Newsletter - Glendale Quilt Guild


Newsletter - Glendale Quilt Guild
Volume XXXI No. 7
January 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 6:45 PM
Zena Thorpe
"A Look at History Through The Eye of a Needle"
An expression of women's lives through their quilts.
In 2003, Zena was inducted into the Master Quilter's Guild established by the National Quilting Association. Her quilt, "Kells:
Magnum Opus" was designated a Masterpiece Quilt. She has won Best of Show in several international competitions
including Houston Quilt Festival, AQS Paducah, Pacific International, Road to California, and Scottish Quilt Championships.
She has also won Best Hand Workmanship Award in Paducah and Knoxville. Her quilts have been exhibited in many venues
throughout Europe and Japan.
Zena become interested in the way women over many centuries have told their stories and documented their lives with their
needlework. Their quilts tell us much about the lives of the women of past eras and are often records of major historical events
and shifts. This lecture explores this theme covering the history and development of quilting and also her own development in
the art, illustrated by many of her prizewinning quilts.
Left - Kells: Magnum Opus: Judged as Masterpiece Quilt by NQA
Right - Crowned with Glory – Right Royally:
Named one of The Hundred Best American Quilts of the Twentieth Century
Don’t miss this program that features No slides - just quilts, quilts, quilts!
The Glendale Quilt Guild Presents
“A Visit with Alex”
Saturday, April 16, 2016
First Congregational Church
2001 Canada Blvd, Glendale, CA
More details on page 3
The President’s Block
Happy New Year 2016, everyone!
Last month, our Holiday meeting was a huge success! It was so much
fun sharing time with you all and enjoying the Nestle Choir, providing
the perfect end to 2015. In fact, looking back, 2015 was a very
successful year for our Guild. We held our annual show in March at the
Pasadena Convention Center. Thanks to our fantastic Show Chairs and
Guild member volunteers, we once again put on a wonderful show.
This was followed by our first-time ever Bazaar in October, when our
Fundraiser Chairs and hard-working members created a very
successful event.
During the year, we conducted sewing events, workshops, Loving Hands events and fun
meetings to keep us all engaged in our Guild. Membership is on the rise and while we will
not hold a show this year, we are on the way planning for 2017 and looking for a theme.
There is much to look forward to in 2016 and many ways for you to enjoy our Guild!
Coming up in January, we are the featured Guild at Road to California and will be presenting
our Opportunity Quilt for ticket sales. Make sure to sign up for white gloving or ticket sales.
Then on April 16th, we will produce “A Visit With Alex Anderson”, which we expect to sell out.
If you don’t have your tickets yet, hurry and get them, because advertising begins this
month and tickets are now open to the public. Our Programs & Workshops team have lots of
fun events planned to keep you entertained each month, not to mention Block of the Month,
Loving Hands and a couple “Sew Ins”. 2016 will offer lots of opportunities for us to do what
we love best ~ get together and sew.
When I made my first quilt in 1998, I had no idea what was to come. I had no idea that
quilting would change my life in such a positive manner. Then in 2006, when I joined GQG
and found so many other people like me, my love for quilting really began to express itself. I
am proud to have you there to inspire and encourage me to be a better quilter and as a
bonus, a better friend.
Here’s my “Quilting” resolution for 2016 - to continue to expand my skills as a quilter, share
my knowledge to inspire others and to participate in GQG events to ensure that we continue
to fulfill our mission as a Guild. It’s going to be a banner year for us all!
President’s Quilt
Let’s go quilt!
There is still time to create a block
for the President’s quilt
Help us continue this very special
Contact Brandi Nalley for the
Programs & Workshops
Thursday January 7, 2016
Meeting 6:30 PM
Glendale Women’s Athletic Club
600 S Verdugo Rd.
Glendale, CA 91205
January 2016 – Zena Thorpe
1/13/2016 – A Look at History
Through the Eye of a Needle
1/16/2016 – Loving Hands Quilts –
Reversible Quilts Part II
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Social hour 6:00 PM
Meeting 6:45 PM
1st Congregational Church of
2001 Cañada Blvd, Glendale
Next Guild Meeting: Feb 10, 2016
February 2016 – Tina Curran
2/10/2016 – My Design Process –
From Concept to Quilt
2/13/2016: Color Blocks
March 2016 – Michael McNamara
3/9/2016 – Trunk Show
3/12/2016: A Day of Techniques
Friday, January 8, 2016
10:00 AM Until Done
Women’s Athletic Club
600 S. Verdugo Road
Glendale CA. 91205
All workshops are from 9:00am4:00pm at Women's Athletic Club unless otherwise noted.
Guest Policy Reminder: Each
member is allowed to bring one
guest to one meeting at no charge
to the guest. The normal guest fee
is $5.00 per meeting.
Remember: All Workshop Vouchers
earned in 2015 vouchers will expire at
the end of 2016
“A Visit with Alex”
Saturday, April 16, 2016
First Congregational Church 2001 Canada Blvd, Glendale
Join us for two lectures (and lunch) with world renown quilter, Alex Anderson. Tickets are on sale now and going quickly
so purchase at guild meetings or on our website. We want our own guild member to be a part of this wonderful day
before the event sells out.
Purchase BOTH lectures and save big...the package is $60.00
“Scrap Quilts”... using stashes, charming scrap patterns, etc. A single ticket: $35.00
“Beautifully Quilted”... finish quilts, determine design choices, including patterns,
straight line & free motion choices to best fit areas of your quilt. A single ticket: $35.00
Lunch...join us for a box lunch in the Glen between the lectures. Lunches are from Corner
Bakery Café: a yummy sandwich (choose roasted chicken or tomato mozzarella), chips,
fruit cup, cookie and water. $15.00
Questions: Kathi Coleman Wilson 818 422-8798
December Meeting
December’s traditional holiday meeting members feasted
on a wonderful potluck dinner and the musical stylings of the
Nestle’s choir. Beautiful renditions of both classic, traditional
songs as well as new favorites. Thank you to everyone who
planned and setup for the evening’s activities
Show and Tell highlighted our members latest creations
Executive Board Members
Sandy Bradfield
(818) 506-0673
Vice President
Colleen Shier
(818) 429-2817
Recording Secretary
Nan Maples
(626) 449-3132
Don't Miss the 29th Annual Blythe Bluegrass Festival
and Quilt Show
January, 15th, 16th & 17th, 2016
"Always the 3rd weekend of January"
At the Colorado River Fairgrounds
Blythe, California, USA
Corresponding Secretary
Barbara Gibson
(818) 768-3052
Kathy Fogel
(818) 330-9372
Sharon Bishop
(323) 254-6045
Program Co-Chairs
Karen Millman
(818) 241-3288
Sue Vite
(818) 249-4238
Tim Spinn
(323) 371-8198
Leanne Compean
(818) 353-1330
Newsletter Editor
Joni Kellam
(818) 645-5465
Workshop Co-Chairs
Jackie Carlos
(818) 246-9729
Susan Edwards
(818) 790-2214
Kathi Wilson
(626) 355-3289
Craig Coleman
(909) 596-1783
Beth Hasenauer
Tina Curran
Brandi Nalley
(626) 358-3484
(818) 986-6630
(818) 653-2165
Craig Coleman
Sabine Steinmentz
(818) 955-5147
Marsha Saracco
(626) 355-8201
Return trip arrival time approximately
5:30 p.m.
(818) 248-4966
Loving Hands
Alice Turner,
MaryAnn Kroening,
Barbara Gibson
Pat Golditch
Telephone Tree
Show & Tell
Website Liaison, E-mail
Kathy Fogel
(818) 330-9372
S.C.C.Q.G. Rep.
Colleen Shier
(818) 429-2817
Judy Sellers
(818) 248-4082
Printer Liaison
Nan Maples
(626) 449-3132
GWAC Liaison
Colleen Shier
(818) 429-2817
Membership Co-Chairs
Quilt Show Co-Chairs 2016
Quilt Show Chair Elect 2017
Extended Board Members
Standing & Special
Committee Chairs
Block of the Month
(818) 241-9194
** Need
Hop on the Bus
Glendale Quilt Guild is going to
Road to California
Saturday, January 23, 2016
See our guild’s quilt display hanging from
the ceiling of the lobby
We will depart at 8:00 a.m.
Park & Ride, Glendale
(where Wilson, Broadway & Harvey meet
just West of the 2 & 134 Freeways)
Pays for your ride, parking, driver’s tip
and your entrance to the Show!!
Send your check made payable to the
Glendale Quilt Guild to:
Judy Sellers
3137 Hermosa Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Quilter’s Department of WAC (Women’s Athletic Club of Glendale)
Thank you to all GQG members who have joined WAC. Our memberships make it possible for all of our GQG Loving Hands sew days
and workshops, Bazaar prep workshops, GQG Board meetings, and GQG workshops to have a place to meet at no cost to the guild.
This is a HUGE savings to the guild. If you are interested in joining WAC to support continued use of the WAC clubhouse, please
contact Colleen Shier or Susan Edwards.
The WAC parking lot sale was a huge success. Thank you to all the members who donated items.
Feel free to join us each Monday for “Monday Sew” which meets from 10:00am-4:00pm at the WAC clubhouse, except for the 3rd
Monday and when the time is 9:30am-2:00pm (this is to allow time for setup for the next day’s assembly). If you wish to attend, just
show up, no reservations needed.
Colleen Shier & Susan Edwards, Chairs, Quilter’s Department of WAC
Susan Edwards, Chair, Monday Sew
~ Membership ~
Seventy members attended the December
meeting and Christmas potluck. We welcomed
the Nestle choir, who provided wonderful
We welcome Candy’s Quiltworks as a renewing
Affiliate. Be sure to visit our Affiliate members to
show your support!
Rosters have been printed and will be mailed in
January to those who haven’t picked up a copy
at the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at the January
Leanne Compean and Tim Spinn
Happy Birthday!
Linda Rasmussen
Mary Bolas
Susan Vite
Sue Williams
Loretta Bradley
Koharu Nakamura
Nancy Turney
Mary Furnish
Frida Martinez
Donna Hovartos
Mona Hobson
Sherryl Zurek
Hester Bell
Jan 1
Jan 2
Jan 5
Jan 7
Jan 10
Jan 10
Jan 11
Jan 13
Jan 13
Jan 14
Jan 20
Jan 25
Jan 29
Loving Hands Activities
December 2015 was an amazing month for Loving Hands. Sandy Bradfield, Craig Coleman,
Sharon Mayeux, Kathy Fogel, Judy Sellers, Cindy Abrams, Linda White, Kathi Wilson, and
Leah Bessey all found time to do some quilting for us. Binding Angels Peggy Barber, Mary
Ann Andrews, Ann Bagne, Crystal Dudley, and Nancy Condit provided their expert finishing
touches. Denise Koch, Ellen Gray, and Cathy McNassor all brought us tops.
Then there were the donations! Margaret McNeal donated 45 tops that she had made
especially for us. Leah Bessey gave us two more, and Sue Vite found us 4 rolls of extra wide
backing fabric. We used our Guild budget to purchase more batting, so we are all set for
Next, about 30 of us enjoyed the Third Annual Loving Hands Holiday Party. Susan Edwards
welcomed us into her exquisitely decorated home where we began the festivities with cups of
Kathi Wilson’s famous wassail. We then proceeded to build our “friendship salads” and share
Mary Ann Andrews’ home baked to-die-for baguettes. What a wonderful way to celebrate all
that Loving Hands accomplished in 2015.
Jeffree Itrich, from the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study at UCSD, is planning to feature
us in her January newsletter article. She has given away almost 3,400 quilts to study
participants since 2010, and we are one of her six principal suppliers as we have sent her
179. Because Loving Hands makes its quilts collaboratively, we decided to take a group
photo at the party to be included in her article.
As of this writing, we have not yet delivered all of 2015’s gift quilts, but it is certain that the
number will exceed 450. Watch for a complete accounting of the 2015 distributions in the
February newsletter.
Pat Golditch and Loving Hands Volunteers
Block of the Month – February 2016
Alice Turner, Mary Ann Kroening and Barbara Gibson
cvgram@ 818 248 4966.
Crayola Crayon Quilt
Sew a SCANT 1/4" seam (not quite 1/4")
STRIP color of the month RED, reads as solid
GUILD BLOCK exchange.
Always use white for light for the
Assemble assorted medium, and dark fabrics of BASIC crayon colors for the 12
month quilt.
For each block cut: Finished block 10 ½”, Unfinished 11"
Pieced squares - 2 sets of 4 matching squares 3 1/4" x 3 1/4"
Squares - 8 matching squares 2 3/4" x 2 3/4"
Strips - 4 matching strips 2" x 5"
Center square 2" x 2"
Piecing the Blocks
Block piecing instructions are for 1 block only. Scant 1/4"
1. Draw diagonal line on wrong side of print 3 1/4" square. Referring to Diagram
1, place marked square on darker 31/4" square, right sides together. Sew 1/4"
seam on each side of marked line, cut apart on marked line. Open and press to
make 2 pieced squares. ISquare up blocks to 2 ¾ square. Make 8 matching.
2. Using 2 3/4" matching pieced squares and 2 3/4" squares, make pieced block
Diagram 2. Making 4 matching.
3. Referring to Diagram 3, sew together 4 matching block corners, 4 matching 2"
x 5” strips and one 2" square to make Crayola Crayon Block.
You know you’re a quilter if…
 There’s more fabric in the house than food
 You know that “Fat Quarters” is not a reference to a
body part
 Your ironing board is always set up, but you never iron
 You pet fabric
 You can measure a scant ¼ inch by eye
 “featherweight” doesn’t mean boxer
 Your “UFOs” are not from outer space
 You clean up your sewing room and they think you are
 You have a “stash” and it isn’t illegal
Minutes of the Executive Board
Glendale Quilt Guild
December 3, 2015
The December 3, 2015 meeting of the Glendale Quilt Guild Executive Board was called to order at 6:32 pm by President Bradfield at Glendale
Women’s Athletic Club. PRESENT: President: Bradfield, Vice President: Shier, Recording Secy: Maples; Treasurer: Fogel; Corresponding Secy:
Gibson; Parliamentarian: Bishop; Membership: Spinn; Program: Millman; Workshop: Carlos; Fund Raising 2016: Coleman/Wilson.; 2017 Show
Chair Elect: Curran. EXTENDED BOARD: Loving Hands: Golditch
Quorum: (11)
ABSENT: Advisor: Nalley, Newsletter: Kellam;
 RECORDING SECRETARY (Maples): There being no corrections, the 11/5/15 Executive Board minutes were approved as printed in the
 VICE PRESIDENT: The layout for the December meeting was reviewed. Recommendations from SCCQG: The topic for the January
SCCQG meeting will cover how to save electronic data and pass it on and the use of social media.
 TREASURER: (Fogel) Treasurer’s Report November 2015 ME (Attachment A) Budget Report ME August 2015 (Attachment B). Has been
examining accounting software. Will explore premier checking with Bank of America in January. Income for Loving Hands from sale of
certain donated quilts at the Bazaar
 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: (Gibson) Information to be included in Newsletter in Sunshine and Shadows. Don Beld’s book was
purchased for the library in his memory.
 PARLIAMENTARIAN: Is soliciting people to serve on the Nominating Committee.
 PROGRAM: (Millman) DEC: Potluck,The Nestlé Choir, Challenge Quilt Show and Tell.
 WORKSHOPS: (Edwards) JAN: Loving Hands – Reversible Quilts Part II.
 MEMBERSHIP: (Spinn) To date: 141 including 4 Affiliates, Past Presidents, and Life Members. Newsletter and Oppty tickets in advance
worked really well this year.
 NEWSLETTER: (Bradfield) Deadline: December14.
 2016 SHOW/FUND RAISING: (Wilson) 50 tickets have been sold to each lecture. (Curran) Reported on Opportunity Quilt ticket sales.
 2017 SHOW: (Curran) None
 LOVING HANDS: LH Christmas party 11:30 on Dec. 11 at Susan Edwards’ home. Taking 100 quilts to County tomorrow. 20 To Shriner’s
Hospital. 20 for WAC (for children in the Glendale YWCA battered women’s shelter). Alzheimers group wants to feature GQG in their
 BUS TRIP: (Bradfield) Saturday, Jan. 23, Road to California is the date and destination for the annual bus trip. 40 people are required. $15
buys round trip transportation and admission to the show. (Sellers)
 OPEN POSITIONS: Philanthropy, Historian, Hospitality, Librarian
 WEBSITE UPDATE: Members Only narrative, Affiliates, 2017 Show Chair, remainder of 2016 calendar need to be updated. Programs &
Workshops, and 2016 calendar through July have been updated.
 2017 SHOW: (Bradfield) It was agreed to investigate the Glendale Hilton as a possible venue. Several date strategies were discussed.
 (Bradfield) (MOTION) To donate $50 to the La Crescenta Friends of the Library and to purchase a commemorative book for the Guild library
in Esther Norbut's memory. Passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Nan Maples, Recording Secretary
Minutes of the General Membership
Glendale Quilt Guild
December 9, 2015
The December 9, 2015 meeting of the Glendale Quilt Guild General Membership was called to
order at 6:30 pm by President Bradfield at the First Congregational Church in Glendale. A
quorum was present. Annual Christmas Celebration and Potluck.
 RECORDING SECRETARY (Maples): There being no corrections, the 11/11/15 General
Meeting minutes were approved as printed in the Newsletter.
 TREASURER: (Fogel) Treasurer’s Report November 2015 ME-See the Newsletter.
 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: (Gibson) Information to be included in Newsletter in
Sunshine and Shadows. Don Beld’s book was purchased for the library in his memory.
 PARLIAMENTARIAN: Is soliciting people to serve on the Nominating Committee.
 PROGRAM: (Millman) DEC: Potluck,The Nestlé Choir, Challenge Quilt Show and Tell.
 WORKSHOPS: (Edwards) JAN: Loving Hands – Reversible Quilts Part II.
 MEMBERSHIP: (Spinn) 70 members attending. Be sure to pick up your Roster when you
sign in.
NEWSLETTER: (Bradfield) Deadline: December14.
 2016 SHOW/FUND RAISING: (Wilson) 50 tickets have been sold to each lecture. (Curran)
Reported on Opportunity Quilt ticket sales $2588 to date.
 2017 SHOW: (Curran) Venue selection is in progress.
 LOVING HANDS: 18 quilts were turned in tonight. LH Christmas party 11:30 on Dec. 11 at
Susan Edwards’ home.
 BUS TRIP: (Bradfield) Saturday, Jan. 23, Road to California is the date and destination for
the annual bus trip. 40 people are required. $15 buys round trip transportation and
admission to the show. (Sellers)
 OPEN POSITIONS: Philanthropy, Historian, Hospitality, Librarian
 WEBSITE UPDATE: Members Only narrative, Affiliates, 2017 Show Chair, remainder of
2016 calendar need to be updated. Programs & Workshops, and 2016 calendar through
July have been updated.
 (Bradfield) The Board agreed to donate $50 to the La Crescenta Friends of the Library and
to purchase a commemorative book for the Guild library in Esther Norbut's memory.
 The Nestlé Choir entertained. If you did not attend, you missed a particularly rousing
rendition of Deck the Hall-with choreography.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Nan Maples, Recording Secretary
Holiday Block Exchange
“Flurry” by Kate Spain
Sunshine and Shadows
In one of the most successful block exchanges in recent
years, 40 members participated in this year’s exchange.
And in a change from the traditional exchange where each
participant looks for others to exchange blocks, this year
we turned in 15 blocks and Kathi, Craig and Tina handled
the exchange to ensure each member received 15
different blocks.
This month a “Get Well” card was sent to
Ellen Gray, who has been ill.
Now the real works begins, finish up those quilts and bring
in for Show and Tell
Please remember to let me know if you
have any news for Sunshine and Shadows.
Great idea & job well done, can’t wait for next year’s
Also on the “Get Well” list is Erma
Carmona, who is recovering from surgery.
Barbara Gibson
Corresponding Secretary
818- 768-3052
Loving Hands Workshop Part II
If you didn’t attend Part I, please plan to join us anyway…you can
still learn the technique
Learning the Reversible Quilt technique
Saturday, January 16, 2016
9:00 am-4:00pm Glendale Women’s Athletic Club
Cost: $10.00 for each of the 2 sessions
(a chance to use your vouchers before they expire)
We’ll supply fabric & batting, drinks, snacks and prizes
You supply the energy & your lunch, your machine and notions,
Sign up at the Workshop table at a Guild Meeting
or @
or call Kathi Wilson at 818-422-8798
Want to use fabric from your own stash? Check for fabric requirements on the guild’s website
Guild Workshops
Loving Hands Weekend Edition
On Saturday, November 14 workshop participants
gathered at WAC for the first of two workshops dedicated
to making quilts for Loving Hands. The quilt-as-youproject is the brainchild of our own Nan Maples. 16 kits
were prepared in October using beautiful fabrics from
Loving Hand’s stash and all but one kit was started.
The goal for the November workshop was to get 4 sets of
5 coordinating 2 ½ inch WOF strips sewn down on 11 x
WOF backing and batting, then after measuring the
resulting width, then cutting squares from the resulting
strips. If all goes well, each kit will produce 16 squares.
In January Nan will teach us how to join the squares
using binding strips.
Consider signing up for the January workshop and help
us finish these beautiful quilts for Loving Hand to
Weekend Edition was started as a way for those who are
not available for the traditional Loving Hands meetings
to participate as well as learn new quilting techniques.
Sign up for Workshops at the General Meeting or:
1. Contact the Workshop Co-Chairs JACKIE CARLOS: 818-246-9729 OR
SUSAN EDWARDS: (818) 790-2214
2. Sign up online 24-7 at . There is no processing fee to sign up online. The supply list and
photo are available for you to download.
*All monthly workshops take place from 9am - 4pm at GWAC.
Glendale Women's Athletic Club, 600 S. Verdugo Road, Glendale CA. 91205
Glendale Quilt Guild, Inc. is a non-profit corporation. The purpose is to contribute to the knowledge
of, and to promote the appreciation of, fine quilts, quilt making and collection; to gain knowledge of
quilt techniques, patterns, history & quilt makers through educational meetings, travel & friendship.
Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the
First Congregational Church of Glendale, 2001 Cañada Blvd., Glendale CA, 91208
Meeting: Social Time 6:00 P.M. Meeting begins at 6:45 P.M.
Guest fees: $5.00 per meeting.
Membership dues are payable July 1st (delinquent at the end of the August General Meeting.)
Active Members: $30.00; Affiliates: $40.00
The newsletter is a monthly publication of the Glendale Quilt Guild. Members are invited to submit
items of interest for publication at the General Meeting or by E-mailing Joni Kellam:
MEETING: WEDNESDAY, January 13, 2016
6:45 P.M., SOCIAL TIME 6:00
You are invited to join us at our next meeting
or contact us for more information:
P.O. Box 5366, Glendale, CA 91331-5366
Please support the Glendale Quilt Guild Affiliate Members!
2252 Honolulu Avenue
Montrose, CA 91020
1724 Avenida De Los Arboles, Unit E
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
2411 Honolulu Avenue
Montrose, CA 91020
1756 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106
16214 Nordhoff St.
North Hills, CA 91343
77-780 Country Club Dr, Suite C
Palm Desert, CA 92211
8549 Reseda Blvd
Northridge, CA 91325
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