a copy - Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association
a copy - Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association
Te Atatu Views Te Atatu A Peninsula Town Centre Magazine Summer 2014 Business News Backyard Grocer Initiative Rutherford College Student Achievements Pohutukawa photo by Vreni Hess Harbour Photo by Stefan Marks Contents 4 From the Editor Business News 7 Backyard Grocer 8&9 Rutherford College 2014 Achievements 10&11 What’s On Pages 12 Towai Grove Restoration 14&15 Causeway News Summer – such a longed for season, not just because of the Ɖroŵŝse of balŵLJ ǁeather but also for fesƟǀe gatherŝngs with family and friends. The Te Atatu Peninsula Business AssociaƟon would liŬe to wish you all a safe and haƉƉy fesƟǀe season with your family and here’s hoping for a ‘proper’ summer, weatherͲwise. Kǀer the year, the ǀolunteers who maŬe up the business associaƟon haǀe taŬen the Ɵme during their busy liǀes as retailers and professional serǀice proǀiders, to be part of the commiƩee and create opportuniƟes to help adǀance the town centre. te coǀered a lot of ground this year and achieǀements included a new brand and a new website www.teatatupeninsula.co.nz. In our Business News on Page 4 you can read about our plans for this fesƟǀe season – last year we put up the blue > lights oǀer the shop frontages and this year we are adding to that! In this ediƟon of the siews we tell you about a local iniƟaƟǀe spearͲheaded by ,eidi ,ughes. The BacŬyard 'rocer project has produced beauƟful hristmas hampers made up of arƟsan products, all produced by local people. Heidi is dedicated to supporƟng sustainability within the Peninsula for our people and produce, and you can read about her, the hampers and the arƟsans on Page ϳ. EXPERIENCE YOUR LOCAL RSA JOIN NOW Everyone is welcome! You don’t need to belong to the armed services to join n the RSA. Enjoy darts, poo ol, snooker - free of charge for members and in great com mpany. 1 Harbour View Rd Te Atatu Peninsula 09 834 3698 tatrsa@xtra.co.nz 2 Planning a function? Talk to us today RESTAURANT HOURS Friday Lunch Thursday - Saturday Evenings Wednesday - Sunday 12.000 - 2.00pm 5.330 - 8.30pm 5.330 - 8.00pm TE ATATU Te Atatu Views Published quarterly… Next issue: Autumn Advertising booking deadline February 28th 2015 Delivered March 27th 2015 :ono larŬe shares his culinary secrets in our siews on &ood column on Page ϱ and once again, we are fortunate to haǀe the wisdom of renowned wine criƟc and Peninsula local, ^am <im in our siews on tine on Page ϭϳ. &ind out the latest news from the auseway Alliance team on Page ϭ4 and celebrate the achieǀements of our local young people with Zutherford ollege on Page ϴ and ϵ. seterinarian ^ue <irŬby edžplains why there are so many ŬiƩens around hristmas Ɵme in our siews on Pets on Page ϭϲ. Dichael oote ^hares the latest eīorts of our local conserǀaƟon ǀolunteers on Page ϭϮ and ommunity onstable DiŬe han &oung giǀes us hints on how to aǀoid being the ǀicƟms of crime this summer, on Page ϭϵ. ThanŬ you for reading the Te Atatu siews and thanŬ you for shopping local. By supporƟng our local businesses, we can strengthen our town and conƟnue to aƩract great new businesses into the midž. Merry Christmas, Robynne Pringle Editor and Town Centre Manager Peninsula Stationery & Gifts Stationery, Magazines, s, Gifts & Cards ‘See us for all your car alarm, camera mera and hearing aid batteries’ WATCH SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE s BATTERYREPLACEMENT ANDPRESSURETESTING s LINKADDITIONANDREMOVAL s BUCKLEANDWRISTBAND REPLACEMENT Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-4pm 562 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula Ph: 834 6143 Contact Information For advertising enquiries or to submit editorial copy, contact Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association Town Centre Manager Robynne Pringle, Ph 021909415 manager@teatatupeninsula.co.nz Circulation: 6250 copies Delivered free to homes and businesses in Te Atatu Peninsula. Available in selected libraries, cafés, street boxes and visitor accommodation Published online at www.teatatupeninsula.co.nz Advertising Rates: Full page ½ page ¼ page 1/8 page $575 plus GST $300 plus GST $165 plus GST $140 plus GST Multiple issues discount - 10% Advance confirmation of advertising in 3 or more consecutive issues. Advertiser is required to complete a Multi Issues Contract Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association Committee Chairperson: Fiona Grove:Unichem Peninsula Pharmacy Treasurer: Warren Brumby Patten Brumby Board Members: Leonie Higgins, Barfoot and Thompson Sue Kirkby, CareVets Malcolm Buscomb, Te Atatu Menswear Stephen Enger, Te Atatu RSA Robert Stewart, Te Atatu Chiropractic Jonothan Clarke, Luscious Food Store (Associate Member) Chris Cooper, The Big Event Town Centre Manager: Robynne Pringle Disclaimer Te Atatu Views is the magazine of the Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association. Advertising statements and editorial opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association or the Committee unless expressly stated. Any communication can be forwarded to the Editor at the contact details provided. The contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Editor. No responsibility is accepted for the Author’s suggestions and conclusions, or for any errors or omissions. Z P A T T E N B R U M B Y L T D CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Warren and the staff at Patten Brumby wish you all a merry festive season and a happy New Year’. Z Z Z Z Z Business Advice GST Returns Rental Statements Business Funding Applications End of Year Financial Statemennts If you would like more information please either call in to our business premises located at 627 Te Atatu Road or phone: 834 5555 and speak to one of our friendly staff. ©0800SILPRINT 3 Business News Let’s Get Festive on the Peninsula The Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association is gearing up for Christmas! We are looking forward to putting up a stunning, decorated, six metre high Christmas tree for the whole community to enjoy. It will go up on the grassed area outside the Union Church at the end of November and it will be the perfect place for anyone keen to try out a few Christmas carols. Thanks to the Union Church Parish Councillors for allowing us to put the tree up. We hope it helps create a real festive feel on the Peninsula. Also helping to create a summer vibe is our late night shopping – come along to the new library courtyard on Thursday nights through December, and enjoy live music while you get in some shopping, or a picnic in Jack Pringle park. We have booked Maria O’flaherty and the Ben Fernandez Quartet and the covers band Good Oil, for your enjoyment. Our Best Ever Christmas Promotion is back, with three fantastic prizes for the lucky winners. Be in to win the 16 gb iphone 6, the ipad Air 2 or the ipad mini, by spending $20.00 at participating stores. The draw will be made on Thursday December 18 during our late night shopping entertainment. Keep an eye out for posters in stores. Since the last Te Atatu Views was published we drew the Fathers’ Day promotion and the lucky winner was Daniel James of Te Atatu Peninsula, whose partner Rachel shopped at Cupboard Love. He won a great prize including a flash new shirt and tie from Te Atatu menswear, dinner out, a massage and other goodies. PHOTO: Daniel James, his son Rydar (right) and Rydars’ cousin Ollie. Summe Christr is Here!!! mas is Coming !!! Take the hassle out of Christmas Shopping… Shop Local We have great Gift Ideas ‘ Spoil the MAN in your life’ Shirts Polo Shirts Trousers Jeans Shorts Tee Shirts Nike Canterbury Hats Caps – (great range) from $50.00 – Priced from $28.00 – Casual & Dress – ‘Berlin’ Comfortable Stretch Denim – Dress, Casual, Sport Shorts – Priced from $12.00 – New summer Beach Shorts – Shorts, Tees, Polos, Sweats – Large range of Trilbys, Straw Hats, Bucket Hats ts – Snapbacks & Cheese Cutters 4 ©0800SILPR ©0800SILPRINT RIN IINT NTT N Male Apparel & Uniform Specialists sts 0HONEs4E!TATU2OAD4E!TATU0ENINSULA ATU0ENINSULA %SHOP TEATATUMENSWEARCONZ views on Food With Jono Clarke Summertime and the Livin’ is easy Summer cooking feels somehow easier to get started on, after the wet winter we have just had. I love how you can put together amazing salads without even having to put a pot or pan on the stove. Right now we still have a bumper season of avocados and they are cheap to buy. I reckon I’m finding fewer this year with that horrible string that you sometimes find through them. They make the simplest salads more luxurious and I love putting them with ripe tomatoes, fresh coriander and extra virgin olive oil. I could eat that combination all summer long, especially next to any sort of barbecued meat or vegetables. Talking of barbeques, another amazing but simple thing that I can’t get enough of, is free range chicken that I marinate for a couple of hours in some whizzed up preserved lemon and rosemary. It gives a standout lemon flavour that goes so well on the chicken. We use it all the time in catering and on our lunch specials. I am really looking forward to eating all those summer classics and creating some really healthy dishes all summer long. Preserved lemon marinade for BBQ chicken 1 preserved lemon 1 clove of garlic 2 tablespoons of rosemary leaves 1/4 cup olive oil Purée all of the above until you have a smooth paste. Use about one tablespoon of marinade for each chicken breast or thigh and leave to marinate in the fridge overnight or for at least two hours, to get the flavour properly infused. Barbeque and enjoy! Tip: You can find preserved lemons at Farro or on line at Ludbrook House Fine Foods www.finefoods.co.nz. Biz kids Fun with Chalk, Devon Greentree and Callum Vye Wicked Wax , Joshua Lochead and Mark Borich Unique Savings, Paige Skinner and Toni Lochead Entwine, Tayla Antunovich SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 28th of February 2015 is the 5th annual Te Atatu Peninsula Community Fun Day in Jack Pringle Park, next to the new Library and Community Centre. It is a great event that celebrates our wonderful community. Love to Live is the not-for-profit organisation behind the Fun Day and we are busy working hard to make sure that continues to be a great event. This year we are closing the road again and have invited Sport Waitakere to join us on the sports field running their Push Play event – bring local sports groups out to run activities in the park. The Library is opening their doors to bring the fun from the park to the new building and again we will have over 30 community groups and organisations there promoting their programmes, offering information and entertainment. This year we are running a zero waste event with the support of ACZWA and we will have some amazing entertainment from the stage from local schools and cultural groups. This is a free event – so the only thing you need money for is food, and of course the Biz Kids Market! Fizz, Holly Wadsley Oh So Moustachio, Ploymanee Samountry and Kathryn Jeung-McIntyre Make sure you come along and support these amazing kids. Remember if you want to be involved, help or support Love to Live in any way – we want to hear from you info@lovetolive.co.nz Biz Kids is a young entrepreneurs competition that Love to Live runs and we have our 9 Finalist businesses working hard on their businesses and preparing to come along to the Fun Day to sell to the public! Our Finalists are: Fizzers, Charlotte Cleverdon Toy Town, Emily Boyle Lippie Pippe, Amy Tea PENINSULA MONTESSORI WZͲ^,KK> Peninsula Montessori provides a ďŽƵƟƋƵĞƉƌĞͲƐĐŚŽŽůƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ͘ ÊÊÊÊU Eye Examinations ÊÊÊÊU High Quality Eyecare & Eyewear ÊÊÊÊUÊFREE glasses for kids conditions apply PRESCRIPTION We are a small family orientated centre catering for a maximum of ϮϮ children at any one Ɵme. Peninsula Dontessori proǀides a warm and welcoming atmosphere for both children and parents. zour child will receiǀe a Dontessori educaƟon from experienced teachers who are dynamic, caring and focused on maŬing your childs’ day special. Kur teachers will guide your child through their learning and deǀelopment as they explore the enǀironment around them. Kur specialized eƋuipment giǀes children the opportunity to deǀelop a loǀe of learning and most importantly self conĮdence. The staī at Peninsula Dontessori PreͲ^chool looŬ forward to meeƟng you and your child. SUNGLASSES from $299ns! available. rogressive optio Polarised and P Bass, from Adidas, Bill es am fr es ud cl In a Esprit, Elle & Pum Te Atatu: (09) 834 9070 84 Gunner Drive www.cassidyeyecare.co.nz 6 ©0800SILPRINT New Lynn: (09) 827 2149 3080 Great North Road 18 Stokes Ave, Te Atatu Peninsula Phone: (09) 834 8827 ©0800SILPRINT Backyard Grocer Initiative Ugly Cookies Christmas Hampers Showcase Peninsula Artisans Celebrate Christmas and the Peninsula as well, by ordering an incredible Christmas hamper featuring stunning products by local artisans. Te Atatu peninsula is lucky to have many clever entrepreneurs, creating quality products. Now local woman Heidi Hughes has gathered them up with the blessing of their creators, and is presenting them for sale in beautiful Christmas hampers, available online. Heidi is delighted that not only are our local producers being supported, but many of the customers will also be local, cutting down on the ‘food miles’ of the products and creating a truly sustainable venture. Heidi says the Backyard Grocer has grown out of a desire to eat good, whole food, sourced as close to our own backyard as possible, with minimal impact on the planet. The result is impressive, with a range of delicious products that truly celebrate the Peninsula and its people – Chipotle Hot Sauce, ‘Mazing Marmalade, Gingerbread Truffles, Ugly Biscuits, Lush As Tomato sauce, Te Atatu Toasted Muesli, Good Keen Honey, Roasted Peanut Brittle, Chocolate Moustaches, Jewel in The Crown Christmas Cakes and beautiful tea towels, created by volunteer Hospice crafters. The large hampers are $85.00 or for $39.00 there are three options, all in a special Tasti Foods commemorative cake tin. Heidi says while some contributors are well known, others weren’t established businesses and the initiative has encouraged some of them to take significant steps toward. “They’re not just local products,” she says “they’re products of amazing quality, and they’re supporting each other through their collective force.” Some of the products also have quite a story behind them. The ‘Mazing Marmalade is produced by children at Rutherford Primary supported by volunteers from national trust Garden to Table, set up to encourage children to grow, harvest and prepare fresh, seasonal food. The fruit used is spray free and collected from around the Peninsula as well as trees at the school. The children are taught to respect the environment and learn how working as a team can reap rewards. rching a whole-foods lifestyle after having children. children began researching She is now one of the Peninsula’s leading advocates of this way of eating. Danielle Clevedon, who is known locally for running the Te Atatu peninsula markets, has launched her own Ugly Biscuit Company, producing gluten free cookies. When Danielle needed to alter her diet and go gluten free, she found the range of options limited. So she started her own range of, selling initially at the Oratia market and now of course, at the Te Atatu peninsula markets. The Ugly Biscuits are made with top quality ingredients and are apparently at least as delicious as standard biscuits. The Lush As Tomato sauce is made by Jono Clarke, owner of The Luscious Food Store. The recipe and a bottle of the sauce were given to him by the mother of a friend. Jono loved it, and he’s confident customers will too. He says last spring local children were invited to take a packet of heritage tomato seeds home to grow their own tomatoes. They were then able to sell the tomatoes back to Luscious for cash, and the tomatoes went into creating sauce. The lovely hamper tea towels with hand sewn labels are a fundraiser for Hospice West Auckland. Hospice provides free specialist palliative care and support to the people of West Auckland during terminal illness, so you know that as well as getting a special tea towel, you also get to support a great cause. Even the Backyard Grocer website and photography have been created by locals, with Carol Green doing the illustrations and web design and Serena Kearns doing the branding and labels. Photographer and film maker Rowena Baines supplied the stunning photos and local reporter Hannah Hill helped with editing. To see p , go g to www.backyardgrocer.nz y g their results and to order a hamper, Mazin Marmal ade The hamper’s Chipotle Hot Sauce created by Reuben and Hannah Alderson, is a Mexican favourite with a kiwi twist. It is made from jalepeños smoked in delicious native manuka honey. Many of the jalepeños are the Alderson’s own chillies, grown from seed. The couple began making the hot sauce after travelling and marrying in ir extended family in the Central America, and are supported by their business. Tanya Howie’s raw, sugar free, gluten free, vegan Gingerbread Truffles tick all the right boxes and still manage to be delicious. The healthy sweet treats are part of a way of living for Tanya who Chipotle Hot Sauce 7 RUTHERFORD COLLEGE 2014 HIGHLIGHTS Rutherford College had many highlights over the course of 2014. Here are but a few we would like to share with our local community. This year’s DUX LUDORUM is Brahm Richards. Brahm Richards has had another remarkable year across multiple sporting codes in 2014 and this has seen him be awarded with the Dux Ludorum award. It is rare for a year 12 student to be chosen for this award, but few would argue with the decision. Brahm is the New Zealand age group champion in both Judo and Wrestling and his trophy cabinet is littered with medals (mostly gold) that he has won from various regional and national competitions in both sports this year. It’s clear that Brahm Richards has an incredibly exciting future ahead, and we will follow his career with great interest. DUX ARTIUM for 2014 is Petmal Lam Petmal Lam is an actor, dancer and singer. In his time at Rutherford he has been involved in productions, studio shows, Luv Music concerts, Samoan Group, Ruthervocals and Earnest Rutherfordian choir, the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare festival, and the You Dance Festival. Oh, also Bring It On, Collegiality, Tempo Dance festival, the Big Sing, and Rutherford’s Got Talent. Petmal also assumes a leadership role in the school. He has served in the Pasifika Students Association, and somehow found time to be a prefect as well! He is a positive role model and takes pride in showing people that it’s “okay to be different.” In 2013, he won the AMI Showdown award for Best Male Soloist in a Minor Role for his role in the school production of The Wedding Singer. He is an outstanding performer and a worthy recipient of this year’s Dux Artium title. N\d`^_kY\jdXcc# `^_kY\jdX Xcc# Ylkn\Ëi\Y`^fej\im`Z\ i\ Y`^ fe j\im`Z\ G?/*+,()' ,.+K\8kXklIfX[#K\8kXklG\e`ejl lcX ?flij1 Dfe[Xp$N\[e\j[Xp K_lij[Xp cXk\ cXk\e`^_k e`^_k =i`[Xp JXkli[Xp 0Xd$,gd 0Xd$ /gd 0Xd /gd 0Xd$,gd 0Xd$+gd Gc\ekpf]GXib`e^ Come and meet the Team Marian, Fiona, Tina and Ceri g\e`ejlcX_X`ick[7^dX`c%Zfd ©0800SILPRINT 8 Dux Litterarum for 2014 is shared by two students: Carlin Osborne and Peter Robinson Carlin has a level of quiet self-assurance about what he undertakes. He is an extremely hard working and thoughtful young man who has taken every opportunity to embrace the Rutherford Way and strive for personal excellence. One of the most impressive facets of Carlin’s success has been that he has continued to improve and his commitment to continual improvement is the key to his ongoing success. Carlin has embraced the opportunity to be involved in the wider life of the school having played tennis and squash for the school. It is in football where his sporting passion lies and he has been an integral part of our successful 1st XI during the past two seasons. Carlin is also a passionate and talented musician who has represented the school at the Smokefree Rockquest on a number of occasions. Peter Robinson is an exceptional academic and his talent is peerless within the cohort. He is in that top 1% and then some. He is an outstanding academic who combines top academic ability with a passion for the pursuit of personal excellence in all that he does. Peter has a self-assurance borne out of a sense of purpose and high expectations. High performance and goal focus drive each aspect of this impressive young man’s life but not at the expense of others. Peter is conscientious, hardworking and a student others respect for all the right reasons. Peter’s academic performance throughout his five years at Rutherford College has always resulted in him being at the top of his year group. His performance in ICAS examinations and equivalent external competitions always has him featuring in the top 1%. He achieved NCEA Level 1 and 2 with Excellence and has already achieved Level 3 with Excellence. He is pursuing six individual subjects in the NZQA Scholarship examinations. Geography Olympiad. Oxana Repina (Year 12) has been selected for the New Zealand team for the International Geography Olympiad (iGEO) to be held in Tver, Russia, August 12-16 2015. As a first step in the selection process, students had to submit an essay on their local environment. Oxana wrote about the Waitakere Ranges after 12GEO’s field trip. From this 10 students from all over New Zealand were selected to go to Wellington where they spent the day doing a wide range of geographic activities, and from these 10 the final selection of four was made. The aims of the Olympiad are to stimulate active interest in geographical and environmental studies among young people; contribute positively to debate about the importance of geography as a senior secondary school subject by drawing attention to the quality of geographical knowledge, skills and interests among young people; and facilitate social contacts between young people from different countries and in doing so, contribute to the understanding between nations. 1XI Football The IXI Football team travelled south to compete in the Trident Cup Tournament in Nelson. This satellite tournament was primarily made up of South Island premier teams that chose not to travel to the North Island National Premier Tournament. This is the first National Tournament title for a Rutherford College Football team and they were outstanding throughout the week scoring 19 goals and conceding only 4 at a very strong tournament. The single goal conceded in the post pool play phase as the pressure magnifies speaks volumes for the attitude and the fitness levels of the squad. Volleyball. Volleyball Nationals were held in Palmerston North. The tournament is the largest NZ Secondary School Sports tournament with 145 boys and girls teams from all over the country competing in one venue for a whole week. Our placing at Auckland Champs placed us in the 2nd tier Premier division with 29 other teams. The final was a heart-stopping affair which massively tested the resolve of the boys. We threw everything we had at Spotswood early on, but they returned it with interest and we found ourselves in a hole, down 2-0 in sets and 4 points behind in the third set. Then, slowly but surely we fought back into the match by building some momentum and winning the 3rd set 25-20. The fourth set was neck and neck all the way and saw us save two match points and go on and win 27-25. The fifth set was all Rutherford as we steadily built a lead and hung on to win 15-11 and bring home a gold medal. Wrestling In March a group of Rutherford College students travelled to Western Samoa to compete in the Oceania Wrestling Championships. Each one of the students had been selected by the NZ Wrestling Federation to represent our country and were rewarded with outstanding results. We commend each of them for their dedication and hard work. Eden Togo (womens) s'OLDMEDALFREESTYLEnUNDERKG s'OLDMEDALJUNIORFREESTYLEUNDERKG s3ILVERMEDALFREESTYLE9OUTH/LYMPICTRIALS Manaia Matafeo s'OLDMEDALCADET'RECOnUNDERKG s'OLDMEDALCADETFREESTYLEnUNDERKG s3ILVERMEDALBEACHWRESTLING Brahm Richards s'OLDMEDAL'RECOnUNDERKGnJUNIOR s'OLDMEDAL'RECOnUNDERKGCADET s3ILVERMEDALFREESTYLEnUNDERKGCADET Mathew Oxenham s'OLDMEDAL9OUTH/LYMPICn'RECOQUALIlER s"RONZEMEDALFREESTYLEnUNDERKG Netball The Upper North Island secondary school netball tournament was held during September 1-5, at Te Pai courts, Netball Waitakere. The Rutherford Premier one netball team were nervous, yet excited to be playing in this tournament, especially having quite a young team with mainly year 11s. The girls were looking to improve their result from last year, where they placed 15th. Finishing second in their pool, they would play Aorere in the semi-final. The semi was extremely physical as both teams wanted that coveted spot in the final, however the Rutherford team lost but still had hope to be promoted to A grade with a playoff for 3rd and 4th. The girls played their hearts out, using every inch of energy they had left to beat St. Marys and were rewarded with 3rd place, making Rutherford history and being promoted to A grade. The girls are extremely proud of their achievement and the young side will remain together next year, only losing one player. After a long, tiring hard week the team became closer than ever, pushed through many obstacles, created new friendships and experience of competing in such an intense tournament. 5D\:KLWHB.QRZ+RZ WRPD[LPLVHWKHYDOXH RI\RXUSURSHUW\ 2XUDJHQWVKDYHWKHNQRZOHGJHVNLOOVDQG H[SHULHQFHWRKHOSPD[LPLVHWKHYDOXHRI \RXUSURSHUW\ 6DOHV5HQWDOV Our office is proud to be business partners with Super Gold card holders :LWKGLVFRXQWVZKHQ\RXOLVWDQGVHOOZLWKXV We also sponsor Ronald McDonald House Buy West Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) 1-3 Rhone Avenue, Te Atatu Peninsula 0610 ZZZEX\ZHVWFRQ] 9 What’s on in 580 Te Atatu Rd Te Atatu Community i Ph: 834 5827 tatcomh@xtra.co.nz House www.teatatucommunityhouse.co.nz Activities and classes: Te Atatu Community HouseActivities and classes: 580 Te Atatu Rd, Te Atatu Peninsula Ph: 834 5827 tatcomh@xtra.co.nz www.teatatucommunityhouse.co.nz Market – every Saturday at the Community House, 7.30am-12noon. All stalls welcome. Christmas Market Saturday 13th December and Open Community House day –annual Christmas market don’t miss it. Red Poppy Te Atatu – knit or crochet poppies for ANZAC 2015 – contact Community House for details. Classes available at Te Atatu Community House dates to be advised (enrolments necessary) s,EARNER,ICENCE s2ESTRICTED,ICENCEASSISTANCE s&IRST!IDCOURSES 10 s3IGN,ANGUAGE s4E2EO s#LEVER(ANDSCREATIVEACTIVITIES Free presentations by AGE Concern for people over 50years of age - all coming soon. s7).:%NTITLEMENTS s3TAYING3AFE s'ROWING-ICRO'REENS Justice of the Peace – every Saturday 9am-12noon at the Community House or we can arrange a weekday appointment if needed. Handcrafts -Knitting, spinning, crafts – Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am12noon. Playgroup – The Kid’s Shed Playgroup every Thursday & Friday 9.30-11.30am Joggers & Walkers – every Sunday 8am Rooms - Community House has rooms to hire for meetings, tutoring, workshops, support groups etc. Santa Parade d Saturday 6th December 2014 Parade starts 11am from Hereford Street Fun Day activities from 9am -2pm at Jack Pringle Village Green & Community Centre. We’d love to hear from local food and craft people, bands and floats. If you’d like to participate in this annual family day event please contact: Floats & bands: Kylie Sapwell, Ph: 834 7168, 021 123 9926, kylie.sapwell77@ gmail.com Craft and interest stalls, park entertainment and to donate for prizes for raffle and giveaways: Lynda van Hoeve 834 8683 hunt1950@hotmail. co.nz All application forms can be obtained at the q 834 5827, Te Atatu Community House. Jacqui tatcomh@xtra.co.nz Remembrance b at Christmas The Beach Road Hospice House Christmas lights will be shining again this Christmas! By popular request, and thanks to the generosity of our local businesses, the Hospice Christmas lights will be turned on between 1231 December this year. As there are now onsite patients at Hospice with the recent opening of four Palliative Care bedrooms, no actual event will take place at Hospice House, but the community is welcomed to take an evening stroll/bike ride/drive-by to enjoy the lights. A Christmas Remembrance Service will be held 5pm-6pm on Sunday 21 December on the Te Atatu Peninsula Library deck and courtyard, all welcome. our Community Rutherford Primary i School Gala 18th October 2014 Thank you everyone who helped make our first weekend school gala a huge success. The support from the local community was enormous with many families coming to join us for fun activities, performances and a tasty lunch. Our paint ball, smash palace and fairy grotto activities were a hit with the kids along with the pony rides, bouncy castles, jeep rides and bungy trampoline. And our candy floss, mussel fritters, bacon butties and slice of heaven cakes were very popular for brunch and lunch choices. Through the Gala, we were able to raise approx $20,000 to go towards the cost of our new playground. How awesome is that? This is thanks to the huge effort put in by the families of Rutherford Primary School with baking, running food stalls, cooking lessons, finding donations, organising activities, games and performances. An enormous cheer needs to go out to the Rutherford College students who gave up their Saturday to help us out, their support was invaluable. In addition, local business support was also superb with many donating products and vouchers for us to auction off as prizes – we couldn’t have done it without them. Check out our gala website to find out more about the businesses that helped: http://gala.rutherfordprimary.school.nz. The next stage for us is organising the playground. We are currently putting a team together to project manage this. We would love to hear from any volunteers who have expertise knowledge in this area to get in touch: gala@rutherfordprimary.school.nz Presents the h 5th h Annuall TE ATATU U PENINSULA P E NI t r a t Fit sndays! Su 10–10:45am A DIFFERENT CLASS EACH WEEK OF THE MONTH Only «+# «%(0!/ «+%0< «ſ*!%0 SUNDAY MORNINGS IN THE MAIN HALL OF THE NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE. > $5 jaCK jaC CK PRINGLE CK PRING PARK ARK Villag lag ge Green, G Comm munitty y Centre entr TH 8 2 FMEB REE F ENT 10A 2PM EV Bring yourselves, a yoga mat if you have one, and be ready to have some fun & tone up your body. STARTS SUNDAY 23RD NOVEMBER WITH YOGA BIKE, RUN OR WALK TO CLASS AND GET A SPECIAL DEAL! + FitnesS ++ traiNing COMMITTED TO A FIT AND HEALTHY LOCAL COMMUNITY 2014 Finalists www.lovetolive.co.nz 11 11 Towai Grove restoration in Taipari Strand Since the discovery of a rare grove of towai trees growing behind the Roy Ranby Walkway boardwalk in Taipari Strand, Te Atatu Peninsula, recognition of its importance has escalated. The towai trees (Latin name Weinmannia silvicola) were identified by a botanizing party led by Philip Smith of O2 Landscapes in 2013. They are situated on a low cliff that runs from Crieff Place southwards down to the back of Matipo Primary School. The Local and Sports Parks West division of Auckland Council has entered into partnership with Forest and Bird’s Motu Manawa Restoration Group to clean up and re-vegetate the area under the banner of Project Towai Grove. The boardwalk that connects the northern end of Taipari Strand with access to Renata Crescent is now the scene of a multi-year native planting restoration project. Towai are long gone from many coastal parts of the upper Waitemata Harbour, but for some reason – most probably due to benign neglect and the physical impossibility of developing the unstable cliff face – a small number of mature trees have managed to hang on at northern Taipari Strand. They’re clearly visible from the boardwalk, especially at flowering and fruiting times, as they poke their shiny green crowns up through the surrounding greyish kanuka trees. To date there have been three rounds of Towai Grove working bees conducted by community volunteers organised by the Forest and Bird group with the support of Local and Sports Parks West. The first in 2013 focused on clearing up domestic rubbish illicitly dumped in the area and cutting out obscuring pest plants such People come People tous us because because to wego go to to them. we as gorse and wattles. The second in the same year put in several hundred native plants. A third working bee conducted in the winter of 2014 was another native replanting effort, this time with young towai trees eco-sourced from Swanson included. There will be more rounds of working bees over the next few years to complete the native vegetation replantings, during which time exotic weeds will be culled out. The vision is that eventually, Towai Grove’s native bush will be restored to what it looked like before Te Atatu Peninsula was developed from the 19th century onwards. There’s been strong community support from volunteers who’ve turned out for the working bees. In particular, it’s been heartening to have the involvement of long-time local resident Thelma Butterworth, who along with Roy Ranby was one of a group of community activists that originally got the rubbish tip at Taipari Strand restored into a public reserve adorned with native vegetation replantings. To volunteer to be involved in future working bees at Towai Grove, you can email your details to motumanawa@gmail.com. By Michael Coote, Photographs by Kent Xie Are Are you you tired tiredof ofthe thehassle hassleofofdealing dealing with multiple insurance companies with multiple insurance companiesand and banks banks to to find findthe thebest bestdeal? deal?Now Nowyou you can can have have your yourlocal localAMP AMP360 360Adviser Adviser Michael Coote on your side. Michael Coote on your side. Like all our Advisers, Michael can talk to you about life, Like all our Advisers, Michael can talk to you about life, health and general insurance, and can give you options health and general insurance, and can give you options from the main lenders if you are looking for a home loan. from the main lenders if you are looking for a home loan. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the finance He has more than 20 years’ experience in the finance industry industry, and he can come to you. industry, and he can come to you. So say goodbye to the hassle So say goodbye to the hassle of doing it all yourself, and say of doing it all yourself, and say hello to Michael on: hello to Michael on: P: 09 337 7374 P: 021 09 622 337 122 7374 M: 021 622 122 E:M:michael.coote@amp.co.nz E: amp360.co.nz michael.coote@amp.co.nz W: W: amp360.co.nz AMP Services (NZ) Limited. A Services disclosure statement AMP (NZ) Limited.is available on request and free of charge. A disclosure statement is available on request and free of charge. WEL371558 11/13 WEL371558 11/13 Pharmacy enters the Robotic Era Unichem Peninsula and Unichem Harbour View Pharmacy are excited to introduce our newest member of staff to you. Last month we took delivery of our new robot. Douglas Pharmaceuticals have paired with Yuyama, a Japanese company who leads the world in medical technology and automation to bring us Alpaca. Alpaca is a semi-automated robot that works tirelessly to produce customized Medico medication packs for our customers. Alpaca’s software seamlessly integrates with our dispensary software over a secure network for 100% accuracy and greatly improved efficiencies. We are proud to be the first community pharmacy in West Auckland to offer this unique technology. TRIAL FREE MOAlNpacaTanHd S Medico, we are Medico packs can be a very effective tool to assist you to manage your medications better. If you: to As an introduction in and see e trial. Simply come fre h’s nt will be offering a mo we d seen this article, an edico us, mention you’ve M of s fit you to the bene thrilled to introduce packaging. y to remind to take this opportunit We would also like include ese es we provide. Th you of the other servic ing Cough, op ho W , tions (Influenza ina cc Va g, tin tes R IN rs diarrhoea), les vaccine, Travelle Meningococcal, Shing Bladder tive Pill prescribing, Emergency Contracep scribing. pre Erectile Dysfunction Infection treatment, ss. cu dis to s ist our Pharmac Please contact one of s7ANTTOKEEPYOURMEDICATIONSINLINE to better manage frequency of Doctors visits. s7ANTTORECEIVETELEPHONEREMINDERSOF when your repeats and new prescriptions are due. s4AKEMORETHANTHREEMEDICATIONS s(AVEDIFlCULTYOPENINGMEDICINECONTAINERSOR bottles. s(AVEMULTIPLEDOSINGTIMESANDWANTYOUR medicine sorted into breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime doses. s3OMETIMESFORGETTOTAKEYOURMEDICATION or want a safe and simple way to take your medication. s7ANTTOHAVEBETTERCONTROLOFYOURMEDICINES and maintain your independence. Then for a nominal fee we can, together with Alpaca, help you. Proudly offering you Fly Buys Unichem Peninsula Pharmacy 556 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu AUCKLAND (09) 834 6303 PENINSULA PHARMACY Talk to the pharmacist about SILVASTA™, our little blue pill direct to you www.medicopak.co.nz DO YOU OR A LOVED ONE HAVE A LOT OF MEDICATION TO TAKE? HAVING TROUBLE REMEMBERING WHEN TO TAKE YOUR MEDICATION? RIGHT MEDICINE. RIGHT DOSE. RIGHT TIME. WITH MEDICO PAK. SILVASTA™ contains sildenafil, the same active ingredient as in other leading ED medicine brands such as Avigra® and Viagra®. Our pharmacist will run through a checklist to ensure SILVASTA™ is right for you. This will only take a few minutes and includes a heart and blood pressure check. Some men should not take ED medicine, e.g. men on certain medicines, or men who have had a recent heart attack or stroke, so your pharmacist will need to ask you some general health questions to ensure that SILVASTA is appropriate for you. RIGHT MEDICINE RIGHT TIME RIGHT DOSE ASK FOR A FREE 1 MONTH TRIAL TODAY That’s it you’re done! Repeat supplies will only take a few minutes to supply, provided your health hasn’t changed since. SILVASTA™ (sildenafil) 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets are a Prescription Medicine, except when supplied by a pharmacist who has successfully completed the approved training programme, used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction of males aged 35-70 years. A pharmacist is required to contact the patient’s GP with the option for the patient to opt out. Silvasta™ is not suitable for all males with erectile problems. Ask your pharmacist or doctor if Silvasta™ is suitable for you. Do not take Silvasta™ if you are taking any nitrates medication (used to treat angina and other heart conditions). Do not take if you have: heart or blood vessel problems and have been advised to avoid sexual intercourse; had a heart attack or stroke in the past 6 months; a severe liver problem; certain eye conditions known as non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy or heredity eye disorders; unusually high or low blood pressure. Tell your pharmacist or doctor if you have: heart or blood vessel problems; other disorders of the penis; cancer of the blood or bone marrow; blood disease known as sickle cell anemia; kidney or liver problems; diabetes; or are taking any other medicines. Silvasta™ may affect your ability to perform skilled tasks. Be careful driving or operating machinery until you know how Silvasta™ affects you. Medicines have benefits and some may have risks. Always read the label carefully and use strictly as directed. Possible side effects include: headache, flushing, indigestion, nasal congestion, abnormal vision, urinary tract infection, diarrhoea, dizziness, and rash. Serious side effects requiring urgent medical attention include: chest pain; sudden decrease or loss in hearing; fits; painful or persistent erections; sudden loss of vision. If symptoms continue or you have side effects, see your health professional. Full Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) is available on the Medsafe website www.medsafe.govt.nz. For further information, ask your health professional. Silvasta™ is an unfunded medicine. You will need to pay for this medicine. A charge may apply. Marketed by Douglas Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Auckland. Silvasta™ is a trademark of Douglas Pharmaceuticals Limited. Viagra and Avigra are registered trademarks of Pfizer Products Inc. © Douglas Pharmaceuticals Ltd 2014. TAPSNA7453 BGA1401023 13 ‘Tis The Season... n o i t c u r t s n o C For The combination of good weather and holidays make it an ideal time to do some of the more disruptive pieces of construction work. So as you head off on your summer break spare a thought for the teams who are ramping up the pace while you’re away. They’re getting stuck in, so make sure you don’t get stuck in traffic. If you’re staying in town, don’t be surprised if you encounter lane closures and detours. Please pay attention to the signage and electronic message boards. STAY IN LANE Work along the Northwestern Motorway will continue throughout next year and on the causeway in particular, there will be significant lane shifts as traffic is moved to new sections in stages. There will be temporary changes to the way the lanes are laid out so picking your lane early in your journey, and sticking to it, will be the best way to navigate safely through. ‘Pick and stick’ is an easy way to remember what to do. Pick your lane and stick with it. SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE Known as the Western Ring Route, when it’s finished the route will provide an alternative to State Highway One, allowing a large chunk of passenger and freight traffic to bypass the city and making travel times more reliable. The 48-kilometre motorway links Manukau, Auckland, Waitakere and the North Shore via State Highways 20, 16 and 18 LAWYER KIERAN NALLY LLB Incorporating Elder Law (Auckland) Ltd I\cfZXk\[ ]ifd8mfe[Xc\ ‘Talk to a senior about senior legal matters’ ,.+K\8kXklIfX[#K\8kXklG\e`ejlcX =fiXccpfliGXkZ_nfib Xe[Hl`ck`e^i\hl`i\d\ekj <c[\iCXnN`ccj&Gfn\ijf]8kkfie\p&<jkXk\j I\j`[\ek`Xc:fem\pXeZ`e^I\k`i\d\ekM`ccX^\j G?/*+0-+( G_fe\/*+000, ?flijDfe$JXk('Xd$+gd Gc\ekpf]GXib`e^ =Xo1/*+000-:\cc1').+/''',* ,*+K\8kXklIfX[ K\8kXklG\e`ejlcX8lZbcXe['-(' houseofpatchworkltd@gmail.com ©0800SILPRINT 14 ©0800SILPRINT (the Southwestern and Northwestern Motorways and the Upper Harbour Highway). THE WORK IN NUMBERS Completing the Western Ring Route is a priority for the government as it has been designated one of seven Roads of National Significance (RoNS), due to the contribution it will make to the growth and development of the Auckland region and New Zealand. sCONCRETETUNNELLININGSEGMENTS placed The works currently under way out west are some of the final segments to complete the route. s$ENNISISMLONGANDWEIGHSJUST under 160 tonnes sMOFSPOILREMOVEDFROMTHE tunnels so far Bus Interchange Concerns s!LICEISMLONGANDWEIGHS tonnes s!LICETUNNELSATAROUNDMPERWEEK or about 8cm per minute s/VERQUARTEROFAMILLIONPLANTSWILL be planted as part of the Waterview Connection s-ORETHANWICKDRAINS@PLANTED on the causeway to help the fill settle Do you have Type 2 Diabetes? We are looking for people with Type 2 Diabetes to trial new Diabetes medication for world-wide research studies. You may be eligible if you r*CXG6[RG&KCDGVGU/GNNKVWU r#TGQP+PUWNKP r#TG[GCTUQNFQTQXGT For more information with no obligation please contact the Diabetes Trial Team. 2JQPG Email alisha.thompson@southpactrials.com Please do leave a message with your name and contact details so we can return your call. This study has Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval. Kia ora, Shane here from the Local Board popping in to give you a quick update about the bus interchange in Te Atatu. It is no secret that there are apprehensions around the location of the bus interchange in Te Atatu, and I have been informed that this has been heard loud and clear by Auckland Transport. Unfortunately, evaluating possible sites has been very complex and time consuming. AT are in the final stages of investigating sites, and it is looking like early in the new year will be the aim for final decisions and public release. Information is still being gathered, and therefore it is safer at this stage not to make public announcement on the sites at this stage. I feel that I should note that I am just as much in the dark as a local board member as everyone else in terms of any proposed sites, and am eagerly anticipating announcements. If I hear anything and I’m able to pass it on then I will certainly do so. I have been given an assurance that the residents that may be directly affected by any proposal will be consulted before wide public announcement. As for the project timetable, no work will start for about two years. Regarding the road corridor upgrade on Te Atatu Rd, you may have noticed a massive empty space by the roundabout. I can confirm that a new modern block of shops is proposed for 2015, and I can’t wait to see it. With the upgrade in general, we are in a slight holding pattern as AT are waiting to see if this project is affected by the Council’s budget re-evaluation, and if it is, to what extent. We expect to have this clarified in the near future. Hope this answers all questions you may have. If not, then I’m more than happy to have a chat about anything local and to take this back to AT. Flick me a text on 021 839 935. Cheers, Shane Henderson Deputy Chair and Transport Lead Henderson-Massey Local Board 15 views on pets with Sue Kirkby Kitten Season ^pring is here at last, the garden is coming to life, baby birds are cheeping in their nests, and cats are haǀing ŬiƩens, which is what I’ǀe chosen to write about this Ɵme. If you’ǀe eǀer wanted to obtain a ŬiƩen during winter you may haǀe found they are as scarce as hens’ teeth, whereas at hristmas the ^PA will be oǀerŇowing, and this is why͙. The breeding cycles of female cats are related to day-length, and they cycle when there are ϭ4 - ϭϲ hours of daylight. hnliŬe female dogs which usually haǀe two heat cycles a year, cats will haǀe repeated cycles eǀery Ϯ - ϯ weeŬs during their breeding season unƟl they become pregnant. Their pregnancy lasts on aǀerage ϲϯ - ϲϴ days. ;It’s liŬely to be shorter if they are carrying a big liƩerͿ. The result of this Ɵming is that the cats will come into season and mate from late :uly onwards, giǀe birth around late ^eptember - early Kctober, and the ŬiƩens will be ready to be weaned and go to their new homes from early December onwards. Because of the eīect of daylight hours, there isn’t a Įxed age at which a young cat can or can’t get pregnant. What I’ǀe personally obserǀed is that most ŬiƩens born in mid - late spring won’t become pregnant unƟl the following spring, when they are ϵ - ϭϮ months old, but some of the early ŬiƩens if they are well nourished and well grown can become pregnant in the same season, and I’ǀe seen 4 month old ŬiƩens that are themselǀes pregnant. There is also some ǀariaƟon with diīerent breeds. The Kriental breeds such as Burmese and ^iamese tend to mature and come into season earlier while bigger breeds such as BriƟsh ^horthair mature later. Also cats Ŭept in a breeding caƩery are usually Ŭept inside where they may be exposed to d breed bre rreeed d all all year year round. ro arƟĮcial light and ats which are nursing a reasonable sized liƩer of ϯ or 4 or more ŬiƩens won’t usually become pregnant again unƟl the ŬiƩens are weaned, but if a mother loses a liƩer at birth due to sƟllbirth or accident, she may come bacŬ into season and get pregnant almost immediately. In nature, the birth of the majority of ŬiƩens in spring means that the ŬiƩens are nursing and then learning to hunt for food at a Ɵme when food in the form of baby birds, mice, insects etc is most readily aǀailable. &rom the point of ǀiew of management and welfare of our pet animal populaƟon, we recommend that ŬiƩens that are not wanted for breeding should be desexed at 4 - ϱ months of age, and certainly before spring. &emales can be speyed in pregnancy, eǀen adǀanced pregnancy, but we would much rather aǀoid haǀing to do this. If the cat has already had a liƩer, I recommend speying her when the ŬiƩens are about ϲ weeŬs old, old enough to be leŌ without her for the day, but before she becomes pregnant again. We treat a wide variety of condition helping you to get back on your feet and on with your life. At Peninsula Physiotherapy, our highly trained therapists work with you to help you overcome your injury or discomfort and will provide you with their expert opinions and advise to ensure speedy recovery. |Neck & Back pain | Headaches & Migraines | Stiff joints |Upper & Lower limb injuries | Sports injuries | Workplace accidentss | Ga Gaitt a annalysis Orthotics a ys s – O t ot cs | Post-Operative ost Ope ativve rehab e ab Live Ultra-Sound a-Sound scanning muscle imbalance | On-site gym.. Sports Physiotherapy - Sports & Relaxation Massage - Western Acupuncture & TCM P E W A 16 om/peninsulaphysio www.facebook.com/peninsulaphysio (09) 834 9329 PenunsulaPhysio www.twitter.com/PenunsulaPhysio reception@peninsulaphysio.co.nz www.peninsulaphysio.co.nz 382 - 386 Te Atatu Road,Te Atatu Peninsula views on wine with Sam Kim Te Atatu Best of both worlds Living in Te Atatu offers best of both worlds. It’s pretty quick to downtown (it will be even better when they finish the motorway upgrade) and we are not far from the city’s edge. How good is it to have many excellent wineries nearby we can visit on a whim, especially on a warm summer’s day. Yet many of us don’t take the advantage of fabulous selection of wines and facilities on offer in our region. Just down the road on Lincoln Road you’ll find Mazuran’s Vineyard: New Zealand’s best port maker offering awesome selection of fortified wines. There’s a good chance you will find a port from your birth year, as the selection of vintage port goes back to 1942. Further up the road, ‘Blanc’ is the home of Lincoln Vineyard. This smart place offers excellent range of spirits and craft beers, and of course their wines. Head up to Henderson Heights for a relaxing visit at Babich Wines where you’ll find flavoursome wines sourced from around the country. They are making top-notch wines after being there almost a century. Out in the Kumeu Wine Country, you are spoilt for choice as small and large wineries offer delicious local and regional wines. Soljans Estate on State Highway 16 just before the Kumeu village has become one of the most popular spot for lunch in the West. Generous space, excellent wines, delectable food and play area for kids, what’s not to like? For serious chardonnay fans, Kumeu River Wines is a must visit. World class chardonnays grown and made right here. A short drive from there, tucked away in the Kumeu country is Kerr Farm Vineyard. You’ll have a chance to taste estate grown wines personally guided by the owner, Jaison Kerr, at their gorgeous villa. Coopers Creek Vineyard, just past the Huapai village, is filled with all the classic wines that we love, plus the best range of new varieties for those who are keen to explore rare and curious grapes, such as albariño, arneis, grüner veltliner and montepulciano. Their ‘Summer Sunday Jazz’ is another great way to enjoy wine in beautiful surroundings. And deep in Waimauku, Matua Valley Wines has renovated their cellar door (formally the Hunting Lodge restaurant) with modern charm while keeping the heritage of this historic place. This is the first winery in New Zealand to release sauvignon blanc back in 1974, and now their range is extensive and the quality outstanding. A few minutes from Matua Valley, surrounded by beautiful rolling hills and a backdrop of pine forest, you’ll find West Brook Winery’s estate vineyard and cellar door. From opulent chardonnays to fragrant aromatic wines, the wines are fabulous and the serene ground is exquisitely tended. One great way to relax and enjoy your trip is to let the professional do it for you. An experienced operator like Barry’s Wine Tour (0800 227 779) can provide rich historic background of the region and guide you to iconic places in the West. Enjoy summer and happy travels. www.wineorbit.co.nz q 17 18 Talofa Lava, Summer is upon us as well as the holiday season, which means offenders will be out making the most of the long days and attempting to get into your house and or vehicle, among other things. Let’s minimise their opportunity for crime by being vigilant. Below are some helpful tips to be aware of: % nsure items that could aƩract a criminal are not leŌ on display. % oncealing items in the boot or under the seat is not a guarantee, they will looŬ there. % Do not moǀe goods from the car to the boot on arriǀal at your locaƟon, you may be obserǀed. % Do not leaǀe Ŭeys in the igniƟon or conceal a spare in or on the car. % Do not leaǀe house Ŭeys in the car. % nsure all doors are locŬed and windows closed, including sunroof, if ĮƩed. % Neǀer leaǀe important documents in the car. % Neǀer leaǀe ǀaluables in the car. % Aǀoid leaǀing documents in the car with your name or address on it. % >ocŬ all houses, garages, sleep-outs and windows. % ^ecure all ǀaluable items out of sight or in secure place e.g. biŬes, mowers, scooters etc. % Zeport any personͬs acƟng suspiciously e.g. personͬs peering into priǀate property. Police emergency contacts ϭϭϭ - Ϯ4hrs Henderson Police Ϭϵ ϴϯϵ ϬϲϬϬ - Ϯ4hrs Zemember if in doubt about contacƟng Police, A>> h^ and let the call taŬer determine the urgency of the call based on the circumstances. Stay Safe, Const. Michael CHAN FOUNG Dynamic, Dedicated … Effective! Your Local Real Estate Experts Residential Sales Commercial Sales & Leasing Proudly Sponsoring Biz Kids, Annual Parenting Seminar and The Peninsula Family Fun Day in your local community Elysium Realty Ltd MREINZ Licensed Agent - REAA 2008 530 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula 19 1 & 2 Dollar Plus 576 Te Atatu Rd A Plus Beauty Spa 49 Matipo Road About Face 84 Gunner Drive Abundance Art Gallery 617 Te Atatu Rd Allworkz Electrical Ltd. PO BOX 45-149 Anthony Wong Dental Surgery 518 Te Atatu Rd ASB Bank 544b Te Atatu Rd Auckland Home Loans 547 Te Atatu Rd Barfoot and Thompson 534 Te Atatu Rd Barfoot and Thompson Body Corporate 547 Te Atatu Rd Beverley Groves Design PO Box 45 246 BigSave Superette 568 Te Atatu Rd Caltex Peninsula Service Station 571 Te Atatu Rd CareVets 520 Te Atatu Rd Casa del Gelato 576a Te Atatu Road Cassidy Eyecare 84 Gunner Drive Chan Takeaways 578b Te Atatu Rd Chil Body and Hair 84 Gunner Drive Clearstone Legal 1/547 Te Atatu Road Columbia Bakery 572 Te Atatu Rd Countdown Supermarket 571 Te Atatu Rd Cupboard Love 6/80 Gunner Drive Deluxe Superette 568a Te Atatu Rd Design & Alterations 80 Gunner Drive Discount Outlet 568 Te Atatu Rd 2102396438 Dream Nail and Spa 538 Te Atatu Rd Dwell Healthy Homes PO Box 45 246 Emporer Motors 4a Harbourview Rd Et tu 532 Te Atatu Rd Evolve Live Kombucha 4/570 Te Atatu Rd Food and Coffee House 578a Te Atatu Rd Fuze Café 566 Te Atatu Rd Gadgets Direct 552 Te Atatu Rd Gold Star Takeaway 564 Te Atatu Rd Golden Key Takeaways 546a Te Atatu Road Greens 572 Te Atatu Rd Haddad Group Takeaways 538 Te Atatu Rd Hammer Hardware 568a Te Atatu Rd Harcourts Real Estate 84b Gunner Rd Harveys Real Estate 530 Te Atatu Rd High Wire Electrical Ltd 2 Waikura Drive Hohepa Chartered Accountants 42 Spinnaker Drive Hooked on Fish 568 Te Atatu Rd Hooper and Lundon Ltd 3 Waimuri Close Hospice Op Shop 568 Te Atatu Rd House of Patchwork 574 Te Atatu Rd Imagination Hair 5/460 Gloria Ave Jenny Craig 84 Gunner Drive K&A Bargains 542a Te Atatu Rd Kiwibank 550 Te Atatu Rd KJ Nally Barristers and Solicitors 534 Te Atatu Rd Loan Market 7/1 Rhone Avenue West Liquor 3 Pringle Road Lotto at Unichem Pharmacy 556 Te Atatu Road Luscious Food Store 547 Te Atatu Rd 834-8493 834-7018 834-4018 551-1850 021 519 225 834-6359 448-4130 834-8682 834-3570 889-2324 834-5386 834 6464 834-7546 834-4430 8344219 834-5280 834-5246 834-3228 973 5102 834-3278 834-8580 8377374 834-6356 834-0090 834-4924 834-5206 834-8649 834-5327 274050100 834-8883 834-8536 272665401 834-8838 834-6690 834-6176 834-6429 834-6210 834-7052 834-6155 27 244 9473 834-3712 834-3638 834-8164 834-1291 834-9641 834-3273 834-8924 834-8986 834-9646 834-9995 8349325 834-7825 834-6303 834-8499 Michael Coote (AMP Authorised Financial Advisor) P.O Box 55 AK 1140 337-7374 Mortgage Supply 3/1 Rhone Avenue 834-8682 Nappies For Less 570b Te Atatu Rd 834-0030 New Zealand Home Loans Te Atatu 547 Te Atatu Rd 8344468 Noodle Canteen 552 Te Atatu Rd 834-1328 Odessa’s Mini Mart 615 Te Atatu Road 834-2544 Orient Bakery 560 Te Atatu Rd 834-8382 Park in the Bar 3 Pringle Road 834-7396 Patten Brumby Ltd 627 Te Atatu Rd 834-5555 Peninsula Bakehouse 548 Te Atatu Rd 834-8704 Peninsula Barber Shop 2 Harbourview Rd 834-8704 Peninsula Blooms 540 Te Atatu Rd 834-7778 Peninsula Counselling &Psychotherapy (By appointment only) 948-4299 Peninsula Gardens 18 Neil Ave 834-0585 Peninsula Hair Ltd 574 Te Atatu Rd 834-5120 Peninsula Laundromat 3/570 Te Atatu Rd 2102292894 Peninsula Law 631 Te Atatu Rd 834-5389 Peninsula Medical Centre 382 Te Atatu Rd 834-6300 Peninsula Physiotherapy 382-386 Te Atatu Rd 8349329 Peninsula Roast 572b Te Atatu Rd 834-0525 Peninsula Stationery and Gifts 562 Te Atatu Rd 834-6143 Peppermint Twist Icecream 609 Te Atatu Rd 834-9941 Perfect Productions 607 Te Atatu Rd 834-4688 Ray White-Buy West Realty Ltd 1 Rhone Ave 834-6789 Rebekah Spiers at Imagination Hair 5/460 Gloria Ave 212602096 Rodgers Reidy (NZ LTD) Insolvency Lvl 1 547 Te Atatu Rd 834-2631 Sam’s roast 1/570 Te Atatu Rd 834-6638 Shahi Dawat Restaurant 547 Te Atatu Rd 834-1239 Songsum Emporium 552 Te Atatu Rd 834-8620 Speed Queen Cash Laundry 574 Te Atatu Rd 272338908 Spinnaker Views Bed & Breakfast Spinnaker Drive 834-5386 Subway 571 Te Atatu Rd 834-3786 Supa Fruit Mart 3/1 Rhone Ave 834-2473 Sushi Ami 5/80 Gunner Drive 834-0010 Sushi and Bento 546b Te Atatu Rd 834-1060 Suzanne Clark Family Law 4/554 Te Atatu Rd 834-8139 Tass Print 534 Te Atatu Rd 834-6338 Te Atatu Chiropractic 550a Te Atatu Rd 834-0440 Te Atatu Discount Superette 542 Te Atatu Rd 834-2089 Te Atatu Fisheries 613 Te Atatu Rd 834-6998 Te atatu Laundromat 574a te atatu Road 272338908 Te Atatu Lawn Mower Centre 538 Te Atatu Rd 8347441 Te Atatu Menswear 548 Te Atatu Rd 834-6470 Te Atatu RSA 1 Harbourview Rd 834-3698 Thai Flavour 572a Te Atatu Rd 834-0646 Thai Peninsula Restaurant 9/80 Gunner Drive 834-9998 The Big Event Co 111 Taikata Rd 834-0029 Three Monkeys Tattoo 84 Gunner Drive 834-4206 Tony Vege 578c Te Atatu Rd 834-8883 Top Well Bakery 3/82 Gunner Drive 834-2328 Uneek Cutz 7/80 Gunner Drive 834-0100 Unichem Peninsula Pharmacy 556 Te Atatu Rd 834-6303 Vege Storm 546 Te Atatu Rd 834-4988 West Auckland Counselling 552 Te Atatu Rd 834-7322 Westpac Bank 568a Te Atatu Rd 834-1505 Wine Villa 544a Te Atatu Rd 834-4992 Write Solutions 3 Yeovil Rd 834-8343 YO! Fitness & Training 9 Kawai Rise 021 182 5507 Proudly Designed and printed by 0800SILPRINT