New plant coming to Geraldton
New plant coming to Geraldton
$1.00 WEDNESDAY, january 23, 2013 - Vol. 68 No. 14 INDEX ARTHUR BLACK . . . . . . . . . . 3 OPINION PAGE . . . . . . . . . . 4 LIFESTYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 COMMUNITY EVENTS . . . . 11 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 MARKETPLACE . . . . . . . . . . . 15 coming eveNTS BUSINESS AWARDS GALA JANUARY 26TH “GIRLS NIGHT OUT” BREAST CANCER FUNDRAISER FEBRUARY 2ND SUPER BOWL PARTY FEBRUARY 3RD VALENTINE’S DAY ♥ FEBRUARY 14th MOOSECALAC FEBRUARY 14th -17th VALENTINE’S DANCE ♥ FEBRUARY 16TH GE RA L D T O N Weather Forecast WEDNESDAY CLOUDY WITH SUNNY BREAKS HIGH: -21°C LOW: -30°C THURSDAY CLOUDY PERIODS HIGH: -21°C LOW: -33°C FRIDAY MAINLY SUNNY New plant coming to Geraldton James Kennedy SR, president of Havilah Holdings (Thunder Bay) Corp. a locally owned company, has just announced it is building a factory in Greenstone that will be known as STEEP BUILDING SYSTEMS GREENSTONE. The $4 million facility is expected to be completed by spring and will add 21full time jobs to the region’s economy. STEEP stands for Structural Thermal Energy Efficient Panels and is a building component used worldwide but never before released in Canada. James Kennedy SR is also President of Steep Building Systems Canada, the company under exclusive license to manufacture and distribute both the product and the technology throughout Canada. The 12,000 sq ft facility will manufacturing the “Greenest” construction panels available today. The “Green” panels are pre-insulated light gauge steel framing components which is 100% recyclable and is manufactured from inorganic materials thus not a food source for mold, mildew, insects and small rodents. The panels have a superior R-Value and can be installed with less skilled labor than conventional construction methods. James Kennedy Sr. the man behind Errington Home Hardware, Steep Canada, as well as various other businesses within Greenstone The panels are a structural grade, opposing double steel framing members with rigid, fire retardant Modified Expanded Polystyrene Resin (EPS) bonded to the steel frames, forming a thermally broken, light weight composite building component that provides structural framing, insulation, sheathing, and a vapor barrier in one, fast high-tech step. The “system” has been successfully used to provide residential, commercial, and industrial structures in all 50 United States and in 27 countries for a total of over 60,000 projects around the world, and has 6 key Benefits; • Reduces build time by up to 80%. • Surpasses all other wall systems effective “R” Values. • Qualifies for 51 LEED points. • R-44 Foundation wall, R-33, 5.5” Exterior walls both usually installed in one day, and ready for drywall and exterior covering/coating the next. •Prevents the growth of Mold and Mildew. •Lowest cost per square foot in the Canadian marketplace. For more than a quarter of a century the STEEP Building System has been proven in industrial, commercial, single and multifamily residential projects in the U.S. and HIGH: -22°C LOW: -31°C SATURDAY CLOUDY PERIODS HIGH: -16°C LOW: -27°C SUNDAY HIGH: -15°C LOW: -20°C MONDAY SCATTERED FLURRIES HIGH: -8°C LOW: -17°C For more information on STEEP Building Systems go to TUESDAY MAINLY SUNNY FORECAST DATA GATHERED FROM WWW.THEWEATHERNETWORK.CA From the tropics of the Caribbean to the frozen lands of Siberia, STEEP Building Systems structures have been able to meet diverse and specified construction needs around the world. STEEP Building Systems Panels are approved for use in all climate regions. They pass the Miami-Dade Hurricane standards, seismic Zone nine in Russia, and European BBA code #1449. In addition to being structurally superior, the panels also meet the Energy Star standards for environmental conservation. They are fire resistant, pest resistant, and offer many construction advantages. With the interest received to date, plans are already under way to expand the facility to 29,000 sq ft, a total of 3 lines and 55-65 full time jobs. SCATTERED FLURRIES HIGH: -10°C LOW: -18°C around the globe. The STEEP product meets Ontario Building Code standards but presently the product is imported from the older plants in the U.S. This project will bring the technology and all its benefits into Canada for the first time. Pictured above are the machines that make the panels, sitting in storage at Errington, awaiting a touch of better weather to construct the facility that will house these machines. BEARDMORE • CARAMAT • GERALDTON • JELLICOE • LONGLAC • NAKINA LOCAL NEWS Next Up - Moosecal ac 201 3 I’m so thankful we survived the end of the world on December 21. I’m not sure they play hockey in the next world. Thankfully we don’t have to find out and Moosecalac 2013 is around the corner. As always it’s on the Family Day Weekend; Feb. 14 – 17. The committee has been meeting since early December just getting things started. The heavy lifting starts now as there is less than a month to go. The hockey tournament is full and bursting at the seams. We originally said we would reduce to 26 teams. Due to the amaz- ing amount of interest we expanded to 30 and are now full. Our schedule is not complete but you can rest assured that all your favorite activities will be back, including the French Canadian Supper, Seniors Pancake Breakfast, Junior Curling Bonspiel, and SnoClub Spaghetti Supper. Stay tuned for the complete schedule in a couple of weeks. On the hockey front, I started the year with a little concern about my annual ramblings and musings. Like any “journalist” (and I use that term loosely), I am always on the hunt for good information. Of course in my case when I can’t find anything factual to talk about, I just make it up. In other years, when I was in a slump for some juicy news, I would just have to talk to my old buddy’s Clutch or John Abernot. To my dismay Clutch is on the shelf with a knee injury and John Abernot moved out of town (although John’s performance at the Men’s bonspiel has provided me with enough information for the next few weeks). I was in a real bind for some useless information and then along came my old friend Curtis Forbes. Most people are aware that when you get older you tend to over emphasize the importance of your accomplishments in order to look a little “better, faster, and stronger” to loved ones. It happens to Brew Y You our Own January Inventory Clearance Salee 10-50% offf selected varieties *4 & 6 week wine kits *9 McIntosh Road, Geraldton *open evenings and weekends Sale ends Jan 31, 2013 854-1956 or cell 854 807 807-708-4418 the best of us. In what can only be described as delusional, Curtis has proudly created a unique award in Greenstone called the Greenstone “Tiger” Slam and claims to be the first winner. What is the Greenstone “Tiger” Slam you ask? According to Curtis, in 2012 he was a member of winning teams at Moosecalac, the Easter Tournament in Geraldton, and the “30 and over” this past November. People from this area have won the Memorial Cup, Telus Cup, Centennial Cup, and Air Canada Cup and God knows what else but no one but Curtis can say they won the Greenstone “Tiger” Slam. Thank god we got Trevor on our team, I’m not sure Curtis’ head will fit through the dressing room door after word of this accomplishment gets out. On another note, the annual jostling for divisions has already begun. Former standout defensemen Sidney Abraham Jr. has entered his team again this year. He claims to have a solid “C” Division team. After some discussion it was agreed to let them play in the “C” however there were some strict conditions attached. Mr. Abraham was in- formed that if notable “has beens” Marc Bouchard and Jesse Nadon were going to play, the committee, for the first time in Moosecalac history, would be forced to create a “D Division” as these guys, unlike Greenstone Tiger Slam winner Curtis Forbes, are definitely past their prime. In other news, there are big changes in store for the Newfie Bullets and Flabby Frenchmen. Both teams are on the hunt for new General Managers as their former bosses (Victor and Mikko) have slimmed down and bolted to the “B Division” (refer to previous comments about delusional). To compensate, the Bullets are discussing a merger with Darren Tucker’s “Bubblicious” team. Negotiations are in the early stages but it has been rumoured that the new team name under consideration is the “Newfie Bubbles”. That’s it for this week. The committee is up and running and we’ll have regular updates in the Times-Star and on the website. Just Google “Moosecalac” you’ll find us. GERALDTON MINOR HOCKEY CASH CALENDAR WINNERS January 15 Tom Salmi January 16 634# $25 766# Michelle & Chris Curtis $25 January 17 47# Nicholas & Brian Hebert $25 January 18 Eddie & Leanne Onnis January 19 Elgin Ratushniak January 20 482# $25 170# $25 # TBA January 21 TBA Municipal Economic Development Office 2 UPDATED FREQUENTLY! Wednesday, january 23, 2013 # editorial WEAPONS OF MASS MIND & BODY ESTHETICS DISTRACTION By: Shelley Cormier By Arthur Black You are sitting at a table -- sweating, distracted and more than a little edgy -- in a slightly skungy downtown San Francisco lounge called Jones. You are with a gaggle of people you've never met before. You are not here for the cocktails or the floor show or to listen to stand-up comedian hopefuls. You are here for the same reason the others are and none of you is laughing or bantering or looking very happy. In fact you're probably wringing your hands and looking at your shoes right now. You are there because of one simple, ugly truth: you are an addict, a junkie and you are finally ready to acknowledge that you need help. And when your turn comes to speak you hope you will have the courage to stand up and say in a clear, loud voice: “Hi, everybody. My name is Art and I am a.....a... A nomophobic” Relax, buddy. Everybody at the club tonight is wallowing in exactly the same leaky boat. They are here because, like you, they are addicted – wired, actually – and they're finally ready to admit that their addiction is wrecking their lives. That's what this get-together is all about. It's billed as a Device-Free Drinks event. The idea is to teach people how to survive without a WMD in their pocket or purse. That doesn't stand for Weapon of Mass Destruction; it stands for Wireless Mobile Device. These people are going to attempt to spend the next few hours separated from their IPhones, IPads, ITouches, BlackBerrys, Androids, smart phones or other digital leg iron of choice. Sounds absurd but it's real enough. An estimated 13 million Brits suffer from 'nomophobia' – the fear of being separated from their mobile phone device. It's even worse on this side of the Atlantic. The average American mobile user is on line 122 more hours per year than the average Brit. (That's the best part of a week wasted staring at a little box in your hands.) A bad habit for sure – but an addiction? Absolutely, according to the experts. A report in a recent issue of Newsweek magazine claims that overindulgence in cell phone use, not to mention texting, tweeting and web surfing, can quite literally rewire human brain circuits. Brain scans of adults deemed nomophobic – which is to say people who use their devices more than 38 hours a week -- display symptoms that are eerily similar to those found in the brains of cocaine addicts and hard-core alcoholics. Those symptoms range from serious anxiety to clinical depression -- even rage or acute psychosis. This particular DeviceFree Drinks get-together at the lounge has attracted about 250 digital junkies and they are offered a variety of diversionary pastimes to help wean them from their toys. There's a glass jar labelled Digital Detalks that's full of strips of paper, each one bearing a slightly-off-the-wall conversational opener, such as “What's the best sound effect you can make?” and “What does .com your grandmother smell like?” The idea is to derail your digital brain and re-wire it to think outside the WMD box. To help in the weaning process there are a half dozen twentieth century digital devices available. Typewriters by SmithCorona. The manual kind. Does it work? One participant says if you can make it through the first 20 minutes without running back to reclaim your checked-in cell phone or IPad, then you've got a chance of reclaiming your life. But really, it's too early to tell. Will there be more Digital Detox gatherings like this one in the lounge? You can count on it. Might even be one near you. If and when it happens, you know how you’re going to find out about it, right? Somebody’s bound to post it on Facebook. PLEASE CALL 807-854-2366 301 MAIN STREET (BACK SIDE ENTRANCE) GERALDTON, ON P0T 1M0 AM Mobility N Network k Built For The North THE TBAYTEL DIFFERENCE Hearst 1-877-949-0098 vous satisfaire est notre priorité Wednesday, january 23, 2013 3 OPINION PAGE EDITOR - PUBLISHER: Eric Pietsch ADVERTISING: Sherri Couch ART & GRAPHICS: Justin Saindon PRODUCTION: Mike Goulet BOX 340 • 401 MAIN ST. • GERALDTON, ON • P0T 1M0 TEL: (807) 854-1919 FAX: (807) 854-1682 EMAIL: CORRESPONDENT: Bob Rotz OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday Ontario Community Newspapers Association From Nakina ... COMMENTARY BY BOB ROTZ We Can't Hold Off.... ....any longer on naming the "From Nakina" Jerk Of The Year Award Winner for 2012. Pressure from the readership has had the JOTY judging panel scrambling for the past few weeks to hand out the almost annual, hard-fought-for trophy. But this year some 'late entries' have really played havoc with the selection process. Seems the competition to be the winner is getting more intense as the years go by. To do a short review as to how things got so bunged up for 2012 I guess we need to do a little re-wind. There had been few 'standouts' in the first six months of this year's contest, but then, and not necessarily in chronological order, we had several strong nominees jumping into the running, including various Remembrance Day protesters and some 'serious' vandalism damage to a number of memorials throughout Southern Ontario. 'Serious' contenders for sure. Of course, by that tyme the greedy and greedier bunch of potential/wannabe jerks that collectively form the NHL and/or the NHLPA, were already a month or more into their strike/walkout/lockout/shutdown of Canada's national game. And, as "F/N" readers....and everybody else from coast to coast....are well aware, they didn't get the mess sorted out and return to the ice until last weekend. For a shortened 48-game schedule. "F/N" has heard nary a word about Messrs. Gary Bettman or Donald Fehr being fired by either group....or 'camps' as the media called the fact both of these 'gentlemen' are still employed means these JOTY nominees are still in the running. As an aside here, The Leafs of Toronto almost nabbed a separate JOTY nomination in the Team Category. Last week, as virtually EVERY other NHL team on both sides of the border were bending over backwards in order to do the 'please forgive us thing' with their long-suffering $7 dollar seats; free this and free that; 50% off your favourite team's jackets, sweaters, hats, etc....the Leafs had announced nothing at all. Zippo. Oh....not to forget....they DID allow fans in free to watch them practice last week. Like, do the faithful normally have to pay for that? Cough up your hardearned dough to watch a Leafs practice?? Whoah! Anyway, the team was pretty much 'shamed' into dangling a carrot in front of their adoring hordes. Bottom line is that Leaf fans are so brow-beaten (dumb?) they will fill the ACC game in, game out. Been doing if for decades, right Al? So, with MLSE (Leafs owners) waving the proverbial olive branch, JOTY judges rescinded their award nomination. I guess before we go any further we better give credit where credit is due. To the guy who's been leading this hard fought competition for months and yet still has a 'foothold' on 1st Place. T.O.'s not-fired-yet mayor Rob Ford. One down, one to go for the Big Guy, who has been riding a mammoth 'high' since GTA Council finally passed their (what Ford called 'historic') 2013 Budget last week. He was absolutely gushing and close to overcome with joy on CTV news clips last the point yours truly feared he just might explode! That being said, I'm wondering just how low the low is gonna be IF his appeal (over his football foundation fundraising efforts and 'conflict of interest' charges) to retain the gavel gets shot down by the three judges who will decide his fate. It would be anything but a smooth landing. As to the JOTY, when one has a 'foothold' on 1st, and one is as imposing a figure as Rob Ford is, one is gonna be pretty hard to dislodge. But just hold on to your britches there for a minute. If there is a 'dark horse' entry in this year's contest, it could well be The Ikea Monkey.....the cute little fellah wearing the designer winter coat in an Ikea Store parking lot on all TV news clips across Canada. Likely world-wide. Although to be more precise, the actual entry would have to be the monkey's 'mother', T.O. lawyer Yasmin Nakhuda as JOTY rules have always stated 'No Animal Entries'. As previously mentioned here, we've called her the 'mother' because she refers to the monkey as her 'son'. We're only being polite. So, The Times Star is published 52 times per year on Wednesdays by Times Star c/o Pietsch Group Inc. The deadline for advertising, editorial or article submissions is 10:00 am Friday morning. Press Run approx. 1625. Letters to the editor, articles and viewpoints are welcomed. All letters must include your name, address, signature and phone no. for verification. Volunteer submissions may be edited for size. Potentially libelous or slanderous material will not be published. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication of any material. All submitted material becomes property of Times Star c/o Pietsch Group Inc., unless otherwise noted Times Star c/o Pietsch Group Inc. is a member of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association, the Manitoba Community Newspapers Assocation, the Canadian Community Newspapers Association, the Ontario Press Council. 'mom' mayor Ford....waiting on an appeal, as the 'son' was taken from her care by the SPCA. Or perhaps it was the CA....Children's Aid. And now, the whole country....indeed the entire world....awaits word on Ikea's fate. I can see a book and/or movie coming out of this thing....perhaps involving Steven King and Steven Spielberg. Well, last week....even as the judges panel was huddling to name the winner...someone comes along and upsets the apple-cart. I mean, suddenly we've got apples rolling all over "F/N"HQ. Damn! Geez, it was so close to being wrapped up, and then whammo!! Lance Armstrong rolls in on his 18-speed bike, scattering hockey players and owners all over the place, nearly running over Ikea The Monkey, and smashing almost full-speed right into Hogtown's mayor! Hard to miss a 'target' that big, and Lance didn't. Hey, you're gonna get into the contest, might as well go after the one that's in 1st place, right? So, what did the former King Of Bike Racing, the undisputed hero of heroes, and all-round good guy do to grab the Jerk Of GREENSTONE VICTIM SERVICES (GVS) • We provide confidential, immediate, short-term crisis intervention to victims of crime who need emotional support and practical assistance 24/7, 365 days a year • We have a Sexual Assault Program for males and females who have been affected by sexual abuse and/ or sexual assault For service or to learn more, please contact us at: 854-HELP(4357) Or visit us at: MACIVER’S AUTO SERVICE ***SERVICE YOU CAN TRUST *** - complete car care and repair - safety checks - low shop rate - tune ups - air conditioning - licensed mechanics NEW FOR 2013 - Wheel Alignments - Headlight Lens Restoration - Cooling System Flush - Windshield Replacement and Chip Repairs Roy Davies CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ROY DAVIES PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1024 Main Street P.O. Box 1123 Geraldton, Ont. ***SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED*** CALL FOR DETAILS 854-2287 4 The Year Crown? He lied. Then he lied some more. And then he kept on lieing. To the entire world. He threatened countless people who said has was NOT clean. And though he raised a lot of money for cancer research, he 'used' his cancer as a shield to lie even more. He's now gone from 'The Best' to 'Bicyclist Tres Ordinaire' and joins the not-so-elite group that includes Ben Johnson, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Rocket Roger, etc. And after his sorry-ass 'Lance tells all' interview appearance with Oprah last week, his main defence seems to be that (loosely quoted) 'all the rest of the bike racing world is juiced too'. No, Lance...they aren't. And (again loosely quoted) he ''HAD to keep the playing field even''. Sorry, but yours truly doesn't detect much of an apologetic tone in what Armstrong said. Hey....even if there was, he's still the thumbs down "F/N" JOTY Award winner for 2012. And very deservingly so. Good job, Lance. *Thought Of The Day...Some days you're the dog, and some days you're the hydrant. (from a reader in Oshawa) "From Nakina"...until next tyme. (807) 854-1460 Wednesday, january 23, 2013 OFFICE HOURS: Closed Monday Tuesday - Thursday 9AM – 12 noon, 1PM – 4PM Friday 9AM – 12 noon Closed Saturday, Sunday LIFESTYLE From the Study Clergy Speaks Jim Patterson, St. Andrew's Church Revivalist Pastor James A. Kennedy DRAW NEAR TO GOD Luke 15:11-20 11 “Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. 12 "And the younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.' So he divided to them his livelihood. 13 "And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. 14 "But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in that land, and he began to be in want. 15 "Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. 16 "And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything. 17 "But when he came to himself, he said, 'How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 18 'I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, 19 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants."' 20 "And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.” I have often heard it said, “Sometimes I feel as though God is not with me.”” Sometimes we feel this way because in fact God may be a distance away from us at that time. In today’s scripture we see that when the child decided to make an effort to be with his father, then his father ran to meet him. It is the same today with our heavenly Father. When we make an effort to seek Him, then He shows Himself to us in a mighty way. In the bible we see this principle over and over again. We need to take the time to draw near to our Father, as the child in the parable did to his father. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”(James 4:8) Until He returns, God Bless! CONFIRMATION CLASSES For St. John in the Wilderness, Longlac and St. James’ Anglican, Geraldton Twelve years and up, including adults. Contact The Rev. Hal Graham 854-1225 before February 13th ad sponsored by Times Star CHIROPRACTOR Geraldton Now available in Dr. Dan Gleeson Tu e s d a y a f t e r n o o n s We e k l y CALL 807-768-2225 TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself James 1:26-27 unstained by the world. I am just back from Central America, specifically, that little country called El Salvador. I went to accompany two directors from the Montreal company that is funding the food security project for two groups of small farmers (1.5 acres each) on the western side of the country. The projects are being carried out with the assistance of two different Baptist congregations, and the former General Secretary of the Baptist Federation who is an agronomist by profession. It was a very interesting trip. The first church, Miguel Portillo Baptist in Metapan (named for a young minister murdered by the military during the civil war), has no building and no worship services. The pastor, Ramon Ramirez, makes no apologies. He argues that if you want those things there are thousands of churches in El Salvador that offer them. What Miguel Portillo church is about is “helping the poor to receive good news- sight for the blind, hearing for the deaf, food for the hungry, dignity for everyone” in their version of imitating the ministry of Jesus. Ramon's 'congregation' is composed of middle class Catholics, Baptists, Pentecostals, and at least one professed agnostic, in all about a dozen persons plus a few children. Some worship in their own churches. Some do not. But all are convinced that Jesus was and is about life, right here, and right now. Once a month or so, they get together for a meal, some wine, some radical hymns and songs- a celebration of God's love put into practice. The results of Miguel Portillo Baptist's ministry are many. Children from the poorest area are being educated. Women are organising to demand better conditions for their families. Small farmers are learning how to grow heritage seeds so they will not have to borrow money to plant next year's crops. John (the Baptist) summoned two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to ask, ‘Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?’ When the men had come to him, they said, ‘John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask, “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” Jesus had just then cured many people of diseases, plagues, and evil spirits, and had given sight to many who were blind. And he answered them, ‘Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no Luke 7:18b-23 offence at me.’ The second congregation, Compassionate God Baptist in Ahuachapan, is a church intentionally of the poor and for the poorer still. This congregation worships every Sunday and has studies through the week. The church building, however, is also a classroom for literacy, a bakery, and a daycare for the children of women working in the nearby market. Pastor Felix Lino leads a lively flock of 100. Besides the main location, Compassionate God also has a clinic building that is used for public health campaigns, and which has a large yard that the youth have turned into a produce garden in order to help feed senior citizens living under very difficult circumstances. A few miles north of the clinic are the fields for food security program. The land is very rich. This year, with careful management encouraged by the project leaders, it produced abundantly. There are plenty of bags of seed for next year's planting. Composting and the preparation of organic pesticides are underway. The farmers are from several different churches. They all decided together, however, to share their bountiful harvest with the “indigents” (the drug addicts and alcoholics) who beg near the town square. As we listened to these simple folk telling us about their harvest, the Montreal directors and this old minister found it difficult to maintain our composure. Tears of joy and wonder welled up in our eyes. And God-in-Christ-in-us became real once again. The project reports and pictures are on the internet at: REGIONAL CHURCH CALENDAR GERALDTON FAITH CHAPEL 1319 Main Street, P.O. Box 657 Pastor Steve Woods Tel: Church - 854-0092, Cell 8546769 Email Address: 9:45 am Sunday School (for all ages) 11:00 am Morning Worship Everyone Welcome This Week In Our Church Wednesday @ 7:00pm Mid-Week Bible Study Kids Klub Thursday 3:30 Youth Group Friday 7:00 ****** ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jim Patterson, Minister 301 Third Avenue SW, P.O. Box 342 Telephone: 807-854-0187 Email: 11:00 Sunday morning worship Everyone welcome ****** GERALDTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Worship is held in the John Owens Residence in the Dining Room First and Third Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to come and worship with friends and family. ****** ST. THERESA PARISH Geraldton - 854-0849 Father Roger Pronovost Monday - Friday at 10:00 am MASS: Sunday Morning - 10:00 a.m. ****** ST. BRIGID'S PARISH Nakina - 854-0849 1:00 pm - Bilingual Father Roger Pronovost ****** IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Aroland - 3:00 pm Father Roger Pronovost ****** ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH Longlac - 876-2332 MASS: Saturday, 7:00 pm Sunday, 10:00 am ****** INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH OF ST. JOHN-IN-THE-WILDERNESS LONGLAC Sunday service 9 a.m. All welcome. ****** ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA GERALDTON: ST. JAMES’ MEMORIAL CHURCH Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. Everyone welcome.” ****** JELLICOE: ANGLICAN CONGREGATION Church service 2 p.m. 2nd Sunday each month Anglican Liturgy ****** COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH OF BEARDMORE 30 McKenzie Avenue Rick Mikesh, Pastor Sunday a.m. Service 11:00 Kid's Sunday School 11:00 (ages 5grade 6) Good News Club 6:30 Wed (ages 5-grade 6) Youth Group 7:30 Wed (grades 7-12) 875.1332 ALL are Welcome! ****** LONGLAC PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 92 Skinner Ave. - Longlac Pastor Ken Desmarais Sunday Service 11:00am Kids’ Club on Thursday from 6:00pm - 7:30pm Bible Study, Youth and Women’s group also available Call for more details 876-4619 All are welcome. ****** GREENSTONE CHRISTIAN CENTRE 98 Indian Rd. Longlac Pastor Mario Miousse Phone 876-9830 Services: Sunday Morning Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School Ages 4 - 12 Sunday Evening 6:30 pm All are Welcome ****** FAITH CITY CHURCH Pastors Glen & Bev Wesley 299 East St (French Club) Celebration Service: Sunday 10:00 am Children’s Adventures in Faith (6-12 yrs) Youth: Joshua Generation (13-18 yrs) @ St. Joe’s School Every other Friday call for more information Tele: Church: 854-1051 Call: 853-0485 Email: Non-denomonational Everyone Welcome Grace and Peace to us all. Wednesday, january 23, 2013 5 local sports ÉCOLE ST-JOSEPH SUPPORTS JUNIOR SKI PROGRAM L’ÉCOLE ST-JOSEPH APPUIE LE «JUNIOR SKI PROGRAM » La saison hivernale 2013 sera mémorable pour les élèves de l’École St-Joseph. Grâce à un partenariat avec le Geraldton Nordic Ski Club, à la subvention de Communauté en santé, à la Municipalité de Greenstone et à divers dons communautaires, les élèves de la 3e à la 8e année auront l’occasion de profiter de ce sport populaire dans le cadre du pro- gramme d’éducation physique. Ce partenariat encouragera les jeunes de l’école et de la communauté à être actifs aujourd’hui et pendant les années futures. The winter season of 2012/13 will be one to remember for students at École St-Joseph. Working in conjunction with the Ger- aldton Nordic Ski Club the school has began to establish a Junior Ski Program for students ages 4 - 13. The financial support of the Healthy Communities Fund and through local donations the school was able to obtain 35 sets of crosscountry ski packages (skis, boots and poles) and purchase a large ski cabinet. Incorporating this activity into the physical education programming at the school will allow students to experience the sport of skiing while having access to proper and safe equipment and a hazard free area to practice. The fundamentals of skiing will be promoted to the students through clinics and a Learn to Ski Day. Injury Prevention is also part of the program. Teaching skills as it relates to trail safety, proper stretching and technique to reduce risk of injury will be a primary focus. The school will work towards developing a ski program designed for several age groups while promoting the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and healthy food choices. Food choices will be promoted through lesson material and provision of healthy snacks; establish daily eating habits in the school; provide nutritional food sources and illustrate the benefits of good eating habits. The Geraldton Nordic Ski Club will contribute to the program by providing teachers and parents with the guidance of a Certified Coach to teach students about trail safety, proper warm up and ski techniques as well as injury prevention. The Geraldton Nordic Ski Club’s Junior Ski Program is envisioned as a long term benefit for the Greenstone Area. Partnership between École StJoseph, the Geraldton Nordic Ski Club and the Municipality of Greenstone will provide an excellent opportunity for affordable youth participation in this outdoor physical activity for today, tomorrow and future years to come. The positive support of the Junior Program, shown by parents, teachers and businesses is what will allow this endeavor to move forward. is offering again PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENT SERVICE for 2013 Memberships Payments starting February and ending June 30th, 2013 Anyone taking advantage of this service, will get their membership at the 2012 rate, even if fees increase as a result of the budget process! For more information and a copy of the form contact: Manager – Wanda Brown 854-8365 6 Wednesday, january 23, 2013 regional news PREMIER ROYALTY ANNOUNCES COMPLETION OF $30 MILLION BOUGHT DEAL PREMIER ROYALTY INC. (NSR:TSX) (“Premier Royalty”) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced bought deal public offering of 15,000,000 common shares (“Common Shares”) at a price of $2.00 per Common Share for aggregate gross proceeds of $30,000,000 (the “Offering”). The common shares were sold pursuant to an underwriting agreement with a syndicate of underwriters led by GMP Securities L.P. and including CIBC World Markets Inc., RBC Capital Markets, Canaccord Genuity Corp., Stonecap Securities Inc., National Bank Financial Inc., and Mackie Research Capital Corporation (collectively, the “Underwriters”), with PowerOne Capital Markets Limited acting as a selling group member. The Underwriters have the option, exercisable in whole or in part at any time up to February 16, 2013, to purchase up to an additional 2,250,000 Common Shares. In the event that the option is exercised in its entirety, the aggregate gross proceeds of the Offering will be $34,500,000. Premier Royalty plans to use the net proceeds from the Offering to fund resource royalty and stream acquisitions. The Offering was made pursuant to a short form prospectus filed in each of the provinces of Canada other than Que- bec. President and CEO Abraham Drost, P.Geo. stated that, “we are gratified with the vote of confidence shown by this financing into Premier Royalty Inc. This places the Company in a stronger position to optimize shareholder value as we realize on cash-flowing acquisition opportunities in the mining royalty space.” About Premier Royalty Inc. Premier Royalty Inc. features a high quality cashflowing royalty portfolio on several remarkable gold mines including: • 1.5% NSR on the new (Q4/2012) Emigrant Springs Mine operated by Newmont on the Carlin Trend in Nevada, USA • 1% NSR on the new (Q1/2012) Thunder Creek Deposit of the Timmins West Mine operated by Lake Shore Gold Mines in Timmins, Canada • 1% NSR on the venerable Buffelsfontein Mine operated by Village Main Reef in South Africa • 1% NSR on the Mine Waste Solutions (MWS) tailings processing facility operated by AngloGold Ashanti in South Africa • 1% NSR on the new (2010) Gualcamayo Mine operated by Yamana Gold in San Juan Province, Argentina Premier Royalty Inc. also has a number of promising earlier stage exploration and development royalties in its growth pipeline and is actively assessing other potential royalty acquisitions and corporate development opportunities in stable jurisdictions. This press release is not an offer or a solicitation of an offer of common shares for sale in the United States. The Common Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration. “The Greenstone Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron #227 would like to thank the Caramat Community Club Inc. for their generous donation and support. Pictured above is Caramat Community Club member Armand Giguere presenting a cheque to Cadets Daniel Barrett (L) and Eric Luomala (R) “ The One Crime No One Sees: ELDER ABUSE If you are a senior or know of a senior who is suffering abuse. Greenstone Victim Services has trained professionals that will help. Please call Greenstone Victim Services at: 854-HELP (4357) OR GVS Dispatcher 854-5520 Partnered with Golden Ribbon Society and Ontario Network to Prevent Elder Abuse, Lee Stones Regional Consultant at: 807-343-8563. PANCAKE SUPPER Sausages and Beans February 12, 5:30 – 7 p.m. St. James’ Anglican Church Adults, $10. Child 4 – 12 yrs. $5. Family $25. Snow clearing equipment? St. James’ Church parking lot 527 Main St., Geraldton Offers to help – call 854-1225 ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH IS PLEASED TO INVITE YOU TO 2 EDUCATIONAL EVENTS DURING THE PRE-EASTER SEASON 1. “Reading the New Testament in Context” The books of the Bible are not presented in the order in which they were written. In order to understand how Christianity developed, it is useful to put them in order of time, and then try to understand the context of each one. Feb 19th 1:30pm (5 weeks) at 209 2nd Av. SW 2. God at the Movies: “People of Faith” William Wilberforce led the movement to abolish slavery after being part of John Newton`s (Amazing Grace) parish. Mohandas Gandhi led the movement for India`s independence from England after studying Christianity in England. Tommy Douglas, a Baptist Minister, established a just society in Saskatchewan because of his deep faith. 3 movies and discussion: Feb 6th 7pm (7 weeks) at 209 2nd Av. SW Please call 854-0765 and leave your name and phone number to register. There is no charge for these courses. Wednesday, january 23, 2013 7 Regional news SUPPORTING HERITAGE AND CULTURE IN NW ONTARIO Gravelle announces funding for cultural mapping, digitizing projects January 18, 2013 Ontario is helping two area municipalities and two Aboriginal organizations tap into cultural creativity to generate opportunities for economic growth, create new jobs and increase access to historical information. The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will provide a total of $156,328 through two separate programs: the Creative Communities Partnership Fund and the Museums and Technology Fund. The projects are: • Municipality of Greenstone’s Cultural Plan, including an asset inventory and cultural mapping project $42,240 • Keewaytinook Okimakinak’s Keewaytinook Culture Project, to include cultural mapping and strategies to pass on and preserve traditional teachings to young people and future generations - $51,648 • Matawa First Nations Management Inc.’s Matawa Community Cultural Portal, to launch a new website portal to promote unity between the nine member First Nations and promote their communities to create economic development opportunities - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE $47,440 • Red Rock Historical Society’s Archival Project, to digitize, catalogue and make available electronically the society’s collection of historical photos, movies, slides, audio tapes, print and nonprint items - $15,000 Supporting growth in the culture sector is part of the government’s plan to create jobs for Ontarians and strengthen the economy. QUOTES “Cultural planning is an important tool to harness innovation and ideas that help communities prosper. I’m pleased that our government supports our unique cultural diversity in this region and recognizes that it brings with it unique opportunities for bridging distances and creating prosperity.” – Michael Gravelle, MPP Thunder Bay-Superior North “Ontario is proud to support municipalities that are making culture part of their strategy for growth. Creative and cultural industries NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING (AMENDED) Zoning By-law Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone will hold a public meeting on proposed Municipality-initiated Amendments to Zoning Bylaw 80-1004 (Geraldton) and By-law 544 (Beardmore) pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 C.P. 13 Section 34, and O. Reg. 545/06. The meeting will be held on the 25TH day of February, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. the Council Chambers at 1800 Main Street, in Geraldton. PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the amendment in Geraldton is to rezone lands at 301 East Street for residential purposes. The effect is to allow for the construction of a single detached dwelling on a lot with a lot area of 1.129 ha [2.78 ac.]. The purpose of the amendment in Beardmore is to rezone the former Township municipal hall at 78 Pearl Street with a lot area of 1,618 m2 [17,424 ft.2] also for residential purposes. The effect is to allow the conversion of the building to a residence (see Key Maps). ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and or make written or verbal presentation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendments. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Greenstone before the proposed zoning by-law amendments are adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Municipality of Greenstone to the Ontario Municipal Board. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions to the Municipality of Greenstone the proposed zoning by-law amendments are adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION related to the proposed zoning by-law amendments are available during regular office hours at the municipal office. Dated at the Municipality of Greenstone this 17th day January, 2013. ____________________ Stephen Mykulak Director – Planning & Protective Services Municipality of Greenstone 1800 Main Street PO Box 70 Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 Phone: (807) 854-1100 Fax: (807) 854-1947 Email: 8 Wednesday, january 23, 2013 are among the fastest growing sectors in the economy today which create jobs and contribute to the social and economic development of this province.” — Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport QUICK FACTS • This year, the Creative Communities Prosperity Fund will provide support to 47 municipalities and cultural organizations, while the Museums and Technology Fund will support 58 digital technology projects across Ontario. • Culture is one of Ontario’s fastest growing sectors, employing over 250,000 people and contributing approximately $20 billion annually to Ontario’s economy. LEARN MORE • Read more about government programs that help to grow the culture sector. news Nominations NOW OPEN CG Labs makes pitch for Kraft Hockey Goes On on Dragon's Den $1 million to be awarded to Hockey Canada-affiliated minor hockey associations across Canada TORONTO, Jan. 21, 2013 /CNW/ - Starting today, Kraft Hockey Goes On is helping Canadians share their passion for the game by recognizing important local volunteers who make hockey happen in communities across Canada. Through the program, 25 individuals will be celebrated and $1 million will be awarded to Hockey Canada-affiliated organizations. Nominations are now open! "There are over four million hockey volunteers across Canada and it is because of their passion and dedication that Canadian children have the chance to play the game and dream big," said Jack Hewitt, Vice President of Marketing Insight & Services, Kraft Canada. "This is our way of saying thanks to these local hockey supporters for their commitment to Canada's favourite sport." Kraft Hockey Goes On is celebrating the top five individuals who keep hockey going in communities by awarding their chosen local hockey associations each with $100,000. An additional 20 individuals will be recognized and their chosen hockey associations will each receive $20,000. The program will also donate $100,000 to Hockey Canada to distribute to Learn to Skate programs at the local level. Kraft Hockey Goes On partners include Christie, TSN, RDS and Hockey Canada. How to Submit a Nomination Starting today (at 12:00 PM EST) through March 8, 2013, Canadians can nominate someone who dedicates their time and effort to ensure hockey goes on within their community by visiting A panel of judges will narrow the nominations down to the top 100 nominations. Canadians can then vote online for their top choice amongst the 100 nominees from March 23 - 24, 2013. The top nominees receiving funds for their chosen minor hockey association will be announced on March 30, 2013. For a complete list of rules and regulations, please visit "Every day we watch local hockey supporters come together to share their love of the game and make hockey happen at the community level," said Bob Nicholson, President and CEO, Hockey Canada. "Whether it's a coach or a parent driving carpool, these people are at the heart of hockey in this country. We're so pleased that this program will recognize their hard work and dedication to the sport." As part of an exclusive partnership with TSN and RDS, Kraft Hockey Goes On is supported with a multi-platform promotion across all TSN and RDS outlets. The partnership officially kicked off earlier this month and will continue through to the end of the program with regular updates on THAT'S HOCKEY on TSN and HOCKEY 360 on RDS. Canadians can also follow TSN and RDS on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates and stay tuned to Canada AM and etalk for upcoming features. F o l l o w ockeyGoesOn for program details and updates. Two local scientists were featured on Dragon's Den to showcase their product that can store all your personal information. CG Labs is a DNA Extraction company. It extracts, stores, purifies, markets and sells DNA. The pair did an in studio demo to showcase the products. They say customers would use the product to preserve their genetic makeup and create unique momentos. Six different funeral homes have already signed up for the service, and in three weeks of business the company has made $2,100 in sales. At the end of the day, the dragons turned down the offer. Some found the product a little too morbid, others thought the pitch came too soon. The pair from Thunder Bay were offered the chance to return to the show in a few months. JOB OPPORTUNITIES A) 2 – Bar/Proshop Attendants B) 2 - Course Workers C) Lessees interested in operating the Golf Club’s Food Service are asked to submit a letter of intent. All expressions of interest will be seriously considered. The Club is open May 1 – Sept. 30 Send resume/application/letter of intent to: Box 729, Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 CLOSING DATE: March 1st, 2013 For more information email clubhouse or contact Manager – Wanda Brown 854-8365 (c) President - Tony Petty 854-1703 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN The Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone invites submissions from qualified firms for the development of an Asset Management Plan. The plan will include the current condition of the assets, replacement costs and other relevant data as outlined in the Request for Proposal documents located online at under the Municipal Matters heading. Forms are to be submitted in duplicate in a sealed envelope marked: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL – ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN Jack Kuzminski, Director of Corporate Services Greenstone Administration Office Municipality of Greenstone P.O. Box 70, 1800 Main Street Geraldton, Ontario P0T 1M0 RFP’s must be received at the Greenstone Administration Office in Geraldton by 4:30 p.m., local time, Tuesday February 19, 2013. Proposals will be opened publicly at the Municipal Office. The lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. Jack Kuzminski Director of Corporate Services Brian Aaltonen Director of Public Services Wednesday, january 23, 2013 9 COMMUNITY EVENTS SUPPORT GROUPS RESOURCE PROGRAMS RESOURCE PROGRAMS BOARD MEETINGS GROUP ACTIVITIES Geraldton Hospice Northwest Palliative Care Support Services - For more information, call Brenda Abraham 854-1862 ext. 138. ----------------------- • ---------------------Do you, a family member or friend suffer from depression, manic depression, panic attacks, schizophrenia or other mental illness? To find out how we can help, please call the Mental Illness Support Network at 854-2649. ----------------------- • ---------------------DEPRESSION SUPPORT SELF-HELP GROUP Tuesdays afternoons 2:00pm to 3:30pm The Mental Illness Support Network, 310 Main St. 854-2649. Let’s work together to help each other. ----------------------- • ---------------------If someone you love has a drinking problem, we care. Alanon meets Mondays, 7:00 pm, Greenstone Family Health Team Boardroom, Northern Horizons Health Centre. ----------------------- • ---------------------- Area AA Meetings Sunday • Open Door Group, St. John-in-the-Wilderness Church, Forestry Rd. Longlac, 7:00 pm. Contact 876-4653 for more information. Tuesday: • Starting Over Group, Thunderbird Friendship Centre, 301 Beamish A ve. W, Geraldton, 7:00 pm. Call Jennifer 854-1060 for more info. Thursday: • Open Door Group, St. John-in-the-Wilderness Church, Forestry Rd. Longlac, 8:00 pm. Contact 876-4653 for more information. ----------------------- • ---------------------TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Weight Loss Support Group meets Wed., Longlac Senior's Centre. Weigh-in begins 5:00pm, meeting 6:00pm. Everyone is welcome. Geraldton meets on Thursdays at the Northern Horizons Health Centre - West Entrance 510 Hogarth Ave. W. Weigh in time 6:30pm Meeting at 7:00 GERALDTON NAKINA Playgroup is held every morning, Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the Geraldton Day Care Centre Tuesday and Friday’s - French. Wednesday - Mom & Babies NAKINA PARENTS & TOTS / parents et bambins: Nakina Kids N’ Us/Petit Chez Nous in Nakina at 301 Algoma Street. Tues. and Thurs. morning from 9:30am 11:30am at the EDDC. Workshop: Home Alone Date: November 27, 2012 Time: 7:00 – 8:30 Place: Geraldton Day Care If you have a 10 year old and over, and would like them to take this workshop, please call 854 – 1747 to register. NO COST. Nakina Kids N'US / Petite Chez Nous - Childcare for ages 0-12 years, open 7-5 on a daily basis, but if care is need before 7 or after 5 can be opened as early as 6 and as late as 6. Call Cassie at 329-8592. 2012 SUPERIOR-GREENSTONE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Exceptions – Meeting in December is on Monday, December 7th. Public access to the meetings is provided by videoconference from the Geraldton Composite High School Videoconference Room. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton District Hospital Board meetings are the first Tuesday of the month, 6:00 pm in the Hospital Board Room. Public welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------Greenstone Public Library Board meets once a month. Please contact the CEO at 854-2421 for date and time. Public welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------St. Theresa’s Catholic Women's League meetings are on the 3rd Tues. of the month, 7:30 pm in the rectory. Members and non members are invited to attend. ----------------------- • ---------------------Nakina Fish & Game Club - Meet on the third Wednesday of Jan., March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. at the Heritage Building at 7:00 pm. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton Search & Rescue meets the 2nd Thursday of the month, 7 pm at the Geraldton Legion Hall. New members welcome! ----------------------- • ---------------------Caramat District School Area Board’s monthly meeting are the second Tues. of the month. The public is welcomed to attend. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton Kinsmen meet every Wednesday at the Kinsmen Hall located at 406 1st Street East at 8 pm. All men welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------Greenstone Family Health Team Board meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 4:30pm in the Greenstone Family Health Team Board Room. Exceptions no meetings in January, July , August & October. Public Welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton District Chamber of Commerce meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the meeting room at the Elsie Dugard Public Library. Members are invited to attend. ----------------------- • ---------------------Longlac Chamber of Commerce meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm in the Longlac Tourist Information Centre. All members invited Prenatal Classes in Geraldton and Longlac. To register call 8540454 Thunder Bay Health Unit ----------------------- • ---------------------Clothing Exchange for Infants at Thunderbird Friendship Centre. Any infants clothing (0-36 mos.) you are willing to donate, or free to take what you need. For more info call 854-1060. ----------------------- • ---------------------Centre de Ressources du Club Canadien Français de Geraldton: Est maintenant ouvert du lundi au merredi, de 13h à 17h et le jeudi de 13h à 16h. Lucille Dumais (Coordonnatrice) 8541170. ----------------------- • ---------------------#227 Squadron Air Cadets Wednesday nights at G.C.H.S. Starts at 6:20pm Contact: WW1 LeBlanc 854-1996. ----------------------- • ---------------------Geraldton Karate Club - Contact: Lynnea Zuefle (854-0015), Tuesday 7:00 - 9:00 PM & Thursday 6:30 - 8:30 PM, G.C.H.S. ----------------------- • ---------------------Longlac Martial Arts Club (Karate) - Contact: Sean Berard 876-4774 or 876-9572. Chateau Jeuness Gym, Mon & Wed. 6:30pm-9:00pm. ----------------------- • ---------------------Tsuruoka Karate Club classes, downstairs at Longlac Seniors Centre, Monday, Wednesday not fridays. 6:45 - 9:00. Person to contact- Andre Courtemanche @ 876-4404 ----------------------- • ---------------------Girl Guides of Canada, Geraldton: Contact Liz Brown, 8540708. Adult volunteers welcomed. ----------------------- • ---------------------Workshops/On-line Training MTW Employment Services offers a variety workshops, free of charge, available Mon – Fri every week of every month. Computers and enrollment assistance are available for online training certification. Please call or visit the location nearest you. 876-4222 or 854-1234 SENIORS CORNER PUBLIC BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC the third Thursday every month. at 1:15 pm. ----------------------- • ---------------------SENIORS ACTIVITIES IN NAKINA: 111 Kingsland Street, Tues - Carpet Bowling 2 pm; Wed - Bingo doors open @ 6 pm, Bingo starts @ 7 pm; Thurs - Cribbage 7 pm. Everyone welcome. ----------------------- • ---------------------SENIOR’S LUNCH: 1st Wednesday of every 2nd month from 11:301:00 pm. Call Danielle, Shannon or Rebecca @ 876-2271 for more information or to sign up. ----------------------- • ---------------------QUILTING & CRAFTING: Wednesday monings at 10:00am and Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm at the Longlac Seniors Centre ----------------------- • ---------------------QUILTING & CRAFTS have now started, Tuesday Mornings at 9:00am. 55 Plus room in the complex ----------------------- • ---------------------The Mun. of Greenstone's Aging at Home Medical Transportation Program provides transportation for ambulatory Seniors in Greenstone to medical and health related appointments. This service is available for both local appointments and appointments in the City of Thunder Bay on a first-come, firstserved basis. Third party assignment of a portion of an eligible Northern Health Travel Grant may be required by there will be no out of pocked cost to any individual. For more info please call the Community Services Dept. of the Municipality of Greenstone at 854-1100. 10 Gym Activities for children up to 6 years old Start Date: November 19, 2012 (Monday evenings) Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Where: St. Joseph’s School Parents must be in attendance and participate with their child/ren. For more info or to register, please call 854 – 1747. NO COST Workshop: Kids Have Stress too! Date: November 22, 2012 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Place: Geraldton Day Care To register or for more info, please call 854 – 1747. NO COST LONGLAC NORWEST COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRES – LONGLAC SITE FALL PROGRAMS 2012. Please call 876-2271 or drop in for more info. All programs free of charge, with the exception of Community Kitchen (where participants share the cost of purchased food). LAB: Every Monday & Wednesday from 8:00 to 12:00. WALK-IN CLINIC: Tuesday evenings 4:30-7:00 and Thursday afternoons 1:00-3:30. FOOT CARE: Call 876-2271 for an appointment or for more info. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Every Wednesday from 9am to 4pm; no appointment necessary. SENIORS’ BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: Second Tuesday of every month, at 1:30pm, at the Seniors’ Club in Longlac; no appointment necessary. HEALTHY AGING EXERCISES: Thursdays 10:00-11:00am at the Seniors’ Club. Everyone welcome. TAI CHI: Promote better balance, increase circulation and joint flexibility. Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 at the Health Centre. COMMUNITY KITCHEN: Once a month we meet to cook nutritious, low-cost meals. Ideas are shared for recipes; cooking takes place the following week at the Health Centre. You then bring home your meals and surplus to freeze. Small fee, to cover cost of groceries purchased. DIABETES EDUCATION AND SUPPORT GROUP: first Wednesday of the month, at 7:00pm. RECREATION NOTES RECREATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call 854-1100 ext 2011 ----------------------- • ---------------------INSTRUCTORS WANTED! – We do all the advertising and setting up, and you will be paid $20/hour to share your talents/skills with a group of people – call the Rec office today! GERALDTON PORTAL - Check out the Portal at for recreation programs, ice schedules, calendar of events, etc ----------------------- • ---------------------Monday 7:30 -10pm Mixed Badminton at GCHS Friday 7-10pm Mixed Volleyball at GCHS ----------------------- • ---------------------CARDMAKING WITH KAREN Thursday 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm to commence Thurs, February 7th, 2013 will run for 4 weeks ----------------------- • ---------------------DRAWING & WATERCOLOUR PAINTING WITH RALPH to commence Thurs. January 17, 2013 Senior's room at Geraldton Arena will run for 15 weeks N EED A TOW ? CALL LARRY’S TOWING AT 854-0484 GREENSTONE HARVEST CENTRE 807-854-3663 401 E Main Street (side) Open the second and fourth Thursday of the month, with the exception of July and August. Drivers needed to deliver hampers to various communities. Call the above if interested COMING EVENTS RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL TRUTH & RECONCILIATION COMMISSION HEARING TESTIMONIES BY VIDEO “Continued, Where Do We Go From Here” WHERE: Thunderbird Youth Centre 401 Main St. Geraldton, Ontario P0T 1M0 DATE: Monday January 28, 2013 Time: 1:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Snacks Provided Everyone Welcome & Bring a Friend HOSTS: Aboriginal Healing and Wellness programs, Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living Program and St. Andrew Church Wednesday, january 23, 2013 COMING EVENTS NOON REFLECTION Starts January 10th and every Thursday thereafter 12 noon at the library bring lunch Topic: “Theology Brewed in an African Pot" book review ----------------------- • ---------------------- Geraldton Nordic Ski Club Junior Ski Program: Starting Sunday Jan. 20th – March 17th Register by Jan 17th by contacting Amie Nephin (853-0666) Bunnyrabbit (age 4-6) 1-1:50pm Jackrabbit (7+) 2-3:30 Registration $20.00 for program for more details Wednesday, january 23, 2013 11 classifieds ADVERTISE FOR ONLY $6.00 + Tax (UP TO 21 WORDS) pet corner 4 PAWS DOG GROOMING - professionally done by Manon Hardy. For an appointment call, 854-0214. DOG SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE Collars, toys, shampoos, leashes and more. MC ----------------------- • ---------------------BARKING HEAVEN BOARDING KENNEL offers dog boarding, nail trim, ear cleaning, glands, owned/operated by vet technician. 854-0358 TFN FOR RENT FOR sale obituary FOR RENT: 1,800 sq/foot industrial space, lots of outside parking. Call 807-854-7639, email: 4 BDRM HOUSE FOR SALE: Located at 193 Centennial Dr. Longlac, ON – Built in ’97 no renovations required – Ensuite bathroom off master BDRM, Jaccuzzi washroom, shower & washroom on Lower Level, laundry room, furnace room and sauna room – All ceramic floors including stairs, solid oak cabinets, walls freshly painted white – Includes fridge, stove, microwave, washer & dryer – Generator backup – A/C HRV air exchange – 2 car heated garage – 2 storage sheds – Fenced in yard Please contact Rene Blouin @ 854-8206. Serious inquiries only. BEN NELSON CUFN ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR RENT: 2000 sq Commercial Office Space. Main St. , Geraldton. Wheelchair access. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Call 854-7639 or TFN ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment. Partly furnished + appliances. If interested call: 854-2566 TFNC ----------------------- • ---------------------FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom completely renovated apartment located above Times Star. $800 per month, all inclusive. Available immediately. Perfect for professional couples. (807) 854-1919 merchandise HEALTH FOR SALE: 2002 GMC 1500 extended cab, long box, 4x4. Well maintained, excellent condition. 178,000km $8500 OBO Call 854-1919 TFN ----------------------- • ---------------------- Healing Hands Massage Services Relaxation, Pain, Stress Relief, Hot Stone Therapy Specialist Kristy-Lee McGilvray Massage Services @ 854-1794 Geraldton ----------------------- • ---------------------GLENDA BARBER, RMT REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY SERVICES 854-1554 Therapy services, relaxation, hot stone, craniosacral and reiki. Also a certified Bowen Therapist with Bowen Canada. AVAILABLE: NAKINA Mar 1 & 2, 29 & 30, Apr 26 & 27 BERDMORE Feb 8, 22 Mar 8, 22 Apr 5, 19 May 3 LONGLAC Jan 27 Feb 10, 24 Mar 10, 24 Apr 7 May 5 GERALDTON Flexible hours and schedule Nancy Kyro office 854-0800 cell 854-7614 GERALDTON 216 First Ave. (NEW LISTING) 23 Wildgoose Lake Rd. 7 Kuengs Rd. 205 Second Ave. SE LONGLAC 162 Centennial Dr .(NEW LISTING) NAKINA 27 Main St. 113 Thornton 12 NOTICE Looking for a Soulmate I’m a 52 year old man with brown hair and eyes, in a wheelchair, easy going person who likes to go out. Looking for a 52-56 year old lady. Contact Joe at 853-0550 ----------------------- • ---------------------THUMBS UP To Suzan Mathews for speaking up for some of us seniors in her Letter to the Editor on January 9, 2013. Anne Elchuck Elsie Neumueller GreatShape Today Weight Loss Programs and Products Nothing to Lose but Weight! Call Ray Bergman, Registered Herbalife Distributor 807-707-3278 75% off all in stock Fleece at TIMES STAR Ben Nelson briefly of Geraldton, Ontario formerly of Jellicoe Ontario, son of Bernhard Nelson Sr. and Yvonne Boyer, died peaceably in the Geraldton District Hospital on the morning of January 16/2013. Ben was born in Lowbush Ontario on March 4/1926. He is survived by brothers Oscar, and Albert (Mousie) and sister Veerena Newman. Ben’s deceased siblings were , Irene Hietala, George, Ruth Zaffin and Rudolf (Plug). Ben is survived by many nephews and nieces. Ben was a prospector and an avid outdoorsman. He was active in the tourist and mining industry and fought to protect the wilderness and the rights of those living in the north. Ben was a proud and active member of the Lake Nipigon Ojibway First Nation. Interment will be in Hawk Junction, Ontario, beside his wife Bernice ( Nov, 1996) at a later date. In lieu of flowers please donate to your local Salvation Army. • • CRIME STOPPERS A COMMUNITY CALL PROGRAM 1-800-222-8477 THUNDER BAY & DISTRICT NOTICE Royal Canadian Legion Branch #133 January 12, 2013 Meat Draw Winners Kayla Santerre Patricia Colepaugh Evelyn Colepaugh Sylvie Rondeau Francine Batog Tania O’Quinn ----------------------- • ---------------------Royal Canadian Legion Branch #133 January 19, 2013 Meat Draw Winners Patricia Colepaugh Glen MacIver Helen Maenpaa Tara Evoy John Emmans Amy Nepan EMBROIDERY A N D H E AT P R E S S SERVICES AVA I L A B L E O N STOCK AS WELL AS PERSONAL C L O T H I N G AT T I M E S S TA R ! Wednesday, january 23, 2013 DEADLINE FOR ADS IS FRIDAY obituary RODOLPHE GALLANT Rodolphe Gallant est décédé le 12 janvier 2013 à l'âge de 75ans, à l'Hôpital du district de Geraldton. Il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Lise Gallant ainsi que ses enfants Huguette Gallant, Ghislain Gallant et Maurice Gallant, tous de Nakina et Denis Gallant d'Ottawa. Il laisse aussi dans le deuil plusieurs frères et soeurs ainsi que deux petits-enfants; Valery et Dylan Fortier. Les funérailles, célébré par Roger Pronovost, ptre, ont eu lieu le samedi, 19 janvier, 2013 à l'Église Ste-Brigitte (Nakina). L'inhumation a eu lieu au cimetière Hillcrest de Nakina. Vos dons à la Paroisse Ste-Brigitte ou à l'Hôpital du district de Geraldton seraient grandement appréciés. Pour offrir vos condoléances, visitez le site Internet de la Résidence funéraire Fawcett Funeral Home : Sell unwanted items for cash through the TIMES STAR Classifieds section. 854-1919 informative Benefits of Weight Training Fit Note #28 Weight training is great for you. Your body thrives on being challenged. When you challenge yourself, your body responds to the stress by adapting to overcome the challenge. Going to your limits you increase your limits; it would be great if spending money worked like that. Keeping yourself in "top form" with fitness training minimizes medical costs by reducing workplace injuries, ensuring your immune system is functioning at its best, diminishing the effects of osteoporosis (by stimulating increased bone mineral density), lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, increasing your daily energy level, and more. Weight training properly will enhance any aspect of physical fitness. Physical skills (speed, power, reaction time, balance, coordination, agility) become finely tuned with the practice of performing physical tasks. Skillful use of your body progresses much like learning to write. Weight training develops the mindbody connection which enables you to synchronize your efforts and use your body better. Overall health increases as your body responds: to running by increasing your body's ability to use oxygen and create energy more efficiently, to exercise by delaying fatigue, to heavy lifting by creating the strength to lift heavier after rest , to stretching by becoming more flexible, and to activity by burning calories for energy and reducing fat. Only training with a personal trainer can teach how to use your body to its fullest potential. Proper movement prevents joint injuries that affect your knees, shoulders, back, and muscle tension that creates muscle soreness and aches. Being fit empowers everybody to live more independently, as seen when being able to shovel snow, mow the lawn, or complete household tasks. To look good you must feel good; being healthy feels grand. "Lose weight, tone up, get big muscles, run a marathon," all great reasons to improve your health, and they are all attainable goals. Training is an activity fitness enthusiasts enjoy for the widespread benefits of living their fullest life. Live your healthiest, give yourself additional years of active living, and enjoy being healthy and fit while having fun. Bring a friend with you. Having a comrade makes the journey of fitness even more fun. Way more. Sincerely, Lloyd Valley C.E.O. Stretch & Flex Fitness Your Personal Trainer THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE Beardmore – Longlac – Geraldton – Nakina – Caramat - Jellicoe In accordance with the Animal Control By-law, all dog owners in the Greenstone Communities of Beardmore, Geraldton, Longlac, Nakina, Caramat, Jellicoe and the area east of 2nd Bridge are required to register their dog(s) at their local ward office and to purchase a 2013 Dog License on or before Friday, February 15, 2013. • All dogs in the noted communities must be licensed whether they are “inside dogs” or “outside dogs”. • A dog must be licensed when it reaches the age of (2) two months. • Dogs must be licensed each and every year, on or before February 15. A late charge of $5.00 will apply to renewal licenses that are issued after the deadline date. Stephen Mykulak Director – Protective & Planning Services Wednesday, january 23, 2013 13 Informative Barrett/Hudak announce PATHS TO PROSPERITY: WELFARE TO WORK A year of meetings, roundtables and input across Ontario has led to the latest Opposition white paper to mend a costly, inefficient social welfare system and give all recipients a shot at the pride that accompanies employment. That according to Opposition Critic for Social Services, MPP Toby Barrett following the launch of, Paths to Prosperity: Welfare to Work, the eighth in a series from Opposition Leader Tim Hudak focused on building a leaner, more focused government and creating jobs. Accepting Nominations for the 16th Annual Influential Women of Northern Ontario awards “Today we’ve announced 12 new bold ideas to transform a system that is failing both social service recipients and taxpayers alike,” Barrett indicated. “I hope these ideas will help spark an informed and overdue public debate about how best to help people on social assistance break free from dependency and into a life of rewarding, fulfilling work.” The Haldimand-Norfolk MPP says as a start the white paper is proposing to integrate the current welfare and disability programs at the municipal/First Nations level while cutting red tape that stands in the way of people’s self-worth, dignity and independence. He added that both Don Drummond’s report on the public service and the social services report of Frances Lankin and Munir Sheikh identified integration as key to a more efficient and effective system. “Through creating a new seamless, cost effective program focused on employment, we propose cutting the current 800 rules and regulations in half for an estimated $140 million cost savings,” Barrett explained. “At the same time we propose expanding employment support opportunities currently only accessible by welfare recipients to those disabled who can work.” The white paper proposes to recognize, and reward through tax policy, those employers who take extra measures to hire people with disabilities. The white paper further prioritizes funding for community college programs that make post-secondary education more accessible to people with disabilities. “We have more than half a million unemployed and a huge pool of talent going to waste on welfare,” Hudak said, adding that the answer, “is to help people rebuild their lives, develop skills and break free from poverty to jobs, charity or public service work – all through a more affordable government.” To view online, go to Paths to Prosperity: Welfare to Work at Do you or someone you know deserve public praise for your/her business acumen, career success, professional drive and contribution to the community? Consider submitting a nomination for the prestigious 2013 Influential Women Award. Six women will be honoured at two separate events this coming June. Three recipients from northwestern Ontario will be recognized at the first awards luncheon, to be held in Thunder Bay at the Valhalla Inn on June 3, 2013. In Sudbury, on June 6th three recipients from northeastern Ontario will be similarly honoured at the second celebratory luncheon, to be held at the Radisson Hotel. The awards categories include Executive, Entrepreneur, and Young Entrepreneur of the Year. The deadline for IW nominations is February 22, 2013. Additionally, one Grade 12 student from Northern Ontario will be awarded a $2,000 Aspiring Achiever Essay Scholarship. Essay submissions are due March 18, 2013. The nomination packages with eligibility and criteria are online at selection of award recipients is made by an independent panel of judges, and winners will be invited to celebrations in their respective areas. Combined attendance is anticipated to exceed 800. “It is estimated that women will start half of Canada’s new companies,” says Northern Ontario Business publisher Patricia Mills. “We need innovators, mentors and risk-takers,” she adds. “We also need to acknowledge those women who do venture into the world of business and economic development, and we need to encourage more to follow.” The Influential Women of Northern Ontario program was launched in 1997 in order to seek out, honour and profile women in Northern Ontario who contribute to the North’s economic success and expansion. Over 100 influential women have been recognized since the program’s inception. The roster of award winners continues to grow. For more details on the Influential Women of Northern Ontario Awards program visit THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE Beardmore – Geraldton – Longlac – Nakina – Caramat - Jellicoe 2013 Licenses Notice Residents are reminded that under the terms of the various Greenstone Licensing By-laws, All Business Licenses and Dog Tags must be renewed by Friday, February 15, 2013. If you operate without a current license after the established renewal date or you have not registered your dog(s) for 2013 you may find yourself subject to prosecution and to a fine in accordance with the By-laws as they apply to you. Stephen Mykulak Director – Protective & Planning Services 14 Wednesday, january 23, 2013 MARKETPLACE Serving the communities of Greenstone ASTROCOM • Cable TV • Pay TV ION S I V E L CABInc. Call for more info! 854-1569 John Emmans, President Box 910, Geraldton, Ont. P0T 1M0 SHAFFER JOBBITT LAW OFFICE Keith J.F. Jobbitt Roy F. Karlstedt Real Estate Wills and Estates Corporate Commercial Family General Litigation Criminal 1024 Main Street Geraldton, Ontario 1 (800) 567-9507 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! CALL TIMES STAR FOR DETAILS 854-1919 CRISIS LINE HELP LINE 24 HOURS CALL 854-1571 or TOLL FREE 1-800-265-7317 [ ] MTW EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SECOND CAREER = SECOND CHANCE!! Come see what resources are available to you 203 Main St Geraldton, ON P0T 1M0 807-854-1234 888-294-5559 101 King St. Suite B Tous nos services Longlac, ON sont offerts en P0T 2A0 français. 807-876-4222 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! CALL TIMES STAR FOR DETAILS 854-1919 Victoria Bed and Breakfast Your mid to long term stay specialists in Geraldton. Call for Weekly and Monthly Rates 807 854 2048 directory Wednesday, january 23, 2013 15 COME CHECK OUT THE DEALS ON NEW 2012 & 2013 VEHICLES 0% FINANCING ON MOST NEW 2013 MODELS YOUR BEST DEALS ARE ALWAYS IN NIPIGON! 400 HIGHWAY 11 / 17 P.O. BOX 837, NIPIGON, ONTARIO P0T 2J0 1-800-465-3304 OR (807) 887-2034 16 Wednesday, january 23, 2013
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