Motivation Annual Report 2008


Motivation Annual Report 2008
2008 in Numbers
Financial Report
Motivation - Shaw Trust Partnership
Motivation Wheelchairs
Active Rehabilitation
Medical Rehabilitation
Employment of people with disabilities
IMPACT for children with disabilities
Motivation Ltd.
Advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities
Wheelchair Sports
2008 Sports Events Calendar
2009 in Prospects
Partners and sponsors
Welcome to Motivation‟s 2008 Annual Report.
I was extremely honoured when Motivation asked me to
write the foreword for their Annual Report this year.
Motivation is an organisation I have known about for
some time and I have always been tremendously
impressed by the good work that they do, throughout
Romania, supporting disabled people to live more
independent lives. It seemed therefore, that Motivation
was an ideal partner for Shaw Trust. It is an organisation
governed by the same principles, aims and objectives.
Working together, in partnership, we are stronger and can
achieve much more. Together we aim to give the best
possible support to empower disabled people; focusing
our efforts on offering opportunities for social integration,
employment and on developing new specialised services.
In the last year Motivation has made some significant
achievements. Their key successes include the distribution of over 800 wheelchairs,
each adapted to the needs of the recipient; 168 lives positively transformed through
accessing their Active Rehabilitation Programme; supporting 120 children through
the implementation of the „Mobility and dignity for Children with Cerebral Palsy‟
project and helping over 200 disabled people on their journey into employment.
I want to highlight here the dedication and energy of the team at Motivation led by
the Director-General Cristian Ispas. This list of successes is a testament to their
ongoing passion and commitment to the organisation and the values for which it
For over 15 years Motivation‟s drive and determination is what has promoted these
kinds of achievements and successes and is what will enable them to continue to
achieve even more successes over the coming years.
Looking forward Motivation continues to be committed to striving for independence
for all, and their goal for the next year is to deliver their services to even more
disabled people throughout Romania. Together, in partnership, I know Motivation
and Shaw Trust can help even more people change their lives for the better, and I
look forward to working with them on all of the new challenges that lie ahead.
Tim Papé,
Board Member
Motivation Romania Foundation
“Responsibility towards our peers
is the most enlightening
proof of a soul’s health”
Nicolae Iorga
 805 wheelchairs
 359 wheelchair users and 269 members of their families involved in the
Active Rehabilitation service: peer-group training stages, counselling and
independent living skills development seminars and active rehabilitation
 131 persons with different types of disabilities from all over the country
received counselling for labour market integration; 56 of them had at
least one interview with an employer, mediated by Motivation; 33
persons with disabilities have a job.
 209 persons, adults and children with disabilities, received medical
rehabilitation services (electro, hydro and physical therapy) in 410 twoweek medical rehabilitation sessions.
 24 children and young adults with disabilities carefully looked after in
three family type homes and 8 children placed in foster care in Bragadiru
receive rehabilitation, independent living skills training and vocational
activities trough the IMPACT program.
 189 direct beneficiaries of the Motivation Ltd. products and service.
Motivation Foundation Romania has again maintained a good financial
performance based on its successful delivery across our entire projects stream. We
have generated incoming resources of RON 2,509,964 compare with RON
2,193,738 in 2007 (increase of 14.4%).
In November – December 2008 Motivation Foundation Romania signed three-year contracts with The
European Social Funds for non-reimbursable grants (strategic projects) as follows:
Project name
Value RON
START for equal opportunities on the labour market for people with
Network for Inclusion
Looking toward the future – a chance to integration on the labour market
for people with disabilities
Note: Motivation Foundation Romania received part of this money by the end of 2008 (RON 983,549). As 0f
December 31, 2008 an amount of RON 951,818 is recorded in cash as unspent.
* Note: the figures refer to the financial statements for Motivation Romania Foundation
Financial summary for Motivation Ltd Social Enterprise and Sheltered Unit
administering Wheelchairs Production and Distribution & Income Generation
Net income
Total assets
Own assets
Shaw Trust is the British
organization that partnered with
Motivation Romania
Foundation at the beginning of
2008. During that year Shaw
Trust empowered 67.000
beneficiaries – people with
disabilities or otherwise
disadvantaged on the labour
market – through professional
integration / reintegration and
personal development services.
Our partnership aims to
contribute to the personal and
professional development of
people with disabilities in
Romania by combining the 25
years tradition of Shaw Trust in
supporting people with
disabilities with Motivation‟s 14
years of work in the benefit of
people with disabilities in
Until 2011 we aim to give the best support for
integration of people with disabilities through:
Employment services for people with disabilities
Production and distribution of personalized wheelchairs, easy to handle
for children and adults with physical disabilities, in order to allow them to
remain active members of the society.
Support services for children and adults with disabilities in developing
their independent living skills through training sessions, seminars and
Medical rehabilitation services for people with disabilities
Social integration services for children and young adults with disabilities
Advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities in Romania
Motivations’ story began 14 years ago with wheelchair production
The most important principle we upheld all these years was to provide the best
mobility solution for each of our beneficiaries. Motivation‟s wheelchairs are
adapted for every user, depending on his or her individual needs, and are
always accompanied by instructions and counselling that facilitate wheelchair
skills development.
Wheelchairs must be prescribed to meet the physical and functional needs of
each wheelchair user, and must be accompanied by proper training of the adult
or the child user and his family for optimal wheelchair use that maximizes
independence. In the absence of appropriate evaluation, prescription and
training services wheelchair users may be affected by negative side effects such
as permanent postural deformities and severe medical complications.
In Romania, Motivation is the only provider of specialized equipments for
children with Cerebral Palsy.
Motivation Romania distributed in 2008, through contracts with Health
Insurance Agencies in the country, over 800 wheelchairs adapted to the
needs of every beneficiary. Together with the customized equipment
Motivation provided training sessions for improved wheelchair skills.
The distribution teams members – some of them wheelchair users themselves
– convinced many of our beneficiaries and their families that a wheelchair is an
open door to the world. And when the user knows how to handle it correctly, it
becomes their pathway to the society.
At the end of 2008 Motivation received a donation of 400 wheelchairs from The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most of these wheelchairs will be
donated to our beneficiaries in 2009, alongside wheelchairs distributed trough
contracts with the Health Insurance Agencies. The wheelchairs donated by
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are an important resource in
that they will be donated to our beneficiaries who are not entitled to receive a
free wheelchair from the Health Insurance Agency (because they already
received a wheelchair in the last 5 years or because they cannot obtain all the
documents necessary to receive a free wheelchair).
Motivation Romania provided professional assessment, prescription and
training services altogether with wheelchairs to all recipients, respecting the
important principle of a complete service that includes not only the
personalized mobility equipment, but also the training needed to maximize
Independent living training is a
very important part of our activity.
Through this service a person with
disabilities learns to understand
his/her disability and discovers how
he or she can be active on a
personal, social and professional
This service includes courses and
seminars for wheelchair users,
family members and professionals
as well as intensive 2 weeks training
sessions, and training camps that
provide opportunities for social
interaction among beneficiaries and
with the surrounding community.
During the 2-week long independent
beneficiaries live in a specially built,
wheelchair accessible living unit,
and are guided by a peer group
trainer who is also a wheelchair
participants learn to accomplish
household chores and also have
access to active rehabilitation
activities such as wheelchair skills
psychological counselling, adapted
sports and social activities.
Results of the
services changed the lives of
attended independent living
skills training and counselling
sessions at our centres in
Bragadiru - Ilfov County, and
Savinesti - Neamt County.
The Independent Living Home hosted 18 independent living training sessions
for 47 adults, 48 children and 52 family members. The service was also offered
in outpatient format to 73 beneficiaries - 34 adults and 39 children. 8 of the
children with reduced mobility also received support for mainstream school
Achievements in 2008:
95 children and adults participated in 2 weeks intensive
training sessions at Motivation‟s Independent Living Home.
73 beneficiaries received outpatient training for independent
living skills development.
11 children and 10 young adults made new friends and
proved they can become independent and active at the summer
camps in Varatec.
348 wheelchair users, and 269 family members and
professionals participated in the information and training
wheelchair users. Due to the
fact that a high number of
expressed their need for
support services, we included
in our programme 348
wheelchair users by the end
of 2008. In addition we also
trained 269 family members
and specialized personnel
nongovernmental organizations
and public institutions.
In 2008 we also organized 2
summer camps at our camp
site in Varatec - Neamt
County: one for children
during July 28th - August 2nd and one for adults during August 4th - 9th. The first
camp brought together 11 children with disabilities, 9 family members and 3
volunteers. The adults‟ camp was attended by 10 young adults with disabilities
from Moldova area, 4 personal assistants, 2 trainers, and the Motivation
Romania team with a guest from Motivation Charitable Trust UK.
A wide range of activities were organized at the camps. There were group
sessions for parents, with discussions on raising children and facing disability.
Children were involved in games and occupational therapy activities. The
adults received counselling and training on different themes such as: transfer
techniques, 2 wheels balance, obstacles, stairs and ramps, as well as
discussions on health and family. There were also individual counselling
sessions, trips and contests.
The one-day independent living seminars were attended by 359 people with
disabilities and family members from all over the country, alongside medical
professionals and representatives of social assistance institutions and
nongovernmental organizations. The seminars focused on the rights of people
with disabilities, Law 448/2206, how to obtain mobility equipments through the
Health Insurance Agency, wheelchair skills training, and medical and social
The parents of children with disabilities included in our program attended
counselling sessions to learn how to encourage their child so he or she can
gain independence at school and in the community. They learned about ways
to support their children and help them develop their self-confidence and
Testimonials – beneficiaries of the Active Recovery programme:
“I received a wheelchair for my child and there is no better help than this.”
“I was most impressed by the fact that each of us learned something useful. [...]”
“I never thought a camp could be so useful, so pleasant, both for me and for my child.”
“I was so impressed by the chance I was given – to make new friends. I went home with
the confidence that my inclusion in society is possible.”
In 2008 Motivation
implemented, with the
support of Vodafone
“Mobility and dignity
for Children with
children with motor
implemented between
October 2007 and
September 2008.
Cerebral Palsy is one of the most frequent physical disabilities among children all
over the world, and no treatment has been discovered yet. This is why we sought
the support of Vodafone Foundation to provide wheelchairs and special seating
systems for 120 children with severe disabilities in Romania, including children
with cerebral palsy, to help improve their independence and quality of.
Improvements in the quality of their life are seen in: communication (a child who
cannot speak will now have the possibility to learn alternative communication,
such as through symbols and images attached to the wheelchair table); mobility
(with the help of a wheelchair many children will learn to move independently) and
feeding (the child can eat from the seated position in the wheelchair, and many
children may learn to feed independently)
Access to medical rehabilitation is fundamental for maintaining the good health and
strength needed to have an active social life.
We offer medical services at two locations: The Motivation Centre in Bragadiru – Ilfov
and The Rehabilitation Centre in Panduri – Bucharest. The Centre in Bragadiru was
created in 2007 with financial support from the National Authority for People with
Disabilities (NAPD), while the facilities in Panduri were provided to Motivation by the
NAPD under a rent free contract starting on January 16, 2008.
The therapeutic procedures are appropriate for people who suffered stroke, spinal
cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, orthopaedic traumas, cerebral palsy, and who
have a medical certificate for those injuries.
In 2008, Motivation‟s Medical Rehabilitation programme offered the following
services: specialized medical investigations, physical therapy, electro and
hydro–therapy, wheelchair assessment and prescription.
Along the year, 209 people received medical rehabilitation services during
10 day therapy sessions. Out of them, 62 are children and 147 adults.
In both medical centres we work with modern equipments and specialized
personnel. In 2008 our team included 7 physical therapists and two physical
therapy and medical rehabilitation physicians.
„‟…I am very pleased with the
work of the personnel, their
devotion and patience with each
patient. They work all the time
until the end of the program, and
they prepare individual treatment
for each patient. I can‟t find the
words to thank them enough…
because they deserve this.”
”Thanks to all team members for
their support and devotion. They are very reliable people.”
“The atmosphere at the centre is very relaxing and pleasant.”
“My daughter Miriam feels much better since we started coming here: she is
happier, and more confident.”
Motivation‟s Employment programme
aims to offer support in finding a job
to people with disabilities that can
and are willing to work. This includes
identification of work places and
cooperation with potential employers.
In order to achieve this programme‟s
objectives we created a data base of
people with disabilities who want and
can work and with employers who are
willing to include people with
disabilities in their teams. To these
we provide counselling, mediation
and job placement.
Motivation‟s Employment service addresses the need for social and professional
integration in an effort to reduce isolation as one of the most dramatic effects of
disability. The lack of a constant occupation, the need of belonging to a group and
failure to recognize one‟s social value, make disability much harder to bear and lead
to a drastic deterioration of individual and family wellbeing.
This program supports the implementation of Law no. 448/2006 regarding the
protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities in Romania.
According to this law, public and private employers with over 50 employees must
hire a number of persons with disabilities that equals 4% of their total number of
The Employment program has the full support and technical assistance of Shaw
Trust UK, our British partner with an experience of over 25 years in the field of
labour market inclusion of marginalized persons.
Our objectives for 2008 included: 94 people with disabilities to receive
counselling and 24 to be placed on the labour market. The achievements of
the Employment program count 131 beneficiaries included in the counselling
program and 33 beneficiaries integrated on the labour market.
Initiated in 2007, the Employment programme achieved important results
during its first year and a half by increasing the number of beneficiaries as well
as Motivation‟s sustainability capacity. The number of available working places
we identified for people with disabilities also increased.
The service was structured to best answer the individual needs of each
beneficiary and to best meet the reality of the Romanian labour market. Its
value for this sector is recognized through the accreditation of Motivation Ltd.
as specialized provider of employment services, in accordance with
Government Decision no. 277/2002 on accreditation criteria for providers of
employment services.
Results of the year 2008:
 210 persons with disabilities seeking employment
are registered in our data base (compared to 83
registrations at the end of 2007)
 131 persons received employment counselling;
 56 beneficiaries received employment mediation;
 33 beneficiaries were employed.
In addition Motivation provided, upon the employers‟ request, assistance for work
space accessibility, and disability awareness training of their staff without disabilities
to facilitate the integration of their new colleague with disability in the team.
The Employment programme also focused on awareness raising and information
events among potential beneficiaries, with media support, including:
June 11: Round Table promoting the Employment program for people with
disabilities, on the occasion of the programme‟s official launching in Bucharest in
partnership with the Bucharest Social Services Department.
September 29: The Conference ”People with Disabilities – an Underused Resource
on the Labour Market” – organized in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, Family
and Equal Opportunities and the American Chamber of Commerce – brought
together beneficiaries, representatives of top employers in Bucharest, central
authorities, and other NGOs.
Implementation of the project “Facilitating the right to work of persons with
disabilities in Romania” financed by EU-Phare, enabled us to provide
counselling to 124 persons with disabilities, of which 11 were employed.
The TRAMA project (financed by Leonardo da Vinci Programme) seeks to
transfer and adapt the MAMED concept (technical transnational training
program in the recycling of medical equipment). Through this project, 30
people with disabilities or persons disadvantaged on the labour market
received training to develop technical, administrative and bio-medical skills in
the field of medical equipment recycling.
In November 2008 we started the implementation of „START – for equal
opportunities on the labour market for people with disabilities” in partnership
with Shaw Trust UK and the Romanian Academic Society, and co-financed
from the European Social Fund‟s Human Resources Development Operational
Programme 2007 – 2013 – Invest in People!
The project aims to facilitate the access of people with disabilities on the
labour market and covers three development regions of the country: NordWest, North-East and South-West. The project is included in a trans-national
partnership that will help build 3 regional Centres for Social and Labour
Inclusion providing quality counselling, mediation and post-employment
support to at least 1,400 Romanians with disabilities.
“Employment is the first step towards complete social integration, the measure
of our social value, and the opportunity to change the attitudes of those who
still believe we are victims of our destiny.”
The IMPACT Project was initiated in 2002 with the support of Mosaic Foundation, USA,
and the International Alliance IMPACT, through a ChildNet grant from USAID / World
Learning. To date Motivation deinstitutionalized 37 children with disabilities from
Tancabesti Placement Centre in Ilfov County.
Today 24 of these children live in three family-like group homes built by
Motivation in Ilfov County. Another 8 children live with foster families, while the others
have been re-unified with their families. Quality residential care, day care and
rehabilitation services are provided alongside access to mainstream or special
education, vocational training and leisure activities, including adapted sports.
Daniela Ilea, IMPACT Program Director:
„With the support of Vodafone Foundation we were able to provide these
young adults with an opportunity to develop abilities that will allow them to lead
a dignified existence and be recognized for their contribution to the local
community. And our young adults had the ambition to get the best out of this
The activities of 2008 aimed to:
 Develop independent living skills;
 Improve our children‟s social abilities, including improved school
 Improve the vocational abilities of these young people by building a
second, heated greenhouse, complete with fertilizing and irrigation
 Access medical assessment and quality medical services to maintain our
children‟s health;
 Provide opportunities to participate in sports trainings and competitions
including: Special Olympics Ski Camp in Murau /Austria, Special
Olympics Winter Games in Boise-Sun Valley, Idaho, USA Ski and
Snowshoeing Camp in Parang, Romania;
 Initiate a pilot project, co-funded by the European Social Fund‟s Human
Resources Development Operational Program 2007 – 2013 – Invest in
People! to develop model educational and social services for improved
social, educational, and professional integration of children and young
people with disabilities who have not attended or have dropped out of
 Create opportunities for vocational training, employment and community
involvement for 12 young adults with disabilities de-institutionalized by
Motivation Foundation by providing training in gardening and production
of unique handmade plaster decorations.
Between October 2007 and September
2008 we implemented the project
“Gardening Workshop for Young Adults
with Intellectual Disabilities” funded by
beneficiaries were 5 young people with
intellectual disabilities who live in
Motivation‟s group homes. Indirect
beneficiaries included 8 young wheelchair
users who live and work in the
community, 17 children and young adults with severe disabilities living in the
group homes and at least 30 persons who have purchased the products of the
The project‟s goal was to create sustainable opportunities for vocational
training, pre-employment and community involvement for the 5 young people
with intellectual disabilities, to help them develop their personal independence
In 2008, together with Dinu Patriciu Foundation and Special Olympics
Romania Foundation we initiated the mainstream school integration
programme for children with disabilities. The programme, designed for 10
children and young adults from Bucharest and Ilfov County, created equal
educational opportunities by improving access to mainstream schools in these
Five of the children involved in the program participated in Motivation‟s twoweek active rehabilitation programs and received medical rehabilitation
services, and eight attended the summer camp.
awareness raising and involvement
of children without disabilities from
mainstream schools, teachers, and
communities, we succeeded to
designed a replicable model that
could be extended to a larger
number of children and to more
communities or age groups.
Motivation Limited Liability Company was registered in 2001 to produce customised
wheelchairs. Motivation Ltd. is a sheltered unit, hiring more than 30% of its staff
people with disabilities (per Law 448/2006). The activity was expanded to include an
Assistive Technology Centre that provides assistive equipments and technologies
for accessible home and work environments.
In time, we added new competitive products to our initial activity. In 2007 we created
the digital printing unit through a program funded by the National Authority for
People with Disabilities (ANPH).
In 2008 we developed our disability awareness consultancy and training services
for institutions and companies that want to be more effective in their interaction with
staff or customers with disabilities.
To provide models of mainstream employment for people with disabilities
and to generate funding for the not-for-profit services provided by Motivation
Foundation free-of-charge to people with disabilities and their families, we
initiated and developed Motivation Ltd. This social enterprise provides the
following products and services:
 Wheelchairs and assistive technologies
 Printing
 Consultancy and training
Wheelchair production and distribution
Motivation produces customised wheelchairs unique in the country in that they
respect the principle of correct positioning that is so important for wheelchair user
health and maximized personal independence. Wheelchairs are delivered only after
careful assessment and prescription, with instructions for correct use at home, on the
street, at work or during leisure activities, including sports. Motivation Ltd. is
accredited by the National Authority for People with Disabilities as a sheltered unit
and has signed contracts for distribution of assistive equipment with County Health
Insurance Agencies country-wide.
Production: In 2008 we produced 326 wheelchairs, of which: 150 - Mistral for
adults, 70 – Mistral junior, 60 – CP-Moti special seating systems for children with
cerebral palsy, and 46 sports and other types of wheelchairs.
In April 2008 new Motivation sports wheelchair models were tested and certified, and
were subsequently produced and exported to countries that initiate adapted
wheelchair sports.
Distribution: In 2008 we distributed 805 wheelchairs. In addition to the wheelchairs
produced by Motivation Ltd., 393 wheelchairs were imported and 29 were purchased
in Romania and adapted for the users. We continued to provide wheelchairs
adapting, customizing and repair services. In addition to wheelchairs we also
provided other mobility equipments.
Distribution Centres:
 South area: Motivation Factory–a permanent distribution team in Bragadiru
and 2 local collaborators in Ilfov county;
 Moldova: a permanent distribution team in Piatra Neamt, and 2 local
 Transylvania: a permanent distribution team in Oradea, and 3 local
In addition Motivation partners with Theranova Centre for Prostheses and
Orthoses to carry out wheelchair distribution in the North-West region.
Digital Printing
Initiated in response to the need for
increasing the sustainability of Motivation‟s
programmes, the digital printing workshop
professional printing services in a rapid,
effective and professional fashion. The list
of products includes: business cards,
flyers, posters, leaflets, cards, invitations,
badges, personalized calendars, as well
as DTP for any type of printed materials.
The Digital Printing workshop is part of the Motivation sheltered unit, and thus the
costs are deductible, per the legal provisions of the Law 448/2006, from the tax owed
to the state budget by employers with more than 50 employees who choose not to
hire 4% employees with disabilities.
Consultancy and training
Through consultancy and training we contribute to increasing the quality of public
and private services for people with disabilities. We work mainly with private
companies who are interested to improve their ability to better respond to the needs
of their customers with disabilities by increasing the accessibility and improving the
addressability of their services.
Training of Romanian airport staff who provides direct assistance to people with
disabilities or with reduced mobility on airports. The training was organized with the
support of the Romanian Airports Association and targeted staff of airports in Arad,
Bacau, Baia Mare, Bucharest - Baneasa, Cluj, Iasi, Oradea, Suceava, Timisoara,
and Constanta. The training focused on the rights of people with disabilities and
people with reduced mobility that travel by air, in agreement with Article 11 of the
European Parliament Regulation no. 1107/2006.
The curricula included general information regarding the people with disabilities and
specifics for Romania, communication and direct assistance principles when working
with people with reduced mobility or other types of disabilities, as they are using the
airport infrastructure and airways transportation services. Participants received very
practical examples of interaction with people with mobility disabilities, visual, haring,
developmental or speech disabilities. This practical approach, particularly the focus
on practical aspects of direct interaction with persons with disabilities, was highly
appreciated by all participants.
Advocacy for the rights of
people with disabilities
Some of the Motivation Romania Foundation‟s 2008 advocacy priorities included:
 Monitoring legislation regarding protection of the rights people with disabilities
in Romania and suggesting legislative changes to improve the quality of life
and socio-economic integration of this group;
 Increasing awareness and influencing public attitudes toward people with
disabilities in Romania;
 Developing the organizations‟ capacity to provide quality services to people
with disabilities;
 Encouraging social actors, including public authorities, schools or employers,
to support the social, professional or school integration of children and adults
with disabilities.
In 2008 Motivation trained 189 professionals.
Through this programme we contributed to increasing the quality of services for
children and adults with disabilities provided by the County Directions for Social
Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC).
Implementation of the project „Promoting the rights of children with disabilities living
in institutions” funded by UNICEF, in partnership with Special Olympics Romania
Foundation: The project aimed to provide children and teenagers with disabilities
living in three institutions in Arad, Bacau and Roman, the chance to participate in
activities in their own community, and to change community attitudes by
demonstrating their abilities.
This project included two training sessions organized for 110 staff from the three
institutions on the following topics: children‟s rights, the needs and abilities of the
children with disabilities, and specialized care. The training sessions contributed to
improving the knowledge and abilities of staff by providing information as well as
concrete models and working methods with children with disabilities.
Training the staff of the Direction for Social Assistance in Giurgiu County was part of
the project „Complex Services for Independent Living for Adults with Disabilities deinstitutionalized from the Nero-psychiatric Recovery and Rehabilitation Centre in
Bolintin Vale, Giurgiu County”. Motivation Romania was one of the partners in this
project. 22 staff members participated in this training on direct care for people with
disabilities, specific legislation, and means to encourage community participation and
labour market inclusion of people with disabilities who were de-institutionalized from
a large state-run institution.
Advocacy highlights of 2008:
The Conference People with Disabilities – an Underused Resource on the Labour
Market, organized on September 29 in partnership with the Ministry of Labour,
Family and Equal Opportunities and the American Chamber of Commerce (Am
Cham), aimed to identify effective, concrete solutions to improve the use of the
employment potential of Romanians with disabilities on the labour market. The
conference brought together representatives of important companies, NGOs and
Romanian authorities. Among the presenters were the Ministry of Labour, Family
and Equal Opportunities, the US Embassy, Shaw Trust UK, Workability Europe,
EximBank, Curierul National, Am Cham, and Motivation Romania.
The event, considered by most participants successful, launched the idea that
diversity is an important component of the social and economic progress of a
country. A society that values its members, regardless of their differences, must
allocate the resources needed to fulfil their potential.
The Overcome your limits! Team
Mobility, fairplay si courage
Wheelchair Sports
Sports for people with disabilities can be seen from two
perspectives: that of Community policies for people with disabilities and
that of sports as a distinctive discipline. Sports can help increase
awareness of existing needs. Sports can also play an important role in
the construction of an inclusive society, contributing to social inclusion
and facilitating employment of people with disabilities(European
The year 2008 started under the auspices of world-class sport
performance for Motivation Romania team. The wheelchair basketball team
performed a demonstration game on March 17, at the opening of the
Romanian Tour of the legendary Harlem Globetrotters basketball players.
Wheelchair Sport
On April 16-22 we organized the training and user trial sports programme
under the leadership of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) and the
International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBA). On this occasion
Motivation launched the new Romanian-made sports wheelchair prototype.
The event organized at the Sport Arena Club in Bucharest, continued with a
press event in the presence of Sir Digby Jones, the British Minister of Trade
and His Excellency Robin Barnett, the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in
Bucharest and featured wheelchair tennis and basketball demonstrations.
Another public awareness sports event was the Stars Wheelchair
Competition, organized with the support of Romanian fashion designer Adrian
Oianu on May 29, 2008. The event brought together Romanian television,
sport and music stars, including Bogdan Stelea, Cristina Cioran, Malvina Popa,
Iulia Vantur, who played sports in wheelchairs side-by-side with Motivation‟s
Also in 2008 Motivation was represented for the first time at the
Paralympics Games in Beijing. Wheelchair tennis player Crina Tugui and her
trainer Roxana Vlase participated in the tennis competition. The Paralympics
Games were organized on September 6 – 17, 2008 and brought together over
4,200 athletes representing 148 countries.
Wheelchair Sports
“Overcome Your Limits!” Tour
On November 19 – 21 Motivation Romania Foundation organized, in
partnership with Special Olympics Romania Foundation, the “Overcome your
Limits!” Tour – a year-end celebration of adapted sports and diversity. The
programme included a demonstration of “Overcome Your Limits!” gymnastics
team and wheelchair basketball demonstrations. The “Overcome Your Limits!”
team including 9 professional gymnasts, 4 wheelchair users and 5 Special
Olympics athletes had more than 1,000 spectators in Constanta, Buzau and
Bucharest. Special guests at the sport events were Debbie and Steven
Hergenrader, founders of „Break the Barriers USA” who travelled to Romania
for a cultural exchange program supported by the United States Embassy in
 March 17, Bucharest: wheelchair basketball demonstration in the opening of the Harlem Globetrotters
Romanian Tour.
 April 22, Bucharest: training and wheelchair sports demonstration on the launching of Motivation‟s
wheelchair sports prototype.
 May 4, Brasov – Motivation‟s swim team won the Popularity Prize at the 24-Hour Swimming Marathon.
 May 7 – 11, Bucharest: Motivation‟s wheelchair basketball team won the 2
stage of the National Wheelchair Basketball Championship.
 May 24 - 25, Oradea: Motivation team participated and won the 2
National Wheelchair Basketball Championship.
place during the first
place at the second stage of the
 July 26, Galati: at the third stage of the Wheelchair Basketball National Championship; Motivation
team won the 3 place.
 July 1- 6, Bragadiru: Vodafone Wheelchair Tennis Cup.
 July 10 – 13, Cluj: at the National Table Tennis Championship, Motivation‟s athlete Gabriela
Constantin won the 1 place.
 August 1-4, Bragadiru: tennis camp for 10 junior wheelchair tennis players organized with the support
of the International Tennis Federation and Cruyff Foundation.
 August 7 – 10, Lugoj: Motivation‟s athlete Gabriela Constantin participated and won the 1 place in the
‟‟Ana Lugojana‟‟ Table Tennis Cup.
 August 14 – 17, Bucharest: the International Wheelchair Tennis Tour hosted by the National Tennis
Centre of the Romanian Tennis Federation brought together 17 wheelchair athletes from 3 countries.
Motivation‟s athletes won the 1 place and the 3 place in the women‟s single competition, 1 and 2
place in the women‟s double competition, 2 place in the men‟s single competition and 1 place in the
men‟s double competition.
 August 24 – 25, Szekszard / Hungary: Gabriela Constantin won the 1st place in this International
Table Tennis Tournament.
 September, 6-8 Arad: Motivation team won the 2
National Wheelchair Basketball Championship.
place at the „Ziridava” Cup, the fourth stage of the
 October 2- 5, Bucharest: “Mariana Mihoc” Wheelchair Basketball Cup; Motivation basketball team won
the 2 place while other Motivation team members participated in table tennis and athletics
competitions and the Romanian Lottery Cross.
 October 9-13, Plovdiv / Bulgaria: Balkan Open Wheelchair Tennis Championship. Motivation team
was represented by Crina Tugui who won the 2 place in the women‟s single competition, and by
Stelian Matreata who won the 3 place in the men‟s single competition and the 2 place in the men‟s
double competition together with Ciprian Anton. Ionut Grosu won the 3 place in the juniors‟
 October 24 – 26, Oradea: “Maria” International Wheelchair Basketball Tour. Motivation Team won the
3 place.
 November 6-7, Bucharest: Vodafone International Wheelchair Basketball Tournament brought
together teams from Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Turkey. Motivation Team won the 2
 November 26-29: Vodafone Wheelchair Basketball Cup – the last stage of the National Wheelchair
Basketball Championship. The Motivation team won 2 place. The Wheelchair Basketball Team
“Temerarii” from Arad won the 1 place.
The most certain way to predict the future is to invent it!
Plans for 2009
 Increase the number of customised wheelchairs‟ beneficiaries by
expanding the distribution network and increasing this service‟s
availability in rural areas;
 Open an Active Recovery Centre in Ploiesti at the beginning of 2009 and
prepare for the opening of another centre in Sibiu in January 2010, under
the multi-annual strategic project co-funded by the European Social
 Pursue accreditation of Medical Recovery services and contract with
Health Insurance Agencies;
 Create a new Centre for the Promotion Employment of People with
Disabilities in the North-East Development Region (located in Piatra
Neamt) and prepare for the opening of a third centre in the North-West
Region (located in Oradea) under the second multi-annual strategic
project co-funded by the European Social Fund;
 Consolidate the independent living skills developed by young adults
living in Motivation‟s group-homes through a new semi-independent
living programme;
 Organize the first International Wheelchair Tennis Tournament in
Bucharest with ITF points in July 9-12, 2009;
 Organize the Annual Workability Europe Conference in partnership with
Shaw Trust, UK. Workability Europe is the Regional Group of the
Workability International Federation, the biggest representation body of
employers and service providers for people with disabilities.
Motivation Romania Foundation
Alexandriei Road, No. 478, Bragadiru, Ilfov County
Phone: +40214480242