiology
and Evidence-Based Medicine: p84-85. Bali,
Indonesia. 27-28 Nov 2010.
Lubis R, Bulgiba A, Kamarulzaman A, Hairi NN,
Peramalah D. Determinants of progression to
death after AIDS diagnosis in University of Malaya
Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of
the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for
Public Health (APACPH) Conference: p122. Bali,
Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010.
Assoc Professor Dr Retneswari
Dr. Azlan Darus
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
workers in two public universities in Klang Valley.
Dr. Roslinah Ali
Smokers were given a course of Nicotine Replacement
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
attempt and were followed up for six months. Data
Prof David Koh
collection for the project has been completed; currently
Funding agency:
University of Malaya
it is undergoing final analysis. This project is funding
UM Research Grant
research by one DrPH candidate (Dr Siti Munira Yasin).
Reference number:FS195/2008B
It is on schedule for completion in June 2011. In 2010,
RM 64,800
the project resulted in the following outputs:
2007 – 2008
Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D. Factors
contributing to quitting success, early lapses and
50% cigarette reduction in a worksite smoking
cessation programme in Malaysia: Proceedings
of the Asia Pacific Conference on Tobacco or
Health, Sydney, Australia. 6-9th October 2010.Pg
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence
Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D.
Changes in Decisional Balance After Counseling
is Associated with Improved Quit Rates Among
Malaysian Smokers. Proceedings in the Asia
Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health.
Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. 24- 27 November
job strain categories. A cross sectional study was
a prospective cohort, which was conducted among
Therapy and Behavioural Therapy during a cessation
Smoking cessation at the workplace: the dynamic
process of relapse after administration of NRT
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Dr Siti Munira Yasin
Dr Rahayu Lubis
Prof Adeeba Kamarulzaman
Associate Professor Dr
Retneswari Masilamani
Ms Devi Peramalah
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Funding agency: Ministry of Higher Education
Funding agency:
University of Malaya
Grant: Grant:
UM Postgraduate Research Fund
Fundamental Research Grant
lose its predictive power later on. The study involved
Reference number:PS161/2009B
Reference number:FP080/2006A
RM 30,000
Amount: RM 145, 000
August 2009 - February 2011 Period: Dec 2006 - Dec 2009
Many initiatives have been implemented by the
This project aimed at determining the predictors for
Ministry of Health in combating smoking among
progression to AIDS in HIV patients receiving anti-
adults in Malaysia; nevertheless results do not appear
retroviral treatment. The study is expected to offer
promising. One of the areas that is causing problems
badly needed new knowledge and understanding of
worldwide is smoking relapse. Relapse is by far the
the prognosis and survival of HIV-infected patients in
most likely event in any smoking cessation attempt. The
Malaysia. The study design is a combined retrospective
aim of this study is to identify risk factors for smoking
and prospective cohort. The study population comes
relapse and examine the influence of these factors on
Salivary Biomarkers in Stress among Teachers in
an Urban Setting.
Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D. Can
Perceived Risk and Benefit of Quitting Predict
Smoking Cessation Outcome? ; Malaysian
Experience. Proceedings ofthe Asia Pacific
Academic Consortium of Public Health. Nusa
Dua, Bali, Indonesia. 24- 27 November 2010.
Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D.
Predictors of Smoking Cessation Among Staff
in Public Universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia.
Proceedings of the AsiaLink International
Conference, Kuta, Bali. Indonesia. 27-28th
November 2010. Pg. 20-21
of job stress among secondary school teachers
using Karasek Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ),
the association between salivary cortisol and IgA
and socio-demographic characteristics and, the
association between log cortisol and IgA levels and
undertaken using JCQ and salivary cortisol and IgA
samples. Cluster sampling was done yielding 302
respondents. The prevalence of stress among all
teachers was 20.2%. Being Malay, teaching experience
of 5-10 years and those without supervisor’s support
had higher prevalence of high job strain. Teachers in
the 31-40 years old bracket, educating handicapped
children with the absence of supervisor support
exhibited higher stress levels with lower log sIgA
levels. Further studies must be conducted using
salivary biomarkers to study the in-depth relationship
of stress, extending into other occupational groups.
This manuscript has been submitted to the Asia Pacific
Journal for publication and been accepted. The online
version will be available in 2011. In 2010, the project
resulted in the following output:
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Retneswari M, Darus A, Anselm ST, Roslinah Ali,
cent of respondents were in the high job strain group,
and communication and significantly lower level of
Funding Agency:
University Malaya
Bulgiba A, Koh D. Salivary Biomarkers in Stress
35% were in the passive group, whereas 26% and
commitment both from and to their organization.
Research University Grant
among School Teachers in an Urban Setting.
17% of workers were in the low strain and active
Physiological response to a threatening or difficult
Reference number:RG075/09HTM
Proceedings in the Asia Pacific Academic
groups, respectively. After controlling for confounders,
aspect of work can be measured objectively with
RM 150,000
Consortium of Public Health. Nusa Dua, Bali,
three factors were found to be associated with high
serum cortisol level. Employee Assistance Program
April 2009 to March 2011
Indonesia. 24- 27 November 2010.
job strain: male workers (adjusted OR1.94, 95% CI
(EAP) is a worksite-based program designed to assist
1.04–3.64), working >48 h per week (adjusted OR
work organizations in addressing productivity issues,
Job strain among Malaysian office workers of a
Obesity is becoming a major problem in Malaysia as it
2.51, 95% CI 1.44–4.39) and job insecurity (adjusted
and employee in identifying and resolving personal
multinational company
is worldwide. Obesity is a multi-factorial disease that
OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.02–1.27). One protective factor for
concerns, including, but not limited to, health, marital,
occurs due to complex interactions between genetic
high job strain was the scale ‘created skill’, which is
family, financial, alcohol, drug, legal, emotional,
and environmental factors. Many studies have shown
part of skill discretion (adjusted OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.57–
stress, or other personal issues that may affect job
that genetic susceptibility is likely to vary among
Dr. Husna Maizura
Associate Prof Retneswari
0.86). Conclusion is about one in five workers in this
performance. EAP for stress is specially designed
different ethnic groups. Large numbers of genes and
Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai Bin
study experience high job strain. Work improvement
to overcome occupational stress.
The objective of
single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with
measures include reducing long working hours and job
this study is to determine the effectiveness of EAP
obesity have been tested in studies among various
insecurity and giving workers the opportunity to learn,
for occupational stress in reduction of psychological
heterogenous populations worldwide. Mutations in
use creativity and develop abilities. In 2010 the project
symptoms and sickness absence. In 2010 the project
genes involved in food intake, energy metabolism,
resulted in the following outputs:
resulted in the following outputs:
energy expenditure, lipid and glucose metabolism and
Dr Htay Moe
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Funding agency:
University of Malaya
UM Postgraduate Research Grant
Bulgiba A (2010). Job strain among Malaysian
Reference number: PPP/P0111/2007A
RM 4,000
Maizura H, Retneswari M, Moe H, Hoe VCW,
office workers of a multinational company.
Occupational medicine 60(3) 219-224
Information on job strain exposure among Malaysian
occupational stress: An intervention study on
workers in multinational companies is limited. Aim is
psychological symptoms and sickness absence.
to investigate the prevalence and factors associated
Marzuki I, Azlan D, Moy FM. Job Strain and
Work Psychological Risk Factors. Proceedings
of the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for
Public Health Conference, 24-27 Nov 2010, Bali,
with high job strain among office workers of a
Dr Marzuki Isahak
multinational company in Malaysia. A cross-sectional
Dr Azlan Darus
Association of candidate genes predisposing to
study was conducted in November 2007 among 470
Dr Moy Foong Ming
obesity in Malaysian subjects
Funding Agency:
University of Malaya
the Job Content Questionnaire downloaded from
PPP Grant
the company’s intranet. A median-split procedure
Reference number:PS175/2009B
was applied to create four groups according to the
RM 17,620
Job Demand–Control Model: active, passive, high
Marzuki I, Azlan D, Moy FM. Serum Cortisol
and Cardiovascular Effects. Proceedings of
the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for
Public Health Conference, 24-27 Nov 2010, Bali,
and low job strain. Logistic regression models were
Occupational stress has becoming an important entity
used to investigate the associations between socio-
to be tackled by Occupational Physicians as it is taking
demographic, occupational and psychosocial factors
its toll on human lives and organizational effectiveness.
and high job strain. Results, a total of 356 questionnaires
University staff reported significantly higher levels of
were received (response rate 76%). Twenty-one per
stress relating to work relationships, control, resources
adipose tissue metabolism are found to be associated
with obesity in humans. Study on the influence of
genetics on obesity is still new in Malaysia and yet to be
carried out. Hence, it would be great interest if we can
establish a DNA profile for obesity in our population.
This study is aimed to investigate association between
various single nucleotide polymorphisms with obesity
parameters in the Malaysian subjects. In 2010 the
project resulted in the following outputs:
Apalasamy YD, Moy FM, Rampal S, Bulgiba
AM and Mohamed Z (2009). G-2458A Lep
Gene Polymorphism is associated with body
Professor Awang Bulgiba Awang
mass index (BMI) in the Malaysian population.
Associate Professor Dr.Sanjay
on Personalised Medicine. pg34. Professor Datin Dr.Zahurin
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Professor Dr. Rosmawati
Ms. Yamunah Devi Apalasamy
Proceedings of the 2009 International conference
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Pattern, predictors of survival and health related
quality of life among colorectal cancer patients in
The impact of progressive deep muscle relaxation
to the level of depression, anxiety, stress and
quality of life among prostate cancer patients
Dr Bello Arkilla Magaji
Dr Moy Foong Ming
Dr Law Chee Wei
Assoc Prof April Camilla Roslani
Funding Agency:
University of Malaya
Postgraduate Research Fund
Reference number:PS 212/2010A
RM 8,500
April 2010 to April 2011
Dr Mohamad Rodi bin Isa
Dr Moy Foong Ming
This study was intended to test the feasibility of
enshrined in the MOH’s Vision for Health is for the
using mortality data combined with census data to
maintenance of a health system which is affordable
assess socioeconomic differentials in overall and
and equitable. It has been argued that in an equitable
adult mortality in Malaysia. National mortality data
and fair system, the rich should pay more for health
were used to estimate mortality rates by small areas
care than the poor as the latter is less likely to be in
(administrative districts), and then national census
Funding Agency:
University of Malaya
a position to afford all needed care. The financing of
data, which contain data on living and environmental
health care in Malaysia is derived from many sources.
conditions, occupation and education of households
In 2004, a total of RM21.4 billion was spent on
in each small area, were used to rank each area by
health care in Malaysia, of which 49.1% came from
average socio-economic status, thus allowing mortality
taxation. The rest were from mainly private sources
rates at the level of areas to be stratified according to
such as household out-of-pocket (OOP) payments
the socioeconomic ranking of the areas.
and private health insurance. Previous work on the
of areas by socioeconomic level were performed
Malaysian health financing system has shown that at
either using principle components analysis alone or
least the private household OOP payments have to
in combination with econometric analysis of other
a certain extent been protective of the poor, in other
sample socioeconomic surveys. This approach allowed
words equitable. This study was intended to extend
examination of socioeconomic differentials in overall
the equity analysis to include all sources of health
mortality as well as differentials in specific groups of
financing in Malaysia. The project has funded research
diseases of interest. The results would contribute to a
by one PhD candidate. In 2010 the project resulted in
comparative study of the socioeconomic differentials
the following outputs:
in mortality in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Vietnam and Hong
Reference number:PS228/2010A
RM 11,500
It was noted that anxiety, stress and depression among
cancer patients are high. Receiving a diagnosis of
The aim of this research project is to determine the
prostate cancer can be disturbing experience for many
pattern of distribution, predictors of survival, and
men. Other than the possibility of death, they are also
health related quality of life among colorectal cancer
faced with serious challenges to their self-esteem
patients attending University of Malaya Medical Centre.
particularly in terms of their masculinity. Cancer prostate
This study is divided into three phases; phase one
patients will experience elevated levels of anxiety,
involves the use of the database from the Colorectal
stress and depression with some data indicating that
Surgery Unit to answer the questions on the pattern of
these were due to loss of previously social and personal
distribution of the colorectal cancer and survival study.
activities and abilities. Evidence shows that relaxation
The second phase, involves the validation of colorectal
therapy may improve psychological outcomes in many
cancer specific health related quality of life instruments
diseases like after coronary artery bypass graft surgery,
acquired from the European Organisation for Research
bronchial asthma, after hysterectomy etc. It also can
and Treatment of Cancer while phase three is a
reduce the pain levels in the osteoarthritis patients. The
fieldwork to determine the quality of life of the patients
project is currently in the data collection phase.
using the validated instruments. Phase I and II have
One of the stated objectives of the health system as
Kong SAR, currently being undertaken by the Equity
Ng CW, Ravi RE. Political economy of financing
in Asia Pacific Health Systems (EQUITAP) research
and distribution in Malaysia’s healthcare system.
Proceedings of the First Global Symposium
following outputs:
World Health Organisation: pg 8-10. Montreux,
Switzerland. 16th – 19th November 2010.
for the commencement of the validation study. In 2010
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Prof Shyamala Nagaraj
A/Prof Saimy Ismail
Dato’ Dr. S. Noor Ghani
Funding agency: International Development
Research Centre (IDRC), Canada
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Magaji BA, Roslani AC, Law CW, Moy FM, Buckley
BS. Closed versus open approach in laparoscopic
colorectal surgery (Protocol). Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 12.
Explorations of methods for adult health inequalities
Rannan-Eliya RP, Anuranga C, Ng CW, Tin K, Bales
S. Mortality differentials by socioeconomic status.
Seoul, South Korea. 15th – 16th July 2010.
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Reference number:Grant No. 105231
Funding agency: University of Malaya
RM 31,500 (C$ 10,250)
April 2009-December 2010
UM Short term Grant
Paper presented at the 7th EQUITAP Meeting.
commenced already. We have completed preparations
In 2010 the project resulted in the
on Health Systems Research organised by the
Progressivity of health financing in Malaysia
the project resulted in the following outputs:
Reference number:FS1128/2008A
RM 75,000
March 2008-March 2010
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Increasing breast cancer awareness and enhancing
practice of BSE among female staff of UM
This cost analysis study aims at determining the actual
costs of outpatient and inpatient (including theatre) at
University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). The primary
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
existing approaches to cost estimation, to compensate
A/P Nabilla Al Sadat
for lack of data in the hospital, provide findings that
A/P Saimy Ismail
inform policy regarding hospital performance, and
rationale for this study was to address the limitations of
Funding agency: University of Malaya
ultimately to use the results on resource use and costs
as a first step in estimating the cost of each treatment
Short Term Grant
Reference number:FS276/2008B
RM 69, 000
August 2008 – July 2010
This project was conducted in 3 phases. The 1st phase
was to determine the level of knowledge on breast
cancer and the uptake of any of the breast cancer
screening program among UM staff. The 2nd phase was
the intervention phase whereby seminars on breast
cancer and workshops to train BSE were conducted
in UM. At the same time UM female staffs with breast
package by the various disciplines.
22-25 Mar 2010
10-12 May 2010
6 May 2010
25-27 May 2010
22-24 July 2010
15 Oct 2010
1-3 Nov 2010
Workshop on infectious disease modelling and its applications
Cardiovascular Epidemiology Workshop
Using End Note X1 Workshop
Evidence-Based Practice Workshop
Train the Trainers in CE and EBM
Workshop on Introduction to SPSS
Scientific Writing in Clinical Epidemiology workshop
For 2011, JCUM is expected to mature further. JCUM is expected to house a total of 14 PhD/
DrPH students in 2011.
The status of female circumcision in Peninsular
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Miscellaneous and special projects
Funding agency: WHO
Invited faculty
at clinicians and other health care professionals who
Dr Ng Chiu Wan was invited to present sessions at
already had some knowledge of critical appraisal
Reference number:MYS/10/REG/004043
the “Flagship Course on Equity and Health Systems”
and experience in the practice of evidence-based
RM 48,000
organized jointly by the World Bank Institute, the Asia
health care and who wanted to explore issues
August 2010 – December 2010
Network for Capacity Building in Health Systems
around teaching evidence-based medicine. Teaching
Strengthening, the Department of Health, Philippines
was addressed through the exploration of different
the Institute for Health Policy, Sri Lanka held
educational models for teaching evidence-based
in Tagaytay, Philippines from 29th November to 3th
practice and identification and discussion of issues
December 2010. The course was designed to provide
of pedagogy, curriculum design development and
maintenance. The aim was to promote the teaching of
stakeholders from the Asia-Pacific region with an
evidence-based health care. Personal Development
understanding of how to assess and act on equity
was also addressed by offering guidance and help in
issues in their health systems. A total of 45 participants
extending and advancing participants’ existing critical
from 13 countries attended the course.
appraisal and teaching skills. Most of the workshop
abnormality were called for breast check up (CBE). The
3rd phase was the re-evaluation on their knowledge
This study aims to determine the extent and
and measurement of the uptake of BSE after the
characteristic of female circumcision in Malaysia,
interventions. The project resulted in presentation on
to study the profile of the practitioners, the type and
the results in the phase 1 (2009) and was completed in
method of female circumcision performed, and to
July 2010. Articles on the results are in the process of
determine the knowledge and beliefs among the
practitioners of female circumcision. This study will be
a crucial milestone to determine the extent and type
UMMC costing analysis: Estimating the unit cost
of practice of female circumcision in Malaysia. The
for outpatient, inpatient and day-care services
findings will help to establish related FGM policies
in Malaysia. It will also help in the monitoring and
was conducted in small groups in which participants
Teaching Evidence Based Medicine Workshop in
were to develop and test their own EBM packages.
Oxford University, 6-10 September 2010
Plenary sessions were presented and general issues
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
One of the aims of Asia Link program is to provide
Prof. Dato’ Dr. Patrick Tan
training in EBM to staff of the partner universities. Four
Funding agency: University of Malaya
Reference number:RG243/10HTM
Short Courses
RM 26,200
October 2010 – September 2011
evaluation of the practice in Malaysia.
academic staff from JCUM (Dr Moy, Dr Claire, Dr Si Lay
and Dr Rafdzah) who was involved in the teaching of
in planning, executing, and evaluating EBM discussed,
and large-group strategies for teaching EBM were
demonstrated. In conclusion, the workshop was really
useful and the participants were very satisfied with it.
EBM was sent to attend the “Teaching EBM” workshop
held on 6-10 September 2010 in St Hugh College,
Oxford University. Dr Moy and team were sponsored
by Asia Link and JCUM. This workshop was aimed
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Consultancies & Special Services
List of publications and achievements by JCUM members
Journal publications
Prof Awang Bulgiba
3.Dr Moy Foong Ming
Prospective Trial to Explore the Tolerability, Safety
and Efficacy of Flexibly Dosed Paliperidone ER in
Subjects with Schizophrenia. Janssen-Cilag.
2.Dr Maznah Dahlui
4. Dr Ng Chiu Wan
Capacity Building activities: NASA regional
training 23-29 May 2010. International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF) East and South
East Asia and Oceania Region
Prevalence, Treatment Patterns & Resource Use
in Patients with Mixed Dyslipidemia using Lipid
Lowering Agents (PRIMULA) Study. Merck Sharp
& Dohme (I.A) Corp
Appointed local consultant to a study on the
“Estimate of National Economic Burden of
Dengue Infections in Malaysia” where the
Principal Investigator is Prof Donald Shepard,
Brandeis University.
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
Associate Editor
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
International Advisory
Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal
The Lancet
International Journal of Cardiology
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Medical Journal of Malaysia
Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre
Journal of Health Management
Medical and Health Reviews
Ad hoc reviewer
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
Internet Journal of Mental Health
Applied Research in Quality of Life
Ad hoc reviewer
Wee LH, West R, Bulgiba A, Shahab L (2010). Predictors of 3-month abstinence
Research 2010; doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntq221.
Moy F, Bulgiba A (2010). The modified NCEP ATP III criteria may be better than
the IDF criteria in diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome among Malays in Kuala
Lumpur. BMC Public Health 10:678.
Su TA, Hoe VCW, Masilamani R, Mahmud ABA (2010). Hand-arm vibration
Hairi NN, Bulgiba A, Cumming RG, Naganathan V, & Mudla I (2010). Prevalence
and correlates of physical disability and functional limitation among community
dwelling older people in rural Malaysia, a middle income country. BMC Public
Health 10: 492.
Bulgiba AM, & Dahlui M. (2010). Developing global public health links in Southeast
Ainon RN, Bulgiba AM, Lahsasna A (2010). AMI screening using linguistic fuzzy
rules. J Med Syst 2010 DOI 10.1007/s10916-010-9491-2.
Pathy NB, Peeters P, van Gils C, Beulens JWJ, van der Graaf Y, Bueno-deMesquita B, Bulgiba A, Uiterwaal, CS (2010). Coffee and tea intake and risk of
breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 121(2):461-7.
Maizura H, Retneswari M, Moe H, Hoe VCW, Bulgiba A (2010). Job strain among
Malaysian office workers of a multinational company. Occupational Medicine-
Member of editorial board
Ad hoc reviewer
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre
The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging
International Journal of Food Sciences &
Industrial Health
DOI 10.1136/oem.2009.052373.
Asia. Asia Pac J Public Health, 22(3 Suppl), 14S-18S.
Malaysian Journal of Nutrition
addbeh.2010.11.011]. Addictive Behaviors, In Press, Corrected Proof.
syndrome among a group of construction workers in Malaysia. Occup Env Med
Dr Moy Foong Ming
characteristics of attendees and predictors of success. [doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.
in smokers attending stop-smoking clinics in Malaysia. Nicotine & Tobacco
Editorial Board and reviewer roles
Dr Noran Hairi
Wee LH, Shahab L, Bulgiba A, & West R (2010). Stop smoking clinics in Malaysia:
Oxford 60(3):219-24.
10. Goh K J, Tian S, Shahrizaila N, Ng C W, Tan C T (2010). Survival and prognostic
factors of motor neuron disease in a multi-ethnic Asian population. Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis. doi:10.3109/17482968.2010.527986.
11. Lee HL, Vasan SS, Birgelen L, Murtola TM, Gong HF, Field RW, Mavalankar
DV, Nazni WA, Lokman SH, Murad S, Ng CW, Lum C S, Suaya J A, Shepard D
S. Immediate cost of dengue to Malaysia and Thailand: An Estimate. Accepted
by WHO Dengue Bulletin.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
12. Hairi NN, Cumming RG, Naganathan V, Handelsman DJ, Le Couteur DG, Creasey
23. Al-Sadat N, Misau Y, Moez N, Maznah D, Su TT (2010). Tobacco use and health
H, Waite LM, Seibel MJ, Sambrook PN (2010). Loss of Muscle Strength, Mass
in South east Asia. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health; July 2010. 20(Suppl):
(Sarcopenia) and Quality (Specific Force) and Its Relationship with Functional
Limitation and Physical Disability: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men
Project. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2010: 58 (11): 2055-2062.
13. Ayu SM, Lai LR, Chan YF, Hatim A, Hairi NN, Ayob A, Sam I (2010). Seroprevalence
survey of Chikungunya virus in Bagan Panchor, Malaysia. Am J Trop Med Hyg
2010 83:245-1248.
14. Al-Sadat N, Misau AY, Zarihah Z, Maznah D, Su TT (2010). Adolescent Tobacco
Use and Health in Southeast Asia. Asia Pac J Public Health, 22(3 Suppl),
15. Hoe VCW, Kelsall HL, Urquhart DM, Sim MR (2010). Ergonomic design and
training for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb
and neck in adults (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010,
Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008570. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008570.
16. Magaji BA, Roslani AC, Law CW, Moy FM, Buckley BS. Closed versus open
approach in laparoscopic colorectal surgery (Protocol). Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 12.
17. Moy FM, Hoe VCW, Tan CPL, Rosmawati M (2010). Cardiovascular risks among
shift and non-shift workers in a public medical centre in Kuala Lumpur. JUMMEC
2010, 13 (1):45-49.
18. Chong HY, Taib NA, Rampal S, Saad M, Bustam AZ, Yip CH (2010). Treatment
options for locally advanced breast cancer experience in an Asian tertiary
hospital. Asian Pac J of Cancer Prev 2010;11(4):913-7.
19. Rampal S, Rampal L, Rahmat R, Md Zain A, Yap YG, Mafauzy M, Taha M (2010).
Variation in the prevalence, awareness and control of diabetes in a multiethnic
population: A nationwide population study in Malaysia. APJPH 2010: 194-202
20. Mahadeva S, Yadav H, Rampal S, Goh KL (2010). Ethnic variation, epidemiological
factors and quality of life impairment associated with dyspepsia in urban
Malaysia. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2010. 31 (10):1141-1151
21. Mahadeva S, Yadav H, Rampal S, Goh KL (2010). Risk factors associated with
dyspepsia in a rural Asian population and its impact on quality of life. American
Journal of Gastroenterology. 2010. 105 (4):904-912. 22. Tai MLS, Goh KL, Mohd-Taib SH, Rampal S, Mahadeva S (2010). Anthropometric,
biochemical and clinical assessment of malnutrition in Malaysian patients with
24. Lugah V, Ganesh B, Darus A, Masilamani R, Rosnawati MR , Sujatha D (2010).
Training of Occupational Safety and Health: Knowledge among Healthcare
Professionals in Malaysia. Singapore Medical Journal; 2010. 51(7):586-591.
25. Rosnawati MR, Moe H, Masilamani R, Darus A (2010). The Bahasa Melayu version
of nursing stress scale (NSS) among nurses: A Reliability Study in Malaysia. Asia
Pacific Journal of Public Health; 2010. 22;4.
26. Sam IC, Abdul-Murad A, Karunakaran R, Rampal S, Chan YF, Nathan AM, Ariffin
H (2010). Clinical features of Malaysian children hospitalized with communityacquired seasonal influenza. International Journal of Infectious Diseases; 14S:
27. Lin WY (2010). Engendering medical education & the empowerment of women in
health care. Inspire the Wim Review; 2010. 64-66.
28. Rampal L, Loong YY, Azhar MZ, Sanjay R (2010). Enhancing Diabetic Care in
the Community in Malaysia: Need for a Paradigm Shift. Malaysian Journal of
Medicine and Health Sciences: 2010. 6(1).
29. Choong LP, Taib NAM, Sanjay R, Saad M, Bustam AZ, Har YC (2010). High
Tumour Stage and Margin Clearance are Still Important Prognostic Factors for
Post-Mastectomy Locoregional Recurrence in Malaysia. Asian Pacific Journal of
Cancer Prevention; 2010. (11).
30. Lee HL, Vasan SS, Birgelen L, Murtola TM, Gong HF, Field RW, Mavalankar DV,
Nazni WA, Lokman SH, Murad S, Wan NC, Lum CS, Suaya JA, Shepard DS (2010).
Immediate cost of dengue to Malaysia and Thailand: An Estimate. Accepted by
WHO Dengue Bulletin.
31. Wong LP, Khoo EM (2010). Menstrual-Related Attitudes and Symptoms among
Multi-racial Asian Adolescent Females. International Journal of Behavioral
Medicine DOI 10.1007/s12529-010-9091-z .
32. Low WY, Choo WY (2010). Women at the helm in academia and health in the
Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pacific Journal Public Health; 2010. Jan; 22(1):5-8.
33. Wong LP, I-Ching Sam (2010). Ethnically diverse female university students’
knowledge and attitudes toward human papillomavirus (HPV), HPV vaccination
and cervical cancer. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and
Reproductive Biology; 2010.148:90-95.
advanced cirrhosis. Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:27.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
34. Wong LP, Sam IC (2010). Behavioral responses to the influenza A (H1N1) outbreak
in Malaysia. J Behavioral Medicine 2010, DOI 10.1007/s10865-010-9283-7.
Book publications
smoking cessation. Ministry of Health Malaysia. ISBN 967-999-23.
35. Wong LP, Sam IC (2010). Factors influencing the uptake of 2009 H1N1 influenza
vaccine in a multiethnic Asian population. Vaccine 2010; 28(28):4499-4505.
Wee LH, Mahmud ABA. The psychological process and factors related to
Abdullah R and Lin WY. Access to Abortion Service in Malaysia: A Right-Based
Approach. In Andrea Whittaker (Ed). Abortion in Asia: Local Dilemmas Global
36. Wong LP, Sam IC (2010). Knowledge and attitudes in regard to pandemic
Politics. Berghahn Books, New York; 2010:pg.241-265.
influenza A (H1N1) in a multiethnic community of Malaysia. Int J Behav Medicine
2010, DOI 10.1007/s12529-010-9114-9.
37. Wong LP, Sam IC (2010). Public sources of information and information needs for
pandemic influenza A (H1N1). Journal of Community Health 2010, DOI 10.1007/
Conference proceedings and abstracts
uptake of women’s breast cancer screening: translation of advocacy research
into organizational and individual change. Int. J. Behav. Med. (2010) 17 (Suppl 1):
38. Wong LP, Sam IC (2010). Temporal changes in knowledge, attitudes and
S313. [Abstract].
psychobehavioral responses during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.
Preventive Medicine 2010; 51 92-93.
housing. Int. J. Behav. Med. (2010) 17 (Suppl 1):S132-133 [Abstract]
of delivery, and opinion on strategies to promote organ donation: a multi-cultural
hospital based nurses in Australia (Abstract). Australian Epidemiologist 2010,
religious and multi-cultural society in a Southeast Asia country: the physician
s perspective. Journal of Community Health 2010, DOI 10.1007/s10900-0104.
Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference: p556.
and cervical cancer among rural Southeast Asian women. Int J Behav Medicine,
Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010.
Link International Conference on Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based
society: a baseline study Clinical Transplantation 2010, DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-
Medicine: p88-89. Bali, Indonesia. 27-28 Nov 2010.
Proceedings of the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
2010; 55:35-42.
adolescent Asian girls, Int J Gynecol Obstet 2010; 108(2):139-142 DOI:10.1016/j.
Ismail N, Bulgiba AM, Nagelkerke N, Awang O. Teaching Infectious Disease
Modelling in Postgraduate Public Health Training Programme in Malaysia.
groups finding from developing country. International Journal of Public Health
44. Wong LP & Khoo EM (2010). Dysmenorrhea in a multiethnic population of
Ismail N, Bulgiba AM, Nagelkerke N, Awang O. Isoniazid for preventing
tuberculosis among non-HIV population in Malaysia. Proceedings of the Asia
deceased organ donation and transplantation in Malaysia’s multi-ethnic
43. Wong LP (2010). Role of men in promoting the uptake of HPV vaccinations: focus
Wee LH, Shahab L, Bulgiba A, West R. Predictors of short-term quit success in
smokers attending Malaysian smokers’ clinics. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia
41. Wong LP (2010). Knowledge and attitudes about HPV infection, HPV vaccination
42. Wong LP (2010). Knowledge, attitudes, practices and behaviours regarding
Hoe VCW, Kelsall HL, Urquhart DM, Sim MR. Work and socio-demographic
determinants of musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb among
40. Wong LP (2010). Issues surrounding HPV vaccine delivery in a multi-ethnic, multi-
Lin WY, Othman S. Neighborhood & interpersonal violence: gendered impact,
secondary trauma & chronic stress among young Malaysians in urban low cost
39. Wong LP (2010). Information needs, preferred educational messages and channel
perspectives. Singapore Medical Journal 2010; 51(10):790-795.
Lin WY, Wong LP, Ang ES and Low WY. Strategic work-place male support in
(APACPH) Conference: p53. Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010.
Zaki RA, Bulgiba A, Ismail NA. Sample size for Bland-Altman analysis in
validation study. Proceedings of the Asia Link International Conference on
Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine: p122-123. Bali, Indonesia.
27-28 Nov 2010.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Zaki RA, Bulgiba A, Nordin NS, Ismail NA. Knowledge on methods of validation
17. Bulgiba A, Dahlui M. Developing global public health links in South-East Asia.
study in medicine. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium
Proceedings of the Global Health and the UAE: Asia-Middle East Connections
for Public Health (APACPH) Conference: p56. Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010.
Conference, 4-8 Jan 2010, Al Ain, UAE.
Lubis R, Bulgiba A, Kamarulzaman A, Hairi NN, Peramalah D. Progression to AIDS
18. Hairi N. Epidemiology of physical disability and functional limitation among
in HIV patients seen in the University of Malaya Medical Centre. Proceedings of
older people in Malaysia and Australia: Prevalence and determinants. Malaysia-
the Asia Link International Conference on Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-
Australia Medical Research Colloquium, 28-29 April 2010, Kuala Lumpur.
Based Medicine: p84-85. Bali, Indonesia. 27-28 Nov 2010.
19. Moy FM, Choo WY, Rafdzah AZ, Bulgiba AM. The experience of implementing
10. Lubis R, Bulgiba A, Kamarulzaman A, Hairi NN, Peramalah D. Determinants of
CE-EBM module in University of Malaya. AsiaLink International Conference
progression to death after AIDS diagnosis in University of Malaya Medical Centre,
-Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine in Global Perspective
Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for
(Poster presentation) 27-28 Nov 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
Public Health (APACPH) Conference: p122. Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010.
20. Noorhaire S. Nordin, Rafdzah A. Zaki, Moy F. Ming, Imran Z. Abidin. Health-
11. Mohammed UY, Bulgiba A, Chik Z, Lee C, Peramalah D. Measuring adherence
related quality of life following percutaneous coronary intervention during drug
to Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Treatment (HAART) in HIV positive patients.
stenting era: a systematic review (Oral presentation), The 42nd Asia Pacific
Proceedings of the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
Academic Consortium of Public Health Conference (APACPH), 24-27 Nov 2010,
(APACPH) Conference: p123. Bali, Indonesia. 24-27 Nov 2010.
International Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.
12. Zaki RA, Nordin NS, Bulgiba A, Ismail NA. Assessing methods to determine
21. Chee YS, Lor TL, Chow KK, Ting AS, Ismail MR, Moy FM. Injuries in selected rural
reliability of medical instruments. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
areas of perak, (Oral presentation), The 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of
on Quantitative Science and Its Application: p217-221. Penang, Malaysia. 2-4
Public Health Conference (APACPH), 24-27 Nov 2010, International Convention
Nov 2010.
Center, Bali, Indonesia.
13. Jayalakshmi P, Iyengar KR, Tan PH, Bulgiba A, Mun KS. An appraisal of
22. Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D. Factors contributing to quitting
imunostatins in breast lesions. Proceedings of 59th Annual Conference of Indian
success, early lapses and 50% cigarette reduction in a worksite smoking
Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (APCON 2010): Hyderabad,
cessation programme in Malaysia: Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference
India. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Vol 53, Supp 1 Oct 2010.
on Tobacco or Health, Sydney, Australia. 6-9th October 2010.Pg 187-188
14. Zaki RA, Bulgiba A, Roshidi I, NoorAzina I. A review of statistical methods used
23. Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D. Changes in Decisional Balance After
to assess agreement in medicine. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of
Counseling is associated with Improved Quit Rates among Malaysian Smokers.
the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics: p116. Montpellier, France. 29
Proceedings in the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health. Nusa
Aug-2 Sept 2010.
Dua, Bali, Indonesia. 24- 27 November 2010.
15. Saimon R, Bulgiba A, Choo WY. Built Environmental Factors, Adolescents’
24. Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D. Can Perceived Risk and Benefit
Physical Activity and Body Mass Index in Rural and Urban Neighbourhoods
of Quitting Predict Smoking Cessation Outcome? ; Malaysian Experience.
in Sarawak, Malaysia. Proceedings of the 6th Mixed Methods Conference,
Proceedings ofthe Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health. Nusa
Baltimore, USA. 6-11 July 2010.
Dua, Bali, Indonesia. 24- 27 November 2010.
16. Bulgiba A, Moy FM, Choo WY. Increasing the skills of medical graduates in
25. Yasin SM, Masilamani R, Moy FM, Koh D. Predictors of Smoking Cessation
clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine in Malaysia - An Asia-Link
Among Staff in Public Universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Proceedings of the
project. Proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, 4-8
AsiaLink International Conference, Kuta, Bali. Indonesia. 27-28th November
Feb 2010, Singapore.
2010. Pg. 20-21.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
26. Marzuki I, Azlan D, Moy FM. Serum Cortisol and Cardiovascular Effects.
Proceedings of the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
Name (Internal membership)
Membership type
Prof. Dr. Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud
Full Member
Proceedings of the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanjay Rampal
Full Member
Conference, 24-27 Nov 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Retneswari Masilamani
Full Member
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Yut Lin
Full Member
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wong Li Ping
Full Member
Dr. Moy Foong Ming
Full Member
Dr. Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Full Member
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Full Member
Dr. Noran Naqiah Mohd Hairi
Full Member
Dr. Mas Ayu Said
Full Member
socioeconomic status. Paper presented at the 7th EQUITAP Meeting. Seoul,
Dr. Azlan Darus
Full Member
South Korea. 15th – 16th July 2010.
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
Full Member
Dr. Anselm Su Ting
Full Member
Dr. Si Lay Khaing
Full Member
Consortium for Public Health Conference 2010: p86. Bali, Indonesia. 24–27 Nov
Dr. Liew Su-May
Full Member
Dr. Pathmawati Subramaniam
Full Member
Dr. Nirmala Bhoopathy
UM Student
Dr. Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki
UM Student
Dr. Ng Chong Guan
UM Student
Dr. Sharmini Selavarajah
UM Student
Dr. Rahayu Lubis
UM Student
Dr. Noorhaire Sumarlie
UM Student
Dr. Mohamad Rodi Isa
UM Student
Dr. Bello Arkilla Magaji
UM Student
Dr. Nurhuda Ismail
UM Student
Dr. Narimah Hanim Ibrahim
UM Student
Dr. Rosalia Saimon
UM Student
Dr. Umar Yagoub Mohammed
UM Student
Conference, 24-27 Nov 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
27. Marzuki I, Azlan D, Moy FM. Job Strain and Work Psychological Risk Factors.
28. Apalasamy YD, Moy FM, Rampal S, Bulgiba AM and Mohamed Z (2009).
G-2458A Lep Gene Polymorphism is associated with body mass index (BMI) in
the Malaysian population. Proceedings of the 2009 International conference on
Personalised Medicine. pg34. 29. Ng CW, Ravi RE. Political economy of financing and distribution in Malaysia’s
healthcare system. Proceedings of the First Global Symposium on Health
Systems Research organised by the World Health Organisation: pg 8-10.
Montreux, Switzerland. 16th – 19th November 2010.
30. Rannan-Eliya RP, Anuranga C, Ng CW, Tin K, Bales S. Mortality differentials by
31. Fariza AG, Masilamani R, Ismail N, Aziah AM. Prevalence and risk factors for
latent tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers in Institute of Respiratory
Medicine (IPR), Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic
32. Fariza AG, Masilamani R, Ismail N, Aziah AM. Prevalence and risk factors for
latent tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers in Institute of Respiratory
Medicine (IPR), Kuala Lumpur. Proceedings of the Malaysian Thoracic Society
Annual Congress 2010: p65. Terengganu, Malaysia. 23 – 25 July 2010.
33. Retneswari M, Darus A, Anselm ST, Roslinah Ali, Bulgiba A, Koh D. Salivary
Biomarkers in Stress among School Teachers in an Urban Setting. Proceedings
of the 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference,
24-27 Nov 2010, Bali, Indonesia.
Prof Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud - Awarded Fellow of Faculty of Public
Health, Royal College of Physicians UK (by distinction) in 2010.
Dr Nirmala Bhoo Pathy - Avon Foundation AACR International Scholar-in-Training
Grant in 2010.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Centre for Population Health (CePH)
External Members
History on establishment of Centre
CePH hopes to pave the way for Malaysia to have a
The Research Centre for Population Health (CePH)
modern medical database of its people and provide
was proposed to be added into the list of centres
population health solutions in the future. It would also
developed by the Department of Social and Preventive
provide a world-class research centre for population
Medicine (SPM) for the University of Malaya. Prior to
health in the UM for the benefit of the people in
the establishment of CePH, preconception talks were
Malaysia and worldwide. In line with the department’s
held between the Department which was then headed
vision to transform itself into a School of Public Health
by Professor Awang Bulgiba and Centre of Public
in the near future, CePH will spear head the direction
Health, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), Northern
of the school to become a premier institution excelling
in population and global health issues and research.
A proud moment for the Department was when the
CePH also aims at undertaking a broad spectrum
Centre for Population Health (CePH) was officially
of work, ranging from research that helps to better
launched by the Vice Chancellor of University of
understand the priority diseases and their associations
Malaya on the 18th February 2009. As a result, an MOU
to lifestyles and behaviours, to discovery science with
between UM and the prestigious Queen’s University
potential for longer term benefits such as therapeutics
Devi Peramalah (Research Officer)
in Belfast, Northern Ireland was signed during the
and vaccines, on health related environmental issues
Hamizwanis Abdul Hamid (Asia-Link Project Officer)
launching. Now, CePH falls under the umbrella of the
to health systems oriented research that directly
Health and Translational Medicine Cluster headed by
influences health policy.
Name of Agency
Prof Yolanda van der Graaf
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Prof Diedrick Groebbe
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Prof Arno Hoes
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Prof Paul Glasziou
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of
Oxford, United Kingdom
Associate Prof Cuno Uiterwaal
Julius Centre, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The
Support Staff
Contact Person:
Professor Rais Mustafa of University Malaya.
Devi Peramalah (Research Officer)
Tel : +60 (3) 79673797
Through new programs of research, discussion and
Fax: +60 (3) 79674975
development, and through consciously bridging the
gaps between research and practice, professional
and public realms, CePH aims to contribute new
evidence and insights to help in finding solutions to
overcome the health problems of Malaysians.CePH
will be an avenue to initiate and promote research and
development activities in the field of population health
with established collaborating centres like the World
Health Organization, universities worldwide and other
private and non governmental organizations around
the world. It is also envisaged that CePH will aid the
Ministry of Health and other agencies in Malaysia in
the prevention of diseases and improving the quality of
life of the society.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Research Projects
Support from UM and QUB
• 3 health economists
• UM has given strong support in terms of
financial and human resources
• 2 PhD and 1 undergoing PhD
• RM2.0 million in renovation of the centre and
RM 275,000 in start-up costs
Strong links within UM
• Institute of Mathematical
(mathematical modelling)
• New staff – Research officer and research
Strong support from Queen’s University Belfast
• Visits from NICR funded wholly by QUB
• Some can be directed to do cancer and
adolescent health research
• Research will be of doctoral quality
I. Members come from various disciplines and
Social scientists / family health specialists /
paediatricians / pharmacists / O&G specialists
Amount (RM)
AP Dr Nabilla AlSadat Abdul Mohsein
• Dept of Applied Statistics (time series
Malaysian Healthcare Programmes:
Intervention, Cost and Outcomes (MHICO),
2006-Present, MOH
AP Dr Nabilla AlSadat Abdul Mohsein
100, 093.06
II. Building on expertise in QUB (Cancer Registry
Effectiveness of Disaster Management
Programme vis-a-vis Health and Socioeconomic
Consequences for Affected Communities, 2009
– 2011
University Malaya
Research Grant
Dr Tin Tin Su
Cost Analysis of UMMC Services: Estimating the
Unit Cost for Outpatient, Inpatient and Daycare
Services (started October 2010)
Dr Maznah Dahlui
26, 200
Status of Female Circumcision Practice in
Malaysia (started August 2010)
Dr Maznah Dahlui
Increasing Breast Cancer Awareness and Practice PJP
of BSE among female Staff of University Malaya.
(Completed August 2010)
Dr Maznah Dahlui
A randomised controlled trial to determine the
effect of additional fructo-oligosaccharides on
colonic microbiota, faecal short-chain fatty acids
and immune status among patients receiving
enteral tube feeding, 2008-2010 Nutricia Research
Dr Hazreen Abdul
73, 780
MENCARE! Male Support of Breast Cancer
Screening: Evaluation & Research. NCWO
AP Wong Yut Lin
Review of Hospital-Based One Stop Crisis Centre UNFPA, Malaysia
AP Wong Yut Lin
Study of Malaysian public responses to the onset
of outbreak of the influenza A(H1N1)
AP Wong Li Ping
Understanding the root of HIV/AIDS related
stigma and discrimination : Nationwide computer
assisted telephone interview (CATI) survey
Science Fund
AP Wong Li Ping
Knowledge, attitude and behaviour on
reproductive health, sexuality and contraception
among multiethnic young Malaysian women
HIR Grant
AP Wong Li Ping
epidemiology) and UM’s strength and expertise in
Health economics, focused areas of collaboration
Cancer research enhancement initiative
i. To validate and publish high quality reports
on the cancers in Malaysia
Support from MOH, the Department of SPM and
the JCUM (Julius Centre of University Malaya)
• Strong linkages with the MOH and national
• International network- sharing of expertise and
technical support
• Full support by SPM Department headed by
Associate Professor Retneswari Masilamani
• Competence in epidemiological and statistical
studies – full support from the JCUM headed
by Professor Awang Bulgiba
• Effective public relations with the press and
Project No
Risk perception and attitudes of Influenza A
(H1N1) virus among staff and students in UM, KL, 2009-2010
Ready pool of DrPH students
• 10-15 students per year
• QUB staff conducting workshops as part of
Potential of more than 40 research articles
published (conservative estimate- 2 for first
2. Chronic Diseases Intervention and Adolescent
Health Research
iii. To aid the national planners in the
development of effective programmes in
combating common chronic diseases such
as Diabetes and CHD
Potential of more than 40 research papers
published (conservative estimate- 2 for first
3. Health Equity and Financing
1. To contribute data necessary for planning
to improve health system performance in
Malaysia and Ireland
24, 900
Potential of more than 2 research papers per
year published
/ breast surgeon / rehabilitative health expert /
cancer epidemiologist / social epidemiologist
Health economics expertise
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Short Courses
Ministry of Health, Malaysia. The lecture topics
1. Seminar on Population Based Longitudinal
on MyCohort, data analysis for population
consisted of longitudinal studies in Malaysian
based longitudinal research and application of
adolescents, experiences and challenges of youth
demographic surveillance system in population
development studies and the Young Hearts study
based longitudinal research.
in Ireland and also adolescent health research in
Longitudinal Research
was organized by the
Centre for Population
2. Workshop on Risk Factors
Diseases in Adolescents
held successfully on the 4th of June 2010.
on areas such as sexual and high risk behavior,
and Dr Zarihah Mohd
The invited speakers for the seminar included
nutrition and physical activity, oral and mental
Zain of the Ministry
health and also biological. The outcome from
the workshop is hoped to form a collaborative
Professor Dr Liam Murray of Queens University of
Belfast, Professor A. Rahman A. Jamal of National
group to be able to write research proposals on
of Monash University and Professor Awang
in adolescents was held successfully on the 7th
adolescent health and eventually obtain funding
on-going cohort studies of cancer survivors in UK
Bulgiba of University of Malaya. Forty participants
of June 2010 at the Department of Social and
to kick-start the proposed research in adolescent
and Northern Ireland, epidemiology of cancer in
including students, academicians and health
Preventive Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala
Malaysia and the scope of cancer survivorship
officers from the diverse departments within the
Lumpur. The workshop which is a collaborative
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya and
effort between the Centre for Population Health,
Workshop on Cancer Survivorship
Ministry of Health attended the seminar.
University of Malaya and Queen’s University
research in Malaysia.
All participants were divided into small groups
Belfast was aimed at formalizing a research group
to come up with ideas for research proposals
(MyHeARTs – Malaysian Health and Adolescents
was held successfully
on areas such as nutrition, physical activity,
Longitudinal Research Team study) to develop a
on the 8th of June 2010
complementary therapy, quality of life and
research proposal that will cover various areas
at the Department of
biomarkers. The outcome from the workshop is
of interests in the improvement of the health of
Social and Preventive
hoped to form a collaborative group to be able
Malaysian adolescents.
Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The
to write research proposals on cancer studies
workshop which is a collaborative effort between
and eventually obtain funding to kick-start the
proposed study on cancer survivorship.
The seminar which was a collaborative effort
the Centre for Population Health, University of
University of Malaya and Queen’s University
the diverse departments
Malaya and Queen’s University Belfast was aimed
Belfast, aimed to impart knowledge on the
at consolidating research ideas for collaborative
MyBCC Proposal Development Workshop
design of population based longitudinal research
The Centre for Population Health (CePH) is now
in Malaysia. It also aimed at highlighting cost
implications, benefits, and challenges and to
University Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia,
discuss the common methods used in statistical
between the Centre for Population Health,
The workshop on risk factors for chronic diseases
University Malaysia, Professor Daniel D. Reidpath
All participants were divided into small groups
to come up with ideas for research proposals
actively running the Breast Cancer Cohort Study
Thirty participants ifrom the diverse departments
(MyBCC). The MyBCC focuses on a cohort study
University of Science Malaysia, International
within the Faculty of Medicine, University of
for breast cancer survivors registered to the
analysis for a longitudinal study. The very
Islamic University Malaysia and Ministry of Health,
Malaya, National University Malaysia, University
University Malaya Medical Centre. A workshop for
interesting and varied lecture topics consisted
Malaysia attended the workshop. The lectures
Putra Malaysia, National Cancer Society Malaysia
the proposal development on the MyBCC study
of the types and design of longitudinal research
were conveyed by Associate Professor Nabilla
and Ministry of Health, Malaysia attended the
was conducted on the 15th – 16th October 2010
especially focused on Young Hearts study in
Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein of University of Malaya,
workshop. The lectures were conveyed by
at One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya. The workshop
Ireland, the Malaysian Cohort project – a national
Professor Liam Murray of Queen’s University
Professor Dr Liam Murray of Queen’s University
comprised of 9 academicians from the diverse
resource for future research especially focused
Belfast and Dr Nik Rubiah Nik Abdul Rashid of the
Belfast, Dr Loh Siew Yim of University of Malaya
departments within the Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
University of Malaya. It was aimed at forming
that will cover all areas of interest in the health
collaborative groups to write research proposals,
University Malaysia, National University Malaysia,
of Malaysian adolescents. Another workshop
develop questionnaire and design the plan of
Science University Malaysia, University Putra
on Cancer Survivorship was conducted to
action for both the study. The research proposals
Malaysia and senior officers from the Ministry
consolidate research ideas for collaboration.
will eventually be used to obtain funding and
of Health Malaysia. It was aimed at forming
Based on the outcome of the workshops, a rather
grants to conduct the proposed study in breast
collaborative groups to write research proposals,
intensive research planning and discussion took
develop questionnaire and design the plan of
place to initiate the way forward at the centre.
action for both the study. The research proposals
will eventually be used to obtain funding and
grants to conduct the proposed study in breast
April 2010
Special projects
MyHeART Proposal Development Workshop
1. Visiting Professor from Queen’s University
Belfast – 9th – 12th February 2010
The Centre for Population Health (CePH) is
Murray from the
Adolescents longitudinal Research Team Study
Centre of Public
(MyHeART). The MyHeART study focuses on risk
Health, Queen’s
factors for chronic diseases in a large population
that is representative of Malaysian adolescents.
Belfast, Northern Ireland made his inaugural
A workshop for the proposal development on
research collaboration visit to the Centre for
the MyHeART study was conducted on the 23
Population Health (CePH) from the 9
Jaya. The workshop comprised of 12 senior
collaborative talks, research action plans and
academicians from the Faculty of Medicine,
brainstorming sessions were held to decide the
institutions have agreed to collaborate on cancer
research related activities, diabetes intervention
programs and other issues of mutual interest in
public health. Apart from that, the institutions
will undertake working programs for research
cooperation and exchange of expertise whenever
necessary. This collaboration is also hoped to
jointly produce reports and publications in the
visited the Cancer Registry in the Pahang State
Health Department. The coutotelle agreement
research in disciplines of mutual interest. The
Murray together with the board members of CePH
Chancellor to decide on the best PhD candidate.
for Population Health) to achieve joint coordinated
future activities and research for CePH. Professor
discussion was also held with the Deputy Vice
University of Malaya (represented by the Centre
– 12
– 24 October 2010 at One World Hotel, Petaling
collaboration was signed on the 9th April 2010
Department) and the Faculty of Medicine,
February 2010. During his visit, many fruitful
A Memorandum of Understanding on research
currently conducting the Malaysian Health and
Ministry of Health, Malaysia and the Faculty
of Medicine, University of Malaya on the 9th of
4. Visit to Queen’s University Belfast – 20th to
26th June 2010
The Centre for Population
Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul
Mohsein and Dr Tin Tin
Su in their visit to Queen’s
Northern Ireland. They were accompanied by Dr
Loh Siew Yim from the Department of Rehabilitative
Medicine. The objectives of the visit were to have
an insight into Queen’s while further discussing
research collaborations in addition to attending
the various conferences at QUB. Among the
conferences attended were on Cancer Awareness
and Early Diagnosis and Postgraduate Engineering
3. Visiting Professor from Queen’s University
Belfast – 2nd – 11th June 2010
Conference. All three of them presented talks on
Professor Liam Murray made his second visit to
Health Research Symposium with more than 70
CePH in June 2010 specially to conduct seminars
participants. They were also acquainted to many
and workshops under the centre and to oversee
experts at Queen’s where a wealth of experiences
the progress of the centre. Together with the
especially in the areas of cancer awareness and
board members of CePH, a workshop on Risk
survivorship, cardiovascular diseases, health
Factors for Chronic Disease in Adolescents was
economics and urban regeneration were shared.
conducted to formalize a research group on
Possible collaborations for students from QUB to
MyHeARTS and to generate a research proposal
have their clinical and public health electives in
their respective research focus areas in the Public
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
University Malaya
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Capacity Project for cancer control (Myths of
Physical activity in cancer survivors)
A Cancer Awareness Campaign
in conjunction with the UICC
this visit is hoped
Capacity Project headed by Dr
to obtain funding
Loh Siew Yim was conducted
for cohort studies, appoint post-doctorates and
to increase the awareness of
Centre Head:
Staff of CePH :
Research Officer
Ms NithiahThangiah
Research Assistant
Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul
Dr Tin Tin Su (Acting head since September 2010)
Dr Maznah Dahlui
Dr Hazreen Abdul Majid
Dr Maslinor Ismail
5. Visit to Queen’s University Belfast – 30th
August to 2nd September 2010
Associate Professor Dr Saimy Ismail
En Mohd Roshidi Ismail
Dr Hazreen Abdul Majid was invited to the Centre
Associate Professor Dr Wong Yut Lin
for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Loh Siew Yim
(QUB), Northern Ireland to have collaborative talks
Professor Yip Cheng Har
on the development of the dietary assessment
Associate Professor Dr Aishah Mohd Taib
methodology during the 30th August 2010 – 2nd
10. Dr Nirmala Bhoo Pathy
September 2010. Among the outputs from the
11. Associate Professor Dr Mohamed Haniki Nik
best practices and well-being of cancer survivors
identify potential students for PhD studies.
around the world.
collaborative discussions included plans for the
Media Appearance
development of a food diary that encompassed
Fitrah Kasih - 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm, Thursday, 17th
June 2010
Ms Siti Nor Azirah Aziman
Members (in no specific order):
12. Dr Maizurah Omar
Ms Najihah
Ms Halimahtun
Centre for Population Health (CePH)
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
: +603-79677513/4777
: +603-79674975
E-mail: ceph.um@gmail.com
13. Dr Saidatul Norbaya Buang
groups, discussions of the Malaysian food
14. Professor Dr Khadijah Shamsuddin
composition book (produced by Institute of Medical
15. Associate Professor Dr Rahmah Mohd Amin
Research), discussion of the results collected
16. Dr Zarihah Mohd Zain
from the YOUNG HEART study and looking at the
17. Associate Professor Dr Hejar Abdul Rahman
foods from various main ethnic and religious
18. Dr Nik Rubiah Nik Abdul Rashid
19. Dr Farizah Mohd Hairi
that can be used
for the Malaysian
Associate Professor Dr Nabilla Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein
was an invited guest to the Fitrah Kasih programme
study. The primary
produced by the unit of magazine and TV documentary,
outcome of the discussion was aimed at assisting
RTM. Aired every Thursday from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm on
the future Malaysian cohort studies such as the
TV1, the concept of the programme was on the finding
breast cancer survivor’s cohort (MyBCC) and
and reconciliation of parted families and relatives
adolescent health (MyHeARTs). At this meeting,
while focusing on the problems and social behavior
a discussion was conducted for the proposed
of less fortunate groups and societies of the general
nutritional epidemiology course which is planned
population. In conjunction with World’s Tobacco Day,
to be conducted as a joint collaboration between
Assoc Prof Dr Nabilla was invited to discuss the
CePH and QUB in February 2011.
topic on smoking women and its’ implications on the
20. Associate Professor Dr Wong Li Ping
21. Professor Liam Joseph Murray
individual and community.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
The UM Wellness Program has proceeded into the third year with the strong support
from the university management. Out of a total of about 3500 eligible staff aged 35
years and above, 2200 of them (63%) had undergone at least one health check during
the period of 2008 to 2010. Among the various categories of staff, the lowest category
of support staff had the highest proportion of having conducted health check for 3
times. Academic staff was the ones that made less use of this program (Figure 1).
Reasons could be that academic staff is already having their health being monitored in
hospitals while the lower category staff have less access to this service, thus making
full use of this UM Wellness Program.
Figure 2a: Total cholesterol levels over 3 years
Figure 2b: Systolic blood pressure over 3 years
Figure 2c: Diastolic blood pressure over 3 years
Figure 1: Number of health check versus categories of staff who participated in the UM Wellness screening
Currently, the following clinics set up especially for the UM Wellness Program are
From the three year results, improvement has been observed in health indicators such
as blood pressure and total cholesterol levels (Figures 2 a – c).
This improvement
may be due to the following reasons:
Staff with abnormally high readings of blood pressure, total cholesterol etc
was picked up during the health screening and referrals was given for medical
for mammogram are also being given.
Staff who were diagnosed but uncontrolled in blood pressure were referred to
specialist in the Wellness Medical clinic in UMMC for further treatment.
Medical Wellness clinic (UMMC) – for staff with abnormally high health indicators
who need medical treatment
treatment or dietary counselling.
O&G Wellness clinic (UMMC) – screening women for Pap smear and appointments
Diet Wellness clinic (SPM Dept, Faculty of Medicine) - for staff with marginally
high health indicators who can be controlled through diet modification
In the long term, this improvement may be able to reduce health care cost as more
staff are aware of their health status and being treated earlier or have taken lifestyle
measures (improve on diet, exercise, quit smoking etc) to prevent or delay diseases.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Besides running the UM Wellness Program, the UM Wellness team also conducted
body mass index, urine test, cholesterol level
health screening and provided some counselling in the following events:
check, glaucoma screening, men’s health test
and physical fitness assessment as well as diet
consultation and medical consultation.
The attendance of the Vice Chancellor, Dean of
Faculty of Medicine and senior officers showed
that the management of the university cares
for the health and welfare of the staff and the
community within the Klang Valley. The event
was well organised and the staff as well as the
public went home with clear messages on how to
promote and maintain health.
b) Environmental Health Open Day (25 March 2010): Universiti Selangor
(UNISEL), Shah Alam
Our Wellness Team were invited to participate in the “Environmental
Health Open Day” in Universiti Selangor, Shah Alam. The event was
attended by students and staff of the university. Health screening such
a) UM Community Health Awareness Day
(6-7 February 2010): Mid Valley Convention
Centre, Kuala Lumpur – co-organized with the
Department of Surgery
activities, quit smoking and stress management.
as weight, height and waist circumference, blood pressure, dietary
Early screening of diseases such as Pap smear,
assessment etc was conducted. Counselling was also provided for
breast self-examination, eye check, dental check,
emphasized in this event. Parties involved in this
Awareness Day was successfully held on the 6-7
event were Faculty of Medicine (Departments
February 2010. This event was organised by the
of Surgery, Social & Preventive Medicine, Sport
Department of Surgery and Department of Social
Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Primary
& Preventive Medicine. The Vice Chancellor, Dean
Care Medicine, Nursing etc, Faculty of Dentistry
of Faculty of Medicine and senior officers of the
(Community Dentistry) and Sports Centre from
university were present to grace this event. The
UM; and private companies.
objectives of the UM Health Awareness Day
were to promote health awareness amongst the
The program was opened and officiated by
community of University of Malaya and the public
Dato’ Dr Ghauth Jasimon, Vice Chancellor of
by providing health screening tests, exhibition,
health promotion messages and consultation.
attractive prizes were carried out throughout the
Health talks by clinicians and quizzes with
two days.
those with unhealthy indicators.
screening for colo-rectal cancers etc were also
Health screening tests which were
This event was planned to further elaborate the
available included random blood glucose, blood
importance of healthy lifestyle such as practicing
pressure, bone mineral density, dental check,
stress level assessment, breast-self-examination,
Library Carnival (22-23 July 2010): UM Main Library
The UM Wellness team was invited to participate in the Library Carnival.
The carnival was well attended by students and staff. Routine screening
such as weight, height and waist circumference measurement, blood
pressure measurement, dietary questionnaires was conducted. Health
information was provided when necessary and health awareness was
raised among the visitors to the carnival.
d) “Jom Hidup Sihat” (22 September 2010): Fifth Residential College, UM
The “Jom Hidup Sihat” program was organised by the UM Fifth
Residential College. Our Wellness Team was invited to provide screening
such as measurement in weight, height, waist circumference, blood
pressure measurement, dietary questionnaires. Health information and
counselling was provided when necessary.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department Activities
SPM Family Day
18 January 2010
22-23 February 2010
SPM Family Day is a venue whereby staff and students
Prof David Koh Soo Quee from the National University
Prof David Koh frm the National University of Singapore
of SPM enhance their social interactions after a year of
of Singapore made his first visit of 2010 to the
was in the department as a visiting professor. During his
hard work and as a farewell gathering before the end of
department on 18 to 22nd of Jan 2010. During his visit,
visit here he had looked into the research conducted by
academic session 2009/2010. This year it was held on
Prof. David gave two talks to all MPH/MMedSc in Public
DrPH and MPH (Occ. Health) candidates. The sessions
1 May 2010 at Perangsang Templer Golf Club, Rawang,
Health students about the Nature of Environmental
were organised to review the research with individual
Selangor. It was smoothly organised by the committee
and Occupational Health and Case Discussion in
which consisted of the staff of PG unit, several other staff from the department and
Environmental Health. He was also involved in the
several student representatives. There were more than 100 participants consisting of
DrPH student departmental presentation.
the staff, students and families. Unlike the previous years, the 2011 Family Day was
held as an indoor activity during ‘high tea’. The activities included indoor games,
cultural and magic shows. The students had composed a song and together they
sang as a dedication to the lecturers of SPM. A group of UM dancers performed
several cultural dances and was joined by the crowd at the end of their performance,
signifying the climax of the event. Everybody enjoyed all the activities which were
facilitated by a creative and funny emcee who was specially invited from an event
company. The children were not forgotten; they were given prizes and entertained by
a clown who was sponsored by one of the students. We are grateful to the head of
department of SPM for her support and sporting spirit.
19 January 2010
12 March 2010
A/P Simon Barraclough from the La Trobe University
visited the SPM department. The visit opened up
Dr Lingui Li (Executive Director) from The College of
opportunites for further collaborations between the
Management, Ningxia Medical University, China visited
department and the Public Health Department in La
the department. The purpose of his visit was to discuss
Trobe University. Among areas that were discussed
about the research collaboration with the department
included student exchange, research opportunities
which involves women and child health issues and
and external examiners.
technical capacity building in health policy and system
research. The agenda of the day was started by a
briefing from Dr Lingui Li about his visit’s purpose
and his research collaboration and then continued
by Prof Nabilla on presentation and discussion about
Centre for Population Health. The department hopes
that future collaboration will prove to be a mutually
beneficial and lasting partnership
9-12 February
Professor Liam Murray from the Queens University in
26 June 2010
The department received a visit from the Faculty of
Public Health, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. The
visiors were lead by the Dean of the faculty, Assoc.
Prof. Pissanu Uttamavatin, looking into opportunities
for collaboration and student exchange between the
two instituions. A presentation of the department
was given by Dr. Maznah Dahlui, followed by further
discussions on collaborative activity, teaching and
research activities in both institutions.
Belfast visited the Centre of Population Health and the
SPM Dept. His visit is a follow up on the collaboration
between QUB and UM on the research activities by the
Centre of Population Health. During his visit, he had
looked into the progress of the centre and also visited
the Ministry of Health Office of the Pahang State to
further discuss the collaboration between the State
Health Authority and the Centre of Population Health.
2 August 2010
A/P Dr. Dean Harris from the University of North
Carolina visited the department. While here, he also
gave a clinical talk to the faculty entitled “President
Obama and the Continuing Struggle for Health Reform
in the United States”.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Academic Staff Profile
10 August 2010
Centre (advisory role), Canteen Management Committee
in the Faculty, Needle Stick Injury Committee at University
Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) and actively contributed
to the success of the Occupational Safety and Health
Week in November 2010 at UMMC.
The department received a visit by Prof. Aw Tar Ching from the University of UAE. The
week long visit was in conjunction with his tenure as the external examiner for the
MBBS phase 3A examination.
8 October 2010
The department received a visit from the ex-Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof Mohd Amin
Jalaludin. Prof Amin discussed with the department several issues on management
Associate Professor
Dr Retneswari
and approaches for academicians and personnel, and the upcoming APACPH
11 October 2010
The Department received a visit by Prof David Koh (NUS) and Prof Omar Kasule who
are both visiting professors to the department. While here, both professors conducted
courses and review of research in their respective areas.
20 October 2010
Prof Anil Matthews from PSG Institute
of Medical Science and Research, Tamil
Nadu, India gave a talk at the department
on Analysis of Longitudinal Studies. The
one hour talk explained the methods
used for analysis on longitudinal studies.
The talk was attended by staff and
students from the department.
Associate Professor Dr Retneswari Masilamani who
currently heads the Department of Social and Preventive
Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine is an occupational
physician by profession (MBBS, M.Med –Occupational
Medicine, AMM, FAOEMM, FFOM). She has kept her
teaching schedules in 6 occupational and environmental
health modules throughout the year and the course
coordinator for the Master of Engineering Degree Module
on ‘Occupational and Industrial Health in Engineering’.
Her research interests are on occupational stress and
salivary biomarkers. She is a member of the Julius centre
University of Malaya and Member of Evidence Informed
Policy Network – (EVIPnet) Malaysia. Assoc Prof
Retneswari is presently involved in occupational stress
research among police personnel. She is on the editorial
board of the Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
and a reviewer of the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
and Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine. She
was an invited as an International Reviewer of abstracts
for the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public
Health Conference. (APACPH) held at Bali, Indonesia in
November 2010. She also provides consultancy services
through the Occupational Medicine Clinic housed at
University Malaya Medical Centre.
Assoc Prof Retneswari is currently the chair of the Wellness
Programme in University of Malaya. She provides
Occupational health consultancy services to Unilever
Malaysia Sdn Bhd and in 2010 provided similar services
to the main library staff at University of Malaya. She
serves the Occupational Safety and Health Committee in
the Faculty of Medicine and University Malaya Medical
Assoc Prof Retneswari also sits on many other committees
outside the university namely as the immediate past
chairperson of the Society of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Social Security Organisation
Committee and Substance Abuse Committee under the
Malaysian Medical Association. She is also a member of
the Occupational Health Committee under the National
Council of Occupational Safety and Health, Protem
Committee Member of Malaysian Influenza Society and
President of the welfare society ‘Yennipadigal’. She is
also a Member of the Malaysian Public Health Medicine
Fellowship Awarding Committee.
In 2010, Assoc Prof Retneswari was invited to speak at
five national seminars in the domain of occupational
health and 1 international conference namely Asialink
International Conference on Clinical Epidemiology and
Evidence-Based Medicine in Global Perspective at
Kuta, Indonesia in November 2010 on ‘Beyond Asia-Link
– Challenges, hopes and plans’. She has published 5
ISI- indexed and 2 Scopus journal articles , 3 research
highlights, 1 guest editorial in the Malaysian Journal of
Public Health Medicine and 2 monographs in the Berita
MMA She supervised 1 Ph.D, 2 doctorate and 4 Masters
of Public Health Students in 2010. She has also appeared
on Hello Malaysia, Bernama TV addressing ‘Occupational
Health and Safety at Workplace’ and ‘Influenza
Vaccination in Corporate Setting’ on radio channel BFM
89.9 in September and March 2010 respectively.
Assoc Prof Retneswari was the examiner for the
Membership Examinations 2010 held by the Faculty of
Occupational Medicine, Malaysian Committee, Royal
College of Physicians of Ireland. She was appointed
the Overseas Faculty Examiner by the Faculty of
Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of
Ireland in 2010 for the Asia Pacific Region.
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Prof Awang Bulgiba
Awang Mahmud
The first Malaysian doctor to gain a PhD in Medical
Project Monitoring Team for the Ministry of Science,
Dr Saimy Ismail is an Associate Professor and Head of
Informatics, Prof Awang Bulgiba (MBBS, MPH,
Technology and Innovation, HICoE Service Thrust
the Health Services Management Unit (until September).
MAppStat, PhD, AMM, FFPH) is Professor of Public
Committee for the Ministry of Higher Education,
He has the MBBS degree from the University of Malaya
Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit) and Deputy
Public Health Executive Committee in the Academy of
and MPH from the University of California, Berkeley.
Dean (Undergraduate and Diploma programmes). He
Medicine and serves on the Public Health sub-speciality
teaches clinical epidemiology and medical statistics
committee as well as several other committees within
mainly to postgraduates and he currently carries out
and outside the University of Malaya. In January 2010,
research in infectious diseases, modifiable chronic
Prof Awang Bulgiba was invited to speak (“Developing
Dr Saimy teaches in both undergraduates (MBBS) and
two medical schools (in Kedah and Selangor) in
diseases and medical informatics. A consultant for
global public health links in South-East Asia”) at
postgraduates (MPH, MPH Oral Health, MMedScPH
September and November 2010.
several organisations and private companies, he
the Global Health and the UAE: Asia-Middle East
and DrPH) programmes. For the undergraduates, he
currently has an active consultancy with Janssen-
Connections Conference at the UAE University, Al Ain,
teaches subjects related to Personal & Professsional
Cilag, a pharmaceutical company. In addition, he is an
United Arab Emirates. He was also an invited speaker
Development (PPD) in Phase l to Phase lll A of the
Associate Editor for the Asia Pacific Journal of Public
at 7 workshops in 2010 and was organising chairman
curriculum. In the Post Graduate training, he lectures on
Health, an International Advisory Board member for
of 4 Asia-Link courses in 2010.
subjects concerning management concepts, process
System (Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti) committee till
and applications including the Malaysian Health Care
the first quarter of the year before passing it on to
system and Human Resource Management in Health.
younger members of the department.
the Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine, Editor
of the Malaysian Orthopaedics Journal, and an ad
hoc reviewer for the The Lancet, International Journal
of Cardiology, Journal of Experimental and Clinical
Medicine, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Medical
This year has proven to be a bumper year in publishing
for Prof Awang Bulgiba. In 2010, he published 8 ISIindexed journal papers, 1 book and had abstracts in
13 conference proceedings. Many of the papers came
He brings with him more than 25 years of field
experience at all levels while with the Ministry of Health.
In Postgraduate supervision Dr Saimy has a number of
The following are his activities for the year 2010:
Visited Bangalore in March when appointed as the
external examiner to the Year 3 final examination
at the MSU International Medical School.
Appointed by Malaysia Medical Council to the
accreditation panel with MQA, with visits to
Attended the APACPH Conference in Bali towards
the end of the year.
masters and one DrPH students in 2010.
Chairs the Department Quality Management
He sits on the Malaysian Medical Council
Preliminary Investigation Committee (PIC)
from his 10 PhD, 4 DrPH and 2 Masters Students. In
He spent the month of May doing field work (Penang &
2010, he was external PhD examiner for Universiti
Kedah) in relation to the research entitled:
Accident Prevention Committee in the Malaysian
Teknologi Mara.
‘Five years post tsunami – situation of the affected
Medical Association.
also heads the Julius Centre University of Malaya
In recognition of his contribution to public health, Prof
communities in Malaysia’. Community based health
(JCUM) and is Malaysian coordinator for the Asia-Link
Awang Bulgiba was made a Fellow of Faculty of Public
activities for the locals were also conducted in these
the past 6 years but had also given way to the
Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
Health by the Royal College of Physicians UK (by
research areas.
younger colleagues in November.
distinction) in October 2010.
Journal of Malaysia, Journal of University of Malaya
Medical Centre, Journal of Health Management and
Medical and Health Reviews. Prof Awang Bulgiba
Associate Professor
Dr Saimy Ismail
Has stepped down as the Chairman of the
He captained the University of Malaya in golf for
He hopes that 2011 will turn out to be a peaceful year
Prof Awang Bulgiba currently sits on the Research
where he will need to focus on other ways of enjoying
Committee of the Malaysian Health Promotion Board,
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
inaugural First Global Symposium on Health Systems
research organised by the World Health Organisation
held in Montreux, Switzerland in November, presented
an overall view of the equitable performance of the
Malaysian health care system and plausible policy
explanations behind these findings.
Dr Ng did not confine her research activities to
macro health issues alone. Her collaborative work on
Dr. Ng Chiu Wan
Dr Moy Foong Ming
survival of patients with motor neuron disease and
economic costs of dengue fever, with both national
and international research associates, resulted in
Dr Moy is the Unit Head and Senior Lecturer in the
Besides teaching and research, Dr Moy conducted
publications in peer reviewed journals.
Epidemiology & Biostatistics Unit. She teaches Research
workshops / courses and presented her research
Methodology, Biostatistics, and Clinical Epidemiology &
findings in year 2010 such as Introduction to SPSS,
Evidence Based Medicine to both undergraduate and
workshop on “Train the trainers for CE-EBM”, workshop
postgraduate. Her research interest includes Translational
on “Evidence Based Medicine”, and EndNote Workshop.
Research in prevention of non-communicable diseases,
Dr. Moy has three publications in BMC Public Health,
Workplace Wellness and Nutritional Epidemiology.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, JUMMEC
Health, Philippines and the Institute for Health Policy,
Dr Moy is a member of the editorial board of Nutrition
and 3 ongoing research projects grants amounting to RM
Sri Lanka which was held in Tagaytay, Philippines from
Journal of Malaysia. She also reviews journal articles
29th November to 3th December 2010. The course
for the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, The Journal
was designed to provide policy-makers, academics
of Nutrition, Health and Aging, Journal of University
and other interested stakeholders from the Asia-Pacific
Malaya Medical Centre (JUMMEC) and Nutrition Journal
region with an understanding of how to assess and act
of Malaysia. She is member of Malaysian Diabetes
On the research front, Dr Ng continued to deepen
on equity issues in their health systems. A total of 45
Association, Nutrition Society of Malaysian and Malaysian
her examination into the pattern of health disparities
participants from 13 countries attended the course.
Dietitian’s Association. Dr Moy is the internal examiner
The year 2010 has been an interesting and productive
year for Dr Ng Chiu Wan. On the teaching front, Dr
Ng continued to contribute to the teaching of Health
Economics and Financing, both at the post-graduate
and under-graduate levels as well as contributing to
the teaching of other management subjects. Although
her main teaching focus remains Health Economics,
she has led efforts to develop teaching modules and to
teach health policy topics at the post-graduate level.
This is in recognition of the importance of a sound
understanding of policy matters for all public health
professionals especially in the current climate of health
in the country. In 2010, her research was focused on
the socio-economic differentials in mortality rates of
different major groups of diseases in the country. Dr
Ng’s continued to actively participate in the activities
of the Equity in Asia Pacific Health Care Systems
findings on the mortality differentials were presented
at the EQUITAP Workshop held in Seoul, South Korea
in July. In addition to her interest in health disparities,
In recognition of her work in health equity, Dr Ng was
invited to present at the “Flagship Course on Equity
and Health Systems” organized jointly by the World
Bank Institute, the Asia Network for Capacity Building
in Health Systems Strengthening, the Department of
Dr Ng also continued to contribute her expertise to the
work of the Ministry of Health (MOH). In 2010, she was
appointed a member of the MOH Unrelated Transplant
Approval Committee of the National Transplantation
Programme, the Scientific Review Board of the
for Master of Clinical Oncology (University Malaya)
for the Statistics module. Besides that, she is also the
coordinator of the UM Wellness Program which conducts
annual health screening for all UM staff age 35 years and
Institute of Health Systems Research, as well as the
2nd Malaysian Burden of Disease Study Working
Dr Ng also continued her research in the area of health
financing specifically in measuring financial protection
in health and the re-distributive effect of the tax
financed health system in Malaysia. Her paper at the
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
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University of Malaya
and Pfizer (Malaysia); and b) A study to review the One
Stop Crisis Centre services in government hospitals
as a health sector’s response to the unfolding public
health problem of gender-based violence, funded
by UNFPA, Malaysia. The research findings of these
two projects have been selected for presentation at
the 42nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public
Associate Professor
Dr Wong Yut Lin
Health Conference in Bali, Indonesia. She has also
completed two collaborative research studies in which
Dr. Maznah Dahlui
she was a co-researcher: Foreign Domestic Workers in
Associate Professor Yut-Lin Wong, DrPH (Berkeley),
MPH (Berkeley), MPhil (Sussex), is a six month old
‘baby’ at the SPM Department although she has
been a long-time member of the Medical Faculty
and was previously at Medical Education & Research
Development Unit (MERDU). She is immersed in
both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching,
research, consultancy, sexual reproductive health
and rights (SRHR) advocacy. Administratively, she
Malaysia: Gender, Migration & Health in collaboration
with National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Behaviour &
Health, Ministry of Health and Institute of Population
Health, University of Ottawa, Canada; and Situational
Analysis of Bioethics education and awareness in the
face of biosciences revolution funded by UNESCO. The
latter grant partially funded her training in the Intensive
Bioethics Course at the Centre for Human Bioethics,
Monash University in Melbourne.
has been active as the department’s Undergraduate
In 2010, Assoc Prof Wong’s submission of two oral
Programme Coordinator; Phase 2 Elective Coordinator
papers on neighborhood violence in low income
for the faculty; and it’s appointed representative to the
communities and male support of women’s breast
UM Library Committee. She is an Associate Editor
cancer screening, respectively, were selected for
of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (ISI);
presentation at the 11
member of Ethics Committee on Infant Milk Formula
Behavioral Medicine, Washington D.C., USA both of
Products, MOH; member of Steering Taskforce for
which were subsequently published in its official and
National Bioethics Committee (MOSTI); member of
ISI journal, Int J Behav Med. She also co-authored
Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance, Malaysia
a chapter on rights-based approach to access to
(RRAAM), and a member of Sexual Violence Research
abortion services in Malaysia in the Berghahn Books
Initiative (WHO).
series on Fertility, Reproduction & Sexuality Volume 20:
Assoc Prof Wong’s research areas are in gender and
health, sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR),
gender-based violence and gender competencies in
medical education. In 2010, she has been active as
principle investigator in two applied research projects:
a) Evaluation of the Mencare program that advocates
male support of women’s breast cancer screening at
the work place, implemented by National Council of
International Congress of
Abortion in Asia, a culmination of her SRHR advocacy.
Recognizing her expertise in gender and health as well
as a SRHR advocate, Assoc Prof Wong was an invited
speaker to various seminars on access to reproductive
Dr. Maznah Dahlui is a Public Health Specialist and
between lifestyles and the quality of life in breast cancer
a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social and
patients. She has conducted the study on Breast Cancer
Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Awareness and Practice of Breast Self Examination on
Malaya. She lectures on health economics, supervises
the female staff of University of Malaya and recently
3 PhD students, 3 DrPH and 2 master students, and
has been appointed to lead the Quality of Life and
conducts several economic evaluation projects. She is
Costing components in the Malaysian Breast Cancer
the head of the Post-graduate Unit overseeing 3 post-
Cohort study which is one of the many collaborative
graduate programs of the department since 2008.
efforts by the Centre of Population Health, University
Her experiences working in the Ministry of Health,
Malaysia provides good linkages with the ministry
resulting in consultancy works on evaluating and
monitoring the National Strategic Planning of HIV/
AIDs and as UNAIDs consultant for the National
of Malaya. Internationally, Dr. Maznah is collaborating
with University of Leeds, United Kingdom, University
of Singapore and University Al Aen, UAE looking into
factors causing delay in diagnosis and treatment for
Breast Cancer.
AIDs Spending Assessment in Malaysia. She is in
Her recent ISI publications were in the Asia Pacific
the research team for the Study of Disease and Injury
Journal of Public Health on ‘Developing global public
Burden, Malaysia. Her works with the Ministry of Health
health links in Southeast Asia’ and “Tobacco use and
was acknowledged by World Health Organization who
health in South East Asia”. In 2010, she presented
conferred her to do the study to evaluate the practice
issues on the elderly at the 42nd APACPH conference
of female circumcision in Malaysia.
in Bali and on Malaysian screening policy of breast
Dr. Maznah has great interest on breast cancer and
cancer at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
has been involved in several studies on breast cancer
especially on the economic evaluation of the screening
and treatment of breast cancer, and the relationships
health, abortion, women and girls as at-risk population
and HIV/AIDS organized by Ministry of Women, Family
& Community Development, UNICEF Malaysia, UN
Theme Group on HIV & AIDS, and RRAAM, respectively.
Women’s Organisations, funded by the Asia Foundation
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University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
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University of Malaya
Dr. Azlan Darus
Dr. Azlan Darus is a senior lecturer in the Occupational
Dr Tin Tin Su
Dr Tin Tin Su is a Senior Lecturer in the Health
(CePH) as an executive board member since February
Services Management Unit. She teaches Health
2009 and as an acting head since September 2010.
Economics, Quality in Health Care, Law and Health
She organized a number of short courses, seminars
and Management in Health to postgraduate, MPH,
and workshops under CePH. Dr Tin Tin Su involves
MMedSc.PH, and DrPH courses. She gives some
in several research projects. One student successfully
lectures in Personal and Professional Development
completed the PhD under her supervision. She has
(PPD) module for undergraduate MBBS students. She
supervised a total of 7 master students in public health
is also a field supervisor for Community Residency
and is currently the supervisor of 6 Doctoral and 6
Retneswari Masilamani, A. Darus. The Bahasa
Programme (CRP) and Organization and Management
Masters Students.
Melayu version of the Nursing Stress Scale
of Health Services (OMHS) and a facilitator of Problem
among nurses: A reliability study. Asia Pacific
Based Learning (PBL) session for undergraduate
Direct, Indirect and Intangible cost of Occupational
Journal of Public Health 22(4) 501- 506 (ISI-Cited
Disease in Malaysia (UMRG grant)
and Environmental Health Unit. He is involved in
teaching of occupational health, environmental health,
In the year 2010, Dr. Azlan has published these articles:
Rosnawati MR, Sujatha D. Training Occupational
industrial health at the postgraduate and undergraduate
Safety and Health: Knowledge among healthcare
levels in the Faculty of Medicine, and postgraduate
proffessionals in Malaysia. Singapore Medical
level at the Faculty of Engineering.
Dr. Azlan’s research interest includes burden of
occupational disease, fitness for work and occupational
stress. He is currently involved in the following research
Journal 2010; 51(7) : 586 (ISI-Cited Publication)
Dr Tin Tin Su is also active in community work. She
organized and was involved the medical examination
Dr Tin Tin Su’s research interest includes Demand
communities (295 participants) from Tanjong Bungah
Salivary Cortisol and IGA as markers for
In May this year, he was also awarded Membership of
and expenditure for health care, Economic evaluation
village (Penang) and Taman Permatang Katong, Kuala
psychological stress: A study of workplace stress
the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College
of disease control programme, Health care financing
Muda (Kedah), from 17th -26th May 2010. She is a
among police personnel(UMRG grant)
of Physician of Ireland. Dr. Azlan is a reviewer for
and insurance, Health systems research, Quality in
member of the Malaysian Medical Association and
the Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. He is also
Health Care and Socio-economic consequence of
Myanmar Medical Association. Dr Tin Tin Su reviews
an occupational health advisor for the international
disaster affected communities. She has been working
journal articles for BMC Health Service Research, Asia
company Unilever (M) Holdings, since 2008.
for the research center, Centre for Population Health
Pacific Journal of Public Health and Malaysian Journal
‘Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with
Sexual Dysfunction among Female Healthcare
Workers in Malaysia’. Collaborative study with the
O&G department
Lugah V, Ganesh B, Darus A, Retneswari M.
‘Occupational Eye Injuries, Risks and Outcomes
at Mumbai, India’. Collaboration with the Aditya
Jyot Hospital in Mumbai
Dr. Azlan is also active in community and academic
of Public Health Medicine. It was a fruitful year for Dr.
work outside the faculty. He is currently the
Tin a shepublished in 4 papers in various journals. She
honorary secretary of the Society of Occupational
has also obtained grants for 6 research projects.
and Environmental Medicine, Malaysian Medical
Association. He is also a member of the subcommittee
on Occupational Health at the National Council of
Occupational Safety and Health. At the community
level, he is a committee member of his local Resident’s
Association and the chairman of the Parents and
Teacher’s Association of SK Pulau Meranti.
Department of Annual Report
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University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
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University of Malaya
Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Wong Li Ping
Dr Anselm Su Ting
Dr Wong Li Ping received her Ph.D. in medical science
In year 2010, Dr. Wong served as chief or sole author
Dr Anselm Su Ting (MBBS, MPH, MPH (Occupational
workers in Sarawak. His previous work on vibration
(Epidemiology) from the University of Malaya in 2004.
of 8 papers published in journals that are ISI-indexed.
Health), MFOM (Ireland)) is an Occupational Physician
problems among the construction workers in Malaysia
She takes part in the Faculty’s research methodology
She has been awarded 3 research grants, namely the
and Senior Lecturer in Occupational and Environmental
has been presented in International Conference on
and biostatistical teaching both at the undergraduate
Science Fund (MOSTI), University Malaya Research
Health Unit. He is the first Malaysian to obtain Dean’s
Occupational Health and published in Occupational
and graduate levels.
Grand (UMRG), and High Impact Research Grant (HIR)
Medal Award from the Faculty of Occupational
in the year of 2010 and serve as a project manager
Medicine, Royal College of Physicians Ireland in
disease, he is also involved in other occupational health
for a Best Management Practices (BMPs) Project
year 2009. He teaches occupational medicine to the
related research projects such as occupational stress,
under the State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN). She
undergraduates and postgraduates students. Dr
commuting accidents, work ability and noise induced
had abstracts in 7 conference proceedings. She has
Anselm is actively involved in promoting and using
hearing loss; and non-occupational health related
served as a reviewer for peer-reviewed for International
e-learning activities for teaching in this faculty.
clinical trials in the field of haematology in collaboration
Dr. Wong’s research has centered almost exclusively on
social and behavioral medicine. Her current research
activity focuses on role of race, culture, and ethnicity
on health. She has diverse research interests, all in
the field of social and behavioral medicine, include:
[1] research on risk behaviors (HIV/AIDS Survelliance;
youth risk behavior surveillance), [2] research on
preventive behaviors (Cervical cancer screening;
HPV vaccination; 2009 influenza H1N1 vaccine),
[3] Community responses (Behavioral responses to
emerging infectious diseases, 2009 influenza H1N1
and influenza vaccination; HPV vaccines; deceased
organ and tissue donation; knowledge and attitudes
towards thalassemia), [4] sexual reproductive health
research (dysmenorrheal and PMS of young female;
hysterectomy and detrimental effect on women
Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Journal of
Adolescent Health, AIDS Care, Archives of Gynecology
and Obstetrics, Vaccine, and Women and Health. She
has also been invited to peer-review a Cancer Research
UK Project Grant Application.
Besides teaching, Dr Anselm also runs Occupational
with Ministry of Health hospitals.
Medicine Clinic twice a week in University of
Malaya Medical Centre and provides consultancy to
governmental and non-governmental organizations on
ad-hoc basis whenever there is a request.
Dr Anselm has a special interest in vibration disease
in tropical countries and he is currently heading a
research project in collaboration with Wakayama
Medical University, Japan and Kinki University, Japan
looking at hand-arm vibration syndrome among forestry
psychosocial well-being and sexual functioning;
midlife crisis; impact of aging on sexual function in
women). Recognizing the importance of behavioral
component in medicine, Dr Wong wishes to continue
working for the advancement in the area of behavioral
health in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
by engagingly actively in research and teaching.
Department of Annual Report
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University of Malaya
Department of Annual Report
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University of Malaya
She attained her degree of Master of Public Health
in 2006 and then completed her degree of Master of
Public Health (Family Health) in 2009. She teaches
family health and nutrition to undergraduates and
postgraduates in the Faculty of Medicine. Her passion
for research is mainly within the scope of sexual
and reproductive health. She has been very active
Dr Maslinor binti Ismail
Dr Hazreen Abdul Majid
in giving consultancy service for Tunas Bakti Sungai
Besi Approved School since year 2008. She has also
been the Technical Advisor for ISO implementation
Hazreen Abdul Majid is a lecturer in the Family
for the recommended nutrient intakes for Malaysia
Health Unit. He teaches medical nutrition therapy,
2005 nutritional guidelines. He also had received the
sports nutrition and public health nutrition to both
award for best poster presentation and finalist for
postgraduate and undergraduate students.
most promising research area from British Dietetic
His research interest includes functional foods,
prebiotics and diarrhoea in enteral nutrition and public
and surveillance audit for Tropicana Medical Centre,
Population and Family Development Board).
Association and also British Association for Parenteral
and Enteral Nutrition.
health nutrition. Hazreen is also active in community
Hazreen is an active member for numerous local
work. He is a member for several associations include
Malaysian Dietitians Association, British Dietetic
and Bachelor of Surgery, and Master of Public Health
Association and others.
Australia, Malaysian Dietitians Association, Malaysian
from University of Malaya, Master of Science in Health
Association for the Study of Obesity. He is also
Care Management from University of Wales, and Doctor
an associate member for The Higher Education
of Science in Public Health from The Netherlands
Academy, UK. He was also invited to speak on “Faecal
Institute for Health Sciences. She is a Senior Lecturer
bifidobacteria concentrations in intensive care unit
at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,
Functional foods (e.g. prebiotics / probiotics) have
always been Hazreen’s research interest. Analytical
methods to quantify microbiota such as using
quantifying short-chain fatty acids using gas liquid
chromatography are among his expertise. One of
his research project regarding prebiotics and enteral
nutrition was a randomised controlled trial to determine
the effect of additional fructo-oligosaccharides on
Farizah Mohd Hairi obtained her Bachelor of Medicine
patients receiving enteral nutrition for different lengths
of time” at the Mayday Hospital, UK and also on “Low
Dr. Farizah Mohd Hairi
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur. Currently she is attached to the Department of
faecal concentrations of bifidobacteria in patients
Public Health, Erasmus MC University Medical Center,
receiving enteral tube feeding”, at University Malaya
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Medical Centre.
colonic microbiota, faecal short-chain fatty acids
and immune status among patients receiving enteral
In addition, he is also a qualified dietitian that has
worked both locally and internationally. He also
provides his dietary consultation service at the
sports medicine clinic. He was one of the reviewers
Department of Annual Report
Social & Preventive Medicine
University of Malaya
Dr Claire Choo Wan Yuen
Claire is a senior lecturer in the Epidemiology and
Her current projects include
Biostatistics Unit. Currently, Claire teaches mainly
1) Exploring the awareness and communication
biostatistics and research methodology to both
practice of parents on primary school children on
undergraduates and postgraduates.
sexual abuse in Selangor,
She has focused considerable energy on violence,
2) Exposure
reproductive and sexual health research. Her research
interests include the international public health
burden of violence; the linkages between violence
the development and evaluation of interventions to
address violence and research; research focusing on
vulnerable populations such as impact of HIV/AIDS on
children and their families; and application of mixed
methodology in public health research.
3) Association
victims’ readiness to leave. She was also involved
in an international multi-country study assessing
of child maltreatment under the World Health
Claire also conducted several workshops/courses
such as Research Methodology, Introduction to SPSS,
Train the trainers for CE-EBM, and Evidence Based